##VIDEO ID:dBlZGxdgI3k## to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all open public meetings act statement pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was forwarded to the official Township newspapers posted on the bulletin board and Township website this meeting is the call Mr fella here Mr ke here Mr Mar here here a motion to open the first public portion for Resolutions and ordinances below I'll make a motion second all in favor I good evening uh John stiic 2075 Main Road uh I came tonight to urge you guys to approve the Piney Hollow trial Grant um I don't really understand why this uh application would be approved for seven years it's gone through this body many many times uh and you've approved it all along the way we've spent tens of thousands of dollars maybe more um just through the approval process already through um concept plans uh permits approvals Administration fees I know Mr Finley has spent many many hours um helping this application Move Along which is greatly appreciated but I just can't really understand you knew the price all alone in fact the price is lower now than it was in the beginning and I can't really comprehend why we would spend so much money on an application or a plan just to deny it in in the 11th hour I mean now the public is finally going to get what they paid for we put our down payment on and I don't understand why you would deny it um so I urge you guys to approve this application a lot of work has been into gone into it and it'll really benefit the community thank you thank you Margaret Dar Forest Grove I wanted to Second what John said I can't imagine ever turning down uh what we have right here at our hands right here it's about to be ours and not not pass it uh it's it's a complete waste of money it makes no sense I urge you please to pass this uh park into being thank you good evening gentlemen before you vote keep in mind mind which onset the project racked up 7 and A2 years of unpaid unpaid engineering fees by continuing the Green Acres grants those FS are capped at 11% of the project cost and Green Acres will pay for half of them without the Green Acres Grant the engineering fees can be charged in full with no cap and the township will be paying all of it the engineering was extensive including hundreds of hours which include engine ing for the Grant application the permits from d for Wetlands two separate permitting submissions to the Pine lands commission to change the trail design from Boardwalk to bypass engineering of two separate plans for this change an environmental site assessment which is a phase one environmental site assessment numerous meetings on the site at Town Hall and at the Pinelands commission headquarters years of email plan revisions phone calls with the township the D Pine lands Green Acres presentations at public meetings bid packets prepared for two different plans Rosy paperwork and more those are the what has been ordered for this and done and we will become responsible to pay that infall for likely a lot more than the grant under the grant you would only pay a maximum of 22,000 for what is likely 100,000 or more of engineering dollars if you added up all those services and contacted any engineer this would cost well over what they're asking you to provide just to finish this grant the engineering Bill like I said could easily exceed the cost of finishing this grant so you decide what you want a nice accessible park for all ages at a bargain price or do you want to pay a huge engineering Bill and have nothing to show for it you're choice is clear an accomplishment you can tout as your own or you can choose a huge engineering bill to pay for work you will not be using I urge you that economically it is not a better choice to walk away from this grant because of this huge bill and this commitment that as John said everyone who's been here Mr Bruno Mr Doyle approve changes to the plans and everything was done twice because of those changes increasing our engineering liability and our debt to CMA regarding this project so it's it would be fool hearty not to finish this project and the reality is at Malaga park the nature trail is heavily used this would be a bigger nicer longer nature trail in an environment that is unique and we are lucky to have this park because you can see otter and beavers and Eagles and all kinds of Wildlife and when you get in the middle of this park it's the only place you can go in gler county that you don't hear cars it is quiet it is pristine it is beautiful and if you haven't been there wait until the weather is better because with the broken trail system you'll be full of ticks unless we fix it there's no way to walk there during the warm months without risking Lyme disease or other tickborne illnesses uh this park has also been dumped on for many years and I hate to say it but this doesn't represent our values as a community to leave the park in the condition that it's in now so we are asking you to please take care of it um otherwise it'll only be usable for people like myself who have a four-wheel drive truck and who can drive to the back and Rance let my dogs out and enjoy a nice walk for several hours which you can't get anywhere else in gler County no place is this big no place is this nice and uh it it would be a shame to ignore it it's our largest park and it is a wonderful place and like I said it trails are used more than you know and trails are used by people of all ages and we need that kind of recreation for people of all ages so I ask you to consider it obviously the choice is yours good luck good evening Charles mccan Annie mccan 56 Stephanie Drive frankville um about the same ordinance about ponti Halla Trail I was watching in um minutes from last meeting and Mr Marsh you tabled it and a conversation that you were having still and you needed to finish the conversation so what came about that and anything that we need to know about that about this I table it because like I said it started seven years ago I don't believe anyone was on the committee so I called some people that were on the committee back then seven years ago and they said U yes they before that project it was to put gate in and clear some Trails you know it was just a minor renovation um it was not to this scale 7even years ago and then I thought it was a fully funded Grand by of state of New Jersey I didn't think we had to put a nme in so far like you said we spent $48,000 in engineer engineering fees and we need $167,000 more to complete the project 65 165,000 taxpayer dollars to the land to a trail that I don't believe is going to be utilized proba overutilize like now park would be i' rather put that money to the park basb fields on Chand Mr you think we could use that money at the baseball park I know they look the same since I played there and they're the same on little bit older than can probably so yeah probably your Beard's a little Fields when I was there same fence it's that we could use the money elsewhere it's called if you have the money if you don't have the money don't spend it if you have the money spend it wisely and I don't believe putting $215,000 into a trail that would not be utilized by Franklin Town residents would be smart spending by this commitment that they would be irresponsible if you were to vote Yes I do know there is a nice Trail for people to walk on at Scotland Run Park because our son actually was is an eagle scout and he donated all the signs and everything it's signed it's labeled it's got a big map out front so people want to walk there's a perfectly good Park that right there full of trails miles and trails 10 signs and you cannot not hear the road from it either cuz we were back there installing it and everything else but I know Malaga Lake Park is kids that go play on Malaga Lake Park they can't run around they can't play there's so much Goose crap everywhere so but that's what I I wanted to know there's also a playground there at Scotland Run Park across where all the trails are for the kids to play and picnic tables and things like that as well so it helps with everybody the trail walking and for the kids as well thank you thank you Ralph travone Marshal Road Malaga in reference to 132 24 the ponti Halla ordinance many people are going to be surprised what I'm about to say most people think because I'm a farm owner I'm an environmentalist environmentalist and outdoor which I am but my IDE been there because I don't think the trails are safe like I don't I don't I'm I'm excited for this to be a place that I can go maybe bring my niece and feel comfortable with her walking through there you know um but to just dismiss it because you know you can't pull up there's no boat ramp you know that's what people are doing in Malaga um Lake Park that's the cars you know maybe you have a couple jobs obviously we want the playground to work but that's a separate fund this is a special place this my understanding about it is that it's somebody's property that they've kind of opened up to the public isn't isn't that what am I wrong that's not right wrong different place anyway um but to have oh okay but yeah but so was donated money into someone else's right okay um I just uh your values might be different than mine um and mine are about nature and what I breathe and what I see I get excited about the smallest little insect I'm like o what is that and I can't wait to go to Piney Hollow so I can find all these little things that you don't care about but that's not fair if it's something that has been in the works for seven years and approved and bided on and spent money on I want you to follow through for me my niece somebody else's kids other people around the tri state area for the economic benefits in the township people are going to go yes you have to drive but there's gas stations people are going to spend their money in our town then they get hungry they're either going to spend money at WWA while they're there or they're done and they're going to go get an ice cream cone or they're going to go to the diner or they need to stop and get some suntan lotion sunscreen or bug spray there's money that can come in you're worried about putting it out but in the scheme of things I think you're going to get it back there this place you go to like the birding websites and stuff this is listed this is a place that people want to go let me go please I'm I am begging you because I'm really I I don't you know people are excited about this Township I'm fairly new here and to the way I kind of describe it is it's an intersection I want to be able to describe it as a beautiful place for nature and Discovery so please maybe you won't ever go there but for the the ones that do and the money that can come into the town please follow through so much has already been spent in it you do the math you know it's not that much in the scheme of things and the distant future I think we will all be very proud of you if you do this you can say we voted for that thank you dve Marshall 67 New Road Malaga good evening uh I really can't say it much better than what they did the only thing I want to bring up and I don't know the monetary value of it but she reminded me of some have you ever ever been into Estel Manor Park it's a beautiful Park uh got boardwalks in different areas things along those lines but have you ever seen the volume of people it brings is hounding the amount of people that brings from other states and from within our state we've gone there a couple of times it's fantastic it goes through different swamps water areas woodlands and it's got any area that's wet it's got boardwalks to walk on and because of that it draws in a huge volume of people from all over that are into the nature side just something to think about it it could very well bring Revenue in the town uh the other item I want to talk about tonight is the resolution 12624 uh I haven't heard anything back from the different pictures and all I sent about the flooding in our area since the bank paved their parking lot but I urge you not to release the bond on that till that investigation or whatever you're doing is done till we get this issue resolved and the 16 homes around us aren't having this problem any longer thank you a motion to close the first public portion motion to close second all in favor I motion to approve correspondence and reports motion to approve correspondence and reports second all in favor I uh motion to approve the minutes from July 9th 2024 motion to approve the minutes second all in favor I motion to approve Bill list motion to approve second Mr Pella yes Mr Keem yes Mr Marsh yes mayor BR yes motion to approve Farm Stand permit bar bar motion to approve stand permit second all in favor I resolution 12124 authorizing refunded developers esro account motion R1 12124 second Mr fa yes Mr Keem yes Mr Marsh yes may yes resolution 12224 all Rising fireworks displayed by pyro teic in Franklin Township Community Day motion R 12224 second Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor BR yes uh Matt I mean these are people not you Matt this these are people that we've already paid for the service cor for the community day yeah because it was Carri from last year right correct we had to do another contract and stuff the insurance but most of the stuff from Community Day rolled over to this year due to the RH resolution 12324 awarding contract for purchase of 2022 Ford police interceptors all-wheel drive vehicles from Nelson Ford through escnj colop motion R1 12224 second Mr Pella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes and these are replacing two older ones or these are part of the plan for when the Enterprise leases come up we'll actually own these where we never will own the leases from Enterprise uh resolution 12424 authorize the administrator for the counil of Franklin to apply and accept funds from the New Jersey Division of community fairs under the lead mediation act and a bait Grant motion R1 12424 second Mr Pella yes Mr ke yes Mr Marsh yes may bro yes a motion for resolution 12524 acknowledging and directing Council administrator to complete and submit an application for consideration of SDS RF Hazard discharge site remediation Grant 168 169 169 I'm sorry motion for R15 24 second Mr Pella yes Mr Keem yes Mr Marsh yes mayor BR yes uh resolution 12624 releasing a performance bond and safety and stabilization bond from Newfield Bank block 4 733 motion R 12624 second Mr fella yes Mr King yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno um Matt this comments I'm sorry Mr Marshall's comments the engineers saying to release this Bond the engineer told us to release the bond the the attention Pond that that Mr Marshall was talking about during the rain is next to the actual Verizon uh some plant that is there opposite side of the room no that is not ACC I'm talking about the stream right next to it that overlow FL woods now it's killing every tree in our in that area I've sent you the videos you told me to get back to me and you have not I forwarded it to the engineers they're the ones that handle that I don't I'm not nothing from no's told me a thing not a thing but I'm not I'm not a wood expert they are so everything was sent to them and they're the ones that recommend releasing the bonds I don't I have no power this is CME yes time I do resolution 12724 designated an appointment of hogman as reg and confirm appointment motion for R1 12724 second Mr fella yes Mr ke yes Mr Marsh yes may BR yes resolution 12824 authorizing tax Grant tax exemption for disabled veter motion R1 12824 second Mr Pella yes Mr ke yes Mr Mar yes may yes resolution 1294 authorizing tax tax for disabl motion R1 12924 second Mr Pell yes Mr keing yes Mr Marsh yes may yes resolution 13024 authorizing solic soliciting of bid proposals for Franklin Township community center and library hbac update and replacement motion R 13024 second Mr Pella yes Mr ke yes Mr Marsh yes may yes resolution 13124 requesting approval blgs for creation of a trust by ryer true removal or replacement motion for R 13124 second Mr yes Mr keing yes Mr Marsh yes mayor bro yes we a motion for resolution 132 24 awarding contract to sbw Construction in for professional service is connection with the plan H preservation Trail Improvement project and the coun Franklin need a motion no motion resolution fails resolution 13324 off Council Tran to enter into the New Jersey Cooperative purchase purchasing Alliance Cooperative pricing agreement motion R 13324 second Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor BR yes resolution 13424 reting reappointing Robin as Chief Financial Officer qualifi motion R 13424 second Mr fella yes Mr ke yes Mr Mar yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 1354 the mayor to sign the shared service agreement C Frank and coun mon to provideth to the r13 5 24 second Mr yes Mr ke yes Mr Mar yes that be play here kids to go there and come which field will they be using to it's it's a situation where Monroe has an ordinance which do not allow anyone Monroe Township residents so their business administrator and Recreation Commission reached out to us because we don't have one and there's a a good quantity of Franklin in the township children who want to play so this is the way we can enter into this similar with field hockey El Township has taken over the field hockey and but they don't have anything against it so the Franklin Township kids can play in Elk and they've made a joint League this is what Monroe is going to do but because of their ordinance they need to have a shared service next to did the recreation uh spoke with the former people and they turned them over to El I notic they were missing yes yes so someone inquired about buing those nits that's the same that's the same person okay there was a whole situation with that but then elk requested to use them with this combined leg so Recreation Commission and myself turn them over to them and then when they're done with them they'll turn back you get a motion to introduce the following ordinance of public hearing will be on September 10th 2024 first ordinance is ordinance 1024 amending Township code 337 section 2 Section 18 regulating right away and Street openings Road opening for Mo a second second all in favor I uh next one's ordinance 1124 amending Township Code 17 9 lead base paint motion second all in favor and the third is ordinance 1224 setting parameters for open space and farmland preservation trust fund purs to njsi 402572 124 second second all in favor I again that public caring will be on September 10th 2024 can I get a motion open the second public portion motion open the second public por second all in favor I John stipic 2075 Main Road uh Mr Marsh just to make a few Corrections there have been improvements at the baseball fields there has been new fencing and I believe they're putting new fencing up and I would agree that's a great expenditure of taxpayer money which there are a lot of great expenditures of taxpayer money Mr Marsh you know all about that you collect multiple incomes based on taxpayer money and I think that's money very well spent I hope you collect it for a very well long time while a police pension and your income from Township committee that's correct right technically now like I said I think it's tax money very well spent the best tax money spent is to our police officers and our school teachers and our military um I also believe taxpayer money spent for open space is well worth it also um now I have a question about what is the impetus for this uh open space allocating funds for open space and uh Farmland preservation and basically setting parameters for it like you guys already have the power to deny any money spent from that space so the we have I believe we have the power to deny way it's good we don't have the power to say that money could go to Parks right now brought to our attention right Ralphs ago that and I believe brought to our attention as well that we're not be using that money for anything other than for okay so where where did the $50,000 limit come for acquiring that's just something we we put in there like we changed it to say we don't want to spend all the money on one thing and not have any money or something else so there's different things in there so distributed now as I understand that was something voters chose um they chose to put tax money towards open space and conservation now you putting a $50,000 limit on that I feel like you're usurping the power of the voters it it tracks with the statute the the statute the the apportionment that's being proposed and set forth in the statute that allows the creation of the fund this is simply a a housekeeping uh a clarification of the the allocation within that fund the items set forth in the proposed ordinance are taken directly from the statute which requires a public hearing which will occur in September so the statute allows for um these these categories ofage and and it is discretion of the elected off government body speak theer this is discretion of the government body to choose those parameters uh well $50,000 uh to to acquire lands for conservation I mean there's acquiring lands for $50,000 is unreasonable I mean if you put that kind of limit on Farmland preservation no farm would ever be preserved um say was completely donated to us I believe it was it was long yeah that that wasn't a purchase that was that wasn't taxpayers purchasing the money and there are property on Main and taco we we spent $155,000 that money to get right, facilitate the acquisition of that absolutely which is appreciated yeah the vast majority of our transactions involve Partnerships with other other funding sources okay um it would have been nice if you guys had the courage to at least deny the bid packet for um Piney Hollow instead of just doing a no vote I felt like you could have just voted no um so it's it's taken me probably thousands of hours of advocating for the environment on Franklin Township to learn that the environment doesn't count for much in this town basically if you're a friend of the environment in Franklin Township you're an enemy of the people um and I feel like in that regard you all represent the constituents very well because you feel the way the people feel um but I feel like limiting $50,000 to conservation limits what the people might feel in the future so so I urge you to reconsider those limits um and I'll I guess I'll just leave it at that thank you good evening again barbert hurn it's about the open space trust fund ordinance there are several issues with this proposed ordinance first the statute gives you the power to assign percentages or amounts of the annual level Levy for each of the uses approved by V a referendum which are open space land and farmland acquisition and debt from such Acquisitions no other uses were approved by referendum the statute is clear that the only way to change to add or delete uses or to change the amount of money that voters um will pay in their taxes to the fund is by referendum not by ordance I've read this multiple times and it's really clear you cannot change it by ordinance so you need to vote a referendum to expand what you can pay for out of this fund um your ordinance amounts add up to more than the yearly Levy which is not at all what the ordinance Allowed by Statute requires it is regarding the yearly Levy and not yearly spending your math equals more than 125,00 ,000 between the uses even without Farmland preservation that's what you get every year $125,000 you cannot give Farmland preservation unlimited as you have to designate an amount or percentage of the yearly Levy of the $125,000 each proposed spending must be judged on its merits and not Capp by a figure such as $250,000 a year the state says you can open separate accounts for each use inferring the purpose would then be to bank each Year's excess for future projects of the purpose stated for that account the statute does not give you the power to cap the amount of spending per year and for good reason because many years there is a balance left from prior years and it is within the power of the township committee to decide by ordinance when and how much they wish to spend on a particular project I suggest that you reread the statute because it's very clear that this ordinance that you're proposing is totally out of line and does not follow the ordinance at all on more than one point Thank You Marshall 67 New Road Malaga uh as you remember back I think it was the Marge zoning board meeting you probably had heard from them and you know you got pictures from a lot of the residents I wasn't the only one that issued the flooding pictures there were multiple residents came forward at that meeting spoke their piece it's on record gave you the pictures it's it's a bad issue that's occurring our area that has gotten progressively worse with each expansion but since this bank and they took those trees out it's gotten horrendous horrendous so it falls on your shoulders now as it destroys the woods behind us in everybody's basement I brought it up I've explained it to you I gave you proof and you denied it it's on you now those pictures you sent I was up to my knees in W her that day and I still went out there and looked at it myself Mr Phil's right there was one picture next to Newfield Bank most of the pictures were the field across the street and you were blaming this not on Newfield Bank and that email that you sent to all of us you were blaming it on run off from Dollar General which makes no sense whatsoever because there's a giant BM in the center of the room which will prevent water from going into that field and it's like 3/4 of a mile away from you field back let me let me reiterate maybe I should resend the elul time with you go word for word because you're missing up almost every point of that email it explained that there's been consistent exponentially increase in flooding and it explained about how they that was that was the most frame we have received in 14 years in a period of 24 hours actually it's not because I also sent that in a follow-up email to Mr Finley and showed documented cases where we had four storms before then well yeah either way it's nice to prove you wrong over and over again the we're going to skip to that point of moment being you ignored it like I said you got 16 residents are going to be breathing down your neck over this and I was trying to stop it and you ignored it and you just proved it again why ignorance the stone mulch we've talked about that repeated correct you I responded to your email and I drove out to those pictures that you took so that's actually the opposite of ignorance zo my due diligence well you actually didn't respond to me I didn't respond to you because I realized that your whole email was a farce you just said you responded to me how I responded to your email by driving out to the pictures that you had taken well I'm not omnicient so I wouldn't know that that's not a response to email maybe email etiquette needs to come forward also okay I sent one of those to you too one that they State hased classes on it okay continue on that that was the very first email you sent me was about etiquette which is a great way to start off a relationship with someone but go ahead continue on we'll take the higher Road here and I'll let you just keep mouth and off the stone mulch at the dollar stores I brought that up multiple times I have dates January 1st February 13th March 12th every time I was told that CMA it's on their punch list now haven't heard a thing back now they put more Mulch on top of the mulch they basically buried the weeds with m to the dollar stores again so not only did they do it illegal the first time they've done it repeatedly since then so what's going on with that P toown Road no this is the one right near me at this point they just REM mulched all the what should have been Stone mulch I will check with them again because they have been out to them and also porchtown Road porchtown road is still on a temporary Co so their buch list it actually was bought up at the meeting where they're the ones actually at Main and 40 is the same company so that was bought up by C to them about addressing orch down but I'll ask them about the one near you also and I will get a followup from this one from somebody on what's going on because I mean we're getting to the point where we're over years for some of this and this has been over a year now and I'm just wondering what's going on me they've added more mols to something that shouldn't occur obviously they're not listening to any advisement was that any original plans yes it states Stone mulch only and that was because of your data de stated this mat Chase is in Thursday Chase there and I don't need the guy that was inard well he does portown that's not the Dela drive but I'll I'll call I'll call ahead tomorrow I mean I have a couple to call ahead tomorrow find out going on let me yes sir Malaga park was brought up earlier and I just I have a couple things that I found back in Mar May 9th 2023 there was resolution 106 2023 that there was a $8,000 grant that was supposed to be used for the hockey ring in Malaga park whatever happened for that cuz they said nothing's been done that Grant okay CU I know the people are complaining nothing's been done to the hockey ring okay just curious the September 7th EDC meeting the liais on there had called the rec committee leaz on that sits on this Council and it sounds like the parts were ordered to fix the park but they were on back order what's going on with that they notified us that they no longer have them and can't get them so the back order turned into they don't have them okay so that that needs to okay so that's it's basically you're back to investigating Parts again for slides and the equipment we're into deconstruction and reconstruction mode so we already have estimates and have had the company come out all right uh June 13 2023 Township committee meeting a resident employee of the library came up and asked about the HVAC system at the community center yes uh you had mentioned that there were multiple estimates all in excess of $250,000 but the whole system was needs to be redone and it was in process but that was back over a year ago and then I see that c was just given $50,000 to PES 500 oh it's like 500 more pages the whole system has to be replaced I understand that's what today that was today so now we can go out the bid finally because we have the entire system engineered and ready to go for replacement but what I don't understand is why aren't we using the engine companies that do it for free they do all the same thing that CME just did for $ Z doar to a taxpayer the lightest electric does it South J gas does it this is put like this is oh I know but they'll come out and do a building evaluation and give you an estimate valuation on how much you're losing or whatever this is none of these work like they're all falling apart we're spending $500 to $1,000 a month for repairs it's just we got 20 some years out of it it needs to oh I have no problem with that I just I'm having trouble with and I had talk to companies about the energy audits but they said that they're not coming out to look at a 20-year system the best thing to do is get a bits spe and replace there those things that come out for like lighting and stuff like that but what I'm saying is if you use an HVAC company to do the estimate for you put the and you give you the bid if they don't do it they're responsible for it it didn't cost us $50,000 I'm looking at just Frugal spending is we're on why are we paying CME $50,000 when other companies will do it for because by public contract law we have to have the bid specs for something of that magnitude to be put out so we have an engineer who's on staff that's part of their job to do the bid spec package and then we can put it out for bids to the HVAC companies we can't put it out to the hbac companies to tell us what we need it has to be done by contract law so that's why everybody's bidding the same thing not app and oranges I understand it just seems like an exuberant amount for C to be spending on a system I'm with you yeah it just seems outrageous thank you good evening gentlemen uh Robert uh paring highway I uh I'm new to this party so I'd like to see if we might be able to get some clarification on a tree ordinance app what clarification on the treat ordinance that you guys passed uh couple weeks ago what uh can you explain it to me matl this the speaker please can't hear for the record we were made to P yeah the state the DP mandated uh based on storm water management principles that uh every municipality in the state enact a a uh tree protection ordance as they refer to it um it took almost two years uh for the terms to be hammered out uh through significant opposition from many many towns uh this is one of many uh from Trenton ordinances that have been enacted in the last three years that are of General application to every municipality and that don't take into account the the wide difference in New Jersey between towns whether it be size rural versus Urban anything so this was an ordinance uh again that was required to be enacted uh the governing body had to vote on it but there was significant we had many discussions with the state uh we were at the at the near near or at the deadline to enact uh about repercussions that would occur if we we would not uh pass it in Ence they would revoke our storm water our storm water permit so that's that's the history of of how it came to be it was originally supposed to be uh locally adopted in the 2023 calendar year got pushed this year and and it's now mandator on all municipalities so with that being said uh who determines whether it's a hazard tree a tree that needs to be removed it has to be an arborist that's what's in the ordinance that's what the state said you have to have a certified Arborist if you're saying it's a hazardous tree or a dangerous tree an arborist has to give you the evaluation and then you would be exempt from the ordinances parameters fees exempt from the fees if it's a if it falls under one of the exemptions if it's just a regular tree you're taking down then you are supposed to apply for a permit and we will follow through with the way the ordinance carries and you also have to pay for tree being planted or you have to replant the trees yourself from the list it's not correct so that means you got to pay for the application to get the tree cut down and then you have department and then you have to go buy the other trees to replace based on its size who made up that New Jersey state and New Jersy elction have consequences remember that have we didn't that that was strictly the draft from them we inserted our information we Mr lions and I spent many meetings trying to get the D based on our circumstances here with Wells and septics Mr fella and some of the other committee people all had multiple questions we were almost two months late for for the final deadline to approve ours and is all we got was pass the ordinance your questions are irrelevant consider now who hires the arbor the consumer or the township the consumer all right and then uh my next question is I think if I don't know if I'm accurate or not on this it says you can only cut four trees a year on a one AC property and 5e SP I mean we didn't act on that tonight I'm sorry sorry I'd have to review it and have a separate conversation with you as far as the exact parameters but there were limits limits um outside of U right to farm and whatnot and other other exemptions no we're talking about residents that's I'm saying yeah there are there are other exceptions I mean I have to look you give me your phone number on your it's only Street trees correct no no no it's not only Street trees absolute de didn't it start as should have pass I'll probably leave you my cell pH so in other words if it's a hazard tree so if it's a hazard tree then you're okay if it's a hazard tree and you bring in the certification it makes the tree it makes the removal of that tree exempt from dead tree yeah dead or dangerous or disease tree right if that if it meets that standard the the replacement costs are are you're exempt from that replacement cost you're allowed replacement cost or cost from getting an application but the the person the resident still has to come to the town they would just have to they would have to show us the documentation they have they have still have to come to they have to D but they can do it they can if they call in they can send it in via email if they have an arbor saying this tree on the property is no good and there's a picture included then that would be noted on the on that property that that was there and Save and that would exempt them from the application and all that because it's deemed a hazard and dangerous TR and who's who's uh enforcing all this we have we have our code enforcement guys housing the police department if they see people out and about doing stuff with the trees other citizens can turn people in they don't have enough to do we raise those issues we we ra issues in a town of this size with the resources that we have I mean do we realize how many tree guys are in this town yes oh we do this is going to some legal some illegal it's it's going to be it's going to be every town in New Jersey is that way word November good luck you got a lot of work Carolyn talit I live on Judy Avenue and Robert is way too modest he is Forest tree surgeon he is an arborist and a utility specialist so he is the best in the business and I have worked with him for 15 20 years and when I first found this business I had a tree that broke in a storm and was laying on the wires and nobody was a grownup not the town not the electric company not Comcast not Verizon they were all babies so I was the grownup and found for a tree service and I've used them ever since and not only did I have that tree taken down that was on the wires but I had three others that were in danger of that I had him take them down too so I can tell you I live on a very wooded property and it's a double lot it's a big property so if I have a tree that's sick or dying I'm going to call Robert at Forest tree service and I'm not going to pay anything to yall I am going to pay you're not paying it to me anyway yeah I'm not paying anything to the township to take down my trees and guess what I have no room on the property to plant anymore I just want flowers they covered that too so be and Maddie knows me from the Children's Garden in the library I am the lady that has made this Garden restored for the children of this town ship thank you one last thing I am thrilled beyond belief that you might restore the children's playground at Malaga Lake because I have talked with Mr Finley about that so anything for the kids thank you thank you what you pay for that commercial listen listen did you give her a check for a commercial charges big bucks he is worth he's a wealthy man and I'm a poor retired school teacher he is a surgeon he surgically writes at Phil you got that right but but he's worth it and you've got to have it properly done you just have to have things properly done makes Money commercial Frank Paulson bir Avenue oh come on that's right I use your brother I didn't your brother I'm better looking at him though I'm I know see how it goes anyway uh with this tree ordinate stuff we who's going to be responsible if there's you you sent somebody out and they said there's nothing wrong yeah exactly nothing wrong with that tree tree falls down and crushes a person's house now you didn't let them take the tree down no there not that that's who's who's responsible for it though who's liable if the you send somebody out and says listen I'm not somebody wants to take tree take tree just got to pay they got to pay for the permit they got to pay for the replacement or they put money into a fund we can plant one somewhere else so my understanding then is if there's an emergency it comes out what about emergencies are we allowed to take care of emergencies I I know we are we're going to do it anyway not's going to stop anybody from doing it three folds in your house your house like Sal we just Let It Go um so that's where I just said that's that's the hazard or dangerous tree so the suggestion I would make is that in that kind of situation if you're called out Mr Forest was called out and the trees half snap laying on wires laying on half just snap a picture of it there's not you know is is that up up or the homeowner either or I mean either somebody's got a do right so if I snap a picture of every tree we cut down for storms like this wind storm came through Friday all these tree guys are sitting back here we're all out busy cutting trees we don't have time to call in and say you know well I I will I will send an email tomorrow to the D that this was bought up tonight since they didn't want to talk about the tree ordinance just scream dude this is this is the biggest far since we've been in I've been business 46 years and never seen nothing like this day my life question to them and asking situation like with the wind event where there were trees down what does that constitute do that and see if they answer me back I don't know that they will but and you know everybody sitting here is not going to wait for a phone call to back from down you got a Trad it down you want a tree guy to come out you want them to come out that night I think your answer question Tre down already down well hazardous trees hazardous trees we don't we don't need permits for dead hazardous trees there you go de I got I got my way screaming at me because that five acre lot that I bought on Birch Avenue is loaded with dead pine trees and she says don't cut any more of them down I'm going they're dead there's they're falling down yeah so answer some questions still don't like it though we didn't either sorry someone else I a motion to close a second portion motion to close second all those in favor committee reports herebody nothing more uh the library is hired a newr next system a motion to Mo favor thanks for coming