##VIDEO ID:cAB0pi7Oq8o## this reorganize reorganization work session regular meeting of the township council is called to order Madame clerk in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this reorganization work session regular meeting of the Franklin Township Council was made as required indicating that this meeting would take place at the municipal building at 700 p.m. on Tuesday January 7th 2025 we could all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and then remain standing for the invocation by councilman Ed pesnik Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all if there is to be peace in the world there must be peace in the Nations if there is to be peace in the Nations there must be peace in the cities if there is to be peace in the city there must be peace between neighbors if there is to be peace between neighbors there must be peace at home if there's to be peace at home there must be peace in the heart amen Madam clerk please call the RO councilman EMB Barrison councilwoman franah here councilman karazi here mayor Kramer here councilman onaka here council member vasnik pres councilwoman Udin here councilman vasella here councilman Wright here okay uh now for the most dangerous portion of the agenda uh I have to pick out the dignitaries that are here um so we have uh Ser Tina jallo we have representing the Sheriff's Office bill Chila and we have Pastor George montineri hope I haven't left anyone out um okay commendations and proclamations Dr Kazi you are up for both of them on my way good evening and happy New Year everyone uh we have CA proclamation to recognize National human trafficking and Muslim heritage month during The Advisory Board of Health we often invite speakers to talk about matters that impacts health and well-being of our community members last month we had invited Miss Rosanne Carell who is sitting here please come and join us who works for the prenatal addiction prevention project at Center Central Jersey family health Consortium to talk about human trafficking and since January is the national human trafficking prevention month we have a proclamation about this ongoing problem in our nation and want to extend our commitment to increase public awareness and support for those who are victims I'm going to go ahead and read the proclamation whereas human trafficking is a public health issue and crime that exploits the most vulnerable Among Us and weakens the health and well-being of individuals families and communities across Generations whereas more than 20 years since the passing of the trafficking victims protection act human trafficking still exists including the forced or fraudulent recruitment harboring or transportation of people for labor or commercial sex whereas an estimated 26 27.6 million people are subjected to human trafficking globally including cases of human trafficking reported in every US state and territory where whereas human trafficking can happen to anyone but certain population are disproportionately at risk including people affected by abuse violence poverty unstable living situations social disconnection or discrimination whereas people can be trafficked in person and online in Industries such as restaurants domestic work construction agriculture and factories and by strangers or someone they know including employers uh partners and family members whereas human trafficking can be prevented by building individual community and social understanding and resilience reducing social inequalities and addressing the conditions that contributes to exploitation whereas the kba Franklin is dedicated to ensuring anyone impacted by human trafficking can receive services that provide in individualized care understand the impact of trauma and incorporate cultural and linguistic needs whereas a successful response to human trafficking requires a coordinated CommunityWide effort whereas people who have experienced human trafficking have relevant P perspective and expertise and the township of Franklin will encourage and collaborate with them to develop and strengthen trafficking related services and program whereas every individual family community and organization can contribute to enhancing human trafficking awareness prevention and response by learning about ways to help at uh AC there's a website it says ACF h.gov DP and human humant trafficking online.org now therefore we Alex Kazi councilman at large and Philip Kramer mayor of the Franklin Township do hear proclaimed the month of January 2025 as human trafficking prevention month reaffirming our commitment to increase awareness and education on human trafficking make resources available to assist individuals and communities impacted by human trafficking and build diverse public private partnership to support a more comprehensive response to prevent and respond to human trafficking and as I mentioned rosan brought this issue to US during the LA December meeting and we thought that was important for to say a few evening everybody on this cold night right thank you so much for coming so I want to thank you all um for this very brave and most meaningful step to publicly proclaim the Franklin Township community support and recognition of the dangers of human trafficking not only in New Jersey but also all over our country and internationally as well unfortunately New Jersey because of our location on the I95 Corridor right and which provides easy access Philadelphia as well as the events that sports events and different kinds of activities that take place in New Jersey uh the I95 Cora becomes an easy route for traffickers to do what they do and uh I think it's important for us to know that you know this is a hidden PL sight right happens in New Jersey a couple of little incidents to describe you can look these up more Google them and you stories of just last month in December 2024 human trafficking ring was busted in the town of richon right here in Cumberland County and the live in that neighborhood shocked to know what was going on in a house that was on a corner right um in April 2024 a professional medical coup couple doctor psychiatrist and his wife who is a so a doctor from morst toown New Jersey were convicted of trafficking two Nigerian women for several years they had brought them over from Africa promising them jobs and education um these women wound up being women in servitude for these doctors and their family and their children and they were abused after many years of working them and finally brought to light they were convicted that happened professional couple and then in May of 2021 the FBI was at a massive Hindu temple in New Jersey some of you may have heard that story a lawsuit over 200 workers Indian workers would come to the United States were being trafficked in paid about a dollar an hour has to work about 90 hours a week living in very comined quars and not being allowed to leave something so that happened right here right in our state so human trafficking statistics reveal a very sad reality for many behind remember behind every statistic there is a person and so on in 2024 the walkfree foundation estimated that about 50 million people around are currently and these statistics provide a lot of insight into the severity issue um one of the things I want to mention that breaks my heart is child traffic Haring crime impacting children in the United States and all around the world it's important to know that anyone can become a victim of human trafficking and women young boys young girls heartbreaking at one out of four victims or children average age human traffing 11 the length of time themed in that way lessons are particularly vulnerable because of online grooming and more to video games Snapchat social apps and things that friends and so on unknowingly thinking they are making a friend online and then eventually so um all of this can occur child children are trafficed as to do forced labor including domestic servitude working in agriculture factory work child sexual material you name and you know the most chilling fact about all of these situations is that whatever statistics you read I read many articles and the statistics vary no matter what site you happen to go on thing is that no matter what statistics they only reflect a small portion of the report Ed cases Statics that it's impossible to know how many not so I am a member of the New Jersey Coalition against human trafficking uh it is a volunteer organization our website is safer nj.org anyone is welcome to attend the meetings be part of the on to want to be more more active in your committees that you can be on or you could just be a listener and learn more about it that's how I started several years ago and now I'm part of the speakers Bureau learned an awful lot about I'm happy to be here to bring a little bit of awareness all right um you know we are blessed to live in Franken Township which is the second most diverse community in New Jersey because of diversity we have a great opportunity to learn about and celebrate various cultures and traditions and recognizing the tremendous contribution by the Muslim Community in New Jersey Governor Phil morphe designated January of each year as the Muslim heritage month in New Jersey there are many activities and programs across New Jersey to share some of the rich traditions and contribution of Muslims to our nation in our Township a group of volunteers have had several couple of programs already in the library and there are some more so on behalf of the uh the volunteers and sponsors I would like to invite Miss Aisha Ali who is a member of the board of Trustee of the library to join us and and we have a proclamation also and this one will be much shorter than the previous one okay this is a recognition of the Muslim Heritage Month whereas Franklin Township is proud to recognize the contribution of the Muslim Community and declared the month of January as Muslim Heritage Month annually and whereas Franken Township is home to vibrant Muslim Community and whereas Muslims are the world's second largest religious group practicing the Islamic faith representing approximately 25% of the world's population and whereas there are about 3.5 million Muslims in the United States from diverse racial and ethnical backgrounds and they are nearly 300,000 Muslims Americans in New Jersey representing one of the largest Muslim American communities in the United States and whereas Muslims have made significant contribution to our nation throughout history including notable achievements in philosophy mathematics chemistry physics astronomy medicine music agriculture literature and the Arts and more and whereas during the month of January 2025 the Muslims community in Township across and across the state of New Jersey will collectively celebrate mus heritage month and whereas the township of Franklin supports the rights of Rights of all its residents and calls Upon Our Community to eliminate Prejudice amb bigotry as we celebrate the great diversity of our citizens and extend the promise of of our community to all now therefore Shea udine councilwoman Alex Kazi councilman and philli Kramer Mary dobar extends greetings and best wishes to all observant January 2025 as Muslim Heritage Month volunteers who help that are here today if they want to come up and join me uh welcome to come up thank you for coming tonight uh to the council uh council members and the mayor uh on behalf of the Muslim Community I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for re recognizing Muslim musl Heritage Month this Proclamation is Meaningful and fosters inclusivity understanding and mutual respect within our diverse Community we are deeply appreciative of the leadership and vision that made this recognition possible this year we were able to celebrate Muslim heritage month with events at our Franklin Township Library these events included the showing of a film about a historical hero from the Arabian Peninsula an event for parents and their children over popcorn and snacks also an art class for both younger and older children on on geometric patterns geometric patterns have been an ornamental form of Basics uh ornamental form of Islamic Art representing interlocking and infinitely repeating patterns the next two upcoming events which include another form of art embroidery which originated with the Palestinian culture and lastly there will be a traveling Museum exhibit on America's Islamic Heritage this exhibit showcases artifacts from America's Rich Islamic history including the extensive history of African-American Muslims we hope you take a moment to come participate in these activities and share the experience with your family and friends and a huge heartfelt thank you to the Muslim community members that are here who made this possible through organizing and executing the events as well as the generous donors who help create the opportunity to implement these ideas as well as a thank you to all the library library staff for helping us through the coordinating Logistics of the event thank you very much Franklin is just so lucky we have so many groups that we can celebrate this is one group with a large number of people that I'm just so pleased we can celebrate with them uh and they can teach us about their culture next item item on the agenda is number seven there's copies of the agendas next to the clerk it's appointment of the 2025 Deputy Mayor um it's tradition that the outgoing deputy mayor uh has the first honor of making a nomination cman pnik thank you mayor it's my great honor to nominate my friend sheepa Udin for the position of Deputy Mayor as a one-year position which I know she will do a tremendous job she's a great asset to the community second thank you nominations don't require seconds but you may if you'd like second on very good are there any other nominations for Deputy Mayor hearing none do I have a motion to close nominations some moved second second moved and yeah now you can second uh all in favor of closing nominations say I I say those opposed say nay motion is carried nominations are closed um so we can vote by acclamation uh since there's only one person all in favor of shipu oudin as Deputy Mayor say I I opposed say nay motion is carried congratulations so um Tina jalo uh the surrogate uh judge has offered to do the swearing in and amarie's handy with the paperwork got the family cut hi this Mar good evening evening oh my goodness um peace and blessings to all I'm honored to stand before you as your Deputy Mayor my father was a machine operator and my mom is a housewife working hard to make a living and providing food was not easy easy for a family of five growing up I saw my parents helping neighbors feeding community members celebrating cultures all while balancing our education efforts my mom may not have understood what the teachers were saying about me all good stuff obviously back then but she read the report card very carefully she always said no one can take your education Knowledge from you and she's 100% right I do not take this opportunity lightly to my family it takes a strong family to have their own run for office especially a wife a mother I cannot thank my husband enough for stepping in and helping out he's truly a rock and has been a great father and husband my kids Samra and Elia thank you for having patience and encouraging me to continue serving my residence one of the biggest challenges that people face is the challenge of change change can be difficult even when it is for the better it can be hard to leave behind our comfort zones and step into the unknown however change is also an opportunity to learn and grow it is a chance to try new things and to become the best versions of ourselves actions speak louder than words and trust me I do believe we are all put on this Earth for various reasons I feel like God gave me this ability to take on this and I want to use what God gave me to the fullest extent to help my community my residents to continue to make Franklin not just a good place but a great place to live in with this amazing team that's behind me over the years I have met many people that became my friends mentors advisers and well wishers thank you for all your support and encouragement this does not stop here I'll be making my us ual trips around the town to local businesses to the adult committees to the parks and other places to hear from you guys my friends in town it takes a village and I'm ready to co-lead that Village I will continue to partner with my colleagues to ensure we are able to keep our Municipal Taxes low I will continue to collaborate with my residents on Public Safety Services review infrastructure land use hot ticket and pressing items and deliver results together we're building a bright future for our Township may God bless us may God bless Franklin Township and God bless America thank you so much thank you Deputy Mayor um as I was afraid I forgot uh I forgot some dignitaries uh we also have Linda Williams County Board of Elections here and Ron Jordan the chairman of the democratic local party uh where are we oh time for public discussion do we have a motion to open to the public so mov second move then seconded all in favor of opening to the public say I I opposed say nay motion is carried we are now open to the public anyone wishing to speak about matters of government may do so we're limited to 3 minutes because there's a lot of business to be done today no yielding of time and you may only come up once and Alex is going to turn the podium oh evening and happy New Year everybody I bring greetings from the Somerset County Commissioners and um constitutional officers we're grateful for Franklin who does an excellent job I'm sorry name and address I forgot this Tina d s Benjamin Griggs Drive Franklin Park New Jersey thank you anyway I bring greetings and thank you for everything you do in Franklin and especially thank you to the dep new uh Deputy Mayor congratulations anyone else wishing to speak man you're seeing no one else coming forward on motion just walked in once to speak assemblyman Danielson is now here do you wish to speak wonderful I thought you were going to give him his own whole time like I didn't know the answer to that question I spoke for you quiet everyone happy New Year everybody excuse me name and address please address I live at 429 Canal Road the mayor's basement uh this a great time to be alive and even better time to be a resident of Franklin Township I like to just thanks Council for doing such a good job being a steward of our tax dollars and u a custodian of the entire town uh I know the weight it's on your shoulders uh I'll keep this short um so you know I also want to say I've enjoyed in the last year the Partnerships I've had with you all as individuals and the group and I look forward to doing doing the same uh in the coming year and just remember I'm always at your service thank you thank you that hissing sound you might have heard is was the oxygen being sucked out of the room um okay I see no one coming El no one else coming forward so a motion to close a public portion second moved in second and all in favor of closing public portion say I I opposed say nay May motion is carried public session is closed um I don't think we have much to address from the questions so we're on to item number 10 2025 appointments of attorneys and professionals all terms are one year ending December 31st 2025 um do I have a nomination for the township attorney yes mayor um did you want to give a moment to the public to oh okay yes clear mhm you go night end all right yes you didn't come yes we're just waiting for several people that are uh leaving at the moment continue in a moment we don't want to make loose sweat back there I'm going to nominate proud to nominate again Lewis and reown from own Conlin Mello LLC as our Township attorney are there any other nominations I move that the nominations be closed second then second and all in favor of closing nominations say I I post say nay nominations are closed since it's a single person we can do it by acclamation all in favor of lure known as Township attorney say I I opposed say nay motion is passed congratulations Mr renown all the competition EXC congratulations like magic so you can't bill us for the time you were here until right now um nominations for tax appeal councel uh I would like to nominate Peg schaer of Shane schaer are there any other nominations do I have a motion to close nominations motion to close second moved and seconded all in favor of closing nominations say I I I poos say nay nominations are closed uh by acclamation all in favor of uh Margaret schaer Shane schaer uh as our uh tax appeal councel say I I oppos say nay motion is carried congratulations Miss schaer uh nominations for Bond counsel Mr Mayor I'd like to nominate Ed Johnson of w attorneys at law there any other nominations we have a motion to close nominations so mov second move then seconded all in favor of closing nominations say I I oppos say nay motion is is carried nominations are closed by acclamation all in favor of uh the appointment say I I I oppose say nay congratulations Mr ever Johnson nominations for Township auditor I nominate Robert W swisser of sub Clooney and Company are there any other nominations for Township auditor do I have a motion that nominations be closed so moved second moved then second and all in favor of closing nomination say I I oppose say nay motion is carried do we have a nomination for the I mean do we have all in favor of the appointment say I I opposed say nay congratulations uh nomination for Township engineer Mr Right Turn on your mic please C turn on your mic please sorry about that um Robert Russo Robert Russo from CM me as our Township engineer okay are there any other nominations do have a motion that nominations be closed so moved do have a second second Mo then second and all in favor of closing nominations say I I oppos say nay um my nominations are closed to have a motion on the appoint I'm I'm sorry all in favor of the appointment say I I oppose say nay congratulations C and Mr Russo Mr Mayor could I just interject one thing um so I I I just wanted to recognize that Darren Mazy from CME is here in the audience Tonight Darren while is not the township engineer does the heavy lift of Township engineering work so I think it's him you know it's uh certainly appropriate to recognize the fact that he's here tonight thank you okay moving on to item number 11 appointments of the chief Municipal j court judge a threeyear term ending on December 31st 2027 prosecutor and public Defender uh prosecutors and public defender oneyear terms ending in December 31st 2025 to I have a nomination for the chief Municipal Court Judge Mr Mayor I nominate Morin Bella nomination for marine Bella do we have any other nominations do I have a motion that nominations be closed mov second moved in second and all in favor of closing nominations say I I po say nay motion is carried nominations are closed we have a uh those in favor of the appointment say I I oppos say nay congratulations Miss F judge v um nominations for Township prosecutor to have a nomination the mayor mayor I nominate Muhammad s jalo we have any other nominations I move nominations be closed we have a second second within second all in favor of closing nominations say I I I vot say nay nominations are closed um all in favor of Mr jallo say I I opposed say nay congratulations Mr jalo nominations for associate prosecutor Mr Mayor I would like to nominate Norman W Albert from law office of Norman W Albert as the associate prosecutor are there any other nominations for associate prosecutor I move to close nominations you have a second I second that move then second and all in favor of closing nominations say I I oppos say nay motion is carried uh nominations are closed um all in favor of Mr Albert uh for associate prosecutor say I I I oose say nay motion is carried congratulations Mr Mr Albert nominations for alternate Township uh prosecutor you have a nomination I nominate Ryan Albert Ryan Albert any other nominations we have a motion nominations be closed so moved second we then second and all in favor of closing nominations say I I oppos say nay congratulations Mr Albert do have nomination for public defender yes I'd like to nominate uh Dennis o there any other nominations for Public Defense sir I move nominations be closed second moved in seconded all in favor of closing nominations say I I opposed say nay nominations are closed all in favor of Mr oelo say I I opposed say nay congratulations s Mr oel on now on to item number 12 boards committees commissions appointments and reappointments uh resolution 25-1 through 25-4 as listed in the agenda are presented to the township Council for adoption to have a motion so moved second and seconded anyone want to Mayor you need a mic please yes Mr Mayor for the uh Recreation advisory committee I would like to and it was a late entry for Miss Kim banks in Banks yes okay thank you there any other nominations for that position hearing none we can do this well we have to no uh we have to yeah I'll second his motion I second it all in favor of Miss Banks say I I poos saying nay um M Banks has been appointed now on the rest of the resolution to have a motion so moved oh wait we already did that Kimberly and then me I'm sorry I I got confused so now we have a roll call on the rest of the um appointments councilwoman franois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman n jaka yes council member pnik yes Deputy Mary Dean yeah councilman vasella yes councilman M yes um next item is item number 13 the May orial appointments appointment for the trustee Library board 5-year term ending December 31st 2029 Aisha ali uh will retain her position appointment of uh mayor's designate trustee to the library turn uh of Library Board of Trustees for the one-year ter ending December 31st 2025 um Zach lickman will retain his position and the appointment of a class one member to the planning board for one-year term ending December 31st 2025 Robert Lort will retain his position next item is Council comments so I get to take a rest um Mr Dr Kazi councilman Kazi thank you my friend Mr karazi thank you so much Mr Mayor uh first of all let me congratulate one more time uh Deputy Mayor she and uh for this wonderful appointment appointment and we're looking forward uh also congratulation to all the appointees as well as the nominees and also I want to extend special thanks to all the volunteers who serve various committees boards and commissions and as volunteers you exemplified the best Franklin to offer and we are grateful for your um support and dedication to serve your town um it has been a privilege and honor to have an opportunity to serve franklen Community as councilman we have accomplished quite a bit last year and I'm looking forward for a great year ahead uh there are few areas that I would like to see impactful accomplishment and I will look forward to working with our team Township manager and anyone else to achieve results of course keeping our communities safe and taxes low are on top of our uh our list thanks to our great police department and our Township leaders and staff these uh two always have been in our mind but I have a few wish since the beginning of the year i' like to to share with you number one is I'd like to continue implementing programs and increase awareness to improve Health Equity last year year we pres we were presented with data showing that there are major gaps in health among members of our community for example life expectancy of people living in W 4 versus W one is almost eight years apart improving equity in health and well-being will be an area that we will continue to work on the second is area of job training and employment we have alloc us some funds for job training and we look for another opportunities to continue providing job training and employment food security is an item of great interest to many stakeholders under leadership of Samy Shaban and we hope this to continue on that effort as well I also would like to look forward to be engaged in two great nonprofit pro project in our town the first one is building a new building for food bank as you know Food Bank does a great job and they need a bigger place and a better place to serve the increasing need of a community so we all need to support to make that project a reality the second one is YMCA after joining the scatter with YMCA I recogniz in firsthand the great opportunities it provides to the community be employment improve wellbeing of the participant and bring in the diverse Community together just to mention a few I hope we can have our own ymco in our Township and I know several stakeholders including our mayor councilman Rah assemblyman Joe Danielson and few Community leaders are working with YMCA to make that happen and this is really my great hope that we will will start groundbreaking for these two project this year uh some upcoming meetings that I am liaison they are tomorrow we have two meetings actually the trail meeting starting at 700 p.m. an Advisory Board of Health meeting starting at 7:30 p.m. both will be in this building one will be across the hall and the other one will be in this Cham and we have couple of uh speakers from prevention resources and we we hope that you can join us and uh listen to them we also have human relations commission meeting coming up on January 22nd starting 700 p.m. and one of our new members Miss satar will talk about the Vol her volunteer activities in the community and she's sitting right there finally during the holidays I had the opportunity to participa in Grand Opening of McDonald on Eastern Avenue it was really a great win and and we wish them the best of luck thank you Mr Mayor thank you councilman Oni jaka mayor I want to use this opportunity to congratulate shiper as the deputy mayor and also Mohamad sjo for his new position I congratulate you all through last year was very peaceful until 24th of uh December we noticed that um some individuals were breaking into some of the cars around that area they called me and informed me about the situation so what I did was I sent a text to the Police director and what and uh I had discussion with her the police department do into action to cont what was going on and also he said she she told me that thee tenants anytime they notice such a thing that they should call the police department and at the same time everything was completely under control I use this opportunity to thank our Police Department including the police this director thank you mayor that is what I have for tonight thank you councilwoman franois thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the volunteers that have been nominated today to all the boards and commissions and committees we appreciate you giving of your time and your talent and we look forward to all the contributions that you will make to this great Township in 2025 I'd like to say that we've had a very prosperous year in 2024 and I'm looking forward to another prosperous blessed and healthy year in 2025 congratulations to our Deputy Mayor and happy New Year everybody God bless thank you thank you councilman vasella thank you mayor yes also congratulations to our new Deputy Mayor sheep Odin I know you're going to do a wonderful job in that position uh all the professionals that we um made part of our team many returning again and um we're blessed with many wonderful professionals that have been with us a long time and new ones that that that also come um most importantly the volunteers I know was said but really when you think about it they're not getting paid they've a different focus and I know we have uh sincere employees and professionals but uh those people who who step up to the plate with with nothing but the satisfaction as their payment uh they are special people and we're blessed to have them um the only thing I'm going to really mention is we had a public works meeting tonight we just didn't do the reor and uh one thing we did is go over a presentation that uh involves some high-tech approaches to making our Public Works across the board um and even spill over into other aspects but uh to make our public works or infrastructure or Land Management more efficient um and uh it's interesting we vet it and see where it goes but when it comes down to it it really is the people out there the residence that um can play a really important contributing proactive part of our town uh being uh safe being uh beautiful and bringing to our attention uh the things we need to do or do better we have have portals online to do that we also have nine people sitting up here well 10 including the manager and the clerk over there really 11 who please bring to our attention either through private email or through the portals that provide an opportunity and hold us accountable and if you see something that you think needs special attention uh please reach out to us because uh we want to be responsive it's a big town and we know there's a lot of issues and a lot of concerns um and I look forward to serving you again and um thank you mayor have a happy New Year everyone thank you council member pz nick uh thank you mayor just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year congratulations to Deputy Mayor oudin and um I'm looking forward to a wonderful 2025 together thank you no further comments councilman Ro Mr Mayor just two little announcements on February 15th 2025 from 2:00 p.m. to 6: a.m. excuse me from 2: p.m. to 6:00 p.m. join us at the Franklin Township senior center for the underground experience which will give you a walk through black history as if you were in a wax museum where the characters actually come to life and tell their story giving you an insight as to how the struggle progressed the event is free but you must sign up for a time slot as only a certain amount of people 0 to 15 can come through the underground experience at a time this Black History Month presentation the underground experience is sponsored by the simet County Democratic caucus Black Caucus and alpha alpha excuse me I'm sorry don't don't get me now I'm sorry I'm sorry Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority Inc new Kai chapter please look forward to finding the Flyers around town so you could sign up to gain this new experience now I'm going to tell you we called all over the place looking for a spot for this and Franklin Township was eager to give us a spot now they have programs in the morning afternoon in the evening but we went all over the place and we finally got a spot for this uh interesting uh uh activity now I want everybody to come uh sign up and see what you've been missing not just the stuff you see on the uh in the textbooks about one person over and over and over and over we want to give you somebody different we want to give you somebody new we want to give you somebody to go home and think about Che one for a while and say hey I didn't know that and that's interesting so uh come on down uh Miss jly would be there along with her son and uh we'll have fun and I'm sorry about a it should have been Alpha Kappa Alpha SAR I'm sorry she'll be there with both of her twin Sons I'm sorry the ones that look alike it's an inside joke inside joke thank you Mr Mayor thank you Mr Wright Deputy Mayor oudin thank you and congratulations to all nominations nominees um just couple things I don't think we have an update on the master plan traffic study there's no date has been assigned yet um we're still tracking that as there has as there is a date formalized I will let you know um Mark will announce that as well as our Township will make sure that um you are notified so as of now there hasn't been a date um list so that's TBD um there has been some changes of the traditional signage on new Bruns Road and David zav um so thank you to some of the residents that brought that to my notice and that has been changed um other than that I think uh councilman vas mentioned about the Public Works meeting that we had just uh right before the council meeting and we are tracking and looking um for ways that we can create efficiency as well as automate and kind of build in some technology into some of our Township activities so um more to come from there um happy New Year and uh you know wishing for a great year ahead thank you thank you for my comments happy New Year congratulations Deputy Mayor my uh areas of concentration will be taxes as always we have some challenges there this year working towards building the YMCA building a preschool that would be free to everyone uh in conjunction obviously with the Board of Education doing something about speeding which is a problem throughout the town and supporting our diversity and safety in the town uh Mr manager what do you have for us thank you Mr Mayor several items to report on um one I I'll just hopefully go in chronological order here on this Saturday January 11th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Franklin Township Animal Shelter there will be a free dog rabies clinic um you will also be able to register your dog for their 2025 dog license at the clerk's office in the municipal building on that same day payment for dog licenses must be by cash or check only um next event one that near and dear to my heart um on Monday January 20th at 8:30 a.m. at the Double Tree Hotel on hrim drive off Davidson Avenue um will be the Franklin Township's annual Dr Martin Luther King community breakfast um the keynote speaker this year is Bonnie Watson Coleman our uh local congresswoman with the US House of Representatives uh um the regular admission is $60 and tickets will not be sold at the door and I know from having a conversation with the current president of the Martin Luther King uh organization Sean heon that tickets are selling out if you are interested in going you need to go online the website is ftml k.org and uh secure your ticket I secured mine last week um and I like to brag a little bit we've been doing this since 1998 and there's now only two of us who have been to every single event myself and Alice is citz and I believe Alice will be there again this year um so it's it's a really nice breakfast uh it's not about the breakfast as much as the fellowship with people um who share common interest in in our town and uh and it's always nice they there's always a a nice keynote speaker in this year certainly Bonnie Watson Coleman has done a great deal for our town and it'll be nice to have her as the guest of honor at this year's breakfast and then last um is on Wednesday January 22nd right here in this room from 5:30 to 7:30 um there will be a veterans Town Hall being sponsored by two people who are currently in this room assemblyman Danielson in the back and mayor Kramer in the front um and uh no registration is necessary all are welcome um this veterans town hall is uh also going to have um some vendors and representatives of organizations out in the lobby um for anyone who wants to get assistance with any of the state government veterans programs um that are offered and I'm sure that uh as assemblyman Danielson often Works towards uh assisting veterans in any way he can this is just another another way for the mayor and the assemblyman to do that so I think that's all I have for you tonight Mr Mayor thank you uh there's no Council discussion item uh we're on to the minutes I present the following minutes to the township Council for their approval uh the council work session regular meeting of October 22nd do I have a motion on the minutes so moved second move then seconded any discussion anyone want to point out some changes Madam clerk councilwoman Francois yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Ona yes council member pnik yes Deputy Mayu Dean yes councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes warrants time to pay the bills warrants in the amount of 15,480 18616 on December 31st 2024 are presented to the township Council for payment we have a motion on the warrants I move that the warrants as read be paid second move then seconded any discussion anyone want to pull an item question an item Madam clerk councilwoman franois yes councilman karazi mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes council member basnik Deputy Mayor Udin yes councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes Deputy Mayor oudin sounds good uh public hearing and Adoption of on second readings ordinance 4 5 4458 a-24 an ordinance to amend the municipal code of the township of Franklin County and Somerset state of New Jersey more particularly chapter 81 affordable housing by adding new article two municipal housing liaison is presented uh for public hearing and final adoption the public hearing has been noticed as required to have a motion to open for public hearing on this item so move second and second and all in favor say I I oppos say nay motion is carried we are open for public hearing on this item only seeing no one coming forward mayor a motion to close public portion on this hearing for this ordinance we have a second seconded within seconded all in favor say I I say nay motion is carried public session is closed do have a motion to adopt second then seconded any discussion on the item Madam clerk councilwoman Francois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka yes council member vasnik yes Deputy Mayor Dean yes councilman vasella yes councilman Wright yes we have no ordinances on introduction and first reading so items time for the consent agenda this is a monster consent agenda yes items a through a r as listed in the consent agenda portion of this meeting are presented to the township Council for adoption do we have a motion so moved have a second Charles seconded second okay discussion anyone like to pull an item uh mayor if you can separate uh resolution 2547 on my agenda says AQ the vote separately okay we we will pull that uh from the consent agenda for now uh any other discussion and I just wanted to confirm I read somewhere on here can't find it now because it is a very large res uh consent agenda we will be changing the meeting date um in June for a council meeting to a Thursday and I believe that's in response to the legislature changing our primary date and I'm just want to confirm that and resolution AO AO thank you and if the clerk could just uh confirm that that is the uh yes we're changing because the primary has been changed thank you any other discussion okay so this is on consense agenda a through a with the the absence of AQ Madam clerk councilwoman Francois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes council member pnik yes Deputy Mayor oudin yes councilman vasella yes councilman right yes resolution 2547 item AQ extended compet competitive extend competitive contract consultant Administration agent of affordable housing program Central Jersey Housing Resource Center amount not to exceed $66,000 to have a motion on this item so moved seconded seconded any discussion mam clerk councilwoman Francois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka yes council member basnik yes Deputy Mayor rine hi yes Council vasella obain councilman Wright and thank you council vasella do you care to explain why you abstained oh I I'm yes mayor I abstained because I'm a longtime Board of trustee member of the um Central Jersey for Housing Resource Center thank you so you're avoiding a conflict of interest it was a volunteer position but nonetheless very good IEM we're on to item number 22 resolutions to be voted on separately establish affordable housing oh sorry resolution 25-49 establish affordable housing ad hoc committee and appoint members do we have a motion on that so moved seconded moved and seconded for discussion this is going to be a committee to obviously discuss affordable housing in parallel with the land use commit committee this gets more people involved at a detailed level um any other discussion Madam clerk councilwoman Francois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni Jaa yes council member basnik yes Deputy Mary Dean councilman vasella yes councilman rright yes we Have No old business to discuss uh or to present um I item number 24 executive session resolution 25-50 authorize executive session attorney client privilege Charter School request has presented to Township Council for adoption to have a motion to go into exec session moved in second and any discussion uh all um Madame clerk councilwoman Francois yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka yes council member pnik Deputy Mayor oudan councilman vasella councilman rright yes so council is now going to go into executive session when we come out of EXE for