Mr Baron here had difficulty signing on I'm my in now okay and if everyone will please stand and salute the flag please I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh chairperson statement uh um in accordance with the provisions of chapter 231 New Jersey public laws of 1975 the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by giving by the giving a notice to The Courier News posting the agenda in the public Lobby of this building 48 hours prior to this meeting delivery of this notice to the Franklin Township Clerk at least 48 hours prior to this meeting and mailing notice to those persons properly requesting to be mailed notification of meetings at least 48 hours prior to this meeting uh the next order of business is uh a nomination for a chairperson is there a nomination for chairperson for 2024 I nominate uh Teresa for uh for the chair great good is there a second I second okay I second uh April roll call please okay Mr an baronson yes Mr Fugi yes Miss Ford yes and Mr Schmidt yes congratulations chairperson Ford and I will turn the meeting over to you thank you very much now we move on to nominations for vice chairperson is there a nomination for vice chairperson Ramen Barrison for vice chair I second it all in favor I I any oppose motion's carried for the nomination of secretary treasurer is a motion to um nominate the secretary treasurer I nominate Arnie Schmidt who was who was uh chair of that last year Tammy I yeah I I was going to defer to tames I was vice chair the last time Vice chair oh okay I'm sorry I was vice chair oh okay I defer to tames all right I I I take that back yes sorry is there a nomination for secretary treasury I nominate tamise faruki I will second that all in favor I I any oppose motions Carri nomination for assistant secretary treasurer is there a nomination I nominate commissioner Schmidt yeah you got me there a second I second it all in favor I any oppose motion's carried uh now moving on on to the resolutions um the resolution to appoint the Consulting engineer CME Associates is there a uh motion to appoint them as associate Consulting Engineers so move I'll second that all in favor I I I any po motions Carri uh congratulations Mike thank you thank you all on behalf of the partners see me and the staff thank you all looking forward to another year with the SE Authority thank you congratulations congratulation is there a motion to appoint the auditor hudik and Morrison PA advision of pkf oconor Davies is there a second second all in favor I any oppose motion's carried is there a motion to appoint general counsel Eric and Bernstein and Associates LLC I'll make a motion to to uh appoint Mr berstein and his group I second it thank you uh all in favor I I I oppose motion's carried thank you Commissioners it's a privilege congrats congratulations thank you congratulations is there a motion to appoint uh TD Bank as the official depository have they been our depository all along yes and I will make a motion to approve them second all in favor I I I any opposed and the motion's carried um I do have a question regarding the resolution number 12 for signatures Dr Roach is that the signatures that can be um signature stamps is that what you're referring to yes these are all the signatories that are listed with the TD Bank as our official Bank okay is there a resolution uh excuse me is there a resolution for the signatories for chairperson secretary treasurer executive director special projects manager acting executive director and administrative manager to approve the signatures for those positions don't mov there second I second all in favor I I oppose motions carried I I have on my agenda here a resolution for a petty cash fund but I don't think we we skipped over that I think unless I was asleep it didn't come up yet oh I had that as 13 on my list okay yes it's on the four it's actually number 14 on our working agenda it will come up though is there a motion to appoint the Courier News as the official newspaper motion second all in favor I any oppose motion's carried is there a motion to reauthorize the petty cash fund motion second all in favor I I I any oppose okay the Motions carry is there a motion to reappoint Dr April roach as the qualified purchasing agent has she behaved herself I think she has is there a second I second okay all in favor all any oppose motion's carried is there a motion to appoint with ly Goldman and Spitzer PA is Bond counsel we skip number 16 uh chairwoman on your working agenda oh I'm sorry yeah unless you unless you don't want to do that one no we want to do that one okay I'll go back to number 16 is there a motion to reappoint Dr Roach as a public agency compliance officer the motion your second second all in favor I any oppose motion's carried is there a motion to appoint willin bman and Spitzer PA as Bond councel motion motion second okay all in favor I I all right any oppose motion's carried is there a motion to appoint NWA excuse me nouble U Financial Group LLC as the financial consulting motion second all in favor I I I I any oppos motion carried now for the appointment of the Committees um currently on the negotiations and Personnel committees we have Rah and baron Commission Raman Baron and commissioner Arnold Schmidt would you like to continue on that committee sure yep okay you were still appointed okay on the municipal liaison committee we have uh commissioner Francis um I'd like to appoint her reappoint her to that committee on the construction committee we have commissioner and Barson and commissioner farooqi I'd like to reappoint them to that committee would they continue to serve yes yes yes and on the Safety Committee we have commissioner Schmidt would you continue by myself I'll be on the committee with you oh okay I feel much better myself thanks Teresa okay thank you okay is there a motion open for public comment make a motion for public comment second all in favor I I any oppos motion's Carri do we have anyone here from the I don't see anyone here so is there since we don't see anyone here from the public is there a motion to close for a public comment the M second second all in favor all any oppos motion's carried is there motion to adjourn reorganization meeting motion to adjourn second all in favor I I I any oppose that's the end of the meeting now let's move on to the regular meeting call can we move on to that before 6:30 Brian considering uh you well you adver did you advertise the regular meeting to to immediately follow or did you advertise it for 6:30 I believe it was advertised for the regular start time at 6:30 oh okay because because we have public invited to that too yeah we should I guess we have to wait till 630 if if you wanna if you wanted to have the regular meeting immediately follow us the way you should advertise it that it will immediately file the the reward but we wait minut let me I I will check that very quickly it'll take me a minute that way we'll know what to do okay well we shall blame this not on April but on Teresa because she did such a thorough and quick job of getting through the reor she was too fast I'll slow it down so W's checking at April um the Auditors are supposed to be here correct yes and they're on the agenda for the start time is 6:30 we let them know that as well and I did check to see what was publicly uh posted and we do have a start time of 6:30 for our regular meeting okay all right we got through the rework really quickly a very efficient chair that was good that was good yes the Auditors will be joining us at the 6:30 and I put them on the agenda so that they can come on first okay okay hi Anthony welcome you are muted sir hi everyone sorry about that hello issues here will Dana be joining you as well yes she'll be on shortly okay just for everyone uh Anthony Branco is one of our uh Auditors with uh with our auditing firm oh for that I it for think we're ready oh um we are actually waiting for one of the Auditors uh to join us Dana and I'm not sure who caller 01 is oh that's me that's Howard Howard Madison is caller one yep okay m not Madison corre Joe Howard Madison yep for that's Dana has joined us now chairwoman thank you okay I'm calling this meeting to order it is 6:32 PM uh Dr Roach will you roll call absolutely Mr an baronson here Mr Fugi yes Mr Schmidt Yes chairwoman Ford yes okay please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance flag the United States of America to The Republic it stands under God invisible with liberty and justice for all one second please in accordance with revisions of chap chapter 231 New Jersey public laws of 1975 the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by giving of notice to The Courier News posting the agenda in the public Lobby of this this building 48 hours prior to this meeting delivery of this notice to the Franklin townin clerk at least 48 hours prior to this meeting and mailing notice to those persons properly requesting to be mailed notifications of meetings at least 48 hours prior to this meeting uh now we're going to have a presentation from the Auditors of pfk ok Conor Davies for the fiscal year ending May 31st 2023 good evening everyone uh my name is Anthony Bronco I was the audit partner on the audit this year uh and with me we have Dana monelli who served as the uh audit director on the audit this year uh Dana's going to be presenting some um presenting the report tonight thank you everyone um thank you for making time to discuss the audit with us tonight I'm sorry I was a couple minutes late I just got a new computer and I'm still trying to figure out a couple things um I'm going to keep this quick and high level I know you guys have an agenda tonight and I don't want to derell you but of course feel free to stop me at any point and ask any questions if you want me to spend any more time on anything um I was going to share my screen just to run through the report with you real quick but it looks like I don't have access to do that so um I don't know if you have a copy of the audit in front of you I can reference page numbers um as I run through this real quick but I apologize for that so um overall for the May 31st 2023 yearend audit we're pleased to report that the authority receiv receives an unmodified audit opinion which is a clean audit opinion and that's the best opinion that we can get so um the financial statements that we distributed that means that your financials are free from material misstatement that as we presented them um if you're looking at the report I'm going to talk real quick about your statement of net position or your balance sheet um that's page 16 of the PDF or page 11 if you're working with a paper report The Authority did end the year with 67,2 66,000 in net position of that net position about 4.4 million of that is unrestricted and available to be used for upcoming years um whether it's for the operating or Capital needs of the future um I'm going to skip ahead now to page 45 of the PDF or page 40 of the report and just so elaborate that on a little bit more there is a note that we just talk about with that unrestricted net position of 4.4 million um if you take out the net pension liability and the net OPB liability that are the actuly determined liabilities that we get from the state they're not really true liabilities that the authority is going to have to pay within the coming years it's just a requirement that they get presented on your financials if we remove them you actually have unrestricted net position of $1,750,000 to work with in the future for your upcoming budgets for upcoming operating and capital needs um we're pleased to report that with the Authority's budget for the year end at May 31st 2023 um The Authority came within 1% of their their revenue budget so you guys had a very accurate Revenue budget that you were working with um and the expenses did come in under budget by about 8% so that also was a favorable budget um outcome for May 20 uh May 31st 2023 um we did have to perform a federal and state single audit this year on your ibank projects your New Jersey infrastructure ibank projects and again we're pleased to report that our single audit was clean um we gave a clean audit opinion on that so no issues noted and I think that's about it for the high level um results of the audit if anyone has any questions feel free to ask um and if not I just want to thank April and Joe and the rest of the staff for all of your cooperation and assistance throughout the audit we really appreciate it it helped us get everything done very quickly and efficiently um and we really do appreciate this opportunity to serve the board well Dana I'd like to thank you and your team for all the work you did uh with Dr Roach uh putting this a together was no simple task as we face it every year and um I'm always pleased with the work that you guys do with our team uh I just want to stress uh you did say we got the highest score that is available yes you have got all clean audit opinions and no comments I know that's what I your wor not mine yes professional okay that's great good report thank you for your work and I like to recognize uh the executive director uh and the uh Dr April roach ABCD FG through Z and the rest of the staff to pull together uh all the numbers and um having achieved a uh a clean audit which is not an easy task uh uh so congratulations to the entire team thank you you know that uh Joe and your team great job thank you uh we we've done well the last uh April how many years uh wrote have we had a clean audit I'm about to reach my 10th year this year and the last 10 years that I'm aware of they've all been clean so thank you very much thank you everyone that's wonderful 10 years up okay okay thank you everyone we're we'll uh we'll take off from here thank you again and uh if you if you guys have any questions on the audit as um as you're able to go through it in further detail uh please let us know thank you thank you good night good night Joe would it be your pleasure to take a vote on uh approving and adopting this clean audit at this time uh that would be yeah I Bean the chairwoman uh ask for the acceptance vote of acceptance right okay well I is there a motion to accept this clean audit I'll make a motion to accept it is there a second second all in favor I I any opposed motions carried thank you everyone and Brian we'll just need a resolution for the next meeting to memorialize the vote thank you yes now is there a motion to open the meeting for public comments motion to open the meeting the second I second all in favor I I any oppose motions Carri I don't see anyone here from the public okay so noting that is there a motion to close the meeting for public comments close second second all in favor I all right any oppose and the motion's carried um moving on to the minutes are there well first of all did everyone receive the minutes yes is anyone who hasn't received the minutes there any questions regarding the minutes okay so seeing that there are no questions everyone's received it is there motion to approve the minutes motion okay is there a second second all in favor I I any oppose the motion's Carri um now we have the executive director Joseph Danielson for the professional reports thank you chairwoman uh I'll go through the summary report first uh Marcy Street uh project is uh done we're just now in a phase we're waiting for the vendors claim process uh for us to give further consideration to close out the solar electric and electric vehicle project we did meet with uh CME uh in the past month and uh from that meeting we are now scheduling meetings with industry leaders and vendors to um help us develop a concept and a strategy moving forward our finance platform upgrade program uh which is um you know mostly being uh managed by April and that's uh for us to migrate to the Edmond system uh we did we are in a process of scheduling a data export and examination before the migration of that project and deployment of their platform the high Bay garage is uh this project is in yellow status because we're still in a drcc process and that that's kind of continuing slowly and those issues uh are kind of surrounding and involving the groundwater discharge the 100-year flood plane uh uh elevation study and uh our Engineers working through that with the drcc all the other activities with the construction and development of that building are are continuing and and going forward normally the Somerset Street Pump Station rehab is in green status the the bid opening was today and the low bid was for $464,950 um Brookline Avenue sewer Rehabilitation is in green um we did have a bid re rejection that that we approved last month and it was recently approved by the njde the next steps would be to apply for the re advertisement uh with the njd issued a 30-day s notice advertise after the approval of this uh the notice and then receive an open the bids I expect um an award the contract award to be around uh the beginning of May 2024 the Wesson Canal Pump Station uh build on the PG property uh the appraisal was completed I would like to discuss that for just a few minutes in an executive session and then uh uh after I I present that to the board uh I will be sending that appraisal to PSG to share it with them Commerce Street Drive Pump Station Rehabilitation is also in yellow and that is simply because uh we are in this phase of endlessly waiting on the njde uh to review and or sign off on our on our uh applications otherwise everything else is going as expected the Shirley Avenue Pump Station Rehabilitation this is a new project I've added to the board it is active currently active it's been active actually for three months but it's in the development stage CME uh has made site visits uh beginning in November of 2023 there was a meeting held with CME and the authority staff to go over uh the details of the pump station and possible plans going forward cm is developing the concept plans currently and uh plans to be meeting with the authority staff in the next week uh to review their concept uh they also um installed flow meters uh that will be in operation to conclude a two-month flow study two-month period for flow study the campus drives uh Watershed Rehabilitation as has been as it's been previously reported that project is complete uh we are waiting for a final invoice for close out uh and I will be removing this project from the board uh once that happens or next month whichever comes first all right the windows and door replacement project uh that project is in red as I as a report every month this project is a disaster nothing on our part this is a vendor and a manufacturer problem uh there are two window panes that need to be replaced and they are they are on order the walls uh the wall repairs need to be done and will be done while the those windows uh do get replaced and the back seal Replacements uh need to be completed on 160 window units uh that's and and uh finally there is some touch-up work that needs to be completed um in general um the engineers are still working with new bronswick to um review and possibly rain an uh an addendum not an addendum an amendment to our current agreement and we are um going to consider an amendment to our rules rates and regulations uh tonight uh which will need a vote by the board all right uh moving uh to the executive director's report the revenue as of December 31st first we received checks in the amount of $521,500 year-to date collected 7,936 77276 we we have an open balance due for non-metered sewer of 15 m286 2641 for the month the penalties generated rated was $3,674 61 which is uh low low and below average expenses for the month ending December 31st uh for the month was 5 23,7 18776 and year-to date expenses 7,21 17,7 19223 I'll stress that the budget is at about 52% depletion rate and our calendar is at 58% I uh I stress that because I want our budget to be depleted proportionately to the calendar um throughout the year that's been a change from the past where some uh very very very large expenses would be loaded at theend of the year uh or the beginning of the year which never really allowed the board to understand uh the effectiveness of our budgeting so those front or rear loading expenses I busted them up up evenly throughout the 12 months of our fiscal cycle um cash position as of December 31st under restricted we have a 935,000 cents under restricted we have 13, 862,5kg uh as you're all aware just voted on the 2023 uh audit has been completed it was presented tonight and the board just uh voted to accept that uh I'll stress again that the PSG uh portion of our Western Canal Pump Station project um uh was pivoting recently on the site survey which had uh has begun and the appraisal which has been completed which I'll will present to you tonight in the executive session under Franklin Township M municipality there was a Mee we did hold a meeting with the township uh with the township team and our staff uh we also did investigate combining the health insurance with the Boe and an the town and we concluded uh easily concluded it was not advantageous for the Authority the rules rates and regulations uh I do intend to ask the board to vote on modifying the rules rates and regulations as um as it involves the the developers agreement model portion of that and we could talk more about that uh in executive session if you would like internal engineered uh we had zero connections for the month of January and we had two TRC reviews uh also just to re uh revisit the some yeah just a quick there was there was 16 connections that came in like the last day of the month okay thank you well I I'll just add them to next months uh so the Brookline project that we're in the process of read vertising once that gets read vertis we can then submit uh that Grant paper I that bid paperwork to somerson County and the municipality to get our five uh5 million and uh the township did uh repeat their commitment to blocking off the road or shutting down the road Road at the end of Brook line toh support the sewage Authority and that shutting that road down uh has to go to the council for a vote and that that's coming up so um under votes tonight uh that uh I am looking for the rules rates and reg regulations uh developers agreement uh to be voted on tonight and two of developers agreement with royal uh with royal Somerset LLC uh which contains a cost sharing element within there in the amount of $50,000 under our standard resolutions tonight uh we have all all the standard resolutions are included with the exception of there is no standard resolution for the north track but payroll operating general fund renewal and replacement and nro we do have resolution ions under the additional resolutions we have the following additional resolutions we have a developers agreement with Ransom LLC with a resolution authorizing the shorten long-term disability benefits plan um a resolution authorizing a removal removal of account 02874 resolution authorizing execution of agreement with bgia resolution ex uh authorizing execution with evoca uh Odor Control resolution authorizing removal of account 03 096.0 a resolution uh revisions to the Authority's model form capacity allocation and developers agreement as we discussed and a resolution um for the developers agreement with royal Somerset with cost sharing element and the final I would like to just point out I would like a a very short executive session tonight at the conclud before the conclusion of our meeting which will not result in any action by the board after the executive session and that concludes my my reports chairwoman I I also will say we all should congratulate and welcome back Scott noero who was away healing he came back he's like 10 years younger now he's all fixed up I I'm not authorized to go into details there's Hipp considerations here but you know we did not see him for the last two months he's here uh and uh glad to have him back but however I will note he left us in really great hands as I reported in his absence he he went well beyond preparing his staff me and April uh for many contingencies on every level that he operates and he puts Steve Hol singer who was in his replacement during his absence he really set him up for Success there was no slowdown there was no hiccups uh everything operated normally uh in large part because his training how he operates and his preparation for his absence so uh I just want to publicly thank him welcome back Scott thank you everyone thank you Joe for all the kind words I appreciate it welcome back Scott can't even see where they can't even see where they pulled the skin back or anything you know I'm GNA use that one oh my gosh the hairline is the same your hairline is perfect on that not on that note let's adjourn yeah and now for the committee reports negotiation and Personnel is there anything to report you muted r nothing nothing to report Madame chairman okay I know the minicipal liaison is not here today but I will turn to commissioner andaron do you know of anything to report with regard to that uh I I missed the last there was no second meeting in December I attended the first meeting meeting January there wasn't anything to report on that from that meeting thank you uh regarding construction commissioner farooqi is there anything to report uh not really I had a Mr Joe and me we have a tour to the new psng land uh we check the landine and the grade and we discuss about the property and that's all I'm happy if we get that L uh from the psng that it should be a good alternate for so that's all I want to see thank you thank you commissioner Schmidt with regard to safety anything I don't have anything to report I don't know if Scott has anything to report on anything yeah we we had one accident uh during the month it's our first accident many years uh during that snow uh event one of our employees slipped on of snow uh so fast where his legs went up in the air when they came down one of his legs um impacted and both of the bones in his ankle were broken oh so they uh they operate on him a few days later and he's currently um healing he looked like he was doing good he was at our luncheon um and by the way I'd like to thank the board for allowing us to provide the staff with a luncheon and those that were present and enjoyed it um but you know he was there and he was looking pretty good I'm glad to hear that he's looking good I'm sorry that I missed the lunch um we're going to move on to the uh resolutions the approval of the resolutions will be done by consent agenda all the items listed below are considered to be of a routine nature thereby requiring one motion and one second for all items and if any member wishes to remove an item from the consent agenda please advise the chair at this time which resolutions need to be handled separately and they will be addressed and voted on separately um chairwoman before you you be again you have the individual resolutions with the amounts on there on your working agenda uh the amount totals were not put in there so I can um read the numbers as you get through each one of those thank you very much because I was going to ask you that resolution number 020 62024 D1 the payroll account in the amount of $217,300 31 resolution number two the operating expense account in the amount of $ 27,28 a75 resolution number three general fund expense account in the amount of 76,2 66 and0 resolution number four renewal and replacement in the amount of 56583 125 resolution five escrow fund account and the amount of $1 16,144 second all in favor I I any oppose motions carried now with regard to theal additional resolutions we need a motion for each one uh resolution number six the resolution authorizing the the execution of of a capacity allocation and developers on track and off track agreement with the developer of real property known as three Ronson LLC designated as block 88.1 lot 43 on the official tax map of Franklin Township Somerset County New Jersey is there a motion to accept that resolution motion your second second all in favor I I any oppose motion's carried resolution number seven's resolution authorizing the renewal of short-term and long-term disability benefits plans with Guardian Life Insurance Company of America is there a motion to accept that resolution motion to approve is there a second all in favor I I any opposed motion's carried resolution number eight resolution for the removal of account number 02874 located at 587 Hamilton Street block 204 block 18 from billing with an adjustment of $ 3992 in principal and this address was captive is there motion to approve this resolution motion to approve is there a second second all in favor I I I any oppos motions carried resolution number nine resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with business and governmental Insurance Agency Incorporated the professional risk management cons consulting services for calendar year 2024 is there a motion to accept this resolution to approve this resolution motion to accept accept is there a second okay all in favor I any oppose motion is Carri resolution number 10 resolution authorizing the award of a contract with ioka water Technologies LLC for the purchase and delivery of Odor Control chemicals on behalf of the Franklin Township sewage Authority is there a motion to accept this resolution motion to accept second all in favor I I I any oppose motion is carried is there excuse me strike that resolution number 11 resolution for the removal of account number 03096 located at 403 Lewis Street block 227 lot 40 from billing with an adjustment of $32.76 in principal this address was CA is there a motion to approve this resolution motion to approve is there a second second all in favor I I I any oppose the motion is carried resolution number 12 resolution authorizing revisions to the authorties mod model form capacity allocation and developers agreement is there a motion to approve this resolution motion second all in favor I I any oppose the motion is carried okay is there a motion to open executive session motion to open to Executive session is there a second second all in favor I any oppose okay the motion is carried I have 7:08 PM um Brian do you just want to give us a introduction into the uh executive session what we're going for uh the board is going to Executive session to discuss uh matters that impact the attorney client privilege uh and uh possible litigation uh Joe were we planning to discuss the the revisions to the um to the rules and Rags also oh yeah yeah you know what that really though should be that should not be discussed in executive that should be an open right let's discuss that now then go into executive session yeah so um one of the resolutions I asked the attorney to you know I want to discuss in a little bit more detail with the board um there it's a little uh out of the normal so when we we do a a developers agreement these are projects that someone's doing uh within our town that involve us and we normally um put a developers agreement that stipulates you know the stand well it defines the project stipulates their requirements our requirements stipulates the size and the capacity and all the details of the project and usually goes forward um and um uh the the model change we did tonight is changing the the um uh for example the developers push the developers agreement that says if we're going to take ownership of a private Pump Station and or the Force main or the easement it now stipulates that uh we can charge for the cost of that to the developer before it did not really say that so uh and also we could charge for the cost that we would incur for even assessing how much it would cost us to charge that's one but there's a a specific developers agreement that I did a oneoff customize customization to and that's um oh well that yeah that's uh for Royal Somerset so on Davidson Avenue there's a hotel the um Fairfield Suites and they intend to develop uh woods behind it they don't know what they're going to they're not they don't know what they're going to do but they're preparing to get access and they're building a a road and a bridge well that's Crossing uh one of our gravity a large gravity sewer line that has an easement running through their property that gravity sewer m is kind of at the end of its life cycle uh so we're going to be doing repairs or upgrades and you know uh inevitably at some time in the future we just don't know when but again I'm going to stress it's at the end of its life cycle also that portion of the gravity sewer main is not the easiest for us to access with our camera or our our jedar as reported last month by Steve holzinger um however with this project the way it's being constructed with the um with the road going on top of the force of of the gravity line uh the uh restraining retaining walls and all the structures that we're going to require them to put in should something go wrong with that line then we would have a tremendous cost of tearing all that Improvement down and then having to rebuild it so what we would like is for that portion of the line uh that the easement is going over in the retaining walls in the driveway we would like to replace that uh that portion of the line so we don't have to worry about it in our lifetime additionally um we would like two manholes two brand new manholes to be constructed and built uh on either side of that roadway so we can gain access really easy to the rest of the uh the gravity line and that which is um being traversed by this road and the uh the bridge and the uh the the the retaining walls so those are improvements that we wanted that benefit only us that we know are inevitably going to do uh going to be needed some point in the future however um initially we wanted the developer landowner to pay for all those improvements that we want and that uh kind of obstructed the project so I'm uh it's estimated that the project would be 150,000 and above uh of the extra improvements that we were asking that benefits us and um I thought that we should approach it it would be better for us to approach it more as a partnership a public private partnership with this developer whereas he will pay for the Lion Share of of these improvements and we would pay for a small portion of the uh of the improvements where his expenses his final expenses will be unknown estimated but unknown where our our contribution to the project will be a finite amount and that's where we are tonight where this resolution this developers agreement we're offering him a 50 not to exceed $50,000 contribution to the expenses of the improvements that we want so that's what that uh that's what the vote tonight included and will memorialize it next weekend uh next month so we get what we we get we we get everything we want with a small contribution to the project and the developer can move forward with his project uh will will did I cover everything yes um that that's all I have I have a question so you're saying that uh by offering a opportunity to the developer to pay for it we won't have to incur a future Improvement expense for this section of the uh pipe that we owe correct because we're requiring them to engineer it with all the protections uh that are necessary uh the line also is going requiring a developer to cover the line with a three- wall three-walled concrete structure before he even backfills uh require we're requiring to um uh requiring to developer to cut out the old pipe and replace it with a new one and then uh construct these re retaining walls on either side of it and then construct two man holes on either side of this roadway uh you know so we're requiring a lot of them you know our entire wish list is is thrown at him and um now had we had we just require that and did nothing he you know more than likely he would cancel the the project uh just because the improvements to our assets that we're asking for now if if we did nothing and the developer did nothing nothing would would happen anytime soon but eventually we would be in there you know doing something with that pipe as it as it is at the end of its life cycle yeah H how deep is the pipe Scott is that going to be affected by any heavy truck traffic on that uh Road depending on what the use might be well it's really hard to say it's unknown you know what they're going to build back there what's going to be going back there whether it's tractor trailer traffic or what um but the the line is fairly deep if I if I'm remember correctly I think it's around 10 feet deep yeah it's gravity not pressurized but I think will kosic uh could possibly answer that I I think he did design it to handle tractor trailer weight is that right will so that it's it's yeah the line's about 12 feet deep as Scott said and yes that was one of our comments was to make sure that he took into account future loadings on the the driveway um in the calculation there of this three-sided rigid frame that Joe was that the director was talking about is it typical to do um two manholes that close apart for a situation like this where he's cutting in new pipe that would be uh that would be typical especially if he's not going to use the same material as the existing pipe which he's not in the situation the existing pipes reinforce concrete pipe Mr will we have the drawing uh for that we we do have uh drawings for it yes can you share the drawing with me and Mr Ram absolutely commissioner seems like a good good deal for us I I think so I mean you you see more and more public private Partnerships uh like this going on and I went out there and actually you know I I was convinced that he was just going to cancel the project and I felt bad that we were getting in the way so uh you know I you know I thought this was really fair it it's a win win win is it is that own by Ruben Ruben Patel or okay um at that uh we could go into executive session I don't know if you have to revote on that or not take a quick vote to go into executive session 719 720 actually 720 yes need a motion motion to go into executive session second chairwoman you're uh muted didn't realize sorry about that uh I understand that commissioner Schmidt uh motion to go into executive session is there a second second all in favor I any oppose MO carry o