##VIDEO ID:P4afjmfHAXo## flag of the United States of America and to the stands na indivisible this meeting it was posted the building and on the uh web weling M you take call please Mr G Mr Leo Mr Ketchum Mr B yeah Mr panel yes Mr police here okay the address of Leo I guess we see that you and BDM okay if anyone's here regarding Garden State Harvest LLC they have postpone until September so they will not be HED the see they sent letter A requesting postponement for the September there meetings was they requested that they not be required to notice that they announcement they made tonight they would deare September 1 that they would not have to know suggest I like to make the they after n second fed all in favor go B okay so the according state harst will send out their public notice to everybody with the for next month but well whenever they come in or whenever they come in yeah okay uh that's what Prett yeah to by by J pleas all in favor I up to you okay first one I added tonight that is arcr fr SP LC white good yes leing bu car familier thanks been here fairly recently just get you a moment to set up sure really sure Kyle Kyle Denny uh uh T you're about to get I do KY Denny her box 120 Franklinville New Jersey yes he's a professional yes will any other no we also have Ryan Clark of arcr properties the applicant yes please about se you I do say your name and address who work uh Ryan cor 2001 College shve sweet 19 Clemington Jersey 8 year to1 so vially know there's only four members that have noticed I I I noticed you need three of them to uh get grov UND understood and uh we were about to have that discussion but we thought we had some time with the uh the prior application to make that decision so you have the option to U could dop you give you indulge me for one minute if I can talk [Music] we'd like to proceed you going proceed yes we think the the the remainder of the board can make a a fair fair decision with respect to the application um so good evening my name is Scott good I'm an attorney with the law firm of Cooper Lon I'm here representing the applicant uh arcr Properties LLC arcr properties seeks a variance re relief for minimum lot Frontage at uh it's we're calling it zero main road it's also known as block 5702 lot 55 on the tax map of Franklin Township the property is a vacant lot um but it's also a flag shaped lot um with our application we're proposing to construct a one single family home on the parcel the property is located in the are a residential agricultural zoning District where a single family residential dwelling is per of permitted use so as I mentioned we have two witnesses tonight uh I'd first like to start with Ryan Clark of arcr properties so that he can um talk to the board about the proposed development so Mr Clark can you uh tell the board what your position is arcr uh project manager okay can you describe the proposed development sure it's a single family house as you mentioned 2900 FT 1 and 1 half stories three bed three bad go ahead to will the property be serviced by a septic and well or any public utilities it's well and septic while cpck um so we've discussed that it's a flag shaped lot how are you proposing to access the properties uh 10t driveway along side and it's l sure 10 Drive driveway that's currently going up along side of the property all right um is there any other means of accessing the property yes there's actually a 50ft wide easement for the right away okay so why are you proposing to use the 10t uh driveway instead of using the access eement cuz the 50 Foot right away easement is somebody's property when it's being used so we're trying to be a good neighbor not cut the driveway through their they they use that g they m e it can't be done please you you to justest mean that speak theoretically it could be if it's access and utility Easter I I I didn't do do the deed research to find out but it's called out as an access specifically and access and utility so I'll just I'll advise the board that there was pre a prior subdivision application several several years ago I believe in about 2010 or 2011 and this that easement well it was approved subdivision for I believe three properties um that easement was created for that subdivision but it was since abandoned and um my client my client does not want want to I guess build proposed to build multiple properties back there we thought it's better suited for a single family property um given that it is a flag lot and there there is um there there's other properties that would be around it and with the proposed lot as it is there would be a significant amount of setback both front rear and side um to accommodate any privacy concerns yeah um all right uh Mr Clark did you did you send any did we send any notices to the neighbors um to see if we can address the the non-conformity issue with respect to lot Frontage yeah uh we send certified and regular mail to Lots 53 54 541 and 542 uh the certified mail was unclaimed and none of the regular copies were returned okay based on your experience aside from the live Frontage can you satisfy the other bulk standards uh that the Franklin Township is established yeah yes um thank you Mr s i um good next I'd like to speak to M Mr Denny uh Mr Denny could you uh provide some qualifications for the board uh I was previously qualified by this board oh yeah multiple times we we we did H TR okay just wanted to make sure that we're Mr Danny's recognized as a a professional professional engineer professional M serar thank you uh okay so Mr Denny now you now you've been recognized as a professional can you uh can you describe the existing conditions of the property yes it's a 12 um and change lot that has an existing 10t Frontage along Main Road um additionally it backs up to numerous lots that were part of a previous subdivision that were approved in 1998 okay have you done any analysis of the proposed development to with respect to the bulk standards yes it substantially meets all requirements except for the lot Frontage um now have you reviewed the uh review letter from the board engineer yes do you feel that the do you feel that arcr can satisfy the conditions that were set forth by the in the engineers letter yeah yes I believe the one outstanding comment was regards to the uh driveway the proposed Construction is by 2 minutes with a den graded aggregate subbase which is adequate to support emergency vehicles okay so last question um as as I we look along with for here would the drive what properties would there be any significant impact to use of this driveway should the surround the blocks um so the properties to the South are all wooded and a front on the adjacent roadway and the property to the north which is 542 has a 6 foot high stock gate fence along the property line so in your opinion do do you believe that there there would be any significant impact no there does not appear to be significant impact to those adjacent properties that's not right uh M Mr Denny with respect to the the variance analysis have you do you in your opinion do you believe that um arcr has satisfied the burdens of establishing a for variance under uh C1 so with respect to the C1 hardship there was no room to acquire additional frery um since there is um you know adjacent properties that are developed on both sides reduction would you know substantially impact the zoning plan um that would be if we were reduce the adjacent properties and also we had requested the neighbors of purchasing the adjacent properties and they had denied it so there's no room to expand okay um what about under the the C2 standard for hardship so with C2 there's no no substantial detriment to the public good and it does not substantially impair the intent and purpose of the Zone plan and ordinance so would respect to Franklinville there flag lots are common there was one previously approved on Sheridan AB um as we um supported for the same applicant uh additionally um with the C2 Alpha criteria the appropriate use and development of lands this attent of the municipal land use blw which a vacant land sitting there is not being substantially uh or appropriately used and developed also the property is so large that it greatly meets the requirements so we are meeting e criteria for population densities and the g criteria for sufficient spacing um in in your opinion can the variants be Grant uh can the variance be granted without substantial detriments or hardships to the to the public yes right for the reasons that you just mentioned or for others yes right and um with the benefits of deviating from the zoning ordinance outweigh the detriment in European yes okay without variance relief um Can this property um meet the standards required by the ordinance no they because thejason properties are developed there's no room to expand it and this lot was the result of the subdivision that was approved in 1998 all right um it was approved T night and here there was discussion during that meeting about if they did something with that lot back there that they would have to come back to a read something that is what they said Mr B I think said one of the said and they chose not to why this over got to proov this Beyond m is that two questions that this St this access easement is a sort of Cloudy right now so the 3 wide access easement is called out by can you adjust your microphone sorry thank you the 50 foot wide access easement is called out on the plan by the open page so it does exist it do correct so um I don't know how we reconcile it that does exist I don't know what is on that right now that's been so I believe the the the prior owner family members of the fire owner of our property are living there they're using it I believe it's fenced in um and it's been being used as a yard space and we felt it was more appropriate to so not be a a difficult neighbor and say we want to utilize the easement we're trying to to we wanted to proceed in the less least invasive manner so it's it's it's still there is just you're trying to thicken Sho it is a recorded easement but it was also recorded with respect to the prior subdivision which which proposed housing behind there uh immediately behind those lots and I I believe that there was count there may have been some County requirements for because of being on Main Road being County rate so there there there are some with respect to what was proposed then I can't really speak to specifically but right now we we just my client wants to build one property one house and we're trying to do that in like I said the least invasive way possible what Mr graier was referring to you actually get our hands on the minutes of that 1998 meeting actually not until like about 4:00 this so there was some discussion at that meeting about the fact that um they were choosing to create this lot with 10 feet but that um in the future they would have to find a way to get more land get more Frontage if F kind but I believe that 1998 subdivision was a combination of 54 54.0 and [Music] 1998 because I I wasn't even in law school yet um but it's but this is I mean I I think that we're proposing an option that you know what allows unused space to be used and used effectively and we're trying to do so with minimal impact on the neighborhood just want to clarify what we do have as for information so but that's an important for that little narrow strip forus that blage that's I mean I think that's the safety here and yes and okay you know D to speak that on that that item but to get fire drucks us back there is that that one yes that's a problem and that's a liability well I C and Mr gra I just want to point out that I mean our expert did did testify that believe that it falls within the standards of get of having emergency vehicles Traverse that area um he talking about the road road Bas which is fine right drive a fire truck on that road Bas but two my fire trucks are 104 wide MH so we'll be hanging over and I'm sure they'll we got trim those tree so we can get back there would that be an option to to have a trim maintenance because that is 10 foot of property else the cers there is actually between the two subdivisions there's actually a gap of8 ft so the rear line of those properties on the development to our south8 so it's 10 it's 10.8 and 10.33 is 10' 4 in so Ines um I'm just presenting the facts I understand your position and you know you have to represent the community and I'm a resident of Franklinville myself my kids go to the schools here so I I completely understand your positions and like I said I'm I'm just presenting the facts with what we have on the plan and we unfortunately you know they're going in there fast to save people and save homes you know there they need more move what happens when you get one back there and another would be too B then come that existing 50 foot access easement could be utilized to we don't necessarily have to put the driveway through there and have the residential cars coming through there all the time but that could be the means for residential or for emergency access coming in because that's a 50t wide access EAS meant that if you're coming in a site triangle is not of an issue so what had happened with the previous application all that mature hedro that blocks that residential property to Main Road would have to be cut down because of site triangle issues how was fire department that I know to go in the Drake right they're going to go where thank you I did a report dated May 13 2024 which we reviewed the uh items that were submitted to us for for this evening um so as stated previously this is a 12.26 acre lot they're only required to have 1.5 Acres so they're you know substantially oversized however conversely they're required to have 150 ft of Street Frontage and they only have 10 seats that's the variance that's being requested tonight all the seacs are far exceeded front side and rear um so it meets all the criteria for the Zone except for that street Frontage and that's where we're getting stuck with that deceit um that's section 253 107b paragraph 3 that they're asking for the relief on for street front in ch I had asked about uh attempts to make additional purchases we heard that that was unsuccessful uh my paragraph 4 expresses that same concern you're talking about for emergency vehicles so the driveway is supposed to be 8 ft wide through a 10t wide flag for this lot um we have concerns about that it's 970 ft long there no turnaround how do we safely access this sun and that's that's really the Crux of the matter for this evening I think uh also if this is approved it's subject to a finalized grading plan by the municipal engineer of the township question do you did you get fire department approval for this at all is supporting this okay so really that that's where we're stuck L Frontage 150 ft required 10t proposed how do we access thisne sh from the and we're if that's if that's the board's feeling then we will happily revise the uh revise the plan and propose uh access to the easement can I just say something so I told him to stay away from the easement because we were trying to make it we we W want to dist sturve anybody we're trying to make this as easy as possible cuz when we originally bought the property we saw the easa and we had bigger plans for it but once we found out the issues with it we said anybody you guys just there's a there somebody's yard it's our it's our backyard it goes through their yard if you look through here this is where go right through somebody's yard so we're trying to avoid that by you're worse things are going to happen in that e than a drive I will say that well we we took it as we're we just want to keep everyone happy we don't want to make neighbors mad we're not trying to drive through somebody's yard because there's an easement so this was the easiest option around that was the 10 foot driveway I mean and then conversely to their number of properties that have long frontages flag Lots in throughout the community that don't have fire department turnaround access if that is something that is up right I mean we we have adequate room to be able to put that in we are trying to reduce the impervious coverage um I mean once we get through that 10t flag portion we could expand it out and then provide a turnaround too that's acceptable to the fire department I'll make that close second is like application some please good evening thank you for the opportunity truth m t yes NE Tina coel I live at 1:30 white tail pass Franklin New Jersey good evening my name is Tina coel I'm here on behalf of my husband and myself who unfortunately my husband is away on business but he really uh would have liked to have been here um we reside at 130 white tail pass and we were surprised to receive notice only about two weeks prior um about the proposed dwelling directly behind our homes um several families unfortunately although we there are many that turned out this evening um but there are some others that given the short notice were not able to attend um a proposal to the build on this lot had been made some time ago and we uh were under the impression that it was declined at that time more we appreciate your um uh going further into the history on that uh the consideration for dwellings behind the homes of Whit tail pass Main Road and Lewis court presents a sub substantial uh detriment to the public good as a result my husband and I are opposed to this consideration given the following issues number one the township currently requires a variance of a minimum of 15050 Ft Frontage and only 10 ft is proposed this substantially impairs the intent purpose of the zoning planning ordinance given all the surrounding homes conform with such Frontage this application for Relief runs in direct contrast to the code enforcement and Land Development article chapter 253 posted on our Township's website 16 years ago we purchased um a lot in a home in Deer Meadows development with the intention of raising three wonderful children in a development that balanced community and nature with a tree line behind our home and surrounding our development we very much enjoy the privacy of these mature trees behind our home and the decision will have a direct impact on our daily lives and will ultimately have a negative impact on our home values number three drainage is already an issue in our development portions of the woods flood with any substantial rain especially at the end of our development which is where we live as a result many of the Oaks as well as other species have died or are dying the introduction of several cleared Lots or a lot as um was discussed uh earlier um as well as a driveway servicing these new homes will further exacerbate the issue providing a pathway for water to the west side of the development already many of our sump pumps run over time to keep up with the improper grading in this development from day one and finally number four currently there is an easement restricting any permanent structure within the last 100 ft of our properties additionally the last 60 ft is identified as a conservation easement restricting disturbance how is it possible to approve the building of these homes or a home and a driveway immediately adjacent to these restricted areas that we all have um we are respectfully requesting this board decline the variance relief requested if consideration is to be given all residents who reside on Lewis Maine and white tail pass should uh require additional time to understand our rights given such short notice um the decision of the zoning board will then dictate these families next steps in securing appropriate representation in this matter thank you Hur pretty great help yes I do address yes my name is Scott stinsman property 2659 Main Road Franklinville New Jersey 54 on the map as you're looking at it the easan goes through our backyard and into our area of 50 ft we have a water system that's been set up before we moved into the house we moved in a house in 2014 our house we first moved in was was run down was sitting for 3 years a door was kicked in or a garage was leaking we had to put a lot of money into our property in our house to get it approved so we can move in me and my wife and our our our our children our grandchildren play back there we also have we also have animals and to go back there to take that 50t away from us you're taking a lot of property consider unpay taxes on 1.89 acres and that EAS was supposed to be only for for uh go going going back there for the the um uh electricity now you're telling me to use up my eement going through our property that we pay for I find that very unacceptable because the fact is I'd have to move a lot stuff out of that area into into my area which I'm still paying for taxes of 1.89 Acres which is the whole property of that okay thank you any what else good evening I Kimberly Henson 2635 Main Road Franklinville my name is Kimberly Henson my husband Kevin who unfortunately cannot be here tonight he's um coming home from work I um we own the property at 2635 Main Road and I'm here tonight along with many of my neighbors to express our strong opposition to the variance application submitted by arcr Builders who are requesting variance relief for the minimum lot footage for Block 5707 lot 55 also known as zero Main Road Franklinville New Jersey the application sub submitted seeks one variance that if granted would significantly and negative negatively impact the surrounding area and residents in the following ways Traffic and Public Safety and Community welfare the primary responsibility of the zoning board is to protect the health safety and Welfare of this community the requested variance was would result in increased traffic congestion and potential safety hazards for those who reside between and around Clark Avenue um Main Road Whit till pass Whit till pass and Lewis Court additionally the additional burn the specific location on Main Road is well-traveled area not equipped to handle the additional burden that this project would impos in addition to the current road instruction at the intersection of Main Road in Route 40 Construction in this area will increase and will Elevate the risk of accidents imposing the threat to pedestrians cyclists and drivers alike um I actually reached out to the Malaga Fire Company this afternoon and asked if um what the required space would be for one of their fire trucks to go down they prefer that the uh Road be at least 10 ft is what I was told and their trucks are at least 10 ft as well the neighbors and Main Road character our community has a unique charm that is preserved through adherence through zoning regulations their proposed change would likely lead to overdevelopment disrupting the Harmony and visual appeal of our area if the variance is granted is there anything preventing arcr Builders from submitting a new proposal plan and further subdividing the 12 acre lot then I have the environmental impact for residents and Wildlife the residents the requested variance has significant environmental implications the proposed development would NE negatively impact local EOS ecosystems and the Beautiful graen spaces specifically I have concerns about increased water runoff and how that will affect existing foundations grading plans and groundwater balance in general I am also curious if any research has been conducted or any consideration giving into the regards uh to the possible effects of our native flora and FAA in the area uh per my survey our master bedroom is 37. 84 ft from our property line is there a possibility for potential damage to existing foundations by disturbing ground so close by has a water runoff plan been submitted by arcr Builders and is that plan currently available at the um at the township for public review will heavy construction jeopardize existing septic and well systems Community input after speaking with and hearing from many of our concerned neighbors who are also here tonight many are not regarding this proposed application I am confident in standing here tonight saying that granting this variance does not reflect the desires of the surrounding neighbors who live within 200 squ ft of this property I strongly urge the board to consider these factors and deny the variance application for zero Main Road Franklinville block 577 with lot 55 excuse me we with several of our wonderful neighbors believe it's imperative to keep the environment and the safety of our citizens at the Forefront of our minds with all new ideas that come to light we encourage everyone on the Township Board to fully consider all the ways this variance could impact the area and your neighbors who are here in the same room with you tonight thank you for your time Kimberly Hinton your neighbor and proud proud owner of 2635 Main Road Franklin thank you yes you you're right along the 8th foot yes okay you're Jas with the eth group wide uh yes I'm yeah in between the variance requested there's the white tail pass the variance and then my property yeah and we have a six- foot fence that is only on the back portion of the property we have no fencing on the front ports front portion excuse me sorry I'm very nervous thank you hello tell the truth about the C said 10 yes address please Karen Nicodemus 2659 main MD I'm not a public speaker so forgive me but I have questions so our home 2659 is that 50ft easement our home faces sideways I if you're familiar with the house so that easement are is directly in front of my home um I watched six grandbabies they're out there running around and we've had an issue with the prior owner of our home who came to us asking if we would want to purchase the land behind this we're going back probably over 3 years ago they started um we didn't want to purchase the land we were happy with where we're at we left you know our area and didn't need any further land um with that I did go to the township because at one point he was driving his car through my back property my grandkids are running around the yard and he was driving into the woods so I called the township came up here and spoke to them personally I was told that 50ft easement was my property um that he could not access it to build a fence to block him from driving back there so I'm confused as to why they're saying that that is accessible why that is this property because that's what I was told here right in the building um by the township but we love Franklinville Township we love the peacefulness again the water issue is a concern we have it in our backyard too um but that's all I have to say thank you're welcome BL anyone else like the Europe I am please oh that test I do address Tara roids 2647 Main Road Franklinville New Jersey on the middle Rancher property um I do want to say that I did pick up my certified letter because I think it was stated that no one picked up their certified letters earlier I did pick up my certified letter I have it with me so um I just wanted to let everybody know that I picked mine up there um I know I was really super good friends with the people who used to live in Kim's house the Rancher right there and they um passed along the information to me that in late 2006 early 2007 um Scott fumo and Frank fumo uh came to the zoning board about that access area I came here Wednesday and I spoke with Christina and I looked at the plans and the plans that I saw there was um 10 foot at the front and then 8 foot going across there on Wednesday and now they're saying it's 10t so I'm confused about that part of it and she was going to check into that um but that um access there was previously denied for the same variants that they're requesting today um and I don't know if it was denied before if it still stands first four year is may I speak to that sure yeah so they were proposing the threee Lots they were stuff the previous proposal because there was a map that was provided and that's what was referenced in the deed that has the access easement they were proposing to put three houses back there and subdivide that property three ways because there's actually enough property to put about six homes back there if there was a substantial Frontage so as you know Scott had indicated we were just proposing one so this is a different application so that application never I believe it was denied I believe it was was denied they were going to come in through the 50t access easement and put three lots back there too which would not have Frontage and one would have the 10t of Frontage but that is a totally different application so it was just the the same variance issue from my understanding is what um you know I was aware of but that's all I wanted to say thank you anyone else like to be heard TR clean short as you could yep uh 11 Jessica slates 111 Louis Court Franklinville New Jersey um again I wasn't really planning to speak but again after hearing my neighbors and the concern I have lived in this neighborhood since salar Cas drove my husband down it um 20 years ago um we picked out our lot we bought here not in Washington Township cuz I didn't want to live on top of neighbors so we bought here with the intention and have had for many years wooded acre lot um with the proposal being put together it does lead me to believe that if the variance from 150 to 10 ft is granted that this company could subdivide that property and to put in a subdivision of not just two and three but possibly more with 12 acres of lot if that variance is brought down to 10 ft so so I guess that's my concern and with the concern of the houses that run on Lis Court whose property would back up to the other side of this proposed area so that's all I really have to say thank you anyone else from the I make SE so in favor I I close than uh you guys yeah you have say you yeah I I would just like to point out the fact that Lewis court and white tail pass were vacant lands at one point they were planed developments with streets and substantial imperious coverage so the same opposition that the people that live there that are presenting might have been presented back when those developments were first created I mean there have to be 30 to 40 homes back there and we're proposing one home we're not trying to take advantage of the situation we're not proposing three we're not proposing seven we just want to do one home that's centrally located so we provide the maximum amount of buffering we're not completely clearing that lot we would just clear what's required around that home so all that buffering would still apply and as the one resident indicated there's a 60t conserv a easement along them so they still have trees along their property and then there's a 100 fot of building restriction um again we're not trying to take advantage of the situation we're trying to adequately ad develop a vacant piece of land in accordance with the municipal land use laws and that's that's it Mr gra I think at this point I mean significant amount from the uh public I I think that we would request to table this hearing until uh until we can determine whether there's another adequate means of accessing the property another option I really do dead so you have to resubmit submit a new application or revised or revised application okay so I don't have soon you do that we wouldn't let this sit fora no we're not going to let it sit tra so um if you do something the next couple we can do visualiz so accep document there a different application you got to do Revis that do Revis yeah we have to we have to determine if there's another alter another alternative that's more accommodating and um and I maybe maybe we'll communicate with you we'll we'll discuss with you before we uh first of all they would probably just deny this one without threed and then show you you're table the application uh we would like to table on your application um yes yeah we'd like to table the application I keep we'll talk you about so you're tbling it and you're weaving any time limit time limits put the board to act yes and C understanding that we don't hear some other modified application within a period of time they one evening probably just deny got CR we deny I'm I'm sure we will be in touch with you before the within two months or so okay okay so for the public the applicant is is tbling their application you come back with another plan hopefully that uh you people will all like w fire again oh yeah we we'll Reen notice em yeah we will certainly submit Reen notice where else will they access like there are like there are passes around that enti so where are what other act this point would there for that and their Engineers to right now they're not going to they're not going to for with this project thank you are we good all right thank [Music] you 2410 was all right next one is CV cv43 gold Mike yes noce good afternoon I everything in for yes I don't so Sor you I supposed to do that too sure thank yes Paul Burgess 378 proposed Avenue Franklinville New Jersey that's my wife Stephanie yeah Stephanie Kennedy 378 proposed Avenue frankville New Jersey not sure how this is supposed to go I'd like to I proposed to build a 30X 60 Garage on my property instead of the standard 30X 40 because it's just not big enough for me and in and you're going to do wel R par my private yes sir I've got skid steers lawn mowers you know Ive own almost 5 Acres I'm 5 10 ft from the road you know I'm all the way back in the woods and uh I guess I got to get a variant because I'm past my house and I'm like I'm not in the front yard it's to the side I think you that variant could be your way putting yeah yes yes also it's also Frank guard so technically the pole bar that is the garage that is proposed is in front of the house a portion of it is in front of the house right so P bars are only allowed in the side yard and the rear yard with all due respect technically so it is it is forward of the house yes forward of the house but it's not in front of my house is to this the portion of it is in front of your house of it was the lines house front of that line okay the other thing is uh garage area the maximum permitted uh detached garage area is 12200 ft for ordinance and the applicant is proposing 1,800 ft the other question we had in our review letter was what is the height of the garage the maximum permitted height is 15 ft the plans as presented did not identify the height I think it's going to be 16 ft cuz I'd like to have a 13 or 14t door on one side so so I can allow for ventilation open the door up and and the TI and the F whe oh my fifth wheel camper I pull it in you got I have a fifth wheel camper yeah that I can park inside my garage too but I got the setb I got the so you're I'm sorry let me stop so the height is 16 ft you're asking for yes sir 16 ft that was side 14 we head I'm sorry 14t high on your Overhead Door yes sir but my camper is 136 M that way you make that so Building height is measured between Eve and the ridge halfway in between stop it's not to the ridge height that's just unfortunately the way the state is determined how height so very confusing so overall Building height isn't that's right it's not at the top it's halfway between the Ridge and the E so if he's got 14t doors and he's a 312 pitch on the roof I calculated the height to be 15 ft 10 1 12 in he says 16 ft which makes sense yeah so the various requested tonight is for a 16 ft height where 15 ft is a so th those are the variances that that are asked for tonight a structure partially in the front yard size of a pole barn and height of the pul on now this is in a ra Zone the minimum lot size is 1.5 Acres the applicant has 4.85 Acres almost 5 Acres so it's an oversized lot in the zone than well shortly you won't need uh for that that matter of ACR I think they're changing the you won't read it for size if be put that side is in yeah cck and work you me thanks so you in the won't be a bar but that doesn't mean anything right now cuz right now you're de okay guys a we question yeah I know we question open up to the public the public make anyone for the public like Miss application GE this good when you're going get Paula pelowski 365 proposed Avenue okay we live like the road's not that big because it's a dead end road so we live like across and over what is going to be in this building because there's so much noise over there we hear all the time it's a quiet neighborhood we have kids we have animals we want to be safe and secure for our families that's my concern because we have a dog that's get fasted when he hears the noises of the cars up and down they going to cause any more traffic it's a dead end I think think he say he's been he camper there you could park a camper outside yeah isn't that kind of big for a building you want to speak in about that I mean we just 30 by 60 that's pretty big isn't it so I mean it's like it's big it's big I mean well we're just concerned for like I said the the animals the kids that get on the bus out there and if it's going to cause any more traffic that we have now that we have to put up with you know s Street's a dead end Street it's a dead end Street yes and we're like the fourth from the dead end and they're like over and out one so you're opposed to in building this 3x 60 Vol Mark well if I if it doesn't cause additional noise and people and traffic and if everybody would obey the speed limit exactly in DET jail what you're going to do with your the hose to put my cars and my SK a microphone too to put my cars and my skid steer my lawn mowers in my garage instead of having them all over in the weather and what traffic it's what traffic we get traffic and we get people to come down there [Music] fast I mean we hear your cars up and down the road all the time up and down the drive which is okay but what cars man I work in New York City during the week okay the little okay yeah there's several that come up and down and it's like we have we have deer out there that are running right now you can't go over now I feed them I know L okay but how about when I believe this when you come down proposed you have a stop Street and then there the lower lower speed zone but speed limit down there is 35 mph I did not make that anybody that travels up and down that Highway does 35 M now I don't my son don't I know she don't I think if you have a problem with that you should be called the greal problem okay I guess the question I mean it's a good question will this pole barn generate any additional traffic anything you're doing there going to generate additional traffic no not us it for commercial uses people AR coming to hang out there and be there for any reason you're just storing your own equipment yes okay thank you but like I said you know traffic what traffic I got a 510t driveway I pull into my driveway there's no other traffic understand but when you're coming out and we're on a hill as well so everything does Echo because we are on a hill yeah do you hear my skits here running when I'm out there working my property yes we hear the machines out there cutting the trees down and stuff I do yeah yeah I do so I mean like it was quiet it was very very quiet you you can't have a good property if you don't maintain your trees if you have dead forage I understand I'm I'm not concerned about that I'm just concerned about traffic give I understand you're a Col okay yeah anyone else like to not distur much I make the motion the second like sure second in all favor I Mr Burgess how far I don't see on the ti that I have here approximately how far back is the c bar thing the Road 510 ft it's it's better 530 ft and it's primarily a wooded lock correct yes sir okay that's my only question thank you andless she said yeah I was clearing my property I was clearing out all the dead trees that's a fire hazard so a good healthy Forest you got to maintain it yeah like there anything else would add to the nothing further chairman hey you're the and make we through the C the bar required some second next Mr de yeah Mr van yes Mr Poli yes chairman ragner yes than thank what just happened good nice meet thank you thank you on this is take you got go your town hall cheet see there right all a I'm sure all the DU all right thanks I got that is what good night resolution and I guess you did know the way house it yeah we had three resolutions from two months ago the U Mar sh CL the other Arc LLC and for Gra well I from right second the motion to hand the resolution all in favor V saying one that last secretary is at for there is son okay B me to that one the priest thought about how we're getting the information for Bo how yes chrisy that uh drop drop box drop Fox we need to get another way to get it to the board com that thing is difficult to to I know Andy says he does have I have a tremendous amount of trou with getting information off that and navigating through do you any question I mean everyone they email to PFS so the administrator asked to be drop offs because people had been sharing administr they want that but if we don't if we can't get the information on there what good is it doing us I don't disagree there has to be another way to to get us the the plans I receive plans every day email to me all right for about fr however you guys suggest well we'll find out we're ask that I go here you train joh mean that drop this is I can do it John so i' like to see that listen why you think I'm here Zay I mean I I know I'm not the only one rewarded to as questions so how about we try to train first and see if there's something we help you along the down everybody in plan you do the same thing Al They how's it working out for them uh I to complain CH that to Ralph Ral Ralph he's not okay cuz I have he never said anything all right I that's it uh we'll have you'll schedule our training Chrissy I guess and the turn this question I got a certified note letter about an addition to a homand 862 Salem Avenue and it said it was tonight August 6 at 7 p.m. Sal Avenue would be is that Andel that's Andel say angel Angelus did not give proper notice I know you got noticed that it did not overall give proper notice so they're going to have to redo their notice and be back next month um anyone on that that got noticed they'll be heard on September 3rd are they Ren noticing they're not Ren noticing everybody they re noticing but youtil well that's not fair come on you guys you guys are it isn't my first time here gentlemen unless gentleman think they going to Great confusion then we'll have it renti I think they should reot just make it safe and let them re noticed okay hey can I ask another question I'm sorry I hope I'm not we don't have a public portion here just say good God okay this question he can but we don't have a public por I'm just curious how the system works because there's a gentleman earlier with the RC that that Development Group they actually specifically said they didn't want to hold off they wanted to approach you gentleman tonight and then all of a sudden when they got a no and all these objections all of a sudden they said they're going to table and Link is that probably is that it's that's a complex question I don't think it really answer that's that's something that is they can't dat W well they have you're right but they had that option before they waited for everybody to oppose it and then after I already opposed it then deci side of the table I'm sorry gentlemen I just trying to leave aln here okay thank you motion to I make Mo secreted by Justin fio in favor I reading a journ TW e