##VIDEO ID:1Ngy_313Lc4## pledge Ali toag United States of America and to the for stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for allc to the guest and attendance all right we do have a form this an open director position and also director we not president uh approval of the agenda there a couple items to add on um first would be 5.1 under reports the FFA FFA reports um then I've also got 5.2 uh report on the Washington DC trip this is Gilbertson then I've got two other agenda items to add on this would be under 8.2 under personnel and we've got two additional teachers to uh for consideration for tenure that would be Jessica Carlson and also Tiffany cwick and then one final would be 10.11 which would be hearing uh for a school trip or motion to approve a school trip to Washington DC in 2026 make a motion to appr the agenda am second okay motion by director Marcus second by director Bosler to approve the agenda all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed say sign motion carries uh moving into three cons agenda approve not approve consent agenda items uh 3.1 through 3.7 I'll just read through these real quick for the um visitors 3.1 minutes from regular meeting July 15 3.2 Finance checks and wires 3.3 payroll checks and direct deposits 3.4 resignation of es par professional Cooper Wilson 35 hire of es PA professional Jennifer carsley uh pending background check 3.6 hire of es par professional shell Monger 3.7 hire of high school care professional Morgan La lefer sorry Morgan lefer pending background check with the three pars wonder if they're all filled uh almost one more oh I make a motion to approve a consent agenda second uh motion by director Christen second by director munter any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed saying sign motion carries uh 4.0 any public comments tonight see then we'll move into five. student staff constituent reports um representatives of FFA you have reports for us yep y if you do come on come on over in front of the TV that be great get you on TV I am Parker Nelson part chapter Sentinel and I am here to report our summer what we've been up to this summer and if you guys don't mind I'll use my phone a lot quick can I ask what what the senel is uh so like for our meetings and stuff I have to like make sure everyone is not talking being rude and stuff like that uh usually I will be preparing meals before each meeting I can have help with that I can ask someone whoever is able to if they want to help me y would you do that for me with this group here dinner them under W so we started our summer off with our roadside clean up on Highway 59 and then we had our officer Retreat to Grand Forks with our all of our officers just kind of like a team bonding kind of thing and then uh Alexis Bailey our region president attended attended the Washington leadership conference in DC then we had two members we had two members attend the green leadership conference June 24th through 28th in hackin and then for July the chapter had a FL in town on July 6 for the Fourth of July parade and the chapter had seven seven members attend the state leadership conference for chapter leaders July 17th through 19th me and Tanner were both one of the people who were able to attend to that it was a bit of fun when I got there I was like I know don't know about this but end it ended up being a lot of fun so that was looking forward to next year to go to that and then we had our 10 yeah so uh we have had students working on their sa projects it's pretty much like you blog your hours and time or and like what you've been doing like if you live on a farm or if you started your own business it's just like a summer class to get an extra credit and Donovan is a teacher for that she attends your it's called a site visit that she does and she goes to that you have one once in the summer and me and T are also are two students taking that class and then here then we are looking forward to start the school year with our first meeting to September 12th and our first CD contest October 9th and that is all I have you guys have any questions I can do my best to answer anybody saw their float at Fourth of July Rowdy there were two in front of us I'm pretty sure they were spraying everyone who are the officers for the upcoming year uh me Tanner Timothy [Music] K so Alex Johnson as president and then myself as Vice President we have Julius do as officer at large Kaye CLA as our secretary and we have Anna Jackson as our historian parliamentarian we also have Timothy BR as our treaser and Par Nelson as our sen anything else it problem thank you guys thank you like I just said I'm Tanner big and I'm the vice president for our chapter and I will be asking for approval to attend the 97th annual PR National prevention in Indianapolis Indiana it will be from October 22nd and we'll return October 27th early morning it cost $575 to attend but we luckily got some support from our FFA alumni and they're going to help pay for some of that we have 11 members currently wanting to attend and it will be held in like Lucas Oil Stadium like it was last year and it will be heading over to the convention center right next to it there's some things that will be done there like we have Rodeo there's a concert there's lots of stuff it's the largest youth gathering in us it's there's a lot of different stuff that'll be going on there the $575 does does pay for our transportation our hotel fees our registration for National conention but it does not include meals students will be on their own to pay for that members must turn in the money and permission slips by September 23rd at Mrs Donovan and there's just a lot of different workshops that go on on that camp at that uh conference just leadership stuff there's some Christian events out go on there too there's a lot of different workshops that members can attend if they want to is this the third year in a row you guys would go down there yep you last year y I went last year there was lots of fun we went the rodeo last year we couldn't get in concert because that very hard to get to the concer Donan was refreshing page right when it opens and it goes within first five minutes tickets who was the concert I think last year might have been l Wilson what are the dates again this year October 22nd we'll leave and we'll come back on October 27th early morning and last year correct meet another school road with us or couple we'll be going at the region one bus again so that is our whole entire region it's just like section A it's just uh couple schools that are going is like climax usually goes Tron ther Falls and uh r Pelican Rapids just a whole different variety of people from our region for the cops and the is shared amongst all the yeah it gets it gets split out between the schools is there any other questions that people have so just clarify principal narki this is a formal request on behalf of FFA right to to take students cross state lines make a motion that we approve the FFA convention trip okay we got a motion by director Bosler seconded by director Monker to approve the FFA trip for October 23rd roughly 2 leave on on 22nd okay second to 27 okay any further discussion uh see none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppos same sign motion carries I didn't know it had to be a separate uh reports continuing on um this is gilberton Washington DC yes it probably wasn't a best time of the year to go um we had 20 kids from Boston go and seven adults including myself which parents who did not go probably appreciated that I know some people were worried that there would be many adults there um there were also several chap room and Company there too so we left to school around 9:00 Sunday night and we got to the airport around 3 in the morning it was a long day but we did a lot we got through it um I think it was just a good experience for kids getting to see everything also being able to go to the airport and all of that many of them had never flown which made me nervous too because um speaking with my own kids they were worried about carry on was a carry on too big what would happen if it was too big and those things so life lesson there I guess um we went with Winnie Mac just because you didn't have a target number so yeah guess you guys have any questions did you go with other schools too just back there were some other schools that went there at the same time but not with us okay I saw pictures and it seemed like there was quite a a large group but I mean having 20 kids just from so they work with many schools and everything was really planned out um kids had to wear these Badges and they had the numbers the phone numbers of the sh BRS through the company so if they got lost they know who to call food was ready everywhere adults got to eat first the accommodations Hotel I thought that they were fine um there were some complaints about ice machines not working but there were a lot of connections with things that we talk about in school especially at the Holocaust Museum good experience for kids you have potential dates or oh yeah sorry so July 21st through the 24th 2026 um it weird be bringing it up now because we just wented um the reason why I'm bringing it up now is because of have sign up next month it will be cheaper for parents the monthly because there'll be what target audience are we voting for for next this year six and seven so they'll be going into have you talk with the company yet they have final price or we have to yep they already have price be around 120 a mon and we might be with wining back again so we're with another school back so be to so 125 a month for the next two years for that payment plan yeah yeah Alison you attended it well correct um safety security wise comfortable yeah yeah I traveled with this group this company when I was principal in Grand work and I thought all was s everything was pretty well taken care of there wasn't any Wonder or question or they were ready and restaurants were ready and ticketing was done all yeah few things that we talked about that might go a little bit better next time just to make sure that our kids aren't getting mixed up with kids from other groups so we can spot them easier the small things like that that we've learned now that we've gone trip yeah everybody has those tags and then our group always had two chapon from the company as well as our parents with and then um also a tour guide and then other groups were almost always at the same things at the same time so then it was like I mean there were just people from the company everywhere and then all the kids wore those tages and they were all supposed to stay with somebody all the time and we kind of had our ones that were you know kind of like oh they like to wonder you know off by themselves so we make sure that we kind of I mean we kept hands on everybody too but I felt pretty safe about the B thing any other questions foron my daugh went this black she had a really great time she the whole time H she got to be a VIP I heard about that there wasn't quite enough room on the bus when had the tour gu so we had an overflow suburb gr gr gr that's right so four girls from our group and one of the company chaperon GR in US suburb behind us which might have been a safer I would encourage everyone to hop on it yeah yeah I thought it was an excellent experience for kids and adults I thought it was very I mean the the tour guide was very um patriotic and very knowledgeable and engag the kids and um I mean I think it was just something that really drove home what they learning at school it's really good um I'd like to move the 101 up um and actually take a motion on allowing the kids to take the trip in 2026 some like to make that motion second uh motion to approve uh March n DC school trip 2026 uh motion by director monter seconded by director Bosler any further discussion see none all those in favor signify by saying I those post say s carries I don't perfect thank you um 6.0 uh fund balance report uh in your packet uh obviously just one month completed of the new fiscal year July 1 of 24 was the start of our fiscal year so not not a ton of financing has happened this month um as you know we did compl our audit back in U June and um so we're starting with the new year we do still have the ability to go back into fiscal year 23 to pay off some things that come in but I think that really for the most part everything is pretty wrapped up from 23 so this is the first months uh of the new fiscal year and you can see the um the different numbers there not all that telling yet um some of the revenue side has um not been finalized yet so um Jan is continues uh with her process of being conservative on the revenue side trying to be as inclusive as you can on the expense side to project the numbers for the for the next school year or for the current school year if you look at the uh so the fund balance there if you look at the expense Revenue summary I guess that's really where we're at for the first month here uh you can see the percentages of of uh year-to date the budget fine items um the debt R Redemption is the pay off Bond so we collect we collect that through and then we pay that off so um as the year goes on then if you look at the bond report um we're remaining at that just under 60 Grand uh as a balance there um 59 358 um as we've stated in the past um that likely will be spent down this year at some of not as an ltf Family Expense because that's a different part of money but in conjunction with some of the things that um as far as uh uh maintenance throughout the district um we expect to spend mod money now to zero this school year we're figuring that that Elementary um tables are coming out of this this year budget no that did that came out of uh yeah but but it came on so oh yeah so the senior high tables we tried to do that and it St didn't let us then when we moved to another year they did allow that so that's where the tables came out of this year which was a much smaller amount than than the high school project but nonetheless so that summarizes our um1 two and three okay so yep uh over the last couple months we did receive some donations so we got six 4.1 Grand Fork Shields backpack and shoes um that was in our our packet um Mr headed that program up you could speak to it if we wanted to get a little report on that all y something I had applied for so couple years back probably one or two years ago I CAU on the local news that one of the Fargo schools had applied the Shields and got X number of shoes so I saved it appli for it this spring um and so I believe I received 20 different pairs of shoes ranging in different sizes because that LE we have some people in the junior high Elementary that might need and then stay thing with backpacks uh we got 20 different types of backpacks so uh the backpacks I'm to hand off to Ellen and she'll distribute those to the kids that she knows in need of as well as a little bit of the shoes but uh the shoes primarily I'm going to hand over to Ben and let him you know because a lot of times he would come to me and say hey I have students that just don't have shoes for Qui and so they have access to that so yeah I greatly appreciate Shield's uh you know being so Genera donation yeah well thank you for tooi here that it was about estimated value about just $9 so apprciate it know with Shield you're gonna get quality set all the agenda is written I'm going to go through all the all the other donations and we'll have a motion to approve all uh or state next item uh 6.4.2 State Track charter bus donations so we had uh donations from Aspire realy C Family Funeral Homes Essential Health foston Community Club Fon Family Dental fost and ly Lions galin supermarket and Hardware Minnesota strong Morehead Nords Pharmacy gifts as well s BOS can maybe speak to that you want to give any synopses of that yeah I mean we um had about a 3-day period to try to come up with some money to ra uh to get a charter bus all of these businesses were and groups were amazing and um put forth money and we took a took a bus down with you know 10 or so people it was a little Overkill but it was a heck of an experience for the kids um you know they really were relaxed and kind of felt like they were being you know pampered going down to State like like some of the other um programs have felt um and whether or not that's the reason they performed so well I will never know because they won't let me do it any other way anymore but we went down there and um you know won three different events so it took second place as a team with you know with only you know five kids competing you know that that scored points so um you know they performed remarkable and you know much thanks to all of these businesses and everybody else supported the program Mr Bosler and then we had one other donation 6.4.3 which is the the standard for archery supplies as well I can just give a little background of that so we have we own archery supplies um archery supplies get beat up they get used they get they break down or whatever David sander came in and spent what did I hear how many hours fixing all ol ours archery supplies bows arrows heads string I don't know what I don't I'm not an Archer myself but um he didn't donate any money but he donated heck a lot of time and we thought that he obviously deserved recogition as well that's a school program that is operating to our PE department and the supplies there were of need of some TLC and David was willing to complete Prov that work so we thank you for that as well thank you I make a motion to approve um all donations 6.41 through 64.3 I'll second that with many thanks to all our donors motion by director Christen second by director Marcus with many thanks to the donors um any further discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I those oppos same sign motion carries thank you uh 7.0 reports uh Mr bushy uh item number one somewhat of an update with enrollment as of uh today uh actually just today we had some changes too so very fluid right now but that can kind of give you an idea where we're at on K through six at the elementary right now we're we're at 302 um and then our prek numbers will be announced at a later date that's too far out right now to get a solid number on that um and so if you look at the way we ended in May of 2024 we had 3 K obviously we are exiting a from this past school year a bigger sixth grade and bringing in uh about an average size kindergart so I I would say an average 40 to five per grade um as you can see looking at it we have we'll have 50 in grade three uh as of right now then that could change but that's one of our bigger classes there so on average about 40 40 to 45 per grade so we're happy with your enrollment right now where it's at and I expect that to it could go back and forth here over the next couple weeks before we get started any questions on the roll okay uh the second item it's a part of the report so I can wait until 8.1 uh the following server schedule um then as admin we can go through that um item number two or three again another item on the agenda is the elementary student handbook so I can answer any questions there at that point if you have any um just an update on some meetings and trainings um it hasn't been announced it I'll have to reach out to ministerial usually we would meet probably like this week or early next week to look at uh scheduling up of whether it be Friday school or just having conversations and kind of admin meetings between school admin and minister so I'll reach out to them and see if we can get together uh typically though our Friday school at the elementary is the last Friday it starts the last Friday in September Ends the last Friday in April and I don't for seee that changing I'm sure the high school would be the same schedule that they've had um that's been the topic of the discussion meeting ministerial how's that going uh transportation and all the other questions come along with that but that's the dates are pretty much set for that August 5th uh we had Big Ideas Math curriculum uh implementation training uh Big Ideas is our new math for K through five um and it was a virtual training watching a video um so it wasn't live interaction so there some pros to that and obviously there's conss to that but it was the first step in our implementation uh I think what came out of that was probably better discussions and small groups uh meeting at grade level probably uh and taking information uh from the video and using that information to expand um conversation so that was uh again that was all K through five teachers on August 5th August 15th last Thursday we had an Asic that's our area service Co-op um we had a a meeting um great meeting uh there's been a lot of change over with personnel with Asic um and some of that change over has affected us here in foston uh with same positions just different people um so they introduced some of the new names that will be working with us here in Fon also updated us uh on U anything that's happening out in the world ESP special ed uh helped us maneuver uh sped forms that's a like an electronic version of special education so we're able to view that case are teachers but us as admin um and then they talk again about uh where they're at the level four building that discussion started last year a year ago um level four is probably one of the some of the more extreme needs and they're looking at a central location in Kon a building uh a physical building for Lev four students so um I think that's probably about five years old but she enough dat that so it was a good day there and then just today I had a crisis team training with Denise sty crisis team I'm talking about medical emergencies um we have a team at the elementary we got updated on CPR we got an updated on uh meeting other medical needs uh Naran was one of them God forbid we ever have to use that the elementary but we'll be ready if we have to um but it was a great training we'll continue that uh Implement our plan and then present that to our staffs and our crisis team on our team at the elementary it's myself obviously Denise stany last week and Kristen Morin so a lot of it was just renewal and updating our CPR but also introducing new things that we need to be train that and then Denise and I will put a plan together and that will be executed this year and we'll do a couple of drills with our crisis team throughout year uh lastly just a big thank you to the building grounds uh I don't know if any of you B over the elementary but uh the hallways are wax classrooms are spotless uh and St When you mention the elementary tables they're assembled and up in our cafeteria they look great oh so same tables that they have here at the high school um we have uh I think it was four round tables and then the rest of them are the bigger mob um it looks so different looks doesn't look like an institution so those weren't even set up for this summer food program in June then no this is the last couple weeks excited yeah oh yeah be excited um so yeah that's what I have any questions me Mr bushy Mr darski yep I'll pick up where Dan left off again thanks to James and his staff for obviously the maintenance that they've done here in our building as far as the floors the rooms um You probably notice that he came through the commons it set up slightly different than it has been in the past so his staff been busy uh reshuffling whether it's our tables and and booths and such uh to setting up a different flow for emptying trades and things like that things that should help with uh just simply that the flow of students also the painting of the walls that you notice out there it's common that's both sides of the walls have been painted so uh you appreciate all their their efforts and uh I will say as well just in uh viewing of his St I mean they work they work and they work hard they are time on task they uh his staff up here at the high school to a a great job we're very fortunate to have who we have um parent letters pertaining to the start of the school year have been mailed out so you know pertaining to their class schedule whether or not there is a handful of students that still maybe need to uh fill in their avoid in their overall schedule um letters pertaining to the openhouse reminder which which is August 28th um and then of course trying to reemphasize even though the point of free males but we still want that free and reduced paperwork completed because I impacts us on uh different funding as well as classification within the uh High School leag uh we already mentioned about the donation from Shields um next it might officially completed all my course work uh through Mor at State and so that is um moving on to my fiveyear license here congratulations um next item attending the asex meeting as Dan mentioned um yeah one of the big things that uh you know this is the third time I've attended in in the previous two years it seemed like a lot of repetitive information but uh this year where we actually got to dig into sped forms and navigate through that that was really helpful because then as administrators we could now um go about viewing making sure that our students are getting the correct number of service minutes uh who has the larger case loads all those different things making sure and in the world of SP um it is a lot of paperwork and so as an administrator that's part of our role is just simply making sure that you know legally those things are being taken care of uh the other thing that Dan and now there this year was uh couple of handbooks you know so what what all principles should know about special end um Section 504 the myths and realities and then avoiding legal disputes within special EDS so um I think just real good supplemental material for both Dan and I uh the uh hope the other one I've attended the P County Crisis management meeting that was about two weeks ago it was a two-day meeting and really what it is it's it's a group of people from neighboring school districts so there's some other principes there's other uh superintendants other people that are in like social work things like that and so collectively um our role within this crisis uh group is let's just say for example there was a situation that occurred over in KRON whether it be maybe a death of a a staff member or student we would assemble and then go and assist in any way that they would feel with need of of assistance uh you know and that that that in itself was a a good supplemental uh in service as well that kind of came back to what you know Todd last year brought in uh Kelly Adams and we did Circle and stuff and So within this whole County Crisis management we Implement that as well so uh just it was nice to make the connection between the two likewise if we were to experience some type of a situation here these people would be able to come in and assist us y y and then you know and that's the whole thing and those are situations that you know again heaven forbid you ever have to face uh but you're you know there's no training for that per se you know I mean it's it's it's a situation that occurs and and you need as many uh hands of help in those situations so I'm glad to be a part of that staff are back in the building officially August 27th with our inservice as we'll touch on a little bit later uh and then Paul Sports of course they kicked off on the I believe 12th of August and so if you go to our uh School website you will see next Thursday that football swimming cross country and volleyball are all competing on that day so um and then last last thing of course the handbook and that's another agenda I so thanks okay me y all right um put down a few things that I've been uh thinking about working on others have been talking to me about but U Curry Pine's children's Child Care Center ppcc um share with me some numbers and I'm on their board over there so I kind of know the numbers but we have a three-year lease with them uh this would be year two uh but there is language in there for either side to uh to uh step out of the lease if need be um I think we're going to need to start looking for a location as soon as next school year their numbers are increasing they're not using the lower level now which is the theory that we have leased if their program continues to expand they're going to need to go into that level to be able to serve their kids and at that point in time we would be without a home so that's something we'll keep an eye on throughout the year it's somewhat easy for me to to do that as a board member of the pr P should such Child Care CER um but nonetheless U as we roll into the next January I think we'll have a pretty good idea of what our needs are going to be what their needs are going to be which then we dictate what our needs will be for next school year um we had an admin meeting uh last Wednesday um and when I um Don and Dan and I meet often but when I say admin meeting then we bring in Steve and um Ryan into those as well um covered a lot of items about the start of the year as we would do any every year at this point in time we still have some things to do when I wrote this last week uh we got some more of those things accomplished today um but we're pretty well ready to roll out the school year um and really the school year in some ways it started with our with our Paul athletic teams already starting but um when we get teachers and and staff in the building next week we'll know that we've really beun uh filing closed last Tuesday uh for the filing for the school board positions that will be uh on the ballot this fall November uh we have four candidates that filed um for and we have we'll have four open positions uh um for the general election in November uh staff in service has been talked about mle times now but begins on Tuesday at 8: a.m. um I um when we get to that I need to make note Dan of the change that we made to that Thursday schedule for the board uh good numbers again for our fif teams and their games matches are are starting here very soon uh I think we are looking for one Pera and one custodian yet to be hired uh Aluma this is concerning um Aluma is was unable to staff um positions for us at this point in time for this school year uh we've had two positions with them in years's past we knew that one person had resigned in May um and they were looking for a replacement of that person uh in about June or July the other person resigned to take a job in Jamestown Dakota um so both L people we have we have had in the past have have separated from Aluma excuse me one is separate from room and the other one is being reassigned to another school district um nonetheless we are without at this point in time that FS that creates a void for us uh kind of in our seal mental health area that is concerning to us we actually just met tonight at 5 o'clock Dan and Don and I uh we have some ideas uh we need to pursue some things this week uh we may be looking at um a staffing situation that we would bring to you um sooner than later uh do we have a contract with them they contractually out to provide someone well yes and no I mean yes they are but L out of turnup you know yeah and they have any staff they are going to be Manning that that is that offsite location now here in town an option for them our kids can go there but again that is quite a bit of different delivery than model that what we because our kids could be seen in school in town we have discussions you I'll give you their phone number it seems easy but it's not yeah it's just not we just can't they won't commit anybody to us right now can I just comment on that a a lot of the services that the offer there there's already a long waiting list so that it's like outside school ground so so what Luma was able to offer to us in our building was they were here on site MH uh so yes families and kids can go outside of the school district for L services but they're on a waiting list for months to see if they can get in yeah so that's that and so the people that they have staffed there have more than they can handle got yeah and so and um there's Insurance involved with that and billing involved with that um that's why I say it's not quite it seems like we have a huge need here you've got people right over there bring over you know but it's just not quite that easy uh if you recall back when we approved the calendar um last February or March um we had a day on there or a night on there which we're calling community service night um comes as part of a staff day one of of the one of the 180 staff dayss that our that our staff will put in uh we will be out in our community that evening um serving the community in various ways uh we will be taking uh um solicitation for service from our community in a variety of ways um we'll also be reaching out to people to see how we can help them directly but you will see our staff in our community that evening um basically doing a service project um around our community uh we think it's a great way for our for the U join hands with the community uh thank them for the things that they do for us and way for us to Cy and get back to them and as of today 14 days till SCH thank you Mr now if we move on to personal .1 so we got the 2024 fall in service schedule um so we've got teachers staff reporting um looks like starting Wednesday 21st yes as you can see August 1 through the through August 23rd is a floating dat so that's FES can put in time there but yeah we do have new teacher orientation start starting on Wednesday AUST your teachers then Monday 26th we have support staff uh orientation uh Paris or any support staff uh that fit those the job descriptions will'll attend that and then our overall formal iner starts on Tuesday the 27 so you can take a look at that and the one thing that Todd mentioned before we T talked we had to make a switch uh on Thursday from our original schedule um we had Mr yourself giving the state of the school district address uh in the morning we had switched that now to uh right before lunch due to uh I think it is due to April having time with some of our sub uh teachers or that work in our district which is a great thing so the the change is not it's a minor change um and I will say this for me personally at the elementary we were supposed to have some training from fast bridge on Tuesday that is getting changed um and I just confirmed it tonight before the meeting that is going to be switched to Thursday so there is a little bit of tweaking that still needs to happen that will only affect the elementary but the overall big part for All District employees or for everybody together was Mr s St School District was changed so you and and really what prompted that is uh we want to include our substitute teachers as many of them as as possible that can that could could come so we want to have them for lunch on Thursday as you see um in fact that includes all staff which school board members are certainly part of our staff so everyone is welcome to lunch on Thursday in order to get our substitute teachers in here and not have a disjointed day for them we tweak that so um everyone is invited to to my address at 11:15 right from the gymnasium we will come into the cafeteria have lunch and then after lunch our substitutes will meet with April on some uh some different things that she needs to share with them uh it keeps the substitutes into a condensed day rather than here leave come back that type of thing so 11:15 officially from Schoolboard standpoint you are welcome to be here if you don't care to hear me speak which that's totally your choice you can still come at noon for lunch and it'll be a lunch worthwhile that's all I'm going to say it's a lunch worthwhile you'll have to come and see if you think it's worthwhile um and um it's going to be a busy three days but it's a good three days there's tons of energy in both buildings around the district a lot of smiling faces a lot of catching up from the summer and a lot of work that goes into getting ready for the start of school year from our staff standpoint um of which should highlight as well on Wednesday the 28th open houses in both buildings beginning at 4:00 that's just information there really no action sure yeah I would think the speech would be the highlight not the me well you'll have to decide for yourself yeah I like me I know that I hope the speech does jce maybe we have some ballots perfect thank you for that overview um okay moving on to 8.2 we got some uh um consideration of tenure for teachers first one on the agenda would be uh approve not approved tenure of high school a teacher M so I second on each of these individually yeah yeah so um roll call yeah roll call vote too so um I'll make a motion to approve the tenure of myo Donovan by director Christen by director monter to approve the tenure of Mya Donovan for foston high school a teacher further discussion have a roll call vote here um mrong yes Mr monter yesler yes nson yes and kisten yes motion is approved to offer tenure to mil Donovan uh 8.2.2 approved not approved 10 year of high school English teacher Taylor second motion by director deong second by director voser to um prend to to tailor you any further discussion seeing none we'll continue with roll call vote for this question uh director deong yes Dr munter yes Dr vosler yes Dr Marcus yes director Kristen yes motion carries approve not approved tenure of elementary teacher Jessica Carlson make a motion to approve tenure for Jessica Carlson second motion by director Bosler second by director Marcus to approve tenure for Jessica Carlson any further discussion seeing none roll call vote director dong yes director munter yes director yes Marcus yes Christen yes motion is approved An approved not approved pure of elementary teacher Tiffany bwitch make a motion to approve tenure for I'll second motion by director Bosler second by director Marcus to approve tenure for 15 or which any further discussion see none continue with roll call votes director dong yes director munter yes director vosler yes director Marcus yes director Kristen yes motion carries moving on 9.0 educational 9.1 approved not approved 2024 2025 High School parent student handbook so that was distributed earlier in the week in the board packet um I think the changes were highlighted in red one question the stuff with the strike through is that stuff that's going to be eliminated then once the final version okay that's what I thought yeah everything look good appreciate the time put into it um it's definitely what we what we hold our our students accountable to and uh that's why it's so important to get it approved here too we got your back or you got our backing um I make a motion to approve the uh 2024 2025 High School parent student handbook second motion by director Kristen second and by director Marcus to approve uh the handbook any further discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed same sign motion is approved uh 9.2 approved not approved 2024 2025 Elementary School parent student handbook make a motion to approve the 2425 Elementary School parent student handbook second motion by director Marcus second by director Bosler to approve Elementary student parent handbook any further discussion thank you Mr bushy on your work with this seeing none um all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed saying sign motion carries 10. all operational so we got 10.1 um we probably approve all these bids together separ all right 10.1.1 of prove not approve a bid for milk from Prairie Farms only bid we received very consistent with what they've done in the [Music] past to approve motion by director Bosler second by director deong to approve melit from Prairie Farms any further discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppos same sign motion is approved uh .1.2 bread Bimbo Bakeries USA or panel gold we got two we got two bids there um if you compare the pricing um I think um bimble had one line item where their pricing was uh slightly better than panel gold otherwise panel Gold's pricing was was better panel gold is who we've had in the past administ TR recommendation would be to accept the v p okay do you purchase anying we do we do some but not in any great quantity okay but if if a student has a group to free diet request um our our Cooks have been able toet y I was just curious yeah I wasn't sure if it was a large enough no item we to where where we need to yeah and where we purchase that I I couldn't answer that but but I know that we do accommodate some families make a motion to approve the panel B company's uh V for bread second by director Christen seconded by director Marcus to approve panel gold bacon companies did for bread further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed same sign motion carries um 10.1.3 fuel bid one bid from Le's Oil Company um and you can see their bid in there basically we're paying the fun price minus fentral tax which would be consistent with what uh we paid in the past and we been with Le oil for a motion to approve the field B uh motion by director Christen second by director munter to approve fuel bid for the appr oil company any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I those those oppos say sign motion carries uh 10.1 for snow removal one bid from lennis s and gravel um we had another inquire but U officially no one submitted only Atlanta s and gra submitted a bid so recommendation is to accept that bid make a motion to accept the B from L motion uh to motion by director Marcus second by director BOS approve snow removal B by S gravel any further discussion seeing then all those uh in favor signify by saying I I those oppos same sign motion carries uh 10.2 certification of budget hearing for December 16th 2024 at 6:30 uh this is a requirement of us annually this is our truth and tax hearing we hold it in December U or we traditionally held it in December half hour prior to our regular school board meeting um December meeting is December 16th uh currently the schedule for 7M regular board meeting which would put our U taxation at 6:30 on that date is there B concert that night I know that pass Thursdays though when we Thursday on the schedule probably not yet if it is but um R had the our board meeting scheduled so I doubt that there is one on that date and yeah I'll I'll make a motion to schedule that uh certification on budget hearing for December 16th 2024 at 6:30 p.m second um motion by director Kristen second by director Marcus any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppos saying sign motion carries excuse me April will complete that document and submitted to the col thanks April I I don't to do it I don't think is there any uh 10.3 approve not approve student Chrome use and care policy updates I don't know Don or Dan if you can tell this from Steve um I think it's an annual thing and the um I don't know that there's any highlights to yeah is not cases will not be covered insurance the one change is that our sixth graders will charged fee and the fee will be same for everybody $25 yeah 62 [Music] 62 remember covers insurance right that's the six gr they'll be ready for snow days I'm not uh I make a motion to approve the update to the student Chromebook use and care policy motion by director Christen seconded by director monter to approve did have one question one of the highlighted things they forget their device they without the device that dat yes y the high school that's you notice that that's what that is yeah in the past we've had in the media center is basically a card a dozen computers it's could sign them out for the hour um that became a a hassle because KS that sign them out not return them or somebody may forget to uh log out the next person would then utilize that computer but under somebody else's login and so we have some issues that we to so biggest issue there was kids knew that those were there and didn't didn't take care of didn't worry about own yeah just left them at home or left him in the locker and use one all the time and that's not to intent of it so y Steve and Kathy came up with this plan trying to take responsibility as well yeah uh any further discussion motion on the table um I approve director mon seconded no further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppose same sign carries uh 10.4 approve not approved School term substitute rate increase from half day of 55 or full day rate of 110 to 6250 or full dat rate of 125 so we increased the um substitute teacher paid uh from 125 to 150 for a full day uh so half day 75 for that um and uh currently we're at 100 I we were at 110 excuse me and so we'd be bumping the par of substitute pay to 125 6250 for half day and 125 for full day the recommendation administrative recommendation would be for approval of that thank Mo appr what's a school term substitute I don't know if I'm familiar with okay yeaha uh cook um so like support staff support staff yep y y and we will have now addressed every group in our system between the do that does the handbook have to get up then yeah it would be updated that's something that never came up during it okay I don't think it's part of the it did come up um prior to this we actually you guys have to this last year prior to this um our School Employees were paid from here to here everyone was all over the place so that's why we went with a flat rate just like teachers and um but then teachers got increased so we parents know where we're at comp is it hard to find do we have a list of like sub po yes for that sort of stuff yes is it this competitive the substitute teachers yeah yeah just want to keep us competitive so we got a motion uh by director Marcus second by director Bosler to approve the rate increase for um School fa subtitute rate any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed same sign Mo cares uh 10 out five approved not approved Ed safe 6 time policy for support staff hand handbook um mandated by um earn earns safe and sick time is a new mandate from the state uh passing the legislation a year ago um this um puts it in as a part of our policy um we're following exactly what the state provides with us to follow TR help it's what it is okay motion to approve second motion by director Bosler second by director upon to approve the uh policy update for support staff handbook any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppos same sign carries uh approved not approved res can relate to election of school board members and calling the school district general election um and just procedural so to prepare for the November election let make that motion second motion by director chrison second invite director Bosler to approve resolution oh this a roll call yeah resolution okay approve uh resolution related to the election of school board members and calling the school district general election uh any further discussion hear none we have roll call vote director dupong yes director monter yes director Bosler yes director Marcus yes director Christen yes Aries uh approved not approved resolution filling School Board vacancy By Appointment um last week we had a couple interviews the policy um Personnel committee had a couple of interviews very very good candidates um and we decided to recommend will get y uh to be appointed to the open board position um there's a 30-day waiting period so we would P the um approve or not approved tonight and then he will take his position next board meeting get to that we don't get to 30 but days before our next we'll have to deal we'll have to deal with that when weed the next but right now the resolution would need a roll call vote and the name will get would be put into the resolution um so that that's this is what we're approving sure yep make a motion to approve the appointment second motion by director Bosler second by director Marcus to approve appointment of will get to open school board position any further discussion see none this be a roll call vote uh director dong yes director monter yes director Bosler yes director Marcus yes director Christen yes yeah yeah that was pretty good uh 10.8 so approve not approve transportation technology updates updates with transport so uh the the um transportation committee has seen and we have Paul on now Paul can you hear me Ken how are you doing Tod uh Paul is going to share with the entire board a uh synopis of the different options that he has presented to us uh and with the Trans committee that's making a recommendation for tonight Paul we ask Paul to to be here tonight and and just give us an overview of that um and then be able to ENT in sections so follow floor is yours all right thanks Todd do you want me to show them around the dashboard a little bit or just kind of get into the proposals I think you could just give him a quick dashboard look just so I'll do that and I'll uh I'll try to keep it brief because I know it's getting late for you guys so um are you able to see that on your screen y y okay um so unfortunately there's not a whole lot going on in our school districts this time of night so it's a little bit difficult to show you some of the live stuff but I'll certainly try um this the whole purpose behind transporting was to try to create uh proactive bus technology that will allow you to do a lot of the same things you do with the video technology in your in your schools as well as being able to tell parents and show parents exactly where their students are at all times when they're on the bus um so we are as far as I know the only company that has the ability to do the live video so I'll just show you around a couple of things so this is our dashboard so it's a web-based solution so you can have multiple people have can have access to this um traditionally all what the technology that's on school buses right now is a camera and a hard drive and the only person that seems to be able to have the opportunity to do that is the transportation director so that job gets very busy along with all the other things that Allen does in your District so the idea is to be able to spread or maybe widen that funnel a little bit so you can have your principals have access to this so Todd could have access your G leaz on officers can have access so it gives more people visibility what's going on in the buses so I'll just go over a couple of the tabs down here I call these tiles so the overview tab this is our GPS aspect so what we provide for school districts is live video second byc GPS we provide tablets with turn BYT directions uh we also have student ridership where students can scan on and off and we Al have a a an app it's called bus compass that parents can download so they would get notifications when their child got on or off the bus where the bus is you know when it's going to be at the bus stop so really helps with that communication um PA sorry to interrupt now but did you say when the kid gets on and off the bus so how how does that work do they have a do to scan in yeah so there basically it's a there's multiple ways I always use the word scan because that makes the most sense to most people but so when the bus is driving along the tablet shows the turn BYT turn directions when the bus stops in a designated area the tablet will turn from the turn-by-turn directions to all the students associated with that bus stop to either get on or off so when let's say the students are getting on the bus um there's multiple ways you can use an RFID tag so there's a little scanner there that they can you know scan the RFID tag uh you can use QR codes you can use barcodes uh you can use a 10-digit pad so there's multiple ways for the students to get on and off the bus or to you know to send notification not only to this system but also to their parents if they have the app um the tablet is also a touchpad so when that bus goes from the turn by turn to the um students there's pictures associated with that also so they can just tap their picture as well so as soon as that no ification happens it goes to the you know the bus or to the director's dashboard here and also to the parents so multiple ways for them to be able to do this um I'm just going to zoom in so this is our GPS so again if this was a typical morning um you know and this is in Liberty Missouri there'd be you know 90 buses driving all over the place but obviously it's a little late at night so I think I did find one bus that is live 473 yeah so if I click on this bus right here um this will pull up the live view that's in the bus over here at some point in time it was just working I'm not sure exactly why it's not working right now but like I said that would provide the live view into the bus um one of the systems that's very the things that's very different about our system is that what we provide for the schools it's not cameras on a hard drive we Pro provide a camera the cameras on the bus as well as a small computer on each bus we call it the attendant so on that attendant is housed the cellular that's how we do the live video we also provide Wi-Fi for all the students uh that's where the GPS is housed and also incorporates about oh there goes the live view just took a bit to kick in um so there's a live view into that bus this is in Liberty Missouri um but also on there it it incorporates about two terabytes of hard drive space so you know for your routes there you'd be able to get anywhere from about 60 to 90 days of of recorded content on that computer before it starts overwriting so this is what you can see this is a thing that's very unique about our system is that you do have the ability to watch live into the bus um not that you're going to be sitting and watching the bus go down the road but again if you think about the technology you have in your buildings this is the technology you have there's someplace that you have the ability to to pull up all the screens you can you can live look at live video you can go back in time um and it just makes things much much more proactive um so that that's the GPS aspect of this so you know you can Allan would be able to see and again you could have mult multiple screens with this you know in other buildings if they want to be able to see where all their buses are um another tab here is the buses tab so if I click on that this would give you um kind of where all the buses are again they have about a 100 buses in this particular place um this bus this 432 432 so this one now is pulled into the the bus garage but you can see it's still live so the bus is turned off so what happens is our system will stay live for about and you can set it however you want anywhere from about one to six hours so the idea being is that let say um the buses get back to the bus garage after morning um Allen gets a phone call parents upset about something that happened on the bus the typical answer would be hey you know you hold I I need to get back to you I need to find the hard drive and I need to look into this with our system you can actually go directly into that so I could just ask the parent what bus 432 I can click on that you can see now that the bus is connected to the Wi-Fi so you do need to have Wi-Fi on your bus lot so if I just scroll down a little bit and if I go into this review recent video so this you know you can see this bus has Le live I guess uh for about two minutes um but you can you know go into any of these other times here um so you can actually have the ability while that parent is on the phone to be able to say okay what time did this happen well happened about 7:30 the phone call came in um this particular camera or bus has four different cameras you could ask where does the uh where did your child sit usually towards the middle of the bus so here's the middle of the bus um so you can go directly to that timeline okay yep I see your daughter she's got a blue jacket on right yep yeah I see what's going on here it's just much more proactive situation to be able to do that and you know again with our cameras you do have the ability to scan in you can see the clarity of this um and this is actually only in our mid um mid-range our cameras are recording low medium and high definition so um makes it much more proactive very much like the technology have in your buildings um the offloaded video this is where the offloaded video sits so let's say if you actually have something that happen you want to keep it and you can keep it indefinitely this is where the offloaded video would reside um so that you know if Allen says well okay I'm going to download this video he could tell the elementary principal hey going to bus 502 um it's on you know August 14th and you you could click here and that would get the video to upload sometimes it takes a minute to pull it up this isn't the high definition there it goes so this is the the video that was offloaded so you can see the video and at the same time you can see directly on the GPS screen where the bus is um so again the ability to widen that funnel make things more efficient be able to get resolution so things much quicker is really really um this is a really strong system for that um you can also monitor buses live so I kind of view this as a recruitment tool and a retention tool for your drivers you and guys as board members I'm sure are aware that of the struggles that we have with you know keeping in recruiting bus drivers so this is a way where Allen or again the principles would have the ability to monitor buses so let's say you've got a couple two three buses that are giving the bus driver more trouble you can actually monitor them live um and be able to see kind of what's going on and then the other thing about it is we have the ability to talk into the buses um so I don't want to misrepresent this this is not a live two-way conversation so basically if you're monitoring the bus and you want to talk into it you click the plus sign here you'd hit start recording talk to the computer as I am hit stop recording and then you hit play that would take over the audio system in the bus and you know that announcement would be made so like knock it on yeah exactly so I've seen it done once live and it's been it was really startling to the students um it was quite kind of interesting to watch because ever since buses have been around this has been kind of an anonymous ride so not so much with our technology anymore and then uh I think you guys asked a little bit about um I'm going to go into a different account here um asked a little bit about student scanning on and off so once a student scans on or off so you know again there's been times where I'm sure it's happened in pretty much every District you know Bobby was supposed to get off here but Bobby didn't and Bobby's a second grader and he doesn't know his you know phone number you know whatever the case might be so there's a panic parent everybody's panicking so with our system let's say if I click on this so please keep in mind this is My Demo account um so let's say I am looking for let's say myself I'm not in there so that's say I'm looking for Brad Pit so I just need to click on Brad Pitt's name and you can see it pulls up the picture it pulls all this student data that's pulled in from your student information system and then if you scroll all the way down to the bottom down here where it says recent activity I haven't done with this anything with this in a while now but right here is where it would say exactly where Brad got on or off the bus even if it was the wrong stop or the wrong bus um that's a whole another story but it would notify not only this system but the parents app of where that student got on or off the bus so within about three clicks of a of a mouse you'd be able to tell that parent exactly where that student got on or off and there's even a link that's associated with um our system takes like snapshots of any event that happens so when a student scans on or scans off that's considered an event so when you clicked on that Student's name you'd be able to even see the picture of the student that got that was scanning on or off so you could even reassure the parent hey yep I saw I saw Bobby get off this is the address he had his blue jacket on and again a very good way to take a very panicky parent and and setting them at ease and then this is the bus Compass so you have the ability for bus Compass to be able to p out notifications so you can push it out to the entire student body if you wanted to or you can get very granular and you can actually just push it out let's say a bus breaks down um you can push it out to the students or to the parents or the students that are on the bus because you know exactly who's on and um you can tell the parent you know the bus broke down everybody's fine another bus is on the way but you can also communicate with the parents of the students that aren't on the bus yet you know letting them know that there's going to be a delay so it's a really good um communication tool with the parents and then lastly there's an alerts button here there's lots more to this but I I I wanted to try to keep this short for you guys um the alerts button basically would tell you if there's an issue with any of the cameras or anything on your bus because right now the only way that you can tell if your cameras or the hard drive is not working is that Allen's physically got to crawl on there and test to see if they're working with ours it will give you an alert and a warning saying like ethernet disconnect is one where there's a camera issue so we have actually Four live people that live in Kansas City everything we make is manufactured in the United States except the tablet it's manufactured in the Kansas City area but we also have four people that uh are customer service they all speak English they all answer the phone they return emails we actually want to have a relationship with our districts we have monthly check-ins so um but on this alert section if there's a camera that's not working they they could work with Allen to troubleshoot a lot of times they can remotely crawl on and find out what's going on they you know they can they can do a lot of things from our end if we can't do it if we can't get it up and running we'll send you a new camera we have a four-year warranty in all our parts we'll send you a camera we just ask you take the old one out put it back in the box and ship it back to us so lot of Technology here um that's a very very quick overview um any questions on this no appreciate that Paul I was just kind of curious I mean I see Professional installation what's the turnaround time for getting something installed in the buses well that's a good question um I've been talking to our install team because I've got some other there's another District in Wisconsin um that is we're trying to get installed so making the assumption that you guys are going to be moving forward it would be sometime in the next week or two that and could you go through the difference in these three options yep I'm going to stop sharing [Music] here all right um do you have the the ones in front of you yeah yeah okay so there's three different levels and the it's safe safer and safest so our safe is our basee level so with the base level includes um the live video the GPS uh the wifi the software that I showed you the director's dashboard um that's what's included in that particular option and then you can see the number of cameras that we have included in um and that was that's um what Allan said he he'd like to have on the buses so that's level the safest safe is the the B kind of the base level safer we add in a tablet so with the tablet comes the turn-by-turn directions so we can digitally get all your routes put into our system and then you know it it operates very much like your phone does so it'll show you where it go it's got printed directions and this also has audible directions for your drivers so it's great for your subs great for new drivers um to make things a lot less stressful on that tablet every single route will be on every single tablet so if bus one usually runs route one but it needs to run route two you would simply just select a different route on there on the tablet and it's basically for the drivers you just you're basically touching the tablet twice and the directions pop up I'm sorry what was that will that tablet will it let's say there's a family on vacation or whatever or whatever and you don't have to pick those kids up will it optimize the route can you this week know it it it won't we the reason being is that we we won't let it it certainly could um but you know there's certain roads that you know you maybe don't want your buses going down and the reason we don't optimize is because of that we want to make sure that if there is a change in routes that Allen has to approve that route um it's you know you just don't want to those buses going down a dead end Road or something you know whatever it happened might be so and then the go ahead if a kid from another bus let's say they're you know going home with little Timmy on Friday for a sleepover it still be able track you know said he got on bus five instead of bus six and got off with his friend at at his house yeah so it'll still track it so what'll happen is when that students either scans or scans on or off the bus again I use the word scan but um a warning will pop up on the tablet it'll beep beep for the driver to notice that hey this is the wrong stop or the wrong bus so the driver has the ability to accept or deny so if they deny then obviously they're not going to get on the bus if they accept that then you know those notifications will go out to the parents as well so we would have to Paul just let me edit a little bit here we would have to come up with our protocol to allow that and because right now kids get on any bus and I'm sure our drivers don't don't check that necessarily but like a note or a principal approval for Timmy to go home with Johnny tonight and show them you know show the bus driver or something so he can accept that kid because I think the default would be not to accept not to let those kids on because is a the thing the two kids align or did the parents align you know schedule it up and conversely on a middle school kid particular or a little older child they may choose to get off before they're supposed to or or not get on or whatever and again we wouldn't want to be able to notify parents you know little Johnny didn't didn't do what he was supposed to do and he got off at Freddy's house until we can tell the parents that yeah and if the parents have the app they'd get notification that as well too so oh they would yeah right great um then the the last level is the safest and again now that one incorporates the student ridership you know with the scanner or you know whatever it is uh and we provide though that that is part of our um proposal to you is that we provide whatever the mechanism for you to be able to one mechanism to be able to get your students on and off the buses and the parent app I guess I should mention oh by the way before I forget to mention this because I always do um everything I showed you on that dashboard you can do on your phone or tablet as well then Alan I I did include um see I did include this uh transport and solutions uh Ting management and Technology advancement I don't know I've got it as additional yeah it would be what what is that so a lot of our smaller districts you know because you know most of our transportation directors are getting pulled 12 different ways where they kind of run into the cameras and the GPS and all that that's kind of it's very simple we install and it starts working and it's great there is some work to be able to get those routes put in um so a lot of times we kind of run into roadblocks there so we actually have a trans a former Transportation director that works for us now and so we're offering a the ability for that person or his name's Jeff to be able to build the routes and get them into your system um also get all the students in there so it kind of gets you over the hump and then from that point on Allen would have the ability to kind of maintain the routes because your routes probably don't change a whole lot year to year so it's just kind of getting that it's that one time okay we need to get all these routes in there so that we can get up and running with this so um that was a struggle for a lot of our smaller districts because they just don't have a lot of the resources our bigger ones do so we've just implemented this and it's been very very helpful and very well received by some of our smaller to mediumsized districts and that's at $125 per bus is that per bus y not per Road per bus so we understand there's probably more than one route per bus but you know we just figure that in and then uh last St Paul that I have is uh just the lease payment option uh spread out over four years is that accurate yes so it's called a fair fair market value lease so you know you it's it's not a lease owned but it's a fair market value so meaning that there'll be a residual value left at the end of that so every four years you guys would get new equipment but you're taking all of The Upfront cost the installation cost and then four years of subscription fees kind lump it all together add about 90% interest so it comes out to about 2% a year it's very cheap um and then divide it by four and those would be your four monthly or four yearly payments so it's a way to kind of offset some of the maybe upfront cost that you wouldn't occur in one year so for you at the end of those four years then you say we need to create a new lease yeah you can either buy out the remaining value which you know I this is kind of new us so I can't really honestly answer what that number would be it wouldn't be much um or that you would just continue on with those lease payments and you'd get new it's like leasing a car basically you'd get new you know the upgraded equipment and all so if we were to purchase the total up or pay for the total upfront cost yep do you expect the technology to be good Beyond four years yes um the main piece in that technology is what we call the attendant or that computer so this version which is all solid state now it's been operating at a really high level that was just released last July not sorry not this past July the year before so it's been out for about a year camera technology we built all our cameras these the cameras you guys would receive would be our brand new ones so um that technology doesn't change a whole b a whole bunch they're the only piece that would be you know that attendant so um you we have districts right now that are on their sixth year with our version three attendant and they're operating just fine okay then last last question sorry no worries there is an annual fee to run the system correct okay is that included where it says total purchase price of Hardware installation and four years of subscription fees that's correct y that total yep all right any other questions for Paul thanks for the opportunity guys I appreciate your time um good yeah good all right we're gonna sign off Paul thank you all right just you feel free to call if you have any questions I'm just hanging out we'll be in touch with you tomorrow sometime sounds good appreciate it yep thank you by Ellen what do you think I've been kind of going back and forth on Leasing and uh buying it outright um with the leasing gets less money out outright but then if something does happen down the line I'll say six years down the road which I don't you know nobody can tell for tell to see future um it would be nice to have the latest and the greatest because if you go by your cell phones they're constantly being outdated you know no matter what anybody says technolog is always going to try to get better um unless something happens Revenue trashs but either way I think we'd be fine we're small enough I don't think we're going to even touch like I plan to take care of the stuff a lot better um and I mean yes there's possibility of a student reaching up slot knocking down breaking a camera whatever but the actual updating a camera versus updating everything every four years I guess I I kind of was hoping you guys make that decision because I I'm torn between them both yeah because I think the technology would still be there for what we would need it for the cameras the quality of the cameras I can't foresee that going bad in the next 10 years you know but I don't know that's kind of where I'm at on it I guess sure uh Don and Dan I suppose I mean what are your thoughts as far as having this Tye technology I mean it it's great I you look at the big picture but my biggest thing is if you're spending this money it has to be used and we have to be well trained and skilled in this and then you have to have people to do it um I mean how much of the this can on your end and you know what I'm saying like what do you mean question I guess I mean with all the features to it I mean like do we need all those features and then if we who's going to monitor it all the time I think you don't have to monitor it's just there where something should come up should come up or like let's because um just a little bit I was here because I started mayil this year um there was many times I wish we had cameras on the buses yeah for accusations made oh left behind just different you know jimy slot Joe you know we have no proof of it here you can pull it up say hey here's what your current's doing our biggest thing I think is stabbing to the seats you know that that's a huge cost that takes my time to replace it they could take anywhere from an hour to three hours to replace depending on the bus you know that would that'd be a huge Savor cuz you know if you call a kid out we don't have a side and SE you call a kid off well then you got Mom and Dad call and say you can't accuse my kid well if you got that on camera I'm sorry there's no there's no argument like that no and I I think it's great it's just and I that's the same frustration I have is when the camera's not working or you can't get you of something but let's say we we able to add more cameras on buses and you know as he he mentioned proactive and I understand that too but when we do have cameras on kids and you see what happens it's dealt with yeah do we need all the bells and whistles of this the tracking on and off would be nice you know just because bus drivers especially sub ain't going to remember all the kids SN they you end up getting off at the wrong stop they're scanning on you know exactly where the kids at and do that scan is that only available with options so when I yeah I was recommend the highest option just because they can all use their lunch numbers they wouldn't have to carry a fob they wouldn't have to carry a scanner everybody knows their lunch and it into the 10 when they get on when they just like when going to much the bus drivers you're covering bus drivers you know but the way the world goes is going everybody's super happy everybody's this you know it's it's it's an extra protection for this because the parents know my kids were going to school in Fargo and I recognize big difference right in student population my son got on the wrong bus got dropped off somewhere this like day four of like my first year here he's talking about a panicking parent yeah I mean I'm two hours away what do I do where is he this whole idea of scanning on scanning off being able to track and like I said I get it this is we're much smaller but um I also agree with the fact that when we have a self bus driver you they're not going to know everybody and that they get off the right spot and just different things of that nature I and I think just even for ease of driving for the driver because it's turn by turn y turn by turn I mean wonder if you could create a less intimidating environment for potential drivers not having to memorize see the bus doesn't have to do anything to that all be up it's all there so I'm saying like if I was up I was thinking about driving bus like that we're trying to remember rout that's a nightmare to try to figure out now it's on the iPad I drive that's easy think any I think with any technology we buy from the district whether it's something like this we' talked to cameras we've talked you know Safety and Security we just we just have to caution ourselves that we're over buying um I think Dan raises some good questions there and then we also have to think about the user friendliness of the technology um and and the ability for our staff to be able to to run it uh school starts in 14 days yeah yeah uh thinking of trying to have this and and if that's something that we're looking at doing that option for them to upload all their alts yeah 2 bu a bus 14 buses yeah what about the change of all the student information because that's going to fluctuate like who will be updating you know if we went for that overs I think it connect so as soon as Lana Michelle adds a student into our Synergy system it should automatically go you just have to assign them to a route yes y we haven't had working cameras and buses for how many there's none that we're going to need the buses so let's let's go down that rout I mean let's bu I mean I'm just what it let's buy new cameras for our buses does that get us what enough of what we need or is is this the technology we need we're operating with no campus right now uh we put cameras on but not the not the web based system that this is when our cameras were working in the past what would be a process St yeah well it's so Johnny's mom calls and says something happen limited when they are working limited One camera Ang so then you f actually see what's that what I like about it is like all of our buses if we have four Camas on yeah so you can see every said you could zoom in and read what they have on phone yeah because uh the the system currently have you have one camera maybe some will have two front and back something happens in the middle you can't see it and it's the angle of it like when you show showed the the side angle you can see like six to eight seats there that's something bad's going to happen it's going to happen there in between the seats when you're looking straight down towards the back or coming back to the front so that that is I think the biggest thing if we have live cameras that's going to be very proactive because all kids are I mean for us to be able to call a driver and say uh or go on the speaker and Johnny you better you know or whatever that's very practive because I think that would slow down a lot of The Cutting are watching yours are listening um and that that's what I'm saying can we accomplish the same thing by just adding new cameras on buses and more cameras on buses problem I'm with looking for cameras um getting someone to come and put them in yeah um the quality of them I have i' I've looked at a lot i' I've called many different companies um this Transcendent is a One-Stop shop that's our tracking our buses none 90% of the tractors that are around the buses now do not work they check engine lights like nobody else in business yeah we constantly have dash lights on I unplugged the tractors on the buses now that that we have on them and all my check Eng lights went off see that's you won't have that problem and that's a good asset too because and the way understand you can send it to where parent if it's an extra curricular activity they can track the bus or even a r School Ro I mean so there's there's a lot of benefits it's just a lot money so for the highest option it looks like the theast is about 31 Grand per per year for the next four years it's option for the oh 35 we have anything budged if you do go with the lease option 35 Grand is a decent chunk of change over the next four years but it's not 130 yeah right up up front it's would be I mean I thinking what are you thinking a I mean a Bome would be at the end of four years imag a ton 10% I don't know so if it if it comes out to about 2% a year in interest I think the r creation is priceless yeah I mean that is especially with the crunch we're on to getting our be too how many of our drivers all I've kind of touch based with most of the drivers already about possibly getting this in the bus they were all game they were a little skeptical at first um just because of the technology set of things I said but you won't have to really touch anything it's up to the students to punch in and punch off once you turn that key on that tablet's turning on and it will load up operate itself you just got to select the route in the morning um we can have you know the guys the ones that come and install them we can have everybody come and go through the demo right there okay you know all the bus drivers whatever day they come let's say they come Tuesday of next week whatever so I'll send out a memo to all the bus the the full-time bus drivers to come in and hey we're we're going to get a pres presentation done on how to operate these computers well you you probably want to include all our subs yeah all the subs too I didn't ask the question I don't know if you did that on like kids scanning in scanning out how much does that affect the r l the r length yeah they it's no different than them coming on they just hit their passcode walk in yeah and we can all we've all seen how quick kids can touch those tablets so the driver would have to en force that yeah a master list in case someone forgets it their numbers might take a little longer till they iond CL say let's let's try it it sounds like a good Safety and Security for the kids peace of mind you go the RFID option is that more or no they include one option we just have to pick which option whether it's the just the touch screen the keypad or the barode code I think you just want the simplest one to me seems like right you're not worried okay again this did come through Transportation committee um so they have a recommendation as well was that it was recommended that we bring it before the full board report the transportation committee's recommendation I don't want to put words in your mouth was to approve option three I believe I think the the ridership piece was I've been in a panic when my daughter went to goly when Boston trying to find her they on buses you know it's a panic I think if you if you solve one of those problems it's probably paid for itself and panic the Wi-Fi on the bus I think is important for there for some of our studious kids toti that I did I did ask him if it would work on on our way to Roso he said yes we passed it yeah we didn't so we didn't believe it I make a motion that we approve option three with a fouryear lease second second motion by director Christen second by director P um to approve purchase of option three or your lease option ask a question how about the the extra 125 per bus include that as well yeah yeah we don't want Alan's fingers bleeding from [Music] stuff how do we get all this information out I mean we're a little bit behind the aall here oh do you want to have that discussion before we vote on can we have back to school night back to school night that you have transportation table there's always a table for Buss and stuff have a packet of information sure they've gotu for parents Info app and whatever else to come that night also he's can answer more questions yeah I would say s him at the elementary school right have but that's all we have isan a so would it go on when we say 14 buses what are we all including in that 14 bus is all all our bu we buses everything if we can have this open well let let's just say we can what does that mean so first day of school we we roll or second week school yeah and we Implement when we can um as soon as we can um but we have to train our drivers so that might require I'm just thinking a Saturday possibly training or something like that or they could have training between yeah they come in from the morning training right between routes of course our district White staff is going to have to go comes teer I my my gut says rather than Hur it I we're going to move as fast as we can but if we're not ready even if fully ready I don't think we try to provide well this is what it's going to do or you know I think we need be ready to say this is what it will do and it's going to go into effect September 15th or you know whatever that date is certainly we want to go as fast as we can but we don't want step forward and have come back I agree I mean the buses obviously can run on the first day they run on the first day for 100 years okay any further discussion so motion on able to approve option three with added rting routing all those of favor signify by saying I I those oppos same sign motion carries what's P9 purchase a BS I forgot about it okay so Pro not approve uh purchase of the school bus yeah you can see the bid that um is in the packet um Alan done a lot of work on that this spring we were trying to decide what the best route would be we were looking for a pusher an alcohol Pusher SN noose bus we were unable to to to find one um to purchase it had a few miles on it they use um the new one is priced just incredibly 189,000 yeah we just didn't think that we that that would be worth our money so we but we're looking for a large bus that be can be that can be used as an activity bus and we're getting times when we are taking multiple levels of teams to contest now um and so a large activity bus is really needed we have currently we have our activity bus uh what passengers 702 72 71 I think 71 so this is like two more seats uh and when you see the 71 or 77 that's three people to a seat obviously we don't travel that way our kids so about two OB two3 of those num uh we looked for used ones um we were unable to find those every everyone might be doing the same thing we're doing so the bottom line is this is a price of a brand new bus that would be predominantly an activity bus for us um and uh it is available um as late as today it's still available um and the purchase price is$ 127,128 we would be looking to rid ourselves of two buses one time in May or June they agreed to take two buses of ours as on trade they've now rescinded that um I will still pursue that heavily that we could trade those two buses at 8,000 4,000 4,000 total if you recall last year when we sold the bus we we got SO trading would be our best route if we are unable to stke the deal with and trading it um we would sell two buses out on as but we need do want to and need to um bring ourselves of those two buses get them off of our insurance get them L of our bus garages um they're not serving us right right now budget wise um we have 100 a line item for new bus at 120,000 so this just slightly over that so from a budget standpoint we have budgeted for this call last year we did not purchase a bus we did two years ago did they deliver they have it on the lock in s cloud um I don't know if you guys have seen bus 21 Nancy drove last year um it's identical to that bus but twoot longer is that one with the white to yep yes I think jeans so we would have it the one we bought it's the same that 2021 the gas you guys bought one we bought at school board I think so Mo to approve the new bus from North Central bus equipment for the tra tra yes I know you res that please I make a motion to approve the bus purchase from North Central bus equipment for the amount on the quote 127,128 motion by director theong second by director vosler to uh make purchase as uh bid any further [Music] discussion seeing hearing none all those in favor signifies by saying I I those oppos same sign from carries thank you uh 10 10 approve not approved purchase of suburban was this budgeted not so we have a a bid from feber who we purchased Suburban a Suburban from two years ago uh in talking with Mr hanlin talking with some of our coaches uh talking with our principles regarding special a transportation um the need for third Suburban U is there um especially in the spring of the year we have multiple smaller activities um needing Transportation um we have had in the past where we've taken a bus or a SP for a group of kids that could ride in the Suburban because we just we hav't tied up with a route depending on the time of day and that's why the spring is a little more difficult because our two golf teams travel in the spring often times during the school day um this one's a little bit iffy I'll be honest um can we operate without it we have would it enhance our transportation department and our fleets of school get a wood um this is a good price it's fair price um so that that's information I have this consider a class three vehicle right correct how many class three vehicles do we currently have that can the problem students right we have three we have B and two sub um how close is the other Suburban to being in the van for that matter the van's got be Van's got the lowest mile but isn't it you're only allowed 10 years aren't you no that's oh that stipulation is gone it used to be that you could only once it was 10 years old no matter what condition was that's not true as far as hauling students we can still use it as a okay the 2017 Suburban get into about 170,000 miles on it already so that one does that one is used to pick up for this vehicle majority of the time so [Music] that the other the 2023 pretty close my any buses in the spring as much I spend money on something that wasn't well this is going to be mainly used in the spring well no just the heest crunch yeah but this is going to be used first one checked out amongst all well Alan he probably students during the weeks as well whatever we need yeah we have a lot of expenditure tonight in regards to Transportation U and I'm not not saying it's not need stuff really isn't I think we're we're taking some steps forward in our conation department um that are needed so I I support them but a lot of money how long is there quote valid is it something maybe look at where we're at budget wise come December or January we can't be sure that it'll be there but right right yeah I mean they built it he said I've got an opportunity to order one um it's a what they call Fleet yeah so it's it's not it's fancy which fine serves our needs uh there's no op obviously for us to buy it but he called me when he was ordering said I going order one um you know where you at I said well we're thinking about purchasing one um but I said we we're not committed to that yet he said that's no problem I'm just going to build it like building get out a lot so choose you choose we get first we're not obligated thoughts from other directors I've been part of the vehicle crunch in Spring but we've always somehow seemed to make it work it's easy for me to say I'm not the one doing the headache and the tetris but but I mean they could use the mini bus too I mean it's yeah it would be nice to have another three we have two mini buses I going to make the motion not to approve the purchase of the subur at this time I think we need motion for that approve or not approve on AC or you could just we could we could table it till the December meeting and evaluate it that okay make a motion to table at December board meeting to reevaluate second oh you did motion by director Christen second by director M to table uh item 1010 purchase of new Suburban SU board meeting there a discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I those post same sign motion carries uh 11.0 any reports call that additional comments remember this for next year I anybody that's taken notes for uh June July all right 13.0 we got how are you doing we got next meeting well I want to talk about the next meeting so the appointment of Will has a 30-day waiting period for anyone because it's ano appointment by the board it can be challenged so that there's a 30-day waiting period um if you count 30 days starting tomorrow is day one our next board meeting comes before 30 days I think it's important that we'll participate in the next meeting so that's um a possibility would be September 19th which would be Thursday or wait an entire week and come on September 23rd so the 16th is the absolute earliest EnV because the third Monday [Music] so U to the Thursday the 19th or Monday the 23rd would be us oer see kind of pointless because at that point now we're done with two months or two meetings that he reelection mov to the 23rd then it's still on a Monday yeah I think that makes more s for people it's a Monday um consistent with when we meet let's do that and I make a motion to adjourn second motion second favor signified saying I Todd it was almost G time I've seen you crack three times