##VIDEO ID:JrKO4hASm4E## [Music] pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 this notice was sent to the a Park Press on July 8th 2024 and has been duly advertised in the as Park request issue of July 12th 2024 all Municipal Clerks of the townships within the Burl and the Regional High School District has been duly notified and the requirements of the postings have been met on July 8th 2024 I'm trying to go slow to this um would you please rise and join Antonio Lardo from maror high school in the [Music] qu IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with and justice for all Mr just any changes to the agenda yes Mr President in addition to the items that were noted on the agenda is pre-printed the word also discussed in except uh for exception number three uh the student discipline report and an exception number seven the matter under agency reference number 2024 [Music] 3743 may I have a motion to approve the minutes from the September 26 2024 board meeting motion second yes any discussion board not hear any discussion roll call please Mr ASA yes Mrs bro yes Mrs Calo yes m M coward yes Mrs sigley yes Mrs Lavin yes M maob yes Mr mesinger yes Mr bro yes reminder Communications are on file in the board secretary's office and now we're going to have Dr Hazel superintend board thank you Mr Bruno good evening everyone uh we have an exciting evening um and um some of our artists in the district will be receiving Awards this evening uh so we're really excited but um for the superintendence report wanted to advise the uh board and our community uh the freeh hole Regional High School District will be going um a middle States evaluation uh that visit is taking place December 9th through the 12th uh the process begins and we're pretty much through it uh with a self-study um where uh administrators and constituents from the district uh come together we outline goals for our ourselves that will take us through a 7-year uh process uh it is an accreditation process that we'll be going through and uh an esteemed team of volunteer Educators come and visit our district they come and visit all of our schools and the central office uh there's a full comprehensive report um that they provide us and and this is really um just kind of validation for the school district uh that we are meeting the markers in areas of governance uh student well-being instruction in program um and our teaching and learning process so uh it's a lot of work on our part um we love that self- evaluation process because it's it's really uh a validation of the tremendous work that we're doing in the district and gives us an opportunity to be able to learn and grow from other Educators that are visiting our district um on the heels of that in March uh once again uh it feels like it was yesterday but our district will be going through a qac evaluation and that's through the Department of Education it is something that occurs every 3 years uh the areas uh for that evaluation are an instruction in program fiscal management governance operations personnel and also um instruction and program as well um the Department of Education they come in they also come in and visit schools we go through um a district performance review it is different than a middle St State stealth study um but um kind of happy they're both in the same year because our district will be um you know fully primed and ready um but our County Office officials come in uh visit schools talk with stakeholders and um that process um is a one-day visit and that's um March 5th um also um we have an award winner in the room Rebecca poac Castro where there she is in the back um New Jersey school public relations Association [Music] named as a winner in the 24 School Communications award contest um and this was a winning image that Mrs paa Castro took uh was during Howell High School's 40th anniversity celebration of the fine and Performing Arts Magnet program the picture was taken um in June um but uh she had an award of Merit in the photographer photography category so we're really excited uh about that and we will be posting that um on our website congratulations yes great job also exciting news the College Board announced that all six of the freeh hole Regional High School District Schools were name to the 2024 advanced placement program the School honor rooll um all of our schools receive distinction um and the the distinction is based on enrollment uh the scores that the students attain on the exams um credit if they get a three or higher is potential credit um at the college or university that they attend and also there is a component in this metric uh where they're looking at 9th and 10th graders enrollment in AP courses as well um as most of our administrators and our supervisors know um but this is a district that takes great pride in opening of access for students uh not just in AP courses but also in honors level courses um all of our courses uh that we offer here at a very rigorous level um but um it is a great opportunity for students and this is open access uh to all students in our district um so it doesn't surprise me or anyone else uh that we receive these distinctions but it is a really nice honor uh for all of our schools and it really speaks to the efforts of our um teachers and our supervisors who are working with these students um at the AP level classes uh so really congratulations to all of our schools um we we had a wonderful uh band Festival on October 8th where all of the bands of the freeh hole Regional High School District uh came together they perform individually and then they perform collectively all six schools uh perform God Bless America and that was on October 8th and um the students just did a tremendous job uh this school year um the weather was on our side as well uh but really an enjoyable evening um for our musicians uh band directors um and all of our parents in community so that was a wonderful event um we had our Spooktacular uh window painting uh for 2024 um and also the weather was on our side um for that event and and this evening we are going to honor um our winners and our honorable mentions uh for the spacular window painting but before we proceed proceed um into that I do want to ask if our board members uh could please uh join down below because we're going to move down the screen yes I'm going to do that in a sec y from down below because we have to change over mics um but if everybody could just take a seat down below and um we will have a presentation just before we present our award winners for Spooktacular I'd like to introduce Helena Pace she is an executive student Cabinet member she serves on the superintendent and the Board of Education um cabinet um she is one of six Representatives we have uh an executive student cab Cabinet member represented for each of our high schools so when our board meetings are out at the schools uh we' like to have the students share some of their experience um they're you know seniors in high school so they have uh vast experience here in the freeall Regional High School District as well as in their school so I invite uh you to the podium to share about your experience good evening Board of educ ation members my name is Helena pace and I have the honor of serving as the representative from Freehold High School on the executive student cabinet tonight I want to talk about the incredible Athletics and extracurricular programs that our school offers and how they shape the culture and climate of the burough Community I speak to you from personal knowledge and experience as I belong to many of Freehold High School's clubs and organizations I'm active in together we can the dramatic arts Club marching band concert band and chamber choir these activities have truly shaped me into the person that I am today I actually just noted on my college applications that drama club has been my most effective teacher in the skills of collaboration and public speaking almost every friend I have can be traced back to one or more of my curriculars our school is a hub of activity thanks in large part to an assortment of 25 Varsity Sports and 62 active clubs everyone knows about varsity football but did you know that we also have a sports medicine Club to support them from the side as well as an Esports gaming Club from cyber security to Burrow's new book club there's something for everyone these programs not only provide students with opportunities to develop their skills and talents but also Foster a sense of camaraderie and school spirit participating in athletics and extracurricular activities can make a large school feel small in the best way they create a positive and inclusive environment where students can feel connected to their peers and supported by their staff advisors and coaches these programs also help to build character teach important life lessons and prepare students for Success Beyond High School this is demonstrated by the very way that clubs are formed at rold high school through students taking initiative to create a group activity that will fill a void for not only themselves but for others observing my peers I see they have learned important skills such as time management conflict resolution and more through the time they spend here Beyond regular school hours we grow as individuals by growing together when you really get down to it these clubs are little communities within a big community and the same person you met because you both enjoyed chess can quickly become the person who asks you to proofread their essays or the person who helps you learn that tricky unit in calculus I believe that our school's commitment to Athletics and extracurricular activities is essential to creating a thriving learning environment participation in after school activities helps to promote academic achievement improve student wellbeing and Foster a sense of Pride and belonging thank [Applause] you thank you so much Helena I think that's a great intro into our next piece um but before uh I invite up our spacular uh committee members uh to honor our recipients on their window painting I would like um to share a small video clip it is about 2 minutes um is from the Manalapan High School Brave cast uh we have a t TV studio um and students who are interested in broadcasting um Mr gerardi is the teacher who is in charge of the program and uh the anchor who you will uh see here today is Jenna pzer our producer and editor is Gracie petner and script producer Michael kurs I'm not sure if any of them are here uh this evening I think yes please stand did a wonderful job to you will see uh she is here and you will see her um in you know interviewing uh students and teachers uh and myself and the spectacular committee so we are going to kick off our spectacular celebration uh with this video from Brave cast thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hey Braes Jenny P are here in downtown pre Hall at the annual spectacular window painting contest where FH students compete and painting their Halloween inspired artwork on Windows and local businesses in the area let's check in with the artist to see how they do it why did you choose your design for my design it's just simply cute and also it's the only like candy that comes around during Halloween I really think the lient is beautiful beautiful and it's Halloween and she EV old what's been your favorite part about today I guess the opportunity to be here with everyone is just like showing off all the work and and dedication that we all put in and getting the paint on the window and to draw my characters that I created how does it feel to see your students competing at this contest it feels great one thing to see the students as they're working on their projects in class on a small sheet of paper but they trans into you know a bigger canus like this it makes me proud to see them be so successful and have such a limited amount of time to do so well in that amount of time what's been your biggest challenge today probably the shading has been taking us a pretty long time I would say the cold for those who don't know can you guys share a little more information about the contest the contest started in the 40s and it was just the baral high school and as a district grew so did the window painting grow and it's stop for a few years we brought back at least 20 years ago now all six high schools are involved and we have retired artists who are Judges so they're judged by actual professionals so we have this year we have 76 men just with the high school kids do a phenomenal job and it's really just free them in why are opportunities like these so important for our in community Spooktacular is one of our favorite events the freeold Regional High School District just gives a tremendous opportunity for the artist of the district to come out and show all of their skills and talents and we're just so appreciative to the Freehold spacular committee and to all of the folks the community and in the district and to all the teachers and administrators who make this event possible for all the students well there you have a bridge it's great to be back spectacular as this is where my prerc journey started with my first segment back in 2022 this has been Jenny P now back to you guys in studio how terrific thank you Jenny and please uh a big thank you to the brave crafts team uh for this spectacular video and for the coverage of the event we really appreciate it um just a special thank you to all of our art supervisors and our art teachers across the district who have worked so closely uh with our artists in preparing uh for the spacular window uh painting um this is always uh a program that the students look forward to each year so uh really just a thank you to uh all the folks in the district who make this possible um also in nette pza who I know is here somewhere I left my glasses up on uh up on the top where's oh where's Miss pza back here okay thank you so much um she put so much time in in coordinating this uh with the spacular committee um so we thank you for all of uh your efforts and um for all of the time that you put in to make making this um a safe and and wonderful event for our students so at this time uh we want to recognize uh our winners um special thank you also to Federici's Pizza who provides lunch for all of us um that's always terrific but our spectacular committee uh is here today and I invite up uh Moren stump the co-chair of the window painting event and Judy guy the co-chair of the window painting event to present our Awards this evening [Music] [Applause] okay hi everyone so first I want to say how excited I am to be here presenting the words in Freehold burrow High School this year on behalf of the Halloween spacular committee and our co-chairs Tony fields and Annette Jordan I would like to thank Dr Hazel and the board for their continued support your cooperation is vital and without it we couldn't showcase the artists in our community We Begin planning this event in July and it is definitely a team effort so if you could bear with me for a few moments I would like to thank everyone involved Tony Fields could not be here tonight due to rer family weekend but she sends her congratulations to all of the students she's Amazed by their talent and is very proud of all of them Mike federici of Federici's restaurant in Freehold who unfortunately also couldn't be here tonight has been our sponsor for many many years he and his wonderful staff provide lunch for all the students and our teachers we are so grateful to federi for their continued support I would like to thank Tracy vas and all the students at Freehold Intermediate School they do an outstanding job painting the windows at Broad Street Plaza if you guys haven't gone to see it it's the kids do just a wonderful job it's probably about 15 windows um the businesses come out they give them popsicles it's kind of my part of my favorite thing about um window painting um I would like to thank treeold DPW as well as the fire and police departments for all they do for us for this event and I especially want to thank all the businesses downtown that participated this year as we said we had 76 Windows this year now I would like to ask Rebecca po Castro and Annette pza to come on up please [Music] [Applause] Rebecca is the district's Communications and project coordinator thank you Rebecca for capturing the Artistry of the students with your phone [Music] not and Anette Anette coordinates all the information given to the art teachers and provides us with what we need for the awards she also helps coordinate the school bands for our upcoming parade on the 27th and that our committee is still grateful for for all your hard work to ensure this event is a success thank you for always making sure we have what we need for both events and also for answering my unending questions I there were a little less this year I was a little better this year but we really appreciate [Applause] you thank you very much thank you so now I would like to ask Judy guy to come up and assist with the awards Judy is my right hand for this event and I cannot imagine it Su it success without her if we did not have such amazing volunteers who donate countless hours of their time we cannot offer all of these events I didn't expect to have so many of our spectacular committee so if you guys could stand Mark you as well really [Music] it is a lot of hour okay um I want to thank our volunteer judges Jeff Freedman ly re and Leslie Deli for taking on the impossible task of judging this year's 76 Windows they chose two honorable mentions and addition to our first second and third place windows and here we go hold on okay so our first honorable mention is Marboro High School principal Dr David Bleckley the painting is Dracula and friend window at b& lsmith and the student is Olivia kokosa I'm sorry if I'm not saying that correctly um her teacher Miss Fraser will come and accept it on her [Applause] behalf thank you congratulations our second honorable mention is freeold high school principal is Dr Letta Ross the painting is Edward Scissor Hands um at Leela Salon the students are Caroline samoya Alan car and Guadalupe Cruz Flores um the teachers are Dan finaldi Jenna maetta and Jean ens the principal art supervisor is Mr Rodney [Applause] Taylor and by the way this is at The Barbers so it's perfect they were outside taking pictures with scissors and all that it's really great that's fine good job you congratulations [Applause] okay third place is col snack High School principal Dr Brian Dono the painting is cubis Frankenstein the window is at Urban Barbershop the students are Goldie Cohen and Caitlyn Pala teachers are Lauren havan and Audrey lip king um art supervisor is Miss Jennifer gous thank you so [Applause] great job you guys two three [Applause] second place is Howell High School principal Mr Jeremy bman the painting is Beetle Juice and it was at Habitat for Humanity the student is Cecilia kavana teachers are Sarah mat materia and Colleen may assistant principal art supervisor is Miss Michelle England come on up [Applause] [Applause] and now first place is Freehold High School which I love that that's where we are um the principal is Dr Letta Ross the painting is Audrey to window is at Leela Salon the student is Alexander bickoff and B denca teachers Danielle finaldi Jean bath and Jenny maena assistant principal art supervisor is Mr Rodney Taylor on [Music] [Applause] and one more for the parents [Applause] [Applause] I just want to thank the board for inviting us here tonight again and congratulations to all of our winners all of things are just amazing every year they are so I hope everyone has a good [Applause] night as Moren mentioned I was her co- here but actually Moren is uh 80% and Judy 20% this is her second year she's did a phenomenal job and I want to thank her on behalf of the committee and the regional district and myself thank you [Applause] congratulations to all of our winners we are going to proceed take like a two-minute break we're going to uh go through our board agenda um but the artists and families are free to leave so we do not have any board reports tonight Mr Boyce are there any changes to the agenda there are uh all changes are contained on the yellow sheet in the back of the room um there are additions to existing resolutions uh in G3 approval of appointments G6 approval of change of status G7 approval of leave of absences in addition there are two new resolutions that have been added they are i5 and I6 I5 is a bid renewal for snow removal uh and I6 is the drain removal for the salt application related to the snow removal so in addition to the preed the agenda those items thank you we do have public anticipation tonight and we have Sarah R Decker our president of our teaches Association would like to speak hi Sarah good evening so good evening um on behalf of the Freehold Regional Education Association I wanted to take a moment to thank the administration for their support in policy and practice as we began the 2024 2025 school year with a ban on cell phones in instructional spaces I can't um overemphasize how difficult the past few years have been to engage students and provide meaningful instruction while competing with personal Tech the membership overwhelmingly sought to eliminate this distraction but it would not have been possible without the support of Dr Hazel and other key administrators I'm happy to report that we are navigating this new way along with a students but it has been overwhelmingly positive the association will be hosting a number of events throughout the year centered around the theme of untangling ourselves from Tech and distractions that can interfere with Community sense of self and learning we invite the community to join us starting with the reading of the anxious generation I hoped to have the books tonight but we are still awaiting their delivery um and we will distribute them through the buildings we did in fact purchase a copy for everybody on the board so we'll be getting one for each of you and the nearly 200 community members who requested copies and wish to be a part of this important discussion thank you it's um Mrs rer it's kind of interesting to see some states are still toying with the fact California New York and it just seems like the freeh hole Regional just did it they just did it yeah thank you thank you very much okay um may I have a motion to approve G1 through [Music] G10 any discussion board not hearing any discussion R call Mr aova yes Mrs Baro yes Mrs capiello yes Mrs coward Mrs Headley yes but Iain from G5 to Mrs Lavin yes M mov yes Mr Messinger yes Mr BR yes car we're going to move to program operations building transportation and our physical plant may I have a motion to approve H1 through [Music] I6 second second second any discussion not hearing any discussion motion Mr as yes Mrs Bruno Mrs cello yes Mrs coward Mrs Hy yes Mrs lav yes M mob yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Verner yes we're going to go to educational program and administration I have a motion to approve it J1 through K1 discussion board not hear any discussion roll call Mr ASA yes Mrs Bruno Mrs Pella yes Mrs C MRSA Matthew Mrs lad yes M mov yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes motions car does any board members have all business it's okay I I just wanted to um recognize I don't know if people were aware that Fred up passed away this week he was one of the founders of the actually was founder of the Learning Centers in which has become a Bedrock of our district and he worked in the district from 1971 to 2004 he was a social studies teacher social studies supervisor and then he was the supervisor of the um Learning Center township and Marboro and um he retired in January of 2004 but he made a big he was the first person to have actual Learning Centers within a Regional High School District and it's the model that you know has been ex successful just um I just have a personal comment to make I wanted to thank people on the board and people in the freeall regional community that their support the last few weeks with the passing of my sister um I really probably couldn't have gotten through it all with the support of all of you so thank you um we truly are like a second family I appreciate it um new business any new business board Mr B if I could yes please um I just want to congratulate all of the bands for their uh wonderful performance uh last week at the band festival and also the spectacular winners for their beautiful artwork uh and also all those who participated even those who are not winners for beautifying Freehold spookify Freehold burrow with their wonderful artwork thank you okay um any more new buiness not hearing any we're going to move to Jour I'd like to make a motion to a we have a second all in favor is that game still going on the J