##VIDEO ID:Bg_490n7HaA## good evening everyone I make motion second Mr star call hi um following our new uh protocol this month uh we've done our executive session prior to uh having our main public portion not inconvenience members of the public and seem to be working um very well so uh we're jump right into our our our presentations this evening um the first item we have is our recognition for our board members uh Mr shanken um been on the board various times uh for various uh years I don't know how how many years of service well this April would be the first time I ran 20 years ago and with the exception of maybe six years I've been on the board for 20 years [Applause] um we have here this evening go other I have a closet full give it to me after give it to me okay thank you than you thank I appreciate it everybody I didn't mean it that to be red I didn't mean that I say 14 years service sorry um with that move on uh we have our presentation um by Mrs leadership club I'm assuming that's these young individuals here with us so no further Ado you guys would like ahe and take the floor hello my name is Al cero and I'm Miss Jackson Miss Hayden's 4th grade class hello my name is Elliot Gilmore and I am in Miss pilgrims fourth grade class hello my name is Cassandra and I am also in Miss P's fourth grade class hello my name is Marshall rosowski and I'm also in Mrs K's fourth grade class we are very glad to be here tonight to report what's happening in at school in September we started the year with responsibility and came back to school to meet our new teachers and classrooms our school theme this year is peace learn and grow which can be seen all over the school the focus is on being kind to everyone and growing in all aspects of the school St before and after school clubs also started in October many students have enjoyed participating in the extracurricular activities like art Club board game club and boy club and kickball Club a really exciting addition to Main Road extracurriculars this fall is yearbook Club where we are all looking forward to seeing the highlights from throughout the year as well as having a special reminder of our of our hour time at Main Road in the news of TR in the years of October we celebrated and dedicated a whole week to it we wore our brightest and shiniest neon or sparkly outfit to let respect shine we dress to impress in our finest attire to to show kindness is classy on Wednesday we wore our PJs to put bullying to bed next we teamed up against buling by wearing our favorite team sports gear finally we ended the week of respect by wearing something that shows who we are with a clear message to help everyone respect others go along with this thing we also had a living fully free on school Chris holfield the motivational speaker came to encourage us to all to always do the our best and put in effort into everything we did his me message help prepare us to recognize and avoid bowling amongst our peers other October activities included ribon R Red Ribbon Week which was a lot of fun Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation and is a way for people and communities to take a visible stance against drugs on Monday we showed our support by wearing red to put a stop to drugs we also received a brag tag to brag about being drug free on Tuesday we laid off drugs by wearing lays and Hawaiian shirts the next day we wore our workout clothes to show respect for our bodies and To Be Drug Free then we dress up for Halloween to scare drugs away we ended the week with a Proud To Be Drug Free Spirit day and wore our scho colors with pride the day before Thanksgiving Main Road held its annual holdown celebration the PTO provided a be for us in the cafeteria we all dressed in our Best Western attire and had lot and had lots of fun dancing with our friends another addition to main Ro extra prays this year is leadership Club our group of 21 leaders from third grade and fourth grade have been busy this fall we have completed several kindness challenges like making positive clothes pins to spread kindness around the school sending holiday messages and gifts to staff members for Halloween and Thanksgiving and writing positive messages on the windows and bathroom mirrors around the school in the leadership club we also learn about good examp for our classmates making hard choices how to work as a team how to apiz how to Have Courage he even had a special visit from Mr pet where he answered all of our interesting questions our favorite part of the club is playing games together and getting to know our students outside of our home room class in November we kicked off the month with a schoolwide ass by Miss inverso where she introduced inverso Emporium to all students we began earning inverso incentive dollars from the bus during recess and in lunches when showing good character we learned about the character tra of service and wrote letters to a parent at Main Road School serving in the military the CCC created a cool activity where all students wrote down a random act of kindness they would do that week on a colorful strip of paper then we turn the strips into chain links creating a huge chain in the cafeteria showing how one act of kindness can lead to another like a chain reaction during morning meeting we started to build positive classroom environments to share our feelings and listen to others this is the time where we do fun activities to get to know and respect one another in November we started using the character strong program during morning GS where each home room is following the same lessons and receiving the same ases each day we are so happy to report another successful dollar donation dve throughout the month of November each woman collected money from those for those in need last year we were able to donate $100 shop right gift cards to 12 local families in me since the drive since the drive is such a great success last decid to try again it's a great way to help families and me during the holiday season this year this year we were able to provide 11 families with $100 shop gift cards and tpes where go students for a job in the beginning of December we had the honor of celebrating our educator of the Year Misha cavelli a fourth grade teacher one educator of the year and Miss Morris Raymond our spe path pathologist one Ed educator service professional of the Year all of the students line the hallways with posters and pom poms who cheer for these two great teachers earlier this month Main Road had a new boiler installed to go along with our character tray of gratitude we were grateful for the chance to go on local field trips during the school day to skate 47 and guano's indoor soccer arena our leadership Club even helped organize for these field trip Days by gathering materials for Reay races and creating signs for the different stations these are days that we will certainly remember last week Mrs town our C sers and chorus performed an amazing concert for all to here and enjoy great job sers we also helped our annual toyss for to drive and helped others enjoy the giftgiving season this week we have a lot to look forward to Holiday shop is set up in the library each day this week is a different Spirit day for the festive holiday week and on Friday we have repeat Hol celebrations so far it's been a groovy year at in school thank you and have a great night thank you guys for coming out this evening and I appreciate the report of the boil I was myself how everything went does everything seem to be functioning okay now back in school is it warm the he's warm and those two days that you were interrupted did you have some I'm glad to hear great job all that that charity work you guys are do guys a few more days fin countdown CH have Merry Christmas board members come want to thank mington for um all the organization and part work um the kids are great but it also takes a great leader and you're a great role model for that so thank you for all that you do and all right the next item on our attenda this evening is our SL report presented by yeah we're going to take a trably two minute break uh to get that presentation set up you guys are more than welcome to St you want to take a picture from good hi instru both Lear this is the list of our members all right wait minute let me get this up everyone that's on it it's a mix there's administrators teachers school counselors child stud team members so wide variety of people across the district um our motto our vision is still the same as it has been just meeting our staff and students on their level of need and supporting a healthy mindset um just across the district picture from the beginning of this year from each um so our first slide we're looking um at tracking the discipline as a baseline we started in 2223 um and just quickly looking I'm not going to go through but the highlighted numbers are where we see the decreases in behavior um and then we look at this so we can design our event and curriculum based on any of the trends that we see um so as you can see just by a quick glance it is um our discipline data it is declining which is what we obviously want to say um breakdown of the discipline um this is just across the District uh overall there's been a decrease in the incidents in comparison to last year so far this year September to November we are down 24% and the categories that uh are occurring most frequently we see B bus incidents just general misca disrespect and inappropriate physical cond um and then if you look down you see overall um at CLR there's been 187 m r 55 and Dan 38 and then it does go farther into breaking them down um but you have a copy correct so yeah okay so our strategic Plan update and this is from um last I believe it was March or April we presented until now um we have the committee has continued to meet monthly um we have our 2024 2025 schedule made to continue monthly uh we purchased a character strong curriculum and provided uh PD to the staff on our half of uh PD day on Halloween the seal committee continues to plan monthly events for the staff um they send out an seal calendar monthly which our uh we have like a subcommittee and then the counselors from each school also meet uh the team has begun to investigate the possibility of starting a mentoring program in each building a survey was sent out to all the staff regarding interest in being part of this program the responses are due back by the end of this week um and if we once looking at the responses if we think that there's a good interest um then we are going to begin the next phase and um select the Ms and getting parent consent um and then possible implementation hopefully by February is that a child to child or an adult a teacher yes a teacher a child so big thing recently has been character strong so like Lindsay said um he purchased the curriculum and he gave PD to all the staff um at the end of October and then we began implementing it in all Home Room classes November 11th um so we've been going for aboutt off and a half now with it consistently throughout the district um it's a pretty fifth grade curriculum for most of it and then there's a sixth grade component as well but the prepa at fifth grade um it's very similar um the goal in the program is what they're saying is be kind be strong and be well and then there's different aspects that fall under those um and there it's broken down to be very specific to each grade level so that the children are learning things that are relevant to them um and then the sixth grade curriculum is built around eight essential character traits um and that one is it's a little bit different but also six cre are older so it's geared more towards what they need this it um so this is the be kind be strong and be well and it just shows the little characters that they use in the curriculum and the character traits that align with those so we have respect en and cooperation under behind kind where they're learning conf resolution and just general social skills and then be strong has responsibility perseverance and courage um and they're learning things like EXA functioning focusing organizing and goal setting and then under B well which is just General Wellness strategies and emotion Reg is gratitude honesty and creativity um so it's very grade level specific but still all of them correlate to the main specific tra um so this just shows you a breakdown of how it relates to each so these are the expectations for character strong at jamer and Main Road uh we all started with the kindness kickoff which was 2 weeks and then after that the do it five days a week um it's a Monday through Friday where we break down the lessons into specific components um so that everyone is on the same page and then at Ritter they implement it once a week on Wednesdays um the grade five teachers follow um kind of the same thing as the other grades um where they introduce it and then they go through different portions of the lesson and then the grade six teachers um they pick a session they're choosing from the five lesson format so it's a littleit differ in sixth grade the program also provides a lot of extra resources that are not just part of the character traes for the lessons um there's a lot related to behavior um and how to respond to students in certain situations it's very resourceful um okay so unifying our district um this is something we've been working on as a committee for the past few years um just trying to get all three of our schools on the same page and trying to do as much as we can um together so we held our annual SCD Day in May where staff had the opportunity to participate in different um vertical articulation sessions there was also choice sessions um Wellness sessions and we also the seal committee was also able to create um various baskets um and obtained $1,000 worth of gift cards that were raffled off um so that was a very it was a fun day um the school counselors meet monthly to communicate about Trends Behavior Sports and we align the school buildings with activities um to support all of that our calendar uh this year we've Incorporated Wellness Wednesdays for staff where the counselors provide articles and wellness reminders and on Wednesdays we are also wearing pink to support um one of our teachers so there was um 170 staff members that did purchas Shir to support um s which was very nice um each school's climate team also meets throughout the year to create positive culture for staff and students um and we create a calendar monthly events and review discipline data at these meetings and our teams are mostly report by monthly to the SEO committee um the district supports um have changed a little bit this year we no longer have a standing contract with Bret denovi and Associates um since our three-year Grant has ended so managing intense behaviors of our top tier students without this assistance of the bcba and the RBT has posed new challenges within the schools the administration and the staff are working closely with the child study team to identify these patterns um and the behaviors and we are planning to offer PD sessions well the child s team is um to the staff in regards to possible interventions to support the students the DLC is also um trying to identify tiers of support within our school communities um and despite these efforts it is still difficult to sustain the same level of support and expertise that we did get through having that Grant with the Brett denovi staff um so main main road uh our school supports um we have the CCC and this is our final year I believe this is our third year in the grant um the end of last year they um their case load was 44 students with um individual or um group counseling sessions uh they did class lessons monthly for the whole school um some of them were on conflict resolution and test taking um also respecting peers and then they did a whole school March manness coping skill tournament um where they got the students got to vote on different types of coping skills and of course fidget toys be was the winner of what helps the students the most um and then the start of this year so far we have 20 28 students um on their case load for small groups that they meet once a week uh also they are going into classrooms again doing different lessons on how to be respectful concept first bullying um as the leadership Club spoke about they did the um the kindness chain um and they announc the world kindness day so they talked about that also so at janir this year um we have the CCC Grant and we will have it the next 3 years so we have Sarah deop who's the social and emotional learning specialist um that's at our school she's here every day um she's lives into classrooms and has taught um many around 30 classroom lessons already since September um she talks to the kids about emotions and personal space and she uh incorporates the mully character traits as well just like the character strong um but she also is involved in helping teachers with cler management um assisting with different behaviors and um she currently has has a case Lo of almost 30 students for small group and individual sessions so she's seeing those students as well um she also is starting a brement group for students who was the parent caregiver or different that's just starting out now uh this is a picture of the Gratitude tree that the CCC did uh with the students all of the classes here at jier um the character tra of the month of November was gratitude uh and they were asked to decorate a leaf with pictures that present what they were grateful for um which made their gratitude trade um so I guess it's all the students went grate before so also here at janier another school support is we were awarded the pbsis grant for the next three years as well um the mission of this initiative is to build capacity among leaders of school Personnel to implement a multier system support that results in Equitable access to a Continuum of social emotional and behavioral Wellness for all students um there's a bunch of different members on the team um from administrators to child 1 counselor and then multiple teachers um they attended a webinar and they've had two iners sessions with the coach and ruers um this is the first year so it's all about planning um like they're just going through the whole planning process right now and then the goal would be for next year um for there to actually be implementation of the framework that they plan so it's just a kind of found right now uh here's just an update from the last update that we gave you in April till November of this year um so we continue to have character Edge sa/ pbsis committee meetings um we continue to do our monthly character Edge school spirit calendar for students and staff like for example our holiday spirit week this week um we have deeply monthly student recognition programs there's a lot there um things like stud the mon bus character certificates character sticker weekly um lunch of Champions every week and then monthly and trimester attendance Awards um and then the daily morning meeting or afternoon meeting which incorporates our character strong curriculum and then also whatever a homeor class may need that day um which all creat depositors stay welcoming class and culture um at Main Road we held our annual Carnival Day in June which was rewarding day for both students and staff um and again a lot of this will be repetitive because the leadership Club they did a wonderful job of presenting it but our theme this year is peace learn and grow uh which we are embedding into our daily routines uh we have birthday recognition for staff over the announcements uh monthly School climate meetings are being held to plan morale boosting activities for students and staff um we've contined this year with sending happy mail home also to Main Road families uh we have monthly meetups for staff that have that has also continued from last year uh we have Mustang of the month that are chosen um for a student that stands out and practicing whatever that monthly character trait is um spirit days and weeks each month staff morale boting activities uh we do the monthly snapart for staff as well um Miss inverso have we started the inverso incentive um we had the kickoff this year and then they started earning dollars to spend important which the students are absolutely loving um world kindness day again we had that kindness chain that's hanging around our the cafeteria uh we had our ho down that was held for the students to dance with friends and uh again we had a successful dollar donation collection R um so at Ritter they are also having the school climate and safety meetings the student of the month recognition and celebration uh there's birthday recognition cards and treats for students and staff positive praise referrals uh they have their first Friday to kick off each month with engaging electives such as balloon twisting kickboxing cooking Pottery origami sand art and much more there are Ram ready rewards which is glow-in-the-dark dodgeball and Candy Bingo they have spirit days as well throughout um throughout the year making the most of the weather with outside lunch um the volleyball tournaments they had the winners versus the teachers um I know they started getting up the tiny house exhibit where the students work across academic subjects and with the community service learning luncheon they do the character trait Color Run uh the serial domino challenge which we can see in the picture um they had their field day September they had a week of respect and activities assembly a Red Ribbon Week lesson and activities they had a Halloween social and November had a turkey trat and they also had a Thanksgiving food drive collection so then our next steps um as we move forward in our committee so we're seeking out feedback from staff on the implementation of character strong to see how it's going positive negative what they're seeing in the classrooms uh we're going to analyze the results of the mentoring survey once we get that back at the end of this week to determine the possibility of the mentoring program in our schools we're going to continue to plan districtwide events to support both staff and students um continue to keep our communication open between District level our district level committee and then the different School level assignment teams keeping that communication open continuing to provide professional development to staff so that we can focus on positive behavior supports and deescalation techniques and then continue to update our web page as well um and it will also include important links for parents um to learn more about par as well and that's all that we have any questions for us um how long are the lessons for Jan they're daily about how long our character I got is 20 so about 20 yeah each day yeah sorry I had a quick question Ming my seat um regarding the curriculum that that was adopted you guys have looked at several other curriculums I guess pilot yep we piloted and obviously this was one chosen um so Michelle question answer one of my questions was roughly 20 minutes at that just what um this corre been utilized for and obviously you highlighted some of the the program but does it also incorporate other uh topics um like educational topics within that curriculum or is just no it's really just focused on the character focus on that yeah but there's lots of like the kids working together so they're also getting like those social skills no there it's not like El or back I got you I didn't know those Were Somehow better than that somehow so I guess the idea with this curriculum is you know proceeding forward the kids will receive the same curriculum uh age age appropriate used to and then goes yeah step they're already used moving through the gr recognize it it'll be familiar today y now is the the fifth and sixth grade are they going to be looking EXP expanding that um the more than one day a week or is that going to be Prett standard as far as I just what their schedule is right the one day week is what because their schedule is different than um Jan beer and Main Road I mean what I can tell you is that um they are implementing it at different times when they sa it because Wednesday is the only day right now that is dedicated to character education but there are some teachers that are incorporating it because like one of the things said there are resources that do link up to like books when you're talking about like learning so there are resources if they're doing a topic they read alloud they can do it with so they kind of have more flexibility at Ritter just because they don't have the time alloted so once we get more feedback we can figure out you know I mean I don't think there any plans on changing that this year because you're talking about sched changes schedu but then the one day is a minimum that's not maximum they're obviously utilizing it in other areas like you're saying I that's what I from teachers because there is like because they have flexibility I mean their program is still five steps but they have flexibility to kind of pick what they want to do and they're using it throughout the day and they see you know because as they get older they're kind of toning in on what they see as the challenges more for the kids at that point whereas like when they're younger you know they kind of have a lot of challenges so we're kind of covering all areas so but we're just going to try to get feedback and see how it's working and there are some days where even though like Abby saying that it's 20 minutes that they have some of the lessons are only 5 minutes so it's like we consider it to be a supplemental resource because the rest of the 15 minutes they can kind of do whatever they want right and there are a lot of and I don't know if I missed it have long day there are do we show the slide on the campus resources okay so all those campus resources and those behavior supports are also being like utilized throughout the day by teachers so that's another added benefit to this resource because there are that help us through like conflict resolution and if you have a child that you need to really figure out a plan for um the resources are there so it's nice for the teachers they've been using that as well so like a regular 20 minute session you're saying it might be 5 minutes of structured structured lessoning and then the other 15 minutes is it gives them like flexibility so they can Implement some things that they want like the introduction might only bu you 5 to 10 minutes so L are lesson is longer but like the connect portion those are five to 10 it's spread throughout and then also depending on the classroom what maybe those students need at that time there's something going on in your classroom then that might be that would be the more important discussion as opposed to um you know spending the whole time on this if the students within your class need a morning meeting a class morning meeting then that that would be the focus thank you question I don't have any questions and you guys did a great job it sounds like the program you're liking it so far and it's fitting into what we're doing the concern I have is procedural and we discussed this a little bit um the program itself was never brought to the board to be approved um it was on a bill list it was in a presentation but it was never brought to the board we were never informed that the district was piloting any seal programs um so my concern is that going in the future any programs that we are looking at to Institute are shared with us in in that aspect yeah I think that wasn't correctly sure thank you thank you thank you yeah so I don't know if that actually has uh yeah I mean at this point it's already purchased I 42 and right I mean were this is the first we really anything about the program loan that impl so that's I mean it sounds all right on uh D there anyone from the public see one up I would thank you Mr Brant Henry kovic president of Township of Franklin principal uh supervisor Association I just wanted to take this moment to thank Miss changolini for your many years of service your dedication uh certainly your time and effort that you've put forth has been appreciated and respected so thank you so much thank you hen very much thank you thank you thank you see else a motion close the first public second I School president um I don't have anything specific to report other than it for whatever reason popped in my head the other day that never reported back board on the uh the old J School marijuana application uh I'm assuming everyone is already that application Beed uh by the cing board I know we discussed it here again not really sure why I popped in the head the other day where my thought process is G something about marijuana not sure but uh I want to report that be did um other than that I don't have anything anything else to report other than we did about the uh the accident that occurred and gave us enough are with the family of individuals areed cover that and I want to leave off actually Four microphones here so working um VI was our bus driver she uh is commended for um how she handled the situation we're going to bring her out to the next board meting so much supp her um as you know very emotional for her and the family uh as we understand right now both grandmother and our student are are doing okay uh thankfully both for doing okay here back in the district I do want to commend not only Vicki but Trish next year who uh was notified turned around she said home came back to deal with the situation and Sharon CLA our director of Transportation also um did great great job getting on top of things communication was terrific among all of us uh chief of police also was in contact with me um get knocked on the wood everything work out well St bad night rainy dark and it was just uh not good but thankfully um could have been a lot worse but I do want to commend uh people here in the district really St uh do a great job every day but really still up that night sure things were speaking of which uh as you know uh the main road boiler uh has been successfully installed uh it's been so hot in the classrooms that kids are falling asleep now so we created another problem um teachers really have to hand out keep the kids away now uh it went very well I do want to commend the name of Staff uh for stepping up um Vero and I had a meeting with them the one day and before we were done talking like we can do this this this this this they great ideas and sure enough that plan came together and work out perfectly doing staff coal and particular our bus drivers as well really spped up to um volunteer get in to transport our kids back and forth between Kos and and skate Poli so thank you to all that made that that last minute maneuver work so well um tonight the board hopefully will approve uh using ESS for for self coverage that will alleviate an issue that our teachers have had when teachers are out sick or professional days um there's not good enough Subs we've had a pool about 20 25 substitutes by going with ESS in a different level we hoping to increase our pool to 600 so hopefully teachers will get Professionals in to um cover their classes and teachers won't have to give up the preparation periods which you know desperately need to get to the classroom and it's a continuity of coverage too that we'll be able to to supply hopefully starting as early as the first week of in January um as you can tell tonight um is alive very well the hallways um just walking through the hallways today alone um kids staff members wearing hats and uh necklaces and just in a not just for the holiday but just a great spirit in all three schools still buing being relatively new here to Franklin Pet it it's really an amazing place to be there's an energy in the hallways that you may not realize coming from uh you know being here uh for your entire career or being new to the profession this stuff doesn't happen in other places but it happens here just walk the halls of janere you'll see decorations uh art work um things related to the holidays um the kids have done them it's it's everywhere it's a spirit today I was able to make um cookies uh in um uh the classroom they the kids were making these um Elmer's glue with cinnamon and CLE sauce cookies uh it was just a it's just a great feeling in these buildings um and it's it's just Mak be very proud to be the inter superintendent here so thank you to everyone who brings that every s Day to all three of our buildings and I just want to say happy holidays to the board to our parents and staff members and to our our students um you guys are great and uh it's just a great place to be so everyone will be safe and be happy during this holiday season thank you thank you Mr B just curious how many hom good cookies we did Che them they were not they're not edible we I was in third fourth grade the kids like I said you guys can eat this I'm like no you just said not to eat eat it you did did no it was I able to read story while they were making cookies um should be hang on your tree lotun yeah we did see back um bar you have anything from uh not really just keep your eyes open usually stuff starts up around February for for the uh and Terry Lewis has retired I saw our convention so I don't know who our new person I think his last name is Adams I'm not sure uh Terry I think um has been done for a while she was kind of tired of us all you know but I shouldn't say that but she she served us all very well in the many for many years so she's retired and now you'll see TR you got anything that anything coming up Jessie Jesse reti they brought back did he really what you say what you say Trish I will send email okay thank you any um our minutes from November to 12 meeting so I will make a motion to approve listed second all in favor I resources uh nothing since executive session commission approve Human Resources item G1 through G1 as recommended by the superintendent it second um any other comments or questions sh yes cting yes Lo yes PR yes Smith yes scar yes yes Mo all right uh [Music] items there so I will make a motion to approve education item H1 35 is recomended by the superintendent I have a second second any other comments yes th yes yes Cunningham yes yeso yes BR yes um op Administration have all these figes anyone have any questions not make a motion to approve General Administration 51 D recommend by the superintendent second second comments firsto yes Smith yes s yes yes ham yes yes yes Mo car co operation yeah operations Bill list added afterno you see that highlighted in yellow anybody over which one was added TR to uh item 2 3 and four uh are the budget transfer Bo secretary report and treasur report for the month of october24 uh cafeteria report don't have any yet for November um six the two out of District that's listed Seven is done eight we have four out of District services for Construction Services n is done 10 is done 11 is done item 12 is a donation to accept an acknowledge um of 10 roen turkeys du to R 19 F Drive uh which was received from a retired bus driver with and donation had a value approximately $300 13 use facility tssa 14 is none 15 is the uh carryover Amendment for the title one title two title three immigrant and title four GRS as B that they have not been spent inal year 24 has down 25 number 16 is the title of salary allocations that were previously approved but put carry over they are now revised four funds allocated to Title One 17 is the product quote approval for systems as listed number 18 SS provides de thats sub that is allation are there any other comments or questions um before I make a motion I just wanted to you publicly my disagreement with the procedures that we've been implementing regarding some of these projects spefically this um it item 17 again I think that a lot of these high project should be going out believe board fortunately that um with that there's other comments I'll make the motion to approve uh operations items um J1 through j18 is listed I think need do a better job absolutely if I can just comment that the access is not being purchased illegally or out of or policy is in accordance with board policy and statutes and purchas and regulations well I just want to state that state would be legal I just said I don't believe that forur procedure the policy second cor yes comments that one just v no yeah you can you can if you don't want to vote on that you can vote like for instance 17 you can vote Yes No and we have the past separations motion confusion was time coms Sor uh yes except J one bill list number one Chini yes hunningham yes yeso no to J 17 yes no to j7 yes yes cares um old business I justed time um the only thing not necessarily old business in regards to what's listed but um just in reference to the accident I know that our transportation does the best they can to um align bus stops to the side of the home of the child but I think especially on thorough fars like Grant and linoln that are travel well and not well lit um it might be something that we revisit um as roots are being determined for the next school year to try and make sure that these stops are on the side of the home as opposed to where these kids and parents have to cross the street especially with the j& that are getting home in yeah and and again I'm not any I'm on so it's we're we're on the right side in the morning but on theong you know opposite side in the evening I think there are a fews that comes up it's on there is a list that is provided at the beginning of the year Road roads that are travel roads that are allow to be turned on you are allowed to back up on that should be on the September agenda um pretty much every year if not August so so would that would that indicate when the bus stop the home across the street so we cannot guarantee your side we do try stud who need an adult or guardi get them off bu obviously you know it's not if not hour hours so it it is advisable and it is attemped but well I think even the 500 minimum that's in the policy I've been that are not minimum like you may need to take a look and that might free up where we can need some have to Che I want to St right that's what I'm saying it's not but I we're stopping way less than that um it could be special needs students also they are it's not that well we're on that so just so understand you're advocating for Less stuff yes in a neighborhood yes and that not onad on their um new business um new business I forgot presid back um I attended the township I all Township committee meeting um last uh Tuesday and there was multiple officers that um were promoted gradu um and at the same time our newest s Danielle name say Danielle was hired at that meeting so I don't know she started yet yeah so she's here and now have full cover all the SCH yay that isn't me I'm just glad that it's happening so fast so I'm sorry I apologize it's actually on our new business um as you can see we have our resonation from Mrs Michael unfortunately she's deing um with some health issues with family member should sharing I don't think she would um but it's taking uh her Focus away from her board membership and she uh didn't feel that she could um could represent the board in the way that she thought that board need to be deserve to be represented so unfortunate decision to uh to step down obviously all understand that U you know her family has to come first so um publ to Michael and her family in January late no of the res and then will that you advertise for that for candidates to apply yes so be sending that for tomorrow you on social media I would expect to see oh don't worry it'll be there baby please thank you I will can I say what's the matter you sit next to me yes I will I will I have to vot sit next to serious I want to we value you here M have a lot of experience here okay can I say can I say something about D sure Diane and I connected um when she first was elected uh two years ago she and I and I think Greg and shelle were in the carer at the administrative building waiting for cuz you and I were applying for the seats that were empty and I think that's what you were doing at that point and Diane was here because she couldn't she couldn't start yet cuz she didn't have fingerprints so I don't even know this woman right and I said well do you not have fingerprints because you're an alien or or are you in the witness protection and I think that's how we kind of hit it off plus we're close to the same years and we've had a pretty good relationship and and she would not mind sharing that she's what she thought was going to be a surgical recovery has turned into a long-term care situation in Florida she may not be up she'll be up at Christmas but she may not be up for months and months I tried frankly to talk her out of it I I said look there's not nine members you know just there's plent she said I can't if I can't do it right I don't want it's getting me emotional she was emotional so and she and I suggested she call the three of you and maybe you would talk her out of resigning but I guess it didn't work so yeah so so the uh Alien is not coming back she she really did a lot with this Bo she read a lot she loved going to uh Mr Peter's school and seeing the kids and she did mention uh first Riders yes and yeah when I spoke to her she seemed definitely upset that she was to leave but she was was she J want obiously try to hering at that point oh I did I did I care okay that was I just wanted to say that about oh yeah I'm sorry um just make motion to accept presentation of mrich second [Music] public comment make public second all in favor I anyone from the public wish to support this one change make a motion have second second um any other comments Merry Christmas Merry Christmas every happy New Year our next meeting reation meeting schedu for January 6 p.m traditionally that building for