##VIDEO ID:M1jds_-U4HM## this work session regular meeting of the township council is called to order Madam clerk in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this work session regular meeting of the Franklin Township Council was made as required indicating that this work session regular meeting would take place at the municipal building at 7 p.m. at on Tuesday September 24th 2024 uh if we could all stand for the pledge allegiance and then remain standing for invocation by councilman sheepa Udin I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let us take the next few moments of Silence to each seek in our own way whatever sources of inspiration will grant us the strength and power in our thoughts and decisions to be for the benefit of all people at all times amen right Madam clerk please call the role councilman embarrass here councilwoman franois here councilman karazi here mayor Kramer here councilman uni joa here Deputy Mayor pnik councilwoman uden here councilman vasella here councilman rright we now have four Proclamation presentations uh first is the check presentation to Somerset County YMCA from assemblyman Joe Danielson you have the stage assemblyman you can face the audience if you'd like you don't have to speak to us thank you thank you mayor I'd like to U call up um Bill grippo and representatives from the YMCA if you have a moment a couple of Year by the way mayor thank you former mayor Fran sis and Council Mayors uh council members uh thank you for having me tonight I'm very happy to uh come to your meeting again with a presentation of money for critical service is here in Franklin Township um a few years ago uh bill grippo came to my office and was explaining me the concept that he's been talking about since at least 2005 and how the critical services that are provided by the YMCA are desperately needed by the the families and the children of Franklin Township and we are a perfect Community to host a YMCA well fast forward uh quite a number of years uh we are here today so from that conversation I met the the representatives of the YMCA and so did council members and other community leaders and um they've selected a home in Franklin Township and um with partnership with the township Council uh using their land and um I immediately asked how much is this going to cost now they think it's going to cost 30 million I think it's going to cost 40 million but you would regardless of how much it cost the ball has to start rolling of getting money in and while we're waiting to build this project there's families that need the critical Services they provide there's children uh that need these Services everything from Health Care studying gymnasium and of course the classic swimming lessons and there are children who drowned in Franklin Township because they don't know how to swim and people around them that could have otherwise saved them also do not know how to swim but I'll let them talk about their services so I committed to committing to them and the vision of getting state budget money for the YMCA because for this to be a reality no one organization can afford to pay $30 $40 million it's going to be a multi-level partnership starting from the state then the county and then the municipality and then of course donations from the community um now luckily this YMCA will be will probably uh serve not only Franklin Township but South Brunswick and the North brunswood Community so that that's two counties so I'm asking everyone help me in Inspire those at the state to continue giving them money and our two counties and their Commissioners they need to Pony up money for this to be successful or else it will not happen Additionally the YMCA no doubt will make a strategic partner out of our Franklin Township youth center can you imagine transportation in between them we made a a wonderful commitment and investment into the youth center and the YMCA will be a strategic partner in that and additionally with the somerson county Action Program also and now the ball starts rolling today uh with this presentation and hopefully it will continue so um first thank you Bill grippo for uh stalking me for several years until we do that but I'm here to the end and thank you to the YMCA for asking me to be a part of it and giving me the opportunity to do the right thing so uh uh without further Ado I'm going to present the check your your first significant check to the Franklin Township YMCA I know you have another name for it but functionally we're going to call it the Franklin Township YMCA of $750,000 you have any idea how much money that is and I look forward to you doing wonderful things for um the families and the children in Franklin Township and I hope it it you don't um run into too many uh obstacles in the way but you can expect me to be lobbying for money from the state every year until its proportionate investment is completed wow this is a incredible day for the YMCA Franklin Township YMCA Franklin Township YMCA and that's what we've been known for the last 5 years as we've really expanded our programming in Franklin Township and really our on behalf of the organization just our heartfelt gratitude to assemblyman Joe Danielson for for really giving us this boost um that we really needed um these are incredible gifts that will really help Propel our campaign so just so an investment well said well said and to the um mayor Kramer um our town manager Bob Von Locker who have worked with us so closely from the very beginning and all of the members of the council who have been so supportive of bringing YMCA to Franklin we're just so grateful this wouldn't be happening without your support so again just thank you and uh let's get this YMCA built um I I was going to wait for Council comments but then you would turn the timer on so tell don't turn it on um I can't I I'm lost for words because this can believe you know this has been over 20 years in a Pursuit and every Pursuit every goal at some point in its life needs a champion and we met many champions Al along the way that had smaller ideas we've got Champions with the staff David the CEO Meg laska my partner in crime here not crime in good work Kelly and ottoman and and just great people for the why but then one day I was so frustrated I went to Joe's office he's sitting there eating a hogy I didn't think he was listening to me and I said Joe you've got to do something he said all right gripper okay all right go ahead I got an appointment now go ahead go so any no you weren't that bad but Joe is an amazing constituent politician lawmaker for him to deliver this at a moment where we're opening up the capitol campaign is just Priceless this money opens up a philanthropic gate in Franklin Township when people see that the state of New Jersey stood up for this project and according to you may stand up again uh it's it's amazing we turn to the municipalities to help us Franklin has helped us with the land we turn to our commissioners as Joe said M has been in touch with congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman who's very very uh supportive of this project and hopefully something in the federal government will come along and then Franklin Township corporate Community will step up so this is the the first step one small step for Franklin one giant step for the people that this Township thank you and God bless you Joe Danielson thank you so [Applause] much take a picture do a picture assemblyman that makes how much money that the youve brought from the say to us this month oh math in the [Applause] mic well without taking into consideration the millions of dollars for the um public Board of Education uh the the individual product projects I believe is 2.25 million this year thank you but um that's uh the center for great expectations for the the women and children's shelter the YMCA and last year was the youth center which we we're going to have to revisit the youth center is not done with their uh financial needs either and um you know the YMCA and the youth center and scap you have to be you have to see the potential for the Strategic Partnerships in uh those three organizations thank you for thank you again mayor for uh you know entertaining the presentation thank you for watching out for us thank you and I I'm I'm done with you you can go I've heard that before I just wanted to acknowledge I should have done it before Boe president ardman Singh and Boe member bill grippo um who never acknowledge me when I come to Boe meetings um the next item is the Garden State Track Club scholarship presented by the police department all right good evening mayor Township Council good evening everyone the Franklin Township Police Department is happy to bring some great recent high school graduates here to award them with some scholarships so this is all possible by the Garden State Track Club and they've been an organization that's been around for a number of years but just recently they've started to donate some of the proceeds from their yearly event uh that they have through town to scholarships for some high school graduates so I'm going to bring up detective Robert Brown and he we're going to introduce the children I'm sorry young adults and award them with their scholarships we're gonna move to this side so good we on here good evening everyone so briefly I wanted to kind of give a a brief history about how this event came to be um my cousin Chuck standing there in the back wearing the uh GSTC uh shirt or logo um when he moved to town he brought this race to Franklin Township with the ultimate goal of turning it into a Franklin race to support initiatives and things that are going on here in town for the first several years we had a different um different donation that was made to a cancer charity for the SWAT team that I'm on um and then recently we shifted gears and last year was the first year that we awarded these scholarships to these young people and really what these young people make up is a collection of different programs that they're all involved with over the years and many of of which have done so for a handful of years whether it be four years at jrc at the high school um one has probably touched every program that Franklin Township has put out uh Franklin Township Police has put out and and one one individual uh being involved with our Frankle fit program which is all possible due to the rec center so what we're really seeing here is highlights good stuff happening in Franklin uh the result of a lot of hard work by a lot of individuals across the board and uh so tonight we celebrate these young people with a a scholarship and just something to to send them out onto their next journey and whatever is next for them to help make that a little bit easier so I'm going to call them up one at a time we'll bring them all up here and then we'll we'll hand out the checks so our first is Hansel Jimenez yeah clap it up our second is going to be Samantha hanlin [Applause] our third is Sophia [Applause] Peralta next we have Melanie [Applause] manessis and last we have Daniel quisbert [Applause] guys I just want to say you know from the bottom of my heart we really appreciate having young people like you in town uh doing positive things not just once in a while on a consistent basis it says a lot about you your families and how you're raised and we're proud to call you one of our own all right so one more round of applause for these guys we'll come over here we take a quick photo got to take a picture [Applause] next item is Central Jersey College Prep charter school for the international model un Nations competition by councilwoman Shea oudin good evening everyone okay so we'll get started but um nimic why don't you have all the students come here and out so we're excited there's a lot of celebrations going on tonight and this is a great time to also celebrate one of the number one ranking School New jersey.com reported yes uh please yes we're and this is Central Jersey College Prep charter school and accompanied are the students from the UN model that they did um and also we have here principal Nik Sergeant yes um whereas Central Jersey Prep charter school has a long-standing tradition of academic excellence and leadership development fostering global citizenship and critical thinking among its students and whereas the students of Central Jersey College Prep charter school have demonstrated exceptional dedication commitment and skill by participating in the prestige International Model United Nation also know known as imun competition and whereas through their their participation in the IMU students engage in rigorous debates negotiations and diplomatics representing diverse nation and perspective where addressing some of the world's most pressing issues and whereas outstanding performance of Central Jersey College Prep charter school delegates earned from distinguished placement and alids reflecting their thorough preparation teamwork and Mastery of global Affairs and whereas the Central Jersey College Prep model un team has won best school delegation in 23 and 24 besting prestigious schools from Japan India China Lebanon Mexico and Spain as well as many others and whereas the cjcp model un team consists of Amen you could just raise your hand as Susan oh Anam she's not here aaya amog Burak siram arou Shani Vena Anika milaki Amari Shivani bavia Mahi suhan suhana Joanne Thomas Marcus chelia suham uh adwa schak and Amna along with advisers Hannah ma Mattis that's you Maas sorry and John Michaels principal Namek surgeon and Elie shibi admin Administration and whereas the achievements of these talented students amplify the values of collaboration leadership inal courtesy that are the core of both the school's Mission and the ideals of the model un program and whereas a falcony advisor staff in the entire Central Jersey College Prep charter school Community played an instrumental role in guiding mentoring and supporting the students throughout their Journey To Success now therefore be it proclaimed that the Central Jersey college prep model un team be recognized and commended for its excellent participation and distinguished placement in the international Model United Nations competition and be it further proclaimed that this Proclamation serves as a testament to the dedication and hard work of the students faculty and supporters and encourages continued participation in such Global academic programs which Inspire Future Leaders and ambassadors of Peace diplomacy and innovation that was a lot I know it was a lot but congratulations to everyone we're so proud and if You' like to say a few words thank you so much uh Miss Udin and Township Council we're very honored to serve our community uh here in Frankton and we're very proud of our team our students parents and and we're very grateful for the support that we receive from our community leaders and our elected officials this is my ninth year in the township and I always felt supported and our community feels very much appreciated and supported and we look forward to continue our partnership and great contributions that our students will make to the Township community thank you so much again for the recognition [Applause] thanks so this is just a very small portion of our M team I have watched this team grow from just 20 students to now over 150 we have competed at every level from local competitions at Franklin High School to Princeton University and our International competition at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City they have won competitions at every single level and I could not be more proud of what they have grown to be thank you [Applause] yeah I just wanted to say how grateful I am for having like a Township and community that supports all of our endeavors like academic and outside of school uh have people to have people show up and support us to have people like fund the youth programs that allow our town to thrive and I really want to thank everyone for their support and encourage future support as me myself I feel inspired to continue helping my community in any way that I can I'm so grateful to my teachers and to my friends and um peers in these Endeavors uh we actually got very short notice which is fine because as model un students we learn how to deal with um uh how to deal with situations that we aren't used to we aren't prepared for how to make speeches about absolutely nothing in very short period of time and how to project the best versions of ourselves to create the best future thank you so much thank you everyone yeah and while you're down there councilwoman you have another Proclamation honoring Sumatra premium Restaurant and Lounge for its 5th anniversary yes yes samudra restaurant so they're located in Route 27 and we have the owner manges thank you for coming excited for you guys okay so we're at samudra puman Restaurant and Lounge located in Franklin Park New Jersey has served as a culinary destination since establishment offering the community an authentic and refined Indian experience and whereas for 5 years samudra premium Restaurant and Lounge has been celebrated for its commitment to Excellence in food quality customer service and Ambience showcase faing the rich and diverse flavors of Indian Cuisine and whereas Samu premium restaurant and lounges team led by its dedicated owners chefs and staff has continually upheld the highest standard of hospitality Del letting guests with an ARA of traditional Innovative dishes inspired by India's cstone and Regional Cuisine and where asud pimin Restaurant and Lounge has contributed to the cultural fabric of Franklin Township not only by bringing people together to to enjoy Exquisite meals but also by supporting local events organizations and charitable causes thereby enriching the community it serves and whereas the fifth anniversary of samud Premium Restaurant and Lounge is a milestone that represents Penance creativity and success in the competitive restaurant industry especially during challenging times while consistently maintaining its vision and values now therefore be proclaimed that some with premium restaurant in Lounge is hereby honored and celebrated on the occasion of its fifth anniversary with sincere appreciation for its contributions to the Franklin Township and the board of uh New Jersey and Community beer proclaimed that this Proclamation stands as a testament to the enduring impact of samudra Premium Restaurant and Lounge has had in bringing people together through a shared love of food culture Community as we wish them continued success and prosperity for many more years to come congratulations on the fifth year and you us you located as well where are you located me I am I am from Franklin Township I stay your restaurant in Franklin Park in Franklin Park you have the address 3391 r27 3391 Route 27 Franklin Park and we like to Spotlight uh Spotlight our restaurants locals businesses so if there's any more just continue letting me know and I would love to keep continually spotlighting and promoting you guys you guys definitely are the backbone for Franklin and we really appreciate all everything you guys do thank you so much do you want to say a few words yeah me to um I'd like to thank the mayor and the councilman Council woman thank you for the recognition and uh we want you to love us like this and give your support always thank you you thank you thank you s it's where us okayy that'll finish the proclamations and we have a motion to open to the public so move okay just WR it seconded move then seconded all in favor of opening to the public say I I oppose say nay motion is carried we are open to the public five minutes uh of pece uh no yielding of time may only come up once please state your name and address two minutes of time Bill grippo Pier Street suet I forgot I I just wanted councilman Wright has been a cheerleader he just came in I wanted to thank councilman Ram all of you have played a part with this YMCA growth each one of you the mayor B warlock has met with um uh David and Meg and RAM is on our our task force and Carl right's been a cheerleader sheep is at everything so and Alex has been very supportive with the Y so I just wanted to thank you I didn't get that in before but it's going to happen in town and uh it's going to really complete the picture this reminds me mayor of um the Gazebo story when I went to Joe Danielson first he said go see the mayor that's how it all started thank you thank you anyone else wishing to speak see the mayor evening mayor and Council my name is Paul Aras I live off of um uh in Franklin Park at Lindsey Court the reason I'm here is that I am experienced a bit of a hardship with our home um we needed to make some changes to our kitchen because there was a leak long story short in the process of securing a HELOC account uh Helo um uh account um we were hit with notice that our uh flooding Zone had changed uh when we first purchased the home it was a certain value in um in the in the FEMA maps and then they had changed when we went ahead and and secured our the hok um but we could never get any corroborating information about whether the township knew that this change had happened so we we were when I was trying to look at maps and when the bank as well as the condo association was looking for maps the township was not able to find that those Maps had been updated recently I went ahead and took a look at the website to see if there had been any updates to the maps uh zoning and we still haven't seen anything new so I'm wondering if just as a as a comment if there's going to be any um move to try to make sure that those have been updated that would be very helpful to me in order to find out what the status of my needed insurance is um it we just had our third kid so I'm doing my best to sort of make sure that our home is you know livable for the near future and to avoid any possible issues that's the major reason that I'm here um the other question that I have is about um whether there are any zoning restrictions for uh um what's it called a um a cottage uh type um the capacity to actually sell um like Goods baked goods for example from a home if there had been any reason for that that would be helpful to sort of get some idea for that but those are the two reasons that I'm I'm here I'd be helpful at least to get some information about the first issue and I'm happy to speak with a council member who might know something about the second uh later as well thank you so since there's no one else here except the Press I think we can suspend the rule of answering so so I actually have a question so I'm gonna need you to clarify you said you live on lindsy court that's right this would be the Society Hill right no I'm very familiar with where Lindsey court is and I'm not I I guess I'm at at a slight loss as to why the FEMA flood maps would have any bearing on your house it's not in a flood zone apparently the FEMA flood maps uh as of last year maybe even one year earlier had indicated the change that that is now in a flood zone and that's I I I'm unaware of that being in a flood zone I I mean so and I I find it hard to believe that it is in a flood zone and I think there may be some misunderstanding as to where your home is um because you are right really not near a body of water um so down to some South middlebush Road I mean that would be a hell of a flood yeah I that's a that's a of uh what they would say biblical proportions um and perhaps an arc involved I respect that but there is a stream in the body of water there is a stream in I'm not disputing I I know exactly where you live and I know where that stream is but I still don't believe that it's in a flood zone um I know that there are varying types of flood zones in the town have you who have you spoken with here no one this is the first time so the person that you need to speak with his name is Scott Thomas he is our he is our um uh flood he's the regional representative for Franklin Township as it relates to um that particular function of government and how we interact with uh with the federal government as far as it relates to flooding um I I will I will get you his if you sit when I'm done talking I will get you his extension and I'll just give you my card and and you can certainly reach out to him so that's who I would speak to relating to that as far as the cottage Food Industries so they're licensed um by the uh health department and and it is a permitted uh use here in Franklin Township you can do it um others have done it and the licensing from what I'm told is relatively easy process to to obtain that license from the health department um and it's the Somerset County Health Department and I believe you go through the clerk's office right amarie um I I know I've spoken with several uh people from the county health department about this it just came up recently um I was curious because I had seen any information about how to do it but if it's allowable no I mean it's just there's not there's not anything regarding the the process other than I would tell you to contact the Somerset County Health Department who provides Health Department Services to Franklin Township and they can talk you through what's necessary to get your approval all right thank you my question and like I said I just have to look it up quick online and I'll get you the extension for Scott he's in the engineering department okay uh motion to close public session seconded all in favor say I I all oppos say nay we're closed we don't have to address public comments we've already done so uh Council comments we'll start with you Mr Wright no comment Mr Mayor except once again I was at the hands of New Jersey Transit coming out of New York they just love the delay trains I got to love it must be Republicans they was killing me today they know you're on the train and that's why they do it well you know sit them that there at Pen Station and North I had time for McDonald's the pretzel you know chocolate cup with raisins councilwoman uden thank you okay so just a couple things uh September 30th which is next Monday there is a government 101 uh Town Hall that's going to happen at 700 p.m. right here um we have some key Municipal departments that are going to come um their Township manager director of Public Work us Public Safety our Clerk Office planning and construction departments they're going to come together in one room provide their roles responsibilities and service um it's going to be a learning session for anyone and everyone that wants to learn about the various departments I know um I get told all the time that people get uh very overwhelmed when they're coming in so hopefully this provides um enough information where you can understand each of these apartments and how they play a role in here so I look forward to that meeting September 30th at 700 p.m. right here in the chamber um master plan traffic study we spoke about this on the last council meeting and I just wanted to give a quick update that there are the two intersections um that were New Brunswick Road in davidv and Weston Canal Road in Manville Causeway those were the two that are um added amongst the other um intersections and the meeting the public session meetings is scheduled for uh sometime in October we don't have a a date yet but as we get more information I will circulate that as well and it's going to be posted online so you'll see more information um on the master plan traffic study um there's been a couple residents reaching out to me on the New Brunswick Road and David said between Elizabeth a on signage um I've already had that responded amongst some of the residents as well as I'm just indicating that um Bob is aware the police department the Public Works they're working on additional um transitional signage so there will be some um changes coming up soon on the uh sign that you're seeing there and apart from that um Bob when you do your updates if you can also just give a quick update on noo Park on where we are with uh the fountain water fountain so I I can give you a quick answer right now that project will have to wait until the spring it may have some work being done over the winter but the truth is um putting a water fountain in just as we're getting ready to winterize all of our water fountains is probably something that we would want to wait until the spring to get it in um and it also requires um we're at the uh the mercy of elizab New Jersey Elizabeth Town I'm going to date myself there New Jersey American Water they used to be Elizabeth Town water um they have to do the tap on their water main so we're we're at their Mercy as to when they do it but we we anticipated being ready for for um the break in the weather in the spring okay perfect so Springtime thank you so much those are all my updates and uh thank you thank you councilman vasella um thank you mayor so I've attended a handful of meetings uh probably the most significant um was what's being referred to as local officials briefing number one and just to give a real quick snapshot of what this is uh you remember we were doing a project uh or federal government project the county was involved with kind of spearheading but it was Franklin you know all about Franklin being eastn Avenue kind of a similar project as far as the funding and the timeline the basic idea is to do anything and everything that can uh guide the Hamilton Corridor as far as Hamilton Street for the next several decades um any thing from intersection improvements we have four main intersections on that street how to deal with the side streets the sight lines the bump outs pretty much everything uh there will be a public meeting I don't have it in front of me uh our manager who was on the meeting uh it was supposed to be two and a half hours I think it went almost three and a half councilman wrightc was very involved as him and I represent the entire corridor in our Wards and um I'm glad this is happening um I think there's a few gaps in making but this is the infancy of it and making sure uh all the people spearheading this from the contract firm that was contracted to all the people at the county who are all very skilled have a real practical understanding of the history and the present status and what we're up against I have a lot of hope uh uh putting a lot of and faith in this project but it's going to take a lot of vetting and review and I believe there's a like I say a town um Town Hall type meeting where the public will be able to uh attend and ask questions just uh we went over purpose need project limits existing conditions traffic investigation proposed improvements all very important stuff but probably not practical to get into now if things go well there hopefully could and should be major investment funded uh by dollars outside of Franklin meaning Federal and I don't know if the state our County uh our contributors but uh the unfortunate part is this will not happen as far as construction until 2029 at the earliest but considering projects that its magnitude that involve Federal funding uh that actually is a shorter timeline than some other projects so a lot more to come with that just wanted to let people know and um I'm glad it's happening that's really the main the main item tonight congratulations to uh the youth both with the scholarships the model un and um I know all those things take a real lot of time a lot more than I realized until I learned more about them so congratulations and uh very proud of our youth here in Franklin I um Franklin Day is coming up Saturday I'm sure sure someone else is going to be talking about it um more or the manager will give some of the Practical details that's coming up this Saturday the return of the big Franklin day one day event in um Colonial Park correct okay make sure we didn't change list I have it in my report okay yes just want to throw it out there I'm sure there's something I'm missing but for now that that's it and um more to come on the uh the uh study the streetscape of Hamilton thank you uh mayor Kramer uh just to address to uh Township manager um in your report um would you clarify for us that that wasn't our study our study is coming up with the RFP your stud's on the agenda for adoption today for Award of count contract right the one that we looked at bassella said the county but that was done five years 2019 2019 so that is the difference between the two so ours might be a little bit different but I want to make sure that people understood the the difference between the two that we're trying to put together but councilman vasella was correct in his assumptions I just want to make sure that everyone realizes there are two studies some County in 2019 and Franklin Township in 2024 and just uh thank you councilman Wright because there might be some confusion with that I'm sure nand will clarify it the bottom line is we'll be doing a study that we'll talk about more I think later but this is a project that goes through all these phases because the idea is to get hopefully a lot of federal funding to actually do a major overhaul from is federally funded it's not to get Federal funding it is federally and the federal funding requires them to go through a variety of steps because it's also funding for the actual improvements for the improvements so if we go through all these proper steps as of course we should ultimately then there'll be a major overhaul at the federal government's expense but you can summarize it more in your report but all good stuff just gets a little confusing Madam clerk please note in the minute that at 7:47 the mayor lost control of the meeting councilwoman [Laughter] Francois yeah there there's one thing I wanted to bring up um our assemblyman Joe Danielson is doing a lot of stuff here in Franklin Township in our community and so I want to let people know also that he's having a free expungement Clinic on Tuesday October 1st from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens and 771 Somerset Street in Somerset so if you have any prior records or any charges that are on your record um they can be CL uh criminal charges you can get some legal cons free legal consultation on getting personalized advice on eligibility and if you're able to participate in the expungement process you can also get assistance a free assistance with your paperwork you can receive help with filling out your expungement applications you can get free information about additional support services and legal resources available in the community so this is a very very powerful thing that he's doing um giving back to the community he's worked with the state with our County and it's taken him six months to pull this together so again I'd like to just remind people out there there's a free exp expungement clinic and it's open to the public even though you don't don't have to be a member of First Baptist Church take advantage of the resources that are available the free resources that are available and the other thing I wanted to mention it was so inspiring today to hear all the different uh things that we are doing here in Franklin Township to invest in our youth again simly men Joe Danielson has done a lot he's uh invested and allowed us to receive 1 Point $5 million for the Youth Center now he just gave out tonight $750,000 to the YMCA and then in addition to that our Police Department they're they're doing a lot over at the youth center there's been a lot of collaboration with the YMCA and and the future of the youth center and then I I think it's wonderful that the Central Jersey College Prep charter school their International Model United Nations competition I didn't know anything about it but again that was so inspiring to see that all the scholarships that are being given out and it's really really nice to see how everybody in the community is coming together to invest in our youth in the township it it's it it means it warms my heart it means a lot to me and I'm I'm glad uh councilwoman Udin you bought in CJ's um cjcp charter school and uh um it's it's really really nice to see the progress that the YMCA is making as well thank you Mr Mayor thank you councilman EMB Barrison thank you mayor whatever she said I just have a quick uh update um there was a h and our Franklin's own food bank received an a nonprofit of the Year award by uh Somerset County Business Partnership uh so there was an award ceremony on the 18th uh I was uh honored to attend that and introduce uh the food bank uh as in award and um I think we we heard about the YMCA's uh campaign kicking off and um uh I have agreed to serve on the steering committee so you would all be hearing from me if you have not already heard and um The Campaign is uh named all in I'm going to be all in and I hope you will be as well and the whole Township and last but not least Diwali our Diwali annual Diwali celebration is scheduled for October 12th at Franklin High School 5 to800 p.m. uh so I I I please make a note and make it a point to uh come by and enjoy the festivities and and free food thank you that's all I am here thank you councilman only Jaa okay mayor mayor to bring that mic right up to you okay let me bring it I'm it here I want to extend my sincere appreciation to the mayor assembly man Jo Donson and council members for attending the ground breaking of uh dawu Islamic mosque the Dau Islamic mque is is owned by the Association which is predominantly West African and I have the privilege to work with them initially from the takeoff of that Association so yes yesterday no on Sunday I was very very happy to see that this project is coming up soon so mayor I thank everyone that showed up in that Association to support them thank you thank you you councilman Kazi thank you Mr Mayor and good evening everyone and Happy fall the fall is here so we can slowly see the change of colors of the leaves so Mr Mayor I have a couple of health related announcements number one is the September's a pain awareness month and an annual Global campaign to help spread awareness of issues related to pain and pain management and in fact one of the great we we sites belong to International awareness for the study of pain which was established about 50 years ago so please visit that website i.org and you will find a lot of valuable information about pain and Pain Management uh the other one is as you know we have several cannabis dispensary stores across the town and statistics shows that if cannabis products are not properly locked up pets and children can access and consume them which potentially can cause severe health effects so Advisory Board of Health is coordinating with Somerset and hton safe Comm committee's coalition to provide cannabis dispensary stores rack cards and these cards are very informative and if anybody follows what is on the cards uh the chances of having a child or pets to consume or have access to the Cannabis pretty much will be eliminated so those courts will be uh handed out soon and hopefully uh the consumers They will receive them as well and we hoping they also put one large one in their Stores um you know September was busy month most of us attended various activities and tomorrow we have human relations commission meeting which is going to be starting at 700 p.m. uh across from this chamber there is a special speaker Reverend Sonia red president of interface Council who will speak on Way's human relations commission and interface Council can collaborate to enhance Unity mutual respect and collaboration among various diverse communities and ethnic group in our town so please if you can and join starts at 7 p.m. I'm sure uh tonish manager will speak more about the uh upcoming uh celebration in Franklin day but one thing I want to mention is that as you know we have a lot of trails in our Township and I'm happy that the uh the committee has uh Made Beautiful flyers or or pamphlets with the various uh trails and you can see this is an example they are going to have a table and they are going to have handing out these uh to anybody who stops by so please stop by the Fall is a beautiful time to walk in our trails and enjoy the the colorful trees and you can get the guides uh like this and you can uh use it um Mr Mar I think that's pretty much there is another event which is happening besides the Dalian on October 7th another event is happening which is going to be on October 27 at Colonial Park and it's a Palestinian culture Day event this is going to be the first one of its kind and includes music food art activities for children so please mark your calendar and enjoy and attend and enjoy that event as well that's I have Mr Mayor thank you councilman yes our trails are one of the shining stars of Franklin I believe we have 60 miles of trails uh in Franklin um so I too want to encourage people to go to Franklin day we've had pandemics we tried an experiment of having a a different version of it uh we've been rained out but now we should have the full Franklin day uh this Saturday September 28th Colonial Park Lot SE Knob Hill we're expecting two maybe three million people no but we we've had at least 10,000 people there sometimes and it's the brain shout of Raj Sherman uh former councilwoman and uh it's been going great since um mailin ballots should uh be going out very soon if they haven't gone out already and uh that's one way to vote uh very safe way to uh uh submit it if you don't want to mail mein is the box right here very safe that's how I submit my mail and ballot uh and I encourage everyone to vote one way or another um the last thing I'll give you an update on Fire District 3 uh that's that issue seems to be adverted uh Franklin will still get its full fire service and I would like to strongly thank members of uh the staff here uh who have helped uh the Commissioners and uh uh fir house um sort this out and I especially want to thank our attorney Lou renon for his advice and work during this averted crisis um that's all I have Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor um so I I'll I'll touch on some issues that have were already started by the two councilmen who spoke about Hamilton Street um so Somerset County in uh 2019 made application through the uh North Jersey Transportation Planning ass uh Association and the federal government for funding of a safety local safety Improvement study for Hamilton Street that is the study that councilman vasella and councilman right spoke about earlier um that study involved um Gathering of data along Hamilton Street as it related to uh bicycle pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic on Hamilton Street as well as on street parking and is going to make recommendations that will be brought through the process ultimately to construction um with this Federal funding um for those you know safety features along Hamilton Street that are identified as lacking as well as making recommendations related to on street parking so that's the local safety improvements it the the data was gathered in 2019 as part of the application process it's considered a 2020 application for the feds so we are doing something very similar but not completely the same our study is looking at current traffic conditions along the corridor much the way that they looked at the current at the traffic conditions in 2019 our parking takes it one step further we are also doing a uh uh study that will involve um current conditions related to on street and off street parking which the county study did not look at off street parking that is available to the public and we're looking at current conditions as well as future conditions uh as it is connected to um those projects that are currently approved and yet can not yet constructed as well as what they refer to as a future build analysis which would be given the current zoning what would the parking demand be along Hamilton Street if it was completely built out and then also looking at our zoning ordinances and what we require for off street parking currently and would that need to be modified in the future build scenarios so that's the the whole study and the recommendations that will come out of that study are a little bit beyond just safety measures but also taking into account development issues and parking issues as it relates to that development so does that kind of cleared up good no I think you described that uh uh perfectly I had a couple questions about the study but like I'll ask you when we go to vote on it well it's on the set agenda so if you want to ask questions maybe you might want to ask them now rather than well instead of slowing it down they're simple just I'll we'll separate it out that's okay I don't want to delay that's fine just couple clarification but no I I think he described that very well and and it is uh just to make sure I think you agree it isn't so much redundancy it's really kind of given us more information so we could better assist uh uh as this process uh Federal process goes into the final stages because we may be able to give them more more information that will help them tweak the project as it goes to the final design standard so it's really so I would I would say I would say that's it's correct in in all that you said though I think there is a redundancy here and the redundancy is that it's 5 years later much of what's going to be done is exactly the same as what was done in 2019 and what need I think that you know and I think that we almost did this by accident and that's okay sometimes you get it right by doing things by accident right so the world is a much different place than it was in 2019 and many things have changed as far as as human actions and and you know whether it's how we drive where we drive where we park where we shop where we do things 2019 was a much different world right and we and we all know we don't have to belabor that but I think that what the information and the data that we're Gathering while it is the same data that was gathered in 2019 I anticipate that it will show things are different well that's the point information the information is new and help us yeah but but what we're doing isor we're very happy this is happening ex we we can have the discussion about that at the proper time okay it hasn't been moved yet thank you so that's that so um then I'm going to move on um so that's the traffic study um the only other thing I have to report and everyone else wanted to report it but I'll get into more detail and and I just want to bring attention to something is Franklin Day Festival I I you know the mayor has already kind of touched on most of it it is from 12:00 to 5:00 it is in Colonial Park um there will be uh entertainment uh both professional and uh part of the Cultural Arts Council stage um some local talent for entertainment um there is certainly going to be food there will be uh a wide variety of vendors um a lot of things for kids to do petting zoo pony rides face painters balloon artists um vendor spaces are sold out for this year um both the food vendor and exhibitor uh spaces are completely sold out so we're looking forward to a great day and I but I just wanted to draw attention to something this year we have a new premier sponsor the pre sponsor is the Gillis organization and and I just want to talk a little bit about the woman who uh is the Gillis organization she is the president and founder of the Gillis organization which is part of the the for-profit part of the Gillis organization is um she founded uh she bought her first McDonald's franchise in 1995 in Neptune I just say little bit about her um Margaret Marty Gillis bought her first McDonald's franchise in 1995 in Neptune New Jersey Marty supports many Community organizations through donations sponsorships scholarships and fundraisers she has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to high school and college students Marty is active and in and recognized in by the community she serves some of the recognition Marty has received for her involvement contributions and donations include multiple naac P Community Service Awards National Association of negro Business and Professional Women's award the Neptune Education Foundation Award the US Congressional certificate of special recognition and induction into the Ruckers African-American alumni Alliance Hall of Fame this is a this is a relationship that our recreation department has developed and she agreed to be the premier sponsor of the Franklin Day Festival this year um they have performed a wide variety of community service um sponsorships including things like backpack drives and other and and you know they they are a very Community uh oriented organization and they own our McDonald's on Eastern Avenue and so and so I I just think it's fantastic that our Recreation Department was able to kind of cultivate that relationship to the point where she was willing to sponsor as the Premier sponsor of our Franklin day uh event and uh I just want to bring attention to that because it might get lost in the shuffle otherwise and I thought it was important enough to mention so and that's what I have Mr Mayor Mr manager amnesty H amnesty amn oh oh well yeah certainly we could talk about so if if you happen to have done things at your home and those things might have required a permit construction type things construction type things like electrical building or Plumbing or the like yes and you manage to do that without actually uh securing the proper permits and you wish to maybe bring your house into compliance um there will be the opportunity to do that um the construction department will be at Franklin Day Festival um to for you to have a a brief consult with fill out an application um you will still have to pay the permit fees but you will not be penalized um so there will be no penalties assessed and you can bring your house uh up to code so to speak and uh and do it and and make it all legitimate um it it's interesting what we've seen over the last say five or six years is that uh and maybe even a little bit longer is every single person who becomes interested in purchasing a home in this town and I believe it's this is much more than just Franklin um the very first thing before they even make an offer to purchase the home is to file an opah request with the construction department on all permits outstanding permits uh permits obtained in the past so you know you go to sell your house and your and your base has been uh uh improved you've got a finished basement but you didn't get permits and the person comes and looks at your house and you have a finished basement and then they go to the construction department and there were never any permits pulled for that finished basement you might lose your sale so this is an opportunity to bring your house uh into compliance and uh and it is only for Residential Properties not for commercial properties I Mr may can I ask a question yeah people have often ask me about this whole permit process so if you hire a vendor isn't it their job to get a permit well if you if you hire if you hire a contractor to do work and they they should not be doing the if they're a licensed contractor they should not be doing work without the proper permits secured many contractors will secure the permits for you others have choose to tell you you secure the permits and I will do the work but I mean it's not uncom for contractors to secure it and in fact if it's something like electrical work an electrical work requiring an electrician requires the electrician to put their information on the permit application itself so if you use a handyman they may not go and get a permit and that's when we have problems okay and and and regardless of what your contractor does it's always the always the homeowner's responsibility and that's how people get I can tell you if you're if you you know and and this and the laws have changed over you know over the last few years for certain types of work in the past you used to be required to get a permit for a new roof and you no longer are required to do that that's considered general maintenance now and so you don't need to get a permit for that you don't need to get a permit for replacement windows things that in the past you did but if you're having electrical work done you need a permit if you're having plumbing work done need a per you need a permit for gutters no you do not need a permit for gutters Mr Mayor I just want to add uh one if I may um just one benefit of getting the permit even if you're doing the job yourself and I'll just give you example myself I did some electric work in my basement but I got the permit they came and looked at it I identified a few areas that I should have done it differently to meet the code so there there's a huge benefit by applying for permit is not a lot of money but you have somebody from Township will come and guides you gives you some input so you can do it right so that's I just want to add that as well yeah yeah I I have more than once going to the Construction office one to find out if I needed a permit and two to I put in my own deck and they help me saying no you put this layer in first then this layer so they're there to help you we're not looking to penalize people we're looking for compliance and the compliance is really for your own good so that you have a sound structure so take advantage of the amnesty if you've kind of skirted the proper procedures in the past but is there a list on the website that tells you what you need a permit for somewhere where you can reference where permits are required the the answer is is I'm not sure if there is exactly um but I mean if you need if you need electrical work or Plumbing work or you need to do any kind of structural construction work on your house you you should check with the building department first as to whether or not you need a permit yep and I get that question all the time okay and just if I could quick follow up you brought up something interesting I'll wait for because I think it would be the attorney to answer um and if if you don't know if it's something little and you don't know you I understand could call anonymously and ask our department and that's the idea to it's not so easy to get a get an answer no no I know but the other thing I was just going to add and I don't know if it's law but most contractors well you have to be registered with the uh with Trenton you have to be registered in the state handy men handy man handy people who might do little things not necessarily but contractors will usually have it I don't know if it's a law attorney may be able to tell me uh in their contract and everybody should have a written contract whether or not they're getting the permits or whether or not um their the homeowner is required and that's usually because it's a very important issue and and legitimate contractors want to make sure there's no uh misunderstanding so that's usually in a contract so read your contracts thoroughly and if there's a question ask your contractor because obviously we're talking about this because it gets get confusing thank you for bringing it up though let's move on um next item would be Council discussion items we kind of just had one but um council members may have been expecting a council discussion item uh at the advice of Mr vorn Locker we're going to delay that because staff may have not May will have input into that and the council discussion will go better at the next meeting uh approval of the minutes we have none submitted approval of the warrants time to pay the bills and the amount of 6,510 6953 on September 24th 2024 are presented to the township Council for payment to have a motion to pay the bills I move that the warrants as read be paid seconded move then second and any discussion anyone like to pull in item question and item Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman franois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni Chaka yes councilwoman Udin yes councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes next item is uh for the ordinances second reading we have a first reading to announce to the world that we are considering an ordinance and then uh on the second reading we uh can vote on the ordinance but the um public has the opportunity to make comments we have one second reading ordinance 44 50-24 an ordinance amending the code of the township of Franklin County of Somerset state of New Jersey more particularly chapter 226 vehicles and traffic section 226 31c regulations for the movement and parking of traffic on all other private property adding Somerset gate is presented to the public hearing and final adoption the public hearing has been noticed as required this is an ordinance um inviting and allowing the township to be able to uh give parking tickets and traffic tickets in the private Community Somerset gate um the uh public hearing has been noticed as required so we have a motion to open to the public so move second Mo then seconded and all in favor of opening to the public say I I oppos say nay motion is carried we are open to the public same rules mayor see no one coming forward from a public a motion to close the public portion of the hearing second move then seconded all in favor say I I public portion is closed do have a motion to adopt who Moved move and seconded uh any discussion Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman franois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka yes councilwoman uden yes councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes we have two ordinances on first reading ordinance number 44 53-24 ordinance to acquire by donation certain lands uh within the township of uh Franklin County of Somerset state of New Jersey for the purpose of open space preservation in the township of Franklin pursue it to njsa 40 a12 d12a for the property known as Franklin Fields LLP property located at 140 copperman road block 11.01 lot 62 the following ordinance is presented to the township Council for adoption on uh first reading posting publication in accordance with law and public hearing on Final adoption at a meeting of the township Council to be held on October 22nd 2024 at 7M in the council chambers to have a motion to introduce so moved seconded mov and seconded any discussion questions Mr Mary can you say a few words about by donation sure I can add to this so this is a piece of property on copper M Road uh it's about 16.5 Acres a little more than 16.5 Acres the owner of the property uh has found that it cannot be developed due to a a very small amount of roadway Frontage believe it's 10 ft for the 16 acres and as such he has made the decision to donate the land to the township as open space about that about that straight ahead Mar I hope there will be some sort of a recognition for this uh owner when this happens sure you can submit that mayor doesn't have to do everything thank you former mayor um any other discussion Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman Francois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman onaka yes councilwoman oudin yes councilman vasella yes councilman Wright ordinance 44 54-24 uh a capital ordinance providing for the acquisition by donation for the purposes of open space preservation for a property known as Franklin Fields L uh LP property located at 140 copperman Road also known as block uh 11.01 lot 62 and appropriating $23,500 therefore for the open space trust fund of the township of Franklin Somerset County state of New Jersey to paid uh for the cost thereof uh the forgoing ordinances presented to the township Council for adoption of first reading and posting and publication in accordance with law on public hearing and final adoption at a meeting of the township Council to be held on Tuesday October 22nd at 7.m in the council chambers uh I have the question as to wise the word donation and $23,500 are used money for us to do things Mr Mayor you have a man seated to your left there and he costs money um the survey who comes out and surveys the property cost money yeah the uh open space Land Management Consultant costs money and therefore it costs money for us to take a donation of land there you have it any other questions that I should have known Madam Clerk you need a motion in a second oh thank you do we have a motion second motion second now any discussions Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman Francois yes councilman Kazi yes may Kramer yes councilman o Jaa yes councilwoman uden yes councilman vasella yes councilman re yes consense agenda items a through Q as listed on the consent agenda portion of the meeting I presented the township Council for option to have a motion on the consent agenda so moved second within seconded any discussion um mayor just have a few questions clarifying the details of this study for the Hamilton Street which item is this uh it's item H so I'm not necessarily asking to move it remove it I mean unless uh something from my questions would go ahead drive me to but I just wanted to get some clarifications so for now uh without going all the detail it's a very involved study I just today got a copy I I thought we'd get the RFP sooner or the report uh from the Bright View which is the company we're um looking to hire the couple questions I have is um and I believe it came up maybe here or at the officials meeting or various times I I've talked about it uh some of the things I was concerned uh I felt strongly needed to be part of this study and it may be I just want to a clarification here before we vote on it um that wasn't in previous studies is um uh well I'll give a couple items I don't see anything specific to reviewing um the projections or how to handle the flow of the numerous type of ride Shar delivery vehicles food deliveries Etc so I'm concerned that it's not spelled out it may be assumed but we didn't um but I don't know because I just looked at this and it is a a pretty detailed document I know that there's information about um projections but I don't see anything about that and I think that's been overlooked in a lot of previous reviews and studies um especially in this tightly uh this tight area where there's a lot going on uh the other question if it includes was and I I remember the manager and I quickly talked about this one point I didn't we didn't follow up um I'm concerned about uh the idea of looking at the way pedestrians and pedestrian movement and non-vehicular meaning scooters meaning other things work into this comprehensive study and document to guide us going forward um so those are two big things I they may be part of this and assume but I don't want to assume with something that's important uh the other uh the other uh important thing was the manager is the study I'm can the manager answer that much before you go on okay well he's going to lose me so okay let's deal with that you might want to ask me a question I I'm my my attention span is waning so I would ask you one question and and then I I'll answer that and then you can move to the next the answer is is I I I need you to Define ride share uh the numerous Uber lifts and other so I wouldn't call that rid share that that's that's you know taxi service I don't know I don't use them so those are not right so those are multiple things Amazon is a delivery so let me answer now Amazon is a delivery Uber is both Uber Eats is a delivery Uber drivers are taxi basically taxi cabs um as is lift um you know and door dashes delivery um I don't know how you could possibly even study that I don't know how you could predict that I I that that is I know those vehicles are part of a traffic study um the classification of vehicles is part of that I mean it there is there is no way to Def to study uh you know food deliveries I mean food deliveries have been taking place since restaurants have takeout I I don't I don't know exactly what you mean councilman but I can tell you to answer your question and I can't go beyond this is that there is nothing in this study to specifically study what you just said so maybe I put a more practical term um and I support the industry I have friends who work in in that capacity so it's not anything negative uh those Vehicles tend to often have the goal of fastest possible when you're dealing with an area that is burdened with lack of parking double parking parking too close to corners and all the issues that we're trying to rectify um learn more about to not think about if we're you mentioned before about future buildout for projects so we can we can you know collectively through our zoning or the way we we review projects recommend how to uh handle something uh as far as making it viable for the needs of the residents both on the side streets and the people if there's a couple hundred departments so not to have any thought or consideration for where how do you set up special areas do you have special signers you have special enforcement I don't know how that is not a concern because I'll all over town in areas where there's a lot more space than this tight Corridor um God only knows how many times okay there's issues and I just so councilman here's the answer to that this is a traffic study and a parking study not a planning study okay the the the the limits to which you can do a traffic study do not include planning recommendations what this is what the the the defined direction that was given for this study was was a traffic and parking analysis not a planning study there will be recommendations for parking as it relates to development but not every aspect of development but that's that's what the award for the contract is and that's what the RFP called for not a planning study the biis Zone study was a traffic study and a planning study two parts two distinct different things one relying on the other if at some point you want to recommend to this Council that you want to pay for a planning study as well then you would get the full-blown planning study but that's not the direction that was given and that's not what the RFP calls for the portions of this study that relate to zoning and development are related to parking because that's what was requested okay I I understand what you're saying but the last time we had something that was a planning study and I asked well was considered um it was never a planning stud no no no when there was studies that were making recommendations for planning and parking I was told that uh it wasn't asked for so I just any opportunity I want to ask for because I feel it's information will be critical going forward but separate from that just moving on quickly so we can get get to a vote um uh so we'll put that to rest it is what it is um will they be looking at the parking needs or how it these parking needs uh and traffic affects at least one block in be one or two blocks in because most of these uh bigger buildings and newer ones that are coming kind of mesh right with the neighborhood and this couple at least the block or two in is all connected to the way people are driving or parking so is that going to be looked at too as I said they're looking at what the development is on Hamilton Street what the future development could be based on current zoning and what the parking demand will be and then taking into account what the demand is for current and what the demand is for future on Street versus off Street and make recommendations as it relates to the zoning requirements for off street parking so those if that is in I mean off street parking is wherever off Street park if there's if there's sufficient parking for a development then that would include wherever the people would park right because just most for people don't know most of the district is goes like a one to two blocks in on each side so then it would be a study to whole District so I'm sure that will be taken into account so the last thing just was C could you hold that one side well I'm just going to wrap up in one moment no no okay hold that one thought uh Mr Township manager yes sir in the RFP or whatever that we put together the original thing that I put forth the motion that I put forth to direct this type of study did I not say include those side streets so they are into the the parking around that entire Sid is what's included in the parking all the streets right right okay just trying to clarify cuz we're very happy this is happening about to make sure we cover okay and then the last thing was simply there was something about uh um in there about reviewing uh or meetings where is it I'm sorry [Music] um meetings and coordination I I'm not looking for any of us to get involved in micromanage it but will there be any time that the representatives I think there's four of us here that are involved very involved with the Hamilton board and Hamilton Street in general will be able to review or communicate or have a Q&A or something just as it progresses or before it starts I I don't know if that was part of the plan yes meetings are included but uh at least the minority of council meaning you know not a quorum of course would be able to sit down on one if it it could be arranged okay just want to make sure putting a lot of faith in this thank you that's all mayor any other discussion okay that item was not pulled so we're on the cons consent agenda we have a motion and a second any other discussion at all on the consent agenda I just want to ask one question so we're extending the contract for the uh janitorial cleaning services which me they're doing a really good job they they're you you you're saying they are doing a very good job um I I would say that in my 39 years here um having been through I know probably a dozen cleaning companies and prior to that in all defense and prior to that um staff I mean we we had at one time a full-time janitorial staff um our buildings have never been cleaner and I have never been met Every Morning by more pleasant employees uh than the employees of the company currently cleaning our buildings um I have been given nothing but Praise by every employee who's addressed it with me um whether they be at the youth center Public Works garage 935 Hamilton Street Police Department everybody is thrilled with them and uh I think that you know for as long as we can continue to award that contract we're going to award that contract I've seen it Council a with that councilman Kazi would you like to give them a proclamation Madam clerk we do pay him yeah for those that we don't pay councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman Francois yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer why not councilman on joa yes councilwoman uden yes councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes old business 2024 boards committees commissions and vacancies any nominations we did by the way have a zoning board uh seat opening uh after the October 10th meeting um okay any other any nominations I don't have but Mr Mayor I just wanted to mention that in all the two committees that I am uh a member I am the liais on one is the human Relations Committee we have an opening and also the U Advisory Board of Health we have an opening actually a couple of openings so anybody's interested to join uh please go to our website and fill out the uh seniors um citizens uh form and then we'll look into it and hopefully you can join and serve the community thank you so much great and I should have mentioned it's Joel ree is vacating his seat um and he was a long serving member of the zoning board and we thank him for his service um so no no uh nominations we have no executive session do we have a motion to adjourn mve moved and seconded all in favor say I I all opposed can stay here for the night okay we are adjourned be well Franklin thank you