##VIDEO ID:f5FeM76goqg## all right you're good okay all right everybody Welcome to the uh December 2014 environmental commission meeting um our first order of business would be the minutes for November um just looking through it I just thought maybe we'll just add maybe a little more detail on the uh applications um okay and uh I I just I thought what I we could what I would do is just like write to you what I put for the comment sheet just so it's a little bit more detail and um and then we can just yeah that's the only thing I noticed I don't know if anybody else wants to put any more has any more comments I will say um for the new ones I did start going back to my original format with the blocks and lots and and my notes in them so it won uh the next tonight's will be like the way they were do we just I I don't really know how that I don't know how you but I mean this is um and more information is needed before approval VAR reest but I did write something I just forgot what it was I just don't have it with me so I just thought yeah bar said we had that so uhhuh yeah I think this is um this doesn't seem to be okay was in relation to one of the applications but there were several applications so and it's not clear what which application is in reference too I think it's the the one at the butch compound we couldn't figure out where the addition was going yeah yeah but then there was the and I another and you definitely yeah yes so we'll just do that so should we just approve them next time is that okay with everybody yeah okay yeah um all right uh next order of this will be guests um we have um Roger and Barbara Halper in the audience um anybody want to say anything before we go on uh if we're having discussion by the guests is that yes yeah U two things one is I noticed on the agenda a couple of meetings ago for the T committee that there is a EPA request to do soil testing over in tus Grove over at the ab fireh house and the park and maybe a couple other properties right over there for uh contamination that would have been related to killone uh kilton was a peptide um manufacturer among other things and they were located in Center City Vining so the you know how contamination would have reached here is unclear and that was uh cleaned up years ago so it's a mystery and nobody seems to know how killone contamination is Upstream not Downstream and many miles away or suspected contamination she so EPA requested that they do some soil testing to say you know whether there indeed is an issue that needs to be clean up there I thought you should know about that okay so why why don't we have a notification that she um anyway I mean that's where I live well yeah you're not that close to it but you are in Forest gr even though you were probably far enough away but they'll be doing that investigation and hopefully get an answer to the killon site was in like Center City yes it was it was FL in the middle so you think that's some sort of error or something or I no I I they did soil removal um they manufactured products for a long time I think they were dumping them in Pits on sight this goes back to the 30s I think dis closed in 32 my own you know guess is that either the products were heavily employed in the area somehow and I think arsonic is one of the compounds that they conern B and I forget what the other one is um or the soil that was moved to the site didn't actually make it to the proper place and somehow was brought here um and put at the park or at the fire station or something like that but without it's just conjection because you don't yet know why you would have questions by the EPI and need to do further testing you know in an area that's so far away from the okay like how did they get that soil to test that soil for for this contamin it well they haven't tested it yet what what it mattered to was it was on the agenda and Epi was asking the town to to give the nod or okay I don't know if they have to get the trans permission to actually perform soil samples for the EA to perform them on these specific sites and it gave a list of like four or five locations in that area and from my understanding the firehouse and the park are two of those properties I didn't follow which where these properties actually were I had a conversation with Cindy who spoke to the fire chief you know to let them know because they live there their families there they were you know these are the people that are actually impacted they were unaware of this so hopefully they'll get to the bottom as well yeah so they haven't been contacted yet by ETS and the town apparently was question I the T committing meeting as to what is going on what do they know and apparently they didn't have any more information than we did so we don't know you know that's but it's something that the environmental commission should be interested in and should follow through with finding out you know what you find out this much um because I read it on the agenda and then I spoke to Cindy because I thought it was important enough speak her she knows a lot of people like I said she reached out to the part sheet in that area and told him what was going on so that he could reach out um and I would think that mat CES is he still the environmental officer he might be a good place to start as far as reaching out to him and finding out what he knows or what he can find out uh there must be somebody he is a contact who could probably provide some context as to why they think they need to do the stamping yeah I don't know how that would ever happen and not come to the environment like how a how did how an organization like contact the town and we're not involved but well Pioneer medal what we go there you the resolution roughly I'm trying to look it up now no I don't it was a couple meetings ago um wasn't the last meeting I don't know if it was the new before the one before that but I always read the agendas and uh so I have a clue whether I should be showing up or you know making phone calls or sending emails or something like yeah letting you guys know so our Township committee knows about this this was on their agenda at our Township committee meeting yeah wow yeah but they didn't seem to have answers when the question do me in as to you know what the source was what the situation is all they knew was they were asked to samp or all sh they were ask sampl they had no idea so can c um but that's where we're at at this point so do you know approximately the date of the meeting is that no I don't know if it was November meeting I prob of meeting I don't any um I'm sure if the agenda to go up online that's looking that you know I I had someone then I think it was Kevin uh had he CL in he worked should be papers I believe he sent me a a full report on the hill Town site but this was an older report and me this site was cleaned up years ago so why this situation is puming up now is unclear yeah the site hasn't been in operation since the 30 as a they can it's still an operating uh commercial property from time what's interesting is that where it's situated I think it's on chest and Easter Che see is actually soon the begin was right off the property so all the pit you know throwing chemicals into this pit did sort of what she'll now did all ran Southwest and contaminated in that direction so we're North each of that were disc contamination so that's what the mystery is like how did Disc contaminated other than soil or product I can't drive any another way unless they dumped it unknown you know if people didn't know it just had extra stuff and they just dumped it there or something you never know you know um yeah be an explanation with the letter here's something about University Avenue well test that the installation additional monitoring wellth from the University Avenue right of way oh that's over in Mala [Music] it was interesting how many mil and Wells are there in that [Music] neighborhood [Music] uh all right oh Emergency Management headers so you mentioned Matt's name and as soon as you said Matt's name I realized that I forgot to ask him about any stuff for this month so I do not have anything for that uh I do have to ask them if there was anything we also missed um earlier this year like in between John transition and everything I wasn't really sure if there was anything we missed back in like February or March or something like that I was I had to do the the end of the year report and I have to see how many things but anyway so if there's anything that I missed from this month I'll let you know next time um but I will get in touch with him uh this week um and we'll ask him about this contamination sure yeah why not yeah it sounds like the top of Story of the Year here yeah all right well um we'll move on to the uh the applications um it looks like um sorry anyway yeah so we we have five of them now I had written down we had four but there was actually a fifth one um but I guess we can start with uh PB 2408 um let me get my description here okay um so that one's at uh 24 Main Road in Franklinville um and it says as 5.88 acres is being subdivided from lot 51 to lot 50 of block 50 581 uh this would bring the total acreage of lot 50 to uh 600 600 sorry 6.88 acres and lot 31 to 1.58 Acres um and yeah I haven't had a chance to really look over the plan for that one yet I don't know if anybody else has or has any comments on that one yet um the engineer definitely hit the main thing that they haven't gotten anything from their Pine Land yeah okay not submitted all the materials and requirement for application in the P [Music] land so so it's kind of incomplete it looks like well yeah it's not complete enough for a hearing because it was deemed incomplete by the engineer and one of the reasons was they don't have a certificate of filing from the peline commission which would be substantial because the lot is too small to meet the basic GL D so they would need to address that in certain ways um whether it's you know an alternative septic so um the commission letter would cover that once they get their application approved okay they didn't have the soil types on the plan I'm glad he's asking for that they didn't identify whether any of the neighboring lands are assess as farmland and yeah just SL and existing structurs in wooded are just 200 ft on sh so I doubt this will be hard would you suggest no comment from us for now what um which application is this I apologize it's a 20 yeah it's the one on mean Road they're just doing a lot line adjustment correct they're not creating no they are creating a lot I just look back to July C committee I don't see anything from July till now I don't [Music] it looks like originally this was one lot because there's no existing lot line it's just a supposed lot line and it's really hard to tell what he's drawing here because there's pictures of structur that are this one's dark so it looks like there are two houses here on this lot and this you know I don't know what where the original lot line was or what the deal is cuz this is 51 and this is 50 and they're deleting this line [Music] here so originally this lot was bigger and this lot was smaller so they're they're reversing that TR they're making the smaller lot the bigger lot and taking away this box so wasn't that an adjustment you say they're creating additional L actually no you're right they they are adjusting it but it's a massive difference between you know this lot being very small 125 by 361 originally that now that lot is going to be 200 by you know like 6 800 600 on you know total of 800 they're going to incomp this I don't know if you can see [Music] this see this is the original lot Line This is this house and everything else belongs to that side yeah let's one family yeah now they're changing that off and now it'll all be this they're deleting that theying yeah and um I don't know what why there's all these things here but this is clearly existing what are you know what's this not that it matters that much but it's bizarre to think things outlin with no [Music] description yeah it's like is that proposed is that ruins is that existence you yeah what exactly is it looks like figures from the AutoCAD that the guy forgot to drag off the plane when you you know what I'm saying yeah yeah I don't I don't know that there's any reasons to comment because no I don't really think it's not really much no and the engineer has it well in hand at this point if they don't have Tri not that's not to happen over is um all right uh so the next one I believe used to be zoning board uh 2417 and I think now it's planning board 2409 is that um Barb is that the one that's uh theen okay yeah that's okay um so uh yeah so PBE 2409 is it's um uh 4125 Han Avenue in Williamstown which I'm guessing is just Williamstown even though it's address yeah it's like okay um it's blocked 601 Lots 4 and 55 applicant wants to move existing lot lines to include the frontage uh and uh to um not but anyway I guess to expand frage and gain access to lot 55 uh and construct the single [Music] family um let me see [Music] here marker I'll hear this music I'll be hearing music January they come okay so you have any comments [Music] all right I I mean I we're all going to be making a comment right I'm not making well no you made a comment about me my attendance to the meeting so I'm saying if you had a chance to look at the knowing I will be on the court in January yeah you guys anything well that's what we're making com and I'm concerned about you not being here right I know I wasn't being sarcastic when I said that just saying that you know I'll be there in January on the board now I'll take concern right is there okay technically J and this I'm officially well I guess I'm not I could P somebody off now yeah on on their specificate fil basically go without saying it that way yeah it's like a landlock parcel in the front property is given some land access to the rear property correctly yeah what was the comment well I don't know does anybody think we should have a comment on that one I don't think I looked at the wetlands map didn't look like it was impacted by Wetlands when you go the pine lands they're not going to let you get away with Wetlands they don't even let you put it without um all right so then we have PV 2410 which is at um 1751 ston Avenue block 905 BL one it's in residential agricultural it's currently occupied by a single family house applicant wants to divide the lot one into four Lots with no change to the current house um did we have a point on that I didn't see the point I don't know cuz I know that uh there was like two applications that they haden't had a chance to get the electronic copies to us yet so um okay this is the dent one that's not this one this one okay um Val I think yeah shinski shinski yeah that's the property kind of box up to the drainage Bas on peach or I should say the drainage BAS up today it's on the corner remember the marijuana application the opposite side of the street uh is the marijuana facility L there's an old farmhouse and a large parcel property is there any drainage that's not shown on this plant I haven't seen a plant I just proper just looking at Google right now I don't really see uh like any Creeks or or anything it's all it's it's farmlands uh looks like nearby is that the plan for how' you get the we at the [Music] table here's the house here right here is the marijuana Place here's the church no they not going to be a marijuana what do you mean and here's the Basin right there dra Bas I'm talking about 13 These ples suck through these but you don't have the 200 foot I doesn't have anything over here there's two new hes here one inch equals 80 so maybe you do well I know you don't have this across across the way but um doesn't even show the other side of Shar that but yeah neither here nor there there's two new hes here that were just recently built um there's a their current project they're putting drainage from this Basin there must be an easement somewhere cuz they're going down here they here it loops around and comes out on Stant Avenue over here so it's artificial drainage is that like yeah is that the town was working on well this shows the township I guess maybe that uh particular a lawsuit in the town had to fix it I don't know if the town's doing the work or the developer funny cuz no one seems enough much like The Kill situation ask aot um but this is stand have here pretty straightforward this is this is farmed here this is Woodland here kind of a weird setup this is good as far as water tables I don't know what this I didn't bring my soil map book I'm not sure what that stands for I mean this is probably FAS for S4 those are all good soil types but if you're telling me the Basin here and this is this kind of wonder what that is is it okay here on the hous boiler the thought you were a geologist for I'm not a geologist but I go my soil tyes um doing lot of yeah soils are good out there that is good I've never seen a refer to a but those are [Music] new good good for building yeah they're interesting I black off that one Mak that [Music] lot3 farming any of uh this is all Woodland yeah this is all Woodland management PL actually and this here this here is farmed here this is old so you think this this part of the Woodland management uh yeah what's interesting is they don't have they don't show any the I'm not a fan of these we have this discussion the agricultural buffers oh wait he does have something here 50t EG buffer there 100t EG buffer aw um I guess this it wouldn't have any buffers cuz it's remain um qualif [Music] for so the metime it they have to is that right well I don't you know there's nothing is there a planning board right yeah and yeah they don't need a variant and they're in aine L so yeah it goes through there no Wetlands there's no environmental issues that we can they're obviously going to land up with come maybe we'll come back to it when they have they want to build a house or something like that but as of now going to the building this well because that's planning board it's 10 days before planning board so we're not within that we're within the 10 days of the Zoning for us but not planning usually you're going to see it before the 10 days here what what do you of 10 days the planning board any plans for the planning board the legal notice is 10 days yeah that's a minimum that's maximum available to the public the day they fil well you should file what you should file a suit against that's okay you're better at that than me you got your lawyer last time yeah I did you should do got the U so we'll do no comments for that one did anybody else want to see I don't know if anybody down here want to see or not but if you're done with it I'll take it so I can fill in my portion okay follow and and the next one we have is I would brought PB 2411 which is um it's on third3 uh how do you say that name again that street okay it's Dall Drive in Malaga it's block uh 50 541 lot 18 and lot 20 uh it says lot 18 is receiving land lot 20 is giving land uh so this is are they they're donating one .3 acres to a the a nonprofit is that what I'm am I correct in saying that yes yes okay so that's the [Music] American is that what the new lot's going to be or is that something else so the new lot is uh them donating portion of the other lot to the vegan place right isn't that isn't that what it is it was kind of confusing when I look it is really confusing yeah but the dentals are the vegan people okay so they own pretty much that street they okay yeah and this may have something to do with the CU Earth will have passed on and an is the exactly I think an is his daughter or [Music] granddaughter you got to Google it that this pinol guy I don't know he invented it but he he had this thing this light energy healing yeah device mm that he believed would heal heal you through light energy that's kind of interesting and all the DW they're all like they live to be like 100 years old they're all like vegans yeah yeah want that yeah I mean they believe that this energy late healing thing I actually know then Char violent and you know I've known him since I was a kid uh and their father was I think this guy's brother were that nephew on it and uh that guy's got to be like up there like 100y old guy perfect health something be said for that saying you know how much I pay for a light therapy treatments on your face and Skin So this guy was way ahead way ahead of the curve he was doing it like 80 years yeah yeah just saying it's a thing well a Netflix special that where they did a on Twins and one twin ate a very healthy diet with meat in it and the other twin ate a very healthy diet that was vegan and they both you know did this for 8 weeks and then they tested them they did you know groups of Twins doing it and they even went so far and not only were the vegan twins had all kinds of had less bell the kind of bell that that's damaging to your health even though they didn't exercise more than the carnivorous twin they even measured their telr which if you don't know what a talir is it's actually the ends of your chomosome and the shorter your telam are the closer you are to actually dying the longer the T are you know the longer you're going to live if you're not hit by a block because they have to do with cell dividing and stuff the vegans gain tell hel there and the non-vegans did not you know they they're basically proving that if vegan diey it is going to make you live longer so even with without the life therapist those people being lifelong vegan are healthier and will live longer this is after 8 weeks yes even if we they had lots of biological changes that made them much healthier even the twin even though the one twin there were two women you know they did much more exercise and the other one who only walked time like she was she was kind of low ke but because of her vegan diet she landed up with better TCH results of all the medical stuff including her talir yeah because they pick your wife yeah you know being vegan is definitely better than you would think [Music] should we no comment this one since yeah there's nothing it doesn't seem to be really much to it unless we're missing something but okay it's all just yeah all right so far so the uh the last one is a zoning board one that I have not it just came in apparently and that one is ZB 24 16 uh if I'm not mistaken I have not had a chance to look at this one at all because it's very new mean not the 2417 the 247 is the one that changed uh to a planning board one but we just got something in that I haven't even had a chance to look at um so I wonder why we weren't informed of all this I think that it's just to get you know I mean up till late in the day trying to get information yeah it's very strange h well I'm happy to see them stamping the plans in on most of the plan which is something I've been trying to get them to do so you know when they arrive now home um this plan is very interesting because there's a letter from the engineer that refers to a report from Joseph R Al alart alart and uh basically saying that not withstanding the report by Mr arsenov it is my opinion that waving the requirement for njz approval of the known Adan Wetlands corresponding offer is not within the jurisdiction of Frank C Zing board and that's the engineer conclusion so this plan is probably not going to be seen is that what it looks like by or heard by the zening board it maybe it looks like it already Was Heard and they were granted some um back in uh it was ZB 22-03 so is 22 the year or I think it might be cuz I think all the ones that we've had so far are 2 excuse me 24 yeah in 22 they were um granted permission to construct as well and on a lot with 100 foot of front edge where 150 is required where's this at it's uh it's do Little Mill and uh something yeah Little Mill Road and they're calling Holly Avenue for some reason but off little mad yeah I think I remember this it's like a paper Street or something private road Iden of Hollywood oh I kind of feel like that it sounds familiar Hollywood intention so why is it come to that maybe because they're ready to build ex yeah but they got the approval the Z Board of the in 22 Rel granted in order to construct single family resolution several conditions applicant wishes to amend the resolution to remove item four um item four was the condition of the up can provide a l of interpretation so it sounds like they're saying [Music] no he said you know based on Joe's abin has submitted a letter report bled by Joseph arol enironmental consultant dat July 10th 2024 this correspondence indicates Wetlands exist on the Eastern edge of the original La 22 Mr arsenals that these wetlands are prac 65 ft from the existing cleared area for the dwelling ngj G regulates Wetland Wetland buffers in this and I have no reason to doubt Mr ARS findings however priv of wetland and assignment of transitionary bus solely within there IND jurisdiction okay so there's coming back trying to get a waiver from yeah something that was asked two years ago or whatever yeah yeah they're recommending it he seems incomplete is what the N say which means it shouldn't be HT at all okay um yeah I me this really goes back to that one issue so this is still they were trying to build the single family home and now what are they trying to request they wanted an exemption from the that they required to have they were trying to get out of that rather than actually do it and uh apparently they must have hired Joe while Jo write that letter is that far um I don't know that it's in here I didn't notice it it was part of the ladder from the engineer in the mention [Music] report well swe if if you think it's not going to be heard should just you can that L okay okay but you could have the comment that you know that you agree with the engineer recommendation that you know if the be in complet and that they get you know that they comply with the condition that they were bu in the first yeah they could have have by now all right so you said what 65 ft yes from the clearing where's the engineer it's in there you got to the letter the application is it oh yeah okay well if it's okay with everybody I'm going to just uh while you're looking at that just going to move on for now because we have a lot of other things I want to talk about um and uh it's uh already 85 so um so I just want to bring up a couple things for old business uh Lake Park um I what was I going to pick up with Lake Park well we we went we went there and it was clean yes yeah yeah yes it looks like there's still um she still status quo yeah in progress in progress the old stuff still there it looks like they haven't put the new stuff in yet but the old stuff yeah yeah also good yeah no yeah so um that's pretty much all I mean we we just went into the uh the parking lot I just walked the trail back in November so and you know of course all the new signs are up um it's clean and the trash is empty and it's just it looks like it's kind of it's been well upkept yeah it's nice flage there in the spring well somebody has like a little garden there yeah uh that's right next to the the trail well we planted that but they theyve made it replanted it with even more what we planted is there but they Angel yep they have what was it two and then recycling as well um yeah other side of the park they yep and then I went to Piney Hollow uh twice um recently and they have so along unexpected Road they have um barriers up for the trail so that because there's a trail that comes out um from Dyke 3 goes all the way down to unexpected Road and there's barriers there that now no ATVs or whatever can get through just what Mark said just what Mark said was what do they call Jersey I don't really is that what they're called okay so they were all and how was it when you get back to the res that uh so um what do you mean like how like you mean the the the F this on the end oh oh it's that one well I just turned around there I didn't really explore there too much um but uh I mean there doesn't seem to be any trash in that part right now so uh and then the trash that was um that was um at the border of uh our preserve and like this the Farmland there was a a tarp there with trash underneath that's gone now there's just a little pile of dirt which I don't know if there's anything under that pile of dirt I don't really want to go in there because of maybe ticks and stuff but it looks like they was cleaned up a lot and now there's just I would say m a pile that small pile of bottles and yeah but so that's you know but it's not where that dirt pile was so it's just right along the road easy easily picked up easily taken care of and in the park itself as far the trash we saw we saw couple beer cans beer bottles soda can but almost nothing I think it was three pieces of trash that we saw yeah easily you could probably pick everything up even the other pile with just um uh you know a trash bag y so um and if anybody wants to see them later I have pictures of uh the findings I I have on the computer as far as the the um the depressed areas well yeah there there's still depressed areas but they're smooth like there's no there's no uh they're not tire tracks do you know what I me they're not red like this like they used to right you can walk right course you know 8 in low in rain but but nevertheless it's smooth you can walk right over it water out there yeah and somebody has gone along and made you know strange clippings of of mountain laurel mostly you know they leave all sticker bushes alone but they CLI things in Mountain Laurel it doesn't look like there's any harm done that yeah yeah so um again that was great the only thing we didn't haven't KN looked at is over by the farm the farm Stu mean past the third dke no um at the second side there's a trail to the right and if you take that trail to the right it takes you all the way to the farm where they have a hole in what you to be the fence where they fold those there and all kinds of crack and you know they probably still jump there and they built a um a very elaborate tree band which I showed the mayor of I have them on my phone still um and all this is on our prop is that uh the trailer that says dead end and it's like I think it says like there's like an arrow there on the tree and it says dead end this way and then like two is this way okay yeah and it say like25 miles or something yeah it might be okay um but it basically once you get I think it's before the concrete structure that I was talking about okay and it's on the right yeah you'll see a trail on the right and uh that trail leads to the for long okay and that's where the massive amount of something from the fuchi farm yeah yeah yeah if that's the trail I think that might be the trail that we decided not to go down cuz it looked a little bit overgrown it isn't very wi yeah and I was a little afraid cuz it was kind of warm I was afraid of tick if it gets cold cold I know it's going to get quite cold I will go back uh if I can and explore now John put signs there on some of the piles where the ground pink do and it's bar but yeah that is not our property line our property Lin extends all the way to the actual Farm okay and the farmers you'll see they they drive in there they there is nothing because they've been making exterion into the property and dumping and building and treating it as if it's their dump and they hunting so it's ongoing what it's an ongoing dump yeah I mean we told they about it you know when he was the here instead of mark and um you know we've been staying stuff all along engineer and I walked out there with public work and St you know it's been depend aware of what's going on out there and they because it's so expensive I think they did some amount of clean up but and that's never going to happen what is it private L it's the private landfill on the S [Music] don't we don't deal it private well the public property so why why is the S letting proper I I don't know I'm sorry to interrupt has anyone contacted um Bob Moria or Jean he's the township that goes around giving out the citations for illegal dumping for overgrown yards for having too many you know unregistered Vehicles he's the one that goes out and gives out their citations yeah but you deciding your sell you have to site the property owner and we on the property yeah but if they're dumping it on the proper legally you cannot prove that they're jumping it you have to see a party do the jumping see I worked at the county and we would F people for jumping and the only way you can sa somebody is that you actually see them do it so even though somebody jumps on your property you don't see them do it what are they dumping out there oh like trash or like form stuff trash all kinds of stuff broken glass and all kinds of stuff we should get the March there so thing operation and are so good out out there he's on it okay I'm just saying there these cameras now these Wi-Fi game cams you can you can put a camera out there yeah well that would be good intruding I mean at one point they had these very large pile along the PA right near that opening of dirt mixed with trash you know broken up trash and there was big piles of D and I don't know if they you taking them and put them in the py how like it's own little world out there it can get away want I mean the other guys over there with the all the semi trailers rning industrial sh out I mean it's not like they don't know telling them for a year so two of our Parks have dumps in them oh yeah and well there might be three now since we're going to have to kill some all three of our parts have dump may have potentially so as far as new business goes we have to pick out uh I have a w down here I know we have to pick out the date for next year um and well I have a question for Mark but he's not here so um but anyway I guess the we can um pick out the dates do we still want to do the fourth Monday of the month or you do we want to change it do we want to start at 7 instead of 7:30 I mean I know that some people get here you know like 7 7:15 but I don't know if we want to do it a little early or that would be good for anybody if that would be bad 7:00 I like seven I like seven if you start seven it's staying on Mondays was that it's staying on Mondays we'll have to see if any if anybody has an objection to that but well how do we like we have to reserve this room right well oh yeah yes we do you're right about also you need P your plans before start yeah you're going to move the plan review to 63 since you know right now play has always in from 7 to 7:30 and then the meeting starts at 7:30 that's the way it was done for a decade yeah right so the question comes if you want to move up the actual meeting then everyone has to be here even sooner in order for the plans to you don't want to be reviewing the plans in the meeting slow the meeting down yes um do any anybody object to that I mean not that's fine with me but just as long as it stays on Mondays cuz that's the day I'm off from my second job I Mondays free okay so I'm fine with thing you want to do it earlier we're cool and you want to come in at 6:30 with is that okay with everybody 6:30 6:30 we come at 6:30 to you want the meeting starts at 7 this whole plan thing hour well I guess we get the plans ahead of time do you want oh it you get your plans ahead of time for well we get you know um whatever Evan sends out whatever he has available like some of these plans are send us obviously start till satday that's right yeah if you want to be here for plan review don't we get to Mee very early we do I mean on the internet you know um send out if somebody wants to see it if they want to see it yeah CU I it's so hard to see the plans on it's this big if it's major development you can't see anything on the computer because we're talking big plans with with like 17 sheets you know a sheet with the grading a sheet with the drainage a sheet with the landscape a sheet with the lighting you know you're not going to get that than to you in a computer file you know or things like you know engineering report on um you don't even get the engineering report right yeah know I haven't got it for a long a long time question that going to get till he here that's really relevant storm water information I mean we used to we used to get the engineers report without even yeah they used to be picked up from town hall you know a couple days ahead so that it could be reviewed um you know prior and I was hoping mark would be here so that we could settle that you're not going to let are we going to have Mark or don't we know yeah mark and um Mr King you think Mark is going to stay on well he's on the list but you know this is what they want to do so they they usually just bled both um oh so back meetings are still going to be on the fourth Monday you that's fine with me I think that would probably still is that I'm I'm afraid that we probably don't have too much leeway in that yeah the meetings will stay on the 4th Monday the matter what about the calar they already put all the information in for the C calendar c c oh yeah I didn't think about that and aale I'm going to find out very first thing tomorrow morning just changing there's no conflict with anybody earlier yeah seems pretty apparent so there was actually a meeting here tonight before we even got here but it was it was the end of the night it was the end of the year wrapup so they started at 5:00 they're in and out by 6 okay we didn't even get here you know so even if you guys weren't even going to get here till 6:30 I doubt it would it's going to be a conflict of interest at all okay good the only thing that I can see would be Memorial days on the 26th of May and that was like the fourth Monday of May so I don't know if you just want to make that the third you know may have no life day whatever you want I don't know I mean I don't even care if I show have a memorial day but I don't know yeah I don't know if we do we want to just keep it that way for now and then if we want to change it later like we changed this day this month's yes anyone like we did for this meeting if anyone as Christmas or our barbecue comes up or anything like that then I think we only gave them what a couple weeks notice and they and he had it on the website the next day for us okay so we can just leave it and then if it's if there's a conflict in March or April we find out be like oh we really want to don't want to do it or if someone's going on vacation right or some you know book something yeah okay uh and I think oops I think that's the only conflict that I see so far are uh let see one two yeah and then in December it would be on the 22nd which we can kind of just keep it there and just see what we want to do then so always change [Music] yeah so all right so that's everything everybody's happy with that okay um and uh what was the other thing is that it I forget if you had anything else um I didn't know you well the reason I'm asking is I know we had questions for Mark but I now that he's not here I don't know no I have question those days and all that on your own time yeah yeah I would like to have talked to Mar about J pool that's what one of the yeah yeah because my understanding is they were supposed to be out by but apparently no one seems to think there any activity of them trying to well we can email him well I wouldn't ask Mark about JC P he has in Conflict there he's not going to answer any your questions if you want official information did you touch on new members recruiting I was just asking if any moving well I've asked just call ambass stuff Hees he specifically doesn't get the information because he's a neighbor so he doesn't want anybody to observations as a neighbor know whether well yeah disappearing or I don't think the guy had to uh move out I think he had to Cease the manufacturing he part of the agreement he was able to retain the retail and of it what I understand I thought that was only if you got approval from the board yeah I yeah I didn't read settlement supposed to get a pine certific I really thought he was moving out his business well I never thought he would leave I think just rubb draging the yeah right and that's okay well I can tell you I think you bought you purchased the property in LA count Cumberland County building a facility there for the Manu vuring but isn't that side supposed to be really tiny I I don't know I believe it's a larger like industrial but I asse Township probably happy to have something so we had to talk about uh new members um I asked several people and um Everybody didn't want to do it they either had conflicts of uh you know time or whatever or just um yeah just didn't want to do it so um just didn't want to get invol yeah maybe yeah yeah I mean you know there was people I asked who were already busy with other counts of things and stuff like that so yes yeah know yeah she does want to um so but she said not going to say no permanently but we'll see um so um yeah I don't know if anybody this is it then so we all have to show up every single time because this is it right now you have more than four so you know if one of you wasn't here it would work but otherwise I'm afraid to say that you have to coordinate guys I prefer everybody showed up just put yeah but didn't wasn't there somebody that we had we had like one cavone oh yeah is a alternate and they're reappointing him I think that should be addressed yeah uh we did address it well I I asked um Frank as well if but I of course I just asked him today so I don't really know he might not respond he never really writes back to my letters anyway you know saying I'm I'm coming or not coming or whatever so um I I yeah I don't know he might not ever write back to me I don't know um but um uh uh we were gonna I was going to write Roger's name as a suggestion yeah um and yeah yeah to see what they say so yeah y I mean and I he can go Frank can who because he's still there he doesn't expire still ended 26 he would have to write a letter of resignation that's what we asked him to do yeah but Kavon no re reappoint inv B does he had to write a letter of resignation as well no just don't reappoint him because his year is up on 2025 oh okay great I mean 2024 well so they're not replacing Suzanne I guess well Suzanne's got reappointed so she's till 2027 yeah but she can't I thought she moved out to the town yeah okay so she's not on that's what I'm saying they're not they replace whoever whoever decided this list didn't really give a crap about enir but grateful that they may build a um threeyear memro yeah on the post on Wednesday so that is wonderful um and break Evan will be back so somewhere will we being Char of all the goes along and Jason's on yeah and Jason we have for board which is good because Le we know we'll know what's going on so that's what I'm saying so we have an open seat essentially right now so William is now a full-time member sorry and Mark has been replaced with Jason as our liaison Jason is Lia on to the planning board he's now a member okay oh not now but on Wednesday they'll vote this is four what is Jason's last name Brant BR right never sorry brand with a t yes I I totally know that it the other U he'll be the class two member which means he's our representative on the planning board oh okay cool okay Frank hood is an alterate on the planning board but he's still a member of the environmental commission okay unless St he's a member of the planning board yeah but he doesn't show he does he's got a 2-year membership um on the planning board as an alterate um he was a class te member which now Jason took his spot as a so we actually have repres that we can talk to so back to my original Point Suzanne McCarthy is no longer eligible to be a member of this board she's listed yeah yeah she's in another state she yeah what she's not she's not a member anymore she moved down state correct so I'm saying that she's on it's a mistake on right so we have we have you know assuming that Franko does not resign and assuming giovan kovenant does not resign we have does need to resign we have we have a vacancy that we have no one F fill currently yeah there are two vacancies in reality that Suzanne is a number one alternate and number two alternate is a yearly position and why would you appoint when no one for a year I I'll tell you that's what we were saying that we were trying hard to get new members right and there are no takers right so regardless if anybody knows anybody who would like to be on better to not have Kone because he taking up the spot that if he find somebody might will be BL but we asked him to write a letter of res doesn't need to they just don't reappoint him well they're going to reappoint him assuming they don't change this list my point being we have no one anyway so it doesn't matter whether he's there or he's not there kind of does well it does matter I want them off so that in case somebody wants to come along and because we have somebody kind of maybe there um but we have a spot for them we have Suzanne spot yeah plus we have another alternate spot yeah so we have two two empty spots now so until you find a third person that wants to serve it's not really an issue it is an issue I want them all it's about time who was I want for long I don't want I don't want the the committee you think that everything's set um put the hammer down but any you have someone of your Coury for position maybe what was the question you have someone your uh there is one you know possibility not now not yet yeah you going to say who it is you sp the be no no but confidential you you'll tell me after the me no Roger will tell no you can tell come on Roger but Roger you want to be uh a suggested name right for yeah I I can't drive at night the poor man has to drive me here I've been on all for years justbe my community I want to know what's going on do you want to be an alternate all right okay all right yeah um all right uh I guess what's that oh yeah well I uh you got put it right oh I will don't worry you can't change it um anybody else have any they want to say could be a regular well he could but he want yeah but in alternate then we can just if he's just then we can just anytime one of us is he can just chime in and you know without being full be like forever up here true [Music] yeah oh yeah that'll go over that no way um okay should we close out the meeting yeah uh I foret how you do that all you say all all in favor of well make a motion to that's what it is make a motion I just name say that's the end anybody want to make a motion to close the meeting at what is it uh 8 uh 47 47 I make a motion I second okay all all approve all right all right yeah I think so yeah