e e e e e e e e hey hey hey your compensation you're not leaving just because you got a name tag don't even think no no good morning it's 9:02 on June 21st 2024 I'll call to order the meeting for the Anchorage advisory committee uh let's have the Pledge of Allegiance IED aliance to the flag United States of America and to the repblic stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all okay we've got a full house this morning we've got um John Wesley Nash Chris King Ted lell Ed skover Jim hawkett myself Sam lurry vice mayor aderholt and Harbor Master Curtis Ludwig and is there any public comment this morning um seeing none uh we'll move to approval of the minutes everybody get a chance to look at the minutes we have um John comment um no no sir I was I was fast Wonder respon oh I have a correction sure um on the minutes under the discussion about the third party Marina operating moing field I think what I said was that I'm I see that there are synergies if there is a person who could operate the Upland facilities for us but not the whole moing field operation so I think it took my uh my words out of context a little bit so I'm if that could be corrected and do you wanted to say a look at each um segment individually or something no I I think the what I was saying is that I think it's a win-win if there is a an operator who has an interest in the same sorts of Upland facilities that we do so let's say there's a Marina and they need Upland facilities for their customers if we could merge those two things rather than operating separately I think that would be a win-win sure say more for the UPL not the moing field operations because yes so when I read that too I was like well hold on a minute because that would be yes exactly KCK de a little and that is that is not what I said last time that's that's what I thought so let's change the word the field to Upland facilities yeah as long as there are synergies between their um you know what they care about and what we care about okay okay I'm just going to change that cross out the field and put in Upland facilities and does that sound okay yep any other changes Corrections or questions on the minutes do I hear a motion to approve the minutes by Jim second by John all in favor I I I any opposed passes unanimously um I see Nicole is here and um we we're at staff reports now would you do you have anything to report or anything to hi everybody Nicole F and Pio um just the update we now have an Instagram and a Facebook for the moring field which is exciting um we are still planning to do a video like a longer video like um Jim had suggested but we did do the short intro with Curtis to kick off the social media um and we've done a few posts since then um and then I'm still looking forward to doing the rack card and everything for you guys once I get that information I'll be happy to help with that yeah um and I have some questions on a couple of things so I did go out and review some of the existing sites there were a couple of things that I CAU just sort of like misspellings misuse of words like on daa they said the staff is on site SI GT instead of sit te um and then there were a couple of word uses on our FMB site we talked about it's uh the booring fields are great for transient voters is transient the right word or is recreational or transient is definitely something that's used in the in the world trans is definitely a word that's used in the okay sometimes transient doesn't sound good but in this context if that's what I mean if that's what you call it then Maritime recreational Maritime that's word you're you're seeking okay okay um is this a good time to just talk about creating the rack card and the information that we were talking about for some sort of a boers welcome kit yes absolutely I so I did some thinking and I took what you know the chamber puts out about all of the things that are open and available on on the island and then I meshed those up against the categories of amenities that we talk about on our moing field page and I see that we sort of mention amenities but we don't really have more information about it or at least I didn't see a link to more information so I'm wondering if you know on one of on daa or when we link them back to our FMB site if I can just give you some more information about restaurants that would have docking facilities or um Hotel lodging that would have be accessible for them because of the location um is that something that would make sense yeah definitely I can put that on um I know I now have access to daa so I can always go on there and see if I can get it on there um but I definitely can put it on the website as well okay um and just for your for the daa I just I just updated a little bit of our welcome page on do yesterday so um but I'll go back in and check some of the wording and stuff that you just mentioned so okay I'll take another look at that um so I mean there are things like launch service that's mentioned and restrooms and showers and laundry and I know you have like a little dot on the map that says where they are but do you think we should flush that out with a little bit more verbage about what these things are and where they're Loc I think that would be good just as easy for people to understand as possible so we can add more details to that okay all right well I will get some information and get that to you Nicole I'll I'll round up some some websites and just little bits of verbage and then I'll leave it to you to work some magic perfect thank you and just to comment on that as well um talk with Nicole yesterday we're in the works of updating the website page to more current stuff so what you're talking about we can add in there perfect and make it make it better good part about the website is we can always update it correct maps and as locations changed the printed card will be something that we won't be able to change quite as often so but if that card just includes like a link to the page or if you QR code there you go and we're still going to have the same facilities even though they might get shifted around a little bit correct that so that's a little more permanent than the page be a little more flexible yeah definitely and I think I think for the web page we're always that's going to be something we're always going to have to keep keep on keep on updating with how we grow and things like all all the changes that are that are going to happen as well so with anything printed as long as it's gots on there or that the doc you know how to get to those sites absolutely is there a uh is there a link to the Facebook page on the web page I didn't see that when I looked earlier but I think might be good to link that I'll double check I know that there is a link um on the public information page on the website I added it there but I don't remember if I did to your specific page so I'll double check that and get it on there yeah great video uh Curtis I mean I think movie star before this thing is over it'll get better it'll get a lot better great it really is uh one thing I did notice and I don't know if just for like updating I saw on the Facebook page it said 70 balls don't we have 82 balls we have so we have we're not operational necessarily so we have 89 balls 78 are actually in service right now so the ones out of that 78 what is the balls that are that are out of service are the ones from 4 to to 10 um and then we have a couple way back in the back field that have uh um uh um the wreckage on it and uh things like that so um but I know you'll talk about that in your in your we might want to update it to 89 yeah sorry I said 82 I was no you're good 89 one thing i' I'd like to ask and Chris um and the rest of of us and certainly see if you share any opinion or if it's my personal issue to me navigation to to the page is very very difficult even to the point that if I go in and I look at it the next time I go in I'm searching around trying to find it it I think it would be good if if it's possible to make the navigation to to um to that page very very more direct or more up front yeah I can um play with the website a little bit and see if there's a better spot for it to make it easier where is it nestled now I forget okay I believe it's under um things to do on the top and then Matas past moring field okay I mean I will say this morning I just went in and searched uh Fort Myers Beach moing Field thinking if anyone was looking that's what they would want to do right away and it came straight up to our page okay first first hit was good I don't know they'll come to the town page I don't know that that's what most people would do oh you're talking about on Google on Google yes yeah yeah I'm talking about it some somebody's on the town site understand yeah I think they're going to find it yeah I mean it it's it's very it's very bar buried um uh for someone that I think is not familiar yeah I can take a look at [Music] that great all right anything else for Nicole you're welcome to stay for the meeting um did you have anything else no that was all thank you thank you [Music] okay I'm want to continue with the staff report um Curtis did you have a report for us [Music] today yeah so uh things that I want to [Music] um report on and um some uh um what we have going on right now and the new stuff that's uh the biggest thing right now is the dingy dock so we we just got just got our plans and our permits and specs um for the new for the new dingy dock we are in the process of putting out the um uh um uh ITB right now for bid um to get that out and um hopefully once that's out and we award it we'll say about 60 days is what we're expecting to get to get started after that's that's done so that's the latest in greatest we just got that information this week so um I'm excited for that um is that located in the same place where it is same place same place is just going to be constructed a little bit differently fairly the same but a little bit better um we're uh we're shooting out we're we're shooting for the um uh a I'm a aluminum dock that's what we want um I think that would be the easiest if we have storms and stuff like that we could remove it and things of that nature so we're looking at that correct correct and it's not as heavy as the concrete and um and if we lose decking and stuff like that that's easier to to repair than you know I think the concrete dock costed a lot of damage and stuff like that so have we arranged for a temporary Kansas or something I'm getting into that right now so that was uh that was the biggest thing that we had to kind of figure out and matanzas has been has been awesome with us uh you know working with them has been a a breeze really and um they've been they've been kind of lending their hand out a lot here so what we're going to do with their dock uh there's a section on the inside closest closest to the bridge right um we're going to put one of our dingy docks up against their Dock and that's going to be the temporary dinghy dock um um for why the construction's going on we were going to kind of use the bulkhead right there but it was kind of too close so went back and [Music] we we want to keep the traffic away from the canal down there and away from there um you know the restaurant and everything for them so that's what we agreed on and that's what we're going to move forward with excellent and maybe even uh pay extra attention to having them long painters in case it it Stacks up correct so that's why we are putting one of the one of the docks we have now right up against up against their docks so they'll have enough they'll have that that um I guess it's called The Bull rail so the so the guys can tie off their dingies to that you know because that's one thing I looked at right so with their dock if we just use the dock and not put one of our docks up against it right a floating dock there there's not enough room to tie up everybody would be bunched up together and you know so that's why we went with that and that's in the plans for the for the Contracting as well for them to for the contractors to to move the dock and put it in place as well so so I'm assuming we're going to do this as fast as possible any idea how long the temporary will be used while they're installing this so so yeah so they're saying they're saying roughly roughly like two weeks I'm planning I'm planning for a month right so just to be safe and sorry you know cuz I know how get plans weather a lot of stuff unexpected so that's what I'm planning for for a month right now as long as we can shut down as as as soon to they begin and open up as soon as they finish correct correct and we're not far from you know what I mean we're relatively close we're not you know so everything will stay relatively the same while this construction's going on as [Music] well um the next project we have upcoming and getting close as well will be the debris the debris removal in the morning field um we have that set out to uh put out for bid as well here soon um the um I know the engineers are kind of wrapping up their last their last plan so we should have that uh very soon as well so that should be that I'm hoping that's going to start probably roughly a little bit after the dingy dock you know so um I kind of want to finish one and roll in or get the other one started as the other one's finishing up so that's the plan now um what kind of stuff are we talking about so needs to be removed so um talking boat parts debris from the um we have we have sonar sonar uh picks of so we have scans of the yes sir yes sir yes so um um is that that that debris removal process is just restricted to the moing field is that my is that your understanding yes sir yes sir that's my understanding as of right now yes are they are they scanning that the perimeter Channel while they're doing that or we're just doing we're just moring field only the perimeter channel so um it's just the moing field as far as I'm concerned the perimeter Channel really I think that falls into the Army Corps of Engineers Coast Guard they should be that's you know what I mean if there was I feel like there wouldn't be a channel if that wasn't already done right that's kind of where I'm so it's just the moing field for us that's the channel and stuff is outside of do we know if there's been any reports on the any like current updates on the the channels that surround us um even if we're not responsible for doing it was there any do you know if there's been any sonars of that or soundings of that to see if there's anything in the way or is that pretty much cleared up I can't remember they took a lot of stuff out of there I don't know where they are on that I know they've made significant progress but yeah I I haven't heard any update I don't I don't I'm not sure Sam I just at some point to make it complete if if there is information on it we'll add it to we have yeah I I'll look into that for you and uh as as it relates to the cost of the contracted services are there feema money or anything to cover that or will that come out of the budget I mean how will we cover the cont no no we have that's going to be FEMA money these are FEMA these are FEMA FEMA projects so both the dingy Dock and the yes ma'am okay and then last week after uh after this rain um just to let youall know we had three vessels in the Anchorage go under so I kind of um Lee counties on top of that so that's their that's their um uh they oversee all that stuff and uh he was kind of aware of um those vessels going down so he was kind of waiting for that to happen so one of them's right outside of moing field and right before the channel so um but they are they're on top of that they should boom that off just like the one we have on ball 58 I believe right now so um but that's up to them to kind of remove that so um I'll give youall an update on that next meeting once I have better word of what they what they do I just I just reported it this week earlier on in the week Monday so um I don't have any updates on that right now but had they been d before yes yes these are these are D lick boats these are they've had their eyes on them there's one of them that um this um Lee County already put the put the sticker on their boat for them to get it removed and stuff so now they you know whatever they're going to do in their process to get it removed that's what they're they're doing now so [Music] now I do have a question for y'all um now uh for the dingy dock we have you know we have the old dock right we want to we want to save that that Dock and use it down the road in the future do you all have any do youall have any um uh um suggestion where we could use that or a good place we could kind of put that I'm you know for me I think to get more people in the back in the back Ming field I think you know we need to look at something to add you know uh another another dingy dock or somewhere in the for the back for the Back moing Field that's a little bit more accessible right um so I didn't know if y'all had any any suggestions on that or vice mayor is that something that would be not trop what's behind here the canal behind here is that something that would go back there or any any ideas of where that would be either stored or used I was I was just I'm completely spitballing but I mean do we have the ability to do folks have the ability to go to the Mount house yes yes they do they they have that capability yes so you don't need a dingy dock there we do not we could maybe look at maybe adding a section down there and that's something that we have kind of kind of talked about um is that dingy friendly at this point as as high and with the tides as it would be if we had some floating docks there what do you mean by ding I can you go tie up to a dinghy at the mount house now and get off and actually get off your boat I'm not sure that's something I would I would have to go check yeah it is it is a fixed fixed dock yes it is so I mean adding adding a floating dock wouldn't be a bad idea and that's something I could look into and would we have to do uh a couple extra pilings or can we latch on to what was already there that's something we would have to look at would that be something that we would tow like just tow the there we have to do it on land to move those floating no we could probably tow that tow a dock over there um I would think and that's something that I would I think it's something worth looking into because that could then as Chris said she's listing all these amenities that's another amenity that you could take your if you're if you're just visiting Fort Meers Beach you could take your boat over or dingy do or your thingy over to the uh Mound house and check that out it's not a if it's not a sunny day or whatever um I think that's better than a residential Canal given some of our history with our friends on the residential canals right uh but if it only if it makes sort of physical sense I I don't I don't know enough about that that world to know if whether the mount house is a good fit I mean I from a practical standpoint it's a good fit but whether the logistics work out or not I I don't know correct and if we could tow them instead of having to get a crane to get out to dry storm where they're not going to be used for anything it'd be great to use them for that or for for something that's a great idea and like you mentioned it is a fixed Dock and obviously there's a lot of change that occurs there but possibly if we have floating docks uh it would only take a ladder right not a gang plank we could probably get by with a boarding with a fixed ladder on the fixed dock um but getting up and down from uh from the dinghy to the fixed dock would be hard with the fixed ladder um should had yeah yeah and that's an easy thing that we can add you know so yeah sure because on on the on the temporary dingy do for the dingy do replacement um we're going to have to add add some ladders to their dock just just temporary you know for for safe safe travel up in down for the tides and for the pilings we might need independent piling so that they could have the the up and down um just because the pilings there might not be satisfactory with the they're talking about adding adding other pilings to like attaching the floating dock with the U with the U bolts or whatever they attach with the D ring with the D the D rings they're going to have to have room to do the ties so I guess we can look at it and see if it's you know if it's already suitable for it that would be an easy absolutely easy hook up okay if not we might need a couple pilings right right yeah because depending on the tides if you're going to put that D- ring or put the dock to the to the pile to the existing pilings right you know with the tide getting up so high you probably get caught up under where the where the bottom of the um decking is for the for the actual Dock at the mountainous right there so so just from my thinking you know without actually looking at it extensively um probably looking at adding adding like two pil adding pilings for that yes is that something you could like do a site take a take a look at and maybe maybe let Jim know is that something you want I think too and I hate to make this too complicated but if you if you see promise in that it might be great for you to stop by the next cell cab meeting that's the that oversees the M house so just so everybody's talking to each other and abs seems like it could be a real positive it's another opportunity to get more visitors to the Mount house and yes if it works from a mechanical standpoint Absolut Way Beyond my pig rate yeah we'll do we'll do and if we get something in place before um before we remove that it would only be one move instead of having to store it somewhere correct we place to go with it it was an easy setup okay I think um every time I've been there there's been people fishing off that dot um so maybe that can be looked at and we don't impede that it's much that's a great Point John somebody told me who knows about these things that that's some of the best fishing on the island I'm told at that at that Pier the mountainous so that's we want to be sensitive to that yeah yes there's also very excellent uh kayak put in there so uh I don't know how much that that helps us but certainly if someone toes over or decides to take a kayak there it's wonderful facilities for that how do they get on and off The Kayaks now or they just pull them up to the tour there's a excellent ramp yeah there's a there's a kayak ramp down there right there so with the handles and everything okay I think the uh the thought you were having about having it someplace because of the distance of the moing field you know I think that's I do think that's important you know I mean we've got 40 probably moing balls that are pretty far east correct and getting in the bay and and riding all the way up under the bridge is a challenge sometimes especially in the dingy and if you're in some kind of wind and they have to it's it's I mean this this wind this week has been it's been pretty rough in the bay and right you know I've been watching the dingies they they have their head down and they're giving it giving it everything you know so you know that's that is a long long run for them you know I think it's something we have to consider I I honestly think been thinking third party uh uh you know Services is a great idea and I mean you probably have to have that in one location you can't really split it that's why I brought up salty Sams before got maybe there's other options but I just think that we're not utilizing that section of the field as much as it could be correct because it's too far it's too distant and so and that's another thing like I get I get a lot of requests for the front moing field and for like right past the bridge in that area because they want to be closest to the to the dingy Dock and the facilities right so I think if we had facilities and stuff down towards that end it would it would be a lot lot easier you know um and it would I would be able to spread the boats out a little bit more right and not have them all all uh you know jumbled up in one in one spot for you to to try that there because I mean I believe once we're completely going there you'll have up to three uh not complete Upland facilities but Upland facilities like uh the mount house could just be maybe restrooms and showers but not the laundry pce right and so on and I think you're going to need at least three of those and would that be the very was it East I sayth East the very East End of the moing field is is the mountainous correct correct so you can kind of book in things and then we find something in the middle probably you know closer to public possibly right right and um you know snook by they might be able to help us out they've they've been working with us very well you know we've been we've been kind of helping them out and then uh pumping out some of their boats and their Mariners their pump stations you know been down and everything as well so um we do have a good a good working working relationship with them so that's something that we could look into as well you know talk with them yeah a couple designated places wouldn't have to be huge at snook bite would be nice just for you know one hour limit or whatever so people could get to the grocery store get to Publix and not stay there all day just have it um you know temporary to get groceries is that what you have when it says the suggestions from snip bite is that is that what you were speaking of you have that listed here yes yes it is okay okay well this kind of goes to my thought about synergies with Upland facilities so if we could share something with snook bites you know compensate them for being able to have our voters use some of their facilities to me that's well I think we can do other tradeoffs with them too Chris I think that we can give them some advertising rights or something and I mean we don't can go so far as to to uh name different parts of our moing field after after different businesses and I could I mean if I was an entrepreneur and uh let's say I owned a a popular restaurant and hotel in the town and and there happened to be a song by the artists that kind of inspired my restaurant that was called one particular Harbor that would be really cool to be able to and I think we could do that throughout the entire Waring field and it would help with our financial situation possibly and it would also plays into the marketing end of the thing and it gives the businesses some exposure to our visitors so that's an interesting idea what's what's up with the selling naming rights has the Town Council thought about naming rights for certain things well I think because the mount or the uh moing field is sort of Quasi independent I think it's a little bit more appropriate to talk about that and I think it's a really interesting idea and again as long as you can find a Synergy between that that entity that wants to be a sponsor where it sort of makes practical sense so it's like you know it's not just you know Kentucky Fried Chicken I mean you know you want to have some kind of a local connection but I think it's a great idea there's actually three three Fields so easily three names would be better than Central West and East right but Central West and East do tell you where they are people don't people think North and South they don't think East right right unless you have a compass on your bed right CU When I first came here that's that's what I was doing you know so no I understand and also um the international language they're all they're pumping gas again I think it's snook bite and it's salty or salty Sams I know they're pumping gas so they have product and services to sell there um I don't think the parts department's open it's snook bite but they must be servicing you know they're getting all that rolling and same with salty Sams and and mosses doing the same thing and the more places that we have for people to go and and uh you know find these things it's better for the businesses and that's what I think about when we talk about third party I don't necessarily think about uh a different entity like running the moring field for us I think if it was more of a partnership with an Upland facility or with I hate to say naming rates because it would be more like sponsoring an area of the field and and it's just us working with the businesses for marketing purposes and and getting their name out there for our visitors that come in I agree I agree I like that idea a lot and we can we can list every business on the beach but um if we set some parameters you might be able to have like an affiliate list which is just with a little more detail and a little you know that um that are going to give us a little something extra also yeah absolutely well I mean we can start with so this welcome kit right now we're just trying to get information out there but at some point we could sell into that I mean it could be do you want to advertise something special to voters otherwise we'll just list you but if you want to have a special offer or something that could be some advertising Revenue if we um and I I agree this could be an excellent idea here but if we start saying this section is ABC name it after whoever entity decides to buy it or come up to it we still need to understand that transients won't understand those uh areas so uh it needs to be in my mind U Warfield ABC slash North Central South whatever it takes to to help train in understand something geographical on there so they'll be able to say exactly what we could do is like if we're going to name section of the morning field after whoever sponsors it or whatever right it would be like so for an example snook bite morningfield East or you know what I mean we could put a direction at the end of that to kind of so it when have signage I mean you you could you could have signage which is also advertisement for those businesses John you probably know more than anybody but I would think the most important services are showers and restrooms you know you don't have to have a laundry in every location if somebody has to go from the middle or from the East you know to the West just for laundry that's once a week or two weeks correct showers and and um um restrooms are definitely priority number one two yeah absolutely if they have ice that's great you know or something like that that gives them some Revenue but also as as as much as as possible having the ability to have some sort of transportation that can take you to different parts of the of the island um now the distance maybe they can walk up and and and uh pick up the trolley um and go any place on the island but that needs to be known and that needs to be part of the kit saying you know if you want to go to uh middle of the island to to go to a restaurant down there um you come in the North End you want to go to snook bite um we need to make sure they understand how to public transportation get you that option kind of speaking of that I mean Transportation would if we had more would it be possible to maybe have a priority to of any that could have parking there because you know some of these people do have vehicles especially more you know some not all but I mean if if you have parking at one of those then maybe that you know the transing who wanted to have a parking would maybe want to gravitate towards that area and that's an excellent point because I know um several people in my experience that do uh Transit uh Loops um a lot of them if they're going to be there for an extended time you're going to be there for 2 3 weeks they rent a car and they they really need a convenient place to put that so that that that's a wonderful idea I'm not trying to oversell this okay I promise I have no I have no I have no have not had a conversation that's still why I go back I know it's not on the island but I think salty SS those guys might have parking I know we're struggling over here so if we have that opportunity here but we want to keep them off the bridge too that's right so you know I will tell you though I've always been confused a little bit about why we have a parking lot for people with that have taken their boats here I just I can't draw the parallel with that and I think that what the town really needs to do without getting too crazy is probably discouraged use of renting cars and bringing more cars onto the island when we already they can just take their dinghy down our public transportation like we talked about as well or could there be a golf cart service I mean could there be somebody who could run don't want to just stay on the island right some people are coming to the region some people are staying know 10% of the people can be there fulltime where do they park right because it's in our that's in our also in our guidelines so so just let you know we do offer we do offer the boers a parking pass right and that that is done through the length of their the reservation that they make right so um and that's just at the maanas bridge that is right there yes correct so in public accesses they get the same as pass yes so anywhere once they get that parking pass they can park at any of the Public Public parkings on the island right that's that's how not sure the capacity but um the moundhouse extra parking lot is that super big or not really it's not super big it's not super big but it's also underutilized most of the time I wonder if we can include that in our in our past if we should set something up at uh at mous if we can include that I think it's a good idea yeah I think the more you spread it out amongst the town the better especially getting away from that core uh Time Square area is is that's a wonderful point but even having trolley um transportation to where there would be a parking space um anywhere on the island but but I agree with Jim if if you're going to put a car if you're going to rent a car it it's not to go up and down the island it's to get off the island to look at attractions in around the island and big grocery trips and people that have boats you know how to haul around a lot of equipment sometimes but Connecticut's awesome because it's not that far of a walk to the beach it's a really quiet beach the trolley stops right there you know a another Advantage is um a lot of long-term Transit uh they carry bikes um foldable bikes on on their vessel um which is excellent for them especially how close we have uh how how concentrated we have attractions or restaurants uh in North End on the sidewalk and electric scooters yeah well when we get our elevated bike path it'll cancel that is that the Jetson wish right there something and then they fly well by then we we'll have flying cars so I see some of them starting to carry carry scooters which is really pretty easy to carry easier than bikes absolutely I got a couple of them uh the electric scooters down there tied up as we have a bike rack down there for people to lock up their their bikes and stuff like that for transportation so but no the electric stuff's definitely definitely showing up more for sure they have electric Outboards now that they're using for their on their on their dingies too so and that possibly could be another source of Revenue if we could work it out is uh is maybe have charging stations for um electric bikes and we're not talking about the kind you need for cars you're talking about much smaller yeah um but uh say okay you know for for for $10 you can or I don't want to set any rate or suggest any rates but for a certain amount of money you you can use a charging station to to charge uh your electric scooters or or whatever it would be excellent convenience and a good attraction uh I don't really know of any other uh moing field in on the Eastern side that that really has that yet right I know in um I know that these like you're saying um I know towns are coming up with these with these electric scooters that they're just stationed they have different stations throughout the town right so bigger cities have them stuff like that I know when I just left Jacksonville they they were starting to become a big thing right put your credit card in you take you bring it back so I mean that could be I don't know what you know that could be something for the town Town Council and stuff like that to be talking about but I think that could that could be a thing for our boers right get off the dinghy then on Transportation there's a station there with scooters to go I mean that's something to be we can talk about further on we might actually have to be be able to have somebody that wanted to run a kiosk out of there or something that location it could be for thingy PE it could be for people on the moing field or just people in general maybe that wanted to set up under the bridge to do that only problem with that is people they leave the scooters wherever they they say just leave them wherever they go but but if you had people returning of those are man that's all just just all computers yeah they do they do they right they just leave them wherever credit cards and then somebody else grabs it at that but I know the companies have um has a truck or a maintenance guy that comes by and he switches out the batteries charges them puts them you know has to kind of organize them so they're not just they are kind of overseen by the company who who provides the scooters I guess like you know what I mean like that so if it's practical and we actually can get into doing that it it would be an excellent draw um you know uh what's going to stop up here instead of going to Naples because we have that capability or or Marco Allen or any other um Fort Meers uh that that would be an excellent draw cuz otherwise they just have to use a generator charge them on the boat right is that what they typically do John they they do but those generators are pretty stressed to to basically just handle what's on the boat and the Amper that that it's required to do a charge um that that's seldom sh them down on boats I think it's a good idea and I I don't even know charging I mean it's almost you know it doesn't cost a lot to have 110 outlets in there for someone and keeps them from renting a car then if they want to bring a scooter and charge it or a bike and charge it I I think it's a great of idea that's usually handled by U an independent contractor um you basically say um it becomes a partnership they they put in the facilities they basically take off the top how much they want for for every kilowatt whatever and then the town gets to set their um their profit above that as well um and then we talk about people leaving there or using it uh you know you you said okay here's a charge rate um but if you want to leave it there past that uh basically there's a parking fee that that significantly Rises up so there's no uh advantage or there's significant disadvantage to to to leaving your your uh your your scooter and such things I was just going to suggest for Simplicity Curtis you may want to start with Florida Power and Light they may have a program that they're initially just subsidizing is to get get Buy in that might I know they're doing it with electric vehicles but electric bikes interesting concept they may have a pilot program that that may not cost anything and they can worry about it we in the town have to worry about it and they can make it so it s sufficient for them and just a thought and we have a good contact with Florida Power Light just talk to Frankie or Andy they'll get you that information sounds good and just so you know for like these companies for these scooters and stuff like that um for the apps and stuff that they use there are designated locations to where you can pick up and drop off the scooter so you can't just drop it off any anywhere right so it it'll be certain locations or it would be but I think this is something that the not just our moing field and our boat could could use I think this could be something for the whole I think we're talking two separate things though I think I think having charging stations where they could charge their own oh you're talking about strictly for the boers and I got you I got I think the other one is a little bit out of our wheelous right I'm thinking that's further down the road right and we I mean I think pink shell has a bike rental so does Margaritaville so do Diamond Head so we don't want to get in that compete against them but I do think the charging station not only for the m feel bit for the public as well if they wanted to use it if they're out and about and need a place to charge your bike okay again it's Unique to scooters as opposed to cars um one of the other thoughts about Partnerships I know there's there's one uh company on the island that that rents uh carts and they deliver so um that could be a good partnership listen I think anything we can do to to take a car off the road here Y in this town is a great idea so whether if it's for the morning field or or townwide for for any visitors anything we can do to promote that is great and uh I don't think that there is a bad idea when it comes up to reducing traffic there's no such thing as a bad idea right right but they're great totally but we can say if you want to have access or you want to run a car um let's say down by Lover's Key there's a parking area and that's where you leave it and you use public transportation to and from that sure I think we probably should also let them know the rules of using ebikes E Scooters whether that's on on sidewalks not on sidewalks just so that the ever evolving rules yes yes yes whatever the rule is of the day that would be the thing that we would update on the website but I think that's important if we're going to encourage them to use it and make easier for them to use it let's make sure that they understand what's allowable and just to be courteous and and that's so much easier it used to be you just use QR codes that takes them to someplace that can update it hourly if you choose we're trying to get the whole town to transition to less cars and more and they're working on the traffic schemes and trying to figure out it's pretty good except for that one area but you guys are working on that too aren't you so the more Vehicles like that we get off that's where this this and this is again down the road but this water Ferry coupled with the water taxi concept and you know we're going to have a lot of different behind Seagate that's a help yep and that that's for more of a bike trail but potentially a stop for the water Ferry as well so I mean there's so many opportunities down the road that aren't going to solve our traffic problems but hopefully mitigate any increased congestion as we redevelop here on the island that's the hope at least yeah and one of the issues I'm finding is that uh these scooters and electric bikes are really helpful walking is the best but sometimes it's too far and too hot to walk so if we can get people out of their cars and just get them something more reliable and faster the better all all these thoughts are wonderful amenities to help attract trans I [Music] agree okay um moving on I I have a few more things um so for the out of service for the out of service morning balls we have on the what on the on the west channel right um the ones four through nine um we are in the midst of working with the Coast Guard right now on that um it's going to be um it's going to be an ongoing ongoing battle with them um we're trying to bring it up to uh sector Tampa and um we've we've routed it up to them and we're in discussion with them right now trying to find a resolution of uh where we can um how we can get those back in service right um we we have permits from the Army Corp Army Corps of Engineers which obviously the Coast Guard was on you know you know approved as well but then Dean D out of service so um it's uh we're still working on that but um I don't have any any I don't have any specific Headway on it it's just we're still in negotiation on it with them is where we're at so so on that that's balls 4 through n sir are balls 1 through three near the pass are those open okay sir and they're they're operating I think we have a we have we have a boat we have two boats on one and three and we have we have a bigger vessel coming in uh next week sometime that'll go to two right there how's our capacity with the the ones who need the bigger the bigger balls and can't get under the bridge is uh we still have some openings there we do we do um um right now um right now I have I have three openings but on the weekends that kind of gets gets kind of kind of tight right so I like like to try to leave one ball open if I can if not two just for those last last minute weekend weekend people or if I get something that pops up but what I've been what I've been doing is you know the Mast height if you are if you are 60 foot and Below you're going You're Going to the middle middle or Back Field you know and then and then we've been organizing where they go based on off of how long how long you know how long their boat is and then also um I'm uh I'm how long how long they plan on being here too and the reservation stay so um that kind of plays in a factor and we have a system that I've been trying to put into place of where they're going to go based off of that information you know to try to try to keep it organized in the field you know ctis I don't recall but I I know just from looking that the hot spot of the moing field is is prior to the the tanas Pass Bridge where the six balls are out of service it see those are always full and then as close as you can get to that is is always pretty full correct do we do we adjust our pricing like is it more expensive to stay in that area than it would be it is not it is not the price the same across the board so um that's something we can look into um is that typical for other moing fields to keep it all the same or you pay for location cuz location location location I think a lot of stuff marinas and stuff like that right with actual wet slips and stuff they more go by by The Vessel length right I think um but but but I mean a set price I've seen as well too so it kind of it varies really the problem with variable pricing no go ahead John so so Ed I know we talked about that previously uh in fact I think it was one of the things I brought up um two months ago I did a study I I looked at all the transit uh opportunities or Ming fields from um basically Tampa down to the Key West and that escalation of cost per stay nobody else is doing it issue with that that kind of ties our hands when you want to assign and shift people around if there's variable pricing it might complicate it for you correct correct it it you know pricing for for area is more of a of a practical thing to do but again it it I don't see that um but uh what's interesting up at different places like in Sarasota Bay they're up to $45 a day for for Ming so uh we may be can look at the cost of our current moing rate um although again when I did this study it's it's it's pretty much set where you would expect it right now I don't think it's out of the question to do um you're in a much better location you're closer to Time Square and the and the north core you're definitely getting it's a much nicer place to stay than if you were all the way down to the east by by Mount house if you you're if you're in that that area and I don't think it would be crazy to say hey this is $10 more a night or whatever I mean hotels do it with their pricing all the time if you're in a suite it obviously costs more than the than the double queen or GF View Garden View correct parking lot view it it it may be uh more practical possibly you get larger boats they certainly take up larger areas um May by length of boat or or taking up some of the larger moing um balls that would be very practical well our big swings are everything west of the bridge so if we were going to look at that maybe we would look at just two prices east of the bridge west of the bridge right right that'd be much easier to manage because I do get go ahead well I was just going to say with if we start if we separate the Ming field into different areas like we spoke of earlier it' be much easier to because even if you're east of the bridge you're still closer to the dingy do and all the amenities that you have there you are you're just not on the other side of the bridge which is and actually those those six balls that they're holding us up on are probably six of our most valuable balls that that we have correct correct you know yeah I'm sure you're telling in that Curtis but I mean just saying it out loud you know I mean the the coordination communication between the core and the Coast Guard created this issue we're losing Revenue the town is losing Revenue to pay for operations so I mean hope they appreciate that and then if we have to move the balls I mean I know you're trying to get the balls back in operation which is the definitely the right negotiation but if we have to move them I know I know how getting money from the core would probably be but I mean they are responsible the two of them so you would let's at least try to play that out okay you know because there's going to be cost Associated we're already losing revenue and then cost on top of that is see what I am trying to shoot for and trying to pitch to them is not necessarily us moving us moving our balls right it's more of them redoing the channels and just putting them on the inflection points so what we talked about with the engineers um that we've been working with and everything so right now the day boards are kind of outside of the inflection point of the channel of how it kind of rounds or bend right so they necessarily wouldn't lose or it wouldn't shrink shrink the channel and that's what the Coast Guard is is um kind of kind of concerned with right and it wouldn't necessarily shrink the channel it would just be moving those to a certain point where it have a line is right with that it would it would give our balls enough room to be outside the channel and with the boat swinging on the ball they wouldn't be impeding impeding the channel so that's kind of that's all we're asking for um I think we're we're in the works are trying to set up an actual meeting a face to phase with the local Coast Guard get them on board first and then we're going to move on to uh bring it to sector and try fight that battle up there with them that's kind of the steps that we're going about it right now so I'm just so confused about what changed because uh at one point when they when they put those balls in they were they were fine with correct all of a sudden something changed and I and I just I I still I mean what changed is what would determine right and I'm still responsible for the relocation of those if they need to be relocated even right and I'm still trying to learn about what happened there I'm you know I don't have a full explanation of what what actually went on there with that so um that's what I'm trying to do is get down to the bottom of that and try to find a resolution and two green markers that's two yes yes sir yes ma Curtis are you having trouble reaching the right people at the coast because you can go through your us Congressman or our two US senators their office have they have layers on office offes with the Coast Guard that could help interface if you're having trouble reaching the right people or getting a response okay is that a challenge that you're not yet no I I've I've reached out to Waters ways management I was able to get in contact with them I just want to set up a meeting with local um I think to kind of see what they know about it right and see where they're at and then um you know I kind of got to do the chain of command thing with them to move up but thank you for bringing that up that might be something I would will have to um reach out to local Senator that it might it might get to that point is what I'm saying you know and to have that backing and support would be awesome you might you might reference your impressive background too that might get you the local group has just changed leadership and there's correct not much U information history in that right right right I know they I know they either having a change of command this week or just had it or it's coming up I know it's it's right right around this time so does anybody know if those dat boards moved since the hurricane to to deal with Shing or is are this what they've been um the markard see did they move the navigational Market did they move after the hurricane or have they always been where they've been where they moved to um compensate for Shing that occurred during the storm so I've been getting mixed information on that I've heard that they have been moved since the hurricane and then I the coastar told me they have not so I don't like again like I said I'm trying to kind of was one of the reasons to get a bunch of barges in after the storm to clear up the shrimp boats and stuff was that one of the things that happened I've never heard a a Salient explanation uh Sam I just I don't know I think we were just thinking maybe that was a possibility when they had all those big barges coming in but yeah that's what I heard to Sam and I'm I don't know for sure you know a quick check of the Coast Guard light lists correct right right corre before the uh the hurricane and where they are now would would really clear up that question and I will check check the light list after this lightless aren just for lights right navigation let's not get into [Music] lighting um and then the next items I have on here are just kind of more of like um I guess like I guess like how house housekeeping items and stuff like that we need to talk about the September 23rd meeting yes um town so the town the town Council they have a meeting on um on that on that same day September 23rd um the available dates that I have available right now will be September September 16th the 24th or the 25th so um the 16th is a Monday does that work for you Jim I will be out of town Mr hock oh is that a is that a town hall meeting on that Monday we have to be careful on Mondays huh no it's the 23rd that's why we're moving yeah yeah we we have to move we have to move setember 23rd's meeting we have to do you want to make it the week before on that 16th I think Chris had a yeah I'm out the 24th and 25th in De Moine so the 16th works for me oh okay did you the 16th works for you so it works for me okay okay perfect I think the 16th works for me on July or August that's so next month I I might as well do this now while we're doing meetings next month there's no meeting in July correct in August it's going to be August 26th correct so we'll be looking at nothing in July August 26th September 16th for our next two meetings is that going to be okay with everybody it works for me all right so motion or just make a note of it just make a note of it until tell staff to put on the [Music] calendar okay Curtis sorry Curtis I have one question if you don't mind and I I don't need to just curious I mean we talked before about the budgets and I know the council is having a lot of conversation about uh taxes and all kinds of fun stuff like that I feel like people will be looking more and more at expenses you know as this gets closer to you know that discussion um is there an idea I'm just curious you may not have enough history now to know but when you look at the moing field versus Marine operations do you know like what percentage of what do we have three and a half people on assigned is that what it is I think for what do you mean for my team under my team yes so um it's myself and three three others and um I just I just got done with the hiring process I hired I hired three three guys here here recently um actually we just finished yesterday so um but no yeah that's that's what I'm approved for in the budget is myself something to keep in the mind is that because there's going to be through certain Avenues there's going to be criticism of if we're not budget neutral that's going to happen I see that coming and I just want to make sure that the residents understand that all of those people all those resources all of the budget that were having is not going just to the moing field you know there is a marine operations portion of that correct and I don't know what that percent you could even break it out on a percentage I mean 6040 or whatever but you know I think from an accounting standpoint you know even even when you look at the budget you know Joe only has you know the town of Fort Meers Beach moing Field it's more than the moing field on the budget it's moring field and Marine operations and I feel like it's I feel like it's important to start looking at it that way right and preparing for that discussion so the someone said uh recently that they were separating those budgets I don't know I think Joe said he was working to correct we have certain grants that cover us for certain things for the moing field Marine operations and stuff like that so it is separated and I can look into the percentages for you are they do they also work in public works are they strictly working for you or are they Public Works employees that no no we hire guys strictly under me now recently how things have been Public Works has been has been given us a hand right okay but um no they are going to be strictly marine marine operators do employees maybe yourself included do they code their time for the area that we're work that they're working in for instance like even our business we have several different properties when someone goes to a to a certain property to to do business they code their time while they're there to that property for budgeting purposes for us so we know how much time is spent at each property and and how much money is being spent at even when they buy supplies everything like that it's coded out to where they're actually working is that something that that uh we do here in Fort Meers Beach or yes it is that's built into our to our um to our system that we have in the payroll system and stuff when they have the clock in and it's all done they have it where it's a location thing and stuff like that and you're you have to clock in within your Division and stuff like that so yes we are keeping track we have to keep track of man hours and stuff like that as well for for um um some of these grants and stuff that we get so so everything's being our hours and everything like that is so when Mr joob throws us this budget is that taken into consideration because I don't see a breakdown in the budget of they work this long at the boring field and they work maybe this much for marine operations and and the rest of it they were in public works I don't in the budget that that unless you have a separate one for marine operations that we're not seeing correct I think he did in some slides that he shared but I don't remember exactly what was in that and I think that you know gets to my point about why I put these slides together is because we want people to see the entirety of what Curtis and his team are doing and the fact that Marine operations may be the umbrella but moing field is a part of that and then there are other things that you do so so I'm this is kind of how I'm looking at it and I'm still trying to understand how the town kind of has it has it separated right I mean the way I look at it is Marine the morning field falls under marine marine marine operations right the morning field is part of the marine marine operations so it's just a um it's a category category under under the the huge umbrella right you know Marine operations the way I look at it is the is the scope in the the umbrella and then there's line items under that moring field being being you know you know one of them which which is um which the grant which is funded by the grants and stuff that we have yeah you know so to their point I think think if there was a way to show the Marine operations budget and the moing fields segments under a whole budget so that people would get a sense that it's just not the moing field Curtis I I think what Jim's trying to say is what we're trying to be able to demonstrate to the public that the fees we're charging for the moing field offset the cost of the moing field so it's Revenue neutral right to the to the taxpayers here in Fort Meers Beach that that's our goal okay it's a requirement it's not only our goal it is a requ from from the state so yeah we don't have that here you know it is it is challenging part of the challenge I think Jim is that's good base uh part of the challenge is we just postco post Ian we just don't have a lot of good data to break it down to see if it's self-sufficient we should have those numbers we don't have all the moing balls back operational yet we're close but it's going to be it's going to take a little time to get those numbers clean I think but we should certainly start that process yeah for the revenue I agree but for the for the operating uh budgeted expenses should be that should able to happen now I agree you know but yeah revenue is going to come up I mean I think he showed $100,000 in Revenue where we've been 250 and 250 should be easy for us in a a good year for Revenue you know and and we really want to use that money you know so we want to make sure that we're providing all the operations and War fi amenities that we can we have a a lot of money to do that I mean I don't I don't think it is a challenge you know if we it might be a challenge to fund that and all Marine operations right but that's not really how it's supposed to work anyway that's not how our our our state agreement is okay having followed the budget for 11 years the problem more often was after all our expenses are covered by Grant to not have an overage in other words if we can tell our community that a huge portion of the expenses of the field are covered by grants and we are not in any way dipping into the resources of the town to cover the Bing field and I think that I've been trying to get the two separated all this time but there was a good reason they're not separating it because the grants in many cases cover cover the other things right and yeah then okay which you put in this budget what do you put in this budget we need to reassure that we are not dipping in to the uh Town's resources it is self- sustaining because there are grants that cover a good portion and if you start trying to divide it all out you get a or morass because it's it's so much supported by other things and okay which one of those grants goes to which area um I I tried to get them separated but I found that it just wasn't really easy to do uh because the grants Bridge the cost Bridge uh and separating them and then coming out with neutral is a very tough thing and so I I'm thinking that we need to tell our populace that there are no Town funds going in because it's covered by grants and and income and it really doesn't benefit anyone to look too deeper into that to be quite honest but I know what you're saying yeah so I I I pushed for it to do it a long time and I finally figured out that maybe it wasn't feasible to make [Music] those I think that's a great Point Ted because the the grant piece of this puzzle figures in greatly and I I think part of our challenge is for a long time the town didn't even have a finance director so I'm hoping Joe could put on his this wizard cap and figure out a way to break this down in a way that the public can see in a transparent way that it is self-sufficient and I think two we'll hopefully if we do take in more than we need we'll be able to put that towards Capital Improvement budg and so forth yeah if your point is well taken I think there's there's a sense here that words matter y because you know there's a lots of things that when I look through information we've got Marine operations we've got environmental Sciences division we've got the moing field we're the Anchorage advisory committee but we're talking about the moing field Anchorage moing maybe they're the same thing in the boating community I don't know that they are so how can we get to you know a shared sense of understanding with us and with the community so that they understand we're really talking about Marine operations because when you give us your report you're not just talking all about the moing field you're talking about debris removal which is in the moing field but it's not part of the moing field operation necessarily it's sort of you know correct it's adjacent to it so I mean I I would just like us to figure out what we should be talking about and is our purview broader than just The Mooring field and how do we get people to understand that it's not just it's not just these balls there's a lot of stuff you guys are really the public works of the water you know right for all intents and purposes how do we create that understanding that you expect people to clean up your streets and clean up your Beach well they're doing that in our waterways but is so important and they're not just you know assigning balls to people maybe a question for the chair to actually think about but that's I think what I hear you saying anyway is are we the Anchorage advisory committee or are we the the Marine operations advisory committee I think in one way and we've talked about that before yeah uh and I don't know you know what's and what's the need of the Town exactly what purpose do we serve well and then what's that acronym going to is that going to be mock is we definitely don't want to use moing field initi yeah yeah Ted maybe you can help me with this um a moing field or moring is a type of Anchorage okay yes all right yes okay all right thank you but we are going to be delving into um suggestions for water taxis and use of canals and things like that so it it does overlap into some other places I mean does it take a something from the Town Council Jim to change our name yes Chris when murf tried to change their name went on for no it's doable it shouldn't be as complicated as as it was before but we could certainly do that yeah absolutely I think you do have to change it at the council level but if that's the will of the committee I'm sure they'd be happy to to accommodate that I think the big question would be like dredging in things you that's that's an important topic so does the council you know see that as being an area where they would want to have an advisory committee to weigh in on and prioritize and things like that I think as we get to the canals and dredging and all those broader issues I I I I only speak for me but I I I I'd be shocked if my colleagues didn't agree that they would defer to this advisory committee for guidance On th on those issues along with other advisory committees so I don't think we would be in charge of that they they're going to refer to a lot of other advisory committees on that also I would think like like who would you think Sam um murf yeah murf us and um these are whoever else whoever else it touches there's a there's there's an audit committee but that really isn't Germaine to the canal issue I don't think I I mean certainly they could get their advice but from a finance standpoint but I I think this committee is very well suited for those issues and I've I've said that publicly at the council meetings as well uh if if we decide to to to take action in the canals I know they're still exploring the financing for that but I I do think this would be the appropriate committee uh given the expertise of the people on this committee so I mean but whatever whatever the will of the this body is and the council I'm I'm comfortable either way and that kind of brings up my point where it said you know down the road when we get to things like this I think it would be good to have like a joint joint session with like Town Town Council and everything so we are we are on the same page and um um have a good have a good understanding of what we want to do and where we want to move move forward to when we have a better sense of what our broader vision is going to be and the canal issue gets a little bit more ripe I think that would be a great time to have that joint meeting I think we're still kind of seeing what the broader vision is I agree Y and uh I'll I'll get for our next meeting um I'll get a better I'll get a better explanation of the two marine marine operations Ming field and how going to you know how that's going to be divided and because I I kind of sense that there's a little bit confusion with the two right and what's what so um I'll have a better a better explanation for for that and I'll get down to the bottom of that but I would just throw out that you know maybe we do become the Marine operations advisory committee moak you know rather than act yeah so anyway if that makes sense but at the very least I do think we need to sort of Define our terms and make sure that we understand what they are because understanding that transient is a good word in the boating community is new to me it isn't necessarily you know how I would view it in other vernacular uh I would observe that our Harbor Master appears to be the one in charge of all the areas of all right and if he's in that position and he sort of reports to us or advises us that we should move forward to amalgamate uh the things that are under our Harbor Master and I don't know how one goes about doing that but I would think that would be something to consider from my experience I mean it's been like you talking about Murph I mean I haven't seen like the Harbor Master be that involved with that committee it seems like he's more involved with our committee uh Chad is more involved with that committee so it almost does kind of make sense to me that way Mr chair I'm I apologize for bringing this up right now but I'm I'm going to probably have to leave about a quar or two I said 10:30 but I thought we would be done but how much time do you have left I I can do quarter till I can make it to quarter till I got to be on the other side of Fort Myers so um when it gets uh 10 minutes away if we haven't gotten to you yet we'll do your member okay I'm good just one quick Point actually two quick points and I know we're in Rush here um maybe something to think about instead of changing the name of the committee is changing the defined responsibilities of committee um which is currently embedded into town Council rules um and then one more thing what what has been the percentage of see if if you know that over the last four or six weeks how those amount of Waring balls we had how much has been used we're at we've been at uh right around 50 50% right now and do you think that's normal for this time of year I think so okay I think so um I know that on the weekends we do get you know those those last minute reservations and stuff like that um and um which I love I I'm hoping that down the road that that becomes more of a thing right and um hopefully with the Social Media stuff and you know I think going you know into the future and that kind of thing like with the dingy docks and um I guess more more less what we talked about with the moing fields um and I think y'all made up a good um a good point is you know seeing if we can bring bring uh sponsors in and stuff like that I think that'll help spread the word a lot more right and that's you know that's kind of My Hope for this for this thing moving forward than it's a moing field West Central East it's this and it's Lively and engaging absolutely [Music] absolutely all right and then the last thing I have on my list will be um um uh the renewal must be applied in September for for Sam Jim John and Ted your renewals are up or coming up so I just wanted to bring that to's attention and so what has to happen for that you guys just need to fill out your we apply intent Amy Baker our town clerk to reapply and then don't forget to everybody that there is a vacancy on the committee so I know you all have friends in the community so please encourage somebody to any any applicants so far that I don't know Sam I've not heard it'll just go through the office yeah go through Amy would know though if they wanted to if you had somebody who was interested and they're like I'm not going to do it if somebody else is already interested they could check with Amy and see who's applied and but if they want more the merrier but it we do have somebody interested so we push her Amy Amy is is is who they need to see who theyd reach out to and get the application and then submit the appliation to yeah okay understood it's real basic it it just take a couple minutes okay okay understood in the form I think the Forum is online yeah it is it is on our website it is Sam um will do we have to as as a Committee Member apply or or for Renewal or does that I think last time we filled out we filled out a a form don't we Ted you sent us an emailemail form and we fill it out and turn it in and then just bring it in so I don't need to take action to make that happen that comes no but as it gets closer if we haven't heard from them um because are we going to have a meeting before then yes or it um yeah I think so so in August meeting double check that with everybody that wants to reup and then the last thing Chris made this uh PowerPoint um for us and on this slide this slide here I think this is good for us to kind of keep track of and move move forward on and uh I say this section of the PowerPoint I think we could use to to kind of you know you know grow with and kind of give give our priorities you know address our priorities a little bit better so this is something I think that we could use for our UPC coming meetings and for the future right so I thought this was a great great thing that you that you provided for us the second thank you yeah we'll probably get started on that a little bit today might not make it all the way through any any questions for ctis I have a couple quick ones okay um how's the pump out boat um working mechanically how's all our all our vessels working and how's the pump out schedule going it's going it's going well um we uh um we had a problem with our with our p pump so we're having new one on order right now um um pretty much the nozzle part of it um so we have a new one order right now it should be here at the end of the today so we're kind of with the rain and that happening this week it's kind of backed up but um um we're not too bad we're not in bad bad of shape but everything um boats are running fine everything's running running as it should so good how about uh ball maintenance um do we we're going to try to set up a good fair and poor we had that that green light yellow light red light system before that everybody liked but are we at the point where we're starting to do routine inspections of so so yes so the biggest thing for me was building my team right so I have that in order starting here this month or this upcoming month in July will be the start of the maintenance system we have already been doing maintenance a little bit here and there as we needed right now um but it will be a full a full schedule maintenance system in conjunction with Coastal in in conjunction with Coastal Engineering or in conjunction with uh Jim Ken or correct is it yes Mark Mark K yeah yes sir so that's in conjunction with him the inspections and yes yes and that's something we've I've already had a meeting with him when we talked about maintenance and all that and what we need to do and then what they they have done too was they have put in the systems and overseen it throughout since it's since it's been stalled correct so he is an expert yes Marcus but no we've just to let you know we have replace some some of the pinet lines on the on the balls already they get wrapped up in some of the shackles so we've we've been kind of watching that as we go so we've been kind of doing small maintenance but you know the biggest thing was building my team and getting things set up so that's about the kickoff speaking of building your team you got three new hires any certified divers any um licensed Coast Guard captains so we have we have um one of our hires Bobby he's a he's a um uh a u US Coast Guard Captain 100 ton license um he's actually he's coming from the Key West Express actually so um he's a very he's a very qualified individual um and uh my and then my other two guys um they just have boting experience Maritime experience um one of them I pulled from the public works which he's going to be on the team here with me and he's kind of this this person has already been kind of uh maintaining and doing the stuff between between the harbor Masters and stuff like that so um he's very he's very knowledgeable and um and skilled and what he does um and um along along with the third the third person as well he's he's done a lot of he's done a lot of sailing um and both of these other two are in the works of getting their getting their um a captain's license right now none of us are dive are dive certified right now so the plan is for that is hopefully um we're going to use it kind of like a like a team building exercise and we're all going to get qualified together um and I think that would be be good good for the team and everything like that so um and then also with some of the major dive stuff and maintenance that's stuff that we have kind of been talking about um you know reaching out to third parties and and and and looking for a third party to kind of help us out of the more extensive diving in the meantime with the diving is Mark K and his team doing and doing if we needed a diver or something that would be who we call in correct yes sir good are you done Sam yeah any other questions for Curtis just a just a update on the uh Staffing on the weekend so yes um we're doing right now we are so I have a guy coming in Saturday mornings maintaining maintaining our facilities making sure the back bathroom garbage is is is taken care of that can get overloaded down there pretty pretty quickly um and um so um you know and I don't want the bathrooms being nasty over the weekends and stuff like that so I have have a guy come in the mornings he looks at our at our at our daa makes sure checks any reserv that kind of thing any messages anything we have to attend to we do not do any pump outs unless on the weekends unless it's an emergency situation or or something something like that or a special request um so that's the that's the schedule right now I kind of have him there for about 3 or four hours in the morning time and then um um the rest is kind of is kind of on call we can do everything by DACA if we get if we get reservations and stuff like that so it's a monitoring thing after that right now now that might change here with my Dune Team new team and something that I'm that I'm looking at I think the concern from uh one of the business managers that came to see us was his staff being asked a lot of questions about the moing field and whatnot and that he was just concerned I don't know if we had it staffed at that time or if we didn't have it staffed but he was that's what his concern was that was a couple of meetings ago that was the guy from matanzas yeah okay I I've been talking with matanzas a lot here recently I know both of their doc Masters and harbor Masters I talk with them every day so um we've been on a good good working page working relationship um the manager over there Eddie um you know we I've he's the one that I've talked to with the dingy do and stuff like that so I think I think all that has kind of hopefully has changed since since since he came in and I believe that might have been before I was here right so I'm sure it was and then um there we were having it was slow going to open up the the boat ramp on I believe coconut street is there any update on what's going on with that one yeah we're we're we're still we're still working on that um we're as far as I know we're not we're not there yet um that's something I'll have to get with Chad about but um um as of right now coconut Street boat ramp we're not that's that's still that's still closed there's some things we got to look at where where we've been trying to work to see if we can get get it covered through um uh um a FEMA FEMA funding but it's hard to kind of justify if it was hurricane hurricane hurricane related or not and um I think that boat ramp was kind of like a man-made thing and it's hard to justify so we're we're there's some things we're kind of looking at with that and and how we need to go about it and fixing that so okay I don't have too much of a report on that right now thank you Curtis you're welcome just did you have anything while we got you no thanks Chad just passing through well well he's here anybody need Chad for anything right away you're free to go free to move about the cab thanks check while we can get right enter at your own risk dud I know daa by far is the most U used uh National or docking booking service correct but there are a few others snag slip and and such um is it worth looking at trying to be registered on those as well um Beyond daa snaga slip and other ones I mean if you Google um slip booking uh Services uh you will find about two or three on there besides daa I don't know if there's any advantage to do that or not but but maybe you can advise us on that or Nicole can check into it for us and see what the um where all the search engines right right right right I I just know I have some acquaintances that for some reason uh DACA is their second or third choice for um looking when people are searching Yeah okay or booking MH the that's one comes up with a lot of private slips and what the people that use it that I know of are looking for private slips not not uh not moing not moing Fields so I don't know what the use will be um I'll look into it I think that's a good point and I'll see you know if that's something that we need to yeah open up to yeah yeah it it would probably be quickly determined if it's worth it or not right absolutely anything else for Curtis right now we'll have more time at the end if we something else comes up hey Jim before you get to leave would you like to do a member report or anything that you wanted to discuss today uh Mr chair I appreciate it and I apologize I had a medical appointment I couldn't get out of that couldn't change it but no I think everything I wanted to cover was covered good good conversation so I appreciate it good deal we'll keep going then um anything anything else for Curtis okay um before we do member items and reports um we wanted to take a look at this strategic strategic plan for a few minutes we might not be able to cover all of it today but we can start looking at that and um Vice chairman King Chris would you like to lead the discussion this I would love to Sam thank you so you know I don't know that it's we have the time to go into this in any depth and I think you know Curtis you're still getting your feet under you and we definitely want to understand what you think the priorities are and where we can be of assistant so what I will say is the reason I created these few slides is I took a look at this strategic action plan which we know that is outdated um and as we had talked in previous meetings there are a lot of things here mentioned multiple times but under different categories so what I tried to do is just on this first page set the source of Truth around some of the words that we've been using and how we've been you know talking about the moing fields and what we do um okay so canel okay cancel all right so I'm canceled John is that what you're telling me okay all right so just trying to level set on what the purpose of marine operations is the moing fields and all of the different benefits that um are derived by the good work that Curtis and his team will be doing so that's you know kind of the front page of this became the front page of mine then on the last page what I did is these were the items that were listed somewhere in the Strategic plan that I think we probably need to recognize as part of our road map forward what are we doing now what are we doing next what are we doing later um an order of operations to things that people don't always understand that I can't do that yet until I do this other thing so for the you know the purpose of transparency let's just be open about the types of things that we think are on the plate and when we'll get to them so that people aren't expecting us to get to something we can't yet uh and then this is really just sort of a that now next later sort of format and as I explained to Curtis it's it's what people in technology use when they're putting their road maps together they're usually thinking in two month Sprints here's what we're going to do with this two mons here's what we're doing next I think we can be a little broader in what we're trying to accomplish and think maybe in like six month chunks maybe quarters I don't know whatever makes the most sense for Curtis absolutely but this just might be something especially this last page for everybody to look at and say are there other things that I've missed here that we want to start talking about in August Curtis can come back with his thoughts and um maybe give us a little bit more of understanding on that order of operations what you're being asked to do and where those things fall in your priority we'll do absolutely and I think a lot of the stuff on here today we've already really ran over and discussed a majority of it right so I think we're on the we're on the right page and what is a priority right now I mean I think right now it's uh it's it's the docks it's the debris removal it's the it's the moing balls and then getting the operation and maintenance that's that's that's for me the the um you know goals and priorities that I'm that I'm focused on right now okay you know and these are really high level buckets so certainly Curtis may have a lot more tactical information under each of those things okay for dingy dos we have to figure out where we're putting the old one and that's going to take a lot of different steps but at least it gives if we had to talk to other people and we can share with Town's people what's going on here there are some big buckets that we could share I I I think this is a great road map and I'd like to at some point Curtis again is probably going to take another month or two for things to sort out until you get your feet on the ground but I do think I've heard our town manager and our director of operations have mentioned various visions of grandeur if you will for the boring field and just ideas and dreams hopes and dreams it might be nice for them to come and join us at some point when they're ready to at least begin that conversation in conjunction with you and and your team I just think uh I've just heard bits and pieces of things that they're stewing on that are really grandiose and I think I know what you're kind of leading to talking at some point to be part of that process and that wrestling absolutely and um like I said and that's something I'll bring I'll bring to their attention and hopefully in the next you know next next meeting or two I can uh we can discuss those uh Vice chair um I think at the last meeting uh the chair passed out um this document or reference this document uh was dated October 2020 uh pretty detailed was that something you referenced yes exactly that's what I said I mean it really took this as the beginning document to condense it okay and so all of the things that are you know listed here under customer service growth capacity are really referenced on that list that I have at the end but in a more Consolidated way because things were mentioned multiple times just under different categories excellent I think this is a great great outline you condensed it really nice to what we're really going to be dealing with here um did you want to continue that or we just take I think you know I think we really should talk about it more at our next meeting when Curtis can come back and you know this is something I I I had this saved at least this this slide right so in the in the next meeting I'll throw this in there in in here in our pack as well so it'll be an ongoing thing in our packet probably so and as you think of things during between meeting just jot them down and we'll discuss them um and I was just say and if there are words that I used on this that are not the right words you know it's not the vernacular that we need to use when we talk to people please feel free to mark that up as well okay okay regarding the joint session with Council we're only one away from a quorum here but um I think we're right about that joint session that would be a little premature there are going to be a bunch of stuff coming up fortun ly with Jim as AR leer is on everything that's important that's really critical seems to get through to the meetings and you know uh I think you're doing a great job with that so I don't think there's any need to have that you know particular meeting but when the time comes we're we're ready we're ready for that and sounds like there's some things in the works that we'll be hearing about in the next couple months and I'm not H I just I think there's there's they're they're planning some ideas that aren't ripe yet that they're still wrestling with but I I don't have any any granular detail but I did I do know that that's it's out there and it's positive and but nothing is concrete yet so I just I don't want to be premature on it but I do think it's going to fit into Chris's road map very nicely I think yes yeah there there's some discussions that we've been talking about but it's not nothing set in stone it's just ideas that we're kind of floating around right now once that gets more concrete we'll I'll bring it to you all even though we can't talk amongst ourselves anybody that has any IDE approach Curtis or our or our council members and uh you know every idea is a good idea until it isn't right and that brings up the point Sam my I was going to question this if we have thoughts that maybe will help um uh inputs here is is it appropriate to email those to you be or do they need to be presented we can't talk amongst each others so but you could send them you can email to or all of um all counsil and because they may they may receive them differently and have different other ideas whatever you want to do John Curtis and then and then send it to me whatever you're comfortable do copy the committee no I don't I don't you can't copy the committee that's the only thing we're not allowed to talks amongst ourselves um Sunshine between inut or yeah you can send it to me like Chris she sent me this this PowerPoint Chris actually did and so she sent it to me for the meeting and that's I looked at it and put it in more appropriate yeah as bizarre as it sounds you can't talk to Chris outside these public Gatherings related issues yeah seems odd but it is no no I needed I needed that definition appreciate it it's very tempting it's you know because you want to talk about it all but you can talk that's what Jim's great for you can always talk to Jim well and you can talk to any council member anybody on the staff I just can't talk to each other regarding any any item that might come before the committee [Music] um great well let's um go ahead and move forward to members items and reports John did you have anything you wanted to discuss um I I think we covered most of what I wanted to cover today after mine we'll come back to you okay you're going to want Chris was there anything in particular nothing besides what we talked about no I don't have anything other than uh I know a couple of months maybe three months ago um the vice mayor had asked us to kind of reiterate that that we weren't considering the the location on the Old Town Hall location tropical sh Shores for a pump out facility and I think it would be nice and and I don't think believe we took any action when you when you asked us to do that I think it would be nice to at least publicly state that that is no longer at the top of our list to to go at that location and and that we're definitely looking harder at other locations that wouldn't affect uh the residents as much have you heard that that's been coming up in conversation Ed that you think no I haven't but I I just remembered that that we the vice mayor asked us to kind of put those people at ease a little bit I can just see that that that many of those residents watch our meetings very closely with with with the concerns that Ed just voiced yeah so anyway I guess I can't speak for the whole committee but I I'll say it for myself that that we're definitely going to look at other more public areas that don't impede on neighborhoods as much for at least for our facilities y Zing what the zoning is at some point I don't know if boit is has been um has been followed up on that kind of gets back to the the road map that Chris suggested is that and I think that's where the town managers not only in conversation with the county but potentially other entities that we could partner with to to address some of those concerns outside of the residential Canal Dynamic y now I know synergies where can we find synergies with other businesses I know there's been talk about moss marine and what what they want to to do there and see if we can get uh slips for our boat and and and uh for our boats and that kind of thing with them and then um you know um I don't know if the pump out facilities is involved in with them or not but you know I don't know what that's one of the big unknowns at this point is the was Marine Dynamic yeah what we did in the past last time was um we told Council to get all the opt together and we would do as best as we could to grade them and it it helped them move the conversation along a little bit however my comment on tropical Shores is that I wouldn't want to make anything definitive the town still owns that property I haven't heard what they're going to do with it yet and we do know that there is a lot of neighborhood objection to heavy boat traffic going through there and just they're very concerned about any disruption of that property but I don't think there's been any decision on what to do with that yet I wasn't I wasn't necessarily speaking definitively I I was speaking more of a peace of mind yeah thing for the residents there that we would we're going to look at every public location that we can before we try to stick this facility in a residential neighborhood yeah I think they're a lot more comfortable with it now than they were like 6 months ago when uh when it was kind of the the head of the discussion I don't think it's any longer the the head of the discussion but that's up to Town Council but we will be able to have some input on that sure whatever they decide to do with it so that's all I had thanks Sam y anything else add no that's all I had to think Sam I had a couple quick things um thought I oh regarding Water Taxis and use of residential canals it's probably going to come up at some point of How It's already come up with um you know Charlie Brown's canal and um other came up today with residential canals one thing I think Town Council should look at is what what are the boundaries and what are the rights of p i don't I'm not sure there's anything that is actually a private Canal there's residential canals and there's commercial canals and it seems like the discussion is going more towards trying to gear it to commercial canals so if there is no restriction on residential canals at that point it would probably be on councils you know to try to negotiate to try to have the least amount of damage in any residential Canal on I think you've already discussed that somewhat yeah that's certainly the intent of the council is is is to have the residential canals even though there's it's more of a it's more of a a public benefit if you will as you get into these public NE negoti public benefit negotiations with the developers you know leaving those private or residential canals residential is a part of that [Music] conversation so yeah it's in each one is is is going to be unique and of course a lot of this present or the one of the solutions that I get excited about is that you know you don't need to use some of the for the London Bay for example you don't need to use those residential canals because you've got fishtail Marina right there you can drop your folks off there you could just take a little shuttle over to the Outrigger uh and and you can avoid utilizing those residential canals relatively effortlessly and still accomplish all your goals so but yeah your Point's well taken and I I I think that's going to be almost on a case-by Case basis depending on what the event is or what the need is but um but yeah I think council's on on track with trying to make arrangements total benefit for everybody on those and understand that people on those residential canals are concerned not only about the traffic and the noise but about the width of some of them also and what kind of boats are going to be coming people have been very vocal about their concerns um quick announcement this is the 20th anniversary of the uh the moing field oh so hopefully this year in April we'll have a uh bruisers appreciation party again um there should be balloons what okay just another uh reminder that there is no meeting in July August 26th which is the normal fourth Monday and then September will be a special date that'll be September 16th yes and after that I think we're back on our regular schedule which is now the fourth Monday of every month yes and um whether we change the name or not from the Anchorage advisory committee to any kind of marine thing um Council has invited us since we're an advisory committee to comment pretty much on anything related um so so we we can get in and out of our our areas depending it doesn't matter what our name is um if it's related in any way to the moing field or boats or what have you we're you know we're we're open to be able to talk about that that's it for me anybody else have anything Jim did you have something I think everything I had was has been covered thank you I do share Ed's concern about uh at least from my perspective the the residential canals for Solutions Solutions such as the the pumpout facility uh will be a last resort not a first Resort and I I I share that concern and want to give people some peace on that so but but again we we' we've got a lot of lot of lot of other issues out there that are connected to that that may solve some of those challenges as as time goes on correct and the goal is not to put to pump out facility in a resid I mean that like you you said vice mayor um you know that's Last Resort right you know so we're we're seeking other other options first anything else from any other member staff just one quick comment um again I want to re reate that if there's any uh meetings associated with the fairies or or possible Town um uh water taxis in in the very early seed stage I offer my Assistance or services to help you and that's much appreciated John my goal is to have the operators come before the Anchorage advisory committee as soon as they're comfortable I know they got invited on beach talk radio the other day and they said gosh we're still a couple months away from discussing this publicly so uh but as soon as they're comfortable doing that I'd love to have them come before this committee and to share their vision and and get everybody's feedback excellent yeah that' be [Music] great okay anybody else have is there any public comment we do have yeah there's one in the crowd there's always one councilman John King at the mic John R king 8402 with stero Boulevard I just want to state that uh not only is the vice chair very attractive but she's very intelligent and that her husband's very lucky to have her and if she'd like a ride home I'm available Jim thank you for giving her a ride here today and what no cake on a 20th anniversary come on folks yeah thank you and a happy anniversary to the Kings and all the other couples that had anniversaries this week everybody must have got married on the same week any other public comment any other uh members or anything do I hear a motion for adjournment I'll so move by Ed second second by Chris all in favor I any opposed passes unanimously it's uh 1059 that's how you