okay in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting the Frankin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the Bolton board in the municipal building posted on the township website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting will take place in person at 7:00 p.m. on March 18th I did that was that much glasses there you [Music] go okay um so next we do the um I Remar we do no we do a roll call right roll call Walter Andrews not here yet um Ted Chase here e is not here he's not coming yeah he Jessica here stand pres Arnold here Robin here Maria is here I'm here Tara you're here yeah Ed P's here and you're here okay so we've done the roll call and then um I had written down uh a few remarks cuz I I talked to Maria at chopr right about the the filming and uh I just want to really con congratulate the group on getting it done the crowd may not have been quite as much as you HED but the pictures looked like there was a decent crowd there oh for a film you mean yeah for the film and um so the public participation show their enthusiasm and interest congratulations we will be embarking on a new project over the next coming weeks or months New Jersey has issued new storm waterer regulations which require revision of some of our regulations ours have already been done that's what I've been complaining about they did it super fast before we had a chance to come we never come it you never saw it okay we did it in December they probably did the minimum that yes way okay um also I wanted to mention the township has been awarded a state Grant of over $300,000 to work on Municipal recycling how much of a role we can play in this in this in focusing this effort is yet to be determined if it's like the the the last one you just mentioned we might might get involved at all but I think we should be well back in our February meeting we had a note where does Township Municipal Building recycling go M and I think we were going to follow up on that maybe you can find out before lock yeah okay okay um approval of the March 4th minutes uh any comment or changes have I just have a comment on the last paragraph on the first page um where it says we sent the the manager um this is about the anti ordinance we sent last yeah we sent the last time we sent a proposal to the manager for Council consideration last August nothing has been heard about it since we also asked Tara at that time to reach out to the manager um and I'd like that reflected in in the minutes that we reached out to them asked Ty to reach out to the manager to find out what the status is that would be that that's that's the one over here I'm just going to type it in right now that's okay okay okay um so with that correction anybody else have any changes or additions I move to approve second somebody I'll second all favor I Okay so we've approved the minutes Iain Iain I was not here okay we have it on V then one 2 3 four okay that's well we had more when we when the minutes were to approve to approve the minutes you need to qu to yeah okay okay um the next part is um to open the meeting to public comment want to open to the public second all in favor I public is there anybody want to make a comment yeah I'm here I guess comment make Ian it's a little premature looking at but because I made a comment about electric vehicles uh last time and I couldn't remember where I came away from this this slightly negative kind of perception and I remembered where I had gone to a seminar it was last year at the New Jersey cooperator condo expo so I contacted Taylor management who gave a seminar and I'd like to share this he sent me some information so that's what I got from Taylor management I know quite well oh you oh and I I spoke to Patrick and he was quite prompt with sending me that and it does talk about ebikes it's just I like technology but let's be proved you know yeah the um Tor management is one of the largest property managers in this part of the state and they the central region which is been here at Somerset Square Drive they've got maybe 30 or 40 properties development under management and when I spoke to Patrick I mean I wanted the information and he he got it to me within a couple of hours I was pleased but I told him since I live in a small condo community and there are so many common interest NES we're going to be looking now at the 21st century how can we provide this amenity this facility when we were all built most of us last century how can we upgrade that will there be available parking what's the safety what will the fire department you know will they have regulations so I brought that to Patrick going we got really got to think about this for the future yes these are just consumer products not not electric vehicles so you also attach for the electric bikes right yeah that this is what he sent me yeah some of the communities are looking at EV charges we're we're going to do that in 10 hour walk now dou the park two two two different parking lots and maybe one adjacent to the multi destroy building which Park uh one by the um by the um the big Park lot by the clubhouse and one by Freedom Lane the smaller Clubhouse and then mean in your community yeah you know we got 2,000 people you know we're a small town and you applying for the BP grind I don't know I don't know if they are that's they recently reopened the cycle I'll have to mention it today BPU just like last year so you can apply and uh the PS for the installation PS G is working with some other people my temple is gotten getting $380,000 worth of work from PSG we have to come up at 20% more another 60,000 I guess but they're going to do all HVAC can you give me the name of the contact you have for that because our church has tried two different people that PNG gave us and these guys never get back to us this was FSG I know who they are I know the guys from a long time ago can you email me his name and contact info Brian K and Y we've worked with two others that PS gave us that were their contractors and they've left us hanging so I'd like to talk to someone who doesn't leave us hanging we could one is um Let me let me finish this can you email those to me later yeah I give you two for the incentives yes motion use Paul's name andic yeah the the FSG goes back to when I was pedaling lamps with El lighting and they they were one of our Distributors they were called okay electric now it's FSG you know multi million dollar around the country they do big work I think the company we had was ESG and nothing coming of it so okay I'd appreciate that and the the other one is Pez electric Vince I I know Vince's familiar ant for 40 years if you could email that to me that I will I will okay motion to close the period for public comment so second all in favor I close okay there was um the only mail in the mailbox was this real estate magazine and it says Downtown demand they're building a par apartment houses in several towns whether we're going to get one on Eastern Avenue I don't know okay so correspondent is taken care of there was no site plans no okay we're up to new business okay very efficient yeah definitely okay um co-sponsoring and participating New Jersey climate action Gathering April 13th at ruers I I'd like to go do that okay what do we need and I have a question is that an all day event or one of them was is that the the climate one uh okay so I have it up on the screen here um let's see so money uh let me see here so Linda Powell uh had written to Paul and said that they were asking for the EC to be interested in co-sponsoring and participating the 2024 New Jersey climate action Gathering scheduled for April 13th in New Brunswick it will engage people in all walks of life and program all day in a day a day I don't know what time but I'll find out a day of programming that educates inspires and gives them opportunities to get involved in organized actions and strategic campaigns for clean energy climate environmental justice this event will be held in person on the Ruckers University campus with an option to join via Zoom so that's good we intend to offer food and child care for all participants as well as transportation to and from the train station which is great and Spanish language translation um so they want to know if we're interested in co-sponsoring this event or participating in some way I I think we can promote that to our email distribution list absolutely and maybe even it can be posted on our website yeah so there's a Google form that says if you're interested in partnering fill this out I just want to see what it says cuz what does it mean to partner to co- spons is it going to cost us any money I don't know let's see Financial contributions to support this event are optional so we could and it basically involves sending our logo um sharing events with our members and followers we plan on doing anyway and having one of the members of your team join us so basically it's pretty easy to to co-spon to the events yeah let's see what their Graphics look like I wonder if there's anything clean up the stream clean up yeah oh that's what the Trump I knew it I saw it I said something but the stream clean up go to 12:30 and maybe it would be like a good transition to go there after yeah yeah water watch that's who's running it food and water watch used to be I think so it says help us get the word out about the climate action Gathering we are holding at R new run it's on their website okay so I'm sorry food and water action is and water watch and water that's Charlie the guy who's come here to where I'm being Nam W us to protest the power plant in Woodbridge oh that's their organization all right I thought it was a red thing no it's the other they're heading it so is this something we want to co-sponsor do would you do we just want to attend or you know if it doesn't cost any money we can spread the word is that a form of sponsorship is that the sponsors requested to share it you know with their members or or followers um have one person from the group attend and then um oh send it our local those are the three things you have to do if they're going to sponsor I can do that if we have enough people for the cleanup I can cover this okay do we have enough people for the clean up do we have enough of our people going for the clean up uh the course the clean up right who's who who from the EC I want to make sure we have enough EC people there it's our um I don't know who's coming from I I'll be there very thank you I will be there I will be out of 10 okay 13 just be there I think I'll be at of town also yeah April this is this is April 13th I typically have War shows on weekends so I'm going to be out no I'm going to be Arizona what's that will you I will know within days this right now I can't commit okay so that is no I'm going to be in scotdale but you said that Ed pnik is going to come and speak yes yes Walter usually goes too does correct and we don't have Maria and E here and that also goes quite likely Maria usually comes yeah we do have to find out what time this this is being held on they don't have a lot of details yeah the 8th to the 15th who doesn't have detail about this climate action Gathering maybe reply to Linda Po and tell her um we' like more details okay and then just send that to me and if it looks realistica detail well what time it starts what time itend to what time from 10 to 5 10 to 5 where rers they don't even tell you that I asked her because she contacted me as a MJ representative so I had that question but I didn't ask about agenda so it's April 13th yeah if we schedule of events and the location sure you should welome me I'll respond I guess on your behalf and just say we really need to know what time it is and if there's agenda before we can commit to sporing and where it is right because we can't even tell our email list this isn't enough that's the letter I have right essentially you would be seeing what you got yeah which is nothing doesn't even say where to go I I might be able to come if it's if I'm not there's a zoom option as well well let's see that's a little sket is there actually some sort of Link or contact photos there is a form but the form do it didn't say the time on the form location it just says workers University campus that's big there five Camp right was probably the bush Campus Center no I think I think it's so say um hi Linda can you please forward more details about the event the schedule of events for the day locations and we can we can spread the word we need more word okay okay that's okay memo to Township manager recommended what about the youth commission oh that's over here I got that one all right I'm going to copy you on this call to that didn't get on the agenda did it it's number B under new business mment Township manager no b b is DC commission representation youth Council maybe I have a rolling agenda mine says memo Detachment amendments to the tree ordinance that was what we have I have see I have SE memo to the manager yeah the EC commission representation at youth Council that must have been one compy an older version um okay let me get that email up here here we go okay so uh looks like um they invited okay let me go back here Maria thank you for reaching out to us regarding your interest in having the EC Commissioners attend one of our upcoming Youth Center Council meetings we appreciate your eagerness to collaborate and your recognition at this time our meeting schedule is heavily focused on planning our end of year events um regrettably we won't be able to accommodate commissioner attendance during these crucial planning sessions however we're excited to inform you that we will have five high school interns working with us through June we would like to extend an invitation to meet with the interns later this month or in early April when our schedules are more flexible um so basically and this is from uh Joel panis yes panis Payson um and he is the youth center development manager so Maria wrote back and just said you know she'd like to know how uh she should respond to this so are we interested in sending someone are we you know when do we want to do it if we are you know what exactly did they go for us that their interns would come here or they that one of us goes there and meets with the interns at the end of this month they early April well she's the chair of the education commit yes and she was asking for instructions yeah she wrote back and said please indicate how do you want me to respond to what she want to do she doesn't know what she wants to well she wanted to go to the youth center and she was having a little bit of a hard time response but then when she did this was I think if she wants to do this she should take this first opening and grab it go be at a meeting at her convenience of course right and does she want to Pal with her let us know okay we'll see who's available but I think if it's an opening yeah start we there make start making friends all right so we'll just let Maria know that early April late March is late late March is next next week yeah yeah and then we're so early April when our schedules are more flexible okay all righty yeah I got a copy of the letter yeah she emailed it to all of us okay so I'll just tell her then that you know she can accept the meeting and then if she wants like someone to go with her to let us know let us know what the date is what the date is we'll see who and we'll see who's available okay that works okay so then then we have the thing about the amendments to the tree ordinance uh yes so I um let me get this up here there it is so after the last meeting um we again agreed that we would send a memo to the township manager about potential amendments to the tree ordinance um and we had sent one I said the last you know what let me get the the whole copy in December of 2022 I believe it was yes we had sent a memo to the township manager requesting that the ordinance include the 25% cap on the inl of payment for tree replacement as well as changing the definition of trees from 4 in in diameter uh to 2 and 1/2 in at diameter and so that memo was sent we talked about the last meeting in 2022 and then AR no we said the same thing and so um because it was decided I think at our January meeting of 2024 that we wanted to send a memo what I put together was a memo a new memo dated March 13th which I'll change the date if we send it um that basically says attaches our Memo from December of 2022 that requested these changes we are requesting them now again to be looked at by the township Council and then I sent to everybody to look I didn't send it to the township manager yet um but that that's basically what it is has no because I wanted to I send it to Ary and I then send it to everybody else to get uh the opinion do we need a plan B if we don't get an answer do we need to go before the council and ask for this publicly and kind of Shame them into it can I ask you a question before we get ahead of ourselves on that and we do we might need a plan B I agree can you explain to me what your understanding of that 25% yes that the the sentence that was in the ordinance was that when a developer wants to use the tree Fund in lie of planting trees that they would put money in a tree fund and be absolved of the obligation to replace or retain trees that that requirement was they could only use the tree fund for 25% % of that obligation the other 75 they had to fulfill with real trees on that premises or another one that is is is designated by unless they work out an individual agreement with engineering or with it no it has to be the shade tree and or the Shadee commiss but the ordinance reads that you have to you have to either retain trees or replace them on that property so how does that how does that benefit the township because the money goes in the tree fund mhm and maybe trees get planted maybe they don't in the meantime a piece of property is duded eventually the money is used for trees we're still waiting for a maintenance PL so you're right and further those trees could be planted 15 miles away rather than helping the Ecology of that area and the water retention and the habitat M and the heat island effect Urban heat island effect those trees could be planted in Kingston when this happens down near southbound Brook and by keeping the 25% cap in they have to keep a tree Plantation on premises because they're taking them away if they weren't taking them away that would be something else but there there has been a stand of trees on subject property you Denude that and you plant trees 15 mil away what have you done for that so is it basically saying that um if you can't you have to put trees back on your property um which means there's a likelihood that you're going to have to reduce the size of your project very likely you get a get at a jail free card for 25% of the trees that's it we took that away and gave them 100% get out of jail fore I'm guessing that's why it was removed from the ordinance of course about that's and that's why it needs to go back because we have to retain the trees I mean look at the fight we're having over 4 in and 2 and 1/2 in when you're taking down 10 and 16 in of existing trees which are doing a whole lot more carb the warehouses I mean this is the same stuff that that was they would have to build them smaller they would have to build them smaller so they could they could remove every tree from the site but they have to plant back at least at least according to our tree replacement schedule right but they would have to put back at least 75% of what they removed Y and for some developers that won't work with the size of the building with the size of a lot but our our our need is to keep treed Lots keep Lots as treed as we can well I try the planning board to keep as many existing trees as possible this would rein rein just reinforces that just re because right now people can see and if they see the the the the rules before they start a project instead of them having to backpedal and downsize they could plant around it but if it's that's communication pick a different but in this town where we've got 23 of our borders are watered we have every reason to retain I think there is still a problem with enforcement of this policy because it all depends how much how many trees are being counted at the beginning and if there is a some sort of um error discrepancy how do we enforce it but if we said that uh forget about how much was before we want to have percentage of trees after development right and that will be much easier to reinforce because the inspector comes and we say okay you have enough trees you don't have enough trees so part of and part of what you're saying is when the inspector goes out to see how many trees there are before they take them all down right now instead of counting every tree that's 4 in and above they have to count every tree that's 2 and 1/2 in above and above uh well what they do if if an area is forested and they're going to take down much of it whatever they're allowed to sample I forget the exact size of what I sample it's like 100 ft by 100 ft and then they base [Music] the they extend that over the wooded property of course the site plan and showing will show the existing conditions with the existing extent of woods is and when we were doing a great deal of work on the tree ordinance I spent a lot of time reaching out to people at the tree conserv New Jersey conservation society ruers and couple others I forget where they were on what's the best way to do a tree count and they all said this 100 by 100 sampling is so out of date and is so inaccurate and they gave me the formulas we should be using today which should go into our tree ordinance but we agreed we weren't going to do that deep a dive into the tree ordinance let's try to get these things done but I do think that's something we want to approach later and I've got the names of all the people I talked to that can help us bring our method of tree counting up to the state-of-the-art that exists today cuz we're using very old methodology my concern is that if somebody says that there are very little very few trees to begin with they'll say oh then we don't have to replace toight but if it's fixed per of the law then we will be like you don't have to count it at the end we want to have this and and right now I think that's how the ordinance reads Dan well because it's based on how how much you count of that property before right and and then you have to replace them that's right right but if you do not have any you have nothing to replace I agree I understand that but that's not the point of the 25% cap 25 I know I know but what I'm trying to say that we would be using different methodology yes but for now to get the 25% cap back allows us to hold on to the trees we have if you look at the area on Veronica after you make the turn from Hamilton to go up toward um 27th the big areas there are still forested and my guess is that's going to be the next Target all over the town a lot of that is wet land is wet land they developed going in from Clyde Road and getting nearly to Veronica but there's a lot that's Wetland there that's why it doesn't go all the way to Veronica L do AR I think we have to be prepared for push back on the 2 and 1/2 Ines because some people are going to say that makes it too hard to count so I'd like to offer a fallback on that well that's when you bring up the new way of counting you well no even before that because right now our ordinance is you have to count every 4 in and above MH but you only have to replace with 2 and 1/2 in right right so we're we our first approach is Count everything at 2 and 1/2 cuz you're replacing with 2 and 1/2 if they come back and say that's impossible then we say okay replace with four replace with four and don't change the number of trees the number at four stays exactly what it is right now for the number and two and A2 so we can say we want consistent if 4 in is a tree then 4 in is a tree I I'm not getting that as to why you're taking the 2 and 1/2 in off the table if they come back and say to us right now you have to count a foreign street it's too hard M for us to count anything that small that small isn't a tree they who knows what they'll come up with then I say fine leave it at four but over here make it four which is going to be a lot more expensive that's what said yeah well I mean again that's a fallback we have to see what they going to say about about this because if CME comes back and says our arborus says you can't do two and a half it's not realistic okay fine on I think I think a fallback before that might be saying well the way you count trees right now is so outdated if you use this new technology this new technique and here it is and this will allow you to count those 2 and 1/2 in trees I would use that first all right and that brings that into into play so are you asking would you like me to go back and get all that put together well I have to go get it again cuz I spent time you know that was a year and a half ago we did all this work you get that from lectors and it I got it from several different people and it would be a fair amount of work on my part so I would like to know if we need it before I delve in and do all that well there's I mean it doesn't have to be done right now I mean take your time but we have to see what their response is you know we are again sending this to you we sent it to you in 2022 we're sending it to you again and we're not getting a response and you know do we go to the council and and say what's going on with this or or you know some of us can individually approach certain people and say you don't want us go to the council do you well I wouldn't put it that way but I don't think they want something like this coming up in public so I wouldn't put it that way but sort of understood right I mean I've gone to people and said this is what I wanted to say at Council but I didn't so I'm saying it to you here can we get this done cuz the tree counting methodology is also in the ordinance so that would be another change to the ordinance what is that P have you talk to him about this at all he doesn't know anything about County well but he's the Lea and to the council he would be a channel if we I believe he's in Colorado right now I think if Ed were here right now he'd say talk to borlock or what is borlock I'm saying yeah well we have this memo which basically it's a very brief memo on the front that says you know hey please see the attached Memo from December of 2022 here are the changes that we're requesting please um bring this to the township Council and you know let us know if you have any questions I essentially looked at the ordinance and made the changes the way they would make them right yes I sent that you did y you sent it to me Tara it's really quite simple yes it is I would suggest that since we have had no response from this foreign Locker we send it to him and we copy Ed as our liaison and the mayor yeah okay oh that way we don't have to worry about Bob sending it to anybody else right I mean if everybody agrees with that yeah that's that's why I mentioned that I mean legally whatever it is he's the liaison and if we have him on our side at least he can speak that way at a council meeting if you want to if you want to we could also send it to um Steve guli as the chair of Shan tree copy him on it and copy Jim vasella because he is the liaison Council liaison to uh ch yeah that's that's the complete way to do it that follows the channels and see what happens without us making a public out uproar at the council meeting yeah meeting I so trying to be polite yeah exactly exactly doesn't necessarily always get something done but it's start you start that way to start or it's a second start maybe it's a third okay so everyone's okay with the memo then that did you make the changes that I um no I did not I'm sorry did you send me you sent me changes to the to the existing MMO the new M yes all right I cuz well I have them right here thank you we don't need to move from that right I sent it to you on Saturday 309 uh oh this is Friday okay um Friday Saturday cuz you and it you you you said 3in diam uh three you said something about 3T diameter at breast height yes that's what the definition currently says here here's your change I have okay got it um it should be either 3ot from the base of the trunk or at breast Hep the diameter doesn't the word diameter doesn't belong in there okay I put I put that in in what I gave you where from the base of the trunk or at bre well I have yeah I have it in there got it yeah because it doesn't matter matter with the diameter is at breast height or 3 ft from the trunk okay so what's better at base and trunk is better what is in the current ordinance is from the base of the trunk from the base of the trunk okay that's a more specific measurement the breast height yes got it okay CU your breast height is different than his hers and everybody right exactly say breast height 2 3 in 3 ft 3T 3T okay should be 3 ft from Bas of trunk right okay got it okay okay and that's the only change you had right I believe so okay just take you know you take a look at the before you send it out just take a yeah I looked at that's what that looks like it's all your changes oh and uh I guess let's see I mean I'm just looking at what I you'll have something about change to 2 1/2 in or more at a height of 3 ft above the base of the trunk it's currently 2 and 1/2 in or more at height at at a height of 3 ft it should be 2 and 1/2 in or more I don't know I can't read on the pH so we want to say reducing the current definition of tree or trees from a measurement of 4 in in diameter at 3 ft I'm just trying to think cuz this is the old definition so should I leave it as it says diameter 3 ft from the base of the trunk which is what it says that's how it's deted in the current a lot more ordance precise okay got it two okay now it makes sense okay got it two 2 and2 in in diameter at 3 ft from the base of the trunk that's also the terminology that we used in the December 8th 2022 email that we sent to Bob got it and there were three and I told you that in my email that I sent you I told you that there were three or four places that um Robin said something out first and I found found a couple of more that there are like three or four places in ordinance where it references 4 in tree and that needs to be changed to 2 and 1/2 so they're all concurrent so I told you in my email I told you I was going to find that and get that to you um and I have not yet I haven't had a chance but I will look at that hopefully tomorrow I can put in a line This definition should be consistent throughout well I i' I'd rather give it a day or so so that we can reference the exact paragraphs in the ordinance and make it easy for them and say it's in this paragraph This paragraph in this paragraph um where it needs to be changed okay because the harder we make it for them the less likely they're going to want to look at it so you got to hold their hand as much as possible okay okay ready okay so then the the next item I think is report from the subcommittee um am I looking at a different let me look just make sure um presentation on EVS oh yes the presentation on electric vehicles April 22nd right um so I wanted to uh propose um that we have a presentation on electric vehicles uh detail but it will be uh consumer purpose residents uh I have identified two speakers from New Electric Vehicle Association Mario cabayo he's a DP from NJ Eva he's also on environmental Commission of Clinton um another speaker would be Ashley Lea she is a policy lead Ina um and she has very interesting uh employment history she actually started as a inter in the EP then she was in cable Associates and then she was in BPU and she actually altered uh most of the EV uh laws that we know today she altered the charger rebate uh she altered uh uh uh some of [Music] the um charging station in centers uh that are now in place for uh uh for to be for the CH station so uh she's very enthusiastic she's now working at um s is okay I don't know but uh she's very good uh so they both agreed um and I was thinking about this uh Monday ethos that we have here because uh last week we had film screening on Monday evening so the the Monday on in April that that you know I was thinking is I think it's the 4th is it 4th 2 the fourth Monday yeah April 22nd uh so that that should be good and it happens to be actually ear day which is awesome uh so I wanted to to to suggest that that we uh invite them formally I I asked them whe they available for the day so they are we just need to have it come from here internally and if that's so then we'll do it uh venue somebody asked about where um we cannot do really the library because library at 7 P they they want to close by 8 right so we don't have much of a space but if we have this building available on Monday we could either do it in small room or in the large room another option would be consol that worked out nicely it is um the first night of passover what do you think we're not doing anything are are they entertaining these people or are they just experts I I suggest only experts would they also be entertaining yes can't have too geeky no we uh we talk to people um on everyday basis so we know how to grab the attention can they would they be able to talk to people that live in condos and apartments and want to talk about how do we get e charging it it's going to include that but it will be a presentation that includes that is heavily focus into busting the myth people have lots of I want to call it excuses why not so we want to take it as a b Mustang and say okay some people say this but actually it's like that but they could all think they they're unsafe they burn no more is like that but they could also talk to how do I get it where I live in a multi housing department Ashley will be very verbal with that because she authored the the regulation she knows all the steps and hopefully she knows the incentives so that homeowners association can go after the money yeah I think it's a great idea I'd love to see us do it mhm um where do you think we should do well we had a good turnout at the other one I think if we if if School Board is available I think that's a nice room I didn't didn't check on availability for that uh for that venue that's try I need to we you know I mean it's it's bright and uh it just they that that entrance is so strange I'm a little bit biased for what the entrance to the school board to the weird yeah well and that's another thing I I still I'm kind of biased for this building because people really know how to get here also it's much safer to pull from the road uh because from Route 27 it's like nothing nothing and oh oops you know and it's very so you thinking council chambers yeah and have them SE sit up in that front area where would you have your speakers you have two screens right well um there would be at the podium and just at a just at a Podium that we put in the center I think the podium should be biased towards one of the screens so that people don't have to do this so a speaker in front of the screen where there right speaker tends to always uh point at once there's a of Jewish people in this Paul's mentioning that's the first night of passover when all the seders are held in Jewish families all around the country and around this neighborhood that's the only problem it turns out we're just coming back from my grandson's for mitro so we're not going to do a Seder but we'll have a Passover meal and that's the time when you that's the same dat it's the 2 so whether that you know I can't I'm not going to be there I'll be doing something with Gale well one thing is that I we can never satisfy everyone but but when it comes to segregation by uh you know it's sensitive I'm aware of that we with the stream Pinups that we had yeah I know you don't have Saturdays um and and that concern was also raised yeah oh so believe me I was not looking know when are not available okay was no I I just wanted to make everybody aware I was I was looking into what yeah is the argument for it would be hard to go back to the miss the meeting the week before four cuz I'll be I'll be that's the first round I'm going to miss in a while I'll be in Arizona we're going from the 8th to the 15th so what is happening on 29th 29th 29th is on Monday no actually the 20 29th 29th that would be the fth I thought it was nothing Tuesday the fifth is the best fifth week is like if you get fifth week that's the best you would be fine with that yeah M yeah cuz we're going to get together that Saturday Gail's two daughters will come and my daughter may come we're going to do a Sater in in the end what time I'm looking at the calendar for the council chambers so it doesn't look like there's anything on for the 29 so if you wanted I can put of anything is is free there's a fifth in April there's a fifth Monday and Tuesday oh my goodness I have a conference you have it's crazy next how about Tuesday cuz that's a no no no no it's it's actually okay on Monday because I had on Tuesday have conference oh okay Monday there's nothing on the calendar right now for the council chamber so I could put a request in to reserve the room if you wanted if you wanted that yeah I can ask them whether they're available on 29 and I hope that they will do you want me to put the request in for the room to be on the safe side or cuz I can always you know a little bit for the CH for the 29th what time are you thinking we want to start at 700 okay so I'll make it like 6:30 to 9:30 wa 99 9 is more than okay I mean nobody will be there after us yeah that's 90 minutes okay let me uh see if I can get that in thank you all right all right I'll put the request in then and then you'll let me know if they can I'll text them so this is um presentation from Eva is that good enough New [Music] Jersey you know iil dito oh yeah he's the one who for the best so it's going to be Monday 29th well cuz he's at New Jersey conservation Foundation he's he's the guy that probably should help us gave me the most time [Music] okay ready yeah I'll just put right what's what's what's next now report from subcommittee um next I have report from subcommittees okay Jessica is anything from the communication there's nothing there's nothing new in the um in the inbox anyway what about us sending stuff out for us um well I I talked about this a little earlier um so the what happened our event went really well um and then there were some key learnings about communication um one of which being making sure the township up updates the Instagram account like a day or two before just as a reminder to people making sure we have proper signage um at the event site CU that was lacking um and then also sign and Sheet a sign and Sheet we need to do another like eblast and stuff like that I our mailing list I don't so when you when you get it do you flip it to amarie and the other what was The Other Woman I forg going to be Christine oh so it goes to the council and the planning board oh the uh when we send out any e the distribution list yes I sent it to an Marie McCarthy and Christine wood I never got that email you sent out I'm on that list that's why I kept bugging you guys did it go out did it go out cuz I never got it oh yeah I got it I never got it so let's double check that you're on the way I I did see them is there also well I copy and paste the whole list so that's you check your spam is Bo is the spelling correct maybe we misspell on the list don't it shouldn't be going to spam so we may need to do something about that maybe we need to do in chunks of 20 well some people have some people have settings that if it's any kind of eblast it automatically but if we if we send Save 15 or 20 at a time instead of a whole list it's not as likely to go to spam okay a it is more work but it's probably easier than asking all these people to Mark the file you know accept it it could be really individual settings I mean you might be right that this helps but go to span find it and click not span and from that point I understand that but that doesn't help the 30 other people that list I know and I'm trying to get to those people cuz I'm going to show up whether I get the email or not it's the people that only get that email um I sent out a a flyer I saw from I for I think it was from the DP on environmentally s personal client send it or do you no I sent it from the EC email address so it comes from the township um email address but it's no it's through AV um it isin was talking April 1 right I'll do April 1st and but I'll miss the 15th cuz that's we're getting back about 8: yeah oh shoot hold on a second April 1st April 15th April 29th are we oh no we no meeting okay just like looking at it like we're not supposed to be here are we the first andth 15 okay got it um back on the communications committee yes uh I sent everybody a flyer the D prepared on environmentally conscious weddings I saw remember seeing that English and Spanish it's a good time of year to get that out because so many weddings do happen in the summer would that be an acceptable post to everybody if we had the township put that out there sure yeah do you need me to resend that to you Tara so you have it um you sent to me already right yes and I thought it's one we could send out to our email list and I think our email list needs something about the cleanup again and what was the final date on the eeme but um I'm waiting to response 29 okay so you can put together a flyer on that stand yeah I can put it in an email format like last time yeah we should just be careful about I attachments actually are definitely going to put things more into SP than just I try to do but if we can do a link somewhere that's always great yeah but people still like if it's if it's like here's some key dates check out and maybe like to social or something that's a little I feel like it's a little less likely to get FL y I agree with you I just need to know how to do that this is not my forte um but we can promote the EV presentation we can promote the stream cleanup we can do the [Music] um environmentally sensitive weddings do you have down renting the wedding and the wedding gwn instead of buying one I believe that's in if you go to this flyer it takes you to a website and that's in the website my granddaughter is renting oh the she's get married June 30th and she's all they're going to have to do is alter it and there's no charge just just for the alteration oh that's great so we'll do save the mo the weddings the stream clean up and the EV presentation I think that's pretty good so you're going to send me the like a cont I did before okay you know I put our logo on it and I have little headlines and little you'll send that to me okay got it I'll I'll put that together and U try to get it out probably have to be next week it won't be this week when do you need this about the by Sunday that's too fast that's too fast he said well I'm I'm thinking stream cleanup is the first sensitive date that's 413 we have fly footb no no I want to get remind people I a fly from you I've had that yeah I'm thinking about what date is the last date for sending this email and I'd like to get it out about 2 weeks ahead for people so they plan for it so if you can do it it was only sent for the first St yes but you know what people's calendars are like and people's memories are like can you get it to me in a week um well I'll try okay well when never you have it to go out uh because remember um it will be also advertised through the ngj Eva right but we want we want to get Franklin people and it will be part of uh Drive electric ormal campaign but we want to get to people that need to have them my busted not your loyal following no I I have 100 people on the the yeah but we need to get to people that aren't already TV followers right yeah yeah yeah got a Brad in the market now what did you all think of the um email I sent you about common ground the followup movie who like that oh yes I have that up here now I had originally sent it out saying if we show it in the last weeks of April we can do it for free but if we buy the DVD it's $25 so we're not we don't need to try to do it in a hurry okay Ashley [Music] confirm is this something in might want to do a little bit later like June sometimes since we already have an April program yeah I was thinking too if there's a way to do like a an outdoor screening that might be something nice during when the weather's nice especially if we're talking about the ground that like gets people a little you add in not only the intellectual but the physical element which kind of problem is we have to start late when it's dark right yeah even after screening it you know June 21st it can dark at 9:30 that's I think it could be done maybe at the Zeo yeah if we did it later we did it in September it would get darker earlier it'll be a little bit well right now it's about 7:30ish 7:40 so the equivalent of of right now is like September but like late August early September like would work I feel like it would be dim enough that it could to get started and then we don't have to do it outside it was just a thought yeah cuz it would be hard to do the conversation afterwards if the movie's over at 11:00 Al so can never um the weather do it inside then it's fine I was just a I I was thinking I was like this would be a nice it would connect with the ground yeah like if you're talking about being in nature then watch this in nature and then you get like an extra [Music] I don't know visceral reinforce yeah I'm with you but does September sound like a good time frame for us to I'll buy the DVD does somebody have the equipment if we put a DVD in they can project it we could do that off of your you can rent you can rent that I thought about having movies outside we could even have a fire pit and do fireside chat afterwards want V are we talking about whatever one I would do it on my farm if you wanted I would just tell people wear sneakers I are you talking about the film screening Series yeah I think inside is better okay we canide that's fine but if we did it inside can does somebody have a machine that we can put a DVD in and run it over that uh well the con Salata appears to be very well equipped Salata probably has that equipment do they have for for DVD though I have seen the service room all right cuz I feel like that you couldn't connect with the guy you worked with before and ask him can they take a DV and then I'll buy the DVD and we'll have it it's only $25 it's on YouTube is it the movie yeah like you can play the link or whatever or no not for common ground kiss the ground maybe the trailer might be somewhere I I think I have what I sent everybody had trailer ground kind of excerpt from is the no it's the follow-up movie it's 87 minutes it's new it's brand new it just came out how many minutes 87 is the full movie now whether they have a shorten version like we did last time know the attention SP that he made the refence a few minutes ago yeah but you know the other day I think people wanted more yeah that's why like and there was other there were other details that were not in the short version that I was uh that I did refer to when we were talking but yes I I I agree with you I think people would have sat and it was extremely well done and that's why it's so engaging um the one thought I kept having was will we be able to feed everybody if we go to more natural agriculture because it would be that was one of the things that was missing from the shorter version they actually talked about how that one farmer who was like look at my land look at my neighbor's land he talked about how his heals were higher it takes a little longer to get going but once you're going because you now naturally reduced any kind of pressure and you're creating an ecosystem where the um pest pressure is actually reduced you actually get enough you get better yields this is the trailer and matter people it's very difficult for people to overeat real food we over we overeat right now it's difficult for people to overeat real food the facts have beenen Round Up does cause cancer if you burrowed deeply enough there is a pipeline of money from the pesticide industry into those universities they're getting the kind of science that money can [Music] buy nature is the mother of us all and if mama ain't happy I like anything with him it who's that Jason MOA there's a way to save our precious it's called regeneration is not just restoring the land to the state that we found it at but actually making it better we have added over 96 tons of carbon per acres into our soil can we mitigate climate change it's the same farmer absolutely yeah same this it's the follow soybean field and see if we can tell a difference between the microbial activity oh yeah we' ptid we are saving upwards of $400 an acre it works out to be about $2 million a year sa see that is serious [Music] cash I forgot my suit I feel like I'm under address but if you are the people who can make a change well it's high time to finally ni regenerative AG po let's prioritize the farmer it's a connection to the land it's a connection to those that came before us and those that are going to come after us change everything there's hope I like it I said this SL it's a wi but it's also a promise so I'm going to fight like hell yeah same the same their follow fil they have it on their website like kiss right for that so I think if we I think if we advertised it as the followup to yeah yeah y now we know how to like now we know what we did wrong the first time I look at our website too not that this but they're having a screening at in Princeton on May 16th at the Princeton Garden theater just in case you want to go see it at theater I think it is fair to say that our I I think must have the the old place must have like a DVD machine well maybe if if if Stan's got a phone number and the guy to call is September too late should we do it sooner we can do this we're not doing I was only suggesting outside cuz I thought it might be nice but we don't have to what if we did it in the summer is a nice time to do another movie screening people are I wonder if we could get Stage House to do something and then do it outside do it outside and then people could you know they buy drinks they buy food maybe we we get them that's an interesting idea and then we get them a coupon maybe that's like we get them one one beverage coupon for siding one business I'm just thinking it's right next door know yeah we could ask uh Vince he's our economic development person here we could ask him and he's got a relationship if there's a spot that's appropriate yeah because cuz then cuz we were saying like we should bring food next time but like if there's a way to instead of bringing food maybe have have like a a coupon for like and this this we can show this as much as we want as long as we don't charge and we wouldn't be charging yeah we give them a free coupon for like free soda you know what I mean like no alcohol people can still buy drinks if they wanted to um people could buy food maybe maybe stage child could be a sponsor they could provide some minimum food and if you want more just go and bu yep I yeah I mean just chips and dip or something like that yeah like I my thought is they're right here so maybe I should ask Vince if he knows he's got a good contact with Stage House I would because um he's our economic development person so he would be a good one to to see you know so the screening will be outside well I also know the the man the manager Junior I can go right to Junior just go right to Jun all right they have an outside and they have an inside Area yeah the inside I don't think would work but the outside you know where thosea shairs are so we would bring screen or something yeah maybe they have a screen I don't know is is that a place where you envision projection hosting capable hosting 50 50 people well they can handle 50 people but do we have the projector and the equipment see that's the thing we go to board of bed we know the equipment's there yeah and I don't know they may do corporate events that people bring in that kind of equipment yeah that's more likely I don't know I would also check with the Board of Ed building to see if they have the DVD player just so we have that info you know you check with the Board of Ed and I'll check the stage house and see if we can do something what about something like is it the Hegman house where Sarah lives oh yeah one the hisor buildings there's no power out there not at Hagman there's not power but um how do you run the other that is hman but there's um wof Garson that one I think does they have like a little room in there I think room small I was thinking the barn I thought when we had open space meeting there last year I thought there was Lighting in there they have just like one light that's like by a generator and then that's why we had that's why we moved the meeting up because we had to bring our own lights like some of those flood lights we brought those okay yeah and remember it started getting dark in there at the end yeah but that was really nice when we had that be there another option I don't know if we do it if he doesn't have an event sedan farms in the greenhouse yeah it's not too hot it can't be it's not air conditioned you know we just open all the beds yeah but there's enough room there yeah got to work well let's see what we can find out from these places 29 is confirmed I'm sorry those people for the speaker for the 29 yeah oh good okay the room is reserved do it and I can I'll get this just need a blur mhm okay that sounds good and I think your myth busting is a great lead in yeah okay so that takes out reports from the sub you know what before I forget I had an idea for the title okay electric vehicles why are electric vehicles such a terrible technology oh sounds like you're starting off you know like trying to because we finally get the audience we want to be right you're right come out to be with their peeps yes that's a good that is I just have one thing to add at the last meeting um we had talked about uh two Boy Scouts had written in and asked if they could do any work for us cuz they needed to get 3 hours of volunteer time oh we recommended the cleanup we recommended they couldn't make it to the cleanups though so I talked to our Trails committee and they had recommended that they do they picked a trail for them to work on and they did do it so they they did it at middle Bush Park they collected two large bags of trash they separated All Recycling and then so I wrote them their letter confirming that they did their hours but so it's kind of a joint effort nice that was very nice yeah it was nice that really nice okay are there any hot topics oh what's the story with this $300,000 recycling Grant do we know how that money is going to be spent that's I don't know how it's going to be spent exactly I think Ed tnik would probably know better but what I do know is the county gives that money out to municipalities we got around like $300,000 of it I know we 350 somewhere we pay the adopted dream fee out of that which is not anywhere close to $300,000 there actually two two funds that I actually brought attention one was communities and then the one that is for to recycl yeah two oh right so clean community's Pace or the adopted drain any like materials that are needed for cleanups you know gloves anything like that the recycling Grant I'm not exactly sure how that is I'm still not sure yeah I don't know wearing an article about it did you get any details that were in the paper no yeah everything I know I WR yeah so I don't know I mean I could definitely try I mean really I think and knows the best but let's follow up see what he has so that's I sent him an email yeah so um so we're trying to find out we'll find out ASAP CU I think we've got a list for Mr balker now and it feels like we're being ignored between the tree ordinance the ID anti-idling ordance well if we're on uh are we on Old business hot topics now yes because that's what I was just going to bring up on Hot Topics talked about it at the last meeting and we asked T to go to the manager and the question is did you go to him and did you get a response if you didn't go to him um I have not talked to him in the last week um so I still don't have an update what I can do is I'm going to be talking to him again tomorrow so I'll bring it up again and see what I can find but the last I know is that you know the it's still you know being reviewed or whatever right now with the budget coming up and stuff I I don't think you know there's a lot of extra time but I will definitely definitely bring it up again tomorrow well it's not like he's never seen you yes yes I mean really all he needs to do is say um it's on hold for this reason or um you know we're not going to do it or we're going to do it you know just is it in Engineering Group at this point is c c no no the last was that was sent to the attorneys and the attorneys were going over the updated version that we sent there was the first version which they which the attorney then said was too repetitive and that we shouldn't put citations in there so then yeah well then we went we redid it the we changed it from six pages to three pages cuz you said it was too long and then we when we changed the three pages we sent it back to him and that's when he said H we don't want to do an ordinance we want to put it in the land use ordinance the sign and just put the you know as a as a you know put in where the sign should go um as an education um portion of the ordinance um and we sent it and we haven't heard back from them since then we heard back very quickly relatively quickly when it was no do this no do this but when it's do this we've done it now what we've done it and you know it's been what almost a year now or whatever and uh still nothing I'll talk to them tomorrow for sure so hopefully the next meeting I'll have something but yeah we did it exactly to the specifications that they wanted so MH okay so that uh finishes Hot Topics yeah yeah so now we're into Old business and the first item on the one I have says cdbg community garden Grant no this one is well mine says sustainable psng sustainable Jersey PG partnership what's the date on the top of your agenda there Paul March 18th what year 2024 here it is yeah cuz mine says yours says something different that's so odd yeah I have what Tara has was that the first one you put out as a draft possible it could have been but I don't know not doesn't look similar and it doesn't have the little box around it that I usually put right yeah I don't know I you well the sustainable Jersey PG partnership Grant is we talked about last time um and it would give us the $2,500 plus marketing materials which includes like the standup signs for this program particular a tablecloth um a videographer would come and make a professional video that we could put on social media social media templates lots of different things they'll do a direct mailing door hangers all promoting residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency programs um and so I got the approval from the manag after I discussed it here I said should we apply for it everyone here said yes so the township manager said yes we can apply for it so the resolution applying for the grant will be on the next Council agenda and it's due April 4th so we'll put it in and hopefully we'll get that all right and with this money we then do a campaign to Residents and businesses on Energy savings promoting the existing Energy Efficiency programs that are out there specifically really through psng okay but they'll even for example one of their big things that they've done other towns is they would do a direct mailing and they for the postage so they print it they stuff the envelopes they mail it that's like one which is great you know they'll develop the content for us uh they'll develop the content but they'll run it by us so that it's you know to our liking the videographer is a good one because they make I think it's a minute and a half video and they'll come here and it's a professional videographer and they send us everything we need so I think that'll be nice to have too and then potentially $2,500 not everyone's guaranteed $2,500 but maybe and that we can use for other things outside of like to host you know sessions or run a movie or we play a community night about Energy savings we want to have re Refreshments or something yeah we could use it for that absolutely y or honestly if it's like we were going to use I believe I'm right in saying this I'm N I would say I'm 99.9% sure when I say it if we were to host something and we needed to have a projector or some type of equipment to hold that we could buy it with that you can because it's for that you know event so yeah okay yep all right so I'm going to apply for it and we'll see if we get it April 4th it's still well the next meeting is April 1st yeah I got the approval already from you guys at the last meeting yeah I just got actually like put it together y okay so what is next on your agenda next on my agenda I have saved the mo see I have that one is it's third yeah that's next one I have you have that as a c but you know what so this is interesting does any else's agenda have the cdbg Grant on oh no I took it off I think you have an original I think you have a previous version okay the cdb BG ground we sent that in for the the garden the save the mo it I want to make one mention about save the mo Debbie Stewart's one of the people that comes here to listen a lot and she talked to one of the we have a five person board that runs Canal Walk and she talked to one of them which I happen to run into night before last he said well yeah we told her we don't mow we don't have any pollinators because we mow so so tightly that there's no pollinators there and that's that that that was his answer there's problem number one yeah we M too far down yeah yeah and that you want to if we if they delay the mowing then then they'll get pollinated then they might be pollinated but he may be saying we we must know so far down that things plants other than grass don't become established that that could be also but that's where the hint on not using the chemicals comes in but one thing that we are not saying in those instructions that when you finally mow set it up to 4 in right well we can put that in this next piece yeah I'm going to talk to the president of the association also but this this was the five member board that's one of the board members came with that answer well it sounds like they need a little more education mm I'll talk to her she lives across the street from me okay so and don't forget that tip that I saw over in England which is what we're going to do in our yard is we're going to let a whole bunch of our yard go uhhuh but we're going to mow the edge of it that lines the driveway or a walkway or whatever so it looks like it wasn't forgotten with we're intentional and we want to tidy up around The Hardscape edges but the rest of it is intentional to Let It Go no just looks like you're lazy got through one row and went in to watch TV right but I it was I was impressed how nice that looked and and we're going to try to do that in our yard well that's how the trails are maintain right so you see how this is mod and then you have Wilds right yep oh if I can add something actually about the uh it's not really about the mo but it's kind of similar we are so our prescribed burn is going to happen at John Clyde Memorial native grasslands preserve on Wednesday the 20th yeah it's on the website they called me on Friday to let me know cuz they try to give us as much notice as possible but it's really weather dependent who's running it the New Jersey forest fire service so it's a state organization yeah yep and so they do all the burns at um like they do the that Duke Island park Duke Farms uh The Meadows they do a ton of a ton of them so and they've done it for us before John Clyde but it's going to be so The Preserve will be closed that day to the public um but yeah it should be done there and then hopefully in the next two to 3 weeks they'll do NE GRE of pod okay yeah so you should see a difference oh and there's nameing oh on my list name name Williams yeah so I requested DPW to meet with me um at the site so that we can put together the materials list and actually start implementing the project soon a lot of them are going to be you know through the help of volunteers but um I'm waiting to get that meeting set up so working on that you work with Johnny tubs uh well no so he's doing the community garden this is to do the infrastructure project yes uh so as soon as I get that meeting said and we can put the list together I can order the materials because we've received our approval from Ruckers to go ahead um from the town from sustainable Jersey the one thing I can report is that when the path was repaved recently DPW did put in an underd drain where we had recommended it and the part that gets flooded the most and so we did go to a follow-up site inspection and there has been a reduction in the amount of flooding it's not completely gone but there's clearly been a reduction from that underd drain so they got a sale connected up to the sale that there is in the woods so they're working on connecting that right now so that's why there's still some puddling but they're like kind of piecing it together but under the path they got the drain in so it's going to be connected yeah really important so that helps that has been helpful yep so okay annual report I still don't have the information uh from uh drct Dre they're running late to get me so I can finalize the annual report but I have it all drafted I shared it with you guys as soon as I can put those numbers in good to go I did a pick up the other day but I keep trying to remember to send it in oh yeah yeah you can do it all time no you have to T once you do it you have to report it right away because you cannot backdate it oh I tried doesn't really matter what they they put on well kind of does because when you want to trace when you did it before technically you want to log into the account and see when was it last time because that's the only record that you you want to have so once you do it uh make the record right away okay I actually I a plastic bag I keep I put the stuff in it and bring it home and weigh it yeah me too I'm thinking whether it's actually worth it why do I need U I actually when it's too much I oh I have actually uh handle is to weigh the weight of luggages it hasook right this battery so I bring that plastic bag I fill it up weigh it and then I use the plastic bag as a measure as a unit one two three and empty oh there you go yeah but that doesn't provide for variation in the the specific gravity of the materialx in other words is it dry leaves wet leaves wet leaves weigh a when you make the reference sample that you weigh you want to make sure that it is representative there you go yours is very representative and yes it is it is just kind of you want to make it simple doable where my drain is it's only going to have leaves it's always from anywhere well of course they do people do do throw stuff out of cars but mostly a little further down the hill for a while it was a guy who would throw two beer cans out every day who was it track somebody attract him to his lair andart it was his idea that there is a service that collects it or why would you do that is anybody driven down Court Lane it is disgusting I can't believe the litter on cord Lane the second half the bottom half of cord you it is awful oh no and it makes me real because we and some of our neighbors do go up and down skan Lane and pick up the litter clearly nobody's doing it C to you and that's such a beautiful Lane and it's it's really full of debris okay SC Community energy plan that's that's what's next on this one yeah so Alyssa and our other intern Michael have been writing up some of the initiatives which has been really really helpful she did a great job um and she continues to do it so she's had exams and it's been you know but she's still doing a lot and our other intern Michael for the trails committee he wrote one and he has another one he's writing as well so that's helpful um so that's moving forward um I finally got the approved purchase order to for the micr mobility study so I reached out to the consultant today and said can we please set up the kickoff meeting so he'll send me some dates and then I'll let everyone know and we can we can do that okay the meeting would be separate of our EC meeting yeah yep it would be separate because on top of uh a few EC members we want to have at least one of our Trails people there would it be considered public meeting uh no because it's just going to be like a staff you know may maybe one or two of you guys some that we don't have quum yeah well also we need some more staff there we need like our engineer our Township planner you know so but we will have there is public meetings built into the project at the midpoints and at the end so now the uh the next one uh on my list is Preservation of abandoned Railway I have no update on that because we were Robin and I met with Walter you were going to reach out to Rails to Trails National Organization yes I have not done that yet but I will I I just have not been able to get to that but I will absolutely get to that soon was not uh enthused he said he said it's not going to work no I know that but so what yeah well he says no so easily yeah yeah I'll reach out to them I have it on my list okay and the last one is uh other old business I just would like to share with you that a week ago today I testified in Trenton at the Joint Senate energy environment and energy committee and assembly utility and Telecom committee about the clean energy by 2035 Bill awesome and the and the modernization of the electric grid so the LCB had asked me if I would speak and on insurance regarding this topic and so they submitted my name and I got submit I got accepted oh great and so they had me I was in the second panel that went up was in the big room in the State House Annex it must have been 200 people there the TV cameras were rolling I did not know that I was on New Jersey PBS news that Monday night not my voice they didn't take my testimony they got their name next to me but they got my face cuz I started getting text the next morning for my friends I didn't know it was on TV oh that's cool but I um the first panel that went up with all the all the utility guys they had Atlantic City Electric jcpnl psng and what's the regional calls Rockland PGM no not Rockland PGM great and then the next panel was and you know nobody gave me anything in advance so I'm just waiting they invited they asked up Dave Robinson the state climatologist he lives in Canal Walk Right a doctor from Cooper a PhD from Princeton a lawyer from Columbia who's an expert on electric grid stuff and me oh wow so um nobody cut me off I was grateful of that because at first they told me I had 3 minutes and they told me I had 6 minutes well I had about 250 Pages worth of reports you know tried to to Ste that down and they did not cut me off two of the assemblymen were um a little Annoying essentially they both said you know they're going to burn coal in Pennsylvania so what does it matter what we do and when I tried to respond to their comments they cut me off and they went to the doctor so who were the two assembly you not it was the chairman of the committee who um I forget his name I thought his name was Kennedy it's not I think it's Italian if it's a chairman he must be a Democrat then yes and they were both Democrat I think the other guy was Democrat the other guy was an Italian name he is an electrician so he kept pushing everybody back about anything electric uh however when I I I was a little disappointed and when I went to leave a woman followed me out who works for re-energize New Jersey and she used to work for the LCB and she said I can't believe the way they treat you she said that was really rude oh and I said you know I I'm beginning to realize I talked about financial stability and how climate change is going to upend our financial stability because when the insurance industry can't handle it and now the state and the FEDS are on the hook as our disaster planners we have to this is a very real consideration because insurance companies and reinsurers right now are already reaching a Tipping Point they're pulling out Estates they're withdrawing coverage well I think I made them nervous I think that's why they got so defensive because all of a sudden they realized oh my God we're not prepared for this yeah so they pushed back I mean not Smith he was you know gracious and low-keyed as always but these two guys were um a little tough but I think it's because they were caught unawares they had no idea oh wow we're that close to that being a problem and one of the assembly members wanted my comments so that was flattering I the next day I sent that off oh that's great but anyway and I they were very much aware that I'm a Franklin Township environmental commissioner good part of my intro and I said this is a municipality with water on two or three sides I named all the bodies of water and I said we're an environmental commission that's trying to strengthen ordinances in a Township where the council members are scared to death of being sued and don't want to do anything beyond the state minimum we need your help right so that's great that's exciting excuse me what was the assembly committee it was the assembly Telecom and utilities committee and the Senate environment and energy are you looking who is in that committee I I've been trying I'm just looking for this Kennedy cuz I think I know who he is I don't think it was Kennedy I'll see I'll look him up and cuz I can tell from his picture Ary that's I yeah I see his picture I know him also it was um utility Telecom utilities the one that I know is from raway he had a Jewelers there he actually the mayor of raway at one time the moment I can't get there I don't know the town the township website doesn't want to let me hook it up oh come on it you think a government website is blocked by the township it shouldn't be I wouldn't be surprised uh Wayne dangelo yes he was the chairman Clinton calabi that's the Italian I'm not sure it was him cab Vice chair josephan that's our no yeah Joe Ean was not there not Joe Kevin Kevin yeah yeah I can't get I can't get any State website I'm reading what's what it says here am I it must have been Clinton Cali's he must have been the other noisy one J was it James Kennedy by any chance no it wasn't Kennedy it was Wayne D'Angelo Kennedy's not on that committee um it was Clinton Cali he's the one that's is an electrician yeah I've been following the BPU waiting for their meeting with public service to say when they're going to change all the lights to LEDs they've talked about doing that now all the street lights but it hasn't come up I haven't been able to see it yet on the minutes or the uh agendas well I you need to remind them to put yeah it's it's in the in the works from what I've heard but uh we see what part of the the state they do first so we're up to uh other old business I think that's about it um if there's nothing else we'll ask open again for public comments from the audience from vote to open up the meeting move to open all in favor any comments I do I didn't think I was going to have another comment really didn't but um looking at the agenda looking back at it when you talked about save the mo until Earth Day and I brought and I think I communicated last time that I brought it to my board right not interested but all of a sudden it clicked it's like these Boards of these common interest communities they're volunteers they're owners they don't know very much they don't do any research they hire contractors landscapers they listen to what the landscapers say they do not know that they have the power to like revise a contract to say we want it this way cuz I've seen that on my board over 16 years maybe we need to reach out to the landscapers because our boards and our common interest communities they're not heard about yeah I mean we have contracts it's like that was the push back I got from my my president oh you know you know they're supposed to this we have a schedule let's talk to the landscapers I don't know if there's a state Organization for landscapers maybe you know and in with them that they can be more environment mentally conscious yeah but it means less money for them cuz they start mowing later so you have to figure out well we have to look what's the hook can we trade off you know I don't know mulching I don't I don't know what can we do that's my comment sometimes uh wanted to prevent the gas equipment lawn mowers and and the lead blowers and they had to go through the hassle of pursuit in uh the contractors right and uh there was lots of push back of course so this is the same style it actually also reminds me like you go to a dealer car dealer you you ask for efficient car and they they sell your SUV you know gazoline as opposed to Electric you know so no actually it's the consumers we have the power but they don't speak up you know but but but that's the thing you want to kind of Outsource the knowledge so uh you go to the landscape company you are the expert do it for me and you you you the dealer you are the expert in cars advice right but they had their own buys because they want your money I know you want your money too right so I I think a a community living evening on multiple topics would be would be well spent if we can get people to come say yeah I mean I mean you have the huge Quail Brook and then there's Canal we have so many common interest communities I've been involved in common interest Community issues for oh God 15 years as the past president of the common interest homeowners Coalition it's just it's an untapped it's like they're only over a million people living in these communities in New Jersey and everybody's silent except for me well thank you for being here um I I wanted to get involved in something else I don't know how will be I didn't want to say one thing too we're talking about I think something else but it's like I remember going to the 64 World's Fair in Flushing Meadow that was the summer of my parents divorce my sister and I were taken eight weekends eight Saturdays alternate parents wo so it was something I what impressed me was the American Chemical Society had a big building and it was going up and it said Better Living Through Chemistry our c capitalistic cap capitalistic country has so embraced it so many chemicals they didn't think about what's what it's going to do in the environment to our health Better Living Through Chemistry and here we are having smoke I know you know technically there's nothing wrong with that but what chemistry exactly how do you use the chemistry I know how what how do you pay chemists uh biological I'm also chemist and most of my classmates they went to Pharma because they paid the best but I mean how does it relate to environment to the quality of Our Lives yeah yeah because it brings money it's it's not they did the essence of the quality capitalism up I think that was the' 60s saying for LSD and things I just had to bring up Community yeah I have no problem with that that's better than so um yeah we're um I'm I'm in touch with all four active adult communities we have a a group that we meet every once a while those are just the adult communities we have other ones that are an adult communi there sum that run Renaissance Sterling and uh yeah but in addition to that there's the Society Hill there's all of quailbrook all the different town home communi is my condo community and we're all using landscapers we changed this year we we got a new one we're using Stony Brook I think or Shady Brook and we just changed and they're all doing the same things we would speak up they would change would you be interested in working with Jessica and me on our Communications committee as a volunteer thank you for asking yes oh wonderful here I tweaked my old card Oh Ellen we email to each other before I like to put the name yes I don't remember what the occasion was you got QR code on it what you got QR code on it right okay I'm seeing on the other side on your card oh yeah yeah I had my vice president make that I may be a little slow on some technology code oh okay okay well thank you and thanks for volunteering yeah motion to close the public comment second all favor I motion to adjourn move second somebody I can I second nobody wants to go I'm seconding all in favor possible rain at 9:00 yeah I di last