you coming no so you got your choice of chair okay um in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the Bolton board in the municipal building posted on the township website and electronic transmitted to officially designated newspapers in the C this meeting would take place in person at 7:00 p.m. on January 27 and still think that looks good um roll call is next yes roll call is next okay Walter Andrews here P Chase yeah and is's not here yet yeah uh Jessica here Stan here rold here Robin's not here Maria here yes I'm here how's here Ed's not here okay and so we'll just leave that open for E get Yesa oh yes intr okay everyone this is Alissa hi everyone Vander vanderhof okay this is Alysa vanderhof she is our intern for the semester um from Ruckers so she's already been starting uh some work with the community energy plan and she's going to help with any followup from our meetings and she's here to learn and help out so um do you want to say anything about yourself or um I'm excited to be here and I'm great to meet all of you and I hope to learn something from this and I'm really excited what is your major so I'm majoring in ecology Evolution and natural resources perfect f glad to have you happy to be here this bill good we we haven't got up the public comments yet no not yet um next on the agenda is the realization of the Franklin Township environmental commission uh what do we do with that so um um sorry Paul is the chair again for this year he was put in for that um but we do nominate a vice chair and a secretary so our current chair is Robin toam the vice chair Vice chair I'm sorry current Vice chair yes so we just need to choose a vice chair and a secretary a year do we she's not here I'm just saying that it was a year that she was yeah years do we need a motion to do that yes someone has to make a nomination for whoever they want and then a second and then if ever nominations happen and then for secretary for vice chair right now make a motion for Rob second any others no all in favor I okay Robin Vice chair okay um we never did nor ever formally designate a secretary did we vote for secretary for you last year Ted or do you just always do the minutes I thought we voted for you for secretary I recall vote ever but we I think it's always been a voluntary and we've been very lucky to have guy do you want to keep [Music] doing it's been over 20 years oh there you go nobody else has to do it thank you very deta appreciate when I first came on there was Jane albanowski who had been on and was on commission and the council did not reappoint her but she kept coming as volunteer secretary that nice Dave Triggs would remember I remember Dave so okay so that takes care with that now I have a little different uh chair report let me just put this over here um while the environmental commission is primarily to support activities here in Franklin Township we're also part of a much greater environmental effort across the globe the this FL cop 28 which means Conference of the parties 28 was held in Dubai and in Abu Dhabi environmental organizations from across the globe took part my daughter was part of the US senatorial delegation that attended and represented the US government she has provided literature from several NOS that presented their goals and programs which I brought here for you to have a glimpse of The Wider World awesome okay that's what she picked up in um Dubai and I got a shirt from Obby oh that's really nice so um which I bought we are not operating in in a vacum this is most of seem to be emphasizing the role of women in doing stuff I can just you I looked at some of these you we could so at the local level the EC is scheduling a meeting with Somerset County Planning Department with open space to discuss the possibility of converting abandoned Railroad rideways in Franklin Township to usable Trails for recreation and enjoyment so uh I did talk to Walter Lane who is the County planning director and now we're going to try and get a date and he's got staff that wants to meet with us and with open space to work on this so that'll be an interesting project take take a look at that whatever you see is interesting you want it back just take a look we'll see yeah I mean share sharing it uh so then we next would be um approval of the minutes I move for approval of the December I'm sorry I sent out a verion a version with AR's addition so so we have a final version okay so Walter made a motion Walter made a motion to accept the minutes second second all in favor I have um I I do have um two minor things that Ted left them out on purpose or not um but under correspondence on the first page on the one two fourth line down it says counting trees to be removed move as 2 and 1/2 in or greater I believe it should be counting trees to be changed as uh to be now I can't agree my own handwriting counting trees to be changed to two and to 2 and 1/2 in or greater cuz we're not removing trees we wanted to say you want the number to be changed from 4 in to 2 and 1/2 in that's in the definition of the tree yes right okay and then so remove the words removed as and place with changed to okay and then at the end of that sentence it says as present defined it should be presently defined a why other than that other than that K you got everything that I asked for in your words so thank you very much did you change the table also of the percentages that had the that went with the number of trees that kind of thing based on the diameter there was some discussion that I know I saw where a table that says if you're such such a diameter you have to remove some some percentage of the trees that wasn't I don't think that was part of last meeting no it was just in the back and forth oh it wasn't counted because it wasn't that was that was discussed in some that was not that was not discussed at the last meeting I I just sent an yesterday I think sent an email about that point yes it's a good point we got to you have to we'll have to do that too maybe in the markup okay good so that's that um so all in favor of the minutes as amended minutes are accepted public comment we open the motion to open the open to the public second all favor and I I have a question for you before you get to the public it say it says the meeting will be open to the public to provide time for comments Andor questions related to the agenda and then in public comments number 10 it says exactly the same thing isn't there supposed to be one of the public times when you can comment about anything it doesn't have to be on the agenda I think so that's we want to follow the Town Council I don't know I don't think the Town Council do they specify what you can and cannot speak on yeah so no well the council there's a general public session which you can speak on anything at all and then if they're adopting an ordinance then you can speak on the [Music] ordinance and this is what I objected to a couple several months ago when this this whole thing was changed about how long the meeting people could talk and all these things and when it said they can only talk about things that are on the agenda the the intention was for the first opening to the public first public session was to be at point where meeting I'll call you back later where new issues could be raised and or or comment on what's on the agenda and then the second public session was only to discuss things on the agenda because otherwise the second discussion I'm sorry I didn't hear you I believe the second discussion was only for things on the agenda or it was vice versa and I'm mixing them up but it there was one of the sessions was to include some ability for other issues to be raised but it wasn't we didn't leave it open-ended specifically so that public comment wouldn't hamstring the productivity of the meetings I'm not exactly sure I mean I know what that means but it should be that people can talk about any anything they want to talk about you know environmentally related of course you voted on this a long time ago I know but I I know but that's this is not the wording that was voted on it says the same thing in the in in this item and this item it would it would mean it would be logical to have they open first because you have agenda items they were question would right could comment on the agenda in the second one that's that's what I believe was the intention the second one I could comment on anything that was discussed meeting then they've heard the discussion right but it's not time to bring up new subject matter the end of the meeting is not the time to bring up a new subject that was basically the point my point is that it doesn't say that you can talk about something okay I'm just bringing it up because it doesn't say or we could go back to the notes from the time we put that in and confirm what was actually in the notes and then as as long as people are allowed to talk about things that are something other than on the agenda I'm happy it just doesn't see that on here that's how you get new items for the first public comment I just want to make sure it's correct I agree that logically it makes sense that the General open session should be first because then you can talk about agenda items after you've heard the agenda exactly so the meeting will be open to the public to provide time for General comments related to environmental matters does that work specifically environmental matters related to gr of Township because otherwise you get people who talk about to right time for General philosophies on life comments that set me up specifically related to environmental matters Frankin Township affecting is that okay Franklin Township sure yeah okay and then this way when I make the agenda next month the wording is there and correct then the second is going to say the meeting will be open to the public to provide time for comments on our questions related to the agenda that's that's okay all right thank you joh you have your comment yes sir I have comment on I have this I stand uh you should know you have to give your name uh your address and then you will have five minutes to speak was the last name you have five minutes to speak are you just going to give me five minutes at at an open public meeting you want to do like the counil do that's what the Y I can't talk long as I want the B you know that I know you're here to set me up but I mean we do have to 30 seconds don't use up the 5 minutes yeah Johnny I could listen to you all day I know you can buddy I know you can brother not you listening tonight um first of all I would like to request a seat on the vi development committee that's not here this is the Environmental commission the Environ got you got you okay I can take that one through the but I saw they are meeting I think in Zoom next week it's cancel it's been cancel for tonight but I think they rescheduled it so on the way out looks you know where to go y all right now I'll get to the environmental committee right that's why I'm here now I want to thank you guys for uh supporting Miss Tara Kenyan and the other people that's on the I'm a part of the sustainable garden committee we're doing in Franklin town is a new thing we have U two gardens now that we been being raised and by support of the council uh one in a name of Williams part and there's another one in Pineo school and we're having a meeting soon within this month and which uh people uh most you guys just T I think is part of that committee and a number other people from the township along with the uh Deputy Mayor and the uh bo bo uh buus vation Department a part of that committee and I just want to thank you guys for supporting m t and and the rest of the guys and I trying to try I come to get a report because of the health conditions which they made a report on and the correlation between the health department and the health status of my particular Ward and the environmental and how will help the uh projects that would help the fourth board and um that's pretty much pretty much all I had to say to thank you D thank you okay I'm going to add my own fun p Drake who is a commissioner in the county wants to put a community service Garden in Colonial Park yes I heard somebody told me about get of me I talked to him about it okay you you might want to get old they're use County money they're going to irrigate raise the beds well but they need somebody to give them some and I think that's I sure somebody did tell me that Mr W Paul D yes I billly you have anything to add no your rack was empty by the way thank you you saw my note okay okay um motion to close move close all in favor okay correspondence no EMA nothing okay um other than spam which I [Music] deleted I think I I think I have something for correspond but correspondence um ioke with Mary the planning director and they are moving to having all the plans be um or most of the plans being online so paper copies it's going to take three or four months to transition into that um and they still will ask for a few paper copies two or three but right now every site plan application and this is a small one but like this they have to subit 12 copies it's a lot of paper it gets thrown out sometimes people don't see it so if we want to get a paper copy for anyone on the site plan committee that's interested we can get a copy but I know like EZ you prefer online I do too so it's going to take some time to turn over but that is the direction so that's the correspondence I receiv from him on that we we we do have uh a couple plans uh the one I got last week is really very simple uh ECG which is the Evangelical Church uh wants to take one of the empty stores at Veronica and uh Route 27 and convert it into a church nothing changes it's all inside work um the the reason for the planning board is that they short 2 and A2 parking spaces now their argument is that on Sunday most of the stores are closed in that thing and there's lots of space for them to use he's upon the committee too oh thank you there was really no Environmental issues with verica and Route 27 where is right on the corner to theer D King yeah back in there yeah well one of the scores is empty and ECG is going to take it over and make it into a 49 seat Church 49 if they get the if they get the approval from the zoning board it is a uh planning board zoning board what's the way it says what does ECG stand for evangelical church group or something like that my one of my kids knew exactly what it was it doesn't say on the paperwork yet it says um well not that oh there was corresponding Public Service it says ECG you know it doesn't spell it out anywhere in new EC ECG New Jersey Inc and that is the Evangel Evangelical Church uh I know what the G stands for but they're all over the country and actually all over the world and how many seats is it 49 49 8 on it's um zba 2314 so yeah that's zoning yeah it is zoning yeah okay so there's there's really no there is no environmental issues they're not doing anything on the outside they're not changing anything inside the building so they have technically less parking spaces available yeah yeah they did the calculation in there they did two and half there was one correspondence and this was a p PNG application for extension of flood Hazard area individual permit for maintenance of natural gas transmission rights of away and they're going to add herbicide in various areas within the repairing Zone that's really the only letter take show of that one take show of that one we did find um three plans in the uh mailbox um this this evening U oh that's easg one is uh just a a house that wants to put a rear deck on the back and um so again there there's no real environmental issue involved what's the name of that one that's Thomas um Thomas House Thomas House 26 triplet Road zba 2300 21 isn't it even related to uh surface no uh I I we just got it this evening I have it on here let me say um let me see to allow construction of an addition to the rear of our house located 23 tripet Road out part of the L development and was built around 1960 Lots in this development did not be currently requirements of the R20 Zone we are requesting three variances rear yard setback impervious coverage and building lot coverage addition we are proposing uh would be the rear of the house would be for a sun room and a workout room so the maximum prvious coverage permitted in this zone is 25% and they are proposing 26.8% so they're over by 1 oh here it is 88% and then the lot coverage is 18% Max and they are proposing 16.53% this this is a sun room that's on top of a deck uh don't they have solar on their [Music] Ro this thing new covered porch sunro the porch is 224 s ft sun room 421 ft here I'll get the pl yeah I was just wondering if it was on a raised I'm going to look and see it look single family residential it's a residential anyway I wouldn't fuss about it no me me neither but I'm just let everybody know was there yeah you know here so existing workout room existing okay so existing P patio so they have a p patio where's the oh okay so they're 1.68% above the allowed limit they were under just a [Music] bious surface and what's the other thing set pack found floor new construction rear uh minimum yard is uh it new sun room I don't think it's on top of a deck no it's just right on the it's not on top of a deck no it's a a concrete P adding on just to the back of the house new footprint the house has already pretty good big footprint uh they have three vehicles sitting in front of you what's the address again3 triplet Road t r i p p l l t I'll put it up on the screen it's near the con Road Elementary School triplet triplet how do you spell it again I'm sorry i p p l e t two P you got it mhm it's near je JFK Boulevard l Road yeah yeah can you do okay so this is the property here oh that's the is that the area that all the names of the streets are named after old New York Giant football players oh maybe was he built add on back here so they're going to add on completely back here and that's why they increase the impervious coverage limit um and it'll also increase the lot coverage in total from the it's going to be 16 12% instead of 15% which is still a small percentage of the lot yeah they still have a backyard inside sides they're not touching in the trees it's a big house live the trees Al that in the corner so that's good so are we sending a letter of no no comments on that no no environmental impact concern okay uh so that's that one that's that one that's that one the big one let's see what this is oh the big one is um 230 Davidson Avenue Somerset which is one we looked at before it's a warehouse and it's um pln 23007 you know if that's the place where the um research facility was many years ago no it's course from the Expo Center address um oh it's the Expo Center it's that area it's where David in and um oh we have yeah two they've redone it1 I think this was in before the the ordinance but I'm not sure it wouldn't be here if it wasn't before that's right that's right good point so what is it that they're um 12 they're changing something in their application yeah and again we got no idea what what they changed they had a lot of test pits they did a lot of a lot of sampling it's called Davidson properties right right the last thing s only look at the last thing we sent here here's here's the map M here we go dat and properties okay yeah um this is it so the last memo we sent was on November 1st 2023 and we said that we opposed the request for a variance the municipal buffering requirements regardless of the current ownership of adjacent properties buffering is important to protect future uses of these properties and will provide environmental benefits that we oppose the variance requesting uh the variance to buffering did they did they take that away uh I don't um we recommended they investigate solar panels on the roof or a green roof or cool roof technology or at a minimum to make it a Make Ready solar roof um we ask that they preserve as many trees as possible um because they were planning on only planting 128 the 191 required remember yeah and it's a narrow lot very narrow we had acknowledged that they included the EV charging stations and we required the anti- ising signs okay so I guess we have look see that they take away their variant request for um buffering and did they do anything with the roof on the trees did they um reduce the amount of trees they're not going to plant the environmental report hasn't changed since January 2023 oh it was revised October in October they revised the EV report oh this was we at ours in November so we would have reviewed that already yeah that's looked at um let's see what [Applause] it yeah this is I remember retaining wall C rail do door's equipment buffers this is landscape this is under the planning board you said right yes let me see if they uploaded the new I don't know that the new uh map is up here properties yeah this revision oh this is was revised December 19th so they really did some revisions ask see the revision is not up here online yet oh does it say when this is due oh yeah it said February 6 so it's two weeks from now it'll be before the next [Applause] meeting all righty find the tree report sheet is there I don't want to Le re I'm just going to leave here for one second let the other oh this is do they have a like a there a big pile I'm just seeing if they have their variance oh you have their variance application if you have it with was just draug this is the demolition yeah see all the trees it should be in their um Landscaping plan though I think yeah I thought there was some utility demolition mods that church I would keep going I don't think it's on here they should have a table on if they put anything on the solar panels MyWay buffer loading walk clim the entire thing is the L yes she doesn't look like it's a very narrow lot no it's that's why they wanted the buff room okay 5 foot they got five oh here we go list of variances um safety side walks Sol solar ready that's according to state law okay so they put up the solar ready they want a variance from that they're saying but I don't think they need the requirements oh here we go buffer requirements it's over 10,000 ft I'm guessing that's [Music] employees yeah see this is two things they one here div I don't see charging stations yeah that they did last I think that's why they have it on the list of variances the solar doesn't make sense Vari that's a state law I don't think they need requirement it has to be over 100,000 120,000 okay so then they don't get that yeah right they need to ACC this is a proposed you're right so they don't need to do it we mentioned that they should do it even though it wasn't required but I think saying they don't want to do yeah this is a small Warehouse I'm specul people aren't toddlers like's truck ring exhibit fire truck exhibit overall gring planing planing where online would be better yeah if they had it up i' put it up yeah and and it's it's more likeu any Landscaping yet or noil Road Tre right water what is that um this is the utility so that's um the like contour lines there yeah all right here there's the landscape one I'll see the chart there so how many trees does it say they're now removing complies complies acknowledge complies not eal uh total FR oh it's here here's the plan schedule here's the plan schedule here it is they didn't add them all up okay often they put in glass they should put the total yeah so not the grasses so no these these three canopy Evergreen and or ornamental trees Denise are shrs all right so that's 32 44 47 50 54 canopy trees yeah then we got 53 and 15 is 68 what was the first number said 68 and 52 is that well it is 30 41 447 yeah 51 canies 51 and 68 and then another 20 51 and 68 is 9 119 right and then another 20 109 129 the same as it was it's the same as it was W I see so they didn't make any changes to the trees that they're they're still going to make a monetary contribution I guess in little of yeah um yeah that was Yeah so basically we can submit the same report so we had asked for three things which is that we don't agree with them getting a variance to the buffering requirements because they want a a variance from what they're required buffer around their property we didn't agree with that we didn't agree with them not planting more trees which they didn't change that either and um we had mentioned that they should look into at least becoming a Make Ready solar roof they're not required because they don't meet the threshold and they put it in if they want a variance from that but they're not required to do that anyway yeah the Sol is something we thought would be nice to do but they run their 100,000 sare ft yeah so should we just send basically the same report and say like being that you didn't address any of our comments like we submit the same yeah it sounds like the number of trees is almost exactly what it was if I remember right yeah and can they can they just respond to your request you know line by line let we know what they're doing yes and I did mention and and Mark hey said that for moving forward any new applicants are going to be told that they have to do that they have to submit basically what changes have been made but this was done before that so yes moving forward oh yeah so that last time they were going to plant 128 trees and we counted 129 so we probably are just off by one so this is another one another smaller one this is a subdivision 27 341 and 342 oh that I have up here that's the reverse subdivision and that well they're go yeah they're going to merge it with a V okay let me go back there is a house belong to Hazel White and the white I think she's died but the white family resisted being incorporated into this development which is all around it there's there's the IHOP next to it and then there's a stores and restaurant behind it but and then next to it on the on the other side along 27 there's a vacant lot so it appears that they're finally buying out the white family and they want to merge this lot with the vacant law and remove the house and tent and shed that exist there so it's really a what you call reverse subdivision when you put two existing Lots together to make one well why are they doing that they want to build something on the site I'm sure they will sooner or later what's been things that have been developed in that area are not filling into well the one slightly further up um well people with a historical census where the Franklin in was but they took down an existing building by putting down the wrong address in the plan the historical building that they took down down yeah they put down the wrong address so that nobody the people reviewing didn't realize it was a historical building anyway that's built it's not occupied oh there's a building next to the tasty subshop and Stuart Road that is finished and not occupied so and there's a playing board her restaurant barbecue tonight that was approved like five years ago and there still getting extensions of time where the flower shop was at Clover road so oh was that the flower shop that was by the uh post office in that area there over by the fire department and the post office yeah well it would be behind U up 27 from the fire department is it's it's the corner of clover street across from where Bruce Williams's house was what are these Lots zoned for there were 27 L sure there will commercial I think uh but it has a house one of them has a house on it yeah that's let's see 27 the one next to IHOP on satellite images looks like it's not really maintained you mentioned the last name white white right yeah there's there's a lot well so to the north is a vacant line right in between the vacant and uh an high yeah that house kind of looks not really take care vehic well not yeah well it was the the grandmother of the family lived there and she has since died I don't know whether anybody has been living there MH yeah okay so um I think we actually disposed of the of the building plans oh just did we figure out what the the property to see what the zoning is they haven't listed it I can go into the mapping system to find out but you should they list it I'm sure it's would be I'm just wondering what possibilities are of what can be built on that all right's a store a restaurant apartment what apartment building mixed use no I don't think so the property it's too small really forart bu it's a very small small lot bigger is there like uh on the front page can I just see the front [Applause] page 341 34 and 36 the thing it's like everything is [Applause] submitted okay I can go into the mapping system to look at the uh Zing is so the strip wall here say for parking it's not on the application and it's also noted here uh oh here we [Applause] go here let me just put it on the table if you don't mind that's okay okay so this is in the neighborhood business Zone and yep and let's see this is the bulk requirements so it does it doesn't tell you exactly but I can look that up online what's allowed but it's in the neighborhood business zone so those really are like small um businesses nothing like big box but small commercial areas can be built um in terms of housing I have to look and see what what's allowed the description no these all the GRE it's not that important I was like the maximum lot coverage is 40% um they're actually going under the propos the maximum lot yeah yeah 22,7 58 and then this one one acre over here this this is the IHOP here this is yeah existing IHOP that's the IHOP this is this is this is the house stores back here all parking this all parking for and here's the house right yeah yeah so they want to combine and then over here is a preschool preschool used to be the the Old Phillips school okay put my glasses a second neighborhood business oh here we go okay let's see um so this is what's allowed Arie what's up here retail goods and services stores of a neighborhood service type including but not Li limited to and then here's some examples uh food establishments household supplies professional offices Banks restaurants funeral homes uh let me scoll class five cannabis retailer yep class five cannabis class six cannabis administrative and dispatch child care services let's see if and that's that's a description of what's permitted um let me do on the conditional uses uh which are uses that are allowed if like certain bulk requirements are met automobile service stations churches and similar places of worship and wireless communication antennas Tara what is that document that you're looking at this is the um so this is schedule one of chapter 112 of Our Land Development ordinance and it basically lists all of the permitted uses for each zone so if you go under on our website and you click municipal code on the top right of the homepage you then go to chapter 112 which is the Land Development ordinance and schedule one tells you everything that's allowed I think schedule two is the bulk requirements so then chap 112 chapter 112 um if you look this is schedule one this tells you what's permitted in each Zone schedule two I think it is or it might be schedule three you can see that tells you the bulk requirements and that's like how much Frontage is required each Zone what's the maximum building coverage you know things like that and you can look at it by Zone sched lot and yard requirements okay yeah so that tells you like exactly what each lot is required to have in terms of you know setbacks I'm sorry did I hit your leg um Frontage things like that good thank you golf courses qualify for agricultural zoning I did not know that yes they that allow in the agricultural Zone yeah and then it tells you so the principal uses are the uses that are permitted as of right so if you don't fit in there you have to get a variance accessory uses are those uses that are accessory to the principal use so you can't just have the accessory use if you have the permitted principal use you permitted to have the accessory use conditional uses are you can have those if certain listed conditions are are met and that depends by the zone so it might be like a coverage thing or certain amount of Road Frontage you know so on this one are we doing a no comment letter or yeah it's disappointing that small wind energy systems are conditional yes yeah yep small small wind energy systems cuz you're seeing more and more like small like win tur Vine options for like the individual like I have to look and see what the conditions are the condition might be you know requirement um I don't know what the requirement it might just be like a electrical or something yeah or a certain amount of acreage so that it's like for it's every single one like if you go through every single one it's in all them I'd have to look and see what that is I could give you a reason why if it's really close to somebody else's home I don't know if you've heard it's noisy well there's noise but there's also what's called a flicker effect oh okay as the windmill is going around and the sun is shining and it's on somebody else's home and there and it's like Light No Light Light No Light No Light No Light I guess it depends on the the small system you choose cuz there's other ones that are much more contained yeah there there vertical access that go this way the the barrel type would not have would not have a flicker effect right yeah that's interesting maybe yeah just just find it interesting from an easy perspec yeah okay so we have these four that we reviewed so I'll send out the comments uh for that basically three of them are getting no comment letters and the Davidson property is getting a repeat what he already sent okay okay so that completes uh site plans now up to new business and the first item this is my this is the Google sheet that we keep for our site plan review yeah so we keep this Google sheet 20122 where the title of the sh oh the title oh yes okay yes I think that's when I started it yeah that's I must have started it you know what I do I typically when I I keep the title without year and tap by year oh that's smart yes I like have been putting a line underneath to show when we see that's like right there that's the end of but you're right have I could move it to a tab that's a good idea yeah I like it we try and do this we can keep track of you know how all righty okay all right so so um new business the first one is goals of for 2024 and accomplishments for 2023 this looks like a outline for the annual report yes so I sent around um like we did last year as well the uh the goals I'm sorry the ideas for 20 yes the ideas for 2024 and I kept on what our what 2023 was and I tried to put an update there um we don't have to go over this tonight but I wanted to send it early so we would have a chance and I figured if everyone agrees to it at the next meeting which is February 5th we could go through this this could be like the focal point of the meeting kind of going through and figuring out what we want to really put on as priorities for projects for next year and then we can talk about where we're at for what we did last year is there only one meeting in February because of President's Day or whatever it is or um something comes out yeah I feel like we just moved something let me look and see there a second meeting did anyone have any comments or questions about about the what you got sent I mean you want time to I'm just about to check whether it is finally posted on the website February 26th is the we have two meetings 5th and 26 so we can also do it at the 26th if anyone if that's better for anybody you know good uh and we do have it posted on the Y yes and the but the April meeting comes out pretty early also when's April meeting is the 7th or something like that um when when's the first meeting in April April 1st and 15th right okay I'll be back I'm going down the flas oh March rather February is March is the next me Yeah March 4th and March 18th March 4th so I figured I think this worked for us last year having this kind of set up so we know where we're at and I think it's good it help it does help I will say with drafting the annual report to see what we did well yeah um so yeah so I think tracks everything so you just put it in does it helps but I would say for the next meeting if we're going to go over if anyone has any projects that they really really want to work on bring it to the next meeting and we can discuss it um if anyone's opposed to anything that's on here we can discuss that too um I guess we just need to figure out do we want to do this at February 5th or February 26th the um Rails to Trails is best not here it's not because that I know Robin reached out to the but that really has to go to open space that's an open space initia really needs to go before them that you know so that's why I didn't add it yeah and the open space committee meeting last week was cancelled yes cancelled because of the snow yep okay so is everyone good with reviewing this project list and talking about it on February 5th yeah sooner than later yeah okay so just be prepared to bring you know your your ideas did you send this to us by email did you say I did y y like it's kind of very rough right now because I put in updates and I have question marks and things like that so it's very rough because it's not what I decide it's what everyone you know but it's fun is not Google so you have it offline this is offline yes I can put it online but I end up getting multiple I get some here some you know some online some not so it's up to exra copy if you want no he wants to work on it on Google Drive do you guys like it when I put it on Google Drive or do you prefer I say some people don't so so basically what happens and I don't mind doing it both ways but then I have to just collect info from Google Drive and from the it's not a big deal but that's why I only have it one way this time yeah but I can put it on it's not a big deal to put it on Google Drive just don't do it for one all right so so please look at it like I said and just be ready for next next month I think it's help guide us good yeah Google Drive would be good if you're really putting in final language but we won't have final language until we've discussed it I can do that I could put the final copy in Google Drive that's a good idea I could definitely do that yeah for sure okay so okay so that's that's the goal I think we're good on that unless anyone has questions or comments right now no the B really ties into that because it's assignment of committees who on which committee I don't know if any anybody wants to picture of a change any committee where they are at this um let me put it up here so Robin had made just two changes to it and I'm not sure if they're correct I think they're correct because she would know better but let me just show so we have our Comm committees I don't know if anyone wants to move around or try anything new but we have the site plan committee I'm having the worst glare that's why I keep going like this you guys probably think there's something wrong with me because I but there's a horrible glare here um so our site plan committee right now is Paul uh Ted E and myself um but we can move around if anyone's really interested in getting on site plan Communications right now I still had you down Arie my bad uh Robin said you resigned from this so right now we have just Robin and Jeff iica is that correct or yeah we we um one of the items on the list when we do our update was to try and uh look for volunteers to join the committee work okay um in general but um yeah it's just the two of us but I don't know that it warrants more than the two of us right because if so if Stan's putting together something for stream cleanup he's going to have to put everything together and send it to us and we just send it out so I think if anything like do we we we had wanted somebody to volunteer to do more like uh like graphic design type work just because I don't have the bandwidth um but every volunteer we've had has like disappeared like they're like oh I have to do something and then they disappear so um I mean I also don't know if our social media team would actually post some put together so um all right all okay but so Robin says we would welcome another member but you're not sure that you need I guess we're always welcome more let's put it that way got it but let go through I guess all so the next commit can I ask a question about that I'm sorry what is our intern what is Alissa Alyssa um and how long are you going to be with us for uh I guess until May about yeah like middle of May I was just wondering if you might have expertise in graphic design or something like that that you might want might be able to help the communications committee for the amount of time you're here or or anything if that's if Communications is an area of your exclusive requirement expse I would say just you have but she might be able to she might be able to help with putting some things together if there's something in particular like she might be able to help with that for sure cuz I'm sure you're Savvy with like posting on Instagram and things like that right yeah like it's I just don't have family because iar job well Al the other committee that we have is the education and Outreach committee which is Maria EZ and Stan she can't be on oh yeah as you can be on any committees you want for sure um well you're going to help like skip the energy and stuff I talked about energy conservation this year Ted I think um I have Walter down but Robin says she's not sure if Walter's on that she thought Ted was on that so now that you guys know all the Committees why don't we go through and see is there anyone that wants to switch or get is there anyone that's like I really want to be on this committee I like being on uh Communications okay that's really the expertise is right there yeah so Jessica can say there how about site plan does anybody want to get on or off of the site plan committee no I think we you're good Ted EAS you still like being on does anyone else want to be on have a burning desire to be on the the workload really slowed down tremendously from all right first time in months that we've had three plans in the ma jinxed us I know then we got energy conservation and infrastructure so that's Stan Robin and Walter are you on that you are and Ted are you on that that I know okay so Walter okay does anyone want to get on or off of that committee energy infrastructure we haven't done much lately but I think we need to make update when um the energy aggregation will become a little more than CU apparently that would be different the last committee is the education and Outreach we have Maria EZ and Stan so EZ I don't I'm not speaking for you at all I'm just noticing so you're on site plan and you're on education Outreach which are two busy ones do you want to stay on that just asking her she still needs me on that okay cuz you're busy right so does anyone want to step in for easy spot on the education and Outreach committee other what we can't just leave Stan and Maria because that getting a little bit int she can help for sure she can help on all these committees she doesn't have to be a Committee Member but she can help where we need you know help for sure but is there anyone in that wants to stay on the energy I'm sorry the education Outreach permanently I think nothing is the chairman of it for the next for the next year chers Maria Stan you're staying on easy do you want me to take you off put me in I will help them as when I can you help as you can okay purpose I want to mention something about that Outreach uh the Canal Walk has its own environmental committee and they're looking for a presentation from somebody maybe from the from our commission April 19th is when they're doing that if anybody wants to talk about what the commission does and that kind of thing I mean I can do it but I was I want to give anybody else let know what's going on that represents uh 2,000 people living in Canal Walk they have been here so much David was here David he was going to be a member of of our commission but he never sent s sent in the application he became chairman of the Canal Walk Environ committee that he does recycling of Styrofoam what is the objective of um giving presentation to update of in environment what we do as a commission and how we help the community if you're going to be there anyway I can be there unless someone else wants to also go you that's that's what to have a table okay okay so I did I told David I would make the make the misstion of it well if you need me let me know I don't know if you want me but it's up to you if you want me to come along maybe I can I'll calendar okay just remind me okay so I have no changes down for any of our committees then right okay all right yeah un unless Robin wants to move which she hasn't she didn't share anything with me but I'm assuming she the sustainable Jersey committee I didn't discuss it only because we're right now we're in a break but next year we'll need to reconvene that yeah we s to well Green Team really officially the green team was all reappointed but you've been doing all the work it used to be there hasn't been a meeting a long time the green thing well it basically pretty much is only needed when we're preparing a recertification application every 3 years in the last one I think Tara did everything so yeah well we work used to be did most of it yeah some people forly on the green team that um I guess they like Mike Burke my former colleague from Colgate and every time the reappointment email is sent it's being sent to his former Colgate email address no and I forward it to him and he's like BL and nothing nothing really yeah well they just and Marie just automatically puts in the same people and I think I told her that that he has different email address and I'm just giving up now but still I think Mike is not really interested but Mike would be valuable he is lead certified so this committee list do we need to we don't need to move on it as long as everyone knows what they we're good are okay annual report that's where the goals that's that's going to wait till we get all the goals the annual report I started working on I'm not going to go through it tonight just because we have other things to do but up on the screen I started kind of going through it and just making amendments from last year's report and I changed this the background a little um I updated the meetings and put the links in for the links to our meeting so that's there um I updated about uh our adopted drain so in 2023 this is just interesting to know I don't have this information yet by type of debris removed because I'm waiting for adopted drain to let me know but in 2023 we had 134 drains adopted 60 hours spent on cleanings and it led to 2,981 lbs of debris reps wow which is great is that 131 on top of what was no just all together so all together 134 but the amount of debris that was removed is more than double than last year so which is great um so that was exciting I got a postcard from with Dr the train oh good ask you to check out how much you picked up in that yeah it I updated the section never remember the the drain I watch over has been pretty clean oh good one too last year we had just talked about finishing the local Health assessment so I added in you know that it's been completed um what else did I update updated about how we're thinking about doing the micro Mobility study and the community energy plan so I basically I got the uh numbers from Maria and Stan I had your emails from last year about the Stream cleanups So I updated those numbers so basically once I get the update from adopted drain and then this is the section for our vision for 2024 so once we agree upon that then I can update those things and then the annual report will be done so it's like I would say 90% done but we have to get the goals together and I need those numbers few moments ago you were referring to goals and accomplishments so you do you kind of feed the information from one file to another to to the annual report um I take the information from the goals and accomplishments and I use that to create our annual report so yeah I take those topics and I list out what we've done and then for other upcoming projects I just kind of list them so you said that you sent us the text file for the gosen ACC I did yep I did y so yeah so not annual report 90% complete I just need those things so after February 5th it should be 100% complete I just have a question about Community solar did you I'm sorry did I didn't add that in there but thank you I need to add that in yeah because I'm I'm in my bills now you know I join Community solar and they showed how much I'm saving and if that's happening all over the township it's amazing um thank you see that's like something I completely just forgot so I appreciate it yep I'll add that in M thank you Walter okay you maybe you could find out how many people in the township are I keep meaning to apply but I never quite get around to it you I got on I've been paying Public Service $4.98 every month for the last few months okay I will try and find that out well they push you know you don't have to have solar panel on you but you can still participate yeah that's excellent okay well that's the whole sell point of of community solar yeah you should subscribe okay so now we're up to Green infrastructure projects at M Williams we had Johnny tibs give us a report yeah so he's working on a sustainable garden there and that's not part of the grant the the green infrastructure gr but it is happening through a different avenue basically um DPW has been repaving the path at um non Williams and they're doing that as part of their you know yearly project the fitness stations are getting replaced um so we already have gotten uh Ruckers to sign off on what we've um recommended as green infrastructure project so a lot of it is like a trench with stone next to the path um redirecting Water by using just you know like moving the soil around planting some small rain Gardens so that's all been kind of Ruckers has given the you know saying like yes that's a good those are good ideas so once DPW and um wck are done with their work we can begin you know starting to actually Implement those projects so so so far so okay and U so then the rail beds as you said that's really an open space isue more than it is yeah so I know so Robin had reached out to Walter lean at the Somerset County planning board on her own um and I was copied on the email which is great now the thing is is that it's really an open space issue because the funding for that would come through the open space trust fund and our open space advisory committee is charged with overseeing any land Acquisitions in the township for open space Trails Recreation uh Farmland preservation so I that's why I was talking a Paul before the meeting if him and Walter go I'm sorry if you and Robin go to see Walter that I can come along because I also work for open space so I can kind of bridge the the T and I used to work for Walter lean so thing happen in there I had one conversation with him about this and he was enthusiastic and named about three or four of the staff people that would take part in the meeting yeah so now I'm trying to get some dates from him would you include um at least Bob pup puskus yeah I'll have to ask Bob puskus if he wants to come to as well and if he wants to he can yeah sure cuz it does fall under the perview of open space so that's really more appropriate so we're you sort of she sheering it or something I guess yeah I mean I think really the recommendation now Robin is on open space now so I think the recommendation probably is going from if environmental commission has that recommendation it should go to open space as the okay um so then that takes care of that is the property owned by Conrail or it's kind of well I may some of them may be own by the county I don't know no I think it's is I remember a couple of years a a few years ago there was complaints about the roughness of The Crossings where the rail still were at Veronica and I think there are still rails that um Clyde Road Clyde was covered have to contact Conrail about it okay okay um reports from the subcommittees anything from the education well there's information that Mr Stan is going to share today we were supposed to have in in the meeting um Joel from the youth center um in the first email that I sent him I thought it was the 15 so at the 15 I sent him another emails after I confirmed with t we were not meeting U we're going to meet the 22nd so I expect to see you today we're going to expect to see you today with the with the students but I didn't he didn't reply so I thought he was they were coming anyway so right now I know I have to follow up again okay yeah oh that the Joel that I spoke to get you I remember Joel yes yes he was suppos to come in December first time right first time and then I told him was the 15 and name him and Miss White say no we're not meeting the 15 the meeting is the 22nd and I also copy the two students which is today yeah but it didn't happen I don't know if the youth center is open because we or with the weather maybe maybe that's what I think what's wrong with the yeah are are good shape okay and and then the Franklin High School invited send invitations to stand myself and then stand forward it to all of you right so just like last year are you done I yeah that's yeah um so just like last year they had green fair so they would like to it again uh I will um be there with my electric vehicle association I hope hopefully the weather will be better so that we can actually bring some vehicles um what's the date that they have the date on it can you it's April something April this end of April oh the end of April okay um I should have Beed didn't you put out April 13th is a that's for stream cleaner what that's for stream May 18th is that one green fair oh wait no May 18 that's what I came up with too but I think that was because the street clean up is in this is from yeah make it wow send invitation yeah May 18 May 18 okay okay I trust you so yeah May 18 so not April so we have plenty of time but um you know if we can have a table that would be nice like you did l yeah um I wonder whether they want to have it indoor for the most part or or woman by May was range he show us the outside we canot go around um so so that's that's uh this um what I was okay so film Series yeah you ask about the so uh Ted suggested that we check out consolata building and yes we do have access the process is to send email to uh B virus uh and he he gave me form that we need to complete okay now um we need to set up a date so um I think uh so today is uh 22nd and we need to give ourself time for advertisement so I'm thinking um today [Music] isch um 20 seconds so one two so that would be kind of the week of February 5th and we do have a meeting on 5th February 5th 5th yeah okay okay so we could have it either on 6 78 Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday do we have any preference it doesn't mean that everybody has to be available and present um I don't know even talking about which film but I think it's the it's the first one that is that we agreed on that it's not changing right um which was I think it was the one that you that you recommended kiss the ground okay yeah yeah yeah kiss the ground exactly um uh right so so I think 7:00 p.m. you want to do it which day at 700 p.m. uh I I'm thinking what to agree on first maybe the timing okay 7 p.m. I 700 p.m. yeah 7 7 works yeah and then we have options uh February 6 7 or 8 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday right because on W Monday we have meeting Friday is Friday I yeah um well why can we do it the Monday in between the 12th like the 13th yeah the I mean the 12th it's probably Washington the President's Day Lincoln's birthday 12 what a perfectas yeah it's perfect occasion I mean is the consolata building unavailable stays the 19th okay I'm sorry I missed something what is this meeting setting up this for the film Vie we're doing at the library be 7:00 p.m. I mean that that Monday the 12th could work for sure um what' you say 6 7th 8th I'm just saying also cuz because it's not one I think are we meet on Mondays at 7:00 it sort of stays in line with what we do when when we meet and the day and the time and all that so it's a little more yes but not for us it's for the public but okay but when we I understand that but like when we communicate to the public when we meet yeah then it's still in some us has to be there yeah right it's not about me listen to what I'm saying it's it's about it's like all in line because it's the same time and the same day of the week and that's when people are typically used to talking about environmental topics with the town so us having filming time I'm not polarized on that so 12th of February if we can agree I'm just thinking it makes sense to me if you guys want to do a different day just to let you know that the 12th of February um second Monday of month is JFK club meeting um which I mean I'm fine with it being on the 12th but it will be there a lot of people 30 40 50 people to go to that that you know might not might want to go to it but they would be able to I know you concern about uh is your audience in the Kennedy Club more um environment they're environmentally concerned yeah can they have like a Excursion [Music] and there's already there's already an agenda on that date speak for that date just think to me it made sense like well no look this is all discussion you know uh we want to get audience right this is just one type of audience are we going to lose a lot by not having these people do these people attend our did they attend our previous screening I I couldn't tell I don't know I didn't ask them no I actually like that idea of 12 do we have any polarizing kind of input here or other than that whatever you pick it's up to you guys OS go it's my birthday I don't want to D it's not your birthday stop it is is it really you an a blol you have so many bir things um I want to send out like we do um I forget the name of it but it's like when you send out and you're like which days and times work for you and people select it and take a vote from all the you those those monkey poll whatever they're called I wanted I wanted like do a poll with the town say what day works for you and give them all the options and let them pick and there's 50 options and 37 different no you give you give whatever days and times the Consol available you give those and then let the T we do one one that we agree as a primary because I have to check whether the room is actually available that's usually the limitation that's going to be the limitation going to show at the library everything may be booked by now I don't even remember what is the schedule for Board of AD can anybody recall they meet on Thursdays I think but not every Thursday right right and they have a new president by the way that doesn't change the me no no no no I just in case you were planning on contacting them I did because that was my first level good but I went with rali he didn't change and and and he responded quickly which Justified my doodle pole that's what it's called yeah thank you like why am I not Monday February 12th at 6m they meet on Monday February 12th then we cannot have the meting 6 p.m. so we can't we but do they meet at consol yes they do so then we have to say the me 4 19 wait wait wait sorry I made like a cardinal mistake I'm in the wrong just ignore me I'm in the wrong Franklin ignore ignore ignore um I typed in yes I'm like wait a minute that doesn't look like our logo Tera is that that illegitimate Franklin yeah County yes oh my gosh my bad uh let's see it was a calendar uh calendar but I'm not sure no that's not this is SCH make it so small oh Board of Education meeting calendar okay February 22nd they meet they meet on so they have once a month yeah Thursday okay so we don't have conflict there at all um and um I going to say if they were meeting right before they'd already be there just that's true that would be actually nice do they have Council uh meeting on 6 7 or 8th of February that's actually oh how long do the well we don't know how long the meetings go that was a good idea Jessica was saying it would be interesting you had it like afterwards and then people might want to stay yeah piggy back on another meeting and then you get people to but they meet at 6:30 I don't know how popcorn B ofed how long do those that's the thing I don't know could go to like 8:30 they only an hour they might want to stick around for it yeah like an hour but it might be longer right it might be yes I get they going to to control the timing right right yeah you don't know what it's going to be you just got to avoid okay uh so I moved that our first date is uh February 12th okay what a second at 700 p.m. at consola right yeah mhm this agreement or no no no first who to the second Maria okay and the second choice 6 7 or 8 m anybody has preference 700 p.m. still it's always 7 p.m. yeah but but I'm I'm thinking what would be our second choice or or whatever whatever whatever why are you all three dates what's the wor that can happen you find out more information I'll check with both cuz you might find out you may say six and they go no and you say seven and they go no and they well eth it is so they might not be available anything but but one of those things so time being 2:2 or 2 7 p.m. they do yeah they there yeah now uh the film is in what format do we have it I don't have it have it we have it I don't have it but it yet have the Library I believe has real to real yes vog into my Netflix yes but you can't show it that way cuz you have a viewing license right to do it that way I'm pretty sure if you show it to a group over a certain amount you're supposed to have a viewing license but the library was our plan after all the library has the view we govern was going to do it so we didn't have to worry about it yeah okay how big a screen do you have it's big okay so St you have to check with the library then to see if they have it and if it's because if they have it they can use their viewing license that's fine libraries do that pretty often the title of the movie kiss the ground post a screening post a screening in your community we could submit a request to host of screening if you want okay I'll take care of the the details I would check with the library first and if they don't have it then I would go through what Jessica is saying on their website on their website but they might charge I don't know well kiss the ground and then um can you freely I think we were we should be able to to see it without paying the link that you sent us the other day it made me think like okay I can take it off my radar hold on um okay um so that would be it and I want to follow up with montgomer and uh Hillsboro by suggesting that um yeah I don't know that they charge you to uh offer uh our residents more options then we can have the same film screen in three different times on three different days and times and cross cross advertise mhm that's so if someone from Franklin uh would like to see the movie uh but they are not available on the day within one mailing they will seize three options right like it I like it and that way we don't have to uh worry about the scheduling because each of them they create their own schedule as they wish um but they should not be too much far apart in time within time frame so that we can say okay this month we have this movie or quarter okay because we're not going to have every month um we'll probably have the next one after this stream clean up because I don't want to get to much so they talk about in their in their May or June the next one maybe June because may we will have the green Fair they talk about that like Netflix offers blah blah blah it could just be you go to them and they give you the permission they give you the license and then you can use Netflix to screen it it could be but you do need if you're screening it to a certain amount of people I believe now yeah I believe you need the license now most libraries have it but if you get permission from the company then it's probably just if they own the copyright then that shouldn't be an issue yeah yeah yeah well let me check with them okay I think we need to move on yep okay uh do I have anything else with education well stream cleanup it's education after all yeah go um so so yes I want to move that we will do series run I shared some pictures um I took the pictures uh when it was flooded um and I put them into existing um um photo album if you looked into it you could see pictures from past but also what is there today and so in sections of the area that is away from EAS closer to uh Plum Street put it put it pett pett pett pett one goes into Franklin green so there is lots of garbage the aluminum cans oh there will be lots of garbage there always has so it's and it's unrelated to uh to the flooding uh and I checked it after flooding and I added those pictures into the album again wherever it was flooded it doesn't look like it's too much polluted probably the water just moved it and on that occasion I check the area on the other side of East between eastone and the canal um it's it's awful it's awful and and part of it is that every time when you have rooll then all the vegetation on the side of the rooll picks up all the garbage so I think that's part of it but when you go further into the vegetation you still see some sort of garbage and the diner which is uh behind the intersection with JFK right someone said right so um I was about to ask who owns the property because you know all those businesses when you look into the parking lot clean perfect there's a fence and behind the fence disaster right so next to uh next to the diner I found just on the ground around two lat acid batteries two what lat acid batteries automotive right right car batteries how how close to the canal is this mess that you're talking about just wondering if it's Canal property no I don't think it's Canal property I mean I don't know how much is a canal property but uh uh I also noticed that between uh those businesses and Canal is actually Creek yeah right that goes uh it starts some in the uh Rodgers prep area and it continues there is a wetland and then uh the the shopping mall the E yeah yeah um the senior center looks under construction is it called Spring or something the senior center or it's no longer Senior Center looking me like on e e yeah yeah I thought that like a re the rehabilitation center yeah yeah maybe oh that white building yeah I don't know not sure about the color at this point it's a rehabil rehabilitation center yeah but I when I was passing by you know it's construction inside but anyway so behind the parking lot that is adjacent to um actually this it's the shopping it's the Village Plaza okay so behind there is a garden and and behind Lots garbage so wherever there are people there's L of garbage but I don't think we can cover all of that within stream cleanup I think we just focus on the series run uh between Easton and P P Petty Tara that might be something for um to be looked into with through the canal commission cuz if that's Canal property yeah back there I can look into it and see see they might welcome because the burm of the canal there which is the other side of that stream would be Canal properties well that means it would be part of the park the state park yeah okay I can look into that uh on the Village Plaza side I uh have seen a post uh that was uh saying no lering and I think the post was by our Township so it makes me feel that the space between Canal Walk what did I say Canal Walk can no the canal canal and and the parking lot is is actually Township property between the the canal and Township might have put up the signs to protect the Park State park did it then is the property or it sort of surrounds the Wendy's you know to the east of the somerset Diner um and I'm not sure oh it was in the village Village Plaza side it was [Music] further towards a a good year in that area I don't know what it's good yeah yeah so so we have lots of garbage around and and I was not able to inspect the area of the CES run as it goes underneath the canal towards uh raran I I think it it should go to to the Raritan river right yeah yeah yeah so and that area may have lots of garbage as well because whatever was slushed downend so you're saying that it's by the behind a pancake house and it goes under um Eastern Avenue yes and on the other side of Eastern Avenue there's a lot of garbage over there are you saying that that garbage is coming from the other side and going through there's no grate or screen or anything to stop it from going through it's just going from the SE is run through the couvert under uh East right and then um when it's supposed to go under the canal it's uh it it might be clogging the the area there the screen so are you suggesting that the clean up be on both sides of the road or just on a pan I'm using here I think that from safety Viewpoint I don't want to put people on both sides because EAS is it's dangerous having people walk back and for across easn that's not a good good idea access to that side would be very bad through Wendy's the Wendy's we we we would need maybe uh a permission from Wendy's because people would have to leave their vehicles at the parking lot or something and that parking lot is small yeah it is small well everybody can go get a hamburger then have to park the in the G again and that might be part of a canal property State Property over there on the other side of EAS but if it turns out that is really clogged because last time I checked it it was still F water it was no longer flooded but that area just was filled with War uh to the point that I couldn't inspect what's underneath I would have to swim was cold watch out for the bear that hibernates under there yeah who oh in book okay so so uh I have good communication with Heather uh so we are all set it's going to be series Run April 13th morning Saturday uh we circled DPW about them picking up garbage and recyclables um so I'm going to create some sort of um February 12 marketing material and I'll pass it to the education committee um I think we did not have any blur in the times right Franklin times we had article I think it was on uh the noral noral April y right and it might be coming anytime soon now right it should be yes the final proof went out like a few days ago so okay so uh there's no energy committee here I we don't have any report I think that completes the subcommittees is there any hot topics that you wanted to have on here or were I had we actually had an update oh okay um and I have one okay yeah so um one one was I had a question about the education film topic so once we have the date we we should definitely be sending something out I was thinking maybe we want to do a post about eco-friendly snow removal there is a um there's a where is it I had an article here we go biofriendly has a snow begone eco-friendly methods of snow removal it is it is a couple years old so I can look for something a little more current but it's not too hard to digest it's pretty simple none of this is controversial it's like electric snowblower snow melting mats traction boosting substrates things like that um it shouldn't be to people but I do think people need reminders sometimes uh I can look for something different if if you guys don't like that one um what is what is the the highlight of this new Innovative method of it's not new or Innovative that's that was my point but I think people need a reminder uhhuh it's just it's not salt yeah right more eco-friendly yeah is it shovel electric snowballer snow melting mats traction boosting oh you were you were listing them heated driveways eco-friendly deicers shoveling what heated driveway those everybody have one in Colorado that's a waste of energy not if you solar it's solar panel you give I give you much better way how to use you should look up solar put solar panels over your driveway to use the heated driveway that's to charge the car no look up solar you should look up solar roadways they actually make I wanted them for our farm roadway anyway um okay if You' like something different I can find something no they're not good okay an arbor is banned gasoline leaf blowers H um in or Michigan yeah Michigan wow so then um I also had a note here like we were talking about um you know Robin said she just wanted to get something out cu we need to stay on top of communicating with our Township members and people interested in our subjects uh what we discuss so um I was thinking about it and I thought for every new initiative whatever that subcommittee is doing they should put put together if they're not already doing and stand does this education definitely does this um that subcomittee should be putting together materials for coms to post and share with the mailing list and I think we should too maybe this this um you know the annual initiative list we might want to do like progress report here's all the stuff here's what we did like send something like that out maybe quarterly whatever we feel makes sense just to to you know if we don't don't have a post about eco-friendly snow removal then we have some sort of update for the town's members saying like here's what we're working on right um and that might inspire people to come to meetings more keep them more up to date if they don't actually come to meetings since we are not virtual and we really should have that option it would be even better if such an article would be released like 2 weeks ago you're still stuck on that I don't have to send out that articles Dan no I'm just saying because uh pass that now I'm on something else keep up sorry I I I've known you a long time my friend I can pick on you a little bit um I will find a better article that is more current or maybe what to do with all the EXT if we had meeting earlier in January maybe we would have it on local political bureaucratic I can't help you with we have to vote on everything um so um I don't know I don't know if everybody likes that idea but I think doing like progress reports and then yes as each subcommittee does something like if you're if even if even if it's like hey we're inviting the school to come to to come that should be something we should be sharing it doesn't have to be a social post but it could just be an email okay but we need the materials from you to send it out cuz otherwise and you need to like approve it cuz we're not we don't want to be just I'm not going to on someone else's project so does that make sense yeah that way people know that we exist we have to keep a conversation going right that's it that's all I have I just have one thing I want to share real quickly sure on Hot Topic yeah EPA just reported that there's a compound in rubber tires that the manufacturers put in there you know withstand the heat the durability and what have you but that compound when it storm water washes it off the road it combines with ozone and it becomes a 666 quinone or something like that which is toxic to koho Salmon you know coo salmon migrate out of the sea Upstream to spawn but they're being killed before they can spawn you know naturally after they spawn they die but they never get a chance to so there's a decrease in the population of the cohost salmon and they saying that this compound in rubber tires in the urban areas because there's more rubber on the road to die off with greater than in the rural areas and they noticed that and they wondered why and after a long study they found that it's the compound from these rubber tires and they expanded the study and they showed that it's affecting trout as well so we're just hearing the beginning of that um and and Coos Sal of course is a very large commercial fishery there on the west coast and it's also a subsistance uh food for a lot of the Indian nations so there is a move uh you know some urgency to try to I don't know how in the world they're going to take the stuff out of the rubber tires and keep it from getting into the freshwater streams but they have to work on something yeah interesting so we'll be hearing more about that great yeah I saw this but I never quite got a name for the compound yeah I think it's a 666 and once it the ozone hits it and it combin it comes 666 quinone I don't know the exact chemistry I had my notes here but I don't have them but isn't it six quinone one six or 36 but nevertheless just thinking as a yeah yeah but you know here again we're following our own nest you know can you think how many rubber tires are out there and uh in the urban areas this is one of those things how chemical industry is doing something they make very narrow assessment as concerned about they do only regulatory testing that are required to do so but um then later it turns out oops it's doing this it's doing that stories from Pharma industry there are stories from pesticides the ld50 for this compound you know in in the test lab is very low doesn't take much exposure to uh to render them you know right and it could be even safe for humans which they might test but they don't test it for the thing that serves as a food for human ah right so if you kill the food then we have the you know exactly problem how do we feed ourselves if we kill the fish today it's fish tomorrow it will be something else absolutely so all right thank you very thank you fall under um other this hot topics I'm not sure if it's should be under Hot Topics old business but you don't have on the agenda the tree ordinance amendments see very own business was discussed at the last meeting yeah it was the amend it was at the last meeting it was discussed and it was approved to send the email to the council and with the sentence that Robin um wanted to add to it also about the 25% right um but then I saw some emails that went back and forth just recently about Ted has some thoughts on uh possibly doing some kind of a markup on it uh on the ordinance and I didn't know if Ted you wanted to address that at all well I just thought the email I sent out I guess not to everybody but whoever you would sent to that I saw that one the sort of amendment that we want to do could could be done essentially by doing a markup on the existing ordinance it doesn't require really are writing any new text which is what you were saying lay known is all was wanting to change so it it ought to be relatively simple to change but I want to see if I can download the the existing tree ordinance and modify it in that way as a draft so are you going to do that that between now try and do that between now and the next meeting that's what I ought to do if I'm talking myself into doing it I didn't have time to do it between when I sent that email and tonight but you all right so Teddy will work on that and the next meeting we'll talk about it on the agenda and actually it'll be part of our project list right here yeah we can talk about as part of our project our next meeting is on is it the 11th the 5th February 5th so are we at the point of opening the public again no I think we still have all old business what are we in Old business we can now get yeah we finished the new new business local the community energy plan no okay just a quick update on the community energy plan is that I just sent the link to our Google sheet which is the it shows all the initiatives yes and who's working on what there are some outstanding still so if you haven't gotten them to me or you need help please let me know um there's actually an implementation Grant that's now coming out from BPU from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities uh and they're working with sustainable Jersey but it's an implementation Grant so to implement your community energy plan so they're trying to kind of push us along to finish it as fast as we can um and I'm working on it but I told them we might you know we we need the time basically so anyway if you can look at the list that I sent out the Google sheet link and just look at what you're supposed to be send it in and if you have had a chance to send it in I have finished and gone through everything that everyone has sent me already so I don't have anything else to work on I can start drafting things but if you can that would be great I'm kind of fulling with that so if you can just look through that would be great that's okay okay um okay the local Health Assessment Act that's done it's done it's on the website on the front page um the other the only thing I want to report on it is that from our Pro in our projects list I added some of the recommendations from the health assessment uh that were under the environmental projects so if you want to look at uh the health assessment at all and kind of get a background on that you can um but I did add in some uh projects from there okay um no more to we keep bringing that up it's in the it was in the Franklin times the article is in there which should be coming out soon uh so that should we make um duplicate efforts in other media when it comes closer yes yes for sure yeah um do you have all the blur and I have the article you sent me so uh we can take it from there because I had longer version and short yes yeah so we can put that on the social media as we get closer yep yep okay so shall we put one into frankly report c yeah we should definitely do that that would be great okay and it doesn't have to be in the opinion section I guess if the commission agrees right can we we can send you Choice thank yeah we can send can we send you information for an article um promoting our no mo until Earth Day initiative okay uh but we'll send it closer until we will find it closer to that time right yeah okay are we in public open session I waiting for that I was just going to say you've skipped the line and we're all set's keep it down we are that all right so we'll work on that though Stand okay okay okay um and I don't know that there's any other old business requested by the Commissioners oh there is I just have one question you know I've noticed in my neighborhood that I've seen more DPW trucks they're checking the drains and there are street sweepers coming down the street every week and I've lived there for 30 years and I never knew that I never saw them before so has there been a change in in the dpw's um schedule or something like that they come around about 4:00 in the morning you are they Township is it Township or is it County I don't know who it is they sweep the street so clean Ted do you know if the township owns street sweepers oh I think it does yeah it sounds as if they're being more active than they've ever been yeah I don't know if there has been a change I can ask Carl I'll see if I can find I don't know I mean I'm not complaining but yeah if if that's happening all over it certainly can help the storm water issue and uh sure okay Mar has a com I just have a little question from last year and I think you answer that to me is this in relation of Township using green seal products did they made it official are they did they make the change um oh jeez yeah I can't remember I feel like I did I think you told me you said I think they did and I think I talked to our purchasing agent about that but let me double check for you but I'm pretty sure yes they put it as a okay all right me let me I don't let me double check on that to sure um I'll find out Maria for sure from Cindy out last our purchasing that would be the paper products or deterg deterg deter okay so um we'll uh have a motion to open the meeting to comment thank you T oh no problem second second is all in favor all all bill you have any comments no comments M we close to close second second all favor I meeting