##VIDEO ID:fF_vfeZlJSU## flag of the United States of America to rep for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and jusice for all open public meeting Zach statement this meeting was announced in January 2024 is being televised on Channel 9 and being audio and video recorded roll call Mr Marsh here Mr Pella here Mr Doyle here Mr Keane here mayor ber here uh presentation by is he Caleb here no he's not here he's not coming I didn't hear anything from shows up take care of that I get a motion open the first public portion for res Solutions and ordinances blow make a motion open the first public portion second all those in favor I [Music] I you're not getting a bracket Jason a question the the intruction came up again discuss for four months back um when reviewing it didn't look like Amendment um you guys plan on amending that prior there's been some questions so it's possibility it'll have to be published for a public hearing and if there are changes they'll have to be incorporated okay prior to prior to publication and prior to the public hearing but the the reintroduction without amendment that that was correct [Music] you yeah you didn't miss any action it may occur [Music] tonight I have a question on resolution 17724 um I think there's quite a bit of cancellations of can you just explain why this like a lot so these are most of them are former do grants that came in from uh 2019 through 2022 uh the funding came through the actual projects have been closed out and they are additional funds that have been left over we've done everything we can with the Auditors to see if there's any discrepancies or if someone has not been paid but everybody's everybody's been paid so that's leftover money that we have to cancel out cu it's it's it's a housekeeping matter for the audit my question was saw and they're using for Paving projects correct correct so use for we can't unfortunately whatever it's whatever it's designated for is only what it's designated for like whatever was written into that like if striping wasn't written into it we had couldn't do the striping not written into the contract so what so most of these are from the Dutch Mill correct because some one had this Grand this idea about buying their bing machine striping machine it really didn't pay out and another one of them was the Piney Hollow project returning that to Green anchors returned it's already been it's already been returned but that this is just closing it out through the committee that it was returned no unfortunately we can't we've tried yep okay thank you I get a motion to close the first B portion motion to close second all those in favor a motion to approve correspondence and reports motion to approve correspondence and reports second all those in favor I uh motion to approve minutes from October 22nd 2024 motion approved the minutes second all those in favor I Iain wasn't here what's that I obain I wasn't here for that meeting got that M yep uh motion to approve the bill list motion to approve the bill list second roll call Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr King yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolutions resolution 17224 authorizing the township committee to enter an agreement with a South Jersey land and wood trust for farm land and open space preservation motion R 7224 second roll call Mr Doyle yes Mr Ella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Burno yes resolution 17324 authorizing with tax collector and Chief Financial Officer to refund overpayment of taxes motion R 17324 second roll call Mr doy yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor burnner yes resolution 17424 authorizing tax collector to Grant tax exemption for a totally disabled veteran R 17424 motion second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Burno yes resolution 17524 authorizing the cancellation of a tax Lan on block 6401 L 7 motion R 17524 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Pell yes Mr keing yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 17624 authorized director of the division of local government services to authorize the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget of the township of Franklin drive over or get pulled over motion R 17624 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Pella yes Mr Keem yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 17724 authorizing the cancellation of Grants receivable balances and a grant Reserve appropriation balances motion R 17724 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 17824 alth director of the division of local government services to uh to authorize the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget Township of Franklin DWI checkpoint motion R 17824 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 17924 authorized the mayor and or his design to sign a service contract with Barber Consulting Services motion R 17924 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Keem yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 18024 authorizing the release of the following performance bond for Lewis and rosemary mafa motion R 18024 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr King yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 18124 supporting the municipal Farmland preservation efforts and goals as indicated in 2024 25 Municipal Pig compliance statement motion R1 18124 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Pella yes Mr Keem yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 18224 authorizing the tax collector and Chief Financial Officer to refund taxes pay n motion R 18224 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Fel yes Mr King yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno why do I get my check it's in the mail okay yes 180 resolution 18324 authorizing ta authorizing the tax collector to Grant tax exemption for Widow of a totally disabled VCT motion R 18324 second Mr doy yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor bero yes resolution 18424 authorizing the administrator to enter into a change order for a rehabilitation contract with JV Services LLC for rehabilitation work on the Franklinville Franklin Township train station not to exceed an additional $2,485 motion R1 8424 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Pier all yes Mr keing yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes what's the status of that you said you were going to go down there so it's it's all sided up sofits are all in they're they're good to roll it looks good so you all done I would say he's just got a little bit of touchup work but yeah he'll be done tomorrow more than likely the the upgrade was uh the Historical Society had asked instead of white Windows to get almond Windows which they did so there was an upcharge for that and when he pulled the all the old siding off there was some rot so he actually replaced that and some of the foundation which was not in the original estimate that he wouldn't have seen so that's good yeah they were doing a nice job okay thank you uh resolution 18524 Appo appointing Kimberly Demari as a full-time administrative clerk for the for Franklin joint Municipal Court due to the resignation of Megan pzy motion R 18524 second Mr Doyle yeah yes Mr fella yes Mr Keem yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 18624 approving the Mal fire district 2 Fire commissioner compensation motion R 18624 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 18724 authorize the administrator and CFO to complete sale of two as is trash truck the C man motion R 18724 now we're sellers how can we be selling them we needed them Mr Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes we still have one right we have the best one what's left of them so you how much do do we sell these four $115,000 what do we pay for 15,000 oh that's not good got to make money we got a free truck yeah we still got to make money man where they got money resolution 18824 appointing Melissa Weber as part-time crossing guard for the Franklin T Police Department due to the resignation of car c cam toti motion R 18824 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes and Matt that's that we're obligated to do that based on the shared service agreement correct shared service agreement and the salary is $15 an hour it actually would be whatever minimum wage is and they're paid 15 hours a week even though they're not there full 15 hours whatever minimum wage is are we still covered under the uh salary guide the crossing guard is not actually in ask me but it's it's within the salary guide to mean yes okay yes cuz that's going to go up right first of the year I believe minimum wage is going go up to 1549 January state of New Jersey Boy uh resolution 18924 authorizing CFO to make the listed budget transfers in the 2024 budget motion R 18924 second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor bernon yes resolution 19024 authorized administrator to complete the purchase of spare senior bus from the township manra motion R 19024 probably get us now Mr Doyle yes Mr F yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Brun yes um how we make out with the new bus with the county did they approve us or no they that the grant is in I already put the application in but we've not heard anything back they said we wouldn't hear anything until 2025 that's right they didn't say when in 2025 yeah they didn't say when in 2025 but we we were in we were in well before the date we did get confirmation back that they received our application packet and this this 190 you had already approved with bus Manel then approved it with the cost this is just authorized and where the CFO what was that Bost what that cost us $1,500 you sure got, 1500 more for them trash trucks next time call next time call me okay uh introduction of ordinance uh public hearing will be on December 10 Jason write this down 2024 uh first one is ordinance 1324 amending storm water I get a motion to introduce motion to introduce uh 03- 24 second second all those in favor um I'm not sure if I do it now or not but I need to introduce a motion to strike an amend take it easy they going to make if there's going to be proposed revisions they should be proposed after the motion and second but before the adoption because again it has to be incorporated into our publication Now's the Time Now's the Time Mr clear all all right uh motion to strike on page 18 section 33516 article um the language regarding of a property in a manner that increases the peak rate of runoff or volume of runoff directed toward an adjacent property that adds an excess of 500 square fet of new impervious per half acre of property shall not be permitted without grading or stormw management plan approval issued by the township engineer and then to amend that language on article B following the wording onto an adjoining property or roadway any project requiring a variance or other belief requiring formal approval from zoning board of appeals or planning board wording will then continue any disturbance in excess of 4,999 square ft got that so that's a motion to amend that would need to be seconded that would need to be voted on before we can proceed to the ordinance as a whole so the first first order of businesses to deal with the amendment you get a motion right on the amend on the amendment on the proposed amend well that is a motion made a motion Tim just gave a second Mr Doyle yes Mr fella yes right Matt pardon me it's all in favor right yeah you can do all in favor I'm sorry all favor just torturing that I guess I I you got say I I already said yes yes no you say I you say yes and then we're going to introduce that with the amend with the amendment ordinance 1324 amending storm order with Mr F's Amendment motion for 1324 with the amendment second all those in favor I got that Morty yes and that the public hearing will still be December still be December 10th because Jason wrote that down so we will have to amend the the ordinance prior to publication take care of that all right uh the next one is ordinance 1424 amending chapter 371 in total of vehicles and traffic 373 373 I'm sorry of the code of the township of Franklin sections 91 to include thill Road between dely drive and Williamstown Road I get uh motion to introduce that ordinance is that in reference to uh the T for T limit side park that is in reference to some parking issues that we've been having out in front of the high school a few weeks ago there was a very serious ail crash uh we did a a study out there and observed some things that we need to clean up out there and part of it is a line of sight issu with people parking along Cross Road so my recommendation to not have anybody park there and it has caused um uh be safer out there right now while move people out out of there w't be able to okay motion this was at the chief's request yes we we draft this Mike brought up a point too I don't want tobor this but how we doing with the uh four tons like do we add the other ones the the other streets in town so the four time limits are Marshall mil Dutch mil L uh Grant hting uh we already have four time limits on there and I believe the last time I checked we do have all the signage that is necessary for all those do do we put the sign a ahead of the street I don't think we do I mean there might be some but I don't think majority anybody does yeah so I mean it's if you turn on dutchmill road yeah you're going to see see the sign I know but so should it be on 40 saying no left turn over four times probably should say something like that even on Grand the same thing you turn off too late and there's no place to turn around so we we'll s we can sit down and work with that cuz we did work with Monroe on Williamstown Road and all they put up signs entering in before they got to Har portion so I can work with with Brian and Jared put out signs like on the 40 State I don't know if we're all are we the state roads well what they asked them about it I think they got a post there we'll just stick it on their post put them little things you can't get them off underneath the yard s on yeah I have a motion for 0424 second all in favor I and again the public hearing on these two ordinances will be December 10th 2024 Chief you got anything uh so December 7th we're doing our holiday with the hero uh we have 78 less fortunate children from the uh community that we're going to be taking shopping uh we've got an overwhelming amount of donations from businesses in the community we be able to give each $150 gift card to Walmart and Shop either fireman or police officer time [Music] W that's the same day as Christmas at Christmas at the center correct um thank you ran Le behind on that some breakdowns and person issu [Music] um I think we need to change or add days per route it just seems like we always start out like 3 weeks when it's supposed to be two and I'm not faulting anybody but you know with the with the overtime we're offering on the weekends and all that it just doesn't seem like it's enough time so we add days to the rout and we add the Thursday rout up a little bit that time we're not doing bul right till January what are we doing with the people that have had it out for the past month uh the housing guys are handl them what picking the counes up or just no they're they're stopping by and personally speaking to people and Advising them and telling them we can also take the pro compost center which is open 5 days a week yeah cuz I mean I pass a lot and I know they've been there for few weeks and it's well some of the people have refused so they actually are in municipal court now okay all right any else no Co I know you want to say something what did we take yeah hope have a IDE day all right thank you Matt you not not as the clerk as the administrator correct the uh the progress on the train station's going well I believe we're uh probably within a couple weeks of Malaga Lake equipment coming in um we're already starting on the budget for now next year so when's that guy going to start on the park within the next couple weeks it should be here yeah we're hoping it by year he's estimating second third week of December and then it takes about a week to get it up so problem uh Mr Marsh got the public we got the public por oh I'm sorry Tim checked it off of my paper motion the second public portion motion to open a second public motion second all in favor I I I told you no was coming up you a motion to close a second portion motion to close second all in favor I Mr Marsh okay again um I can say one thing thank God this election's over I don't care I don't care if you're your party won or lost at least the commercials are done and uh congratulations to Jake the people came out Frank have been strength and supported don't know why but they did no I'm just kid it's crazy congratulations [Music] job uh um the Historical Center um you already mentioned December 7th Christmas at the center they will be there all day well from 12: to dusk and uh this month they released an article in the senel on um veterans since it was Veterans Day thank you John want to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and just uh thank the police uh in advance for you know just diligence around the holidays and I can get a little spicy out there so just thank you for keeping our roads safe and um other than that no report Mr Mayor thank you Mr do all the good stuff's taken and nothing John W Thanksgiving even leave me um uh Christmas at the center I think they're going out there today after Thanksgiving to set up for the Saturday so if anybody wants to help out like you direct W people but uh they they do a great job with that um holiday wood the cop or holiday wood hero it's pretty awesome so if you get a chance go to janir see the kickoff right December 8:30 in the morning don't eat the sandwiches they're mine um Happy Thanksgiving I hope everyone is a safe Happy Thanksgiving with that said uh can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all those in favor I thank you