the New Jersey public the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Frankfurt Township Board of Education has cause advanced notice of this meeting and general agenda to be submitted for publishing in the official newspapers as well as district and municipal offices on June 29th 2023 please stand for the flag IED Al to flag of the United States of America stands one nation God indivisible andice to our roll call Kathleen Adams Anderson here Jamie Rondo here Caitlyn Fredo here Mandy joose here Jennifer N Charlene molard here John tiger here Jesse vaugh here you have for okay so tonight we're gonna start um with our friend Richard bar from bar and Company he is our auditor so he's going to give a little presentation thank you U I think Chris handed out these uh little synopsis report the so I just want you to turn to B1 and I'm just going to highlight a couple of items for you guys uh in the general in the general fund your cash and your cash and C equivalents were $644,900 you also had a capital reserve account with $678,500 and a maintenance Reserve account of $147,450 he had receivables of 443,000 payable that left you with a fund balance of a, 862,5kg [Music] fund you have 53,723 344 other receivables 11,313 so your total assets were $5,440 liabilities were [Music] 41,600 Debt Service you had a you had an inter fund receivable of 1,144 inter fund payable 1142 leaving you a fund balance of $2 if you turn to the next page you have your uh statement of revenues expenditures and changes in fund balance your total revenues in your general fund were 13,7 $185,400 most of that money was uh local sources of 9,509 914 your local tax levy was 9,395 393 your total revenues were 13785 455 your expenditures were 13,844 891 so you had a a change in fund balance uh of a decrease of 59,4 36 you had a beginning fund balance of a m922 219 that left you with a fund balance of a m862 779 in your General in your special re we also um added on the agenda on recognition Circle when uh we did the nominations for recognition Circle in approvals um Mrs eer reminded us that um bunny krupnik was not on the retiree list that went so the next month available will be Bonita bunny cnck on recognition Circle so that's [Applause] awesome exciting um so I so fellow board members a couple of the board members would like to hear public comment before going into executive session does anybody have an objection to hearing public comment first open public comment Kate motions to open the second seconds um Mr Fredo is there anybody on the public comment no signed up Mo public comment same great um so that leads us into executive session um it shouldn't be long correct 20 minutes we owed them like five minutes from so motion to go into ex Jesse second he's coming back yeah he's coming back okay so we're we're gonna kind of um go out of order right now and we are going to do a roll call regular agenda approval um on a very important matter so it is regular agenda number 20241 12934 this is to approve the execution of an agreement contract with Kevin Newman for the position of Chief School administrator and Elementary School principal for the Frankfurt Township School District for the term of July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2029 as per the contract document approved by the executive county superintendent of school RS for Sussex County roll call ation oh motion a motion Kathleen Adam yes Jamie Arondo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jennifer now yes Charlene molar yes John tiger yes Jesse vaugh I have to oh he's obstain Leif Anderson yes Mandy I'm last Mandy Jou yes um so congratulations Mr Newman is here tonight and we want to um we have a little we have a little gift bag for him and also we have a little a little speech oh thank you so much appreciate it so today picture okay today the Frankfurt Township Board of Education has great pride in an anouncing our new Chief School administrator and Elementary School principal welcome Mr Kevin Newman um for the public there were 27 applicants for the the this position and the board of education has spent many hours in resume reviews interviews and discussions and even a few late nights in executive session going over the candidate strengths and weaknesses thank you to my fellow Board of Education members and former Boe members Ray castellani Chris Dexter for the time and thought put into this process also thank you to Kathy helah um for her guidance and efforts as our search consultant Mr Newman is a Sussex County resident and throughout the interview process was a top Contender for the job Mr Newman has five years of CSA principal experience at Hope Township School District where he is revered as a relatable down to earth regular guy from Tina Richie that's aook um Mr Newman will start at Frank for school on July 1st 2024 and you can expect to see his face around um from now until then Mr Newman our board is excited to have you come to Frankfurt Township school as our CSA and principal we look forward to working with you here's to your next chapter at Frankfurt Township school so welcome sure I'd love to say a few things if that's okay um so wow um I think the most fun fact about me is that I actually went to kindergarten Here at Frankfurt Township School many years ago um but and then of course we moved and um like Miss Jeff said um I'm a local guy um lived in Sussex County my whole life um five minutes from here so I'm really looking forward to spending a lot of time here um you know time and I know it's going to take a lot of time and dedication and I really appreciate um the three very lengthy meetings that I had with the um superintendent uh CSA search team um thank you to all the board members that participated and those three meetings um I'm glad that I was able to you know get all your vote but you also got my vote as well because um the things that we discussed the things that we talked about are common goals and our common vision for the district um moving forward I thought they intertwined beautifully with each other um so that is why I'm so excited um to be here um just a little bit more about me this is my 20th year in education um 13 as a teacher um principal and then the last five as the CSA of Hope tatrick School District which is also a k to8 District in Warren County so I think my familiarity with all of that the ins and outs um I feel like I'm an out-of-the-box thinker um you know a problem solver and I look forward to working obviously with the board um the teaching staff and most importantly our most valuable resource our students and the very very near future and of course the parents as well um I have three children um they are kindergarten second grade and fourth grade uh my wife is also in education she's a teacher also in Sussex County so I feel like I come from an educational you know family we talk education all the time it's funny sometimes she'll tell me about the things that you going on to her school as a teacher I'll give my administrative answer and you know she's like I'll be quiet you know but no always education's on my mind um doing what's best for kids and you know I know my heart's in the right place and I know your board's heart is in the right place and um with that I am thrilled and I excited and I can't wait to officially start July 1st so thank you to everybody thank you picture okay sure absolutely everyonee welcome [Music] right oh good congratulations thank you so much all right how are we here comes the photographer looks like coming all right care you got it this called session management right I think it's on selfie when he jumps back I keep pressing okay ready there you go that wasn't my fault that was funny keep smiling smile thank you thank you sir appreciate it thank you thanks one of the things I always like to mention uh when they announced a new superintendent and this is my Ninth District doing that so actually 10th uh is whatever you need over the next five or 6 months I will be there and uh whatever you need and uh tell you show you the ropes introduce you to everybody David and I and everybody else Janine and we'll make sure that you're ready to go on that first day so congratulations and we look forward to thank you so much I appreciate transition perfect so thank you very much we got to get back here Mr because it's the superintendent principal section next run okay I did give um I did give copies of the weekly update to everybody just have because there's a lot in there and U and I also did our report and I'll give you copies of these so you know what's to do to and uh okay uh first we we have policies that we're going to hopefully act on this evening uh they're really pretty simple the the first one is just an annual mandatory uh wellness and nutrition update which really involve very little uh we also have been discussing the key usage po policy uh with all the details related that we're talking about door keys just so everybody knows and then the second reading on the uh basically about the concussion that's about head injuries of course I left intentionally left the the statement about cheerleading in there I think it might be Loosely inter interpreted so we want to make sure that it applies anything even closely related to that uh I also explained the compensatory teacher program you may recall uh that the information below uh in the weekly um update in January 12th I usually tell the board things and then remind them you know just reviewing it again that we we do need uh to fill a position we we had a couple of days we we talked about the uh the issue with Transportation nursing getting substitute nurses is very difficult too and when we can't get one we do need in one case to do what we call compensatory education and this is uh don't really cost us any money because an offset the nurse not not being there um we also increased the speech therapist um the last year we we had three days this year we're down to two uh we discovered that we just can't do it uh with uh just two days we only need a few extra days here and there but we do need approval to go from three to two um we also have volunteer nurses coming in student nurses actually from susex County Community College there's a whole long list there but there will be at times two or three helping carry Adams with certain things with the students car you know the CR critical items in that of course the students will be doing the support things I think it's a very good idea we also talked about administrative goals we went slowly on this uh I mentioned always mentioned this the goals are very obvious basically we had three I gave you a copy of the goals uh several times uh go to basically to do superintendent search get ready for prepare for cusac uh and also focus on test scores just working with the teachers giving maybe best practices to make their job a little bit easier um than than otherwise it might be so those are the three goals uh that we've been dealing with we also did got our state assessment numbers back uh we did find that the Imp instructed and programming uh uh we did not get enough points on the state assessment uh to go through qac and pass qac in the inp area in order to do that out of the 60 points in that area we had to get 40 we got just shy of 40 um so uh just the way it is uh we've been preparing for qack really all year I guess last year as well and uh no big deal what happens is uh basically you go into into a um you know a goal where you set goals to improve and work on we doing that and uh have maybe six months to establish all of your goals and every six months you report back to the uh state how you're doing until you reach the the bar we have to decide we have to find out exactly how they do the bar has a lot to do with bro just scores well so we'll work on that uh and um we're all ready for qack it comes on February 7th and um we'll make it work as best we can uh so also I um we wrote a letter when I say we wrote a letter talking about to me and Dave and I to the staff related to the test scores uh and I'll just read a little of it because we received our state uh computation for the 2022 23 school year for La Ela math and science for for the calculation came below the 40 point mark that I explained when a student falls below the standard is in a given indicators such as uh program instruction we need to um develop a plan you only need to De develop plan for that one area the others are fine and you move on uh through that but what I I gave the fees just some very basic ideas I've been talking to Dave about it and Janine about it and we've been talking about this with our with our teachers in the classroom uh and they're really simple ridiculously simple but sometimes it's still helpful the New Jersey learning standard should be considered the guideline for instruction in all content areas and grade levels uh Frankfurt is a standard-based district and as a result it is critically important that instructional staff know exactly what's on the state uh standards as you plan for instruction uh I can just ask please review them quickly because it can go into your head and half quickly so we're we're going to really focus on the state standards uh also the curriculum units uh on encourse uh where we do our lesson plans for example are aligned to the to the New Jersey standards as well as to our curriculum programs uh such as collaborative classroom squar and M which is our Science Program very important in speaking to staff members uh over the last five months it appeared that the pacing is one of the most challenging aspects of the instruction um and it has to do with how deep you go into all of these units it's extremely important that we address the entire list of grade level standards by the time the state assessment is administered May uh we recognized that this is a very difficult task we need to move on and then the next item I talked about is what we call spiraling back go from let's say you're on chapter six going toward chapter 7 you would spot all back to one one day and then or two days whatever it take very brief review just make sure the students are on Target and it's very very simple to do that um and keep moving forward so that by test time which we again we put the last possible time we could test to give the teachers as much time as humanly possible so we mve it back as much as we can you still have to have a makeup week but so that's what we're doing our test in May which I think is smart um we also gave some websites this is a very important part of it each day or almost every day uh we should Infuse either in a little homework assignment or at the end of the uh the day test to do a sample question so the students see and work through the sample questions they need to see them often so uh again this isn't to take down into the minutia of the curriculum it's rather to just give the big picture that might be helpful really simple hopefully helpful and if we focus on those things I think uh our are are will do well so um we've been working on that particularly the elementary division from really day one uh and uh so that that's a good thing so um we will work on it I don't want anybody upset about it we'll just make it work and uh that's where we are we talked about bus driver shortage uh with the board uh the calendar I also posted uh the calendar for next year I think I did you take a look at it I'd like to approve it put it out to the world this month and approve it in February a question um last year when we did the calendar we had did our calendar to um mimic high point because like they started back I believe on the second and stuff so is this the same to do that when they start I believe it is David let's check on that tomorrow we're in line with what I I don't know that I I saw a high point so I have to be careful but um I think because I know that came up last year and then we ended up making it the same like I think they went back the second and then or they back check on that that's a good very good point thank you very much that's any and any other thoughts you have on including everybody uh let us know and uh you want to usually when I'm in an interim role I don't make major changes in things like calendars uh but we can certainly study it and and see if if uh you know we have it right and hopefully we try to get it right the first time we have to fix it so let's think uh that's about it thank you Mr Mooney so Communications and public relations just real quick quick dates ready February 1st Parent Portal opens and Q two report cards come out February 7th qack review February 9th 7th and 8th grade Valentine's Day dance February 13th P meeting February 19 school's closed for President's Day February 26 will be a board meeting February 26 Janine will be a board meeting I got it now February 29th and somehow February February 29th and somehow February 30th is kindergarten registration sign your child up for beautiful Mrs Mur class on February 30th I think there's a February 30th Mr so we're going to have to maybe is it March 1 do you know I'm an Innovative develop we Ed the day March 12th PTA meeting March 18th Boe meeting March 28th 12:45 early dismissal March 29th through April 5th will be closed for spring break so we we'll the 27th I I believe we're talking March 1st so no kindergarten registration U Mrs Murphy says it's the 27th and 28 27th and 28th 227 and 228 okay Mrs Murphy was showing up on February 30th next year it's a Sunday by the way thank you for your I might be here all right thanks um curriculum and instruction Dr Milly do you have anything Kate Adam you are the chair but I believe you defer that March me right under the bus all right so um they went for the first meeting um Dr Melly mentioned that the new M laa standards need to be rolled out um in September of 2024 so um she's been working on that and then next month she's planning to present us with some of the release test items from the njsla just so we can get an idea of what the students are really being expected to do on those tests which is often much more difficult than you would anticipate um she also mentioned the two Benchmark programs that are being used in the school mobimax will be starting to be used for grades 1 through four and that's going to be paid for by the high impact tutoring Grant and then grades by 3 already using iel um which affords the teachers an opportunity to see which students are at their benchmarks that they should be at um and then also there are follow-up lessons within those programs that adapt to where whatever level student is at um and then the rest of it was um qac information I cover all you for technology we're just working on the multif um I wanted to share I'm uh sit on a committee of uh it's one book one Community it's uh Frankford Lafayette Su de Manu and high point and we come together and we choose a a common book that we read amongst the districts and then we throw it out to libraries and we invite everybody from the any students K through2 from the county to come to a culminating event which is happening on March 9th I will leave these out if anybody's interested to share it registering their children for it it's a great day but this year's theme is called robots don't have hearts we were really looking at uh the ai ai technology and robots and drones and all this stuff that was coming through so um the book the youngest book is called uh love Z it's about this adorable little robot sorry I had to mark my pages with something this adorable little robot who goes out and finds this bottle I won't give way the whole story but he finds this bottle and it's a treasure and inside of it there's a note that says love beatric and when he asks other robot friends whose's beatric they say they it doesn't compute because robots don't have hearts so he goes on this adventure to find out what love is and he comes home to find out that it's his robot family and that family gives him all the love that he needs so I did ruin the ending for you go ahead and um we'll be reading that book that's for the little guys man SP alert I won't tell you this one school of whatnots is the As for the for the um four through adults same sort of thing it's an Android uh school that's mixed with a human school and they don't know who's Android and who who's human but they find out that friends can be anybody when you figure out what friends really mean so that's what the school of whatnots is um we have uh we do a t-shirt con contest to do a winner of the contest that was an eighth grader from Lafayette so he'll his artwork will be the shirts that we'll sell at the at the day we'll have um Sarah Van Horn from Warren County Community College has a robotics team at the college level she'll be bringing spot the robotic dog one of those big dogs with the big legs um and a drone and they'll focus our keynote and then of course we have to get into our Reading Writing so we'll have some writing sessions and some reading sessions that are evolved around this so if you're interested I will leave the Flyers out on the desk and uh you can take one to sign up your kids but we're looking for for to that we already have uh nine registrations and it went out last Thursday so I think we're on a good start great right Mr Sylvester do you have something to to present said you [Music] did it or not I do you do the yeah yeah um so so yeah um so we did our midyear report uh we had one Hib in the first half of our educational Year from September to December 31st um we are in the midst of our final half year or second halfe report um there was uh four within the month of January and we will be voting on them shortly um for investigation for investigations not for correct sorry misspoke that's right um Mr lard do you have an update on the roof project yes so last Thursday we received the uh official Grant uh package from the state for our Rod Grant that's going to replacing our our bwing roof which is the hallway you take left at the end of this hallway that's bwing uh so we got approval for that so I have three resolutions on here to they're all mandated language we need to have for approving this grant um but the good news is that should be about a month turnaround for them to give us a fully executed uh document back from the state uh and which time we can finally award a bid for that so right now The Architects are working on the bid specifications obviously once they've got their General stuff uh done I take it and I review it and review it with the attorney for any legal updates that need to go out um but fingers crossed we're hopeful that we could have a bid ready for approval Maybe by by at this point it would probably be the mark meeting uh most likely um if depending on what the timing is there's a possibility we have a special meeting if we need to depending on when everything is awarded because we want to have those bids usually advertised for at least four weeks time um just oh just the bid package would be ready March no that would be hopefully for an award if we can get if the packet can to be ready in the next few weeks it would be March otherwise April the key is how much time we will have because usually lead times for these types of are quite long um so I'm still hopeful we can get this done for this summer but right now at least we're moving along we got our Grant application done and the next step is just getting that back from the state before we can officially award we could advertise before if the specs are ready we just can't award until we get it back so bids by law for Public public bids have to be good for 60 days so from the date of the bid opening to the date of award you have have to they have to be guaranteed to be good for over 60 days so that's going on that today we completed the trianal payroll verification this was something that we've been doing you have to do every three years it's part of the accountability regulations that came out in I think 2008 um anyhow every three years you have to do a full um verification of all your payrolls so everyone gets a live check on one pay period of the school year every three years which they have to show photo to um to get their paycheck that was today it's gone pretty well never really have too many issues with that but we moved payroll up two days um because obviously many people might have conflicts with if they get a live check they have paid you know mortgage payments coming out the same day um so I try to move that up to avoid any issues first year had a few people very upset so I didn't want to do that again well they have until February 30th to get their payment check in the bank I don't want to have the [Laughter] conversation so anyhow that one over well um I have added this just came out today was an update uh some of you might recall we have applied over the past two years we've applied for this uh the EPA clean bus rebate program they introduced it for a third time uh there is a lot of money out there however being that we're rural we are considered one of the priority districts but we are down the list of priorities um the last two times you know the New Jersey Awards went primarily to the big urban districts I don't expect it to be much different but we're going to apply for it either way to hopefully we get it what it would pay for is when we looked at this it would replaced if approved two of our school buses to be electric um electric school buses are over $200,000 a piece so the key is whatever doesn't get funded is for what the difference is but it pays for the bus it pays towards the installation of charging um um charging apparatus whatever you need to we had met in the summer of last year to discuss where this would go it's still a little bit of a uh decision making to be had but right now the first step is whether or not we get approval for the funding is our electric bus every give this problem in the cold well that is something I would be concerned about um and certainly I'd have to find out from other districts how they've been working out since obviously when it gets down to single digits certainly has been in the news lately as well batteries rechargeable batteries do not thank you for that and that is all I have um school and safety climate there was a lockdown drill on January 24th 2024 an email went out about that nothing on Personnel so we come to the regular consent agenda so on the regular consent agenda um you're voting on items 3 through 31 there's nothing on number 11 if you look it says not applicable and also if you hear people abstaining from 12 that's because they are members of the PTA not because they don't support the PTA it's because they overly support the PTA and our members so please don't look at that and think that they are not supporting the PTA okay a regular consent agenda let's go through it 30 uh resolve that the Frankfurt Board of Education accept the recommendation of the superintendent of schools to approve the above identified regular agend or consent agenda items number three or 2024 0129 3 through 31 again there's nothing on 11 Kate Adam abstain 12 but yes Jamie Armondo yes oh sorry did you a motion motion second Jamie seconds yes obain both yes stain 12 yes Caitlyn Fredo are you a PTA member yes she's at stain 12 Jennifer NST yes Charlie molar uh yes abstain three and four I wasn't here for those minutes John tiger yes Jesse vaugh uh yes obain 12 and you need to abstain yeah and then the this the 17 s eight and four S um Anderson yes uh Mandy just at St 12 please this brings us into our second round comment um can I have a motion regular agenda first oh sorry regular agenda um 34 um Regular agenda items um number 32 roll call this is to accept harassment intimidation and bullying reports um written out on December 18 2023 um first is case number 23 24-2 refer to your packet Kate Adams yes Jamie Armondo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jen n yes Charlene molar yes John tiger yes Jesse vaugh yes Le Anderson yes Mandy J yes case number 232 24-3 K Adam uh yes Jamie armo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jennifer N yes Charlene molar yes John tiger yes Jesse vaugh yes Le Anderson yes Mandy J yes case number 2324 D4 Kate Adam yes Jamie Armando yes Caitlyn Fredo no Jennifer N yes Charlene molar yes John tiger yes Jesse vaugh no Anderson no Mandy J yes 23 24-5 ready you ready Chris 232 24-5 K Adam sorry I'm trying to mark this yes Jamie Armondo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jen n yes Charlene molar yes John tiger yes Jesse BAU yes Le Anderson yes Mandy Js yes regular agenda item 2024 0129 d33 approve a non FMLA non njla unpaid maternity leave absent request for employee number f001 022 smid smid 28995 702 effective honor about May 6 through June 10th 2020 24 employee will be utilizing approximately six sick days one personal day and one family illness day leaving leading up to this leave of absence Kate Adam yes Jamie Armondo yes Kate oh motion motion yes Jamie Armondo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jennifer NST yes Charlene molar yes John tiger yes Jesse vaugh yes Le Anderson yes just yes there's nothing on 35 right so go these um oh okay there is 35 yeah 20 24-1 29-35 approve the following substitute and activity compensation rates for the 20 23 24 school year bu 26 is that the number we yes no that's for the bus driver the substitute below we're going to vote on the substitutes next okay um bus driver substitute s this is the substitute oh substitute $26 Kate Adam yes Jamie Armondo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jen now yes Charlene monar yes John tiger yes Jessie vaugh Yes Le Anderson yes Mandy J yes 20 2401 29-36 on the recommendation of the superintendent approve re revised contracts for the following faculty and staff Personnel um two of our permanent bus drivers both going to $27 an hour um motion second yes Kate Adam yes Jamie Armondo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jennifer N yes Charlie molar yes John tiger yes Jesse vaugh yes Le Anderson yes yes for Andy just last one right guys y all right 20241 29-37 approve extension of the current Family Medical Leave Act eligible leave of absence request for employee F 0000 0627 njm njm smid number 1 180 13482 extending the expected return to work date from February 1st 2024 to February 2 6 2024 motion motion seconds yeah give it Kate Adam yes Jamie Armondo yes Caitlyn Fredo yes Jennifer N yes Charlene molar John tiger yes Jesse vaugh yes Le Anderson yes Randy J yes comment second are there any public comment people signed up there was oh K Mrs Langan back please step forward hi my name is Caroline there was a situation with my daughter as a result I was not happy with the unprofessional approach and the lack of information I Mr so I chose to reach out to Mr who has more experienc in knowledge and how the education system works Mr Mooney called me on a Friday night after I was hardly T and went over how it all works and will to sit down with both students and talk with them in monor the situation I want to personally thank Mr for my words and his approach I hope I hope we never have to come to this situation across again and I hope everyone learns from this and does better thank you Mr thank you Karen thank you um anyone else motion to close public comment second anybody have any other items or good of the order yes quickly tomorrow night is the susex County School Board Association meeting it's virtual uh free just sign up in your email you should have received an email so if you have any interest it's online I think it's at 6:45 is the start time I highly recommend going to these meetings they're they're really informational um especially when you don't have to go anywhere uh so if anyone is interested you can find that in your email to sign up oh did I steal your thing sorry that was the only thing I had too I was just going to make a note for everybody in thinking about the confidentiality of our superintendent search that we should probably keep that in mind that we didn't pick that we don't shouldn't say any names because their districts don't know that they were looking so we got Mr Newman which is great but let's not let's not mention any other names to anybody else in public yes Kathy La that out to us every second of every that we have the end process and we will um we will have a statement to email out to the faculty and staff tomorrow um we realized maybe some people found out in a different way um which we apologize for but we were told throughout this entire process that everything was so highly confidential you don't ever want these people are applying for for this position from other positions and you don't want their current employer for that to ever be compromised on any of them as they said and like we said we had 27 applicants so going into this you had a one in 27 chance of making it through um and it it was a a d I say grueling process we we had a lot of really good applicants um and I'm really confident in Mr Newman um so I I we we picked the right one um but we do need to we did need to just adhere to the process and make sure that nobody's name um that was in that candidate pool ever got out including Mr Newman's up until basically this weekend um when we were instructed to start our reference checks which was actually Friday morning I think Kathy gave us you know Mr Newman had to inform his board that he would be leaving um so in order to do that he wants to make sure that the contract is secured and in place and approved by the county superintendent he doesn't want to tell his board hey I'm leaving and the county superintendent says no go it's kind of you know not uh not the way you want it to work so we were trying to um just abide by that confidential it and also out of respect for Mr Newman um make sure that it wasn't out too early um so there will be a statement going out to the faculty and staff tomorrow as well from the board um regarding Mr Newman's approved contract and his upcoming tenure not tenure right his upcoming employment about that that's good I'm g go back to work um one final thing maybe just saying thank you Mr money too with our crazy week of snow days and delayed openings um with very timely and appropriate messages was very helpful to the fam so thank you Mr Newman knows he has big shoes to fill from motion happy night happy night thank you