##VIDEO ID:k02RsKzlX1Y## call meeting order pledge allegiance open public meetings act statement we showing to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was forwarded to the official Township newspapers posted on the Bolton board and Township website on January 4 20124 this meeting is being audio and video taped it will be on channel 9 roll call Mr King here Mr Doyle here Mr Marsh here mber here Jason is it can you hear back there yeah you're really okay better than any other night yeah I didn't ask you Ralph [Laughter] okay motion to open the public hearing on the following ordinance ordinance 1024 amending Township Code chapter 337 section 2 Section 18 regulating RightWay and Street opening and Road opening moratorium make a motion for the open public hearings second all those in favor I I motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 1024 motion to close second all in favor I I get a motion to adopt ordinance 1024 motion to adopt second yes Mr King yes Mr Doyle yes Mr Marsh yes may bir yes I get a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 1124 amending Township Code chapter 179 lead base paint motion 112 4 second those in favor I again a motion to close public portion public heing on ordinance 1124 motion to close second all in favor I I a motion to adopt ordinance 1124 motion to adopt 1124 second Doyle yes K yes Mr Marsh yes mayor bur yes making a motion to open the public he on ordinance 1224 setting parameters for open space and farmland preservation trust fund pursuant to njsa 42- 5.7 motion open public second all in favor I I can I get a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 1224 motion to close second all in favor I I get a motion to adopt ordinance 1224 motion to adopt 1224 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Keane yes Mr Marsh yes mayor bero yes may open uh can a motion open the first public portion for Resolutions and ordinances below motion open public portion second all in favor I I can I get a motion to close the first public portion motion to close second all those in favor I motion to approve correspondence and reports motion to approve correspondence and reports second all in favor I I get a motion to approve the minutes from August 13 2024 motion to approve the minutes second all those in favor I a motion to approve the bill list motion to approve the bill list second Mr Doyle yes Mr King yes Mr Marge yes mayor Bruno yes resolutions resolution 13624 accepting a donation from the curn and Albertson families for the Franklin Railroad Station building motion R 13624 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bram yes uh resolution 13724 granting junkyard license within the township of Franklin motion R 13724 second Mr Mr King yes Mr Doyle yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution what's matter resolution 13824 governing body certifying accepting the annual audit motion R 13824 second Mr Doyle yes Mr King yes Mr Mark yes may bero yes resolution 13924 authorizing ta tax collector to Grant tax exemption for Widow of a totally disabled veteran motion R1 13924 second doy yes K yes Mr Marsh yes mayor ber yes resolution 14024 authorizing the tax collector and Chief Financial Officer to refund overp payment of tax motion R 14024 second yes Mr King yes Mr Marsh yes yes resolution 14124 authorizing and implementing the standards of Oprah modernization and reform legislation motion R1 14124 second Doyle yes Mr K yes Mr Mar yes n bur yes resolution 14224 appointing new subire fire sub curent officials Derek Larry and Albert Hall work due to the retirement of Herbert C ly motion 14224 second Mr Dole yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 14324 authorized the township administrator to complete the gloss County ctip Grant application for consideration of a matching grant for purchase of a new senior citizens bus motion R1 14324 second Mr do yes Mr K yes Mr L yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 14424 authorizing the township administrator and DPW director to coordinate the purchase of a spare senior citizen BS from the township of mansion motion R1 14424 second Mr joyle yes yes Mr Mar yes may bur yes resolution 14524 authorizing Township attorney and Township administrator to enter into settlement agreement in capalina versus Franklin Township Gloucester County glester County government and Community Champions Corporation prot tramps docket GL l128 9-21 motion R1 14524 second Mr Doyle yes Mr King yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Bruno yes resolution 14624 authorizing C administrator to enter into service contract with Twilight cleaning services for the weekly cleaning of specified Township buildings motion R1 14624 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Kean yes Mr Marsh yes may B yes resolution 14724 authorizing the chief of police to enter into an agreement with coband Technologies for upgrade of body warn cameras and Cloud backup system motion R 14724 second Mr Doyle yes Mr King yes Mr Marsh yes mayor bur [Music] yes Mr Madden want to leave sure I mean if you I mean you you could stay but ask no you can I mean even right we discussed them that did yeah [Music] sorry yeah I mean that was the plan coming over right okay uh can I get a motion for the second public portion motion open second public portion second all in favor r120 there it's it's not on this paper um hold on Mr got uh is this one the ones we gave out yes why is it not here paron Mar's not here we have one more resolution I apologize yeah can I get a motion to go out of the second public portion motion to go out of the second public second all those in favor I I uh resolution R 14824 resolution authorized execution of a contract renewing membership in the cumland S gler County's Municipal GIF Insurance Fund motion R1 14824 second Mr D yes Mr ke yes Mr Marsh yes mayor bro yes apologies uh can I get a motion again to open the second portion motion again not another one second sir all those in favor I this Wonder CU yeah I saw it on the computer I'm like this wasn't the Marshall 67 questions mulch issue dollar for the last meeting we would say were have Chiefs sent out to take the look at supposed to be Stone mulch I was supposed to get a response back I sent it to Chase and he did reach out to uh the engineering and I didn't hear back them so they it is on their punch list I know they were out there to 77 truck stop also so I know CB has done visits there and we also reached out to them because that porchtown one is also the one that was propos at a r so we have direct contact information last we heard back was the contractor that did porg toown was no longer working with the company so he referred us up to the company so you don't have timeline or anything that way I'm just thinking about that was our fire that request as not all you're aware of it but back on the 14th of August out Mr BR refence to a doer issue at the dollar store near us that was overl and been picked up in a couple the food in there the was pretty mad end result has got cleaned up which I appreci but taken care of but there was some things that were taken out of context there and there was a response that sent out extremely unprofessional at 9:00 on fridate Mr py in reference to my wife that is not appropriate anybody she and you're aware Mr you I would have expected you to reach out to bonding at this and to let her know there something that should have happened and to you know to make sure that doesn't occur again because this is not a onetime issue this is a referring issue with an unprofessional nature indiv video and I want to see if there's something that's going to be done on it I mean it's it's old like harassment and it's the point where she actually should be St in time that she put things out yeah I didn't I mean I saw the email but I didn't really see the follow-ups to it I don't listen be honest with you I don't answer your email oh know you don't you want answer pretty much anybody's emails no pretty much just yours it wasn't money well well you're W that's a again heard call it what you want well and you're a prime example of why this church get this not well yeah I'm not so sure about that but you're not sure sure about what youing that yeah I'm not sure I got that you know that I'm refer one you said did not was that correct I read the original one but then I didn't read anymore so one what basically he stated that she prob me to this that she is Vie for untruth and has her own agenda is that correct I mean that's that's what say sounds correct am I correct and that's what you're stating that Bonnie was doing in this Cas trash Facebook post was that nothing was being done but it had been handled and summonses were issued she was notified of that they post correct but then that post was still up on Friday not saying that town should been done anything all she was in bended on Friday and Saturday and she was taken care okay again that's something that should not have been said in any way never professional to talk progress in that matter whether through email or personal it's just not professional it's not it's not professional attack me when I'm doing my actual job but nothing is ever satisfactory for you so you always believe you can do it better so that's fine I I will I will cease the conversation at this point two years I you go two your y not Scrat property thump are being W and it gets handled once and that's impropriate the mulch has been W for over a year now and I keep hearing it's how was that being end I'm asking the committee at this point you represent also residents how is that being end how is the mulch offensive it's not your fire she stated it's not supposed to be there it's a fire it's a brand new law I drive up and down Dy Drive I don't see anybody changing the M have you seen any other buildings changing out their m you just don't like the dollar store so anything they do is not satisfactory I dislike un professional uncut businesses that affect laboring which should be something that you should be also but in reference to this there's three excuse me three ERS somebody does something that them in retra them where you release something to consider if this continues your be if you think they're inappropriate but if you don't you don't do anything so again you're thinking the responses back to listen I wonder how any employees put up with the bi-weekly abuse R you've never not found something to complain about none of these people make enough money to put up with Jew so nobody up here really cares okay about you record listen I'll write it down can I get a motion to close the second public portion motion to close second all in favor I commit reports Mr Marsh H Community Day coming up September 21st Recreation committee is part of work it's a task that's great for the community it's great for our town you and they are working extremely hard this Recreation Comm one of the hardest working subcommittees we had in the town so uh hope everyone come out on the 21 your R it yes I'm and hope expect for a good weather this year yeah better be last year we got that kind of messed up national light out got it yeah National light out couldn't do it in a rain John Communications meets tomorrow we have our new Communications equipment in the room so very excited about that um I think I think we're already on track for this but let's just make sure and double check that the Committees that do meet in here are trained up to use this equipment pretty sure they already are um and then we also had the sub commmittee for finance meet over the report the audit and we had no audit findings this scenar get so thank you to the administration and for all of our accounting and finance professionals who do a good job there thanks s like the fact the police um it probably isn't a month that goes by that there isn't a positive story it wasn't always like that there was a lot of you know complaints not necessarily from the community but within the police department whatever Matt and the guys in charge are doing over there is great because there's Toons ofly new things being achieved so I just want to give them credit I think they're doing such a good job all the time they to get to thank them um Public Works is doing the best they can as usual with broken stuff and employees being out and uh still a going to keep up so not perfect but I think um Community looks better now and it has in a long time so we're making strides Frac the lake does now park needs major work that's beyond maintenance but uh they're doing what what they can with a B we're moving forward that was that I was to make sure we're moving all the swing the near swing set where are we at with that M the par tomorrow now that the work yes so you already have a plan laid out full okay do they have a timeline at all or so we can play in the snow in the winter here no listen if we can get it put up by the end of year we're going to put up I don't care what yeah they warm till November we're good I want to be what Tim said the police department these guys are out there working hard every day uh BR a lot of tickets but I think acents are down a little better Public Works I mean I don't think there's a day that goes by that something doesn't break down but they're getting through it they they worked overtime the other day to finish the trash and recycling correct when are we starting Lea collection St up fall first well I just want to make sure like oh ready to roll it's ready to roll ready all right well I get a motion do ajj all in favor thank you for coming out