[Music] I'm calling this meeting to order at 6:35 PM Dr Roose can you do the roll call please yes Mr Adam baronson here Mr Schmidt here Mr kova I'm here miss Davenport here and chairwoman Ford here can now will you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to FL flag of the United United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation nation under God indivisible in accordance with the provisions of chapter 231 New Jersey public laws of 1975 the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by giving notice to The Courier News posting the agenda in the public Lobby of this building 48 hours prior to this meeting delivery of this notice to the Franklin Township Clerk at least 48 hours prior to this meeting and mailing notice to those persons properly requesting to be mailed notification of meetings at least 48 hours prior to this meeting okay good afternoon everybody sorry for delay no problem commissioner okay uh is there a motion to open the meeting for public comments motion to open the meeting is there second second all in favor I I any oppose motion is carried I'll note for the record there is no public members in attendance okay in that case is your motion to close the meeting for public comments Mo close second okay all in favor I I any oppose motion is carried uh at this time the chair recognizes executive director special project manager Joseph Danielson thank you uh chair okay okay um in summary of the uh projects and things we're working on uh the legal work that we have participated in includes the um project of Somerset Street Pump Station Marcy Street close out applications uh for developments developers agreement West Canal Road rebuild the Brookline project public bid rules rates and regulations refunds m m road project and uh particular uh developments in town which we probably want to go into a short executive session at the end of our meeting um Marcy Street is all completed final documents have been uh sent to the settlement documents been sent to the contractor the only thing left and there reason why it's still on the for list is the flow meters which have been removed uh already but the data came back um that has some discrepancies and cmme is going to continue to re review that data and corrected discrepancies or at least get an explanation for that solar project is still in its investigation phase and options are being reviewed by myself and CME uh the Finance platform upgrade project to Edmonds uh the business process review for the finance system uh is is happening the next will be Billing System will be reviewed next schedule that includes August will be used for training on the finance side of the system with a go live date in September for financing then we're going to use October for training on the billing system with a a a tenative go live date in November after that we should be fully on the new Finance system high Bay garage which has been um the garage itself has been uh completed and it's in use we just don't have a CEO for it we still as reported in the past we still have to get past the Delaware Aran Canal commission which may involve at some some points the somerson County Planning Department we're having a problem with that because of uh an assessment and definition of the uh flood Corridor as it relates to uh if we're in it or not and where the 100 year flood plane is at so um it's not holding us back it's just holding us from getting a CO and CDM uh is has been working on this and um it's going slow but it's going Somerset Street Pump Station rehab also being managed by CDM contract documents uh were completed and exchanged just recently uh authorization to award was is completed the next steps would be uh giving okay um dancing councilman yeah and then uh the review of shop drawings the procurement um end of May for shop uh shop testing that's so the um the auxiliary uh pump the bypass pump that needs to go through shop testing uh where we approve that and then the pump and Services Incorporated would deliver the pump following a successful shop test uh the sister project did is a Brookline Avenue sewer area Rehabilitation which is going for going forward nicely the public bids were opened uh lowest bidder was National Water Main and uh tonight we will be voting on awarding that bid to National water main next project is a smaller project uh that's being managed inhouse by Scott noero our manager uh the project began by cleaning and prepping all the lines sealing and gring the manholes we they complete the manhole to manhole lining work and we still have the uh LCR lining to complete that's from the main line to the uh property line uh Western Canal Pump Station flood rebuild phase four that's going green again that's that's a longterm project meeting was held with PNG good news is they seem to be accepting of the land apprais that we spoke about in the past and the site boring samples have been approved by myself as the next step no site boring samples uh they'll give us a lot of information about what's underneath the ground and what we have to do uh to build our Pump Station there Commerce Street Drive Pump Station that's right across street from our Sage Authority uh followup comments were received on April 15th from the njde uh we did receive the njde authorization to advertise they anticipated uh anticipate receiving um I'm sorry the we're anticipate advertising uh in May this month and we are uh awaiting to receive procedure uh how to pay for the credit purchase of the repairi in zone mitigation Shirley Avenue Pump Station rehab the flow meters uh to be re uh were removed uh in March another meeting was held by the authority to review three concept plans alternative options uh I did uh I did introduce them to the board uh we are investigating the acquisition of adjacent land for the pump station expansion i al also report uh that I asked the engineer I I actually go went to the owner's house several times just knocking on the door to see if I can approach him more socially then through the letter but there was no never anyone home so I had see me mail them a letter um good news Window and Door project that is was extremely late in completing um the window installation was completed on April 9 the punch list items were completed on April 19th so this project is comp completed and will be removed from the board list for next month that completes my project summary uh I'll go right into oh you know what uh chairwoman may I ask Scott Nero to present his report of the operations report absolutely just a quick summary of it got it thank you very much uh during the month of April of 2024 um the uh the pump station at Somerset Street uh uh Somerset Street didn't need to go on bypass during a 4-day wet weather storm um we accumulated 3.32 inches of rain uh and the station was on bypass as we all know the issues we have there uh sixmile run during those same storm events uh the station one of the main circuit breakers in one of the panels for pumps two and pumps three burned up uh during the month we we researched with vendors um parts and uh this job is actually moving forward it's about a three-week lead time to get the replacement part um during the month our staff did uh inspections for both commercial and residential developments throughout the township under our flushing for the uh two-year period we flush 48365658 ft of main sewer line and 75 ft of service laterals uh during this TV work um the guys identified a repair that needed to be done in front of 24 Evelyn avenue in Franklin Park this was an old abandoned uh service lateral that was leaking uh heavy groundwater into our Gra gravity sewer so our staff went out and installed a point repair called a quick lock system which is something we can do in house so that's stopped that leak um also performed inspections for the Township's Road overlay projects this is where any time a uh sanitary sewer manhole becomes a conflict that needs to be worked on we make sure we have our staff out there uh there was a couple of excavations that happened during the month um in griggstown we had to dig up and repair a E1 grinder pump Force main fitting um and at number 80 Johnny Bush the guys had to dig up as a broken cleanout cap fell down into the Ty at the cleanout by the RightWay causing a blockage to the resident they had no service so our crew went out dug it up uh repaired it and restored service same day um Joe reported on our other projects uh during safety of the month we did have another accident I say another back in I think it was December or January a gentleman fell on in the snow breaking his ankle uh during this month a gentleman fell off one of the trucks uh while he was cleaning it uh fracturing his elbow um don't like to hear things like that it was an accident and uh hopefully he'll be okay soon under our connections during the month we had six connections for the month of April total total to date is 93.8 connections and anticipated for the current fiscal year is 80.3 that concludes my report thank you um Scott can I ask a quick question please absolutely when uh you are um doing your leak protction around town uh do you also kind of notice if there is a water freshwater leak nearby are you able to ascertain that and report to the public work so sometimes yes uh sometimes you'll get a heavy smell of Corine uh which indicates possibly a water break that's infiltrating into our system yeah uh and if you lots of times we'll just identify a lot of heavy clean water and uh what I typically do and my past practice has been is to call the water department out they'll do a chlorine test so basically dip a chlorine strip in the water to see if it's heavy in chlorine and then you know that's sometimes another indicator of what's going on and if they need to they can uh start putting out their leak detection in that area to identify what's actually leaking whether it's a service lateral a service Water Service water main a valve such you know such like that okay you haven't noticed anything lately right the last six months uh not nothing in particular okay there there was area no there there was a uh a fire line break over on uh Barry Street it was the old fnf food uh building um so fire line was actually broken on their property uh it's an 8 inch fire line and actually was actually there's so much pressure coming out of that break it was actually entering into our manhole how long do you know how long that leak uh St so yeah so when we identified it uh we went right to the to the owners of the property we also notified Franklin Township Water Department who came out um and it took them about uh two days to get a contractor out there to dig it up I think it was two two days three days to get out there and fix it but they fixed it yes sir okay okay all right thanks you thank you all right uh chairwoman uh the executive director's report is next uh for the month of April we received in checks 1,186 36266 which is about average year to date we've collected 14, 95,4 6125 open balance due of non-metered billing is 8,515 86 penalties generated for the month was $1,135 12 cents for our expenses ending in March 31st the expenditures to date uh month to date were $399,700 768 we spent 77% of our budget and we are 83% through the calendar fiscal year our cash position as of March 31st in the unrestricted categor is 1,412 n9234 under the restricted we have 14 m951 19533 and under designated we have 4,761 14442 that gives us a total sum net position net cash position of$ 2,812 under discussion uh we are still working with our Financial Consultant and our auditor um putting together our budget uh we should be able to introduce the budget next month and then adopt it the following month under projects uh that I already mentioned are ml Road uh area trunk rehab uh we're budgeting $85,000 we've spent about $78,000 of that is in progress by managed inhouse PNG seems to be uh continuing to be cooperative with us in accepting of our appraisal rules rates and regulations uh uh we are updating the developers agreement uh and the costs uh rates um that should be uh continually updated our internal engineering we had six connections for the month of April 93 connections year to date and we had seven um technical Review Committee applications and zero tww being executed uh New Brunswick water and sewer bill the annual estimate was completed and is sent to New Brunswick we are still um we're about to have another meeting with them they still want us to amend the agreement by installing these flow meters uh we're not really keen on that because it'll uh you know the meters have to be managed and maintained and taken out and put back in um what we're just our position is they should just go fully on a flat rate model instead serser County did did uh contact us and advised us that reimbursements can begin via a reimbursement purchas order approach which is why the municipality also contacted us basically saying the same thing so that grant money uh is now available to us and once we start making payments uh towards that project we can submit purchase orders to them uh under Municipal shared services the municipality did block off the the end of Brookline however U staff my operation staff did report to me that they felt it was a super sloppy uh job they did I went out and I took pictures of it but however I must have deleted them off my phone but it it it was a really sloppy job um votes tonight anticipated that's uh voting on the bid to award the bid to on the brook line rehab project the national water main standard resolutions tonight uh include the standard monthly normal resolutions of payroll operating expense general fund renewal replacement and escrow there will be no North track resolution under the additional resolutions we have have resolutions to authorize agreement with synthes authorization adver to advertise for the Commerce Street Pump Station rehab project one to authorize the refund of money that we received in error and one that authorized the removal of that money which was deposited in account 0275 to that we received an error resolution that authorizes the adjustment to the rules rates and regs and the prevailing wage sheet for cam covers and Monument boxes and the last resolution is one authorizing the award of a contract in National water main for the Brookline system rehab project no other items to be discussed and I do ask that we go into executive session tonight just for a few minutes where um I do not anticipate any action to be taken based upon that executive session that completes my report I am muted thank you executive director um but before we do that I realize that we have not addressed the minutes from the last meeting did everyone receive and review those minutes seeing that no one is saying no okay um were there any questions regarding the minutes any additions is your a motion to accept the minutes as is motion to accept the minutes your second I second all in favor I I any oppose that motion is carried okay with regard to committee reports uh negotiations and Personnel committee is there any update on that nothing to report Madam chair I'm sorry I I did not understand nothing to report okay thank you with regard to the municipal liaison committee I see that commissioner is not here tonight with regard to that so we'll we'll skip over that one um the construction committee is there anything to report uh not right now okay thank you and we've also we' already heard from Scott Nero regarding safety so I'm going to go on to the uh resolutions the adoption of the resolutions will be done by consent agenda all the items listed below are considered to be of a routine nature thereby requiring one motion and one second for all items uh if any member wishes to remove an item from the consent agenda agenda please advise me at this time which resolutions need to be handled separately and they will be addressed and voted on separately resolution number one payroll account $163,200 res solution number two operating expense account 2,398 5126 resolution number three general fund expense account 46,47 40 resolution number four the renewal and replacement account 9,436 75 resolution solution number five the escro fund account $31,250 is there a motion to adopt these resolution motion to adopt is there a second I second all in favor I I any oppose the eyes have it the resolution is adopted uh now moving on to the additional resolutions there is a motion for each resolution resolution number six the resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with centus Corporation for an automatic external defibrillator AED device for the high Bay GD garage here your okay is there a second is there a second okay all in favor I I I any oppose eyes have it the resolution is adopted resolution number seven the resolution approving the advertisement for the receipt of bids for the Commerce Drive Pump Station project Madam chair I didn't see a a dollar amount on this unless I missed it what was the dollar amount I would have to refer to Dr Roach I don't see a dollar amount this is just to authorize the receipt of bids there's no dollar amount tach okay okay gotcha yes is there a motion to adopt this resolution I'll make a motion is there a second second all in favor I any oppos I have the resolution is adopted resolution number eight resolution authorizing the refund of monies that was received by The Authority in error is there a motion okay is there a second is there a second second all in favor I any oppose I have it the resolution is adopted resolution number nine resolution authorizing the removal of monies deposited in error to billing account number 0275 2.0 is there a motion to adopt this resolution so Mo Z second second all in favor I I any oppose eyes haveit resolution is adopted resolution number 10 resolution authorizing adjustment to the prevailing wage sheet for cam covers SL Monument boxes is there a motion to adopt this resolution motion to adopt is there second second all in favor I any oppose eyes have it the resolution is adopted resolution number 11 the resolution authorizing the award of a contract with national water main cleaning company for the Brookline Watershed Wastewater collection system Rehabilitation project is there a motion to adopt this resolution come is there a second is there a second okay I'll second I think all in favor any oppose guys have the resolution is adopted is there a motion to open executive session motion to open executive session is there a second second all in favor I I I any oppos okay the motion is carried and we can stay now no action will be taken after the executive session because I could stop the recording now is that right Brian yes and uh just uh for the record it's 7:05 p.m. [Music]