##VIDEO ID:BfnDv0uFRAs## e e e e e remind yourself that [Applause] [Music] hi thank you thank you thanks anyone else wishing to speak uh good evening uh Anthony ptor 26 connly Road Somerset New Jersey um mayor Kramer council members of large and Ward Commissioners um I emailed all of you a copy of a letter uh that I'm going to read to you real quick uh I literally just emailed it to you within the last hour um I'm rating the council as a resident of the fourth ward of Franklin Township um I've been a homeowner actually as of 10 years today is when we made settlement on our home um go figure and wanted to voice my opinion on what I've learned uh yesterday actually regarding what uh we'll be going up for vote in the Town Council at the next meeting I believe uh I've been informed that there will be a vote with the coun uh Town Council for increasing pay for the elected commissioners of the third fire district um I find this to be quite surprising to hear about this as I've been going to the district meetings since June uh when threats of closing East Franklin fire department started uh for not signing the 2024 contract most of the Commissioners had drafted the contract and were unwilling to negotiate fairly uh the terms of uh with East Franklin fire department uh from June through October I attended the monthly Tuesday meetings at the district office where a lack of professionalism disrespect was often shown by the Commissioners in their attendance and lack of effective communication to the other members of the board and those attending attending from the gallery two specific times were both in the month of July uh first uh on July 9th commissioner chairman Middleton did not attend the commissioner uh Comm the excuse me did not attend and had commissioner Reid oversee the meeting commissioner Reed did not follow the procedures that had been dictated by the bylaw set in 1976 when it came EV when it became evident that commissioner Reid was not following the bylaws commissioner Fred pointed out and insisted that they be followed another time was the previous night when a special meeting was called on July 8th which mayor Kramer you attended yourself um this was a special meeting called on the board to discuss the new contract which only two members uh Commissioners Fetti and braxon attended this meeting did not have a quorum as there were not enough members to uh present to officially hold a meeting or have a productive conversation there's been a lack of communication from the Commissioners to the attendees to these meetings for example chairman Middleton had spoken about having paid firefighters uh take over East Franklin for coverage and also and also The increased cost of the new Fire apparati I posed I posed questions to the board and no one would have G uh would give me a direct answer I asked where the budget was coming for paid firefighters and I also asked Commissioners would they forgo their pay for the rest of their terms to pay for the cost overage of the new Fire Apparatus uh to offset what was going to be incurred by the residents of the of the Fire District 3 after both questions all all the Commissioners put their heads down with the exception of commissioner fretti but none of them would provide an appreciable response Commissioners if they if they are going to be make statements on the record for for the fire district shouldn't they be able to answer questions posed regarding those decisions and how they will directly affect the residents I rarely observe productive conversation between the Commissioners when it came to issues including but not incl but not limited to reprimands towards firefighters at fire calls handling of incidents at fire scenes that required OSHA to be involved the payment of bills to allow for equipment Fuel and training to be voted on and and what if any Headway was being made when it came to purchasing a new fire apparatus needed by East Franklin fire department two things that were continuously brought up by numerous attendees at the meetings um uh questioning why why are uh why are we paying for physicals members of the board uh when none are going going and participating on actual fire calls and has everyone on the board performed all their mandated courses needed to to be on the board commissioner fed had pointed out uh out the needed courses during the it was either the July or August meeting and certain Commissioners had not submitted the courses course completion or reimbursement for the courses to the board I find it appalling that a that a pay increase was even brought up as as up as a taxpayer seeing the utter lack of commitment to the job they were elected to and numerous absences tarting this by certain members which which is public record uh there were two account there were two occurrences uh this year where two me where one member did not show up period um if the if the schedule of the meetings is set months in advance why is it so hard not to not to plan for them I made myself available for for the last five months and other than the special October 16th Zoom meeting on top of a full-time job and my family obligations I do not get paid my full wage if I do not show up for work on time or leave early and yet these standards do not seem to hold true for the Commissioners after everything that was transpired over the last five months I've chosen to run for commissioner in February Commissioners are supposed to be tasked with with the safekeeping of of the firefighters that are volunteer to protect the residents other than commissioner Freddy it does not seem like any of the other Commissioners are taking the safety of the neighbors and the well-being of the fellow residents seriously thank you for your time thank you anyone else wishing to speak see no one coming forward from the public mayor a motion to close the public portion of the meeting move then seconded second second thank you for the second all in favor say I I opposed say nay motion is carried public session is closed um are you guys here just to hear the vote on The Meadows are you here to for civic [Laughter] education okay because I can I can move that up earlier okay does anyone I'd like a motion to move 16a up um we voted on separately moved I'm second mve then second and all in favor say I I oppos say nay motion is carried so we are now on item number 16 resolutions to be voted on separately uh 24392 authorized payment of utility bills on behalf The Meadows foundation for historic structures uh Financial oversight met on this last night uh all four of us we actually cut the discussion short because all four of us thought this was a no-brainer that we should do so The Meadows Foundation uh we applaud them they worked very hard to keep our uh historic buildings um viewable by the public uh but um right now they're having difficulty paying the utility bills the town stepped in and paid a few and now they're requesting us to do it uh a little longer we're going to do it through what 2026 through the through the end of 2025 correct yes that's what the this resolution calls for and uh that will give them some time to catch up on uh their um their payments and get a little Savings in the bank and uh we'll look at uh doing things to reduce the utility bill and and we'll see what we're going to do back in dece or we'll do at that time maybe we'll continue to pay we'll see where we are uh any other discussion on this do we have a motion they moved seconded who then seconded all in favor say I I oppos say nay motion is carried it pass all right getting back to the uh agenda uh Council comments and reports um as far as uh the uh Fire District 3 we we haven't gotten that request yet I appreciate your input on that uh and we'll I'm speaking for myself I'll decide when I see it come when it comes in um any other comments from Council just that uh Center class it's been many years since I went my son was very young but I'll tell you it was it's a worthwhile event whether you go with a child or as you go as an adult it really is an interesting very organic look at Christmas and the history of the celebration so I just recommend it highly and thank you for bringing us these flyers if I can I'll be there but quite honestly probably not but everybody should go if not at least once or many times thank you thank you uh manager do you have I was going to kind of echo councilman vasel here so this this has you know I've tried my hardest to support all of the efforts of The Meadows Foundation um and and we just got done at um you you all just got done doing what I asked you to do last night at the financial oversight meeting which was approved the the uh expend on on utility bills for the Meadows foundation for homes that we own let's be honest they're the caretakers of homes that belong to us and us meaning the entire Township of Franklin um and and it's these types of small fundraisers that The Meadows Foundation does that are not only entertaining but educational that that you know we need people to go to these events and and and perhaps if they go to these events events they'll have a good time they'll learn something and they'll recognize that for a few dollars a month they can really support a worthwhile organization and and that's what I have to add is please go and do that and so for if you're listening on TV and you hear my voice do it please may I just want to add one other thing on that that not only uh the payment of the utility bills it's is great idea but I just want to also add that I he last night was that the open space is going to be looking at ways that they can improve their uh utility or or or make utility be less and improve their energy uses and so forth so there is effort in the right direction from them as well and so hopefully we will see some reduction and also some improvements as well and in the meantime of course we all support the uh the uh you know helping with the utility bills am I allowed to say who Cinder Claus is or who'll be playing Cinder Claus this time no okay okay on can I can I just Terry Terry can you send us an electronic version of this flyer so some of us are active in social media we can publicize so more people would know actually actually send it to me Terry like you usually do and I will distribute it to all of council so I can have have it put on the website and uh our social media Outlets as well so that this way the electronic version and I can send it out to all of the council members okay okay moving on to council comments and reports start with councilman Kazi thank you Mr Mayor um I guess uh the major highlight was our attendance in the an annual New Jersey uh League of of municipality conference and there were lots of Inhibitors there and a lot of good ideas uh we you know I shared a few of them with our Tona manager and then we're going to be looking at them to see what are the ways we can save some money improve efficiency and or bring some new technology to help our community members in responding to their needs as well as uh improving our uh overall operation and um uh we we just attended the public safety meeting and uh my my colleague uh councilman Vella will talk more about it but one item that I'd like to specifically mention because an item of interest to The Advisory Board of Health is a town hall meeting on December 18th at 700 p.m. here about the use of opo settlement funds we are looking for ideas from the public to come and and uh learn about the the funds that we have and how we can utilize that to the best best ways possible and HR I'm sorry go ahead I'm sorry I I was speaking out of turn go ahead okay HRC meeting is on December 18th that is usually held at 7:30 p.m. uh we were planning to have one of our speakers who is a new commissioner Mrs Samina satar to speak but because of this opioid I will be making a recommendation to the uh HRC team members to join the opioid because they they are interested to that and uh so most likely we'll just join the opioid uh settlement fund town hall meeting and that's it Mr Mayor thank you uh councilman only jaka okay thank you mayor uh I just noticed that um they are still dumping uh trash and that street they could knew they still dumping out trash there as I was coming to the council meeting this even this evening I saw a heap of along the road so I really don't know what to do this is the second time we having it and I think they will continue be doing unless some something is being done so I don't know what actually we're going to do to stop this it constitute a menance on that particular road and it doesn't look good in my world so I don't know what to will do to stop it that is one thing two is um so far everything is good within my word and I want to use this people to this time to wish all the members of my water and the and Franklin Happy Thanksgiving thank you mayor thank you um councilman EMB Barrison thank you Mr Mayor uh so we um just just to celebrate the Veterans Day assman Joe Danielson had a breakfast uh courtesy of stage house um so we attended that and uh got to meet quite a few um veterans so that was a good event and on the 14th there was a s uh Somerset County Traffic study community meeting took place so was um part of that meeting uh in in the front half I had some other conflict so I left in between so there a lot of discussions uh surprisingly many people showed up to that meeting and uh it was a packed uh um room at the community center uh at the senior community center other than that uh um I'm involved with the campaign the capital campaign for the omca so we have had a uh we have had some calls that um we are making as well as uh uh attempting to put together a a list of potential donors um for that so if anybody listening to this pitch if you know someone uh that would want to uh participate in the capital campaign uh I'll be more than happy to entertain them um along those lines um food bank is also embarking a study um feasibility study so to speak uh for a new campus for them new location for them uh so uh I think within the next 6 months you would see that campaign also Kickstart so we are going to have two simultaneous uh uh campaigns Capital campaigns going on in our Town um that's all I got mayor thank you thank you councilwoman Francois good evening everybody I haven't talked about the youth center for a while I put down my bags on coming back from the league and went straight over to the youth center they had a friendsgiving dinner and our former councilman um Dan Glick his daughter was there de serving food they have dinners once a month over at the youth center in honor of Dan Glick which is really really nice the when I got there the kids were well fed they there was Thanksgiving um decorations Christmas decorations it was a really really nice event and it made my heart feel good that the kids they were eating a lot and they were very happy about the food the food was excellent I didn't taste it but I looked at it I didn't want to eat because it was I wanted to make sure they had enough to eat and on December 13th there's going going to be a jingle and mingle Jam holiday program in partnership with the Franklin Township food bank and the community relations Bureau so they'll be cooking with cops and we also have a holiday U party planned in December as well so there's a lot of stuff going on at the youth center I just thought it's been a while since I mentioned anything so I thought I would talk about it today thank you Mr Mayor thank you councilman vasella picking right up on where Council woman frw left off um as part of the Public Safety Committee meeting alluded to earlier that I'm going to give some updates is a shop with a cop uh they're doing at 4 to S where they actually go places like Target and Bridgewater and places like that and uh Shop with a cop that's December 6 from 4: to 7 p.m. the community relations Bureau on Hamilton Street another um event they're sponsoring uh 12 12:21 from 12: to 2m it's a toy coat clothing giveaway day um all this I imagine is on social media but on our Township website and our Police website um please take advantage of them um a couple other things from that public safety meeting we review a lot of ongoing uh issues that the director keeps us informed about but the items I wanted to specifically share tonight was the special needs registry which is any person with special needs young or old can register the information will be on Franklin Township website um and I want to repeat the website it's long and I might miss something here but Somerset County Prosecutors website the Franklin PD uh police department social media Instagram and Facebook um or our Township website I'm sure you'll find it call if you don't but it's um it's an important registry for those with special needs or family members that want to register people uh the arve together which is alternate responses to reduce instances of violence and escalation I think uh it's maybe been six or eight month I don't know it's been a while since I've mentioned this but I remember something about there was 83 responses that would back a long time ago well uh there's 230 total responses and that's basically where we send out an expert with our um First Responders police and whatnot um when there is emotional distress or mental health issues possibly involved and uh so far we've had no arrest or violent outcomes when we um enacted This arriv Together program uh really cutting edge and I see now in other places in the state it seems to be catching on um just a great thing as far as um having the best possible outcome um I mentioned the community relation Bureau events um there was one other item I'm sorry um oh if you're going on vacation or out of town for whatever medical needs personal needs but usually it's vacations um You can call the dispatch at the police station the non-emergency number the 8732 300 number and let them know they're aware then I don't want to give away their secrets but in a long story short they will be aware and uh it helps um you know especially nowadays with more people than you'd like to know that you were gone the important thing is for or can be important is for our police and law enforcement know you're gone so that they can be aware and obviously deal with any anything out of the ordinary but uh please take advantage of that there's a lot of programs like that that are police Department Public Safety Division make available and um please um take advantage of them uh other than Happy Thanksgiving um that that's it mayor thank you very much but seriously hav is going to be wet supposedly unfortunately we're finally getting to rain now but please uh enjoy enjoy enjoy but be mindful and be safe thank you thank you councilwoman udine thank you mayor does the shop with the cop count adults and can we give our list of items I I think it's for under 18 but Bob would be the expert on police officers take children in need Christmas shopping but parents can go along very nice very nice oh yeah I didn't mean to parents can be involved just I don't think they're getting a present but who knows who knows what about Me's in need so when you when you find one for me let me know all right all right all right um sorry you brought it up all right so very couple things um I had master plan traffic study I've been receiving calls on when is the public meeting going to start and I wanted to just um let everyone know that the stering community met last time with Mark kealey and the consultant and they have brainstormed some ideas so that's currently still um underway um and we'll have more information as it gets progressed and you know I notify as soon as I find out the dates I'm sure our Township managers are notified that it's going to be on our website um if you're following the warehouse um uh site you'll also be notified there so it's something that's coming up I haven't forgotten it's on my radar but um just wanted to let everyone know that it's still in progress which is good stuff because that means our team is still continuously discussing more ideas generating things to come back to the public with more information around the information that you guys have provided them with the feedback um another thing also around traffic cameras that was something that we were discussing couple times in the prior Council meetings that's still um pending with psng and um if there are any other updates we're going to give that information out to you as well I was also part of the eastn a corridor study that happened um I think two weeks ago um and um a lot of discussions that happened there were you know the the senor as councilman and Barrison mentioned was completely packed um they were talking about road work Improvement proposal I think there's some card copies left here no no there's a there's a one copy that is not for uh duplication that's available to be viewed at the clerk's office that's the a work product of the consultant um that was a stakeholder meeting that was held and uh the the next meeting will be a public meeting where all of it will be rolled out to the public so more more to come from so there's a lot going on there's a lot going on in town and um a lot of the work it's happening and it's all in progress right now um I was also attending a peace Island Institute um last Thursday um with the Somerset County Sheriff Department team and that organization is newly formed in Somerset and they held their Community Thanksgiving celebration event which served about I want to say 100 meals for our local neighbors so it's really nice to go into um an organization where to see a lot of the locals were being fed by this institute and they want to do more so I do see them um attending a lot of our community events and how they can engage and be part of um ongoing Community uh events so I do see them coming up and helping out um our community um that's that's all I had I want to wish you and yours a very very happy safe and peaceful Thanksgiving um hope everyone enjoys it well gets the much needed break and then I think after that next Friday we have our holiday Tree Lighting Event which always becomes a a Talk of the Town Event so we look forward to seeing everyone there I'll be there as well thank you thank you councilman rright thank you m thank you Mr Mayor um this past week I was a fortunate enough to go to Atlantic City your mic went out I was fortunate to go to the Lega municipalities meeting down Atlantic City and I I attended three meetings on a afford on affordable housing and quite interesting um from the new rules that are in place to what used to be able what was used to be able to be done and what you can do now um and the various types of uh affordable housing that's available I talked to the mayor of norc and he is always in in need of affordable housing and some of the um ideas that he came up with and shared in part with us um a definite go on those those type of ideas I did record three sessions one came out bad but two came out good and I recorded them because you can't write down great information quickly you have to make sure you get it right so I'm recording the sessions I got it right so now I can go back and pick out all the good things that I needed uh to bring to you about affordable housing uh um second I went to one session well there was actually two um marijuana cannabis uh one of my favorite subjects to talk about um they communicated ideas on how and what other communities towns are using with the monies they receive from the sales of marijuana cannabis and one of the things that I thought of that we do here is as a council we're supposed to be good stewards of your money and I believe we are good stewards of your money uh we're second to none about what we do and how we spend it uh Mr Mayor can definitely back up on that because this is what we do now we always talk about what we can and can't afford as far as social action projects um training uh things of that nature well they gave us insight into Carl hey you're getting basically money here that you wouldn't have gotten it's getting taxed like three four crazy times and you should be using those funds to train your residents uh um you need a project done social project done let's do it not to be put into a general fund and use for things uh that we usually give money to like sisters sisters network if they needed uh Great Expectations uh Food Bank things things like this they're they're going to get funded anyway it's the other things that we need to get funded um if you needed a ride to Veron Valley and you got 20 people you send the bus up bring one back social project uh you make sure all the people there can fit the criteria it's a done deal um maybe we can expand uh something that the cops do uh as far as social projects uh if we ever had a YMCA and the YMCA came on board transportation to the YMCA if you're looking at training programs what can we do if you're picked by say the the um plumbers union carpenters union for training and you need to get there maybe we can help you out with that transportation again social programs now that's just something off the top of my head but I do think we need a form of committee Mr Mayor uh to actually look into cannabis money uh some would suggest Carl um it should be put into the general fund I dis agree with that but I am not the only voice in Franklin Township uh so I I think we need to form a committee uh get get our heads together come back and say here we got four people um we're going to look at what we can do with the money how can we spend the money and I think that would work wonders for Franklin Township um and oh I forgot as affordable housing moves forward we definitely need to work on committees to actually think and move on some of the types of things that come up with dealing with affordable housing so I do see the need for a committee for that now that's not tomorrow or anything like that the township manager of course uh would uh run that because he knows about it our attorney Lewis Ron would know about it so um these are some of the things that we need to be aware of and think about and I'm frying the turkey uh I don't care if it rains we're going to fry it outside and uh oh this is my new t-shirt um sister to sister just dropped it off and it's for breast cancer awareness and it says supporting minority of undeserved uh members breast cancer survivors and it was for the walk or run for life that they just had so they were giving out t-shirts I just received mine and remember Sister the sister they do wonders for cancer oh and these are the sponsors can't forget that those are the sponsors that donated money and things of that nature okay that's it thank you thank you Mr Wright uh for my comments we had a financial oversight meeting uh last night as I mentioned we discussed The Meadows we discussed the uh car's money and the uh American Rescue plan money we're making sure that we use those properly and fully um keeping track of that and we also unfortunately discussed that our medical costs like all insurances are going up our medical costs will probably go up a million dollars next year so we'll be figuring out I not how we I'm not worried about whether we'll be able to pay for it or not but we have to figure out what to give where to give in where to change our budget things we have to do uh in order to minimize taxes we have to raise uh a million doar is about um well it's our the levy to just put in perspective the amount that we raise in taxes is about $40 million so a million dollar is significant increase in our um in what has compared to our taxes um besides that have a great Thanksgiving be careful of the weather uh leave early so you don't have to rush Mr manager uh thank you Mr Mayor just a couple things to report um at the last council meeting I reported that we were in a stage three fire restrictions um and that all outside burning was prohibited to include uh charcoal grills and like well we had some rain I guess it's raining out there right now from what I'm told um but we did have some rain and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection um has uh lifted the stage three fire restrictions it's good news but we're still in a drought so you know just kind of our website has some you know some some fire safety tips that that everybody should be kind of bearing in mind um you know as as winners upon us um there's probably um maybe some desire to have um kind of an outside fire pit uh in your backyard and go out and uh roast marshmallows and the like um it's now a little bit cooler out I just caution everyone if you have an outdoor fire have some means of extinguishing it and nearby in the event that the fire should jump out of your fire pit make sure that when you go inside the house you extinguish it before you go in for the night um so you should have a garden hose or some means of putting it out completely before you you retire for the evening and uh and just keep in mind that while everything might be wet right now if we go a week without rain it will be dry again and it's not going to come back to life until the spring so it'll still be um a fire hazard so that's I just want to let everyone know that and so are you saying it's okay to barbecue the fried turkeys what I'm saying is it is so Carl will not be violating the the the um uh regulations on outdoor burning so um so councilman right have that have that um fried turkey please though outside and not in the garage where it might ignite the house outside outside outside outside and they will not be in violation make sure you have a water hose to and have a water hose nearby or a fire extinguisher since it'll be in oil different turkey is going to be gy because it's a wild turkey okay and then the second thing that and and my last thing to report is that in in line with some of the other things the the Franklin Police Department is collecting new toys and gently used her new winter clothing um for those in need during this holiday season the drop off locations are the community relations Bureau building at 9:35 Hamilton Street and our Police Headquarters Lobby here at uh the municipal complex the deadline to drop off is uh December 14th so if you want to uh unwrap toys if you want to drop off a new toy or um winter clothing for those and and it it is not limited to Children winter clothing for anyone who might be in need of it um the police department will be Distributing that um later on uh for the holidays and that's what I have tonight Mr Mayor thank you we have a council discussion item the proposed 2025 Township calendar meeting schedule Madam clerk okay so proposed meeting schedule reorganization would be Tuesday January 7th at 7 p.m unless you would like it earlier um budget hearings Monday March 10th and Tuesday March 18th and the Board of Health meeting Tuesday the June 24th um there are two meetings that will not be on a Tuesday or the second meeting in September um conflicts with rashash shaana so there's a fifth Tuesday in September so so we can have it on the 30th instead of the 23rd and um Veterans Day is our first meeting in November so that one would be moved to Monday November 10th any discussion anyone any problem with that I'm just making sure you gave us whatever isn't this second and fourth Tuesdays correct and we would only have two meetings in January we on the 7th and then the second um meeting is the 28th which is the 4th Tuesday yeah no I got got that point you thank you for clarifying that yeah this year it's going to say a little more laidback of reorg so uh yeah no that all seems fine I tried to print it and for some reason it didn't pop up but um it sounds real good but we're not voting on it tonight you'll get it as a resolution at the next meeting okay thank youone else great moving on to approval of the minutes I present the following minutes to the township Council for their approval work session regular meeting October 8th 2024 to have a motion on the minutes so Mo moved in seconded any discussion anyone like to correct anything change anything Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman Francois yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes councilwoman Udin um abstained councilman vasella yes councilman right yes approval of the warrants warrants in the amount of 16 m230 8620 on November 26 are presented to the township Council for payment do we have a motion I'll moved second moved in second and anyone like to pull an item discuss an item Madame clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman franois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes Council woman UD councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes public hearing adoption an ordinance on second reading um we have first reading is to introduce to the public that we are considering an ordinance second reading is to um decide if we're going to pass the ordinance or not not and we allow the uh public to speak on the ordinance uh ordinance 4457 d24 an ordinance to amend the municipal code of the township of Franklin County of summerson state of New Jersey more particularly chapter 226 vehicles and traffic section [Music] Roberts Road do we have a motion to open to the public don't move second then second it all in favor of opening to the public say I I oppos say nay we're open to the public on this item only mayor seeing no one from the public come forward a motion to close the portion public portion of the hearing on the ordinance second all in F uh favor say I I oppos say nay motion is carried public session is closed do have a motion to adopt so moved seconded moved in seconded any discussion Mr Mayor can I just say something here generally to the public on this particular issue not so much about this particular parking spot and the fact that it's being removed but we have handicap spots on public streets throughout the township those handicap spots are generally put there because someone who lives there doesn't have off street parking and needs a parking spot because they they have a handicap tag when when those people move away or or pass away um the only way that we know to remove those is if somebody calls and says something so if you have a parking spot like that on your street and it really doesn't belong to a handicap person anymore and it's tying up some on street parking you should notify the police department because that's how we find out and sometimes they're there for years and people don't know why and and along with that mayor in the same vein if those who didn't if you have a need for that and present prop documentation um especially in the difficult parking areas the town the more dense populated by all means we would uh provide the service thank you any other discussion Adam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman Francois yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman uni jaka yes councilwoman UD councilman vasella councilman right yes we have no ordinances on first reading item number 15 consent agenda items a through I has listed on the consent agenda portion of this meeting are presented to the township Council for adoption to have a motion on the consent agenda move seconded mov then seconded anyone like to discuss an item or pull an item Madame clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman Francois yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Ona yes councilwoman UD councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes hey resolutions to be voted on separately we've already done item a uh Item B resolution 24393 authorizes place to place transfer extension of premises expansion of premises license number 1808 36047 002 to uh Rook cider Grove Lane Properties LLC um and Spring Hill Suites by Marriot 2020 Tap House at 16 Cedar Grove Lane in Somerset do we have a motion on the resolution move second moved in second any discussion Madam clerk councilman and Barrison yes councilwoman franah yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes councilwoman UD councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes item 24 394 authorized personto person and place to place transfer of license number 1808 4449 001 SK VV LLC uh to SV liquor deposit Depo uh at 1075 East a Somerset do you have a motion so move second then seconded any discussion Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman franois councilman karazi mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka councilwoman UD councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes old business 2024 committee and commissions vacancies does anyone have a nomination heing no nomination there is no executive session do I have a motion to adjourn so moved second moved then seconded all in favor say I I all oppos too bad we are adjourned be well Franklin