##VIDEO ID:YCRZvZFVg_A## this is a meeting is all Pur to the Pres of open public meeting La the meeting of December 1624 was including a list of meeting notices advertised in local newspaper posted on the bu board in the municipal Po in the municipal website and have remained continuously posted at the required notices under this in addition to the copy of this notice is has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk okay thanks um so hopefully Paul will come but nevertheless uh I don't have a uh what you might call U from Theiss chair but I just do remember having read pardon Roo oh Roo I can do it if you want you're right Walter Andrew uh Arie Schmidt Robin Sudan is on her way she should be here in a few minutes um Ellena here h s yox yes pres Maria Santiago here um am I missing anybody oh easy called he's not I'm sorry Ted Ted Chase yes called and he's not going to make it tonight and like I said Robin called and she should be here but she's running late okay thank you um oh we have a yeso okay in terms of the report from the environmental commission chair I don't have a prepared statement I do remember having read and I was going to share later in the uh meeting that EPA has banned is the tce the U the clean fluid for clothing right cleaners is that right pizza yeah dry cleaning flu and there was another one I don't know what the other one was but chloro wline yeah there's an alternative a lot of a lot of Cl have gone to it but they a lot of people have been asking for a ban you know and more information on that and so hopefully you know I don't know what percent of the population may have been damaged or what have you but they finally did get it done all right it became more honorous to get permits for um the the dry cleaners that had perlar ethylene uh opposed to the the other ones that are now used so people gradually went away from it yeah it's about time they made it illegal I think they made it illegal New York City years ago is that right on New Jersey all right okay thank you um approval of the December 2nd 24 minutes uh they you you all have a hard copy there yes I don't know any corrections I to approve the minutes a second okay it's been moving a second that we approve the December 2nd meeting all in favor let it be known by saying I I oppos thank you car okay we're going to time to open the meeting to the public get a motion second okay all in favor of the opening meeting to the public let it be known thank you okay do any of you care to make a statement oh yes ask a question whatever you want to do yes okay introduce yourself yeah my name is Robert Scot pay I'm a resident of Franklin Township okay and I'm just here briefly to talk about the um resolution that we'd like to get pass by uh the Council on supporting uh the New Jersey climate super fund bill which is right now um just come out of the committee in the state Sen it's a bill sponsored by Bob Smith and mcken among others there there's also an assembly Bill similar Bill basically the trust of the bill is that just like we have a super fund to do environmental cleanup the analogy is to put this towards damage that's been caused by climate change and to make large polluters pay for the damage so the does Define what what a large Pluto is it's a very significant uh carbon contributor something like a billion metric tons over a period that I believe starts in 1995 to the present time um so there are other states that have gone that this route or going this route I think tomont has already passed the bill like this um New York it came through the assembly and also the state house I think it's on the governor's desk waiting approval so we hope that to go through a similar process in New Jersey so what we'd like to do is um first of course come to the enironment committee and hopefully you'll support the resolution and then we'll have to uh work on getting it through to council I would just like to um just to tag on to what Bob said I'm Linda Powell um also obviously a resident here and um I know that the council always takes recommendations from the environmental commission so I thought if you guys um supported this and you know just changed the wording that came from the environmental commission um it would just give more support for the township pass it Linda who who wrote this who prepared this um I believe I mean I know it came from Empower Empower um is a CO it's a coalition um I think they last count 145 different groups and but the Jing committee is basically representative from I think it's seven or eight like larger Environmental Group and what they do is when they work on a project my I you know I'm not on the in workings of this but my understanding is they rotate who's taking the lead on this so on this one they have Matt Smith's name who's you the um state director of food Mor watch but it did come from EMP power um the reason I ask is first of all I think it's it's very well written I like it um but I did have a question on top of page two it says whereas more than 50 years ago scientists and major fossil fuel companies knew of the direct link between fossil fuels and global warming and reported their findings to corporate Executives um who chose to deceive the public about climate science and downplaying to store the evidence of climate change now there are nine references was it 50 or 30 years because it should be 30 years it says it says it says 50 years so the point is that there are nine different references about different things in this and I'd sure like to see a reference if if at all possible about the fact that um the the corporate Executives were reported to them the findings were reported to them and it sounds like it was something that was reported in writing possibly it was I believe it was uh found through a Freedom of Information well if a way that if there's a way to get that reference and add that we can okay anybody else okay get a motion to close the public everyone second second okay move second that will be close the public all in favor let be no saying I thank you all right correspondence um is there no no correspondence since last time they forgot about Paul usually pick those up um the hard copies from the mailbox yeah there hasn't been any so oh lately okay okay let's go on um site plan U no for tonight yeah I know it's I know already it is yeah we are up the meeting wait for Robin it nice oh okay I guess we can we can go back if we have to oh we're down to new business now um New Jersey climate super fun act resolution support so just had that did we not we jump ahead well so Arie brought this to our agenda so I know we kind of talked about it a little bit Arie did you want to discuss it any further well I think I think um Stan Stan brought it I'm sorry okay well I sent you I sent it to you but I think Stan went to the meeting so I think it's better that he talked y yeah so can you put it on the screen so that we all see it so maybe a little bit context uh so I attended um meeting of empower NJ on Tuesday October December 3rd December 3rd uh and uh this is how I learned about it it was a very good meeting um I created new connections lots of good networks um among uh the leaders were DG o because I know him um Amy Goldstein what were the other names I mention in the email um I don't have your email up but I can get food water watch Food Water Watch yeah okay okay Del River Keeper River Keeper yeah so um and and they were seeking more support in general for uh the Coalition um I'm not sure whether we from our position would like to be part of that but at least what I thought that this resolution makes lots of sense also given the fact that we have support from the public um I would just suggest that uh when we draft our whereis we make also reference to the Council made some um resolution in the past to fight the climate change that was before you became uh on board uh that there was there was some resolution remember that t was it for the green Amendment or no no no no no that was years ago we made reference to that resolution later on when we suggested another resolutions Amendment uh green roofs CBT continuation less than 2020 okay one that I remember making reference to was the tree canopy one say energy aggregation we have 100% option there we can certainly add more where usse is to wherever shorten some of them there's some very long but yeah it's all good stuff yeah uh resolutions here we go I don't know they this far but we can see uh I'm not sure whether the resolution preceded uh resolution on our end we were making reference to council resolution about CL Council not environmental so I have to go to C million yeah that every Bill we p i I'll try to find it but uh uh I would like to to suggest that we uh make the resolution so in other words I move that we adopt the resolution and forward it to the township Council to adopt to similar res okay that was a motion we got a second second okay all right been moving in second that we want discussion okay discussion right the only thing that I want to discuss is Bob said that he would be able to hopefully be able to get the uh reference to that one paragraph the top of page two I have it here okay and so she has it so as long as we can add that that that makes it good for me you had something else then that's it yeah okay did you just send it to me I heard my phone make a noise oh no I didn't why didn't you read any more discussion okay then um we have a motion second discussion um to I guess right terminology to send forth this resolution is that correct to adopt this resolution from the environmental commission and then forward it to the township Council so that they can um authorize a similar resolution okay okay and it's with we're adopting it with the one reference CH reference and with making some references to our very own resolutions okay please look that up I will look it up okay all right so all in favor of the motion as amended or added to let me know by saying I I anybody oppose abstain oh good now we move on to a release of the preliminary State development and Redevelopment plan I know yes um so the uh the state development and Redevelopment plan has been in has been being updated for almost 20 years at this point um just a few days ago the draft preliminary State development and Redevelopment plan was released um I've started going through it it's I have to e a document so I'm making my way through but I just kind of wanted to share it with you I think I shared the um the link and you can go through it on your own but I'm reviewing it for environmental and for open space and trails and EG so I started making some comments and I figured I would just go through them with you just so everyone's aware 21 public hearings were held across the state one in each County um the adoption of the state development and Redevelopment plan will begin a process of cross acceptance meaning that municipalities and counties will have to review the state development and Redevelopment plan and go over it for consistency with our own land use policies and strategies uh following that cross acceptance process the final draft will be released and this will be presented through a series of six public hearings across Ross the state that is still down coming down the road that's going to be a while um the final draft will include the infrastructure needs assessment and the impact analysis and all of that will be gathered from this cross acceptance process so basically the process is the preliminary plan is out right now like a first draft everyone can review it everyone can look at it for consistency with their plans and if there's any major inconsistencies or any major opposition to what's been uh prepared um that will be all documented in the infrastructure needs assessment and the impact analysis those will be used to inform the final draft um the state development and Redevelopment plan is basically the state's master plan so it's kind of the overarching goals and Visions for the state as a whole and it's broken down into categories such as open space historic resources natural resources Equity uh housing INF infrastructure pollution Economic Development so I started going through uh the strategies and kind of noting what I could find so basically just to you know I kind of only noted big things the one thing I will say from reading it and I've only finished it halfway at this point so um bear with me I think it's you know a good plan but in my opinion it seems to be a very aspirational plan which is great but a lot of the goals are like clean up all of New Jersey drinking water and make it Equitable and accessible for everybody which is an excellent goal but that's like the that's the plan basically there's not like many strategies in place but maybe that'll be worked on as we move forward or maybe I just haven't haven't read that part yet but um so under natural and Water Resources you know there's the typical goals of prioritizing science-based decision making carbon sequestration especially in overburdened communities promoting ecologically sound development development so these again all things that you've heard and listened to um there is reference to that all levels of government should take action to avoid minimize and mitigate site disturbance tree removal habitat fragmentation and perious coverage which I think is a that's a good one um continued preservation of parks trails and Greenways which we all we all like of course um there is talk about um Agriculture and looking how to mitigate climate change impacts through carbon sequestration and land management practices there is a lot of talk about expanding and maintaining the tree canopy which is something we feel is important and you know a lot of municipalities do of course um particularly an overburdened communities which I think is great um there's some intro I'm going to scroll through because it's lengthy and I will give you a full uh list of all of my comments that we can go over but this just came out a few days ago so kind of working through it at this point but I'm going to pick out some good ones um I thought this was interesting so an interesting step forward is the recommendation that D delineates current hotspots of poor air quality and provides nature-based solutions to address these hotspots so I thought that was a good like that's an actual project and I think it's something that can you know be measured and and benchmarked which I think is great um in planning as a whole for a very long time the Watershed base planning approach has been appro has been always recommended it's very hard to do basically means that when you implement land use strategies or planning documents or elements you do it at a watershed level and not just your municipality but Watershed levels don't follow Municipal boundaries and so it's very difficult to do planning that way would that be the best absolute way to do planning probably probably would make the most sense um but it's very it's almost impossible to do because of how you know our our Municipal boundaries are set up but it is a good recommendation um the plan calls for storm water management and flood control at Watershed level not municipality or County levels again excellent idea if it could be implemented that would be great um there is a suggestion that they uh that award reward program be developed for land owners and developers who undertake Wetlands Restorations projects I thought maybe this might be something that are environmental commission might be interested in down the line maybe this is something that we don't work on exactly this project we kind of alter this project to work for us so it might that could be our sustainability fund if we could create one we could use some of those Monies to do some of that absolutely yeah so at the state level a reward program it just may take a lot to get it off the ground but that might be something that a Township could do or an environmental commission could do so I like that um what else uh still talking about lead based plats of course and lead in the drinking water uh there is talk about promoting composting to divert organic waste from the trash stream which we're working on right now um again I I felt like this section in general was very I mean I read this whole section that's all I got so I felt like it was more aspirational in nature and that there should be more specific strategies and projects to address the cleanup because of pollution because it's just not not there under historic and Scenic resources I just want to point point this out even though this is really more for the open space committee there's one thing that I really really like that they put in here which is that historic resources and houses we really have to start looking at those and how they are vulnerable because of climate change we are dealing with that in Franklin a lot I actually just spoke to um the historic commission about this the other day it's like this is something that needs to be really looked that um because a lot of our historic sites in particular are near the canal we've experienced a lot of problems mitigating them because if we do the necessary improvements based on insurance requirements we actually violate the terms of the historic easement if we follow the historic easement we don't get covered by the insurance so this is a serious issue that I really think needs to be looked at and it was mentioned in the state plan so I think that's important Tara could you uh take a step back for a second you mentioned lead-based paint what specifically was it that you were wanted to do about lead paint well so in the plan it says this plan recognizes the health risks associated with lead based paint and Lead drinking water lines and calls for faster abatement of these products from housing in public spaces that's what it says yeah um so I'm continuing to go through the historic and open space and I am just kind of that's kind of where I ended so I'm about halfway through the sections that pertain to us are the natural and Water Resources pollution and environmental cleanup I have to go through infrastructure and I have to go through Equity still so you would like us to try to do some of this too well I'm going to definitely go through it because I have to for other ones but I think it would be great if you would like to read it and point it out um if you have any comments that would be excellent because we can send them in should I think the comment is it's it's a great you know for something that's been worked on for so long there's not a lot of actual projects in there so I hope that you know that's a comment we can send I'm sure they're going to get that comment a lot cuz we're a home rulle state and cwns want to come up with their own projects don't want to be told what they have to do yeah I mean it could be for sure but even if it's not you know like Franklin you should do this you know maybe a few projects that would really deal with the major priorities in New Jersey you know so and I'm assuming a storm water you know there's got to be things that everyone can do for storm water that you know but we'll see what would the one ter Equity what that you just mentioned there's a section on Equity I haven't gotten to it yet the last section so yeah I'll get there but I've been going through it and it's been all right a lot but it just got released it's going to be out for a while and then the next step is like I said after we've gone through and had a chance to read it we are then really not we but I should say the planning board and planning department probably and us too of course you know but I'm assuming really the planning board is really supposed to look at it and say say this is in deference to our goal our or this plan or this policy or yes we completely agree with everything you're saying so we got to go through and highlight those areas and they'll use that to kind of make changes I guess so that's that when do the commment have to be in there's no date on when they have to be in as of yet because they just got uh it just got released but I would like to at the next meeting maybe we can just wrap by the next meeting our next meeting we can definitely wrap it up for sure so and then I'll go through with open space and will probably come out with some coms absolutely yeah I'm sure they've started reviewing it New Jersey future will I'm sure yeah so we can look at what they think too so we have only one meeting in January we have only one meeting in January so we'll definitely be prepared to submit comments like I'll write up a memo and we can edit it and we'll be ready to send ours in open space is not going to meet until the third Tuesday of January anyway so they'll send theirs in and then we'll see where to go from there y well thank you for all that work that's a lot to go actually interesting I was excited to read it when it came out actually cuz like since I started working as a planner I'm like oh the same plans coming out any day now yeah and now it's here and I'm like 20 years later yes I remember like reviewing the 2001 plan as like this is the basis of you know of everything yeah yep what was it storm water and what else was going to be Watershed wide or they're recommending to do Watershed wide rather than municip blood control and storm water management they recommend at the Watershed level but they also recommend just like every plan really has every state plan Watershed planning like at you know but it's it's hard to do very very so even in our case if you think about it so we're in two two water sheds right here in Franklin three right so even the main one I'm thinking of though is that if if we were to ever plan at the Watershed level which would be great we would also have to work with not just another town but another County so it's like that is really where become it's a great idea and in a perfect world it would be amazing but I wonder if the counties will help make that happen like free up some money so that there's some administrative structure that could help make it happen that would be great if they could you do have these lower water lower Rarity lower Millstone Watershed meetings yes now taking place well we really need the upper milillo yeah I know maybe we need to use oh go all right well at the next meeting I'll bring my my full review but that's what I have so far any more discussion questions on that okay let's move along to sustainable Jersey recertification already doesn't it feel like we just did this it did does and it's so funny so Ted actually was like we need to get this on the agenda and I was like oh my gosh you're great and Ted also mentioned that we have to be careful uh how who is appointed member yes because um I remember every time I was copied and Mike Burke was uh being sent uh communication to his Colgate email address and he retired from Colgate before I oh jeez so and and at the beginning I would forward it to Mike and he was like so do you think he was interested in participating he should be invited not by me does he still live in Franklin oh yeah you're on that aren't you well I created it no just the first four certifications I was really the person that did it did all the work and Tara did the last one but so we have a green team that's responsible for this is that well this is where the the council every year has passed the green team but it's always the same names whether they've been participating or not so well you should give me updates if you want for January because it's coming around the corner who should be on it the thing is a lot of most of it is really sort of getting stuff from the township yes it is a lot of it is getting documents and figures and things from Township staff and other committees um so the trick is who will they listen to and help support we have any perspective actions that are related to Green Building principles I don't know cuz I haven't even begun to look through it yet but that Mike Burke he is lead certified yeah Green associate I think and he has of certification that would be his check if we have actions related to building efficiency if we do I mean it would be one it would be one action or two actions probably not a bunch um the honestly the mo the bulk of the actions really I have to get things from DPW that's the that's the bulk of it and that's always tough so is Carl on Green Team he is so we have to keep him there in order to get those yes so Connor also from DPW should probably be on the Green Team Ed if he's not on there um Connor I forget what's his last name um Arie what's Connor Connor's last name from shade tree Commission you don't have to but he wasn't on it last time he should be on it because he a lot of relates to our uh shade Tre commission actions as well Mar Mark he's on it yep uh yeah shouldn't there be a representative from this commission Stan is on it so Conor foret Conor Fett yep Walter I think you're on it are you or was Paul on it back in the day I'm on it yeah yeah I haven't been removed trying to look back I can't find it we used to meet separately on yeah you want to send me that I'll send you the last year's list then yeah maybe I'll send it to Ted actually too and you can give some recommendations and who could who could reach out to Mike Burks and Stan says he doesn't want it to be him so we can get him more engaged because Green Building would be great to have more that well if he's appoint he has to be appointed by the council so if he's appointed then I'll reach out to him for sure Stan should give you his email address and you should email him asking if he's interested in being on the Green Team okay all right and let him know that the environmental commission would support that he'd be a wonderful that environmental commission suggested that he would be yeah and Connor too um actually there's a lot of Township staff on it so someone from it is on it someone from um two people from DPW should be on it uh safy so there's a lot of Township staff on it which is good but the first step for the recertification is I basically put everything in our spreadsheet from last year and see what has to be updated what new actions we've done and then come up with how many points we have and then from that point I think we always try and do at least like 10 or 15 points more than we need in case certain things don't come through yeah now I haven't really studied the emails I've gotten from sustainable Jersey and but they talked about the being a sort of a three-stage application process that you can put in parts of applications that do several stages I think the middle one probably would be the most important yeah we always have to put in the it's like a pre certification or something almost they kind of look through and make sure that you're on the right track and that nothing is like completely going to be rejected because they do reject um some actions too if it's not or they'll say edit you know so that is very helpful yeah a lot of what they do is if after one round then they'll tell you what ones need editing and what ones are accepted and what to rejected but it's coming back it is it seems like like it was just the other day back now it's back well we have a whole year almost a whole year to do it we'll get there has to be ready you know final by around November 1 so that people can be certified at the league of municipalities meeting God I might have to go again right are there any new criteria are they pretty much same as well there are always new um actions but mainly there will be lots and lots of actions that we've done that we will have to update yes asking for more yeah there is like the health assessment the local Health assessment that because I think we have met the criteria to um get the full 20 points or 25 points so that we didn't have last time so that's going to be a big bump how many do we need for the recertification I think it's 150 for silver or 150 for bronze for the lowest 150 for bronze 180 for silver right 180 is it don't look say say I can't remember now one a few gold towns with the health gold we will get the health gold yeah and then there's a new one they just added I should remember from my meeting last week but Woodbridge got some gold for some oh wood brid is always they got it for water I think way ahead of everybody else cuz they have a staff member who works on it 365 days a year they have also electric garbage trucks but volunteer you can electric though no no but if you have first two is like you know some no no I know drum roll and everything Carolyn erck the chief of staff to the mayor is the new chair of sustainable Jersey oh wow okay voted in Carol Erick she's uh Johnny MCM McCormack's uh Chief of Staff oh all right um so yeah I I think there there is or was a a webinar on the process there is yeah there is I feel like I just saw yeah we can look at it and I think we're pretty familiar with how to do it but I need to know the dates is there anyone's terms who are up on this this is not the item here but we were talking about reappointments is there anyone up on the commission that we need to look at uh is there any okay e was up yeah and Marie sent the Letters Out I know e was out the planning board members yeah and he said yes he wants to continue he might be the did anyone else get any emails from you did okay so it's easy and Maria Walter too okay so and Marie sent it directly to them everyone's good and they said they're all good yeah so do we want to um open the question about who will be chair and vice chair or better with Paul or I don't know um well we usually do that our reorg meeting so that's that's month yeah so prepare your campaigns prepare your because at the beginning of January Council already uh we don't name a chair actually yeah the council names the chair enal commission the environmental commission you're right that is true the environmental commission still has that the recommendation comes from the council that is there you go you got to tell me what you want and then I got to fight for you it's not check with PA but I would I think Paul still wants to be the chair but it's it's up to you I mean I I can't imagine he would not want to be the chair but do you guys have any standing rules about term limits for the chair or try to change things up like I would prefer very much so just just because but yeah I think I think Paul would like to do it again and that's I think we'd all be I would like Rob he hasn't shown any signs of flighting no and he will not be here in the first meeting in January you get elected he won't be here correct yeah yep to be [Music] un to be elected to be unelected well if I fights appointment that right doesn't matter matter election no election no saves a lot of money no campaigns yeah right caign all right um did you want committees item on here committees are are they normally they they're under new business why are they not there that time they must have got okay all right I'm sorry I must have deleted that when I put sustainable Jersey recertification in okay yes there should be a spot here for committee report um is it the time uh Maria do you have okay uh I can report that um the frankly chairman of Commerce they canceled their December meeting and um they postponed for January so I was invited to attend January and I accept it what's the date for that I think it's the third Thursday Thursday okay if you can make if anybody else want can make it which Thursday the third Thursday January and then um I am going to mention what I told tan simp we our commission is going to be organized by committees in January and we're not going to meet until February after that meeting perhaps we can use in one of those weeks for the Committees to meet and um the plan the goals especially after we did that plan the other yes and see how we are going to um organize ourselves ourselves and see how can we strategize to those goals you did that in Excel and you put a committee assignment you can sort it by committee right and then get it out to all of us to see what we all agreed we were willing to do yeah that would be great um uh film so um last time we had proposed two days uh none of them were available for senior center it turns out that Senior Center is very popular um which I guess is a good sign needless to say um I had to make lots of back and forth with Janet and we finally settled on February 5th which is Wednesday 700 p.m. because we always want to do 700 p.m. we have enough uh time until they close but I think it's going to be like hour and a half event or maybe I the film by itself it's a short version is 45 minutes and a discussion maybe half an hour so February which February 5th it's so Wednesday right it should be Wednesday and they only have Wednesdays for us uh parently so Terry if you want from a Communications point of view um I'll try to write up a little blurb about the film and then a couple other things I've been saving to put in the in a blur okay and we'll get it out see the first full week of January which is we wanted to invite two speakers I had one from the EOS Farm I'll see if I can get Michelle Logan from Marin farm right right so each of us will contact our right party and hopefully we'll get them on board Michelle is also the um on the board of a company on off of Davidson Avenue it was her company till she took it public they manufacture metal credit cards here in town metal metal credit cards like the one I have from United is a metal credit card and they I remember we had a big thing about Council a lot of information about that uh some years ago back when I was on Council I used this as a even invited for a tour of the facility so I if she would come she may be in Florida their family goes down to Florida but if she's back up here for Farm business we can try to get I have no idea about availability of my contact there's another compy too I was in Phoenix and there was some sort of environmental soap in the room and it was made here in Somerset well this film we're doing is is is common ground it's about regenerative agriculture right so these two people are Farm oriented but yeah it has to be right and if um if we can't get them the other person we can Lobby is Jessica yeah she would be she would be our at least be there to answer questions it's not a Monday and she's really religious about only doing things on Mondays but if we give her lots of advanced notice maybe we might get her I can ask her about that yes okay there is this group in Montgomery too when I used to work at the county they were applying for permits to do um to put up Ys as their like housing and their Gathering space but they're still there they're off of Cherry Valley Road um it's called of course something Cooperative but they do regenerative agriculture they do no till or low till in Montgomery in Montgomery maybe our connections through the disbanded you think they disbanded oh no okay all right that's thanks put of other people I think try to get the word out and we really great if environmental commission members would come to our events if you can please plan far ahead I mean I think it's a poor showing when there's one or two of us there Wednesday February 5th 7 p.m. and it's not late till 8:30 we have you home by quter 9 it's right here right here yeah um what time seven and we know what much how much money do we have in our budget um so and that's questionable I have to ask Mark key cuz he oversees the budget because and and a calendar the year is June until June 30th right yes okay so uh because the reason I'm asking uh in when we were in um montgomer they had refreshment okay um maybe people brought them as a charity well they did have our budget is bus that's proba what they do the calendar year but it only gets adopted in April and becomes functional in May but they have preliminary temporary budget money piz they had desserts they had beverages all that was donated or no larger budget even if we just got a big basket of apples you know it's something sustainable it's welcoming M they had lots of piz and everything was in a spirit of low carbon and no plastic because they they had they had some water bottles and they had to drink at your own risk they had got fill it up right they had beverages in um cans they had they didn't have a plastic or paper plates although I think there were some paper but they had real they had real plates I'm sure we can get Refreshments if you want I don't know if you want to spend like on I don't I wouldn't recommend buying like a full like meal it doesn't sound like that's necessary but I mean popcorn healthy and Y yep well we meet on the second right second third we meet on the third we have a meeting on February 3rd and I won't be here I've got that State Theater thing but I'll I'll be happy to help get some of this do we have access to the popcorn maker I would re has it Recreation has it is it question or statement I'm asking you does Recreation have it um seen it over there but I don't know I've never I don't know if we have it if we if the township owns a popcorn maker then yes we have access to it popcorn maker T yes J yes I'm I have no idea subject has never come up yeah I think they have you seen it you mean I've seen it I've seen it in Recreation Recreation might own it if they own it then yes we can have access as long are not like using it that day already not seen any but this is something worth asking whether it exists because if you because you when you make it on premises it's warm yeah and it smells good people like it's hospitality yeah yeah it's nice regarding I'll ask her I just received a email saying from an Jack saying that they had sent the township notice to pay registrations for the commission members yeah we all got that yeah yes I fored it we have that in our budget yes I forwarded that to Mar key to pay so yes y um under Hot Topics I would like to share that um I have been for several years on a campaign to get Franklin Mutual insurance company which is not in town but was founded here in town to do something about investments in fossil fuels because we pay claims created by climate change and thanks to some feedback from the president and some work with R RM R RM RMI Rocky Mountain Institute Rocky Mountain Institute which spun off something called miq which is a methane certification not for profit I wrote and got approved and the insurance company sent out three letters one to um XOM mobile that they own a fair amount of stock and one to Chevron they own a lot of stock and one to Kinder Morgan requesting them to please use thirdparty verifiable certification of their methane emissions so Exxon already does have two sites where they use miq Chevron has none Kinder Morgan apparently it's a pipeline company they are in um conversations with miq to measure their methane emissions but I got uni um unilateral support from the insurance company board and the investment committee to ask these companies to please start certifying their emissions nice and u i I was really pleased and then at the end of that exercise they said what other Holdings might we have that should be using Certified gas so I got a hold of miq they helped me and I think the company is now going to ask the Holdings in those other companies to be using certifiable gas that's great I love it speaking of methane measurements I think it was a presentation by Al Gore and someone during the cop 29 in aan so apparently now they have a method where they use settle that have iming like infrar or something that can look from outer space from you know from the satellite and you ask for it or not you get measured yeah but it's it's it's a different kind of measurement than the one I'm talking about and yeah well that's a accounting you're doing a certification yeah certification is literally on site where the joints are they are there on the ground measuring and that if it's certified by miq for example it's got to be more than 95% contained is what the certification is but what can happen that it may work on the day of certification right well they get they get recertified every year but it's better than nothing yeah I tell you the satellite image is you don't even tell them when you do it right yes but the point is by them agreeing to be certified they make it part of their comp make that part of how they do it we don't know for sure they're sniffing they could be looking at those it's pretty hard to tell cows to stop putting out their methane on but that you you categorize sources of methane but if you if you mine it and you irresponsibly mine it and you have leaks yeah you have to and did you look at those look at those pictures Kazakhstan is the worst that's exactly what I was going to bring up Kazakhstan is the capital of methane emissions in the world um can I mention a couple things too good job that's awesome um Joe Danielson has a piece of legislation you should know about which has the state or requiring the state whenever it buys water bottles to buy from aluminum as displayed here by Tara's Poland Spring order yes um or paper and not allowing them to buy plastic it's got quite a lot of push back um I think originally the assembly wanted to ban all plastic water bottles um in the state and they thought well probably we could start by making the government when it purchases them to purchase these kind um so that's just something you should know about can we help him how can we help you can certainly help you can ask him Wayne you know who works with him what their plans are he called me when he was on vacation and Cape Cod and said did you know this whole town not a single plastic water bottle I didn't even know that could happen we need to do that I'm like okay Joe you come back we can work on that but there's not a single one you can't buy him okay but but we could look at something like that yeah can this system also incorporate deposit well that's different so also there's legislation a bottle bill they call it which creates a revenue stream from the bottles to encourage and increase recycling um that's moving you know there's a lot of support for that the challenge I think with that is um our recycling rates are fairly High there's nowh for the stuff go right mean compare there's a collect yeah we collect it but then it ends up going in regular WECT good water bottles part of recycling I know but I'm not saying me but in we have 9% recycling right in the state or the township 90 State national oh National these are local laws we're talking about either local or New Jersey but we we could push for an ordinance to eliminate the sale of plastic huddles in Franklin Township what town was it was it where did he say it wasin Town Massachusetts have look so was only town just one little town how do they handle hey Ed a short Town short towns are different speaking about plastic about sure plastic drinking utensils for years I've been bringing up on the council um Podium or the day there yeah plastic plastic cups in front of all you guys it's just a bad look I don't I don't I I don't ever see anybody using them but you know what get rid of them it just looks bad work on that that's a good suggestion um and then there was one other piece of legislation I want to mention to you guys uh it's up my mind I should I don't if we can help Joe in some way like write letters or whatever end passing a resol resolution supporting it yes know it could be something we do mirroring similar like where Franklin can't buy water bottles right this is different than like emergency usage right you know um you know if you have a water outage something so you kind of deal with whatever you have to but um does the Franklin Food Bank hand out water bottles I don't know they do we should be going back to reusable glass bottles which is what everybody used and you know you got 5 cents if you turned them back in by now it would be 50 stting like beer doesn't come in plastic beer comes in aluminum or glass water comes in plastic and soda you know exact so we have to change our Paradigm limit the amount of plastic we use to the things that we can only use plastic for instead of everything and that's going to be I can remember as a child scouring the around the old North Bridge and conquered to find discarded Coke bottles and turn them in for 5 cents that's the bottle bill and I will mentioned there's research South Jersey makes glass bottles and doesn't want them to be recycled I don't care what they New Jersey was the only state that never had recycling of glass bottles all the states around us did but because of the glass manufacturers in South Jersey from s keep um it was always blocked in the New Jersey legislature counted well uh they also did a survey of a bunch of men's testicles and every single one of them had plastic in them so that might be a way T Google it like want another scientific method plastic and plasticizer no I think particles plastic particles are are reducing a testosterone C yeah it's an endocrine interruptor need to reproduce less we do that is very interesting to the public no another public that's all I have I'll reach out to Joe and see if we can microplastics that's a nice little tidbit y well that's a reason to do something about it I think get everybody on board then that goes exactly with what we saw in the film two weeks ago at on that we are plastic people now how these microplastics are endocrine interrupts and they're causing lower amount of testosterone in men very measurable very real and there was another thing with women and estrogen it has setting it the to she could send it to you the result is that men have lower fertility I don't know about that all human in canine have fewer Wars but that was that was in the data at this film it was scien one test to call test [Music] interesting okay all right carefully he's watching he's going to reporting the news the research like I'm just reporting the news finally something to report from that would be a nice headline all right that's all I got I think before you came in we at the time of the meeting just to fill in I I mentioned EPA had banned it was a TC uh the POR cleaning PC porle yeah yeah and there was another one I don't know what one it was but it also chlorinated maybe so super anyway okay any more Hot Topics H pretty [Music] hot all right scary we move on to Old business um Community heat monitoring and mitigation Grant opportunity through the national Integrated Health heat health information system so I'm working on it it's due January 15th I am working on it yep okay yep curbside posting of course we Paul yeah so Paul said that there's definitely residents I'm sorry he answer who no no but I think uh someone mentioned that he said he wasn't going to come tonight and I think I thought it was January oh he's fine I think yeah I'm sure he's fine um Paul said there was a lot of uh interested people in Canal Walk for doing our pilot program for our curbside composting but the company um forus is getting has to get insured in a specific way so when that happens then we can start that piloting program but they're a new company and they don't have the insurances they need to go into Canal Walk and actually do this work so that's that yep annual report I'm working on still plugging away at that so uh hopefully the first meeting of the Year I'll be able to show you something but still working on it Ed when we do this when we do our annual report I think it would be nice to present it to the council so they can see what we do we'd like your support and find a presentation does it she does it in PowerPoint so how long well the report itself it's like the health assessment I do it in PowerPoint so I can do a modified version of it so how much time do you think you I think even 15 minutes would be okay okay I think okay perfect yeah just kind of give an overview of how many applications we review for site plans and projects we're working on and things like that we got accomplished accomplishments yeah um just to I don't have any update on the psng Energy Efficiency Grant it continues and uh now we're on other old business I I have two items two local uh level items two updates on I previously reported on Board of Education anti ising signs I've continued to communicate with John ravali and his staff they have three remaining schools to install the signs the high school the middle school and MCA Road school um and as for my suggestion they will reach out to the transportation department for them to contact the bus companies that serve as Franklin um to let them know about the the regulations and I also told them to send pictures of the signs that are used um so they can spread that out send it to their driers so they can be aware of them and then on the uh 189 Bennett Lane um illegal junkyard um as I previously reported the property owner has failed to um show up at Court the first two hearings um and he is now scheduled for the third time this Wednesday um so they told me the last time that since he didn't uh show up the second time they might send it to the to the Township attorney um but apparently they didn't do that so they're doing it one more time and see what happens after that and this week you said this Wednesday okay what is the next step if he doesn't show up at the court I'm not sure exactly how Franklin Township does it I'm not sure I don't know if the judge will rule that being that he hasn't shown up he has to you know do certain mitigation or I'm not sure what the what the ruling eventually he's going to have to do a mitigation right but if he doesn't show up I don't know if the ruling will be that he has to do like everything or if it's going to be you know they're going to put a bench warrant out I have no idea I don't know what they'll do change yeah yeah I didn't hear what did he say Ted thinks that he should get you know he should be required to come in basically to the hearing what he is supposed to come to yeah yeah he actually well at least his attorney jail or something I I again I don't know what their process here is in frate enforcement you is but he hasn't been found guilty of anything I should think there'd be a point when it becomes contempt of court I would think so too but you know I don't know I would have thought after the second time it would have been contemp of Court first time maybe even yeah I would think so too I think it depends on I don't know if it depends on the the judge or I'm not sure yeah you know again I guess each town or county has their own process so okay thank you all right very good we have a motion for open to the public again I moved second that we open the meeting to the public all in favor let we say about I I post good I just had a question I had heard that a lot of things that are made from F FS like Plastics be made from things you know natural things like oh yes it's more expensive of course they even made a um uh polyethylene from biobased but the problem is it's not uh biodegradable so so you have actually you can create a quadrant for and one would be um biobased or fossil based and on the other category would be degradable and non degradable right and you can have all four combinations lot yeah because you can make uh something that is biobased and it's still not biodegradable so you want to actually and then when when it's biodegradable it's probably not even recyclable right but then recycling doesn't work yet until I can find a buyer anyway I apologize for coming late did we approve supporting the climate super fund we did yes yeah and we got support from the public any other comments from the public reporter yes I just have a introduce yourself oh I'm Barbara martalis okay and um I live down here now for the past three years I previously out in hunon County one of the things that I notice here is very often people are sitting in their cars with the with the motor running and that's I think a concern and I don't know why they sit there with it because it is against the law right absolutely your car just running yeah not supposed to do it for more than three minutes not for more than three minutes not supposed to do it yeah but still and from we know we know it's still from the economical a matter of having enfor from the economical Viewpoint no no no we're sitting here we have to keep it warm so it's just a concern you know especially there's a park right across from from where I live I forget the name of it U gross from the Renaissance community and there were so many times that there are people there like on a Saturday morning when the young people are out there you know playing playing football or soccer and the cars are running and then just you know especially in a park well you can call the police and you you roll your eyes but they're aware of the regulations but you can call the police and report it to them and if hopefully they show up see what they do we also have had in Tara do we still have any of those flyers yeah we uh Paul Paul has it yes but we do have them if you've come in a future meeting and I apologize we don't have access in now there the state put out nice glossy like bookmark size a little bit bigger that outlines it's against the law here's what the fine is I keep them in my glove compartment it's called stop the suit and I go up I knock on the window and I say hi my name is Robin I live here in Franklin I'm a member of the environmental commission we really appreciate it if you wouldn't idle and I hand them the flyer I even do that when the driver's not there but there's a passenger in the car and I have called the police when there was a passenger in the car I it was in prinston I did it not in Franklin but I went I parked my car there was a gal a young gal sitting in the passenger seat the car was Waring I went and did an eror for about 10 minutes came back car still running still no driver I knocked on the window I gave her the flyer and then I got in my car and I called the Princeton police I said believe you're the enforcing Authority here's the address here's where the car is here's my description she said thank you very much I don't know whether they ever did anything but the more of us that call or at least hand those out the more of a difference we can make yeah so I would if you come to a future meeting we'll try to make sure we have some supplies here because I think you have it in your glove compartment you feel empowered so thank you for bringing i' like to bring them to the health commit yeah I tried to pass an ordinance that if you could record for three minutes with a license plate that they were idling that you could get them a summons and then you would get a portion of it like New York City New York citizen reporting but it's not allowed in New Jersey so we need an adjustment go state level or the state has to allow municipalities to do Citizen enfor and and more to the idling so there reports U nice YouTube very clear report somebody tested that if you addle more than 8 seconds then you are already losing money because uh within 8 seconds that's how much fuel it takes to restart the engine uh so it really doesn't make sense and if you don't want to worry about it just buy electric you know that's what I was thinking I don't know who else has EVS you have an EV T now too who here has an EV we should all right you have anything no no I do not better go get it while the incentives are still there I know I know we have to get a new car soon any further comments questions all right give a motion to close the public session so second been mov a second we close the public session um can we have a motion to so everybody all say I and we going need a motion to close the meeting in the meeting so moved okay been moving in second they will be in the meeting all in let me know my saying I any oppose keeps us coming back if we do it thank you thank you Walter happy holidays everyone