[Music] pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 public laws of 1975 this meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press on May 24th 2024 has been advertised in the Asbury Park Press May 30th 2024 all Municipal clerks in the burls within the regional district has been duly notified and the requirements for the posting was met on May 30th 2024 please rise for the pledge let's go this way I alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all Mr disano any changes to agenda tonight yes Mr President uh in addition to the items that were noted on the agenda that was pre-printed prior to the meeting uh the board also announced and was discussing uh the following additional items for exception number three in Hib appeal uh and the student discipline report uh for exception number seven uh the board was discussing uh uh issues with the Pine Street property uh and the 2024 2025 budget thank [Music] you um so we have um next the we have organizational items okay I'm sorry we don't have minutes tonight so [Music] it's so we have organizational items just because this would be traditionally when our meeting would be Mr President our organizational items are C1 to C6 so now I have a motion to take C1 to C6 I hear a motion do Mrs Capello and second was M mob mob roll call please yes Mrs Lavin yes Mr as motion carries okay so minutes thank you I'm going to throw it over to Dr Hazel for superintend report I'm sorry Mr President just before we we have uh we do have meeting minutes so I apologize that was kind of very it's a little out of order because of it's the organizational agenda okay so we have the minutes uh from the May 14 meeting May I have a motion to approve the minutes from the May 14th Board of Education meeting second I'm sorry the second was I'm sorry Mrs Bruno Mr C CIO is first yes roll call please Mrs berno yes Mrs Scott mov yes Mrs Capell yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes Mr paresi abstain M Lavin abstain Mr es yes motion carries now I'm going to throw to Dr Haz thank you Mr Bruno your good evening we are in the home stretch of the school year um students are completing final exams this week and our district is preparing for graduation on Thursday June 20th this week and our raise graduation our alternative program is tomorrow um I don't think we have to worry about rain in the forecast um but we are going to have temperatures in the mid90s um so you know this district has made Provisions uh for additional covered areas uh for our elderly uh we do ask everyone and I know our building principles and our administrators are fully prepared uh with having you know water on site but we want everyone just to remain hydrated bring the water with you it is going to be hot um our graduations uh start at 3:00 so we're in the heat of the afternoon uh but we are super excited to celebrate and congratulate our 2024 graduates um on their successful culmination of four years um in the freeh hole Regional High School District um so looking forward to uh Thursday afternoon to celebrate with our graduates and our families and all of our board members will be in attendance uh for those festivities um Dr Howell and I facilitated A Farewell celebration for our executive student cabinet um all of our board members we have um six students um who work um in conjunction uh with this board and myself um and we are um sending them on their way uh we thank them for their service and we look forward all of um you will meet our new executive student cabinet next school year on this board agenda um this evening our 2223 District grade report for um harassment intimidation and bullying which is required by the New Jersey Department of Education it's a self assessment review it's in the areas of Hib programs training investigation procedures and Hib reporting the the district grade that was earned uh we have a perfect score 78 out of 78 um each of these Hib grades uh will be posted on each of the schools homepage also on this agenda you'll see um the Lea plan the local Education Agency plan for safe School return to instruction and Contin continuity of service this outlines how the local school district maintains the health and safety of our students and staff this is really an outgrowth when we came back from covid uh but um this is really two years in the works but it is something that we review and assess with our team um every six months and we board approve it um each year and it is on this agenda uh to be approved this evening you know most importantly um you know you know members of our community and our board you know we really work tirelessly um you know in April um and actually moved into May uh to approve a school budget for the freeh hole Regional High School District uh for several years freeh hole Regional has been extremely vocal within our community we've been vocal with our state leaders regarding the need for change in the school funding formula especially regarding the devastating cuts that were brought by Senate Bill 2 I'm happy to report that bipartisan support resulted in some legislation that provides some budgetary relief to the freeh hole Regional High School District tonight we will be proposing to adopt the modified budget which we will authorize its submission to the Department of Education the past six years have strained the freeh hole Regional High School District as S2 reshaped New Jersey school funding formula and it's how they disperse the state aid to school districts those reductions in state aid with the Inception of S2 totaled approximately 20 million for Freehold Regional High School District while legislation last year provided temporary relief that's when we had the reinstatement of courtesy busing for the remaining years of S2 this District faces an estimated 10.8 million reduction in state aid for the fiscal 26th school year budget that's for the 2526 school year if that formula was enacted our budget as initially adopted eliminated positions in the district it eliminated instructional support programs and deferred very important capital projects new legislation signed by the governor governor Murphy grants an opportunity to increase taxes above the 2% tax levy cap this new legislation recognizes that districts have not been able to access their local F local fair share due to this 2% tax levy cap and it looks to assist districts in recouping additional Monies to get closer to the state calculated adequacy budget Target the amount of money New Jersey determines as necessary to Pro provide a thorough and efficient education although F frhsd has taken issue with the state's calculation of local fair share the current state calculation me measures are community's ability to pay property taxes at 205 million going to the maximum of the 2% cap only provides 156 Million by making use of this new legislation the Freehold Regional High School District will move closer to the calculated local fair share and in turn reduce the amount below adequacy by approxim 45% moving from around 20 million under adequacy to 10.6 million under adequacy this is a significant step toward reinforcing the structural Integrity of the Freehold Regional High School District's budget by increasing the tax levy through this new legislation it becomes part of the tax base for future budgets to come this will greatly assist assist with addressing the 19 million projected Revenue deficit for fiscal year 26 this additional Revenue will reduce the scope and extent of difficult decisions things that we faced before elimination of courtesy busing a look at participation fees and others that were considered for fiscal year 26 which were noted in the budzet presentation in April this will put our district in a better financial position to handle the expected state aid reductions next budget year if that formula is enacted as is the state does say that they're tweaking the state aid uh formula but we don't know what that calls for you know um you know six seven months down the road when we receive our allocation for state aid at this time our district and our board has carefully examined multiple scenarios regarding what the tax impact would look like for Freehold Regional taxpayers we're proposing a solution to restore a portion of the budget cuts planned for 2425 with this revised budget we plan to rehire staff members this is a district that has um abolished positions year after year through S2 we would look to to reduce our class size we want to restore instructional programs and supports including our Alternative Program enhance security measures um and address targeted facility needs targeted facility needs would be items of priority there are still other things that need to be addressed in the district um but these are just targeted areas that are being addressed really the ones that are on the front burner that need to absolutely be addressed we have worked as a board um and as a school district tirelessly on behalf of the school Community including our taxpayers to overcome the challenges we face with the school funding formula this District we take pride in sustaining our reputation as one of New Jersey's top performing school districts while maintaining spending well below the state's average per pupil cost this has been a tough effort over the past seven years um hoping that there'll be a little green light at the end of the tunnel uh we're not there entirely um but this is definitely a step in the right direction I want to thank the freeho Regional High School District Community for their continued understanding and support I want to extend my sincere gratitude to our Board of Education which has remained committed to ensuring that the Freehold Regional High School District is a source of Pride for this community thank you Mr B thank you board reports we there are no board reports tonight I'm happy to say and I just want to mention that Communications are on file in the business office and um we're going to throw with you yeah so uh on regarding the uh changes to the preprinted agenda we have some additions to two items resolution H2 uh this is on the yellow piece of paper back of the room and will be included on the final minutes of course there's an additional item under approval of appointments also on H5 approval of honoraria there are seven names uh added to that list as well in addition um I17 on the agenda that was pre-printed um says resolution be provided at at meeting which has been handed out to the folks here today uh but I'll summarize it to you and this goes to what Dr Hazel just speaking of um this is the title of the resolution is adoption of a tenative 2024 2025 school year budget um and in accordance with what Dr Hazel was just speaking of this amends the budget the tenative budget and the process is that is then submitted to the county office Office of the State Department of Education for a technical review um and once approved uh then it is it's advertised in the newspaper and there'll be a public hearing on on the revised budget that public hearing is scheduled to take place on June 27th 8:00 right here at uh the administration building in Englishtown um and uh that actually that date is left blank on the resolution so if you would make a note of that board June 27th is is the date to fill in that blank so the information specific to the amendments to the previously adopted budget are detailed on on this resolution um and that is to be put into the i7 placeholder on the agenda and with that that's all that I have thank you and Mr Bruno I'm sorry I did have one additional item that will be resolution K20 uh it was a motion to deny the Hib appeal as reported and discussed in executive session so the agenda as amended anyone here tonight to speak speak T hi hi I know you it's okay this awesome time and then how won awesome thank you so much yeah thank you yes no absolutely I was um talking with Mrs maob and I just could not believe um how terrific that parade was how the community you know came out um I think it was I think your largest showing in all your years um but how well organized it was I got there hours before thinking I was going to be so challenged uh with paring and getting through um I mean absolutely I mean the the level and attention to detail and the preparation that your committee must do um I know Mrs maob already said you know she's already started preparing for next year's Memorial Day Parade now and I could see why so um a special you know congratulations you know to your team and Community uh it really was uh an event you know honoring you know all of those that have you know fallen for our country and who are actively serving our country uh and will such a great way to bring the community together uh myself and my family uh truly enjoyed the event thank you so much did they they got it through I know I went to far I went to far I looked for you in farming D see you we had rain heavy rain and I enjoy myself yes I think you just got the before 12 12 window farming deal had the downpour when people were lining up at 12 and then it cleared up and then it rained again but it is what it is okay well that's good wear that in PR PR okay we're going to take um H1 to h21 hear Mr Mr Bruno Mr Bruno yes Mr cello Mr lad Mr cob yes Mr Messinger I have a motion to take I 1 through day s motion down there and I roll call please any discussion any discussion not hearing any discussion yes Mr Brun I'd like to say something okay uh this includes I17 which is the new resolution yes i7 okay at a recent board meeting when we were here talking about possibly going out and raising additional Capital because of this legislation I had communicated to the public that uh I would vote Yes on any budget that included Revenue that would be dedicated solely to the student experience and as I have been presented information from the administration uh there's uh a lot of items and revenue items in there that um I I personally do not feel are connected to the uh student experience and therefore I will not be supporting us that's all I have to thank you any further discussion board members any further discussion we okay cell Mr yes for everything except on I5 I abstain and on i7 I vote no they have a motion to take K1 through L3 Mr and Mrs cell nice and Loud this time very good any discussione Mr aceta Mrs Bruno Mr Bruno yes Mrs cello yes Mrs Lavin Miss maob yes Mr Messinger yes Mr paresi yes I do need my notes anyway um anyone any board member have new business go ahead I do um first of all if I can put my uh parade Vice chairman uh hat on for a second um I would just like to thank uh Dr Hazel as well as the administrators from from all of the six uh District high schools for supporting uh their students coming to volunteer for the parade um the majority of those 243 were from Freehold Regional High School District again half of them 119 coming from Howell by itself so they did win uh the Alice mob F Memorial Day Parade volunteer trophy for this year um and I'd also like to shout out all of the other winners um from this year from the district uh including first place best overall judges Choice Award awarded all of these were awarded just earlier this evening which is why I was late uh I apologize for that uh to Freehold Township High School band best overall second place best overall Malo High School Mark Mustangs uh first place best color Honor Guard fre Township High School band first place second place was Colts neack High School Navy Junior Roc uh best band Second Place High marketing band and best overall youth unit Second Place malber High School Marching Mustang so four of the six high schools were honored with Awards this afternoon uh from the Memorial Day breaking so congratulations to all the winners thank you to everybody who came out as well as my fellow board members for joining us that day so thank you you have to send that to me please yes thank you anyone else how about old business anybody have old business Mr B of before I CU I know that that uh a certain representative from Freo is very quick uh last motion session superintendent uh not okay we're just going to walk out we have to go to Executive session please walk out and see see at graduation wait wait wait are motion a second I have a motion I'll make a motion to go to exec second Mr all in favor and we will come back out in close but there's no more business correct the only motion that will be taken will be a motion to adjourn not taking any further action