##VIDEO ID:KZec1pTeK04## this meeting completely advertised in sou times and theal Municipal ccle of the township has been du notified the requirs posing have met please stand for it stands one nation under God indivisible Chang here C herey hereo Michael Wilson here Smith here here thank um unfortunately we do have need to go on Executive session this evening uh to a couple matters so an hour that made a motion move ex session 62 second second all in favor all in favor I apologize to the memb public uh running over we actually Chang format moving forward for our session to avoid situations like this for future meeting meeting at 6:00 uh and hand any executive matters won't be taking any action on anything start: so with that uh we'll move on with our agenda this evening uh first item listed on presentations is our our self assessment before hit Mr Peters without further thank you very much Mr Grant um pleasure to come up to you in front of you this evening to report the self assessment scores for each of our schools within the district and this is representing last Academic Year so the 23 through 24 year these self assessments have been performed um by our School principles the school um safety Specialists our counselors and also members of the uh school safety teams um we also want to make note that starting last year we do have a new section that was added to the self assessment and this was to include how many uh times a preliminary determination was made so where a report of potential H um principal Council was able to sort PR it and determine that it was more of a code of conduct or did not need the definition for hit preliminarily so this way we could proceed with a code of conduct issue um as far as our preliminary determinations uh how many times this occurred zero times at janir school nine times at Main root school and 28 times at the Ritter School uh and all of those determinations were um passed through both the principal of each of those schools as well as the superintendent as far as the self assessment uh the state has us uh examine um really how we are compliant to the anti-bulling anti-bulling Bill of Rights Act um and the actual policy that we have here within our school district on eight core elements um there is a total maximum score of 78 points and we rate ourselves on a thre point scale two points basically mean that we are meeting the expectations three means basically that you are exceeding those expectations looking at the scores um Jan score uh went up by one point uh they are at a 73 uh Main Road School remain consistent with a score of 7 6 and Ritter School remained consistent with a score of 77 once again those scores are out of 78 possible points as far as some areas of strength all the schools included um all the possible points regarding the implementation of our head program really a lot of the compliance aspects as far as following policy following the regulations that have been set forward by the state uh Department education that would include the investigation procedures and reporting procedures for him some weaknesses um that we could improve upon would be the assessment of our program and also the documentation of looking at patterns of it within s schools any question than thank you this even our strategic strategic Plan update instru by Mr hi hello how are you good how are you good use microphone um I'm going to roll I'm going to go from the Strategic plan to the student achievement presentation if that's okay I really don't have anything new to report for the Strategic plan I reported to you guys in June and we have met all our goals the only thing we have luring out there is our is working with link it for me to be able to pull the data in terms of how long students have been in our district so that is something that we're still working on on them for me to be do but other than that we've met all of our other for the Strategic plan so you guys got this presentation last week so I'll do things a little bit different hopefully you had time to look it over usually I go through every single slide like a pretty much indepth uh review of the data but since you've had it for a while I'll be a little bit more brief with each of the slides and the data and then ask any questions that you have so I have a theme tonight which is pretty much like I'm really happy to report the data that I'm recording to you and it's it's in a positive direction and there's been a lot of growth and there's definitely been some places where we've met that we haven't met before so it's really exciting to to come to you with this information um I'm going to be reporting now on the njla results for the 2324 school year for both Ela and math and or all three Ela Math and Science as well as our fall I ready data for reading and Mathematics this chart actually just came out from the state for our state performance reports all the places that is highlighted is where we met proficiency for language arts so we met proficiency across the district um for all of or at Ritter for all of our students our Hispanic students white students economically disadvantaged students and it made Road for our black and African-American students as well as our Hispanic students before we had no yellow um highlighted up there that we that we met for ELA proficiency for our Ela growth it's easier to tell you where we did it meet but we actually exceeded some of the growth expectations so for8 out of 14 of the subg groups we exceeded the growth expectations and we met in six out of the 14 subgroups there was only two subgroups that we did not meet for ELA growth at Main Road and that was economically disadvantaged and students with disabilities for the first time I think ever since I've been standing up here to give this presentation to you majority of our students are now falling in that meeting bar that light green bar meeting years past I was showing you that it was approaching it was the orange bar that was higher and right now across the board at all the grade levels the percentages for students meeting proficiency on the ELA njsla are falling in that leading category This Is Us compared to the state um at the meeting level we outperformed the skate in grades five and six and we are comparable with just a few percentages off in grades three and four for our racial subgroups all of them also have the highest bar with the percentage of students in that meeting um area this is for the last three years for our our subg groups for re and you can see the percentage of students meeting proficiency on njsla really increased this past year across the board our black students his Spanish students multiple races and our white students every single one of them showed a giant increase with meeting proficiency on njsla Ela same for our female students and our male students there is that Trend that increasing Trend every single year for the last three years with a big change for this year and in looking at our program populations if you'll notice it's the first time ever we've had free and reduced lunch kids meet proficiency on the NJ that's why there's no other Mars so for the last two years there was no free and reduced students free and reduced lunch students meeting proficiency our 54 students there's a big increase in the percentage of students um being proficient there was also an increase in the number of students that have a 5504 so we did go from 29 students last year having a 54 plan to 42 students this past year so it's an increase of 13 students in that subcategory also in special ed you'll see two years ago there wasn't anybody there and now we have 15% of the special ed students that scored proficient on the njsla and then our gen population after that this is each grade level for the last 5 years but I take a look at it a little bit differently and I like to look at the cohorts of students so that's kind of why you're if you follow these arrows back this sixth grade group are the current seventh graders at delsa so they were with us last year and when they started with us in third grade their growth went from 35% leading proficiency and then in fourth grade 37 in 5th grade 44 and by the time they left us in sixth grade 60% of them were meeting proficiency on the njsla and then if you look at the sun here and follow that backwards the sun is our current sixth graders so they were in fifth grade last year in third grade they went from 25% proficient to 37% proficient to 53% proficient I also have the triangle which would be the current fifth graders which was last year's fourth GR so you could look and see how that cohort of students is growing over time in grades 3 through five this is the subtest data for The Last 5 Years for njsla we improved in all subtests for Reading Writing informational texts and then conventions was still our weakest area in writing and we've surpassed our proficiency rates from 178 in the cabul and that's a really really big success for us because vocabulary has always been an area of focus sixth grade is reported separately only because sixth grade is considered to be Middle School um if you take a look at the sixth grade they had tremendous growths I am so excited about their data they made significant progress in all subtests except for the vocabulary subtest they surpassed proficiency levels from the 17 18 school year in all subtests except for vocabulary but they're only 2% away from being back to where we were prior to co so some key take takeaways from njsla majority of the students being in that needing level improved in all sub all subtest areas in reading and writing in vocabulary we surpassed our preco proficiencies consistent growth across all subgroups for students needing and exceeding on njsla our 5-year Trend data our third and fourth grade is still an area of focus to have more students meeting proficiency fifth and sixth grade has made major improvements and is trending upwards and sixth grade has had tremendous growth in informational literary text and writing as well um I'm not going to read every single one of these but digging deeper into the data and looking at the evidence statements we can dive into the types of questions where students did really well and the types of questions where we need to focus and even go as far into some of the standards so for each of the grade levels we have celebrations on where they did well and we have Focus areas and this has all gone out to the staff as well for presentations at faculty meetings and we're talking about where would we put these types of things in the curriculum how are especially for the focus areas how are we um making sure that we are spending more time in these areas and why do we think that we're not doing it as well in math you'll notice there's not as much highlighting in the math proficiency there's only one subgroup um for the district level that me math proficiency expectations for the state and that is two or more races and when you look at our math growth this has always been our history we do a we grow a lot in math we grow a lot across the board every subtest area except for two at Main Road the same to as Ela are economically disadvantage and our special ed students if you are to take a look at the light green and the dark green together the percentages will be higher than looking at the approaching which is that orange category so majority of our students falling in that orange category which you saw with you've seen in our writing data in the past being that one level below when you're comparing us to the state we are pretty comparable across all grade levels exactly with the state we outperformed the state in grades five and six and we were only we were off within a couple percentages in grades three and four so for our racial subgroups there was a dip in the percentage of students black and African-American that met and um exceeded on the state test Hispanic had a little tip our multiple races and our white students had an incase female versus male not female versus male but female and male um still has still has a steady increase for the last three years both there and again free and reduced lunch for the first time having uh 24% of our free and reduced lunch students meeting on the njsla this 504 students a big jump there special ed is back on the board and our J population showing an increase as well for map this is the same idea as it was for ELA following this is the current seventh graders where they were in sixth grade in third grade they started at 37% of them being proficient in fourth grade it was up to 38 in fifth grade it was 33 and sixth grade was 42% of them when they left us and then the sun would be the current sixth graders and when they started they were at 33% in fourth grade went to 43% and in fifth grade went back down to 39% this is the subtest data so for grade six um hold on NOP grades three through five sorry we increased in all of the sub test areas except for modeling and application and we surpass proficiency levels for the 17 18 school year in additional supporting content and expressing mathematical reasoning and our major content area is on an upward tra trajectory for grade six we increased or remained relatively the same in additional supporting major content modeling and application and we had a little decrease in expressing mathematical Reas here all of our takeaways from njsla and our celebrations digging deep into the standards where did we do well in n SLA what the 5year trend looks at as well as the focus areas basically being more in math the type of questions that are being asked the type two and type three are your open Ed type questions where they are actually having to write to explain their thinking and how they solv problems in science you will see here that majority of our students fell within the near proficiency that yellow bar um which has been historically about where we've been and when you look at us compared to the state say the majority of the students in the state at the bottom we're in the yellow as well i' always like to point out that our red is lower than the state's red so that's always a good thing and by race for the last three years our Hispanic students multiple races and white students have kind of been up and down for the last 3 years with the Science assessment female and male the last four years are there for you to take a look at and then for the first time again our free and reduced Lune students there were 16% of them that scored proficient Special Ed we've been relatively the same around that 9% and jened hovers for the last two years around the 30% this is fifth grade for the last 4 years with science where we've hovered x minus 3 years ago where we've been hovering around 25% of the students being proficient taking a look at the subtest areas we have significantly increased in all subtests over the last 3 years our strongest subtest for critiquing practices Earth and space science sensemaking practices and physical science our areas of focus are investigating practices and life science our key takeaways this is just summarizing everything that I just told you and we're going to move to I ready reading for the fall this is our district compared to New Jersey which is right next to us here's us Circle here's the state of New Jersey here's the national all the students all the students of the nation that took the I ready assessment and then the national Norms from Fall 2223 we have less students at the two or more grade levels below than they do at the state or in the nation um and we're pretty similar when it comes to the early mid on grevil as well as one grade level below and then this is us the last three years I circled the one for this year and we're relatively every fall we kind of start off in the same exact place where we were as well as the state this is um proficiency on the njsla so according to I ready the projected proficiency right now they Bas on our scores if our students all met their typical growth then we would look at like this purple percentages that would be the percentages that we're looking at for students to be proficient on njsla for language arts this next chart is if all the students me their stretch growth then this is the projected proficiency looking at that darker purple at the top for ELA it hovers between 50% and 70% of the students depending on the grade level being proficient on njsla I ready math this is the same thing I circled Us in comparison to the state and the nation and the national Norm again we have less red so we have less students in two and grade two or more grade levels below and we're relatively close to them with the one grade level below as well as early one and or above This Is Us um we've been relatively stable each fall the percentage of kids um falling in each of these categories and then here again projected proficiency for the njsla if the students only met their typical growth so you can see we're definitely lower than we were in ela um and if our students are to make their stretch growth in I ready this is what we could expect now they will give us projected proficiencies after our students take the winter tests as well and I always report these out to you just so that we can compare later was the projected proficiency correct on exactly where we were when the um scores come in plans for improvement so across the district building fluency accuracy and automaticity and lower gr lower grade levels increase focus on comprehension strategies for informational text math incorporating consistent opportunities for students to respond in writing to mathematical reasoning type tasks during math instruction Ela adopting written Communication in response to varying demands of tast audience purpose and discipline a cross-curricular goal is building strong content knowledge and connecting ideas across the disciplines using a variety of resources and media mostly through writing and we've implemented ation of intervention rooms for ELA and math in grades 1 through six now the number of students that were starting the year in each tier and these are even the uh students that entered our district that transferred into the district or have transferred in the district since school started we're constantly updating these CU we test them as soon as they come in to see what tier that they need to go in so these numbers are updated as of yesterday this is for ELA and the number of students for tier 2 and tier three for Math and the last thing I have for you is the is our district goal and this is on the board agenda um for approval tonight as well so the admin team got together and we really want we want to use I ready and we want to use our stretch growth and we weren't really liking the way that the goal was worded before where it was like 70% of the population each had to meet um in the tear so there was like two separate goals within the goal and we felt like if we just did it by the tiar that would be much more clear so if I'm looking at reading I want we're looking at the goals are here in the blue so tier one 52% of the students would meet their stretch grou in tier two we're looking at 48% of the students and in tier three we're looking at 37% of the students we started this goal in 2021 so our Baseline data is here I mean we've we've come a long way with what we're expecting and what we're pushing for our students to meet their stretch birth and in math it would it's the same idea so our Tier 1 students were looking at 47% 44% and 35% we took what they actually met in the spring for 23 and 24 and we added 5% to that as our goal the reason we added the 5% is because when we looked at the last couple years the average if you're averaging all of our tiers together they were making 4% growth so we chose 5% for each of the tiers that's all I have questions I have question I have first yes about how many students is 1% generally I know there varies per gr but like we made you know 1% or 2% about how many generally do you mean 1% of the total population grade I was just curious okay thank you M um the so we have no no K kids and tears yet not yet okay they'll be at I guess in Winter they are they're actually testing now so they'll yeah they'll be added in December but we already do have BSI support in there that we haven't had in the past from the beginning that are already supporting the teachers beginning classes and have kind of already figured out some yes um I guess my question for the goal is obviously with the years you're going to have kids going in and now tier one they go to tier two maybe they go up to tier three then they go back down to tier two how are you assessing this goal when the tear themselves are fled you're not going to have the same kid some kids you're not going to have them in tier two all year we a tier three year so the way we do this goal is we pull the tears from my ready it's not the tear that we create so how we always done this goal I ready will tear the kids based on where they placed in the fall so what would be like how low is in tier two how low is in T3 so our tier two kids are the early on grade level and the one level below okay tier three kids are two grade levels below or three or more so I might as well should say two or more grade levels below or the tier three okay so this isn't coincide to the tier numbers that you just showed us in ter of they did not these could well mean I'm sure they overlap they do overlap some but there's more in tier two according to I read than because that than what we have because that big chunk of kids is in that one grade level below okay so there's definitely a lot more in the tier two range than there is when I'm when I'm giving you the tiered numbers cuz we use multiple sets of data more tiering our okay um and what's the math I mean obviously our math scores are are you know progressly is we wanted to be do we have a math program we utilizing one we're using classroom math through um curriculum Associates and how long have we had that we started it when Co hit the first year of it was the year that Co hit the same what we did Benchmark Workshop okay and can you explain the intervention rooms how they're gun yeah that implementing I know that the part of well yes so it's different in first do you want me to start at the lower or the upper cuz we've been doing them at the upper longer I mean yeah it just gave us an idea of like how because obviously we're looking for different things to be happening so that we're more grow whatever maybe so what you want to concisely tell us like how these rooms may be different than a regular so the first grade room it's not an intervention room okay so in grades 2 through six we have intervention rooms for Math and Ela where all the tier 2 kids I don't want to say most of the grade levels all tier 2 kids come at out of their classroom and go with the BSI teacher for the entire math block or the entire Ela block and that's our tier twos not that's our tier two so the numbers that I gave you in the chart okay and all of the tier three students leave and go with in Jamir and mro it's the reading specialist and at rther it's our one of our Ela coaches that went back into the classroom does our tier three students for ELA um so that it's almost like that cool out replacement classroom so they are with the intervention teacher for all of ela and all of math each of those the math period is run very differently than what you would see in the tier one classroom they have a strategy based lesson based on a class goal that is by the data what does everybody in the class need they have the standards based lesson so they're not missing out on the grade level standard and then they have go groups and that's based on their individual books in ela it's a little different because we have Reading Writing phonics and word study to do with that so we have different resources that we're using but we're always looking to bridge where they need to go so there's a class goal there's individual goals and then there's the standards for that grade level that lesson so if these kids are being pulled out for their entire Ela lesson is that lesson receiving in the teer group um a mirror of what is happening in the classroom it is might not be the same resource but it's the same standards so then my question would be how are they assessed um if they're because you basically they're being taught by a different teacher with different materials in a different way maybe the same standard so are their assessments the same their unit assessments their subi of assessments are the same they have progress monitoring where we're monitoring them when they are looking like they are ready to bridge over to the tier one then we start a transition with them to be able to go to tier one now in math we've given a lot of professional development to the Math teachers especially over at Ritter because a lot of the kids are coming out of the intervention rooms so the classroom teachers needed to know the type of vocabulary what kinds of strategies were they using that will making them successful and so that way they have more Tools in their toolkit as well if they have a student that's coming in and need might need a little bit sare and they can it could be explained in a different way now in first grade we're doing where the the intervention teacher is pushing into the classroom for the entire Ela so it's a co- teing model almost like a special ed IC class so the the BSI teacher comes in for the whole EA block a BSI teacher comes in for the whole math block and because we found with first grade obviously the foundational skills there's not much of a gap compared to where they should have been in kindergarten we start to see that Gap get bigger in second grade so in first grade we wanted to keep them together so we rostered the tier 2 and tier three kids in two classrooms in first grade and it's a push model there are times when the tier three teacher takes the tier three kids out when needed and they they go back and forth so they're hom for those classes yes for those classes thank you you're welcome anybody else thank you I appreciate and there Bo go you present that question yes they're on the part of the agenda moving on coma all favor no make a motion public second second all favor mentions M on to reports um I don't have any specific report um but would like to mention on the topic of school security and school safety um we have a brief discussion regarding our uh incoming SRS we like 12 December um ironically I was read a couple uh article the day surround the election there was a lot of Bot referendums that were out you know throughout the state for different measures couple locally here not locally frankly but I think in town c local of South Jersey um School Meers and unfortunately based on the o those elections the communities that support um those referendums in those cases hard to believe so I'm I'm happy that Frank you takes security school safety uh one of our top priorities uh and with that we'll be welc new Sr um I don't have anything else we' add item the agenda the request Mr fet thank you um yeah I add to this not just I can hear myself talk um I just really want to highlight the good things happen this District really really briefly um thank you Jamie uh for the uh presentations tonight and to all our teachers because there's a lot of really good news um in those reports and we'll be sharing that with our staff and all the schools our C meetings and U but congratulations to our staff as well um it's a challenge and husack really all for a loop uh but looks like this distri has recovered nicely always room to grow uh things are definitely moving in the right direction um as Jason said we'll be hiring the new SRO start date 12 13th of December uh we'll be replacing the boiler at m road it's apparently been an issue for a very long time it's being held together with gum I think in some Scotch tape uh moving for Boer over there uh an issue that uh Stacy and her team had brought up and I've been hearing from the principal since I started um the issue of not having my substitutes here in right Township um every morning I know what that's like as a principal you get in and you have five people out and two substitutes what do you do go to the teachers can you give up your prep pay you for that time uh it's an inconvenience I know people are always willing to step up and make a little more money but if you're preparing for your classroom that's an issue you need that prep time um sometimes I've covered them myself I know our principles have done that as well it's been an issue so um I looked into we use a a subservice called ESS and they're uh they were based in New Jersey nor called previously called source for teachers now ESS is a larger uh national uh organization that Supply substitute teachers power professionals and uh nurses to schools it's weird when I called him because the gentleman that represents New Jersey was a student of mine when I was a my first year principal about a 100 years ago um my remember has a seventh grader with squeaky voices with a squeaky voice and really tall and fat acting but um B sure now um it's nice to see him he's going to give us a really nice uh plan on how we can reach out to the additional ESS members we are we already used DSS uh but a very small scale we're going to amp that up to a larger scale looking at his roster we currently have between 20 and 40 substitutes that we try to call on uh he's looked at his roster there are over 600 potential substitutes in the Franklin Township immediate area so we're going to try to make that move sometime in December not then but it's when to come back a Break um it will allow us to reach out to a block more people with a lot of nice incentives to be substitute teachers here in Franklin C for instance uh I'm a substitute and I work four or five Fridays in a row I may get a gift card from waa for $15 um if I work days before holidays there's an incentive to do that um anyone in uh on staff can recommend someone to be a substitute and if this person signs up that person gets $100 so there's a lot of great ways they do electronic um uh uh meetings with trying to bring people in there's jobs job fairs they'll advertise right T on all their their social media accounts so again trying to shake the pushes a little bit to get more people in here to be substitutes that will solve their problems solve the teacher problems hopefully that will work out and again we're going to try to move that along quickly but least by start of the new year January that plan should be uh a lot of good news happening here in Township and I'll be brief um Halloween was a blast um all three schools the kids had a great time uh staff members dressed up a lot of parents were in with the parties kids had a great time it was a lot of fun I know that can be the worst day of the school year but it really was great it really was a fun time so thank you to the staff and to the principls for making that happen um I've been able to read in a bunch of classes I put it out and I've been in probably 10 classes there more to come so thank you to the teachers that invited me in to read to the classes I love doing that it's a lot of fun um and just a shout out to Mr uh piso from janir um I was in the main office the other day I looked out the window and I saw this man walking out of the school followed by about 25 little kids that were evenly spaced apart and they were following him he looked like the pie Piper he had them stretched out along the uh swing sets again about 5 feet apart I don't know how he did that uh the kids were not running all over but they were uh spread out and they were doing jumping tanks what is going on there I don't know what he's doing he's not a gym teacher he's not a teacher uh and then he gathered them into this small circle they were all sitting down and he was standing over them and I saw him talking to them and all of a sudden St we come up and come up to him he give a high five and the little child would run sit down I'm like what is he doing I don't know how what he's doing but he is definitely in control the kids were having a good time and he told me later after I sent him an email that they were doing some kind of kinesthetic type of science experiment but the main thing is he had them just uh you know in all and I see that happening in so many classrooms around this District um um I know test scores Define a school district sometimes but really helps to find this District people like Mr Piza and the rest of the staff members in our Administration uh because kids are walking on H us and they are happy um they don't know me I'm dressed like Captain Kirk at Halloween they're engaging with me they're fun one little girl was dressed like Randy machain Savage professional wrestler and I said to her do you know who that is and she said no my dad made me dress up like him like it was so funny I me these kids are adorable we've got great staff we got great kids it's really a great district and I'm really really proud to be here so that night and my that with what I here I can show yeah some was dressed as Scooby-Doo and was also like doing this stuff when he was taking pictures right right right to character it was great it was a great day follow that well I just hate to follow that Prosper there I enjoyed the convention so much that I left early but I did go to two pretty good um Workshops the first one was teacher attention and you know how how to bring teachers and retain them um sat for half an hour looking at statistics and it was just ridiculous cuz we're living it we know what what the problems are and then they went into just like people in the audience just venting and venting about the problem of the teacher shortage and how they have to come up with creative ways to bring teachers in and to maintain that that good group of teachers and and you know retain the group and it was State the state uh Department did it State Department of Ed facilitated it and had zero suggestions because everybody kept saying well you know I have to do this you know science teacher had to put them on St 10 just to get them in the door and how they lose them to the next so it is a Statewide world and these were people from all over the north there were people from the great outside of the area and I guess that's why sometimes I get a little flustered when I hear that sometimes we aren't doing great because we lose teachers and we have you know teachers leaving Well everybody's in the same bat so if nothing else that opened my eyes to that and also I I talked to Mr bets about this some creative ways of bringing people in and and retaining them that they have but I don't know how how good how we be able to do it and um also the leg legislative meeting I went to I think trishia were there also um I left after a while because all it it wasn't what I was expecting in today but you know it was pre-election so never up for for a seat but um right now there's nothing going on in the county that I'm aware of until probably January so um whoever's here next time whatever takes this U New Jersey School Board Association position can fill you in thank you thank you um is there any Bo reports typically yeah this Michael's Ro unfortunately she's hear anything move on to our minutes from October 164 uh has everyone had opportunity to them uh there's no changes I'll make a motion appr minutes is listed second all in favor um Human Resources any rions changes we may looking at number seven um upping the subtitute pay rates uh I was presented with information froms comparing all the uh districts in the county and surrounding counties uh they made from $16 a day to $190 a day probably campings and those those Ty of districts uh we're somewhere between we have a a rolling rate starting at believe it's 110 going to 125 so we kind of fall in the middle but um once we have additional conversations with ESS we'll recommend any kind of change in just to people people don't I was going to say I think uh that's been a topic of discussion this board since I've been here I don't know how many years that is but at least s Michelle was going to give credit to Don Collins on that she one of our Bo members um but just as help not that's that's all conversation well no we we were unaware I think in the beginning that what we pay our teachers isn't really what we pay we pray s if that's now a certain amount of money and I don't know if that's G up since but I'm sure we'll want to take a look at those figures if and when they want to they feel we should change the amount there any questions on human resources hearing none I make a motion to approve Human Resources items G1 through G2 by super second any comments please cting in yes doy yes Wilson yes Smith yes St yes CH Le yes yes education no changes there I just want to highlight um asking for approval of the district Improvement plan for qack from last year um you all know that qac comes in as compliance type of assessment that the county does each of the school districts every two to three years um we fell short in one of the areas of mostly because of little test scores from two years ago Jamie and her staff put together dip uh it's attached there for your review um to approve that and submitt back to the to the state um that's basically what J CED tonight we doing in our classrooms to improve um I just had a question on where we are I know in the in the dip it was me mention the new possible program La program where are you in that process I Jam's working with the staff on that J you want to do a quick update on on approving a new Ela program yeah we have an Ela committee um consisting of just teacher specialized basic skills J for the whole District we're actually taking a look at three different programs and like the K to four and two different ones for fifth and sixth um we've had eight full coming in giving presentation we're settling on the rubric right now on how we're analyzing those programs and I'm setting up meetings with uh teachers and other districts that are using these programs so our teachers can have conversations are we looking to Pilot any of these since we weren't able to do that last time we might we might be yeah we'll take a look and see what the conversation how the conversation goes with the with the committee and what they would like to do Jam to talk about this today both believe I certainly believe that um our teachers should go out and talk to the teachers and see the teachers teaching these programs in other districts spend a day in other districts to see hear from from the teachers firstand the pros and cons of these programs um it's the best way to assess program actually I think the best way is to Pilot because you really don't know a program and so you have to use the materials you have to eventually abely we do that last and found came up if we can pilot I think that's the best way for our teachers to figure out whether or not it's going to work in Franklin because it might work in Washington c or it might work in Finland but it might not work here can sure Jamie what's the projected timeline to get this established like by March by March of this year to choose the one that we're going to Pilot or what we're going to do okay thanks y um and the only other question I had for the DI is I I know we curriculum is where we had some issues but also we did not do very well on operations so I had emailed um Brian and asked why we had um had there were three 1 a 1 B 3B and seven we got no points because of late submissions of documentation State um and obviously Brian not being here really wasn't able to explain as to why um that happened so I'm wondering who like the report we got today the H was supposed to be submitted on 10th grade so it's almost over a month late so I'm wondering why some of these procedural things are not being um submitted at in time of that and who's responsible yeah well it's my responsible okay so it was it would have been superintendent would have been ultimately it's superintendent responsibility and we'll tighten that up um H act says quality it's really compliance um you know the things that weren't submitted there's nothing about quality of any good understand we also understand right has to be done has to be done unfortunately the state is the way the state is and they're going to D us if we don't do what we need to do so we'll take that any other questions regarding education it hearing I'll make a motion to approve education it H1 through H7 recommended by the superintendent comments wison yes Smith yes SC yes CH yes cutting yes oil yes bread yes motion um what otherwise have been the superintendency area District information um comments any comments not motion to approve uh District information items i1 through i7 as recommended by the superintendent by second comments yes Wilson yes Smith yes star yesam yeah yes Mo cares operations first yeah everything was as usual I did add a claims um Bill list earlier today just some recurring payments 000 you uh no well I noticed that there was n so I did check it uh just few minut ago but ironically we have a question um I see there's a B for boiler replacement design assum that's our architect correct that was injunction with the that's part of what you're working on with your it was um when we were going through the we're trying to do the cor at least main the timeline that we need to PR on um that may we at least able to somewhat utilize that design yes yes especially for design that's my question see no other questions moving on items two three and four are for the month of september4 reportas report item five the financial reports aember it six District placement Bank devel Center students received services for district transation cont student student that's add to an ex 10 Transportation joers students listed there the uh creativity collab is for 11 10 students um we don't have student numbers for them because they are Char students uh panel number 11 is none 12 have a question about that that was submitted after our board meeting on the 16 and approved and the meeting held like is there any liability check if that meeting occurs and we have proove that use facilities I believe there is contractual language that CI fa negotiation um I mean obviously you advance right put everything up but um we can't agre so okay it 13 is a yearly comprehensive maintenance plan 2425 submission also with the F1 and the detailed resolution in the attachment and then item number 14 is just purchasing Co-op um the C count Educational Services Commission resolution public content as well as the administra that's just a participate Cooperative person correct I have a question item 10 um I just want to make sure the first spreadsheet is a contract for us to engage in Services of De Township is that correct yes so Township is the host District which means they handle the coordination of and they pay their drivers to run the around and they're picking up our students who are attending yes I um for number It's Kind more of a comment than a question um number nine taking a look at this and and if there was something else at the um $106,000 to transport kid for the year B um I read and I also heard at the conference a couple times but there is legislation possibly and I'm sure you know more about this but I don't know of allowing like small like Vans to transport kids and that the bus drivers don't maybe have to have that CDL correct they still have to be trained in all of the you know bus driver safety efficiency and all that has that gone anywhere is that I believe it's slated to um being active or eligible to actually employees on the district level in July of 2025 I mean so it sounds like that would be a cost a huge cost I mean to in my opinion when I'm looking at 106 Grand that's just not a bus driver's salary correct that includes everything the big bus and everything that goes with it right correct that is a total um for the one student um that is added to an existing route so that's the total route for multiple students student we have $500 a day we have seen those costs excuse me that are that much for for one student because people are saying it just depends on the potential needs of the student Onre it may open up and free up some bus driver kind of bus driver salaries or I don't even know what the word is right but if you're you're still going to need a person you're resource to dra that the district vehicle it does it just went along with kind of the teacher shortage the plus driver shortage the you know all that it's less right tape for someone who was interested in driving but doesn't want to goal that way to be able to look that d a district vehicle with a student students on it um so it could potentially help out with some Local transportation um so yeah we will be into that think like maybe another at the end of this fical year I I believe if that I guess if it's voted I'm not sure where it is on yes last I saw I think they july5 thank you how many kids do we have I see we have for Crea laboratory how many students do we have there no be 10 that so basically uh dely only charges us the 8 per student which is 1177 per year so for um any charter school that is within our jurisdiction which creativity laboratory was decided to be within our jurisdiction we have to provide transportation we cannot pay guante so dely does do a Rong because they have students from their um districts creativity collaboratory believe is spit through 8 so so that one there that's for all 11 what is 1177 per student this this contract here is for for one student for all it's for 10 students I'm not sure why the student 90 numbers I mean like I said we don't have student 90 numb never actually registered with the district um put the that's not no the parent would get $1,177 there's no updates on this no any other questions on operations I make a motion to approve operations it J1 through J 14 recommended by the superintendent by second comments Smith yes s yes yes Cunningham yes yes uh yes but I be the Jeff you're rolling on that it's not a specific it's not a specific contract or anything like that I no that's not that's fine thank you for and motion business we have standing items here I'm just to see usually we have our um new board orientation in District going to have that yeah reach out about that the um sorry four goals yearly plan calendar the feasibility study regionalization we have any comments is uh and we'll just make a quick comment three feil study members of the public uh been following that closely um as of right now based on the place of council we will not be further discussing that matter until the new board is seated in January so get action taken regarding the regionalization until January the early um new business uh we discussed in executive session revising our meeting agendas to um do the executive sessions prior to starting board meeting at 700 p.m. hopefully and uh an opportunity to kind of streamline how things have been been working so any questions on we're going to move forward with that procedure M and bring us to our second public comment make a motion the public second all in favor anyone from the public comment uh see no one make a motion to close public comment second all in favor next schedu meeting we have is December 16th 6 p.m. start meeting 7 p.m. SCH wish everyone Thanksgiving thaning e