##VIDEO ID:g0L6Q1DJxyE## okay this is the uh Board of Trustees of the Franklin Township Public Library it is uh August 20 September 25th and um we have a quorum and U this is our first inperson meeting in couple of years we've been on Zoom since this this meeting is being held in uh in person at the uh Library I'll call the meeting to order and we'll start with a pledge of allegiance flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic religious One Nation God indivisible Li Agnes yeah yeah Zach Wiman and we welcoming Zach Zach as our his first meeting Tiana Grisham no no okay Amy Amy is not here Aisha yeah Uh Kevin mcneel yes um mayor Kramer is not here Nicholas Champa I am here um January Adams seems been our director is here this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act um also known as the Sunshine Law the schedule and notification of this meeting have been provided to the courage news the home News Tribune and the Franklin Township Clerk copies have been P posted in the library's vestibule and are available at the reference task at this time I'd like to open portion number one part number one of the public portion of the meeting is there any member of the public who would like to speak at this time seeing none I'd like to close the part one of the uh public portion and um ask for approval a motion to approve the minutes of the August 28th meeting I motion we approve the minutes from the August meeting Kevin has offered a motion is there a second Agnes has seconded the motion is there any discussion about the motion no see none I'd like a u we'll take a hand count vote first and see if that works uh all in favor of approving the motion to approve the minutes from the August 28th meeting signify by saying I N present that's okay because I don't have that inform okay [Music] jump in as we okay the vote was four positive and one voted present the motion passes like to go over to the uh director's reports start with the financial report our newer members I'll just um mention that the library is on the F year it runs from July 1 J 30th and you'll see in the final column over to the right that you'll see um a percentage of the year that's gone by and it's a guideline and sometimes you'll see some of the lines are like at 100% that means there's been a service contract so we it's an annual Fe that's why that will look high but it's a guideline and let you know how we're doing and you can see for all branches that 16.6 is the guideline and spent 14.7% Branch you spent 17% and then the other sheet that you get is revenue page slightly different shade green and that just outlines um all the sources of revenue to the library and let you know how far along we are with getting it I than now that you all digested this and memorized all the numbers if there are any questions uh this would be the time to ask January about them but uh otherwise can we go on with your operations uh report okay during this past period The Adult Services Department I'm just what I do with this I just read the highlights you get longer version in your pth you should have I'll just go over the highlights and the Adult Services Department with 42 programs and 452 people pay to and new Services had 32 programs that 1,54 people came we've got a new program it's called The Silent book club I have to admit I kind of don't understand it myself but silent book CL oh yeah it's uh the attendees bring their own books they sit there and read together and then afterwards they can mingle okay okay is it popular I'm told it is told it is so we'll see what happens okay open and all summer reading programs are over and we have 74 Tes for their program and they read for 1,752 hours we had 137 adults registered in the adult program they read for 134,50 minutes and I do not know why the teams are in hours and the others are in minutes than they are and they had 284 children and they read for one 11 15,576 nights wow so that's over with this year and looking forward to next summer so we have to can be to hours that's State uh Library likes things get to them in particular way that's probably why it it's minutes yeah that's what you explained to us in the past and that's all I have to sayless anybody has any questions or comments thank you January for your well done reports one and all the ones in the past tells us how busy a library this is there is no I have no president's report today so I let's move on to correspondence and communication part of this is the three um items that uh January has included in our um in our packet now not all of you have gotten but each month January picks out a few interesting things that are usually from the library Journal um and um think I was able to I think it overlaps does it yeah it was a real pain this this was this was from the from a newspaper article and I asked January to pass it along because this character uh um made a big business out of bar no back when uh I guess the 90s that was like the thing barn and Noles I'm talking about they had Queens you my daughter even worked in the one down by Wall Street but I mean it was like a eating place yes it was a New Concept book selling where not only does someone go in and buy a book and walk out but they have make coffee uh sit and read on comfortable chairs uh meet people and talk about books and uh it was a very big movement and one of the things that happened is that the a lot of the mom and pop book stores yeah went under yeah um and then well that's the type of thing but but then what happened with them yeah like stores went on because of them and then Amazon and ebooks you so anyway is there any other Co correspondence that anyone has received okay I I would just like to add something just another explanation for your members that the library gets state aid from the state and one of the requirements for the state aid is that the board participate in a certain number of continuing education and these articles reading these articles counts that so that's part the reason you get them not only because I think they're interesting right right but they are interesting yeah I don't know was you trying to give us am I going toah you're not into it no no no okay just speaking of state A is a silly question but have anything here except to be receiv yeah we get it once a year once a year it's a small amount compared to what the uh third Mill is that we the bulk of our income is from the statutory third Mill what which is based on oneir of 1,000 of all the assessed value in the Township of Frank so as the assessed value of our houses goes up um the income the main part of the income to the library goes up and that's for every municipality in the state yeah that's how they give us our money most of right yeah the rest comes from fines in the state aid and the copy of cop and the books that I bought yes yeah I take them home what are we do all these books okay um is there any old business last is there any new business no seeing none there is no ex executive session required this time and uh so I'd like to open the second part of the public portion of the meeting before doing so though I just mentioned that the the rules part of the rules are get five minutes to talk you can't uh give your time to anybody else and adult must State their name and address uh people under 18 need only state their first name so any public comments Bob no seeing none like to close part two of the public portion of the meeting and confirm that our next meeting will be October 23 third G here in this room that ma6 yeah okay I like that man I like that I do want to say that the the roof is like I know you know this is my first time is it I think it's my first time since the since the new uh in a roof over over there it's it's nice it's nice it's nice I didn't realize it was going did it always cover the whole yes yes and a little bit beyond so there's different pains in it they're thick they're thick they're not made of uh polycarbonate uh and they have insulation inside and they will let less Heat come in during the summer and also have a better much better insulating value to save heat in the Winter Wind wi yeah but the main thing is the air conditioning could not keep up with the heat in that area um so yeah so when was it when was it did we have any hot hot days since this yes I I didn't hear any complaint know it's much better it really worked that doesn't mean there weren any but I right was very hot days because it was finished around the beginning of August oh yeah you mayce the lighting is better it just looks more No it's it's it's a good I know it when I you know it's one of those things soon as I walked in it's like sometimes you don't like I knew once I knew I said something is different but then you know then it hit you because I knew we had we placed the root so yeah good job is would there is there a motion to adjourn Agnes and second those in favor signify by raising their hand this has adjournment has passed unanimously no one even voted present