##VIDEO ID:qU5jiC7WVtA## your nice [Music] AC you can all right let's start please rise as you're able to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening everyone all right so we've got all directors present except for director monter and director we so we have a quorum tonight welcome to all the visitors and attendance um on 2.0 approval of agenda um one item um there was discussion about pulling 3 3 out6 uh expense revenue reports for separate discussion but that will be covered under Finance 6.2 with the um budget update we have discussion there um I would move to strike 3 out8 um um we just say situation there that we're not ready to do that now so any other revisions to approve the agenda as amended second motion by director second by director Bosler to approve the agenda agenda on strien 3.8 any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I those oppos things sign motion carries uh consent agenda approve not approved so we've got uh quite a few items in here under consent agendas 3.1 minutes from regular meeting October 21st 3 out two minutes from special board meeting uh November 13th 3.3 Finance checks and wires 3.4 payroll checks and direct deposits 3.5 fund balance report 3.6 expense revenue report uh 3.7 Bond report uh 3.9 resignation of es PA professional desire Kelly and three out 10 hire of es PA professional Jenna X Strand and background check any discussion on the sented move to approve the consent second motion by director Bosler second by director dupon to approve the consent agenda any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppos same sign motion carries uh moving on 4.0 any public comments tonight thank you I just have a quick question I guess on our funding that was put bus garage um um um we were got a email from saying that we can no longer move forward because the funding isn't there just wondering where that is at I guess on that side of thing and only approved to do the tracking and the um routing system through transfinder and then I had a code from Roger's two-way radio um for the uh surveillance and stuff in there um just kind of wondering where that's all at I guess for bu um yeah so the uh it's not an agenda item so therefore will not be acted on tonight we're still looking at the the uh camera situation we do have the bid here correct but is not something that's being brought forward tonight for approval holding p y uh any further comments uh thank you for that uh Moving On by students constitu reports uh We've Got High School student council up first welcome ladies steing up game so first we'll just introduce our I'm Hannah fonder I'm Sky Bost I'm the secretary of student council we go to the next slide now okay so this fall the student council attended a fall Summit and there are different pictures show the one in the top right corner is the theme and the theme of this fall Summit was Day of the Dead um represented by Halloween and one thing we talked about in like the breakout sessions was what you wanted to be remembered by like when you leave fost High school and like what you want people to know you as um the keynote speaker was also one of the things um she talked about like how her leadership led her like all around the country and like even through her like challenges that she faced she still got like pass them and didn't let her didn't let those challenges like knock her down and so like if she would have just given up then she wouldn't have got like where she had gone by getting to go like to all these different countries and have all these experiences that um led her through her leadership opportunities um and then other things we do at sonus like this picture in the bottom right corner we celebrate like people's birthdays um and recognize them um and then this is a group picture of us thanks so we decided to do something new this year for November because we usually don't do anything this month but this year decided to do a Giving Tree so uh we're helping support POS living tree by collecting presents for families and me and we started November 11 we're going to to December 6 and we have boxes in the school and then we have some at Nords hugos and some Churches I know Calvary um meth and Hope Has it um but we just wanted a way to include the community and helping support those in need and just open ch um so this is just for like the school we're accepting all these things like around the community all the time but for school these weeks we're focusing on certain um items like last week was art and craft supplies this week is socks and P trees next week will be blankets and stff animals and the last week will be games and toys and after we um get all these donations then the week after um December 2 through 6th I think week of 11th um student council will be wrapping all the presents together that we had and donating it so student now has created an Instagram account and it's for students and the community so the community members can just kind of check in and see like what projects we're doing what Summits we're going to what who we're meeting at these Summits what we're learning and then for the students if they go home and they're like oh no I don't remember what to tomorrow they can go look because all the dress up days and the projects and everything they need will be posted on the Instagram count um and so this is something that was brought up to us by our Northwest division director Mr Huey of the Oakley school um we have a student council member running for the board and something that would look very good for her to get on to the Northwest division board and just for school in general is to host the spring Summit for student council so this would be sometime late March early April the date is pretty open-ended and there would be seven to eight schools attending it would be during a school day um and predominantly in the new gym we would have to break for lunch obviously but the spring Summit is a majority voting and um just getting to see the people who are running for the different positions um so yeah it's a great opportunity to learn additional leadership at Teamwork and we have a member running so that was the main reason that this was brought up to us running uh lilan Nelson is running and I don't know if she has said a position she's running for she still decided but we are hoping to be able to do this at some point in the spring how does that process work you have to like apply for it or yeah we do and then if we apply for it I believe um our director and I'm not so miss Ellen and I'm not sure who else but maybe our board would have to attend like meeting to set up and figure out all the details for that but that's all we got nice presentation thank you next up Elementary student leaders I am and I'm in fourth grade I'm inth grade we we are using some of our fundraiser money to make a sign on our for our fence to out of um fence cups and there Mar that there could be two vs on either side say gound guide on it to the people who are picking up their children at um and for um our recess field we're gonna have these football markers that are gonna it's gonna be like a little football field for people to play football on stuff appreciation had Sor all for all the STS ATS Serv turo coffee tea and and we like to show you guys these cards just give appreciation to our teachers for what they've done to us to what they for us um um so we're going to have this family donation we every student leader there's a te of us we're going to bring um some more games and we're gonna W them up and we're gonna bring them to the food sh and we're gonna the food sh's gonna go to families that come in that are need and they just have a board game to play for the holidays and our next is in two weeks we to our holay talk to our bu rooms to talk about the the schoolwide schoolwide activities one questions you guys have F my question is is there any chance does that trolley run more than once a year that treat trolley no we do it like once like we do it once a year oh good do you think next year that trolley could head towards the high school and swing by my office I know that I know that the Elementary staff today was very appreciative of of that TR good job of that they even let us grab bu some breakfast on our way there nice nice I'm excited to see the P when when you guys when do you think that will be ready either do that before the snow or either during spring time but either like whatever time they come they just like Snap onto the fence okay how many people do you have to help you do that okay so you guys are going to put them up too yeah very good those are some fun ideas guys really good really good presentation good job good job guys right thank you Miss Manda uh 6.0 Finance um we had a couple donations here are split up on the agenda we'll keep it that way 6.1 accept not accept donation to the uh School District that would be uh Carlson par stores Nappa to the art program makes a motion that we approve second motion by director Christen second by director dep to approve donation by carlon's parts stores Napa to the art program with many thanks forther discussion hearing none all those in favor signifi by saying I I those oppos same sign carries uh then we got six that uh 6.1 two doing a double one here but recognition uh a Country Farm Credit Services to the FFA program second with many thanks to approve motion by director Marcus of many thanks second by director Bosler uh any further discussion onone all those in favor signified by saying I hi those oppos same sign motion carries uh 62 accept not accept budget update so in your packet is the budget update document that Joan put together fors um and just a little background maybe on on some of this um obviously this is where we want to be and uh a couple of things that that the Board needs to be aware of that goes into an annual budget that um is sometimes predictable sometimes less predictable and I I don't want this to sound like Alibi in for anything um these numbers are what they are um but U some major contributing factors is the Esra $3 dollars that that um Sunset last year are um was a $500,000 hit to the to the budget from a revenue standpoint the other thing that um is a pretty significant and and these are just raw numbers they're not exact numbers but if you just look at our we graduated a senior class at nearly 70 done I want to say last year 62 62 okay and we brought in an element or kindergarten class of 42 42 so there's 20 kids there I mean and there's some other there's some other counting to do in there as well because we lost some kids in some other grades and we gained some kids but just just in general overall you lose you graduate 60 you bring in 40 um that's a significant hit to the revenue side as well so we're down to a couple of pretty decent revenue streams that are contributing significantly to this the other thing is our expenses are up there's no question and and and predictable that that they should be um we're in the second year of a 6% raise for basically all our staff across the board um which um you know when when when it was approved um it was beli I mean it was a good good situation and um I think we can stand by that I think it was needed at the time I think it it it has the effect long term that um is not necessarily measurable but it it boosts it some morale it did some catching up so I stand by that that that um settlement and the board you know um obviously uh approved it as well I'm thinking that it was um that was the right thing to do and I believe that it was but but that certainly would our expenses as well um our insurance costs are up we know that that happens on a on an annual basis so as I visit with Joan about this of course the sticker shock is there but as we drill it down um these are all conscious decisions that have been made over time and um it puts us in the position that we're at tonight um if you recall last year we the final budget was U about a just deficit um spending I think in the final one was maybe more like three almost 400,000 um and we close the year on a positive you know so we didn't realize a $400,000 deficit from spending and we actually gained on our overall fund balance um we can't predict that that will happen every year um and I need to drill down further why why that does happen um but we have some loose numbers that we have to put in the budget snow last year we saved significantly on snows that that held their bottom line um literally like heating this you know these buildings that we have was saved last year quite a bit because of the mild winter we had so we we put in numbers that we think are more normal um in that regard so because because our snow removal last year was was you know 30,000 less than than than it typically is we didn't lower it by 30,000 this year we budgeted back at what a normal year was so is there padding in the budget I think there's always a little bit of padding um and some of those things it takes the year to play out before we actually know and and that happened you know last year and actually the two years that I've been here prior to this year um we ended up the year um in a positive way our overall now there are some measures that we we can take um and um actually I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the principles that we're going to talk about some stuff um that um that potentially we could take yet this year to help the bottom line um we're not ready to present those tonight by any any meets right um but that's something that we're going to have discussion on we'll also bring in um um some of the other staff that that um have the impact of the budget that's talk with them as well but the numbers are here tonight that that um Joan has worked hard to Crunch them and um unfortunately that's just where they're at just $100 million and um we're seeking approval of the budget tonight that um and maybe just one more comment um in the past we've we've updated the budget probably at least twice turning to some of the BS here that have been here um so I think typically maybe around February March we do another in theing nor yeah um and sometimes we're we a better an with the winter Brothers at that point time as well so looking at these numbers are there any key factors that stand out as most influential impacting where we are today I mean you mentioned one example maybe being Insurance Statewide Nationwide you've seen like a 20% increase year-over year yeah are those some of the things that are most influential I think I think probably will probably the more impact is the the revenue side that we lost you know you throw 500,000 Esra dollars on this right now looks way different you put 20 more kids in our buildings you know and again these are I'm just they're not make believe numbers but they're not exact numbers but 20 kids at 10 grand a piece there's another 200 Grand right um so I the expense side again you know some of those expenses and I and I that you know the insurance is an example that's probably a bigger one some the the other like um fuel costs and those tyes things are are ay um but the other decisions that that are driving this I mean the expenses are up but they were decisions that this you know that we brought forward to the board the board approved um the salaries Etc so those aren't a surprise they're just reality good question so that s dollars and the enrollment changes were they not forecasted in the original and the preliminary budget uh to a degree but really the the June budget is really a almost a roll over of how we close here and then April and June really drill down the salaries because let's be honest that's 75 our overall budget is Personnel so then that factors in and we get some better numbers there but you know in June some of those things are not determined yet and we're going to want to take a look at that as how we can I don't want to say better because I'm not questioning anybody's work by any means but um we're going to have to look a little closer as we close the year in proration obviously for next kind a better of the future yeah yeah I was I was just looking back as far as the expensive revenue from even July 31st I think that's whena approve the June sure and that's really AIG Yeah well yeah some of those things just thinking about it I mean we knew SRA fun foring um we knew that we're graduating a larger class we get somewhat Prov me wrong have somewhat of an idea as far as what the can bearing class look like based that um um but from July 31st to now there was an additional $500,000 added to added to the expenses and revenue it actually shows that it went up here too well it did but not commen the side I mean so we knew we had more money on the formula but had we kept steady with our enrollment obviously then it would have been that much more again you know um do is there some onetime expenditures that are that are in this forecast well we you know we budgeted an $80,000 bus we about $117,000 bus um that's just price of buses you know so um as we move forward that we won't be buying a bus next year so you know that's a big Chun of change there so we have a way to reduce some expenses um next year that we're one time that's probably the biggest one um but it seems like they get replaced with something else you know another onetime expenditure so we have those system um sometimes we can play them off a year or or whatever but some of the stuff had been played off you know for years prior to as well so um it's going to take a much more deep analysis of our of the budget as we move through the wi and prepare for you know we make decisions in the spring for the fallowing year as we look to the future of some of those call cyclical or onetime expenditures we feel we have a grasp on what's to come and assessing alternative option I think we have somewhat of a grasp but I think that's some of the drill B that we're going to need to have a better grasp of obviously I think it would be maybe beneficial I mean as you work through this with Joan you know maybe when when we can for a work session if it's not the next one but it kind of involve some of that maybe part of the time as a drill down absolutely what does this mean because I know when I was looking back at the sheet that she provided to us the preliminary budget right June 30 um and the you know the total revenue numbers are I think are like 200,000 off from what she had that day but the expense number is a million off so like and I I don't pretend to have a great handle in finance um enough with my own but um just to know you know what how does it shift that much and I know it shifts day to day not much less month to month but yeah having her stop yeah we definitely will need to spend some time that work session y so some of these funds such as this this most recent one you talked about that was discontinued how far in advance we have site for site that being discontinued a lot of that from the state have been giving us indicators or was part of the money we got from Co carry over and we' had taken some of it off the general fund already but um that half a million dollars is funding some positions we we tried to move some that off because that was tiered dollars the the last V called sr3 but there was as 2 and as one and again some decisions were made um to use those dollars for ongoing I mean for sustainable people you know without the without the sustainability of the funding yeah but it was chosen to use those dollars for positions so um we did move some of that stuff back to the general fund prior to this past year uh as much as we could absorb um but but in the end this last half million is really really B us well as far as using it for some as far as using it for some positions if I remember right some of like we had to hire more positions and then our thought was that eventually we wouldn't need those positions but that isn't the case still need those positions um yeah and it was a lot of money you know and and um the district got that every District got across the state um for that period of time and you know decisions were made in real time at at the time and I'm not here to se against those decisions um it it's um when we get one time money though we need to be very cautious that we don't put their pledge that money towards ongoing muss um that's where sell we are unless we have you know additional funds to allocate that fund is ceasing to exist yeah any further discussion the good news is we have a fund balance account in and obviously it isn't something that we could handle year after year after year other comments looking for a motion to approve the budget update make motion to approve budget update is presented second uh motion by director Bosler second by director getch to approve approve the update on the budget any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I those oppos say sign the only last comment that I would make is and and probably we can discuss this further at at the work session but if the board and you guys need time as well so but if at some point time board wants to take official action to direct me to do XYZ I think it would be good if that is recorded in a board meeting and so I think what you know my informally my next steps will be to dissect as much of this as we can um get prepared for a work session where we can share more information with you and then as a result of that work session is there some tion that we want toing form forward form understood thank you mril report 71 Elementary principal report thank you you see is enr there total K through six we're looking at 303 total prek through six 55 that's down to from our October meeting um and there could be some transition there even like next week so I'll keep you guys up to date on that um they had a couple families move um for no other reason than they were going to move so I I will update C on that if we have some further changes there uh any question on item number two just not we completed our assessment number two for fast brige testing uh that testing window was October 28th through November 29th most almost everybody I think everybody is complete uh he wanted that complete before the parent teacher confer just share some of that assessment the parents compar teacher conferences item number three just October 31st that was our football game day uh where we didn't have students just an update on that day we had fast Bridge training for teachers and I went from 8 to 11 and that was provided by uh Jake he works for Northwest service sad it was a great morning uh having an opportunity of dedicated time intentional time for him along with Alyssa Macy and Jonathan hbert who work with the rest of our staff uh kind of enlarging our knowledge with fast bridge and how it can be better used um so for three hours they spent that time uh working in the media center getting aded training so very valuable time so thank you to the football team congratulate the football team and like to thank them for providing us some time that we needed uh because it's it's so hard to get some time where we have so many new things going on to help us enhance our training and understanding and knowledge so that help so much uh I have number four parent teacher conferences uh typically we're at like 95 96% this year was a little down in comparison to the other years it was at 93% still very good though um so I like to thank all the teachers and all the families uh for participating in teacher conferences item number five uh tomorrow night we host our Title One family literacy night um it'll 6 to 7 similar to last year's setup uh each student or family uh participating will receive a book The titled the book this year is around the table that grand Granddad built sorry I my voice isn't changing I have and then we'll have a reading station set up throughout the Elementary School uh where families and students will have an opportunity to hear the book and then there'll also be some craft TBL set up they'll be working on the craft just a great night night for families to come in and participate uh and this is all sponsored through our Title One and also um Angie bushier with her American indet program has contributed to that too so I like to thank Mrs Norland Mrs rosendall and all the volunteers because we'll have numerous staff members stationed uh while this evening ly night is going on thank you for that one an added item usually I put on their upcoming dates uh and for some reason didn't do this but we have USIC concerts coming up our holiday concerts uh December 10th is the first and second grade holiday choir concert and then on December 17th we have B in chir concert so those will be going on so and that's just around the corner it's amazing how fast everything goes so that is my report any questions thanks Mr Bush Mr tarki y first item there you can see our student enrollment numbers um one of the things that want to mention it kind of ties into what Todd is talking about with just in our student population numbers overall and F's not unique to this but uh the other week I was at a area principal's meeting and one of the Hot Topics is PSO and a lot of schools are finding that kids are jumping on that wagon and so we're starting to see some of that occur here at the Hy stre so um you can see within our junior senior numbers some of that is dropping a little bit some that is directly uh reflected there and I do have other students that are coming to me on on a I don't want to say regular basis but that are approaching me talking to about PSO so um you know that that does have an impact on our bottom line as well I contacted the state the other day because I wanted to get a little more information for myself as to how that works uh if we have a student that is fully enrolled in PSO we get about 12% of our state funding total that's that's all we get out of that so it it impacts us quite a bit so um second thing I wanted to point out there my second item is the northern uh Valley Career Expo and I want to thank Miss bu and Kelsey for you know taking our kids uh was our sophomores that attended um Miss bu has all of our sophomores in uh her English class so she she did all the leg work for helping to get our kids registered for this kids took a uh basically a survey to of interest to see what types of sessions they uh like to attend uh and so basically what happened is their first hour or so of being at the AA Center was to go to these breakout sessions and then from there they got about an hour on the floor uh just to go around and visit other uh career reps and so there was anywhere from uh you know college Tech schools to actual employers there uh soliciting and trying to you know obviously look for future future employees so feedback that I got from the sophomore students they they really had a great time with it they uh it was time well spent for our kids uh October 30th I attended the uh masp lot conference ofen and again a lot of that just is General uh legislation updates and things of such October 31st like Dan mentioned with our uh just a staff date um we did two things up here at the high school one is Officer Jim JY came in uh and spoke to the staff about obviously our uh safety and if we were to have an active shooter you know how would it I don't want to say how would it look as the right means but what would law enforcement be doing in in that particular situation what our staff could expect from law enforcement uh in that particular situation and so there's been quite a bit of ongoing conversation from staff uh throughout this fall and so I think having him there gave them a little bit more ease of Mind of what this would entail um one of the things that I've done as well each room now is equipped with just a magnet strip uh it is a little bit part of the Alish training uh I am called and have spoken with an ALICE rep uh but I'm going to get further uh information from a rep this coming Friday on basic procedures and and things of such that might help us with um organizing our emergency team and course of action the other thing that we did is uh I shared with them a uh a link um that the the author of The anxious generation uh he was speaking on behalf of this book and basically talking about how our uh adolescence are really struggling to cope with um mental well-being and a lot of it has traced us back to again the cell phone usage the internet the um you know they they are constantly judging themselves based on you know comments that are out there on the internet things as such or you know Snapchat and so on and so a lot of that social emotional issues that we're seeing at at all levels within high school and again it's not just unique the F and this is global and again the uh the professor that wrote this book you know that is a piece that he shows is just the data from when the smartphone came out in 2010 and then again in 2015 uh how it had such a huge impact on the number of suicides amongst teenagers and particularly girls and um you know the the uptick with the need for uh psychological help and so on so uh some the staff was very uh very intrigued with that with that uh video so um next L my on my list U Mr Schmid conducted a presidential election uh for our student body obviously prior to the actual uh election you you would have been amazed I think and you stepped in the building the the number of students participating in that election and uh know Mr Schmid had organized volunteers so we had other kids over there right by the uh voting boovs and so on and literally a lineup of kids waiting to have the opportunity to vote and and see what it's like to participate in our democracy so kudos to Mr Schmidt for doing that who happens to be in the audience yeah um parent teacher conferences were held the for mentioned as well on the 7th and 8th here at the high school we had about on average uh 12 visits per classroom I do want to indicate that some that's a little skewed it would probably be a little bit higher in the sense that like our specials you know their uh their number of students that they have within their classroom is probably a lot less right than um I get a social studies of math and so on so forth so throws our a average off just slightly but we did have a pretty good uh attendance overall November 11th again Veteran Day program up here at the high school our B acquired an amazing job in their performance uh pass off to Mrs Hansen Mary Hansen for organizing all of that finding our guest speaker and so on I'm not sure how many years she's been doing that but she makes it very Flawless in appearance so and I just want to add to that on hats off to student body on their behavior that day was Top Notch and their attentiveness uh last thing or one of my last things here is uh I just want to make mention mik off all as our Student Success coordinator and again it kind of ties in with Todd was talking what with the budget such um just so that the board's aware again this isn't uh additional monies that we are spending via the budget for Mike to do this this is um new money that has come through the state and uh and so part of what Mike is doing is he is he is working with a particular group of uh freshman and sophomore boys uh there's probably eight to 10 of them those that we have deemed to have a lot of leadership quality uh but they're not quite there at that leadership level and some of that is going to come through natural maturation some of it is you know just other skills that he's trying to ingrain in them from um public speaking you know obviously self-control uh you know being a positive role model things like that and uh Mike had conducted one of these Circle groups about two weeks ago and I sat in and watched and he's he's in a spot where he belongs I will say I mean he is just extremely natural with working with these young men uh the other piece of course he's working individually with students that are in need of some connection to our school and and at any given time when I walk down the hall and just kind of peek in his room he has a student in front of him he is very much engaged in this role and uh he's just he's doing an excellent job by all means and so the monies that the state has given us and that has been designated towards this role I mean we we're getting what uh what we' need from that so from from him so well have say I just want to give thanks to Mr McCall as you know on agenda's resignation uh I want to thank him for his years of service and uh he's going to be really missed I think when you if you were to pull the student body as the one of the most uh well liked or loved teachers he's he's going to be right at the top so wish him the best thank you Mr uh my report is really detailed with in Friday's update that I provided you so I don't have any between Friday and today to add to that I'd answer any questions for Friday's update if you would have it that discussion okay uh moving on to the Personnel 8.1 approve not approved retirement like Mall as art teacher as of May 23rd also like to Echo Mr D's comments too I've heard the many good things about Mr MCO fun talking to to around school as well make a motion to accept second that motion by director P second by director Bosler to approve retirement of mik Mall as our teacher as of May 23rd 2025 any further discussion assuming that would be a replacement position posted towards the end of the school year or summer or or if whatever but not anything to do right away corre okay yeah ABS he'll be with us y for sure perfect any further discussion hear none all those in favor signify to saying I those oppos say sign carries uh. two approve not approved resignation of Alan B's Transportation director as of November 29th 2024 discussion thank you Mo AC second motion by director getch second by director Christen to approve resignation of Al as Transportation director as of November 29th 2024 any further discussion thanks for all the work put in I just want to read this to you guys because I wasn't I didn't give my actual WR on I just have to I just have to recognize them and and play some ground ground rules too so as as long as I I'll recognize you as long as it's not directed at anybody on the board any employee and in general if if there are comments I just want to De respected board in Boston Public Schools I just want to start off by saying thank you thank you for the opportunity to serve this community and the Fon school as your transportation coordinator though my time here was short I know I poured my heart and soul to making the bus grge a well organized and efficient workspace making the transportation vehicle safe and wellmaintained for our staff and students I know I'm pouring out pouring out my efforts into these I fell short in completing my CDL though it is something I am actively working on and close to completing I do recognize that I should have made this more of a priority please accept my designation as your transportation coordinator effective November 29th 2024 thank you again thank you again for the wonderful opportunity you bestowed upon me and I hope to work with you again in the future respectfully Al thanks thank you guys so much motion on the floor any further discussion none all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed same signes um moving on tend operational prove not approv bus bid for sale of bus these are expensive they the residual isn't real good on um these are the two buses that we've talked about retiring from the fleet and we do have a bid on them or yeah a bid on them um this um as you can see in your packet the bid is for $ 13663 for both of the buses are these things assessed or evaluated right there's an auto trader out there for use school buses I mean how do we determine we put it for bid we looking put things up again I'm not an expert in tracking you know what did you ask what the value is I don't even know what that is if we just B call whatever and see other school districts look at I think [Music] insance we there's no really secondary market for the type of buses have to reach their essentially their useful life as far as school bus for the most part but I would may we could we could table this and research it that's right I guess I'm just curious is I gotta believe you know tell we might be a little bit more than that yeah we me just on that but I just think here's two other areas how they're they're looking at handling these things like this because you can imagine within the number of school districts just in our region around the state nationally what is it that others are doing differently better or worse and where does this this bid lie in particular have we seen past bids on buses and how those look is that L pretty much same particular person on the last time we ever yeah yeah and he's the only I don't know what we what we sold prior to the last we sold but that we sold times's the only person that's ever been is it worth looking at what yeah motion to table this to the December meeting second research motion by director second by director G to table a motion on 10.1 further discussion all those in favor signify by same sign Carri uh 10.2 approve not approved bid from haen construction for demo of church and personage and bus garage parking lot upgrade so the reason the reason that there's one bid for two two different completely two different project is the contractor that has brought the bid and the only bid forward is is going to use part of the parking lot for to back fill the church once it's down the church blocked does that make sense so take that you know the project at the bus garage dig down two feet remove all that put down fabric P rock or whatever bring it back up to grade whatever that two feet that he's taking out um he wants to just truck right down the road um and put it into the basement of the two the church and and the par um he came in and met with me um came up with this idea what my idea was a pretty good idea to be H us saves us a lot of fil saves a lot of trucking he doesn't have to truck that out nor does he have to Truck fill in um so that's why the project is bit as one though there are two separate project to separate them would need to we need to Reid it you know as just a project that be interested in seeing separate bids I was going to ask you what is the urgency on on uh removal of this church part the there so I guess that's my question we looked at the budget there ,000 based on our discussion earlier yeah it just it seems like something that's not pring and the reason it was on the agenda we asked for these bids so we want to bring forward so I I whole hardly agree my administrative recommendation right now would be that we sit on this till the spring of the year on the Scot's point if we can see another bit even if it's a partial we did um we did give all the specs to another contractor and he did not choose to bid or okay did never did submit yeah so this is the only bid that we yeah but given the economic situation that or the financial situation that we're in right now I would say that we would best um put this on hold until spring of the year have better feel for the budget andil seems It's not a necessary expens to right the bus garage parking lot will be a bit of a concern in the spring year that's when that cross boil act up and it makes it difficult to to navigate that and he was part of our bus garage there was some work down there last year just temporary to fix or to help that situation we'll have to live with that again could we get any bid from hian just on bus garage portion because isn't he involved with some of the work that's going on in the industrial park yeah so I I feel like trans materials out right should be incrementally more moving it yeah down street versus just across town here well I I mean I don't know that business but you're right yeah we're at the mercy whatever numbers they give us obviously yeah fair enough yeah but we could um ask for that I just be curious see how that breaks out yeah I make a motion not to approve second discussion um motion on the table uh motion by director Christen second by director G not approve from ha construction for demo of church and parsonage and bus garage parking lot upgrade any further discussion hearing none all those in favor signify the say I I those poos same sign carious to not approve not uh 11. any reports any additional comments I I think we have working session tomorrow regarding the No Child Left indoors yeah you want to just share a little bit yeah so you touched earlier right on the importance of uh mental health for for students in that one of the things we played around with a little bit last year I know this is kind of left field was um tapping into some of the resources we have here locally particularly with the outdoors um so black bear hunting is this something that's probably not as widely sought in this area as per here hun and one of the things we looked at doing last year with the outstanding uh acceptance from area farmers in eradicating some of the bare populations in those fields that they have crops was introducing youth to these opportunities um so I think there was two individuals under the age of 12 uh which would have been Addison nelt as well as Brantley lansburg um and then Mr Halper was another individual um that was new to that opportunity and it seemed like the feedback we got was extremely positive um talking with the Minesota DNR they have Grant programs where they have funds allocated for nonprofits schools programs such as this um being being a cidate um it was a little different for me we had a course available to students when I was in high school referred to the Minnesota Outdoor Connection which is basically a structured course focused on the essentials of Outdoors which could be survival skills identification of you know different types of you know whether it's f you know mushrooms trees Etc the skills of hunting the importance of it those types of things that I think to your point when you talk about uh mental healthare students in that it takes them away from technology and kind of connects them back with what is probably more widely common to uh adults and children in this part of the State versus those that are living in the suburbs um so that's one of the things we're going to be working on is is putting together a proposal and application to the Minnesota un for a grant um that could ins funds whether it be equipment for providing opportunities to students um who maybe don't have the funds to explore that but also connecting um those opportunities with others in the community so I've talked with folks Cooper Wilson who's very heavily involved you know in go and waterfall uh talking with land owners about getting access or permission for students that could get into things like deer hunting bear hunting uh stuff like that as well and I know the fost does some work regarding fishing um so we're going to keep working for that but if the school um is in favor of that I think it would be an opportunity for us to seek uh a grant from the state of Minnesota before that and then we can kind of deem how how we want to structure that propose that in that application and hopefully bring some funding in for the school Community use any questions ideas concerns so we've called the meeting tomorrow morning will and I right yeah FFA we have a class called what right now in FFA well not in F but it's class but is there a way to possibly make this a a curriculum item as well um or is it you know it doesn't have to be but is there a way maybe for us to look at that as a curricul route um and or uh an activity gr whatever want to call it and I think there's you know we could bring like crings in to support some of that stuff we start looking at the anatomy and how to you know process and break that on deer and Wild game like that just you know students who maybe aren't brought up in that environment the opportunity exposure to it that they want to pursue it those opportunities are available to them it's you know it can be more than it can be more than just huny fishing fishing Recreation of any sorts so yeah yeah just one example we went through this fall and and like I said it was I think we've got enough community members that are willing to dedicate their time and their money to support those types of things that if we can structure an opportunity around that I think it at least provides that opportunity for for kids in the school what just one thing to add last year sixth graders had a fishing experience and that that was a tremendous impact on kids that have never been given an opportunity so I I me I think it's great to look into I think it' be great for our kids of Boston to be able to that something that kindu well it was interesting because I just got another hit on the DNR um about this it's called No Child Left indoors playing out No Child Left Behind obviously um and just if those grants are there and um seeking application for those grants but it's I sense that there must be some money that they haven't allocated and they're trying to yeah I mean if you look they they lay out on their website you search that you know within Google bring it up there's a number of schools within you know the state of Minnesota that are allocating that not even disclosing what it's being allocated towards but I feel like it's not extremely locked tight on how it has to be applied like you can kind of set their own structure of how it's going to be applied if the state's willing to provide that again I think they've got some simple ones upwards of $225,000 that's not you know egregious it's not hundreds of thousands of dollars but if they're willing to put it out there we put a little bit of time and put an application in I feel like $225,000 is worth a couple hours of our time to see we can get them Absolut um meeting schedule yeah so we get budget uh truth and Taxation December 16th 6:30 p.m. then we'll get the regular board meeting after that 7 p.m. um I'm sure we'll have a work well we' like to schedule that but but on December 16th we're going to try to get Mike here if we can um and so we would meet at 6 o'clock to have a little reception for him okay we'll keep you posted on that um I talked to him a couple weeks ago a week ago I don't know and he said he hoped to be able to make that December meeting so we'll see we'll confirm that for sure yeah yeah then January comes along we got a new board member appoint y then we shake everything up yeah yeah um let's if we could spend a minute right now to try to nail down a work session I sent that out just and I didn't need responses that I thank you for those who responded but just to look at some potential date so that we could nail something down tonight if we if it all possible I think I emailed you there's only one day work um and you know whenever you throw out dates of course you know some can some can't some get this one some can't that one so um I think we just need to try to do the best again uh I know December I should just looked up on my calendar in December and like 17 nights I think I have something up 14 of 17 nights so I know that it's busy time with holiday stuff and and winter sports getting going and church concerts and church programs and all that um we had pretty good luck with that Saturday morning 7 a.m. stuff um we we do a hard stop at 9 um and and we can determine with ours about this but it's not just open-ended where we go all morning so that's a seems like a decent time but it's also hard to give up Saturdays I understand so [Music] um can we de TR e for