##VIDEO ID:YeGfBXdstm4## y order open meeting act Bob puskus Schmid conell here bort here John hurling here John Moon here Ben Chase uh he should be here soon Mary L here Robin sudam here Vanessa Jones here David Triggs here and did I miss anyone no yourself myself I'm here yep we know Stephanie is not coming tonight um and some other uh the township manager uh Recreation director the councilman and the mayor of the league of principalities agenda open the meeting to the public we have a motion to open the meeting to the public make a motion state your name and address and want to go first good evening everybody my name is Reich Sudan I live at 1803 Route 27 in Somerset I have one request uh down the street from our farm is what we used to call Consul out of fathers now it's Board of Education property that's the way the council names it but it's owned by the town correct the town needs to maintain its property there are noxious weed laws in the state of New Jersey I copied just a couple or one about Canada thistle the noxious weeds that are allowed to grow at the Board of Education property are spreading all over the neighborhood doesn't reach all of Franklin but it reaches me a lot of North Brunswick a lot of The Lawns around that property what I'm asking is for the township to have a SCH SCH to mow the property to knock those weeds down so the weed seats stay on the property and don't spread to its neighbors common agricultural practice I do it Bobby does it most of the everybody I know does it because they don't want to spread around so my point is I would like this committee to not ask direct Department of Public Works to mow those that property at least for times a year to keep the weeds under control before I ask for any questions I'll tell you I had a conversation with the mayor about this he says well really like we'd like to get a couple organic farmers there's a neighbor has a problem with spring I get that we like to get some organic farmers to to work part of that property and and we w't have a problem with the weeds cuz you know the organic farmers will take but while he farmed it for years I refused use to farm because of the wildlife will eat anything that's there the only thing that could be profitable and this term sustainability in agriculture means got to have profit first then be sustainable the only thing that's going to grow there might be hay because the wildlife won't damage it as much you still need to use chemicals to maintain it just like you do on your lawn most people fertilize your lawn to try to keep the weeds out the mayor understood he said yeah I get it Organics may not and the other thing there's no water there there's very few options for that property so in the interim until there is a a really good conclusion I would ask that this committee direct Public Works to have put it on a schedule to be mowed at least four times a year that'll keep the weed seeds on the property and not spreading to the neighbors with that um over there any questions yes sir um so you can mow and like could you mow and not use chemicals at all and still have the same well well I guess or what I was asking is does that solve the problem mowing or does it have to be with chemicals in addition to that no the mowing before they go to seed keeps the plant material and those potential weed seeds on the property doing it it's when you have to it's timing of course of course it's timing you if you if you don't want to use go white if you want to avoid if your goal is to avoid using chemicals that's what I'm asking you see that white stuff blowing in that's what it is right you're not talking about us chemicals you're talking about just mowing mechanically mowing I'm asking one of the reasons one of the things we've discussed in the committee is that we're avoiding using chemicals or and that's so so will mowing at a certain time solve your issue in short term at least Sol it without it will help reduce the spread of seed I'm never going to say it's going to solve it but I'll tell you it will reduce the risk of spreading the seed and and it's Bobby what are we talking about 12 15 Acres you can mow it in 4 hours we got the equipment in town I've seen it not not a big eror question is is it is the land leased to the board of ed is it the Board of Ed Board of Ed owns far as know the boorder of Ed owns the middle property where the soccer field is and the buildings township owns the left side of the driveway and that's the one of the question and even both sides of the driveway and the right side is designated is supposed to be where the Y is going to go so the the board of vet is maintaining its portion their part council is not maintaining what they have control over right um question and a comment question is so for the record just let us know what impact it has without mowing it as you would want it to be done what impact does it have on your property and what do you have to do to alleviate what happens on your property these specifically I couldn't I couldn't give you a finite number but we teach blow around in the atmosphere the birds eat them gets everywhere I use only the amount of chemicals I need to eliminate broadleaf weeds out of my hay crop I I only use exactly what we need the stuff's expensive no one's wasted chemicals on fields and are these are these a broad leaf well Canada thistle is a broad leaf not all of them that are the weed seeds on that property are are broad leaes I know there's a concern about using chemicals on the property that's why the only thing I'm asking tonight is to set a schedule to mow those fields I'm asking four times a year they probably somebody say well we only need to do it twice mine I'm asking for at least four to keep those wheed seeds on the property not spreading to the neighborhood I think that's what I was getting at is that if it's if it's cut four times a year if it's we can avoid the chemicals exactly what I was getting at in my it's a rough it's probably somebody smarter than me can say oh no right that's not going to work he's not here I'm here I'm asking for four times a year let's mow the thing down and that'll that'll keep the weeds at least better than they are now I said I had a question and I have a comment the comment is I think you know this they we're just an advisory uh group we cannot tell the DPW to do this four times to Mr vlocker we we can only we can only I heard him I heard him he's right okay we can all the power sits right here no the power sits with us to advise them and then they're the ones that that direct the DPW we advise the counsil adise the counil we can say we recommend you do this they can shoot it down all depend on the position of I I know all that it's going to come out of my mouth to ask you to direct them how it comes from you it's up to you but that's considered open space that property yes I was yes yes scolded that it didn't belong in front of the council don't waste he didn't say it doesn't belong in front of the council it belongs in front of this committee therefore that's why really were you were you told that you were wasting some people's time no that was the inflection okay tone is everything AB absolutely there's a lot of I'm sorry I don't want to drag into that all all I'm saying is because you guys got a lot on your agenda and it's not that hard moment four times and I'll stay away why won't they do that been asked you don't ask you don't get I'm asking they've been mowing it once a year only and I when they mow if you look at it now it don't look like it was mowed CU we as a grow with dry weather or not it it looks terrible and we want to get it it doesn't get better by itself right and and you really the real issue the Canadian thisle and when that stuff gets blown around that goes forever everywhere all right so I'll make I'll make a motion to uh I'll second it you don't know what make it's really that we have to make a motion I think we can make the recommendation to the township manager and he can direct he can direct DPW to do it that's I think what the better process is and faster would that be more clear in a motion yes okay I second his motion he still didn't make it but made the motion yeah all right we have a motion in a second we have any discussion on a motion all in favor say I thank you everybody thank you and I'm sure there other proper this one just happen to be down the street for me and uh good practice yeah it's it's saving people from having to spray their lawns we not thank you thank thank you so much any more any other comments from public okay um you are Christopher Williams Magnolia Road Somerset New Jersey okay a couple of things um the DBW I talked to them they let me in to grown and I repaired some bird boxes they wiped out and but that goes that goes without saying they always do it but we are I suggested that we move one of the paths up a little higher out of the wed area because their law Mor get stuck in there so hopefully I suggested it to the gentleman that let me in he was one of foran he may move it but we're going to ask him again to do it to move it that that should go to the trails committee to do that correct I I'll bring it to the TRS committee for sure and they can agree to it and then DPW can then continue mowing that and then the other thing is the way that we develop our the way that we do our Trails mapping now we do it with an app that we walk with so we'll have to go out there and walk it so we can make the layer which is no big deal okay I'll bring it they just met so I'll have to bring it to the next committee but y the other thing is they started taking out the trees at negri okay but they're they're leaving trees there that are you know Bradford Pear or you know KCK bad trees they should come out can we have a meeting with BTW and go over what the management plan is what management plan they have for that because they haven't been back they marked down a lot of trees already but they haven't gotten back and finished it should be able to tag them right which one yeah so they Mark the trees to be removed um they are making multiple trips to come out and do them I know it's taking some time um we also do have the application for their prescribed burn there so I'm wondering if they're thinking but the burn won't won't that we need we need them to go back there I know they did it a couple weeks ago they went in here and took about half of them out but they they mowed around a couple trees don't take them out okay yeah we could have a meeting with them and go over I'd like to know what their management plan is how they going to because when they mowed they m my box down which had a nice pole on it right but they didn't most some of the other trees the trees need to go we know the they're directed to take them out the management plan is the one that was developed by the um New Jersey oton Society right and it's directs them basically to take the trees out so that's the plan they're following followed by the burn um that's the management plan they're following and they bought the mower and and everything like that but I don't know why they're not actually out so I will talk to S yeah the other thing is is I want to ask them to stay 5T away from the blueberry boxes so they stopped taking them out I've had to replace six this year and I'm the one that pays for I build a blueberry boxes I get the wood for free so that's no problem what are they doing they hitting them with the lawnmower like what are they yeah they running over the lawnmower mulling them down yeah stay 5tt away from the I will I go out there with snippers and I will sip any trees that are in that area myself I have a loppers I Lop them off the cuz that's what I did you know this past week I went out and put up replaced the bird boxes put up a new one but if they can stay 5 away I really appreciate got it okay okay thank you thank you so much can you can you show me where you're playing which Trail you're planning on reing the one in at um at griggstown this Trail right here gets very wet there's a Wetlands right here it gets very wet if we move it up the hill it'll it'll be better what color is it which it's red I move marked it in red too okay so and these area this area gets wet and this area gets wet but there's no Trail to move it you can keep that if you want okay on I thought you about negri you talking about you talking about this is griggstown this is griggstown but the the boxes where here too the the trees that he's talking about that need to remove dur and there's trees here that need to be removed too there a couple tall trees that that are you know Russian olives and stuff like that they're leaving we just take everything out okay all right I'll let them know and I'll offer them the meeting opportunity so we'll see yeah okay I'll take us to Trails too yes thanks thank you you're welcome any matter of them the bird box is being sort of concealed that they don't see a way to like look the bird boxes are this h i don't get it but they they they're on their cell phone or they're texting and not paying attention that's my opinion it's ridiculous but you know they hit the post yeah they took out the post box everything a lot more blades feels good no because it's the LMA blades designed to do that to run over Bird Box designed to take out small trees right Bobby take out bird boxes that's no big deal you need to have 4x4 posts I can get I can get the the 4in post but they're $80 a piece the ones I get are $6 a piece you know I I've got 10 new 10 new poles this year well thanks for doing that you're welcome that's my joy building the boxes and putting them up putting them up is a tough thing yeah CU that ground is so hard yeah oh gosh yeah and one of the things we were talking about on trails with the benches like trying to like put something underneath the benches so the stuff wouldn't grow grow underneath it so I is that something we could do is that something you could do with the the bird boxes as well could be like I doesn't matter you want does doesn't matter if stuff goes around in bird boxes what what you have to take out is the Woody plants that sometimes start because the birds sit on them they drop the seeds right there and they start growing yeah it's not a big deal when you get them well I'm just say if you create a little barrier that mow around it you know it's like if there's a place to it's it's a lot of work all right never mind all right it's a lot of work it's just you know just let me I'll stay away from the boxes I'll cut around the box I will on the boxes I'll let them know thank you thank you so much I've been putting red tape on the boxes on the outside of the box so they're easier to see yeah okay any other public comment at this time or introduce ourselves you're on the agenda so yeah you have an agenda item so we'll when we get there we can do that sounds good okay perfect Mo to close the public session motion all [Music] favor next agenda approval the October minutes I have one comment and Phil not what it's the second page D it says a trigs his frogs are it's been remove has it been removed yes I kind of had a feeling it was just your sense of humor is it true T he didn't hear us never mind yes I know I know where you're that's it otherwise I would motion to approve I'll second it with that comment this last time there's a motion to approve in second and AR seconded okay AR second okay down down to number 12 adment it was for it's a second motion to open the public that was not should say to adjourn correct no that's right oh he's okay well you have the motion to open to public type of William somebody was thinking Neiman Marcus under sh for shade tree like non Williams is on four the first page approval of September minutes it say the court move he wasn't here last month no it was not where did you say that was under Bob I'm sorry that was number four oh L cour moved okay you weren't here all you're saying oh wait we did approve the September minutes okay all right got it motion to approve minutes was amended second all in favor financial report next on the on the board all right the financial report is is was uh sent out as part of the agenda this month so if anyone has any questions I guess we can it that way motion to approve second any discussion on the motion any questions on the report all fa [Music] I okay okay next one up is recurring utility payments for historic houses under meows Foundation okay so if you guys want to introduce yourselves now and then I can tell you the little background okay um my name is Barber Tenbrook I'm the vice president of the meow Foundation um and I'm here to listen to the discussion and if I can be helpful I'll be I live at 2346 am Road in East mstone go hi I'm Mary McAn Stone I live at 142 Saratoga Court in Somerset I'm on the board of The Meadows and like Barbara I'm here to uh listen and if you have any questions that we could help with just ask and I'm Terry Thor in 18 Leed drive I'm a former board member of The Meadows I'm now currently just a member and I'm the dosent at the white Garrison house and I maintained the garden at the vany van wickle house perfect okay so um a few months back you'll probably remember that we uh The Meadows had requested that we assist them with the utility bill so it covers propane heating oil um electricity and uh the alarm bill so the security alarm bill um after this committee approved it it went to the Town Council who then authorized a resolution uh in the amount of $16,400 to pay utility bills that were outstanding that needed to be paid for the four houses that uh for the houses that are leased by The Meadows from the township um since that point and I don't know if you guys know this or not but I was working with our finance department just the other day so all of those funds have been expended and sent and like have the payments are like on their way for pscg um and any of the other outstanding bills that were approved by or recommended for approval by this committee and then by the township Council so that's $ 16,48 has been paid for pass utility bills um I did meet with suan durak she's the president of The Meadows foundation and Barbara we met on a virtual call a few weeks ago um and basically what it is is that the Meadows really does need assistance with paying the utility bills on a monthly basis um we do own the township the town we own the township the township owns the houses we also own the township itself um the township owns the houses so The Meadows has been doing a good job with you know they have caretakers in there they run programs they'd be able to run more programs if they had a little more flexibility with their funding um the utility bills are very extensive so uh suan did send me the profit and loss statements for the last two years and this year there's only part of it because we're not you know everything hasn't been accounted for yet um but last year for example the utility bills alone for all of the houses were upwards of50 ,000 for the four houses for everything um for the year for the year so uh what we just paid for example the 16,400 those are only for a few months of P du charges not even the current charges just the past two so we had a good talk um about how that could help The Meadows like I said we do own the houses without having the power in the house or the heating we run the risk of the houses going into to disrepair uh with The Meadows not having the financial resources to pay for the utilities and they have other bills of course that we don't pay like their directors and officers Insurance their tax preparation other bills that have to be paid that we're not paying um with those funds being kind of allocated already it's not as easy for them to run some of the programming that they would love to run out of uh their organization so what they are seeking is for um the open space committee to make a recommendation to council that we take over those utility payments permanently um out of the open space trust fund so it would basically become just like the way that in the financial report we have a line item for pscg for our Parks like for lighting and things like that that there would be a l a line item in the open space trust fund that would cover the utility payments and the security uh bills for the the houses that we own that The Meadows lease so I think that covers it I don't know if anyone if you guys want to add anything um that I missed or no in in the discussion uh we did uh we did identify the heating uh equipment that we have is rather Antiquated very true so that is another reason that the bills are piling up is that some of the HVAC and other equipment in houses is very old and inefficient that's another serious problem yeah so that's something we can look at down the road but right now so for example just yesterday the final you know dollar out of what council already approved was paid and that basically brought you know everything current up until like September so we're it's we're going back into the same um cycle at this point so so that's what we're asking if anyone has any questions I have lots of documents and yeah can definitely help yeah I have a I have a comment I guess yeah you're you're saying that looking to do it permanently forever my suggestion would be do it for the next year for 2025 and then revisit it at the end of 2025 because things could happen between now and then maybe the metals foundation will come up with sources of money um and was that a chuckle back there yeah but um you know know so that would be that would be my thought I mean that's definitely an option to do it in onee increments or to do it in different year increments that's for sure an option absolutely that we can discuss my question is why did it take the town so long to pay these bills so it took the town a long time to pay the bills because so it was forwarded to DPW um and then maybe when did we have the call Barbara it was only two weeks ago maybe so I got a call two days or 3 days before we had the call and I was basically told that you know I should fix that like basically make this able to get together get all the documents together compile all the everything that's been sent to DPW The Meadows I will say was sending their bills every month to DPW they were um and it just was not done who was getting there Carl Yeah Carl was not so it was supposed to go to Carl what I was told which is all I'm going to say is what I was told is that um because they weren't I guess given to I'm sorry because they were sent to Carl and not Mariana Carl doesn't forward emails so Mariana is the person that actually physically would pay them so for example and I told Barbara this I actually don't have any access to the financial system so I would love to turn the computer on and start paying bills left and right but I don't even have access Mary does all the bill paying for open space trust fund apparently Carl was not forwarding the the bills to uh to Mariana so when I got the information from Carl that I was to take care of this then I took care of it with them within like the matter of you know two or three days but and I did have to work with Finance I was on the phone with Finance the last two days because the woman at Finance she basically got no background she basically got told like here pay these after you know with my spreadsheet and she was excellent though Cindy rener in uh Finance excellent she took care of everything right away so and and I will add one last thing is that because one of the bills in particular wasn't paid at vanl sudam is that correct uh refrigerator thought out a refrigerator a freezer thought out there's no caretaker there so it wasn't found that for 3 days that the there was water basically all over the floor and now the floor has to be replaced so this is what I'm talking about like not having the bills paid now we're going to have to replace the floor so that kind of stuff like without having the things you know it it behooves us to have a security system absolutely 100% need a security system um and also you know power is always good Robin question on the care caretaker is there one in view for sedan van ladam one coming I'm not sure uh yes we have had an outstanding Grant uh for 3 years to uh uh redo the ceiling some ceilings some leaking Lo and things like that and we were advised uh a a uh caretaker left and we were advised by the architect that it'll be much easier to work there without a uh caretaker and we've been waiting three years and now we have uh the uh work starting to schedule I think December and Jan December or January but that's so you think you might have a caretaker back in there by when they move out work uh when the work is done how long do you think the work's going uh well I think the work is scheduled this phase for two or three months oh great thank you that answers my question and then there's going to be a phase two also uh because uh we were so it was so slow uh getting um the architect on board and the workers schedule that the leak in the roof uh caused some of the upstairs ceiling to collapse and there's a lot of mold up there so so when do you think you'll have a caretaker back in let's say this summer this summer okay thank you my my question is why you don't caraker for at least four years in that house why was the refrigerator even on and stuff in it or the freezer whatever it was why is that didn't shut off because we have uh events there we have fundraising events there and we have things in the refrigerator and the freezer and uh that was arranged for an event we just recently had there and so is this a very old freezer that has no no it's a modern refrigerator PNG turned the uh uh electric off no payment no pay yeah I'm not sure what what leaks then uh it's one of those freezers that collects ice well that's what I was asking it seems like free it's well the refrigerator looks to me like 15 years old and and in my opinion it's working fine we we clean it out from time to time but uh somehow we just got quades it's not the entire floor it's just around the refrigerator I have a couple more questions for you I know where you get your oil from heating oil from why did you use the most expensive place in town I don't know I don't have an answer to that question the same with the propane one of the most expensive propane companies in town I do not know who is it that orders it from thaty uh they get it from Skylands which is the old b a company and might a friend of mine gets it from them and he's paying over a dollar gallon more than I'm paying way over a dollar gallon more same with propane they got suburban and how do we get that changed metal has to request to change they they can change it you know just like if you well uh I have a pen and a piece of paper how can what companies do you recommend well I I'm dealing with Vantage propane or Parco gas for my Parco gas for my propane Vantage propane Paro it used to be Advantage I I misspoke there parico merge with Advantage okay they're open to looking at other vendors basically right you're open to looking other vendors and then for for the heating oil we we use KW rasle in North Brunswick or South Brunswick KW rasle 297 732 297 5600 is their phone number 297 oh par me 297 732 yep 29 297 5600 5600 yeah got I bet it isn't that easy to change vendors be told oh we have a contract we have to carry out the contract well even if it got to the point where they had to finish out the contract if that's the case and then then moving forward cheaper vendor whatever yeah for sure and then they do have grass has a s Skylands I guess Skyland service with the furnaces KW R has a a fellow who does this he does my furnaces he's he's on 24-hour call how much you have to buy to get that big discount discount I don't know what the how they charge cuz I just I buy I had 2,000 gallons of liver today so you got 2,000 gallons is a lot Bobby yeah that's a lot more but it's still it's still you say um my neighbor switched over to the the propane company he saved over $2 a gallon of his propane was getting before that's a lot yeah he's paying more than I'm paying but he's still paying a lot less okay I would have thought that the township would bid out exactly that's what I was I would think that actually said that's a good idea um that's a very good idea to have same service that the township has and just what are like in the like in the houses that aren't occupied what's the F what's the heat in water time shut on it is it down to 40° like why you need to have it or Plumbing in there vs vs is the only one that is not uh does not have a caretaker and that thermostat is on 62 yeah they've got Plumbing they can't put it at 40 it won't freeze a 40 it may yes it will in an old farmhouse like that in the window our brid tenders house that yeah but it's not going to freeze a 40 soste it a 50 instead of 60 maybe 55 I would not go to 40 holy cow now 55 I would I would lower them you know safely lower them because you're heating a big house for for nothing for you know you safe to do it at 50 or 55 deg why why do it at 65 or 62 it's a big difference we we have a model how long does it take to get up we have the dun house an hour we should be doing what is they do with the dun house at 50 the dun house is at 50 D house is at 50 yeah so there you go perfect work with psng and see what you can do about getting the nest thermostats so you can turn the heat up from home right an hour before two hours before the event yeah p p ps e and G won't do that because you're talking oil furnaces they don't deal with oil furnaces they'll do a thermometer thermostat oil furnaces and if they will do it for them well can't you got to have requested put in right whatever but but that way if they do it remotely they say Tera just said the dous which was ours is is set at 50 degrees 50 yeah D house is at 50 I mean we never we never have an occupant in there and we never have any events in there but that's what it's said at 50 and house is lower van luciam is at the top of a hill the top of a hill and believe me the wind blows so go it very carefully cuz a burst pipe is a lot more work lot more and a lot more money I will totally agree with you up my I'm up on a hill too and it just takes a little pinhole like that to freeze a pipe okay so I I you know I apologize for on behalf of the town for not paying the dolls on time because we had incompetent Public Works director and I'll say in public I don't care thank you thank you for your apology so what's the what's the committee's recommendation to the council now as far as the the money is concern for yes we have to make a recommendation I'll make a motion to do it for a year and then revisit it after a year okay sounds fair enough to me that any discussion on that motion that I think during the year we can look at the possibility the township is buying gas and electric and oil maybe this can be part of the township contract which would reduce the price substantially include what we already did or moving forward a year no moving forward so what we already did is already done and not part of this conversation can they pay the bills for September October November December so my understanding is is we're going to if so say we are able to get this approved uh Bob is going to discuss it at the township council meeting about paying them through the open space trust fund and also if a stop Gap is needed like another lump sum He he'll ask for that too at the time so does psng give free because I know that I did this a while back um Energy Efficiency to somebody so you know have to put in there too we looked that private homes they'll do it they won't do it for us we did it for six mile run church because those houses are contributing to the historic district but also because they're historic I believe most of them are like historic preserved there might be some things they can do but there's certain things they cannot do names we use six mile run it's on the national register and they're helping us yeah and they great so what is one year like one year January December 19 every year yeah I would say it's for 2025 and yes I mean the bill the total utility bills in 2023 were around 58,000 there still the bills were past bills so we still have this the last quarter of this of this year yeah it's like somewhere so if we we paid as many bills as we could so I think one or two bills from ADT from like September SL October may have gotten paid but psng is paid through September so yes so you still got October November December can we do one year starting first of November or first of December that way or catch up or from the when should start when is Du yday so how about how about from November 20th to because that'll be like it'll cover the bills so for this year it's still got to be appr I would I would amend it to November 20th if that's what works or you could make it I'm just making a recommendation here I don't know what the total is yet of the do of the bills that are outstanding not starting in January that we make a motion to pay whatever is p due and then you know the last quarter plus 2025 but I don't I can't get you a number just yet on what that is the the other portion but I'm assuming it's probably close to 16 I'm guessing can you just do up two can we just say make a motion to a motion from November 19th I have to pull back my motion if we get do that but that's from November 19th to December 31st 2025 you could the only problem is it won't include any bills that are dated like September October that's the problem okay so what was it that you open Bob what was it that you were saying I mean I motioned for the year of 2025 was there something that you wanted to include November and December of this year we need catch one of bills that's out there now for the rest of the year balance of 20 say pass through bills up to $1,000 up to 20 I'm just saying we just have a number instead of a date rather than saying all these dates why don't we just say pass do and if you're worried about a number just cut it off and you know it can't go beyond that do it's got to get paid so it doesn't matter point was that the motion what they were asking for was in perpetuity I guess for us to pay everything and I was just saying do it for a year and then revisit it and when I was saying a year I was figuring by the you know January through 2025 I wasn't aware of you know the in what we had left in November December okay could we add to the motion that during this year the township look into lower price sources of fuel mhm yes absolutely if we're going to start paying then it can be all lumped in I would imagine I mean oh if you're a v Locker he'll say oh but if it's to be paid out of the open space trust fund it has to be all separate I'm sure you can work out something with these people yeah under the same contract different different invoice do you know that if you have contract with the fuel companies you anybody know that like we have a contract with with Skylands yes you know when it's do up when it's over free market I mean usually it's one year not that no one knows suan would know I do not it seems to me it's one year because of the price fixed no it seems to me the price can fix so if with Skylands cuz I use Skylands you get a certain price you can sign a contract to get a certain price $3.75 if it goes 20% 20 cents lower than that then you get a lower price if it goes to $44.50 you're still paying the 375 but it's for one year so that's probably the contract that you have so it sounds like we might have two different motions here one for um us paying for through the end of 2025 and then we re-evaluate we' re-evaluate every year how things are going a second motion would be about looking into consolidating with the township the cost you know cost you know Pro trying to bring the the all theost mhm that would be I think that should be a separate separate separate motion I AG yeah it should be dra all in in the in the uh you know utilities we're talking about utilities basically here yeah yeah so it's the propane the heating oil pscg and um the ADT Security Bill those four we don't really have an alternative well we do but at this level of discussion we don't have an alternative to PSG now if we go to energy aggregation then that's an alternative absolutely yes absolutely you want to put a number on it you want to cap it biding among competing for the electricity I I I just wanted to make it till you know one year you know or it can be 13 months or whatever it is from now until the end of December 2025 at which point we re-evaluate at that time and there'll be an annual thing possibly where we would re-evaluate it um as far as whether we're going to continue to do that yeah I agree with that but we need to reevaluate it before that one year we need to look at it during the year right yes all right now um that's the first motion finish finish the first motion first if we want to Second it and and vote on it and then go to the second motion correct as far as combining the costs Township taking over you want your motion to say to pay all outstanding bills remaining outstanding bills and all 20 up to all outstanding bills up to December 31st of 2025 yes okay all bills outstanding means bills that are now do right you mean all bills for the next year separate which bills you want to have well the the utility but we can legally pay is the utility bills what we legally pay make sure that utility even there yes yeah utility any more discussion on Mar's motion we have a second me thank you all in favor opposed okay motion now second motion second motion will be to look into a bidding for the um probably right Ted the PSC and G is not going to no PSG won't do anything right so basically propane heating oil out the bid or as part of a Township cont yeah the township do you know who who who Heats or who who the town gets to put fuel in in the gun housee I don't I want to say it's Suburban but I don't know for 100% sure so I have to look Suburban would be the propane right that yeah so I don't know that I'm not sure we got a BLC a BLC we got di we got a BLC making number one yeah BLT I'll take I'll take two of those please don't mail I always refer to you guys all of you as initials watch we got a motion now you gentlemen we have a motion from Bob anybody want to Second his motion I'll second I'll second any discussion on Bob's motion if none all in favor so what I'll do then is I'm going to because when I spoke to Cindy and finance say she just gave me some parameters that if this was approved because she's the one that's going to actually be writing the checks or whatever they however they pay it so for example like the bills have to be submitted within 7 days of being received and she wants them sent a certain way so I'll I'll email suan about that but um The Next Step so this committee is going to recommend that that be done but the township Council has to actually authorize it so it'll be on their next agenda just so you know so and after that then we can figure out you know how to proceed and it may be wise over the course of this year to look into the state of the furnaces and those buildings yes absolutely yep yep you're right about that yeah that's the truth all right um next on the agenda is updates on setus and maintenance projects on the historic homes um so another thing we talked about on our on our uh call was a while back there was um request made by The Meadows for projects that have to be complete um maintenance things like that so hold on let me get this up here what I'm going to do if you guys know I'm going to kind of run through this relatively quickly and then we can discuss it even more the next meeting only cuz there is two other items that we have to get to um but I just want to so we discuss this at our meeting on November 4th which is when it was okay so for the uh van l s Dam house uh they do have the restoration grant that they're going to be working on that so uh that's starting uh there's a brush pile at Van this is all at vanl Sudan when it switches I'll tell you um there's a brush pile that has to be picked up it still hasn't been picked up yet DPW did remove the large tree that was requested to be removed uh more gravel was brought in for the driveway uh we have the HVAC problem where the equipment is old and inefficient um for all of the houses the chimneys need to basically be inspected and then potentially animal proofed because they're getting into the chimney um and also it's a fire hazard they not capped I'm sorry they're not capped no not that I believe now uh before we do any of that though we have to talk to the state historic preservation office otherwise known as shipo um because they actually have a certain way that chimneys have to be treated so we'll have to just keep that in mind uh vanl sudam does not have an alarm in the house and this is actually a bad thing so we really need to think about that's a that's a problem we need to maybe get that going um and I told you about the kitchen floor already so we have that uh the white cof garrettson house uh the carriage barn roof it needs to be replaced because it's just in complete disrepair uh they did request additional driveway for the gravel um it was brought there up to the carriage barn but it didn't make it to the caretaker's parking lot and that's where the gravel's really needed um why it's I'm looking at it on my screen so I had a problem with this yesterday too Robin and Ary know I don't know why with the screen but it should come back in a minute okay are we on camera tonight yes we are on yes we're still on even it's just in the background yep um so I'm just going to read to what I have and then I'll finagle with this um the original well so there's a sinkhole that's developed next to the well um and that hasn't been taken care of that does also need to go through shipo so we'll have to look at that um I told you about the chimneys already what else uh Hagman house and barn so barn roof needs to be replaced uh the septic system there needs to be uh looked at and potentially either fixed or replaced because it keeps filling up with water even though there's only one person in the building he's filling up um there's a drainage problem in the kitchen uh the dairy barn so there's a bird problem there where birds keep getting into the dairy Barn um and they it's basically become a Hazmat situation in the dairy barn like you cannot go in there or use it it's like dangerous so that needs to be dealt with figuring out how to keep the birds out and then it needs to be like professionally and like clean through like environmental health and safety standards um the exterior side facing the street needs to be painted uh we have to be mindful of the paint that's allowed there uh then we go to Van wickle house where there is a serious septic sewer issue so um basically there's a nonfunctioning septic system in the house apparently there was two oil tanks that had to be removed but when it was done a dump truck fell into a hole and crush the septic system um there was a hope that they could hook up to the sewer line on East EG but that was it was discovered that that connection would go through wetlands and an intermittent stream which would basically be completely destroyed by permitting costs and getting the actual permitting so that is not possible uh so basically the septic system needs to be addressed there so we're two septic systems already at about 30 grand a piece at least 40 more yeah um we have to work so the uh The Meadows received a grant in 2015 um let me read my notes on this carefully okay the township uh we had to generate a report that went to shipo our portion of the report I just want to make sure I get this right our portion of the report was denied by shippo so we have to send a rewrite in we have not done that yet so and I just want to put this out there I'm sure you are maybe don't know this or not but I don't typically work on this so I'm like basically trying to piece things together little by little so if I say something weird just jump in um so we have to resubmit this report and I am in the process of trying to locate the report and figure out what went wrong because I don't have the comments and I don't have the report so I have to it down 2015 yeah um how much money was the grant for uh 300,000 has been allocated for this project by the township do you know off the top of your head how much that grant for the van wickle van Dy house was 2015 a couple of hundred, I want to say it was it might have been 300 400 my time but I'm sure it was for a couple of 100,000 and whatever uh it was then it's probably more now you know okay I think B I think Bob said two and a quarter but I'm sure uh let's see there's a hole in the wall in the um by the fireplace that actually the township did by accident when they were uh doing work there so that has to be fixed a truck fall into it no this was from uh it looks like apparently someone was trying to investigate what was behind the wall and Al Capone safe yeah yeah uh what else can I tell you the restoration Cent I'm sorry the varago center which is basically an outbuilding that's part of Van wickle vany um The Meadows has wanted to turn it into a visitor center for quite some time there's a beautiful observation deck on the back uh that's Su SE some damage during Ida they were actually in the process of getting a bathroom put in and everything and then Ida happened so B's there they were trying to fix it up right I'm sorry there was already a bathroom there right no they were in the process of putting a bathroom in there was a bathro oh there was a bathroom and you were putting a handicap what what was happening cuz I know I know the sink floated off the wall and yes the bathroom though was like in the yeah the bathroom there uh the driveway has the black top is deteriorated and needs to be replaced with gravel the boardwalk that comes off and goes towards um I'm sorry let me Canal yes the canal I'm sorry I lost my notes here um that Boardwalk there's pieces that need to be replaced there's planks that are missing or or damaged they need to be replaced and then also there's a problem with the sump pumps in the basement there um and The Meadows has tried to run lines above ground and redirect the water but this has been minimally effective so so I just read you all of the requests a few things have been done not all a ton yeah excuse me Tara uh one getting back to the Hegman house the uh well is contaminated and uh Sarah our caretaker is great drinking bottled water that oh yes the caretaker at Hagman yes this is very bad too um um so I kind of lump that into septic sewer but basically they've had to hire a water subscription service because the water is that's being the servicing the house is unfiltered groundwater is that correct it's it can't be ground what it's got arsic and other things in the water what's that they have arsic in the water that's what's in yes that's what water there now yeah that's what they they had it tested at arsic in and other things I say ground you can't be getting ground water in cuz we haven't had any water in 6 months or FR Township the well deep is that how deep is that well I don't know how deep it is the best what is the what is the level of the arsonic is it above D approved levels yes yeah that's common in the grease toown area yeah it's arsic in the groundw is not uncoming it's it's it's a if certain type of gray Shale that is high in Arsenic and if a well goes into that then your level is too high the environmental commission sponsored a a program of getting people uh to submit water samples to be tested for arsenic some years ago as Dave will certainly remember until Ken da shut that down there's things we can do now so some of the things on this list we can do pretty easily we can bring the gravel we can take the brush pile that's been requested to be removed that we can do like immediately you know I mean I can request it be done right um but yes like the haac system that's something now that plays into so there's a lot of big projects on this and so I think maybe at the next meeting we can discuss this part a little more in detail because there's so many projects on there and I think they agree I you know I'm not minimizing I agree I think they're in need but I mean we're going to have to tackle these you know one at a time so for example if we were to do the HVAC we might be able I'm not saying anything that we can do this but say we were to look at the HVAC maybe that's something we can replace all of them at once but we can't do that and the roof and the sun pump and the septic all at the same time they have to be prioritized right so I think maybe we maybe I send this list out and everyone can look at it for our next meeting and and you know kind of get their ideas about what they think is the most important or how the money should be used or I don't know and maybe these guys should give us their list of priorities as well they're using the buildings absolutely yeah so we put this list together but yeah maybe if you guys prioritize it that would be so I'll send you my um update yeah I'll send you this is from our our call I'll send you the updates that I have on it and even if you just write like 1 two three next to it you know what what order is Poland Springs delivering just big bottles little Bott what are they bringing do you know uh five gallons right I thought suanne said it was like the water like you know the gallons the five gallons big ones and little drinking water but I think I see them at Walmart you know you refill them and all that stuff yeah and uh and smaller too know for for the the the Home Depot one and a half ones I guess you want to call them the ones I don't anybody's got forgot m in the truck I get them delivered myself I got Poland Springs and it cost me a fortune to have them do it but I don't want to you know nobody's willing to carry water but if you get Public Works to go buy water at shop Riders is is three three cases for 10 bucks Poland Spring is charge a$ $10 a case to deliver them so I don't know if some of the water some of the water bill can be cut back because of you know we we hire we hire two Public Works employees for fulltime for open space trust them to bring the drinking water person do you trust them to bring the drinking water time for the person wow well on time like to actually like get the water when she needs to you know I just I'm just going out to try to save some money you I know a PO swing charges I pay a lot of money every month because I doing three two households with with water so yeah so make it a recommendation to the to the council or born lock or whoever that they look into having DPW Personnel pick up the water from shoppr or wherever so that we don't have to pay pole in Spring is that additional well we don't pay Poland Spring The Meadows pays Poland Spring yeah right you guys I don't know that we have poll and spring whoever it is say po spring the driver the truck drove come in my yard and I stopped the guy he says delivering here he no we going next door he went up my drive went across the street so that's why I stay was Poland Springs so the guy said he was going there pretty sure we're we're used to being and I the caretaker is uh an extremely smart woman sah is a great neighbor great neighbor and we really rely upon her money I mean like b l s Dam there's nobody there but this house we get money from her for sure personally I would never live in a house where the sewer is backed up and drink the water AG great I'd be out of there if it's just arsenic it should be possible to have a filter that removes arsenic I mean but it's their septic backup happening as well that's also well the septic system has to be dealt with I would say that's the first priority I would think so too but the septic system last time anybody had the tank pumped it might be just problem we had it pumped in August August was filled up by October yeah this this August yes yes and it fills up by September October the township how how big is the sep tank this big well we little smaller something's not quite right there because of the fact that that's right something is not we haven't ha so much water get the tank we've had no rain for there's obviously something happening yeah obviously the the field is not operating properly right septic field that your water disperses that could Beal transfers of price or something well I would I would look into having it repaired not replaced you they you get AC setic company um there's a couple in town actually one I used to was in town they'll come out pump it and insect it and tell you what's wrong with it it could be the fingers the township was the last one to pump it me the township was the last one to pump it and uh they're not coming out to pump it anymore Township yeah Sewer Authority okay sew Authority did it why would Su just getting hold of trees Tre yeah get trees in and get it yeah get get Glen C Tre treasure what they go treasure what the heck they go by Contracting or something yeah Glen cber is the fellow's name who owns it now he's he's excellent he'll come out and pump it and inspect it and tell you what's wrong with it Glen ter what's the name of the company the filter is septic water mixing that's what their thought is yes that the septic in the water getting confused good water filters that can like you can filter like out of yeah for sure horrible stuff 732 672 5797 it 579 5797 that's a number for fil fil may be less expensive than oh yeah we could yeah I hear you I agree 100% I think so that for the next meeting we should go through these projects prioritize them and at least start working on one or two of them in the meantime I will the ones that can be done easily I'll put a request into DPW you say Glenn that they owns it he'll come out he'll pump it he'll inspect it and if it could be repaired he can repair it it might be just a simple repair that would be wonderful nothing simple anymore well nothing simple but that that's that's a lead for you dealing with old systems and old houses right all right well uh if if we're concluding this discussion uh Terry's U Been to many Council meetings and we invite everyone out just a phone call I'll give you my number come and visit the houses they're in gorgeous condition on the inside we continue to have come for Cent CL yeah we we continue to have events for fundraising every month historic events events uh science events and things like that so uh our house is open to you and we would like some visits if you want to see the Beautiful Homes we're discussing your question how many members of the mows have uh about 42 or 45 members okay where to do the between active and people who the D are about sent their dues in round about the dues are about $15 a year $10 I think if you're a senior $20 of a family right I think your d ought to be higher you're not to pay for a septic system out of them or even the utility bill well and the and the the income from the tenants uh from the caretakers can cover a lot of things too but we have uh run out of fun funds and the houses are perpetually falling apart here and there and it's very hard for uh the Board of Trustees is extremely hardworking we're out there all the time cleaning up cleaning out closets polishing fixing what we can our husbands well not mine but the husbands come and do a lot of repair and things like that so we're being diligent it's just uh and have been for 50 years exactly now did you just get new I thought I thought maybe my eyesight's bad did you get a new sign in front of Hagman today or this last couple days a new new sign a new you know that says Meadows or whatever on it thing no I think there one in front of it if I if I looked right it was B they were putting it in we were putting something in yeah or not no not across the street the street from me across the street from you oh yeah there's a new there's a new that's heg yeah oh okay so it's finally done yeah oh okay I haven't been out there for a couple of days so all right let's move on good news thank you very much thank you the one the one thing I talk about these these prioritized I think we we talked about this early on in one other meeting about doing the roof on a caretaker's house at um I call it a stout house but that c Garrison what's that M Garrison Garrison because I know the town went out after we discussed it public worksh out there put a few boards on that thing just you know luckily has it rained all summer but it's still leaking according to the tenant it's still you know what they did it's still leaking I think the priority TI there is put get a roof put on that before they because you got people living in a house with roof with a leaky roof yeah so all right let's move on thank you so much you so much thank you for your commitment replacement of bird blind restoration proposal okay uh so the next thing on our agenda so at the last meeting I discussed that we were going to get a proposal from tnm Associates who is an environmental and civil engineering company uh to do the restoration of the bird blind and then also um looking to see at what needs to be done for the pond uh so after our last meeting like shortly after our last meeting I happened to get the um the proposal in so let me get it up here so it's from tnm Associates I'm just going to run through it to explain to you what it is um this is all their back background so the first thing is is that they would coordinate and arrange site visits with Township staff to go with the existing conditions of the pond and the bird blind um they would work with us to put together what the goals are and the design of the bird blind as well as the Ada ramp and whatever Pond work is recommended um that information would then go into a feasibility analysis or report um and basically that means putting together a feasibility analysis report that would include a summary of the project understanding summary of the state local permits that would be needed and the cost for fees and labor A Narrative of replacing the bird blind structure with design construction and cost ranges a narrative on options for reconstructing the pond and hydraulic structures as well as design construction cost and ranges and a summary of the overall cost and the permits um this feasibility report could then based on what we look at and we decide I guess how we want to proceed if we were to go this route could then be used to you know actually construct the bird blind do the permits that D requires do any geotechnical exploration that's needed Wetland delineation Etc um they would attend a Township committee and council meeting to present this give us an electronic copy and a paper copy and the so this is for the total cost of all the task so the feasibility report total including the meetings and the design specs and everything included would be 78.85 so that is their proposal and we only got one bid on this so we only got one bid on it to start um to see kind of what we were looking at what would even be recommended because we don't we didn't really have a concrete plan in place except to replace the bird blind which really needs to be either repaired or replaced but it's it's a need it's need this is $8,000 $7,800 this is nothing but paperwork this is a feasibility study yes feasibility study TS up to potentially get a grant to pay for the potentially yes potentially we'd have to find a grant that would work but there are grants that could work yep why does it seem like it's a mouse with an elephant gun like why can't we just go there and even duplicate what's already there just in more modern material Pond isn't it the pond the hydrology so there's work that if depending on on how we go now again this is not like Oh we must go this way and this is what we have to do um there are permitting fees so since the development or or you know building of the bird blind basically and since the pond has been there there's been changes to the to the wetlands rules there's been changes to surface water quality rules permitting will absolutely 100% be required to do any work for even a bird blind even to replace the bird blind kidding me 100% And I have looked it up I went through this at the trails meeting I got very adamant about it because one thing I'm going to say is saying it's paperwork is really not what it is people go to get degrees and have licenses to do this work it has to be done the state of New Jersey will not allow us to replace the bird blind without doing the permitting from DP which most likely is going to be upwards of two years well time but probably around somewhere 2500 up is what I'm going to guess to jump in if we want to repair the bird blind is there what do we got to do to just repair it so we can repair the bird Blind by replacing certain things we just can't dat I think the law in the books I don't know how true it is for bird blinds but what I think still applies is you basically can't take down all four walls so we can repair it without so can you take two on one weekend and two on another no you can only take three total there's only three in a bird bline you can't take down the whole structure so just repairing it we don't need a d situation most likely not and I can't guarantee that 100% I'd have to go through and and look at it and see in case God forbid there's any permit required but there's a very long list of Permitting that could potentially be required so you you said four four four walls right what happens if you make it in a circle well basically it can't take down more than 75% of the structure yeah the best thing to do is just repair I mean if you want to get fixed the thing we might as fix it be done with it because it's La it worked for all these years and they try to get to put a new one up we'll be they think it fall down before we you get a new one up so my my suggestion this committee to make a motion to just repair the old one and as far as the pond goes leave it be yeah is the pond even there at this point no water it's designed as a Vernal Pond our veral pond is supposed to dry out there's frogs and stuff in the mud if you start taking soil out you're going to take wildli salamanders Sal now the thing is with the pond though so the pond has you know these um has like vegetation in it right so now you can't really see out of the bird blind anything but the vegetation probably you can't see it even when the water there I'm sorry there's no water when there's water there you cannot see anything no yes you can not according to people out our not according to people out Cattails and everything you guys don't realize you're not bird watchers there were some very good Birds there this year in those Cattails there were Virginia Rail and clap and um Sor rail nested in those yeah in those Cattails yeah so Tera are you saying if people are standing in the bird blind they can't see out of that visual area because of the correct now that it's been reported us I'm not learnning in this area that much but I'd like to understand is can't those Cattails be topped off in some way so so yes so again I did reach out to DPW so I reached out to DPW and asked if they could like trim that or whatever I was told that a very like a specific like landscaper or something would have to be I don't know if landscaper is the right person but a specific professional would have to be employed to do that kind of work can just get a freaking weed racker I guess you don't know how thick they become those stalks electric electric hedge trimmer yeah okay yeah yeah so yes so anyway so I got the quote to kind of see what maybe is you know what people's thoughts are basically on this um I don't even know if we want to go this route if we do that's great if we don't that's fine too absolutely um the one thing I will say is that even if the pond work is not done the bird blind if we don't do something to it soon we're actually going to have to close it for insurance so it's got to something's got to be done with that in a reasonable fashion you have to ask him if you can talk cuz you're you're yeah great can can Public Works beir to bird blind do have the ability to do that yes have to drop off the water yeah yes um they do a difference between I can repair the bird blind if they buy the wood I will repair the bird blind personally I I free time I'm retired I got I'm a carpenter you know I make all the bir bird boxes I do other things ability liability issues If he if he does it we have a waiver yeah we have a waiver that we have our volunte sign yeah yeah I mean it's a lot I mean the floor the floor has to be done the ramp has to be it's too expensive just it it's just too expensive it's three times the cost came up on it that I mean listen you can do this by yourself you think yes with no help with no help I mean I'm not trying to be rude you probably will not get any help for sure like if I have to the wood maybe I can get delivered I think that I can get it's possible that this I will get you list of of wood need it's possible that this might be some kind of a Boy Scout un projected it's a little above Boy Scout I think it's above the Boy Scout range only because of how you know the size of it and also the repairs that need to be made are really for safety at this point so so what we're looking for then is we're deciding whether we want to replace it or repair it correct that's the first that's the first step okay so I'm going to make a motion that we repair it instead of replace it you have a second on a motion second now discussion on a motion I have just something to add about the cutting the the big tall plants in the water I know that Mercer County did some uh Wetlands Restorations and Abbott marshlands and they did they cleared out a bunch of fragm mites and this is this is company did it so there there okay so there exists yeah okay I thought maybe Somerset County would have no T so tnm did that work so that's like the kind of work that they do but we have to decide if it's something that you know we want to deal I I would say that in addition to the repair by us us start touching the to hire them to do the getting rid of the weeds because that that really to be professionally done is that they have the proper boats yeah that's cat kills are native guys they're native plants and they don't grow that tall right away they grow tall during the summer and during the summertime there's no birds they're there in the springtime there's no birds to see during the summer time there's none okay well let's get back let's get back on track we have a motion on the floor to repair the bird blind in a second because they just vanish into The Cattails no all right all favor repairing the B the motion to repair the bir include the fact that DPW to provide the materials yeah okay and we're we're making the motion that he's going to repair the just repair and the DPW will supply the materials yeah all right all in favor okay now can I ask a question about this so since you're standing inside the bird blind and you're looking out and you're seeing these plants and you can't see over them is it possible at the the window there the open space that you can put a a raised stand where people would be able to see stand a little higher and see over them no they get pretty tall they do get get like 12 tall yeah but just they they if people want to see it they don't need to stand in their bird blind they can walk a little further on cuz they just took down a bunch of trees a bunch of shrubs okay they just took down all kinds of shrubs all right just the question moving on I just want to say I mean I'm I'm you know I'm fine with this but I just want to let you know we did the trails committee did research and we did have um somebody who was doing this internship you know look back and evaluate all types of bird blinds and and just just know just beyond record the trails committee was really in favor of replacing it um and and I was the only person who was like more interested in repairing it so but I just want out of fairness I want to be clear that they felt that it was a real opportunity to have a beautiful bird blind something you know something to be known for we knew this is also you know in in remembrance of Melba like there's all kinds of things in the conversation of having even possibly having something you're talking about higher something maybe even multiple levels you know that was in the presentation that was shared as well so maybe now it's not the the right time and maybe the right maybe the right thing to do right now is to repair but a lot of work was done in investigating Alternatives and I know in ter put a lot of work in to uh just getting this this piece done too so hopefully it can inform us in the future if we're not doing it now third SK shooting right next to all right Co what's committee's feelings on who wants to get this repaired you want Public Works to do it or we have a we have volunteer the ordinance would said he do it so we need to make recommendation here I think could it be to find a volunteer and hopefully you know we have one I think open to a volunteer I can we can make a recommendation to you know that we could have a volunteer but you know then the powers that be you know might say something different okay and just I know you're mentioning Eagle Scout I actually met with um Eagle Scout and a couple leaders on Sunday because they were looking for a project and we actually went to negri and um I was uh showing them the benches cuz we have three wood benches that are in pretty bad shape one of them is in horrible shape and all three of them have backs that are wobbly and he so the eagle scout we talked about that we did I mention the possibility of possibly helping with the bird blind um so um I don't know if he would be able to do both but they but the Scout leaders were also thinking about maybe future Eagle Scout projects so nothing definite but there was definitely a conversation about it so since we're talking about you know whether it's going to be done by private entity or DPW whatever I'm just curious speaking to the gentleman in the public here um if you would to take this on how long do you think it would take for you to do are you able to give us a general idea of how long you think it would take to do something like that probably two weeks two weeks good weather really yeah because you just look it I'm not going to take the floor I'm just going to put a new floor on top of the existing floor right and then the walls aren't not that of shape you have to redo the roof if that if the underbody of that floor is solid enough and safe enough now appears to be solid enough okay you know and we can if at a time if we get good 3/4 inch CDX plywood that'll hold up for a long time and if it starts if it starts to write R then I will screw the plywood down so I can unscrew it and address the underst story you could put where you have a volunteer and have a uh Public's work person come and look at it so they can confer I'll make that motion I'll second that any discussion on that motion okay if not all in favor grass LS preserve updates and pond but we didn't so the pond so we don't want to do anything with the pond nothing with the pond at this point no no one wants to do anything with the pond at this point right no no no okay all right hibernating the pond that's correct the permits yeah 000 some some wi Clipper and clip The Cattails down when nobody's looking I would say you would if if if you're going to do anything you'd only do a narrow yes view through to open water or leave most of the Cattails put the rails nest in correct yeah but you get a a snow or a good rain they're down hope they grow up the next spring all right um grassland preserve updates soon uh got anything there grass yeah oh yes that was all that was just the item under there y okay all right uh the ordering t-shirts for Trails advisory committee so the trails advisory committee leads a ton of walks and nature hikes and partners with the um astronomy club and they're doing walks and Hikes constantly especially during hunting season they really do need something that kind of identifies themselves um and also would be good during hunting season like orange or whatever so I spoke to uh Stephen from Parks and wreck and they Order t-shirts for their volunteers um and they get a short sleeve one for $4 a shirt or they get long sleeve ones for $6 a shirt no I'm sorry $8 a shirt um so we the trails committee would like to order t-shirts and I think it's it's beyond necessary at this point they're out there all the time and so I you many so it would be one long sleeve shirt and one short sleeve shirt for each of the members we have not eight seven members right seven members y I'll make a motion to go ahead purchase all in favor how much do they did you say how much they cost $4 for a $12 cost $ a person a person cool t-shirts for now I probably should have said this before he made the motion but maybe we'll get a few extra because we do get new members sometimes so we'll get enough for like 10 members get enough for a dozen if you want or 12 members yeah what sizes you know what get a um I don't know extra small everyone gets an extra small I don't know we'll figure out like you know we'll get everyone's there and I'll get large for like everybody extra right or extra large yes ask people their sizes are I mean yeah it's not Comm can figure that size they would wear 2025 meeting dates the meeting dates uh yes so did I send this out to everyone I think I did the meeting dates so it's the same meeting date proposed for next year so 3D Tuesday 7:00 here no March meeting because it always coincides with the budget hearing so that was the same for the last few years and I don't think there's any changes there's no conflicts anything the the only other one would be is the November meeting if it seems like there always falls going leg of principalities so we want we want to move that we're not worried about it it does I we're still able to get stuff done you know so okay fine up to you Mo to approve the meeting dates let's get through this I'll make a motion second all in favor can I add one more can I add one more thing under old under uh new business so um that's all I pardon that was all you said I met with a gentleman at the senior center uh last Wednesday um and he apparently he plays basketball he's an ex uh detective from New York I believe but he lives here he plays basketball at Dunham lead bed Park and he was asking Poss possible to put benches up by the um by the um basketball courts so I'm just passing that on to to the committee here to see s Like a Boy Scout project yeah something out there that you know I guess they in Middle Bush bed Park that they have nowhere to sit down I guess either boy got project could Public Works build some benches for down there yeah probably about five Grand that's how much they paid to put the ones up on deont three grand was it three grand you know what you can do take out about half of those because they're used so much and put them at Li bed Park well you you got contact with Boy Scouts Let's see we get a Eagle Scout project going on out how's that Arie does that work for youit is that is that um like between Willow and um damont D limit room 15th Street oh yeah okay that's right all right good bill so I ran a little experiment on Spring Street um we had a deer die on our street okay and I encouraged my neighbors as um instructed is this new business what is this new business yeah I guess it's new business okay um to call the police and nobody in the process really really articulated what would happen once you call the police they said s somebody out we'll look at it thank you you know like you know they acknowledged that you were there but they didn't acknowledge the process so the question is is uh if you go and you Google like what to do like if it's on a County Highway or a state road there's a process for deer but a local there seems to be like a vacuum of what really happened and I was just wondering is there a policy inside the town like or there is yeah so I talked to Bob about this before the tonight's meeting um so the police are supposed to be called uh when there's like the a dead deer around and then we have a contractor I guess that is supposed to come and pick up the deer within I want to say it's within 48 Hours of it being reported to the police he did follow up with the company because the deer that you're talking about should have absolutely been picked up it's just I don't know he doesn't even know why that happened but he did follow up with them but that's what the process is you call the police and then the police I guess notify who their contractor vendor is and then they come pick up the deer but it should happen within 48 even supposed to happen within 48 Hours yeah so yeah that one wasn't done and I know he talked to there's one on JFK that's that's know like he talked to um the police today he talked to qual guess it is and um like notified her of that that you know wasn't being picked up in time so we had an issue well I didn't have the issue but Corner Deli here and damont had the same thing a deer got hit on Sunday night or something like that and went up flopping you know on their on their sidewalk so they they couldn't get any answer what to do it either so they volunteer went over got it and took care of it we maybe we should put something on our website though or something that explains you know exactly dead deer in someone's front yard on Pleasant Plains Road and I went by it on a bicycle today and there must have been 40 vultures in a little front yard that's a circle of life that's what gets really dear that would be gone by four hours ago care I think we have to make it easy for people to understand what to do moving on Old business pathway Trails rogery plan final draft so the final draft is before the planning board um and the chairman of the planning board and the township planner um are basically let going to let me know when we can get on their schedule to do a presentation before them and then they can hold the public hearing that's required to adopt into the master plan you have two members for planning yes so I'm just waiting for that yeah so y okay Eagle Scout project Amy Williams that I don't know if I reported on this at the last meeting that it's complete did I report on that at the last meeting I didn't okay we did environmental commission right no we talked about it cuz the the was really hard to get rid of the yes I did okay it's done yeah it's done y do you need any more trees um uh I don't know I talked to Steve galui and he said if you need more trees they will pay for them perfect okay yeah thank you tree planing of Memorial Forest this is I forgot to change it you wanted it to say exits entrance okay sorry that's my fault back when we did the mayor's tree a year ago right Arie at least a year ago that we talked with public works at the time about changing the sign in the front instead of a flat sign and having a a shaped sign so you drive either way you can see it well they put a new flat sign up you're supposed to repair the fence that's all fallen down and broken down that's never been done they're supposed to maintain the driveway going in m going you know now all the way to the back but just around the front that's never been done again our public work department is letting us down we have hired two guys to work for our open space properties for us and we can't get anything done when we want it done and done right one thing I will just say I saw I asked about the why the the sign wasn't the a say A V A Sign yeah um so basically Public Works is making all of the signs for all of our open spaces and Parks uniform which is why it had to be a flat sign well the idea what we talked about here and regardless of what um DPW is doing um do they do what they want to do or do they do with the direction of what we recommend to the township manager or to the council or whoever and then they direct to DPW and and they do what they want to do or do they do what they are told to do and I don't know what they were told to do but we we specifically talked about cuz when you're driving down you know coming down to Cedar Grove or turn making a left on Amwell or whatever and you're driving past there it's just this flat sign so people don't really see you're going 30 m an hour or whatever 20 miles hour you don't see it cuz it's off to the side there so you don't know what it is it's sort of a waste having that sign there so if you have it in an A or a V shape you can see it from both directions so I mean you can use the sign that's there for one of the sides but just add another one take that sign and move it to make another one exactly like it make it you know see them from both directions yeah and we talked about this a long time ago yeah I don't know what direction they were given if they were told just go with the uniform sign but I would hope that they did that at some direction I don't know you know that I don't know that I'm not 100% well AR raises a great point about do they do what they want to do or they do what they're directed to do and I think they my personal opinion they do what they want to do and not care about what anybody else says well we don't know what like Tara said we don't know what they were directed to do we just know what we our recommendation was and it seemed like our recommendation was accepted here by the powers that be that sit at that end of the table that was my understanding right so something possibly got Lost in Translation or they just decided no or maybe I can find out we have we have to keep on that but you want me to ask for a second rep like a duplicate sign basically that's just placed do one of these facing one One Direction of the road one is facing the other direction of the road got it okay that makes sense they can have two separate signs that con form they just have to go in angles M that's don't confuse things Chris oh all right uh next any other old business I yeah I I just want to mention that I again I walked through middle Bush Park today and uh there are now new Flags around all over the park including around the detention Basin that say pesticides have been applied here keep your dog off keep did you take pictures I do okay I did take pictures want to see them do if you want you can you email them to me real quick and I can put them on the screen I don't know if that all works I don't know what they would put on this time of the year but I mean like if you put grub control on earlier in the year you'd have PES yeah you have to put it's a pesticide it's a pesticide so yeah and they have to put grub they for grass you have to put grub down especially around here the grubs are really bad so I don't I don't know what they would putting on there now but oh yeah pesticide treated area oh there's more than that I I took a couple maybe they put fertilizer down but know last time there was there was an explanation was there an explanation last time that they put the signs down but it wasn't he said it was the wrong Flags but obviously they did it again like now we train people to put the right they don't have them asking too much can you send can you email me set of signs so that's what they put down no matter what they put out no matter what they're replying yeah oh my gosh I have a couple of things under old this's worth a thousand words so uh under old business at the last meeting I asked about the tala park and since it was change in the plans I'd ask if we could get a look at the new plans to see where the tennis courts where The Pick of all courts are and we were told that we would get them today but obviously there are people aren't here that may be the ones that were going to supply them so I would ask again for our next meeting if we get a look at those those plans for the okay just let me interject here on interesting at our a meeting our councilman from that area was our meeting and he says he never ever seen the plans either who's that yeah he'd like to see him also if we get him because he's he has seen said somebody brought it up and at the EG meeting and he says well that'd be nice if I could see them too the original ones were either changes either one he said invite them to the next open space there you go he's our yeah he's on he's a l on for this committee well double invite him then okay get on sorry and actually the second one was the memorial Force the the sign there but the third one is um 191 Pier Street uh that property that's seven or eight acres and that um they chop down all those trees and you planted Ry on there and it's supposed to be a 2-year wait um for them to uh be able to sell the property and the whole idea of them doing that was so they would not have to pay into the tree fund but there's still a for sale sign of on that property there and it hasn't been two years and the my understanding is that the the the county plan or whatever it is is that they have to they have to um uh form that for two years and it's only been a year a year and a half or whatever so they have to go through another planting season so I'm just wondering what the status of that is and also I think they're supposed to sell the whatever they they they produce yes they have to they have to absolutely that you're right they have to sell I think the the first x amount of Acres $500 worth and the next amount of Acres it's $11,000 of product from that site and you know they I would imagine that they would have to show documents that they sold x amount of that that's if they that's if they've gotten form an assessment only on it what's the address I'm sorry 191 Pierce is it uh yeah 191 corner of Pearson Elizabeth corre correct yeah I I passed by that and glanced at it it looked as if they had some sort of a trailer on it oh well there's a build there's a building like right at the corner and the person that owns the property that's surrounds it um well the building there is a separate entity it's a separate property um and uh it's been a business that's been open for a long time I don't know if it's still is but yeah there it's the site where they have a big no idling sign there I guess your question somewhere me I'm glad to know there's not no idling sign somewhere it's not necessarily uh you know appropriate sign but it's better than nothing I guess your suggest would be for Tera or town to question the lawyer about what's going on there I mean yeah just a status update on that to see what see what's going on because I think originally we were told that they only had to farm it for a year and and and in what we were told there was nothing about having to sell the crop also um and I looked on the County website and it looked like it said 2 years and you had to sell the sell the crop um so what criteria the township is using for that I think it's good thing to find out and make sure that they don't get away with it cuz they Dro down a lot of trees y if they get away with it if they don't get away with it then then g a lot of money into the tree fund anything else on I do believe that's it have anything on their old business while we're on it if not we're going to the consultant must activity report any questions on terrorist excellent job you doing if not update the committee is um we're working um making an effort on promotion of our trails and so councilman Kazi kazzi Ki yesi had made some recommendations that we really liked and so we're going to be doing like a profile of a trail um and we're going to start with negri and then we'll go to Bunker Hill just put those out there as much as possible um we talked about in on the township website on social media and also in the um the uh the Franklin times when when when that when possible um we are moving forward in process of the annual photo contest we don't know that we're doing a calendar but we're definitely going to do a photo contest because we're using those images with in digital media all the time now as well so we wanted to to do that uh and we're planning on the walk all Trails program to bring that back too um and another suggestion that the councilman had made was uh possibly supporting some of the Franklin Food Bank initiatives you know using some of our trails and one of our uh Trails members thought about how some people like do the tour to Franklin but they don't bike they walk and like you can kind of walk wherever you want so we wanted to like put out there and push our Trails for people to get out there and and do that so uh we're we're looking to do that as well and this uh thank you for approving our t-shirt requests cuz we are we are leading a lot of hikes and events and it's nice to be easily identified yeah and there's additional walks and Hikes coming up we have yeah so we have um so the next uh three hikes that we have we're doing one on Sunday November 24th at Bunker Hill at 10: a.m. um one uh a nigh hike um no no that one's uh the next one is December 88th at the DNR Canal top paath at deont Lane we're really trying to reach out to the different parts of town and more densely populated parts of town and make sure people are aware of the trails whether it be ours or the state Trails or County Trails um so we're doing that one and then at at John Clyde griggstown grasslands we're going to be doing a story book hike on December 13th in partnership with the astronomy club um and uh we're looking forward to those next three hikes and just to add one quick thing is you the trails held the therapeutic recreation oh yeah um hike which was great so at the end of October we did one with partnered with the parks recreation of the therapeutic wreck and it was really wonderful it was really wonderful we had a great turnout um people with varying AB ities and uh we picked negri because negri does have a wheelchair accessible Trail up to the bird blind um because it's been so dry um and normally parts that would have been really muddy it was you able the wheelchair was able to get around into do a loop around that section where the bird blind is and really got us thinking you know we've been gotten a lot of requests about more wheelchair accessibility and so we will that's another part of our goals moving forward is figuring out can we expand the wheelchair accessible Trail at negri can we make that Loop that we did because it was dry can we make that a regular Loop essentially all it needs would be the that gravel right that that that red fine St cres red stone cres red stone and then thinking could that where where else could we do that like for instance Bunker Hill um that yellow Trail is very flat as well so that might be another option so abely that was a good partnership though it was a great part ship and you know Parks and Recreation it's been made a huge difference on us with us for our hikes because because of their system for registration and marketing so we had never been successful with doing it before working working through them and uh and Maria who's in charge of therap is like looking for more things she's feeling like her her community that she works with was just really thirsty for it and and we got to see that and a couple of us are also Educators on the committee so it was it was really nice and there was a great feedback from the participants yes they say the put the cross Stone down that's something we can yeah put put something together I think we can get it done yeah absolutely great idea yeah okay yeah little report from the ey committee that we don't meet often but we met and we're working on we we sent to I guess P War Locker a I'll talk to you later backyard chicken ordinance and uh so we worked on that for a couple months and we find at the last meeting so I think that supposed to go to Bob uh yes Y what is the chicken ordinance backyard chicken ordinance is it what does that mean it basically says that you can have um you can have you would be permitted in certain residential well in all of the residential zones to have what do we say the final so so depending on how big your lot is how many chickens you're allowed to have in your lot and requirements to keep chickens cuz right now right now I have neighbors with chickens that's the only reason why I'm well right now chicken are under the livestock ordinance in town it did that if somebody if your neighbor has chickens and he gets you mad you go call Town and town don't no no I understand that but it's happened where people get mad at the neighbor for whatever reason oh he's got chicken cuz it's not allowed the town goes in tells him you got to give rid to the chickens this is you know Bob does not want this ordinance at all and and our now what is do that pertain to regular chickens because like I have there's a couple new families Chinese families in town that have exotic chickens I'm guessing because of the eggs sometimes they get out they don't bother anybody I could care less but I'm wondering if that ordinance says you're not allowed to have those kind of chickens I don't not neighbor fight regular chickens it just says chickens it just says chickens it could be exotic chickens what about the roosters that they come well that's that's the argument we've been having I think we'll get shot down this we said originally no roosters our councilman who was kind of helping us push this a little bit he wants he said you know one roosters fine but personally I don't think we I hope the council says yes to the ordinance and say they no to the roosters me the roosters are the ones that are going to be annoying to people 5:00 in the morning I I'm fully agree with that but you say we got I didn't say we we had he had a very good convincing um argument but I'm I hopeing this goes forward and taken out what is the ordinance for the size of a lot to have chickens the size of a lot for ordinance to have chickens it it would be six chickens for 0.5 acres to one to from 0.5 Acres above and then I think it's for every additional acre you have or half acre you can have two more no longer it's no longer the um easement or the offset like 150 oh the setbacks you mean yes yes yes the setbacks there is setback proposed in there hold on um it's very hard to have the setbacks that I think they are now is it would be very hard with a Halfacre or whatever the setback would be 25 ft from any neighboring property line 50 ft from any residential structure that's the coupe that's the copss 25 ft from a neighboring property line what is 50t from a structure structure a structure on the same property or structure on another property um it just says 50 ft from any residential structure on an adjoining property what is it now there's no such ordinance right now there's no setbacks for chickens it's basically under the agricultural livestock which really is for a commercial agriculture it doesn't really apply so right now the way chickens are handled on Residential Properties it's like if no one complains then nothing happens if someone complains you have to remove them because as of right now there's nothing allowing them in a residential on a residential property is it is there something about you might have said this and I missed it is there something about a maximum amount on a certain size property not a maximum it's it's six chickens for a half acre and above and then for every additional half acre you can have two more chickens I'm wondering about um excuse me French but chicken can smell quite bad chickens are the worst smelling animals I think my opinion how but you know what is the implication if uh you know it's smelling on somebody else's adjacent property we have something in there for that we got all in there it's that it can't be there can't be any you know um offensive odors in the right of away or at a neighboring property line um any waste has to be kept uh in accordance with state and local Health regulations can be detected at an adjacent property line or within the public rate of way expected by the health department um yes it could be if I guess if there was a complaint it would really there's a complaint yeah they could uh definitely inspect it so and what do we get by doing this what do we get by doing this like why are we doing this hey what was the motivation for this motivation is because there lot of people in town have chickens that are in violation of the law yeah there's nothing like kind of if there's no ordinance then they're not in violation of an or if someone complains about they have to remove the check in as of right now if there was something in place and they exceeded it they'd have to remove what's not allowed but right now as long as no one complains you're okay if someone complains there's no like hey you're allowed to keep so they just have to go our first W councilman in Lea Zone claims that they're allowed in the a Zone and that's not true he did say that and I think that's not if you're a commercial farmer that's true obviously but yeah well we're just trying to cuz he has chickens right right right that's just driving his ordinance yeah sh oh it just you know we're just trying to first word council was worried about people you know let do is you can illegally have chickens in your backyard see how it goes that's what we worked on that's what we got we're pushing for other than that that's it for rag if there's no other environmental that environmental Commission um we had a successful program last Thursday night on the green Amendment which is slowly making its way through Trenton to have a right to clean air pure water and a healthy and safe environment in New Jersey it will need everybody's help but it and Andrew wicker who is a prime sponsor and state senator from Hillsboro Montgomery Rocky Hill South Brunswick um was there which was really helpful um and we're going to have more films coming so I hope hope some of you will come every once in a while it's good discussions Neighbors come out and talk about these things it's it's been very helpful um we are also planning probably in the spring to new an evening on energy in Franklin Township where we we'll talk about Community solar how you can access it Community energy aggregation which is something the township we all voted on a ballot issue for that and um psng we've got a grant to make sure residents know of all the ways they can get better equipment save money on energy and we'll try to get that in front of everybody um we are also um setting a formal relationship now with the Franklin Township chamber I am the new liaison to the Franklin Chamber from the environmental commission to help support an idea of a green sustainable energy or sustainable um business Coalition in Franklin and they're very open to it they like the idea very much um we are also we mentioned you last time that we're looking at composting curbside composting and Canal Walk is doing a six-month trial for us with this group this not for-profit out of um West Windsor and after six months of that we're going to have a better idea and maybe something we can roll out wider in Frank composting what food waste well they you have a compost a can with a good lid and a bag and they'll come once a week or whatever and pick up the bag that you put your food they provide you with the bucket in it's pretty nasty but it it works um and lastly I just wanted to share that we uh I happen to learn by just being in the right place at the right time that the Franklin food bank and Franklin High School are just initiating a poetry contest on food security and climate change and I invited the high school English teacher who is doing this work to come and talk to us about it and I think this will get us to be a lot more aligned with the food bank generally and I think with the high school um this young English teacher is Sarah montinari her dad is the pastor at the middle Bush reform church she's a Franklin High grad she's been teaching at Franklin for nine years she loves the high school it was so nice to see her enthusiasm about the school the kids and this kind of project um and just the icing on a cake was she teaches Aviation at Franklin L that was she's a pilot and she's teaching Aviation she's got two classes gone yeah that was really interesting about that yeah yeah they did a fly over at a recent football game she's got kids that have never been in a plane actually flew a plane instr yeah so she showed up in her flight jacket so um hopefully where do they fly out of she out of Princeton out of Princeton and they do all sorts of things in the classroom and in a plane that was very interesting she works with a a curriculum put together by the aopa and um I guess it's very very well received at the high school Robin as far as your composting idea that's who you want to get to talk about composting is a food bank they throw away a lot of food we are hoping to make that connection yes cuz I used to compost The Forum I I SP in my fields and I quit doing it cuz it was got to be a pain yeah if this not for profit I mean I had was full of tomato I mean one I went across the field it looked like it was blood across the fields cherry tomatoes across the whole field it was it was comic gos all get out but it's a good point aren't you just attracting Animals by doing that like vegetables no as long as there's no oil it's fats TR anyway one just addition to the um environmental commission report just for all of you who are interested we um got a grant to do a residential energy Outreach campaign part of the grant was they put together this we weite for us and it's basically a like a Clearing House of all the resources that are available to anyone of any income that you can use to um have an energy assessment done of your house have energy upgrades made so any of you could look at it um the website I'll send it to you in an email but it's energy Outreach nj.com Franklin and you can look at by your person household like so for if you're a four-person household it gives you programs that you can existing programs that you can sign up for and a lot of them are free or low cost and you can have some energy work done on your home like Robin did it right and you were able to save some money yeah they brought a lot of goodies free goodies for us yeah yeah they bring free if they can like if they have the equipment in their truck to help you like weather rise or whatever they'll come and do it they gave us LED bulbs and power strips and and these are existing programs so this website really is a it puts everything together and so we're going to start promoting this so that people know you know um this is because the BPU has told PS to do it PS I think said we don't want to do it we'll give everybody else money so they go do it for us somebody else do it we'll put the ball it you might be able to save some money yeah all right let let did get late um Mo should open the public comment again Republic Chris do you have anything or no no I'm I've been speaking a okay no public comment we don't need to go to the session tonight no unfortunately no the appraisals I was waiting for are not back yet um just before we return usually we don't meet in December but we might have to have a short meeting in December on couple executive session items it won't shouldn't take us more than shouldn't take an hour even should take a half hour yeah pretty important stuff we're looking at so you know i' say we'll have to have a short meeting in December just dinner what's that you guys do a dinner in December the trails committee was remembering you guys invited again yes we we used to and it kind of fell apart but I was kind of thinking that we put out the Committees pick a you know somebody pick a spot and who wants to show up show up you pay out of your own pocket if you want to get a hot dog you a hot dog you want to caviar you caviar so Bob the court usually was in charge of that I'll reach out to Bob tomorrow she you know mo I think always thought it was a great idea we did that Trails was asking if you guys were doing it no no you know it it just started real quick back years ago the trails committee the open space committee all the Committees never talked to each other right right so we turned around John loose and I sat down one day and said you know we want to do something so we first our first meeting was a travel the old Travel Lodge on Eastern Avenue and it grew from there cuz then all committee started talking it was was wonderful thing you know but then I just kind of fell apart but I'll reach out to Bob and see he want to spearhead a little bit in December here we'll pick a spot to go and pick a time and who want to you know put out to all the Committees ter can send it out and whoever shows up shows up yeah for sure had to bring a couple of chickens what's that kill them and cook them anyway motion I just have one thing I want to say I really should have said at the time of the minutes but and I think somebody pointed out that Bob Lort was listed as absent and then he was listed that and I I I think what needs to be done is if somebody comes late as I tend to do because I have a long ways to come um say so and so arrived at 7:10 p.m. or whatever and then it's clear u i mean I've realized I came in in the middle of the astronomy presentation the last meeting got it after that we we can log that that's fine motion to journ second