Mee order plge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all public meetings act statement pursuance of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting reported to the official Township newspapers post on the bulletin board and Township website this meeting is being video and will be on channel 9 call Mr Doyle here Mr fella here Mr Marsh here may bro here uh CG get a motion to open a public hearing on ordinance 0124 establishing the salaries and wages of Municipal officials and employees of the Town Frankl County of gler and state of New joury motion 0124 all those in favor I any motion to close the public hearing 10124 motion oppos second all those in favor I a motion to adopt ordinance 0124 motion 0124 second Mr do yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes may appr yes Tak a motion to open the first public portion for Resolutions and ordinances below motion open publiction second all in favor I get a motion to close the first B portion motion to close second all in favor I motion to approve correspondence and reports make a motion to approve Cor 7 all in favor I motion to approve the minutes on January 23rd 2024 motion to approve the minutes those in favor I any a motion to approve the bill list motion to approve the bill list Mr D yes Mr Pier yes Mr Marsh yes mayor BR yes a motion to approve license for 2024 motion to approve license second all in favor resolution resolution r424 authorized to refund to brenen Brendan and merid F for construction fees motion r424 second Mr D yes Mr fella yes Mr Marsh yes may I have a question have any directs that not simply on the location I don't even wa yes not uh next was resolution 4124 authorized a purchase of one 2024 Peterbilt 521 automated Durack python 32 cubic yard Jack and dump poper via sourcewell Co-op number 091219 the H from midlantic Waste Systems eastn nland ver 21 second Mr Doyle yes Mr Pella yes Mr Marsh yes yes resolution 42.4 authorizing a close executive meeting for the council committee docket number boster l11 1289 Capal verse motion R 4224 second Mr do yes Mr Kell yes Mr Marsh yes may yes resolution 4324 reappointing car a pesh in position of temporary Deputy Municipal Court Administrator in the Franklin joint Municipal Court to a temporary medical meeting motion R 4324 Mr do yes Mr P yes Mr Mar yes yes resolution 4424 appointing jar Maro to the position of supervisor frankco Township Department of Public Works motion R 4424 second Mr go yes Mr P yes Mr Mar yes may yes resolution 4544 emergency temporary v motion R 4524 second Mr yes Mr Fel yes Mr Mar yes may yes resolution 4624 approving the contract for Matthew Madden asire mad Madden PA who act as a conf councilman on behalf of the council three motion R 4624 second Mr D yes Mr yes Mr Marsh yes mayor Brun yes we have ordinance uh public hearing will be held on February 27th 2024 I get a motion to introduce ordinance 0224 chapter 235 the code the task of Franklin haers pedlers and iic vendors and providing for the re numbering of existing of of existing chapter 235 and renaming it baling solicitation soliciting and Transit motion motion 022 second all in favor I again that's going to be held on February 27 2024 second a motion for the second public portion for any comments motion open public all in favor Dave Marshall 67 New Road Malaga good evening everybody uh couple questions first and then a couple things I want to go over one I was having some discussion real quickly with Mr graer after the zoning board meeting uh and he was unaware that we had a zoning officer legitimately I think he was unaware and he was I had asked him why we didn't have one there at the meetings and he said we didn't even know we had one so is there a reason we don't have a zoning officer actually coming to the zoning board meetings anymore I know for a little while we were in between officers I was on for 10 years and I don't have remember well when Rosemary was here she was at every meeting now since then we haven't had anybody Rosary okay so she was paid to do a job while she okay and I'm not saying it's a bad thing in all the years I was here I would never have because he was curious too he always likes to reference that you know if there's one there he said it would answer a lot of questions that night so I was just curious if there was a particular reason or just because that's policy I I I said I was wondering no it he and Chase parabella said if he needs he a meeting he now and he'll be there okay usually all right like I said I was just curious on how that worked out now there's as I'm sure some of you saw there was an email that was I was inquiring about the minutes uh for some of the meetings and there was a comment made that was well as close to slander as you can get and I'd like to hand everybody some paperwork if you don't mind if I'm allowed to approach anybody that's all right well there's one for each of you so it's up to you on there's two copies there each one's back and forth so each person gets you know the top two and then the next two from there okay yep I tried to do it so it was easier to separate I were why that's being handed out I had asked about the the dollar stores with the stone mulch has anything come about from that at the last meeting I okay I checked the CMA and it is on their punch list that they have to address okay so I just curious on where that fell there's just one right no there's two should be two copies uh 2022 two copies of that and 2023 everybody good with those emails is as I've done over the last about year and a half there were different times that the agenda wasn't posted within that the legal time limit and I brought it up and in fact the last time Mr Lions if you remember on the December 26 meeting you had said you were working with Barb and you were going to try to address the agenda and the information in a more timely manner and you I appreciate that uh but during this conversation that went back and forth uh as each of you were included in the email there was a statement made that my false information narrative needs to stop which is basically an accusation of me being inaccurate or being dishonest which I've never done in anything I've ever presented uh there's every single thing that I have brought up I have documentation approv it why I brought it up for the facts as you can see from the cop as I gave you every highlighted piece on there is an agenda that was posted after the 48 hour timeline where it was under that every single one of them the comment that was made to me was there wasn't one since January excuse me February of 2022 that was late well there's 14 of them so explain to me Mr Finley how I was inaccurate with this and that's right off your website the agendas have all been out well 40 hours before it shows the time they were posted on your site and I have emails that can back this of where I ask questions about about it to different people this is not this is not accurate I'll confirm on them through the website that they're on there because these wouldn't be posted the day of the meeting and that has happened that way yes I don't believe so well it's it's there's your proof so that means you're saying you're your information on your website is inaccurate is that what you're stating tonight on record we're not we're not going to litigate this here Mr Marshall that you can bring your complaint and made your complaint we're not going to litigate here in the township committee I that but when I get accused of something that is not accurate from a public employee that has some kind of Vendetta against me I expect the public apology on it at a very minimum and it means that doesn't seem like it's going to happen as soon as you apologize for one to take my job for doing what I'm supposed to do so I I never wanted to take your job never once uh you're talking about rule four and stuff like that we really these comments need to be directed to I'm we're not we're not here to again to litigate this matter yep as I have said before I try to make this Township better as my intention I have no intention of hurting anybody but if there's something that isn't happening the way it's supposed to be I shouldn't have to be one to bring it up it should happen by our Representatives that are voted in when you take the O of office you're adhering to a set of standards that our founding fathers built this country on excuse me and that is treat every citizen fairly and listen all that concerns voice to you if someone has a different then listen to it and maybe you just might find ways to do something better or if is wrong at least be courteous and listen to it look them look them in the eye as they're talking to you and to at least listen it's a resident with a concern thank you for your comment take a motion to close second all in favor I reports Mar you messed up nothing you know you know as a guy got gu I always your n it's want to congratulate the dely wrestling team on the state group three championship and to go along with that I believe it was a week before the uh indoor track team I'm not sure if it was South Jersey or state they also won their group three track meet so congratulations to the student athletes from Dela um there's districts this weekend at dsce I know there's a couple basketball boys and girls playoff games coming up that would be nice to go out and support the the kids at D um I want to congratulate uh Jared Mero will be starting when 20th 20th Tuesday next Tuesday next Tuesday um I want to thank Brian for the work he's doing uh he will be mentoring Jared for a little bit hopefully not a lot of it but I want to thank him for the work that he's done for us for the past what year maybe year and a half thank you Matt do you have anything want to thank uh the people who volunteered at the rabies clinic girls they didn't volunteer up any they did have to volunteer to work for sat with how many dogs work 350 3 just dogs how many cats 6 I was down there uh the line was out the gate down the road was pretty impressive if you get them in get them out pretty quick want to thank them for that with that said they a motion to adjourn question all those in favor thank you for coming out put on the bottom of the paper I get a motion to go in the close session motion to go in close session all in favor mayor there will not be action taken on the item tonight we will have to reconvene in order to adjourn but there will be no additional action taken tonight you got a time about how long i i i in the Court's hands yeah it's h I'm told 15 minutes but I'm taking the over so closey yeah 15 lawyer minutes is that buildable 15es that means it's p half an hour to an hour hey hey can I get a motion to go back and uh to end close session right re yeah reopen public close close close close session a motion motion second all in favor I a motion to go back into public motion to go back second all in favor jeez can I get a motion to adjourn motional Jour second all in favor thank you again for coming