okay I will read the opening statement in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by the posting on the Bolton board in the municip building posted on the township website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this me meeting would take place in person 7:00 p.m. in the municipal building okay so we'll do Ru call which I have here okay Walter Andrews yeah Ted Chase easy here Jessica's Stan pres Arnold here Robin here Maria me I'm here Tower is here and somebody just came in the [Music] public and Full House Full House okay we did that we did the roll call I have a a some some some things to discuss as environmental commission careair report um this has been a busy two weeks I've been invited to talk with director's team that is working on conversion of street lights LEDs they're doing consulting on behalf of BPU and P and PSC maybe somebody read the letters we sent to BPU now I had that conversation this afternoon I an hour on the phone with this woman Karen L Lowry from uh BPU uh from ruter ruers has a contract from the BPU to study the the conversion of all the street lights that to we talked for about an hour and also on the on the uh call was a consultant of theirs from Oregon and so he was on the call as well and they asked me questions about the the municipality and can we do it ourselves I says no you need lift trucks and you need a tariff the Tariff hasn't been passed yet you know so we went we went all through it and I said we I thought how we review the building plans get LEDs on all the private stuff and that kind of thing but not the public and um they seem to agree with us that there's a lot of advant cost goes down maintenance goes up uh you know much less maintenance and um it's a good thing to do and color the other thing we I talked to about and they agreed with LEDs the color rendering is better than with the regular lights so from a security standpoint the police can read um LIC license plates easier and also they said in the neighbor said in a park long distance you can see sharper with LED lighting than you can with the regular and so happens next next uh they may call me again that's what they said okay so I'm now I'm a consultant to the consultant or we are how are they going to help move our C along they are um working systemwide and they they report to the BPU uh this ruter contract um is a contract from the BPU to ruter I got the whole name of who they are so they're essentially studying whether this makes sense for the BPU to do this they're trying how it can be done also okay it's it's beyond should to be done I think okay but it's how how you would do it what are the obstacles now do the municipalities want it all that kind of thing so that it would be up to the utility companies to roll this out it's up to the BP to to write a tariff because the thing is they're going to generate less power right so the cost should go down right then then then they're going to one on cost for extra contractors and all that stuff but there's a Payback right because from us the the municipalities electric bill should go down which means the taxpayers benefit So when you say tariff you mean the one time charge to do this no this is the the that sets the rates and all that's the tarff but why it it has to be different it has to be different because the they're putting out less power and they want we want them to come down and cost not not say state to same so it can't just be prus since it's less power charges the Tariff has to show exactly what they're charging the municipality for power and if they switch to LED they'll be charging us either less or you know the power will be lower so they have to change it just the law they because they're going to have to take on more crws depending on what what you want to go after for 10 years to get a hire more cruise but there's a labor involved and it's a it's a short-term thing to take on a cruise there be less labor later sure yeah and and uh as I pointed out to them in one this one they lamps if they fail within a year the manufacturer is going to replace them for free and now hid they're now rated for 100,000 hours yeah and you only 12 hours a day you know do the NK whatever um so there's hardly any maintenance for a Lo time and any thing that does gets replaced by the manufacturers so it's going to be Atlantic City Electric's already done this and that's I back on that and so other the states around the country have done it and most had a very positive out outcome um so yes will they go are they going to study um the effect of Life pollution yes he asked me about that yeah yeah because I just noticed uh Sierra Club uh uh presentation in two days or something about the impact of light perion on yeah and I told them all the stuff that we approv from a commercial standpoint are uh down lights they have to be cut off full full cut off is the term and that's what all the factories are doing and the warehouses but um so so that that was the first part um that I was going to talk about and so we're making progress I think on the lighting this is the next next legal step that has to be done and then also uh this past Wednesday I zoomed into a meeting of an environmental Summit of three Southern New Jersey counties um the first subject was the tree ordinance um in force in Cherry Hill for the last 2 years that's what you want yeah okay they have regulations for removal and replacement of trees mainly aimed at residential residents have a permit system requiring reason review and inspection uh they need you need a permit a plan permit or a plan permit can be between sidewalk and roadway uh for commercial application the fee is not make for not making one to one replacement 300 bucks a trick sounds familiar they use a 5T dph I I didn't it didn't ask what dph means but maybe you know diameter there a tree height or something diameter bre height oh that's what oh DP that's I'm listening it's DP okay uh to Def a tree or residents get get the first three trees taken down for free um the think that there is also uh a disclosure that every year or no the three if you're going to say you're going to add a porch onto your house and you need to take down three trees and you're not going to replace them you don't have to pay the money if you four trees you got to pay three trees per year or something like that that they didn't mention what was that you said about trees between the between work the roadway they like a that but little that's usually in the right way which is here in Cherry Hill it's Township property you know this is what they're doing in Cherry Hill I'm just saying that would be Township property and you're cutting down Township trees and we just had an incident like that in Franklin Township we talked about shade tree last Thursday where somebody took down these trees that were like this big and like six of them and just whacked them all down and they're going to probably get fine for that now Cherry Hill um they use the town uses an alus from the county down there who does training with the DPW and the zoning board does enforcement now there was also another discussion separate topic about a proposed bottle bill in Trent um this group feels that if it's passed the township would lose money currently gained from the current recycling system because glass makes up 133% of the waste stream down there but it pays for the entire think if they if the if the bottle bill money goes to the C to the state they'll lose that revenue and now they're they're not getting you know then the whole recycling thing is going to cost the money well there'll be other offsetting factors CU New Jersey just passed that rule that requires manufacturers to use 50% recycle content in the glass to no the Plastics oh the plastic to create a market so there'd be a place to sell the recycling yeah see that's why it is so that hasn't hit the economic stream yet of all this so I'm not sure that's it say reason to kill a bottle bill yeah it says those states have those around the country their research said that the states with bottle bills have $120 million in unclaimed deposit money people don't get the 5 cents back they never bother do going in and just it's too little yeah Washington Township is using the tree fund to plant trees CommunityWide speakers also advocated for rigs that would let take out businesses or for plastic Cutlery only on request you go TR I think in is that's the next build they're working on it's called the add your stuff or something yeah it's got that's yeah stuff is in the title where they don't want fast food chains to automatically be throwing the cutlery in and then Thursday now so there was a whole lot more I got to roll in here but you um on Thursday I zoomed in on the discussion of new storm water RS um the update requires Engineers that use new factors to calculate the Bas ins because they' already passed it in Franklin it's done it's done there's one year five there's new numbers that you have to multiply they did they put all that into effect back in September before we even had a chance to come and um it uses the 2ear 10 year what happens is the basins get bigger and deeper the problem then is you may be too close to the groundwater so if you if otherwise then you got to make the Basin even bigger so you don't go the XX per foot so that's my that's my busy good visit it was buit yeah thank you so much for for attending the the triiron yeah it was it was interesting I uh I was curious I was Googling up uh the actual text of the ordinance and uh our what is our concern is replacing uh same dbh with the same dbh right they don't have it cover they have a dispos well they don't even say what what are the requirements when you replace it's one to one yeah one to one but to count it's 5 in we have to count I think four we have four so so we have it better on that end and we are battling why the replacement is not for in right so was some you know it's mixed but uh it was a Dr Gary broad sustain sustainability Provost at Rowan University he's one of oh and and I also noticed that they have wording on what constitutes tree removal and I think the threshold is 30% what that means so we were discussing what if somebody cuts section of tree which is a Major Impact right so they have it in percentage I think 30% They have Max there also and in the thing about the covery they want to um stop balloon release people letting Ballo yeah that was part of it okay so that's because the you can balloons eventually lose helium come down and then their plastic Bon yeah yeah so we had a major Wildfire out in Wyoming because of the balloon that hit a transport really it fell back down and hit the dry grass went right up over the came fairly close to our home and it was all because of the the make the power outut I don't recall that but the P fire was the bigger problem yeah okay that's easy easy live leave whatever you need to yeah I okay so that's it so now we're up to the approval the minutes from March 18th thank you for doing them said every yes I'm move with up minutes from the last meeting second second any discussion anywhere no discussion I have a question I'm not going to make it change but um in about the fifth or sixth paragraph downward it says um we will send another memo to Born Locker copies to p and Kramer guli and the shade Commission for bringing the presently proposed amendments up publicly at at Council uh actually there is a change we were going to send it to um uh Jim vasella also because he's the leaon to shade trade um so was two Council the asons the mayor um and and Paul he were going to be copied on it also yeah um and we had a shade tree meeting on Thursday and Steve said that he had not gotten it but you said you sent it out this re Ordinance one yeah no I did not send it out because remember we were waiting for something I think okay yeah and I sent that to you uh Friday did you decide on aing methodology you didn't copy me on that I wasn't I wasn't doing anything with tree methodology I was doing something on the um on the Chain there were three different places in the organs what we needed to change the measurement meas but we also did agree we were going to come up yeah I wasn't doing anything with that okay you you and you insisted last meeting that if we're going to do this we should include a recommendation on a tree counting methodology in this memo um did you want to hold the memo up for that cuz you were pretty clear about that last time I I said that I thought it was a good idea I didn't say I was going to do anything about it I don't know if it's in the minutes here um oh you said you Friday you were the one that said that you had the methodology I said I've talked to a lot of people I don't have a preferred one and you said if we're going to send this memo we should include the preferred tree counting methodology as well and I said that will take some work okay that's fine okay so I me do you want to talk about the me memos from the meal the meal which said that basically this the tree counting methods would be a lot more difficult and not very and less accurate if we went from 4 in Down 2 and a half in yeah he he strongly encouraged us not to touch the 4 in cuz that was developed with a lot of Science by a lot of very good people but the tree counting methodology he went into great detail about the basil area now I'm meeting this Thursday with hopefully Tyra and maybe some other people with the professor of urban forestry and reers to talk about what they recommend for tree counting methodology my my point of bringing this up AR is I don't know if you want to hold up this memo for the tree counting CU these changes are relatively simple M I think we could do those cuz I think we have a major rewrite of the tree ordinance yeah I'm fine with I'm fine with sending it out the way it is you knowed tree County methodology but we'll follow I'll continue to explore that you said it was going to take a while I do think requesting 4 in and 4 in instead of 2 and 1/2 and 2 and 1/2 makes a lot more sense and if you read Emil DeVito's email about the 4 in and why it's 4 in so if we count 4 in and we replace 4 in cons that's a major change for the developer so you're you're talking about if you take down a forest tree you should replace it with a forest tree that the replacement table that's part of the ordinance when it says how many trees you need if you take down a 16-in tree you have to place replace with so many 2 and a half I'm suggesting that be so many 4 in because we count 4 in that the replacement table okay so this is going in a complete different direction as to what we had said before let me finish going in a complete different direction we said before if you want to right now a tree that's 2/2 in cost about $300 if you want to get a 4 in tree I'm going to guess take a wild guess that it's probably going to cost $11,000 for one 4 in tree not to mention how much it's going to take to plant that to move a four tree I I don't have the statistics but a for tree it takes a lot longer to grow and that means it's on that so it's a lot more expensive Crea so which is why I would stick with going from making the ordinance say 2 in trees 2 and 1/2 in trees should be the the that should be a tree should be defined as a 2 and2 in tree I do I agree and that's what we had all agreed on I agree that they should be the same the replacement table and the county but in in reading the email from Neil dito who's one of the best people in the state and why he thinks it should be a 4 in standard not a 2 and 1/2 in standard made a lot of sense to me and that's why I would suggest we consider making requiring them both before cuz right now you count a four and you replace with a 2 and A2 I think that makes no sense it should be consistent count a four you replaced with a four as I recall the we have two sections there about replacement one is the general count of trees based on whatever counting method and so forth and it includes all trees and then there's the specific things for trees of 16 in and above why don't we leave it at 2 and a half in for the general count and specify 4 in trees maybe even fewer of them for the Big Trees a 16 in if you're cutting down 16 in or above I know that's getting more complicated but it's a a compromised solution I don't have the tree ordinance in front of me I didn't bring my computer today but I I do think it's worth looking at this carefully and listening to some people that are good at this yeah so and affect everything's up in the air [Music] again so so we're have you been copying Steve G so that agenda we' had the discussion but this really about the minutes at this point whether we accept the minutes or not you're right so we're going to accept the minutes vot well have a motion you just want to make the changes that um that Paul you were going to be copied on it and um Jim V was going to be copied on the email that to was going to send out but now might not be sent out for another year by now so who [Music] knows it's on our agenda maybe when we get to Old business we can talk cuz I will need to know exactly what I'm supposed to be sending but we can talk about it as we get down there is that okay okay good okay so so we're going to approve the minutes with some future changes just two names added to who's going to be on J and and um all in favor all okay know minutes are adopted public comment motion to open the uh floor to and uh 5 minute comments favor okay anybody from the public here want to make State okay de can we ask question name and address hi can you stand up so we can see you and hear you than Lane I was um trying to follow yall talking about on the train counting is this for Developers yes M yes uh sh and five G so I just wanted to start up by say to all um but I I my concern more regards our school and its commitment to more green environment right so I came here today with my teacher here she's been here before what school are you from uh thas Edison Charter it's a franklinb school we've been estblished for about 15 or so years I think so we were just wondering if there were any projects that you guys would be open to to share with us right as a school because we're we were more trying to focus our school towards a a green Bas school it's in our name we are trying to become a green school so if if you guys have any projects we just wondering other than stream clean up or and things small Street clean up would be perfect or like cleaning just have one schedule you April 13th it's Saturday um 9:30 a.m. uh you know where C is run so it is um I think it's called Somerset PL it is you know where is IHOP E Avenue yeah so if you get to the mall all the way to the end this is where we will assemble 9:30 um drink your reusable water bottle filled with water um and clothing that you are okay to get dirty full shoes not sandals um you can bring your own gloves if you want but we will provide gloves and we'll provide uh trashbags in instructions will be given we will have uh Deputy uh mayoring giving speech uh and uh um April 13th so it's 9:30 a.m. to to no to Noe uh we need registration okay um I'll give you QR code or something let me see you put it on the screen the QR code or let me see if we have the flyer here uh hold on clean up there we go there's the QR code if you want to scan it this way you can get the registration and one registration per person so share uh the yeah bring all your friends and a couple teachers if you want we'd love to have you there the other project um and jig Nasha Miss Mrs and I have talked about this um uh because she's on our Trails committee I introduced her before um we are doing some green infrastructure work at non Williams Park and that would be a great project the students to get involved in so we're going to be doing some rerouting for storm water runoffs some planting of trees planting of plants that are good for rain Garden type plants so um that'll be later in the spring maybe May early June so maybe we can work together on that perfect a couple years ago we gave you a school and award I remember the solar panel yeah solar panel yeah that you r u World tread D before world Pierce so this is just a purely volunteering no credit nothing right uh just for volunteer to right um I'm sopia I live I live on Com Drive I just had a really good question about um the tree uh planning that you guys were speaking about are there and is there anything in place to promote um the planning of native species that would benefit uh you know other native species that live in our community alongside us so for our when we do um site plan development review which is part of our charge as the environmental commission one of the items that we always stay when replanting of trees is that um it should be native species and the shade tree commission which Arie is a member of um they've developed this great list of native trees that they recommend um as the trees that be planted so we include that uh for any development application that comes in that requires tree replacement um in terms of just you know um encouraging that as a practice that's probably something we should put a post out on social media about I just made a note in our next BL I think that's a great idea like because we do do it as part of development but we don't you know encourage it just all the time for no reason so I like I think we should is on our website yeah and sometimes when we have a gr for uh ring Garden uh when the orang G is built we want to make sure that it has netive species in there thank you com hi I'm Jenny um Jenny give us your last name Jenny F I live onk what what number it what goes in a minute oh 10 um I was wondering I guess this is probably more of a shet tree question but if we're doing anything about the calorie pairs in town CU they've been kind of striking the last two weeks the calorie pairs it's like tree all the ones with the white flowers that smell bad the BART yes yeah other we I can't speak as what we're doing in terms of you know just on the streets or anywhere else but one thing I can say is last week we did a prescrib burn at the John cly Memorial native grass preserve and we had a lot of problems with calorie pairs there so that if you go to that preserve you'll see it's been burned and hopefully me andot will get burned in the next like few weeks um but that's only at those sites that's not elsewhere so I can only speak to that I don't know if any have you heard anything or no well we if developers propos using Cal airs decorate parking lots as for instance at the Frankin Square development South midle we tell them not to yeah they have a lot where like Ocean State Job L is that that place you just talked about that's where like Ocean State Job Lot is yeah yeah they have a lot in just there yeah they're in In Bloom right now which is what the developers think of but I know they're very prone to having the branches break it was a high stor instance maybe that's one thing we can make with that post that we're talking about is almost half like a this is a native tree this is not you know don't use this to decorate your your property that kind of thing and just one more thing with that there's um some resources out there about like like native species that are um have like a better impact on the ecosystem like they they have like keystone species um and you can like find like almost like a ranked list of native species to use oh great I would I would be posting anything from ruers on species to use so if you've got something better send it to the fr of email environmental commission's email address okay if it's better than the RoR list that this one it's um developed by a lab in Udell and it's kind of been used like for the Mid-Atlantic region maybe St okay thank you I just wanted to add one more thing as on what Jenny said I know that um that perhaps you could look into some of the programs that they're doing out west for the removal of uh these bear trees because um there has been a lot of movement in other counties as well okay doing so awesome thank you do they just spread like crazy or they also attract another invasive insects or they do spread yeah yeah I don't know if they attract other insects but like they they make a bunch of seeds and that's anything you have on the removal that they're doing how they're doing that would you email that to us yes I feel my Tre of New York state if you have heard of tre trees of Heaven they are invasive species uh and they attract another invasive species [Music] yeah anything motion to close the public session so there's no correspondence Jessica's not here okay and there's no s plan well so here's the so I did get remember how I said um you get email Christine Woodberry is now sending us the TRC agenda so we know what to do so there's two items on there that she sent me today um and one is Hsu Property Holdings the other is Somerset properties now I looked on the website only Hsu is up there but from what I can tell I don't I they didn't send anything in that says what their changes are we sent um we sent a memo on both of these so Hsu we sent something back in May Somerset properties we sent back in I'm sorry Somerset properties be sent back in October now the problem is when I go to the website here right so Hsu is here but they're way down below things that we've reviewed recently and there's no new submission listed here and I can't tell what any of the differences are based on our last memo so our memo is not list didn't we ask to be provided with what the differ we did so it's part of everything that goes forward but in this case is it's an old one I don't know if it's an old one and they didn't receive it or if they didn't submit it I'm not really sure can we not request them to respond back we do we can we can but I don't know if this is just like an error than that um the TRC doesn't have the the memo I don't think anything new has been submitted so I'm going to say that yeah ask Christine to confirm that yeah it would be at the end and it's not that yeah so so but this is everything that's submitted by the applicant yeah and so based on what I looked at it's not a new submission so no 23 but we're around the middle of the year so I will tell Christine that if there has any been any changes made we can't really they must be something so minor cuz I can't really tell from our report with the difference can you why don't you resend the report to Christine yeah I can do that I can do that so for our meeting right today I think we have no sight plan you maybe it's coming to the planning board already pretty far down the list but it said 26 it did it said that that was the TRC agenda March 26 so I would resend it yeah I'll resend it so if it's in green it's matters coming before the board nothing is in green here so okay maybe the TRC has not written up his report yet it might not have yeah so so I think we have no review okay have to go with that I think I'll mention um the planning board is going to hear the Onyx uh proposal it got moved to place 27 it did it got moved to um the boardeducation building former consada building and what's the onx project onx project is 100,000 ft Warehouse uh across from shoppr on Elizabeth Avenue it's the one they the variants they want one of them they a whole bunch of variances but one of them is to be within 21 ft of the Bucky Pipeline and the rake says 100 ft and EV Buck has said it's fine but my opinion is it's too close and that's what I said when I was at the Town council meeting that we all remember Edison and that was 20 years ago the pipeline went up and you know whether it's nice now that doesn't say it's going to be nice tomorrow right so that's a variance that really should be looked at so far presented any anything from buckon oh to say obviously they would have to get approval from py yeah we don't have any indication of approval from paky presumably they're saying because they're replacing an existing building they can be about the same distance of that but another point is that they propos perious pavement for the truck loading area and right over the pipeline and since you usually applicants don't propose pervious pavement where the heavy trucks are going to be I'm surprised that they propose it and even more surprised when it's over the pipeline well and that's in our EC report that we sent on this project back in may we said that um we applaud their use of pervious pavement opposing that but we were concerned about it being over the pipeline so yeah you're right that's interesting I me I I did make a presentation to the county to the council and it was short but I end with it's dangerous yeah and then bed this one we also had said that um there was a few trees in particular that we said they should retain and it was they were proposing to remove two 9-in Red Oaks one 9in red maple Maple one 16in pin pin oak um so we had said that we hope they retain those I don't know what they've done about that Mark says they they have not responded with changes to any of the reports submitted oh maybe they think they're going to handle it with testimony I don't know well they're going to have about 200 people because they came here to there wasn't enough room which is why they postponed it to move to consol like like they read they they learned from Canal Walk and now some R is doing it so I yeah it is use it yeah all right okay so that completes our review I think we discussed it even though it's not on the you know it's there it's on yeah absolutely so new business updates on recycling questions uh so at the last meeting uh you all had asked me to get some information about recycling questions that we had so I did speak to Bob warn Locker about it and he said um in terms of how is recy handles here in this building recycling is separated by staff and then the cleaning company Municipal complex buildings have recycling that go to the dumpster behind Police Headquarters and for all our buildings it goes to our Convenience Center um so it is separated and properly recycled anything from the building the grant that we you all had questions about so we actually have to use that um to pay the county to do the recycling program so last year the bill from Somerset County to Franklin was7 $43,000 for municipal recycling yeah but the county pays for all the residents recy um that's part of the tax I believe that's part of our County tax or whatever yeah so so that's the anwers to the recycling questions that you last time is the 300,000 replacement no it's used to offset that yeah it offsets it by the 300 and whatever all the municipal facilities do recycle not just this building yes all the municip Municipal facilities recycle and the cleaning staff has been made aware to properly recycle and it's divided between this um recycling dumpster and our Convenience Center okay point of water did we close out the public comment yes yes oh yeah made the motion and I seconded it to close it okay CL it okay we close got it by I written it down in minutes it's written down in the minutes we must have done it okay so just to update you on uh on those questions right um next one is recommendation for amendments to the municipal signing ordinance was that for sizes new business we new business we're new business that's okay so I spoke with Bob War Locker that when I say Municipal signage ordinance we're referring to our original iteration of the anti-idling ordinance uh was then decided that we would be dealing with the anti-idling issues through our Municipal sign ordinance because it's the placing of signs for anti-idling so Bob came up went through and I guess looked through um some of of what we sent and he gave some comments these notes I'm just going to scroll through because they're basically mine and just kind of to rewind myself some things he asked that he thought should be removed because they're redundant in some places which makes sense um this this for example it says skilled nursing facilities I forget what it says before I have to look it up I think it might have said retirement communities or nursing homes and he said the proper terminology is skilled nursing facilities so that should be changed um this one here where it says anti-idling signs should be installed by the time the construction project is complete verification will be performed by an inspector he said that's unnecessary for the ordinance it's be it's done as part of the co inspection and that engineering takes care of that already so to put it in the or ordinance is you really sure that they will inspect yeah I was just so that is his comment to that is that it should that should go through their Superior and tell you know it's like a a this is part of your job and this is what you have to be inspecting for um that should be part of the ordinance but if it's if it's part of the if it's not part of the ordinance the supervisor what is he looking at to to say that required to be there well it's it would be part of their their job so basically if it's part of the like anyone that has a job here it's like their tasks aren't written down in the ordinance it's under this is your job this is what is required of your position or whatever so is that written into their job description then looking for anti link that would be discussed with their supervisor and said they ALS you know they have to inspect for this so I don't know if that means they amend I don't know if they have a list that they have to go through and they inspect or whatever but that would be my follow question is it on some kind of a list that they have to I would assume that an inspector uses a list I'm almost I mean I can't say because I've never worked in that department but I would assume that any inspector has a list to follow don't you think or I don't see any problem with having redundency there of having it in the ordinance because it's just backup because just because it's some on somebody's checklist right but the problem is with having an ordinance and this is true if there's something in the ordinance that says the inspector has to check for this say that job gets moved to someone who's not an inspector or we end up Contracting it out or something then technically we actually have to change the ordinance because it's written in the ordinance this is should be part of someone's job that they're you know they you know they get a memo from their boss basically saying you have to inspect for this now because same thing like Let me Give an example like electric vehicle charging stations right so inspectors now are all supposed to check for electric vehicle charging stations making sure they're in but we didn't change the electric vehicle ordinance to say okay inspectors have to check for this because it's part of a new part job Mr born Locker can make us feel comfortable that this new kind of awareness is really part of their job that because we're the environmental commission we just like some kind of assurance cuz I know those guys already have a list that will choke a horse and do they really want to add one more thing yeah can he somehow make us feel comfortable that they really are looking out for this like a copy of a memo to DPW where I can uh I can definitely ask for sure yeah I'm still not sure why having it in the ordinance the signs have to be at a specific type of facility because what we did the lists that we provided were specific types of facilities and in some cases where at each facility whether at a loading dock or at the door of a warehouse or at this we're on the perimeter of a of a site um I think what what she's saying is just would say anti-idling signs shall be installed by the time the construction project is completed period that just says this shall happen MH and then of course it'll be part part of the final Co to make sure that it's there handicap space it's not going to say right must be inspected by this person it's staying in ordinance that they must be there by the time the yes that part will stay in yep the verification will be removed y so that's one example now to to what extent will we be asking for installation of signs at existing for I think app to new ones right this applies to new moving forward this orance applies to new construction It app it applies to you go to the new new facilities moving forward it applies to all existing Municipal and Board of Education of facilities moving forward I think the worrying that we had at one point maybe was slimmed down and taken out was that existing facilities we suggest that they put them up yeah and then we gave them a reason why and the whole idea of this not only is enforcement and compliance but education the education of people as to what idling is bad more than 3 minutes is bad it's bad for the you know for the air for everybody um so there was something in there as it's we gave a reason why existing facilities if they put them up let's say they don't put them up right and there's a violation found on there let's say it's a 7eleven waa and there's a violation found on their property and they didn't put it up the person that was found in violation person that owns that vehicle was driving that vehicle can be cited so can the owner of the Wawa they can both be cited for the violation the Wawa owner or 7-Eleven owner because they allowed it to occur on their property what happens is if they put up the sign and somebody is found idling on their property they're exempt the the the owner is exempt from from it so we're trying to give them incentive and that's why we had that in there I don't know if that's still in a to warn is what it is you have a duty to warn the driver and that take two out of the out of the uh the roof you know they don't have a they don't have a duty to but it's beneficial to them to do it I noticed that Daniel put in to um one of the proposed Bills new anti-idling and he's lowering the limit from 3 minutes to minutes who's that Danielson Joe Danielson yes I think I C you if you did would be to send this to us so we can read it for the next meeting um well there's only a few little things to go through so I figured I'd just go through I know it looks like a lot a lot of these are just like brain uh reminders for me but it's sometimes easier to just look at it instead of listening to you say it okay I'll send it I mean it's taking a year or whatever to get to this point so another two weeks isn't going to be the end of the world okay I'm going to send it to you as I have it I'm not going to make a changes though whole bunch of time so what is in there you're going to you might not follow 100% because I just like highlighted here wrote here but I'll send it and then we can talk at the next meeting for us yeah yeah and it's just going to be a separate sort of paragraph or section of the land use ordinance is that what it's going it'll be part amendments to sign ordinance yeah under the Land Development ordinance they sign it is under that yeah yeah y okay okay um item c letter to multi-unit dwelling management company uh yes so Ted had um sent around well he sent to Bob and I um that there is grants available for multi-unit dwellings uh for electric vehicle Chargers especially in areas that are overburdened communities um so there are Awards between $4,000 and $6,000 that are available so Ted had mentioned to Bob you know do we have a list of communities that we can um maybe promote this program to so um Bob Mariana from DPW and I got on the phone and basically we found out which is great is that DPW does have a list for most of these multi-unit properties because of snow plowing yes which I didn't realize so this is something I learned which is that the town is still responsible for plowing even um you know place we still have to plow as if it was a municipal street because it's multi-unit so they get on Mariana keeps a list and every year she ask them for their snow plowing expenses and I guess the town reimburses them for a portion of it we get reimbursed canel walk right perfect so that's how she has the list of the multi-unit dwellings so when we found that out Bob asked me if I can put together like a letter or something that we can send out to these groups and have them you know if they're interested apply for them and I think there's two kinds of Grants right isn't there Make Ready money from the BPU and the actual charger from TC I think there's level so we want to make sure we tell them all of that this this is actually the second round of these and there were a couple of communities in the township that did take advantage of this and I don't remember who and they were it was the same developer for three different communities that's great yes but do you remember who it was I don't know I remember it was a matter of public record I think even Stan found it and sent it around to us but we noticed that all three of those names were related to the okay we're looking at easy charges also canel I was I I have a friend who's on the board at the Franklin par Cadian and societ what's it called Society Hill and I was trying to encourage her take a look at this CU I think your community could use it without some real incentive you know they don't even have the time to go digging I think we have to put it in front of them yeah is is this only for underserved communities or is there a dis levels different levels so if you're if you're an overburdened you can get 6,000 and then I think if you're not overburdened you can get up to 4,000 so you we we we could could get something we're weing at some because we have multi-level apartment hous and you can't put it in the garage it doesn't it doesn't work so it's going to be outside be one one or two in the big parking lot and one or two up at the smaller parking lot but the good news is that the funds that are available for this they just keep taking applications until the funds run out so yeah and Ed just said he would sign the letter so I'll I'll s it see I think that would be great coming from you would be better so I'll I'll send it to you as soon as I'm done and then yeah look make make sure you look up the Make Ready sides okay so that's that thank you Ted that was a really good idea good um D is co-sponsoring and participating in the New Jersey climate action Gathering April 13th at rord yes now I had said I would be happy to represent us there that's also the same day and Ja is doing yeah they in somville where they're encouraging and the stream stream clean Saturday first you know I don't care about summer I I guess the street pamp is on the day before no no and I will be out of Town's won't do any of them yeah I'm I'm going to be in Phoenix so I can just write back to Linda then and say like we think it's a great idea but we actually just don't really have anyone available this time but maybe next year we can help out more that event is actually from 10: a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or something thereabouts so technically after the stream cleaning up we can go there we're Co sponsoring New Jersey LCB oh okay so you going to be there I'll be cleaning up the stream but someone will be there yeah but there's like a lunch there a whole schedule it's all yeah I think I'm going to try to I'm going to pass on the streen clean enough cuz I've done that the last couple I think I'm going to try going to day in the morning and I'll go to the r day in the afternoon cuz I'll already be clean I don't have to go home get clean um and try to be present at both of those so do you want me to tell Linda I'll be there in the afternoon yep so did the environmental commission co-sponsor it or yeah so they no they asked us to to co-sponsor it and IU had asked everyone asked me to get some more info before we did so um and it was like what's the schedule like and so this is a response from Linda which is that it's 10:00 to 500 it's at the labor Ed Center in New Brunswick um the morning will be music and movement a panel presentation lunch in the afternoon is workshops um what else can I tell you uh so the workshops probably be the more interesting for yeah now we can sponsor we can co-sponsor if if we'd like there's no Char there's no fee that they're asking for she says to um to co-sponsor it if we could send our logo and say that we support it um you know I'm happy to do that I'm comfortable with us okay I will be there in the so I we will probably need a motion at least if for me to say that we're going to co-sponsor it any discussion all in favor hi hi unanimous okay and Robin you're going to be there in the afternoon look like that's when the workshops are the morning is like a talk then lunch and workshops yeah and networks yeah I think that'll be the valuable okay so I will respond back to her and I'll send our logo [Music] over okay sub committee Maria is not here who else is on the the education committee no I'm not I am but we don't have really update no update uh I think last time Maria was asking what she should say and we advised her and right um I think um this is where we are yeah Maria just said that she couldn't be here tonight but if you she said for you stand to sit if she has any respons responsibilities for the stream clean up or anything to send that to her and Robin already talked to you about the getting materials for the green fair so um maybe speaking of Education the film that we want to do is it considered education yeah sure I guess would be I got I got the CD here's Common Ground the part two of the film we showed last month and um I think we're best off using the board of bed facilities to do this rather than trying to do it at a restaurant outside we don't know what the weather's going to do we'd like to do this in in July and invite people to come to a film screening uh I confirmed they do not have DVD player but they have U HDMI connector so if you bring a device that can read dvdx I don't have one do you I do have a ancient computer that I have a laser display you do I I have an old what are you looking for I'm sorry I missed it something we can play this DVD on so and it has HDMI output that has an HD your device don't have drive your device does it have HDMI output I don't have that I just said it's one of the devices I was listing them um I might have a DVD player look now I stream so I don't know depending on when in July it is I travel typically in second half we haven't picked a date yet okay I'm just saying the school doesn't have a DVD player there's just not one in affili probably building they said just bring your the much smarter I'll look um what about the communications committee I'm going to send out an email blast um sometime in the next two weeks and so far I have um the u p presentation we're going to promote we want to have stream clean up one more I have the stream clean up I'm not done my list these are the four things that will go in um the um English and Spanish piece on sustainable weddings we talked about that um save the mode right and um then I'm going to do a link to the native species what two plant what have that's what I have so far that the energy committee is really um working on now the street lights that's that's a nice project and hopefully with them knowing we're involved maybe we'll get one of the first choices in the county let's see what happens very slow well now I say I had this IR talk with yeah you you missed the first part I had an hour talk with ruers and they were at the charge of oh the reason I got the call is Sarah Malone recommended me to this woman at ruers and and she and that's how how work it was nice of her to do that we gave her the award but she kept him she relayed that we were interested in it and uh so they're they're exploring the options I don't know what the deadline is for them to get their report to the BPU but it's not far off but it the the guy from Oregon said he's going to call me again yet does our municipality I just don't know the answer to this do we own any of the street lights or we own the ones the parking lot but not on the Common Street not on the street okay I was just wondering and the ones inside are parks yes yeah that's ours we pay for yeah that I know we pay for those yeah I mean in Canal Walk we get reimbursed again from the electric bill that's the other thing besides the SN that would you know um at uh some time ago I remember energy aggregation that it was supposed to be uh uh REM kind of open the conversation in after April or so yeah that's about right yeah um yeah the BPU just did its most recent rate increase um they run on a threeyear rolling average and so with inflation and the war in Ukraine the first year we didn't see rates really change very much second year now into the third year I think we can finally be competitive and so the energy aggregation consultant is supposed to with Gable associate supposed to sort of circle the wagons back and give us either a thumbs up we think it's a good time to go out cuz we want to get we're clean energy at a lower price that's the ordinance um that we think we can do that and then we would we would go out with an RFB and get bids in and hopefully so we're Wai here from G one correct yeah do we have any date on that I I'll check back I actually going to ask before came here but I got distracted okay yeah you have to put things into perspective our inflation rate is now 3 something per in Turkey the inflation rate is now 70% and that's why he lost a lot of the Municipal elections this week I I think we may have a shot at it because the rate I'm paying clean choice now which is my third party provider is less than the standard PSA in that makes sense it's finally competitive yeah that there's enough capacity out there now that I think we we might have something for the commity around the corner that's what I was told I believe no I believe it this time okay Le answer well that's the street light thing my first letter to the the BPU was in 2019 we now 5 years in and maybe maybe this year we'll actually get something done yeah thank you persistence yeah I used my letter from 2019 and then V Locker said can you take this letter and make it from the township and I just changed a few words and I said you want to edit it he no he sent it off just the way I put it great great so and and they knew about the letter these people that called today so at least somebody look at us progress keep it up I think that that's the committee reports so we have any hot topics or whatever I don't know maybe I I just uh sent email to Bob Bon Locker um about the possible electric uh medium Beauty trucks because oh yeah I saw that I copied you I'm I think uh ad was also cop um because there are more options now so um and Bob responded and eventually sent me a link that so the deal with the uh with trucks are that uh they want to use them for various purposes and one of them is blowing snow right right so when you have truck for the entire year you can predict how many miles you need and it's not too many when you need to plow snow that truck needs to be in service for several hours in a r it's cold out there you know what the batteries do in cold um the rolling resistance is poorer now you have to push the snow you have more resistance so now they say okay because of this single uh case of not being used so they don't want to think ofing trucks yeah do all of our trucks are they all used for PLS now that's that's how I understood it I mean correct WR most truck they equip with a sow PL when it's needed we did order some F-150 lightnings but they couldn't get them cuz they were making them so slow and seems like Ford only is making the high-end ones which aren't really for municipalities they got like surround sound the Dance Floor little disco ball and they're like $90,000 and the ones we want are supposed to be less but they're not rolling off the lights so they slowed production cuz they weren't selling the disco ball ones but there is a demand for the regular Workhorse kinds I don't know the Market's trying to figure it out I think well remember that uh now uh car makers are bearing the brunt of uneven commodity prices so when you buy gas car now it's up to you when gas is high or low that you have to buy the Brun but with electric if at point of manufacturing the supply is tight they have to purchase lithium cobal and all of that and higher price but they want to keep the price of the truck of the vehicle stable you know and it was for among those who was complaining they were losing on making electric vehicles because you know at that time they negotiated Supply and um the prices collapsed last year um led by Tesla of course so um that's why they are preferably making the high uh premium models because that's where they can actually make money so it's all about money I want to mention St what mentioned that you running this car show in Canal Walk U when Earth we right so so speaking of that uh there is a drive electric Earth month for the entire month of uh April Electric Vehicle Association New Jersey chapter has uh 10 events um one of them is in um Franklin it's in Canal wall right on April 19th the 19th right uh there will be no test drives that's a Tuesday it's Friday the 19th 19th is Friday 13th yeah I'm coming back when I was only oh I know where I am on the 19th my grandson's being B mitf in washingon on on the 20th we're driving down Friday so and also part of thank you for for showing the uh oh the fer flyer that's I brought it up we will have presentation in this building uh and it will be on Monday April 29th electric vehicles the good and the Ugly I wanted to have a negative word in the title because I want to attract uh diverse diverse audiences I want to share it with uh the red party uh and uh yes I I mentioned I uh in in the minutes for the last meeting T you mentioned that uh there some motion needed or approval that we do it or can we just to do what the show yeah we need a motion right but it's sponsored by the electric vehicles well yes but we're also sponsoring it too yes uh environmental commission is a host oh over the host oh the one for here on the 19 I we the 29th right yes yes I thought we approved that last meeting I I also saw it was just in the minute it was verbalized you did posted on our website and everything already and I reserve the room okay good so it went through better amend the manag okay one item sure it looks like uh Garwood and another town Red Bank have approved ordinances saying that uh for takeout order they want the vendors to hold the condiments under the one use utensils that's where I talked in that was some the other town are doing yes it's called stop the stuff that's the name of it and and there's actually andj is working on a Statewide ah effort to do that at the state level but I they were saying how much they appreciate each individual Town doing it because once a certain amount of towns do it it makes it so much easier for the state to do it yeah it's more or less what happened with thetic plastic band exactly they said the 150 tals got behind it which you know we're already doing it this is the letter i hadent to but I think that's what they're calling it Walter stop the stuff stop the stuff yeah they do they just automatically just all that yeah you you wanted that you wanted it reminds me of a porn but who stole my stuff something else all they have to do is when you place the order they ask and did you want CCH with do you need do you need the straws they're still including those and they're not supposed to this is the most violated law in New Jersey enforcement is a big big problem anti that's it's almost publicly known that no [Music] enforcement well I've no you know everywhere I've gone let's say like McDonald's with the straws they've been in compliance well some others have not restaurants I find not food but the restant the smaller the more comp does the do have a dispenser that you can just go to and get a St no more no I'm sanitary oh but if you look you don't see them in the trees the rivers the Cutters the bags the bags yeah the straws are straws y okay so we're into Old business wow a is a memo to the township manager about the amendment to Tri we discussed that before can can I ask that we wait two more weeks I know AR is frustrated and I can appreciate the frustration but I really like to look carefully at the 2 and 1/2 4 in about it being equal and I will do my research and I'll bring the details okay can can I ask you a question about that um are they talking about replacing a putting in a 4 in tree instead of putting in three or four 2 and 1/2 in trees or something like that yes that if we're counting a 4 you repl you got to replace a bigger tree those are the ones you counted that's the size continue to the yeah one way another I would have a hard time getting behind that cuz I would rather replace a tree with four trees then replace it with one big tree well I think the incentive is to not take it out period so you don't have to replace with a for but I'm I'm I'm attending this well I'm speaking directly with Allison I don't know what his name from the school she's professor of urban forestry records and see what they recommend about counting what should be counted what should be replaced and I'd like to incorporate that with our thinking if you indulge me meeting cycle sure you're going to be running the next meeting so I'll be I so I'm not going to send this memo hold it so the comments you sent me I'm going to save them right now um and we'll incorporate I guess so at the not going to make any changes until the next meeting then we'll discuss and then I'll make the changes and we'll send that makes sense okay all right including V and yeah g uh G oh Steve G okay thank you now B is presentation on electric vehicles from Eva April 29th we just talked about that can be there I'm going to try to go yeah April 29th I'll be back yeah you'll be there yes I'll be and that'll be here yeah any other members of the eeve that can be there since we're we're sponsoring it to be a good show I'll put that on the calendar when I get home tonight uh we will um so we will not have show but um uh the disclosure is that at least three people arrive on electric vehicles and if somebody is like hey wow I you know I would like to see it I can you give me a ride you know we all be kind of open for that and I can do yeah um that's aome last one you did the the wing doors opened up and played music no that Tesla Model X and you see what happens when when you do not have the newest model somehow these people tend to disappear from the show they want to only show very new we we can show them a 2024 Audi for each a no disco no my youngest daughter is driving a 12 Year a 5-year-old Jaguar electric these are unique ones I wish we had more of those in uh in shows oh the old ones well no electric J yeah that's what that's what she is someone in Canal Walk no my daughter in White in Maryland ah okay yeah Maryland is very good with electric oh by the way I don't know whether it's part of our you know new but uh the state has implemented wonderful $250 annual fee for all electric vehicles in view of Road tax and for new electric vehicle sales after July 1st you have to pay four year worth uh Road Fe up front how does that get modest people to buy a need as long as the patch in transportation fund is yeah fill quickly that's what apparently is more important so the state has a if you happen to Total your you will not get any money years you won't get any money back even if you have a lease for 2 years and it's written in the contract for 2 years you still have to pay four 4 years worth of uh low tax and 250 is not even calculated properly Isa it's Benchmark against yeah he signed it ttf is that to compensate for not getting the tax on the gas money it's more than the gas I thought it was sure significantly more yeah yeah see is a yeah depends on what assumptions you you what numbers you use for m average miles driven and average miles per gallon yeah when I did a calculation on mine it's roughly 100 would be roughly $100 a year in gas tax and they're charging significantly more than that for the registration I mean hybrid vehicles pay little because they have a 50 MPG right nobody's accounting for that I'm I'm getting about 40 m to right on the hybrid so you don't regular registration and the discount using less gas or plug in yeah I I've been wondering how and I think that right bu and hybrids they don't pay right yeah good H well I do at least 95% of my driving right don't tell that okay come for you oh the New York um Auto Show they were saying there's a significant move of for conversion of old vehicles to EVS uh only only crazy enthusiastic people do it it's not worth it today well it's not worth for about 15 years yeah yeah anyway uh the next one save the all what next save the m save the until after day till after our day yes we're getting there everybody out there hear that save the mo been published in the Franklin times it's on our website um did we come up with any real estate signs um I mean the timing it's just like not it's too quick to happen now but for next year we'll make sure we get it and next year also we're going to have money in our EC budget for things like that is our is our budget requested it should it's it made it through the you know budget hearings so as long as it's in there we're good to go so how much did we ask for uh amount money let me look I I want to tell you the right thing includes the fee at the engine right that always we always get that yeah that's 37 but also to go to a show with that kind of stuff uh we requested yeah 2 1950 yeah we requested 750 50 for educational opportunities and another 650 for signage and annual dues plaques so 650 750 let me see if I put it ni so we don't have anything like uh shirts or hats or that can all be under signage and like that kind of line I think we can use complete streets or clean what are we called clean communities money for some of that stuff we can we can use clean community's money for t-shirts giveaways water bottles things like that which is in addition to the budget or that's in addition to the budget as long as we're using it for the correct you know like for a stream cleanup if you I think what that's like 130,000 or something comes we've used tiny bits that's how we did our our our reusable bags with the T logo we use that money for adopted drain also for adopted drain we use that money okay got to check my dra log it oh yeah yeah that would be good non Williams Park non William Park I still working on getting the supply so I'm trying to work with DPW to get the supplies which is basically Stone um trees things like that I have to talk to shade tree commission about getting trees but before I do that I have to get like the I I need help kind of figuring out how much gravel and stone and things I need so I'm trying to figure that out but one more thing regarding save demo uh shall we send a liar to the Franklin Advocate reporter or then we already did we did yep I did that back in February okay shall we tap into maybe shall we re res send it again I can do that right we can do that thinking of speaking of parks is the rumor true that the D has approved CPA and that we can start moving on that um I have not heard that Direct been told to me so I don't know I can't what we saw what I saw in the Franklin report article was that there's an item in the budget for catala Park although apparently a lot of money had already been set aside for developing Catalpa Park and this finished it off you yes there was money in the budget approve you know set aside for Park yeah we've been waiting for I don't know how many years now the D approval they keep thinking of something else to hold it up I know I know okay Community energy plan you mentioned that the community energy plan so yeah so that's the grant the grant yes so I am almost over the weekend I worked on a ton of the initiatives and our interns have been working hard on the initiatives so they're almost done um I'm hoping to have a draft the final draft Community energy plan for our next meeting because it's very close to being done so I've been like putting my brain only to that for the last few days so also I have to give credit where credit is due our intern our other intern Michael he's an excellent writer an absolutely excellent writer so I've been kind of like help having him help me a lot on it he really writes well yeah and he really likes it where was the girl that's been coming to this she's with us too we have two interns but Michael tends to focus more like he was at the burn with me he focuses more on doing more of the trails and open space work but so it's moving along the other thing is is that tomorrow we are having our kickoff meeting with nv5 for the micro Mobility study that's the one at 10:00 in the morning yes that's a virtual it's virtual virtual virtual meeting tomorrow and that's to get our micro so our funding from the community energy plan is going to be used for that project um and so we're having the kickoff meeting with them tomorrow and our person at nv5 his name is Kevin he's going to explain what their thoughts are basically and how they move forward and what the schedule is and kind of go through the whole thing did you send his zo thing out ready I said it's Microsoft team J you told me you can be there yeah I can yeah you can be there yeah so I sent I didn't realize it was virtual it's virtual y so it's virtual um makes it easier yeah cuz I got I got to be at the airport at 1:00 okay yeah work so our Township planner Mark hey will be there um uh Christopher from our Trails committee will be there because he kind of has worked in this for a long time and brought it up so yeah so moving moving forward and we can't Prov so tomorrow official kickoff how long do you expect that mic to be hour and a half I said I put an hour and a half but I think only an hour I always put it a little extra just to what is the name give it to you um mic micro Mobility it might be called kickoff meeting so yeah 10 o00 so yeah so that's just the initial kickoff so some of the staff is going uh few people from environmental few people from trails and then after that as we get more um more documenting and mapping and Analysis before us I can share it with the whole committee and with Trails as well cuz they're kind of working with us on this what where do you hit it here this do it no no you're oh yeah you'll just click um that link yeah this this yep you just click that you should be good to go it do look like a regular Zoom uh yeah it's on Microsoft how does our how has our local Health assessment affected Township policy cuz I'm thinking the energy plan the whole idea is to also affect tens yes so they really are linked hand inand so the local Health assessment when I was presenting that to Trails that's when one of our members Christopher Gonda said you know you really should think about doing micro Mobility since this is a problem and then he actually presented about micro Mobility to our Trails committee he's at Ruckers yeah and uh so then we were like oh that's a great idea that kind of prompted me to talk to BPU which is now why we have the money so it's not really that's one example of policy yeah I'm think yeah I'm thinking that but broader on the the health assessment there was a lot of dat a lot and is any of that being kicked around by our Council people in terms of what we can do to serve the town better so I I can't speak to that Ed probably can better but what I what I would say is I presented at the Board of Health now I presented at trails open space um a advisory and what a lot of those committees is doing is really looking at their upcoming projects based on information from the health assessment so they really are taking it they are yeah presented at the board of health and uh councilman uh karazi had asked that I come there and they started going through and picking out projects to work on so so do you think we can get the same kind of Interest with the energy plan especially from DPW I would think so yeah I mean I we can I'll definitely be presenting it for sure so I think we can yeah I think we going to need a few Champions to help make some of this happen well one of the good things that works out well is the thing I was working on right before this meeting is there's an initiative in the community energy plan about Street lighting and so I just asked Paul if I have a copy of this letter so that might be something that we can help repel forward um but like one thing the community energy plan has already helped even though it's not done yet is this migro Mobility CU it's paying for it so so yeah so it's I think it's moving but you know we're getting there that was the big outstanding item from the health assessment the mobility piece it was AE a lot of other things had action items already being taken on them that's I remember it was and so that's a big step say sure absolutely that's a big step so but I have offered to present the health assessment to any any committee that would like us to be there so I think the health The Advisory Board of Health is going to use it I think they're really going to use it it did show some striking disparities in life expectancy from work to work that were significant oh and I almost forgot too now that we're saying about that so I saffy and I are going to present at the New Jersey Redevelopment planning and Redevelopment uh conference about the local Health assessment in New Brunswick yeah we got picked to be one of the like you know pre-recorded sessions or whatever because there's only one day that's in person two days virtual but yeah we'll be there so and about Franklin all about Franklin so it'll be really I think it's be good for us you know oh good yeah it'll be nice yeah so hopefully other people will be like oh this is so amazing I want to do it too so Rails to Trails yes did you have a chance to talk to chance no I it is on my list but it's just like it's just down keep asking I will I I have it on my uh on my to you saw that I got information from the mayor of sanwood who was our Somers County Administrator because they just passed a resolution but they're dealing with the Central Railroad not con rail yeah yeah I definitely have it on that list and uh and yes I I hope to move forward on it super soon so as soon as this community energy plan is gone then I can like have a little more breathing room so yeah yeah I will and if any of us have any connections to anybody having to do with Rails to Trails and dealing with Conrail as the owner of the rail the property we could use that help um because to connect that to Jersey Avenue ridewise is getting involved amazing but but it's hard from uh from the Viewpoint of Transportation sustainable Transportation the best way to to use the old rail is to make it new rail with electric but it's not passenger rail this is not passenger that's okay it's okay because if you if you can take some trucks Offroad it's it's better I know it's a dream I'm just saying you know well I think this particular stretch where it is you're not going to be putting major trains through we just use the canal again with horses there you go barges but I do understand well thank you Tara for keeping that oh no problem yeah it's it's definitely coming up I have a log of ridewise may be getting involved also in rails to Trail because Sarah sent me an email Sarah Catherine ly l l CH and she asked what are we working on what would' like some priority and I put down Rails to Trails thank you and she wrote back and said um thank you I think this is a great idea uh a great topic and I I agree I think it's something um something that that includes the the topic anyway probably continue with it with with the walk by plan so they're they're interested also and they could they could help from an advocacy standpoint because I wrote back and said so far it seems like the railroad that's what I found that's one of the things that blocks it the Conrail is not very Cooperative now and that's what the county said when we we met with them they said I'll go to my my newy trans connection and ask him if he can help me with a con yeah okay is there any legal way how to pressure conr to act I don't think so because they still own the they own the property even more difficult than pressuring the Department of Transportation right but but they if they do not uh maintain the property is there any well they maintain it enough to not have any problems and they basically say we're keeping it for future use so it's like they're saying you know even though we're not using it right now we're keeping it in case we ever make that connection and they'll maintain it you know they'll mow ad just you know they'll do what they have to do I would love it if they put it back into use it's just that if it's idling it doesn't help any make deliveries to L'Oreal yeah well I mean it does the part that has been kept up that still has rails and so forth is what goes to that industrial district in and goes over to Jersey Avenue in in um in Maine Leon Maine when I worked up there on on a plant we had abandoned Rail lines and they use that they did convert it to snowmobiles to get to work people come down to snows in the winter time the only other old business I have I'm wondering about is putting together a committee to work on a sustainability element master plan that Mar was going to put together a few people from planning a few people from we going to have a meeting and nothing's happen yet so yeah so right now we can definitely still try and push for it so right now before the committee was we had the local Health assessment that's done the pathways and trails plan has to go over the planning board and follow right behind it because it's Grant related is the community energy plan so once those are because all these plans have to be seen by the planning board reviewed by them approved by them so he right now is reviewing the pathways and trails plan okay so I think he's in the same spot as soon as like that kind of gets out then we can open up for because the open space plan also is going to be updated you'll see as part so he's working on kind of getting it because there's you know two hearings required noticing the planning board members have to see it and give their comment and then I know this climate Hazard element that we have to include significant the resiliency portion yeah we do and there's a lot of data this an thing I just was listening to there's a lot of data and they listed several of the sources we can get this various data from and all these layers of data that we can use for that right and our and our energy plan is going to help also with that the health assessment will help with that yeah but there is also a whole Bank of data so yeah there's a deadline for when we have to review the master6 26 yeah that's getting closer yes that you you take a breath and boom a year go by oh yeah yep so um what I'm going to do now is ask for a motion to open the this public session again so moved anybody here would like to make any more comments I do have a comment you always give me fod for anyway um about the save the mo until Earth g day I mean I really like that and I mentioned the last time that cuz I live in a condominium community and my board is not that knowledgeable and uh they just do whatever the landscaper says so it's like you know I'm thinking we should reach out to landscapers cuz they do residential commercial and IND industrial we can you know and I I I want to introduce maybe you've already you know this but I did this with my tough German mother I poed this thing plant the seed so you go in you bring a new idea you plant the seed you're back away you don't push it then you go back later you fertilize it water it and after a while it's familiar it's not something threatening so I'm I'm hoping we're planting a seed with you know save the mo that we don't give up after one year or two but let's go after the landscapers because I know my board and I don't know if all of you when you're out there amongst regular Americans most people don't ask any questions they're not critical thinkers whatever somebody tells them they think is the truth and it's they don't ever question ell Here's a thought for a a a pln community you pay the landscaper by the contract right start the contract later well yeah I mean have to run out this but the thing is we got to one I think talking to the landscaper but then then we got to educate my board and that's scary yeah so the landscaper is the evil you I don't you know what py for two weeks less right that's the problem so they will give the board reasons why they need to start M it always comes down to money but maybe we can offset that with something else I mean sometimes you got to get creative maybe the landscaper can help promote pollinators you know with what they plant or how they handle things so they they take that first month that might be revenue for mowing and turn it into pollinator encouragement or at the latter end of the the contract you know fall getting ready for winter I I don't know right yeah everything is driven by money yeah so so you can agree to pay them the same but ask them either to do pollinator program or use it as a down payment for electric equipment to phase out the gas power you know yeah let's get creative you know you have a lot of times I found you have to bring when you bring people a problem you need to bring them maybe a solution or two yeah yeah I learned that in the safety office at Rod you can't just go in and hit them over the head with a rig you got to offer them you know possibilities how to do any thank you thank you yes yeah Debbie Stewart to farington just to follow up to that now the Earth Day is really just a date you came up with no because of because May was too too far long far long for our part of the country right right so I'm just thinking about our community because I have put it out to the board I talked to Frank also and to and Frank said one guy on our board it's not going to make any difference in a community like ours and no no it's not that's what he said to me oh it doesn't matter here so I want something to come back to him and say yes it does matter even though but I don't know what is maybe because he's thinking well it's natural areas we're not a natural area anymore because we've uh pesticide it and done whatever for years now right so he feels it's irrelevant what we do so I'm just looking for some ammunition to come back to him to say yes it does matter to us and then I'm just thinking you know they haven't mowed yet to my knowledge they've blown like the Dickens almost blew the roofs off the houses with the gas stu um you know so maybe they can inch it down to the 22nd but again that's just a a date you came up with to not make it may so maybe if there's they you don't M for two weeks birthday is April 22nd right right then but I'm just trying to think you know they can push it off and then then next year they say well Earth day was okay because we got up to one week from I'm just trying to inch them into it like you said but what do I say to this guy when he says that that doesn't matter I give you my two cents everyone else can give you different but every time somebody tells me in general that their action is not impactful and that includes also not buying electric not doing solar on the roof and whatnot I always say well when you go for to vote in your elections how much do you think your one vote makes impact right so it's the same thing you know if you think that it's worth for you to vote then it's also worth for you to do your part elsewhere right elections under attack right now you know well one comeback maybe can we lighten up on the pesticides we've I know we're pushing let start to change theology I mean it it's a lot of territory if you think about it all the grounds around you we have a huge area yeah and we we have some areas that are Wildlife trees and untouched but there are other areas where you know it's a and I think they agree with it in theory but there's the push back from the people that don't understand it and want the pristine yards and I you know so it's changing that mentality from the the English Countryside or little garden whatever and Deb these guys have heard this enough many times from me but last year when we were in Scotland in May and I saw how they let areas grow go but they just mowed along the edge one or two Wits of the mower so it was the road the sidewalk one or two wits that were mowed and then the rest was all natural and it you could tell it was intentional it was attended to it was neat it wasn't look it didn't look like neglect and it it made a difference in the impression and as a result there were wild flowers growing in this area but I think there's a way to Edge so people say yeah we care about how it looks interesting thank you um do you do you know about the NJ Greenways this is this might be a little sneaky but there's a whole program in New Jersey that's trying to connect forests and there's like this whole effect of the fragmentation of our forests reduces biodiversity so they're trying to make Greenways that connect different forests and it goes through private property if you are near one then it might be an argument that where you live is actually very important if it's connecting to forests I think there's a website for it yeah that was one of the board members so if there's no other comments I'll oh one more yeah um the health assessment that you were speaking of is it on the website um I believe it is on the website let me just double check before I tell you for sure but so if you go to our website and then you scroll down under our Township there's um it says for The Well of it okay um and then if you scroll to the middle of the page here's the assessment itself and then this is the presentation that was made to the council so it's kind of like a abbreviated version PowerPoint PowerPoint yep and then this whole assessment is here okay and then safy and her did a presentation it's probably on you Youtube or whatever our yeah that's probably on our YouTube channel as well what happens when you click it when you click on local Health assessment no the presentation oh hold on let me go back oops it's a test it'll take us hold on we're being redirected I think it's probably taking us to network error occurred okay the meeting this is the meeting oh wait hold on this is the meeting it I just want to pass it oh let's see if it does it this way uh this is for the presentation it should be up this NOP this is that H I don't know okay why don't you talk to Kristen yeah that I'll have to fix that's the presentation maybe it's just not on our YouTube maybe they could where it says for the will of it mhm put local area Health assessment translate that got it people don't know what that means yeah okay sounds good I can do that but yeah this is our page basically but I can also send you a link if for some reason you can't get it and you want to email the environmental commission we can send you a link okay well I'm sure if I go on it should be yeah the phone see what it's over 100 something pages I remember yeah yeah ly but good okay so yes sorry one more thing um do I have to reintroduce myself no I'm good no okay um so just a comment on the uh save the mo I think something important that we could look into is probably using our local park as some example um I was at uh Colonial Park a couple weeks ago and I noticed that one of their like green spaces over uh one of the bridges over there was complet complely mowed down comparison to what it is usually during the summer it's almost impossible to walk through but um completely flot right now the problem with Colonial Park is it's a County Park and we don't have jurisdiction in Colonial Park but will waren Locker save the moow in the park areas yes he's already directed our staff not to mow so keep out please you can report back to us burn we earned yes we burned but no mowing yes bur it down it doesn't mean that we cannot communicate to the county right we could definitely recommend to the county absolutely we could forward our program to them and say hey we're doing this and no one goes to the county commissioner meetings they have public sessions so if anyone from the environmental commission wanted to go and sure I did a presentation there how of do they meet I'm going to look and see at least once a month but it might be every two weeks I think it was every two weeks at time I don't know if it's all right the commission let me see um meeting agendas meeting schedule all right the County's moving very slowly on stuff this looks EXA they need on April 9th April 23rd is their next meetings uh third floor meeting room the same nights as our Council yeah second and fourth Tuesday night I think night I uh I think they might be a little earlier than us but I have to see the one I went to was at night New Jersey Electric Vehicle Association has meetings on second Tuesdays yeah so 5:00 is the work agenda and the regular meetings are immediately following so they start the 5:00 work I think they have public comment then though too so you could go as early as five can you go room but they were doing Zoom also when I was in what time at 7 cuz this is at 5: yeah can't 5 cuz I got a skate theater Gall meeting and I'm cheering but they meet every second and fourth Tuesday so you could go I mean April I don't know if maybe you want to go after we probably want to go before I was just say you could also go after and say how it went you know how the program went I'm I'm still waiting for the solar powered LED lighting for the Mainville Causeway and W it's been in development for um supposedly there's a budget for it this year but I I'm not getting anywhere from Walter or you know I have to call in it's in Somerville the county building on the third floor the administration building not the not the courthouse it's one probably be there by 6:30 you could the think is um I have to rush from my work because I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and you're up let me see how their typical meeting goes make it by 5 but see what the last was 515 so like their last work session during anyway cuz once public comment closes if you're not there then there's you're just going to listen to them basically I got let me see what they're normally 55 it's late um can you talk during work session uh let's see here additionally this meeting is being digitally recorded and live streamed on the County website does that mean when they say live stream does that mean you can you can participate just watch or just watch yeah if it's Zoom you can what are the names I'm sorry the the names of uh County Commissioners County Commissioners County Commissioners just all of them or five there's five of them so all of them okay fine so this is the work session I don't see a public session on there let me see what the regular agenda usually looks like maybe this is where the public is this is the later one that follows right after the work session yeah it says open public meetings act right right on the first line yeah that's the public meeting act yeah appointments approval of minutes maybe they do it at the very end let's see I know they have public session they have to yeah CU When I did my presentation and somebody zoomed in and you know mentioned I had what what I had talked about as well as what they wanted wow this is a long agenda okay public okay it's at the very end actually of not the work session of the could be at the end of the work session yeah let me check yeah let me check right so at the end of the regular meeting for sure let me look at like a work session what it looks like maybe they only do one at the very end there was more going on after I spoke oops the wrong one I'm sorry this is uh these are all the point Pages yes okay was spinning s of was spinning a minute ago oh yeah oh okay can you do contrl F and it has to load first just he spinning spinning spinning yeah it's taking a while up spinning it's like I don't want to do the a 13 page agenda I mean it's private problem okay we're getting to the end though there's vehicle maintenance the Commissioners items for adoption public okay there it is so it's at the end of the work session as well right before the adjournment Y just like we're doing now so basically yeah five so you would say 5:00 it start s for the work session they run through everything pretty quickly so maybe I would say 5:30 5:45 and then there's a regular session probably 6 o' it starts why don't we do that why don't we try see if you tag team this actually this in April I will be available we because NGA doesn't have meeting on that okay so all right I've been there before so if it works out you know and is that in 20 Grove Street where 20 Gro Street it's the the administration building third floor I think yeah I think that that's right you come out of the elevator elev oh look it says here questions comments from residents viewing remotely can be submitted during the meeting to the commissioner meeting email yeah I don't know so it looks like you can call or you can send an email to them during the meeting so can we send them from our environmental Commission email account well but we wouldn't be there to receive it Jessica's the only one that has it we could send one from us personally but sign it as a member of the Franklin you do do that too you want me to send you this page so that you so what do we want to tell them just we wanted them to consider no you save the mot's day for County Properties yeah particularly Colonial Park what else would they low in down they do have CL Brook Park um is a county Park and and the the little park right by the Mainville Causeway is that's deep that's qu Brook is know very rare the small Quail Brook Park but yeah that is County owned yeah okay okay so we're going motion to close the public meeting to close so move okay motion to adjourn wait a second um I wanted more thing hold on what um for the this DVD screening can we at least kind of soft proposed date um for July July 8th second Monday I well you can I won't be here but you can do that because the third Monday I well we have probably meeting and the fourth Monday I'm not here uh unless we want to go off the Monday schedule so I was under impression that we want to keep it on Monday well that was the day Jessica is willing to do it I'm I'm away July 8th I'm not in the country and you're gone the fourth I'm Gone the the weekend after 8 stay in 13 right 1 July I don't know yet um so if this is before if you and Jessica want to do it the you should I'll have UC and then you do we're going to she was really helpful question the one tortino or t something that t how does how does the July 8th sound for everyone else not that you have to everybody come but if we have the film screen tell this would be where at the same building B of July 8 Monday is that the day after of July um yeah the 4th of July is the Thursday before so the Friday is a holiday fifth is a holiday to 4 five six 7 yeah the eth is a Monday correct so July 1st is a meeting date that' be seven days before yes yeah I think M and Jessica we have a motion on the floor to adjourn all in favor I meeting adour thank you thank you for coming