##VIDEO ID:SPmN8rZVxPc## you guys com I to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for allion ladies genten welcome to the visitors this evening um we do have a quum we are missing uh director getch and director weight but everybody else is in attendance um moving on to approval of the agenda no changes to the agenda as distributed motion by director Bosler second by director Marcus to approve the agenda as distributed any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed same sign carries uh 3.0 consent agenda under the consent agenda we've got 3.1 minutes from regular meeting September 23rd uh 3.2 minutes from special board meeting October 7th 3.3 Finance checks and wirers 3.4 payroll checks and direct deposits 3.5 fund balance report 3.6 expense revenue report 3.7 Bond report 3.8 hire of part-time es par professional Desiree Kelly anding background check you notice I put the financial reports in the consent agenda this month um kind of after our work session I think if you know we can always pull that out but most times you know we just I read to what you already have so if there's ever time you want to pull one out but I thought this might be a better place for them going forward you get them ahead of time um so that was just a thought that I had if that's not suffice we can certainly put it back any discussion on consent agenda motion make motion to approve the con agenda second motion by director Marcus seconded by director M to approve the consent agenda any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I those opposed same sign is approved uh any public comments second Miss t com thank you uh 5.0 student staff constituent report um that high school student council is the first she send you an email one time today oh we did all our games on Thursday teach we football for we had OPP Forton and 133 and dri 921 because we have 32 spots available and N that have to be fil you have to be 16 or order to participate if you're interested in you can sign up to the V Talent website contacting thisen High School hi I'm Sky the Secretary of house and Council this year our Summit is next Friday it's going to be the Sacred Heart School and an all day event we leave before school and we get back at the end of the school day so we won't miss any activities um we are serve breakfast and lunch and then there also concessions this year and all the funds from that are going to be going to the state service project another aspect about the Summit is that our schools share ideas about flood drives fundraisers that's I 1 minute and 15 seconds good as soon compile the videos in the very last part cut [Music] [Music] off uh moving on 5 out2 Elementary student leaders hello my name is Elanor Anderson and I'm in fourth grade and my name is nor and I'm in sixth grade and I'm and I'm in sixth grade last month we celebrated homecoming week we had fun dress up days all three of our favorite was farmer day you could dress up like a farmer or your favorite farm animal we sold gr beini babies ey blacks tattoos and C cake pops to students this is the Greyhound be baby we ALS we made $1,100 that we are deciding as a group how to use the money and for among and Mondays um student leaders sign up for it and then we do the pledge allegiance birthdays and the lunch and then we also did something new social emotional topic is we have a quote for the week um we received a 1,220 grant from the auson Education Foundation so that we could go to the character challenge course we thank the foston Education Foundation for the gener donation Mander took the student leaders on a full day trip to Park Rapids on October 10th um we talked about communicating and how to trust one another and facing our fears being brave and how to push each other push ourselves being a leader and saying kind St to others to we [Music] [Music] [Music] one more all right wow that's Funia [Music] I would say to get bra okay hard to think when [Music] you're hold him strong good job Isa almost there on [Music] ch very do you have any questions for what was your favorite activity as the challenge um my favorite was the character challenge my favorite was my favorite it was really cool how everybody was encouraging whoever was you know climbing or jumping or anything like that how many how many students left 18 is that all those and this is an annual event our third year third annual year y you mentioned that you had dress up day and you could dress up like a farmer or an animal um did you guys dress up as what okay many KS dress up as an animal kind I think a lot more people dress up as Farmers than can yeah easier excellent any other questions for the girls thanks for coming nice J thank you Miss Amanda thank you uh Finance accept not accept donations to the school district um 611 fost FFA alumni give to local FFA chapter we've received a gift from the alumni uh in the form of a chat um dedicated to our locala that will go into the funds that the FFA uh keeps uh and um use for a variety of travel and activities that they participate in excuse me throughout the year so thank thank you to the night for that gift ween been saying that I can do that for you later signicant make a motion to accept the donation from FF alumni motion by director Christen second by director Bosler to accept the donation from f night to local FFA chapter any further discussion hearing none all those bear signify they saying I those oppos say sign Mo carries 62 Brian is here from BR marks and um with our final audit um we're gonna give him the floor and uh he's going to walk you through I think you got a hard copy all or most of you uh all the board members at least right and U it'll go through it and then if we have any questions obviously Brian will stand for those questions his yeah thank you um and uh for for w for for for for for for any restricted purpose so that's kind of the the number that we're going to use as we look in the graphs and one of the things that we do for Financial Health is we'll take that number divided by your general fund expenditures and you're at 20% so I think that's kind of where you've been in the last few years and and what you're striving for um anything under 10% would be probably unhealthy so to speak um 15 to 30% is kind of where we see most districts try to end up it so 20% like I said it's a it's a good spot we'll get into a little bit more detail when we get to the back of the financials all the funds uh at your end also do have positive fund balances so another thing that we kind of look for for Financial Health page 19 this shows the difference between the crer and prior year uh three lines from the bottom the overall change was a positive $168,500 the general fund was up almost $300,000 um 297 283 and that was after some transfers uh to the community service fund uh to cover one of the deficits we'll get to that here in a second as well so um the next several Pages which should be Pages 21 through 46 are the footnotes to the financial statements if you're looking for debt schedules fixed asset activity net pension liability information you're going to find it in that section we go back at any questions but for right now let's go to page 47 page 47 is the budgetary comparison schedule for the general fund the number that you see in the bottom right corner is the overall difference between your final budget and actual so a positive variance of 28,9 62 so you your final budget expected to be up for basically break even up $8,300 ended up 297 283 so a good variance combination of uh increased revenues um and then like we oftentimes see when we do have increased revenues you also have increased expenses because there A lot of times they programs that you receive so you receive and spend the same amount of money the other things is the leases and subscription based it Arrangements those are once again kind of accounting exercises but you're going to see maybe quarter away from the bottom that issuance of leases and spit as 352 132 that same number is included in the capital outlay line as well so the expense is also Higher by that amount just to kind of give you an idea that now like not like you overspent your budget by 375 525 a big portion of that was the issuance of leases and spits and leases historically would only be shown on your financial statements for Capital related leases like if you leased a bus Etc but now it's any kind of Le that you have so if you're leasing a building land all that stuff gets rolled into the financial statements but once again that kind of offsets each other in total just by section it's a little bit deceiving I'll say Pages 53 and 54 this breaks down your food service and community service fund so if you're looking for your activity in those sections those are uh on those two pages page 55 this page is your scheduled changes in fund balances so it's another way to kind of see how the year went by different category the call that we kind of look at is the third from the right where you see the upars balance end of year and so what we're looking for here the deficits um really only thing that we ran across is School Readiness um you can see that one has a deficit of about 41,000 set of 20 which is covered through a different uh positive fund balance as well in that fund but just something to keep an eye on because you can see the the year started for school at 10,771 and then went down quite a bit during the year so if that continues which you know that's obviously kind of depends on what programs you have but if that continues you might have a annual transfer to make to cover that deficit each year so it's hard to know on a one year if that's an anomaly or if that's something that you're budgeting to spend extra money for School Readiness but just something that like I said to maybe keep call on as far as the is going some of that is from how we've reclassified those employees in School Readiness um they're being paid differently they're being paid off the master contract with benefits and that's different than what it used to be so that's a anticipating piece to that yeah and that's often times what we see and I and like you did this year where you transferred some money basically to make that hole or in total hole um you just don't want that to be showing a huge deficit in growing and growing and then a positive in let's say the general fund because it's really subsidizing it just like you did just so like I said to to keep an eye on going forward um page 56 is the Minnesota legal compliance letter this is a uh state of Minnesota provides us with a guide where we test things like your pledge collateral uh any bid work conflicts of interest we have a clean report here so no issues uh during that testing Pages 57 and 58 is the government auditing standards report we have three findings in this section uh virtually all districts have the first two findings uh which is auditor preparation of financial statements and adjusting journal entries as well as separation of Duties and so those things they exist we do think you have things in place to help reduce those risks um such as reviewing and approving the financial statements that before we drafted them up and then reviewing and approving bills um but the risks are still there um the third one is also related to the single audit which I'll get to in a second um there was just one wage rate that we were unable to find an approval on the actual wage rate so once again nothing that we found that you know was out of the ordinary it's just when we look at General controls you either have them or you don't and so we found one that you didn't have um and that's on pages 59 through 61 this is the uniform guidance report also known as a single audit because you're receiving and spending over $750,000 in federal Awards you have to have a special single audit and uh We've issued an unmodified opinion on your Esser program so we tested that this year uh with that one finding where the person that was getting paid out of Hesser um didn't have the approval of the weight rate so same same thing there um that's the only thing that we had during that testing and then finally on page 62 this just shows the different buckets of money that you're spending for federal Awards um 1,692 26 the threshold is changing from $750,000 to a million dollar so you're going to be kind of right on teetering right on there um now that Esther money is basically spent down I would anticipate you probably aren't going to have a single a going forward which everybody usually likes uh so anyway I would uh open up for any questions anybody might have on the auto report is there a line in here that says what portion or what dollar amount or spending was estra dollars last year uh like your total expenditures or just I'm sorry revenue from SRA dollars oh um the so on page 62 if you look there three lines to the bottom your Esther dollars because they basically offset with the expenditure so you're going to get in and out of the same amount so 44,000 okay and you know depending on how you use those funds you know if districts supplanted other funds you know just keep that in mind going forward that that money will no longer be there to spend if you spent it on one time things that's a different story but a lot of districts did use it for salaries Etc so that money does go away so yeah good question and we can C Circle back if there's any question more questions on that let's go to the management report that way we can kind of space there and there might be a question on the graphs that you notice uh the management letter is basically a two-part report where we go through things that we noticed throughout the audit um that b yard isn't a big deal but maybe you want to implement something the first one is procurement purchasing policy since you do receive some federal dollars maybe you want to take a peek at the uh your procurement pry and update that so that it's in accordance with uniform guidance um we can offer you some suggestions there if you're looking for something but there's just some verbage that's required for conflicts of interest and then different purchasing thresholds um the state of Minnesota also has different thresholds but um just just a good idea to have something that applies to the federal thresholds as well and then like I said before the graphs show five years wor of data so you can see your first graph is the unassigned fund balance which as I mentioned before is your available dollars that aren't restricted that has been trending upwards since 2019 the second graph is your percentage of general fund expenditures um once again you last three years you've been in that 2019 20% so kind of right in the real house that you've been 15% five years ago so you have made some strides there the third graph is your booth service um you know with with Co we actually saw a lot of districts go up during that time period um and now it's kind of going back to I think where you've historically been I remember 10 years ago speaking would always have about a 30 to $50,000 transfer to cover Food Service deficits so as you move forward I think you still have some fun balances to use up there in the Food Service fund but just once again keep an eye on that um and then lastly the community service um touched on this already um as as Co ended and programs kind of started back up again we've also seen a lot more spending in the community service fund so whether this a coding issue or not um it just once again maybe make sure we're watching this through five years ago for example we about 40,000 so it's um you know quite a big change from what was five years ago okay so that is what I got this not on the community service um part of that deficit is due to the fact that we retired or excuse me we we had an individual on leave of absence that we phased out our system I guess La of a better description and we had expense with that to do that this year those expenses OB and B part portion of that any questions to get a chance to prove that you what he said because you can present it [Music] back I guess the overall question always is you know I mean how did we do I mean I think the response would be unbalance so we were under budget um there's no huge red flags true I think that'd be fair yeah yep um you overall the F balances were up so it's just a matter of you know which bucket they they went into and compliance wise there's nothing really the only thing is that one contract where we just didn't see a signature for approval but it wasn't okay make a motion to approve [Music] theks by director Christen second by director Marcus to approve the audit report any further discussion hearing none all those in favor by saying I those oppos same sign motion carries uh moving on Elementary principal report it number one is enrollment we're up to had some reduction in grade level at additions and others EXC what I'm handing out right now is for item number two on my report uh indigenous people's day was held on Monday October 14th um and there is a list prek uh through sixth grade and then also includes our Specialties uh in regards uh who indigenous people now this is a requirement from mde that you have to provide one hour of programming um so what we did in the classroom of course it's hard to do that for an hour's length of time in in a setting but was broken up that's why we added the Specialties in in those areas too so Stam um PE music um any of our other specialty areas also participated in presenting un indigenous people um and it was a success if you notice our sixth grade this is the second year that they participated uh in a field trip to El Lake for a wild race experience so that took place again in sixth grade um so I'd like to thank our teachers for their work on this like to thank Angie bushy um with all of her work on this providing many resources for our staff to choose from this is something that we visit on last spring uh in preparation for October 14th for this year and it R really well so like to thank everybody for their work on this any questions item number three again I've given an update at our last meeting I'll continue to do that this um curriculum just a quick update on math our math Series this year math and you um again we're just uh about a month into it um and of course when you start a new curriculum there's questions uh what we did last Friday two Fridays ago is provided some time for our teachers to have some discussion at grade level or multiple grades to give them an opportunity for questions to ask each other as colleagues what's going well uh what are some things that you're seeing uh feedback I received from the staff good discussion on uh and it could how they best use it within their math class but also uh it gives an opportunity for teachers to ask a grade below or a grade above in regards to what they're teaching and where the kids are at obviously uh we're finding out that math and new uh at grade level might be different from our past curriculum so there's a lot of questions and their ability level where kids are at in comparison to that um so good Round Table discussion in regards to math and you and will continue to do that or hopefully provide more time for that um and then along with that ISL math um that was purchased along with math curriculum um and it's an online uh learning platform that it offers a comprehensive math for students and it's t per student level um and we're going to provide more time for that too to have teacher discussion and demonstration on how to best use that within the classroom or with their students um and we have a couple teachers on staff that are familiar witho math so we our planus to give them an opportunity to demonstrate how they use it in their classroom and share ideas just so we can get the most side of the program the second bullet the socially emotional learning Second Step again that's another new for us this year um and we're slowly getting into that we started at the second week of school um but time and timing of uh presenting the information or staying on topic is what we're trying to work through right now too um so we'll have continued discussion like our student leaders mentioned they give a quote each week of like a theme for that week um not to say that everybody because there's daily activities or lessons that can take place keep up on that so some may be taking longer than others or working at a slower Pace uh but our goal is to um hopefully get more comfortable with that because it's implementing something added thing into the daily sked so I just want to give you guys an update on that any questions on that end item number four just a quick Friday School update start of September 27th uh and we have over 60% of our first through sixth graders participated in Fry school um so that's basically about 160 students uh that were having participating Friday releas time upcoming dates uh tomorrow thank you to Jake Bosler for his work on this um I had a parent reach out to me I think it was earli in the summer and Jake followed through on it uh in regards to Hope Incorporated adaptive Sports and Recreation uh so he put me in contact with grish um or actually he did the initial initial contact and then I just followed up with Bill but tomorrow for uh PE classes we're taking the music time and PE putting them together for each uh grade level and bill is going to come and put the kids through an adapted PE uh activity in wheelchairs um and it's going to promote acceptance inclusion and understanding so that'll take place tomorrow uh looking forward to that and that will happen K through six um primary grades are going to play soccer uh the wheelchairs we'll have a huge beach ball and they'll he'll introduce uh the wheelchair how to use it and what the activity is then upper grades will either play basketball or baseball um so Mr Beacon will be working with Bill most of the day uh they'll arrive early tomorrow morning we'll get everything set up so looking forward to that opportunity I think it's a great activity for a student body to go through so um October 28th through the 15th we have our second fast Bridge assessments for reading and math October 29th I attend a legal seminar in monoman and then November 7th and 8th we have repaired teacher conferences so we're already there questions job thank you mrki y again you can see the attendance report see that um our numbers are fluctuating a little bit not necessarily in the positive direction that we'd like but um second item there is our homecoming dance we did some uh made some adjustments this year for our homecoming dance uh typically our dance would run until midnight our Junior High kids would leave at 11:30 Senior High kids would stay till midnight um student council asked if they could have all students stay until the end of the dance and so we kind of met with that happy medium ground of then the dance heads at 11:30 and uh we had a great turnout there's again as you heard earlier probably 40 140 kids 150 kids somewhere in that area um and uh was a great evening for everybody the Dance Floor was uh I was packed so uh my third item my share with staff uh masb sends out basically it's like a monthly publication with just different uh nuggets of information of you know what makes for let's say good teaching while how about uh you know some grading Concepts things of that nature one of the things that they recently sent out was uh the link to it's called anxious generation and there's a book out there and uh the the idea behind the book is that our generation right now our students that we're dealing with right now are extremely anxious that social pce uh obviously is very much on the radar and what the author is talking about is a lot of that comes back to the fact that we put cell phones into the hands of our kids when they're fourth fifth sixth grade and up we put a laptop in their hands in third fourth fifth sixth grade always plugged in they're always wanting to know what's going on in social media they want to know what's going on on Snapchat and so on and so forth and they struggle to unplug they struggle in the classroom that's why you know some of that that discipline piece that I deal with up here is that refusal the hand over of a cell phone or things of that nature so uh it just talks about the importance of trying to move away from that that's why you see even within the state of Minnesota the passing of legislation you know the the cell phone uh you know having some kind of a plan in place of helping kids unpluged and so staff have been watching that and getting a lot of different uh feedback from my staff um Mike gool is completed an FF Grant and he's through the grant he's requesting X number of books the an generation so we'll get them out to our staff for those that want to read it um item number four there our staffing Di and observations uh kind of moving along through the month of October I've already conducted three observations uh and of course our 8ft as I mentioned back in our September board meeting is was a point of emphasis uh within our leadership committee and so gone through our staff they' they've developed a lot better in dips I would say in comparison to the previous years uh I am noticing in my pre-observation we go back to it we talk about it I notice that their goal that they've discussed in their a I notice that taking place within the observation itself and again we talked about how that's impacting their um their actual teaching then in our post observation and so all in all we've had a lot of good conversations uh on those on those items a lot more meaningful conversations I would say a lot more meaningful Reflections th far as far as my staff meetings one of the things I'm doing differently this year is I'm incorporating a seventh grade level meeting and we meeting every other week uh just primarily as a checkin to see how our grader is transitioning into the high school climate whether it's from the academic side to the social side but whatever the case may be uh I met with our uh junior high staff about two weeks ago we again U but primarily to explain that a lot of times as staff we don't necessarily um either recognize the student schedule or we don't have uh opportunity to collaborate as staff and so for us to come together we could talk about Johnny is struggling in math and maybe Johnny's uh you know his relationship with the math teacher isn't as great as it is with the science teacher you know and now our our staff can collaborate with well what's working well for you with Johnny and so on and so forth who has a good connection with Johnny's parents and who can reach out you know just different ways of trying to help support our seventh graders as they come in uh to the high school level um also the other thing that I'm implementing this year is weekly attendant meetings so my gos at all Ellen and Michelle the four of us meet every Wednesday uh there too it's just a matter of like you know who are the top 10% of our kids with attendance issues that are hitting our radar how can we support them what have we been doing to support them what kind of connections have we've been making at home uh you know with the parents and so on so so forth again utilizing Mike in the rule is being kind of that more so that connection piece on the social emotional what can we do to help uh whereas you know with Ellen and Michelle some of that it's more with like the paperwor side of things um MP principal advisory committee um i' volunteered to be a part of this committee this year and so basically what we're looking at doing is Round Table discussion on you know as new principles coming into the profession what can we do to help them stay in the profession stay in that role and be successful in that role and so some of the things that we had talked about at last week's meeting was the significance of networking the willingness ability what have you to get out and and visit with other principles you know the veteran principles and you know here's situation hey how have you dealt with that before and so on and so forth uh College preparation you know what what are our colleges doing to make sure that um Theory and application actually are coming together and how can we give some feedback to the colleges then and then lastly uh you know the schools in their Master calendar and the time for react you know where where the school boards and and Superintendent at with you know supporting those types of things so those are our three primary are of conversation and then lastly the northern Valley Career Expo uh I've arranged for our sophmores to attend this this week on Wednesday the 23rd uh Mrs ber is going to be uh the primary uh chaperon with them sending two other chaperon as well but basically what the sophomores are doing they've registered for some of their breakout sessions and so uh sophomores were given know list and there's probably like 40 different types of careers uh that'll be present and so they would pick their top four of interest and then and of course it's multiple schools coming together and so the directors have then tried to make sure the kids get into their you know at least one of their top uh two and so we'll leave it at 7:45 on Wednesday uh the first breakout session or actually our first session will be on the floor for an hour and so we can go around the Allis Center and just look at all these different uh potential career opportunities and then they'll go into breakout sessions for like uh 20 minutes each they'll follow each individual soon will follow their own individual schedule that they've received them based on registration and then be back in the afternoon at some point that's it busy start of the Year yep both both buildings any question questions thank you Mr gski quickly uh get quot on on the different projects that you have approved for it lately uh so that's moving along as we expect um I spent the day at mlon on Wednesday uh office outed there for the day and uh for all but about an hour of the day um it was just a great experience for me and U as I say there suffice it to say it's a busy Place uh with many moving parts and I think the staff here and Mr bushy could attest to that Veterans Day program is coming up on on Veterans Day November 11th 1:00 we'll get you more information it's tournament time right now and literally it's tournament time right now at 7:05 our volleyball's playing right now uh football will play on Saturday uh volleyball if they win tonight we play Wednesday if they win again they play Friday cross country Friday section meet and swimming on November 8910 or 7 n uh ASAP um meeting last week we're looking for level four level four would be um our most restrictive type of environment for uh kids with the most needs um as is wanting to create that level for facility uh of course funding for it is always the issue uh met with Jonathan halber last week while I was over at um mgon for the day and then again this this morning prior to today's school board meeting we meet monthly for that and the last thing that I did put on there but I wanted to just share with you the counselor that we hired here back in August or early September uh is scheduled to start with us November 4th at won and we are ready for him and want him to get here so we're excited to add him to our EXA where does ASAP want to put that level decied probably right now is the as logical spot because it is somewhat centrally located but U yeah we're just we thought we'd be included in some of the bonding from last year and we W so it's going to we're lobbying again as we speak any other questions take yep uh .0 Personnel uh coaching assignments were distributed um looking for a motion to approve those move second motion by director pong second by director buler approve coaching assignments winter excuse me winter coaching assignments thank you for all the coaching coaches and volunteer coaches that step up for that every year um any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I those opposed same sign nothing 9.0 10.0 operational approved not approved resolution appointing superintendent sulk is official foston Public Schools representative for area special education Cooperative the excuse me the a sect that we just talked about uh we meet monthly uh there's a board and the superintendent of the participating districts make up that board we have to do this on an annual basis does it come at this time or is that something that no it just came no yeah okay I don't know I didn't read it closely enough to know if it's good for the a year from the date it's signed or what but nonetheless I been participate represent our no we just got it make the motion motion by director Christ second by director vosler to approve this res resolution resolution um yep so we have uh okay so Motion in second uh to approve the resolution appointing superintendent S as official foston Public School representative uh for asek um a roll call vote director Leon yes director munter yes director Bosler yes director Marcus yes director Kristen yes theories do I get to vote because I'd like to point Mr Mr to that write it in the agenda next time uh any reports any additional comments for the meeting next meeting is set for November 18m High School [Music] Conference by director second by director munter uh who the meeting further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I sign thank you all get to the gym you