##VIDEO ID:6PFWY0eHATU## right all right want to call the meeting the order flag salute of the United States of America open public meetings act bar pursu to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was forwarded to the official Township newspapers posted on the Bon board and Township website on January 4th 2024 this meeting has the inv video take and we'll be on Channel 9 roll call Mr Doyle here Mr fella here Mr Marsh Mr ke and Mr B mayor ber are absent okay make a motion to approve correspondence and reports I'm sorry make a make a motion to open the first public portion make a motion to open up first por all in favor evening yeah feel smart um um I was wondering I had a couple question the CH Regarding why someone just thought there that and what I understand is it's here maybe that's not our you got extended like seven feet I know reach you need me to repeat that my question I had a question about the stormw ordinance um my understanding is that's a state mandated program I don't think we have a lot of leeway with that that might be able to to you came down it's tied into our stormwood a permit see me looked at it we tried to make some changes with them based on lot size because they based lot Camp lot we don't have here so um it's another it's another example of of a Statewide template that that has proven once again to be difficult to adapt appropriately for varying communions so um I spoke to Ed at the engineers uh last Wednesday or Thursday then I spoke to Mr Finley um I get there still are some some issues we could we could discuss either tonight or prior to the next meeting Mr Deputy Mar well I guess the issue I'd like to bring toward and I'm not sure who who put the the draft ordin together or who edited the the um the model ordinance but essentially your your model ordinance the your ordinance basically almost identically matches the state's model St order ordinance which I turn out and red which makes complete sense and uh s water regulations are applicable to what the state considered major development um and the definition of major development under the regulations are uh placement of a quarter acre of imp surface or the disturbance of more than an acre so and GE well aware in acres around 43,000 sare Ft so it's the placement about 10,000 sare ft in perier service which trigger the stor regulations now whoever edited this word stuck a section in here which basically extends those regulations to anything over 500 sare ft um they they stuck a part in in the ordinance which is not regulated by the D um between section four and five it's SP stormw management requirements for non- major development and to give you an example it says the property owner that shall re greater construction improvements such as retaining walls landscape beds Park scaping driveways sheds pools um in such a manner that would adversely impact the stormw it goes on it says any disturbance over 500 square ft where the D regulates will be DET counted around 11,000 ft um uh shall not be permitted without creating or stor management plan approved and issued by the C engineer so there was an ordinance similar to this that was brought before the committee back in 2022 which you guys rejected right rightfully so because I mean that put quite a burden on somebody that wants to extend their driveway or the shed up or um you know put ping so that's my my biggest concern with this is why is that in there and can we remove that from from Ward still we're going to have to ask the township engineer honestly I know we pushed back on stuff and they were they weren't very negotiable and I don't know if they added that the state no I can I mean if you look at the ORD no I think I think uh Mr Deputy Mayor there there are issues we've been dealing with for the last several years um the at the at the counter so to speak or or during our meetings um so I can't I can't speak to authorship directly it's one of these things sometimes it's it's a camel it's a it's but Mr brand does State accurately the issue of what is mandated what we're required to do and there is I don't think it's inac it is not inaccurate to say this goes beyond that so if if you want us to take a look at that we can and what we can do uh Mr Santo and I can and Mr Finley we can R we can Redline it Matt so that it's just it's maybe mult multicolored so that we can see the mandates and the recommendation or and which would be left to the discretion of the covering body but you know the vast majority of it Jason's right M vast majority of its template required right um and there are there are some items outside of that that's accurate you can easily find the section that I'm referring to because the the font of the match margin don't match it's incorrect so it sticks out like s thumb um to whatever extent you can I think that's the Everly bur we I definitely definitely read like I said I know most of it was a mandate yeah well it's definitely thank you can you hear me okay thank you my questions on the um Das on University Street that's um University Avenue University Avenue can can you elaborate on that situation with Das can you do your name and address please my name is Cindy marking 330 Oak Avenue thank you question sorry been that's okay thank you I like that to that is an environmental cleanup right property under pay for all of it this is the second or third time since I've been here company doing the cleanup has had to put another well in to make sure that the clean up is progressing properly right University Avenue where they're putting it is Pap for Street there is no you know disturbance there they're putting it on our easement they just need approval to be able to do that so they can mod and make sure they clean up so that's where they're putting this monitoring and there is no cost have they supplied the township with um why they would want to put one there like is that where this is moving to they're making sure that the cleanup they've done is it it's not aggressing all the property as the the because there are several homes on University because that's going to me this monitor well to make sure that clean up this big no migration and right that's what about right was not progressing that way okay they tried to reach out to property owners and they were getting nowhere with them so they came go for theato great and my other question is that I see that there's an a prance to Mala Lake Park and thank you I hope it really comes around this time I we all Poors because we've been you know like many years that things were going to be done and it looks great and uh you know anything for the kids and well we had to clean some up we had to clean up some other projects so we didn't waste money so we had money for a park that going be used by residents beard and mustache really really both different I like it I don't know what your wife thinks of it but she hates it stove a resolution I think they about six eight weeks you could probably once they approved it tonight we will make notification that we take equip down and then 68 weeks from the time PO is signed they'll be Bel I I look forward to taking pictures of it putting it in my newspaper and and our made community be very happy with it thank you thank you [Music] good evening this is F A Change Is This Home the get close Leah the salad 560 dson dve now then just a couple things um I don't know I may be repeating something because I came in one after and you guys already public portion so we've already discussed all guys but I saw the was this song and I know this is not going to be at the top of government's interest but a resolution for a $56,000 new sign front Administrative Building I'm just curious if you could tell me how do you think the residents of Franklin Township will have $56,000 worth of utility out of that new sign that's a good question the sign isn't going to cost the residents any money it's replacing the broken sign and um the money is coming through the I don't I'm going to summarize this through um the opioid program through the state right um but it still goes to the public so in here it could also be used for say program to for back abuse or you know many other issues and I know what you're saying it's it's you know money that was given to the township for different Source different uh governmental Source but it's still $56,000 for a sign and I was just kind of curious because it looks like didn't go out the bit was just a stinct contractors so I assume it's under the bid threshold requirement but it's still seems to be a extraordinary amount of money that justifies spending on some that basically says this is the municipal Village and it takes the fight second it's going to be a digital sign no I understand that it's just there's very limited value I mean the township already communicates very well through the Tex program there's a website it's Channel 9 you know I can't imagine there are that many people that actually have to gather their information by traveling past the dig sign friendly will build just my opinion I think the money probably could be better spent on more reasonable sign if that one does book Fates and something else that might actually go towards the cause for which I assume the money is kind more uh secondly you mentioned earlier about getting push back related to adjusting the SW would have run off bill and I just want this is just my personal opinion but I think when there's a lot of push back from professionals or employees a little bit of the tail Waggy thought because ultimately the push back was on the state not well no because your attorney is saying that that part was not part of state to the push back would if they become the state so if there was a deep push back from employees or professionals then that's an issue because they should really be deferring to you if you guys are the elect official officials charge with passing resolutions in or in not thank you in Mark 67 who wrote Malaga do have a question about 150 to dting the bids so I understand you know reasons why but my concern is that wording that's actually in me uh statement of it say CME is rejecting the bids based on cost and availability of C is an engineer why do they have a decision why do they have access that we have that we just still it's our decision all right how does it state that rewarded than good seen me actually handles I know they over they designed it like it's just I'm just understand why weire as access to Mark funds be able to see what we funds because that's how it worked well they don't but they know that we don't have 2.1 million to B I understand that but it's still the way it's worded it soon they have access to our funds my they don't have access to our fund they know what what was budgeted for in the project you say access to funds they can't spend the money but I understand they have they're basing their decision all the available default but again word makes a big difference the to if you IA than seeing no one else what the first motion to close all in favor I motion to approve cor Stein reports think a motion to approve correspondence on reports second all favor motion approv the minutes from September 10th to4 motion approv [Music] minutes unless you've had the time to read the minutes and compare it to the tape yes okay theoretically could yeah it's a ministerial act two it's the two out of the three present all in favor hi hi Mo theist motion approved Bist walk Mr do yes Mr fala yes Mr Mr Mar yes motion to approve Raffles for the BFW post 207 Oasis adal and Lady of Mercy acad motion to approve the Raffles second favor motion to approve the mobile food handling licenses hix barbecue best ice smoking Gro motion approve the food hand license second all in favor taking on the resolutions resolution R d149 d24 authorizing the personal person transfer planetary retail consumption license number 0805 d33 d013 d011 from rosul Linda LLC to duford beverage comp motion R 14924 second Mr fella yes Mr Mars yes Mr do yes [Music] resolution R1 15-24 authorizing refund of developers escor motion R1 1524 second Mr do yes Mr fala yes Mr Mar yes motion R 151 d24 authorizing the tax collector to Grant tax exemption for a totally disabled veteran motion R1 15124 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fala yes Mr Marsh yes resolution 15224 approval to submit an award extension request for la-20 23 ma Bank on Township Williams toown Road improvements 08 njd motion R 15224 Mr G yes Mr F yes Mr Mar yes resolution r153 d24 requesting the director of division of local government services to authorize the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 2K Frank County of GL state in Jersey motion R 15324 second Mr do yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes resolution r154 d24 acknowledging and directing Township administrator to complete an authorization lever to GHB environmental for the installation of an additional modeling well on use University Avenue right of way in relation to the former V Auto site 2890 Hardy Highway motion R 15224 SE Mr do yes Mr yes Mr Marsh yes resolution r155 d24 authorizing the purchase and replacement of one double-sided illuminated sign cabinet effective sign Works 6224 Jacksonville Road oron New Jersey 08016 motion R 15524 second Mr Dole yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes step R1 15624 authorizing a purchase and installation of a mounted television 85 in mounting bracket HDMI court and sbar in the community center meeting rooms in the amount not to exceed 14229 G on rockling Computer Services LLC motion R1 15624 Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes resolution r158 d24 rejecting all bids for Community Center 157 157 sorry resolution r157 d24 authorizing the purchase of 2024 International cv515 SFA truck under Source Co-op 06920 MDS from the Region's trucks 525 to West New Jersey motion R 15724 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes resolution r158 d24 rejecting all Bs for Community Center hbac improvements and authorizing re advertising a modified bids motion R 15824 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes resolution r159 d24 approving the flone Township Fire Commission of District Number Four salary we're talking 25 motion R 15924 second Mr Doyle yes Mr pel yes Mr Marsh [Music] yes resolution R1 624 authorizing the purchase of playground equipment in alal par under schwell Co-op number 01 0521 D ltx-3 from Liberty parks and playgrounds B box 52 statford New Jersey 08084 motion R 16024 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes make a motion to introduce the following ordinates of public hearing 0- 13-24 storm order yeah Mr Deputy Mayor if we if we're going to make changes there's no point in advertising it we have to be C I'm going to make a motion to table 0324 all right you have to do a uh all favor on that uh Second second to D get Mr Marsh yes Mr Fe yes yes mer are open the portion make a motion for open a second public portion second hi [Music] Marshall 67 new room on the Bild list I just two different two different times it was listed with business Information Systems one says install for cour room 2,997 one says DCR install for per 15,000 is that the do audio liit no yes I thought been audio video okay and is that any type of like refund available or possibly you know is there any Orit contract because obviously there submission with this bike in audio recording store not coming when you try to watch them off you you this one of course just switch back and forth Ian har and I were talking about called company back out because I know planning in zon ping problems with some of the mics also so it's all on your warranty okay but they'll be a thank you thank you thank Youk okay pH 11 Rec during this 5 minute I 93% of what he said was completely false and was reading at best 70% is accurate that includes his name and address he is the B passing us one of the of my neighbors actually sold his house and L to S on count just to get away on this person when that occurred he proudly yelled at me one down and CLE the go subsequently he found the man's new home and went there space but but he also said that I called the friend but you know police regarding well that come out like full 911 I assure you that never Happ me but the two things he said that hurt the most he says he and then him and his we took s never that the second saying that I his two arti Cher then as a matter of fact his uh biological autistic son is 24 years old driving the car pretty sure he has at and he's not afraid of me at all that it makes no sense the other AR child bur who is his girlfriend and not his wife's child then he's like 15 or 16 he lives with the father he come to visit to other every other weekend or so like Arrangement that when he's here he rides a bicycle P my house run to the uh Meed school there been a word and he's not afraid of for as I can tell and at one point a year and a half ago back could cheaper police and and be got count administrator they they set a get together and sit down identify the Cy here in the air well three of us showed up he de the C what is the sense of matter that was that was not the first one two other yeah other sit down the to be man to sit down with me face Saints and all three times he chose not for here 22 years I thought over I've never ever had a get it I seeing man get work November 1st i c i v i could this it is I believe we just asked um Matt to look at into it I don't think there was any burer he didn't come back or you know no l about yeah thank thank you back you again I just want to back and revisit the sement months are there actually restriction things as we and you for yes then what are is it was numerous but the before we make any expenditures discuss that qualif okay but there are other things like with when a school resource officer the something that they not use a front so what are the other like give me an idea something else that maybe would be appropriate use other than it's well we're utilizing it to to buy the TV for the Narcotics Anonymous to use every week duringa fund so the Narcotics Anonymous was not at paying a rent the facility uh we used it for a car that LE the isues only stly for drug rehabs and taking people straight to treatment who overdose in our town me because it's restricted to that like like it can only be we made Lan purchases with it but the car would only be able to be used for that particular Focus for for a majority of it needs to be used for drug awareness drug initiatives all that stat not strictly for that it could be used for other things but mostly has to be used for the so your idea is that to sign will be useing we have we'll have all kinds of messages on there the sign will recycle every M 15 seconds but it would be primarily to every other on the every other one% yep thank you and up Nancy Kennedy 71 St George Street I don't think it's any secret that my family's lived in Franklin Township for a really long time Mike I know your family is very similar and over the years we've had the opportunity to watch a lot of different people in action up on that Di and a lot of the time that I was growing up there were both Republicans and Democrats on the committee at the same time I'm sure a lot of people especially who are active in campaigns whether they're Republican or Democrat would say that in some ways it's very preferable to only have one party sitting up there because they feel like they represent more closely their ideals but what I've seen over the years is that when there is some kind of tension when there's some kind of competition when there's some kind of need to prove to the public that you're actually there for them and representing them representing all of them government tends to work a lot better now when I was the administrator Dave lean at one point was on a committee and Dave and I didn't always get along fantastically well and at one point I believe theyve decided that he wasn't happy with the senior lunch program me to get w outcry from the community was instant people were outrage they wanted the senior lunch program they maybe wanted some tweaks to it they wanted it to work well they wanted the seniors to have somewhere to go and you know what as you know we still have the senior lunch program sometimes the loudest and most annoying voices in the audience when you're up on that diet are doing the greatest service to Franklin Township because they're they're in the TR I they're in touch with what's going on and I'm not saying they're the most annoying because I happen to really love and admire them but I'll take the marshals for example they live behind Dollar General they've seen rats they've seen mountains and mountains of trash they've been contacted by people in the community about that and other issues because they's brave enough to stand up here not as a candidate but to share his perspective as a resident the Franklin Township and the perspectives they're shared with him and to see a meeting like the last meeting that was held he was told that no one up there cares about him no one up there cares what he says because he complains too much it's ridiculous and Mike I don't know these two the hillo I know that's not true for you I know it's not true for D you are the kind of person who in law enforcement stood up for everybody whether you like somebody or you didn't and that's a big difference in government if you have a private business you can run it anyone you want you don't want to deal with the Harry Kennedy and n kennedies and Lea Sal and Dave Marshall and body marshs of the world you don't have to but when you made $150,000 a year to serve all the residents when you're elected to serve all the residents it's probably better most of the time to park your personal feelings and treat every single person in this Township with respect nobody's perfect everybody who's sat up there has made mistakes we've all treated people that got in our nerves differently than we should have every single one of us and most of us can say yeah I made a mistake I'm human I wish I had done that that the arrogance over and over and to to scream at somebody from the DI you don't care about them and just speak for your colleagues and say they don't care either but that really it really took me about and I hope that going through with every single person who lives in this Township will get respect from the elected officials and the professionals whose salaries are paid by their very very inting especially for their cat sells thank you dear PL wa seeing no other comments mered into uh second plug of for motion to close second all in favor I committee reports okay uh this just recently uh completed another successful Community Day it was packed no issues no isues from the police right there think's a great day I was there uh I received some monitor complaints about the scheduling conflict but that did not uh overshadow the day that we had it was a great day uh great weather great food and um I think the Franco Township uh was well served that day by everybody and uh and the public and the fireworks were amazing that's all I have Michael Mark um historical has an article coming out this month not quite sure on the date yet probably next week on history of the um basket making factories in Franklin so i' be on look out for that and that's all I have so obviously Community day was great like touched on that does an amazing job of doing that just some support from the town everybody thinks that the uh Town committee does it it's actually the rec committee and the volunteer they all the credit um so love to point that out also we finally got new trash truck which is might not sound like a big deal but these guys have been buying used basically Parts trucks and driving until they break um just to keep up at the track so we finally have a new truck to replace the one that had rolled over an an acent and uh hopefully that'll make uh things smoother before it leap season um lastly Nowa Park is something that um I don't know if you guys had a chance to go on the website look at the pictures I've been here for 5 years eight more quite a while and that when I first got here we talked about malga Park and what it needed and there was never a person that disagreed never never person up here anybody was here before or after but it was money so we finally got funds together we finally got it done it took too long but you know we're going to make uh effort to get it in and also an effort to keep it nice have a police presence down there close it up at night and but keep the Riff I found so make it a park for a bit so I'm happy to finally see that so other than that yeah alome sotion motion to adjourn second all in favor I yeah [Music] it's e