in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the Bolton board in the municipal building posted on the con website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting would take place in person at 7:00 p.m. on uh today's datee is the March 4th 2024 okay um the roll call uh is next yes okay Walter Andrew here here Ted Chase is here Ed E is here J J Jessica is absent uh Stan I'm here here Ral here Robins Maria is here I'm here tar is here Ed pnik is not here I'm here not not and Alissa oh oh yeah have Alysa a l i SS a why a y instead of an i okay okay so that's the RO call um I don't have much of a a report from chair other than I did go to the meeting of the library and Stan made a very nice presentation and got into a discussion of um what kind of charges and such so that was yeah I just want to um comment about my observation so originally I was invited to focus on the charging stations for this South Branch of uh the franku library and uh as it happens I don't know whether it's me or the audience there was uh the discussion just went rock and no Rock just broad it was broader and I think I was there almost an hour it was yeah but not not quite but maybe 45 minutes but that makes me think that uh residents want to talk more about the electric vehicles and maybe we should have a dedicated uh presentation about electric vehicles for the residents uh I would not take um um ownership of it because um I want to others from New jerse Electric Vehicle Association who could present but if we agree we can plan something of that type it would be a bad idea yeah but U I thought the discussion was good that you covered a lot of things and and guided them as to where it was going where where where things might go and the spacing I thought was interesting to move it so that you get two for one basically yeah yeah that's what I was discussing here in general there is lots of tension because people feel they are being pushed to adapt electric vehicles but at the same time they're intrigued and so there is lots of opportunities for education and awareness everybody was alert and listen it was it was a good it was a good discussion and uh when we have electric vehicle shows we typically attract people who are already kind of pro oriented for electric yeah these were all new once in a while we get someone who deliberately comes to say I'm against Vehicles renewable energy is dirty wind is dirty it's killing whales and all sorts of things you know but uh every time uh there is a naysayer it's good because we need to talk to these people and we want to also change uh arguments now because I have discussed this with with many other uh Advocates and essentially everyone who wanted to listen to environmental argument they already did and those who don't like it it doesn't make sense to tell them okay so we are developing different narrative now so that that was really the only thing I thought that would be it's only a week but I got there and it was a good talk thank you so um approval of the February 26 2024 minutes so move second all in favor any changes I would expect disc did you have any changes amendments I did not no okay wow one more very very minor correction which I've sent to T I had her down as Kinton R Kenya last paragraph yep it is that's what he said yeah first thing I'm checking it's right there you're good okay okay so um so then we'll take a motion to open the board to public comments slow move second all in favor okay does anybody here in the audience have any comments doent no either yes I always will I'm sorry I'm I'm taking an interest it's uh I'm no longer involved with common interest Community Statewide issues so I'm taking an interest in Franklin and and environmental stuff hearing about you know the electric vehicles I am intrigued of course I am a six on the floor stick shift gasoline driving person but you know having read a little bit that sometimes these vehicles can spontaneously combust even though maybe on a percentage it might be less than 1% but I don't recall gasoline powered uh cars spontaneously combusting it's just to me it's a new technology we're embracing it maybe a little too quickly are we looking at the safety you know the different ramifications I mean I'm intrigued I'm not a total naysayer but uh it's I don't like this idea of it spontaneously combusting even if it's a very low percentage I can give you a one minute response but I would like to prevent myself from going into details because I can talk about it for an hour oh that would be interesting so they do not spontaneous they get fire okay I think I went to a seminar by firemen that's where I think I got my initial data seminar yeah seminar firemen they're the ones who are responding to put these fires because our organization we organize first responder training yeah uh I would have to know about but we anyway so we more than a minute at this point uh but so it's always if it if it bites um it if it hurts then it's attractive so essentially uh they are picking on on this news because it's it's it's very Sparky right but the statistic says that electric vehicles Catch Fire much less frequently so much less that the statistics is still not significant whether it's 10 times 20 times or some even repo say 60 times less often than gas cars with gas cars when they catch fire nobody cares nobody reports it right so the statistics is really important and you know including the fires on on the ships when they bring vehicles to unit wherever and they say oh it can caught fire without even asking what the electric vehicle was on board there was one fire I don't know what it was near neine or here it turned out it was diesel vehicle after the fact nobody covered it I had to dig for it I should have come with you know my my my reference so really electric vehicles are much less likely to catch fire okay you know being a former Safety Professional it's just are we doing our due diligence this is new technology and we tend to embrace things new no new that I have heard about have been in New York City ebikes with oh off Market not the best batteries that's corre correct so we need maybe a standard they didn't care about the standard for the ebikes but for electric vehicles okay you have one fire and the reputation of the brand can go Chevy had problems with Chevy balls I think 12 of those Vehicles bur and they decided to replace battery for 160,000 Vehicles 160,000 vehicles I tell you I had one my wife has one it was a victory because after how many thousand miles I got new new brand new battery are these EV vehicles are they kind of Zippy I like a as I said I drive six on the floor okay let's because again you know okay thank you I mean I didn't have my I just want to add to your point here about not being re worried cuz my car right now has a recall and I'm not supposed to park it in the garage because of it catching on the fire which one Hyundai Santa Fe so yeah but it's a gas carard yes and that's what I'm saying what she was saying I'm supporting your thing saying that that yes they're not reported and I'm like yeah there's a recall on Santa phas for catching a fire you there's no um currently according to the recall there's no uh solution no no solution no and that's why they're telling you not to park it in your garage so your driveway is big enough it'll work well I park it in my garage oh yeah okay also the electric do you know any website a New Jersey website that could tell legislation that they're considering because in my community um not that I'm opposed to it but they are saying this is coming down the pipe definitively that the state is going to require um homeowners like we're an association Community I don't know how you want to phrase it a planned community that they are going to require with the um HOA retroactively that's word but goes in now puts these stations in even though they never had them do you think that is where could I find something like that do you think that's true that they would go back I'm not aware of it now uh I'm just not aware of it but but there was um couple years ago it's probably now three the Ed ordinance which was oriz which was pushed to all towns and it says for new developments right they have to have 15% of parking spots right and it's faced in over 6 years we are looking at EV charges I think the contracts are going out for by um the U I know Freedom club house and I know that Paul but my point is that it is being presented that we must do this because the state is forcing going to force it on us that's the piece I'm not opposed to things if you're telling me the truth the state has given grants correct for family communities to install charges that's very different from compelling them to install yes and I'm trying my my bottom line is where do you find whether this is a truth or just a leap oh this is a leg of scan I would I couldn't remember the name of it there is one that's free there's some that are okay so if you go to Lis scan l e g i there's bills that are under the New Jersey at some point like but if I don't know if there's a Search tool oh there is so there is a Search tool you can search by text or Bill number and it'll tell you kind of where it's at and from my from what I remember see there's a register button at the top I think you can get at least most of the information you need for free so you can always check there and look and see where it's at thank you excuse me if I could add it's like do you know your New Jersey legislators I know mine I know Senator Bob Smith you know I know Dani so give him a shout I think Jeff at dani's office is is a great resource he's right in some yeah we we know his office I've been there he's U he's the chair of the environmental energy committee right he is the most Pro environment in the entire just haven't met the new Egan yet I want to okay any other is that okay I'm good thank you okay uh so motion to close so move second all in favor comment correspondence I didn't there was nothing in the mailbox I didn't get anything from Jessica either okay it's only been a week since we had the last meeting so that's not unusual okay so that takes our correspondence um maybe um she would have had maybe email from me oh um I have been contacted by um chitra I don't know last from s International about stream up oh but it's kind of communication back and forth between me and then Heather from lower right part essentially the thing is uh L rwp they are running the registration for us which includes waiver something very important and C International is constantly trying to circumvent that and register them as a group as opposed to individuals um CH TR mentioned that she will come tonight she did not but it's some sort of communication type I think you need the individual listed I don't think you can do it as a group you don't know who who they are already it's important to individual individual until you okay so um and there are no I just checked the mailbox and uh you would get email but so far we have no site plans applications since the last meeting and no correspondence no so that's all good so that moves us right to new business this one is where I want to add the new business I could start off sure um so I just wanted uh to add something to the agenda because it came before us at the last meeting um so at the last meeting Annabelle let me say her name correctly Annabelle fig Figo I'll spell it for you later Ted I'll give you a um she is trying to reset she says the community garden at Pine Gro Manor school so she came into the last meeting and she only came in for less than a minute handed me a stack of papers and said this is due on March 7th um and we need to fill it out and the EC sent it in for us last time so um after kind of like researching it and figuring out what's going on what I understand is that apparently back in 2016 we the EC applied on their behalf for a grant through the Community Development block grant um a Township committee has to apply a nonprofit organization can so we applied for uh money for a fence for them and for a trench to be built around which they did the money goes directly to them it's just that we're applying on their behalf for this so now they want to reapply for this Grant and what they want to use it for is equipment and supplies that they can use um for the garden to reestablish it right now it's it's completely overgrown it hasn't been used in years so um the total amount they be requesting this time roughly it's a it's a u very specific number but I I'll tell you why I say roughly it's 9,626 3 they have quotes they only gave me one quote and so technically you need three not technically you need three quotes to get the quote to get the there they're asking for quotes to connect the water from the school to the Garden so they did get one quote for that um but they don't have three quotes for that so I did include that quote with the potential quote for supplies that they need which are like rakes a shed cultivators tools wheelbarrows um the weed repellent fabric uh all kinds of basically things like that they're basically all the same so with that one quote and the supplies 9,626 3 that they'd be applying for um I'm assuming that the cdbg are not going to wave on the three quotes So that hopefully they'll be able to get two more quotes that we can submit with the Grant I went through everything they submitted and started putting it together but I don't have it fully put together yet um so yes so that the question is are we good to apply for this on their behalf I just want to make sure that it's clear I will not have anything I don't have the hours have anything to do with the community garden so I don't mind doing the application but you know I'm not to do the application can they not do the application for you and you just submit it well that's what I thought but no I we certainly have applied for Grants back to the origin of the name Williams part G yeah applying on their behalf is totally fine that's what we did last time but yeah getting the information all together yes would have been they should be do no so they they need to get the two more quotes they need to get the two more quotes yes um but even without the two quotes we can send it in it's due on Thursday this Thursday March 7th um so if we're okay with applying for it on their behalf I we need the approval to do that and I just have to get the final okay from the township manager but we applied in the past so I don't think that's a problem um but yeah I just wanted to let you all know that that's what I've been working on and as as I remember the um the teacher um that was working with it she is the left I think she she left and nobody really picked it up right well for several years there was a parent picked it up but I haven't heard anything from her for several years yeah This Woman's name is Annabelle fig figuero it looks like is her name she and her husband will be overseeing the garden as well as some um she's a parent I don't I really don't know yeah she's like in charge of the garden I guess her and her husband um I did Pine gr Pine Gro Manor yeah I did some should be someone from school now I think I'm assuming it is I was here seriously Alyssa's my we were sitting here and she came in handed me the papers and said this is due on March 7th and we need to get moving on but Paul had said that we did it in the past so I assume she's a parent you know I don't know um let's see what else whoever it may be let's do it do it yeah do we need to take a vote on it we need to take a vote on it and also that you can sign off you have to sign off on all the grant materials oh okay that's reasonable yeah so once I get it put together we can there's like a few spots for you now I'm going to be leaving tomorrow morning for Florida for a week eight days okay but you can send it to me in email going to have my computer with me um I you know what I filled out the for your signature if you don't mind just yeah and then I'll share you the full application before it goes in okay so again so this grant is roughly for around $99,000 and it would be to connect the water from the school to the Garden so they have a water source and also so that they can buy these various the biggest thing is a shed but also you know hose rakes wheelbarrows uh you know typical gardening tools and who gets the fund the township or directly goes into their town no the fun F will go to the the 501c3 they have set up who is like kind of in charge of this Pine Grove Manor community garden okay that's the right way to do it yeah okay so what we we need a vote to I think that would be best yeah so that'll be this's way I can put that in there too yeah okay so the quotes are specifically for connecting the water line yes yeah from the school to the garden and and getting some of these supplies that they need as well the quot the quotes they just need are for the water the other things they kind of just like estimate how much it would be because it's regular tools but the Water Source three quotes needed they've only submitted one so and it's for material and labor yes yep material labor and winterization okay I think so we need to have a vote Yes okay somebody I move that we support and put forward this application second okay any other discussion okay all all in favor I okay you got your approval okay there's the paper oh you want me to sign it to yes there's three pages to sign when you're ready okay and so then I'll submit that I made it official I put my middle in this over here okay is it okay if we move on to the sub committees while you're suing or yeah anyone have a word to the subcommittee that they want to discuss are we already in sub committee yeah yes now we're at sub we don't have any review there's no update no updates okay this is not from the anything here is right here that they about the what about the grant um if the youth center was interested oh the last correspond the last um meeting Jessica sent the correspondence that you had sent to the youth center but there was she didn't send me any updated correspondent so was there any update no thank get that oh you guys sign this one to oh oh I miss um okay any other updates the film I know Robin wanted to just promote the film which we have been it's on our website on our social media um oh it has to be dated is it with is it within the subcommittee regarding the film yes okay yeah so and I sent um our most recent um a newsletter if we can call it that way to Franklin High School and they called me today that they uh will attend uh or stream cleanup um the the Franklin the the the environmental Club will contact additional six clubs from high school and they will be all asked to attend stream cream oh great that's good that' be nice nice they didn't make any reference whether they will attend the film screening because I highlighted stream clean up and film screening so probably not you we get the stream clean up participation got it okay so it's there attending the film but not necessarily the stream clean up vice versa they said that they will attend the Stream clean up but they didn't make any comment about me suggesting them to attend the film screen as well that way yes sorry that I'm too soft no you're no that's okay so um there's nothing from the communications committee Christian Jessica's not here right nothing there just again that they wanted to promote the uh the film showing so during the meeting it's on the screen if anyone's interested Monday March 11th from 7 to 8:15 at the Board of Education building which is at 2301 State Route 27 yeah where they hold the um planning board meetings when there's 200 people want Y is it on Facebook because last time I checked it it was not on Facebook it is so do you have the Township's new Facebook page is it this one um yes that looks like it hold on let me see y what's yours is it called Township of oh man I need my Franklin Township Somerset County yeah Franklin Township Somerset County that's what it is and now I asked that be put on a while back so it might be further back all of for a bit down but I hit February 20th and all right I'll keep looking for it I wonder to be in that February 19th yes I see you only went to the 20 yeah you're right there it's okay going to be in that big room where the planning board has met CU I I when we were passing off the building to the Board of Ed I was told there were four rooms which the count Township would reserve the right to use one of them had been a room for film showings um I never made enough noise to vlock maybe I'm making assumptions here I have been once in that area only for Board of AD meeting yeah that room I thought we are talking about if there are more options and if uh they meant something else um I will try to come early on um do we have some signs that I can bring uh so that we can have arrows pointing from parking lot uh I can ask DPW if we do I don't personally have any but I could ask yeah yeah if it's in the same uh the big room big room that probably it'll be obvious are you do you mean some another room different building I mean another room but I I can't say that I've ever been there and seen it so you might just ask whoever you made the arrangement with what room it is to be sure obviously the big room in back would have more space but does it but do they have the um film projector setup right so they asked me for the link and they wanted to check it and they they said yes it works so that component is so maybe it's in that screening room if they have that equipment there maybe yeah this is something we don't have to worry about the only thing that you made me doubt whether I my perception of which room and is it whe it is what they uh reserve for us I'm kind of 90% certain that it's if we ask for larger room then there is no reason they shouldn't do have anything smaller than the big room where where bordered meetings are happening I will check with u what's her name kimari no kimari is from sumerville there you could also get if it's another room then you can get directions to that other room and where one should enter yeah we entered from the the big parking lot the one entrance the back of the room basically yeah I mean what everybody is used to for the planning board meetings is that back door into the the big room which I still think of as the basketball court CU that's what it was but there's another entrance between the big room and where the offices are I've only been in the big room yeah okay so that that really concludes new business yeah um then old business annual report still waiting on the figures from from uh adop the drain oh I got a postcard from them at home I Community energy plan we're still writing the initiatives Alyssa just completed one so which has been really helpful um so we are still just going through and writing the initiatives and uh the micro Mobility study which is we're using the Grant from the community energy plan for I'm meeting with uh purchasing and Carl how tomorrow so more information on that uh um did you say you had to look up the daughter on U Community Sola were you able to get that I'm sorry Community solar what did you want oh the data on community solar I have not gotten that yet so safy runs that she was out last week um but I'm actually meeting with her tomorrow's the 5th right tomorrow so I will ask her for that all right thank you thank you for that reminder preservation of abandoned Railway bed we discussed that at the last meeting I just kept it on the agenda as like an old business item yeah yeah I got an amplif in the minutes I got an amplification from Robin sedam about the meeting with Walter Lanes put into the minutes although strictly it wasn't reported at the last meeting yeah it was a good meeting we yeah yeah um they are not optimistic that the um the rail will give up these things in fact I talked to vlocker about it at at the last town meeting and he also said it's it's probably not going to happen but but you never know but Robin said that you were going to contact rails yeah yeah absolutely yeah I got a lot from them yeah me too yeah given to the minimal okay yeah we had that was a a good meeting with uh W with um the head of the uh planning Walter yeah and uh we'll see what happens so then uh the next item is sustainable PG partnership for Energy Efficiency so that's the grant um that I had talked about at the last meeting where we get um you know signs and the table runners a professional video made to promote resident itial Energy Efficiency um so Alyssa's actually been doing some looking into it it's due April 4th so we are last meeting everyone said we should apply for it so we'll apply for for the deadline okay so you got a month do way before okay that'd be good good you could pull that off yeah we will okay how much um involvement does it require from our end so um they will there three three kickoff three not kickoff meetings three meetings the first one being a kickoff meeting I'm required to attend um probably someone from the environmental commission should attend it's virtual with with me one or or more of them um and then when they do the professional video for us I'm sorry Paul we'll have to decide just kicked Paul by accident we'll have to um we'll have to decide you know who wants to be in the video does someone want to speak on it or be on video and so they're going to kind need our ideas but they really do most of the of the design like kind of they'll present designs to us and then we say yes no you know uh who are they sustainable Jersey sustainable Jersey yeah yep so they'll design door hangers for us brochures a table runner the standing signs then they have the professional video I think it's like 2 and a half minutes long it's pretty long video it ran by uh tra seers or uh this one is ran by not Tracy this one is ran by there's someone else that runs their Energy Efficiency grants I'll look up and tell you who it is but I've always had a lot of um I've gotten a lot of good results with our technical assistance grants and this is a good way for us to get some things that we want anyway like a table runner and uh they can give us um social media templates and things like that so I think oh also if we decide to do a direct mailing to residents they'll pay for the postage as well so it's really helpful for us yeah but I don't remember exactly who runs it so let me see who's going to put the stuff in the envelope and put them that I don't know um I have a feeling it might be me but I'm not 100% sure you have lots of residents I know no I think I think they do it yeah I think they would do it um with 69,000 people in yes now that's if they direct mailing you know we could say we want door hangers or whatever there could be 30,000 houses yeah yeah not reminds me that I want to find out from Bob borlock really from safy how they send how do they get addresses what is their address list for sending out the Franklin times cuz I was describing it to uh Rebecca who's on the planning board Rebecca Hilbert who's on the planning board and she said she'd never gotten one she lives in society here huh I going to see you ask Taffy I'm going meet with her tomorrow anyway yeah well I mean after all they would have owners addresses but not names of renters right I'll have to ask her what they use I'll ask her and I'll I'll find out when I meet with her that's a good question I never even thought did everyone at this table receive the most recent Franklin T yes I [Music] saw gotten it we tend to get it late lean Mallen is the person running it oh so yeah she's the she's the energy program manager I should have know okay oh and one last thing on that Alyssa actually I asked her to draft a memo to the school board because because this program is also available to school districts and you don't have to be registered or certified with sustainable Jersey to qualify so I asked Alysa start putting in a memo together what she's working on that we can go through have approved signed by PA and then send it to our school district because they really should participate in it because they'll Al besides getting that those deliverables they also enroll the students in this program called empowered and it kind of teaches the students kind of like a addition to the curriculum to teach students about the importance of Energy Efficiency and conservation so it's a really good resource for schools yeah so Elissa could working on that I was just thinking I don't know what the timeline for this is but we have Franklin day coming up and maybe we should have it on the agenda so as we go along we can add or plan what we want to make sure we have them M available on Franklin day that and I think that's a great idea and I think we will be able to have something available at least cuz if the deadline is April 4th I mean they're pretty quick turnaround by may we should know so by September we should be able to get something when when is Franklin day September usually September like mid September thir Saturday yeah okay so then we're on uh the next one is the save the mole which I don't have any update on it was in the Franklin times and we're moving forward with that yes last time we had suggestions that we should have long signs but we didn't aign who do what about oh the LA Signs yes okay okay because we need to design right I need to put statement something along the lines like I am participating yeah we can I'll talk to the board at Canal and see what they have so maybe they get the might save them some money if they put off mowing a couple days yeah but for the lawn signs we need to figure out where we would get that money from I'll have to talk to cuz in our budget we don't have that but how about the budget from clean we can clean communities communities yeah we probably can use it from that because that was maybe I should know about it but it was not until I had a conversation with Heather that this is a thing yeah uh and last year uh Frank Clan got 180 $58,700 yeah currently 25% of that funding can be used for stor M management right right yeah this one is we that's what we used we used that portion that 25% a few years ago to pay for the adopted drain program yeah yeah okay good yeah we we have some ongo payment to adopt a drain we do yeah and it comes from that 25% that should come from that yeah yeah yeah of course most notably the clean communities Grant funds the Franklin times yes yeah is that so but there is definitely money left over for like these lawn signs or we probably could use if could save the all because it's saving the and we're saving no chemicals as well so yeah well bring that to the you have limited space on the board and then you want to have also some image right some you know maybe or something so but it's easy enough you know and and we need to also have a system how we will communicate it to people and how they will ask for it how well yeah that we'll have to figure let me see if we can get the lawn signs first if we can have money and if we can then we can figure all that out yeah and we would maybe say like a first come first mhm that that works best because then people don't wait yeah yeah I can I can bring this up to our board I mean we got six miles of roads and we got 2,000 people living there Lawn Care is a big big deal if we can't get it for this year then it'll have to be for next year cuz it's coming so close but I'll try I'll try to find out tomorrow let me know what have to individual residents don't know their own no will belong to the commission or sign sign because you can collect them and then you put yeah we could collect them but I mean yeah well who's going to return them I mean maybe we're lucky if we get half back but I would keep them unless we really want them back then we can it should be actually oning program yeah it should be every year live in 12 13 this is not one time thing you know it's essentially it's the first first year yeah why it should be this year and not next year do make any sense yeah so if they can if they participate again they can keep the figure it out yeah figure it out okay um the green infrastructure project um I don't have any major update on that right now cuz we just called last week so nothing major on that um and I have one thing to add to the agenda after after other old business as requested by Commissioners oh okay I just put an H down I just have one question uh we historically have had is it the Farmers Market on Saturday from something like May through August yeah we haven't had it in a few years we didn't have it uh no not not enough vendors yeah down to one vendor I think wanted two we were to support it right the location but also I think the thing is is that farmers markets on Saturdays it's like they're everywhere and so I think a farmer's market that was one thing we had talked about before we stopped doing it was maybe doing it on a week night because the Saturday uh Farmers Market it's like we're inundated in the area um so we were thinking oh maybe on like a nighttime market and this way when people are coming home but it just like kind of never took off the Saturday though was not you know we got a shuttle and we only only ever had one person ride it and then we have a vendor so it just wasn't feasible anymore were most of those uh the other farmers markets are most of them on Saturdays yeah most are Saturday morning how we did it on Sunday afternoon after people come home from church or something like that Saturday and Sunday are when it's like the most farmers markets there's very few farmers markets that are on the weekday the problem is finding someone to staff it was the problem for the week nights or whatever but yeah there's a lot of work involved in a farmers's market Friday afternoon you know that would be nice yeah that would be nice because some people come early from yes but yeah if it's after Sunset then we are stripping of Jewish Community yeah very true yeah we tried it we did it for two years and it just was not successful you know so I mean the big the big one around I know about is over at Duke Farms yeah two farms and they added more vendors it's got bigger everybody go there has one yeah yeah the Montgomery friends of open space have their big farmers market and that is super successful very successful you farmes on Sunday Sunday Sunday yeah yep Montgomery one is Saturday Saturday yeah there was a little one in downtown um across us you know and but they only like two three vendors thatv yeah I think it's hard to com compete when everybody's Saturday Sunday I mean if we can figure something maybe midday like Wednesday you know right yeah yeah that's the problem it's the vendors and you can't blame them a lot of the vendors it's it's hard for them to come out if they know they're not going to be you know make at least a certain amount of money so we kind of have to try it out maybe and Wednesday may not be Sol yeah I don't know yeah so um okay but Is it feasible to have I know you need to have it consistently you know to have the vendors interest it but maybe major holidays you could have one you yeah possibly yeah that's I mean yeah that could work like a quarterly maybe or a holiday yeah maybe that could work I mean The Field's big enough but it just didn't bring people yeah yeah I have two things under other old business okay um so the first one t you and I had spoken about it but I just want to before the meeting but I just want to get it on the record for um during the meeting we sent uh to Bob War Locker on August 23rd last year um after several rewrites at the request of L rown um our anti-idling suggestions to be introduced into the signed section of our land use ordinance we've asked for status updates several times since then and it's been half a year with no response so I'm asking again what's the status are they doing anything with that so I'd asked T the begin before the meeting if she could reach out and find out couple days um the second thing that I have is back to the tree ordinance the Amendments um we did this back in January I brought this up I sent an email in in December um we agreed on it and I think the first meeting in January in the next meeting I don't think Tara was at that meeting then the next meeting there was more discussion this was about reducing the tree size and the definition from 4 in to 2 and 1/2 in so it matched everything else in the in the ordinance um and then there was discussion about adding the 25% sentence back in that Robin requested and we were fine with that um and since then I don't think anything has been done um I know Shay Tre sent their recommendations about this to the Council um but it' be nice if environmental you know did it also so that we were all working together on this um sort of gang up on the council or whatever um and let them know that we're serious about this so I don't know where that is but it's sort of in limbo I guess but it would be nice to get that sent to the council so we need to write a memo to the council with these recommendations in it well I thought had we written a memo I thought we did we did I don't know if it included these I know went to go to 2 and a half Ines I think we we had discussion 25% cap was definitely in there yeah well I had written the email to the council December 6th saying about the 4 and half in change the definition of the of the tree from 4 in to 2 and 1/2 in so it matches everything so everything works together okay um one of you guys order something got maybe we did maybe I think C Street is probably meeting in the council I think light Hamilton streets meeting across the hall that's what they're looking for pizza let's take it kind oh a pizza yeah I don't know bring any anyway um so the email that I sent to uh mayor and Council December 6th um was about moving you know changing the definition of a trade from foreign and 2 and a half Ines so everything matched and then when I brought it here we talked about um adding that 25% uh sentence in that had been removed from the ordinance 10 years ago whatever and nobody seems to know why we agreed on that at the first meeting in January um and that was going to be sent to the council it was just going to be a cover email saying the attached email the December 6th email um we're supporting this and we also want to uh include the 25% sentence and subsequent to that there was discussion about other things that I don't really remember what they were but uh it seems to have got boggled down and yeah so on December 9th of 2022 we sent in uh 2022 it was 2022 we sent a yeah I'm sorry I kicked you now we sent a u memo in and one of the things was definition of trees and we wanted to say for the purpose of this ordinance tree shall be defined as Woody barked stem perennial plant that is at least 6 ft tall and or is 2.5 in or more in diameter at 3 ft at the base of the trunk and then we also included this request to reinstate the 25% cap so that was done back in December of 2022 so if I could just jump on that for a second what happened then was It was decided to have a subcommittee yes that was start a subcommittee and I talked about well subcommittee they Tech typically don't go anywhere right and I I I brought with me to the to that January meeting me being quoted in the Franklin advocate stay and I was quoted saying you know we can do this now like this or we can go back to the subcommittee because I think Robin said well this is a subcommittee thing do you want to bypass the subcommittee I said no I just want to get everybody's opinion on this right and so after that when there was supposed to be a subcommittee I think the subcommittee may have met once and as I predicted as I was quoted nothing happened right and so that's why I took it upon myself to send the December 6th email right to the council yeah 2023 bring it to this committee here and everybody agreed plus adding the the 25% letter and here we are again in slowmo um but but when I I brought it to shade tree they got it done in one meeting they they approved it they made a couple of tweaks to it and sent it to the council right I'm confused that what you're saying though I'm sorry I'm so we sent it we did send a memo in but that was back in 2022 so do you want us to resend the same memo like as attach you you can attach you can attach that memo right but the latest memo which was my December 6th memo which this commission voted to to support right to send to the council and in the cover email to that was going to be a sentence about the 25% sentence MH um so I would if you want to send that cover cover letter stating that we're supporting the September 6th email okay plus here's a memo from 20 December 2022 yeah that we discussed this was that sent to the same uh crime Partners back then yeah that was sent to let me find let me go back uh let's see here that was sent to Bob Bor locker and yes Bob born locker and we said that we we request that these items be considered by the township Council MH and again you know similar to the idling ordinance we send something and we don't get any feedback so we have to stay on top of them to get them to do something okay let me uh all right so I can send your email this memo and then a new cover page that basically says you know we're asking that this be considered you know and please let us know what the status is cu we have been asking for that for quite a while so it hasn't changed do it go to a as well to our yeah go um I would I asked about this at the last council meeting Ted did ask about it Council seemed to be dimly aware of the matter well Bob War when Ted went up there and and made his case about this he talked about the um 2 1/2 in and he also talked about the watering plan uh the M the tree maintenance plan which we're still waiting to hear from from Bob um and he answered Ted's question about the the the maintenance plan about they're working with CM CMI or C um to put together some kind of a plan um and as far as the watering plan was concerned I believe he said well the DPW is going to do that which was a has been a failure of them watering the the trees hasn't really worked so um CU we've had lots of trees die whether it's because of being watered or not you know there could be other reasons but watering is the key um but uh Bob didn't really address that more than just saying the DPW I think um and and I think there had been discussion about possibly hiring a contractor in the uh uh to do to do the watering but I don't know what happened with that now the shade tree commission's trust fund has over $700,000 in it um and everybody's been clamoring to plant trees um and we want to plant trees also but we keep saying we don't want to plant trees until you have a maintenance plant a watering plan or you just going to be thrown good money after bad uh now of that over $700,000 it's going to be I think about $220,000 is going to be used to plant trees on the Hamilton Street project which is being discussed over there if they didn't cancel it they have a meeting tonight over there um so about a quarter of it is going to be used for that but there's still a substantial amount of money to plant trees and even possibly hire somebody to to water trees if it's not the DPW so anyway yeah well what war Locker response at the council meeting was that if it would need CME to prepare a really Professional Tree maintenance program which presumably should include watering right but they would have to pay CME to produce this plan right and he was had sent this to the shade tree committee and I think he said that the shade tree committee had approved spending shade the shade tree trust fund money for this plan for the plan that's correct yes has that been approved I believe it was I I believe Shay Tre approved the use of money from the fund to do the to to um put the proposal plan together once that's put together it will come back to shade tree for review um for us to take a look at cuz I know there's at least one thing in there that they've talked about that needs to be changed which talks about the trees need to be um maintained in this plan for four to 5 years or something like that Tech typically it's two three years tops and four five years that that's going overboard and costing a lot more money it was also a part of the plan I believe that had to do with geot tags or something for each tree which would have been very expensive I think and I think we talked about the shade tree might have talked about possibly not needing those in there but you know this is it's still in discussion points now okay all right okay so that takes care of oh what are we up to uh green infrastructure projects that name any way oh yeah that uh no no update at this time I did have one thing to add if it's okay if no one has any other old business um I just added this right now because so when Jessica couldn't come in tonight uh because she's not feeling well one of the things she had mentioned is you know I wish that this is why I wish like the meeting would have a potential for virtual capacity as well which would be great um the the issue is that that we are not set up uh to have like a virtual interactive meeting where some of us could be here some people could be there and we can interact we do have the capacity to have a virtual meeting in which we are all virtual sometimes and other people can come in and and think but we can't do it together at the same time right so the reason I bring it up is is there any interest in discussing having a virtual meeting like once in a while like from for example the trails committee and I'm not saying we have to do this at all I'm just putting it out there as an option um the trails committee we meet every quarter one time in person the other three meetings are virtual that's what they like to do um I don't know if there's any interest in having one of our meetings a quarter virtually or something like that maybe there's no interest whatsoever and that's totally fine too just food for thought that's all and that's the next year right I guess what would have to be for next year yeah cuz we've already you know advertised so the big the big problem is you can't really have hybrid meetings that's the problem it's either virtual or not virtual correct and you want to have it to hand um well we would have to advertise it as virtual so the trails committee is the only Committee of mine that does a hybrid schedule and they advertise like they actually advertise with the links for the meetings ahead of time so the thing that comes into my mind like uh recently there was a storm and and and you couldn't make it if you right so if we when when there is increment weather again it's a sunshine thing but if if we had the option to say okay this meeting will be now virtal as opposed to in person that would help us yes for meetings that we can't do the only problem is we have to advertise 24 hours in advance for making a switch so in terms of implement weather it might not work however when I couldn't come in that night that was because it was flooding so we would have known a day and it we could have maybe said hey should we switch this to know until this or a snowstorm if there's like a projected snowstorm maybe we could but yeah I don't know to me that would be the reason to have a virtual meeting is if we're able to advertise 24 hours in advance um because of a storm or something that um I just think they're a lot more productive when we're sitting around a table like this and having a me meeting than having virtual meetings um but I'm not against them if we you know if it's going to help a stance set I think this what you're saying is in the emergency situations yeah yeah and it might be incumbent on us to um since we since we're talking about doing it um in the in 2025 um to have one of the first first meetings in January or February scheduled regardless of WEA have one scheduled at that time just as a triy out so that we can see that we can do it so we know it's available to we have been doing it but we but we haven't this committee hasn't I understand what you're saying but this this commission has not so if we scheduled one put one on the schedule for 2025 in January or February that's when you have the bad weather so we might walk out and have to do it anyway so if we schedule it that way at least we we will have one under our belt to having known that we've done it before yeah I thought I didn't I join when the meetings were virtual end of Co you Jo joined yeah you were right at the end of Co yeah so cuz we actually I was looking when I was do the anal report we actually were still meeting for the beginning of 22 virtually which was surprising because it was the beginning of 2022 but yeah so we have done it the problem not the problem we advertised it as virtual it's the I wish like we could flip quickly or like in an event where say I'll just use Jessica as an example because she said she's the one that brought it up um she's home right now and she is well enough to be in front of the computer screen but not well enough to be here in person so I wish there was a way we could but we don't have that capacity yet maybe we will maybe we will next year and this will be a moood point I don't know M I don't think it's a technology problem we can just pull a phone well we can't only because we have to be able for the public the public has to be able to call in or write in with their questions that's the requirement of like when the Sunshine Law Chang to allow for virtual meetings but but when member of environmental commission cannot physically come can that is is that member able to call in and we would have like a speaker phone you know it's is a problem so that that I understand what you're saying the problem is this I was going to say that's the problem yeah so we had one member of the open space advisory committee that asked to do that and it was a a long discussion decided that it's either everyone has to be able to do that or no one and then the question became okay well if one person's going to do it what if five people decide I want to just call in so that's the we have to basically make it available to everyone and not just like the one person so if we were to say oh Jessica you can call in today and Ted's like well I don't feel like driving in today I'm going to call in too or maybe you know Alissa doesn't want to come in either so you know stuff like that that's the issue I totally get what you're saying this is how other other members yeah it is always second choice second preference because you only hear the voice you don't see the face that's true right that is true you don't have to doubt that you coming in person is better we are not coming across you know the state we are just from the town yeah I mean the town is big but still yeah um I think it's just a matter of making sure it's it's equally fair for all the Commissioners and for the members of the public I think that's the thing that's one of the current my concerns is that when you start saying okay it can be hybrid um then people start saying you know what I'm just going to stay home I don't have There's real no reason to stay home but I'm just I'm home I don't want to go out and all of a sudden you've got two people sitting at the table and everybody else is doing it from home and I I really think you just don't get as much accomplished but that's what I was trying to say that you know inherently uh you are motivated to come yes yeah that's inherent it's not pandemic you know I think it's it's also better for the audience that's here to to see the interaction you don't see that if it's all remote more more difficult this this works if there's a way to have a hybrid option where people can you know we had like a people could call in and or yell out or whatever um that would be fine that would actually be really that actually would allow more people to view our meetings for example through Google meet through Google meat can people participate hybrid or no I'm sorry iar the first part said with Google meet oh Google meet you think can people join in a call and and through that opening entire question of which technology we would select because at the beginning we had fight whether it would be WebEx or Zoom we lost the zoom so we had to accept this WebEx we are not opening that question now WebEx is out though and now Micosoft it's Microsoft teams yeah I'm asking because when we doing my job those hybrid meetings the people that participate they join in the call mhm um through Google meet and then we are on the table but we see them on the TV yes that would we don't have that now not that we don't I shouldn't say we don't have Google meet we're not we can't use Google meets or whatever I don't know why but that's what it is um I don't know if Microsoft teams has that capacity I'm not really sure we're a year we're a year away or eight n 10 months away from making this decision and a lot of Technology can change between now and then what whatever platform the township uses between now and then can change so I think this is something we can talk about in 6 months or 8 months or something well we could perhaps get more information from the IT people what we can see if coming down the way what program they're currently using yeah because I think the the point of this Microsoft teams is to do exactly that allow people to participate from participation and you would pick up the burden of actually managing it yeah yeah I would because I would most likely it would be from that computer because that one is hook up to some of those microphones maybe the camera yeah I don't know I guess so which will be okay you know figure it out you need more hours yeah all right we'll just keep it you know keep your mind open that's all yeah okay so now um we're actually up to the second public comment period motion second second all in favor what you were going to say something no no is there any yes Ary could you I'm sorry to make you repeat this but what were you saying about the enti item again um we went through several we we were a year and a half two years ago whatever was we were putting together an anti-idling ordinance um and when we submitted it to to the council and the attorney first he said it was too long which was fine um we reduced it from about six pages to three pages and we resubmitted it to him and he said t correct me if I'm wrong on any of this we we cut it in half with some attack ATT ments and we submitted to them and then it was decided you know what we don't want new ordinance we're just going to introduce parts of what you wrote Into the land use ordinance the signage part of the land use ordinance um which it's going to be sort of for education purposes it's going to be for um compliance and enforcement purposes um but we had a whole list of different places where it's going to be required for these signs to be posted on Township properties on Commercial and Retail properties industrial properties um School Board of Education properties um so to let people know that you're not supposed to idle for more than three minutes and that there's potential for violations and um so don't do it and we we sent that the last iteration of it to the township manager in August of last year and we haven't heard we've asked a couple of times since then to what's the status of it and we haven't heard back so I'm bringing it up again to see if we can get a status report on it and see why it hasn't been introduced as part of our signage signage part of the land use ordinance if they're working on it or if they sort of just lost it or what's going on can I answer your question yes okay okay yeah um I when you were talking about the farmers market and Duke Farms I just thought I'd bring this up they are actually leaving Duke Farms and going to a middle school in Somerville I don't know read that yet yeah um and they had 35 vendors maybe you had mentioned that but uh yeah I find that disappointing that a commission of the township does not get a response whether it's in regard to this or the tree issue I that's not good yes hi uh my name is chitra I am part of a nonprofit organization called SAA International you must have seen this yellow t-shirt we do some Community work around here um uh a group of high school kids and the parents uh they're part of this organization at least a Center that I have here in Somerset and most of them are in Franklin Township a few of them in South brwi and North BR but we operate as a team and most of the time we do uh small community work like Park cleanup we have done the William n Park last year we did the Inman Park and uh lot of times we do the canal uh at the border of New Bron week and uh s set right uh that one we have done so a lot of these things I was in touch with Stan and also with the um sorry Ary Ary yes um I want to see what we can do more this year and uh we had some proposal because SE International it's all over us but the center that I run is from Somerset and we do have people in Chesterfield and Edison and mro and all that and the Chesterfield has a lot more environmental projects and um they do a lot of green fairs they do recycling awareness programs uh then they do uh reforestation they do uh park bench uh painting and um they do like bushes planting in the park or community centers uh senior centers all those places so want to see if uh we can collaborate with the uh Council to see what more we can do and of course we have some planned work with um um I think Eastern Avenue we have a cleanup coming up in April we going to be part of it they registered there so we'll do that so uh Inman Park I will work with the Parks and Recreation I think last year I was working with Bo btis to do that cleanup so our entire team did the full invent Park like front back the tennis court and all of it so you did it with B bers yes yes cuz he's recreational he's leaving isn't he he's leaving is what I heard yeah he is he is yeah he's leaving so last year in the in park uh there were no other volunteers so he said if SE wants to take up the entire thing and do so we were about 18 kids and couple of parents plus me we cleaned up the whole place and at the end the PWD team came to collect all the bags and take it away so uh things like that even William n Park we did that couple of years ago along with the uh lwp in partnership with them so uh we can do something similar we can do more uh I know Colonial Park doesn't come under uh FR Township it's a county park but we can do something for Middle Bush Park or uh Inman Park and I would like to have a plan for it because April becomes a very um busy month for the kids also because there are a lot of earthday projects we have about 37 beaches that we have adopted across New Jersey Shore so we do that every week we divide like Saturday Sundays are like completely packed so I am trying to uh preserve the Sumer set team so we can do something locally I'm sure the beaches are going to be taken care as well but we want to do something locally so if you can uh give us some ideas as to what we can do and when we can do so we can block that day for doing it local with our people yeah you might have seen us in lot of uh National Night Out or in our Franklin day or uh 4th of July celebrations you'll see a lot of kids with this yellow t-shirt uh buzzing around trying to do whatever they can that's great so I met chitra yesterday um and yer suggested that she come here and told her that we were going having the stream clean up and mentioned you Stan that you were the coordinator for that so right right so so I mean you called me a few days ago yes so I I have not stand for a while uh I think we have done two three cleanups before so I knew when Earth Day comes I remember him so I did call him so he told me to do the the Shelby right Shelby Canal on Eastern Avenue that we are doing in April sorry yes but also as I mentioned um it would be the best if you are on our mailing list yes we have we have the signup yeah I'll put my because that way you will directly receive information about all the opportunities in uh in our cases that we have I forwarded you the one from February right make sure that you can even come to the film screening it's very very which one film streaming a film streaming yes I have already sent it out to the kids it's on the 11th of March at 7:00 yes yes I've already socialized it I'm hoping the kids will come so because kiss the oil right k k the ground the the of the film it's a film yeah kiss soil I have too many things going on he I get it um and for this stream cleanup it's really important that uh we get all the waivers signed yes absolutely I will get that done because we have a method of putting up a sign up for the team I have about 40 high school kids and of course parents do help here and there so they we make a team and we usually go like for previous CS that's how we did but this time I think we do have waer and registration online so we we'll go with that so because Heather deliberately made a feature that if you if you don't want to sign up you do not check the check mark okay essentially you would have to op in if you want to subscribe for communication from the organization so she's making it really uh friendly in the sense that if you want to just go for that event you need to do the waiver you will not get any emails whatsoever unless you check check we just uh we just want to protect the uh high school kids privacy their phone number and email ID but of course I I trust what he say a legal thing you know yes yeah we we want to make sure that they're working as a team and we want us to be in the Forefront if there is anything like any I I don't get access to it it's just no no that that's fine no I trust you that I need to but I don't getet no we register online and only number of people who come will register and we'll make sure we show up in fact Saturday it was raining but still we had a bunch of kids and couple of parents who signed up for the South River flood plane uh cleanup so they were there for like 3 three and a half hours with Heather uh it was Heather's team so they they still went and did one kid dropped out because he just was recovering from a cold but all the others went and uh it's also it's also important for planning because if we are seeing that we have only 10 or 15 people registered then we ramp up our efforts yes right if we see that 50 or 100 people are already registered we are kind of okay it's fine you know but if we see only 10 15 people we are stressed out stressed out and all of a sudden 100 people will show up and everybody wants to sign waiver we are not prepared for that so it's very important to go arm and and and sign it because when everybody comes we have so many other things going through the safy saying okay here is water if you want to have a drink here is here is the snack here are the gloves here are the the trash bags and so lots of technical things and it really helps if if the waer a sign ahead of a time sure do you only um focus on cleanups or just other kinds of any Community work because the other project that I'm thinking of that might be helpful is we have a grant to do green infrastructure projects at nonon Williams Park and we will need help actually doing like the actual work of the planting and digging and putting the stone down and stuff we drive all the way to nesman park to do uh reforestation every year okay this year we have got a one of the member has got it uh Grand for 200 trees they're going to they are even willing to drive the 50 55 minutes to do that they might as well do it here yeah they'll be happy to do it you know so we help them from the ground clean up actually like CR ation then planting the trees and then in summer we even go um on the weekends to water the plants and then we do the fencing and we do the ding the kids are slowly getting good at all these things so okay we go as long as we have one representative to show how to do it what to do it the kids will do it I'll send you information about that that'll be probably more in the summer but yeah okay great that'll be really helpful make you have a contact information you're going to put your contact yes okay thank you so much very good thank that's I thought that right away any other public comments yes that's a hard act to follow I'm sorry uh and yeah um I just wanted to give you some feedback because I really like you know your proposal for Save the mo until Earth day so I took what you had on the website and I sent it to my board president of my condo Community I immediately got pushed back right you and you know he and I don't to eye to eye he's an auditor I'm a biologist safety person he does get he thinks he knows everything so I thought I'd come here and vent a little bit and not take it out on him but I wanted you know immediate push back oh you know we don't know what the weather is going to be like and that and in my community we have we pay for a landscaper it's like capitalism you know runs us it's the landscapers dictate to us why are we not dictating to them and I brought that in my email you know look at the contract you know let's see what we can do but I just wanted to bring to you that initial resistance and how to overcome it as you can tell I've only been here a few meetings and I've been rather outspoken I'm a kind of direct kind of person I I guess I maybe somebody can teach me how to soften it up but it's the push back just amazed me y it's like this is such a good idea and it's not hard and also can I make a suggestion what what's your name my name is Ellen Ellen I know don't sof it up he and I already don't go get along here okay all right I'll be direct and then another thing too you were talking about the the lawn signs can we make them biodegradable yeah I'm sure we can why do we then need them I mean I have been doing it I need to communicate know who cares I mean I tell you driving de Lan I hate long sign okay I hate long sign talking about got it you know advertising publicity is good but then too much is too much yeah so I just thought i' let you know the feedback I got push back well I thought the idea of the lawn signs wasn't as much advertising as letting your neighbors know this is why my grass is 10 in high I thought that was the reason I thought that was one of the main reasons for yeah yeah yeah but you are still communicating your uh your lifestyle right your your opinion and somebody may say oh it's political oh okay but the best way to do that is you know just to keep promoting it on social media people see it more and things are going to change next year when they see that this project has taken place and Fe that this guy I call this guy the the president of my board I've nicknamed him little Putin it's his way or the highway I I was I've been on the board for over 16 years I think there was a campaign to get rid of me because I know too much and it's just he's now running it his way whatever he thinks is it's not open for discussion committee whatever I like collaboration I think little Putin is is um redundant you had a question yes yeah I just with the laate sorry I'm Jenny um um the LA that was my mom's idea last time with our neighborhood like I know that my neighbors would have problems if they don't know what we're doing I also know like other people in other neighborhoods who I've spoken to are kind of the same way I also know that my parents will insist we M on if we don't have some sort of sign probably so um I do do think that that's probably a good idea just for like little neighborhoods like with mine it's not like a public road it's really just residential um and so I like I would hope that you know just having the sign people wouldn't have like that much of a problem I don't think it's that much of an eyesore but I think it could be effective and it has the potential like people walk their dogs in front of my house all the time for people to be like oh what are they doing cuz like you know for a group of people here that like know why we shouldn't be mowing Bon and understand that like these flowers come up early we're probably all a little more in tune to that it's sort of obvious to us but this whole not mowing in the spring hasn't really been communicated um and I think like that could be remedy just by like having a little QR code on there and it just goes to the article in the Franklin times I thought that was a very great Artic uh speaking of the about degradability I was earlier today refering that maybe it it should be ongoing project like every year so why would you want to have it biodurable you just store it for the next year well I just heard about collecting if people would take them back so I was just thinking a yeah well that was one of the ideas but I would much rather if people adopted as a lifestyle I would like that and they do it every year and one day maybe if 50% have this sign then we can agree that people Behavior takes time it will become normal yeah makes sense um what kind of incentive can we give them yeah I just had one more question about that campaign s um are like the lands Township is monitors are they following it like I'm taking places on the canal good question we are so any of our Township lands we're not mowing until uh yeah the the canal for example that's a state property like those State Properties we can't you know but any of our Township properties were we're not going to20 I was asking DPW when was the first time they started Mowing and it happened to be like week or two weeks before earthday anyway so it was even worse I think I days it's not a big deal to just later yeah okay very good so we had a nice discussion close motion to close the I have one question sorry yeah uh do we do anything in the composting area like uh there are townships where they um give out um compost bins I think they're like $30 $40 or something but and it helps a lot with the uh vegetable gardening speaking my language yeah yeah we don't the county does uh offer composters that you can buy from them um we were able the county donated a composter to us that we gave to Franklin High School and someone else too didn't we give out two composters I think we did did we get that we we were getting one for Franklin day but weather so we had to return it but it is available right right so the runs that program through their clean communities Grant we haven't done anything like that here yet not saying that it's I mean it's a great idea we just because I yeah since Co I see that there a lot of families which have gotten into small vegetable gardening that really helps a lot and I see there are a couple of townships I I've seen work with through sa they have given out say um you do this or you sign up or something 40 compost bins it's I think $30 or $40 but they give it out and they encourage that way so if a compost bin is sitting in your backyard you end up using it like you end up putting all your peels inside and maybe mulch some leaves and put it in and in the fall and uh it's ready for the spring and you can start your own good garden and it it helps with all the petrochemical furniture yes it becomes an organic garden instead of buying some fertilizers from Home Depot and I hear you we that's something I think we probably would be interested in working on we just haven't like yet had the chance to get to it but it's definitely on the RAR I think thank you okay yeah I I remember what ell was talking about last last meeting we thought maybe Stan if you could contact Princeton and sustainable Princeton and find out what has happened with their food comp food waste composting project is you have the contact I do have a contact I don't recall the project but it's okay yeah well I know theyve they had a project I have a feeling it has not continued but I don't really know which is why I ask okay you good okay so now back to that uh motion to close the meet the public por Mee Mo second all in favor motion to adjourn so move all in favor thank you now the next meeting is going to be two weeks in two weeks