##VIDEO ID:VesfH8lIDus## call meeting order in cor public meeting when you get a chance here call roll please uh Bob huskus here schmi here B Connell here Bob Lort here okay mayor Kramer here Vanessa Jones here Mary loo here uh Steven doll here David trick here John Moon here um okay I know Stephanie's coming late hey Ted how are you you're here Ted is here Robin is absent Stephanie's coming L Bob War locker and Council of Taz are not going to make it tonight turn I did yes yep next on the agenda is the organization Mr Mayor would you like take over this point certain um are there any nominations for chairman nominate Bob puskus I second that move been seconded any other nominations is Bob willing to accept the nomin has no one else interested in no nomination I recommend it be closed there a second to close nominations second all in favor of closing nominations say I I soon there's only one person we may do this by acclamation all in favor of Bob puskus being the shair say I I say n you're at the meeting Mr chairman thank you congratulations do we have it up next on it up would be a nomination for vice chair I'll nominate Ary taking that also yes do you want sure are there any other nominations if not motion of close nominations motion close it all in favor I CL next up would be secretary Bill Connell I'll second that any other nominations grudgingly yes be closed because second all in favor i' like to add another zero to Billy's paycheck back all right moving on next next on the agenda is public comment being public bill want to say something move right on um approval of the November minutes we don't have Miss time will take [Music] no no minutes no minutes okay uh financial report um yes so I passed out I'm sorry I emailed the financial report along with the agenda and meeting materials I also put a copy in the middle um question on screen so this financial report just SE is November and December so November 1st to de December 31st I would move to approve the financial report what I saw I got a question on it before you approve it um 11,000 accept the work at Hegman house meow foundation in survey for hay and horses yes so the survey for hay and horses was done a while back but the bill wasn't submitted until um the beginning of November for what for the survey I don't no for what are we surveying for hay and horses for for the president a easement for the Farmland preservation easement okay oh all I know what you're saying now yeah yeah I I right gotcha I have a couple of questions on here so in that same area there um we just above it it says HVAC system for Hagman house then the next line Hegman house again Metals foundation and then all the way down at the bottom Metals Foundation uh util bills and I'm wondering if it can be broken out in a way cuz you really I can't tell by this how much money is actually going to the Hegman house um and to Meadows cuz we've got all under the same area there I don't know it just looks a little bit confusing if you can separate them out at all so yeah so the um under line let me get to the correct line under line 24 um the reason that says HVAC at h hman house that is for the um replacement of the HVAC system at hman house specifically which the township is paying for uh if you go down to $111,000 for septic system The Meadows Foundation okay 11,000 for work at oh I spelled it wrong so hagaman house so that is for the septic and then I see what you're saying when you go down further it's the utility bills that we approved so there's there's three different expenses and they come under different lines but I can definitely separate them even further if you want I can put like bullets or or something like that if that's easier on on the first one where it says hbac hman house right after it says cleaning services at concession stand right um so I'm not sure what do those have to do with each other so those are the expenses that all come under line 24 which is building repair and maintenance so every oh you want to know exactly how much was spent for Hagman house and how much is spent for the cleaning services and the drain pan yeah I mean you know we've been talking about Meadows foundation and money to Meadows foundation and so I'm just trying to delineate between which exact how much money we're actually putting into foundation and these you know different houses okay so basically hold on let me just get my folder here so I this report I any expenses that come under that one line I put together just as a summary um but I have the I have like the detailed report here so I can tell you how much the HVAC at Hagman house was if you want to know that in the future I can break it down like more clearly I guess you know you don't even have to do it now you know in the future do it but it would be nice you know maybe at the next meeting if you want to clarify from this unless it's easier to do now whichever EAS um let me look and see if I can find it because you know my eyes are not as they used to be okay hold on I'll find it and then I can tell you and then moving further I can um separate it let's see here okay cuz basically what happens just so you know how I put it together I get this report from Marana and then I like kind of summarize it for you so it's not all uh jumbled up let me see tool what I'm just trying to see if I can find exact okay uh okay OS property HVAC that was $ 32944 so out of that however much this cost is what is it 44 4430 67 underline 24 was the expenses for the month $ 32944 of that was for the HVAC um let me see if I can get the cleaning services the cleaning Services were I think it's $89.95 but I just want to make sure here $89.95 for the cleaning services now the cleaning services for for what the concession stands at the Hagman house no no they're sep they're all under build so all of our building and mten repair is under line 24 all of our buildings so some of them are you know they're going to be grouped together but if you want moving for I can like kind of bullet them and make it more specific I mean if the if the committee thinks it's better that way you know makes it more clear for me at middle Bush Park it was just so you know it was at middle Bush Park I would say to AR is right that we're looking at spending money at The Meadows let's break it out to Meadows you know Cate categorize it for the meadow yeah just for The Meadows right so for next year because we approve the SP the expenditure of funds for the utilities there's going to be a new line item in there just for The Meadows so once the budget is passed there'll be a whole new line called like you know The Meadows utility so we'll be able to see it better that way but other expenses you're right I'll have to break out individually which is fine good yeah you in instead of just giving a single figure and the various items just separated by semicolons if you could put all of the individual figures on top of each other in in the expenditure column with then what they're for on the right it'll make the whole thing longer clear that's fine sure I can absolutely do that y that's not a problem at all probably would have come to that anyway M4 has the only negative numbers on the entire page are those that just for some reason they were no no there it is negative um and that is the 14 is the overtime line so that ended at a negative number and I'm not sure over time in December we used more overtime than we budgeted for yes we did when we what used more overtime than we budgeted for so we budgeted 25,000 for overtime and it looks like we used a total 46 78646 so that is 2,786 46 over do you know why so when I get this report all it says for that is it just says payroll open space overtime so it doesn't tell me exactly the breakdown that I don't have well we should know that because it say this is a December report November and December November and December yeah just so you know yeah but even though we should still know what the heck they're over you know cuz I there's no grass to cut in November and December what do you budget for next year like so I don't make the budget for overtime Carl Hal does um I can definitely ask him what he's what he put in the budget well I I'll see the the proposed budget before I don't know if he's going to propose a same get the actual expenses okay I will yeah I think we've asked for that before like over like expenses and salaries and everything so I can definitely ask about the overtime wondering if it's uh paying open space funded employees to drive snow plows don't we really got the snow plows until January right yeah yeah I think we saled in December or okay I can ask Carl about that that I don't have any um access to the payroll or anything like that so I want to bring something up that the mayor might remember Ted probably will I think War does I think I talked about this the budget in the past we always looked at the budget we got the budget we talked about it put money where we thought should go increase Stu decrease stuff we don't see that anymore why not I sent it to you this year we talked about it remember at two meetings I sent it out I got no comments back and we talked we did this year we did do it I put it on because you brought it up to me last time all right all right because I I say this new budget because we we spent a whole almost the whole meeting going over the budget in in the past I think we ought to do the same thing just you know present it to us let us before it goes to council to let us take a whack at it why don't you set up a subcommittee to go over the budget rather than have everybody sit here if you have four people they can look at the budget what committees take on that you want to do it as a whole or you want to do it as a subcommittee cuz the subcommittee is going to bring it back to us to look at it anyway but you'll be able to detail it better subit generally How We Do highlight certain items you can do the subcommittee through virtually you don't have to meet in person so yeah we have any volunteers of your subcommittee for the financial for the budget I will I would do it most of you people do during the day I have to do it at night but uh I would do it there three you're the fourth well you should I'm not volunteering for this um okay let me write this down hold on so you know how I feel I didn't know there was in the Army hey how are you so the budget subcommittee AR's on you're on it right yeah Arie B cour were you the other one okaying I'm on other subcommittees I volunteer so this year I gave every I think it was O was September and October and we did talk about it at the meeting brief but there was no no comments so yeah you need four or five six you don't want to go P I'll try you want to be on a subcommittee for what she just walked in for what Financial subcommittee for this committee yeah if you need somebody I'll do it perfect okay I will add you then now anybody else I don't care when's the budget coming out so this year's budget was already put in but it hasn't been approved yet so it'll be the first the hearings are when February February yeah approved in March so the only thing that this subcommittee is looking at is the open space sub open space budget the open space trust fund yeah you look at so all the lines that are on this budget are open space trust fund so you would look at all of these lines that are on the screen um do it before Council does it's budget meetings maybe early February yeah PR 12 in the next three weeks we didn't have a meeting H in the next three weeks we need to meet okay well everybody check well providing that we have the numbers yeah she said they're ready y they're up yeah I already distributed them before so yeah they're all I mean I can definitely distribute them again for sure but yeah did you send it in your last email no no it was back in so we have to submit the budget yeah it was like September and October got it okay yeah y all right so let's uhy everybody the committee checked their calendars and we'll pick a date and and then for next year's budget we set it we should set it up for like September as the first meeting and if we need another one then October because it's really due November and on line 71 that's the only one with transfers and in 71 electricity and Street yes okay yeah so that was that was transferred income in because that is the that was the funding for the Meadows utility bills so more money had to be added there to cover those bills that were paid and that comes from the open space trust fund yeah now something the meows ought to look into just I just thought of it now we had public servic has got a rebate program for changing lighting upgrading lighting I don't know if it's for the guy was at the F he's going to you know cost a dollar a fixture change light upgrade lighting and stuff so I don't know if metal can look into that if they're eligible for that or not I wouldn't say why not yeah I can mention it to them for sure and can open space in certain areas put up solar panels that you can't see to make money to go back into open space can we put in open space for money so um um who's Devil's Advocate who's going to buy the system you don't have to buy it you don't have to buy it so for ex I don't know exactly if there what the rules are according to Green Acres I can look that up I know with Farmland properties for example you can put solar panels up as long as you don't interfere with the land for farming in the future but there is a limit you can only generate 110% of your usage so I don't um about say middle Bush Park right yeah so I don't know I don't know if there's a um cap on how much energy you can generate it would cover what we what we produce and 10% more maybe that might not be there though so I will look into that and see cuz I'm not sure if that has been uh if any kind of C that's a big open field so you know that may be able to generate some money to go into open space well it doesn't even have to go on the field you can go on the parking lots no anywhere but you know when you were saying that I was thinking how about the metals Foundation property if there's any not necessarily on the structures but whether it's on the ground anywhere if it's it's possible to put it there but when it comes to Middle Bush Park I'm thinking you know You' got big parking lots there parking lot when it comes to a park elev over parking lots but putting it on Green Fields May well be a no no yeah I don't know but over the parking lots probably would be okay ruas is putting them over parking lot what I was thinking Ruckers that's what Ruckers yeah I can definitely look into that and see uh see what's available for sure okay that we got was there a motion to approve the financial report we got going on this thing already motion to approve a second all in favor new business repair to bind okay okay all right so um at the last meeting we had um Chris Williams had offered to work on repairing the bird blind um so that it's you know usable and function should be out there today nobody would do all so after our last meeting I had asked him to please send me a list of supplies that he would need so he did um and you can see I have up on the screen you know what what he's looking for exactly um it's like different types of plywood and treated wood an exterior for the exterior shell uh wood siding some shingles and he really breaks it down by exactly how many square feet he needs and what he needs uh the fencing he's talking about replacing with an additional fence added to the handicap handicap ramp his guess is the total price of all those materials would be around $1,800 I have to talk to DPW because they may have some of this on hand or they may be able to get it for a low price um but I didn't talk to DPW yet CU I want to make sure it's approved by this committee that we you know use the open space funds and labor if he needs help so he's going to volunteer to do it but you know he may need some help he may need you know to use some of our equipment things like that so he will sign a waiver um and he would like to do this in March after hunting season is over ter um in his in the first line he says um he found that the bones of the blind are in good condition yeah now would we want to send out somebody from our construction department or engineering department or whatever I mean I don't think Chris is an expert in Bones um or you know we're talking about the framing of this just to make sure that they're okay cuz we don't want to put up all sighting on on the structure the framework that isn't NE Carpenter yeah I don't know actually I mean he yes he is a carpenter um um what do you think about that I think it' be pretty easy to have them inspected yeah we could have someone go on inspect yeah building building department should go out take a look this one the inspect in the building department real quick yeah we could ask him to do that before he starts you're saying before he starts yeah yeah I mean it's great that he's willing to do this but you don't want to build on a poor Foundation yeah for sure okay yeah we could do that and then he would go ahead and do the work and if he has any you know I he says he can do it on his own but you know if there's any like you know we on the trails committee we work with Boy Scouts and things a lot if anyone wants to work with him they're welcome I think someone on our on our Trails Comm offered to help him a member of our Trails committee John John Moon just mentioned you're retired you're okay I'm willing to help to he's perfect yeah that would be great in my hand guy carrying stuff okay so if you guys help and um Jim Kowski from Trails offered to help that would be great well I I can do stuff but I'm not a skilled Co can coordinate with Chris and you know if he needs people you know I'm sure I can be there sometimes and others can yeah exactly AV 4 by8 sheets and smoke some while we're out there all right so the step one you're recommending get it inspected by construction to make sure the bones are actually good and then if we make a motion and approve the expenditure now he's estimating $1,800 so again you might want to have a little leeway there in case he goes over I don't think he's going to go over um and then approve the expenditure of this then if construction says yes it's good then I can actually start talking to DPW and find out if they have anything or if they can get cuz DPW would do the ordering we wouldn't reimburse him I'll make sure it gets delivered there and then we can go from there okay 1800's cheat when it if you really were going to hire a contractor to do this four grand yeah or easy easily four grand so do we have a motion to I motion accept the $8 with the uh caveat that it may go up but you know put a little higher in the beginning two let's go two all right okay so up to $2,000 up 2000 from open's age trust fund up to I can't imagine it's going to go over that I really can't but all us help wonder wonder well we also have to wait I'm not guaranteeing what it's going to look like you made that motion I'll second it okay all in favor very good okay so I will start working on that walk all Trails program so um the trails committee is uh working on a bunch of of new programs for the upcoming year but one program that apparently we used to have and when I heard about it I loved it I thought it was great one of our members Jim Kowski the same guy that's offering to help with the uh bird blind he um when he's before he became a member of the trails committee he actually was one of the recipients of this walk all Trails program and basically at the time it was everything except for the canal if you I don't know exactly how they did it was probably by like a check mark on a book or something that you walked all of the trails and then you got recognized at Council and I think he also said he got like a hat or something like that certificate a certificate yeah and a hat so when we when we talked about it there I think it's a really good program the cool interaction is that I spoke with safy Kalen and she runs the mayor's Wellness campaign for health and wellness and now with our local Health assessment there actually she has some funding there and we have that listed down as a project to improve usage of our Trails for health and um Wellness so she's willing to partner with open space and trails on it and kind of make it like a campaign a very simple campaign so it'll be something like a Google form we will pick out the trails we're going to pick out some that are ADA Compliant some that are in the woods some that are just you know out like at middle Bush Park and if a person you know walks all of these Trails then they can get you know recognized a council with a certificate we'll take their picture and then we also with her funding and wellness there is probably some kind of giveaway we can give them whether it be like a water bottle or whatever it is so but we think it's a good way to improve the usage of the trails and kind of get get it out there so yeah did you have anything to add that Vanessa or no okay just know more exposure more interaction you need emotion no I just wanted to let you know that if you saw anything about that um that that's what you know basically just so you know what it is I don't expect you know a lot of uh entries to come in right away but the good news is is working with zafy I think that'll help us kind of get the word out sa's good yeah and we can pair it with health and wellness which helps with our advanc or our local Health assessment and when would they do this or when would would be the target so we're hoping you know we just kind of said yes we're going to go ahead and do this safy just got back from vacation and said oh yeah I absolutely want to work on it so we're hoping to start it in like April that's what we're hoping to contest starts or whatever yeah you know it'll kind of like a rolling this would just be on Trails on township open well so we've debated that we're wondering do we include like Colonial Park we're not going to include the canal cuz it's just way too big was thinking of a six mile run six mile run I don't know Trails there know maybe we're thinking like Colonial Park maybe and then our Franklin Trails or maybe we just stick to our Franklin Trails I don't know you could black Wells to gtown Blackwells to griggstown in back is is not terrible yes that's true you could have two levels one which is just the township trails and one which includes certain additional Trail yeah that's a good point we can definitely talk about that run absolutely and we also talked not necessarily it's every single Trail but even like grouping Trails together maybe even the hikes that we host kind of having those be part of okay to earn this if you do these six Trails or these whatever we're kind of going back and forth different ideas to kind of that's a good point to group them together and and certainly it doesn't have to we definitely want the township trails to be highlighted but I know one of our committee goals is also to make people aware of the trails near where they live and some people live near closer to State Trails than they do Township trails and if that's the case you know if I'm living if I live on Rodney Avenue off Frank Boulevard I want to know that there's a toe path entrance at the end at the End of the Street there uh so things like that the other good thing too we were thinking I forgot to mention this is we're going to then as we get like more people in we can actually convert the number of miles walked to you know we can convert it to a bunch of different things we can convert it to calories burned we can convert it to vehicle miles that are that you know would contribute to greenhouse gas image there's a lot of different things we can do and safy actually has some metrics that she has to report on that we might be able to do that as well so I think that'll be interesting and then is there a component where you uh bring attention to some of the businesses like like a Corner Deli or the place in in we could do that bush East Millstone or you know some place you know not all Trails have something like right next to them but I agree yeah that's a good point I we haven't really gone that far we're kind of at like square one but that's a good recommendation that we can talk about for sure we can hash it out in the trails committee I figured and then you know we'll uh we'll keep it going from there but I think it'll be you might wanted to tap into like Runners like maybe like get some contests for because I know there are a lot of people in town absolutely yeah bike and you know it kind of gets their competitive juices fired these little maybe you could do something like that bikers even oh definitely bikers joggers Runners you know business opportun thing okay well I'm going to be with safy on it and like I said we'll hash it out and the trails Comm I think it'll be a good way to you know kind of get our open spaces and trails out there and if you if you have anything you want to add Stephen we're having so I'm just thinking about this um well one we have a senior walking group that typically participates in Colonial Park if we're going to identify Colonial Park as one of those trails okay we definitely would would share that with our seniors that come to try to activate them and use some of the other Trails on their own um they walk with our staff on Thursdays typically in in Colonial Park um the other thing and I don't know if I'm remembering two different things did we talk about us having a photo contest at one point or we did yes we like just thinking idea wise I was actually going to shoot C safy an email just thinking about this like proof for someone completing it like could we get people to activate and say you know take a selfie or something on the trail and then post it on social media with some sort of you like that yeah that's a good idea that way like it brings more recognition to it do you so I like that idea a lot so maybe when I meet with saffy maybe we can meet with you too and then if we'll try if you're available if not but we can maybe include you in the group if you're willing to that would be great okay great I like it and then once we get it set up it should take care of itself that's the goal like setting it up it'll always be on the website or whatever it is and then we'll just hopefully get more and more people I like it okay thank you stain Jersey refer vacation I do I'm starting to work on the sustain I had like take a breath before I started this because this is like the so Ted and I lump Ted in with me because he has to be there to help me is that we're going to start working on the sustainable Jersey certification we already started the beginning point which is going through all of the actions that are available what did we submit last year and what are we going to submit this year so we there's a big spreadsheet we're starting to go through that the first submitt um that's not mandatory but recommended is in May and may basically is like this is what we're planning on doing we're pretty sure we're going to get this many points take a quick look let us know what you think sustainable Jersey uh the final submitt I believe is due I want to say it's September and that's when it absolutely has to be in for our recertification um from looking through what we've done I think we're in good shape which is great uh the green team has been reappointed at the reorganization meeting so I'll schedule a meeting of all of them and really it's a matter of now kind of pulling together all the documents we need and writing up all the narratives so still going through the actions there's a few new actions which are good there's a few actions that we submitted that have expired like for example our natural resources inventory the last time we submitted that's the last time we can get credit for that so I have to find something to fix you know fill in those points but by doing the local Health assessment that right there is like 30 points that gave us a big bump the community energy plan that gave us a big bump so I think we're in good shape I think we're in really good shape so the the environmental commission is kind of like taking the lead on that as well so you have anything else for that Ted or no I mean you know what you've been doing I a lot of it is looking at an action and understanding who you've got to get data from right that's the hardest partal how so a lot of it is like you know we need to submit you know um mileage from like the Township's vehicle so we have to get that database filled in by Carl as an example um there's some other staff I have to work with to get other things so yeah you're right getting all the information is the the difficult part but I think we're I think we'll be okay I think we're in good shape good anybody else any new business they want to bring up having none we want the old business of Pathways and trails plan so I've been working with Mark Healey on getting the pathways and trails plan adopted as part of the master plan the uh chairman of the planning board and the subcommittee has gone over the plan they actually don't have any comments which is great so no no writing rewriting to do which is is good Mark haly did have some comments which I made those changes which were pretty simple so Mark wants to get it on the planning board agenda is very very tight you know so he thinks we can get it on either the end of March or the beginning of April which is no problem because we have to notice it um under the municipal L use law to get it approved so when that happens I'll go to the meeting I'll do a brief presentation and then it'll get adopted as part of our master plan so that's what we're looking at you might want to have a special meeting of the planning board for it rather than try to put it on with with regular hearings you certainly don't want to put it on with [Music] Onyx great well I think that's why Mark was looking at the agenda like oh gosh maybe you know so yeah and now so he did speak to the chairman about having a special meeting I guess if it's not on an agenda that's packed they're okay with just going forward with the hearing that would that's required but you're right if it's if it's like to be interfering with other cuz we don't want to wait too long either so it wasn't so that's that so you'll see it well you've already seen it all of you but it'll be posted on the website and then it'll get adopted as part of the master plan so okay diversion of the replacement of Castleton Park so the sonoko pipeline valve replacement that's proposed for Castleton Park that it's just that 0.14 acre permanent easement in the northwest corner of Castleton Park um all again just a reminder all they're looking to do is replace the valve which right now is manually operated so anything that has to be done a person has to go there and actually turn the valve off they want to replace it with a remote valve which is basically standard of practice right now anyway it requires some fencing it requires a gravel access drive so I've been working with them to get this diversion approved through Green Acres which is a huge process um so the pre-application package got approved which is great cuz that's a whole big thing and then we found out we had to apply to the New Jersey historic preservation office formerly referred to as shipo for uh project authorization so we actually did get approval for that with no no questions so I took that and then but they did then tell us that we also have to go to drcc to get approval from them too so now I'm applying for approval for that all of this keep in mind is for an easement so it's very lengthy and why are they telling you everything like one at a time like I because I guess they're looking at her like ah should we make her do that yes should we make her do this yes I think we should so cond sentence I wish they could I really wish they could yeah but you well I suppose it's close enough to the canal it is that's that's why but there an easement and also really it's just fencing that's going up and a gravel access and they're literally just replacing the valve there but it's it's the kind of thing that people will look at it and say of course but it has to get on their agendas the question is is when would they do this like wouldn't it be better to do it in like in the like in the spring as opposed to having equipment there during usage times and honestly it'll definitely be the spring the way this is moving because after we get the approval from drcc we then have to submit the final approval to Green Acres for their second review and then once they give us that final approval then we have to refile the deed and we have to get compensation from um Doo so it's a lengthy process but we actually are getting through it so all right yeah is there any old business anybody wants to bring for Mr Mayor so metler nuda park remember we gave some money or you guys gave some money um for the sign oh yes yeah the sign is ready there was some changes that were made uh Aruna metler had some wording changes so there was a little bit of a cost overrun the company has agreed to eat a third of it the mstone historics taking a third they're asking that we take a third which is $350 additional for the sign you need approval I want your blessing I mean we can one Locker can do it on his own but you're blessed actually is that the right sign I don't know what you're you need a motion yeah I'll make a motion to I'll second that yeah any discussion on a motion if not all in favor iOS Bob since we're talking about Jennifer yeah Jennifer comes okay good AR since we're talking about signs I know the um Public Works has been putting up a lot of new signs and one of the signs was going to be at Memorial Forest right out front on Amwell Road there and what we had talked about was putting out a sign that was v-shaped so that people coming from each Direction could actually see it instead of flat so when you go past it you don't really see it unless you look this way and then you run off the road um and they just put in the flat sign after we had asked for the V sign so I wonder if there's anything that we can if there's going to be a change to that I brought it up because I think someone mentioned it at the last meeting that we were together and I brought it up because basically it would just require an identical second sign and then replacing it like the V right so I brought it up after every open space meeting I send my list again so I will send it again absolutely well what while you're sending it we also requested to fix the board the fence that's all falling down by the entrance great a Memorial Forest Memorial okay yeah also the sign when you're going down South Middle Bush across the street from Bob if you're doing the speed limit you can't see the metals that the um pement house that's got to be on some sort of an angle or a triangle oh right right and then you have and then also you have www Meadows foundation and then their website is The Meadows foundation so that's a mess too the Higman house sign um website is wrong that I know and I told them about website is wrong so basically they need a new sign and it needs to be Suzanne mentioned that to me it needs to be moved so that it can be seen right okay I will is there any way to like instead of um that they can just do both sides of the boards and just put it fac thing the other way I know we're talking about putting it like on a triangle that requires additional boards yeah it requires an additional s like identical sign yeah I think the Hegman house one like instead of having it facing the street flat I don't know if it could be facing the other way and then just do the is that engraving on both sides of the wood like you know right now it's on one side yeah I think the one on the corner of South mid Bush and black Wells is okay because you're stopped at lights whereas on other ones if you're flying past them that one's all even a little bit of an angle on on the um sedan L house yeah it's also crooked I see that every day you know I'm not sure if the sign can be done on both side I never asked but I can ask for sure I can definitely ask and see I don't see why I wouldn't be able to we kind of want to promote these buildings since we're paying for [Music] them any other any other old business morning none we go up to any questions on the consultant report add another zero someone all right you're hearing none updates from all the Committees anybody else meet I didn't meet this month I'll make an announcement for the environmental commission um on Wednesday February 5th at the Franklin Senior Center the environmental Commission is sponsoring a um film there 700 p.m. it's called um Common Ground common ground and it's about journalistic expose with deep personal stories from those on the front lines of the food movement uh Common Ground unveils a dark web of money powers and politics behind our broken food system and then afterwards there will be time for questions and answers um February 5th pardon me what day February 5th 700 p.m. at the Franklin Senior Center so anybody interested there's no RSV rep required you can just show up is that going to be does that post on the township website do you know it is yeah it is yep and it's on our social media also are you coming to the historic at some point in time to talk about the diversion of yes I have to um figure out from Vince when I'm going to come but yes we do need to talk about that so I will come to one of those meetings for sure um first Tuesday first Tuesday okay let me talk to Vince and see what works um one other quick update from the environmental commission is is that we applied for a grant um to the Center for uh collaborative heat science and basically uh that office was formed under the bipartisan infrastructure act um and so it's a grant that would allow us to take heat measurements at various places around the township so we' probably most likely take them at Open Spaces to kind of determine where is how does tree canopy affect the heat where we can actually get data how does like the amount of preserved open space impact heat now they're only giving out 10 of those grants and it's like a nationwide Grant so I don't know that we will get it but we did apply for it so if we do we'll work with the sh tree commission also the question of whether the program will survive the new admin that's the other I hit send and then I was like but um I did forward it to the shade tree commission Arie knew about it too to kind of see hey do you guys think if we were to get this would you want to partner with us on it because the other aspect is if we're to collect data and we're able to actually you know be successful with that we could use that for targeted tree planting targeted areas to increase the tree canopy maybe different stewardship methods for our open spaces so it's kind of like um it kind of like help us like get the data we need in place cuz we don't really have any real heat data you know so we'll see what happens they're giving out 10 grand I I can't guarantee we'll get it so I've been basically a riding sensor throughout Franklin riding the bike and one morning during the Heatwave I'm out there at 5:00 in the morning and I'm going down Route 27 over by I guess that's Skillman yeah okay and as I came away from Route 27 heading toward the canal like there was a real temperature drop right as you go into the canopy it was like you know it was you know I didn't expect like early in the morning to feel such a difference but even then so um but drrive Butler Road okay by the before you hit the golf course if you're making a right hand turn 27 there's a canopy there there's a 10 Dee drop in the summertime yes and it's so you go by the like you know like I live over we call it the east side of Franklin and as you approach the canal there's a a real temperature difference that's interesting so the grant is really for it's like citizen science so maybe that's something you could help us out with like with teaching people how to like or like explaining because you can do it on a bike you don't have to be standing there holding a DRM in or whatever yeah put science temperature on put a temperature Gaze on his bite helmet there you go I'm going to bring you in as our first citizen it's weird because it does like the I guess the real thing that caught my attention is that maybe maybe not it's not the time of day it's not you're right like that was you know um yes see you're proving the hypothesis yes you are a citizen scientist AAL Mr science between amall Road here and in E Avenue absolutely there is spiritual a little bit G there and it is warm I forget but there is always a difference yeah the one on Bunker Hill is our open space I mean it's really a big difference that's amazing so see it's already start so hopefully maybe we'll get the grant we'll see you know I don't know if we will but we'll try any other updates um so for Trails committee um I know Tara already talked a little bit um about the uh the adopting um not the adopting the um uh oh my goodness what the trails plan thank you no the walk all Trails the walk Trails plan so that that's something um we've been talking about um and uh We've also um been talking about the photo contest piece as well we're trying to like just gradually get get more things going um something else you know as far as you know we shared that the the bird blind they the committee was really hoping to get the new blind there and had that be like a jewel of of the township Trails um but they understand that open space didn't approve that and so we're hoping to like have the changes made and um and then monitor that and and see how and see how see how they go something else that we've been talking about is also just making the trails more accessible um you know we had um a hike in November in partnership with Parks and Recreation and had a great turnout um of people varying abilities including people on wheelchair in wheelchair and um and just got a lot of requests like hey this is great you know we love more of this and so we're really wanting to expand uh looking at negri right negri there is one Trail there a section of a trail that is a wheelchair accessible wanting to expand that and also just thinking about how do we do that in in more in more Trails um that's something that we're thinking about we're also doing an initiative calling profile a trail where we um are each kind of taking a trail that we've adopted and writing a short little blurb about it um to then put into the Franklin times put on our social media places put in any local papers people who might be interested in sharing a profile of our Trails because we just feel like people aren't aware people just aren't aware um of what we have so that's another initiative that we are are working on can you talk to Chris Kelly at open space County and see if you can partnership with him because they were always looking to do that absolutely yeah I mean we've talked about a couple of things um are you're thinking about partnering with the profiling a trayal or just in general just well just in general but put it on the County website to you know have some folks some folks and enjoy our Trails yeah he was at one of our meetings just a few meetings ago I want to say and we did talk with him but yeah we should definitely try and now okay yeah we can do that for sure um and and we did uh we had a couple hikes we had a November 24th December 8th and December 13th not not great turnouts this time of year so um but we we still try to get a few in in the uh colder Seasons that's it thank you nothing anymore from committees move on public comments CH no public let wants to say a few words no okay motion to go to Executive session make second all in favor only there won't be any votes taken after we come out of executive session