to read the statement in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township and fireal commission was made by posting on the B board in the municipal building posted on the toip website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting would take place in person at 7:00 on uh the 7 5th of February 2024 so much really didn't prepare anything real deep for um um we do roll call uh Ted Chase here Ted Chase is here EZ here uh Jessica here Stan here here Arnold here Robin here Maria here me here he T's not here T's right here wait a minute I'm read the line after that's all right it says abs for I got it don't worry for Walter I didn't hear from Walter no I didn't either okay we'll get that out of the way anyway as I started to say no no Deep Thoughts just um I did want to mention we're expanding our Horizons Robin and I are going to attend a seminar on Thursday about offshore wind and power it's it's one of the public sessions that the dpu is having about the New York bik oh great and they're having three in person and three online and this is one of the in person so I thought I'd like to go and hear what they had to say Tom so we're going to drive to Tom's River I've had an interest in win turb for a one time but uh some people at a form might like a wind tur we don't have enough wind where we are that's the problem yeah we i' I've brought up that the fact that winter bites were specifically excluded as something that just permitted on Rural properties to me um so I thought that was something we might want to address I have friends that make a vertical access window right they make small scale ones that have no sound and there's there's zero reason they couldn't be used Bob Smith question they're like 5 K five or 10 k w just much more but they they they work so um approval of the January 22nd 2024 minutes move to second second any comments or any Ted anything on the minutes from the last me no okay motion took well motion approved is on the floor all in favor I I approved okay public comment Bill even what is happening the cold weather it's not that cold I don't think I think we can forego that motion okay seeing there's nobody here so correspondence sense yeah we um have one email uhuh uh hang on Jordan Brown so this past Saturday hi I am Jordan Brown an undergraduate student at Ron University I'm participating in a research lab with faculty member Dr Nathan rule of the biological and biomedical Sciences Department in the College of Science and Mathematics we are working on a research publication draft that includes environmental data collected from Malaga Lake we need information about the current and historical Construction years of that of the damn site at Malaga Lake however I'm having trouble finding this information I'm reaching out to ask if the Franklin Township environmental commission has these records if not do you know where we can find this information thank you for reading I think that's what I you know frankly okay okay I have one letter well I think that's that's that's it that's the only unless you want to count the um uh notes from telling me to change the password which they control okay we did get a letter in the mail um about a um legal notification for a flood Hazard area verification under method 6 repairing Zone submitted to D provision Land Resources land parcel known as 5701 lot block 502 390 Davidson aen in Franklin Township somebody's looking to do something there and uh cashy consulting company manalan h m I drove by I think it's an area that's all Woods because the the corner of Davidson and um New Brunswick is a house or an office and then there are some woods and then the next part I think belongs to 300 so 390 has got to be that wooded area I would think so I'm going to and this I thought that was it with the L 390 D I mean there's a a little map here on the back it looks like the corner lot it's not L it looks like it is no you see the trees this is 3909 that's 502 you right no this is this is 50 block 502 5701 is a l yeah that's it that's it y but there's a house on the cor that's an old the house must be set back see it's the next one was who wanted to have a liquor store there but was exceedingly incompetent in preparing the application that ever and they're trying to verify the blood has I was looking on the lower side I was looking at the lower point it's it's the other so it's mostly clear I there's a bunch of trees yeah there must be a stream in the back yeah there is if you it's going downwards and then the the Road New Brunswick Road curves to the left where old New Brunswick and new New Brunswick diverge no there that got the stre car at the back so oh there it Isle this is on the I mean that this is what they're trying to verify is the flood Hazard area yeah um it's a new stuff right yeah so let me just look at the legend here uh um this is their ranking so this is New Jersey conservation foundation's ranking of the blood Hazard area let me see if the actual layer is here on look like the bottom well the upper yeah 45% is Wetlands so okay so the Orange is where the flood plane is designated on this map using D data but in to that letter is basically we're getting copied on it because the developer has to get a verification of it it's kind of like similar to the wetlands the L um but just for our references is where the flood Hazard area is where it's orange it's 2.46 Acres yeah that makes sense and if the apperant is ter Patty blot and fanka blot from oldridge that makes sense what are the roadways here I uh New Brunswick New Brunswick and Davidson is to the um east of the property there the upper right Orange area is where yeah Davidson goes that way which way is it to where you live that way that way it goes this way and then oh that's New Brun yeah this is New Brun goes got okay and that just so that's that's our correspondence while we're talking about property um that's in play can I bring up another one sure yeah 2201 on Route 27 in Somerset is immediately north of the consolat properties at the board of ed Township Block it's a home there's one home on there and the gentleman is quite elderly and it's adjacent to the 6mile run it would be very nice if we could keep that from being developed into something because it's got the township build property on one side and it's got the sixmile r Brook on the other together what's his first name was it Donald yeah Donald Jones owns the property if he's still alive I'm not sure um but I I don't know whether that's something open space might look at because of its contiguous yeah that would be for open space 2201 you said right Y Route 27 2201 Route 27 so it is this property here it's on the it's on the market for there's house on it right right for 550,000 and yeah in this direction is Township you said the field yes everything to the down to the left that Big ploud Field that's that's consol property oh that's consol the other side the other side they want this consol right that's where you park numbers are this is the Six Mile right and this is Six Mile right through here okay this is the soccer field m i me look at that ancient r way next to the cemetery there is the botom this is this is Elm Ridge Cemetery right and and this is the brook right there and this is the old Route 27 I wonder how old well this old the cemetery used to be in in s County and when they straighten the highway this was the old Indian PA was but this just seems like such a natural TI into everything else I could definitely board its open space cuz that would kind of be their perview the only thing is that there is a house on it and the township is really in tries to avoid buying properties with where the house is at least not that we can't subdivide the house off that's you know I don't know that the house is really that liveable right okay but then we have to demolish right so yeah but we that that doesn't mean it's a definite no it's just something I'm I'm sure they're going to are there any descendant uh in the I do not know of any family members unfortunately the only person who would know in my family is passed away no children I don't know how um they're asking $550,000 for how big is that prop2 2.2 AC that's really kind of low yeah so much potential at such a good price because it's not for the house then it's from shopping dining major highways and public transportation property is z CR C residential which allows for single multi Orondo style homes there's a home on this lot it's included in the sale and sold as is so that tells you what kind of sh so it Market yeah great opportunity to build new homes or renovate the current and add additional electric and gas available Public Water Public sewer hookup available buyer must conduct the own do du diligence so when something goes to the open space advisory committee typically what I do is this mapping analysis and then I'll presented at the meeting in close session so I can definitely do that for sure ahead meeting I should be there so I can that absolutely okay I can do that 2201 27 ter I will because as I was telling you I will not be a de I remember yes thank you contract well there were um two plans somebody going to try to buy it if it's under contract oh we look for they get an engineering rep right well what happened to the committee uh reports comme reports um D we usually do the review and stuff right okay uh there was one little plan is a house that's on a a lot like a a curve and the the lines are off by 6 in and he's got to get a variance for they had to go through a whole bunch of stuff to get a 6 in change there's no environmental stuff on that one yeah that's what the boundary of 6 in yeah yeah they they they the setback is they move 6 in ining by 6 in into the zone you shouldn't be that's on Liberty Lane where Liberty Lane is I don't know that it's uh 37 acres and it's got a what a drawing here me one of these L it's near SGS right so they mean the rear the front of the rear set back one it's in there you know the sidey guard set back is what they the side they encroached on because the street it's not straight and it you know whoever did it in the beginning was off by 6 in so that's not as serious as this this fact 11 properties is back the 200 apartment unit did the engineering office get us a set that shows us what they've changed no no I did review the so I reviewed this one um they they submitted this back in 2020 I'm sorry 2019 and then they withdrew it is what happened um they're still proposing the 200 they call it amenity Centric Apartments um in a four-story building on the site uh they'll be knock their proposal is to knock down um the former Kmart building um of the 200 units the 40 Apartments So 20% would be affordable housing uh what they're proposing is 69 1bedroom Apartments 123 2bedroom apartments and 8 3bedroom apartments they plan on using the underlying infrastructure so no plans for green infrastructure because they are using the existing infrastructure that's there for storm water management um because they are putting in EV charging stations as they're required to when you put in an EV Make Ready spot it counts as two spaces towards your requirement for parking so um they only have to originally they have to put in 1,15 parking spaces would be there on the site now that calculation is reduced to 995 88 of those will be Make Ready EV parking spaces um yeah I know it's a lot right um that's a change yeah the impervious coverage is in this Zone which is the general business zone is 70% they're proposing 73.2% that's another change from the original plan the original plan they proposed 74.9% so now they're down to 73.2 which still exceeds the impervious coverage by 2 I'm Sorry by 3.2% they fixed that they've got all that property work that's one of the recommendations I I made in here because I agree with you I don't understand in a rain Garden take up some this was our comments from last time with with all of the flooding on East Avenue we can't make them do no we can well so I went through it reviewed it what they're asking for in terms of variances just to start at the top they're requesting the C1 and C2 variances which basically say you know if we apply the bulk standards it's going to result in unreasonable hardship um or it creates exceptional circumstance and the other issue is that they're saying that any detriment that would be caused by this project is outweighed by the positive impact of the project the biggest thing for this is that they have to request a use variant and so they are requesting a D1 variant so this is in front of the zoning board because the general business Zone does not permit multif family dwelling so they need a use variance they also need M let me just I guess I'll go through the whole um they also need a variance for height um um they're proposing four stories only two stories are permitted the total height is 47 ft only 30 ft are permitted the previous version was three storage it was yes the previous version was three now this is four so if we turn them down they're going to go back gu for five I know I know um they also need a variance for the impervious coverage and they also need a variance for the uh floor area ratio the permitted f is 30% and they have 35% the argument that they kind of rest on is that the current impervious coverage on the site is about 78% so even though they're above they're actually removing right a portion of ous coverage by doing this project um there's no Wetlands on the area there's no presence of threatened or endangered species habitat the celes brook is to the east of the site um what else can I tell you about it I told you about to make ready parking spaces so the trees they are removing 28 trees the last application they propos to remove 29 trees so this time they're removing 28 one of them is above 18 in in uh dphh they're required to replace 16 trees they're planting 62 on site um the weird thing is this so I have here to be planted 62 because that's what it says in their tree replacement table but when I went to the Landscaping plan they have 121 deciduous trees 16 evergreen trees so one of my comments was we need to get the tree calculations consistent because they don't make sense like on one page it says one thing on another it says another um the anti-idling signage is not shown on the site plan so that was one of the recommendations there's no bike storage showing on the site plan so that was another recommendation um what else the buffering to JFK that's already there is going to remain in place but they're not really proposing any other buff offering so just something to think about because it's going to be in the middle of this Plaza that has McDonald's stop sh yeah and by the Franklin greens yes um one of the other recommendations I thought was pervious pavement at least for the parking areas because nothing is there in terms of green infrastructure I also wrote down rain Gardens I understand the existing storm water system in place that they have is actually relatively new which is why they want to use it they could the new requirements it does it does it does yeah it does um but I did recommend the green roof the rain Gardens the pervious pavement so we'll see what um they have to say there you know if they've got to get a use variance they should offer some of these major things yes they do have to get a used variant so that is that's one good thing yeah absolutely um what else and I think let me just make sure I wrote everything down here and that is it so I think I covered all of the changes from last time um yes from what I can see it looks like I covered all is there any solar proposed in this no solar proposed we recommended that last time no solar proposed though so that was one recommendation I really think if they want to change the use on a lot that big and that Central of town they really need to offer up something solar canopies over the parking lots we recommended that last time yeah I wrote that in here solar cells and can solar over Community areas recommended so yeah what we recommended last time was that put solar cells on the roof and apply for a State Community Grant which would would help the people with lower income reduce their electric bills some of the some of the electric thing gets dedicated to the other the when is this before the plan the zoning board they don't have a date yet scheduled they're not like on the docket yet but we have to get our reports done by February 20th CU I I think it being good for some of us to show up for this meeting and speak about well that the council is going to show up Town Council it means another school yeah with all these two and three bedroom units are going to be a lot of kids yeah the both of them are are two-bedroom partments 123 of them are two bedrooms and in the the 20% those affordable are any of those three bedroom cuz that's that I don't know you said eight I think you said eight or three bedrooms eight or three bedrooms in the 20% because when I did my focus group for the health study that was one of the things that came back that families need three-bedroom apartments cuz a lot of our families are multigenerational there's three generations and a two-bedroom apartment doesn't cut it when grandma's actually helping to get the kids to school I think actually the um affordable housing rules demand that there be some three bedroomroom Apartments precisely for the they do require that they didn't submit that though as part of their application they like they submitted the environmental impact statement the traffic report which they're contending there's going to be less traffic or equal less or equal peak time traffic because it's you know when Kmart was there but Kmart hasn't been there for so long so it's kind of hard to compare but um be interesting to see how they came with the peak traffic right has equal the regulator cuz when it was Kmart Kmart had let's say x amount of cars coming in and out all day right where the most of the traffic for this will be early morning right and in the evening yeah no I hear you I get it completely it's more it's more focused and since somebody brought up the school system I mean I don't really have much to say here about this because my words are for the the zoning Board of the councel bringing up the the school system you know there's F rolling it um if if they are given these variances right they given this variance to go from commercial retail or whatever to residential than what they are saying to every other property owner and developer anywhere up and down 27 Ceda Grove Lane anywhere else that somebody has an empty storefront mhm they can submit for residential on any of those properties and it'll be very difficult for the township to say no to them because they gave it they gave it to Le because they set a precedent and that would be the first Domino to fall 200 Apartments is really not that much as far as the school system is concerned but if you're talking about all these other things that will happen afterwards due to that precent you're talking about thousands of people not to mention the infrastructure of the roadways police and everything else that's going to occur after that so that makes sense yeah well if we can find out the date this is going to be heard I I'll make an effort to go if I can I can't see right the Kmart yeah yeah if you if you want to talk about crossing the parking lot there they have they're going to have McDonald's right across you know I live a mile from there so I don't know how much you guys know about they have a McDonald's right mhm 100 ft out the front door where they have to cross a roadway that that goes from JFK right up into stopping shop and now you going to have 5-year-olds 8y olds 10 year olds 12 year olds going home after school and then walking across that parking lot to McDonald's it's going to be very interesting but they've already started constructing there they've started constructing McDonald no no in the parking lot they already started digging that's for the McDonald's well that's for the McDonald's there was one across the street and they going to move to this no yeah McDonald's across the street they were they were due for an upgrade according to according to McDonald's you know whatever how they decide standards yes and it wasn't enough property there for them to build it the upgrade that's why they're moving of course to where the Burger King used to be now the last time too as I mentioned when when you were just here um that there was an automotive center there as part of Kmart and so Hy had raised the issue of changing motor the vehicle oil and all that stuff and um said there oh there was a waste oil tank license which was terminated in 2000 so they did have an a waste oil tank on site whether it was underground or above we don't know but it was 1,000 gallon tank and there's the program interest number is ear listed so at that size 1,000 gallons you usually do put that underground that's that's a big above ground tank um a single well tank applicant needs and we felt there should be more research on that um yeah I walked the property and I didn't see any monitor ing Wells right uh like they possibly had done any kind of monitoring just because I didn't see any doesn't mean that they they aren't there but I I didn't see any and I don't think they talk about having done any monitoring don't they don't they don't yeah so and even if it was above ground they were there for years and years and years doing oil changes and stuff leaks goes through the ground they got drains inside there where that goes underneath there um so you're going to build residential on top of who knows what so I I think that you know not that I want this at all but I think part of the process should be they should be doing monitoring there to see what's in the ground okay um uh you mentioned the provisions for make credit um it should be 15% 15% yeah and it said they like close th000 uh parking spot so there was a th000 under the parking requirement but that's this is where I get I have to talk to Mark about it because there's a, 1,15 parking spaces required under the parking ordinance for the site right including the shops including the shops now the only parking that's being added for the apartments is 387 spots so 15% of that is 58 so I think they exceed it but I have to make sure because multif family dwellings our ordinance just says 15% of the parking so I don't know in this situation if it's 15% of all the parking the existing and new or if it's 15% of just new I think it should be 15% of the parking that is designated for the for the site for the site and then if you think that 58 are required and they're doing they're not subdividing off then I would think it would be the parking for the whole site yeah including the shops CU it's not being subdivided so that's the question so if it's based on the 995 cuz they do get a reduction for the make ready then they're required I think it's like 127 or something like that close to yeah if it's the the 387 they only have to do 58 spots so that I have to get clarity on from is for the section that will be the residential so speak yep yep well actually only 58 would be required they're proposing to do 88 so that's can we at least give them suggestion to make the them ready but spaced by one by one like U we can yeah so they um the reason is that uh as a future proofing you know um when you have a charging spot here have two vehicles you can see it she's pulling it up on so yeah no I know what you're saying so they do have a lot of them in this area here to the they tend to Cluster them all together cluster so you got some clust clustered over here on the western boundary by JFK and then I remember seeing some over where are they are they oh and then you have a bunch over here in this section where is it labeled it says make make ready so there's nine here um on this yeah and then on this side here you have uh 35 oh on the side yeah so they are clumping them together so you want to make the recommendation that they're spaced out more I mean this is this is the default I know where they're coming from but the thing is then they have another 18 to the north of it just so you know 18 here it's easier to wire it that way for I know it's it's easier U but then um I'm not saying it's a good thing Stan because uh when you want to charge another vehicle you are up to either ask someone to move the vehicle and pull your vehicle or just unplug and plug the vehicle sitting next to it got it okay if you have next to each other then you are not generating any voids in between but if you have charging no charging charging no charging okay then in the future you can just unplug and replug the other one as opposed to moving vehicle it's always hassle a good I can add that in we do you want us to is that something we should be adding cuz we when we generate our memos we have like blur stand part template add to the blur okay I will add that to the blur to so um e Make Ready spaces should be at least one space Oh alternating one space part alternating should alternate okay okay no just one space no just one space yeah just make it easy one space okay um um and I have another one okay uh so as we are adding all those blurs we are saying can make solar ready make the car now for the charger is it's a LW um but the state is pushing for General electrification including Heating and for the heating it's a heat pump that's that's what I talked about and if you have a new building then making ground Source heat pump it's not too much much onos because they already digging so I don't know whether it's a reasonable request but if they start doing the heat BND is ground Source heat um then maybe the Enos is not that bad but ultimately the saving for for heating and probably saving will be on someone else I'm getting you know the the department of energy is recommending all electric now electric appliances all that and it's what we just looked at and if you put just a heat strip then it's for one unit of energy you get one unit of heat right when you have uh air to a heating so for one unit of energy you get three units of of heat but for ground Source you can get even more okay let me uh like look up what the um if there's like legislation on or anything that we can reference this stuff that I gave you before we started is a little out of date if it's that the um the standard was proposed like in 2018 2020 it's they've gone further there was public hearings and that was part of the the Uproar over thaning where you you cast those that some some groups were pushing that makes sense so the recommendations then that I have right now for this one of the anti-idling signage the bike storage and simple repair stations reducing the impervious coverage to the allowable limit which would mean they have to take away 3.2% which is really not a lot uh conforming with requirement for EV charging and stand the spaces I added that in I have to verify of engineering which number we're supposed to be going with but they'll they'll verify that uh maximum use of native plant species uh pervious pavement use of rain Gardens solar green roof Andor cool roof technology recommended plus canopy solar um and then a question are the three bed Apartments affordable if so how many the only thing I could find on the site plan is that the three bedroom apartments there's two proposed for each floor but it doesn't say if they're affordable or not so I don't know but we can find out and that's all I have can can you pull up the design again I'm just curious the architecturals or the I guess I could show you yeah just the overhead view whatever you want let me get the nice feel yeah there's a separate thing on the architectural drawer pictures here okay here's the oh that's kind of small but okay do you want me to go somewhere in particular that's fine um so I'm just trying to figure out how far out does it go past where the Kmart is now is there any way of telling that um from the original there should be a demolition plan which would give the dimensions of the Kmart building there is you could compare with this building but also when you talk about they said that they the words I think you said were that they were demolishing the Kmart building yes and nothing else they're demolishing the Kmart building that's yeah that's right that's my point is that the Chinese restaurant next to it and vus Jewelers will also the Venus Jewelers is going to be moved to another part of the shopping center so the building it says that there demolishing is 17,600 square ft the concrete area to the west of it over here is to be removed and then what else over here is to be okay, is the current 17,600 Square ft then they're removing some curbing up above it um some pavement up above some of the parking up here is like in front of it in front of Kmart where Kmart was uhh will be removed and I'm just looking to see if any of the stores to the okay so here's the Jewelers that's included in the footprint of what's to be demolished so you got Venus Jewelers and a vacant store next to it yeah that was the yeah that's the dollar store or something like that well and there's the Chinese restaurant then do then Venus and then the dollar store and right in the middle right in the middle there is going to be where Venus Jewelers will be okay here they have it listed here too yeah what's that what do it and then Al Venus up here okay yeah the one on the top is the one they're destroying okay it be looks like a little bigger now yeah so that's what they denote as being demolished looks a lot bigger yeah limit of pavement area and curve to be demolished they're getting rid of a lot of the parking area like over here pavement and these curb islands are going to be removed and then this is the whole old Kmart building including it looks like it includes this Venus jewel is this where the new one you're going you're saying no the new one's here okay so they'll demolish these the vac and the Venus Jewelers and this vacon and that's the dollar store in the corner there yeah I was just curious if there's a way to see from the front of Kmart if the new apartment building extends out past that be nice to have an overlay but they didn't give us that yeah let me see I don't know if there's something that shows you how many linear feet from the back to the front there is on this and then on the um new plan uh if not it's not not a big deal well the only thing they really show is that footprint of the building 107,000 Square ft and then the old building yeah but that was all one building they even if they gave you the how many square fet the apartment is it wouldn't be the same because in the middle there's open areas right they're still taking up the space but it's not part of their square footage the area proposed for development 248 635 Square ft the total square footage of all the buildings is they're taking down 105,000 they're building a total of four something so and these are five stories four stories four stories yeah we could probably measure it I'm not sure exactly move on how far move on yeah that's fine um is that good with everyone these recommendations any other recommendations no just tell us when they when it's going to be heard I'd love to go okay all righty okay let's then complete the item six the site plans new business we started this last uh meeting about goals for 2024 and accomplishments for 2023 yes so that the last meeting I handed out or I I sorry I shouldn't say I handed out I gave out the table that we've been using for our projects and what we want to work on for 2024 I put updates in in the tasks and projected timelines and then at the last meeting we said we would all just look it over and talk about it at this meeting is there any projects on here that should be taken off you got my email right I sent you an email with my response to yes yes and I added it I believe I added everything in here or we talked about it the last yes I don't have it in front of me so okay um let me make sure I added it in here yes I did um and so basically I guess we should talk about were in your review was there any projects in here that you think should not be in here are there projects that should be on here um you know when I still didn't have time when do you need to know well I mean there's no like uh it's not like it's required to be submitted it's just our it's our project it's kind of like our work plan for 2024 so you know at which point you will no longer ask um well I mean pretty soon because we don't want to get too far into 2024 without having the plan you know so and it's not really a plan it's really kind of just the the only other thing that I've thought about and um I was talking about it with Jessica earlier is you heard me ask a question a while ago about could we have a real estate transfer tax that could pay for sustainability initiatives so thanks to Ted's advice and I reached out to um Bob vorn Locker the only way to do it would be a real tax we can't do a real estate transfer tax and I think that's a big picture question we should be thinking about about is do we want to help Define what sustainability looks like in Franklin and try to develop a way to have a dedicated funding stream for sustainability and it might be storm water management it might be energy you know augmentation but I think it would be as forward-looking as we could be and um it would really be making a statement that this town cares about this and to his credit Bob War Locker said and and um Lou R said well what kind of things are you looking to fund and I would love to sit around with a group of us and think about that and what might that look like and maybe that's something for the infrastructure committee yeah that does that would be a good project for the infrastructure committee for sure so I think if we could add that to our list and then I realize it seems a bit overwhelming but I would be happy to put some time into that cuz I think the towns that do that are going to be the best protected and the best situated for what what's coming I mean right now the Pacific has an atmospheric River who knows are we going to be ending up with atmospheric Rivers 5 years from now what would Franklin look like if we were dealing with what they're dealing with in California right now I you know a month ago when South Middle Bush was closed for I don't know how long as well as everything else that's just a drop in the bucket compared to what could become and are we prepared for that and do we have funding for it do we have the leadership for it I think we need to really commit some s Equity to this and I would like to see us do that I don't like to encourage fear but I don't think this is fear I think this is PR being prudent CU right now we're reacting to everything and I'd like to see us be proactive and it will take money so there's no doubt about not that but he who plans is a she who plans is a lot better off than the ones who don't okay I can add that I'm just like kind of typing some notes right now CU we're going to end up funding this stuff with whatever's left at the end of a year or robbing Peter to pay Paul or we're not going to do it at all and then we're somebody's going to pay me always looking for an opportunity Paul good for you think going to give you a raise Paul your salary um let's see here so okay I like that um let me see what else you need us to take move things off to another year I mean I mean it's kind of just like it's not you know we're not submitting this to anyone it doesn't need approval it's just kind of like keeping us you know this is what our yeah what our projects are that we're looking to do um some of the things are underway already and have to be completed soon like the community energy plan um then we have things that have been on the list for a while like the Green Building ordinance the storm water utility feasibility study um even the tree ordes we've been working on jointly the other committees uh the climate action plan is on here the waste for example this is a good one the waste audit of the Franklin Township Municipal Building is that something that we actually want to do or feel we can do or is that something that should just go which one the waste audit I mean what they do with their waist no so it's kind of like uh sustainable Jersey has established the whole uh framework for the project and it involves us kind of figuring out how much waste is generated say for example in this building and then sorting it figuring out how much is like recyclable and you kind of do an audit in a short period of time to kind of figure out how can waste be reduced are people recycling properly but only for the building Municipal we would pick like the municipal building for example this is a separate sustainable Jersey project that we get points for we would yeah it's a lot of work it's not for a lot of point I mean it's for 10 points which is nice um it's just we have a lot of other things on the horizon I can remove it if no like is anyone interested in doing that at all no get rid of it that sounds like something and I'm not talking about anybody sitting at this table right now but it sounds like something that an intern might do something like that a project or or a or a Boy Scout or a girl scout looking for some kind of a a medal of some kind yeah yeah could work I mean it involves really like going through the trash putting it all into one spot sorting it into auditing the garage auditing the garbage Stan has experience he just I always thought it would be cool but lot of employees you want to get the people who generate the garbage to sort it yeah I don't know we'll be I don't know that we'll be successful what happened they the students started doing one at the high school and they found that yes they had these nice containers for different types of materials but the janitors were just dumping them all together right yes and in our school I think they do not have recycl do they I have to ask my daughter well that's absurd if they don't well the township has no commercial recycling program it's only residential our church I one of our congregants carries all our recyclables home to South Brunswick and puts it with her personal recyclables cuz Franklin Township has no way to collect recyclables it's a good point but I just want to say this when a garbage truck shows up at the center where dumps their trash there are audits done there and if a dump truck cuz I was a part of this when I was working for Union County if a truck shows up and they have and just it's just eyeball they have X amount of cardboard and papers and everything over a certain limit right they're fine and they're it's got to go back on the truck um so they have to those truckers the garbage truck people the waste haulers have to audit what they're picking up like at a at a shop right or a stoping shop you know they can't pick up a huge bundle of cardboard and just dump it in with everything else why doesn't the County make commercial part of the no I mean I'm saying it's a good point but I'm just telling you what the waste it makes sense I can understand that cuz they don't want to be in that business or refined for it but we need to create a mechanism where it's collected an alternative right yeah you see we have private at Canal Walk every other every other Friday we all have we all have private Paul all of us do but the county does our recycling why doesn't the County do commercial recycling that would pick up then it for the schools it would be worth it cuz somebody would be picking up the recycling yep yep that's why it's not done maybe that's leave it on the on the list that way to explore what would it take to have the county pick up a recycle commercial recycling okay yep we can add that what it always comes down to money money money but maybe we could okay we can like add that as something to explore for sure the other question I have because without that I'm not sure the waist audit really helps yeah and the waist aits really for a building specific I think the problem is at this point we have so many things on our plate that doing that is kind of going to be difficult but doesn't preclude if some someone wanted to do a project like an intern a Boy Scout a Girl Scout that would be perfect but if we had a place for the Township Municipal Building to send its recyclables then it would be worth doing the audit for sure any place to send it what's the point don't we have a recycling center no not for commercial no I know I'm just saying we do have what's called a recycling center right but I think part of an audit would not only be seeing what's going into Recycling and what's going into to regular garbage but as I think it was Ted pointed out and I've seen this in other places also the janitors take the T and they just dump it together and that should be that should be part of an audit to make sure where is that oh great all this is recycling but where is it actually going to Corn Locker what happens in this building there so I did speak to him about that he said that the uh cleaners and everything they're instructed to set keep recycling separate that they are instructed where does it go after that that I'm not sure of I'm 100% sure question number ask Christine Woodbury refers to says uh do you want to give the plans back for me to recycle so I mean apparently a lot of paper does go into sumary and who who does that does somebody drive it over to Churchill Avenue I don't know that I don't know ask yeah that's the question do I don't know if somebody asked this I think I might have heard it but like where I worked I had two garbage things that in my desk one for recycling and one for regular garbage yes they all have that and they do because usually there was rarely anything in the regular garbage cuz when you're working in a place like this it's mostly probably 90% right paper right yeah there they do have that for sure and I know there shredders in most of the office is and everything like that but I don't know where I don't know there was a question number one for Theon I've seen that in the past that whole area is filled sometimes with plans like these but where do they go I can find that out okay the only other one I wanted to ask about is we've had this one the leave leaves campaign on our project list for a while we just haven't been able to do anything with it is that something we want to keep on basically encourage residents to leave fallen leaves on their lawns to allow for an improved ecosystem and soil quality so I think similar to the Nomo until Earth Day that it was kind of this project was kind of in the same mindset like we don't know if we can let people leave their leaves but being that we're encouraging people to not mow I think we can probably also do this and then focus on it in the fall and focus on the fall so I think and it's an easy one to do now that we kind of have i' like to see if there are any scientific studies on this on leave leaves yeah yeah we could I could look into it and see what we can find but so if that's something for the fall we really got to kind of remember that in like June probably that's when we got to start working on the materials right right so we just got to kind of keep that in our minds diary that um what else um I think those the other things we're working on the micr mobility study I included the focus tree plantings in WS four and five um and that is through the work that Robin and Ted have been doing and from the local Health assessment that would involve partnering with the shade tree committee um for use of the shade tree fund uh the sustainability and resiliency plan is on there we're waiting for more K to put together committee yes he so right now I just sent them the pathways and trails plan to get the final approval the open space plan is coming up next and at the same time we can do that so I think once he gets through cuzz the health assessment now done he has to approve the pathways and trails plan and then I think we're I'm going to keep asking yes we will it's just it's just a matter of like the things that are in front of it just have to get completed first so but we're moving okay um and I don't think there was anything else on here that I was thinking oh that really should go have that um STS email about ridewise of Somerset County and asking us if we want to have some people oh yes I have that on the agenda sep item our participation be something we want to put on tasks for the year that we want to participate in that we I can add it in after we discuss it that will work yeah I can absolutely do that for sure that's the next item on the list we're the biggest Township in the county I think it makes perfect sense to be part of that so does anyone have any more comments or questions on the project list I'll just keep updating it it is really helpful when I do the annual report to have this in place and it kind of also helps us see what we've been working on and what still needs work so I think it's help okay and you know it probably doesn't hurt once a quarter to print out a bunch of those and have it up on that table so we have to look at it yeah yeah it's probably something good too I think Jessica maybe mentioned it I'm not sure if I could if it was you or Robin or might have been both of you that something we should like give out you know have published for the public too to see clearly we have a goals page on our website yeah why don't we put this up there because you never know who could help us if they don't see it they don't know we could use their help yeah see if um Krista could put this on our website in some fashion yeah I'll clean it up and everything first I'd love to see those goals that are up there now out of there and just put this up this is enough well and it's easy to upate it's and then we can keep it up and we can even keep the colum like if we accomplish it we can just write like complete which is nice but take out the current annual goals they are we don't look at them they're out of date this is much more accurate okay you with that yeah I I honestly would love to overhaul our entire website but frankly but let's do start but I'm fine with this am all right the the next item on new business is membership to the municipal advisory committee exactly what you've just started talking about right so I have stand email here or he received uh this email we back up well Paul was copy yes this email went to Mayor Kramer Township council members Paul was copied um and it basically is uh ridewise has Municipal advisory committee which is a networking and collaboration group that will meet quarterly to discuss issues and plans around pedestrian and cyclist safety and efficient sustainable Equitable Equitable Transportation many towns in suers County have already partnered um they're going to be talking about like I said pedestrian safety micro Mobility EV charging public transportation connections to Trails and parks and more the goal of the committee is to provide an Avenue for all the municipalities of Somerset County to work together to advance these ideas attached is an invitation letter with more details on the first meeting I've also cced members of your environmental commission that have worked with ridewise before um so basically they are looking for someone to serve on this Municipal advisory committee which I think is I do think is a great idea I don't see the information though about the meeting date yeah I didn't see the ask I didn't see anything about that danan do you have your email with you cuz maybe you got the letter it was attached to the email I'm not prepared what date did that go to Stan uh January 25th I think it was sent by Sarah Sarah C Sarah if you want to look in your scent you said well yeah you want it from when it's from Sarah so hold on it's from Sarah January 18 Catherine yeah January 18th is when she sent it okay so here it is is there an attachment it's signed by her no an attachment to the email I'm just reading oh the attachment yeah good um I think uh the content of the attachment equals what was in the body of the well she she refers to the attachment includes a date yeah she said that attachment our first meeting will be virtual on February 20th that's Tuesday I know that because I had something else and at 5:00 p.m. committee virtual February 20th first meeting virtual February 20th 5:00 p.m. and uh you can re here at w https bet. Le slm ad Comm can you forward me that email stand like the one you're looking at that has the attachments cuz then I can whoever is going to participate I cannot make the 20th but I would be interested in helping I just made a commitment today I cannot break I think they're looking for a representative from our EC could do that too depending on on when the meetings are quarterly it says quarterly now I don't think they know when the next one February 20th oh so we have osac too on February 20th but not till 7 but still it's kind of cutting it close for me at least I thought we were in March open space yeah every third Tuesday cuz when the January meeting was canceled it said the next meeting was in March and I put that in my calendar said February it should be February 20th every 3D Tuesday I can't I can't be there in February already committed to another meeting that night for my church that's okay I'm sorry so does anyone on this committee I think they would like someone if I'm reading it correctly to be like the standing member if they I mean I'm sure if if like the standing member can't make it and we want to send someone in their stad that's fine I don't think they're going to kick us out or anything but I'm willing to to be a standard member as long as somebody will be my back up if there's a conflict I'm overloaded I mean I anyone really want to be on Arie you really want to do it you're burning to get on there I don't even know what it is I don't have any I've heard what you're talking about why you should go too far down but I don't have any but I don't have any real details if that's the only details that they have I think at this first meeting they're going to kind of I think it's kind of going to be like did you ever go to any of the you probably did oh no cuz you work for Union C County did you ever go to any the healthier Somerset meetings I was going to say I Envision it's similar to that where it's like representatives from all of Somerset County and it's kind of like the county will talk about or ridewise in this case we'll talk about what programs they have and sustainable Jersey has about Equitable transportation and micro mobility and um sustainable types of transportation and things like that and then it'll be the ability for the towns to kind you want's healthier Sommerset it'll kind of be like you ever went no healthier Somerset do you remember that group oh dimly but then every town kind of gets an opportunity to say hey we're working on this and another town might be like I really want to work on that too how did you do that what who are you working with and so it's kind of like a what's the word I'm looking for like a I'm saying of Lord of the Rings like a Fellowship of the Ring that's CR fertilization basically yes or The Fellowship of the Ring so yeah so Robin you're willing to be a standing member yeah put me down as long as somebody will be my backup cuz stuff happens I could be a backup okay you could mention the the plan that we have with the railroad to never call me back I got to call Walter again it's on the agenda though yeah well see for this study though the micr mobility so for for this group the municipal Alliance or whatever it's called Municipal advisory committee talking about our micro Mobility study and our community energy plan that would be something to share with the group CU that really fits in there really well um okay so Stan you're going to forward me that link this way I did it okay so I will forward it to to you guys so that you can register oh you should have it already I had it but I just got a text from Joe Daniels and he wants something I don't know but can you go on the February 20th I cannot February 20th at 5:00 p.m. it's virtual virtual the day after President's Day on that Tuesday I think what what time 500 p.m. Pro probably I'll take a look I don't have my calendar here yeah if you can't go I might be able to if it's virtual the only thing is I have to drive like that's why I have to drive back here for my meeting and I try to get here early to get ready so I might not be able to but can try okay well we have people already so that's good okay sounds good that's the 20th yeah 5:00 p.m. virtual so we need the uh WebEx or Zoom yeah they'll send that once you register I think they operate on Zoom but whatever Zoom yeah okay you need computer I mean I've worked with ride boys before also I talked to them a couple times okay so then we'll add that to our list of projects yeah the participation in that's it for right now got it okay perfect all right so okay okay uh presentation of abandoned Railway beds is the next one and I I did place a call to Walter Lane who's the County Planning guy but he never called back you want me to email him cuz he emailed me and said yes he wanted to meet with us that's what he that's what he told me right and he said and he had a group of Staff already that would join in the meeting right well why don't you try him again I'll try the chair I'll try him again tomorrow try him again and I told Paul I would like to be there in that meeting and also someone our chairman from open space should be there cuz that kind of falls under their perview so we should make sure that our open space person is there as well so yeah yeah he he mentioned three or four people that from their side that would take part good I'll call again okay um report from the subcommittee Maria we you start with you anything new um I think I forward the email the uh the youth center uh they declined to I saw that what happened that Joel back to Outer well the thing is that the students are taking their college examination exams the SAT the acts and uh they're busy studying for those tests and it seems like most of them are seniors the ones that want to be part of of here and um and then he said that we should revisit the offer of working with them in the summer went back yeah interesting yeah uh I was also thinking that maybe as a courtesy maybe some of us should visit their meeting just to display interest that's good ide it is but then we should ask him I'm saying it and I don't have time it's an amazing place I've been there a couple times five or six times now where in their meeting yeah yeah Louis Avenue the youth center okay so so if you were there then then we got a check but you haven't he didn't go to a meeting no I didn't go to a meeting I gave we gave $2,000 a year walk gave them money so they got a tour the group that Joel U advises is the youth Council yeah so that's youth Council have meetings so that's one of the meetings that we would go to is the youth council meeting mhm yeah we we sponsor a dinner every month for the kids Yeah you mentioned that too cuz we're asking them to come here uhhuh maybe we should also go there that would be easier you know can see display I asked Joel when we would be welcome like far way away like there's got to be another time like maybe there's another time to revisit is it to like Prime some of the younger students to be interested as opposed to waiting until the summer when they are not at all focused on school yeah like let's like how about we talk to well that's why we we actually gave them uh the benefit that they suggested that the year for membership here should be a school year right so but I think we should be priming them before waiting until summer I think you're going to find yourself press for time to try and get kids interested in the summer we work on sophomores and juniors yeah so get them interested now and then then they're ready to go start of the school year it's just turned key they also spend a lot of time with the Junior High kids rather than the seniors now they all they're trying to build up their work with the seniors but theyve spent a lot of time on the junior high level that would work for us too yeah okay uh anything on the communications uh go back oh back to sub I'm looking at the subcommittees so so for the education right so we have also the film update so um I requested the screenings through the website through the link that Jessica shared with me and they yeah they kiss the ground l i I reached out to them as well I didn't get anything back either I I didn't get anything right so so I was waiting waiting and then I visited the website again and what they back Robin wasn't here for background um uh T rais some concern about um uh any rights involved with with the filming copyright copyight yeah this what I do for a job so so so I looked again and they have a shorter version of the film uh they they call education version for schools and it's 45 minutes and then it took me a little bit backward researching that the original length is 85 minutes and and I thought that maybe actually even speaking of the length that maybe the shorter version would be more appropriate for us and leave time for discussion right right so and that version is much easier to access you pretty much give up your email address which I have done I have received the link so we are all set um now speaking of so and because I was kind of delayed so um by the time it we it will give us only one one week time for for for the marketing I mean if we vote today that it's okay and we can start tomorrow advertising for the next Monday I'm fine with that but I think it's probably not good idea um so for consolata I connected with Janet she's from Recreational department and she's connected with consolata I went through few other Alternatives and for all of them they said yes okay so we we have pretty good the flexibility on their end now um when when I said okay it's too late I thought okay I'll add two weeks to it because uh mentioned that we want to adhere to the Monday schedule uh and I thought that adding two weeks will skip the meeting that we have but I didn't check the calendar because on 19th which is the next Monday after the next is President's Day and we don't have meetings so we are meeting on 26th so so so I asked uh Janet okay can we actually do it on 19 no because they also the same holiday that why we are operating they don't operate so if you want to do Monday so the next after 26 is March 4th which is our first meeting in March meeting right it's again meeting right so which means that we the next one will be on March 11 I think that's perfect timing cuz it's spring I do too really kiss the ground yes spring is coming because I I wanted to flush it earlier you know because I need to prepare other communication for this I just another another request to them we can do both we can do both maybe if we both have submitted as the environmental commission they'll realize we're serious I just submitted another one I still think the whole film is worth watching but that's just my opinion I understand if for practicality we go with the l so I like the idea of Mark 11 and I can help that March 11 March so pretty much we have kind of two buckets of options one is just the March 11th which I was surprised that you are so welcoming into that anyway the other one if you want to have it in February it would not have to be Monday because we ran out of Mondays mhm um the 20th which I thought I was hoping first of all we have another commitment here and I really wanted somebody be present at you specifically right so but on 11th of March would you be present go who else would be there I would prefer that hold on one second keep thinking about the 11th but hold on I want to make sure that's not the budget hearings for the township because we definitely can't do it if it's the bu that would be late well if we were doing it at consulada there's no cons conflict there's no conflict but I think we're not really supposed to have like any kind of or we should not have any events during the budget hearings in case people want to go to the budget hearing I don't know what do you think no okay all right just a thought the date is good with me next meeting I just don't want to get and the J responded to me it is the budget hearing and then it's the budget hearing I don't I mean it's up to you guys of course I'm just a little concerned who has to be present at what at seven no no one here has to be present I'm just wondering if having a film screening like what if members of the public want to go to the budget hearing to hear the town the public never appears I that's true I just don't want to cut anybody off that's all but up to you guys it's not up to me I'm just letting you know that the 11th and 12 the budget hearings 7 um we want to do at 7 not no one is saying no one has said to me you cannot but like for example our open space committee meeting and our Trails our meeting these are things that are formally announced as yeah Township right so this would be is a film showing that's outside the right realm of to committee meetings even if it's sponsored by the environmental commission it's not an official environmental commission meeting it's not official meeting so so we're technically not in Conflict you probably wouldn't even have to do a Sunshine Law no this no no we wouldn't have a for why don't you just ask Mr vorn Walker if we can do it and then let us know but I think push for it I think we should be able to do it I want to just say yes just go with it no more EMA don't give him a chance to think of a reason to say no yes I want to say to Bob Bob your is to get things to happen not to keep them from happening yeah to be a Shepherd not a gatekeeper yeah okay so you guys want to do March 11th let's get done with it okay can I make a suggestion scan on this promo piece you sent us um we have time yeah there's some oldo there it says focus of the event these are the old ones um I don't know why it appeared even in my email but when you click on it it will actually refresh because this is how it came to me I know and it I I received it also when you forwarded it to me right that's that's how I know um but I'm worried about what goes out to the public to no no no no no no well well don't worry don't worry and I think maybe for the location we should say are we referring to those buildings now as The Bard ofed buildings or is it a municipal complex B complex to find out the official name of the room that would be used I know there is a room that was designed specifically for film showing and then we can put in there formally the consola building we need formerly okay so what wording you want to use Board of Ed I think the Board of Ed complex and then we can put in parenthesis formerly the Consol out of building complex and J but also have a street address yes we do have that 2301 anybody doesn't know should say New Jersey Ro or it should say Route 20 State Route 27 it should say State Route 27 I copied it from Google That's How It Was Written in Google well when you put in NJ 27 I don't think it comes up but you put in state rout 27 it does cuz I live there I know I'm not in the half of the town okay I can so you want to state state I think State 27 State n y and State State [Music] rout okay I think it's a great idea uh and you will be there to help we can discuss so I'll I'll make it which is this the March 11th the Monday when I send it to you it will be JB okay okay the way what I send you that you have access to actually uh and edit and do it by yourself in case and then we also need Jess to get it to Christa so it goes on our website website I want them to the reason I want them to to write back to us is because they offer promotional materials so that's less work we have to do they literally just send it to us and they help us promote so they'll they might put it on their channels and say hey come to Franklin Township and watch a screening so like that's and I think um because who would be the best person descended to the Hillsboro and Montgomery people that we've been in touch with he was supposed to send them and I was still well now we're finalizing it so yeah now that it's finalized what's her name something like wasi Lauren walowski walowski I can send it to her once you get it if you want or I can give you her name and the woman in Hillsboro is have her email already what w a s m i l a u s k i hi hi a u k i yeah a u k and also the woman from Hillsboro who I met at the rers club and I connected you with her right right I I I'll the out from myb yeah I think now that we have a plan yeah okay I'll I'll send them that uh invite them and that would be great make the same for the resident and maybe different times so that people have more options to select where so we have Coalition film Coalition if you um so so that would be it um Kelly your name is Kelly Francisco sry kelly. Francisco okay uh so that was the I'm just looking on the uh school I'm just looking on the School Board calendar because they need a consolati is that right yeah and they call it the BAC multi-purpose room oh good just so you know but I don't know what BAC stand for I'm trying to figure out right and they have it on March 20th March 20th is their meeting yeah they have sometimes Thursday sometimes mostly Thursday yeah yeah BAC multi-purpose room that's the big room there so I what that means let me see if I can find it and who's going to help do the actual filming is there going to be be they they have equipment already will they have staff there to do it or yeah they that they will uh they'll have somebody there at 7:00 they want to test everything before the day to make sure everything there's no cu the library makes it easy I hope this is easy is it um something that you'll need a janitorial services to set up chairs for I don't know I don't know if the chairs are usually set up or if they're stacked you should double check on that can check on that also uh when I was uh making the flyer I was rewriting from previous one where we had this project together with Library I think I can also contact library and uh I think I can promote it yeah also co-promote it maybe co-sponsor they agree on that because when they have their logo on it they can also have checkm for their activity yes yes good idea you'll contact the library do you want to yes yeah well since I'm add it I have to first uh ask them whether they are okay if we keep the logo on them because uh when I prepare the Final Logo yeah yeah and that would be a time yes yeah well Communications committee I think we've got enough here to send out an email blast to our list our short list yeah we just need to Gra um I've got several topics the laundry is top source of microplastic pollution that stand sent to us I think that would be a good piece to put in there um kiss the ground um and I'd like to put in since we never ran the piece about from the natural resources defense Council about toilet paper cuz we couldn't use Brands I think I'd like to just put in a little blurb look for toilet paper that's 100% recycled and does not use bleaching in the process I can take the qualifiers that were in that article just not mention any Brands and say if you don't see it speak to the manager of your favorite supermarket and ask them to start getting in some brand is that okay with everybody if I write little and then I think the stream clean up it doesn't hurt to start getting people to think yeah it would be it' be good to send out those one I want to do in stepwise so the film is one thing then we are kind of skipping but the no more on about the communications committee report so these are things that would go out in a blur in an email an email blur so I'm working on my committee report right now okay so do you have a date for the stream clean up yes yes it's April 13th April 13th and which run okay so I thought s e e l e y it's it's ours so whatever way oh yes s e e l e y okay s's R all right and we'll have more details to follow so this is this was something Rob and I said last last week this is perfect um or last meeting that I thought we should be sending out more regular emails saying like here's what we're doing like at least been looking for copy yeah yeah like at least once a quarter at the very least just to say here's what you can look forward to yeah and I think the last one went out in November so forg out in February not bad and I put a little logo in there and I'm going to try to keep the same look to it and have three to four pieces each time I'd love for us to have a new logo and I'm not the person to design it I'm more of a fine artist than graphic designer but like I would love to have a logo that's not what it is my only problem with the logo is that if you scale it uh then it's hard to read what's inside right well that's why right you need you need a um an illustrator file you that's that'll make it when I have more logos then right so when you when you use a it that's that's a technical file type thing there specific file types that are meant to be scaled up and down without without interpolation no I'm not talking about that it gets Blu-ray I'm saying that it has to be enlodged so that it has the font that matches uh human we need a new logo let's just leave it at that yeah the fif piece I would who I'm sorry who design a logo last time we didn't design one I like we made a b like a header but like the logo in there now I have no idea who we have no idea who made that okay let me see if I can find out um okay all right I mean that could be something too we put out as a call to action to Town's members like a contest I don't know if we have any kind of prize that we could offer maybe it's like plan a tree in your name but um it could be something where we throw it out like submit your favorite idea for to the youth group and submit talk tell people about it at the film right submit your favorite what you think our loc the fifth piece I would like to include in there is I will once again mention save the mo till Earth Day to keep that in front of people M yeah so that as they're getting ready and they're getting their lawnmowers serviced hold off give the earth a moment and then after Earth Day M on that's good May something there no May is the original thday is April 22nd so can you hold till April 22nd till April 22nd just allow yourself being lazy that's and let the Earth breathe right no leaving your leaves and leaving your grass are really good for the soil mhm okay I also have a uh one of the younger girls I ride with her mom uh works for the nrcs so if we ever need um she's great she and I just talk all the time so if we ever need like their help with anything especially when it comes to conservation she'd be very happy to participate oh great and if she's got any info we could spread out in the community any good pieces it would be wonderful I can't wa ask okay but keep those articles and Maria's got clippings and stuff keep them coming to us cuz we'll collect them and save them for the next email okay okay did that complete the committee reports mhm fill up the Hot Topics anything new there I think we just did the the our our visit to the New York bite think that's a Hot Topic what do we do to promotee wind offshore wind in New Jersey yeah okay so we went to Old business uh you you headed it with annual report yeah the annual report um I am just waiting on the numbers to come in from adopted drain so I can add that to the annual report and then I have a request into Mark hey just for the budget items that we spend because I list that in the annual report and then it's it's done so it's in a state where it's done I'm just waiting on these should we one of us a group of us present it to the council and show them what we've done we can absolutely ask that we can get on the agenda as soon as I have that stuff in so yeah I think that would be great I do too I think they would like that that we're at work what we're doing speaking speaking of old business and getting in front of the council we still have that award plaque that we never gave I reached out to Sarah she did get back to me and she said she wanted to look through her calendar and come up with some dates for March because she was kind of booked for see if she could make the March meetings work she was kind of booked for February so I have it's a stupid question but first year of uh adopt a drain I know that there was a fee uh and Bob was very happy to cover it right um is it annual fee yes so and we paid again in 2023 the same amount it was less so the first year is more because it was um setting up the website the administration but yeah the fees came again and both is happy we having budget he says he he's happy with it I think DPW is very happy with it because work for them I never remember to S my report but actually I've only had to clean my drain once oh okay well well I I go by it pretty much every day and I can you can see problem is going to back dat it when you report it it goes by the date when you report it can B date I haven't done is because the state put all new drains on Route 27 have you seen that it took them forever and why they were doing that I don't know other drains that were there look fine but everything is Brandy new oh wow so if they don't collect anything on top of them when they remove them I have no idea but literally they're just new so I'll start going out now oh you mean just because they've been they threw out the old ones okay and put a new on put a new curbing there must have been stimulus money that was left over and they were trying to spend spend it your road is now closed for 70 days isn't it I hope I'm hoping 80 90 we all joke that we're going to go down at night and undo whatever the the construction they're replacing a bridge which one oh that's why itro so how do I get to your house between 27 and your house go up go up Bennett's Lane Clyde Road Bennett's Road come across no between between my house and heading to South Middle Bush the first bridge and they're making it wider they're making it wider which we are very upset about because it's going to be a Speedway it's going to be a what Speedway oh and there's no place to turn around so the P there's a police car at each end of the road are they putting is the bridge being widened or the whole Road no just the bridge that's typical and we don't want the road widened and we really wanted the road the bridge kept Mar because right now most people stop right yes and most people stop to let somebody else go every once in a while somebody pushes but now now it's just going to be and then there's another Bridge 200 yard past it that it's narrow again and that's the bridge that was damaged somebody hit it and the concrete it's a big concrete abutment the county put in in the 20s and it went like that they're not fixing that bridge they're fixing the one that wasn't broken so to get to your house get on Clyde Road go up suus and drive or something no well Clyde Road off Clyde road to Bennett to Bennett to 27 and right turn right on skill oh so so from 27 come in instead of from the bottom exactly okay and and who pay who's paying for it the County County County they said it's on all bridges on whatever sort of road I guess other the state highways are County Bridges except those over the canal those are the state's responsibility I know that well great thank you bye we're just about done anyway last update on green infrastructure projects at Damon Williams well the community energy plan I can to update you on um I'm still working on the initiatives Alysa is working on some and helping me out um we do have a lot of them done but there are still quite a few to go so if you I know a lot of you submitted things in Paul gave me something today if you're on the list the Google sheet if you can start getting me those that would be great I just need clarification on that you have me on for for one of them and I just not sure exactly what you're oh okay all right yeah I'll look at it and then if it's one that we were doing together I'm the only one on oh you're the only one yeah I have the one you guys worked on together that one I have that one was done yeah so basically what I'm doing is taking what you submitted me turning it into the the format we're using and kind of like turning it into text for the plan um but we're getting closer to the end and the one good thing is I did have a call with sustainable Jersey because they are doing an implementation Grant now so we got the grant to make a community energy plan they're now doing a community energy plan implementation Grant and what they they basically said Hey in January do you think maybe you could you know go a little faster we're trying to see if everyone wants to apply we don't know when the grants going to come out but you know we'll let you know so I said okay well we're going fast we're moving along then they sent out an email said oh the grant is due February 15th but one of the requirements is you have to have your energy plan adopted not completed adopted so we couldn't even meet the requirement for the planning board that's and then I said I did say that I said I don't want to rush it we're going to end up putting something out there that's not great but then the good thing was is I guess a lot of municipalities said the same thing so now they've extended it to May 20th so we may be able to meet it maybe I'm hoping but in order to do that we have to have our work done by like end of March do you want any help in final editing of this stuff I mean this is going to our planning board it's on our planning board I think we should all eyeball it oh yeah I'll get to you guys before important to have Bob borock read it there may well be things he'll say we can't do that right I agree usually like so for any of the like the health assessment the pathways and trails plan the first stop I send it to the Committee involved so would be you guys first then to Bob Horn locker and then to Mark Hy for the final and then he gets it in front of the planning board um so I'm hoping we can meet that may deadline but the other thing is is I'm not sure when we go through it if we're going to want to apply for the grant this year because I don't know that we're going to have a fully formed project to apply for you know so just something to think about and then there will be funding next year so if we don't do it this year maybe we just try and focus on getting the plan done correctly implementation Grant be used to build out whatever the micro Mobility study comes up with um it could be yes it absolutely could be but the micr mobility study will not be done by May so maybe we wait until that study is done and we apply for the next year of funding unless something when we look at the plan when it's done if something really strikes us say I mean the funding hopefully will I mean they always say it's going to be annual I mean Can it can ever guarantee 100% but um it should be I mean the community energy plan funding has been manual and we were the second round to apply we didn't apply for the first round I just don't want to put an application for something that we have no nowhere near able to do you know because we just know what the specifications will be but at least we know that'll be available so that'll be good okay I think we're up to uh opening the office the public comment period y any ghostly comments I think we we can eliminate that motion and just make a motion to adjourn all right motion I I so move second second all journ good everybody thank you okay