##VIDEO ID:SPG4LVYim-E## ordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the Bolton board in the municipal building posted on the township website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting would take place in person at 7:00 p.m. in the municipal building on October 2 first okay um I'm going to do the roll call Walter here here easy Stan Arnold Rob Maria is not here uh me I'm here T is here Ed pic's not here and Ellen is used to being last with last name of now I have a a a little bit of a chair report um I've been on Tuesday nights um zooming in to an ansy um discussion on storm water management and storm water utilities and how to set one up and such um the um um it was presented by Lindsay Meli from New Jersey future uh NJ stormwater Resource Center and Victor lucer uh the mayor of Maplewood he was um and they have a storm water utility in Maplewood so the stormwood utility push is becoming a growing idea Trenton passed enabling legislation in 2019 increasing development has increased impervious coverage as a consequence climate change is causing increased rain current infrastructure is not designed for the current levels of storm water the swu was paid for by an assessment property tax passed on impervious coverage with credit for existing storm water argument passed on um I L my place passed on imp Pur coverage with credit for existing storm waterer management infrastructure and an exemption for agricultural land uh the taxes is dedicated to only be used for storm water utility purposes uh uses or Capital expenses operation maintenance permanent compliance and public Outreach and education house tax can run anywhere from $35 for a half unit 70 for a full unit up to $175 these are all per per year depending on the facility side um and it went on for two hours and uh I think it's been quite good and any of us can go see the video yes because they on stores I I I missed one on Tuesday I got I read it on Wednesday I heard it on Wednesday um and one of the things they talked about was the ms4 permit and um requires this requires a watershed inventory report which I think we've mentioned by the end of next year it's not that far away uh who will be responsible for putting this together it can be a precursor to the establishment of a storm water utility problem is our Township manager doesn't want one well that's he's we're going to get there someday I think we will I I think Ted and I had a meeting with DPW on this subject probably a year and a half ago now right yeah and it I think it would be helpful for this commission to have a primer on how that existing commercial storm water fees work because Franklin does have one for commercial but I think if we all got familiar with that it would help us know how to strategize trying to broaden it well it's not just commercial because it's any sort ofal facility management including dry Wells but existing in Franklin they have a very strong ongoing program for commercial that they monitor and collect the fee for but I think it would be good for us to be be up on that because it would mean changing that into a storm water utility and they just made abundantly clear to Tedd me that day with DW that hor Locker wants nothing to do doesn't mean we shouldn't I think we should understand what we have yeah before we try to take it to the next it problem that the fees that were being paid under the commercial would now divert to the storm War utility and couldn't be used for General treasury exactly do you remember that part I just remember they're saying oh the fees go directly to Trenton no they don't which they certainly don't no and but they are dedicated funds and they can't be used for something else if we did this yes yes but there is some cash flow I'm sure that is benefiting the township right now under the existing scheme that they may be reluctant to give up yes that's that could be a driving force but if someone in the township or chart could come to one of our meetings just to give us a description of how the existing commercial side Works would it be uh worthwhile maybe to contact Lindsay or uh Vic and see if we can get them to come here for a meeting on you mean from mwood yes no because all of us can go do that webinar I think it's more important to get Frankl coun here to tell us what we have yeah from the uh the commercial things that already get feed yes and understand what it is CU maybe if we understand that we can say yes Bob this is great let's just add to it know check his head shaking yes but we can't do that unless we understand it excuse me we can start with ED tosn who certainly supports storm utilities I don't know that he's informed himself about how the system works but he can forn Locker some you can be the finesser yeah yeah but the other thing too the the last part of what Paul said is this Watershed what is it called Watershed Improvement it's watered yeah the ms4 water Watershed inventory report yeah so that's what Susan Bristol spoke to us about before and that is due regardless as long as we have a storm water management report which we have to DPW is the head of that but I don't know that they know how do this or that they know it's due and that is a concern like that has to be submitted so I'm GNA have to also talk to DPW and say what's the like plan here if if they wait till October next year it won't work right you know what's happen somebody yeah hold on one second there we go um it's Mar yeah okay so that is gonna that's going to be due yeah hey Maria how are you there's another deadline in in 2028 and I think one there's three deadlines but the first one is 2025 in terms of the ms4 as I understand it we already are on either the a or the B the big one the people that are on the other one they've got to make big changes yeah be of a very small community Rocky Hill right and a lot of them right where have very low we still that that Improvement report that's a requirement and I don't I mean technically DPW should do it but I don't know that they can or will so we're going to have to maybe get involved I don't know I mean I think it's I think it's once you like compile the information it should be relatively simple it's just like who has the information how is it formatted and stored like is it in some type of database or things like where are the retention bases and are they yes where are the outfalls where are the retention basins how many all of the adult communities have basins every commercial every commercial building prac drive around the township one on every block well that's the question is in order to put that report together we need the data the question is how is that data stored is it like on paper and files repository yes is it in a database like do we need to construct a database like that's all stuff we need to knowy know that are they Gathering that would repl over the 20 years I think DPW was is supposed to be getting that data so that's why I need to find out I did let Carl know after Susan Bristol came to our meeting that this is on the horizon but I you know I'll have to I you know I keep going to going to these webinars and particularly doing a lot of stuff with Chris abrupta about structure fire SES and all that and I get so dishearted when I drive around town and I see all these empty basins with modowe Lawns yeah today I went past one I think it was in North Brunswick I think I was turning on the one it was beautiful it had Cattails it had water all these just handsome thing and you knew that this just absorbed gobs of water I think it was um off of 27 what's the road by the Wawa in Franklin Park be no it was beakman and Route One okay there's a motel hotel thing right there and they have a bio swell or planted it's so attractive and you know it's so much more effective than big shav in empty sure yeah back in I think it was about 1999 and on the planning board we were hearing an application for another building and I don't know what it's called but what is next to kingsb acres and they would have a detention Basin and I asked that the tension Basin be planted to long grass that would absorb pollut and so forth response is you can't do that it would Harbor Vermin Vermin ver 25 years ago get less of that now I just I just said think we we're going to talk about what we did okay all right we did the roll call we did a report oh approval of minutes approval of minutes from the U last meeting was two weeks ago two weeks ago that's the seven themes like w was two weeks okay is there any comments changes or yes um I didn't read it my apologies when I uh reported about the champ of Commerce um I think I wasn't clear um enough what I I I'm very self spoken I meant um what I meant was to make a collaboration with them and also so um suggest them to create a green Coalition of this but I should have done it before but you send it time okay if you want I can change it here if you want to just um say the smid yeah dict dict let me let me find it I'm sorry uh is it like the second for just tell me where it is real quick um one two 3 second paragraph under new business second paragraph report got it okay M Santiago has talked to the Chamber of commers about um the possibility of creating a green Coalition of businesses and um partnership for some events and U we received an invitation for November 4 report that later and a partnership a green Coalition of businesses and a partnership of activities that the commission uh the uh EC can work can participate in okay can support what EC is doing that works okay got it I got it I changed it right here so we're good can you send it to me so that I have the correct send it to you version I have to dig out old ones very old and send them to anarie oh that's okay I did I think from 2001 to 2004 and I never got on beond there You' been taking the minutes since 2001 oh my gosh you should get like an award for that you really should 20 years h plus of taking minutes yeah and you always do them right away it's amazing right I don't always do them right away such as today's that I did but you still get them pretty quick the one minutes that I have to do I always do them like the day before they're do because it's like the I it's just like you know good for you nice yeah right all right so I made that change so okay so so the the U we just changed it we made a modification all favor the um minutes with the modification that Maria introduced I minutes are okay there is no public here we still have to read open for public Clos I don't think so okay I I mean you know it's Superfluous if someone does come in I got a big word out of that there you even better okay correspondence um there was one letter from public service that said they needed permission to do maintenance on their rways under the wire structures they would get they applied to New Jersey for the okay to do that that's standard stuff nothing any specific part of town any no it just said transmission rways it was it was like a general RightWay yeah that's what it is the only correspondence we did have one piece of Correspondence in the email was someone responded to our um flyer for the and they wanted to know if we had to if they was any way they should register and I said no but the only reason I bring up is do you want me to keep a list of people or should I just add that person to our email distribution list add them and we want to make sure we have a sign and Sheet okay I'll add that person I've got a a mic call a verbal correspondance the chairman of the Canal Walk environmental committee has asked um if they could join when we do a stream cleanup they have about 20 25 minut members at this point maybe more wow the Canal Walk environmental committee I'll mention him later on also but this is nice yeah there were they just had the um the new New Jersey climate meteorologist G gave a speech and of course he lives in Canal Walk climatologist yeah climatologist and so they plan a specific stream clean up I he asked when we did it and I said in April he said oh can can we take part I said sure So I I have his email address I'll send it to you so he can add him to the L is it David what who is it David yes yeah he's been getting a growing uh membership 2,000 people and he's got 60 or so somewhere between 40 and 60 I think okay so we take care of Correspondence yes side plan so the theil that was received you said they it was someone asking if they have to register for the film screening okay um and so I'm just going to add them to our email I hadn't gotten that it was film screening that's the November 14th yes I voted into the calendar register registered thought so far that was a one one open spot on them this what my calendar looks like yeah I was looking you saw it already pretty impressive between everything all right so site plan review we have quite a few site plan reviews but we've not had that many as of late so I guess it works out do you want to start Paul because yours is kind of uh kind of easy you know well uh this is this was Devin developers um Bunker Hill Road is a um a residential development and the the technical Review Committee went through this thing with a fine tooth con and there were all sorts of changes to be made to the the drawings and everything else our um and this was from 20 uh 2022 in April we reviewed this plan and we said that the proposed um in imperious impervious coverage was below allowable limits so there was no problem yet we did um we felt that the storm management Stam water storm water management system appeared to be sufficient the uh TRC also made some changes in that as well uh that's in in the writing but I don't have other drawings that shows did they change the number of trees or not the thing that came because we we said that that there were um 18 something like 156 trees and there were deficit was 89 and we met said we should more trees around the edge the only drawing I that showed up that I could download was one that's just a tree line along the whole line that it was continuous and it didn't have any numbers so I think we should still leave in the thing about the trees can we ask for their tree replacement plan yes we could we can I think the way that was uploaded is the problem onto the website I think that's it I they did submit a response letter that shows all their changes which actually is super helpful when you get one of these they were all red lined in it was it's nice um the only thing they said in here about trees that I saw was something I said they'd pay into the fund um uh sheets three and six contain vastly different tree replacement calculations and they said the plans have been revised accordingly but and then it says the proposed size of the replacement trees have been revised to a minimum of 2 and 1 half inch caliber so they did do that but you know we need to get the actual plan in place so we'll have to I think we keep the same thing and if and just say like there's no replacement plan that we can actually look at so we really can't give our opinion until we see the tree replacement we need to hold it up yeah definitely how many houses were there I think it's eight eight houses with a Golder sack and a empty Lot B on the screen right it's not we can't get it up on the screen is the problem cuz that's why he doesn't have the plan it's like the plan won't upload I am looking at though so I looked at there this is their environmental impact statement I was like May so it says the project requires I think the way this was uploaded is really the problem because I can't even like well in the TRC report there was a mention also you know yeah so if we if they have to resubmit we won't worry about it now then we we do it when they yeah just so they're rep they're proposing 43 replacement trees 140 are required they're proposing 43 replacement the rest is the contribution to the tree fund the problem is we can't see where they are so yeah and as I remember when we looked at this originally there was space they could have put more trees along the boundary yeah all right so so basically our old comment with the additional comment that um we need to see their tree replacement plan oh the other thing that that we might well I didn't see any notes on was that the in the two years there's been changes to this this flood plane numbers the 100-year flood is now every month you know that kind of thing right using perspective numbers in yeah so whether the measures that they've taken are still suitable I have well I think the technical Review Committee should be looking that's now where it is I don't think there's any flood plane no off 27 yeah yeah it's 12 27 it's the other side of Bunker Hill from 10 mile run right okay so that's my that's my all right so that's yours um Ted do you want to move on to one of yours okay which one two and I I did both of them but want to start with NPH NPH really real estate this is for the lot at the corner of Davidson Road New Brunswick Davidson Avenue and New Brunswick Road which was some a few years ago applied a guy named Daran Mara applied to have a liquor store there but he never really finished the application it certainly was never heard it was a particularly incompetent application uh but that's only my memory that right across from the somerset run yeah that is right right across from the entrance is it on the side towards shite yes that's a vacant lot the other one has a building lot runs down to a stream but they're not getting anywhere near the stream they're leaving the woods what they want to build on is mostly grass mostly a field but they do propose taking down 29 trees they say 26 in the plant lot of lots of little slip shot thises in this uh plan as if people who wrote it up hadn't really seen the plans but uh and three of those trees are actually shown as being in the right of way not on their property on the Davidson a lot of the trees are on the Davidson Avenue Frontage so we might ask them to try to save some of those trees those uh 17 of the 29 I think it was 17 are under the the 16 in limit so they don't okay though well the they do figure into uh tree replacement calculations but in a different way okay unfortunately there's one smack in the middle of a property that's 40 in in diameter oh no yeah take that down yeah well I can see let's get The Lorax save the tree um they want to have two buildings one uh on story retail building and the other one would be two stories with offices on the Second Story and some on the first story and some retail on the first story the main variances they're asking for is they want signs sticking up in the air to 18.9 ft which the ordinance does not allow and it's not really our business I I think that will get smacked down got it yeah and I looking at the architecturals I I think this is the ugliest building I have ever seen pull in Franklin Tower and it has been approved oh no no no no no no to be approved get the here it looks as if it's all unadorned cinder block but with sort of L-shaped steel structures that make it look as if the walls are suspended from these steel arms of course it means you can't see anything about the roof but you you I don't think you could put solar panels on the roof is a tree of 40 in protected is that considered a significant Tree in Franklin that inventory that was done of significant trees well let me check it check well the trouble is reading plans on computer I have to use a magnifying glass a lot of the time like reading the size of trees has shown this is the building that's 40 in is the circumference right 40 in is the circumference is it diameter I think it's diameter I put it down as diameter rest height usually measuring and I think that's that's the building that looks like a Hamilton Street Urban kind of thing yeah it really shouldn't be in this neighborhood no the the nearest res nearest commercial is up by shop R this is the property just so just to show you guys the aerial so you kind of see what we're dealing with here which is yeah you can see near the upper left those are individual trees that are that big yeah and in the right of way so let me show you the plant I had it up and I thought you guys were looking at it my bad also there's an area along the uh upper right Edge that they just is just circumscribed as Woodland but they didn't do any counting of trees there so I would complain about that they have two underground storm water detention facilities there those I have one good thing to say about so that two buildings right two buildings story on the right is the on story retail building you know like quick check or something and then on the left a twostory building with some retail and some offices on the ground floor and more offices up above I bet they won't sell 95 parking places where I think it's 113 would be required so they're asking for variance for that what about the EV did they put the EV in or yes there are four uh don't see be are what are the black uh black squares yeah they're not shown on this but it's like two here and two over here somewhere marked as EV spaces so presumably they have a ready a charger a a two-port charger there not it some one of the plans shows those EVs and oh they're in the drcc zone oh they do oh that again T bicycle rack bicycle rack R they're in the drcc review Zone it looks like did they say that in their letter they're in the canal commission review Zone uh I don't remember anything or wait are they under the yeah oh DRC buffer line limits oh my gosh they're they literally are right up to the buffer line look well I think oh yeah say drcc buffer limits but I wonder I think they're right up against it they might just right up against it yeah but that's the buffer limit what are the black they do show further over they show the stream they show the flood plane delineation there some Wetlands along the stream but all of that is not bothering you know what the black squares are Ted I'm going to look and see if I can find them but do you know what they are by any chance uh benches Benes no no no no all of those there oh those I that I don't know let me look and I if I there's got to be would it be nice if they saved that tree and put the benches side yeah well I think probably about here like it's solar panels doesn't it it could build the building around the they have an outlet there yeah it says Outlet structure H so why don't they I know they mentioned I didn't really what if underneath is a what if this is actually solar canopy that's what like a solar working yeah solar array okay oh hang on Ben Ben seating those are benches no those are squares you have to find a square boundary think they're oil drop the it could be actually but but why so many those are the idea of I I don't know I'm G to have to attempt to find out what the heck this is they yeah they going to have a gas station all right let me keep looking and see what I can find do we have Sal you I think it's like over the parking lot maybe solar most of the trees they want to planter zova is that native no I didn't think so think that's on the list yeah October Glory whatever it is Red Maple and there one ornamental tree that I put it's not in the right position for solar panels because I think it's on the north side of the building what the heck is it it's like why I don't see anything in the legend nothing uh frame and great is that what it is frame and great go right go right great no the the frame and great there treatment cartridges the to purify the water in the underground attention base yeah say if I can see something on this one West which these are wrong wrong position solar happens with online is if you get plans turn sideways this one sideways a little hard to read it is light Fe if you go to the left of that of light pole features now that am I going the wrong way look at what's over there you to the west to the West hold on I'm literally looking at this it's completely sideways there wa just point on the screen head so I know which way to go oh this is the Landscaping plant see here are trees those are are mostly zova somewhere I know they have three see here there are no black squares and there are shrubs but they black rectangles oh there's those there's the EV spaces right here yeah okay so I suggest that they actually move it one parking spot sou to right here for the purposes to move the bo yeah you want to have eventually opportunity to have additional space here and there oh good right so move these two here they will be unlabeled and in the future they can be labed because the court can reach down it looks suspiciously as if those are really for um say tenants of the building employees just from the location of this is perfectly fine because they will be less likely to be us because they are not in front of the the front is somewhere here right and there are the other two this is correct located because on each side you have extra space Oh yeah here are the other two that's probably by the single story building huh all right [Music] comments I'm sorry did you not my comand I did I noted it yes thank you 52% impervious Surface versus 70% allowed okay I mean a lot of this is just notes to put things into the the green development what is the zoning on on the2 um business and industry with a retail sales overlay oh yeah yeah it's all loud pretty much [Music] cover one thing I I put down although it's not strictly environmental is I think they ought to establish a uh pedestrian walkway across uh New Brunswick Road leading to Somerset run and if possible one of those U warnings signs where if you push a button it flashes red lights they if they want business from Somerset run right they should they should it would have been more important if it were a liquor store all right so that's marijuana now I want to say something about the Gan estan Zing board application which you would think would be simple I thought it would be I am utterly confused I don't know what the hell is going on in this in the application it says that they're asking for a covered porch 11 by 21 .5 ft which would be 236.50 square ft okay then in the plans it says increase of impervious surface from 31% which is all would already be over the 30% limit to 46% the porch would be 1.1% right the only explanation I can think of is that a building inspector visited the property and decided to throw the book at them for whatever had not been done right done according to current zoning 30 years ago or whenever yeah back in Frank haer's day H [Music] so there are architectural plans that I can't make head or tail out of nothing shows where the PCH will be I yeah this is the plot plan we're looking at here and it doesn't show that you're right garage subject to an easement agree yeah so this is is slightly over the property line look at the AR the other thing if you go back quick you see something about it says Stone driveway and another place it says gravel driveway that and technically even a gravel driveway is considered imperious surface that's true en Rich Richie said to me one day they can be paved overnight that's very true that is true all right so let's look at this is the architectural plans you don't want to oh Lord and they still have all the comments on them elev and you can't tell where the porch would be no por most of this is an existing house and all the little comments are still on here that's not good well my basic recommendation is that the zoning board ask the building inspector to come in and testify of what the hell is going on right okay all right yeah you you'll get all of that in in the GLC okay thank you Ted storm water report does show impervious surface well they say something about impervious surface increasing from 6,321 Square ft to 9,38 square ft even that wouldn't be 40 up to 46% of the land they do say it increased runoff from a roof will be diverted to two dry Wells but I can't tell why I don't you know apart from that a tiny bit over this porch why would there be an increase in roof run off yeah for that doesn't make sense yeah this is very odd you're right okay we're going to have to get more what does that say concert patio that's the same that's a misspelling of concrete I'm sure oh my concert patio what the is that you invited yeah having a concert on the patio yeah I think it's a misspelling of concrete for that concert I can get an eighth grader to draw this up it does yeah what the heck is it all right so this is like incomplete okay well I would send to planning the comments about what a mess it is I will see if they can get somebody to sort it out okay all right we'll do that then okay so you did one you two I'm sorry which street is it uh Gan Estefan what street is the top of your head I can look at oh it's 435 wheeler it's at the end of a culde saac that comes off Burger Street well there are two piece you know this there are two pieces of Wheeler Drive we that don't meet one off Hamilton Street and one off Burger Street it's here up on the screen this is it the yeah this is actually it isn't yeah this is it here you see it it shows wheeler is a full street but yeah well maybe it is now that's the property I don't know CU it looks like all trees okay were trees behind it to the right and probably a lot on the lot above it yeah I don't know where all those trees on what looks like the road yeah maybe maybe it does end right where the word wheeler plac maybe it's there yeah whose fence is now it's got houses all along it so maybe yeah I don't know what's going on with that that's interesting all right bet I haven't been in there in 30 years gosh all right thank you Ted and then I have two two as well which are not too bad I don't think uh actually they're relatively easy okay so um both are resubmittal the first was for for onas caterers and we had looked at them before it was really just an interior space uh being used as a restaurant they want to develop a restaurant banquet facility no new construction was actually being proposed the variance was needed because even though they're in the neighborhood business district a banquet facility was not allowed this is Franklin Park yeah yes uh this is ate 27 3081 Route 27 and I can bring it up and they got l in was yes the biggest thing was is that they were having they were asked the zoning board wanted them to basically provide information about can they really the amount of parking could it really support the amount of seats that they had proposed so they submitted an update you know traffic study that included like the parking um they were seeking a variance have seven additional parking spaces the only comment that we really have is that there's no mention of EV parking spaces so depending on how many parking spaces they get approved will dictate the amount of EV parking spaces so I figured we could just put that as our comment that you know if you have however many parking spaces you are approved you have to apply the whatever rent the usage of parking in yeah in the shopping center I think they were going to go to down where the IHOP is they were so zoning is not going to include that as part of their parking calculation so they're still going need to provide EV for what they themselves get approved for but that's really ours in the building that was knocked down that wasn't supposed to be knocked down right that was such a mistake dear was an intentional mistake yeah oh yeah was that an abandoned building no no it was an historic building protected and when the guy applied for a demolition permit he long address so when the township went to inspect they said yes fine CU it wasn't it should have been this building which was protected and this this was the address they gave so the township said fine they went ahead and took this building down the township went oh we didn't know it was that building it was the stable for the old Franklin for the beakman hotel oh jeez all right so I have one more and then we have one more to review as a as a whole commission possibly um let me just tell you about mine real quick I'm just writing it down okay this is milstone Valley Fire Department uh this is at 2365 amall Road what they are looking to put in is a um 2,884 square foot I'm sorry 2,800 yeah 84 Square ft pole building and it's going to be used to store rescue boats and other types of equipment that they would like to have I'll show you the plans in just one second we're also seeking a driveway extension that's going to be 208 888 Square ft um there's no Wetlands on the site no threatened and endangered species no flood areas there's actually one tree being proposed to be removed and that tree is going to be replaced with one tree so that's good news um what else uh they are adjacent to Somerset County open space which again I'm going to show you just I have to have this screen up just so I get my stuff together here uh they're adjacent to Somerset County open space on the North side so the only comment I had is that where they're proposing this building the runoff is going to have to be mitigated they did propose an underground storm water treatment right in that area but the county is going to have to make sure they'll have review of that because any development um affecting a County Road or facility the county has a right to comment on and open space is considered a County facility so that the county will comment on that but it's also one of our comments right now the Zone they're in is agricultural so they're only ow 20% um impervious coverage they already have 47% and they're looking to up that to 50% with the in with this new building so basically put on a green roof that's one of my comments green roof or you know um they are proposing perious pavers on the side that faces am road so that's good news can they can they take out some of the existing driveway and put in more pervious papers yes so was one of my comments too is if there's a way you can reduce the impervious coverage on the site by doing things like that that would be great the other comment I had was buffering so they're not proposing any buffering have pervious pay where large fire trucks are driving that's the problem but the but the buffering they didn't propose any buffering and I was thinking the same thing is it because there's not enough room for the trucks or whatever but because of where they're located which is here they really should maybe consider some buffering so where they're proposing the building is back in this area um and they're going to have like where these this parking so basically they're looking to put the air the building back here underground storage is going I think over here somewhere and then the porous pavers I'll show you the plans so they have this here but I believe some of the porous pavers are looking to go in this area I'll show you they're taking down trees umry The Shadow is that tree no here here is where I at to point like in this area they're taking down one tree and proposing and replacing it with a tree so let me show you the plan and that parking on the left the existing parking if that's for responders personal vehicles that could be porest pavment absolutely absolutely yeah they're right next to the canal they should be and they're right next to the canal run off as much as possible Right correct and that's the same thing I said already downloaded this right yes okay so so this building is for storage and there's chemical storage that we have to worry about no no this is storage of just they want to put rescue boats specifically in there yeah you mentioned that it's not flood zone it's not in the flood zone I looked it's right on the border it's on the border of like the flood zone basically goes right up to the property so technically it's not in the flood zone rules well it's the old drawing flood zone right no this is the new boundaries are on there they're right up against it whole building goes immediately to the right of the exist firehouse and then here's the building here's um storage uh yes here's the underground storm water system is back here and then so this is and this is the county preserved open space just for reference over here and then we have here is where the poorest pavers are and this is amwal Road they only pulling boats out they're not going to be putting fire trucks up to that pole building right where's the canal in that picture it's behind it here let me show you on the uh that over by ana ana right there to the left there yeah um the black roof is on yeah here's the canal right here here's 514 which is Amal Road and then this is the County's preserved open space that I was telling you out and a little tiny building in the bottom left corner is the Franklin in library right yeah you see that flooded quite fre a little tiny building is the bridg keeper house and slightly to the right of that on the Ana lot is the Franklin Franklin town which is where Franklin Mutual insurance company was founded oh wellow where Franklin what Mutual insurance company was founded in that building why it's called Frankl mut 1879 I knew you knew which one 145 years ago so my comments were basically everything we talked about which is reduce the metler right you could be reduce the impervious coverage on site by taking away some of the the permanent um impervious coverage green roof look to reduce or mitigate the storm water runoff especially to the canal and the County's open space um was my other comments I think that was basically so many here uh here we go uh buffering that was the other thing so there's no buffering proposed at all um and so I had said there probably should be some kind of buffering at least to the County's open space so that was my comment open space yes they don't need a variance for setback actually that's so this is a pre-existing an expansion of a pre-existing non-conforming use so because they're not changing the use they're still like that's why they're allowed to have this increase in impervious coverage and they're in the agricultural Zone as long as they don't propose anything that's not within the scope of what they've been approved they can move forward and this basically Falls within it so they don't need a variance for increased in Pur service they don't because they're under the pre they're already approved pre-existing non-conforming use if they Chang ever the type of use like say they wanted to put like an apartment there then that all goes out the window and then they would need I wouldn't think that that that being a preapproved non-conforming use would relieve them of bulk variances for the impervious coverage the ex the variance they got originally for that non-conforming use was the allowance to increase the impervious coverage so they're on to 47% and they're increasing it 50% so I think that they're covered I'll double check though to be well if if I just think the principle right the approval of the use or being of previous nonconforming VI shouldn't leave them all for instance that yeah rear yard variance or something like that yeah I'll have to look at what their exact use that was approved was because it could I'm assuming it might have included the impervious coverage up to a certain limit which I'm thinking is 50% because the building the way it's it's like 2,884 square fet like exactly brings it to 50 who's the architect or the engineer oh it's a simple question to Mark Healey I'll ask them yeah yeah I'll ask them look at look at this setep back here on [Music] the significant in increase in cover y yep so I will ask that question though of him for sure and then we can and the county like I said they'll also submit comments on this because it's adjacent and there's going to be now and the canal must be the canal yes the canal too yep Canal well the canal Comm is probably County Road right County Road yeah it's like back to a County Road and County open space open so they'll get that review too isn't the open space is the open space wooded or not um I believe it's yes wooded well in that case buffering seems sort of beside the point it does it's just the point though that it's like you know when you're in this open space you can see like a trail goes right by here and everything and then they're putting you know another building there it's like they should buffer you know even though it's walkers but still Tyra for what they have there what's the required amount of parking spaces required amount of parking spaces I am not 100% sure they're not proposing more parking spaces so we didn't look at parking I'm not expecting them to but I'm looking at how many they have there and I'm gonna say they have maybe 30 or something like that I don't know I'm just guessing yeah um this isn't this is a firehouse yeah and it's not like they usually have 30 cars there I wonder if they did it for events or whatever fire and all the volunteers come to the Firehouse okay then they need a lot of parking okay because they leave their cars and get the truck gotta yeah okay yeah I don't know I could look and see I don't know if we have anything oh this is not the right one okay I don't know about the I can look for sure and see that I don't know T just answered my question so that's that one now the last one that we really have to review I don't know if we should review it I'm going to ask your all opinion so Planning and Zoning just posted this one really on Friday they posted really all these on Friday and between Ted Paul and I and easy we were able to review all these plans but it took like yeah so we could not get to the Ruckers prep one it's just too much it was not do I I can do it in the week yeah so easy can do it during the week but so I was like before the meeting started I said okay let me look and see if it's something we can do you know here together and it's not that we could not do it here together but it is a massive application it is what what's it what's the meain so basically they're looking to propose they're looking to put in a 15 ,000 square foot Performing Art Center but it's on East a it's right by the canal so again we haven't reviewed the environmental impact statement we haven't reviewed the traffic we haven't okay so we might be a little Le on that the FL plane the flood plane yes it's in the flood plane and we have not even had a chance to look at it so just to be just to be transparent though we will be like a week late submitting our report to planning but we never are and I think it's okay because of the of the magnitude of it they stated when they proposing they want their report from us on the 28th but the meeting hasn't even been scheduled yet yeah so I think we're okay are they planning this in the area of where the baseball field is or all the way on the other side um let me see cuz I looked at it quickly and I was like ah me and easy looked at it when we were here open to the public or just prep yeah pretty high 14,500 Performing Art Center and Assembly Hall existing private prep school let me look and see if I can find where was this under planning or zoning all right give me one sec planning I'll just pull up the site plan real quick and we can just look at the cover sheet but see it just got uploaded so it's but see there's geotechnical study that was submitted and traffic and everything and storm water report that's like 100 pages long we didn't even get a chance to what is this I'm on the wrong thing I'm sorry site plans I clicked the form the application form okay so I'll just show you what they're looking to do just so you can see where we're talking about back it up okay close to East now where's where's the lane the's over here this is De so that's the whole baseball field just to the left of um Can what is this middle yeah so you can see what is I'm just trying to see there any identifying buildings here that I can tell this says this is the upper field this is East the na down here so the big parking lot yeah big yeah here's a big parking lot and then they're proposing this building here so are they building on top of where our parking lot currently exists landcaping uh I think land yeah I think on top of lawn maybe performing arts building it's right it's very close to East and half it's got the parking lot between Park they're building on a parking lot won't they need another parking lot I don't think they're building on a parking lot they're building adjacent to park they're keeping the parking lot it looks like here's the tennis courts think west of it is a lawn or what is it Sports Fields yeah Sports field yeah it says Sports field makes sense to put it right next to the parking lot it's going to be a performing arts building all right so we'll review this then at the next one we when we've had a chance the dashed the dashed line going uh south to North is uh a drain p or something I'm just curious um it's eement got an eement bring it down a little it's here it is it's a to P yeah there's a there either a transmission line going go all the way across the canal in the river into we thought maybe we could review it but with all of these things to review the I mean it's just we got to really go through this so so we'll do it next Mee that okay you prep next and E is going to do it okay so EAS will handle that one so we're all caught up except for that which we'll do at the next meeting Perfecto thank you that was they throw six plans at us at once we did pretty well we did especially because they didn't get uploaded till Friday which was like dangerous but we made it you remember back in the day when there was 10 or 12 at every meeting oh yeah the paperwork the whole L of the table okay so we're up to new [Music] business climate change related Hazard vulnerability assessment Tech assessments Grant from sustainable Jersey that's that's your area yes I talk to Mar key um about the you know so part of the update to the land use element is the inclusion of the climate change related Hazard vulnerability assessment um I did speak to him because remember we were thinking about maybe applying for the grant but I said I better talk to him and find out what his plans are how he wants to approach it so his he basically said he hasn't even begun to think about it at this point because it's not due till the end of 2026 and with everything you know com going on it's been a lot like him and I just finished working on the pathways and trails plan um so he's about to gear up for it but basically I said okay well do you want us to apply for it do you want planning to apply for it do you have any idea what you want to do about it basically long story short he's really if we want to help with it and do it and we want to apply for the grant he's okay with it um if you know if we don't and he does an abbreviated one or he chooses to do a very detailed one you know he can do that too so it's really up to us if we want to apply for it it's due December I think it's the 3 December 3rd it's due or no sorry December 20th it's due December 3rd is the webinar so maybe I'll attend the webinar I know sustainable Jersey also put together a manual about how to complete and I did look up some examples of these climate change related Hazard vulnerability assessments and they really can be super detailed or they can be very basic to meet the requirements so I mean I don't mind applying for it applying for it seems like it's relatively easy so really it's up to us if we apply for it we get the technical assistance but then if we do that we're kind of saying like we're going to work on it and we're going to give it to planning to put into the the land use element is what you read is it all having to do with storm water or is some of it things like heat Urban heat island it's all different things so basically you're required the main requirement of it is required to do a build out analysis which is easy enough to be done here in planning they can do that part and then you have to probably do it anyway they would do it anyway for the land use S and you basically take your existing land use and your proposed land use and you have to identify how any impacts of climate change can uh what the effect is going to be so is it going to be sea level rise is it going to be heat island is it going to be um extreme storm events so we look into that the second portion of it is we have to identify where the majority of our vulnerable population is so that could be people with disabilities um elderly you know and and put that on a map yes which we have that from the health assessment so it's really not that heavy a lift for us and I last week I attended some webinar happened couple months ago where they went into a great deal about NJ flood mapper dog we use that for the health assessment and there's a lot of data in that that help for this there's a ton yes so and we already use that data for the health assessment to come up with the areas of so it's really not going to be difficult for us um if we want to apply we can I me we can still think about it if we want I already registered for the webinar so I'll attend the webinar regardless but I think it might be good do we need a motion to let you do this or we just say go ahead and do it I mean if you want to think about it you can or if you're ready to go then we can say do it but I can't even attend the webinar till December 3rd so we got some time anyway but I think it's I think it personally would be good to do it I know it's more work for us but I think it would be beneficial I don't okay yeah all right so I'll I think it might also tee us up to get a sustainability element inside the master plan that's the key yeah if we're doing this it'd be an easy thing to slide right in yes okay okay okay so I'll plan on moving forward with that then like unless something crazy comes up okay then the next item is the article uh for the eval certification and I guess this is the article you wrote what yeah I wrote it and it went through um individual comments um thank you Robin thank you Arie um Tad yeah so um I would like um to move that we uh send it off um I would like to propose that we send it to New Jersey Spotlight um so I Technic I move that we approve it and send it to New Jersey Spotlight is there a way to send it to the county where it might get some Traction in the county because the township is a government employer inside the county to might perhaps inent other Municipal employers to do the same I I thought that this is actually something that Statewide yes but I think in addition in addition yeah addition I think if we send it to the count and just Crow a little bit um it might get another town interested yes by the way Walter Lane is moving up to deputy director of the state plan so we be a new head of County plan do you have a clue who that might be no no I asked him and he said well they're fussing around about it and putting out ads okay so it did not sound as if they're going to promote internally as he was promoted in internally well it'd be good to have a friend at the state level yeah yeah yeah maybe something will actually happen with the state plan I am I am now satifying Mercer County as Employer I have contacted Somerset County several times including Walter Lane he was the first person I contacted in January how about Colleen what's the county administrator's name oh I forgot her last name but Colleen has there been a second before we continue this discussion second thank you yeah I think call the County Administrator would be the person to go to she's very ridewise yes ridewise is when contacted if you're looking to certify ridewise I ask them to be certified do you ask them about the county getting certified well I didn't tell wasse that I also asked County to be certified but don't go to water Walter Lane I would go to Colleen whatever her name is the County Administrator well I she like the warn Locker for the county oh okay uh I also tried uh Paul Drake commissioner commission Sarah Sarah my next would be Melanie actually no no go everybody works for Colleen she's the employer so so I think she's the one I think that's it m Fanwood yes I'm not sure whether she's still is but she was so the mean so what's on the table is to approve this letter that you wrote yes um I mean do do do we have to read it or I just want you know there was a lot of uh changes made and I think this is the most really good changes I just have a couple of questions as to whether um couple of things need to be done in the very first sentence it says um this is being administered by fourth capital f r th I have no idea what that is it's a company okay originally they were and I was investigating that originally they were Force Mobility okay but I think that and and they asked me we are not force M just forth and I believe that the reason is that when you add the mobility it may uh suggest that it's for focusing to improve mobility of people who are disabled or who have problems with Mobility which is not a case yeah I'm just when I read by fourth I is by fourth Corporation or you know four fourth well they must have they must have some form of business contractor actually a contractor to whatever that might be that that um Forum of business entity stick it on the end of the name because it looks like a typo Dan I gu right so so um uh what I was uh about to suggest is that okay it is administered by fourth comma an electrification Transportation nonprofit that's what you need that's what you need hold on I'll put it in here right now while we're at it now I'm sorry just tell me are we in the first paragraph yeah that was the first line of the first parag first sentence fourth comma go ahead just repeat it one more time comma and an electrification Transportation nonprofit nonprofit okay okay now the other thing is this is for the public to see also I guess yes hopefully it'll go in right so one to be celebrate Us in the fourth paragraph down we use the word lead l e e d That's right right but it's not a word I know I know what it is but a lot of people probably the majority of people outside of this room don't know what lead isad certification he does I can tell out leadership and Energy Efficiency and it's actually leadership in energy and environmental design and environmental design from from us Council us Green Building for Green Building Council Green Building Council you can put that in parentheses after I did got it okay that's taken care of yep um and I worked on that for eight years yeah yeah I was on the committee that did the first maintenance manual so you know what it is yeah I've been there done that so then two very small other small things one we changed a lot of the township words in with a capital T in the second paragraph on the second line the second word Township should be capital T second paragraph oh here it is I found it okay got it and then in the in the third paragraph the very last line and I might be wrong about this but I believe it should say in the last line it should say zero emissions with an S right yes got it I was looking up and uh they typically use plural because emissions are not one it's just okay thanks for doing this Dan this is really good letter a lot of good information in there uh yeah um and thanks for all those comments because it's important that it's um clear uh not ambiguous some of the sentences at the beginning were long so I broke it into three like particularly the uh um explaining the arguments of of why workplace charging is important right uh some of you suggested that um uh somewhere here I'm saying that it is the number two most important uh after home charging and you were trying to insert most important something after home charging but in in that entire paragraph the word charging is repeated many many many times um even the the wording Port of a say I didn't really like it uh so I I think that it should really read clearly that when we say expert as the number two most important after home charging because El it just reads very awkwardly that's why I yeah I I provided two different words that you could use um it just reads awkwardly yeah Factor element consideration what paragraph Was that in fourth paragraph mhm two four four in the middle most important type after home charging I think most second most important uh type of charging site after homes so that you would remove the charging from the home right yeah because that close it's it's implied right uh my comment the one comment I sent to you about Township that's that's appropriate if you're sending it to somewhere outside right that was the intention retract that comment I was just thinking of it being in Franklin times yeah yeah so the just to be clear so that last change we made I would say most important charging after home I would I sent you was charging place or charging option or access point access point I would say I think they just needs to be some I I my problem was was that too many words charging so if we insert it after uh the important the most important charging after home or charging type after home type of charging is most the type of charging after home after homes yeah after homes yeah oh okay so you can eliminate that last charging yeah that satisfies my eego oh he admit it editing by committee so Stan are you gonna do you want to make the final changes then then send it to me like I don't know how do you guys want to go about sending it out I I guess when you're ready and like changes so one thing is we agree on the on the content which I think we did right and now where do we want to publish it right why don't we just vote on the on the the content we agree on the content break can to vote on the content on it okay so as amend agree you're going to make that those changes before the final okay perfect got it I just want to make sure okay and send out okay so do we need to talk about where to send it out or do we just want the like Communications committee to if you want the communications committee to do it I'll tell you where I think I would send it and if you've got more to go you can send it there go ahead um I would send it to the um Franklin reporter i' send it to tap into I would have Tara put it on the township social media and something on the website and um I would send it to the county um if you've got a spotlight um connection what are they called New Jersey Spotlight New Jersey I I think it should go there um I think it should go probably to the with Maria's help go to the Chamber of Commerce and say the municipality is setting a model of employers quality qualifying for this we encourage other Franklin Township employers to do the same use her connection there that give them something to do now we've got their attention I I like the idea of multi multi brong approach shall we for the tap into and Franklin reporter eliminate the sentence about the township as uh that was uh implying because there is one sentence at the beginning that says how big we are no I I don't think so because most of the people that read it don't even know okay fine most if you ask most people in Franklin how big is the township how many people how many square they have no idea can educate nor do most of them know who their council person is or even the mayor or the former government we have well that's a tough one because there are 10 different type okay okay so I I would you like me to do that some somebody do send me a clean copy yeah and I'll send it to the list I just came up with I'm not sure I got everything from that Franklin reporter tap into Franklin Chamber of Commerce Somerset County New Jersey Spotlight you have any others how about um the Franklin um times that we it comes out quarterly or three times a year next issue yeah that's a good whatever it is most one I think has it even come out yet or no it was being worked on January yeah I think that'll but that's usually for the I think the because we submitted an article to it and I don't think it's come out yet I think it's behind I think if if it winds up being published in the Franklin reporter then I I don't know that we need send it to Franklin times well not everybody subscrib I think I think people rep yeah yeah it's very annoying right now the software somehow thinks I am not a subscriber Bill knows I'm a subscriber but I got the same thing where they wanted me to pay up and I know I'm paid up through January I sent an email or text to Bill and he just corrected it at the bottom right is a circular um icon you press on it and you log in when you Lo in we shouldn't have to log in yet that's the point I I don't log in I just I've never had to log in before but the same computer you should remember I did that and it wouldn't accept my password they must if so many people had a problem I had this issue because when I go from one device to another it doesn't like it when I'm subscribed to more devices so then I have to sign up again but but I can I don't have I unexpected ISS I think I may be subscribed both through my Rutter's email and my Comcast email and it's probably think of's email which I never have time to consult because I get 200 political [Music] emails a clean cop Tara Maria and me you're going to take care of Spotlight Tara's going to take care of the township Mar's going to take care of the chamber and I'm going to take care of everybody everybody will receive copy make it simple no but in terms of the other outlets everybody has a a charge yours is Spotlight yours is the chamber tyus is the township and I'm going to take care of everybody else excent quotes professional and educational items okay I'm sorry I was putting an email to e REM me to send him that Rucker plan cuz I don't want to get stuck doing it I'm like hang on okay so I think I sent everyone the quotes for the business cards and the banner correct did I send that as part so this way um because we approved the uh the content of it last time and it was just that everyone wanted to see a um the quotes So I got them and I sent them I can put them up again so yeah the different was the Four Color version to yeah so the banner is going to be uh $120 and that includes the carrying case and then the business cards are going to be so the minimum is either 250 500 or 1,000 So based on the colors and the front and back if we do 250 it'll be 75 if we do 500 that it's 85 and if we do ,000 it's $95 500 right yeah okay my reaction oh pause an additional $20 F it's an additional 20 bucks too to set up the file it looks like so what we suggesting 500 Business Cards it'll end up being everything $105 for 500 Business Cards budget total uh for printing let me look for extra $10 we can get twice as [Music] many am I right but then we have the inventory and somebody's responsible for I still have 34 of the business cards I got for being on Council $650 for sign edine promotional items so we're using 15% of that okay yeah yeah it's there's plenty of room right and we still have room for other man is persistent okay let's go ahead and do that okay so I think we do need a vote on that though and then I can uh I move we go ahead with 500 Business Cards lay or whatever that and the banner and the banner so banner and five 500 business cards and that's a robin okay and then I listed the banner is how much 120 okay even it size it's pretty good price I just need a a vot so Robin did a first so I need a second okay Stan all in favor you got all right so I'll go ahead and um and have that put through any idea when we might take delivery of this stuff um so I it looks like we should get them within a month um I have to so because I'm not an employee of the township I don't have access to the financial system which makes complete sense so in order for me to order these I have to tell Mark haly to order them and he'll put the purchase order in so as soon as the purchase order gets put in which he normally is pretty very fast about I got to say um it would be a Christmas present if we could have it for the 14th 14 is the we're expecting company we have company coming it is we like to put it up okay I because if he can get that in right away or the the banner the banner December 14th What's happen November 14 oh November you can use the Energy Efficiency stuff too right okay okay that's not Christmas present but yeah thisas present to us Christmas present he's like that's a terrible Christmas it implies that plenty of time it would be a Christmas present to us to get it early yeah I think it's a Thanksgiving gift ear okay so now we're up to d report from subcommittees Maria has a report well just I have an invitation um the chamber invited um me and if anybody's available uh to attend on November 14 again 9:00 a.m. so that means night at a um they have the they meet twice a month on Thursday's morning I told them I work and if I could meet online with them but they want me to be in person so I will have to take it a half day that day to be there would that be where would the meeting be uh it will be on 199 Pierce Street in Somerset oh say what building what oh that's it's like a condo apartment building there 199 Pier Street it's right at the corner where the chamber office is it's right at the corner of Elizabeth Avenue yeah okay so uh nove November in November 14 that will be the day of of the meeting so if anyone anybody here and what is a regular meeting or is it a program no it's a regular meeting was this of the chamber or and who's the president right now uh Nicholas Deo oh he's still the president well he's yeah he the one who answer my I don't know if he's still the president he's running for the Board of Education Nick yeah yeah but I don't I thought he was 9 Pier Street that's this it's what time in the morning what time in the morning 9 it's at the corner of Pierce and Elizabeth and it looks like this it's up on the screen I don't know if it's like a I guess it is it's like a um I know people that live there and they have and they have um meeting rooms on the first floor okay so yeah so that's what they do meeting room so are you asking that other people meet because you you have to I have to go if anybody else is in you know have the time I can't commit if if I possibly can I will be coming is the one that from Davidson definitely yes I have to apologize for the day of the film school has a function is Council committee and we have a new administrator um is a city advisory committee from it's from Seven Elizabeth okay and here's pierce it City no City carer technical is my job as um we have to attend not this city different city no it's what happened I'm talking about this why don't you do the morning you cover the chamber I'll make sure we so I might be able to show up as chairman it makes some sense yeah Maria I know that you have to take the day but do you not if you don't want to take the day for example Paul said he'd be willing to go or if another person this way don't to take time of a work unless I don't have anything till 7 o'clock at night on thday so a 9:00 meeting I can do his calendar he 7 o' at night is with us I know that's what he's saying he's like 7 o' only to save you if you want to go of course the 7:00 with the senator i' like to go but I also the film screening we don't know if we have a senator okay but we have a film I don't think we have just okay Paul put that on your calendar in case 9:00 a.m. I got it 9:00 a.m. marer and also I sent an email but about the benefits of having that partnership yes yes thank you well that's a good way to get in and meet [Music] I will but I might the email from Nick about that meeting okay if I can possibly do it all oh she put you on it oh wait this is the benefits of it okay yeah theit the date and the time time okay done that if you can okay excellent no this is good to collaborate with them and it's good to be there so yeah I don't know if they're going to I think they're interested I think they want to know what we what we are about I mean I'm living over here yeah am I that's great that'd be wonderful call okay perfect thank you okay where's the agenda any other subcommittee report yeah just um because we're having this event on the 14th what other information do we want there so we can hand it out to the public it's our chance to be very visible and present so anything on the community energy Grant the PSG stuff yeah so they so we have the banner where is that do you have it still the the one that comes up yeah I have that so he has the banner and we also had a bunch of um I think it was like postcards or something and it has the QR code to our website so Paul has all that so we can coordinate it for that can you make sure you bring all that that night I bring whatever take the box put perfect thank a table or two okay so we have a place at the Boe building who's who's doing that ARR we we'll have a bunch of tables are there tables T that's the one for night make sure yeah because this is the room where where the bo means I know that and they have tables at which they sit okay but when we were there last time for the film I don't remember seeing tables I just wondered if they put it all away can't hurt to just send an email and say we have one or two six foot tables so you Paul if you can bring that box from the Franklin day that would be excellent yeah okay what else we us something else thing you do this way you know that comes out and even our big banner the B ban oh he has a tablecloth that's what else table cloth all that stuff bring the household we have a lot of stuff left for Franklin day because we didn't go that very much at all yeah so this is the chance to do all that again got it and please everybody invite your friends to the film your friends and family send that same email you got to your five nearest and dearest here in town I can post it on the Google group that we have in yes and please make sure the environmental committee at Canal Walk knows about the film we're talking a lot of stuff here with do you want to send that to do the um the film screening I did I sent it this morning yep you probably got bombarded with emails cuz I sent it to the open space the uh email list and everything so you probably got it like three or four times so you did just ignore oh I sent it to Planning and Zoning too so you probably got it like five times I want them to know we're busy we got going on and and we want them to be exposed to this now did you have any luck finding the email for the ruter prep student who came to us and support I did not so I know they talked to Paul directly did you find the name of that student remember he to you name I could not find it in the minutes or anything know how did you know how did we get him to the meeting Paul told me he was coming he get me he called me something okay so you need to find information no I looked through the minutes I could not find his name you have the date it is I tell you it's he come with an adult from March 20th 20 2 March 20th 2023 right and 2023 that was yes it was a while ago we were meeting in council chambers that day I remember we don't have it on video that's why name what how to spell it Andrew t i a n so maybe you can find an email Paul search your email Andrew I have even the address is 6 nickel Drive Andrew T an you said i a n t i i a n t okay sounds like a campus address not Nicholls not Nicholls new Drive n Drive in Somerset oh yeah here's the name Andrew tion let's see see if we have an email or phone number worst case one of the education and Outreach committee could write to him okay student ask oh I found it I found it okay yes from Paul's email but it was it was okay it came the email came to us through one of those contact forms of the website but I found it I found it okay thank you that date helped a lot I don't know why I was thinking it was 2024 okay so who am I emailing this to you you um sent it to me and okay oh good that say me search I'm copying that we were copying in that email you were yeah it was all the way back though in 2023 January of 2023 y oh my goodness yeah it was a while yeah that's why okay got it we have Devon Barry on our mailing list he's my dentist he lives in Mars Plains I don't think we'll really get him down here for the film the reason he supported wrote that letter of support is because Andrew is his patient and Andrew asked him if he would do it he said yeah of course I'll do it for you would it hurt to at least put him on notice that we have this event no it can't hurt he's my dentist I I get to see him more often than I want he's going to come without the drill yeah I I doubt he'll come because he but leave the decision on him you know all right to Andrew Tian and then I'll write to Devin Barry because I have enough on my to-do list okay fine fine yeah thank you yeah I still actually you asked me to kind of Polish the announcement I I do have an my to do list announcement done there's no polishing left it's done it's out there yes it's fine I so he's like I need to send it to montgomary pleas Hillboro um new brunwick Highland Park that would be great and um South brunwick I don't have and uh I am going to hijack my uh Eva particularly if you get Andrews wicker for the panel doesn't respond right away I don't know well he's up for election in two weeks that's why he's no no no State Senate yeah State Senate is an odd years like the governor oh so it's only next year we have no State elections this year he's busy raising money so I assumed he was he he's been sending email if he's not answering then give him more reason to come no EXC well I I've invited him through two channels and Stan's invited him through another Channel and he hasn't responded to either of us I have his Gmail so Robin San she copied me and I PCT and I said hey Andrew you know you know he through New Jersey electric vehicle station by the way we would love to have you so I copied the the senator email and his personal email and then we received a response from his assistant right yes uh saying okay we'll think about it or something de lines yes and that was how many days ago probably Friday Thurs your Friday and if Ted gets 500 emails a day how many does he get we have to he has assistance okay so that takes could send them to the Kingston send an invitation to the Kingston Village advisory committee I have met a member of the South Brunswick EC ated anjac event so I can write to an I'll write to Deanie and anjac and ask her who is the gal from South Brunswick that showed up at the Summerville do we have someone at Manville I Manville because they St Manville question for you you live there right I do I stepped off as St man though so but I'm sure I can I can get it to somebody I will I will I'm also contempla I have contact to Somerville environmental commission Jeff Lambert yes yes I met him at that same event he's very outgoing guy um okay okay anymore s doesn't list the names of no that's it from the communications committee oh just one I did send out that announcement that you're talking about for the film I sent it out to our email distribution list I requested that it got posted on social media and our Township website um and then we sent it to the open space advisory committee and Marie McCarthy for for the Planning and Zoning I'm sorry for um the township Council and then Christine the secretary for Planning and Zoning thank you very much that's all you said that it will be on our calendar and it's going to be on the main Municipal calendar and I asked that they put it in the scrolling bar too so it they haven't put it up yet but now that probably closer to the time yeah all of this I've just put down there was considerable discussion about inviting people to the film show it there go on I don't think you need to record much just of the Canal Walk environmental committee when I said that I want to modify I didn't mean the content oh I wanted to do this I I there is a PDF and if you need in a word doc do put okay okay yeah okay okay we just took care of the environmental committee at Canal Walk I gave the address okay thank you okay that's good um we've already talked in way Hot Topics or anything in there or we just move on nothing new okay um Tara would this would be where we would talk about 189 benett Lane uh I think I don't know if Hot Topics but in this area yes um AR has a AR has a new business item yes well this is something that was brought to my attention by a resident it's 189 bennit Lane um and it looks like it's a very it's a very deep property Tara's going to bring it up it looks like um and I I was there today not on the property but I took some pictures there and there's about 30 Vehicles old Vehicles car parts doors um car tires Eng um all over the place in the back there and it looks like it's uh I would consider an illegal motor vehicle junkyard of some kind I believe would be a violation under the D regulations um it's also close to the C1 Stream So if there's leaking uh Vehicles you've got to the right there this the two properties to the right is where the C stream C1 stream is I believe I can put that on just it supposed to be agricultur supposed be what agricultur zone or uh it's a good question give me one second and I can look it up I just want to put the stream up you're bringing this up because of the way it appears or is it something else triggered looking at this property it was brought to my attention by a resident because of the way it looks because of what is on the property I think it's preserved land to 189 where's the C1 oh hold on here's the C1 stream first that's the first thing I was going to bring up this is the C1 stream this is the property so let me just do this real quick before we move on to the next thing uh 1,116 ft so less than a quarter of a mile now even if it isn't you know regardless of the C1 stream even though that is a portion of it if whether it's agricultural or whether or whether it's residential or whatever I don't think you're allowed to have an illegal junkyard or motor vehicle on the site there I also sent Tara some pictures that I took that I'll get to the pictures let me just look up this hold on one 189 199 199 189 189 um okay thought you said the person in who complained was at 189 I didn't say who complained I just said it was a resident okay all right hang I just wanted to find this Z this is in the agriculture Zone what was the question about the zoning it's in the agricultural Zone was there wrong okay you know I was just curious because I I see some fields around preserve oh preserved you want to know if it was preserved okay hang on give me one second okay one more H I gotta like basically go between Community Green Space um equipment sh uh give me one sec open space let's put the underne is pres F you think it's a preserved Farm oh my gosh I think I know who I think I know what this is now that you said it's not a farm it doesn't look like it's not it's by for it's not actually preserved but it's didn't they come to us plan no that was two properties down towards 27 that's where the seam is Robin yeah that's Flores is the name it's not preserved it is right next to preserved open space and very close to preserved Farmland also close to C1 stream okay so now Arie has also pictures to share hang on can you zoom in on that picture there just see from above I piss you can see them you can see all the cars lined up there a lot I mean some of the cars actually have licens a few have license plates but they won't be you know the registrations may be expired but you'll see you'll see in the pictures that I sent also that there's a building at the corner that's a home oh yeah there's a house there that people it looks like people live in it is it house pool then we got all these cars here this is boat fixing car then you got more cars oh oh this is like tractor trailers like like those container right yeah shipping containers and what is the thing next to it on this that that's also another chunk yard no 8527 oh what is that looks like a business uh 85 hold on let me look at this way cuz it's just that since we are added you know yeah I want to see when it work the other side of the property that is Eastwood I think is Kathy BL tree oh yeah right right next to it is the wal gas Tree Farm yeah which is where I walked on that and took pictures today oh so this parcel that you're highlighting that's Greg paganos that's Central Jersey fence yes yes that's what that is there and right there where the hand is is the wall gas Tree Farm Walk along the property line there um and took pictures you want me to show the pictures now um sure 85 lot 28 I just want to write down what we're talking about here is there any particular order or just I'll just send them in the order you sent them to me all right yeah I I had to break it up into four different emails I delete and I like I hate having extra email it's like too much okay so this is one picture that Arie sent you can see there's a bunch of junk and trash there I like this will there's a tank over here to the right yeah what's that yeah on the yeah piece equipment did you see that yeah I mean obviously I saw but I you know I I can only get so close to it wow there's a license plate yeah and again I don't know if they're um you know some of them might be valid cars what the size of the picture I'm surprised on that truck the truck doesn't have license plate picture anybody taking the picture you went by yourself I don't know if anybody saw these are pictures from afar okay let me get we have more uh hang onbody has okay just three on that one okay yes you got permission to enter the other property right see now this one here if you look at that number to the left in blue I think it's 11119 I think now that's something that looks like was in an accident that they write numbers on it like that to show that for whatever reason someone has a CH there first you know November 6 2019 it's been there a while and there's a license plate on it but again we don't know like water body it's covered with leaves and stuffff yeah it's a sh with permit or without permit they have now you can see right there where the arrow is up to the right there you can see some car doors there those are all car ports can you zoom in on that is that possible into the into the red there you see it's a bunch of junky cars there and look at this this is like concrete basically at this point there dryby you can tell it's super compacted I guess that's just a further view there's a bunch of doors here that's the same picture as the last one they could all be valuable for parts that was the third one yeah okay I wonder if it's a Chop Shop is that how they call them it's just a picture of car parts in between those two cars there you have a new career photographer actually this was zoom in on a black car left and I think there's an engine on the top there or something a junk up there and more car parts to the right there it lost its rear window jez I mean this is know something on my old job I saw stuff like this could be a chop shop I think are these all tires back here oh I mean there there're tires all over the place and if they don't have rims on them and there's illegal storage because they gather water from rain and the mosquitoes right breeding them can you zoom in on that I think that's a a door right there can go up and then right at the top there and between those two cars in the back there a lot of car pieces okay oh AR I like a you have TI and you have tires there another carport there this the Department of Health thing or is this zoning what do you think does this go to this Zoning for sure leing you would start a zoning sent us to the zoning officer to do an inspection but also Health would get like zoning would probably see this and then also forward it to health because of not only that are those logs I saw the storage of logs like that too you can't have that you can't have them on the ground they have to be raised right but the pieces yeah I mean I'm sure zoning would go out there and probably say you have a zoning problem but you also have a health issue I think you got I think you have police background without tires on it and no it looks like in it right there there's car without plates some but some had plates some of them some but we don't we don't you know some of them might be valid some we don't know and now look at that right there that's a nice hot rod right there oh yeah it's missing parts still has wheels wheels I wonder if they have a business license I want to get to mention one thing we done so yeah I think that's so the point of it is asked me to put some stuff on it I have to do that still so yeah I'll take care of it he asked me about that but no progress yet nobody's I'm about comp compost like a junkyard hang on one second hold on one I need to go it's 9:00 I'm sorry I got to home um so what are you asking for us to send this well I you know you mentioned zoning I'm not sure exactly who handles it in the township um but also the county their seaw group who I work with County seaw group they investigate Solid Waste facilities this could be considered an illegal solid waste facility or an illegal um junkyard right right they might take a they might take a look at it from that aspect also I think it's a I think it could be a legal Chop Shop they got sto I think the cars would look better than that if they Rec stole one was a BMW I'm s little Dusty I need to go but keep thinking about November 14th and what we would talk about to the people that are there I mean maybe there'll be something on Taurus composting we could say 14 so just keep that in mind more when we've seen the film I'm sorry we'll know more about what to say when we've seen the film okay all right I'll send it to zoning that's the first step send it to the zoning officer and they will include Health like but because zoning can legally go out onto the property um so I will call them tell them to look and then they'll know who to include so we'll we'll definitely forward that um I have a we'll forward okay let us know what to yeah we yeah we'd like to get a followup on it absolutely I am going to have to go also to in a just a like 10 minutes at the most I got to get my daughter I'm sorry I didn't realize she's already out so my bad that's wanted this new business yeah you're good okay uh tree tourist free composting Pro program Ellen and I and David de ret from Canal walks chair he's chair of the environmental committee Canal Walk the three of us went down to Trenton and we audited a Trenton biog gas which is a division of Trenton Renewables and they burn or they don't burn they uh de compost uh food they have composted food that comes in from various places and they do Anor robics and generate gas which drives a GE engine which generates Electric Power do they do they like wheels or something they feed the electric power into the pscg grid there were there utility I'm asking to to the grade it do they they do they feed microbials or something to it some kind of something to help I think it's anerobic you know it's composting okay they get there were um three or four huge truckloads of bananas bananas from the uh do strike the the dock strike they'd have to move them out the same day they come in they sat on a pier for 3 days they they're no longer sailable they went all to Trenton wow the amount of waste was they get a lot of stuff from nursing homes some from Philly some from Maryland some from New York City and um maple wood or some other towns doing good business they're doing a good business is growing but they've got a lot of capacity to do more and um I've got this little write up that they gave me we met the uh Outreach guy and such and he gave us a complete tour so we got to see um all the stuff going down and what what comes in and uh we asked him about Taurus um and Taurus is like the in between that has the bailes in the retail places brings them down there and then um they start out with five pales now they're up to 40 pales so they are growing um Next Step would be to bring tour Us in and get a little more detail and um David said that Canal Walk could genely be a pilot for us if we wanted to he thinks he can get way more than five people to do composting and I talked to the um Canal Walk area the the manager for the whole facility and he said they could do it they could put pales behind the houses on the patios the um the condo units that's a different story you can't do that obviously but they do have a garage and they maybe could put a bigger drum in the garage basement but have to be sealed or maybe outside the basement you know CU each building it's parking under the building so it looks like it's it's very interesting operation at what intervals are the pickups didn't see I think that's what we need for us to come back in it because you know the the food when you dispose it it starts already decomposing exactly so so it it can't be months ERS and you know well that's why you got to use a sealed container my um daughter-in-law my daughter up in U Rochester she composts and the town takes care of it and they have a place they bring it to there's a big drum and you know you gather some in the kitchen and you put it in a little pale and then you take it over there so Paul do you know if they you put your palale out they bring another pale and take take your pale I don't think so I don't know but we it my in my my daughter's case they provide a A combustible um bag that goes in the p and pick it up and and they do it that way but the problem with that somebody else told me is the bag start to decompose with the food in there so then you get a mess but also when you open it the odors come out right there on your property or in your garage or whatever that's why I was asking if they just take one they swap them out then you don't have on your property that would be a way to do it but um we really just got a very general view from that one presentation yeah and um if we want to go further I think this is something we need to explore and um in some in a couple towns it's doing it this way is a precursor to the town taking it over because um it does reduce the Tipping fees that the town pays but you just pay it in another another area you know um which makes use of what would have gone in the landfill what tipping fees does the town have other than for their public building that's the tip if if you have less load because you're pulling out all this you know in big that would be to the point if the town collect the waste right we have private haulers there was no gain yeah there yeah I put we put out little enough and it's mostly food waste if the food waste goes to composting it will be almost nothing to go out but we're still required to have a waste was colle um but that's long range you know was there any indication of what they do with eventual residual waste yeah it goes to a landfill stuff that does that's why they they can't take bones if you're putting food very little meat they really don't want meat they take what bones bones yeah okay they have a cuge they they some of the stuff comes packaged and the cuge gets moves the packaging off to the side and that ends up in the landfill they they take out what what's best to do you know to compost now there's there's concern now about uh pfas in residue like that but that's more if it's spread on a farm right as we they they mix water into the oh they're right next to the water treatment plant for that area and they use nonpotable water to do the processing so it doesn't get dumped anywhere it's it's part of the process and they seem to have their hand on or you know the place was busy yes and there was a lot of you know we we got a complete tour up and downstairs the pallets I was wondering um why do they choose to convert the gas into electricity versus piping it into into the pipes and I think it's they're collecting renewable energy certificates for making the electricity through probably easier to measure thecity CNG is used to metering input from solar panels sure now they're only getting paid two cents a kilowatt hour which they feel is getting ripped off by public service it's a big margin you know so what this says is that U food waste recycling and Renewable Energy company they are uh biog gases part of Trenton Renewables um each year it has a capacity for 110,000 tons of organic material they've uh this material is being trapped in landfills or burned materials recycled into 27,000 megaw of renewable energy with 23 tons of organic compost while reducing carbon emissions as much as 32,000 fewer cars on the road packaging such as glass metal and plastic automatically recaptured and recycled full capacity Trenton saves Partners 5 million a year uh like I say they're getting a lot of stuff from restaurants and and and those places and even prisons where where there a what was the units there oh here it is 110,000 so it was uh it was a nice tour we really uh um got I told him I ordered a dioxin incinerator in Finland andak Finland I should be able to order the biog gas facility in Trenton well if we need a field trip to to Finland I volunteer to go right I I was doing a trip to Europe for the company and I got a I got a a call from New York corporate headqu why are you in Europe at the end of that that trip you're on go up to Finland oh my goodness I stayed the weekend in Geneva flew up to Helsinki and then it took the train up to was rough oh yeah and they were burning dioxine at 4,000 de so it destroyed the molecules they were mon there was a third owned by the company a third owned by the country a third owned by um the municipality and a third owned by 270 companies that was four thirds yeah so I went back to New York and said um well it take Finland to go bankrupt for that thing to shut shut down and we shipped him 47 tons of 47 barrels of dioxin Laden soil and we because we were going to store it forever that was worse that was worth doing yeah why does it need to be 4,000 degrees I'm not getting breaks the molecule the bonds the bonds in the in the atoms you don't need that much well that's what they were doing it's, 1600 degrees I think for a pration yeah of a body so 4,000 seems pretty excessive but you want to make sure dioxin doesn't fre they were monitoring dioxine is it the polychlorinated dioxine the stuff that comes out of pesticides and whatever I think it was like agent orange yeah chlorin three three three four 3 4 Prime tetrachloro dienzo dioxide oh there you go the bad stuff I didn't even attempt I was like other isomers and chlorinated or so we'll we'll talk to Taurus try to get him back in here in some reasonable time I can ask them they had a hard time coming you know but I'll I'll just tell them you know what we did and we're willing to proceed to the next step and that will get them to down right yeah we'll do were you here when they when they made that presentation they they didn't make it they just sent it remember and I up on the screen yeah what they said was at this point for 6 months they would pick up the stuff for free and five if as long as we had five uh locations within a two mile radius so Canal Walk said we can do that in two blocks and they could I think they've got somewhere between 30 and 60 members in the you know but other people may do it who are not members of the group so um anyway uh that's my report on that is there anything else in in Old business that we wanted the only other old business I'll just say quickly is um the eagle scout completed his project over the weekend at nonan Williams Park he sent me a bunch of photos but the way that he sent them it's I'm still on 4% downloads so we're not going to see them but he basically in the area that is the playground that's by Mark street so the playground in the back of non Williams Park there was a small area there that had an existing drain our DPW removed this big shrub that was blocking it and he put in kind of a sale lined it with uh stones and put in a bunch of trees that are native and are good for storm water management so him and some friends uh did it it's for his Eagle um and uh he you know presented the open space committee got all the materials organized it planted it you know got his friends organized so yeah I have to go look at it hopefully tomorrow I can go get it find yeah it's at non Williams Park so if you park on Matilda Street the main entrance and you follow you know it's a it's a loop trail if you go dip back by the pool you know yeah yeah past the PO in between the pool Garden pass the community garden then the pool you're going to keep going on your right hand side in between the pool and the uh playground there's a little area there it's like base so if you're looking at it's like baseball fields pool and then you'll see those condos or tow houses behind you it's in the area there so he did a really good job and he organized it and it he followed our green infrastructure plan so um if anyone's interested you can go look it's done he didn't touch the wooded section no he only did this one portion yep yep is this one behind the senior C the senior apartment building that's yeah uh the senior apartment building is by the wooded area isn't it no no so the the tow houses that are kind of overlooking or whatever I guess that's what I call them so okay may what what I'm thinking I think that's what so you know when you let's say the main parking lot you park at there's a parking lot up at that end by the fairly near the community garden okay yeah so if you were still parking on you were to head towards Mark Street yeah it's the it's that small area on the left right across from the playground it's a very small area yeah your original plans where it was he basically rerouted the water that's ponding on the path he rerouted it using gravel and doing some digging and stone to bring it to the existing drainage area there so the diagonal opposite position where you have playground um at the Matilda AV then you yes that's where you have also uh flooding yes so that's our priority number one area the that's a that area has to be done through engineering and then through green infrastructure this area it's for a Boy Scout project and he was able to do it without you know having to do all that so but at least we have three priorities so one priority two is done Priority One is currently being worked on by DPW they had to do some elevation measurements from that area where it floods into the woods to figure out how to get the pipe they already installed to bring the water there so that is almost done um and then we'll fix it up by putting in like a trench and some Stone and some plans but that's going to be done first make like a rain yeah y so so yeah that was good news so I'm glad about that if there is no other business we don't have to open the thing cuz there's no public and sometime I want to report on the lower Raritan lower Millstone community meeting on oh my gosh can we do that next meeting here I forgot to bring my notes on not okay okay that's an important one yes entertain a motion for second hi meeting adour