##VIDEO ID:ifo3-klkm_w## B WS 1975 at the time the municipal here here here Mich here here here right here um now come it uh people walk uh you few the champ at this time I'd like introduce to you our our new St um you got some on that seat com at g g good what here way ince your and um how use use like want use your Clash voice all right so I guess you guys work this time feel afid with jul hi so my name is Julia hug I am from Main Road I am teaching third grade math resource um I graduated in May uh from kown University with my degree in special education and Elementary education I did my student teaching and wunning penil media the m and in out Town Pennsylvania for my elri and I really Happ to be here and thank you all so much by I my name is Danielle Colo as I type things and put them here because I forget things that I'm nervous um I am teaching a third grade pull out resource at Main Road and I graduated a really long time ago in 1997 from Westchester University um I was a public school teacher for 5 years before I stayed home with my kids since 15 um my husband and I have six kids and when my youngest went to um kindergarten in 2017 um I started back as a substitute teacher so to keep it brief substituting led to part-time part-time led to full-time fulltime um I ended up in manula Township and they were not and they didn't have a job available at the time and I heard about this wonderful position at Franklin Township um so here I am many years later and um I'm very grateful to be here so thank you for this opportunity hi I'm Elizabeth Murphy I'm amazing teacher so right next to her um it is my 10th year changing but first year here my cand is from saing Hy so we've lived in several different uh States so I've t a lot place with this the f b back breakdown I my Bachelor's in music education from St Mary's College and my master musication from columia University um I've done mostly Elementary education um so I this is my first time doing just K to I really like the little ones so I'm really kind to be here been first couple weeks so Gina Hinson I graduated from row and bachelors and I taught for five years at ho ankles in Woodbury my first year was the year of 2019 2020 so that was a fun one um this is my first year here at J and I'm wanted to the kindergarten I'm sorry was brasby right now my name is Michelle St new addition to to I also can depart um I graduated 2017 with my master's degree in elementary education um this will terms sub I taught Ken for a year last year I was Ean and now I here and I'm very happy to hi storm I'm actually from stey um After High School I attended R University where I rece my degree in elementary education and great sence app looks all like signs after I col top for PR to years after that Colorado where I saw Kimber bar at expeditionary school now back but here hello my name is Ali um I just graduated in the from stocking I'm an kindergarten teacher here at my person teaching um so um my gr I got allation read and I'm very I univers we I here and good by hi I'm I'm the new fourth pH teacher I'm Health F Bri School G um I graduated at 1973 from ra University with my bachelor at Ln and English um I did my studed teaching in seedb in third degree um I'm really excited to it's so fun hi I'm K Eng and incl arts as well asud I received the degree inclusive education at BR University certified Elementary special hi my name is U I'm an ICS 73 AB um I graduated with sarra the F class with my inclusive ad degree by exential Ed and area um I did to T in Waton to and in for St and hi I'm Stacy on the third grade and cl work at I like they Al start graduate college and stuff I been the degree ex from sa at the college um I started an alter program back H Happ foring Serv uh like happen things happening then I my so the like 10 years at pit in bols I start out sub was it inclusion publico I was in BO office that sh ins here and I both this year been I UL finished out and I actually C starting with my n fre now so I will finish with my special and we coming to see we here here this thank all this year um and um after to college City me Mr be fure kind of somei he's already been first story just um with that I want the our reement wall wall what St go but you keep here a St here so bu you see every is but years you that with tra power yeah s and thank you for all the where should and at yes congratulations if um I've been here few years but I was sh on the he the guy compliments you educator true then like we have real every C said what and I Calles I been on but I see awesome like his souls and show and PE the be and I'm on the and the babies um welcome but I thank you for uh can you just me I love my is not and um I love being on the policy that you help well to stay and and to and L uh I wanted to say that I was lucky enough to be the president Bo that the fire I thought that was a great auor that person by this District do worst for several years we keep we sced we Gage I was come and sit there again and we we H we I did that I did right Jason um I'm really the Grands the cat fat um years ago like is and it it was always the F of and this wall always took time out of fromage so I decid there was better way you see this is for a super super exended there once the man in you ran our when WID and and with s to me you good Che always so super year up to you you've got things on track but now in the day and even if they ask you fight away inting you gu us and St helping in if you had a we with the m is so great we chat in the face Bing C at PR and with your partnership you saw the great but when you were in the AL BC just the good love for this or and having fun made usful wor so we soon we shine bright when of our this Fe so BL though youing your leg and never fight children than you pray for all cuted up may sure nothing but fun but SL in you'll always [Applause] be no I did I can't really Ain there speak that this sement enough to uh that of Mind of all that my War you say two things first thing always but last least first didn't have to be popular that's is the second thing you at the this left the city and Tred to had to bar so you want you know personally my minist football has some the best administrators not there for yeah uh I'll be is still until this with I thank you paent and for it SP than thanks I bad come be it this all teachers don't pl we going be handing you a cl cl we the it's 31 years and go on I don't I don't typically read these resolutions but I'm going to go ahead and read this one uh whereas Troy Walton was employed by the township of Franklin Board of Education as a superintendent for 11 years and 3 months with 31 total years of uh Educational Service and whereas the township uh of Franklin Board of Education which is to recognize Troy Walton for his many years of service in the school district now therefore be it resolved on the this 23rd day of September 2024 the township of Franklin Board of Education formally honors and commends Mr Walton by adoption of this resolution uh which has be made permanent part of the records in the township of Franklin Board of Education thank you bu thank you your clock there you go take a quick fix it I always feel like Mr Peters is my grandmother taking these y you all good now let's can we get a picture with the board yeah Ted take yeah yeah Ted we got one more got just indulge this for one minute uh guests here uh where you want to take it the wall here yeah yeah got come over here by thank [Applause] [Music] you st afteron so with that uhw every year um before rev uh to our agenda items Pi threee 10 minutes meas uh you have you do it all for next it what I believe this thank you Henry towi president Township Franklin principal supervisors Association I just wanted to take a couple moments and thank Mr walon on behalf of our association uh thank you for your support for your guidance leading us in a collaborative leadership framework as you alluded to there was times we had very out hot conversations at the administrative table but we always felt respected we always felt felt as though we had a voice for so many of us you gave us the opportunity to grow professionally and for that we thank you we wish you a very long healthy retirement find the good fishing places so that personally speaking for me now when I look you up you'll be able to take me right to the good spots thank [Applause] any all favor do have for exective session personel items as R but there second all fa presidency Court uh specific work um did s very nice day nice weather is good to see lot the community members there sucess also just one to say um W Force we get gu this pass regarding the fit Was Heard details I think uh are worse than SE the regarding situation so immediately give them as well than that part the Judgment I'll just B next Wednesday is the count um Association need um his accommodation hand special very I'm disc get conf of the D wor the4 uh it's online the I didn't see um act availability but you can register byet and will just take Jack wife if I stay up I'll just St just means is where I know good um yeah um so yeah it's that be back done great C the course is when it goes up yeah sh attening me school this this year it's up to you I I usually get it's up to you home here something that I see get all I didn't know if something you look forward to every year or want to think break no out you kind of work that need follow you around okay I give you a list can is it kind of word that go shop here yeah foral pration um the ports actually yeah actually we it just today over all right uh you have minutes listen from my in there any changes appr is listed from the 8.6 7 any other question V all right next item human resources and you uh you click you G13 Sol as recommend by and Michael Yeahs yes I live sa s yes Sor yes yes yes hey FR yeah Mo uh education that's couple um get comment on that I I know I read last year but told the number a this year B on on I as help moreing yeah and then I looking at thing that the I Stu and and the numbers that happen there only 22 I think now is is incre what how I back yeah just kind of just like across the think what we're doing by yeah and cor work your some you are uh what hey1 call yes yes yes yeso yes Michael Yes W yes yes uh J min get start home Stu father SL the table Fire Light against walls and bu uh during a ministration items I won by secet 10 comments not well yes yeah well yes s yes yes break yes operations balance car down as that's is the secretary 6 Ste be C there I think s in districts let's list to the stands listed our listed on routs as well as two additional STS fire basetball Association over year and are they need son 165 here and mention 18 whe uh tell these pures every doubt your Leger psyo go see this or PR report uh black H and other computers sh at and there attraction there make say yes yes and Michael yes yes yes St wait yeah Paris good job um next is both business and we have standing doesn't uh questions Jordan but walk great that's St good um and with these building studing with reation validation uh heading um of meeting to present the toal regionalization stud to at 7 p.m. delre high school work encage and any members the public to that meeting turn most certainly I also yeah that that means so the only item for discussion this evening to be it four additional um possibility of addition s FR and that reached out and request items place on the agenda for discussion all up to I guess our last yes we for that's um say that rotation the I thought that they bber TG there were three going to AR three schools to burn each schol then came to my attention that there's one day they roll into another District s of there will always be day one the stage do not C and like what happened in Georgia the light some other things I'm not going to say what happened here but I think we sign buting serious world and Mi and really quickly to get us resour try help get help get us egton is egerton's concern but I think they need to on dist I know a respect for his process and can saying the police convenor imediately it's not St of being in that building got was with that shooing and so I I would like to see Glory find the funny reach outs and for RS loans whatever we have to do in Township St for to get a third fulltime aler um so that each building has an offer every single that's that was my request and I'm not sure procedure we have we can make that so like not put next like now now I know they're alling but if it means my opinion if it means that's something else seriously that's that's of 20s true um two quick comments and I'm not cont toing what he said for public as one be clear there's there's a school resource officer and every one of our schools aage Deb however there is not one mayor all that that so let's say that well you may there there's days that you don't have so time UPS I want follow toink if there's days there's days there not both time UPS s right was right so right Tom go uh yeah so I don't know I mean two things I I Spug with the the chief regarding this I knew this conversation is going happen and uh and ask if you knew of anyone with that two two items startu budgetary shooting and resource um how expect for and can't get as individual s squat so obviously the sing squat will be very responsibility least to the bar Quest but about it I asked there only certain individuals that qualifi being so that um and asked him you know if he know that one uh or if he fora any issue uh you know obtain the resource uh he didn't have anyone specifically mind however he said all he needed uh to immediately start that process would be got aition um so on the fuder side uh I dis SP with mayor and asked mayor if they have budget uh and me said that we virus quickly um seal that Gap this year we weren't able me just didn't sound uh like they had a thing available immediately you know as well what that well be able to help us out maybe be able to get on the entire thing for um even for the for inter um so those are the two issues uh I mean I don't think anybody here nobodys the iron missil officer on theend TR on b side again the resource side that control that's something the what the resource side that control you put it out as public as public um public be I I don't think the school district can a resource off so had to the mayor Poli well yeah absolutely yeah think you T all try us you know assume LIF in down I proce the issue but and we actually one this B one so I guess just St resource officer is about District the FR St yeah we we F the we P the count right yeah so um so we can't hide aside a school resource officer that that's per of the town so we have Tak step my thing was yeah time you know we I there you know how to you know assess whether re is done the budgetary side don't think first speak on that c it yeah I don't know that but to just know you got in the VIS the clost of the story Cent about5 right this by um first year add resour the 100% And that is OB down so he got big gra look great go I don't that help with the time so and I have have the really had dat for that I same that's Glen really don't see how the B and because whatever rated Edon like Edon Le Tom so they must be has their own resource and there right that's what I'm saying button is the school so Dr time and we get that person they go no no no we don't we don't stay not off just you're get so they the light because the school at un point during de I think is separate thir all I understand it's smart you have to know right each School my point is every since anchor Ed Downs they have nothing to do with ours no it's they're not using our services at all yeah they no AG's paying you prac they us to but Su days I give your job suay you to my job so that if there's an emergency they can all run again again but 's not not using our sources Edon State cloting okay so we want right yeah I one my personal thing is that speak we have de St so do we need to make motion ask to the yeah we ition reach out with Downs um and stress guards our KN practition officer very F were able to um spun in the Gap K like guard they they officer and it's a to be PR and so he realistic why they back they claim BCI War Su that's what they come up that's B and going some of the spots me there had ad out there make they adver they may have find it up can I just ask all day yes to the best of my knowledge a one resource officer I can as one school so I assume again this is assumption that the officer of the United States work sooning that he P so go sign within their school all that so yeah that's what trying to tr we got you get it you get it thank think but they un no I'll say here two on the service in three buildings [Music] the rotation is just me money and the doesn't need one fre school yes right right that's one you heard that is that's right that you see tell that that would let me regarding our for w forunate we have to CH the hard schools are covered all the time by so they might be there there officers for done R agents around in schools there's other Municipal law enforcement resources ISS I'm are they in the building from time to time I'm not ARG with you so they don't feel there's there's some but there is a problem if you don't have an officer in that building squ un care to be that's just SM but in 3 hours they and has nothing to do with this that happen this mon I mean that just kind of th um that's it for so then sorry and then would you is it word at this very IDE why we find yeah as well yes that's IDE but see the six people kind of an idea and ity if anything about for the theate yeah at this point we l you but we the M but he he's all work do resar the school to schools that work just go on pain the to open and ten right uh new business no so think business to the praying Court take public comment all I address the please St if you could sir just uh your name yep uh my name close wer uh live at 3069 North Bluebell Road here in frankville uh father of three kids I got two in the school districts right now one's in preschool going to be coming through so first I just want to thank all the Educators and the administrators here um I think that you guys do a fantastic job at pick this town for that exact reason in the light of the events that happened this week I guess me as a parent I I definitely need some security which is why I came to this board meeting to try to get some clarity um there was an incident that was ported to the police at 7:55 a.m. I dropped my daughter off at Main Road school at 8:12 a.m. there was that that Gap in time and during that time the police were still actively investigating trying to find the suspect and ensure that all the kids were safe I would just like to understand what our safety Protocols are for the parents as well as why we were allowing children to go into a potentially targeted School prior to law enforcement having the suspect in custody sure I can't answer your specific question St just understand on but Mr you absolutely so I was being all5 Mr bur being that made email uh he need dispatch um not least down to death those kids did not get all that BS without police press it so uh that's that why we building good we from there so there were we have PR good idea so us who the yeah trainer was at the time um I mean not to get up what de it it wasn't teal understood um just I want to ensure that the decision wasn't made you not knowing that the threat wasn't already in the school in the building right the unfortunately I I don't have access to the video I don't know that many people do uh what the details were but I'm I'm hopeful that the determination was that there was no threat in inside the building that was pre-existing prior to Children entering that um think Chief said saw that video called many uh should food spr be there for kids for and this you we get the pr much new understood thank you for your time appreciate you said good even name um Stacy swo Main Road school I just wanted to take a moment tonight to introduce myself as the new president of TFA and Pauline Bitner over there as I'm the new vice president of the TFA um first and foremost I'm just honored and humbled to be president and get to represent and be an advocate for such a hardworking talented and dedicated group of professionals um they've have impressed me and amazed me since um I started teaching this is my 25th year in this District so when I started in 20 I was always impressed of how the teachers went above and beyond to do the best for their kids um not just to meet their academic needs but Al also their social any emotional needs um they pour out the best to the kids and I think in return we should try to give the best to our to the professionals who work here for our teachers and secondly I just wanted to say um my goal is to have an amicable and positive relationship between the TFA and board of EDS so we can meet our common goal of both acquiring and retaining teachers I know we've had a a very large turn uh turnover as of late and um we have a common interest in retaining these young enthusiastic eager teachers um we met tonight and I think if we work together we have a much greater chance of making that happen so I thank you in advance for your support I look forward to working with all of you and finally congratulations to Troy on your retirement I'm happy for you thank you thank you appreciate that another um um four meetings up here at 6 uh 6 pm and then also some greated deli2 hi