##VIDEO ID:OtHQQM8jM9A## good okay in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the Bolton board in the municipal building posted on the Township's website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting would take place in person at 7:00 p.m. in the municipal building on March on September 30th okay do a roll call Walter's not here de Chase here easy I didn't hear from him but he's not here just yet Stan is here Arnold I am here Robin's absent I think she's in Wyoming Maria is not here she's not coming I guess right she's not able to come tonight I'm here T is here and Ed pik's not here and Ellen is here got you take care of that uh I have a little bit of a report uh we'll we'll put into the record I'll read it out but um um ped Chase Ellen and I attended the anj Congress at Rowan University topics covered the change in flooding calculations due to climate change njde seems to be adjusting where and when the 100-year flood or rain occurs they're adding 2 to three feet to projected flood levels and noting that the 100-year rains seem to occur in weeks or months resilience was a theme there were a good number of exhibitors as well here's easy okay e here uh I attended a session on the remediation of underground contamination some new Innovations regarding PFA it was also interest in our adopted drain program I got asked it happened that an asked me to talk to some one of the vendors about why he couldn't do it do the program instead of having to go to Minneapolis but he didn't think it was something he could do so so they stuck with Minneapolis the other thing of course Saturday Ted and I uh well Ted Ted was there but Walter and I man the booth the table at the Franklin Day event U it was rainy according to um the reporter about a thousand attendees I don't know if it was that ey it looked sparse but the music busy and um you know so so we we stayed just about the full day due to limitations of the space allocated by the EC we could not display all the material which we plant to offer we did get a few interested visitors sto by to see what might be of interest um I also want to congratulate Stan the article on no mo got printed in the Franklin Advocate reporter two days in a row so that was pretty good and it was it was good to have it out I also contacted um tap into oh yeah tap got resp and then somehow it didn't happen I didn't happen I get the Frankin report online and it was there the first was here then it moved down a little bit but it was there the next day so we got the roll call done we got the report um approval of the minutes from um last meeting I move to approve secondly second other any changes or additions or modifications the last U I was kind of laid into the comment so uh my most recent comment was that when we were discussing Toren or Taurus Taurus t for recycling uh last time I made a reference to Alan uh that when we had a committee meeting educational committee meeting we were uh loosely um uh planning some sort of Education event for uh composting uh and uh Ellen has some background in composting so we thought that she could spearhead it so if we have uh Toran like like a round uh maybe we can kind of merge those efforts that was the addition I would say to the to the minutes yeah anything else motion to accept am minutes I all favor okay minut are approved okay open to the public favor second all favor I bill any comments ex thanks for i s you took some pictures ready day on you missed a little bit of a boot um motion to close the second second easy fav right along correspondence any correspondence no correspondence email that's not on the agenda okay um what about um side ples any side ples we don't have any side ples oh my goodness yeah yes that's a record I didn't check the mailbox but they don't come in the mailbox anymore no they don't put them in the mail anymore no okay so we're up to a new business and lo and behold the first item on the list then is tourist free composting program so after our last meeting uh I think actually during our last meeting I reached out to Taurus and basically said hey you know can we get more information can we have you present to us about um the program which basically just to remind everyone if they're all run already running a food composting program and this organization which is a nonprofit uh named Taurus said that um they're looking to expand it in Central Jersey so I reached out to them asking them hey know can we get more information about it because we would like to promote it but we need some more info so I think I included it in the agenda and meeting materials but I did ask about so firstly the way to get them into your area is to have five people sign up that are within two miles of each other um that doesn't necessarily pertain to the township if say the township of Franklin decided to partner with them that would be a different thing if it's going to be just based on residents then it would have to be five residents within 2 miles of each other um so they said the 2 Mile restriction is for locations that are much further than we normally service so it wouldn't apply to us there's two options to get started they would love it to be a Township wide initiative um so basically they're saying if we had a list of addresses they could drop off buckets to interested parties and go that way option two is if it's not the whole Township doing it then we would refer people to the sign up form which is probably the the option that we would be going with um and let's see what else so they would drop off the buckets a couple of days to a week after the sign up and begin service or they could wait until a certain number of signups is reached depending on if we wanted that um I did ask because they had mentioned you know the first few months are free so the article when you read it to me says it's a free service so they say well the first beginning of it is free so I asked okay well how long is it free and he said the time frame for free isn't determined at the start it depends on who we are servicing and the feedback regarding our service um the payment fees they can't make guarantees on it depends on the relationship they have and the and their cost is going to determine what they might need to charge their goal is nonetheless to provide a service for as low cost as possible um I ask about what service dates do they actually do they have days of the week like when you have trash pickup it's like Tuesdays but they said said those dates are set if you do the entire Township um they would communicate that to us based on how many households they have um I did ask them is there any metrics that they keep about what they pick up and they said yes they do track the amount of pounds that they pick up um and they can report that quarterly which is great so that would be good for us to have um and I had made a mention that basically said the list of things that you guys are able to accept is a lot larger than what a lot of food compost thing uh typically says you can do and they said that yes that's true and it's because they drop off at Trenton Renewables which is a government sponsored food waste recycling facility that can process meats and oils other services can't so that's the information I got they're not able to come and do a presentation basically for us just because they're a small nonprofit organization and they're you know they're using their resources for pickups and running the program so I think they did give a lot of information though which I'm glad about I think it would be good a good approach to refer the program like post it on Facebook put out a new they'll put out in our newsletter or do an email blast to say hey everyone this is a service that this place is offering I think we should definitely put in there that it's free to start out until they determine the cost and then a cost may be incurred if a resident signs up though it's between them if we wanted to investigate doing a town Town shipwide program that's something the township would have to approve you know set money aside for figure out how to deploy that to me I think it's such a big undertaking that I don't know if it's really worth going through that way when a resident can just sign up directly do they have a flyer you think they have their website they put out an article which is how we came across it and so we can post their website with all the information and everything they're currently working already in Princeton and west oner so we talked about at the last meeting um you know having them come out and give a presentation you know in council chambers there and setting a date for that but we talked about first having them give a presentation to us right to see if then it would be worthwhile to have them give a presentation there now the information that they sent you in response to what you sent that you sent to all of us um that pretty much precludes them coming in to just talk to us but but can but you're saying that they won't even come to a a town hall meeting um they I mean they're basically saying they're are very stretched so every night they're working every day they're preparing for the next day and it's a very small you know nonprofit organization so it's difficult for them I think if it was like we absolutely need you to come they probably could do it it might be some time down the way but I'm I I guess they're saying it's difficult for them how can they be a not for-profit when they eventually start charging you well you can still charge as a not for profit I think there's just like limitations as to how you spend that money and you know yeah they wouldn't do a zoom call if they don't want to come in person I I'm sure they could is there more information than what they sent that you're interested in or let me show you to the other thing while while you're waiting on that how old how old is this organization uh let's see so they also sent these few slides let's say heal Frankl increase resid the problem is that they they are not open for the pricing uh like they're not transparent yes because they're saying it depends they're not transparent with pricing right because they say at the beginning it's free they don't answer how long is it free and they don't answer how much they will charge when they charge well but the thing is you can you can start doing it and if they start charging and you don't like the charge he can say I'm done I don't want to do it anymore sometimes obviously it'll it will depend on how many people they get signed up how how dense I think that's the thing yeah we have a lot of common interest here in Franklin I mean I live in a condo Community you know quailbrook is huge I mean you get quailbrook to sign up I mean that's with a place like that quailbrook or any of those places allow something like that to that's the homeowners association might you has to say my board is not very Progressive yeah I think you're right they a lot of them like ours wouldn't want anything outside right yeah to keep it in the garage some have room some don't well you have to put out your garbage outside right but that's what pick up that's overnight I mean we put it out 6 6:00 at night and they pick it up the next morning right not stored outside anytime just just for the pickup days so you can't store it in your garage and then I just said yeah it could be in a garage but some garages might not have enough room but also the homeowners association might not want you to even put that out the curve that would have to get approval I would oh yeah yeah so Alan to answer your question it looks like they they this is their timeline December 2023 2023 is when they I guess started thinking up this idea March 2024 is when they started doing a pilot program that's when they did their first pilot program of free composting think they don't even have business experience I think they the reason why they may I might speculate why they don't want to disclose pricing because they don't want to make a promise and then either look at their faces right student oh my goodness I then uh either be overpricing or not making enough money so I think their goal is just you know uh make given percentage profit and and just charge the minimum that that they need to to cover what they are asking at the end so as Ted mentioned it depends how many uh collections they have per route right because they have to pay the the overhead they have to pay the fuel yeah when they sent me they sent me some slides when I asked for a presentation they sent me these slides first and then the answers I read to are questions I asked as a followup of reading what they sent and this is what I this was when I saw this say cost we are five and provide free composting with no charge for the first few months or a year until they better understand the demand from the community yeah so it's a pilot maybe I think so they can start right away but that's why the town I mean if a resident wants to start working on it and then when if they start charging they back out that's up to them chance at because it's it's a good it's a good idea a matter of how we can get the word out to the people the township with people of Franklin I mean one of the pricing things also has to do with when they have their product they I would imagine they sell it to somebody who uses it they're bringing it to Trend no I mean they're really they're not a composting program they're a compost collect collector yeah food waste for composting by this teraso kind of so they they sell that product to Rin Trenton but that price that they sell it to them can fluctuate also well you don't you don't [Music] know what the finances are at that end because the composting facility May charge them for how much they bring or may pay them for how much they bring we don't know and it's probably depends on how much they bring bringing them the raw material to me to me the the cost of this is shouldn't be a concern because if we're getting it for free and you start out as a free free service and after three months 6 months a year whatever they say okay we're going to start charging you x amount of dollars a month you can say yay or nay either I I'll stay in and pay it or I'm out yeah so it's not like you're signing a contract with someone no so if we were to promote it for residents to sign up now again they're not going to come out unless five residents in a 2 mile radius sign up but for example at a place like where you live Ellen or in Canal Walk or other places too it might not be that hard to get five people in in the one area it might be I don't know but we could promote it on our Facebook we could promote it by doing an email blast to our mailing list um we can put a flyer together and post it on the website so that would basically be our role in it if we were to move forward the only thing I do need to get clarification on is just I need to make sure that it's okay for us to promote this but that that goes with anything when I put anything out I have to get approval from it and they review it with you know whoever is has to make that decision so but up to you guys if you think it you're asking whether we should endorse it as do we want to promote it do we want to promote it like just by doing all the things I said do we want to lead and do you want me to see if I can get and tell them hey but will you see who the people at work there are so yeah they're very you know new and I think since we have meeting now we can Pro possibly agree whether we like it and then you can continue researching from the township whether they they can if we say yes and they say yes then it's yes if we say yes they say no it's no Etc right so um can maybe I so I'll make motion that um uh from our end we will uh support the the idea of torus by uh recommending them through our um Outreach which means social media email Bloss website I'm thinking maybe we want to check you go any further I will second that and now let's have discussion because I I'm thinking we should check out the uh the place that they're bringing it to to make sure that is doing what they say they doing yes but we should also check out are there any other businesses that doing this in the area there was I know Tom there was there was an they do the same thing I was there as they offer lots of uh recycle bins based on various criteria and uh they're also dealers they don't have their own recycling business they just collect it from you they charge you they tell you how much right and it's more believe me it's more because they are really for profit business and and then they ship it to this is the website for Trends and Renewables which is where they take it to so it looks like every year they divert 110,000 tons of food waste from landfills um they generate 29,000 megaw of renewable energy uh they compost 23,000 tons this is per year save uh uh 480,000 tons of CO2 emissions now this is from their website um and it says that what they do we help organizations of all sizes reduce their food Waste Management costs and dramatically improve their environmental sustainability so they're recy a food waste recycling and Renewable Energy company in Trenton New Jersey I wonder how they generating renewable energy does this mean they're doing an let see that's what I think they're doing so they don't have a resal stop off program but they work with municipalities so it seems like Taurus is basically trying to fill that service Gap so CU Trenton Renewables will not take your residential food waste compost thing but I guess they're taking it from tourist if they do like a big collection uh let's see what else um that's we want to Outsource the um not just collection but also maybe some sort of basic verification they operate the Trenton biogas facility and employ biogas operations LLC as a subcontracted onm provider uh they began so they their Flagship facility transend and biogas began operations in 2019 and they're located there Lamberton Road in have a contract with them but it's not public right I think they have uh the discretion how they create contracts with various suppliers and then tourist this is their website and this is basically what they say is that it's see here's where it's our free composting service enables us to engage more household than if we charged a fee it should say there like our free our open yeah like our our Beginning free service or something is kind of weird well because you know then then if we charge what does it mean then if we charge have to make enough money get somehow get enough money to pay for their pickup service it looks like they get some donations so they get donations from unw the Ripple Center Green matters in Wegman yeah mean coming up this way from Trenton for five households can't be worth it you need more than five to just to pay off your gas and tolls I think that what could be also actionable if we try to negotiate flat fee that Township will pay them as a pilot and uh we'll try to get as many people as possible to sign up well that was one of their that was their option one how to start now the only thing is is that we could do that that's going to take some time because this they have to be vetted we have to negotiate the fee we have to hope that we get enough people teally we are not involved we would not be no not in that part that would be a nice way to actually get the wedding done from the township right right after that Co co-promote it later correct that's a good point that's a good point e you're right the township will actually take the owners of vetting right they would they would have to vet it yeah huh they would be also more invested in promoting the program because I think that they're not going to charge too much they are really trying to get this started I do agree with the Stan if they're young people this could be another big company coming up in the future we don't know right why not just review them you don't like terce cycle you did actually does the and Renewables so right now we have the motion in the second to promote the program I don't know if we want to with that or we kind of uh investigate promoting invate like to visit you know the site that's what I'm saying about TR yeah well investigating the program includes saying for making sure that Township is okay with us doing this or us promoting it company I think part of that also would be places like where you live where you live um going to your um associations and seeing if they would allow something like this because that would be you know that would be a big part of their business I would think communities like yours can now walk real walk there is a um Environmental Group headed by David DEET who originally thought he might join the commission and but he never put an application now now he's head of the Environmental Group can now walk and they just had a speaker tonight to having the lower rare Watershed commission great but we're talking about this well that's he may be interested your environmental commission there if they're interested in it then they need to bring it to your board your HOA right and see what the HOA says cuz the HOA is who has the final saying yes and it would be great if all of these Clues communities you know got on board with this yes um because it's an easy way to communicate with the people those communities also they've been collecting styrofoam to go to a place in U I think in Hillsboro that makes picture frames from it and they've been getting they get a dumpster or they get a big container and they fill it up every couple months with styrofoam blocks that people got from shipping containers that kind of stuff so it's in their mode and see if they're interested going any further with it so we is that so basically looking at them as like a pilot almost to see how it works that's what it is in a way I mean there's nothing wrong with that yeah I mean it's a good actually contained area to see if it the contract would be time limited what's what contract are you talking about I'm suggesting that that the top ship would have contract with them so it would be uh Township wide probably except of the closed communities because they should pay separately um but these are details and and it will be let's say for a year or two years for flat fee and then after that we would have some review uh reporting how it worked out or not and that also means we have to develop metrics I think you're getting so far ahead of where we where we are on this I mean it's great to think ahead like that but I mean you know right now they're saying it's free and so we do it for free and when and when they say okay we're going to start charging at that point if we have a lot of people that are interested in it maybe the township would think about wanting to do some kind of a contract with them but again free is free until they say after and if they have a thousand people in Franklin Township saying they want to do it and when they start charging it goes down to 200 people it's a different story yeah it depends how much they charge and that depends on how many people they get I mean I you know a thousand people might be 10,000 people who knows one thing I'd like to know is how many people they actually have signed up in Princeton and West wi yeah their density Princeton is very Progressive so you have to discount for us you know is I Stan a little more investigation I kind of have a problem with the township I mean us living in our our self-governed common interest communities we would be separate from the township we would be charged differently I mean I I have you have to enroll essentially you would have to you have to sign cont what you wanted us to pay separately again we're getting we're getting so far I and the municipality uh Services act you know and my community we had to enforce that act because we were paying extra for lighting that the township provides so we pay our taxes we are getting services from the it is not disposal service you know think about it that I think this is a really a premature discussion until we find out a little I know but um I still want to see their facility I want to see where it goes I'm not going to spend time to go somewhere oh well I am I went to anjac I went down to Roman that was a TR please yeah retire you yeah n millionaire so my six on the floor and I go more you want to do more investigation on this yeah no not promoting it right now we'll table it yeah that's exact just wanted I think we need to do more investigation you know until we decide to to promote it got it first of all you finding out from the township if this is okay to if we can promote it yeah yeah okay there's a lot of steps but also again the the five and older communities the closed communities you know if they find out from their HOAs um that it's okay to do it that would be a big step forward yeah because again you have the email lists and everything thing where you can contacts of people where everybody else doesn't have that kind of list the property I almost wonder this just to add on to it if we were allowed to promote it and because like a place like Canal Walk it doesn't have to be Canal Walk but I'll just use Canal Walk right now because you have an environmental committee and because it's this enclosed area I almost wonder if we were to use them as a pilot like they were to agree to it and then we can look at the metrics and they can report back to the almost like a subcommittee of environmental commission and then we could actually be like did you like it did it work did you have pests or did you that's going to be some of the questions people would ask right you know what are the side effects of doing this can fit in the garage and not smell up the garage but I know they won't let stuff sit on the outside right so it would have to be in a garage and some of the some of the units only have a single car garage some have a two-car that only has one car in it plenty of room like I wonder if we said if we said say hey Canal Walk is interested and they have this many people that are interested but you guys cannot charge them for at least you it's a six-month thing no fee and if you agree to that then at least we can understand if this is worth doing it for the whole Township but even at that point it would still take a while but at least then it's like hey did this work I don't know another thing they could always do is essentially advertise on frankman reporter yes yes they can I don't know how large bills list is but it would certainly reach and probably the more interested people in the community can can people independently uh request the subm submit article to Frankl Putin Advocate and I I think so no if they can approach you and and say Hey I want to release it so why do we get involved in that case com we give them the contact and they do it why not okay but it's just that's a root of publicizing this that does not involve Township government right that doesn't that's the endorsement missing point right right that's what I was kind of I would really like to know what their penetration is in Princeton West Wind I can ask yeah maybe I'll ask them contact somebody who uses them okay I think we should put it on the table as we let's move on to the next item climate change related hazard vul assessment this was I saw this that there was a grant remember I sent that to you yes you did I'm just writing down that what I'm supposed to do hang on or is it okay okay I just want to write down my list again okay so uh that brings us to the sustainable Jersey climate free climate vulnerability assessment technical assistance grant so this is not a funding opportunity this is technical assistance like what we use for the local Health assessment and action plan uh the D's resilient New Jersey program is providing sustainable jersey with resources for technical assistance to help us create what's called a climate change related Hazard vulnerability assessment um this is the part that's required the changes that were made to the municipal land use law that you're update of your land um oh my gosh why just how how many paragraphs down does it go before it says it's not really free we're going to start charging you so when the municipal land use law changed it required that in addition to updating our land use element of our master plan which is required every 10 years um and our update is in 2026 um that update now requires a climate change related Hazard vulnerability assessment so this grant would help with that um which is great it's technical assistance it's something that we would be interested in it really looks at what populations especially vulnerable populations are affected by climate change such as you know like um free more frequency of you know big storms and flooding events and you know not having power and being stuck where you are and not being able to get out the application deadline is December 20th of 2024 uh the technical assistance I think it's 18 months I think this is a good thing however one thing I will say is this is that the planning board is the group that is going to update the land use element of a master plan they always have that is their responsibility I assume that they would ask for assistance on from us on this I don't know because Mark hey is a professional planner and can absolutely do this so I don't know if it would be better for them to get the grant for this because it's they're going to do this as part of their Master Plan update which they're required under the municipal luse law to do so I'm not sure how he wants to approach this have you discussed it with him at all I mentioned it to them but the you know the de the um update's not due until 2026 so they haven't they're not this is not a begun yet this project if they offer over an 18mon period we want to start please you would start with this soon very soon yeah so they do have a webinar on December 3rd uh that I already registered for so I figured I'll at least register for the webinar and see you know how how does this work um it has to be part of the land use element update it must it's required so that's that's a there's no chance there so I toship will do it or to has to do it it's part of state law you said that you would be the the party that would be picking up the money from sustainable Jersey it's not money it's just technical assistance technical assistance means the resources not no money so basically access to their data they probably have templates and calculations that they give you to use instead of Reinventing the wheel so it's definitely a good thing it's just oh you so since the since the planning department can f with the planning board I believe they update the master plan um how would we be involved with this how how would you know what how would we be involved in this if they're the ones that are doing that so say we wanted to we wanted to work on this part and say you know it would be great if we could work on this because we're familiar with the environmental issues and we've done work in the past with sustainable Jersey um we could basically offer to work with the planning board and prepare this part that they would just basically then insert into the land use element that's one way it could work if we were to take like the helm on that it would take that off of Mark having to update that part of the land use element however he may want he may I don't know he may have in his mind I really want to work on this and he's the township planner and it is under his purview so I did register for the webinar I did send him the information and he knows that you know ours is due on in 2026 so but saying that pretty much if this is his purview it is at his discretion whether he wants us to be involved correct yes yes I would assume he might want us involved and he very well might however I also don't know what his time frame is for working on the update of the land use plan because he has a lot of other plans on his PL I don't know where he's at so he might for all I know he might have already started like writing an outline or maybe he has it scheduled like in 2025 I'm starting at this point I don't know his actually Ted you might know more his process in terms of does he present the land use element or well in general either he I mean in large part will just be it'sing most updating most of it but then and sometimes you contract out to an outside firm to prepare for instance the circulation ele right right which we did yes yeah so this would not be contracting out but and for one thing it would be free but it would certainly exist I mean one thing to remember is that most to we are a big town we can afford to employ a full-time director of planning most many many towns don't have anything like this much function and when they have to do something like this they have to contract out some firm to do it but certainly in this case this program would would help us do it for free yeah no but it yeah I think for thing is for get information can you send me the link I haven't seen this abolutely I forward it to ter so the bottom paragraph there um says participants are selected through a competitive application process El applicants include any municipality government New Jersey that has not previously received funded support through D's rilian New Jersey program I'm assuming we have not not no second the first part of that is through a competitive application process which means they're only going to do this with the certain amount of of municipalities yeah so like when we applied for the local Health assessment through this through their technical assistance program there they were only had enough to do one municipality so other like we got that technical assistance but there was other applicants I don't know how many applic I guess it's going to depend on how many people apply now I was at an event on Friday I saw someone from sustainable Jersey there and she was like really trying to get us to apply and also other communities because I think I don't know if there's been a ton of interest in this yet because I think this is the conundrum a lot of people are running into not everyone's master plan is due to be updated at the same time not every Community has a planner on on staff this is not for funding so if they have to contract out they're not going to go for this because they're looking for money so I think it's kind of a this program actually would kind of help us out some that has a planner on staff I'm a professional planner as well so Mark and I do kind of bounce off each other in terms of like working on planning documents but so it could be helpful and and we also have someone who has a track record of success in getting these grants yes yes yes yes that is one thing I I can do yes so I think it's worth doing it I just want to make sure that I don't know what the timeline from planning it so I'm going to have to figure that out and sa so what's the harm in applying for something like this I mean if they if they accept us that's great if they don't accept this that's bad but if they accept us and then we decide you know or Mark decides and you decide that we're not going to use it yeah at least we've given it a shot yeah we want to get the application before they run out of yeah slots so the application deadline is December 20th the webinar I signed sign up for is not until December 3rd which I was a little surprised that because very close to when it's due but I'm going to sign up for the webinar I already did sign up for the webinar I'm going to see if Mark has signed up for the webinar and then we can go from there basically but I think it probably will be helpful that's my my thought especially since you will be very involved in this yeah you I think it will be very helpful yes I think it'll be we support you thank you in working with their technical assistance grants in the past they are actually pretty help they are there they have staff there when you need them they have tons of templates and data and all kinds of stuff so all right so I'll talk to Mark then about that and see how he wants to if he wants us to kind of take the lead on it if he wants to apply for this himself I'll find out so but I'll say we support it good that's important okay now the next item is the tional and educational items for tabling events well I did get some stuff from um anj but we only had a third of a table and we didn't have room one of them I just never opened she has this game where you throw Dice and you you roll you thing and a it's heavy B it wouldn't fit on the table so I never I never even took it out of the package um the one thing I did take out of the package was a trifold thing that stood about yay high with metal and it had nice descrip deson of stuff and some people looked at that but um I have all the stuff in my garage at this point or or actually in my car some of it so we got to figure out some stuff belongs to anjac that the thing I didn't take out I think and U and and the trifold so I got to get that packed hand but we we did use the tablecloth looks good and uh we also um used the banner and we Walter and I tied the banner up from the booth and course with the rain people couldn't didn't want to go under the banner to get to the table I could see that but there was no other way to do it the rain really cut down you know so but at other events like Maria does at the high school and other events that we might take part in we have the equipment to do it now you know and we gave out some of these little red key holders that put cards in or something the red Yeah Yeah from got maybe 25 or 30 that we handed out okay so and some people picked up a little bit of the literature so so that's that's what we've done so that was for that the promotional the other thing that was I would want to talk about in this section is that Jenny ke keis is that how you say her name Jenny K kavas Jenny kavas that's how I thinkon where's her email oh so she well let me ask this first stand so Robin's not here Maria's not here aren't they the other two on your committee or your education committee yeah I have something uh do you have access if you if you could because I just changed it today okay slide three I don't know why oh yeah yeah so I mean the colors don't don't look authentic on the screen uh because because uh the background behind the environmental commission is completely white this is GRE sorry I'm just trying to zoom because got that's the one that that comes out of the the stand that I was able to use I I directed it put it right at the because I stood on the ground but I when I got home I re it was wet I didn't want to put it wet in the in the container so it dried over the weekend now I got it back in its box I can't get it any Bigg it like won't let me here I don't know and when I zoom here it just makes this bigger this oh can you regular make it smaller wow wow can you sign in to actually do something because you need okay okay fine so now you press the plus here and then then yeah well it's too much but uh I can't see okay okay that's all right um oh now it's that's really big okay let's go here and do maybe 50 no5 yeah m one are the other it's weird yeah sorry yeah I don't but that's the one I used no this is a draft of yeah the one you had was from um sustainable Jersey have we have the logo then we have uh our mission statement from from website working to preserve and protect natural resource andity of there we go yes I removed the quotations because I thought the quotations don't have to be there and we have bullet points the environmental commission meets on 1 and third Monday review uh side plan applications Works closely with the township Council and other Municipal committees recommends updates and Amendments of ordinances develops projects programs and planning documents annual stream cleanup save the mod till earthday campaign film screenings Community energy plan for Franklin Township local Health assessment and action plan um this little thing is it will be visible much better when it's in this is our website this is our email address the QR code when you SC it it's a email address are you kidding now what is this it's it's like a poster remember I had the thing on the corner that came out it goes to our website the it's the website yeah it's our environmental commission website yeah um and and we have the those three icons so uh and it has a green uh frame here because uh that was the comment that um Robin made that she would like to have the green frame it does not appear as nice but so of all the ones that are together the number three is the one that you this one the green is I started with working with this three because uh Jenny she made few few versions based on this and that and you know um formatting is the last thing that I care I just wanted to make sure that we don't have too much wording yeah because that would be you lose people yeah is the wording the same on all three of them yeah well I was focusing on the one so it's probably the other one has different but it's like a prototype it's work in progress they're all the same it is all the same text it's just different formatting but I was I was tempering with the text because I was shrinking so the other the other if you just scroll up few times yeah I mean it looks and also here is ital size I removed theal size maybe the less verbiage the better people don't want to read yeah didn't change the text um just only formatting so um I guess um if if we agree we can send print so this would be for one of those standup banners that's what this would be one I have now that's from sustainable Jersey they gave us that as part of the energy the residential energy Outreach campaign this is like a en hey we're the environmental commission here's what we do right um we have a budget for printing we could If Everyone likes this we could have it printed the other thing to be printed was the business cards yeah and I think I why don't we talk about this before we get to the business so how in 80 in yeah it's high it's it's high and City 3.5 17 I think that's about 34 you have there about this I've got it in the car I think that one looks nice the one you have is a tabletop isn't it or was it a full size it was a full size the tabletop one had and I am and this is a general it's taller than me this is a general thing so it's basically these are these are from our website these are our goals it has like some projects that we've done you got the QR code um so it's very general it's like if we go to a table you can set this up and how much does something like that cost uh I sent you hold on let me look I sent it to the was like 200 or something I want to say it's like 200 let me look hold on administra good uh it will be hard to find because it's a long f and we would have to actually Trace what number it was otherwise we will stay here wrong one get to the other one you know you can't keep editing it once you have it it's done yes yes that's why exactly yeah that's why this one's not dated vinyl no that's not it it is have 46 things so are the actually can you SE by number series 3.5 is unique enough that in series 3.5 here we go retractable banner 80 in high5 125 yeah and it includes the travel case [Music] yeah it's taller than me because I had to tilt it over to unhook it from the top yeah my big concern was you know if you know if it's generic enough so it can be used year after year oh yeah um that's fine especially 125 bucks you know yeah it's part of a permanent big use it all do that one from sustainable Jersey have to go something that that's ours that's ours the keepy that's why we got part of that residential Outreach Grant y that's something that can be taken to when you have a movie screening or any any kind of talk table anything yeah it's not just Franklin days no and it's not dated you know so I mean eventually at some point if there's something we want to add on there you know but got add something on it we have to make a new a new so for right now it'd be like you keep it unless it say something comes up and it's like oh my gosh I really want to get that on there we would make a new one does out work on it no look vital white vinyl on it I mean you can patch minor things but just look it so does everyone want to send this Banner to the print I just want to save this before I lose it um to The Print Shop to be printed so it would be expenditure of $125 out of our printing budget the only thing I saw that raised an Iber a little bit was that last item about the health assessment the EC wasn't really greatly involved in some of our members were but it was really sponsored by who who sponsored that the health assessment the township just Franklin Township but the E I would say probably do the most work on it so I think you can claim that right I can't read each of the lines on there from here you probably sent them to us but I didn't see it um can you like quickly read what each of the lines are on there yeah I mean I was reading it but we can read it again sure what said with his accent I live with an accent stand still okay I got to do what this like I definitely can't see that okay here we go working so this is our mission statement working to preserve and protect natural resources and quality of life in all parts this is good parts it should be parts yeah add S2 part okay uh meets on the first and third Monday you print it as a PDF right I just saved it as PD it cut the the frames here it is here it is because this is the slide number three which I fixed okay environmental commission Meats on First and third Mondays reviews site plan application and I added the wording environmental commission me because the previous was just me and I was like the wording environmental commission is missing subject is missing Works closely with the township Council and other Municipal SL slow now I don't I don't comprehend as fast as you it's not a speed listen let let me just bit sure have the capitalization kind of scrambled why update is capitalized internal capitals are not needed instance it recommends updates and Amendments of ordinance get that Township Council must be yeah Capital right yeah recommends updates and amends should be capitalized doesn't really so what's that this recommends updates and Amendments of ordinances I don't get that it's like you've got recommends updates and Amendments of ordinances you have caps there but then in the next line you don't have caps yeah yeah yeah yeah next line next you do have caps so you just want to be okay fine so that's formatting yeah yeah it's format but the content the content you know so far looks good the do we sometimes we do more than one stream stream cleanup inverted Karma does it end somewhere till before the word till uh it I I just didn't change it it was there by someone because normally you would say until but we have till and we agreed in the past that it will be like that so I kind of we need to close we need to close inverted commas it's not it's just one comma in comma on top before till it doesn't close yeah yeah I know it's not like quotation it's it's an apostrophe apostrophe like instead of saying until you know how like if you yeah yeah an apostrophe like you're basically shortening the word until and so you put an apostrophe there you take the apostrophe out and put in an extra L yes do you want to put where it says film screenings do you want to put anything like film screenings regarding that's what I I was just saying mental issues say enough yeah enval in there what I environmental film screenings that or sustainable environmental is in there somehow I mean it's pretty much understood that that's what this is but it's nice well throw the word in that you have the space for yeah you could say midal Focus Films something like that just just to give it a environmental Focus film screening environmental Focus yeah that's good I think envir focused okay gramar screen screenings of environmentally Focus film that way yeah yeah and we usually do sometimes we do more than one stream cleanup a year right it don't complicated just asking question I was just thinking for annual stream good in parentheses an S after cleanup oh to make it cleanups deal that's fine whatever leave it as s okay um okay ready to move on to the next event plan for Frank that should be Franklin Township I think originally I had written Franklin Township community energy plan and Franklin Township local health assessment because that's the titles of them can you go to the can you go to the weight top for a second okay all right scroll down a little bit all right so most of these have verbs in them saying what it is and Community energy plant for Franklin Township there's no verbs in that I don't know if we need to have one um we could combine them into one bullet and basically say like um provide guidance provides guidance on planning studies such as Community energy plan local Health assessment or something to that effect five things there do not have verbs right so those are like projects yeah the last five things maybe we should put something above it that says like going ongoing projects what about that where where are we what do you want Ted likes it as it is he said where I'm already editing it what you say I'm editing it it should refresh oh oh no this is PDF so it does not you can't change it but from here I I think yours is updating stand but at all I can't see it in all Hest yeah so that's why I put it in this I cannot read it I don't think this needs any tinkering with actually I think it's fine Paul he's like I love it come on we just came up with a bunch of ideas that could be easily Incorporated like the capitalization or non- capitalization capitalization maybe is a is a grammar thing but we could go through it and make sure it's correct in terms of the grammar and the uh and the um forat capitalization formatting but I guess the question is do you like this as a banner with the QR code and things like that just go down bit yeah just not that blank space just too much of white space that between the we can make this bigger can we make the QR code or I was contemplating making it bigger um or make this bigger uh well that one I want to have it on one single line so there is not much wiggle room and it will wrap around unless you guys can think of one more bullet to put in here could think of another bullet if not I would raise everything up and have blank closer to the bottom so people W have to go all the way down to the bottom to read it those things were further the the logos they were actually lower I already raised them but good point I can raise the whole thing further you got all that space or you could put another bullet is there another bullet that you like guys would like to focus on bullet I already so much to read I we should be glad to have not too many books yeah you don't want to bombard people with too much too much blow it up all right so Stan you'll update this then and then res to me and then I can send it to the printer if you guys would like I don't want to make the motion because I'm biased well wait do we want you want to do the business card at the same time CU I would send them both at the same time yeah okay did you send that to me that I don't remember seeing or is it just what I did it was separate file it was a sep okay did you email it to me wasn't it one those Googles I don't know there's so many Googles business card let's see if I saved it in here huh this is the draft but I think this is the one I did did you make changes to this do you remember you know I like the idea that there's room maybe to print your name individually on those things otherwise nobody knows who you are I wanted to make change and this is this is dog so um if I made I just don't have have it the thing is the logo has already the the wording Franklin to environmental commission so you don't need to have it spell it again on the business card I think that the logo is the replacement for the subject right instead of writing it just the logo yeah you can read it yeah and and I would not have the logo on on the center but rather on top um just open the file oh here's your business card drafts oh canva now I recall yeah I was I was working on number three yeah yeah yeah number three that's that's my version because I put this on this is Old Log sorry it's reloading okay so numbers this is okay I'm not going to touch anything go oh wait this is number three yeah oh it's having that it's going okay let's just leave it like that can everybody see still okay so so we have the the logo I actually eliminated the white background around it right so it has a light green background with the mission statement which in this case it remains with quotations I don't know why I chose quotations here and not there maybe I just didn't remove it yet and then in the white bar is uh the email and the website and what's on the other side it's the QR code that we have on what about a phone number to where they can questions we don't have phone number thought we have a phone number that we used to the people used to send questions to that just a general line or my cell phone Jessica used to not phone um just email oh email yeah yeah okay that looks good because on the card they could do this yeah you could yeah we don't have um personal because um we would have to have million well no you it's not necessary I'm sorry what did you say Is On The Backs side just just the QR code that's good yeah I like you just have to change Parts here again right in all parts of the Township in the mission oh yeah is missing I was not there yeah I think if I did I would remove the quotations as well do we want to have the quotations yeah yeah okay fine and how many of these are you going to were you going to order and how much do they cost business cards are they so they're five cents a card and that is for 80 oh wait 80 lb coded C cover info business cards two print sided and two color ink yeah so it's 5 cents a card so I guess we decide how many have more than two colors yeah I was looking at this there is more than two colors reduce it to two colors we have uh four four four colors because that's a lot of colors it's it's a full color I I would have to convert the image two color ink so it's two color ink so the white background doesn't count so the ink is yellow black green yellow black green what about that and he's wearing blue what about the human there I'm like and he's wearing blue yeah we need to have a Four Color I could asked them if it's like maybe it goes up to like s cents or 8 cents that's right looking at the background Ted right what about the background the mountains and everything back there I I they'll send us a quote we'll send them basically what happens is when we're ready to get it printed we send the images to the printer and they come back and have to give us a quote before we proceed even though they told us how much it is per item or whatever little changes like that they have to give us a quote for so if it's more then I'll let you know how many do we need um so they didn't put like a minimum amount that you have to order on this printing bid so I guess we could ask for how many do we want the more you order the cheaper I would imagine right maybe 7 how many you want getting a generic for generic card everybody can get 100 of them there a thousand need it I was going to say 700 but you know thousand good thousand you get cheaper yeah generic the seven of us gu s way distribute 111 to every member but that's not a lot okay so that would be $70 yeah no big deal so Everyone likes that that uh design yeah okay yes [Music] I so but we're spending money so I do need the motion and everything you know to recommend the purchase of the banner and the business cards okay I can make the motion um I don't yeah go I make a motion that we purchase the banner and the Christmas card and the calling cards as discuss business cards second okay I would I would make the comment that I would want to know what the price is even though I know they're relatively cheap but we're talking about four five six colors or whatever so we should get a price before we make a final decision on it that means that order would be delayed 10 cents a card it's not going to be a lot more I don't know Paul I'm just I'm just making that comment I hear you it's not my money it's the Township's money which it means it's the people's money whether $ or $100 you know I'm going to act like it's my own pocket I think that in that file if you really want uh there will be an option for four color because four color is uh all colors because you combine all the four colors yeah um the price is on there if you hold on one second I got to save this before I thought I made a folder I'm so mad okay I'm just going to save it right here for right now and then bear with me for one second well what we're doing proposing to submit this to the printer who will then um essentially make a proposal with a price and then if we then formally we would approve that ordering them at as specified in the proposal that was Paul that was your motion right yes okay that's what I thought because the township received approved uh pricing so I mean yeah that's what the approved pricing is for those colors go for the highest resolution or if you can do you have the version that you can change resolution uh I don't know but I'll work on it afterwards if that's okay that's way we can just but yeah I don't know why this is being a pain okay go ahead you guys can keep going I'm just moving things into my folder so I don't forget but do we have the motion and the yes did all in favor okay so am I but am I bringing it back here that's the only thing I'm confused on yeah that was what the motion was right Paul yeah you got to get the quot okay all right or don't get quotes okay got it okay good so now up to D reports from subcommittees most of the subcommittees are not here no yeah I yeah uh film oh yeah film screening with the discussion so uh last time we were uh discussing um the green Amendment with a panel being mostly by mayaone ROM um October 14th she didn't like it and probably if it was too closer uh October 28th uh the venue uh is not available because they will receive the voting machines it's the week before and they cannot rent it out um now you're to November and uh uh November 11th which was our our next day is actually it's a Monday it's it's a me Veterans Day it's Veterans Day and uh so um it's a holiday so B of doesn't um so uh after I had a conversation with um uh Robin uh we didn't want to go to the next next Monday uh we picked November 14th November 14th where is that that day was confirmed as available for the venue that day works for Maya on rosam um I also contacted Ed patnik who uh said that he would like to be on the panel so add is on board and uh I also sent email I called um Bob Smith office few times of course because want to get attention you have to call more and then they called me back Chon can you send me email with all that information so that was last week and I was so busy I didn't write it until today so um Bob Smith is invited um when we get um the list of all panelists so it would be my Maya at pnik hopefully Smith and if this is Smith this is going to be big event right um and one of us whoever that be um anybody wants to volunteer cuz I would volunteer Robin in her absence of course um Canadians call that volent told Canadian and then when we have that we can start making the um marketing package uh and send it off um we want to make sure that we send it and I'm just reiterating what we said previously we have our mailing list we want to also leverage our own contacts uh we will send it to Montgomery because we have our contact there uh in the environmental commission we have contact with uh Hillsboro we want to invite them I was also thinking if we want to get um uh Bob Smith um uh new bronck yeah because it's just next to us and and he um Highland Park I didn't check whether all these towns are within Bob Smith's uh isn't but Highland Park and New Brunswick would be yeah okay okay and North M yeah I will not go that far he's a good guy if you have a contact I mean uh we we would I've had several meetings with him and his staff on different things we know him I can't get a meeting with Egan to save my life um I also had opportunity to speak with Dei on uh uh in nework that was a green Fest it was the weekend before uh our uh Franklin F and I nagged her whether uh we can uh get some support from NJ promotional stuff like that and she was like she was not sure what is the nject policy on on on green Amendment so I just take with that she knows that we are planning it that's all um and uh just uh today in the afternoon I received link for the shorter version of Common Ground oh wow but I don't think we can show it on October 14th that would be a little bit too short of this we would have to send um First Communication pretty much tomorrow or something like that today tomorrow and then reminder uh a few days before that but the room would be available October 14th would be available you talking about the library no I'm talking about the umada celada library uh they don't like to be open after 800 and we want to start our event at 700 so that people have enough time to have dinner so I think October 15th is probably kind of close yeah only if we knew that they have they will have the uh version available we would continue advertising and you know reserving the room but uh we concluded that you know it is not it is not certain and we don't want to you know tease the recreation department and board of f by you know reserving the room and then cancelling we had cancellation at the beginning of lot um so so that's that's the status regarding the education I do not have any update for uh the energy um I think I asked um Bob b loock a few months ago about the the status of of the energy aggregation and I don't have any update on that so okay thank thank you so then the last item on the new business is Hot Topic anybody else have anything they wanted to talk about if not we'll move into Old business and he skipped the stuff ordinance that was sent was sent Township manager yeah that was sent to the township manager um and uh it was the draft that we talked about at the last meeting with the memo basically saying here's what it is and we ask that you discuss it with the council okay okay Franklin gay I really spoke about in the opening more yeah U electric vehicle adoption leadership certification we received it um Stan and I attended the well Stan was really working it's here put it on the wall I didn't put it up yet but it's here um so Stan and I attended the event and it was very nice uh great speakers lots of interesting information so we got this is the um silver certific fix yeah so silver Department of Public Works I also have a gold in here silver for public works then we got a gold two Golds minicipal building Youth Center so these can go on the buildings themselves um and then we got these certificates too that I'll put up on the wall so that's gold gold and then here's the silver one so um I brought them with me so I can ask that they be put up and have the stickers put on the event was hosted by easy ride and it was really nice it was a recognition event um for these electric vehicle adoption uh Awards and there was an our category there which was municipalities I forget how many municipalities they said in here but in gold for example so we have two Golds 1 2 3 4 5 six seven there was recipients of gold and we received two of those so that's really good you know so yeah um so that was that they also did a ton of safe roots to school Awards which was really great and um trying to think what other things I can tell you about it uh lots of great speakers which was really good the keynote speaker was Scott bogren he's the executive director of Community Transportation Association of America so yeah super interesting e accelerator program the invited speaker was from Asbury Park uh they go Evo certified and uh they are very very aggressive when it comes to yeah it was great it was very interesting so I will get these put on the buildings and yeah so we're we're all set there so that's what else uh the Energy Efficiency Grant still just moving along we basically did the video of the mayor and councilman pnik at the Gazebo and so they are finishing the website for us and we already got our materials the tablecloth all those materials that we used at Franklin day were through that Grant so that was good oh yeah yeah the green infrastructure project at non Williams Park we have a uh Eagle Scout that is working on those projects he actually was just in here before for me to sign off on the paper so he should get his approval from the council the Boy Scout Council next week and once he has that he can start working on the project and he's expected to be out there with his group on October 19th and 20th yes yeah still expected to be there on the 19th and 20th although we're getting you know closer and closer to that date so but he's not even allowed to start anything until he gets all the approvals from the Boy Scout council so that's what we're waiting on okay and uh we already talked about the environmental Congress U some of us were there and um it was worth wild going I think there was a lot of U cross discussion there were a lot of vendors and I stopped at a couple those talk to Public Service a little bit also yeah I did nobody knows about changing the street lights to uh LEDs that's what I was trying to find out where it was but uh those people that they had no idea that that was a problem yeah well this guy was not at that end of right their Energy Efficiency program that's it for me can I keep this yeah yeah keep it yeah yeah I'm going to write it up and write up okay um we could uh at this point then um uh any other old business I don't know of any others so we'll ask for a motion to open the floor I have regarding film screening I I forgot one more item speaking of our collaboration with montgomary on Films uh I was contacted by Kathy Lynch um she notified me that uh they are set for December 4th for uh screening um where is the name um and I want to to to suggest that we will advertise their programs for our uh residents as well um I'm link I discussed link below oh we are plastic people we are plastic people it is Rory Fielding films um it is listed on P bps.org so they got access to it one of the groups that she works with Beyond Plastics offers access to screening of it so that's how they get access and uh they have room uh with capacity for 70 people what exactly is this film on this is the film uh we are plastic people it's about the plastic pollution um okay microplastic I think with big emphasis on microplastic uh the screening is on Wednesday December 4th at 6:30 p.m. between 6:30 to 7:30 they will have the door open at 6 uh with light refreshments and any vendor interactions so they will have vendors I came up to have vendors what they wants to do just promote it with them yeah yeah because and I'll uh I'll forward it to you just because just like we want to invite uh Mong Mar for our film screening they will H they are inviting us for theirs we uh we have more options for our residents we can yeah I like it we can do that just forward to me yeah okay so that concludes my addition okay uh I'll entertain a motion to open the floor to the public for comment okay all in favor I I no nothing motion to close the meeting to public okay all all all in favor I I motion to adjourn aren't you glad I'm sitting over here instead of over there cuz all good okay motion to adjourn the meeting okaye okay