##VIDEO ID:QVL8h7hJGsc## open off May to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands indivisible and justice for all okay M of the month nominating we would like to nominate Lorie staff member of the mon Lor has worked at frankfur for the past 35 years and has been involved in so many of the activities for frankf school she was currently the varsity coach ke Club advisor Bowling Club Club advisor and period 10 tutor a founding member of the health foundation and a member at large for the FTE and also on many committees for the unit her willingness to help also extend community in her church as a Lector and on the parish council and as part of the box seat committee at the susex county fa Lori Works p with pleas to ensure that her students are learning being respectful and working their hard constantly reaching out to parents emailing them classroom updates and also letting them know when their child has been doing really well in class she has been a field happy coach for many years and works not only to teach the girls the skills to play the game but also to bring them together as a team she teaches them to work together try hard take responsibility for their actions on and off the field demonstrate being a good sport and to have fun at the field hockey party she will get out in the middle of the Dance Floor and show off her skills that's amazing she will send out emails to the parents and school after each game always mentioning players who were outstanding in the game she makes sure to include everyone and is always trying to motivate the team to play their best she organizes the E Club trip to not Creek as well as the Bowling Club trip to SP Lan she's in charge of organizing the fifth grade outdoor education trip to Camp na she really believes in the benefits of the trip for the Andes see how happy they are when they go to Lori is the person whom people go to when there's a question about their such as using the gym when to schedule Field Days Etc she's always busy whether it's doing grades working on something for the health Foundation or the boxy committee making game plans for field hockey or organizing the Frankford finest golf outing at the end of the school year we tell her she needs to learn how to say no when she's asked to do something else she helps make the F office is a fun place to be we believe that Lori eert deserves to be staff member of the month she is hardworking loyal to the school super we involved a great teacher and even a better friend so well deserved Happ in the grade ASO so I believe that then we have yes few things if you don't mind um so I'd also like to commend uh Lori um it's been great getting you know to know her you can tell that she has the pulse of this building um you know if you need to know anything I know I can count on Lori to help me out here as I start out here and congratulations on 35 years at Frankfurt to school as well received a certificate for that so it's a double dose or tonight congratulations um so real quick um it's been a great start to the school year um if you were present for our back to school nights uh last Tuesday we had our elementary back to school night and Wednesday we had our Middle School back to school night um I'd also like to thank you know Dave and the rest of the administrative team for you know helping out with like putting those videos together and the slideshow we kind of wanted to you know up G for the parents like not all talking just throwing a little bit you know some fun videos a welcome back video also to highlight our pause theme which is our schoolwide um you know behavior management plan um prek to8 um just to kind of give the parents some insight on that these students also participated in an assembly for the elementary school for the pause and also for the Middle School um for the pause as well so um all things considered we feel like we're off to a great start um just you know for my house ation walking through the hall you know visiting classrooms um the students All Things Considered Behavior you know has been great um you know and i' just like to thank you know the teachers for all their support um to help me out as I you know transition here um in my first year obviously you know the community the PTA for you know everything they do for our our great school our students you know our staff um as we start out the school year so um this great start to the year and I'm I'm thrilled to be here and uh that's my report open gift C does not pick they don't that's okay is that Heather Bello she's the right um anybody else for public comments motion to close public comment second um we do motion to open we do need to go in executive session I swear it's going to be 10 minutes it's going to be like an in and out um so motion to enter executive session set up so there a lot of run this that'll njla njsla also will tie into that next mon yeah all right score reports will be mailed home tomorrow so if you have a student that took the njsla you'll get that in the mail Hope by the um we have the second [Music] on uh yeah so roof project just update we're still waiting for the fa sh to be done as well as a portion on the back side of the firewall between B and C Wings I'm waiting for that change order still I give them the authorization for the F for the fascia today uh so hopefully with the next week or two that should be getting done uh obsolete equipment so our one of our buses which is 20 2008 bus is our spare uh it's having transmission issues u based on the cost to repair versus uh the life left on it uh decid is to sell it right now we have it sitting and it's just going to be used as as needed um we're kind of holding on to it for some of the longer trips to sports but the intention will be to sell it rather than to wait for the transmission to go and spend about as much as it costs to repair for a bus that only has about two more years left on it um so that's the approval uh considerations for a new spare uh considering it however a new spare bus they're going for about 20 to $30,000 for used buses right now so it's uh something to consider but it have to be financed at this point it's not it's not correct y yep okay so next we have um school safety and climate so this year we have a new um security resource officer um here so you mind just standing up and giving us a little bit of your background that's why you asked great happy to have you um Personnel on the agenda fires ohing the middle school special okay um so we have the consent agenda um and I'm going to 29 right uh we can add that in there sure okay to approve the9 [Music] let me say that again it's written here2 right yes whoops 2024 9233 2024 92329 yeah number 29 just says a motion to accept Hib reports 24 25-1 and 24 25-2 will be added to the consent Adam is not here Jam Fredo jennif is not here charl is not here John ker uh yes standing from 29 is that the one yeah Jesse is not here motion to open second public comment anybody have a public comment motion to close public comment our next schedu board meeting is October 28th um a few things on the order um so the PC is hosting a on November 16th as you know so please donate to your grades trip you try your students um you can volunteer to donate your own basket and then the board of education is going to donate the shop local basket again so start thinking about where you want to shop local and um give your donation to either jery or myself um is this project is um yeah we could talk I just wanted to know how how are things going with the bus accident that happens so yeah that was you know unfortunate to get the news but luckily I was able to rush out you know to the scene um to be there we had 10 people left on the bus at that time um bus got Reed by WB Mason truck um moris Turnpike turnik turnik um so it was great you know thank you to the First Responders the police officers for controlling the scene the fire department um so everybody was able to make it home saf we our bus driver obviously was also too um you know Insurance wise we have you know a claim in Chris want to on uh right now we got the police report today that was sent over to insurance which uh Country Classic is GNA work on the estimate on Monday proba I think Monday uh we got a temporary door from Craft so the bus is in service it's not damaged or it's undrivable it's just we're waiting for the repairs but that'll be through Insurance fortunately all students and Driver are they're great good um and then I did just want to bring up one other thing the building was in grounds committee is actually Jen Kaitlyn and on October 7th um we're having meeting with mayor sothorn mayor Fredo um we have uh somebody who worked on the engineering for the sewer hookup in Branchville um because that is of our big projects that we really need to focus on um our septic out here for the awing is 56 or 57 years old a provisional C building and the board has been notified by the county that they will not issue um any permits for repairs or Replacements since we're in the sewer time District so um we've been working with the Mayors um on that project so we're we're kind of going full SCH ahead here um I talked to I'm talking to some high up people about getting funding and seeing um where we can get this money from um we estimate right now that we're looking at a million to $1.5 million and if we don't anything about our budget we don't have that at all um so we're looking at the state maybe we get some State money maybe some federal money um but we're we're trying to figure out how to pay for that um and again this is kind of um a big time is of the essence because 66 67 year old septic with this much use um it could be I mean it could last another 20 years I don't know but it could it could go tomorrow and then we're we're adding a big problem that um when the one went over here we had to pump it every other day and that was at a huge cost um and luckily at that point they was put a new septic in over there in 2018 um it's not going to be the case over here so um building and grounds committee has been invited to that meeting I know Caitlyn's going Jen going Jesse just check schedule um Jesse will be there I'll be there and I don't know if Power is coming power to is coming so we're looking to move that project forward and and it's not something that's going to happen overnight we just need to um get our hands on it and get around it and we would have to pay for our allotment so we would have yeah a monthly bill um I think Mr fro said that we were allotted 119 or 19,000 gallons a day it was it was originally was a pretty high estimate but we had at the time we had negotiated at the time a slower allowance for or a lower estimate because when it was originally drafted we were at almost 800 students so it had been reduced um but you talking this are numbers that were estimated 10 years ago but we were looking at at least 10,000 a year for the sewer but that would have to be recalculated at this point you know but it had been adjusted at the time based on the estimated enrollment and usages and at the time we had just put in the waterless urinals which had significantly dropped our water usage at the time so it's all going to be re at it at this point as long as they'll go until we so a sewer project right there like you're yeah you're looking at the design Z you're going to go to the planning board you're going to go to the Department of Health you're going to go to frankfur countship years to get through the bureaucracy of it and Branch down there coming up I don't even want to tell you Lory where the the pump would need to go you don't want to hear it you definitely don't want to hear it um but we just need to keep the Fai that this step is going to keep working my recommendation was you got to hold it been function yeah but that is a huge project that we have going on and um you know on the board is is um working on it it's been something we've been talking to the Mayors about who I mean I I I do have to say mayor silor and mayor Fredo have been really excellent in the communication since Mr Mooney was the one that started having these quarterly meetings with them and I mean both of them their team is we're all on the same team here we want a good school to bring good people into our community um and they realize Financial constraints that the school has and just looking at every which way that we can go about this um so it is something that we are really actively working on and putting every bit of brain power that we have towards it and you don't want to pump in the middle of your tennis cour do so that that's trying to a bit situation anybody else have anything no all right um motion to adourn