in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the Bolton board in the municipal building posted on the township website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating the meeting would be would take place in person at 7:00 on June 17th yeah uh roll call okay Walter Andrews here T Chase here E's not here Jessica's not here she's gone Stan I'm here Arnold here Robin here Maria here me Tara and Ed not here here moving right along what's that it will not be here tonight no he's on the west coast I think no he's here I today oh ptic I'm thinking easy oh sorry on the west coast they both be given an e yes that's right okay chair report very short but two two things one uh best to bring everybody up to date we have a new perspective member of the environmental commission Ellen besta has submitted the documentation to officially join us as as you already know Ellen has been Faithfully attending our meetings for a while she will bring A New Perspective to our work her resume is impressive Ellen was at watus for 28 years uh her work took her through many of the health and safety issues involved in radiation his best waste management and Industrial hygiene OSHA as well as food waste recycling okay so that so I said you could sit here with us but it's not official but you know you're you're part of town Council has to vote you Paul we want to make sure that we don't make the same Last Stand because we have alternate one alternate two and member she needs to be the alternate and Robin will be officially a member at this years alter it's just the stepping stone you been a stepping stone for 5 years yes wait you're an alternate for what 5 years no I was an alternate because when new people came on they put them on ahead of me they forgot to move me up make er that the bureaucracy was unable to rectify make sure T going to make a note in a minute also thank you um the other thing I want to mention is um at the um At The Gala for the league of conservation of Voters I get to meet I got to meet a couple of the County Commission Paul Drake sat next to me but um also Melanie who's been working on the intersection of Western Canal Road the Manville Causeway and the little part of Weston that's also was the and she and I came before the the commission and made a presentation all I wanted was a solar powered LED pedestrian crossing sign it's now turned out to be a major redo of the entire intersection what she told me about and they've worked up the budget did I don't know what they're going to do but they're changing there's a little park there and there's some grass and then the trees maybe they're going to take some of the grass away yeah it's a very unsafe intersection which intersection again this is the intersection of Weston Kel Road and the Manville Causeway and there's another road Western to Road actually makes a left turn but that's Township property the this part here is County Road and then the Mainville cway is part of it is the Delaware and Canal commission which is part of the New Jersey Environmental Protection is it Causeway the area that when there heavy storms that whole Road floods out no it's where they have the big soccer fields it does flood by and there's that old white house on the corner um that's a canal the DNR Canal is on your on your left hand on your right hand side if you're going towards Manville and then you'll see that White House on the Left that that's like where people cross there with their bikes and stuff terrible terrible yes keep everybody moving yeah that would be good well we have only three RADS but uh three roads what she told me this is going to be a massive change so I don't know what it is but it's working I started something it won't look like what I envisioned okay so that's my report um approval of the minutes from uh the May 20th meeting so move anybody have any changes or I'm standing because so it's been moved um seconded I second then approve of the minutes I I okay the minutes are approve that's okay public comment motion to open the um meeting to public comment [Music] second yes so I'm interested in this so the little parking area are they do you know if they're going to get rid of that I don't know uh I think the park they can't get rid of that parking area cuz that's owned by the DNR Canal right yes but the DNR Canal was involved in this as well the parking area formerly was Western Road so I used to go straight we don't know exactly what's going on with I don't know all I got was this short conversation and she told me what was happening but didn't you know I don't I don't know any of the details seen a lot of people I was hoping to see Walter land at the lcv but um he was I couldn't find him he's the planning director for the county we did one of our cleanups right there and used that par area yeah that's nice the toath gets a lot of work and the problem that I've mentioned in robob warer is part of it as well because from Western Canal we have a little path that goes out onto that little portion of Western Canal Road you then make a right and you're walking on the highway to get to the intersection so it can get to the toe path and it's dangerous so the town has said they'll pave that area by making to the swell they put a pipe in the swell pave over it and then people walking from our pathway won't be on the road they'll be on this thing is off the road so from a safety pedestrian s standpoint that's a good thing and they get people to intersection and then whatever it looks like there'll be a way to pass the cross over to that white building and then get on the tow path either going north and south cu the C path goes passes that her path to the north to the South only gone down maybe mile and a half I'm not sure where it ends up sure so that's what happened I have another question so are they going to take into the count I don't I know you this is beginning but I'm just asking like because I don't know if you're talking to well that's why I found this out last Monday night cuz like that floods all the time are they taking well they flood more down by Manville on as you go over the cordway by kers and no but it floods there that that area floods and the pack near zerath it also floods a lot but I that flood oh that but awesome long of time there was a major accident at that intersection about 3 4 months ago and there's been other near accidents cuz when people are coming down Western Canal Road to make the turn to go to theand for Causeway if the people trying to cross the toe from the toe path you don't see them until you make the turn and you got to slam on your brakes if somebody you Crossing so is that house uh uh his the house was originally the canal keeper house there's a bunch of protected yeah exactly Bridge tender house Bridge tender house so there's a whole slew those along all like those along like tall white building I've never seen it open completely sh no there's no programming going on there no no the one on further down um blackw Mills that one that one gets used my mother started the black WS Mills Canal House Association ah so they still exist and there's still programming going on it's been used this one just lies empty nobody's done any with you need volunteers to want to do it yeah the there well I would hardly call it a stream but water accumulation between Western Ro and the canal burn just to the south of it and then that water percolates through underneath that house oh eventually there's a drain under the canal to the river quite a way nor so there okay that's any comment Alan or no public comments yeah I I know it's like um I'm I'm always concerned about you know the land usage here in Franklin I don't want us to become overdeveloped that's my perspective um and yeah um I hope when when you allow me to join the commission I'll still be able to answer ask questions the first year the first year you're not all to we have a Gad rule sorry I will not be able to I could resist if your name starts with t yeah you can reach up and gag me just motion to close oh motion to close the oh yeah second all in favor I okay corespondence I don't have any do you have any I don't have any but the question I was going to ask is who's going to be in charge of correspondence now because Jessica used to handle that did we get a password for the account yeah the password apparently apparently the account has been unlocked completely so to whom to I guess to Jessica so I think we have to start with Jessica yeah so she can pass along the credentials to whomever is willing to take on that role Paul who do you want to take on that role we got to assign um who else is left on that uh who else was with her I'm volunteering easy she always did that independently I'll second whote easy oh no not Easy E let's leave him with easy if he comes back and says he possibly can't but when you don't show up right look Maria she's like oh my gosh thank God it's not her just email Jessica and easy and let them know of the change and make sure they communicate with each other just let them know easy know that he was unanimously so that it makes him feel really good okay so that's a town password on what on the on the mailbox the environmental environmental commission's email address yeah it's environmental commission at Frank MJ I think it's ft okay no okay I got a a note I'll let her I'll uh you're going to take you're yeah I'll take care of it I'll find out I have no I find out my how we get in it in case like the they just the password's been unlocked but I'll just find out from it good so um I think that's correspondence right okay now there was um there's been a few site plan applications one I did and some smaller ones tower has taken care of and Ted and Ted oh okay good I didn't you didn't tell me that yeah Ted did one I did one yeah the one I did was one we've looked at before um the somerset properties Realty LLC corner of uh Weston Canal Road and Cottontail I have it up on the screen if any so this is Weston up here okay and this is cottonil the last time we saw this it was 70 it was like 60 something ,000 Square ft 5,000 65,000 ft now it's ,79 they Shrunk the building is that going into that tree lot yes yeah they also readjusted the the the tree count to take into account our conds because before this they were going to plant only 26 trees out of some number that they'd come up with but our our number was 280 something so now they're planting 96 trees and instead of 21 but they're still short at 903 Tera is it the there were two different Lots it look like you assum it's it's both of them okay this and this there's a a warehouse there already and the the green area that's where they want to build this thing they did cut it down in size and they got they you know how much perum how much impervious surface uh that I didn't see that I that would have that would have changed a little bit because the building is small they cut down the number of walking spaces from 36 to 24 Warehouse so yeah Warehouse it was originally proposed at 65,000 Square ft I think that's what Paul said it's now 50,000 79 and this is some sort of application that was filed before the ban or well that's the question it was submitted when the ban went into effect and it was but it was rejected as is incomplete but now that the ban is incomplete now that the band is in place instead of going to the planning board they're going to the zoning point cuz it wasn't complete at the time of submission it has to be complete deed complete y so they're asking for a variance asking for a variance and they're still taking down 90 trees they're taking down 100 something yeah and and replacing 90 of them yeah I've got it to fit 90 trees in there yeah there 97 trees short they're taking down 280 trees they have the plant list there are they plantings there was no trees shrubs they're not counting shrubs no no uh and I didn't see any sp there was one I wasn't sure about but I don't think it was that that very one that you told me was there yeah there's been many iterations of it I'm just trying to see cuz the coverage spot they left blank on the FL so I'm looking to see if I M yeah all right so let what is that this number here um this is the setback the requirement is a 50t setback and they are looking to see you can see it's all disjointed the application here so I have to look and see if I can uh oh the trees are on one it's on one of the it's on two of the drawings applicant now seeks to subdivide the property and construct a new Warehouse facility on the adjoining property which is proposed to be separated into a separate lot I'm looking for the impervious coverage number but it's BL yeah it was blank on the other form can we kick it that uh it's probably here somewhere yeah you it's okay if it's BF you coverage on this this is the set [Music] C this is not like an editor is it h um all right just turn the TV just turn the TV right okay what is that Circle the one the one under the penc yeah this is edit it's usually under edit I don't want to edit the text though I just want to what here uh this is the got it there we go thank you all right but it might say though what the Zone requirement is and everything so give me one second here you need to close the left pan rot move where's the Clos the there we go okay okay now went that back oh my God but but you got the circle to to rotate it where right there this is what it is rotation Arrow um at the right well try try to do itel what where's the little nice box I just had I think do undo here then all right let me read if it says it here hang on it might say it here um I never seen that it could rotate in such a peculiar way right I just want to see if it says it here sometimes it well see here here's what it says the planning board de the pending FL plan incomplete incomplete which is [Music] to can't read the imperious visit lost the program I think to go yeah all right let me go to the site plant itself the first there's two there's two things of of site plan and it's in the first one and about number cuz there's a landscaping with has it has the tabl one hereo okay yeah all righty so that's what lot a view of the lot you can see what they're looking to propose also wetlands and the Conservation District there's all sorts of restrictions on that line they can't take that all the trees let's see hose Warehouse ,79 ft 24 parking stalls n loading stalls next to the 8 handicap there are two e EV spots yeah oh that's what we were looking for they I don't know it just it's they probably too many par okay there we go minimum lot coverage 50% existing is 11.7 so what they're proposing is actually under what's allowed 23.3 + [Music] 17.3 below Yep they're allowed 60 they're at coverage there it is yeah so they're below what's actually permitted no the the first one the one to the right is the existing voting the new one is what to Desert that one right so 52.8 is proposed and 60 is permitted yeah so there yeah but still there is it a native list trees it's on the on the drawing is it a list of native trees let's take a look all right SC this just says what the tree removal plan no this is the same table there okay no this is keep going keep going I think the Landscaping was up above I think no it's not it's bottom slow SL oh here we go okay all right so let's see here so got these are the trees any specimens 126 estimated number of trees and replacement requirement 183 183 Al together 86 are they what they're proposing the rest would go into the tree count this is what they're proposing so 64 of them are but those are a size right there's another there's another table okay let me so it's 86 there we go this is it uh Ted you want I don't know I mean I know you you kind of know these any of these you see that stand out as should not be there not native that snowcloud service part is that a tree or no it's a shrub they tried that before that's why I mentioned that yeah so the trees themselves it's 25 shade trees 44 Evergreens 17 ornamentals yeah but the ornamentals are look small yeah and the service ber is a shrub yeah that's a shr a lot of grasses which is yeah there's the chickberry which is in the shrubber yeah in the Holly just this is the kind of stuff they didn't do the first time yeah they they really they had to get in line to do how many trees are these replacing 8 something 86 86 right so more of them should be in the deciduous trees what are the Evergreen varieties oh go down back DW Holly and noran Berry but we don't like white pine no and that Jun for the emerald Sentinel red steer is that what we got growing all over the fields Ted I don't know yeah yeah we don't want that either so that's oh that's not a tree that's a weed reading about how the grasslands of the Midwest are being by Eastern red SE yeah and just having driven through that what a shame it the pray is real oh it's not a tree no it's it and it only grows 8 ft tall well we have them here we try to get rid of them we pull them yeah well let's make a comment okay so it should be more trees planted chinate the red SE [Music] I we were against this before the whole thing before they've modified to move in that direction but there's still stuff I don't know what the planning board would do at this point well they'll get new comments from us yes I mean they evidently listened to the first one who board major say Council wanted to ban warehouses therefore we ban warehouses we be proud of them if they do that yeah and it's least a listing Lis they did they made a big improvement over the last one but they included the list of changes which was very nice very helpful yeah went through yes but we're still not getting the list of changes are we yeah it was it's one of the things on the on the table of content yeah good which is on the it's on the the Zoning Board website or the planning board website so in terms of our comments are we going based on what the old comments were for the most part or I know we got a tree schedule we have the tree schedule we want to talk about the kind of trees they're picking and it's still an enormous amount of trees yeah and it's still I mean that 30 grand if we had the 25% cap yeah they'd be stuck with 45 trees they could pay their way not we we will we we press again the solar roof well solar are not because it's no but we can cuz you're eliminating all those trees yeah we always put a blurb B that says you should do it even if it's under size we have a spe specific blur for side and you said you didn't see the anti-idling signage I I couldn't find it and we can put um solar SL cool roof because you that those trees are absorb a lot of heat yeah you take that out you got a lot more heat now in the neighborhood Y part of the lot is a conservation area and I don't think there allow of the plant trees in the conservation area yeah because they got the the brook R Brook goes through the S Rand yeah I learned a lot this one we did B what is sou all right Ted do you want to do yours okay [Music] well go go go call go call yes or goal um I have your review up here gal goal yeah goal let's say that goal 18 acul while you talk bring it up this is a really minimal application okay for thank you a house replacing an existing small house on aen Lane in grewn and the lot is mostly grass there are some trees you want to take down six trees that would be four in one cluster that would be close to the proposed house and the the is involved it is slightly undersized that is it's it's about 366 Square ft short of the 40,000 requir more significantly what they proposed would be a 14% lot coverage in the zone where 10% is what is allowed they don't explain why and they're proposing a single family a single story house a possible explanation looking at the the floor plan they show son's bedroom and mother's bedroom so it's likely you know perhaps there the mother of one of the couple who needs to be on the ground floor okay but I'm I'm just extrapolating from mother of bedroom got it but that they'll have to explain that to the board of adjustment it's not really our involvement as I say they would be cutting down propos cutting down six trees but planting I think it's 23 which does include a couple of on CH which sound nonm that's yeah those that cluster at the right and then the two down below it are supposed to be removed and when you get to the site plan you'll see where they are it's not necessary that they be removed if the house were moved a little further back and to the left which is left they'd be grateful for those trees come summer yeah yeah they wouldn't be here and what they propos I think there's four uh red Maples as Street trees along aan L and then two groups of Ary and then somewhere two on well that's a big yeah no you see it does there a courtyard in the middle yeah so here's the old dwelling right here yeah that is yeah you can see how much bigger than this the old which is pretty small well might even date to one BR down the summer yeah people who live in Brooklyn and there's a garage over on the left that will be taken down it says cedar rain there but there's no evidence whatsoever if they move the house a little bit they could be grateful for that those trees the shade cuz it would be on the west side of the house they to level this one and they're going to level this one and yeah remove excuse me do we know how old the existing house is I'm not sure I just want to see the because my safety brain is kicking in any asbest containing building materials let it pain the demolition contract a demolition contract maximum lot coverage 10 they have 14.6 that's a 50% increase we committed yeah they need a variance for that for the lot coverage and they're allowed 20% coverage and they're going to 19.8 yeah a lot of take so what do we want to recommend that we let the house be moved retaining those trees pass sh would they be too close to the side B save those trees but would they there's a setback requirement also there is that's what I'm looking to see move it to the West will they impinge on the setback the side set back is 25 ft or 75 ft for both so they they would meet that CU they have 100 ft on that side so if they slightly moved it they would still be they can't move it much though I mean they don't have much wiggle room well I wonder the size of those trees they're taking down versus the size of the trees they're planting can we get double the amount tree som the cluster closer be all about 12 in in diameter and the other two one is 16 and one is eight wow you said they're planting more they're taking down six in they planting do you remember how many it was I'm think I'm 23 I thought you said 23 yeah this is no this is just for family dwellings they just gave us the plot plan the architectural I'm just 23 sounds like shrubs to me yeah well it's on the yeah it's on the plot plan it's just a single plot plan there you it's over at the right hand side right and down yeah IE a proposed tree looks like this yeah all right let me go back here AR there four up Bo they got four in front that says AR though yeah what does AR mean what do KC KC K there got to be a table something over to the left oh one thing along the front of the property there are there's a line of I'm not quite sure what they are they could be very small trees or more likely just very Slimer bushes right but I would suggest that they plant their Maples behind those and retain those give them a little more privacy okay if especially if those things flesh out they're not showing at all on the same time so plant the maple trees behind the existing no shrubs shrubs along the front front okay all right any do we want to make a comment about the impervious coverage on this one or no yeah I think well it's a 50% increase 10 lb of sausage in a 5 lb bag yeah oh even 15% is not over are they going to take time yes going to take down the garage the they will have a garage at the front of the house you can see the the driveway there yeah goes right up that's Incorporated in the house which is part of why so this is the corner property right no is it I don't think oh wait yeah there's Bunker Hill Road yeah that's just in in effect it's it's the fourth house in from Bunker Hill Road ah not that part yeah yeah 2 well it could be precedent because then everybody will be put bigger houses yeah we can haveen the exis thing is small it's understandable they want to do bigger but but you could go up take the begin L Mansion yeah yeah that PO yeah yeah all right that's all the comments for this one all right there just not very much of there to comment on yeah I have one more uh I here this one I remember I did this a while back but I feel like this one was simple too all right this is on four First Street in Somerset uh the total acreage of the site is 0.735 Acres the applicant is proposing a residential subdivision which would divide the lot into two lots the existing residents would be retained on the lot 42.0203980 newly built lot each new lot would be 0.367 Acres which is 16,000 Square fet in area which is what is permitted in the zone the new residents would be accessed off Second Street so I'll call of a map in a second um I feel like this one was like very this was it was a single family residence um 15,000 the Lots proposed are under size so 20,000 is what's what's allowed in R20 so proposing undersized Lots two that are 16,000 ft each and what's the C uh 2,239 6 additional Square ft of impervious coverage proposed but they don't say well let me go look at the site let me look at it real 4,000 square ft is the new house it will be the new house and they're going to retain the existing house that's there cuz it'll be separated into 16,000 ft lot so it's 25% just what house yeah y a big house yeah it's a big house just got the blocking lot to show you 44901 okay [Music] 4491 right here9 that it was 42 and 43 I think right okay yeah for First Street so large it we going to take down the existing it's these two no they're keeping the existing house I'll show you the site plan but from what I remember off the top of my head but I'll show you the site plan they want to split it basically like down this way into two equal parts so instead of it being split vertically it'll basically end up being split horizontally right down right down this way great big trail go that is one thing I think I had a question on but let me look at the plan because I this is uh planning not zoning planning all right cuz I remember looking at that and saying is this I didn't make any comments so I wonder if um if of keeping that in where were they with impervious coverage on each of the new lcks they didn't put down I didn't write down the I should say I didn't write down the uh the percentage but I can get if they didn't write it I can get it based on we know how much is there what they're looking to add 2,200 something Square ft is like something that shows this in a good way okay let's see fence to be moved or relocated so okay so it looks like they're looking to like kind of subdivide it like di diag wise yeah you end up with 26,000 C on Magic yeah that's what they say and then they'll put the other house down here in this corner so right now so the proposed sub oh here's a proposed subdivision line it's literally right down the middle this way it's probably right in the middle of that tree that's what I was okay see if I can fine oh wait that's a tree that's a Oh that's oh here it is multiple tree 15 okay so if they propose it this way but that tree hold on that tree was right in the center wasn't it yeah it was right here mhm I gu I see a square well you don't know where the trunk is the might proposed story building yeah is that what actually is this is no this yeah it looks well I think it's right here somewhere but Robin's right we don't know where the trunk of it is and they don't make any metion of taking it down what does the hatching mean on the top left uh let's say yourland I don't think so like Legend have to me oh here we go let's see right there existing tree to be removed um total replacement required zero it says number yeah zero so they're keeping that trade okay so this is oh impervious coverage oh wait no that isn't that's just a uh this is the stuff I wish we had somebody to keep an eye on these things cuz somebody needs to drive by that and make sure make sure it's true it's true cuz I caught that tasty Sub in that new building in Franklin Park they took down 10 or 12 trees and I sent it to Mark and he said nobody had anything on that application about taking down the streets so we need to be driving by after the fact and make it known that you screw around we're going to find you heavily so that's part of the problem is that the fine isn't that heavy so it's not worth it so they don't care so maybe there's another ordinance proposed oh the hatching is a pipe easement ah Sun oil or something I'm looking here to see too if there's anything any like tables that tell us anything about the imperious coverage or what is the easement for is it a gas line or something or it says pipe on it it just says pipe easement I'm sure we can figure out what it is but that's what it says pipe easement um I don't see any tee I'm sure that's something zoning will look at if they're too close something gas line or something yeah zoning will look at that here we go okay um maximum lot coverage 15% is what's allowed existing is 5% they're proposing 99.5% on one lot of lot coverage and 9.7 on the other lot and what's the lot uh 15 they over now they have maximum lot coverage all impervious 25% is what's permitted and they are proposing 14.4 on the one lot and 15.2 on the other they're just what much is that 20% under sized yeah excuse me is impervious is that always asphalt no no roof swimming pool oh Foundation I have person thing against asphalt I think it's the heat sink wish we count I think considering told me they can be make sense yeah yeah so for this one any comments um going to have to do some justification of the they'll have to do that zoning except that there are a lot of undersized Lots in that area general area we could recommend that they investigate solar from the roof not required but it's a good time to do it is a good if you're going to build a house put the solar build it in that works we could do that and they'll make money in the end and we'll just maybe we'll just reiterate like you know we're glad you're keeping that tree there you know basically so it's like we know that's it's there and we're glad you're keeping it a house that size they could get a lot of solar on the roof yeah and they could get a really get their electric pill down let's put that on the other house too one that's that's so much all righty that's it for C want to say we're glad you're keeping that tree there and that we're sure that the um uh what do you call it people will be keeping their eye on it all the inspector people I don't know if they actually will be keeping their eye on just want to say something in there that absolutely will be s in a drone making sure I was just thinking the same thing that we know I have one other comment on a different site there so much that run people been fighting onx Warehouse to be built across across from shop right in that area well it was postponed because it looked like a there was a pipeline going through actually two pipes and um and there's no way to get the trucks in because that's private property that road well the hearing has been postponed now until September first it was put back um indefinitely and now I hear from some people that talking to that um they' got a date in September uh the when I went to the meeting um the the Buckeye pipeline people were there and they're not happy with this maybe they've shrunk it because the pipe there's two pipes under there one has Diesel and one has gasoline and so those are hazardous substances they they were going to have previous pavement yes right over the PIP yeah and the I talked to the pipeline people and they have concerns about weight on top of the pipes they're buried they're not not huge pipes but still has it a substance and from an environmental standpoint a leak there would be a real disaster just make a note saying remember Edis of course we all said the same thing but um the other point was that the corner of the building as it was drawn was maybe this far from the edge of the easan and so if you're going to build your heavy equipment is going to be over the pipe and that's what was concerning the Buckeye pipeline people so we'll see what happens this but I'm watching it and they had as many people at the Consol for the hearing as B9 as we had the B9 people from Canal Walk they're all trained now we're all trained we got we got well SS of activist well I think that completes the um the pl review one of the most incompetent applications ever seen yeah because it was the way it's set up unless they got somebody with easement the part of that new brunswik road is private property they need an eement from the owner of it and well they they were thinking of coming in direct um old new Bruns would gr where olds really part of a parking lot shop L yeah and there pedestrian crossing right there because it was designed so people could work about all sorts of stuff they never thought about it there there are serious questions about truck movement yes on the driveway and you could get a truck in but not necessarily out again yeah so that was when they uh orini cut the meeting off he cut it he said this is there's no sense in going any further right that makes sense I've never seen that happen before me cut them off in the middle so that completes our review of okay new business um s PS Partners in energy efficiency grant okay so our Energy Efficiency Grant which is s of residential Outreach campaign is underway um we have to submit some things to sustainable Jersey in order to get our website going I showed you guys at last time what somville has and ours will have a video on it and uh information about residential energy efficiency programs to get to but basically what they have um given us is uh this like checklist basically go through and fill out so the things we need to upload into the portal is a high resolution Municipal logo which I've gotten uh the direct mailing letter we haven't done that yet we can get on that um photos of municipality stock photos so I did get those from it uh I got all the handles for all of our social media from it so I out there Robin and I kind of work together on figuring out what the good partners would be so it's the typical Partners we work with but more also so just a few you know they got the interface count interface Council the Housing Authority the library the youth center uh bard of Ed um then we have healthier Somerset the Somerset County energy Council tap into Franklin individual houses of worship so lots of different partners to work with to get the idea out um Franklin but not Frankl Frankl rep um then uh there's certain steps that they would like us to identify so I basically got this from the local Health assessment and action plan um describe the diversity so not very very diverse um uh the number one thing people liked about living in Franklin and the LA jaap was was diversity that was listed uh so I basically put that there now this is to let us also get more points for sustainable Jersey so I kind of just say we'll use ljap as a basis because this is just kind of like for our like an organizer almost um they want us to identify social groups that are vulnerable so again that's people with special needs senior citizens residents in WS 4 and 5 people who do not speak English as their first language um some barriers in communication are the usual things uh the lack of computer access not posting information in multiple languages this was identified in our local Health assessment the inability to attend Municipal meetings for a variety of reasons um this is one thing that I I wrote need EC input on because I just was a little confused but we have 3,497 th000 plus households right this document in Franklin Township no can't beay that many three 300 I'm sorry this is wrong 300 no even hold on let me get well let me fill this in a minute we're 68,000 people we negotiate there's like 20,000 that's 30 30 maybe 25,000 I had the exact number but obviously I typed it wrong it's got to be somewhere like that though because I typed it but again I didn't have my glasses on so I'm going to get to it just give one second let me just get my my uh let me get my brain straight okay so this document here historic level of participation in your community when you go there it takes you to this document and that's where I got that number from 20513 it does not match that's reason that's not the number that's not the number from the Census I don't know what I believe from reading about it this number 20513 see it says units in structures with four units or less so that one includes single family homes yeah two families three families four families and four but not more right I don't know why that is but that's the number so basically in order for us to to meet what they want us to do I think is we're supposed to take this number 20513 and then decide what our goal is of how many more people so it's between 2.5 % and 5% if we want to say we're going to get 2.5% more PE more households or people all of the Senior Communities have multistory buildings with more than four households like we do yeah I mean all I can tell you they're not asking that number give them what they want yeah so what we have to decide is how many people do we want to Target with this uh campaign to do to get involved in Energy Efficiency programs if we do 2.5% it would be 513 if we go up to 5 5% it's 1,26 not that we have to choose 2.5 or 5 you can choose in the middle if you want but I just kind of want to give you guys a range 513 would be safe but 513 safe yeah but out of 20,000 I'd love to think we could do more I mean just going to schools and have kids take stuff home yeah what's the significance of making that choice what what are what is in the game we are trying we have to establish a target for our campaign how many residential uh people do we think we can get involved in some sort of promise that we want it's a Target it's called Target so we better under promise and over it's got to be between 2.5 and 5 so that's why I tell you it's 513 On The Low End 1026 on the high 750 750 and just figure out okay does that work for everybody that's that's the next how do we measure the success then well we know will so a during this program that document I showed you every year gets updated with how many people are participating in Energy Efficiency programs so we'll basically be able to tell in 2024 this many more people were added on and it's most likely due to our hour they they contact pscg to take advantage of money savings or energ savings so when somebody will make a contact to pscg it will be our they have to be enrolled in the program and then that then those numbers get updated every year so P will say now in Franklin Township in 2024 instead of 20,000 whatever we have so we don't have to keep track of it P will be measuring it but who will but we who will do the campaign so that we are this so that's that's what that's why we got the grant so with the help of sustainable Jersey and P we're doing the campaign but the major thing is is we need to set a Target that's part of the goal so I think s 50 is reasonable that's reasonable know if we come within shouting distance we can feel good about that public service already came to everybody in Canal Walk and gave us free light bul they came in the house and they changed people's bows but that's that yeah and I that's great that they do that but we can't count that towards our no I know that's what I'm saying that's why and I think they did it in Sumer run as well yeah yeah but we're talking here about changing furnaces do of stuff yeah that's a whole another whole another area all right so I'll update that to say 750 that's good with everyone that's a good number um the only the last part of it is we have to go through and basically now when I spoke to stal Jersey they said we don't need the specifics like the absolute specifics they just want to think that we're working on this at this point so Robin and I kind of went through and I put your ideas in here Robin which is that to promote that we're in this campaign that we're doing this campaign we should have two events one at each of the libraries one we can present at the township council meeting one one daytime event at Canal Walk or another retirement community where other retirement communities invited and then one I I added in one virtual session great um tabling events Franklin Day Tour to Franklin Independence celebration week of the people I added in if there's any more we can add in uh letter from the mayor will be mailed we have to rate it first um and they give us a template for that uh we can also we'll use the same list that we used for the Franklin times uh we'll use our EC mail distribution and then uh Robin's idea to send a postcard maybe along with our tax assessments because part of the campaign is we can ask for door hangers postcards things like that so that'll be helpful you have memorial date parade or something um I can add that in we have a juneth celebration okay that's Rising yeah this will be for the next one yeah June how long how long is the um a year I think it's 18 months so a year and a half yeah I mean overtime we want to get it going though soon so basically basically you start off the campaign figuring out how to develop these resources and then we start going and then over that time it's like you just keep sending you know if we can if we get door hangers and get them out if we have the bottom line is the BPU has told the utility companies they have to do this yeah so utility companies are saying hi we'll give you grants you guys do it for us right that's what we're doing so that's really it for the Outreach campaign so basically the next step of it right now is I have this organizer I have to upload it sustainable Jersey has a portal that you upload everything to so I will upload it to the portal and then there is a meeting coming up and they'll kind of I guess go over more things do oh go back to the events um where we can be the mar withing breakfast is that on there no that's a biggy there's a lot of people at that what about Farmers Market um well we don't have a farmers market do you have one in particular or what MDW Martin Luther Kings breakfast breakfast Memorial Day I just put MDW and Memorial Day weekend Oh okay okay yeah September 28th and the Martin Luther King breakfast is usually that this Monday of the holiday in January whenever Martin day is okay got it and I think the board of or the foundation would let us do that got it all right so this is basically we're off to a good start I mean basically they said if you can just get anything filled in that would be grateful we have the whole thing basically filled in for the most part and we can go through and add we need like the actual materials from them and we also need to start working on the video and all those things so at the next meeting I guess I'll explain how to do all that so and one of the uh ways is also email yes email leel social media because we have a yeah the our email distribution list is up there mail yes Y and then Niel nixel is up there speaking of nixel we should be perusing nixel even for stream cleanup and things like that we are not using it's community events yeah and who's who's in charge of that is that a yes so that's Christa yeah so anyone that has signed up for uh environmental issues although I don't know if if that applies to the stream cleanup I wonder if there's a separate but they send out Community News onel yeah could go to everybody that's onel yeah absolutely some some some time ago a colleague former colleague from my work was oh then I received nixel I didn't know that you are doing this and that and that was perfect because you know we really much broader audience okay yeah for next time we can do that for sure put that on our checklist of Franklin got it reporter tap into nixel social media all right so keep you posted I'll upload it another big thing micro micro Mobility plan okay oh you got one too I have I think I have the marked up one oh you got the big one yeah I have the big one yeah the meeting that we missed was though yeah I have the bigger one of this one um it was the uh the meeting that we missed it was the micr mobility right yes in person right it was in person uh yes let me just get to it here so the micr Mobility plan we met with our consultants and V5 they brought us I'm going to put up on the screen the marked up version I have AAR verion here if anyone wants to look at it this one though I don't know is worth looking at because it's not marked up it's so look at the screen I would say first to be on the safe side cuz this one's not marked up so basically we looked at this map in the middle and what they did was they put together some potential Roots which you'll see here are in all the different colors and then through our meeting we kind of like added these poits and notes and these uh this is a Sharpie pen that's why it's like in a black line but some of the roots that we identified that I thought were really interesting I'm going to focus on this one first because the important part is remember we're trying to move people from the Eastern portion of Franklin towards the municipal complex from public transportation to the municipal complex so on this map here one section that we identified that we thought was really interesting is that here's nean Williams Park and their Trail is here in green and as you can see here uh Chester Avenue you can take directly from the the trail at non Williams right over here to the to the um Youth Center so that's a really good way and then the the um consultant had said this is a path that they're actually proposing here which goes between these two elementary schools so we were thinking this would be a great place to propose micromobility CU you could as a kid basically or any person and you're Offroad yes you're Offroad you can get from non Williams Park with all this development around it through a street here which this yellow streets any streets they've identified are streets that are considered to be safe for pedestrian and bike travel so you could take Chester AV you could get R theat you Center then you can come over here now is that Hamilton that Chester is crossing Hamilton is um yeah is there a light there how do they get across Hamilton safely oh here we looked at this there is like one of those large like crosswalks and there's the auditory and they have sidewalks these Ro yes these have have been identified as safer bike and pedestrian travel because of things like sidewalks and low speed limits flashing lights or right and that's one of the things we talk about y um so you can go from n Williams Park to the youth center then you can come over here the idea is and you can actually get between the two schools which would bring a lot of kids from you know this side over to here to cross F Boulevard there where it is hard yeah it is particularly good so part of it is not only just identifying where you would cross but also we did talk about things like you know like the flashing lights and the extended walking times at The Crossing speed humps speed humps we talked about all those things and those are all like part of this it's not just identifying The Roots people would be upset if we have speed all right don't get over it don't get over it I would be one of them sorry we want kids um let's see another thing that was identified is is uh there's another area up here by Pine Grove Elementary School uh Thon Roy Park is up here so we basically looked at all of these different I just want to screw over here for one second so I want to see how far over this goes um this here is deont Lane just for your reference okay um so we basically looked at how can we really get people over from these two areas over to deont Lan so they started now the consultant has to go through and really like hone this in but we're BAS basically looking at now a little north of D Williams Park closer to this side and kind of moving along these streets coming up through here and then connecting over to deont Lane is it possible we can have two or we don't have two no no they're going to identify two different routs and then also not only the two Roots they're also going to talk about what improvements need to be made along those routs so some of the improvements might be like we think you should have a roundabout here which is a huge engineering project some of them might be you need to have a longer time at the Crossing to allow people time to cross you need an auditory signal you need a speed H stop sign stop signs it could range so it can range from very high level to simple you know painted striping for Grants to yes but having this in place will allow us drive those roots and make notes as they go yeah um the good thing was is so Paul and I were there but also Christopher Gonda was there and he's on our Trails committee but his job is he actually is a like he works doing micr mobility for keep middle sex moving and he's a biker so he knew all of these roads he says I bik this route to work um plus he understands how Mobility Works so he was a huge huge help huge um which was excellent I thought he was really good and then he lives in Franklin I think he lives by um the John cly Memorial grass hats preserve so yeah so yeah his name Christopher gond g n da he used to work at Easy Ride he used to work at easy ride now he works at keep middlex moving yeah people tend to run away from Eide what happened people run away from E right oh yeah I don't know I don't even know who they are the lady that was me she she made her own separate presentation yes she was a planner from nv5 so they brought her to and she really talked about more of the types of improvements that me me made so yeah we did so we did a lot of brainstorming we went through you know what are our needs what are some good thoughts you know so they are now going to clean this all up put it into like a mapping form draft the report and he said by the end of July we should have the draft that we can review and then at that point if we have any like other changes or comments we can do that before the final draft but they had noted where the youth center was but I think we put more emphasis on the youth center we did and then they realized oh okay we got we have to work on that one of the things she brought up too the planner was you know at the youth center one of the things they'll propose is having like a bike share there and also maintenance so like she brought up something really interesting like DPW has to be told that like the bike racks and everything also need to be shoveled out during snow and things so she had a lot of good maintenance tips and and you know other improvements the only thing with bike sharing is theft occurs some places yeah and that that was a like somebody just came back from Amsterdam and the bike got stolen that they rented well it happens New York it it happens new runswick yeah it's just they're they're developing new workarounds for that stuff all the time and but we have to keep our eyes and ears open for funding sources yes pull this off this timing is really good because there's a lot of funding coming down from the bipartisan bills so having this plan in place is going to be great cuz those projects are typically for shovel ready so meaning like you have the plan in place and and somebody like this consultant they're probably going to be aware of some of the yes absolutely that was one of the things he did he showed us like in the report there will also be a section of you know you should seek out this place this place this place for Grants oh and one thing I keep forgetting and this is so important because at my Trails meeting Chris reminded me of this they brought up that the njtpa the north Jersey Transportation Planning Authority has a free demonstration Library which I didn't know about but what it is is for simple things like say it's like ballards temporary ballards or striping or you can actually borrow from the transport it's like equipment like big equipment and you can borrow it for a certain period of time and try it out somewhere and see if it works and see if the residents like it or dislike it does it actually help and then it's free to us to try it out which is cool so so if people are opposed we can say this is on a trial basis particular or might try it out they might love it you know who knows so yeah so that's another great resource they brought up which I thought was was really good and yeah Paul was there so it was really helpful the people had the room I thought was it was a good it took us an hour and a half almost two hour yeah thank you very much for doing yeah so it's moving forward so hopefully by like I said our August meeting at the latest I'll have like a draft that I can share with you guys is this his work is that completely covered by the grant or is it Town completely covered by the grant completely covered by the grant yeah so that we should report on that at C yes AB this is what your EC has done which sustainable Jersey yeah well even the community energy plan was completely covered too by the Grant and we just finished that so yeah so a lot of a lot of good stuff yeah so I'll keep you posted but that's the latest okay now you got the next item is Independence Day are we going to have a table or okay so these two things together I can talk about the Promotional and educational materials for tabling and Independence Day the first thing I found out is that we had in the temporary budget when we were going to meet last time but our meeting got canceled I was going to report on that our temporary budget was approved for the EC like tabling items so we had 200 we at least have $200 in there but since then at the time of the temporary budget since then the official budget has been approved so our budget was approved so Mark is just waiting for like the money to actually be placed in our line item but we requested I think it was $11,000 so that has been approved so that is we will have we for we got what we asked for can't buy much for 200 no but at the temporary budget they only put a percentage like 10% or whatever in um which makes sense sounds like maybe have to so we to verify and then figure out how want to spend it was approved so we're basically just waiting for the money to be moved into the actual line item but now if you want to start thinking of things now we can start ordering things we don't have much left because I we used up some at the Frankin High School yeah but we need one of those standup vertical banners we can order it now for our for Franklin High Class of 73 51st reunion which was at sedan farms in late April one of our classmates connected me to a website we got an 8ot Banner for our class for $33 well we have the banner for it say environmental I know that but we need one that go like this we need other things so I have a website for this this company that maybe we could do a fair amount with the that you mean yeah the kind of thing you know it's got a metal you roll it with the stick okay I have it now with my Easy Ride yeah yeah but you know the kind they are six fet high so they get attention yeah yeah yeah so we're going to get a table through the grant that we have for the Energy Efficiency but I don't know if it's going to say like Partners in energy if like it'll say Franklin Township environmental commission but I don't it probably because it's a grant it's going to also say Partners in Energy Efficiency so if you're okay with that Universal perfect so I would say nothing to the tablecloth but the screen if you guys want to start thinking of things t-shirts screen anything like that start putting it together and then we can get it going the table Closs should be the the spandex the the stretchy so that you can put a skirt yes you said that I don't know what kind they give us but we can ask for that at least for sure yeah absolutely so how do we uh uh are we how do we share with you what we think so the education and Outreach committee I guess would come up with like a list of things you want we then have a list of printers on retainer and they print things like these vertical signs or aluminum signs Oro or whatever it might dat so we have to use a Township approved vendor yes we couldn't use this website I was talking about uh no but you could use that as like inspiration if you want but and then we can show it to our vendor and say can you do this then we actually know too when the printing bid goes through the updated one is scheduled for July they tell us right up front like if you know buttons are dollar a button or you know so this way we know how much everything costs and you can budget for it so yeah so we should come up with a shopping list I think we go on websites and look at OPP options and decide what we use do the town has specifics for example they have to have a um I don't know what specific example we how we look at as an ex sample probably won't look into that but Staples or they have we have I have to use their vendor our vendor and we have a bunch of different ones so for example like the hunting signs that I have to order we have one vendor that prints the type of hunting signs but there's a different printer that prints the buttons and a different printer that prints t-shirts and things like that okay is there like an a data or or yes I I'll have a whole Excel spreadsheet of what exactly is printed and I can share that with you but it's getting approved in July July 9th so yeah so you'll have to wait but we need to come up with ideas I leave that to her we need to have logo like a good logo yeah also we did at high school we had some Spanish language stuff which also was good because the logo will come on maybe we get some of some topics we have a logo now if anybody here capable of Designing a new logo for us that's not my forte that was Jennifer cuz we need somebody to do it for free Jessica Jessica always wanted to do it but she didn't have time no she time to come to meeting she's have time what are the specifications that the logo must need I don't know that there are any thing I know has to be like high resolution in order to be printed on specific things I don't really know what high resolution means though so my problem someone knows then they know with the existing logo is that the way how the relative dimensions are that you cannot really recognize the center when you put it next to other logos we need somebody with talent to do [Music] this do we want a specific message on it besides the logo yeah yeah that's something you have to think about yeah tagline yeah can think about it it's it's it's a big decision and yeah we don't we don't need that immediately to start buying we do but if it takes us 3 months to come up with the right one we could do that September 28th is Franklin day right so we want to aim at that also we need help so who does everybody know that'ss and Recreation has some staff that are expert in that area graphic design yeah iest you want I do would be great that work now in conjunction with that the there is an opportunity to have tabling at the 4th of July um let me get my email up here hang on one second uh here we go tables of the 4th of July so if anyone is interested in having a table for the EC I can get it it's obviously no charge to us um it's on Wednesday July 3rd here at the municipal complex from 6:00 to 10: the Rain date is Friday July 5th uh I think you have to be there by 4:00 to set up 4:30 no earlier than 4:30 so can't get there any earlier than 4:30 to set up uh let's see what's here Township reserves right to limit Township reserves the right to okay all vendors must provide their own equipment tables chairs tent canopy which must meet fire code requirements I'm not here so I can't help yeah does anyone want to have a so when I ask trails to because they usually like to do stuff like this too they declined only because they said no one was there to do it um I don't know if anyone here can do it or wants to do it no we don't have to do it there's no require it's interesting so for Franklin day they Supply the tables but for this Supply they don't you need you need a long table I don't have any long tables I just I mean I could borrow one from my church but I won't be here and I could arrange for somebody else to borrow it from my chur I can borrow six foot table but I I have to drop my family to the airport on that time it sounds like we have to pass on this yeah that's okay I mean there's other opportunities so just figured I would check in and see what you think all right so then I'm not even going to respond okay okay all right that's fine okay okay then the that took CN D CN D and we've taken care of no that we haven't taken care of yet because we have to do a formal vote for that yeah so do we do that now if you're ready yeah I mean basically like what Paul said before is Ellen has submitted her her um res me which I sent around to you all um did you send your form in also to an Marie the clerk as well you did so I make a motion that we recommend to the council that they appoint Ellen bista that's right as an alternate member and that they they move Maria or me up reg you no I think what do what is your alterate two two okay so so Maria to be um who number one and um what's her name to be regular member so the motion is Ellen would be nominated to be alternate number two Maria would be then alternate number one and Robin would be a regular full member I'm just kidding she knows I'm just kidding alternate number one Maria and then Robin regular right regular member okay so so who made that motion though I should write that to Rob made the can I do that maybe I can you're okay it's okay I stand stand cuz I'm I'm a part of the motion you're yeah so second no who first stand first second Ted second okay all I yes okay so Ellen the process is just so you're aware so I will write up a recommendation under Paul's signature and it'll go to to um council member patnik because he's our liaison and then at the next council meeting which is July 9th hopefully as long as he's able to be there he will say you know I want to make an appointment to the environmental commission and then they'll let me know that you've been appointed and then once I get that notice that you've been appointed then you just come and be part of the group oh you will have to swear in at the town clerk there a you have to raise your hand okay all right yeah we and then you just let me know what chair is mine and that's basically it everybody has their preferences and I don't want yeah well there there there's two empties down there okay okay so I'll write up that memo so I hopefully it'll get I thought I'd have to wait outside while you no no no it's open public information y yeah everything public so we we have a second call for vote all in favor you know just like easy just like easy think you no welcome well thank you what are what are my duties as alternate numbers know that's the question that you ask before you well I kind of jump in with both feet yeah that's okay so when you're appointed by the township Council by the mayor and Township Council um I'll give you you've been to all the meetings but usually what I do is send like the past 6 months of minutes uh information about the bylaws an updated roster and then basically you'll just come to the meetings I'll add you the email distribution list and you see how it kind of works you know so you'll be put on one of the Committees I'm not sure what that'll be yet and uh and yeah you just yeah you absolutely contribute yeah but sitting over there instead of over there well sure change of geography yeah so as soon so the next meeting is July 9th so as soon as I know it's on July 9th I'll let you know and then hopefully shortly after that they just got to put together an oath for you and then you're good to go y okay okay yeah oh my goodness so they're not having a l me no I don't think well if they are I don't think it'll make it on time because I think I need to get on at least 10 days in advance 10 business days but I can see I can ask I can I can ask for sure yeah okay okay sounds good um any reports from the subcommittees yes we need to make a decision about this film oh yeah you go back we put out a message to the community that we're having a film on on July 8th on asbest city right okay but we never heard back did any I never heard back from the guy and I called him texted him and sent an email I never got any response okay so I think he's been super busy like with his he's like on tour whatever but yeah so I mean it would have been nice to get anything back but nothing so we have the DVD for common ground which is the followup to the film kiss the ground which we already did okay but this is an hour 42 minute version which is a little longer than any event we've had before yeah I have an email app asking from the folks that that made this available if we could get the student school version like we had the Common Ground yes I have not gotten an answer yet okay I am leaving the country on Wednesday and I do not want to be doing this stuff no when I'm with 18 members of my husband's family vacation imagine I'll take care it yeah so you have the email list all right I will send you I will forward you the three emails I sent out with the original asbesto City that include a bunch of my friends as well MH so you can send them based on what we learned so it will either be we switch the film to Common Ground right or we're postponing aest the city because we're unable to get the film M right well we have to pull back aesta City one yeah yeah yeah that that's for sure we just we have a date booked and we want to fill it right right so using that one will work I if yes especially if we can get then 90 minutes vers what an hour no 50 minutes or 50 is less than L the shorter version yeah and it was a compelling 50 minutes I didn't feel skin beat yeah yeah they did the same as effectively with this one as they did with the last one I think the school version worked pretty well it's one classroom period right thank you so I I I hope I will hear tomorrow stand and then I'll be in touch with you okay okay Maria anything new on the education side no okay this is I have um announcement um You can call it subcomittee or whatever Saturday was global wind day in uh Liberty State Park right I was there uh it's not Franklin event but the second most important person there was at tasic oh because it was an lcv right so it was primarily organized by new jerse C Club that's how I kind of connected as a electric vehicle association we brought electric vehicle blah blah blah but you know uh at pnic was kind of second most important person and I thought it was interesting uh speaking of which uh so I was networking with many organizations and one of them just caught my attention because the name of them and they call themselves uh the environmental New Jersey environmental Lobby oh uh I I put down maybe you know probing and stuff but uh um they Grassroots like a hell uh very very basic they don't want to accept money from sponsors and stuff they they they have paid through membership and one of the Fliers that I found uh on the on that desk and and I really like it it's about creating a safe environment in your home it is a little brochure about uh what everyone can do to improve quality of air not to use chemicals like air fresheners which are not removing stuff they're only adding more um there are some list of you know form alide phenol polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon right up here and stuff they also suggesting uh Alternatives how to clean stuff the only thing I don't like to they are suggesting mayonese for cleaning uh Furnitures I oh my mother used to do that okay but I would not Endor it it's a food yeah a food but it's got oil furniture polish is oil lemon oil all furniture poils is an oil and there wouldn't it also attractive bugs if you use no you rub it in it doesn't you take cigarette Ash you got a scratch in your furniture get cigarette Ash you have to smoke a cigarette or you from anything El they don't make any reference to to cigarettes no but that that is an oldfashioned way of fixing scratch so so you just rub it in the oil is but anyway just just not to distract too much I remember we had this uh lady coming here complaining about quality of air that apparently the carbon dioxide is coming from the outside right uh but needless to say uh so I I want to um have maybe some educational session I would suggest that we uh ask them to come uh that's a good idea and just so that not us dog but someone else because we get questions about that anyway so you know I can have it circulated uh here is the contact VI do you want to do you you want to ask us for our permission and then you go ahead and contact them and we pick a date down the road permission is needed I would like to move that we uh contact this person and organize seminar or maybe Workshop well it could be something that we put in the ask them what they recommend they probably do a bunch of these where do they get the most engagement yeah what kind of title what format so so I move that I reach out to this and uh and start engaging them to to deliver uh I would what's their background New Jersey environmental Lobby 204 West State Street Trenton OH Trenton oh that's and NJ environment. org legislative program manager and they apparently have a 501 C4 and a C3 they both they have an ucation fund and regular yeah I think this would be really helpful great maybe oil and gas drilling off the Atlantic coast public parks and you just C the next nobody wants to read it I want to they mention vinegar I use vinegar the name of the movie we are going to get common ground right get the shorten version here is the name of the person if you want to put it into your records uh so there was a second I think everyone said you're good yeah did we move or yeah you're good you're good to go yeah okay good fine uh so and oh another announcement so um I had a meeting with our assembly man Daniel uh in reference ref to anti-idling uh regulation because I noticed that he um proposed something and I randomly found it on NJ lab he wants it to be 2 minutes instead of 3 minutes right so I had a conversation with him uh making reference how it works in New York City apparently he had no idea that in New York City you can self-reporting you can self-report right C citizen report because self reporting is like I'm reporting myself so no yes but um and citizen gets a piece ofs and that's what I also made that comment and he appeared to be very exciting and when I made the reference about uh the trucks in in the warehouses and that a senior community might be very happy but he was oh yeah yeah yeah yeah votes votes votes so I mean El will be happy uh so um yes apparently there will be something going on and uh I don't know whether he was serious but he said that he wants to look me in and about the details of yeah he has he I think he's serious better cuz he has talked I've talked to him about it and he's talked about wanting to change it from 3 minutes to 2 minutes right right and I I love the idea of Citizen reporting when I had a conversation with him I made reference to you right that could kill he knows both of us so it's like I was pretty much educating him and and and said oh really seriously and I said well Arie said that and he was like if Army says that it's going to be true Joe D's Opera bill got signed by the governor he's been pushing open Public Act changes oh yeah yeah I read about that all the screams I mentioned it I more or congratulated Joe on it and he said well you have to realiz these people that were opposing it you have to realize some of them were making money out of it you said the ACLU lawyers makes a lot of money filing o cases they're not the only ones that were complaining about it though no oh no Bill Bowman was a major well any any newspaper reporter of course yeah and anybody that wants more transparency in government I sent you an email ago could you pull that out I had him as he did a town hall Canal Walk but I worked with um his Wayne I said it can't be the whole focus of his report of his town hall he's got to talk about other things which he did you're welcome so hopefully something good coming up because the anti-idling is State based so Tara um Paul whatever the next thing is hot topics and I like to just tie this my report right into what Stan was talking about so on May 21st the council introduced um I believe it was the 21st the first reading of the amendments to the Land Development ordinance to add the anti-idling signage uh signs on specified prop properties uh the second reading I believe was last Tuesday so it goes into effect Ted I'm not sure how long it takes for it to go into effect 30 days days 30 days I think it's 20 days 20 days days so they did they did pass that um after the first reading um I sent an email on May 23rd to the Board of Education members and I copied Tara and Paul on it um about um the fact that and I and in my email that I sent to them I sent a copy of the land use ordinance and the change is about anti-idling signage um I sent them links to um the D stop the Su program to the anti-idling regulations for 14 and 15 for diesel and gasoline fuel motor vehicles and the administrative penalties and I talked to them about how the ordinance doesn't cover Board of Education property um so I made a recommendation to them to look into this all this information I sent to them to think about doing something on Board of Education properties specifically schools and even more specifically school buses which was when I was doing enforcement school buses were hit with as many violations as just about anybody and those school buses um that's where the children are that's that's where you know our most vulnerable population is with their growing lungs so I just made the recommendation to them to um look into doing something themselves for the for the schools and for their properties wonderful thank you did you get any response back at all oh absolutely not but I'll be seeing a little busy right now I'll be seeing them several of them probably next week where I might have some conversations with them there is a Board of Education Election coming up in November also coup people they can they can they that be part of their campaign that be part of the campaign of and it could help move towards Electric's one thing um skip the stuff is something Walter and I have talked about in the past and an has a model is it an yeah has a model ordinance for skip stuff I'd like you guys all to take a look at this and consider we propose this to the council this is essentially to prevent vendors from automatically putting the plastic wear and the napkin in a Cell in a plastic thing in your takeout bag yeah yeah cuz they just do it they just stuff it in there and out the door so this means if you want it you ask for it but they don't automatically do it and of course it's got the traditional language but if you scroll down maybe Tara to therefore blah blah blah blah is sorry I think up a little bit is it this one b or d oh no uh L SM okay I guess we have to go a little further up yeah um okay single for restaurants and third party deliveries shall only provide single use Food Service items to customers who requested and they'll allow them to request it when they're submitting an order and they'll make it available as an option when you're ordering whether it's phone internet or cell phone the selected fall option shall be that no okay that no single food Ser are requested no inquiry into the reason for the request should be made by the restaurant so you can't give them a hard time for their choice and then there's some think is below that yeah some people have it in a container right by a checkout and you take it if you want it so so I I would imagine in our case it' be Health Department as responsibility for enforcing this um anybody who fails to violate this blah blah blah blah so I think if I email this to everybody maybe take some violate it yeah there's a fine of $100 for the first violation you 200 for second 500 for the third and subsequent and this ad we have public education program so that would probably fall upon us and Frank times Etc and um and who would do the enforcement on this Health Department it it it gives a space for us to designate but I would imagine be count so it be the count heal yeah it could be well they give the example this would be State rule no this would be Franklin count ordinance and it will be enforced by the county because all our health related items I see are enforced by the count can we uh impose that when people want to have take out containers that they have to pay a mandatory Fe that is not in this this is single use plastic items so if you want to change the nature of this and add that to it this has inject backing now okay so that would it be would it make sense to petition the council for them to do some kind of resolution to petition the county to pass this ordinance since it's make it County make it a countywide thing since it's the county that will be doing the enforcement and generally the county is not going to want to do enforcement of a specific ordinance in one town but not the other 20 towns or how well how do they do the anti-idling right now that's the county that enforces it the county but they're enforcing a state regulations okay so it's countywide it's County well every County it's count it's not every County because it's a well yes it is every County but there's also an extra program for anti-idling that you can get extra grant money from the state from the BP but yes it is countywide by the county health departments enforcing the EP regulations I that's a very good question can we ask B Locker that yes I think maybe go to him first and say how do we do this I can try reaching out tomorrow to Dei czecho at anj and say how are you seeing this in other towns where the C is doing the enforcement are any counties looking at this countywide already in New Jersey CU I think that would help our case well as far as as far as let's say straws you know you're not supposed to get a straw right um in a restaurant unless you ask for it just using that as an example um the county this is a state regulation correct and I'm guessing the county is doing the enforcement they're the ones that inspect restaurants and Theos and all you know all different places so it's it's sort of like an extension of the Plastics right but remember how individual municipalities did their plastic originally yeah and that got enough momentum so the state finally did I think they're looking to do do the same thing here M well this to me would be really an amendment to the to the plastic ordinance you would and and my problem with is that when sorry I'm losing uh like when when you say that you have to ask for something then the business will just uh have a pile of stuff and people will be taking by dozen and that's where the Fe plays important role a lot of plac they they're very controlled about what go on the coun if if you if you if you're sitting at a table at a restaurant and they bring you water they're not supposed to put a straw in it but if you want a straw then you can ask for it and they will give it to you well speaking of straws what I've heard is happening is that they just put a bucket of straws and just put it somewhere close so that you don't need to ask you just grab it you that probably happens in some like like in McDonald's I think they have dispensaries if they you know I haven't been in McDonald's in many years but I remember they used to have those little dispensaries they you just take but the thing is they're actually cutting on on regulation because instead of asking they're not asking they're just taking well and the other hand I I I was at stage house today and we automatically got a straw but it was Garden biodegradable home and Industrial compostable so they're automatic giving those out but they qualify because they're not a plastic straw the the bread mall it's a paper straw so I think this is worth pursuing I'll email it to everybody you can read it at your leisure maybe Tara can find out from born locker and I'll find out from Deanie at an about maybe countywide initiatives being pursued elsewhere our County it probably works because we have a shared service with the Department you know if we didn't have that shared service then it would be our own health department is the text pretty much as recommended by anj yes this is their recommend on their letter model model model and there have some precedences I assume other Township passed it yes other townships have already passed I mean we could pass it you know ask the council to pass it but then at the same time have the the council make the do some kind of recommendation to the county for them to the county to adapt it for the whole count what tactics should yeah I will okay thank you I have one thing that's on the agenda under the Hot Topics so this is a bill that was introduced in January and it is called the occupational heat related illness and injury prevention program and I had to review this for the a advisory committee but I thought it would be a note at least here uh basically the bill says that once the temperature gets to a certain point so I believe it's 80° inside and 90° outside uh there's certain protocols that get put into place for employees and that could be things like you know just providing water providing a shaded area and it has to be paid time off it can't be you know the person can't be like charged be ducked yes can't be docked for it uh letting someone who feels that you know they're having a problem with the heat to rest one thing that is not going over well in the farming community at least is that the recommendation is that you you know if you can't make this happen with the amount of workers you have you should hire more workers so that you can safely rotate people throughout the day um yeah postponing tasks that are not urgent until a heat wave is over uh increasing rest allowance I would say reminding workers to drink liquids in small amounts and changing the times that you do things so like for example like my in-laws live in matachin and I I don't know why I was talking to them about this but they said oh yeah during the summer the postal workers they Chang the mail time so that they're not out during like the absolute blazing heat of the day so that's like one example that people do speaking of such things Ed pnik told me today the Franklin High's graduation is this Thursday in the stadium at 3:00 yeah outside now they moved it to 5:30 oh they did they did good yeah which is better it's much better we have few they tomorrow and I was mentioning that that's for workers yeah B have I keep saying that or we yeah you have to get personal protective equipment including water cooled garments air cooled garments cooling vests so they move two and a so yeah so in the farming Community I think this is like hitting a little different basically but I thought it was interesting based on our on climate change obviously is why we're starting to see these types of bills um it hasn't it's just kind of moving along at this point speaking of which I think that somewhere in this text we have to stipulate that the reason why we are experiencing it it's climate change that may be up in yeah I think it might be in the Preamble well I don't know if it says climate CH does it say climate change or it say and it's becoming dangerous as 18 of the last 19 years were the record um yeah oh clim it should the the word climate change should be somewhere but this isn't our this yeah this is this is words no no this is the Senate bill from Union count I I think it's thank you for sharing that so I on our on our trip home from Wyoming we stopped to visit a family with a new new baby in I FL I'm sorry can you without oh yeah for sure and at this home where they have a new baby and they got all the stuff like more stuff than anybody could ever use they have cooler packs for strollers oh interesting to go around the side in the bottom to keep your baby cool when it's in a stroll now they live in Minneapolis yeah cooler P but it's a thing it says here yeah each killed 8115 United States workers and seriously injured more than 70,000 workers from 1992 through 2017 the people that take this is just for our information or we are being asked to make a com no no this is just for your information but this is going through the state legis there was there was one other thing that you mentioned on email I was going to mention that yeah under um hot topics is New Brunswick's P the stor that's where I was going yeah and um I know what did they pass at storm storm water utility oh and I know our Township manager has been opposed to the idea but I think we should be talking about it I'm going to look it over and see if I can find the details and like the like how the process went through and what it involves anj has been I went to one seminar that anj was talking about how the fees work I think New Brunswick is the second municipality now and Lambertville it's on the ballot for November uh who is first I think somebody up in New Jersey maybe madisona Maplewood Lambertville was badly impacted yes they they desperately need it um but I think new New Brunswick is really stepping out and uh Ed patnik is definitely suppor here so why why Township manager has something to say about it because he's a Township man that's he has something to say about many things generally at length one other oh ahead go ahead no I I was just saying I was just reading some recent research people say that we've overlooked plastic razors that are being disposed of and the numbers are really huge I don't have the specific numbers but maybe we'll hear more about that going going forward new br's the first I'm sorry y great walk heat exposure you know yeah protection bills in Florida Ronda Sanchez got the legislature to pass a law preventing municipalities from adopting really wow heat protection ordinances wow wow yeah oh how about how about Amazon how are they how about preventing flooding uh measures wow no they they have flooding m i mean places had 20 in of yeah because both are a result of climate change so if he prevents measures for overheating how about preventing measures flooding so that he really damages the the nation the state okay okay when I was watching the news about Florida I was purposefully letting the news roll and roll until I've heard for the first time a reference to climate change but it was third video of fourth that they actually made a reference that the flooding has something to do with climate change think what news Outlet was that uh CNBC or something it was not Fox okay okay I was just I like get and I I I was looking at a video from Cleo Institute that they remove the words climate change start removing the words climate change from most of the legislation and then um the interviewer was like misguided because she said what I understood was that she said to the representative of Cleo but there are still grants for the environment but then um the CLE representative said but now because of that was what because of what has been removed there's not going to be funding for research for SW and for wind energy because those words have been and in Florida in Florida right not in the country in Florida Florida yeah yeah they wackos wackos that's where headed if the happen or fluff oh dear both bil have both we get eaten by alligators okay um so that takes care of Hot Topics I'm sorry Hot Topics I get it yeah Hot Pockets I didn't say Pockets Hot Topics hot hot what do we need to do for that um I'm sorry that my daughter is like home and of course she has an issue so that's fine that's like um can it's done I submitted the final plan to planning uh they're reviewing it I would the only thing that has to be done is a resolution by the township Council to adopt it so I have an email and basically saying can you pass the resolution but it's it's completely done I sent the final version let us know when we should appear at council meeting I will yeah I I'm hoping the sooner the better but yeah I'll let you know so so far so good okay thank you a lot of work yeah yes thank you uh green infrastructure project oh that's the one we did all the work on the energy plan with no the green infrastructure is the one at non Williams Park I'm meeting with Carl tomorrow morning at 8:00 so yes so I have a list of items that I need and I'll be meeting with him to go over it and uh another any other old bues if not so I will ask for a motion to open the meeting to public comment again motion second all in favor all right P anybody more comments the pressure you put on me I don't always have questions I was just uh have to have a question I know I I want oh that's true uh I want to go home and look up when we were talking about the occupational heat related illness and injury prevention program I have to go home and look it up I mean doesn't Federal OSHA and we have public employees OSHA here in uh New Jersey it doesn't cover heat does saying I have to look it up it does say in the bill on the absence of Osha so I guess if OSHA does come up with something but as of right now there's nothing and I guess they're I think with all the warehouses and the people working in warehouses it's really going to be an issue what happened to sweat house regulations and rules you know going back to the Industrial Revolution and stuff like that I know well like I said the farming Community is taking it completely different they're viewing it as like an attack which is understandable because most most of their work has to be done outside and if they have to stop every time it hits 90° they won't be able to work in July that's basically their assessment which there are exemptions in so much of State yeah no exemption for a farmer in there unfortunately but they're going to propose one there is a program by the PGM grid that public service and psj J cent They will take part in if if you would sign up at a certain temperature and you agree to shut down you get money from the utility and um there's place I know in South Playfield that did exactly that and they get money and another one was a laundry and Patterson which the Union contract said they had to stop at tempature so they prob they get money now from the state to pay they pay the workers but that's that's that's a a program that the PGM grid has when they get they declare an emergency but Jersey doesn't accept it but we have public Jersey there a difference there is there anybody else I just wanted to make a comment you're talking about the warehouses cuz I went to the warehouse meeting in Hillsboro and like I know many you were at the warehouse meetings they were saying that they have no air conditioning they don't in many of these buildings and so at the Hillsboro one they were saying their way they're going to cool it is by opening all the doors be doors and having the air go through through the F well they'll be subject to this I'll the offices in those warehouses have air conditioning oh yeah the offic I know that warehous come in for approval specifically not have right they probably have roof fans so they're going to open the doors and have the air go up but then they were saying at Hillsboro well then that's going to cause a lot of noise cuz now you have all the doors up and the people are going to be working with trucks moving back and you hear that be back that's what they they should install window air conditioners July first yeah okay wow that's all right in the warehouses well you just need to cover the office or the entire Warehouse entire warehouse for noise is 808 that's all I they not insulated so if you do air conditioning of uninsulated area you are wasting energy the B9 Warehouse was air condition but Ro that was it how they they okay um close the comment public comment period sove fa second I motion toour motion second all favor I A J all right