please stand indivisible liy and justice for all okay pursu to the public meeting act the SEL on the South Jersey Times were notified at this meeting it was also posted in the municipal building and o in the township W right Mr here Mr glaus here Mr desar here Mr Leo here Mr feli here Mr Hamill here and chairman Grier here okay in the absence of Mr Gano and Mr garolo we'll we'll see our alternates Andrew Hamill and Justin F all right minutes of the previous meeting I make a motion to approve motion to approve second second by Richard all in favor I oppose any exensions okay first on our agenda tonight is Dennis and Vincent travesio correctly traesio Mike car in order yes uh notice has been properly given yes than so we're um looking to uh for a uh land variance where 150 is required and we have 13.9 um we have a letter that uh my son will read good evening for one second did you swear them in John or did I miss that I did raise your hand please to tell the truth about the test you're about to give yes state your name and address of the record Dennis traso 112 East Louisville Avenue Wildwood Crest New Jersey l260 Vincent travaso address 112 East Louisville why would CR New Jersey 08260 all so it's a it's a vacant lot undersized lot You Want Build to home on is that correct it simple go ahead we're a a short uh statement good evening this letter of intent is in support of my request for a variance to the minimum lot Frontage requirement particularly section 23-17 of the Franklin Township Code then intention is to build a new single family residence with a two-car garage in the widest portion of the lot and thereby meeting or exceeding all other dimensional standards the lot currently has Frontage on Clearfield Avenue of 13.9 Ft where 150 ft are required lock 1802 lot 34 is along a dead end Street on Clearfield Avenue consisting of single family homes and vacant Lots lot 34 was originally approximately 5 Acres but was subdivided in 1982 creating Lots 34 approximately 3.78 acres and 35 1 acre each lot had a street Frontage on Clearfield Avenue of 13.9 Ft lot 35 was sold in 1983 and a single family House was built at the time bulk requirements were a minimum Street Frontage of 125 ft in 1984 zoning regulations were changed to 135 ft minimum lot Frontage thus making lot 34 non-conforming in 2007 a similar scenario was created on Clearfield Avenue when lot 38 subdivided was subdivided to create Lots 38 and 38. 01 however the new lot created had only 90t Frontage on Clearfield Avenue and they were successful in receiving a variance lot 34 has Street Frontage of 13.9 Ft on Clearfield Avenue although the lot technically has 79452 ft of Frontage along the unimproved portions of of Elm Avenue the length of the property since it is only a paper Street the property is essentially a flag lot in its functionality from Clearfield Avenue the property at 333 ft opens up to 261.101 Ft at its longest point and 4 163.5 ft at its shortest point the total lot is 3.7 8 Acres Our intention is to build a single family home on the widest portion of the lot as noted in the sketch plot the house will sit 400 ft from Clearfield Avenue and not in the narrower Port portion of the lot the proposed building will be situated on a lot of 3.78 Acres the minimum bulk requirement in the ra residential agricultural district is 1.5 Acres all required setbacks will be maintained aside from the lack of Frontage the lot and the proposed dwelling will meet all requirements for a single family home in the ra District after subdividing the lot the zoning requirements were changed through no fault of the owners there is only one property which abuts lot 34 that could potentially sell 4T however they refused additionally they refused to purchase lot 34 on the other side of lot 34 is a paper Street Elm Avenue should the township decide to vacate Elma Avenue we would have the additional Frontage and a variance would not be necessary clearford Avenue is a street within Franklin Township consisting of single family homes lot 34 is at the end of Clearfield Avenue AB buding a paper Street another property on the street 374 Clearfield Avenue all so considered a flag lot had their variants approved our intent is to build a single family home of comparable size to enhance the neighborhood what I would ask the board to consider is the fact that as requested the new house even with the variant would conform with all other bulk requirements the fact that the Southeastern side setback of lot 34 AB buts a paper Street and thus creates no undue burden on any neighbor neighboring residents the proposed style and structure of the house is in step with the existing neighborhood and the proposed project would be an improvement to the neighborhood and result in an overall increase in property value and tax base created by Improvement thank you for your consideration respectfully submitted Vincent travaso very good does Elm Avenue end at Lot 12 the paper Street Elm Avenue um buts a property that comes in on Grant Avenue so it dead ends into the back of the property the back of your property correct did you ask to did you ask for a vacation the street we did not and then the other end of Elm Street dead ends into the power lines so if the street were vacated it would affect um four properties and that's it I don't think it'll ever be developed because again it goes into someone's property on the North side and on the South Side it um goes into the power lines I mean they created the the the flag lot when I assume when they created it you were able to build a home at that time correct on that front correct and and originally we thought we were going to be grandfathered in but apparently um the solicitor um reviewed it and found that um in in 2007 it changed again uh the zoning how long have you uh we have not we're in contract da any you any comments on thisk thank you chairman Board of members we did a report dated April 1st that was our second report for this uh the application is complete um it is exactly as the can stated there's one variance associated with this and that is lot Frontage 13.9 is the existing lot 150 ft is required and if that street was vacated Elm Avenue they'd certainly have the frontage they needed um that that would be a logical way to go is to vacate that road it goes nowhere on this side of the street sense yes um but other than that even after tonight even after tonight absolutely um but as the opkins stated it meets all the other metrics for the Zone setbacks everything pretty straightforward um we heard testimony they tried to buy additional Frontage and were denied um I have a question that the proposed driveway access is over 400 ft long is it your testimony that the driveway will be suitable for emergency vehicles yes um I believe it's 12 ft wide and a clearance of 14 ft High that's correct and um it it'll follow the code as far as the the base that's put down and whatnot right that's where I was goinging that very good yes you'll be subject to uh grading plot plan by the township as part of your uh zoning permit application um and it will have to be a stable base for that driveway um pretty easy the only other thing that I noticed is the neighboring lot lot 35 has a significant portion of the driveway on your property so that's something that you and the neighbor are going to have to work out right we'll we'll talk with the neighbor and see if we can come up with a amicable solution in paragraph 8 of my letter the photos that were submitted as part of this application show a tractor trailer body on what appears to be that this property Elm Street it's it's in the RightWay of Elm Street and it's been there at least 20 to 30 years it's not on the subject property no I've had it's not shown on the survey I just want to make sure yeah I've had the property surveyed and it's not on the property um there's a tree at least 8 in wide in front of this tractor trailer just a trailer part is there so and the license played on it I believe expired in uh 89 I believe is the date more than likely it's from the other adjoining property owner he's based on the aial there some other tractor trailers on the properties out a whole bunch of stuff yes not on this property so any other questions through the applicant or to our engineer from an engineering standpoint is very straightforward then we'll open it up to the public make motion open to the public motion by D second second by Russ in favor I oppos uh anybody from the public like to be heard regarding this application please come forward good evening please um Bob Burgess about the testimony you're going to get yes address for the recor Robert F Burgess Cynthia a Burgess 330 Clearfield Avenue Joanne Moore 306 Clearfield uh so the requested variance is is over 13% less than what the requirement is um there's no other house on this on that street that has that kind of a setback all the houses on our side of the street are almost in a perfect line the same is true on the other side of the street except for one which is closer to the road rather than set back further you're on prer field yes sir yes and where are you in relation to that you're across the street no no we're adjacent you're you're out front you were part of the original lot no no we're we're Lot 36 Lot 36 okay okay okay so that that's one thing so that's not I don't think that's acceptable um this constitutes a substantial impairment neighborhood by having that in back the variance would negative negatively affect our privacy because we have a house in the back that can look up in the front and it would negatively affect our property value because of that the variance may also affect our water supply since we only have a shallow well we don't want we really don't want to to see the the front of the house you know out our back door especially when all the rest of the houses are all in line um and the location of the septic system you know strips away buffers uh between us and and Moors or between the new house and Moors there going to be a lot of trees that have to be removed and in order to get the septic system in the variant would not conserve and preserve environmental environmentally sensitive land back there there's a stream that runs through there just just off of that property and I don't know which direction it is but the back corner of that property there there's a a small stream that runs back there so I'm to assume that's going to be has to be considered Wetlands uh also this property and our property and Moore's property is home to a federally threatened species namely the Eastern indigo snake we see the we see the the snakes that come out of the woods looking for a meal have a picture of one they they move through the grass and they go about their business so that that's not a that's not a good thing so I I I guess the bottom line is that that we oppose the variance and respectfully request that the board denied this variance how big is your lot it's 5 Acres five acres and how long have you been here we've been oh yeah I'm sorry we've been here since 1987 30 37 years but did you realize that that was an approved lot when they subdivided it yeah I get it but it's not now so you know then why did they change that then if it wasn't you know if I I get over time things change but in this case it changed to the larger and it changed to the larger for a reason all right any other comments I was never contacted and never refused anything if if that's what I understand that gentleman said nobody's ever contacted me other than the letter that I got but they never talked to me about anything the other thing is I have lived on that property for 28 years the Privacy back there is very important to me that's going to be gone because I I get it that this house is going to be 66 ft from but it's going to be in my backyard and on my deck when I go out there they're going to see me they're going to be I'm very unhappy about it I really truly am and as far as the driveway I didn't put that driveway there I bought that just as it was the other people did that driveway so now they're going to take my land I feel like they're going to take that away and I'm going to have a little tiny piece to get up the driveway you're lot 35 I am I'm very upset with the septic tank going there right in the corner of my property what if that fails like you know maybe it won't what if it does who's cleaning that mess up me I just I just don't want it back there and it's not equivalent to to to the house on there my house is 1,50 Ft how is that 2300 how is that matching two-car garage and then can they put a fence up so now is a fence going in the middle of my property do you know what I'm saying I do I'm really upset about it and plus the animals back there there's Wildlife back there it's not going to be now and the fact that you're you're cutting a tree down I just don't like the fact that there's a breach a violation of your own Township's variant and it seems to be okay and I I just don't understand it zoning board because there's gray areas a black and white so that's why we're here tonight to listen to everybody and try to a fair conclusion just want to clarify so Miss Moore you're um on 35 so your house is closer to the road it is and then yours is further back from hers yes yes so but not to the same extent that that new house is going to be right so you're sort of like in between as far as a setback she's closest you're back further and they' be back further so I I know you're against it in general but you mentioned the location but you're not saying you'd rather it be in that more strip are you because that would be closer to no okay no because that the other uh flag lot that was referenced U before um that's what they did and the the original plan for that was to put that house out behind there in the larger portion of the flag and the neighbors then I guess came here and talked to everybody and said they didn't want it set back that far so they decided they accepted it to be put in the you know in the in the small portion of the flag lot and then talking to those neighbors they all regret that decision to allow that house to be put on that flag lot so we're we're a pretty tight little Street down there we uh you know we watch out and take care of each other what if they mooved the house back would you be opposed to it that well it's already back it's it's 6 lot more room to go back well then they're going to the closer you get to that to that back corner on there the closer you're going to get to that quote unquote Wetlands I I just I I don't think you know and then the the the other thing is the size of the house that that proposed house is larger than both of our houses put together M okay well I I just don't think that that it's appropriate for that particular portion of our street any other comments if not we'll see if there's anyone else thank you for your thank you anyone else like to be heard regarding this uh can I just mention one thing our our approval if approval is granted here this evening that is only the first step and some other approvals that need to be gotten before building happens so if there's wetlands and wetlands buffers at the D Department of Environmental Protection Cape atantic soils or glosser County soils you know there's there's other checks and balances further down the line um it's so just so you know go ah you want you com so the the property there is no Wetlands there we've researched that with the state or the wetlands commission um there is a Dry Creek bed not only my property that we plan to purchase um the house that um 330 um is actually set back almost as far as we're looking to set back um and then he actually looks into the back of lot 35 which is house 306 so it's basically the same situation if we were to build a house we would have the same view he's actually closer from his view than we are um if we moved into the um closer portion of the lot uh we we would not have the um 150 ft we're still only at 130 um the variance that was approved for the other flag lot um the gentleman stated that the the neighbors agreed to move it forward and then they regret that decision meaning they should have kept the house towards the rear of the lot is my assumption from that um as far as the well and the sep the well hasn't been it's been placed by the um survey engineer and the septic has been placed by the survey engineer um and that's you know if if you move the house back further it would create a longer driveway the size of the house be it may appear big because it's a Rancher and not a two-story home so the the footprint is definitely going to look bigger even though the square foot is probably smaller than most that's all I have to say thank you anyone else like to be heard reple one more time and that's it minutes is all you have okay now the um it is not a Dry Creek bed back there there's water back there I was back there this morning um and what the neighbors told me about that other flag lot is that they would have opted not to have anything built there there not to move it up to the front or move it in the back no I know that Creek bed's not on his property no no but it's it's close enough where Wetlands could affect it you just said that there's no Wetlands they had it they had a test well what's a stream what's running water we're going by his testimony got that my backyard when it rains a lot I don't know well what's my testimony taking your testimony into consideration okay well I'm telling you there's water running back there and it runs back there for much of the Year okay but that's where the other approvals was coming right fromp or whatever else absolutely right again it's not on the property we plan to purchase and that's for another right anyone else this application we close the public all in favor I one question I think we have to ask the question because there was conflicting testimony about asking about buying or selling um the adjacent property because the other they indicated they were not given an opportunity to do that we've um in the burrow code they required or asked us to send them a letter a certified letter um which they received in that certified letter was a letter requesting uh them to either purchase the property or for us to purchase some of their property uh that was never returned to us so we considered that a refusal you have those you didn't submit those letters with the application uh yes they were submitted with the application of the the abund theing property letter okay they were you did receive them I yes they're in the the certifi came back unclaimed or they came back with uh certified came back as um delivered delivered um the 330 came back as refused I did receive that letter but I wasn't sure what to do with it I wanted to get an attorney and talk to me about it I wasn't sure how to answer it I didn't know what what land do you want to buy you're taking I only have an nebor you have three and a half and you want more I didn't know what to do this is new to me I'm so I went and I I talked to an attorney about it I have it I'll mail it back to you if that's what you need but I didn't know what to do I mean her her lot's already under size so she'd be creating a more of an undiz lot if she's correct she sold she's not going to sell that's for sure right if they bought it it would be the value of the lot with an approved house okay Lot 36 already sits behind lot 35 to dwell correct I'm sorry I didn't hear that Lot 36 sits behind lot 35 the dwelling right looking at the lot um not not directly they were it was one lot at one time if I can approach I'll bring a a different that's any other comments question yeah okay so just looking at the aerial photos and uh the three lots in question here 36 35 and 34 they all appear to be heavily wooded correct correct our our intent is to cut as few trees as possible down so the construction of the home the driveway so the the driveway um and then the clearance for the driveway and then uh the area of the house the septic and uh again our intent is to leave as many trees as possible thank you Andy nothing else yeah that's it just trying to look at the distance between the homes and how much vegetation was more comment com there's no uh no letter from environmental Le I got was there one any comments from that there's no comments okay all right you heard the testimony you heard the public the neighbors who are against it you heard the potential owner where he wants to put his house on this flag lot that was created many years ago what your uh Deion I'd like to see that paper Street V paper Street vacated and that was solve all problem what Native varant can't we force the Township to the vacated the street can you can't force the township to vacate the street I think you have to take the application as it is um certainly could recommend that that be done but take into consideration if it were done it would be conforming um that's the thing if they have the street then it's a conforming [Music] law okay that's not something that's in front of I don't think Dave you disagree we can compel and no I agree the application as presented shows you that there's that street that if it were vacated would you a motion no I didn't we need a motion to approve I'll make the motion approve it under the stipulation that as he says minimal cutting down of trees of course you're going to have a lot of poops to jump through so you follow call Fa motion Mr kch yes Mr glacius yes Mr desar y Mr Leo yes Mr FY yes Mr Hamill yes and chairman griman yes I mean I just it's a shame this flot was created this way but uh it's a flag La that existed if if they can't build a house on it what are they going to do with it so what those piece of property I think you need to pursue the the the street vation I I believe that the town of be in favor of that okay thank you thank you all thank you than okay next on our agenda 2404 Karen Sero good evening Mr chairman members my name is John Alice attorney license practice law in state of New Jersey Commonwealth of Pennsylvania I'm here representing Karen CNO regrettably um Miss Sero um suffers from migraines and had a little bout of one today so was unable to be here uh present though um two people I have Tiffany morisy a planner uh licensed in the state of New Jersey to offer testimony because we're here on a use VAR which I'm going to talk about in just a sec and also Mr Sano who's well acquainted with the matter and involved in all these matters so again to um remind the board it's John Al I'm here on behalf of now Karen salaro and Nick salaro and this involves 349 delc Drive known as block 4732 and it involves three lots 15 16 and 17 um it's about 1.53 n acres and we're here um respectfully asking for use variance to permit what might be described as a storage center or storage units a smaller um installation probably about 90 to uh 100 units of course any relief if the board was to f favorably view the application would be contingent or premised Upon Us returning to the board with a site plan so more uh precisely we're here requesting a use variance contingent on site plan review um now with the board's permission I'd have a couple of people sworn and I'd get into the application so you don't want to really hear Too Much from me but you do want to hear from our Witnesses I would get that sounds like great idea so this is Miss Mory this is Mr Salo your right hand please s to tell the truth about the test you're going to get I do I know one of you is a you're a professional you right so state your name and address for the record my name is Nicholas solerno 715 Kings Highway mlon New Jersey and now M Mory obviously is able to speak for herself and you're going to hear her in just a second but I just want to know do you need me to cqu her um in other words are you comfortable with her as a professional planner is she known to this board or yes she is okay then you accept her as a professional planner I'll be quiet and I'll let her tell you a little bit about what the application is all about okay very good thank you sir good evening everyone how are you so we're here tonight because we're requesting a use variance um we did make some before I get fully into the application we propose a self storage facility on property in your Malaga Village zoning District it's on old Deli Drive uh the property is 1.2 Acres the self- storage facility would be approximately 1,600 just over, 1600 sare ft of new storage space and there is a single family dwelling that was proposed on the property to remain As a caretaker um and office space after reviewing your engineers report um and realizing that that created additional variances uh we decided that we don't need to necessarily maintain that single family home so we'll remove the single family home from the application eliminating that variance so that all that is before you is the use variance for self storage facility with an office space inside that self storage space and no on-site um manager living there 247 but an employee that will address those aspects of the application so that kind of minimizes the the variances that we were requesting as identified in your board professionals report um this property is um in your Malaga Village zoning district and while commercial uses are permitted in this zoning District they are only permitted when they have Frontage on either Deli drive or Harding Highway Route 47 and Route 40 this street um is old Deli Drive which basically connects Route 40 to Route 47 um it's not a local residential type Street uh and it has various uses on the property in order to orient that with the board um and I don't have it as a large map but I do have a exhibit and I guess we can call it exhibit A1 if that's okay yes A1 um it is a aerial map a screenshot of the Google Earth um View today is the 5724 so um that's the official copy and I'll pass this there's 10 of them so me I think I have enough for everyone so on this highlighted the sub there should be enough the subject property there's a red dot identifying the site as well as a black marker that um highlights what is the approximate property lines I have enough for everyone so I wanted to share that with with the board because I think it helps Orient what we're asking for and kind of minimizes in essence the impact of asking for a commercial use on a property that is where only residential is allowed in the Malaga Village zoning District so when you look at this property and you look at the surrounding area to um the right of the property on Old delsi Drive closer to Harding Highway is a church and the church parking lot and that property has Frontage on Harding Highway so that property is allowed to develop in a commercial or non-residential fashion to the left of the property on Deli Drive are three single family units then there's new road and the Dollar General those single family units while existing are also allowed to develop as commercial permitted commercial uses because they have Frontage on Deli drive across from the property on Old delce Road is the diner and an old abandoned building those properties also have Frontage on delce and Harding Highway so the property in question is surrounded by properties that have Frontage on the highways that allow that commercial use and they're in the commercial area of the Village um section um where delce and Harding Highway intersect or Route 40 and 47 this is where the McDonald's and the CVS are you have your Wawa you have a shopping center a pizza parlor the Dollar General in the area um behind this we have Richmond Street and some homes on Richmond Street that back up to this property and if you look at the map and you look at old Deli drive you can see it's not so much a Comm a residential street unlike Richmond Street which is also in Malaga Village but more of a residential street where it makes sense not to permit commercial use and only permit those residential uses in orienting you to this location and what we are requesting um I I started with that because when we have a use variance we have to demonstrate that there are special reasons Advanced that the positive criteria under the municipal land use law are Advanced and those positive criteria include a finding that the site and the use are particularly suited to one another and therefore would promote the general welfare because of the unique characteristics of the property and the unique characteristics of the use making a good marriage or a better zoning alternative for that property so starting with the orientation of where we are and how old Deli Drive is utilized not as a single family home residential Community street but a street that people use to avoid going through the traffic light if they're going uh right on Deli drive and and trying to bypass the light there um providing access to other commercial properties what we are proposing on this property is a self storage facility when we talk about commercial uses um there are some commercial uses that are extremely high intensity like your McDonald's or your CVS or your Wawa those uses are permitted in the Malaga Village zoning district there are other uses that are less intense such as professional offices Banks um and child care centers or government buildings which are also permitted but they're still more intense than a self- storage facility a self- storage facility is a low intensity use that has very little activity on the property a self storage facility as we propose here would be um no about 10 ft in height for the buildings it would have limited um visitation to the property and and it would not have a high turnover of traffic so you're not going to have a lot of activity on a day-to-day basis ENT ually with Self Storage you put your stuff in there and then you come get it when you need it occasionally you might go in and out um throughout the time that your stuff is there if you need things if you're remodeling your house or if you just downsized and you're organizing yourself or if you're moving and you need to go get things that are in storage but you're not there every day in and out and and that plays out when you look at traffic patterns associated with self storage facilities self storage facilities um have a very low trip generation and trip generation is a vehicle generation now I'm not a traffic engineer and I don't want to play a traffic engineer but what I do want to indicate is that I did look at the Institute of Traffic Engineers manual which tells you how many cars are associated with the type of business that is on a property based on studies that they've done throughout the United States and the it indicates that this type of use at this size on an average weekday would generate 24 Trips Trips is in and out so that's about 12 Vehicles a day so it's a very low intensity use just a little bit more than a single family home a single family home generates about 10 plus or minus trips per day based on uh the same standards so we we are compatible to what a single family home would generate in terms of traffic and not so intense that it's overburdening the area let's explain what self storage facility is and a little bit about this property so we have proposed three separate buildings um they are all single story buildings at about 10 ft in height and this is just a conceptual layout um we're probably going to flip the buildings around and I'll explain that as I get through the testimony but we would have on um a single building along old dely drive you have circulation around the two larger buildings with Basin and Landscape saing on the property and what I'm going to hand out now and I don't know if I have as many copies as I did from aiel our example of self storage facilities so I'll call the first exhibit I have is A2 this is um sample buildings uh for Self Storage not exactly what we're building here in terms of the color but just to give you an idea of the extent of what a self storage facility looks like which I'm sure we're all familiar with but just in case I'll give you one for the pile and then I think we can sh up here and I have another example which is um one that you've constru our Mr solerno has constructed in Mount ephan um and this is more the the style of what we're proposing um this is a three and I'm going to include with that also a four which is the second page which is an aerial view of the same facility which you can see the layout is similar to what we have here so I'll make that A4 pass those out and go through and explain that so looking more at these neutral colors not those bright colors that I just shared with you um more I think these comments are better suited for when you do the site right well we wanted to give you just an idea concentrate on is why you think this is a proper use for that piece of property well and part of that is to understand how low of an intensity use this is and how it's not AR they open 24 hours a day they can be yes how do they get in they get an automatic gate there's a gate is is it going to be lit up there will be Lighting on the buildings there's all residential houses on Richmond Street that's the back to all their homes correct and I understand that so that's what's going to bring me to the the flip side we did talk about that in reviewing your engineers report and I was going to do this later but I'm going to do it quick now because we're talking about it um we think it makes more sense we have the single sided building where you only enter from the inside so that it's the back of the building and then we'd have Landscaping behind that so it would kind of act as a screen instead of putting that single building um to the front moving all of the activity so that building acts as a screen and we can landscape behind that as well so that would me you wouldn't have any traffic so on the initial plan and this would be A5 what are the buffers the buffers are are buffers are are buffers are required between this and any residential right and buffers start at 50 ft and go up to 15 so bare minimum 50 ft is required and we would have to address that at sight plan we would not necessarily be able to accommodate the 50 ft if we built these three buildings but we would provide an intensive buffer in terms of landscaping and fencing and orientation of the buildings which would provide a a better screen um for the surrounding area so let me go back to the special reasons and more about the use and why it makes sense and the particular suitability so in terms of the particular suitability and what what makes us a good marriage on this property is that this property while it's not on Harding or 47 or Route 40 and 47 it's on a road that connects those two roads together it's not a road where you typically want to have single family dwellings there is a single family dwelling existing there but it has a different traffic pattern and that single family dwelling is basically surrounded by other non-residential uses and properties that while they're not fully developed could in F sense be non-residential uses we think it makes sense on this property because of this unique location and as you can see on the aial that I provided to you while we don't specifically touch Deli Drive the corner of that property is just off of delc Drive where a buts old Deli drive so we're not too far Akin from where that area is the proposed use on This 1.2 acre lot is a use that can be done in a fashion that has very little impact because it's not like we're putting a convenience store or a doctor's office or even expanding upon a church that has more traffic generation associated with it we're proposing a a very low intensity use that has very little people in and out of it during a daily basis um it has less traffic than a substantial commercial use and really not much more traffic on a daily basis than a single family home would have um there is still um single family in and around the area and we would have to screen and buer those existing uses the single family or the residential that's on dely Drive I believe actually starts at 25 ft because they're not they might be existing non-conforming since they front on Deli drive but then again it could be 50 ft um we would have to address that through sight plan application with the board and we believe because of the type of use that's proposed here it would not have such a substantial impact at that point in time uh because of the intensity development you don't even know if these we would have to do a site plan it it could be that we need with the new storm water RS we did look at it but it could be that the building sizes have to decrease in order to accommodate the storm water but before we go into that full design we wanted to get a general overview of the use so we can see if the use is something that the township would consider in order to see if it makes sense to do that additional design but yes with the new storm water RS there is the possibility that there will be changes to to the layout although we did look at it preliminarily so in terms of the positive criteria that particular suitability aspect that this low intensity use on this property that's not truly in a residential neighborhood backing up to a residential neighborhood yes but not in that residential neighborhood um is a unique property and the fit fitting it with a use that is more akin to a non-residential use and not a residential use one that is a very low intensity non-residential use um promotes that particular suitability and promoting the general welfare there are additional purposes of zoning that I believe would be Advanced through this application as well and that includes purpose C of the municipal land use law which is to provide adequate light air and open space now recognizing that uh we would have the controls of the ordinance what's important to note here and while I wanted to show those buildings to you is that these buildings are going to be approximately 10 ft in height they're not going to be substantially tall buildings so it's a very lowprofile uh structure it's not something that's going to create large Shadows on the surrounding Residential Properties to the rear it's not going to be overburdened it doesn't need high visibility from the other highways so these lowprofile homes help add that adequate light air in open space without being extremely bulky additionally I believe the application promotes the purpose of zoning to provide sufficient space in an appropriate location for a variety of uses according to their respective environmental requirements in order to meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens when you look at the surrounding area and you look at self storage facilities um there's not many to choose from when you go and and you Google where are their self- storage facilities there is one in Franklinville but the others are in vinand and Waymouth there's not many in the area and that's important to note because when you review what Self Storage is about one in five Americans actually use self storage at some point in their life because of downsizing because they're moving because they don't have enough space um it is a use that is important to your everyday life and should be approximately located so that you have access to it Franklin Township is a very large Township so there is very few opportunities without leaving town in order to find a self- storage facility we have a new one being built right yes yes but there's additional need and and and demand so like I said one in five people and what's existing now and with what's being built uh there's still going to be a need and a demand for that providing self storage in a location that's where you go on a daily basis and not out in the remote Netherlands of a town a lot of times we would permit them in our industrial zones and push them to the outskirts of town but providing them if I'm going to go to waa and get coffee and I want to go my wife said I needed the Christmas decorations this year I can go get them while I'm getting my coffee at Wawa or whatever I need in and out of that storage facility so you're located near that commercial core that Village area where all that activity is so you're not um taking away from where you're already traveling and it makes sense this provides that sufficient space for that in this location and that also advances the purpose h of the municipal land use law which is to encourage the location and design of Transportation routes which promote the fle free flow of traffic while discouraging location of such facilities and root would result in congestion and blight and again because old Deli Drive is in a traditional residential street it's really I mean it has dely in its name so it's almost inferred that dely and and Harding Highway are appropriate for commercial and when you look at the uses that front on this property on this street they all have an ability to have some type of commercial so now you're left with a single family residential unit on an acre lot that is surrounded by commercial uses so I believe providing a location where people can easily access the site and get to their their storage facility is appropriate and makes sense um for the positive criteria so for those reasons I believe that there are special reasons I believe this is a unique use for this property I believe it is a different type of use that minimizes the impact of other commercial uses would otherwise have greater impact I believe that it makes more sense for this type of use on this property given the location of this property on Old Deli drive and the surrounding properties and their land uses in terms of the negative criteria is there a substantial impairment of the zoning ordinance or of the master plan and the medich standard that goes along with that um there there is um Self Storage is permitted in other areas in the township uh and as you know and it's permitted um and in your industrial areas and your business Zone if I I recall correctly however this site is in your Malaga Village District provides that opportunity to be close to your commercial services so that you as a resident have the ability to easily access your storage unit um it's on a again because of the unique features of the property make sense in this location your master plan um was reexamined in 2011 and 2013 and the goals and objectives that are in your master plan from 2004 slightly modified but still remain include to promote orderly growth within the within Franklin Township with an objective to concentrate new development in existing Villages like Franklinville and Malaga or in new hamlets to be developed in a designated receiving area here proposing development in the commercial portion of the Village area makes sense and I believe promotes that orderly growth within the township by putting a use of this this nature um in an area where other commercial uses are located uh additionally to um maintain a safe and attractive residential environment and includes objective to provide an appropriate range of Public Services to meet the needs of current and future residents and I'm going to go with that public service aspect of it while what we're providing isn't a public service it's a service to the current and future residents to have a place for storage again one in five Americans will turn to self storage for for at one point in their life to store their their goods um and items and maintaining that safe and attractive residential environment this is um not a better site for residential it's a better site for non-residential given its location and I believe through site plan design criteria we can provide the appropriate screening and Landscaping to minimize any impact from this development on this property um the master plan also talks about providing Franklin Township with a broad-based economic Foundation to expand opportunities for commercial and Industrial Development that complement the town's rural character at Define locations in appropriate zoning districts and to encourage a sound fiscal mix of future uses this location while not directly on Deli drive but just off Deli Drive uh provides an opportunity for that mix of uses in your village Corridor area that would service the residents in the surrounding area and improve the the community in terms of providing that additional service also investing into that area where you have this abandoned building across the street um will maybe add some investment into the area as well for those reasons I don't believe there's a substantial impairment of the zoning ordinance or the master plan uh in terms of this proposed use on this property um Self Storage itself has come a long way it has changed and grown and become uh very um desired and sought after type of use for people who need to have access to it and so I believe this location given the unique features of this property if looked at um in conjunction with your master plan which is due for reexamination would make sense to consider some type of low intensity non-residential use on Old Deli Drive in terms of will there be a substantial detriment to the public good and this is the last part of the testimony for the application um again and this is a a low intensity use we have one employee um we will have office hours our office hours will be 8 a.m. to 400 p.m. so um it's not going to be it's one employee you're not going to have multiple people in and out of the property um I went through the traffic generation estimates based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers 24 trips a day on average that's 12 Vehicles is not a high intensity overflowing of traffic you don't have people in and out and we can address um whether or not we need to address the 24 hours we can talk about with Mr solerno to see if during site plan we can address adjust that but by reorienting the buildings the way we are showing you for a future site plan application it would create a better screen and um buffer to the residential area and all activity would then be closer to the front of the property instead of the rear of the property where the resident are on Richmond Street lighting would be addressed in accordance with your ordinance they would be generally building mounted lighting um except where the general parking is closer to the office so you wouldn't have high light levels on the property as well those uh aspects of this use which are unique to this use are why it helps to not cause a substantial detriment to the public good again not all non-residential uses make sense on this property but one that doesn't have extreme impact to the the surrounding area and provides a service to the community and a needed service to the community based on um the market standards and the market trends for self- storage facilities I think is appropriate I believe that it's particularly suited advances those purposes of zoning as I've referenced and that the benefits of at providing some type of development on this property that is consistent with the surrounding area far outweigh the detriments that would occur from this and many of those detriments if we are going to talk about the impact to the residential area area um in terms of site plan design and buffering can be addressed through a site plan approval and that is what I have is it going to get an asph yes there will be PVE paved dry bils whole thing will be paid around the buildings for Drive aisle access yes that's the whole thing well no that we propose um storm water basin around the property as well I got that so Dave you want certainly that is good we did a report um April 1st of which Mrs morsy has jumped into and has addressed a lot of the items as contained within it um but but to reiterate um commercial development is not permitted on this road um and our ordinance doesn't specifically permit self storage in this zone so that's the hurdle we're up against there was that other variance about um a manager on site living on site which triggered another variance of two principal uses on site um that that's much Le lesser standard much lesser of uh an issue to me there's pros and cons to that you know if you've got somebody on site keeping an eye on it that may actually be helpful um but but the applicant has removed that from the application um what I didn't hear or I missed it was hours of operation did you tell me it's 247 well what we have is um we're the office will be 8 to 4 um a lot of facilities are 24/7 however we could limit that if we need to do that I don't have a problem with that it'd be nice to know what we were um I say somewhere around we could do like a 6: to 10 6:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. so it's it's an automated facility somewhat yes we have a closes at four and yes sorry and I could come and go as I please if I have yes sir and if we limit the hours the key wouldn't work after those hours correct um Mrs Morris you indicated the height of the structure would be no more than 10 ft High about the the pictures that you provided in one of the exhibits indicates a two-story building in Mount Ephraim that's not what you're proposing here no no two story just wanted to be clear yes that that one I did build that had a two-story building this will not so the site PL is a whole other different animal right we're we're just talking about this evening is this a good fit for this area is a self storage um what we think is appropriate for this area um site plan is going to put a lot of constraints on this concept plan that you have here you know we've got significant buffer requirements in this Zone um Mr Marc you know indicated storm waterer management standards will likely make these basins larger than you have shown on this plan um we've got extensive Landscaping you're going to have to deal with and we've got setbacks to driveways that you're going to have to deal with also so there's there's a lot of other Hoops a lot of other issues are going to have to be resolved um if this gets the site plan issue gets to the site plan step which is next if this get um you heard the testimony this is somewhere between a residential and an intensive commercial use um it's commercial use for sure has limited trips um the question is is it a good fit for our neighborhood I really have nothing further in that engineering review uh because it's only limited to the use you will at s significant I can see that any comments to the engineer or you no I think everything's been said I'm satisfied if I may the only thing I would inquire Mr chairman members and and to the gentleman is are we we're still talking about nobody on site 247 all right or is that what the board would like to say that's what you said well we presume that the board doesn't want anybody living there and that then that kind of makes the application simpler less complicated and and there's noas just said you know there pros and cons of both so okay well we're going to stand where we are then which is no one living there so makes I think that makes you sense most of these places are all card access now anyway and okay open this up to the public I make a motion we open the public by D second second Russell Le all in favor I oppose okay anybody from the public like be heard regarding the self storage facility in in the Malaga Village D Marshall 67 new road do I need to be sworn in say that your mic please raise your right hand you SAR to tell the truth about testimony you're going to get I do David Marshall 67 New Road Malaga thank you uh all of you should have gotten some emails that I sent out about some flooding issues we have in Malaga uh and I'll give you a little bit of history of that for how long we've lived there when Matthew's Plaza was built the retention Basin which is used to be across from kuchi Lumber is consistently full now and that was when Matthew's pla was built when kuch Lumber left and the dollar st came in the impervious service area increased considerably and now that retention Bas overflows every time it rains most of the time right on the dusty drive it floods the field behind it and our street now gets flooded which is 67 new rout it goes all the way down and it's bad since the impervious service was increased at Newfield Bank not too long ago the stream behind us which is the one that parallels the bank parking lot floods as you can see from some of the pictures and videos I sent in that actually fills our wood behind us comes all the way into our yard now we're now taking wood in our basement that never happened before and that's not just me that's almost everybody along the road this type of coverage increase as you had brought up Mr glacius about most of it being paved would be a nightmare for our community it would create nothing but more flooding issues we have nowhere to catch at water and yes you can put it in in a retention Basin but there's no trees to absorb it at that point it still goes back into groundwater and brings the perk up which is what's happening in our basements now it can't happen it just it's it's it's it's just too much of a nightmare to deal with as a resident which we never had to deal with it before till each of these businesses keeps getting approved in our area Malaga Village does not handle this type of business as it was brought up it's not part of it it shouldn't be part of it yes it is in between two main roads but if you look at new Road in defiance so is my house it has Route 40 on one side and has 47 on the other side so if that's one of her arguments that doesn't work she also said it was surrounded by commercial properties well surrounded means Encompass completely Richmond is not commercial so it is not surrounded yes it has a little bit of Frontage and some properties on each side a church on one side with a parsonage and a house on the other side which does have Frontage Gan dely drive so there is a little bit of coverage there to say it's commercial but surrounded is not the right term for that uh if you look at our different land uses and our different items that are there is I don't have to go word for word for it but if you look at some of the ones there I mean in section 25350 section 22 has about 18 sections about what landscaping and buffering should be on that property for this business if you follow even the minimum guidelines there they're not going to have room for one public storage building as long as you adhere to the standards that our Township has you look at 250 through 102 which is where the buffering mandates come in again it would limit it to one building if you follow the minimum guidelines I don't know how profitable that' be but it still comes down to where it's just not a suitable area I still have a little time left for for where we're at is that all W it's it's there's a house on it that they talked about that was the one that's there fire of that is all overgrown going up to Richmond so there's a swath of woods there and then on the new roadside which borders the houses that are right on there and I can give you a block lot numbers is wood on Woods on that side uh not dents but it's Woods thank you don't believe yet Mr Mar it's just to clarify um whatever may have sent in they can't really consider they just consider what you're doing you're saying tonight which I think was very clear regarding the drainage in the different areas but the board has to consider what is presented tonight so the applicant can hear it and so forth so I think you made clear what the drainage issues were and where they are so for a future meeting am I allowed to cast it onto the TV uh if you came in and you wanted to show something you can show something right just you would have to bring your own laptop to hook it up oh that's that's yeah but I'm just want to see if that was allowed that' be yeah we just can't allow any applicants to use our no I understand yep not a problem yeah we have the HDMI cable okay just they ask cuz that would be a lot easier anyone else like to be heard please go forward raise your right hand please sure to tell the truth about you're going to get I do address Cindy Ms 330 o Avenue Malaga I have uh one question on well and septic with the in this type of property there will be facilities that I didn't hear her say anything about that but I know you said Retention Ponds and everything else is there I mean on an acre ground most of us that's what we have in our thing so I didn't know if that's going to be included on that acre a well and septic for is there yes there is there's a well andp well you're going to have an office so I'm assuming that's going to be all in that too so I think what one and A2 Acres but one and A2 Acres I have one and A2 Acres but I don't know how I could put all that on my one and a half acre with the swimming pool and a couple of other things I'm looking at the swimming pool as one thing but you know what I mean the other qu thing I just want to say I feel bad for the people who live in the residence around there I wouldn't want it in my backyard and I'm going to tell you why because owning a newspaper before I owned my own newspaper I also went to a lot of storage facilities and you know why because in the middle of the night that's where they dropped them off in storage facilities and a lot of times we pick them up there at so they get dropped off at 2:00 by the truck and then the carriers pick them up and I work for the carrier post and I work for the South Jersey Times that's where you pick them up and I know that residents probably won't want somebody there at 2: and 4:00 in the morning sometimes that might be when they can get the card access to get in there and out of there just to use that facility CU if you're headed south in different areas those things are easy places to pick up and we used to pick ours up at different places so you know it it it will affect the people who live behind there and it's a historical district that's why all the years that we've always looked at these areas we wanted to keep the villages like Franklinville and Malaga really really close so that the people that had their homes there and they were historical like the churches that are 100 years old around them so that's kind of why we never really didn't want it to become too over uh commercialized thank you well good thank you anyone else like to be heard raise your right hand please to tell the truth about the testimony you're going to get I do Barbara Halper and Harding Highway I assume the buildings will be heated with fossil fuels um to maintain um Heating and Cooling in them those units will make noise and have air pollution uh there is no control if people like Cindy said want to use these units for commercial purposes uh which would increase the number of trips that they would be going there I had a friend who used a unit because she was selling uh clothes that she would buy a garage sale she would sell them at eBay and she needed a place to organize them and work on them and she would go every day and work on the clothes and you know pack the clothes and she was running a business out of there and people will do that we have no they have no control over what people store there how often they're going to go there and uh whether they're going to use it for personal or commercial uses this will cause live pollution noise pollution and air pollution with inadequate buffers to the neighbors and I wouldn't want to live next to this um it's not allowed in the zone yet as you know and um it's on a side street that yeah it may be potential for those houses is next to it to become commercial but as someone who lives in a highway commercial Zone my area will never be commercial these homes my home was built in 1920s moved to where I live in the 40s from across the street I've been living there for well over 30 years now and all of my neighbors as well it's affordable housing it's good housing people love their homes even if they're on 47 or 40 so to assume that oh yeah this is a commercial area well we're changing the master plan and they're meeting now and I attend all the meetings and part of that is to allow residents to remain residential not be in a non-conforming use in those zones I don't know if it'll include this District but it will include my district the horning Highway area uh of Highway commercial they're going to to ask that everyone make it acceptable that we have homes so we don't need to come for a variant and we make improvements on our homes which at this point we're deterred from doing that because our zoning was changed mine was changed from residential when I bought it to Highway commercial um there's a pool I understand right there and people are going to be driving in right by this person's enjoyable part of their yard if you look at this plan the access road you know goes right by this person's pool and every vehicle is going to have to go through there night or day um these people that live around it basically this is terrible there's too much on this plan the site is not well suited for this because it is too small for what's being proposed and also part of the master plan changes are going to be to get rid of this oh you can put a fence in rather than the full buffer it's not appropriate to take someone's peaceful enjoyment away from them when they're paying good taxes for their homes that they've lived in for many years thank you thank you m anyone else like to be heard please come forward raise your right hand please you s to tell the truth about the CEST you're going get I do lesle Pender 85 New Road Malika I have to disagree with these people here as a resident of that neighborhood I implore you to not even consider this you're all here for a reason because you're all businessmen and what a horrible idea this is please don't forget about the residents there we already flood continually our backyard is soggy the dollar store you know the one down the street from the other Dollar Store um that we really need it because the world needs another dollar store and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they building a self storage on when you come out on delce drive out of Malaga Park Drive aren't they building I know it's taken quite a time but aren't they building one right there they are okay and there's one five minutes down the road in vinand we don't need another Self Storage I I implore you for all the reasons these other residents said for the flooding for the fact that you can't control what goes on in and out of there and we already have the traffic that we have just because of that dollar store as people fly through our tiny neighborhood please don't forget about us and please do not forsake us please do not even consider this rubbish good evening thank you very much anyone else like to be heard good evening Chris sers 184 malago Lake Boulevard yes I do your name again uh Chris sers 184 malago Lake Boulevard um again I just like to reiterate what a lot of the other residents have been saying about this uh proposed development um you know I've always been one to advocate for the master plan which in the professional did correctly state that development should be directed towards malago Village Franklinville Village but um one important caveat to that is the need for necessary buffers that actually separate specific zones and from looking at the map on the plan I don't see any space whatsoever for any possible buffer between the semi-commercial area that they want to build on and the residential area the street right next door um so unfortunately I just feel like this this property is just completely too small um again for the above mentioned reason reasons again also i' I've also experienced the flooding in that area um and if that's going to be asphalted completely over and built on completely except for the the narrow drainage ditches that they have I just don't see anywhere that we can possibly drain have the proper water drainage um necessary for the site um and uh lastly uh I know it was important um in order to get these variances you need positive criteria negative criteria and one thing that the um professional said to me which kind of stood out was I believe she said and I might have misheard so correct me if I'm wrong but she said that the Prov one of the positive criteria was that the property provided s sufficient space um I didn't know if that was a slip of the tongue or not it certainly doesn't look like for my Layman's eyes that it provides near enough space for anything so thank you very much appreciate anyone else from the public raise your right hand please just to tell the truth about the testim you're going to get I do lud to toally 4 new road uh to everyone's Point uh our area does flood uh but I before I moved to Malaga in 2020 and and I love the area because it is rural I moved from Gloucester Township and I'm so glad that I did and when I go back there to visit my mother makes me love where I live even more coming back to God's country that's right but with this proposal it's it it will soon become closer Township uh that's the direction that it's moving in will lose our rural status and become a suburb uh but I what I came up here for I just wanted to mention that before I moved here with my wife and daughter we had our stuff in storage for 3 years and sure we went every once in a while but every time we went there were guys running businesses uh that were sellers on Amazon the guy I got to know the guy he was one unit away from mine he he was boxing things up almost every day every time he got an order from Amazon boom he would go there and he plays His Radio people have uh fans going a guy's working on his motorcycle in another unit there is actually an auto mechanic or or the guy has his car stored there and he Tinkers with it every single day like it's a garage so when she said that you know one in five people you know love to store their things uh once in their lifetime at a storage UN in it and occasionally visit it to get Christmas things well that's just splitting hair is I mean that that may be true of some but not all and we can't assume that it's all going to be bad as well right and in there and more flooding light light pollution and who knows what else and yeah it's close to dely drive close to being in that commercial Zone but but not so please thank you anyone else raise your right hand please tell the truth about the you're going to get yes um Janet given 108 New Road um I moved in there about 9 years ago and I've had I didn't start out with flooding but when they started changing things the Dollar General all these things I know flooding in my basement I have a French Trin and a su pump and I also have a little girl who's being affected by the mold growing in my basement it doesn't matter what I do it it just keeps coming so the fact that you guys are okay up there with letting all of our basements flood all of the time it's it's just not fair what if it was yours excuse me what street do you live on I live on New Road in defiance I live on the corner I didn't sorry it just no I don't have any facts or anything but it's it's just sad that you guys just really don't care about our little neighborhood and you're going to hopefully we didn't vote yet I know but hopefully you care enough excuse me hopefully you care enough to hear our please about all this water that we're dealing with consistently thank you anyone else like to be heard if not I by D who second all in favor I propose okay Mr Al well if I may Mr chairman members um I just want to jump in on one thing uh Mr Foley said which which is important about so at one point uh I did live in a city and there was a place called Jerry's Corner which uh was in h Southwest Philly and it was a bit of one of those like bizar a strange place where all manner of thing occurs so I assure you we absolutely will have limitations on what people may do there in fact most storage facilities very much control what may be stored and what activities may occur there obviously no one is welcome to repair their automobile or any vehicle or run any business it's illegal you have a zoning ordinance it's not going to be permitted there we don't want it you don't want it um you also don't want hazardous materials stored there chemicals know any kinds of problems so this is typical in the business to have these limitations placed in the leases and that's also why you have office hours and you have someone on site so you know what's what and that's what also why you have cameras um so those people can be thrown out um entirely unacceptable when I hear stories like Mr Foley related it really is troubling and and quite unfortunate um and and Frank not up to the standards of what an operator today um is is tasked with with with doing so uh that's that's my other thing obviously um there's concern generally and in my experience and I've been at this a little bit uh is is uh water management storm water management um it's not just in Franklin it's the state of New Jersey uh you well know because you have uh quality professionals that um the D is is messing with those storm water EGS and it looks like every every two years we've got a new set of RS and every 6 months they're tweaking them and so it's a moving Target but life in a big city we have to um meet those um storm water RS uh they talk about water Purity or quality that's actually being discharged they talk about you know the uh the perk the perks uh how quickly it is back into uh the ground so all those standards which were just changed recently are our burden so if we don't meet those standards we don't have a project we wouldn't have a project and we wouldn't tell you that um we want to have a project we've done some preliminary investigation I believe it works so so that's that's that's that um so Mr chairman at this point are there some additional questions raised by perhaps the public or or someone else or or that just occurred to anyone that that you would like us to address I don't have any questions anymore do have any more questions for the applicant the owner our engineer gu the answer to that well well thank you you've been most kind most patient and we very much appreciate the consideration so respectfully we do ask for the grant of the use variant contingent on site plan review for this what I would describe as a mod self store facility and thank you again thank you it was a good presentation okay we heard from the public you heard the testimony remember this is just strictly for the use not for I was say is it kind of from the cor the horse without seeing well that's why they plan right that's why I guess conceptual kind of thing so they have some idea right that's you have you know they're planning on 15 16,000 square foot of storage like this that's that's and you know that's that's all we have to think about when you're trying to determine if this is a good use for this location with a site suitability that goes to the site suitability right whether with the buffers and the well SE set or whether it's a feasable right and that all enters into under site plan review which would be a next step I make a motion we deny it motion by Dan de I'll second second by Rich glacius motion to deny Theory so yes would be deny to deny okay Mr katchin yes Mr acius yes no sorry I don't believe this thing is going to fit in that neighborhood I would not want to live near it if there's a water problem now there's going to be a bigger water problem so yes I'm not not voting yes Mr Des yes and for the same reason Mr GL is that if if we could have S seen the site plan may be a little bit different but I don't believe all this can fit or even half of that can fit on a 1.2 acre one and a half acre Mr Leo I agree yes Mr felicy yes Mr Hamil yes Jeremy G yes I mean uh not only doesn't fit but it's just not fair for the residents that that live behind it long side of ladies and gentlemen thank you again uh you've been most kind most patient and do appreciate the consideration I hope you figure out the water thing and um if I Need a Dollar General I know where to come I so so you all stay well thank you okay next on our agenda ZB 2405 Kenneth and Denise Dane please come forward take care man raise your right hand please to tell the truth the testim get yes name and address please uh 199 Blackwood Avenue Franklinville uh Kenneth derter Denise dter Mike everything in order yes uh we're looking you're looking to do we're looking to put an addition on our house uh trying to get an variance uh we have a 80ft frontage and in the area that we're at they require 100 foot Frontage and we're trying to get a variance to put a 12T addition off the side of the house and obviously you can't come out the other side of the house I can see that y any questions about this this I make a motion we open to the public motion By Dana second by Richard glaus all in favor I anyone from the public like to be heard of this application motion we close the public Portion by I make motion to approve second make sure we know what we're approving foot back motion to approve By Dana fo it's been there for 100 years is it second by by Russell Leo okay Mr C yes Mr glaus yes this be do you have extra or no Mr dear one more Mr Liam yes Mr feli yes Mr Hamill yes thank you gent okay thank you okay CB 2409 chrisy and all Pap in order mik yes they are raise your right hand please you SAR to tell the truth about the testone you're going to get yes I do name and act Christy Marcado 2720 South Darion Street Philadelphia PA I'm just looking for my notes okay Chris what what are you asking for here so basically I'm here tonight to ask for a variance for a property I purchased in 2021 to build a single family residence for myself I need currently the frontage is 30 ft I need 30 ft I only have 20 and Sh 20 isn't it correct yes Frontage is 130 I'm sorry I have 150 requires 150 I have 130 sorry what are other houses in the area there like I'm sorry the houses what other houses there are they their Frontage close to yours or are they all UND siiz front Frontage so from me driving by and being at the property I have a home on the right and the left the one to the right of me is kind of smaller than the one on the left of me but you guys should have all the site plans and all of the paperwork I have sent to Denise and the okay that one doesn't show us so the property's to the right uh immediately to this property is 140 ft of Frontage Lot 23 you're saying Lot 23 the next one lot 22.021 then 206 so the further you go to the right The Wider the lots are this one is 130 it requires 150 but if you start going to the left immediately next door is 118 then 80 then 132 and then 135 this is like the breaking point between the width of the lots and there's there there's no property there to be purchase to make your property wider there's homes on both sides currently not that I'm aware of what the there's two he's asking if there's two homes on the on the on the so for me to purchase is that what you said I'm sorry I can't hear is there a home on each side of the property I ask you corre buy additional property in other words next door neighbors neighbors yes I have two Neighbors on each side okay and each one of those lots are under width there's no extra WID on side okay any questions for for the uh so also want undersiz lot that's also undiz lot yes and and under width undiz lot you need 1.5 acres in this zone is 1.42 wow but it is a variance I just want to make sure that we now now did you send the letters to your rejoining property owners asking them questions about purchasing or selling yes everything has been said and you can't make you can't make them more unprecise either side right and you didn't get a response a positive response no okay what do you plan on doing with that property building the house yes I want to build a single family home for you for myself yes okay thank you get out in the city definitely definitely I'm tired of the city already I need some peace and quiet may be too quiet for you no I actually want it I actually uh went looked at another property too down here but I I like Franklinville it's very quiet make a motion open it up motion by Russell Leo second by D all in favor I oppos okay anybody from the public like to be heard regarding it please forward take okay the whole right hand doesn't work tell the truth about the cas I do my name is Adam Klein I live at 1090 Fries Mill um I'm actually soon to be buying 1084 fries mail which is her neighbor so I'm both neighbors um I didn't actually get any in the mail asking for purchase of the property I can't help her with the frontage but I own 33 Acres I think I would have known if I got something in the mail asking to buy a tenth of an acre um basically my issue is you guys are trying to do a variance if you choose to be in variance that's fine but it does it's two variances it's for the frontage and the size um basically my only issue is that you know you guys put up the law that or the ordinance that you wanted to make sure we're more rural bring another house in yes the other houses are small Frontage I'm aware of that but how what year were those houses built we're now asking to put a brand new house in so it's it's a little bit different um that's kind of really all I have they really can't get any more Frontage they cannot but they but the thing that kind of was surprising when you would ask did you reach out to any of the other people property for the other acreage so to meet that other variance and she said yes close it is close but it's not if you go to a store and you only have 14 bucks and it's a $15 bill true are you ad Jason to the head I own all the land behind the property so behind this property yes and not not on the sides uh the I I will I'm purchasing 1084 so I will be ajacent so whoever owned 1084 got the letter CU that the current own right but yeah but the behind I did not get the letter for asking about the purchase of property so again it's ultimately I'm not trying to stop her you know I don't know her so maybe she's a great person I'm just basically doing due diligence and you know if it meets the criteria so thank you thank you very much absolutely yes anyone else like to be heard second in favor I wait who make a motion Dana second by RI take a motion to approve ZB 2409 and second it for the two variants front and okay second that's right chance Mr Ketchum yes mrus yes this will put actually this isn't going to hurt the neighborhood for the amount of our variance is nothing so that's my gu okay Mr Des yeah Mr Leo yes Mr fi yes Mr ham yes chairman G yes okay congrats thank you that's it for on our application welcome thank you we scare you away no no no I live in the city thank we have other other business here right exension of time extension of time for the signing of the subdivision deed you ask for it again yes yes we have a letter do you need the letter I have yeah let me just make sure we'll make it official here so from Christopher attorney would appeared on the application um and yes they are requesting see how how long they're requesting for extension to sign the subdivision Deeds um this is for the house Ro so I'm assuming if they had another 30 days would likely be sufficient yeah I I think 30 days is not sufficient for anything okay when it comes to is it engineering or law or something 30 days okay I thought it just take 30 days hop the moed for 9 days yes we have to come back again 190 days 90 just 90 right 90 there's a motion second by a motion by D second by Rich I think all in favor I oppose okay tresa SJ LLC Micha yeah so tra application Des brought to my attention that she had this application it was pending since August of 23 I don't know if you had a chance to review my memorandum um so was Sub in August of 23 for a use varing in a waiver of site plan for storage of stowed vehicles and Associated activities Dave shidy reviewed the application um it was discovered that the property was in an HC Zone when he reviewed it the documentation that was available to you showed it in an RA I think it's right right yes but it turned out that it was in an a seone after that the zoning officer did clarify the Zone but a use Varian was is still necessary so even though there was a different Zone the end result was the same they still needed to use vs um as a result of that the applicant then said they may want to come for an interpretation instead of a use variant to see see whether they needed a use vars so at this point we have Dave's letter from August of 23 deeming the application incomplete um and there's been no further activity they haven't responded to that or filed ination so we felt that we needed to um do something with this because we can't have it sitting on the books they also were discussing whether they should have their escrow back or whether there's too much escrow I explained that that was not for the zoning board we just have an application we needed to address it in some fashion um so what I ultimately let the applicant know was that they wanted to withdraw the current pending application and file a new or amended one then the applic fee and balance of escrow could be applied to the new application um if it's for interpretation only then the escrow would be need to be replenished if they chose to file for an interpretation and a use variance and a waiver of site plan then they would have to pay the appropriate fees I asked that they let us know before tonight what their intention was I've heard nothing if you heard anything I checked my email I walk so the recommendation is that from me is that you deny it without preice gets it off the books if they want to bring something back they can bring it and if the zoning officer wants to continue with enforcement by Russell all in favor I any to that anything else mik no we have the memorialization of the the resolutions right resolution so we have just the one resolution John Fardo truck detached to garage which you approve by all in favor I OPP's abandoning us does it yes want to be part of zoning board anymore this is my last meeting Christy Mulford will be taking over um come June she's helped me out here um a couple of times and she currently runs the planning board um she's planning board secretary so in an effort to help all of us work more efficiently over there she is um in that department she works in zoning and construction um I work in finance and um I help with CL duties so it makes more sense for her to take you've done a good job thank you a lot of changes here all the time this series we got well we're trying we're trying to streamline things and you know we're trying to get everyone in a more efficient way rich is Right you've done a great job on your short will stay with us thanks okay is your secretary's report nope that was all I had then we have to resolution of poting I have a resolution um I didn't know if you wanted to do it this evening chy can't be here Christina mford said make a motion we appoint Christina Mulford motion by D second by Richard GLA all in favor I oppose okay motion toj I make a motion adj I second motion favor oh boy so Dave and M e