good evening everyone welcome to the environmental Commission meeting May give me a moment while I my first time reading the open public meetings this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of April 15 2024 was included in a list of meetings known as sent advertised in local papers posted on the Bulet board and the municipal building posted on the municipal website and has remain continuous ly posted as the required notice is under the statute in addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal CL all right we'll take the call sure all right Paul will let see we know it's not coming tonight Robin Sudan here Stan y I say that wrong first person who's asking okay I'll get it I'll get it I tried Jessica Johnson here um AR here Walter Andrews um Maria Santiago EZ and Alissa is here our intern um Ted is not here yet but I do expect him okay um I don't have a I have lots of things to talk about but they're really in the agenda so I don't think I need to make a report from the chair except that our plans that we will view are only electronic now so we'll be looking at our M um everybody got a copy of the minutes does anybody have any additions or corrections to the April 1 minutes up here I move for acceptance of accept we have a second I'll second any discussion all those in favor any opposed okay thank you and now is the time in the meeting where we open to the public for comment do I have a motion to open to the public second any discussion all those in favor hello public welcome anybody like to say anything any comments suggestions you have another chance later on the agenda so if you think of something please speak up all right motion to close mtion all those in favor I um correspondents um having trouble getting into the email um it somehow signed me out and now it's not letting me back in ch in later get touch with them yeah cuz they remember they kept saying T they kept sending the like password reset but I don't do that they do that and then they never said it so I don't even know if there is a p oh jeez okay so I'll let it know can you send out our without getting in no so the password that was set up when I was part of it is no longer they they have to they send periodic like notices for security purposes to change the passwords but I don't change it they change it and they tell you and they kept getting notices time to change your password time to change your password but they I don't do it they do it so they never did it you canot change so yeah I don't I I don't manage the list I I'm not an employee I'm a volunteer I can't manage the list I can't change the password all right I will um tell them to fix that or ask them please to fix it and then but in terms of the list of people we email to you send out that email I can send it from the email address when I have the password and I've loed in yes but the names on the list you have those you don't need anything from them I need the updated list from Tara because Stan sent some people along um did you update the list in the last couple days yes in in in the interim he sent some emails this past weekend or the end of last week that's you weren't on them so I forwarded them to Tara and so Tara because Tara list the list yeah then I send it to you okay there was one because I can't I'm not supposed to maintain it cuz it's people's personal information okay I I had a name that I sent to you and I think I CC you someone that you did house yes wants to be okay thank you for explaining that yeah yeah we we should talk to them though because I know at work I'm maintaining internal and external lists with outl all the time there is a way to go in and update it so there's a group so then you just type in the group um I don't know if they just don't want to do it uh because it does mean it has to F some things in yeah I'm not sure I really don't know why because we do we do groups in my office all the time internal and external so there's no reason they can't create a group that we just put in E mailing list and it comes up all they have to do is just add people ler that yeah you have to go into the network and and do it but they I do it all the time because it gave me permission for in our office B again I'm not an employee but and I the way they operate I'm assuming they would want to do it themselves but um I do think that would make things a lot easier than just keeping a spreadsheet yeah yeah definitely okay speaking speaking of mailing list I recall how in the first year we had stream clean up and uh uh councilman vasella suggested that we should have a mailing list and always send uh information to the same people and I was like yeah but now I so that actually what we are doing is actually that mail suggested and councilman Vella should be your seat you want to sit here all the we we went over this and rather than put all the councilmen on it we're supposed to send it to an Marie the clerk and she distributes it to the council yes and that's what I do yes so every time we have communication they supposed to get it through an Marie okay um Okay then if we can we'll move on to um review of site plan applications okay uh yes I just want to send write this can I make a couple I leave at 7:30 but I just want to thank everyone for the awesome cleanup on Saturday stand in an amazingly active photo from the event so um very celebratory like 100 people came and it was just phenomenal so congratulations uh to the Lord r and what ship part partnership and everyone who came out it's really good turnout one explosive event I was that ended up being a TV is that what happened yeah TV a tube TV and it pops and so that kind of nous we saw it yeah training yeah a little nerve-wracking um and then on energy aggregation um we're updating the timeline I don't know exactly when it'll happen um but soon there's a little miscommunication where the vendor the consultant that we hired sent us a cal like a a calendar was waiting for our approval for the calendar when she didn't hear anything she assumed we didn't want to move forward at this time that calendar would have started like a week ago but no she wasn't clear she never said please approve of this and I'll move forward um the big um issue is just making sure we get the word out when we start the process so folks always fear change and something new we'll have at least 10% more clean energy at least 5% less money hopefully we'll save folks even more money but when we do figure out what the right calendar is to match the meetings and public education I'll let you guys know so we're back kind of I don't want to say square one we're supposed to start I think March 15th or something um we'll push it out so that we can have a big enough on-ramp to engage the public this commission being one of the primary stakeholders and uh public education Advocates you know that let people know and then you know walk it through the whole process to go out to RFP um it's actually it's the auction it's kind of complicated to get some prices back and then the you know Council would award a vendor if it come comes back competitive within the criteria we set and then there' be a window for folks to opt out if they want a dirtier more expensive energy they can opt out and then of course they start savings whenever that that date was and they can always opt out any time so again there's a lot to explain to people so we want to take a little bit of time to to think about that so one thing for the environmental commission once I know the calendar I'm going to send it to you all to think about what kinds of Education sessions we might have so we did have a a presentation before the elections yep I remember that uh so you suggest something uh we have to do something similar maybe we go public event to or stream a webinar so folks don't have to come out maybe do a couple of them we do one in the frankal Park Library to get people in that part of town maybe something here and I think you want to watch the next Edition the Frank times and do a big spread in Fr times yeah that's a good point the deadline I'm sure this was talked that I just don't remember though what are the ramifications for people that have solar panels how does that work I'm not the expert on it my understanding if you have your own solar panels it's best to opt out or you have to opt out I think that's what I remember the thing is that uh your solar system is not supposed to deliver 100% of the energy and you have to buy the extra so whatever you buy extra you would be part of the agre that's what I would think too but when she presented she said not to do that the the deal was if you have your own supplier by default you are not oped in because you have your own supplier okay when you have bgs Bas generation service you are automatically oped in so again we have to confirm that so folks know I think it's important that we all know so we can answer the question I misunderstood it so obviously there's you know lots of different situations like I a a community solar subscriber I don't have solar panels I save 21% on my energy and then the question is with the rest of the energy that is not covered by the community solar I think that energy aggregation would cover that I don't have to do anything to get even more savings so I think we have to answer all these questions lot of you're going have KY solar while you have your own solar system would probably be that's the thing I don't remember I don't have solar so I I don't know maybe it was the community solar folks that said you had to opt out I can't remember actually you know we'll get all the answers before we start then I think it's important for us to take the time to do that yeah so those are my two updates was there anything else I was supposed to talk about before we got you have 15 minutes if it comes to mind yes the site plan review I know it takes sometimes a lot of time because it's important so so what do you have there for us consult so what we have is um Somerset properties so I'm going to now this was one that was submitted previously I think it was submitted before we made the requirement and planning got on board that they have to submit to us what their updates are so I kind of have to like piece through and see what's what but basically before I show you the property I want to look at the last green Land Development checklist which was done in October of 2023 and what they are proposing is a 79,2 ft Warehouse uh the warehouse is currently in operation applicant now seeks to subdivide the property and construct a new Warehouse on the adjoining portion of the property is that permitted under the existing coordinance with no more warehouses so in our memo that we wrote in October we said the applican is requesting a variance which is located in the bi Zone in July They removed warehouses and distribution uses from Principal use of B Zone making them a conditionally so they are able to do it if they can get the approval for conditional use and that means they have to meet the requirements of the Zone um they are seeking some bulk variances and we had opposed those variances because we said that there's been a significant increase in warehousing distribution it leads to environmental degradation subject property is adjacent to the Delaware and maritan Canal the proposed 61,2 190 ft Warehouse will create a significant volume of storm water run off so the new Warehouse I just read you I have to look and see if that if the sign change the size changes uh this project will lead to an increase in tractor trailer and truck traffic and uh we found that there was um T species on there we talked about the amount of trees that were going to be removed 126 were proposed to remove from the site which means they would have been required to replant 183 and at the time the applicant was replanting 21 and then making a monetary contribution in Lou of planning so we objected to that um we recommended the use of native and pollinator plants for storm water management and for landscaping anti-idling signs and bike storage so that was our last report this is the site plan when was the time of application this um it was October of 2023 and when is this up to be discussed I mean do we have another meeting to review this um no so this is technically considered a resubmission so this is let me let me I'm going to kind of zoom in so let me show you first try and figure out okay is this planning or zoning uh this is I think this is zoning but hang on yes zoning how close is it to the canal so this is the property right here what I'm highlighting uh let me see exactly how close it is can top left hand corner perpendicular line on 723 ft approximately you um so this is the so just to give you a reference point so you can see here is the wooded portion and here's the existing Warehouse if you look at their application which is here okay uh this is the wood is this the wooded yes this is the wooded proper portion here and this is existing now let me look up close Okay so this is a long Cotton Tail Lane which is where the entrance is proposed and this says proposed Warehouse uh 54329 ft so it looks like in this submission they reduced the size of the proposed Warehouse cuz in the last submission it looks like it was around 70,000 sare ft how many trees do they want to take down okay so let me look here so this one I I just got this notice in so I didn't really get chance to oh and also FYI so the Randol Brook is up here okay let's see what does this say existing tree inventory existing trees to be removed so there's still proposing to remove the 126 trees no change no change there that whole lot is it's total canopy and it's only 120 trees 126 is what they're removing they're s yeah well part of it stay in contact with the so it looks like the warehouse is going to go here yeah this is going to I don't know stay would it but not the warehouse let me see what else they submitted the only thing I would say is I thought that after we did the conditional use we said they're they're not allowed in any Zone I think that was after the conditional use so I just might check that first point yeah for the time yeah it's interesting cuz it came I thought the same thing and then I was like am I confused but it came to me from um zoning it came to me from uh so I yeah we will absolutely what else did they submit here it means cuz they applied previously it could have been it could have been if they yeah they were applied before that although they weren't considered complete that so I I don't know how exactly that works Arie you were talking about the so here's the Demolition and tree removal plan I'm going to zoom in so you can see but um again up here's the Randol Brook just so you're aware um down here is Cotton Tail Lane just for a point of reference and I'm going to zoom in so this is their tree removal plan yeah I would think so too they're still saying 126 how do they count trees that's the question they have to follow our ordinance getting a masters in um what else what else is what's this one here uh this looks like it's showing Wetlands oh this is showing is it showing por porest pavement um I to Zoe sorry guys okay proposed okay so the all okay so Porous concrete and some porous asphalt it looks like they're proposing where where so this here is regular heavyduty concrete I'm sorry heavy duty pavement mhm um whatever has dots on it and little super tiny dots over to the so this here yeah so that that is the proposed pavement this is the porest it doesn't say porest it just says proposed concrete pavement proposed concrete pavement the bigger dots the smaller Dots here are the proposed pervy is asphalt and it looks like that's in the passenger spaces and this is the regular the bays are the regular concrete so regular concrete heavy duty concrete for this and then are the uh passenger spots are the how many B this is heavy duty conrete here uh looks like they have nine and is this also nine one 2 three four what is this one 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 why do I count 10 1 2 3 4 oh maybe that's just like a walking like five 6 7 8 9 10 well they they number it as nine on this spot but I think it might be 10 so we'll have to give that a look I count 10 too yeah right it says nine there though uh this is [Music] lighting uh sometimes they well say nine regular backend BS and then one where they drive the truck into the building oh right that might what it is that could be the yeah yeah the discrepancy we had recommended in our letter to them also that they should seek now so they're under the threshold of what's required to have a Make Ready solar roof so he said please consider a solar roof or a green roof I don't see that anywhere on these plans um yeah yeah I don't think they've made any change it looks like they the one thing they did do was reduce the size here's their tree replacement plan too so over here so looks like they're looking to replant the 126 trees are these like shrubs yeah and these little dots around the basically facing Cotton Tail Lane and on the sides of the buildings let's go to the proposed leg so perious is okay pervious surface uh percentage well they haven't changed it so we said in our previous memo that we wanted them to plant more trees on site and they haven't changed from that so when we send our next memo we can say we stand by that recommendation you know uh let's see so they're taking out 106 trees between 4 and 15 in and they're replacing them with 64 trees of 2 yeah where is the water going to [Music] go yeah what kind of trees do they tell us that I don't see here just say deciduous or 6ot yeah they don't have the actual well hold on let me back up Landscape schedule here we go so we have shade trees let me make this larger shade trees okay so this is what they're looking to do so they have some swamp white oak Scarlet Oak sassa fras Eastern red bud poly trees eastern white pine um I was going to say yeah uh what else here of note um 13 trees yeah knockout rose uh yeah so the shade trees are the swamp white oak the Scarlet Oak and the Sass only 13 shade trees seven ornaments there's 20 and 43 over so there's your 63 and they have deciduous shrubs shrubs 84 ornamental grasses so again it looks like the biggest change was to the size of the building so they did reduce it by roughly 20,000 ft but the tree removal is the same um the perious pavement was there before that was proposed and they did not make any uh they don't have to accept it as a recommendation but nothing in there for the solar green roof something we could be saying regularly is that if they put uh panels on roof Roof then they can what they can do is essentially lease the roof to a community Sol per and put panels on the roof and they won't have to worry about it it'll be Community solar we could add that yeah Community solar leasing option to solar group okay not this from recent WEA our own Community that's a good idea so we keep our comment about the tree removal I think we keep all our comments I mean it's still close to the stream close to the canal yeah keep all comments okay and then you try to look at the if the ordinance pass that oh yes and also the ordinance ordinance work okay we can definitely check on that okay I think that's the only one I believe that is the only one we have uh what is the warehouse for you know I'm sorry what is the warehouse fault um I don't know actually it doesn't say in there what it's for it doesn't say in the application what it's for so maybe it's a spec Warehouse usually if it's for something it says you know we're using it for whatever I don't see that in there well maybe maybe it's going to the zoning board because they're asking for a variance from the ordinance that stopped warehouses permitting warehouses yeah so at the time of application yeah they could be yeah they ABS could be I remember my third thing the Northeast Supply enhancement project the Williams transal announced that it's not going to be seeking an extension so they threw in the towel as it were um and that came out on Friday so congrat to everyone I know folks work really hard on that um of course we have to remain Vigilant in case they it in some ways as they can but um I think it's a pretty strong indication that they wouldn't cons consider going on because they're sending a message to the public they're sending a Ms to their shareholders investors Etc um so seven years the making work everyone wow that's great congratulations I'm sorry it appears we do one more now this wasn't given this is a question of how do you want to proceed so this wasn't told to me that we have to review it for this meeting so we can review it though because I see it on the website so I don't know if you want to review it now or not when's it going to be heard cuz I got a lot of stuff I don't know it doesn't say so there's no date on here right now so I think we're okay um we we also wanted to say that uh for every Bay we want to have 100 Kow charging uh yes I add that to the board we use y do we have 100 or um I believe it's I'm not sure do what we actually concluded uh let me just check it's it's a Make Ready essentially just for that okay this is under easy charging uh yeah make ready uh let's see hold on I have to find where okay hang on got to find it I know it's here I'm sorry so give me one second to find it is that 4177 amps oh we have 200 kilowatt you said what 200 200 future electrified trucks and our tractor trailers by installing 200 Kow EV charging capacity okay if we agree to want that fine fine but it's per Bay per Bay yeah because not clear you want me put per Bay per Bay yeah it should be per Bay okay that's going to be 800 amps I don't know how much is it an amp because essentially you want to have it uh uh future proof in case that uh the trucks will be electric yeah um let them go find another town that doesn't ask as so much it's whole idea no it's a recommendation it doesn't have any binding we should we should put it all in there but I you know when you look at all this in totality part of my hope is people they need to kind of think what what's up maybe in the future yeah I agree thank you right see you later app so we'll review that other one at the next one that's fine and I can do that oh yeah oh so you mind doing it okay so it's it's called Hamilton Street something you'll see it up there on the website thank you um moving on to new business sustainable Jersey we've been awarded Energy Efficiency Grant by TS wanted to talk a minute I think everybody got an email about that from Tara yes we got we applied for that sustainable Jersey and psng energy efficien I feel look at the name of it partners for Energy Efficiency um and that was to launch a campaign for residential um to let everyone know what kind of Energy Efficiency is out there so we did receive it which is great we're going to have a kickoff meeting in uh sometime in early May we're still working it out but again through that we get a lot of resources so it's not money directly coming to us but it is you know we'll get a tablecloth printed materials if we want door hangers we get to choose what we want also the other thing is they will send a videographer here to make a video that we can put like a nice video that we can put on our website or social media so we have to get the word out this it is yes absolutely we have to come up with a master plan is that what the kickoff meeting will be yes so during the the um kickoff meeting they're going to kind of tell us like how do they provide uh technical assistance to us what exactly do they do and then we can figure out and they've done this with other towns so they know take the best debr yes and it will be employee from pscg it'll be um employee from psng and also employees from sustainable Jersey sustainable Jersey kind of really leading to charge from PSC um I don't know exactly yet but I'm assuming they'll be on the on the uh kick off meeting who was it well donille is high up so maybe H hold on someone was copied on the email it's not this person okay I don't know who there was a name what's this person's name nope still not here I'll have to find who she copied it might be someone from disable Jersey I'm not sure M well we may have it in our email too yeah oh she is from justable Jersey so yeah I I don't know who it would be but um there will I'm just curious because I know some people so okay yeah I'll let you know for sure but so we did get that so that's that's great okay so that would be we have to we'll have to do some work though yes and I also asked Alysa to write a letter to um the school district and so I haven't reviewed it yet but I'm going to review it and because this same program is also available for school district so I asked her to write a letter and kind of explain you know what it is and how school districts can use it so yeah good I hope that are we going to have a so it'll be grand that we get so so yeah it's not money it's like resource so they will give us the resources that we want so we can choose what we want I'm I'm just trying to touch into how much how do we get from the town well so for example this grant includes that we wanted to do a door if we wanted to do a mailing to everyone they they Grant pay for the postage and the mailing so they'll actually do it they create it for us and they do it if we need help from the town I can obviously definitely help and then I'll find out what other help we need and I can ask who can help cuz we can look at going out in water bills maybe tax bills yeah um I can go to the um Franklin Interfaith Alliance and go to their members who can go to all the houses of worship in town we now have 70 that's great we need to Define what is the ask from us yes yeah I think after the kickoff meeting I'll have a better idea of exactly how to proceed because I'm not really 100% sure but as soon as they tell us then all know we need this person we need to start working on this and it's for one year right within a year yeah it has to be done within a year but you know I mean it seems like once we choose the items that we want it seems like it's relatively straightforward I think have to see and what's a grand amount you know it's not well so it's not for money it's for I don't know what it goes up to I think they basically say you can take like if you like the printed materials you can choose door hangers a targeted mailing or Flyers maybe and then they do the video and then they have social media templates and they No Cap basically no I don't think so no they have categories I guess and they can help and uh yeah 100% let's see what the kickoff me brings us in my then we'll have a lot more conversation I would think um micr Mobility study yes so the micr mobility study we had a kickoff meeting on April 2nd with our consultant nv5 Kevin Perry is our person from nv5 that we're working with and um we Stan was there Rob and you were there um Christopher gond was there from our Trails committee he also works in the industry um and uh our Township planner Mark hey was there and Vince Dominic from Economic Development and basically our consultant I was very pleased with that he showed us what they're thinking which we knew is basically trying to connect starting off with connecting the Hamilton Business District moving west across Franklin Township so moving in the direction of the municipal building and the area covers Inman Park it has middle Bush Park in there the JFK walking path numerous Trails you know uh some Transit bus stops and so a pretty wide area um that's the ultimate goal to start and then um don't you have it I do yeah I can show it to you yep um um was in our email yes oh yeah I think I sent it around right um so that is the plan they're working on the thing I was really happy with is that they said oh this is what I sent around they said that they will have the deliverable To Us by mid June which I think is great I am like super super happy about that so this is the study area the larger area but you'll see it includes Hamilton and then this is the study area zoomed in so you got the canal up here here over here is where middle Bush Park is and the municipal complex and over here is the Hamilton Business district and you can see in between we have lots of different roads there's a walking path along JFK there's a walking path along deont um I think it's going to be important that we connect to 27 because that's where public transportation is absolutely yeah I think getting to 27 is going to be the ultimate goal so this is like the first stop basically along and hopefully we can use this to kind to launch into you know more um and then the deliverables you know are going to be we're going to get recommended Roots a bike facility design and recommendations and then the bike sharing sighting plan and by May 1st we we'll have our 50% meeting and then the final submission will be by will be To Us by mid June so we'll actually have designs and recommendations to look at in mid June and with that we go look for a grant yeah yep absolutely or a grant to if we want want to expand the study to Township wide you know I don't know we have to see what we get and say do we want to actually start implementing or is it's something we want to okay but yeah so it was very good and we're moving forward so I will let you all know when the next meeting is but it should be relatively soon anybody have any questions of Tara about what this is everybody understand what this is Maria okay um recommendations for amendments to the municipal signage ordinance this was the piece that Tara showed us last meeting and we said could we please look at it before we give you our comments yes I emailed it around um I don't know so there was a a lot of changes so I sent you one that had all the changes in it and then I sent you one that is what it would look like if I like accepted all the changes so I don't know which one you would like to you want to start with the changes I guess I would put up the clean C I easier to work that right because essentially with all the recommendations you've got War Locker took most of it out and really left in one paragraph Okay so clean coffee here we go okay so again this is a draft basically the memo is kind of the same I added a sentence in that we now have feedback from the township manager and again this is a draft memo but right now it says we have to received feedback and imp mented the feedback obviously you know depending on what we do in this what you guys tell me to do in this meeting then we'll maybe have to change that did you you sent that to us I did yeah I sent it uh sent it the night of last meeting which was two weeks ago yeah and she sent it again on Thursday or Friday um both times basically so this is the clean copy that's up right now uh it basically leaves in for the portion of the sign regulations it leaves in um where we're going to you know this is where we're looking at the sign regulations which is chapter 112 section 108 of the municipal code um one of the changes that was made for example is we had put in here I think it was called uh you know I just want to bring this up for myself just it was called nursing homes and now it is called oh no nursing homes is in there I think it was called assist senior facilities senior facilities the correct terminology is skilled nursing facilities so that was changed schools Parks playgrounds the work private you'll see is now in front of it the Board of Ed so one of the main comments was in other in other areas of our recommendations um the Board of Ed was taken out as like the Board of Ed will do this or whatever or should do this uh because the Board of Ed does not have to you know I want to say report to us but that's not really it the Board of Ed doesn't have to follow our Municipal ordinance and we can't actually place that requirement upon them we we can't and then the other thing is everything in the ordinance that said should or could or you know it's an ordinance should be shall or must that was the direction I was given so um like when we put in there the recommended not recommended but the template sign that D has that showed and we put that in there that has been taken out because if that template sign changes we then have to amend the ordinance even though it would just be a simple say they changed the color of it we would still have to amend the ordinance so it's like that's off an example before we leave I just have a question here back to the list if you would um just up a tiny bit ter read the intro sentence I had to read this a couple times to make sure I understood it owners of all newly developed properties in Franklin Township and listed below so that means these are the only properties in Franklin Township that need this cor any other kind of newly developed property in Franklin does not need this right okay um so and listic below for me I thought as listic below a little clearer does it does it talk about um recommendations for properties such as the border of bed and others and why the recommendation is good for them if they do put in those put signs no it does not that's the end of it that's the end so the reason that was taken out or the recommendation I should say is to take it out is uh because again so it's that the Board of Ed we can't place this requirement on them it's not understand that that's why it's a recommendation right the reason that we talked about was we recommend for for existing existing facilities are are exempt right B ofed is exempt because we don't control them but we can have something in there that says we recommend these properties and list the properties that they put up the signs and explain why that if somebody is found to be idling on their property M The Idler can get fined right if there are no signs up then the property owner such as the Board of Education can get fined but if they do not if they do post the signs as per our recommendation then they won't get fined by the by the enforcement officer so I I would like to see that in there this is supposed to be an educational thing so we did have that in there we did have that in there it has since been removed and the reason why is because we can't have should or it has to be shall or must only in an ordinance if we want to have an educational like you should do this we should do it through like kind of almost not but not the exact thing but what we're doing through this residential campaign like an educational C best practice so for example before it just said schools no now it says private schools you'll say so not removing schools we can't put just schools cuz it can't be public schol you know what's missing is houses abortion so we can't we I don't think think also can require them I think that was in there as well let me look at the the I was going to say the unclean copy of the the uh but just real quick it's been so this is It's one page and this is what it is in clean copy if it's a new house of worship I would think that it would be a sh or a must I would think so like a that's like a legal thing yeah I'll have to check on that no that specifically there's there's a reason so the other thing that so there was places in the ordinance that we said you know um the signage should be placed you know at at every Personnel entrance at the exits at the entrances so exits has been removed um because of having too much signage so entrances and in inside where people Idol yes exits no but here's the problem there is no I'm thinking of a waa or convenience store you pull in let's say the W cross the street for me it's North Brunswick but you pull in there's no signs when you pull in right right the sign would need to go on the building but this doesn't no allow it to go on the building where are they going to put it no well it doesn't say it can't go on the building but it doesn't specifically say it can go on the building it does say shall be posted at the following locations oh okay entrances to driveways designated drop off pickup oops personnel and driver entrances and where I'm walking into convenience store none of those apply does it say I can't read it from here but does it say Warehouse Bas yes yes it does say Warehouse B and how like every other B minimum of one sign at every fourth Bay okay and how about the office uh uh personnel and Driver entrance do of commercial and Industrial facilities so that stayed in um but yeah it doesn't say on building it says posted at the the concept of yeah but let's say I'm going into the waa right I'm not Personnel right and I'm not a driver right how am I going to know where are they going to put it we could we could add that in as a like hey we would like this added back in or well never I should say what what does it say person personel as in staff yeah what about what about clientele right it doesn't it doesn't can we add client me that's that's the majority of the people going in there are the client Personnel client SL customer does that make sense client SL customers entrances and driver Android for okay is there no way that we can put an asct on there um and say for recommendations please go to such and such thing that could save you um fines yes something like that according to the township manager no and the reason why is that if we say that and that website changes our ordinance is effectively not it's incorrect and so putting any now what we could do though is we could put a whole page on our website if we wanted about anti-idling and have all of this information and the templates and the pleses we could do that it's not actually in the regulation in the D regulation that says that um if you put up a sign then you're not going to get fined if somebody on your property is it's more of a guidance thing and that's what Bob said as well like if they can't find it like our attorney I guess couldn't find in the actual regulations that it's really not it doesn't belong in in uh this ordinance so it's been reduced to this anybody comfortable making a motion that we send this on with this one change I added it I added the change that we and it says location yeah did you just check for houses of worship was that in our original copy and got struck I think they're let me look was the old one I mean there's so many of them and there's so much parking so many of them houses we did not have houses of worship could add it in I have to read the Rula law so and to see so that's the religious and land use I know they're exemp a lot of stuff yeah so that I would have to see but they have to have handicap parage yeah so maybe this falls in the same category as that I I'm just going to put a I'm going to put it in and I'm going to highlight it um just so I can look it up and if it's exempt in the ripo law then we'll have to remove it but I'll add it for now and I'll just double check again I'll make a motion to accept it as it is reluctantly without the recommendations the recommendation but I'll make that a second second okay any more discussion on [Music] this have times yep absolutely I we could work on a um education Camp really could yeah and I think maybe we could get um some people from the senior communities to join us in it because they're going to be sitting next to most of the potentially idoling Vehicles they can help with why why is that because of all the trucks and the warehouses oh oh oh I was thinking of the WW and like that I was thinking of the trucks I that trucks motivate them we should use that to our benefit yeah okay all those in favor of adding this opposed thank you all righty all right um next on the agenda is update from the Somerset County Commissioners meeting Stan do you want to fill us in oh yeah uh so um me and uh Robin we uh went to the meeting on uh Tuesday the April 9th um and we uh you and who Robin Robin yes and we spoke in favor of uh uh save the M till birthsday we uh presented uh the research and lies and and we asked them to join us um um two Commissioners had some further questions um clarification and then they asked their uh d employee or head of parks I head of parks whether this is something that they they can Implement they like yes whatever that means now we we told them on April 9th whatever mowing was before that it's a but um yeah so we asked them and they they kind of agree they they seem to look at it favorably we made the point that Colonial Park is probably the biggest park in town I don't know how the Delaware R now Compares but because it's such a big land area State that's a state for yes but in terms of the being the biggest park in town I don't know which one is bigger square miles but that was a probably the most grass in town and it would have a big impact and we made specific reference to going par yeah um I I I add that while sitting there and listening to their work session um because the county has a clim CL change policy and a sustainability policy which I'd love to see Frankl tach have one of each they are teed up for a $20 million Grant to Electrify vehicles and buildings and they think they're in pretty good shape because if I remember right they believe they're the only county in the state that has both a climate change policy and a sustainability policy so that would be very nice for them if it very nice for us because the money could be used to Electrify County buildings and County vehicles they are the first County that adopted electric um parat Transit Vehicles so um ridewise just had an article that they visit and stuff but those Vehicles were for the first time displayed to public in September October 1st during the national D Electric week uh part of Somerville street fair so I was there I I I've seen the vehicle and it's Al it's based on for Transit so yeah in in a good shape and um I I'll also share that the mayor of Manville came up and spoke after we did in a public session and he begged for help um they have a park where the hidden um what's it called Lost Valley is located and they exceeded the budget they need help with money he mentioned along the way the film es Festus city which is part of the Princeton environmental film festival and if you got a chance to look at that very new and it is made by a man build resident it is apparently it's it's quite impactful um I haven't taken the chance to see it yet but it's called as Festus city um and I know you can find it on the Princeton environmental Film Festival website so we could put it on the list of the one of our showings yeah absolutely yes um anything else St on that meeting um I think that's you um just one thing Robin so I looked up to Somerset County the climate change policy and it looks like it was done by resolution so something we were interested in we could look and read it I mean they Identify the four goals on their website but I'm sure it's much more detailed um so we could definitely try to get information on it and see it's just something we can yeah replicate that would be wonderful it's called the ASB besta City if you just look up ASA City you will find it but if you the ASA City it shows up okay um now I'm going to I'd like to stick an item in here that that didn't make it I attended the an inperson session on Saturday morning for Effective environmental commissions it was held in Somerville in their new Civic Center which was really very nice and um there were a lot of people there all the way from pamis to Tom's River to Hope well it was a really good showing and they had a the keynote speaker if you want to call it that it's a member of the environmental commission from Readington and Readington has a completely digital environmental resources index inventory I sent you the link try to bring that up for us um in their case they took their paper book and they paid Princeton hyro to make it digital for them and they used all of the um not they used NJ map NJ goo web and the arcgis information and took all of those maps and all that data and have it on their website and it's very attractive and very user friendly so I went and looked at ours today which is The Notebook PDF which you have to scroll through all these Pages it made me wonder how often does our planning board refer to our ER which is the reason we have oh yes yeah whereas when you look at this one when Tera brings up I can't find the link I see your email but I don't see we just bot is at the bottom and I'm missing probably the last email I sent you today oh you sent this one today okay I'm sorry I thought this was from M okay see me today all right well if it doesn't if you put in Readington Township environmental resources index it should come up okay let me try [Music] all right uh no all right let me just look it up online what is it called Readington right Readington Township hun County I don't think you need to put that in for environmental resources they do have a PDF from the past oh I can't I'm not connected okay I'll get it okay is it like this mapping story is that y That's it all right and you can look at the older one same structure as ours but this they clearly like made oh cool oh so they so just click on anyone there's there particular one you like click on anyone oh yes and all the maps are interactive oh yeah I see okay that's great so you yeah here's all the trees oh wow yeah if you go to the climate change one they actually have charts showing the different climate versus the weather things over the past oh show the corridor oh great grasslands okay oh this is cool so I I sent an email to an today telling them what a great webinar or seminar was and is there funding to help municipalities put their ERI you know digitally and she said she we should start with sustainable Jersey because I think if it's more user friendly you could also ask brington how who they use they use Princeton Hydro they used to create it yes they had the book and they as Pinon Hydro to make it digital now they said because they're not on NJ a e CS or whatever it is um so they they needed somebody else to do it he said your town can do this now I don't think our Town's going to do anything for us sadly um but can can clean communities funding be used for that oh DN dear um they have a deer map here too yeah and and cool so if you if you hover over some of these he was showing us information pops up yeah there we go yeah yeah oh wow so it's truly interactive it was no they have 177,000 people in readying to to and they have this we have almost 70,000 people and we got the look so I share that because I think it's next aspirational goal I would donate a dollar all right in addition other things I learned that day um that we should be adding our stor drains and green infrastructure to maps to our ER because ms4 requires those Maps now um for green fairs they recommended laminating some of our maps and have them so we could use them over and over again um they had a a breakout session on artificial turf I haven't paid attention to this as an issue but it is a big issue because of all the p in art Turf and how Maplewood Scotch Plains and Westfield have now got ordinances that do not allow artificial it's a microplastic after all it's not just and the Sierra Club helps with that so I don't know how much artificial turf we have in Franklin does anybody you know middle Bush Park midd y the high school right High School must have an arici so the playing field right the football field and there are apparently now talking to several of the people there there are municipalities that have programs where they're using very biofriendly chemicals on grass Turf that are not affecting the water supply that make it easy for the township or the bardette to maintain those feed so there are reasonable alternatives to artificial ter so if that's a campaign we want to mount at some point there are people out there that have done it successfully the I brought this up years ago to the mayor and his response was I would want to see the who published paper or something well I think maplewood's got them because they spent four years doing this and it started with four ladies on the front porch oh wow um the other um couple other notes that um did I have any more notes that may be it I I made I made some good acquaintances the mayor of sumerville was on the environmental commission and got really discouraged that the council wasn't doing anything she ran from mayor she won then she convinced another member of the environmental commission to run for Council and that person won now she's got a third person who's just w she said there's going to be three of us wow I think their council is five or seven and three of them are very environmentally sensitive pretty soon they're not going to be able to have Council meetings CU they'll have a quarm in the environmental commission well I think she had to step down come in but uh she was she and Jeff same fellow you know um were very interested in in talking working with us I spent a lot of time at the storm water management breakout oh the storm water utility breakout session and we talked a lot about doing it at the county level as opposed to the individual municipality because it's so hard to make that move Lambertville has one on the ballot in November and I suspect Lambertville will pass it because of everything they just went through with the last storms and I think it will get easier once the first town in New Jersey has a stor War utility none of none of us have it yet but there was interest there I talked a lot Warren they were very interested Somerville I said if we get Warren Somerville Franklin we're talking already at hillsbor Montgomery we got Bridgewater we've got the county so yeah it it could be interesting to approach it that way so that was time well spent that was only 2 and 1/2 hours and they they did a really nice job and it was during the time when we were cleaning up the when you were cleaning up the brook yep which is why I couldn't be there but I I felt sounded like you had a lot of volunteers it means that we are spreading our activity and then in the afternoon I went to the New Jersey climate action Gathering where we voted to sponsor it they never listed us as a sponsor but they had some they didn't um the best part there was the legislative session in the afternoon where they discussed three bills one of which is the one I testified for that's the clean energy by 2035 for New Jersey and um New Jersey food and water watch and the whole Coalition of envir enironmental groups is supporting that it's now sitting in the budget committee where it's not moving um and head of budget is solar solar something and he's he's opposed to it I don't know how it's going to move from there but better brains than I will have to figure out how to do that the other two bills that they put before us that they really are encouraging us to be against is the UN what they call the unaffordable a dirty gas fill which is promoting renewable natural gas which is biomass methane it's still the problem is the co- pollutants that will still be permitted under this bill are so dangerous so that's Senate and the assembly the unaffordable dirty gas bill and the other one is the low carbon Transportation fuel standard again this one the problem is all the co- pollutants that will continue with it so there are three key bills right now in Trenton one of them the environmental Coalition is supporting and the other two they opposed that was the afternoon and they had a lot of people there this was this was real tree hugger territory okay all right um really dedicated people maybe not a lot of personal grooving but a lot of dedication they had a a a guitar and choir and people singing lots of banners and they provided lunch and it was all homemade Mexican food it was wonderful they had a whole vegan vegetarian section and the nonvegetarian and there was so much Goodwill in that room it was really really lovely and I I they tried to recruit me to be in the singing group I'm already in my church choir well I am too you should do this oh my gosh so anyway that those are my updates anybody have any questions on those I encourage you if inject does this again an iners effective it's worth it just to talk to two or three people I met a gal from South Brunswick she's on the environmental commission and she said wow you guys are doing so much she said they don't have an environmental um resource in inventory she said they tell us we don't need one we look at all the warehouses that have gone up in sou and and um I said you got Charlie Carly is your mayor he's an engineer yeah he said we don't need this why would why would we bother to do if we don't need it and I said we share a decent border with South Brunswick maybe there are some ways we can help each other yeahum she was like a deer CL the headlights Robin um that thing um Saturday wasn't it kind of a follow up after the Central Jersey uh meeting um h meeting that I attended in the fall they I don't know if it was because Jeff lamber he was uh gearing up for the next meeting and he was collecting some information I remember that I I couldn't tell I don't know but it was in the kind of new room maybe it was the same that you refer well this was a effect you know tools and tips for Effective environmental commissions was the all right so if we keep going I've talked a lot reports from subcommittees we need uh I I yes I sent that email already cuz I even went through like and tried to like I tried a bunch of old passwords on the off chance that didn't work and you excuse me you and your colleagues that were here last time you mentioned the natives and the Do Not plant list did you have a chance to send me an email with I did I sent it to the commission email I can I can't access I can quickly like forward the email on my phone to different email to look at that now yes I'll give you my card and then you can okay yeah I didn't get that in this email the BL so maybe I'll have a chance I can try sneak it in since we can't send out yet well and I had the email all drafted and ready to go just waiting for the updated list and then they kick me out maybe it's for a reason yes I think sometimes procrastination pays that's my new motto it's not even procrastination timeing everything there you go how about um other committees so um last time uh we were talking about the film screening and I fa to mention uh to Maria that we were proposing um July 8th 8th uh that we would be screening the next film was this for the Common Ground Common Ground yeah common ground and Stan I gave you the DVD right last meeting I handed it to you no well they sent me to I you should hold on I'm not going to be here July 8 that's why it needs to go somebody else 7 uh 7 7 my question is whether you are I know I have a I am you brought that I remember cuz if you gave it to me well here's my second copy give it to me July 8 seems to not be an issue for me so and don't forget you need you need to find you need a machine she will I will be away on July 8th so I'll check my I'll check my car but um can you handle holding I'll check my house I am available give it to give it to this I'm not avilable 15 to 19 so a is is okay a is okay okay you giving me the DVD or are you holding the DVD I thought you didn't want to I'm I'm just trying to make sure it gets there no you have to check the length of it Stan and do you want it cuz this is a full length film it's not scho version so the person who holds the D will check the L I have I can go on their website um they they did have a option at the um no they don't stand check you can't play a DVD there right they don't have the equipment no look this is a little technical thing bring the computer with the DVD slot with HDMI you have one with a DVD spot I do I do have this such a relic I don't yeah a I had one and it died I don't my is still I mean keep it keep it going they sent you a physical DVD which is sort of archaic did they no they had it it was free streaming from April 15th to April 30th why don't we just email them they gave us free access last time well you can try it that was that was not on the website and I the film was brought to my attention through Interfaith Power and Light and they were making free streaming available through those days or you could buy the DVD I'm I'm going to read because the um uh kiss the ground had an option for exactly what we do that would be great one less thing for me to chase down that would be [Music] great okay anybody else sub committees Maria I just have a question and I just want to remind the committee I know we have the green fair in May and what's the date of the green Fair 18 I think what month 18 and we need to the table I cannot be there but I sent you both the list of all the things that AMJ makes available and if you tell them what you want they have employees that live all around they'll figure out a way to get it to someone but you have to talk to them okay yes on May 18th I have e show cont um but don't have to be head rate in this show GL R is quite a high yeah they have a requested screening option I want to request it um if you get it then give me the DVD back that way [Music] I cuz I PID $25 Maria when you get a chance no rush can you send me that Google doc again the link to it of the films the from an Jack because it came through as like a something I can't click on oh when you get a chance no rush I have the the thing open on my computer so no rush oh wait hold on hold on hold on oh wait that's the we how many people do we coming to you need to theum probably yeah don't I'll do 26 to 50 okay check it's ask me we want a theater but we don't have a theater so um I'll just put cons up yeah it's is it Community Center no Franklin Town Board of [Music] Education okay um hot topics anybody got any other regulations legislation that they aware of that they want to talk about I guess we should think about the artificial term [Music] when you guys are done let me know I don't any on topics maybe but I don't think [Music] so um all right I guess we're on to Old business then Stan anything on the stream clean up you want to share thank you so much well everything well so um some technical things um we at the last kind of few days before the stream clean up Anon from low right he made another inspection he did he looked only the stream now the stream is kind of cream right because every time we have storm everything goes away so if you look into the stream only the path of water it's relatively okay but um on the banks on either side we found lots of garbage okay we are still counting I'm waiting for response but everything that is being flushed it goes behind uh eone and it gets it stops uh in front of the pipe underneath the canal and I think that's where we have biggest problem uh I I suggested that we kind of try to clean it up and and and I copied the township manager which was the best way how to get now but uh the thing is the thing is it's it's private property right it's private property and that and and the insurance doesn't work so I mean I kind of F into no but in all respect can they send can they send the health department right so so it's not the health department but uh they have to contact the State because state is in charge of canal and they have to clean it up it's just qu you cannot even see the P to the point that you don't know what what I it's a treasure hunt right so you have to come with a back hole or something but it's it's the state you know not us um and once they clean it then uh the level will go down and I remember a couple years ago uh underneath Eastern there are actually two pathes I was able to walk through one of them I mean I have to ban but you know I was able to just physically and uh I guess I must have seen the pipes but I didn't take a photo I should have right because I could compare but no I did not so uh so this is something that uh that you know it's kind of a red flag for us because um around the particularly the rear section of the parking lot when you look into the bushes and you see all the garbage probably homelesses or something lots of glass bottle aluminum bottles and a little bit of bottles tires no that's nothing two tires we found you know we we used to found somewhere 100 tires so this one how many two tires more yeah wow I'm I'm getting used to a high number of time so so this didn't like but lots of shopping carts oh right one side you have um uh Stop and Shop some people take as entertainment to you know and the other side is um uh suers you know so well thank you thank you for organizing that and doing what you did um just one quick thing they are offering the Common Ground um educational 45 minute version um after September 1st so they might turn around and say that are just premature and they're still doing all their screenings so it might be worth it to consider doing the fville film on July 8th and then following up with this free because yeah you can order it for free yeah for education purposes and it's the same 45 the cut down version like the last one weed no I mean the Manville one get that one I I don't know that one doesn't seem to be as formalized um that their website it's Marano films their Motion Picture company um so I sure new Fields they want to First collect revenu yeah they they will they might want Revenue but I don't know if um I don't you do you live in I do yeah I can ask the person yeah I I wrote it down maybe to reach out and see if maybe we can get him to like speak about it because that be like yeah he's a teacher at the school actually he so yeah I we're almost in adjacent Town yeah yeah no I can ask for sure I love the man AMC my husband and I enjoy that for our our when we're off from work and we do a daytime movie they're going to play that there too actually that movie they're going to play could just invite people to go to that on July 8 when are they when are they screaming we can actually do cross advertisement because if they have different day if they're open for people from outside of Mand right right yeah I wrote down actually on the list to do that to ask so I will read out when we had our day those were not available from mville now they can come to our what's the that's right okay so I I'm I'm gathering this we should pull Common Ground out of the email blast that's ready to go closing down hold on hold on there's two conversations happening yeah this was the one that whole Common Ground out of the email CL yeah yeah for now we will not put another film in we might mention look for information in September about common ground yeah we can tell people that we could send people to the website to look at them they were they're offering educational screenings beginning September 1st we put in a request you know something like that and I think it's being shown in Princeton maybe if you're on the internet Jessica could you look up the Princeton Garden theater I think it's being shown there in May so I could put that in people could go see it there cuz there were so many people that were interested after that kiss the ground yeah learn more how could we learn more so be nice to put that in our email you might have to put in the title of the film cuz I think Princeton only shows you one or two weeks in advance come on we're doing I've got that down right we can move on to the the tree ordinance recommendations you got Thursday May 16th at 700 p.m. okay there one shown did we finish our conversation about what time was that again Joseph I'm sorry 700 p.m. Thursday May 16th it's in partnership with the West buer Community farmers market and Scott Morgan of morganics he love green okay all right the um a Tre tree ordinance yes okay I so Arie was kind enough I asked to hold on that for till our next meeting so I could learn more about how do we count trees in a tree ordinance and the more I worked on this the more it just seems to me we should do a major rewrite of the tree ordinance doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see a cap put back in and AR feel strongly about changing the count of a tree to 2 and2 in uh 4 in I I you want to do follow the pilot it's recommending the pilot I'm sorry in the information you sent to us the professor is recommending one methodology he recommends either either the variable um or the fixed radius method and I think to do if we're going to get into changing the tree counting method I don't think that's a memo to the council or a memo to the township manager I think that's a little more elaborate and in both of those cases those people who recommend those two counting methods do not recommend we changeed to 2 and2 in they recommend we leave it at four yeah I saw more right um and if we leave it at 4 I think the replacement schedule should start at 4: not a two and a half so that a tree is a tree right right coming in and going out four inches is a tree that's a tree um arie's current draft memo is 2 and 1 12 and 2 and2 and replacing the 25% cap but not going into changing the tree counting method not going into requiring an arborist on retainer and I think maybe those things we should go to the shade tree commission and say can we work on a major right but in the meantime if the environmental commission wants to go ahead with this memo as Arie drafted it that's what's before us tonight well I think that um in in what you sent us today and I want to thank you for you did a lot of research and a lot of good work so thank you very much um for doing all of this I think one of the things you were just talking about was the meal Theo um recommendation about the 4in trait um and you know I'll I'll cut to the chase is you know on the on the last or at the end of your email you suggested some recommendations and i' just like to go over those um cuz I agree with Mo just about everything in your recommendations um but I just want to hit on the 4in tree situation um I went to bomb Bley today to look at their trees to look at 4in trees and how much they cost um um and and as you know I've said that I would rather I forget if it was three or four trees instead of just one tree one 4in tree you know two two and 1 half in trees I'd rather have more of those than one 4 in tree um so at M's the sunset Red Maple and and their biggest trees they had they were three about 3 and 1/4 in um so their Sunset red maple was 1,1 195 for tree October Glory Maple was 995 Ever Clear L Spork Elm is $9.95 green pillar Oak is $9.95 a Sawtooth Oak is $195 and a green base zova is $4.95 and that's without transportation or planting and that's also a 3 and a/4 in tree so if we're looking at a 4 in tree I'm sure you can add on a couple more100 to those um which limit to me it limits the amount of trees they going to be planting I mean you know they're going to be bigger trees but I'm not sure how that relates to helping with our canopy if we can plant four trees instead of one tree that said um your recommendations that you have at the end um one we recommend changing the definition to 2 and2 in okay recommend reinserting the 25% of the tree replacement good uh recommend engaging a municipal arborus uh to work directly with the township I had a DPW mhm the environmental commission and Shad Tre and not be through the engineering firm as currently configured um that might be difficult to get done um but I'm thinking when you say we engaging in municipal or oror you specifically talking about for the purpose of counting trees or all things to be enforcement to CU there are lots of places in our ordinance where refers to the officer right but that can be anybody Bob War Locker wants to appoint and they may not know anything about trees most municipalities Define what a tree expert is and they outline their duties we don't do any of that well that's what I'm going to get to in here but you've said maybe we don't need uh let's see uh to work directly with DP DPW and not be through the engineering firm as currently configured which is what we do um maybe we don't need that in the ordinance we just do it as part of using the tree fund or we do it to put it in the ordance um and the orbitus needs needs to be need not be full time correct you're saying um you know what I think I read that as being full-time but it's you have in yet need not be full-time and I think to get a full-time orb burst here is going to be difficult although you talked about as we've talked about in the past um doing shared services with different towns um and you know if we can do that that would be great also the possibility of Poss you know somebody um person who's our shade tree leaon to the DPW he's doing a great job um and he's very motivated and um you know maybe he can get some kind of certification as a tree specialist or a Forester an orist because I see that you having here that uh Jackson and Montclair have a tree specialist and a Forester respectively in their towns um if we can get something like that done that would be great um so uh you know I think the recommendations that you have in here to put in our in our or you know in our letter to whoever we send it to most likely Warren Locker you know the mayor and you know Steve guli for Shak train and you know maybe a couple of other people Ed as our liaison Jim vasilla as the shade tree liaison on um I I think what you've outlined here is is is good you know for a first step you know at some point if we're going to look into this 4 in tree that's a whole big discussion if we're going to be replacing trees with 4 in trees we got to figure out you know how we're going to do that why we're going to do that and whether it's going to be beneficial to do that if I may when if we address change our current tree counting method because our tree counting method right now says go find a 100 by 100 plot and tell us what's in there and that's what you have to do for your whole development well we've all looking at plans have said how do we know that they really looked at that and is anybody enforcing this and the only other thing in our ordinance is and if it's over so many acres you need two plots and if it's over so many acres you need three plots still no accountability for who inventories that plot and how it's done these methods that are recommended to us are accepted by Professional Standards they need to be done by a Forester so there's somebody who signs that thing who is really accountable for what they've developed and in both of those methods this is where Emil came in to use those methods and count 2 and 1/2 in trees he does not recommend it for good reasons that helps report what we want to do and that's why I was concerned if we were going to change our tree counting method and we were going to listen to the advice of Someone Like A DeVito we'd probably not be smart to require a 2 and 1/2 in tree be the count but if we're not going to go after the tree counting method now which I think is too complicated to try to cover in a memo I think we do your 2 and 1/2 inch we leave it that way and we our justification can be you're replacing a 2 and A2 so you better better start counting the two and a half well that's what my justification was in my original memo I think over year and a half ago or whatever that that's the justification two and a half for two and a half right and my thinking was well for the same reason if you're counting a 4 in then you replace it for in but if you think that if this group thinks that's too much to demand of a developer and quite honestly I don't care what the developer thinks but we'll go for two and a half but at least it's consistency mhm and then I do think make a recommendation for an arborist and we put in the 25% cap I think that's a good memo to all those parties you just outlined mhm you okay with that memo yes so the one that we have uh okay is this the correct one let's see okay so the last time we had in here our recommendations were reducing the measurement of 4 to 2 and A2 right reinstating the 25% cap nothing in there though about the rbur or anything so we can add that in okay well do you want to use the word rbur you also want to use the other terminologies the Forester and the tree specialist that are used by other towns yeah see every town does it differently right now currently in ours we say I mean you've looked at this more than I have I'm just wondering how how those titles and what those people do what Their qualifications are if we be happy with those we have a definition that says Tree Specialist is a professional who understands trees and good cultural practices in their Care Management such as a landscape architect ornamental hold culturist Forester Arbor culturalist or other I don't think that's got enough teeth in it I don't think there's any professional qualifications certification so if if we may take one more day can you leave a spot there Robin will come up with the right words are you guys comfortable with that and uh we recommend retention of this specialist titled to be the fined um and we're putting in there about hopefully the possibility of having a shared services situation with surrounding Town some towns right um because I think that's going to be a hard sell to bring in a fulltime arboris even though we have the funds in the shade tree fund but that can go very quickly if you pay and we start with part-time and three years if we find we've got that kind of volume that it justifies it great but let's start with something M yeah um all right so I will I will work on that tomorrow okay I hav highlighted so we have those three bullets in there then that's a good start yeah send that off and see if we can get going and we to send it to VOR Locker the mayor the two Liaisons and gal yes guli mayor council member Edward pnik councilman massanella right right and and Paul um as our chair and Robin as being involved and I'd like to be copied also since I was involved in the beginning with this if that's okay okay I'm going to type your name correctly I'm you know what let me just do this I can highlight it for both of you and then I'll make it look good okay okay all right okay so I'm not to for a moment while I'm making my notes going back to our filming I'm not going to say anything in the email blast about the asbestos City yeah cuz we don't have anything firm yet either really I'm just going to mention the Common Ground they can go see it in Princeton and we're looking to do an education version in September when was the last time we sent blast late February I mean I put in July 8th for our in the request but I then I saw afterwards they have it available for free so they maybe they'll give us an early cut I don't know yeah let me know you hear from them um we kind of cut off regarding this clean up I just checked there were five Amazon employees oh wow okay good registered during the for the stream cleanup five Amazon employees registered and we got uh Franklin High School Green club and uh the um Edison uh charter school so we got good and very colorful our presentation so were what roughly 100 people 100 take 100 yeah and I think you sent me the um total tonage of garbage I'll put that in the email oh I need that too for the uh I save it for next's annual report we I I need to follow up because I haven't received you know yet but um so what you sent out is not final no okay uh I I I said okay this is from petty petty Street Petty Road uh because the conclusion I ask Anon whether it is all I won't worry about it I will that so um thank you everybody for taking the time on that tree ordinance I know it's been a long time and you read through a lot of stuff I sent you but I Le yeah um letter to multi-unit dwelling management companies regarding ing grant opportunities for electric vehicle charging stations I think we talked about this at the last meeting I'm not 100% sure did we talk about this at the last meeting I think we did yeah we did so just real quick so um Ted had sent uh an email to the township manager and I about opportunities grant opportunities that available for EV charging stations for multi-unit development this is the second round of this yes so I asked Alyssa to put together a letter um we did get the contact information for many of our Municipal uh for many of our multiple unit developments so Alyssa's working on the letter I think you I have to make some minor edits or you sent me or you asked me for feedback and then we can send it out to the uh we'll send it through so Mariana and DPW retains the list so we can good uh get that out it'll just kind of say hey you should look into this and I think those of us who have friends that live in a condo development or a townhouse in town mention it to them to go to their board to pressure their boards to do this and the funding is first come first serve it is yes until the funding runs out yeah and uh I don't remember last year but how long but it didn't last as a long and we did have good number of applications from our town yeah there was one developer has four properties and they all I think all total was like six4 hours um save the mo till Earth bill can you put something out there to help promote this send me something okay the the the image that we develop can can image be just the want a PDF or do you want copy text would be best copy would be best can you send Bill some copy that he can turn into a little article we we have not not the flyer some text narrative n noted sure yeah okay and you can send it right to Bill you've got Bill's contact um I noticed driving on South Middle Bush Road that Sarah Malone or dear Sarah has mowed the Hegman Farm I want to say Sarah don't do that she was on the tree she tree commission for a long time but we are actually it's it's almost the end of the the thing she probably had she was probably told by The Meadows I bet cuz she's like the caretaker for that oh I know she is and I think that we need to make sure we get to people like The Meadows that but this this is my point of bringing it up for next year I don't know if we can use clean community's money but we should develop a graphic and make signs available so people could put them in their lawn so they can be proud of the fact that they're saving them Motel day yeah it's also communication I realized you know um all of my neighbors I hear all the common sounds of the laan mower because they continue to hire um landscapers anyway that's is could you find out if clean communities would pay for that um I would imagine they would but I can find out for sure yep and I think we should try to work up a budget and include that next year you know I put it in my yard and I think some of my friends would I don't know how much it would cost to have the signs made but it's crambled because another thing we need to advertise is uh the electric vehicles the good and ugly which will be on April 29th that's in the email blast but it needs to go through that as well yes yes we have a flyer for that yeah yep so need to be spaced out but um save the mod is kind of okay do you want to send the EV FL to Bill as well yes but I'll send him one at the time okay and I'll send the EV fly to Mike lions at tap into that we forgot about that he's not sitting here that's why sorry sorry um okay green infrastructure projects at non Williams Park yes so I um reached up to um the Water Resources program at ruford University Dr abrupta um and he was really helpful in the beginning with getting the Grant and you know looking at the concepts we put together so um he and his staff actually helped me put together uh they sent me a list of materials and supplies me because I kind of have been waiting on that so I reached out to him and within a day that had sent me all the materials and supplies we would need so I am going going to meet with Carl next week at uh Nathan Williams Park with the list and hopefully we can order that material and then we can start Implement you know working on Priority One we start with and then you know moving through and then when it's you should take some pictures along the way and then we we do put that in the next email blast yeah was done yeah we've been taking pictures a lot we've been visiting there but we'll take it during the the work and then for a year afterwards we take it monthly so yep so that is moving along Community energy plan busy lady yes so I was really hoping to have the fin I worked on it really hard all weekend but it was like it's just like there's a little bit left to do so hopefully by the next meeting um but one thing I did put together a little list of what's done so the in basically all of the foundation work is done all of initiative one 2 six is completely done um in initiative three there's two that have to be written which they're easy it looks like to write and one in initiative 7 um and your deadlines May one you no it's um August 1st yes yes my personal deadline is May 1 but I'm getting closer to it so I think we'll be done by May 1 um then the resources and citations have to be done I have them all down on paper but by basically have have to like alphabetize them so that's not a big deal and then we need to put in our typical acknowledgements pages and things like that no big no biggie but the main thing I would like to ask is that initiative number four is where we need the most help and there is still like some outstanding items so if anyone can help with that that would make is there anybody here in the room that was supposed to be doing that you can call them out and ask them to please do it yes uh well Alyssa she's helped with quite a few so she's been really helpful which has been great um so Alyssa oh you did you're working on energy benchmarking so we don't need to worry about that because Alyssa I just gave that to her so she's working on that buildings electrification I talked to Paul about um e was going to write one for Energy savings and new construction and energy code enforcement so really that's it just easy and Paul yeah so I will reach out to them if if I could get that and then I can basically format it the only thing I then have to do is take all of the initiatives and like put them into one document but I already have the main part of the plan in one document so it's like adding the final written things in So yeah so super close thank you T for all that work um other old business is requested by Commissioners I'll just keep bringing it up every meeting because I think eventually we'll get to it is Rails to Trails and and um I will be contacting Kevin Corbett currently in New Jersey Transit about um Conrail but I'm going to wait and do that after July because he's been so busy with the budget for New Jersey Transit oh yeah and he's he is either retiring in either July or September so he'll have a little more time to help me with a contact but he's very good at connecting people so I think he can he can help me there um um I suggest we put together a committee and go in with a plan for Franklin day um not just you know fit in where we can or whatever we should have our own agenda and uh maybe a collage of things we've done and are we going to have giveaways and things like that it's same kind of material Maria is going to look for for the green fair you could get again from an and if um if somebody wants to take a look at the various Maps we have pick a map or two and we'll ask the township to laminate it for us okay yeah and then we'll have that permanently to use as something like Franklin day so it's much of the same material I think can be used between green fair and Franklin day some adop green material yeah and then we will have some hopefully I think by September we will have some of the things from residential Energy Efficiency okay we should I think should and in the budget we have money for signage so after July 1 we could spend a little money to buy adopted drain signs we have to buy them Y and then have I you know CU I know they have one of these tall vertical things that those are so eye-catching stuff you just put on a tabletop doesn't necessarily gra anybody but these tall things would be great yeah y I think that works all right is that the kind of stuff you're talking about who would you like to have on the committee with you Walter well I would prefer to people volunteer but you know historically Paul and has been um you know one of the St what's on the committee um do we know the date yet by the 20 It's usually the SEC what is it the third or second Saturday right it's usually right cuz I remember it's usually right on my daughter's birthday that's how I remember frankly so probably the 21st okay Saturday right it's it's Saturday yeah the 21st and I that's the old format in in the uh in the park I believe so yeah yeah not what we tried to do last time here in the uh complex yeah yeah I think so I think let me look it up and just make sure cuz I'm not involved in that but I will look it the Board of Ed location well I think want don't you talk to Paul about that and see if you guys want to organizing and um yeah I'm happy to help [Music] out yeah we have the banner things like that and I think the enject material and adopted drain material assignment would be good and um to we don't have any save the M till Earth signs be good to have as well at one time we had our own trifold but I think it became outdated and we never did put together a new one um but I'll look into here we are in April yeah maybe we can do something we can't do a slideshow because there's no power work no power there is no power at Franklin day yeah in Colonial Park I think we have generators I think that some power no you can pull electric car and provide Power there you go Stan battery that's not new that would be cool and have it right next to our we have been doing but that way some we could have you know a slideshow on somebody's computer if we probably wouldn't met the car next to the booth why not if it's part of our exhibit like Audi Q4 right that would be nice I have no idea how to make that work but if you can make it work well if you assign me uh waiver just get permission from BN Locker I remember they had a stage for performers and I thought there was power there but I yeah MH Yeah but whether we have it at or Booth yeah okay well if he gets that Clos we get right okay good and I'll share just one last thought I learned um of this very busy weekend in Highland Park has an environmental commission and they have a Green Team and the green team does all these projects and communication and reaching out to the community the environmental commission just does plans and audiances look it depends I know Westfield they have a Green Team and it's a corporate business my my my point was that this is a lot of work for one group of people it is it is and I think if there were two groups and I said okay how does Highland Park fund it and she said um the the town the municipality gives them some money and it's not a big budget but they have a budget to do things with um but because they're not also a government agency they're free to go make Partnerships yes yes and we've talked about this before they're free to meet with each other they can then do a lot of the Outreach prioritize things bring them to us so then we can then incorporate them into the actual um legislation which is how it should work but how the hell do we get a green team started is the question Princeton has a green team here but it's not like that yeah but it's a team it's we have a green team that gets RIT reappointed year hello green and the the fundamental reason for a green team is to prepare the application for sustainable Jersey certification so is this just a semantics issue then it it may be um Princeton has sustainable Princeton they do all the Outreach and do all the education we need sustainable Franklin then I yeah that's what you mean yeah my point is to have two set two groups there this is a big portfolio it's a lot for one group to be working on particularly with all the constraints of an environmental commission and if they can work on like actually partnering with third parties they could have staff that this is their job and not people who are volunteering right um yeah yeah if you if you can get the funding put together right oh does anybody have anything else before we have a motion to open to the public moot open to the public second all those in favor hello public hello anything say tell us your name and address um I'm Jenny fos and I'm at T Barkley Court um I wrote down a few things one of them with the tree ordinance um they're replacing 4 in to a 4 in tree um you might want to consider doing an exception to that if you're taking down a non-native tree and replacing it with a native tree because in the long run like they they contribute more to the ecosystem will'll end up growing up into the canopy but the thing is with non-native trees is that they don't support pretty much like any biodiversity any insects any birds but the non-native trees or the native trees do so um just an idea I thought of um another thing just when you had the zoning up I didn't I saw there was plans for lighting I didn't know you guys looked over that but um it's the whole thing with insects going up to lights and then they kind of die there and that's one of the things that has contributed to like insect population decreasing tremendously kind of around the world for whatever reason they don't do that for yellow lights so if there's any place for that fits in to just replace like the normal white LED lights with um yellow lights um and then I also mentioned this last time I asked about the calorie pairs I was just kind of wondering what the process would be like if we were to like outlaw them so people can't plant them cuz just driving around I'm seeing calorie pairs that look like they were planted maybe a year or two to AG go and I'm sure as people contribute they are like a pretty ornamental tree if you look at them from a distance and you can't smell them um I think that a lot of people when they're building stuff here considering them so I was just wondering like what the fuit look like them I think I'm in plans developers are encouraged to use our native list but we do not have like do not plant this do we we have a noxious I think they a noxious weeds or plants list but I don't think it applies to trees so we have like a recommended tree planting list but we don't have a do not plant list maybe that's something um AR's on the shade tree commission maybe he can mention this if you think it's I'd be happy to dedicate time to make that happen too if there's something I could be doing to we have a shade Tre committee meeting not this Thursday but the following Thursday here 7:00 okay um you're welcome to come and and bring that up okay cool that is great do you think you're going to come y all right good thank you very much thank you anybody else want to stand [Laughter] up coule maybe the one the first one just a comment about the tree planting that when I guess an entity a developer or whatever comes in and they have to knock down trees and then we require them to replace them what about the die off rate cuz I know I watch that a lot of times you know you knock down trees then you plant new ones and then I just watch like in the retention Basin over at the entrance to Middle Bush Park I just watched one after another die I I don't think any of them succeeded well can I comment the trees that were in the Basin they should never have been put in the Bas well that that yeah that's another thing that that was poor but that made me think it's just like you know yeah we're replacing one for one but one was alive and we killed it and then we're now replacing it is that one going to survive routinely they have 2 years warranties or guarantees for them so if they die they'll be replaced with one but that replacement one does not have a guarantee oh that's interesting and the routinely also it's not because it's a bad tree it's because of poor maintenance on the tree not watering enough sometimes they get hit by lawn mowers at the bottom um or whether the tree guard falls off and a deer rubs up against it you know they can kill it that way so usually not the tree it's the care of the tree so so then I mean if people are replacing so it's more than just the cost of the tree putting it in the ground and walking away it's the care of it Absolut does that care then leave the person who planted it and becomes the townships I'm not sure let me try to give you a little bit more information that may help you feel better the the trees the Township plant which has been have been very few the township is in the midst of developing a tree maintenance plan okay we've been hearing this for months because it has been so unsuccessful years there's been a lot of pressure noticed yeah um secondarily I have a watering can it's a develop the developers and or the property owners are supposed to be monitoring and keeping the trees alive there's no enforcement mechanism in town hence the need for an arist right oh you're talking to the right person because when I worked at the safety office at Ru was part of our job was enforcement and as we know living in the United States there has to be consequences if you have a law and there's no consequences who follows it so that's we're we're hoping that with some money from the tree fund even if we have a part-time arborous to or forest or whatever title we want to give this person there'll be somebody who could potentially drive around and check on these they have the site plan went in a year ago what's happening now I love that that's part of what we're doing okay my second comment is again um I'm just expressing I've noticed how Franklin has changed over the decades I've been here for more than three decades and yeah warehouses I don't want another Warehouse just as a a resident I don't want another Warehouse I don't want to see the Earth movers knocking down a whole plot of land but then that made me think so I think somebody we don't always know what what's in the warehouse Bays when they're dropping Stu off do we know what the materials are that are being housed there temporarily are there any they're required to have manifests for what it is that they're bring and then do they have material safety data sheets they're supposed to okay yeah cuz I also did training on the New Jersey right to know act and it's the worker and Community right to know act so if there's a release if there's chemicals do we have is it built with secondary containment are all the safety features built into the these warehousing I just asked questions I don't know I'm not on the plan review board or whatever but it's just it's just I sorted thinking it's like they don't want to tell us what's going to be in there so then how do how can we protect ourselves in the environment they're required to have that information for the fire department in case there is some kind of incident I know as I said work the Safety Office Rec we worked with the fire department we were part of the First Responders that been to explosions and fires and whatever and yeah we required all the Departments to you know supply to the university the safety office and fire department those inventories I just wondered with these warehouses the coming and going of different materials are they really keeping nothing if something is not hazardous it's co mingled with everything but only if something is hazardous then it has to be separated like you you have to have flammable separately in separate cabinet stor yeah but that brings up a quote for me from paracelsus like the father of industrial hygiene centuries ago he said the dose makes the poison well yeah yeah yeah so I mean you know a grain of cyanide will kill you but then you need a whole big body of water for you to drink but we are talking about uh you're not talking about personal toxicity we are talking about environmental toxicity I want to cover the whole the whole B away so so and then then when we have the batteries you have to have them also I just want to ask the question cuz it's like you know a lot of I think that question is probably better posted to the council with the township manager there than to us we don't have that we don't have the authority over that okay but it's a good one okay well thank you take it across the hall okay let us know thank you very much okay motion to close second it second okay all in favor motion to end the meeting adjourn second all those in favor all okay