##VIDEO ID:pZ336qSUlHU## e is it appropriate if he could call in on my phone if he wanted to make any comments oh oh sure and and I I would he he it's a health issue and he notifies in advance I would I would just respectfully urge that we give him an excused absence I would affirm that's an excused absence and um John um when I told you I received your email yesterday if you happen to want to call in during member items that number at the bottom of my email I'll take my phone out during uh items if you wanted to make some comments is there any public comment today council person John King good morning John King I wasn't going to say anything but uh if you're going to have him call in it would be wise to take a vote ahead of time just to let him do that we it's the same as if you're doing a zoom or something like that cover everybody okay thank you do I hear a motion for that I so move move by Chris any second second second second by Ted um all in favor I any opposed passes unanimously John if you want to call in during members items if you're watching I will take my phone out and let you know when a good time is okay next we have approval of minutes um we' got a copy of the minutes did everybody get a chance or does anybody need an extra minute to go over the minutes when everybody's ready I'll entertain a motion I move we accept the minutes Mo by Chris second second by Jim all in favor I I all opposed passes unanimously okay on to our staff report looks like Curtis you have your stuff laid out ready to go I do um of course you have the items uh listed that I want to discuss with you I added a few more that I'll uh bring bring to your to your attention as well but um number one on the list is um the uh the state uh removed the fishing pier underneath the bridge that was kind of very close to the dingy Dock and those two pylons right there so all that is gone um and now that's uh that entire space is more it's more open it actually worked out perfect because we are coming up the next project will be to place the dingy Dock and get the new ding dingy dock put in um we had our the Clos of our bid meeting on um see Kurt Kurt if I could on the removal of that fishing pier there's a lot of people over the years have a lot of history on that fishing pier you wanted to describe what physically happened how much how much construction or deconstruction there was what they do with all that cement and iron and just just give people because a lot of people spent time on that over the years I think they'd be curious so um the um uh um uh kbi came in uh they had a barge um but they put in their cocky kind of um they had to get in there in a certain way because of uh um uh um panas and and Pier right there that sticks out but they were they were able to get in there pretty well um and um so what they did is they did it they they um uh I'm going cut the pier in three in three um three different sections and they um they pretty much moved a piece one day one day at time one piece I talked to the contractor one piece was about 60,000 lbs um that they moved and um with that being so big I mean that took them about pretty much all day to do to do one piece um and um what they did is they put that on the barge once they got that on the barge they left and they went back um uh across the way and uh they're disposing of the pieces of the pier um I think the long thing that took them to be done was the um the two pilings that were by our dingy dock um they had to dive down and cut that underwater at the mudline and uh and then they pulled them up after that so uh it was about four days of work but they did it pretty pretty quick and uh seamlessly really they did an awesome job I appreciate that I'm just trying to test my memory was the was the fishing pier connected to the bridge in any capacity or was it completely separate it was it was at one point connected to the bridge I believe and um so what happened was the old the old dingy dock was a concrete Dock and um whenever Ian Ian happened we had the the flood and everything um our dingy dock lifted up that section of the pier and broke it I believe um but there are reports we had divers go down there um Coastal Coastal Engineering has dove has Dove that area before um Kelly Brothers Dove down there they looked off to the side to where people say that that piece landed but it's not there not there yes correct as far as far as we know right now so I have a follow up on that sir is there any obstruction that we know of other than what's visible vertically does anything come out other than the straight vertical what's left there that people are going to need to avoid coming into Ding doc no no so there shouldn't be any any obstruction they cut those pilings down below at the mudline so all that area is is wide open for you to what you see on top is what goes straight down correct because the piling so if you remember correctly the pilings was the only thing that was kind of interfering the other section of that Pier that went across connected to the bridge the bridge platform so really the only part of that fishing pier that was was an obstruction to the dingy dock was those two pilings everything else was connected from the from the bridge structure already that's there right now yes sir thank you you're welcome one last thing was that a state of Florida operation of Florida Department of Transportation in other words did they incur all the cost for that yes yes mayor thank you so next I'm going to skip down to number three since we're kind of already already on this on this topic um we closed the dingy do bids last week um uh we had a meeting on that um we are moving forward to uh pick the best uh the best uh contractor bid and um we were going to uh move forward and uh bring that to council get that approved and then um I'm I'm award the contractor after that so that's that's the next steps did they bid that two different ways did they bid it concrete also aluminum yes sir yes sir cost difference quite I mean quite a bit it is it is the the um con um concrete dock is a little bit more than the uh aluminum So when you say a little bit I mean can you give us a ball part about 100 gr more okay is what it that from all the bids that's kind of what it was and did you indicate a preference at one point I I would prefer aluminum I think that's our best bet um it would be easier to to kind of save if if we had another storm um it's a lot it's a lot lighter and also with the aluminum docks it's easier to kind of add more more to it if we wanted to do that down the road um so um and I think a lot more people are going with the aluminum that's kind of like the new thing it's that's what I was going to ask is that the sort of new modern approach the aluminum dock rather than the concrete correct correct and um I think uh for what we need I think maybe the concrete dock might be a little overkill for what we need down there um but um I just think all in all I think the aluminum dock would be the best the better option any maintenance different for Barnacles or is that bottom area about the same it's about the same you know we're we're still going to have to get somebody down there to to clean it and all that you feel like you have a good representation of biders and you know they're pretty clustered you know the bids are all pretty clustered in well I don't know if we choose low bid is that is that how that works I believe so you have to go low bids so have you seen the bids I have I have so there's a good representation of good qualified biders and no one's like super low or super high I mean they're pretty you got between the lowest and the highest there is kind of a big big gap or difference between the two um we only had three bids um and uh the second one was in the middle in the middle of both of them um so um but I was I was happy with the bids that we got um I thought it was fair with some of them so is there a huge lifespan difference between concrete and aluminum that would justify going with a different price range um are they about the same I'm not 100% sure on that but the life lifespan between the two is um that's something I could no I'm just wondering you know is that a factor the maintenance cost and the lifespan when you look at the pricing does that make a difference but I mean as you say if the aluminum is the more modern approach and that seems like it has a lot more benefits then right and um um we're going to have a discussion and everything on that um talk about us uh talk about that amongst amongst the team here and uh figure out what the best option what the best option is and is that in our budget then to to get this thing rolling or yes so this is a FEMA FEMA project okay did they give a a time of construction window of construction once it's approved if you know how far back they are or was that in the bid about about the time frame when they could get started and finished was there any discrepancy in those or is that not part of the bid no that's when we get to negotiations correct correct um any more questions on on the dingy dock okay I'm going to move on um just want to update youall on the moring ball maintenance and what are plan of attack back is moving forward with that right now um so um we have a couple of options we're looking into to get um either um some help with the maintenance of the of the moing balls um we we are looking into a few options I think the best option that we are probably going to end up proceeding with would be Coastal Coastal Engineering is going to um um help us out um considering I don't have I don't have divers right now um they're they're going to to actually assist us and kind of teach us the ropes I think it'll be a good a good learning learning option for us um so they can kind of explain exactly what they're doing even though we have a good good idea um about it um they're going to come in send us us two guys in a boat and help us help us do that our goal is to knock out about 15 a day or as many many as we can do um so we're we're going to be moving forward on that pretty quickly hopefully hopefully within the next month and how often do you have to perform this maintenance service just as a reminder for me um uh well the maintenance is is kind of an ongoing thing all year I want a lot of the systems changed out before the start of the season so I would say we're shooting for December to be done um Chris just one question I was wanted an update on um I believe it's balls 5 through n that we've been struggling with the Coast Guard or somebody with correct so I had a meeting I had a meeting with um BOS and Neil at the Coast Guard um facility here I believe I had that right after we had our last last meeting um I need to follow up with her she had a meeting with sector the following the next week um and um I have not been in contact with her since so I got to follow up on that um but she she wanted to bring that to um uh um a sector she thought that this is something that we could we could uh get resolved if not you know I told her you know I think that there are some buoys right now that could that could be uh put put back in service um I think they are not obstructing obstructing the channel we can put a vessel length um on them so I don't put any vessels over that so I told her I was like listen if I can get like three or four up and running that's a win so if you can calculate swing on it you'll know how how large we can go correct correct so the next next thing to do is I told her that we would take a boat ride kind of look at it because she thinks that everybody's looking at these at these buoys and they're all looking at them from from aerial aerial pictures when you look at that that's not exactly what it is when you're on the water and looking down the line to see it so um I think it can kind of be portrayed a little bit worse than it actually is right now with those buoys obstructing obstructing the channel so um it's something that I'm I'm still you know it's priority on my list but it's a uh it's it's been a longer process with them so well that sounds like a good altern in the meantime if we can't get the larger ones in there if we could have a limit on the size that you know we to put in there that that would probably work temporarily yes absolutely and then just to reiterate you can't move those back further to the other side of the bridge because of the SE grass SE grass so it's an environmental correct correct concern that we have yes sir yes what do you think the length requirement would be on those three or four balls I would say I would say 50 foot would probably be be fine you know um because that's probably our most average 40 to 50 foot vessels in there and we have we have balls one through three and those are for our bigger vessels as well so um you know we would be all right with with that as well so I mean I'm talking like bigger vessels like say if we get an 80f footer coming in and stuff I have I mean that's you know I'll have its own ball out front for that you know between balls one and three so we should be okay I don't think we have anything over 50 ft out on that side of the bridge anyways those three cats and then there's that big motor sailor but I think that's about 50 or just slightly under correct correct we had a bigger sailboat that was pushing 60 a little bit ago when I first started but he's no longer he's he already departed so so again our our limit is like 70 ft isn't it it is it is but if we have a um you can put it in a special special uh request uh through daa if your vessel is over that and we can kind of try to make uh accommodations for you but a lot has to go into that I have to ask a lot of questions to make sure that we would be able to and we might need to limit the adjacent the size of the adjacent ones for the swing also yes if it came to yes all right so next uh next item I have is um just want to update you all the next FEMA project we will be uh getting into will be the um debris debris removal in the morning field along with the canal canal uh Canal projects and the removal of some of the debris in the canals as well um and um we were going to try to put the dilapidated docks in that but I don't think we're going to be able to get that covered through through uh FEMA what do you mean put the dilapidated docks we were trying to to help the town and do some things um some of the docks that are um gocha you know but that being it's some of those are residential sure you know that's that's kind of a hard thing we're trying to get that in to help the town and you said some of the canals um is this all of the public canals that this fith grant or whatever it is would cover I believe so and then can do you know is there do we have a breakdown of how many canals in town are public versus there are private canals too is that correct yes and that's a question um I need to double check on that thank you Curtis on the next last uh meeting you mentioned uh an analysis for dredging that's not a part of this with femo right is it separate or is that the same believe that is going I believe that's going to be separate the ding yes and that's ongoing I believe so yes sir I I spoke with Frankie the other day and he's developing a strategy no no guarantees to try to get some federal Andor State funds to do some of the dredging with those canals including our lagona Shores area as well so he's he's working on a couple ideas I I don't think he's ready to announce anything yet but I think he's got a strategy to try to find that out correct I guess Jim that kind of starts with an analysis right I mean at some point does there need to be an analysis the analysis as I understand Cur is currently being done oh it is they're doing an analysis of the current state of affairs of the canals because we need to get that that Benchmark in case God forbid we have another hurricane then we'll be able to be more eligible for FEA funding going forward we weren't eligible at all because we'd never benchmarked the status of our canals I'm seen it if Frankie walks by I'm going to grab him uh but going to quit walking so uh uh but but but yeah that that is being done but the actual cost of the dredging that's a little bit more challenging to try to get the feds of the state to help but I think Frankie's got a strategy correct me if I'm wrong kir I believe he does he so he's looking at current state and benchmarking that do we know what ideal state was or how they started out do we have anything to show the change I don't think that the results of that survey are done yet but I think again the what fee is looking for is hey what was it like before the storm what was it like after so we could then weigh what your needs are and you can you can have a data to Benchmark that but do we know the before do we already have the before somewhere we don't have the before which was the fault of the towns in that we had no Benchmark we had no no record of it I see I see Chad's coming in did you want oine on this Chad yeah morning everybody shoots Fort Myers Beach so we're talking about drudging all the canals um so uh right now we have a storm Water Analysis we were able to work in uh looking at the canals as uh part of that conveyance system for storm water um and they are doing they've got a a draft analysis report which we're reviewing right now and meeting on later today as part of that report they will um give us some typical cross-sections we have bath metrics from the debris side scans and you know couple lines down each Canal kind of AC crude B metric um uh analysis nonetheless you know you make assumptions get a typical cross-section we can use that for permitting with the state and with core uh initial thought was to um low hanging fruit just do the uh exemption with the uh with the state uh and uh uh you know neg5 me water get the easy permits first uh get it in place uh and then we can uh another strategy for um some of the more complicated permitting where we're connecting C canals out to the channels you know especially on the southern end where the uh you know the fedal channel the channel is a little bit off um there's some some navigational challenges uh down there um so when you know get the easy permitting done uh and then also with the funding scheme uh msbu look at these canals some of them are private some of them are uh you know public RightWay basically no submerged land land owners um just depending on which canal so msbu uh could be devised to um spread that cost around the benefiting properties um and use that as a funding mechanism for these uh for dredging these canals where the property owners want that done use that acronym msbu want don't you yeah sorry uh Municipal uh service benefiting unit so um it's a tax that uh goes uh we have to put it through the Commissioners and get put on the tax bill um I'm right now that's another on the to-do list understand understand all the um the mechanis for that get I think I think Chad I think that is that is a strategy but I believe Frankie was working on some other funding sources as well correct yeah absolutely he's always working on um you know talk to him understand what he's working on but I know we've reach reached out with Poss legislative grants I'm not sure what else he has up to sleep yeah if he if he cuts through we'll try to snag him yeah but thank you yep any questions thanks Chad thanks Chad no worries oh Chad I'm sorry I had one more sorry um when they start planning to try to do some dredging and picking priorities do we have designated spoiler or that's going to be a whole another topic of where to put all this spoil or is there is there possibly places where we need it or it's yes so um short answer is no we don't have designated spoil areas um uh we would put it on to the contractor to negotiate with private uh Property Owners to um you know use their land to stage and handle the material oh I'm I was thinking in the water I forgot we do land we we do land spoil and then transport right is that what you okay so there won't be there won't be a a inwater spoil area it'll be land transport huh mostly right so you're talking about like Island Building yeah I thought maybe we needed it somewhere that's another we'd have to talk to the uh navigation district and that's another kind of level of Permitting if we wanted to try and pursue that strategy but the normal is to to find empty lot and Truck Yeah and then um I mean as a long-term strategy this town um you know we're always going to be an island that needs dredging that needs areas and some strategic planning for having um staging handling sites you know mixed use it could be you know you have a a piece of property that you know somewhere down south somewhere kind of in the middle and somewhere up north just to kind of cover your different areas where you can go to and it's uh you know the town owns it and it could be you know staging and handling is something to think about um something youall can discuss and as you see fit I know there's always challenges with neighborhoods and not in my backyard but um once we get built out again that same challenges that we have with the Liv and the channel dredge um we'll Mr chairman if I could just digress for a second chat I've Just Seen on social media a lot of I'm not sure it's good information with respect to when the beisher nourishment is going to be completed I was under the impression in a perfect world it'll be completed by the end of the year is that still the still the strategy we're still on schedule and I've asked questions for conted we oned so the folks on the south end particularly uh Leonardo arms area they they should see relief before the end of the year in a perfect world that's what we're for okay great I just helpful i' seen a number of different estimates on social media just it's helpful for you to clarify that thank you yeah we're right now we're getting through some pretty heavy sections so um not every every segment of beach is different with uh the volume of sand that needs to be placed so um right now we're getting pretty heavy section so it is a little bit slow and one thing too I again if if the committee would indulge me I think it's interesting the the As I understood it from the engineer particularly on the south end maybe it's true on the North End as well we're seeing a a pretty massive increase in the size of the beach which is great but I think initially after that that first six months to a year there'll be some natural uh I I hate to use the word er but for lack of a better term and then you'll have a more of a base a beach at that point so what we see today we'll fade naturally for a little bit and then it will kind of settle into its its natural I'm sure there's better language than this but you know what I'm talking about it will [Music] equalize heard it said sorry the word's always tough for me um so there'll be initial fairly big erosional event you know as it as it comes to um settle and then there's 10 years of erosion on top of the design Beach so um that will fade over that 10 years storms happen happens a little bit more quickly but thank you sir hey Chad just I'm just curious I me not because I'm don't have the background for it but and with your experience the so the town has kind of been remiss in the past by not having a formal plan for Canal for analysis and dredging and that created the issue of not being able to receive FEMA funding so we had we had a there was a maintenance plan that was done by Hans Wilson uh years and not over a decade ago um but there was not any I think only one Canal was actually dredged um but there was not a ongoing maintenance plan and correct without that ongoing maintenance plan we're looking at it we're surveying it um you know then dredging when whenever it's needed an active plan is needed for reimbursement to be a yes sir is that something that you you know based off your experience you will be accustomed to seeing in other similar type of municipalities with this many canals and things that you would see a more formal plan and maintenance program yeah I mean we have a we had a formal plan it just wasn't it just wasn't active oh um if that makes sense so we have you know that can s some paperwork that we had and um there was uh you know some surveying work done with the residents that were there was it because of funding is that wow we didn't do it I mean I'm just guess I've only been here for five years so okay I just wanted some baseline something that Curtis and I are committed to working towards and and get going again so that we can be better situated thank you I would be interested in that historical information if you can find it yes sir I mean be for some reason I find that interesting reading it just seems like such a critical part to the island you know I mean the the canals are yeah the continuity continuity of knowledge is important thank you thank you Chad back to Curtis to our regular scheduled program all right so the next the next item I have is um got an update on the um uh informational cards about the morning field something that we've been trying to work on and um I know that yall would like to see stuff for the moing field and um things to do for the boers and stuff like that um so I got this that put across my desk I think um um this is um I believe from chambers and they created this and this is something that we are going to use outside of our informational board um and I've also talked with Nicole and showed her this and this is something that um maybe we could uh put on our website or add this QR code to it maybe and kind of uh piggyback off of them a little bit on this um because this pretty much has everything on the island perfect and uh front and back and stuff like that so I'm going to pass this around for y'all to see and y'all can tell me what y'all think about that I love you not recreating the wheel I mean if it's already there just correct use it we got grocery store and trolley stops on there I believe it does it's great if not if we could definitely include uh grocery CVS and trolley stops I think those are the trolley stops and anything else that that uh you think that these patrons are going to use the most sir and while you're on that I do appreciate um the link that Nicole put on to the website for plan your visit correct that's great goes right to the chamber information so people can search that at their Leisure and there again use it if it's already out there they can keep it updated so it's not something that you guys have to worry about maybe you don't know because that was that's a chamber uh document there but is that is the map driven by advertising I mean looks like it on the back that that might be but I don't know if you know I think there's a pretty more holistic list on their website I don't think that's necessarily um advertising or membership driven sure but I mean advertising is great to to pay for the production of that map but I would be hesitant if someone wasn't included in the map because they didn't advertise for the map that makes any sense yeah it does it be something to look into yeah and it feels like it's waterproof yes it well we were we were we um um I'm actually getting a few laminated actually to make it yeah and then the ones we actually handed out if they're that material at least it's better than paper if that gets wet it's that's something I'm still going to be working on that's um I probably I'm going to make something smaller for like for like handouts that's more that has a more kind of like a a smaller like postcard if you will something something along that lines or like a business card in a sense with our information and our links and everything to access all that information QR code on there corre correct and hasn't the um chamber already also put together little Island brochures that have a map and fold out like I see them when I go to waho Willies they're in the little stand there so I mean I think those already exist as well and I believe we are um going to be having goodie bags too to give out to the boers I think that was mentioned in our last meeting so um I'm still kind of I'm still working on that that process right now yeah and I think what you know what what would a Boer really want do they want a lot of paper do they want access via the web I don't know I'm guessing that paper on a boat is not necessarily a great idea yeah I think more the the boter are very um adaptable to the internet I think they prefer that like you said they have um they are us still living with yes you know less you know limited space correct correct they got QR code you know at the dock where they know just going there and I mean because that's not updated you know I mean at least you know electronically it's going to be updated there's going to be a lot of changes absolutely yeah as as as the island gets better and we we rebuild more more restaurants and things are coming up to be added to that so that's going to be you know changing but the biggest thing is having that QR code there so um and that's something I'll talk with um the chambers on and see if we can um see how frequent they're going going to be updating that I have a suggestion I know what's while we're on the goodie bag thing our most popular thing that we gave away our Cruisers appreciation day which maybe we can check into now to put in our goodie bag um it's a real Lifesaver is the buoy keychain things and we did an order of we had several hundred of them left over they weren't that expensive but maybe we can go back I'm thinking maybe two years before the storm we did um Cruiser appreciation day we ordered a huge box of them and they were pretty inexpensive uh the boers use them it's got all our contact information information on them so we're probably going to end up ordering them for that I just I just I still have one in our key I do too I got a couple of them maybe I should drop one off they are tremendous very cool you can keep your money in them you can keep your keys in them you can attach your goodie bag to it so if it falls overboard it floats make a comment about this sure it gives all the little shops that I'm sure are uh uh you know advertisers it doesn't have the marinas on it it it the places that I think the voters want I don't think are represented on this good point Ted and if we are going to include the marinas um we might want to designate which ones have fuel ship stores and you know so haul out amenities um ramp um you know any of those items if we're going to put marinas on it maybe exactly what kind of services they have especially the gas and the ship stores I didn't see the cow uh public store on there so I mean my suggestion would be not to create something new but you know maybe talk to the chamber about the next time they do that could they include other things or do they have another resource we could use that would include some of the things that we're most interested in because I just don't want us to be in the you know the business of creating maps and creating Publications that will soon become out of out of date sood um you know that investigation of what is possible working together to me seems like a good way to go I was just going to say if anything else that what they have there is a good template exactly yeah to get started and and maybe we can add and modify it and that way the printer will just have to make another run instead of starting starting from and again I would see if we could do it in conjunction with somebody else who would benefit rather than just for you know a few hundred thousand you know few thousand voters and if anything you know we can make the marina card and stuff like that and then run run exactly use that as well you know yeah it's a good thing it may not be the be all end all but again like you said maybe you focus a marina card more on the marinas and the four things that people are looking for they're looking for the Upland facilities they're looking for the grocery store they're looking for you know CVS or something correct those two I did not see on there grocery store and the marinas for fuel right exactly right is there one for bus stops already out there somewhere there is there are trolley Maps Okay so so we probably just need the website for that one yeah exactly exactly I mean it's pretty pretty easy to pull that up and there's also an app that people can put on their phone that will tell you when it's coming toward you I just wrote it last week super easy I was the only person on it and um if you like I can look into that um Cole and maybe see if we can add that the trolley link to our to our website page yeah well I just think it's like you were mentioning earlier Curtis that the they're not going to want to carry around huge maps with them so the QR code is a really good idea because everyone's got a cell phone and they can they can find those Maps I agree and I think I think a kiosk at the dingy do is where you scan that at you know and if there's something I don't I don't know what's there but I mean if you can have some things behind plexiglass and you can show a big map and you can show a few things that up there on the back side of it so we have a informational suction down there at the dingy dock um I'm actually looking into probably going to have to put a second one in soon but you can't miss it it's in a great it's in a great spot everybody is because right when they when they come off the dingy dock it's right there you know so um no it's in a good good location I think I have some room there to add it's a great idea I just okay okay I was going with you all righty um I got two more items to run by you real fast and then that'll be it for that I have um so we are we are helping uh salty Sams right now why they are getting their docks uh um fixed or redone I should say um we are helping them we are pumping out their um pirate ship and along with their one of their uh dolphin dolphins sit here uh vessels as well um we have the town has come up uh with an agreement um for them or with them um I worked with legal on this and um that is going to be brought to Council on the meeting in October you're working on an agreement for this pumping that you're doing just uh just to have an agreement okay um in place for both parties and it covers both both parties um moving forward when um when we do work or help out with other Mariners or other entities in town we're going to be putting an agreement in place just to cover us that's great that's just the way we're we we're um uh moving forward and doing things and as far as salty Sams goes I was I was just there yesterday it it is an amazing Marina going in there it's it's top of the line it is it's very nice and and I don't know if you noticed but they're docks those single docks coming out they're all aluminum docks so they are super nice I mean as you're as you're having those conversations with them I mean I still you know I know we talked about it in the past about Upland facilities you know on that side where they have parking and stuff you know I mean so maybe that the more we work on that that might correct give us opportunity they've also offered us to use the so their can't get in our vessel can and we have access to their to their pump out station for to basically offload our vessel after we pumped them out so that's uh by doing this that has um you know we have a second option on the other side of the island now to uh pump out our pump out Bo if we need to and then um the last topic I have here is um I know that this was a big topic last meeting and um was the um uh increasing rates um so after looking at things again more more thoroughly and the numbers and where other marinas are at um I think right now um we've decided to to only increase the um on a daily daily rate so it's only the daily rate that's changing we have bumped that up $5 um the monthly rate is staying staying the same um we noticed that uh we would kind of price ourselves out a little bit that was too too steep of an increase so um we're going to keep it the same right now um for the monthly rate um the daily rate pretty much for like weekend people that come in that's where that's going to tailor to our long-term people still get that monthly rate um so um so we're going to test that out this year see how that goes see if we need to increase the rates uh the monthly rate next next year but we'll see we'll see how this goes right now so that is going to be brought to council for approval Kurt just just as a friendly heads up when we were having our budget uh conversation and votes the last couple weeks uh we were going through the fee schedule and a number of my colleagues on the council uh expressed an interest in pricing the more desirable locations of the moing fields a little bit higher than some of the less desirable ones so cor I just wanted to give you a heads up and when you come with this that you you'll get you may get some queries on that from from some of my colleagues because they there seem to be a real interest in that so maybe talk to the pros and cons like we've been talking through for a long time I told them we were we we had discussed a number of times I think we're still that's still something we're still looking at I think in the meantime um I think the daily rate increase is you know was the best thing to do at the time um I understand that that is something I'm still not opposed to and still kind of gathering information on and um seeing seeing how we would be able to implement that into the dock L I just wanted to give you heads up that there was some discussion about that at the budget meetings and and just just heads up that there was a lot there seemed to be a lot of interest just to let everybody know that okay understood yes and um yeah I'll be I'll be at the meeting okay next Monday and vice mayor wasn't there also discussion about our cancellation policy and the fact that it's pretty liberal and we give people all their money back that's a you have a great memory yet that was also was there for part of it so to touch on that um um we are putting that we are putting that in the fee schedule and there's going to be a $50 um a cancellation okay great well if we're doing uh variable rates I think a good starting point for for Council or everybody would probably be just the three Geographic areas you know um if we think about that over time yeah and then maybe that'd be a good starting point correct because that's kind of the preferences there because right now we're right in the middle with with anything if we increase the monthly rate it would have put us way out of contention with everybody else I kind of want to still be be you know you know fair and reasonable with everybody else nice article in the paper uh last a couple weeks ago for from our meeting The Observer on August 28th yeah unfortunately he um conflated two different meetings there so know this starting there oh really was like from two meetings before that so I did send them a message saying hey thanks for the information but you kind of swish you're right you swished two meetings together C Curtis do you ever have to move boats because like they're in a boat that has a wider swing or something like that you have you got another boat coming in and you asked them to move or has that ever happened do we ever ask people to move it has happened to me when we first when we first started um that happened when I when I first took the took the position um we had a smaller boat the the the bigger morning field was um for for the bitter vessels I should say was uh pretty full at the time we had a smaller vessel in that spot um had a biger vessel coming in so I had to change that out but since then um I've talked I've talked with my team when we get reservations of that nature um I've kind of put in a system and the questions that they have to ask the customers um you know um uh how big's their boat what's their Mass tied for the bridge and we put requirements of what size vessels are allowed to be in the the bigger morning field and and then if they're if they can go under the bridge pretty much a height of a mass height of 60 foot and greater is going to be out in the bigger the biger field everything else is going to get pushed underneath the bridge I was just trying to play Devil's Advocate to say if we start making different sections more exclusive than others and then you know then somebody reserves that I don't know that we have the same it's kind of different making somebody move them when they chose a more exclusive area I don't um yeah I don't like to move people once I set them um you know um I kind of want to I think that we could do I think that my team can uh we have we can put things in place and have and have a control of who gets where and kind of eliminate that that circumstance all together you know and that's what I've been trying to do at one time there there was a map of chart with the circumference of each uh the radius of each uh ball correct is are we still in the same spots with the same radius yes yes we are so on daa for us the system the side that we see um each ball is tells me what boat is rated for each ball and what I can what available spots I have to put but certain certain size vessels so and um and one last thing um I need to inform you all I had had two people last week U move on so I have uh two openings right now available is that leaving you shorthanded or you got enough to fill up your day your your days off a little bit um um we have enough we're we're making it happen um um does leave us a little little shorthanded but um but those are the new hires were either the new hires that we just hired or somebody else um well all three of them pretty much were yeah two of them two resign yes yes sir so you're going to seek two more in the next few weeks correct yes we're the um we already put the listing out that's all I have um my agenda here this morning so you're almost done now we'll do the Q&A anybody with uh questions or comments for our Harbor Master and I I actually um I was going to save it for later but you can do it under your memb item if it sure I just either way he talked about a new engine being ordered for a part pontoon bow oh yes is that all so so it is in I should be getting a day this week of when to take that take the pon two boow in okay so it's arrived and it's just it has it has it arrived at the end of last week so okay so uh and and a new pump for the pump out boat was recently installed I believe correct two months ago and everything's working good with that everything's everything's fine with that yes that's that's we've had to make a little bit of tweaks but nothing nothing crazy and yes we're operating uh just fine with that that's all would I have for Curtis thank youis anything I had a couple things real quick because I was I was out there yesterday and is it ball 45 I don't know whatever wherever the they literally is the only thing showing is about about as big as this microphone with a little piece of red tape on the end what's the up dat on that's not is it ball 45 it's next to ball 44 that sunken obstruction there that's yes so um I have to talk to um the Marine unit with um lcso on that um I did a run of the morning field um last week along along with our Anchorage vessels that are out there they have a few tags on some of those boats in the Anchorage so I'm going to follow up with them to see what's going on with that um so um and then I want to ask them about that that wreckage I thought it would it was already going to be removed already so that's something that follow I know it's quite a process sometimes you can't really get permission but if um if you can mention next time you talk to somebody about that if we could either put I don't know a solar anchor light or solar strobe or some maybe something on there so at night you could barely see it during the day and at night it's I mean it looks like a coat hanger sticking out of it I don't think anybody could see it not that anybody would be there but if somebody came into you know an adjacent moing ball they might approach from that way or just somebody that's going through the channel just curious Sam was that at high tide when you went through there we went through at super high tide in fact matanzas was underwater and there was still a little bit showing maybe two or three feet showing okay with that m I'll get on that after this okay is it down to me I just have a couple quick Co or one more quick one um I'm being redundant and repetitive again but uh we really like that green yellow red and we were doing that with Coastal Engineering with the uh when you inspected the moing balls the ones that were perfectly in great shape ended up getting a green the ones that were usable but had upcoming maintenance and then we had the red where they where they do not use and did you ever see the reports that we did yes I know what you're talking about yeah it was a kind of a good format so maybe when Coastal Engineering and you're doing you know some correct yes we we are similar we're we're going to have a log and everything you know a maintenance log and everything that's similar to what that was right and um yes I'm going to keep track of all that and everything and um once I create that I can I can share that with you so yesterday I did have the occasion to talk to Jeff the doc Master at matanzas who speaks highly of you and he's a great guy and I told him I was on the committee and I I asked him are you the one on the radio or maybe it's you somebody's on the radio a lot please slow down during the in the Wake zones and it's all rental boats so I just didn't know if it would help you out if you wanted wanted me to maybe construct an email to all these rent all these marinas and freedom and all the people that are renting out boats to remind them to be very careful in that area that they're responsible it's a no wake area cuz we are getting a lot of people flying through there we are we are I've I've tried to uh slow a lot of people down here in the last and see that's confrontational for you but if it comes from me in an email is that something you would like me to pursue I don't think that's a bad idea at all I mean just be courteous in the whole thing and you know and um just a reminder I'll get together with you on that but I I keep every time I'm out and I turn on that rate that's half the announcements are please slow down your rental boat going through the Anchorage and some of it's from the Anchorage people it might be from everybody else too but that seems to be a chronic problem that I know they tell these people but you know they're renting out the boats but they also have GP I'm pretty sure they have GPS trackers in most of these rental boats so they know how fast these people are going so maybe as a reminder that would help you out a little bit sounds good thank you Sam that's all for me anybody else for Curtis I mean Sammy were you talking about like going all the way through the Anchorage is that what you're talking about all the way down or well the whole thing's a no wake all the way you know for slow speed isn't it slow um oh yeah I think it's slow speed so just when you send that email just be careful of what I'll make sure I read the signs next time before I slow speed yeah in fact maybe I'll take a picture of the sign and send it with the email with the with the moing field in the background as a reminder to them because it is kind of confusing there's a lot of places that say please start a slow area and you're like oh wow I could have gone fast but that but it's because of intersecting canals they they're reminding people all the time but they go faster than that they go faster they put out weight yeah they fly through there Dr up and you can you just wait for the guy the guys on the in the morning field to yell back at them anything else for curs okay move on to member items and reports um so John Wesley Nash if I'm gonna leave my phone out if you are watching and want to call in you can try to call us on my phone and we'll we'll put you on speaker um and so we'll start our member reports if he calls in we'll we'll take a break but um Ed anything I know not really I just wanted to thank uh Captain Curtis and Mr Chad um we ask a lot of questions during these meetings and I can't think of one time that you haven't if you didn't have the answer right away you do at the very next meeting so and Chad too so I just wanted to tell you I appreciate that thank you okay um just two things I want to point out on the agenda the next Anchorage advisory committee I believe is October 28 not September correct and then um this is not for discussion today but I am interested in learning more about what the he Cruiser appreciation day is and how we can assist so maybe for a future agenda we can add that yeah in fact you know what it's almost time to start adding so I think we'll I think we'll add it on because we're going to be even if we're not planning it we're going to be picking dates and since we hadn't had one in a couple years um that's that's something that we're going to add I'm going to have to add something else on our agenda too so when we get to the agenda We'll add that on Chris Chris appreciation that's it for me that's it and for me I just had a couple things real quick um oh we got a couple um re reapplications um coming up so we've got Ted and I think were you able to find uh get the paperwork done and and meet with somebody uh Jim Jim um were you able to meet with somebody and get your paperwork because the deadline is in a couple days I didn't meet with anyone but she actually followed up with the with the application and I resubmitted that and she said it was everything was good so everything's good I did the same and uh John Wesley Nash is up for reup I think he knew that and I I think he's applied um if he hasn't we have just a couple more days uh to get that in and you can come to town hall with Amy or pretty much anyone out front can at least help you get started on it as Amy walks through and shoots right on Q and and Mr chairman I I believe we still have one vacancy in addition to that that so if folks are listening there's still time to apply for that vacancy please and I think that's it for me for now Ted nothing J uh no I mean I agree with um with Ed's comments about Curtis I had several things written down then Curtis actually hit every one of them in there so great job Curtis um unfortunately and I do have a conflict on the 28th and I am flying I'm on a plane so I won't be able to call in I mean normally I would try to call in and that's really saying why I feel guilty a little bit about but you know in full transparency you know when I applied for this you know there wasn't someone local that wanted to take the Physicians I knew I miss a few and that's still the case moving forward but I did reapply but you know I just have to qualify that by saying that my job has to you know some conflict we understand and for now I understand there's a discussion um but for now I think I can speak for everybody we're happy to have you on the we're we're glad and we want to keep you as long as we can um if at some point it comes to a full committee understood that's that's up to to council but in the meantime if you want to um if you want to watch on YouTube after you get to your destination you can't communicate with us but you can always you know with the vice mayor or any any member of council or save your notes for the next meeting I will definitely watch because it's riveting you know it is it is riveting it's must SE TV absolutely um okay we can go around again does anybody have anything else for Curtis or vice mayor did VI mayor have anything oh I think uh all my issues were covered during the meeting thank you very much welcome everybody all set we can move on to public comment I don't see any public so we can move on to setting the next meetings agenda so Curtis I'd like to add two items um we can add Cruisers appreciation day maybe between after staff report and before members items or really anywhere would be fine and we are going to add one more item which is after the Pledge of Allegiance we're going to have a uh you can just label it reorganization vote so a lot of you haven't been here but every time we have a reup or a u renewal of the membership um you know every couple years we uh reorganize the chairman and the vice chairman so we'll have that vote after the pledge allegiance and then it's called what turn I would just label it reorganization vote what is that that's a fair characterization yeah and uh we just uh elect a a new chair a a chairman and a vice chairman election of officers or something oh yeah maybe that's election of yeah reorganization vote election of officers and our next meeting will be um and from now on unless otherwise announced will be the fourth Monday of every month so that falls on October 28th at 9:00 a.m. there was a question about the 25th that I don't know if we addressed it last about the Thanksgiving meeting to Thanksgiving it's not a problem for me but I would understand certainly if it was for other members that's going to be the Monday prior to Thanksgiving so it wouldn't be the The Hangover mon the leftover Monday there does any did anybody else bother to check their their calendars and to see if there's a conflict I'm okay with the 25th I I definitely will not be here but I could join that one by call I'll be on vacation so I'll be out and maybe let's mention that just in case um this is in November yeah yeah maybe mention that next meet or mention that so that we can say do the vote on the zoom thing before we have before we even get to it right you know just to let you come because that's the F that way we can approve it and we can get right get you on all the TVs perfect 25th is fine yeah so so the next one will be the November 25th at 9:00 a.m. which is what was previously scheduled that's the week we of Thanksgiving correct yeah but it's the Monday before Thanksgiving not the so and then would we skip December or or we can talk about that next time you know we'll have to talk about that next time because that's going to be right near Christmas December 23rd discussion discussions yep yeah and if we decide to maybe we can cover whatever we you know what's timely for that um if we decide not to have a meeting yep I mean maybe we can look at the what dates would fall in uh 2025 oh boy that's scary and just to see if there any big if we want to keep this yeah well just if there any big um like a Monday holiday or something exactly sure and uh yeah we'll look at the whole calendar yeah that way we can we don't have to wait until the last month before does anyone else have any comments questions if not do I hear a motion for adjournment I'll move to adjourn move by Ed second second second second by Jim all in favor I I all oppose none we are adjourned at 7 I'm sorry at 10:07