##VIDEO ID:6zUfq77O4tk## call to meeting order Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation God indivisible and Justice open public meeting ja statement pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was forwarded to the official Township newspapers posted on the bulletin board and Township website on January 4th 2024 this meeting is be in videotape and will be on channel 9 R call Mr fella here Mr Marsh here mayor Bruno here motion to approve correspondence and reports make a motion to approve correspondence and reports second all those in favor I uh motion to approve minutes from December 10th 2024 motion to approve minutes second all those in favor I motion to approve the bill list motion to approve Bill list second Mr Pella yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes we a motion to approve 2025 licenses for food handling chel automatic amusement and form stand make a motion to approve license second those in favor I can I get a motion for the first public portion for Resolutions below make a motion for the first public portion second PA in favor hi hi I just had a quick question on what is the contract personel contract negotiated it's for there's a contract for ask me uh two contracts for the PBA okay so PBA and ask there's two contracts for the PBA s okay thank you taking a motion to close the first public motion motion to close second all those in favor I I uh first resolution is going to take us in close session resolution 20924 aling the close session of the township Committee of the township of Franklin Personnel contract negotiations motion 20924 second Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes mayor yes uh can I get a motion to go into a close session motion to go into a close session second all in favor I I we should only be about 5 or 10 minutes got you oh make it down there make get down the Myers Jeff gets that promotion says no I'm not going anymore you can just call he you call after after contract appr okay I'll call you right back she wasn't part ready Barb yes okay I get a motion to go back into motion to close close session reopen regular motion to close close session second all those in favor I motion to reopen the regular meeting motion to reopen the meeting second all in favor I hi uh next one is resolution 21024 authorizing the township of Frankl mayor administrator to execute a memorandum of agreement and contact contract extension to the collective Boran agreement of a me local 3574 motion R 21024 second Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes may BR yes resolution 224 authorizing account Franklin mayor administrator to ex execute a memorandum agreement and contract extension to the collective baring agreement of PBA local 122 police supervisors make a motion R to 1124 second Mr P Allen yes Mr Marsh yes may ber yes resolution 21224 authorizes the town frankco mayor administrator to execute a memorandum of agreement and contact tax extension to the collective borrowing agreement of PBA local 122 motion R 21224 second Mr Pella yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 21324 authorizing a refund to Sun Run in installation services for Block 801 lot 2.05 motion R 21324 second Mr Pella yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bron yes resolution 2 1424 authorizing refund the Sunrun instulation Services Inc for Block 4106 lot 6 motion R 21424 second Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes mayor BR yes resolution 21524 authoriz the cancellation of various Grant receivable balances motion R 21524 second Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes may Bruno yes resolution 21624 authorizing hire of Jessica Jones to part-time administrative intern for the township of Frankland joint Municipal Court due to resignation of Lucy warts motion R 21624 second Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes may Bri yes hello Tim you're on speaker okay yes resolution 21724 authorizing emergency appropriation pursuing to njsa 44-48 motion R 21724 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes can I get a motion to open the second public portion motion open the second public portion second mayor let the minutes reflect Mr Mr doy's no longer participating okay yes mayor Harry Kennedy 1578 Road recently came to my attention Mr conversation I had in town hall was T and I received a transcript that take of that conversation I was wondering what the town's policy is on taking conversations in town hall is that a normal practice I it's the first time I hear about it so is it a you don't know that it's a normal practice I don't know if it's a normal practice or not through you Mr May the it's normal practice is it a normal practice of taking Brothers yes I would I would wonder I came into town hall unannounced with no appointment and yet my conversation was tap well I mean I I don't want to cut you off yeah go ahead I think those tapes just continuously run they do Contin they do continuously run we don't we don't just turn them on they just continuous run I think most of them were there for the girls taking cash or whatever and the drawers and all that but Barb just said she wasn't aware of any tape so one of you is I'm not telling the truth or mis misunderstood well maybe wasn't aware of any and you just said we record everything we record everything everything that this whole building is being recorded right now on the outside and the inside outside and the inside yeah so I mean maybe she misunderstood your question we don't say Oh Mr Kenny's coming in and turn the tapes that's what I thought again Mr Mayor I was uh I was somewhat taken a that my conversation was taped and then sent to me in the transcript form but that that enters you know a lot of interesting questions because obviously if all conversations were taped and the conversation that would have been most interesting for the township committee to hear and again I I don't know whether you've heard it or not because obviously I don't sit on the township committee anymore was that conversation in which that africanamerican gentleman came in and alleged that things were said of a racial nature and that he was treated improperly now a tape of that was obviously made if something was continuously running I don't remember uh Mr Finley or Mr fill producing that tape now maybe they produced it to you but that certainly would cleared up what was a very very ugly situation everybody in Fr Township especially after the time that we had with the kneeling incident and marches and you Mr Mayor kindly going to demonstrations at the school and trying to calm things down so if the tapes were made of all those things and not produced one would wonder why they're not produced one would wonder how long they're kept and one would wonder under whose authorization are you wiretapping or taping conversations nobody nobody has indicated there was wire tapping St without the knowledge of the people that are engaged in those conversations again I I would think that the township committee might want to explore very carefully who keeps the tapes now what would be nice if as you said everything that's taped in here that would be great I would love to get the tape of the meeting that was held right after the petitions were turned in that time within my opinion several signatures that were of the same person's name with different signatures at least by my eyes and the fact that they were signed with two different names and were the same person made it somewhat suspicious but if tapes are made of that meeting that would be great to say we could all find out how that happened but again I would very much caution you okay just as a resident of the township and you know I guess the oldest living xair unfortunately unfortunately Mike I guess we'll take it to the on right up there but in any case it would be nice to know what those tapes have how long you've kept them how long you've done it and you've run them at all times uh nice backup but again might come back to bite you very badly and I have a feeling it will in the very near future thank you thanks [Music] any motion to uh close second public portion motion to close second all in favor I I Mike have anything merry Christmas happy New Year and see you guys next year mark no I personally want to thank the uh representatives of the as local 357 and the uh TBA local 122 um for coming to agreement with us both contracts would have expired in 25 we approached both groups and asked them if they would like to extend the contracts and both of them were receptive to the idea so um thank you for that you know we got that Tak care for the next five years and that's appreciation uh Happy New Year like Mike said um hope everybody had a great Christmas so with that can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor hi [Music]