##VIDEO ID:tnDPaqHk31A## in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the stage of New Jersey adequate notice of the Wednesday September 11th 2024 meeting of the Franklin Township Trails advisory committee was posted on the Township's website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting will take place at the municipal building at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday September 11th 202 call uh Vanessa Jones pres and Marie oreski present Christopher gond Kowski here Patel uh proes La councilman karazi and did I miss anybody no we're missing Robert kovak Robert kak right now okay the next item on the agenda is the approval of the August 4 15 2024 minutes I just had one question under six new business micro Mobility plan first one what's nv5 oh that's the Consultant Group who's stud is that their name nv5 awesome I was like what is n okay I could add it in just to they are I think it's fine that's what we've been referring to them as question though was Robert was not on the call in this last month he was not he was not there was some confusion with u i I meant to go back and uh review the recording for the minutes uh but the township didn't upload the recording I wasn't sure if we were use it I think it was yeah it was like the in between time I think where everything was switching over so I don't know if that one got you know lost the shuffle or whatever so but it's okay I think I mean from what I can see I was able to follow him it looks like he captured everything I think at least [Music] so we're looking at the the June minutes right no I thought you were looking at August August I'm sorry the date is oh the date is the June okay okay I didn't even cat I did not even notice that yeah August August 14th right um yes August 14th okay got it number three as well accidental catch I actually oh yeah you're right number three needs to be changed then re update yeah oh yeah there okay so should we prove them there well that one number three would stay right because at the August meeting you were approving the June minutes true correct correct oh my goodness we can approve them as amended I just fixed it here so yeah you don't have to resign them to you whatever when we post them I'll fix it a motion make a motion to approve the minuts yes second all in favor I hearing itions motion carries um next item is public comments see that there's nobody here from the public um we can move on to the next item site plan review so no site plan review right now um I do think though that next month there will be a site plan review I'm pretty sure I have something that um is being discussed at o Open Space advisory committee next week so I think at the ne our next meeting we'll have a site plan review you mention anything or or not until it's public I can't right now only because it's under negotiation but I should be able to at next next meeting so and there's still no update as far as like the Kmart uh complex Department building there I know we nothing new that I've been that's come before us so at the environmental commission so one thing that I didn't put on the agenda but we probably want to think about I don't know this really doesn't come under site plan review but maybe we can put it under other business is the County Route 518 property I do want to talk about that potential it's not really site plan review but that County Five County Route 518 property which we use for hunting the parking lot for hunting is now in it's like a sixc car lot and it's really looks great it leads right up to the woods so now that there's a parking area there we can really think about putting some trails in there because they're now is a place for people to park their cars so I think we should start thinking about that so I we can either if we have time maybe we can add it under old business or new business whatever you think item each perfect oh for new business probably um moving on to new business the things to do map so the things to do map so thank you Jim for finding some of the things to do map which was excellent um I had put this on before you found it but that's great that you did because of Franklin day coming up so I basically have been trying to hunt down where all the files like the digital GIS mapping files are for the things to do Mapp and as as you know I was having a hard time finding out who printed it where is it because it goes back to started before Fran who was the previous consultant before me then she did most of the work for it but then someone else ordered it someone else made the map so it was a hole to do so anyway finally um Bob born Locker was able to help me go all the way back and find what happened so basically we don't the files that made up the map at the time they were not like what they are today like the way that we did our trails maps using like actual ground truth um layers that those don't exist for the the current things to do map however we do have those Trails now in that in that type of file we do have the open space in that kind of file so basically we could redo the things to do map and have it updated and like I know it's still basically up to date but the files are still relatively old and we do have better mapping layers now to use um one thing he brought up that I thought was an interesting thing is on arcgis which is the mapping platform that most people use uh maybe like two three years ago they came out with this online platform that's very userfriendly and it basically is like an interactive map and you can add layers you can search certain things to do for example so he said maybe we would want to think about updating the things to do map and making it like an online interactive map that you could scan with your QR code you could use it the one thing he did remember is a long time ago the reason the things to do map was not reprinted apparently the cost was astronomical to print those Maps it was really really really expensive so his thought is he thinks updating it I guess like the township wants to put out the most current map we can the things the do map is from 2017 so it's relatively old if we're able to update it we could update it and do it that way put it on the website I mean we could I guess print it again but I don't know that the printing of the map from that time is going to be a doable thing so that's kind of where we're at so I just wanted to run that by and see what you think well the things to do be is just a fantastic visual guide when you're doing community outreach it just has everything there I mean you can shove a thing here do a QR code but when you have a map that people can relate to that we can show it just brings another level to it so I think maybe doing a combination of things I think having the latest and greatest would be great but also having something visual that we can present to the public when we do community outreach things yeah we could do it but I think the amount of printing that we would be able to do is going to be a lot less than what was printed before so they're too expensive to give out as and community events but to have a few available when we do our Outreach to have a visual I think it's it's really print it out as posters like you know poster size print outs that would be great because you're looking at Outreach events then in that case right have you seen them yeah don't know color but I don't know and to reduce the cost people I don't know if we could do them in black and white the size I just I like the the the iteration before this was it wasn't it was color but it wasn't like as glossy and it wasn't as big it was double-sided remember the um so the other one was about here it was about this big he was double-sided and um I don't know if it was FL cost but I I am I agree with you we don't need to have if we don't have out okay um but I I do think that we want to have we want to have our big our roll up one we have the rollup one for the event which is great um and I think but to have a couple extras for us to have I know when I meet people in the trail parking lots like this is something that I like to show them and hey R how are you um it's okay you made it so I like the look of this St I mean I I honestly I like this better than the new map like I like this better I like the old black and white was better than the so like to me I don't want to keep you know like in more expensive Direction um I don't know so I feel like I think we need to keep updating this okay so we have printing it to have and I know the same it person like a long time I we just did this yeah our data that we have is much more precise and it's much more updated than what is shown on these Maps like there's open space properties that they're not on this map so so I don't know how much that map cost personally off the top of my head all I was told was that it was very very high um the maps that we just printed the maps for Trails we printed I can tell you how many we printed I want to say we printed 500 Maps I think is that correct and they were in color it was like $800 to print in color so it's printing and that was just like the trails masap regular paper so this is probably I'm sure a lot more you know yeah it's good call it was seven years ago but still has wonderful photos on there it's a ni m well what's the so how many would you want to print what if we had something like a stand up would you have a stand up in this we have this in the stand up we have our events we have the two one is like the trails advisory committee signed and this is the other one so we do have that and also the QR code for this so people when they come to see it we can say okay here's a QR c yeah I think we need to add that I think we need right to get in if it's on the website then I'm sure it's it's on the website in it's PDF form so basically if you go to our website you pull it up as a PDF so it's not as user friendly what we can do when we decide to update it is we can use the argis software which basically allows you the user to click on say you're only interested in seeing just Trails you can click on the trails button only the trails will come up and click on the trail it'll tell take you to the website like it's very interactive um so but that would be like a web base it's meant to be web base if we wanted to make a PDF we could and reprint it but we had PDF and we can have a QR code associated with that PDF yeah oh definitely we can have that available for people so it directs them to our website for that PDF file I number of people will just go with the Q there they can always do but there going to be people that they love to see about right it's nice to have it but it's expensive again you know it's coming from the ta's to me this is like more it's just it's more of a marketing tool because even with this it's not like a trail map they would still need the individual trail maps for the trails it's not just for Trails it's it's it's all history historical society so all well that's things to do and this is seven years ago you said yes yeah things has changed they have still near Kramer Flip Flip the other flip it on the other side when we update it like one thing we can do here is like like it says mayor 2017 like which will date it you know um but the meadows and stuff is on here which is great uh so I Trails I mean I mean it's nice to have all that other stuff it's wonderful um I've always just considered the trail map but you're right it's not I think the intention of this when this first came to be was was about exposing people all the Franklin has to offer he to put the map on one page because the the old Maps had this part on the second page on the other side it's like so confusing that's why it's this size so we have everything on one p yeah yeah just for the noral of it yeah I mean it's it's a unique thing I know so well here's the thing so we can we can absolutely propose that this be reprinted I can get a quote and bring it to open space advisory next week it's probably going to be in the thousands I would in the Thousand print and I don't know that I can't guarantee that that's going to be a go unless you want to print a smaller batch and keep them for ourselves not think I'm thinking small but there's like 50 of them so that could be enough yeah yeah yeah until it's updated if we can make QR code stickers we can make QR code stickers and put them on our so we have our own individual copies and then if we're taking them out and showing to people they can scan the QR code that's a good idea um to get it but I don't know I don't think that people are going to really go to it that much because they're going to end up going to the actual trail map Trails this is to wet their appetite to what there's available in in Franklin Township what what if we uh have the QR code for this right we make it available and depending on the cost probably is going to be $115 maybe even more I don't know to print this maybe we can have it we can sell it and then that way we have it in a hard copy like this and it's going to be like $10 $15 I don't know how much is it's going to be I don't know I don't know if we can sell it is the thing I'm not 100% sure we might be able to I just don't know where the uh it's something to think about for sure there's another way is to find sponsors to print these and give it out yeah yeah definitely do that and they'll put their logo somewhere on here that's the thing we'll be selling business we we have businesses we can put their business's logo or something like that if someone pays for it they're going to have their name on here do we want to have their name on here I don't know if I want to have a marketing tool like that I rather we can just say maybe we'll have their cards attached to it when be giv out something like that sponsor by this business but she's right there going to be thousands of dollars if you're going to go ahead and print a lot of so for the new bird blind how's that say what if like what if we did what if we just printed them like this size yeah like if we just print you know what I mean like I feel like like it' be the same ratio yeah a smaller if we wanted to have it like this be I think Vis I don't know we took the pictures off reason it was this size because if they shrunk it to a certain size everything would beable to fit the whole Township on you want just a map that has just all of our trails at can make a map like that where he takes all of our new Trail data and put it on there but he won't be able to put like the pictures and stuff on something that size it's going to be too jammed probably I would think like the the open space and stuff yes but like all these pictures and stuff on this something that size they're going to be it's going to be tight ter do you do we have a printer to Ste it Dash Down say one of this one of this they our printer might be able to that mean we can take theups office office they might be able ask for sure umed on the paper I guess the first question is this do do we want to update start here actually let's start here actually let's start here let's start here do we want to update this map good idea I would say yes using the web based yes system I want it to look like that I don't want it to look like this yeah well no it won't look like that cuz that is a Trails map this is like a map yeah this is like a presentation map right so we can update it however if we update it using the webbased system it's really we kind have a PDF made of it and we can make it look like a presentation map but the real usefulness of it is to use it online so we definitely could make a printed version that people can have but really we want to direct them to the website because the website will not only like if you click on one of those pictures it's going to bring you to the website it's going to tell you the hours they're open it's going to show you like other photo like it's much more informative unless we or we want to just update it into like a PDF file like this so those are the two eventually we going to have some in digital format so it's better yes absolutely Cod yeah code will be there map will be there look at it decide if you want to have the uh okay so we are into updating it I can talk to at about the different options for printing it out or keeping it digital so I I think minimally we just want to have it for events and to update our Banner like our whatever you want to call the Roll Up So eventually we're going to want to update the roll up so minimally we want it for that okay and so um and I think it' be nice to have a few for us to use as marketing tools but not need to do whole full print to give out we don't need to give them out maybe we're giving them out in the past do we can't do that again so what about reprinting some of them as is in the short term because updating it is going to take some time you we have the so we don't need to print anymore in the short term for Franklin day J save the day no in the short term cleaning okay all right so okay so I think that's a good thing I think that really is good so all right so you guys have some I think out of what you found though we should take I think everyone here has one now right we should take maybe like 10 of those out and put them to the side like for other like if you want to take an event and Sh them so of that if we're not going to reprint like a small amount just in the interim you know are you able to show us what aay might look like in our Township's current interactive GIS map so well I have the SD so this doesn't exist yet like we would basically be creating it we have the software to create it but we don't have the um actual thing up but I can show you an example is in AR online right um it's in sdl which is like a online tax based system but hold on I can show you so Somerset County uses the arcgis story boards and it's really good it really is good let me just find uh let me see if I can find suers county maps I guess it's under let's see uh so these are this is like kind of this is like their static Maps right so this is all it's not a thing s do map but it's this is like a presentation map of like the county complex right um if you go I think it might be this the geospatial platform so okay so okay so what you can do let me see if I can find one uh maybe they agriculture appap let's see okay so this is called like discover Somerset County Agriculture sorry I have to agree and this is you don't have to have special um like software on your computer for this or anything like that just try to see if I can find the map here preserved land application huh uh Pinterest okay give me one second I'm sorry let me see if I can find the right spot this looks like it's the a web page I don't want that I want like their story apps okay hold on on GIS web mapping application I don't I feel like that's not it okay maybe this is it maybe this one will work Farmers Mark okay this is it so this is an example this one is farmers markets and Somerset County so you basically they've put all the farmers markets in Somerset County and this is in the argis online system so basically when someone wants to update it they go in update it and it automatically updates everything but say you're interested in like this farmers market for example so it brings you okay this is the English farm it gives you the address you can click on it and it shows you all this different type of information here for some reason my computer's like being in a pain but here we go full size so you can go into full size you can click um hold on once you click well now it's like acting up of course but basically that's kind of the gist of what I'm talking about so it would have the trails on here and the historic sites and all that and then you would be able to click on the site get information about it the website for it would be there you could click on that and then uh you can zoom in you can select certain things you want to view or you don't want to view yeah it is it's cool and like on for their a here so see they've also separated into food Nursery if you want to see a upic event you can click on that and it takes you there gives you nice pictures of the place you know so you can basically find all that stuff out and they maintain this in their GIS office so that's like kind of the thing that we're thinking about like long-term uh update now this you couldn't print out like this though clearly like that's the thing so we'd have to have a version if we wanted to have print out version we'd have to have a version that's like the PDF which is fine too that's easy enough to do so do they have the option of like you click on the town and then it would take you either to the town's website or to Trails and we could definit we could do that we could add that I don't know if it's on if it's like attached to this but in the metadata that pops up we could have a link to our trails maps or to if it's like The Meadows Foundation like Historic Site we could link it to that so we definitely have the option to put however much data we want you know with each point it just depends on what we want so that's just one example there's other ones too but I can't find like what I'm looking for but the county does have some really great um I think this is just like their tax map I don't think this is like a interactive map but anyway so as you can see well it is actually so as you can see that kind of that's kind of what we're thinking I don't know and and if you guys think like oh no this is not what we wanted then that's fine too there's no uh no pressure either way it's good to me well I think it's just for the present right so I think this is great for online and this is great for marketing in person right right Community event especially like you know people who would want to see they don't want to look at a screen yeah yeah yeah otherwise we'll need to bring a screen that big and like [Music] so can we is that something that can we uh request that that we update this but for just for the for signage purp purposes and ultimately for printing like let's say you know 20 copies of um and uh to have it that way absolutely and can we but can we keep it like looking like this yeah if you want to keep it looking like that for sure yeah like versus what the new maps look like well yeah the new maps are trails maps so that this is a totally different thing I know but the trails are on here no but this is like for this is for presentation so has pictures and things like that on it so you want to keep it like a visual like no I'm talking about the trails part like I want the trails part to still look like this versus just an overview like you know how like we have like the new one here it's just kind of I don't know to me that's a better quality than this um okay we could I'm just trying to see what the difference like I'm trying to understand what the different hold look at my map here I want to see what I'm looking at because I just want to make sure I understand correctly what you mean um so you want the trails to still look like like the lines that they are here yeah and then like this is like this has like the green this has like a photo back behind it you know whereas that you want the tax you want yeah oh yes you don't want the aial photo on the back right we don't need all the different colors no no that will not be there because yes this will be very simple and just that the trails like all the trails will be all one color for each section we're not going to delineate each and every Trail but we will use the the updated data which is just a little I mean it doesn't really make a difference at this scale but yes I understand what you're saying I yes I agree with you and that'll stay the same we won't show all the different colors and the aerial photo background and all that photo background contrast would be better yep yep absolutely okay awesome yeah I think that'll that there yes that'll work okay okay so so we're good with the things to do for now and the devel development anding of the trails maps non color do we already cover that as well no we didn't cover that yet okay um okay so when we have the open space meeting next week then I'm not going to request any printing of these in the short term just to hold us over no okay all right got it okay got it all right that works okay so I'll talk to at about like getting started on what does he need from us to update it and all that kind of kind of things because I'm going to have to find out cu like I said when we are I think is one who did it who did this he put the layers on this map right so I think if I'm understanding correctly the printer that was worked with came cuz to make a presentation map that's like a graphic person that made this so I think this printer is the one that turned the layers into that map he did do the gis work like creating the actual layers and whatnot but I don't think he created that actual map okay so which is fine yeah well this is the second at least a second iteration because the other the other one once again was front and back right right so that I don't know what year that was done see if I have any copies of those hanging in my dining room actually but uh okay all right so I will talk to him about because when we're updating and creating like a web based system we need to have the metadata like the data behind it all figured out what do we want in it so we're going to start thinking about like what kind of information do we want out there and but I'll find out from him how the best way to start that off is do you guys want to like because we're talking about the trails versus things to do do we want to like just do the trail part or do we want to because I mean the things to update things to do is going to be more comprehensive it involves other committees exactly involve like you know anything else any other interested group of the township they may want their stuff in their ask open space all those people are in open space right should ask open space so on the things to do map on there is it looks like historic commission worked with it I don't know if Recreation did just the parks I mean just yeah I don't know if uh I see the spooky BR Golf Course creational also is here here then and I see the Heritage there I see some museums there so I think it is so probably Recreation we'll talk to open space cuz they have representatives from Recreation on there too so we will if they don't want to do I mean I think it's a good thing to have but if they don't want to do it we could just do the sure I think yeah I think that they so pretty things I would uh if you um can I have a motion to open for public comment second all right hey Mr Chris Kelly how are you hi um I was actually just coming to watch what's going on cuz I just came from my open space meeting but oh great um I did actually bring I spoke with Vanessa actually texted back and forth about Franklin day and I was hoping to glom off of your table a little bit um brought a couple of things just from the county these were some County informational things oh great thank you thank you all we working on we're working on a very similar project not everybody knows who you are do you want to I live at Top Lane add I was on I was the chair of trails many years ago and uh I am chair of County open Spas advisory and vice chair of County planning board right now um High School class of 89 school class9 thank you mayor of Franklin as well um we at the county just to give a little background we're working on a very similar project as this um we just are about to approve our hike bike walk and our transportation all around program um good thing is it incorporates all the towns in the county Franklin obviously being one of them so we're working on kind of a similar program to this to showcase our open space as well as the trans ation from Cars buses biking hiking trails and kind of the holistic approach to getting people from one place to another and getting people from one from work to home home to work home to shopping as well as to the historic places around the county so I thought it was very uh uh uh I don't want to say it's a very similar approach to what you're doing here only we're doing it on a countywide um program part so if there's any way we could all work together if there's any way to kind of share information or put your stuff on the county open space or that way we could really get a lot more bank for the really just I was driving but I thought overall there are a lot of um kind of efforts that if we could kind of work together it might be a lot better of a thing have countywide Trail Network we're preserving property in the count in we're preserving County property in Franklin and there's the long-term opportunity to put Trail activity on some of the County open space so there's the offer to or the potential to all work together to develop dril Network in conjunction with our um you know County engineers and all of that but we need local knowledge and effort as well to help and I know Tara worked at the county and she's very familiar with everybody there so there's kind of a you know a very big close network of people yeah definitely we would love that yeah thank you like you said I have a ton of material that I spoke with and asking if it's okay I just park it on your table that would be great I think that would you guys be okay with that the 2023 annual report kind of hot off the presses kind of things to do in town we're doing a can you tap into your budget for printing because County we're printing them all house they have the county print shop which is where we got out these Maps print oh really these maps that we just got printed we got printed at the county excent excellent yes so we're allowed to use the county print shop which is great but see they put it on smaller which is good but no pictures or anything but this is like see that's very clear yeah that would good I think it's good actually I like it too if you have extra materials and you want to we can figure out time you can leave them with us but or if you're going to Franklin day you want to just leave them on the table I was planning to go to Franklin day but I can also drop them off here INE I can't make a separate stop I don't think right all in my car so I just picked them up when I was on the I just brought these as kind of the example this is great I think these would be awesome to have on the table right so okay perfect what we're doing now the new annual report actually since you were at the county we're doing a thing for mostly the properties that were purchased prior year and some pictures of the properties that were purchased the prior year was kind of a um an overview with what if there is something developed on it if there's something that's going to be developed on it and what the property is like kind of how much we paid for it the acreage just a general background so I like it the idea that people can see what your you know $35 in open space taxes going towards I like it a lot that's really cool just we the the gis data from the um surveys essentially that we did of all of our trails in Town not a lot of them have a transportation element but there are bike lanes and routes that we haven't um we haven't mapped physically when are is the compy looking for this data they what we did for the the overall grand scheme thing we did was taking kind of major Roots so getting people from Transportation hubs to where they live or to stores and all of that so that's kind of one one layer then there's the other layer of getting to like the restaurants entertainment that kind of thing along safe corridors so there are there's it's on the County website called the um um it called now it was the safe Safe Streets initiative on the it's on one of the county websites the comment period I think is still open until next month um and like I said it Incorporated about three years of work with the blous school do federal DOT County Engineers County planners all the towns were able to be involved and it took all kinds of um research from uh roads that have high crash sites among cars roads that have high crash pedestrian um contacts uh cars that have or roads that have high fatalities on them and we tried to kind of mitigate the crashes the fatalities as obviously the highest layer to make everything safe and then kind of digging down it's okay what's available we have a few train stations in the county we have a few bus routs in the county so that's kind of layer to it's mass transit then it was um you know you know kind of climate resiliency because there's some flood prone areas uh there's some power uh how should we say uh outage type places so it's all kind of good and and a lot of larger uh developments they're going in you know highrise is going in in uh uh boundbrook Somerville New Brunswick so we're trying to get people from like Mass living arrangements all around the county so these are kind of the in a in a safe manner is the one so there are some limitations roads can only be so wide but where they can be widened pip planes could go in you see that on uh Amwell Road was one of the early as one of the early portions of this so we can do it on County Roads as the county but we also are making recommendations to the towns so the towns were asked for input from all the Mayors the township managers or administrators whichever the towns have to give their input on this as well as I think we've had six public hearings last one was last uh uh last was July 14th 15th we had a public hearing for um input and people have all kinds of different um thoughts from very very close to their house that only really affects them and two or three neighbors up to really high level things of you know changing Route 27 to have some you know safe intersections that kind of thing all right so for the overview but other things that our community can off VI is um where the township is wrapping up a micro Mobility study and you know those routes absolutely would would you know support what yeah some of these also involved you know there's another round of um affordable housing going in they're usually in more clustered areas um it also took into account um areas of Greater Financial need um where people typically wouldn't have either a car much less multiple cars in a household to get multiple people to various places so it it took a lot of like I said it was a lot of effort that went into this like I said there were multiple Consultants um several grad projects at ruter so it was a pretty big undertaking but it's if you can go on the County website it's about 588 Pages it's a very dry read most of it but it is broken down into the different aspects and there is a a Trails component to it so there's a a recreation I might have left that out there's a recreation aspect to it as well so it's getting people to obviously to and from their work to and from where they can eat and to and from where they can recreate and another part of it was kind of the historic an aggr tourism part of it because that's a big push it was a big push in Franklin and a big push in the county as well so like farmers markets Farm stands Farmers themselves and trying to get people more out of their cars into either mass transit or on a bike on foot on electric bike electric scooter whatever to get where they are with a minimum of multiple stops this sounds like the micro Mobility updates how you manage that there somebody that could to be keeping an eye on yes we have this was this is made to be a a finite document as of now but it's kind of a living frame work because there are things we can do now there are things that are probably Blue Sky projects say widening Route 287 as it comes through the county that is decades if it ever happens you know the same thing with the bridges on on 206 which is happening now um but some of the other things already happened like I said uh anwell Road and widening it making it safer and putting in bike Lanes on both sides so there are shortterm long-term lower cost really higher cost items um one part about I don't know if you drive through Manville very often but that whole widening of Main Street and Manville putting the barriers in in the middle of Main Street in Manville to soften traffic to give parking on the other sides for the stores that was part of this whole plan as well it's like said very their parts their parts were not quite doing a similar thing for Hamilton Street but kind of along those lines making because there are a lot more businesses going in a lot more houses going in where's everybody going to park where's everybody going to park when they go to shop where all the residents and their friends going to park when they come to have dinner so these are things that the county is kind of taking into account along County roadways and byways and then offering advice and recommendations to town and the towns can always reach out to the county as well great thank you um need to come back more often and crash to like I said our open space usually lasts a little longer but and we we've been having them uh remote but once a quarter we have one in person that's what we do too was in person yeah I was kind of hoping tonight was the in person one so oh works out yeah we the trails committee once a quarter we're in person oh yeah that's great the other things we've been doing which we already gave a grant to Franklin space because we have a program we call it the Special we call it special project and it's the grant program where for a long time we were collecting money into the open space but land wasn't necessarily available that's the best way to go where either the price was too high and we couldn't afford it or the price was too low and people didn't want to sell it so we were still collecting the money so in an effort to spend it and not look like it was going into an abyss we started giving out grants to towns to be able to improve a a park or a there was something that was neglected or we've done there are a couple of the the grants are in that um um the ones we've given out so far have been in there so we did some P ball courts we've done um a garden uh in Bedminster the pool at Bound Brook pool in Bound Brook we did they needed a new liner in the pool that's a whole undertaking too it's great there yeah so we did a the gazebo in South bround Brook and Warren and we gave a grant for the park that has yet to ever be started for consada yeah the katalpa farm caala yeah Turtles you got them so Chris um like these are beautiful like who made who designed these how did those come to be County what we did is there's still a one of the things that kind of being the chair kind of frustrates me is people don't understand open space they don't some of it is preserved but there's an easement on it so they don't have access to it some of it's preserved and they do have access access to it but they don't know they have access to it and some of it is just wide open space like six mile run or middle Bush Park where you can just go on at any time and there's a huge master plan for buying open space and I've had a ton of calls where people say oh why don't you buy that land so a warehouse can't go in there that's not in the plan that's that's kind of an oddball purchase in the middle of nowhere we're trying to get larger swap of contiguous property to make a larger expanse and in certain areas like the steep slopes of Bridgewater to protect the aquifers the steep slopes out by 518 and Canal Road to protect the the the water runoff for flooding mitigation those type things so when people say oh well you should buy this you should buy that yes but no so these were kind of to Showcase what we have been buying and why what we've spent on it and then to show hey this is where your your money's going right because people see when you get your tax bill it's the average is like $200 per house for County tax and I don't know what it is for Franklin anymore like $75 or $60 stupid like that but they think it just goes into the black hole never to be seen again but if they see something like this with some pretty pictures learn a little bit about the backstory to it we've already had two people that saw this and asked to sell their property to us one started to offered a donation of their property are they in part of the plan they are in part of the plan oh wow because they saw their neighbor's property in there oh wow so but um like how did that who made that like the county probably the staff person for open space tomino he worked with Graphics to come up with they have a like department and then the gis makes the map and then the county print shop which is who printed our color maps The Print Shop the county print shop is awesome they did a great job so they can print things like that too and we can use the print shop but not their Graphics like they have a graphics people there so okay most of the pictures were taken by either County staff or just random people great great just makes me think you know we want to have I'm thinking about you like the pamphlet that you that you have um like maybe that you know for us it's almost like to have like a comprehensive pamphlet of all of our Trails you know like just kind of something all-encompassing because I think that's what we liked so much about the things to do map was it was like everything was in one spot so maybe we could like rethink how to kind of get that out there little booklet like a pamphlet yeah like the pamphlet they had what the councilman is holding I think is the best yeah right that's what I mean yeah the councilman's holding um something like that where it's just you know we could have and we could have and we could embed lots of QR codes you know for the different trails to take you to the trail map although we have to make sure we keep that updated um but I like that I like that all right there was one final thing on a completely different personal note um I did talk to the mayor and the manager and I wanted to kind of warn the trails people I was out on Butler Road Natural Area and I saw a bunch of kind of garbage by the recycle bin and I thought you know what somebody's a real slob here it's all bottles right next to the recycle bin I'll do my good deed and throw the bottles in there and a whole swarm of yellow jackets came out and swamped me so I reached out to Bob and Phil just to let DPW know like hey whoever's going to go empty these is going to get don't I a problem so I think if there's a way that Trails or open space or anybody can kind of I don't want to say warn people or anything but that's kind of a if it was a little kid or somebody that was aric to this go yeah gone it was enough that I was having issues but seriously oh my gosh thank you for I sent I sent them both a text on um Labor Day but it might happen I always thought those cans were kind of a bad idea that's the only one that I only trail that I know that we have that has a can out there like that we certainly didn't put it out there it's not a big belly it's just like a bucket it's like a recycl like a foot pedal on it ipped on the foot pedal and I came out and attacked my leg first Oh I thought it was the open recycling can those are those are a little easier to see oh this has like the solar lid on it which I find silly cuz it's tucked in the trees anyway that's a side not thank you for letting me know because I'll follow up on that so that's dangerous yeah Bob said he was GNA do something okay I'll follow up I'll follow up with uh I'll at least for sure text Carl as we're leaving here so he knows good at least if they have some hornet spray or something yeah okay oh all right I hope you feeling better or is it it took me until Thursday to feel better last about 55 50 55 oh my god wow Miss 55 times did you say that's about all I could count on the back of my head that I could oh my [Music] gosh even if you don't have allergy with that many there enough yeah I was feeling J be when I get stumped like four three or four times that's like that's maximum how did you get them well I kind of ran around screaming like an 8-year-old girl for a few minutes I jumped in my car and realized there were a bunch in the car a few more times then got out of the car and ran around some guy on Butler Road's front yard like Maniac I don't blame you though cuz what else can you do oh my gosh that's terrible well sorry I didn't mean to take up your whole told us that reason I was I'm sorry to deal with that that's horrible I can't imagine that's why I always thought those cans were never a great idea somebody throws a soda in there and then up they're a great idea for keeping glitter out of the parking lots which is you know a problem too people would pack it and pack it out but the trails that actually have those in the parking lot it's a we're seeing real improvements and I never thought about the be and Y if they're emptied regularly as well that that will make sense but if they're not then well they only get emptied so the garbage can itself is like able to like it has like a report that it sends that says like it's at this line to fill so it doesn't it doesn't get emptied as regularly and it's supposed to like save time for the staff and everything but yeah said it was emptied on Friday it had been emptied on Friday and this happened to you on Labor Day my God that's incredible my God that's seriously just from I'd be surprised had they had had experience on Friday when they were there okay I'll follow up on that thank you for letting us know that's a liability issue too because the township thing so people I think we need to address where abely got to find a wayy ideas that was [Laughter] oh man all right can I have a motion to close public comment moving on uh to for planning for Franklin day so I'll just we didn't talk a lot we sorry that's okay so the color trails maps are here they were printed like I said at the county print shop they're very expensive to print so we don't want to put them in the kiosk all the time cuz they're just going to disappear and then it's back to so we're going to have these color Maps if anyone wants to take any for their spots to put out your welcome if you want to take any for yourself I figure we could hand them out on things like Franklin day like or or events to hand out the color Maps but right now at is working on a black and white version of the maps which will be on the tax map which is like no aerial photo tax map background which is just blank um with our uh trails with like different types of lines instead of colors obviously and then we can get those printed at the county print shop and we should be able to print those fairly regularly the color is much we could still do it in the brochure in the trifolds and everything but the price will be less than half so I liked the other Maps like I know it was we talked about it and it didn't seem I guess we didn't really factor in the cost but I like their old black and white Maps I thought they were very user friendly I don't know what at is doing but can we just go back to the other ones but update them with the new L update the maps so to update the layers he has the like basically just go in put that layer in and then make it like you know the Red Trail is now a dash line the Blue Trail is a whatever have all in there right it's not because it's new it's new layers so the old layers they were not really based on any actual like they were um what's the word I'm looking for they were uh estimated basically as you know like drawn you know the layers we have are based on all of our Footprints so he will take that put it on a map and then he has to change the lines and then he'll give me the maps and I put them in the trails brochures so and then kind of format it make sure it looks okay and then the county print shop can print them and they were super fast and great like really great so I didn't realize that we could use the county print shop like basically we can always use the county print shop so this is good news it's really good news so rate for us or uh we have like a some I guess every Township or most townships have like a a negotiated rate with them okay so the printing of the color Maps was much cheaper than printing it anywhere else but still expensive because of color so so I guess just I mean I understand the the layers have to be changed but I don't know I think the old ones should be could be a good resource you have like reinvent the wheel well you can't use the old ones though because it's the old layers on the old I get that but saying like you know for reference for like what's going be a line what's going to be a like just to have that to have that in mind hi thank you yeah he's going to definitely use the like he'll use the old tax maps as like the the old trails maps as the uh as the reference point but yeah so we'll get those those printed too but I have a box full of them here so anyone that wants to take them for their site or whoever's going to Franklin day would recommend setting aside like some of them and we can give these out um you know but yeah so awesome good okay people walk by on Franklin day with their bags and they like to accumulate stuff for their bags I mean you're welcome to take the entire box if you want I would just say uh we probably don't want to reprint them anytime soon so you know we do have a large copy like in the kios that I have able to get them in there um with the QR code and stuff so people can look and see them but I don't want to always put these in the kiosk because yeah yeah I think I think movie before we have the black and white ones so I guess we'll use these up and then um and then four they'll be the black and white ones yeah definitely anything else about the maps all right moving on to Franklin day going back to Lo lines with were we able to get any of the kiosks open [Music] for and not yet not yet um no I and you know I did attempt to fix one of the the keys on my own which actually made it worse because I was like getting like oh I think I can just open it with the screwdriver and then I like jammed in the piece even further by accident so I'm just going to remove the lock myself the next time I go out there I decided but but I'm still waiting and I used your recommendation while looking up like the number on the thing there's literally no match I don't have any idea who put this lock in or why I don't I really you're able to like able to remove it and put a new lock in well I'm going to figure out a way to remove it that's my next if we can't we should just tape stuff on the outside stuff on the outside like instead of absolutely yeah so yes so Bunker Hill John Clyde you know just waiting so okay um Franklin day September 28 12 to 5 so now we have some good stuff for the tables which is great we have stuff from the county found the things to do map we have the color Maps here that you can give out um for for the sites um I also we were talking about ordering safety whistles do you guys remember remember I said should I reorder the safety whistles so um our administrative assistant said that we couldn't order the previous safety whistles for whatever reason so I went ahead and found our printer had safety whistles that were cheaper than even what we did and they could put our logo on it they're very small it's not like this big like oh my gosh but they're in production right now so I'm hoping to have them for Franklin day and then I can give them to you guys as something to give out or at least have for other events or whatever so I think we were able to get like five I want to say like 500 of them so hopefully they'll be in for Franklin day so I think we have enough stuff for our table which is great um I guess it's really just and you guys already discussed like who's going to be there and everything yeah about that last time I know most people um most people had said that they were interested in going I know anarie Jim from V uh Chris you said part of the time is that still the case um and myself I'm going to be there I want be chers under the CH I'll be out of town otherwise I'm going to be can7 I would be problem problem no you know that's that kind of thing here as well where we can like take turns cuz like really the table really is comfortable for like two or three people and then but it's also nice to walk around and look at everybody else's booths so when there's more of us then we can we can do that which which is nice we also get out from behind the booth and acost people as they walk by friendly way we'll have to I normally these things to do map are my big I can sell them really well I'm gonna have to I'm GNA have to change up my game a little bit but the reality is I I do think most of them probably end up in the recycling so I'm try to keep that in mind as well it generates excitement good I think I have a picture I was just looking at see if the Le not the right one basically there was like a mockup of it but we were able to get 500 whistles which ones I think it was these whistles so they look they look kind of like this but it had it says Franklin Trails on the back and it has like our logo up here somewhere so that's pretty good yeah people like the we gave out all our safety whistles we ordered them that one time so think it'll be good so when I get them I can deliver them to someone or whatever we'll figure it out okay we will walk around and start blowing yeah my gosh kids not in in photos they have all the numbers and name that save this space actually maps are cleaner other color is this yes big I feel like we have so much to brag about you know like to our own create our own thing okay um anything else for Franklin day that we need to talk about think just make sure you have enough chairs for us underneath the tent we rotate around and just this comes a point in the afternoon you just I guess when we get there I there's a way make sure request that we have how many chairs do you think you you need or would like rather have too many than too little I don't think they able to pit more than like three not at the table but it might be a second tier I I I'll be I can quite a few people I will send a uh I'll send it right now um are we going to be in the Big 10 yes as far as I know yes two layers you know and sometimes oppos they'll have extras in the middle like they'll have like the extra chairs chair there's plenty of space in the middle yeah yeah yeah yeah think is just to have enough chairs yeah have chairs having someone chairs okay um moving on a nice Corner Spot on an alley would be awesome anchor yeah exactly that corner really I have the rolled up I have those I entally Chuck emptied his van into my tiny townhouse like okay I'm gonna get in this closet I'm gonna get in that closet I figured it out I have like the event ones it's all tucked in there my with my uh snow shoes nice um so okay so we're good for we're good for now do you know is is setup when does setup start the event starts at 12 starts at 12 um set up 11 I think it's 11 okay uh but I can double check on that too but I'm almost positive it's at 11: okay any special parking for people who are setting up or just everyone's in the field they haven't sent out they usually send out an email of all the details I can forward you all once we get it but they have not sent that out yet so as soon as I get that it'll like include a map and where to park I'll send that to you I'm just curious cuz yeah they probably be sending that out pretty soon yeah we should do is we should get on the toe path like what what's the next closest one like Amwell or no Blackwells Mills no griggstown griggstown right and then walk over to the park oh yeah you can do that go Trail hats um moving on to Old business uh micro Mobility plan so the micro Mobility plan is finalized the consultant sent in the final report with all of the comments from you guys and from the environmental commission I've sent it over to planning uh so they are reviewing that now I also sent it to the township manager and he was going to provide it to the council as part of uh documents for their review so at this point that's done but we can start thinking about how to make some of the improvements so I think maybe the next meeting or the meeting after we might want to set some time aside to think about maybe how we can start implementing some of those projects Safe Streets see the pl I'm sorry can we see the plan yes so I emailed it to everyone I can send it again yeah I can send the link again yeah I I probably sent it a few weeks ago so I can resend it few weeks ago then yeah y so I'll resend it though this we have you know you have it yes if you do that I'd appreciate that yeah absolutely you'll like it there's a lot about biking in there um next item is the therapeutic recreation nature walks yeah how' it work out what days did we um I don't think she ever wrote us back did she or I don't recall hearing from her we had the two dates we had the dates I well we had the dates from Chuck I was I was messaging with Chuck and anarie um um let me just look back at that text thread Maria is that her name I can't think of her name [Music] Ians oh so right now I [Music] know an Marie so an Marie so Chuck said that the um Sunday October 27th worked for him and I was waiting to see if it worked for you um I think I can do it and the other one I know no November Chuck can do it November 2 um sorry October 20 sorry November 2nd was also on the table at one point so I don't know if that was you can do October 27 what time would we get done though I don't know I mean I think that that could all be decided you you know what you mean like I think she had talked about when we met with her um tarah the afternoon I believe I thought she said the afternoon as well yeah so then I mean if we wanted to do so Amar what time would you want to be done by I was just thinking we always do things 10 to 12 that's that that's what I was thinking okay if you wanted to do birding you you'd have to go in the morning oh that's a good point they're busy okay um so yeah we talked that makes sense so um seniors in the group like to not Chuck Chuck likes an afternoon does he yeah um oh she said it would have to be from 12:00 p.m. on oh okay that's what Maria had said from the therapeutic ride a therapeutic recreation so 12 p.m. on so that's fine 12:00 and it's they not going to get it's not prime bird time time but they'll still be a good experience so we'll say noon and then yeah I'm sure it's like 2 hours okay and it was going to be at um negri yes right negri that's easiest hopefully okay so I can email her and let her know that this way she can start putting together whatever she has to do for it you know I think it's better to have it after lunch or 12:00 for two hours or it's just a lunch time there some people have people they take something to eat early lunch I don't know I Lun at 11:30 you work at a school you have lunch whenever that whenever that window happens Point yeah either they come I mean before they come they can have lunch or they can have lunch after they go back where are the people coming from we open a therapeutic Rec program okay yeah so they're probably all Franklin residents that are participating yeah they're local they're nearby on might best think about one two three might four whatever the volunteers can be there I'm fine yeah I I agree with you I think I think um yeah but maybe we can check Amar is that can you do like is 12:30 or 1 okay with you or you prefer the 12 uh it's daylight savings on the 3 so that kind of disrupts people's on November 3rd yeah this is the 27th yeah that's what I'm thinking um the earlier the bed for me um okay it's hard to say I've got so many things going on it well um and if you can't I mean I I'm but is it adults and young adults and older adults or what's our Target group it's adults and old and older adults from no children from what I'm understanding and some with you know different limitations there's some physical limitations and uh different needs wow be fun yeah absolutely yeah okay so I'll email her and I'll see what she thinks and then she can start putting together you know whatever she needs to do and then we can get working on it okay I'll talk to Chuck we can plan something out all right what was Chuck saying about did he have any I'll I'll check with him mind yeah you're in the text running out of time I don't have okay um okay that's going to be very interesting yes so will be see how it really works on that trail this woman she's very excited Maria's very excited she when you talk to her enthusiasm for it is really great and she just looking for people who have some Trail knowledge some you know knowledge to she wants to get the people out there but she wants to have other people to kind of in help inform them um so I think that'll be it'll be nice uh next item is the infrastructure and Trail development in non Williams Park including the Eagle Scout project focusing on play Ry number two yes so the eagle scout there's an eagle scout that is interested in implementing priority number two from our green infrastructure report for non Williams review on what number two was number two is this one so this is the pool right here in non Williams Park for your reference uh this is over here the playground there's a little gazebo right here what he's looking to do is basically right in this area um so he there's some vegetation here that he's going to cut back and he's going to divert existing water yes the dra to the existing drain and he's going to put in stones and plants to soak up some of that water divert it into the existing drain um if he's able to he's also going to try and plant a tree one of the trees here which is great and he is going to put up sign AG that he makes to explain like what the project is um so I met with him and his father there out on the site and explained why it's important and he was a we went right after the rain so he was able to see why is it really a problem so he's very interested in it in order for him to get the approval to do it he has to present to the open space advisory committee and they can approve the project on Township land and they can also recommend funding for his materials so he will be coming on the September 17th meeting to open space so once he gets approved he can go ahead and work on that so it was a nice plan and he had his plant material pictured out he had the little tags on it I couldn't read them but it looked interesting yeah it should be I think it should be really good he's very excited about it so yeah he's what kind of Willows was he going to plant do you know I couldn't really um I know he chose so I sent him the list from Rucker's um Water Resources Protection Program and they have trees and plants that are native and also good for storm water retention so he used that list I don't know if he said exactly which Willow but uh he puts together this presentation he's going to show it to the open space advisory committee so basically he's saying he's going to cut back this vegetation which is there and you can see it's like kind of wet there he's going to cut that and then he's going to put some replacement plants in and you know uh put some signage there so it'll look nice and he drew this diagram which is great um he spent a lot of time at the site which was really cool and then he put together this whole cost analysis for all of his um it was well PL out it was he did a really good job so so do he fundraising for that for the um so he's going to ask the open space advisory committee for money for that which is standard fairly standard so a lot of Eagle Scouts ask for uh funding or they can ask or and or I should say they can ask for help from DPW like to borrow wheelbarrow or uh one boy scout wanted to build a little Library I think it was and we happened to have like a bunch of 4x4s or something so we were able to give that to him so whenever we can help out we do look good I didn't walk it so I don't I know the the area but I just was trying to picture it okay yeah it'll look really good once he's done it'll look great you know and there was a puddle there cuz you mentioned it just yes there's always a puddle there it's incredible there's certain parts of n William Park where there's con constant yeah a constant puddle yes constant can you go back to the other slide just the budget one so let's see here like $170 in gloves our DPW for example has gloves so he doesn't need like DPW will say no we have that you we'll give you that we have we have gloves sir we have is this for a group of people a group yes so he's GL be special or and that's why we have them present to the open space advisory committee cuz then we will explain to them like this is a great plan however you know you don't need to spend this much on this and we can help you with that and we can give you this so it's there we let them put together their proposed budget and then when they come before the committee the committee will go through this line by line and explain you know but how long is going to take you did they give you an idea how many days they have to do this I think he said he was going to try and do it over days two days yeah two three days two to 6 hour work days $260 for food I'm just wondering what they're going to be eating so food is something we don't pay for only materials and like labor he so this well this budget also has to be shown to the Boy Scout council so after it gets approved by us he then has to do the same presentation to the Boy Scout council and he'll say Franklin Township is giving me $400 I am going to pay on my own for the food or I'm going to raise money for whatever so you know they usually put together one and then yeah cuz open space will absolutely ask that they go over everything with a fine tooth comb an absolute fine tooth comb so plant might be a little low it'll come down on once it's gone over I mean a lot of that will come off that's yeah it'll stay on for him to do with the Boy Scouts but yeah Franklin certain amount yeah like a chainsaw for example we have a chainsaw in DPW we can lend him so yeah yeah we might even have some top soil or Stones we might have a lot of this so the other stuff isn't yeah the food and the gloves are the big expenses yeah okay awesome it's good um anything else I'm sure Terry you probably know is that if Township gives a tool and if somebody gets injured they can sue us so it's better to make sure that they sign the LA yes they sign a liability any Scout working on anything on our properties anyone really has to sign a waiver with us and then they also have to provide proof of insurance from the Boy Scouts so same with the Girl Scouts we have them provide their insurance because they're all insured through Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts which is great but yeah it's a good point you're right yes absolutely oh this is good all right yeah it'll be nice now the star of the show tonight I've been waiting come on a drum roll please item D 23 minutes goodness gracious bird Blind repair replacement take 27 so okay um so I've been trying to do some well did you have did you want to start off Emory before I no I just had pictures that I sent you that I know we could show people to show them what it looks like today yes yesterday Lally uh okay so so that's the fence so if anyone recalls it was covered with crap and now it's it's very it's still clean almost we just have to maintain so that weed there to the right is really kind of taking over again but the weeds in front of it were contained this is the ramp leading up to it which is virtually impassible wow W that's still all that they cleaned all that out that cleaning day so that has been maintained that looks great that was a little path that was to the back of it and that's kind of overgrown once again but that's the view from the into the pond the pond is not it's not there the pond is grown in pond is not there there's no water in it no water not a drop has that happened before not a frog not a tadpole nothing has it happened before I don't remember it being that dry but the weeds are huge this year yeah this was in I don't know if anyone knew about this um this is a new thing that they built out on one side I think it's going directly to the towers and if you go the next one please that's going oh no that's not it all right they're on both sides of this path didn't use the path goes here and then all of a sudden there's this woo going up there and this one going straight down there and they're not the right of way because we've gone through that before when psng comes through and does a huge right of way so I don't really know what that is kind of curious yeah and one of them ends up right underneath one of the big towers and then there's a big shrub right in the middle so I'm like no one went through the shrub H it's weird so I don't know what happened there is it mode at the same level as the trail correct no no it's more overgrown it's more overgrown than the trail I'll see what I can find out just a strange occurrence out there yeah that is this is the top part where you're walking from the parking lot up to the kiosk um it's all very well mowed but those areas around had been demonstration Gardens which they now mow around because they're all weeds so uh just an FYI these holes were all cleaned out to that that extent you can see how the weeds are just trying to make their way back in again that one is getting more populated by weeds quicker that one is still looking okay I didn't include all of them folks don't worry you're not going to be too bored that one's looking pretty good we're trying to preserve the Hol and that's kind of it so you saw the birdh house which is birdh house the bird blind which is my primary reason for doing that awesome so you can see and how that ramp leading up to it is virtually covered with weeds thank you for sharing so um so in thinking about the bird blind I've been trying to put together I would love to get something in front of the open space advisory committee in terms of how much is it going to cost and not obviously we're not going to know the exact dollar amount but I'd like to at least get some kind of estimate out there um so I I've started doing some research to see I looked at Michael's recommendations in terms of the lumber um something native something that's hardwood doesn't require a lot of Maintenance I tried to do a rough I measured it I measured the bird blind and then I don't know how true this is but the contractor that does work for my house told me that you should always add on 15% more lumber to any project that you do now this is the contractor that has done work on my house so I trust but it's like what happens if you get stuck with all that extra Lumber but anyway I figured maybe add that into the cost and then if we have extra and we need whatever so um now you're looking at natural wood or TRS cuz we're thinking about trxs for preservation tracks like the pla the plastic wood okay so I haven't gotten that far yet okay I I've gotten to the lumber part I think it's good to present Lumber and the tracks to both of them the tracks I did look up it's going to be much more expensive expensive obviously but in the long term it'll be good um so I think we need to figure in the cost of lumber tools I don't know who's going to work you know if like I don't know who's going to work on it or build it or whatever but the bottom line is I'd like to try and I don't even know if we're at a point I guess is what I wanted to figure out where we can get something before the open space advisory committee and say we roughly think it's going to be this much money I don't know what do you guys does anyone here is anyone here good at that kind of thing like figuring out the cost of lumber and how many screws we're going to need and things like that or I've never built a bird blind I have to be honest I mean my estimate the cost of lumber if you go for the White Oak hardwood lumber not the TRX my estimate that the lumber right now I could be dead wrong about this is going to be like $1,500 yeah that sounds right right that does sound right yeah that doesn't include screws I put $250 of screws I no idea if that's right or not I just figured that has to be enough money for screws right or Nails I don't know and that I don't know that's the part where I kind of go will be pretty cheap maybe $30 $40 now if we overestimate and we spend under that that's fine the problem is is when we underestimate and then I have to go back yeah so if it's like $1,500 screws and other materials say $250 tools I mean if we put in a request for like $2500 is that enough to do it s I had shared you a long time ago like um an estimate from uh my sister's R Hazel who's built she worked for the Environmental Education Center in B bridge I'm looking for I to find that do you I don't remember what those numbers were but I she did give like an estimate of but if it was like a do-it-yourself job not us somebody right this is I don't know if this is a do-it-yourself job is the problem like I assume DPW would do this yeah yeah um they're not going to charge us labor obviously or anything like that but I've gotten that estimate but I don't that TRX thing though I haven't even looked at that yet but I think it's going to be 5,000 I think so too I think if the lumber is 20 so my question is this to at least get it to the point where we can get a quote and things like that or whatever can I put together a memo from the trails committee to the open space advisory committee for their September meeting that basically says we have study the bird blind it needs to be replaced here's two options ballpark what we think we would need and then it's perfect timing for Budget season we can get it into the budget for next year and then have the funding available to buy the materials or do we want to work with a Boy Scout or do we want DPW to deal with or do we want to hire like then at least they we have fun available because in order to spend anything at the open space trust fund we need to get the recommendation from osac and then the approval from the township Council and I can't get either of those things without some kind of figure like they need they need a money do we know how the size of lers so I looked at the lumber based on what was recommended in this bird blind bird blind presentation um I measured it uh so I have the square footage I have the type of lumber uh and that's really all I have now in terms of actually putting it together like if certain brackets or whatever I no idea whatsoever and it has to have that opening there but it can't be too big CU if it's too big then you scare the birds away and so you're going to submit the pl for both wood and tracks both or only for a wood one L I think we should send in the memo what we think the cost will be for wood and TRS both and if the trails committee says we prefer the TR can say that and there is money in the open space trust fund if it's going to be more money but there's less maintenance required that's definitely something that it should be taken into consideration how much would it cost to replace the ramp do you think uh that's just would right be TOS are we considered a composite material which they will never Rock they will be there forever that's what this track decking is this is composite decking oh okay that's what we recycled plasticos correct okay I can find that out and the ramp too so bird blinds and ramp so I'll have to measure that which I can't that's no problem can length of the ramp be reduced the length of the ramp yeah or it has to 8 it's a certain amount of inch per every foot of in yeah8 88 acessible yeah there's in terms of a cost like if it reduced the lent it would sa some cost yeah so if we do AAL estimate 2500 for wood and then I'm going to look up the TS and if it's five or six or $7,000 it's going to be double at least but and then I could say the trails committee recommends this material right and here's the reasons it has to be replaced and we did study it and we've measured it and studied it and looked at it now it's like time to do it do you want me to do that or we can we talk October if you'd rather have more information totally up to you guys but budget season is coming so we do if we want to get it done next year we have to get it in this upcoming budget so that means September October November is when the initial budget I guess will be put out do you feel you have enough info to sell it I think I do I don't have the info on the tracks but I can look that up and Vanessa's on OAC too so she can speak to it does anyone know how long thatd line has been in when it was built and how long it's been there I don't know that I'm not sure of but I'm sure I can ask Bob Locker I bet you he would know because it might have run its natural course is that what you're thinking Jim and now it's time to replace it with something and are we also including the fence that's on the side of it too was that factored in or or just that the fence is not factored in but that's easy enough enough to factor I mean DPW replaces fences all the time so that's easy I'm not concerned too much about the fence I could like Loop that in um it's really like the full like that actual replacement of that bird blind and I know last month we talked about this and I mean everybody was cuz we talked about also we know that the floor is a priority like we there were a couple things we identified but then IDE we ideally though we were just the committee overall wanted to have just to replace the whole thing and ideally doing it with the the track material wonder what it's built on if we have to do anything with the footing I have no idea what's underneath there yeah can the trxs be put on that or would that also have to be is there any are there any grants out there for bird blinds could the Environ County Grant what with that County Grant talking about we already used that it's one per town um that goes to open space right and then they it out yeah this is only for the decking so the framing right right you can have it for the frame I sent pictures did you did you get on your phone I don't know if it came through Jersey does give I'm say typically as well use if you want to last but it's for a structure not just a that's the thing was all yes any conservation grants uh we should keep our eyes fed there's definitely grants but the thing to keep in mind is this we do have the open space trust fund it is used for things like this to improve open that is the purpose of it we should we have it you know like and we for the i% of the fund is given to different committees oh sorry what percentage of the fund is Comm given to different committees so it's based would get as it's based on needs so there are some towns that say like Trails you get this percentage open space you get this in Franklin it's based on what is like in need right now so if an open space property is before us we consider that Trails improvements we consider that Parks Improvement same thing so but there is funding so for example um when we did our grasslands management plan that was funded from the open space trust fund um any kind of management to the turf fields or anything like that op space trust fund so the money is there right I go back to that one shared meeting we had with the ball field lights like all the money that's like this is a better use R this this is equally valuable yes oh it's for sure yeah absolutely yeah okay I'm not a fan of plastic but you guys I'm not go with your that's with the that's the only thing I at environmentally it's not something that you would put in such a place uh but looking at again like you know there's pros and cons and what are we looking in long term uh it would be less maintenance I do agree with that so what do you do with your money definitely yeah okay so ter you'll pitch it I'll be there you know I think that we've like I said we we spent a lot of time on this we looked at it especially with Melba I know with us you know the whole with the dedication Rock I mean to me I think this is a good companion like you know piece we know open base was in support of that um so yeah and it's just a it's a nice spot do you need anything else from us any other information that we could help you with I don't think so I mean I'm going to try and make it very general and then um I'll draft something or or put something together for open space and we'll see how it goes and okay for the next open space meeting and when would that be 17th September yeah I already have it on the agenda as a placeholder so so um it's really just a matter of putting the memo together and I'm sure they're going to have a bunch of questions so we'll just answer them we have um Michael's presentation you know like I feel like there's a lot there yes they went into it yes and then Jim shared a bunch of pictures of different bird blinds yes oh my gosh I left out the one of the things I'm sorry you go first I don't want interrupt my curiosity about the materials for the roof um because it wouldn't be Lumber right the roof would not be Lumber um I think the roof right now is Lumber isn't it or it's right now L yeah we don't have to do that we could do something else I just wasn't sure if um like shingles or something along with I mean DPW can help us put together a more accurate quote and I can say listen if you guys think it's better to have a different type of material I'm not going I'm not going to question them you know e Scout an eagle scout rebuild yeah so this when I was looking okay I almost forgot I was like why can't I find anything like this so then I just Googled it and I found in Cranford in 2023 an eagle scout built this bird blind and he made it um yes he made it very Ada accessible um open open open wow but this is an example of he built it so I I was like oh that's great so I reached out to the writer of this article and was like can you please give me the name of the eagle scout because I want to ask them for their material like I need to know their materials cuz I don't know how to build things you know um so the mother of the eagle scout wrote back to me which was so nice because he's a freshman in college now so uh she wrote back and said oh I I wrote to him and I'm gonna he's GNA send me everything and then he'll send it to you so if he sends me the list even better I there's no roof on it so we can amend it but at least I can understand okay he built it this size and it also included this ramp right before and after almost yeah see so that's very simple just fing yeah but at least then we can see like what like what was his methodology like how did he come up you know what I mean and then we could always add a roof on or we can make minor changes I think our bird blind is is going to be a problem like our bird BL ni when that rock settles there's going to be a ledge there which is going to make it hard to access with the wheelchair just as like a starting point to see like what materials did he use I just want to know what kind of Woodle what kind of screws and what not did he you know and then we can amend it from there so add shingles I know well he's going to write me back and send me everything which was so nice mother was super nice so that was I texted this okay anything else for the bird blind that we want to talk about I think that's it so we'll we'll do it on um the 17th yeah everything's is so awesome moving forward um trail walks and events so I know our last meeting we talked about a few different things [Music] I know we have the event we have the September [Music] 28th [Music] um we just added the October you spoke about the story book so October 27th is is going to be the the theraputic wck I know Chris you were uh going to think about some more working on personal end but uh that'll be I'll take it back to you for October okay there still daylight enough to have more of an after workor type event like we did before uh maybe a little bit earlier but that's still something I'm I'm formulating okay so will'll we visit in October yes okay by next meeting okay and jasha I know I have in my notes we said something about November we were talking about November right so um for the story book height right um did we pick a date no not do okay so oh I'm sorry go ahead no I was going to say I did get an email from um Zach lickman and they've been having their astronomy events at John Clyde on specific Fridays like through from I guess throughout the summer and they wanted permission to continue that in the fall so I sent it to the township manager I don't think that's going to be a problem whatsoever so we're not doing those so I guess they start off by advertising them to the astronomy club who like fills up right away but if anyone wants to go you're welcome you're absolutely welcome to go so know they they said usually on Friday nights I don't know exactly when he's been having them because it's through the astronomy club but they are doing it at John Clyde Memorial I I liked when we were in the loop with that and we knew the dates because we were really to me it was like yes we're going to allow you to use this space but like there's value for us too and now we're not not knowing it's like we can't even book I know there's always this prob this possibility of things being canceled because of the weather that's the thing so he basically gets approval to have it every Friday night but only uses the Friday nights where an actual observation can occur so yes it's dependent on the weather so Friday nights between what Windows uh let me see it's on the library website I think one is on the library website okay yeah continue our Friday night access okay hang on let me see I got to see the times I want to say it's between let me tell you before I guess dark and Light Dark it get [Music] dark it's going to get darker earlier so I guess they'll be going a little earlier where is his original question that he had this goes way back did he come to a Trails meeting or an open space meeting does anyone remember it must have been the open he didn't come here um I don't remember uh 9:30 that's no but what dates I'm wondering what are the dates like what like September through November like what are the so he got approval originally through September on Friday nights but now he's asking for continued approval through the fall so it would reserve it for Friday nights probably through November and then whatever they use based on what's available the time 9:30 is it going to It's Over by 9:30 I guess yeah yeah for the upcoming it would be over by 9:30 I I was thinking like it would be cool to do like an owl Moon do you know the story book Owl Moon like like there like some cool like children's books about like nigh hiking like you know there's Al Moon and there there's another one I can't remember right now but that would also I would like to do something like that on a night that they were going to do an astronomy night so um yeah I can reach out to him and say do you have like some that you know for sure you're definitely going to use as long as the weather like cooperates yeah exactly cuz if there's something that they're definitely not doing okay um I would like to add one more for uh trail walks and events uh we had a meeting in my school we have a Green Team and health and wellness committee so we had a meeting and we always come up with the different initiatives either green initiative or health and wellness so this time we want to plan a hike for a parents staff and students um and we thought of uh one of the our hike if our my school can do it and the date we have picked up is October 5th morning 10 so I would like to check if we can do that October 5th Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and you're looking to do this where um maybe John Clyde at John Clyde or if you suggest any other I don't mind it's a Saturday or Saturday mornings satday morning so there is hunting happening not firearm but bow hunting so that doesn't preclude you from doing from being there I'm just letting you know that there will you know that there will be bow hunting going on um I I don't I don't either I thought like either JN Clyde or maybe the Bunker Hill the one on a Bunker Hill Road oh right yes that one also has hunting but again not you're still Walkers are still allowed to be there of course during whole hunting and the parking space I mean like bankar is a if you wanted do if you want to avoid the hunting Sundays just there's no hunting on Sundays I don't know if that would be an option for your school or not no I can suest them Sunday so the Sunday yeah if you wanted do like Sunday October 6 then you know the you can go anywhere yeah yeah it's always a saving price and we also want parents to register I mean go through the registration process so how that would work is it like the every time when we plan the trail committee plan the hike and the people register on the website online is parents also going to follow the same procedure or that we do school will do on our own the registration uh I'm trying to think so it's not going to be advertised to the public right it's going to be for the school for the school so I think then you would just do the registration on your own but you would need permission from the town which is no problem I you don't really you really just go there you know but um yeah I would just do it I would just do your own thing yeah cuz we just do we we do it through parks recreation as an advertising tool and as a way to kind of of Market it so if you you already have you know what I mean like so I yeah you could just do it through your school okay yeah if you wanted to you could even to create like you know do like an event break kind of a thing if you wanted to have them like sign up digitally okay you can do it we have a community pass system so they just do it online oh yeah perfect yeah so Sunday there's no hunting at any properties Saturdays there are but not until January it's bow until I'm sorry until the beginning of December it's bow only um so then you you know you can still be there you can ab but you we just tell people to wear orange okay um would you need any help from us for that or is that something you're okay with I have no idea right now once we finalize and if I think I need any help I will reach out to you okay I just I'm not available on the fifth but we have a card we have a global cardboard challenge um that morning at my school okay you're welcome to attend if you you're all welcome to come bring your children you should bring your kids it's really fun you take a cardboard you know box cutters and tape and you just got to build whatever you want to make oh that's really fun it's really fun okay um I'm looking on here I just can't find them very quickly um there's going to be two nature walks at I think negri and John Clyde or just one CH CHR PA of Williams New Jersey Aon New Jersey Aon and I'm on New Jersey Aon I can't find it I think it was for this past weekend it was already it was and one of them is still coming up one is on the yes one is still coming up 1012 you told me Chris and Paul Williams are leading a bird walk at John Clyde 1012 yep for everyone to know I mean you know right right right thank you yeah we want to have those those count for us too so 10 12 is that's an Aon hike yes oh okay but just pull okay um moving on uh we're on to Trail condition updates how is our system working like are has anyone been looking at any of our entries are they going to DPW the entries that you put on the uh um the last time I looked at them I want to say it probably was the end of July so I have to look and forward them again but I can forward these to DPW have who's been using this system just like recently you have I have two you have two okay great I went but I didn't enter it okay I have so is there a date you plan to submit to DPW I can do it tomorrow even yeah I'm sorry yes I can do that tomorrow um let me look at it after we talk so after every Trails meeting I then meet with DPW and like give my feedback from the meeting but I'll do so I'll include everything can you do this like a week oh yeah for sure yeah yeah let me just put it on my list to hold on let me change it yeah that's no problem um I I know I sent you a video yesterday I apologize yes I sent it if I don't do now I'm going to forget but I didn't expect you to look at it then um yeah on on the Franklin Park Natural Area you know coming from South midle Bush walking out like just as you're approaching the tree house um like the house next door to the Treehouse there is a cleared path from the trail to that backyard so it's like somebody clearly went through and just plowed everything down and they there and then it pushed it all into the wood section on the other side of our Trail um and you can see the tire marks and like a chopped up tree a tree that was like clearly sawed down so I don't know if DPW did that if the homeowner did that I don't think DPW did that it was just like I don't know why you would want to if that was my backyard I wouldn't want that huge cleared out path cuz it's almost like an invitation to be like I just like I did I was like what is this a trail yeah yeah put in a trail to the trail from backyard to the trail it wasn't I wouldn't say a trail it was more like it's wider than the path of the trail like it was it's really wide like like maybe like two car lengths two car would a car and a half wide two cars wide it's pretty wide and um have that kind of material to do that but but even like the trees that came down I I I don't know so I just I wanted to share it with with Tara to find out like was that us was that the owner like I don't cuz if I was the owner and somebody else did it I would be annoyed like so I want to just make sure that you know hopefully it wasn't us and if it was them then they should have consulted us about that yes absolutely so either way it's not great um so but otherwise other than that um things are looking okay the Bunker Hill parking lot trail head is still has like some graffiti issues litter issues okay anybody else with updates well I mentioned the graffiti issue um at John Clyde but it's still there um I I don't know if we reported that to DPW yet but I will enter in the system so it's with the updates that we go next week okay is still there okay we're still on the list for prescribed bir correct yes I just filled out the application again and had it resigned and resubmitted to the forest uh safety service so um I told them to prioritize negri for next year so any burn happens in Franklin Township it's going to be negri before John Clyde cuz negri been waiting forever it's totally out of control yeah um are they going to mow yes they mow in septe they should be mowing relatively soon they will mow uh both preserves wow I so tall yeah you I'm concerned about the pond and what can be done is there anything that can be done while it's dry it's all overgrown it's I mean if we get a hard rain it'll fill up again I think I don't know if there's any structural issue and that's why you drained I can't see I know Chuck was concerned about some of the types of vegetation that were in there so if it's dry now is there I don't know if there's any treatment that's a really good idea yeah I will ask about it yeah it gets tricky right cuz you can't pollute it but you have to uh it's it's a good time also to get to all the sides of like the bird blind to clear the vegetation and yeah while it's dry it's a good time I'll find out if that's a possibility yeah absolutely that's a good idea it's yeah okay I can do that okay hearing no other reports um County Road 518 property you said you wanted to um yeah so this parking now it's so it's so just maybe for the next meeting um just think about the County Route 518 property I just want to get the map up here um let me get a better map let me get a better map hang on one second uh let's look at the hunting areas map because that's actually a good one to look at um so right now we do allow hunting on the County Route 518 property um to make it a little easier for hunters we basically put a parking lot in there because it was hard to park near one of the neighbors houses because they kind of are little tiny driveway was like right up against their property um and then no parking is permitted on County Route 518 and it's very difficult to walk through hunting gear from that area obviously so we now have a small parking lot there um this this is the hunting Zone a county roof 518 but basically what I want so originally this area here see this strip here that's like the driveway that came in Hunters were using this to come into the property The Neighbors on these this side did not like that and we ended up moving the parking lot which is now around over here in this area um there is space for They say six cars six tight cars I mean but there's definitely room there and there's a nice little fence around it you pull right off the County Route 518 so it's a safe parking lot so now that that is there my thought is we should think about putting a trail in even if we start with a very short small trail that comes off the parking lot area um so a lot of work is going to have to be done to clear it's very thick vegetation which is why it's great for hunting but DPW does have the Machinery or whatever to do that um they did have to do that to build the parking lot so it can be done I think maybe we should think about going out there and looking or even just starting like I said small I mean it's a very big property it's 124 acres in total um even if we start off with a very small loop trail that just comes off the parking lot but I think it's good time now to get in there there I'm sorry ahead are there any attractive features that would be you would build a boards or um so right now it's so thickly vegetated that I really couldn't tell you for 100% sure but um um I mean ultimately we own the property all the way going back here to this is Route 27 so I mean eventually I think it would be awesome if you could get from 518 to Route 27 that would be cool but that's going to take some time to do that right so the parking area over and you probably need more parking but the parking area over here can lead into this area I mean the red area here is the firearm Zone not that we have to worry about that but that's like September through February yes right and so all the other that would not be an issue no it would not be an issue for sure I just this is super super wooded so I don't know what's back here I don't think anyone has been back there except for the hunters so I'm not 100% sure yeah the trail you're talking about is just in the purple area is that what you're talking about so the parking lot is over here there's no Trail existing but my thought is even if we start off small and just get a trail in this purple area if we want to make it bigger we can absolutely do that I'm just not sure how start there's got to be will be the danger because people going to be hunting M and if somebody there's a trail and then then they will go in there somebody might hurt them all most of our trails around hunting yeah what's that most of our Trails have hunting hunting isn't all like September like September 15th to February 15th you know that's why we have to wear orange if you're going to go on the trails except for Sundays so Sundays there's no hunting anywhere in town okay yeah but um so yes all of our trails you know and there's regulations you can't hunt within X distance ft for bow hunting off a trail yes we hly 150 ft off the trail for firearm it's 450 ft at the grasslands preserve where we do like allow intense hunting during firearm we close those properties down just for firearm season um but we could still go ahead and do the trail in here so we like yeah we wouldn't want to be in there like designing the trail during firearm season but we can start you know looking we can definitely start looking and seeing what works now again this is very very densely vegetated so you know you January through August there's no concern correct yeah so yeah so so now um does this a winter hike in there I'm thinking when the vegetation has died down a little yeah might be a little bit easier to navigate than right now February 20th not before I don't want to go 9:00 I firearm I don't want to go Peak firearm season no I wouldn't I would only do it on a Sunday even worse than most people yeah Sunday Sunday um is this does this is this one of the properties it connects to County open space or no um this property no this does not connect to County open space but I think one of the properties that Chris was talking about before is in this area so it potentially will connect to County open space yes okay will at some you know soon so we should put this on our agenda for our next meeting to continue we should really yeah I mean I don't know if you want to schedule time to like go out there and look at it or if you want me to like look at a map and see if I can like come up with something well I'd like to go out do you want you think to do that now like on a Sunday we could or um I could make some maps that show like the wet areas and we can like kind of get a general idea and then maybe go out but even if we go out we're not going to be able to get far in that's for sure so we try our best it is I had to go out there when we had to deal with this uh neighbor issue and our own driveway was like I mean the driveway was like jammed I mean the hunters are getting in there but they are like up in the trees so they go into where they have to go they climb up in the tree and then definitely some something that cuts through there yeah it looks like something cuts through I don't know I'm looking now I'm now I can't wait for us to go because yes there's a utility line that goes through there that's probably what them yeah the neighbor has a driveway that runs almost the full length of this property and it's right up against our property too just so you're aware not that it doesn't matter but the Higgins super fun site the hiin super fun site is Right nearby yes that's the the red box on the bottom right now I got to look all this up what that it was a super fun I think it's since been cleared like taken off the known contaminated sites list but yeah let's have a trail go there so should I whose property was this or hiin site is that D then now it's um I don't think it's owned by D but D has the has to put the no further action order on it so should we pick uh do we want to think about finding a Sunday to people who are interested to go do you want me to do like a mapping analysis first or do you just want to go look it's up to you I we can go look or if you want me to like come up if it's that thick right now I'm fine with a mapping look at it we we should wait for like you know the winter right so the least amount of vegetation right that's so we could do a mapping analysis and then as soon as hunting is over like February there won't be any leaves on the trees the hunters will have just gone through there so maybe we can follow one of their Trails or something like from the at that point esing deer sometimes if they drag if they drag like a carcass that makes a big trail that you can follow it doesn't look I mean yeah it's probably impassible so do mapping mapping for County Route 518 Trails I wonder how yeah if it's if there's a wet area or just something of Interest maybe okay I'll look to see what I can find and we can use that as a starting point okay and then maybe let's pick a Sunday like right after maybe it's like right after hunting season is over that sounds great and yeah and febrary begin March sounds good right president St um before we move to a Jour I I know it's a ter like looking at like you know the handouts the that Chris brought from suers County open space and the buttons like I know I'm you know as far as like for us like can we get buttons can like I would love for us to have shirts like if for those of us who are volunteering to go to like table the events like is that something that I mean does does open space get ever get shirts no they're again shirts shirts I will just say I feel like there was a time that the trails committee asked for shirts it was a few years ago and I brought that to the open space committee and it was like no go on the shirts so they're a little ant more antisocial like all right I mean we can ask again but they won't be here in time for Frank day we ask no but we lead all these hikes like we Le this like we have our hats we have our hats which is nice but like you know orange shirts would all you know shirts would be nice but okay I'll we'll we'll make our own shirts and we we'll pay for our own shirts that's fine if you bring it up at the meeting at the open space meeting and ask for it you know I mean you're a you're members so definitely more Outreach here than than the uh agree are you guys but who else would be interested I mean maybe this is just a personal thing where I want to do I want a leather jacket hold it back think oh my god oh yeah your mom can knit us all sweaters my mom can crochet listen she's working on hat for open space committee now so we're all going to be I think you we should ask at the next meeting the worst they can say is no yeah what's the problem I was want to make sure people other people were interested because it was just something that I want then no CU it's much better when you're doing a thing and sometimes you might not want to have an orange hat on just saying not the crocheted one for the winter um okay well we can ask but if not then even if they are not and I'd like to like just see what the cost is to do a batch of t-shirts or I don't think um definitely won't be ready like I said they won't be ready for Frank long term I'm not thinking cuz we do we do hikes year round yeah we do hikes and we do events year round and uh I know Jim has a cool hiking t-shirt he wears but [Music] um um yeah I would bring it up I would definitely bring it up and I think you know you can explain and they might feel but if not even like even like a button like I'm like look at this have this open space but and I don't really want to wear this but I'd love to wear a Franklin Trails button y buttons actually we get made for hunting we do get butt cuz they're required to wear a button Hunters so buttons we actually order fairly frequently that actually might not be I mean buttons I can tell you how much the hunting buttons cost well what about like a vest like orange now you're you're again fancy now now you're getting fancy now we have a long sleeve shirt we have our safety vest with Franklin Township in the back these down these vests love great winter and suwar and a fleece I like that too I saw something with the trails advisory committee logo and you know trails and then maybe like member TR advisory committee member you know so the but we see at Franklin thing stuff you see different like yeah like the councilman do you have a shirt cuz I've seen like the mayor has a shirt I have a shirt did you buy that yourself no we bought the shirt and there's a place in Franklin Township uh at the uh the Franklin Bard and Hamilton and they can put that logo oh nice it's a little bit costly but yeah so hunting 15 bucks just for the logo you give them your shirt and fits you you like it whatever and then they will put their logo whatever you want they will put the logo okay okay maybe even like a collared shirt Polo little yourself shirt they put the little the buttons for hunting we have to order 200 of them or $272 a little over a dollar each but I we wouldn't order 200 buttons most likely maybe we would I was yeah if we if we designed it I would definitely spring to have the lease that I'm going to buy for this there you go please okay all right so just like continue the conversation it's just something I've been every time we have an event I always think about it would be nice it would be nice be coordinated yeah just you know it's it's marketing like you know it's part of us us wearing these even on our own is marketing I know every time I wear my hat someone will be like you know oh what is you know what's that yeah okay um it's time to adjourn can I have a motion to Second all in favor or exension what she car