##VIDEO ID:SxuwyGtlq0g## Mr s will be very proud of me for using this clicker so with that said thank you very much for allowing the to provide which the update8 uh Talent acquisition and retention we know that the fa uh comes out of the vision F6 plan and the goal of taking a d have direct focus of uh identifying ab and vles in and then very D we getting okay so with that said all right for our committee uh you went the individual West there with Miss K Ellen Mr samis Mel SEI and M je and then I am the chair previously you recall that Mr Walton was the co-chair with me and that's now WR the sunet so you're right uh so uh the piece and as we go through the slides that I have to even the back of your ey is the goal all right because this is something when you start talking about you know looking at in effect human relations data you can heal and he and heal and they can be a NeverEnding so and as un mention so I was only afforded an hour and a half for the speciation time so thanks that so anyway identifying me planing initiatives to creatively acquire and maintain ver understand now we take a look at our first piece so July 1st 2024 uh to curring and near we talking about those individuals who are no longer with us and of course you know with questions driving okay well who's not there with us why are they not there with us and then what were the reasons for that leaving us so first step you look at CER certified St and non-certified as I have uh 12 resignations for certified sta one non manewal five proes and that is in effect from March 1st to current all right so moving forward when we really look at it and I'll tell you when we notice you know the springtime we generally don't have people read the T time but that is when we started to acquire resumés so individuals would uh let us know um whether formally or informally so it was right around March 1st that we started hting process but the kind of stall there so that's why I use that kind as a DAT however when we really look at oh wait did people leave you know in May no they did not okay it was at the end of the school year and has come to October 15th and I put it there so that we would have some compar dat for reg so 12 resignations One n renewal five retirements you see the average time in District the resignations 3 years and 10 months the 900 year-old one year and retirements 22 years and three month noncertified set five resignations three retirements average time District resignations 8 years 2 months retirements 18 years and four months Source up there uh is our new higher track you know when individuals re our district we keep the sheet on that uh you know and so in inclination on Bo's leaving uh how long have they been with us what is the reason why they're leaving as well so that's the the point that we have for 2425 to date now the one question rages well what about previous year how does that P the previous year for certified staff we had 20 individuals leave us one individual was on renewed and two of them were retirements so based on that clearly identifying that the previous year we had 17 resignations this year we are 12 all right so you know we take a look what's face it we don't want anyone but fact of the matter is a pie it's positive whole thing when we look at noner said the previous year it was the same actually identical we had three retirements and we had five continuing along now taking a look at those reasons as to why he individual Leep and here we identifying uh the exit interview data now an important component of this the individuals complete the exit interview data uh for complete the exit interview by those who was on all right so those individuals who retired and also those who are n they do not get the exit in all right that's something that as a committee that was recently brought up we're going to take a look at that because while that data could not necessarily be Blended in there might be you know the possibility of of garnering some important info you know and disaggregating that abor so that's something consider the C but for this it's important tree to recognize that this is about those individuals who resign and question why did they resign so the trends of course you was much larger than this it's not just three questions but I looked for Trent and as I may you know I will this after them I explain that as well it was where it we see trained there so first the interesting component and keeping in mind that these are the RS of ancients of people who had 3 years and so OD months you know they were basically younger said they responded to the question of would you recommend working in our district to another and nine out of 10 of them said yes the top number where say exit interviews completed there were 12 inval who resigned 10 of them complet the exit in well going to take a look at the primary reason for resigning and looking at the trend five of those then said it was a about salary and they were seeking higher salary when we looked at relocation for the 10 and then two identified it was a commute issue please recognize that the individuals who complete the exit interview they had the opportunity to CLI multiple areias so the same Cur could upsate salary can community and that would count in interactions with others in add district and there it's other staff members if you're wondering the exit interview what's the actual question you know how would you describe your interactions with other staff members in the this eight out of 10 said they were positive one was uh neutral and the other was negative all right so looking at that information the individuals while they left our district they responded with Trend data that's there that their interactions with individuals in our in our school was positive um and that they would recommend us to one of their friends to work here all right so other comments that were interjected to A's open-ended question to the C Court you know it indicated that you know in terms of positive pure positive cining you know there was Trend Trend data that combined with other comments that were interjected that support that statement of a posi when we look it so as interviews completed so to five again recommend to work in the minist strect well both of them said yes primary reason for resigning so uh they were going to other district and going to be PS of other District other again pause all right so there's some good information that's there we continue now the next piece that we have to take a look at is okay we know people they they like now the other goal of the committee is to take a look at acquiring new STA and how we go about doing that and what's woring and what's not so here we have average applications per posting and you can see on the right inside I broke it down by ears but I have to say there there are some great why you know number one when we talk about when they have Cod all right and also the number of c s so C SLE I will say that is it has not been consistent oh we have one kindergarten teacher opening that equals one cl not necessar all right we could have three kindergarten openings and that's un posted all right so the data here it is a little bit rag but I still think it's valuable looking at you know I I don't think it's for TR feel as though all right let's take a and let's see where we are and what the average applications for cop are and there you can see 23 another factor to consider is posting tight all right let's fix it that you don't get as many applicants for music teacher as you do a general at regular classroom teacher so of course what's that going to do to your average you know you get 35 for the one and you get three for the other and all of a sudden that average is lower your M so across the district we had some Coes where we had many fa we had others where it wasn't so much now there a something for and speaking with other administrators and other Soul districts and looking for Trend data there I a hey we're working to client special education candidates how you do and our strugles are quite in fine with their shs the same thing with related arts teachers you know your mic your fizet and so forth but the report was for your general education regular flat zone teaters more applics and that's a good thing all right that's definitely something that across the bo we're seeing up tip in all right the total apps you see that's March 1 and that goes back to my statement of the previous slide you know when do we really start looking when did those quot things CCT so 53 total applications 114 were support staff and certified staff there's 389 the now that they be sort of a little sa in terms of the source it's human capital Analytics if you remember the uh the presentation that I gave in the spring uh we were over in the board office and I talked about human capital analytics and that was something that is slew our Frontline system and they can help us to look at some Human Resources Trend data that's where this chart came CL um so and this information with the toll lights these also keep in mind you can have a to apply for more than one position so it does not represent 5003 human beings who you can have somebody apply for a second grade teaching position and a kinderart teaching position at the two different posing put it's one Pur hiring byal Source this is useful and it's a human capital analytic CH so I do apologize at B it's it's kind of aope for it but as it says you know it's where did the applicant when they were they were all in the opportunity to um identify where to take your books and that's what this so in terms of recruiting what's working what's not no value is they just answer um the commercial uh post that we use uh New Jersey jobs.com indeed those are the two primaries that been Ed and you even see there that's on most successful in terms of recruiting individuals um po value all right that's what this is it's not just those who are wi it's those who work higher where did they come from so that actually is kind to say in terms of quality uh uh applicants and then also you see next to it um the IND School website which is great it's out there and they're going on that and they're identifying and let's take a look at it let's see what it's all about let's apply through that um there are other sources and that don't mind me this and in lers as we continue on and I I don't have if we look at the two on the far right side referral by word of mail and then also State and Regional job boards i e n OE so that moving on applicant racial diversity cuz that ties into the goal yes we're looking for outstanding applicants but there's also so diversity in AR and taking a look at the diversity of the individuals who are flying and you can say that by far the blue does represent those Caucasian white okay and from there you know the yellow is black African Aman all right and then it takes it down into Asian and those who did not want to provide uh their racial background that's what the gray is so the big takeaway from this is you have the blue in most of the individuals who were applying um Are CL dig continuing along now you know before we go there as I mentioned previously I am a member of the braing University educator preparation advisory Council um that's on bigger direction of Dr Stacey Leftwich um she's an individual we first out in 2021 ATT be the sit the committee and so for then in my with st the you know regarding the candidates of that rolling well okay very directly what do they look like do we have diverse candidates and C said no so the majority of the individuals theys that are going into or theor start can tell about yourit or fan so and we talked about different things we could do there um it's a couple years ago that there was a job fair I created screen F so be castifi for that yes I sold and a screen castify I did that um and you know was part of trying to recruit um yes outstanding candidates but also widenet and right I I'm must what going gu very but they may really have the uh the the results we diversity gender Andy now here I dra your attention to the rights okay because we have to be aware of our student makeup and while we we don't we don't have to say well we need to to mimic identically you know we do consider that as we go into hiring and again and I reiterate this we hire the outstanding C the best possible canate for the position that is welome to give the right side you see that our sign take up 47% is uh feale 50% now and then we go down through the racial andic diversity that's there now this is from the njbob SCH performance report C to 22.3 that is the most recent the 23 24 itself does not exist so we went into the most recent data now when we take a look over on the left hand side of the certificated staff and this is the way that we were broke down when you're over 90% they just listed in the performance report as 90 to 95% so districtwide our stup is comprise of 90 to 95% female 5 to 10% mail that's how the njo report card Lista so now looking at the applicants you can see that we have 356 female applicants and out of that PO we hired 15 new hires that will female we had 33 male applicants and there were no m s identified that outstanding had a bring to our district again I mentioned that when we talk out with in we have some replication I will tell you very directly that in M applican Pool there is one individual who applied to three different jobs so it does not represent 33 M the N is actually more okay looking at the racial diversity of oura we see where we are we did hire a 1224 High um with is two or more graes F continuing three moving forward all right so where do we go from here um the posings the takeways on that increase in the number of appliations absolutely that's a good thing all right the casing M getting more individuals getting more individuals sitting in Coral you know that that game CR ODS getting their child standing WIS front our students every single day the district website work out boards are produced good to know all right so we want to know that we're not wasting our time they and we're not positive culture and interactions and I explained on that initial slide you know where that I individuals saying yes that I would recommend this place to a print yes I had a positive interaction with staff members here and then some supporting State and SE TI end regarding Fin and you know that this is frankly nice happy place but then also as we slide down so the continue F the Senators big but but need to because need more M looking for more salary and that was the same for the support S as well as the cice come me uh pursuit of a diverse app that's always something that's on the radar but again we seek out the most outstanding individual for our children whatever they're at the city of n right so that's our update that's our presentation I welcome any questions is there anything anyway yes for those that completed the umit inter with they use were utilize the district as a reference for the ding do did they are with grin and reference for they need I I can only speak for myself in that case some of them did all right that's not a question on the aent interview I you know would you do this I did not ask Nicole or Ted the principles of the other build Lings um but I think re see there are three that are jumping out to me in my mind that they they did and the reason I asked is because they could in will way that they answer that they deser absolutely yes absolutely make yes um regarding the climate ODS have a question regarding the between the person Le step was there any question regarding ministration it's just staff okay all right inter with staff it does not now all open-ended questions on there um and there are times where a respond you know and they get more information and very oftenly and likely there are positive comments about s there are some negative comments about Administration and there are some where their your we yes on the on did not yes there was okay and on that or at the time it was Mr wal who would follow up and we would disc that um and he would send a followup email to those individuals okay I do you know that that occurred because I saw Yes we have's me they were you the sa hour name one the two of you that that help I the Recon MJ um performance report but Mr brand i' have to take a look there that that's something that um I did not focus on um Mr bets I know you're familiar with the performance report does it jump out at you would that be something on there you can do a deep dive into that and find it out okay it's not a number that sticks out figure out lot that investigation I can tell like can on absolute District that worked hard to increase that s salary um we still people leading to do it because they by principal 2000 walking the hall seeing Tom on said people are great plates to of integrate parur Riv Trier all those things come together uh White state so of course that not just salary that's something important when you for salary you also lose your tenure time to work Kenya St offer certain benefits to dep and your your a lot of up grass tunnel re uh then I to find out they're satisfied it's a lot to do so yeah sure I know that and here you know tying in and Miss brand to your question I I believe that the app say but that's Bas on my verbal interactions with administrator is not a good um that's something definitely moving forward you know maybe our spring time hey that's something we'll take a deeper look into let see exactly where that is it's good point thank you um and the other piece uh that I bring in and that in a way miss hunningham it ties into your question um I was contacted last year by two individuals who left hate well very directly they did the S of the grass not green on and they were using me for a reference for another job because the district got or um it they did not work out well and you know that we had nice not see so and I mean that very nice people very good people uh but unfortunately the job that they took when they left us didn't work after that also then like out years T the yeah yeah if it clim yes that's not they have to no they it's a you know a Circle S where the end of idual they're starting out their their lives and one way of Y they need money for new houses and weddings and different things along that line start I'll be down with yeah true we yeah CH uh what that my the years of uity to um s and is correct that very Liv on and first help that is correct yeah we saw out that your own L but then in that person point of the contract and there sta that's cre and that bought up so there's still some Delight your so but clear to situate to know um the pet so you know that's that's where it did thank you this --------- ##VIDEO ID:ORkuzrweBnY## what make sleep by a here H here here I here in here I [Music] first one R president Theon presenting Publicis Awards uh last year uh today uhic thank conference I am C so that being his foring a little bit because uh a perfect attendance thought she was the first teacher to inviteing and read really nice or get to thank about they so cute thank you for that congratulations uh you're [Applause] libery than you y [Applause] well mention U thank you to everyone uh to make feel very welcome here met with squ over the next SLE weeks to new your team Co central office teacher sta um everyone has been so welcome uh really a paric district here uh you know seeing things from the outside coming from the outside um I've seen nothing but artworking individual cost more um sh are amazing they're so much fun uh and the instruction has been really ex as well L soci soci intelligence which is are actually talking about their brain to they here which is a heart the region to seems to be happening in this District cross off that's really really deess so uh I mean the different angle different land I've been really pass by what seen I you never want thank you to all uh next item have evening ISD for [Music] thank thank you I'll set up to projector real will be B commic swing you got called first [Music] Safi Mr s will be very proud of me for using this clicker so with that said thank you very much for allowing the to provide update the8 Talent acquisition and retention we know that the fish stre uh comes out of division 2026 plan and the goal of taking a l St direct for this uh uh identifying out and vehicles in and then very D we getting St okay so with that said all right for committee uh you indidual the individual s west of there with M K Ellen s Melle SEI and M Jey and then I am the chair previously you recall that Mr Walton was the co-chair with me as for now it's the sunset so here I am um so uh the PE and as we go through the slides that I have to even the back of your ey is the goal all right because this is something when you start talking about you know looking at in effect human relations data you can feel and heal and heal and they can be a NeverEnding Saga and as on mentioned I was only afforded an hour and a half of this reation tonight so so anyway identifying me planing initiatives to creatively acquire and maintain diverse to now we take a look at our first fece so July 1st 2024 uh to current and they we're talking about those individuals who are no longer with up of course you know with questions driving okay well who's not here with us why are they not there with us and then what were the reasons for that leaving us so first step you look at C certified step and non-certified as uh 12 resignations for certified staff one non Renewal by Pro tyes and that is in effect from March 1st to current all right so moving forward when we really look at it and I'll tell you when we notice you know the springtime we generally don't have people read the T time but that is when we started to acquire resumes so individuals would uh let us know um whether formally or informally so it was right around March 1st that we started hting process with the common school there so that's why I use that as a DAT however when we really look at oh wait did people leave you know in May no they did not they was at the end of the school year and they come to October 15 and I put it there so that we would have some compar dat for SC with so call resignations One n renewal five retir you see the average Hing District the resignations 3 years and 10 months the 900 old one year and retiring is 22 years and 3 month non certified s five resignations three retirements average time District resignations 8 years 2 months retirements 18 years and four months Source up there uh is our new high track you know when individuals rear District we keep the sheet on that uh you know and so in inclination on Boo's leaving uh how long if they done with us what is the reason why they're leaving as well so so that's the the point that we have for 2425 to date now the one question rages well what about previous year how does that compare the previous year for certified staff we had 20 individuals leave us one individual was on renewed and two of them were retirements so based on that clearly identifying that the previous year we had 17 resignations this year we had 12 all right so so you know we take a look what face if we don't want anyone but fact of the matter is if P it's positive hope that when we looked at noner set the previous year it was the same actually identical we had three retirements and we had five continuing along now taking a look at those reasons as to why he did the mid sleep and here we're identifying uh the exit interview now an important component of this the individuals who complete the exit interview data uh first complete the exit interview are those who resign all right so those individuals who retired and also those who are not new they do not get the excident all right that's something that El a committee that was recently brought up we're going to take a look at that because while that data could not necessarily be Blended in there might be you know the possibility of of garnering some important info you know and disaggregating that important so that's something consider the K but for this it's important for you to recognize that this is about those individuals who resign and question why did they resign so the trends of course you was much larger than this it's not just three questions but I looked for Trends and as I may i w this out them I explain that as well it was where did we see Trend Thea so first the interesting component and keeping in mind that these are the Reds of ancients of people who had 3 years and so OD months you know they were basically younger s they responded to the question of would you recommend working in art district to another and nine out of 10 of them said yes the top number where so an interviews completed there were 12 indles who resigned 10 of them un cleared the exit in when we take a look at the primary reason for resigning and looking at the trend five of those 10 said it was about salary and they were seeking higher salary one we looked at relocation foring the 10 and then two identified it was a commute issue please recognize that the individuals who complete the exit interview they had the opportunity cck multiple larities so the same cursing could have S sary you can commun and that would count in interactions with others in the district and there it's other staff members if you're wondering the exit interview what's the actual question you know how would you describe your interactions with other sta members in the district eight out of 10 said they were positive one was uh neutral and the other was negative all right so looking at down information the individuals while they left our district they responded with Trend data that's there that their interactions with individuals in our in art school was positive um and that being what brly M us to one of their friends to work here all right so other comments that were injected throughout there open enic question to the so Court you know it indicated that you know in terms of posit culture posit cing you know there was Trend Trend data that combined with other comments that were interjected that support that City and of a positive culture one we look it down so the F say exit interviews completed so to five again recommend to work in administ well both of them said yes primary reason for the Ling so uh they were going to other district and going to be payable inter our actions of other District others in the district again POS all right so there's some good information that's there we continue now the next piece that we have to take a look at is okay we know people they they like now the other goal of the committee is to take a look at acquiring new STA and how we go about doing that and what's working and what's not so here we have applications per posting and you can see right inside I BR it down by ears but I have say there there are some great wi here you know number one when we talk about when we have C all right and also a number of HS so for example I will say that is it has not been consistent oh we have one kindergarten teacher opening that equals one go not necessar all right we could have three kindergarten openings and that's un Clos it all right so the Daya here it is a little bit rag but I still think it's valuable looking at you know I I don't think it's forage I feel as though all right let's take a look and let's see where we are and what the average applications for cop are and there you can see 23 I'm not fact that to consider is posting type all right let's fix it that you don't get as many applicants for a music teacher as you do a general like regular classroom teacher so of course what's that going to do to your average you know you get 35 for the one and you get three for the other and all of a sudden that average is lower your M so across the district we had some Coes where we had many fa we had others where it wasn't so much now as a sou bar and speaking with other administrators and other school districts and looking for Trend data there I a hey we're working a client special education candidates how you do and our struggles are quite in line with their shs the same thing with related arts teachers you know your music your fiz and so for but the report was for your general education regular flight zone teaters more applics and that's a good thing all right that's definitely something that across award we're seeing up TI then all right the total apps you see that's March 1st and that goes back to my statement up the previous slide you know when do we really start looking when do those quing to CCT so 503 total applications 114 were support say STA and certified staff there 389 the N will be sort of a little sa in terms of source it's human capital analytics if you remember the um the presentation that I gave in the spring uh we were over in the board office and I talked about human capital analytics and that was something that slew our front on system and they can help us to look at some Human Resources Trend data that's where this chart came CL um so and this information with the to lights these also keep in mind you can have Inda who apply for more than one position so it does not represent 500 grade human beings who you can ask somebody apply for a second grade teaching position and dis standarded teaching position at the two different posings for it one Purp hiring byar Source this is useful and it's a human capital analytic start so I I do apologize at B and it's it's kind of telescope for it but as it says you know it's where did the applicants when they were they were also in the opportunity to um identify where did they hear books and that's what this so in terms of recruiting what's working what's not no value is they just an um the commercial um post that we use uh New Jersey jobs.com indeed those are the two primaries that we used and you even see there that's our most successful in terms of recruiting individuals um po FL all right that's what this is it's not just those who applied it's those who work higher where it they come from so that actually is time to say in terms of quality of uh applicants and then also you see next to it um the Dig School website which is great that's out there and they're going on that and they're identifying and let's take a look at it let's see what it's all about let's apply through that um there are other sources and that you don't mind me to an Ines as we continue along and keep I don't have if we look at the two on the far right side referral by word of maou and then also State and Regional job boards IE Ando so okay moving on applicant racial diversity cuz that ties into the goal yes we're looking for outstanding applicants but there's also diversity in our is and taking a look at the diversity of the individuals who are applying and you can see that by far the blue does represent those that Caucasian white okay and from there you know the yellow these black africanamerican all right and then it takes it down into Asian and those who did not want to provide um their racial back bring that's what the gray is so the big takeaway from this is you have the blue most of the individuals who are applying um Are CL continuing along now you know before we go there as I mentioned previously I am a member of the brawling univ University educator preparation advisory Council um that's on bigger direction of Dr Stacey lewit uh she's an individual we first out in 2021 she would actually be tin the end it or C not at the def committees and so forth then in my with sty you know regarding the candidates of that rolling well okay very directly what do they look like do we have diverse candidates and CES said no so the majority of the individuals B majority inds that are going into dation are paren the V tellan so and we talked about different things we could do there um it's a couple years ago that there was a job fair I created screen by cify yes St in a screencast I did that um and you know was part of to recruit um yes outstanding candidates but also wide interet and right I I'm must say what gu St but they may really have the uh the the results we know okay diversity gender analysis now here I dra you attention to the rights okay because we have to be aware of our student makeup and while we we don't we don't have to say well we need to to mimic identically you know we don't have inste like as we go into hiring and again and I reiterate this we hire the out happs the best possible canate for the position that is welome to get the right side you see that our sing dat up 47% is uh female 50% male and then we go down through the acial andic diversity that's there now this is from the njo SCH performance report C 22.3 that is the most recent the 203 24 sub does not exist so we went into the most recent data now when we take a look over on the left hand side of the certificated STA and this is the way that we were broke down when you're over 90 % they just listed in the performance report as 90 to 95% so District why our sta is comprise of 90 to 95% female 5 to 10% mail that's how the njo report card list out so now looking at the applicants you can see that we have 356 female applicants and out of that PO we hired 15 new firers that were female we had 33 male applicants and there were no Mal s identifiers to outstanding adate to bring to our district again I mentioned that when we talk out with him we have some replication I will tell you very directly that male applicant pool there is one individual who applied to three different jobs so it does not represent 33 naaps the no is actually more looking at the racial diversity of our SE see where we are we did hire 12 24 high up um with this two or more Brees fa continuing three moving forward all right so where do we go from here um the posi the takeway is on that increase in the number of absolutely that's a good thing all right the casting M getting more individuals getting more individuals sitting inos you know that that game those odds getting those outsanding with WIS front our students every single day the district website work. boards are produced good to know all right so we want to know that we're not wasting our time they and we're not positive culture and interactions and I explained on that initial slide you know where that when individuals saying yes that I would recommend this to to print yes if I had a positive interaction to his staff members here and then some other supporting State and St TI end regarding fin C you know that this is frankly nice howy FS but then also as we slide down to the continued fot there sors big butt but need to eat because need more Mone looking for more Sal and that was the same for the support S as well as the cirice I me uh pursuit of a diverse applant pool that's all we saw think that's on the radar but again we seek out the most outstanding individual for our children whatever they're at the city of there right so that's our okay that's our presentation I welcome any questions is there anything anyway yeah yes for those that completed the um they utilize the district as a recoring did they are they sh L grin and referees for the new I I can only speak for myself in that case some of them did all right that's not a question on the aent interview you know would you do this I did not ask Nicole or Ted the principles of the other buildings um but I didn't receive there that are jumping out to me in my mind that they they did and the reason I asked is because they could in will way that they answer that b absolutely yes absolutely make guess um regarding the climate I have a question regarding the between the person step get pardon was there a petty question recording Administration it just sta okay all right Interac with it do not now all openend questions on there um and there are times where individuals respond you know and they get more information and very oftenly andly there are positive comments about s there are some negative comments about Administration and there are some where they your we yes on the ones did not yes there was okay and on that at the time there was Mr wal would follow up and we would disc that um and he would send a follow up email to those individuals okay I do you know that that Ur because I saw you yes we have um go yeah I me these our the the two of you that that would help I the Reon MJ um performance report but Mr brand i' have to take a look there that that's something that um I did not focus on um Mr BS I know you're familiar with the performance report does it jump out at you would that be something on there you can do a deep dive into that and find and out okay it's not a number that sticks out figure out a lot of D investigation I can change like k s year on absolute District that worked hard to increase that started salary um we still people leing to do W wi because they one by principal St 25 it takes enough JY this walking the hall seeing Tom said before great plates to BU H great par River for Trier all those things come together uh wife stay got the D supp course that it's not just s that's something prob when you jump for you also lose your tenure time to work tenure don't offer certain benefits dep and you're you're dipping a lot of up grass tunnel rear uh it'd be nice to find out you're satisfied it's a lot to do so yeah sure I know that and here you know tying in and Miss brand to your question I so app didn't I believe that the app say ter over but that's only based on my verbal interactions with administrator is not a good um but that's something definitely Ming forward you know maybe spring kind hey that's something that we'll take a deeper look into to see exactly where that is it's good point thank you um and the other piece uh that I bring in and in a way Miss hunningham and ties into your question um I was contacted last year by two individuals who left the hate well very directly they did the some of the grass not green on so and they were using me for a reference for another job because the district that they left what um it things did not work out well and you know that we had nice not see so and I mean that very nice people very good people uh but unfortunately the job that they took when they left us didn't work years yeah wor clim R see wow show yes like yeah to go uh that's not may have to now into you know a circumstance where the individuals are starting out their their lives and one way might for new houses and weddings and different things along that line Starts Now this year um there without haris yeah we the yeah true we yeah theity to um s and V is correct that very Liv on Ste and first help that is correct yeah we saw out that leave your on but in that first inial point of the contract and there sta that cre and that's that bought up so there's still some delay there so but clear to know um the pet so you know that's that's where it did like okay thank you I want I my I have I have my first scers to talk over uh good evening I'm Brooks Sanders um I'm a teacher and a CFA executive member um but I ask that you consider me as a parent tonight um not as those two things I want to put on my parent hat um I come to you uh with concern in regards to the re the regionalization um I was attendance at the public meeting that we had um and I would ask that you hear my concerns as a parent as the taxpayer first and formost tonight um at this meeting I strongly believe those in attendance were not those who necessarily have positive thoughts on the regionalization um rather those that dare I say have a more political driven agenda you know Educators you know we we do we're all in politics obviously um sorry was mly uh I'm concerned that I will not be given a voice or a choice in the matter as a taxpayer uh prior to the board shutting down the vote um I do not believe it is right for the board to make a call on this alone I appreciate your willingness to donate your time to the children to find strong curriculums for our kids understand budgets uh and help us make the Franklin students the best they can be prepared for the real world truly appreciate all of you for that because it is a hard you know a hard position to be in as a board member um however I do think this decision is a large decision that should be made from the taxpayers not just the Board of Education um I urge you to vote Yes to this tonight to allow the public to make a vote that'll best fit their family's needs uh eventually all small districts will be forced to consolidate due to size budget Etc um we've already seen this with other school districts that are close to us um that there already talks about them consolidating and things of that nature um so why not regionalize now while we have the grant money being offered to us and to use that to we can help alleviate the cost uh for the taxpayers before it's too late and we have to make those hard decisions of uh you know teacher cuts and things of that nature that's all I have to say thank you I appreciate you do read up to the I set yes s one things St has little tiny bit piggy sign there is an white wearing a thing the session one um the could um the dressing teacher short 5,000 IDE of theud wor this woman is Department studach short this he we have isach jerk res do whatever now what thinking I about that this St Miss so they need scores and District please six gr Helm yeah on at school things work giant shows next T Mr not a t-shir I I was I was my T and had some nice words to say and was a really nice we graduate 20 yeah I can tell you soon as he arrive keep a charge I and was there where do R store I set I still have P mag at on yeah wow that to be D without medical and calls yeah SP yeah yeah yeah yeah education part firm while Opera um hey yeah [Music] so see large number production and we talk about the continent uh to Builder how from that construction back yeah behind and and that K yes yes yes yeah yes would be Chang the St but this um should P um with outside that War C and by back number two off thear or not six said there are that is hover and for cover number 11 well Sil the SP gr have groups and by the time iine office um I to exp yeah I think I can I think on our yes see I first why I got Dage these are my I H we've been talking with a my BL perfect don't but I know did talking about conversation we did just stop that say never any yeah I mean you do a 5e but I mean well the concerns that we had that but we did implement the line with them I'm on the C World side of so then we had C habit that would be the bad that I out there that you know should be let me I'm sure that yes come on back that the extension who met is that yes sorry yeah right yeah um theu system foration um there one um quickly and appreciate to get R can we and is the money that CH I personally have CL the that I think May slam great I think I mean made uh have work to you know I know but think I should start two wi comat and stoping you say best out yeah yeah not sure go no I don't know you know where at we go to the public uh to you know with this thought this resolution this the first time I've said this resolution this quite a quite a conversation back but came up this F yeah that's right this back not s you can't that yeah goes now once after ke speci State s yesus added after artist shooting I if you are R to allow this to move forward that the Earth r that you will allow to know to public you don't have a question yet and I believe we are under the inion S to that if for some reason anything including or not comes up between now and then he still didn't have the right to withdraw but B here tonight but at Le the dedication and the vation understanding that we are will to allow people to have comp the enough is there's a little CAU does it mean it's going that we're say yes to what the question is just to that that hopefully we can have it par girl2 wait the if we follow the time and there are work I think the the goal that they're trying to get to is a January that now that would bee with bashes correctly and agree word agre on the all Mar then will be forward so so just clarifi sear possession for us what would happen work and I guess question is we both on question um to be placed on the Pall some PE or B like guess to you on this resolution St that were to put out the um at this time proceed does I think the problem is that the timel procedure you forget it was once we quiet all for agree now we can those agree and then we are willing to allow us to go to the Republic and then to decide so my general is that our Comm and let all of us exemp un B and some some with others for a long time and this point this Tri one has if anything we hit it with little what that they want because we help the bigest decision we we may not be the biggest stakeholder but this affects us one affects the the district because if this goes down they carry on it goes down for us we not to buy our superintendent so we kind of have to know what what position we're in and if keep Delight we just keep dying we were in a position we had both we had two two were inance B back because luo could get done I now but if we need to hire someone we need to start oning forward side CS the like yeah I so just CL myself that we call we're not we're not agreeing to placeing out the public at this point public should at least have the right to or they get or don't V and then we'll get information on what right so some are pass the to think I'm going back the say that well because we do it's just okay and we go back if we go back shortly those of us who were in The District at the time for the gr though right we once we agreed to move this fors Republic then then they were coming to BU rco and King because the part is involed to remember if we had on one question I say we because I just the memor but to me if we had put it on one question but you know new group and and new f c and turn probably was down the line were necessary it so we we to break down the question of R the house tur all in we get H back we group so we had to say let's get to that point to say we are willing to move for now show what that's will look like if I accept that then would go B to get to this timeline I'll possibly J that if it's us because we have worked so do you that commit that rec room is that who seure that rec room and they they first say did you say that they first set go here forward now we going to get the because forward to go after that ride at pointed to we have in a bit look out for a question but then we worked once we gu we're willing to do it that's from we we worked backwards said okay what these are all the things that we want and together done that prob but how do we want to work this he knew question people were going to think TR was unnecessary but thought not right so that we then work p back we did that work that work so I would on this topic say this way that rest members now well resolution we M say as a war not as shall as a we because everybody else work hard except for us that's where just be clear for the public so this this is my par this the states that were Pro for investigate come to the meeting next on PD whatever if is someone being some motion of any further discussions of the regionalization funded right and by it a right guess I'm just saying there be on that board between now and the time that this about so this not guarantee that no and if for some reason was I know that you're very concerned about the question which is a Val and we all have that you know sir if if if you have any the question is absolutely absolutely terrible you C that by yourself the robt you get a pass so you can have to move yes or no be killed at any time iing that the house end the process us being in the process but if think this why are not on it and let day so that now theu wanted start as c yeah rece I just don't necessarily had the step involved there the no just I just want understanders uh position on um uh that aners get um there's the street B from study it couldn't glct out um you know this this is stunning reputation the zipper one you I'm will to like to anything that want to them apress they and want tell other people dead but this isn't to go the table and tell W right down or SC that's fine made there well leg is they sat think that's I think maybe we should just circle wagons here have read let the the I me whereas Bo of Education uh it does re here but no no I I think one death I'm sorry where of the for one3 close Township Board of Education and Frank Board of Education both City and districts and whereas the board of to FR Public School District wish State Statute move to a public V solidation for the delate SCH dist help C Board of Education and town set for writing board of education and now therefore May resolve by mation of C Fran School District that the board de by fation of L question on January 2025 special election ballot to determine whether to regiz with the out toship water vation and Township of FR water vation both consing District create a new Regional we know as Del Regal in accordance with the and sub where I I make Aion cuz I've got re about yes C here yeah broso yeah yeah Wilson I say no I with that I think that Mees that it if you don't gr down you so much one one with no n they want to making buildings yeah's Bill excuse me Bill Mars so Avenue Mr President Mr superintendent after the LC consolidation mization meeting I did some back of the napkin calculations I took 10 of the common expenses for education at delce and at Franklin those I got the number of employees did a simple division and then did a multiplication by the that how much it would increase the cost of Franklin today and it would be an increase on the budget uh 4 million $800,000 there stuff that they could not provide at the consolidation meeting you're an increase to the de Franklin budget for academics but okay did I just wanted it on the record since they were reluctant to you know they were talking savings yeah you as I said it could be wrong but if I made an error I made an error on the Franklin side and the same error on the dely side so it's consistent okay thank you lot ways I thank you of corruption we