##VIDEO ID:tYo5cpczuew## [Music] good evening everybody how we doing nice to be back at how pursuant to the open public meeting act chapter 231 this meeting La of 1935 this meeting notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press on July 8th 202 for and have been duly advertised in the athl request issue on July 12th 2024 all Municipal Clerks of the township and the burls within the regional district have been notified and the requirements for this posting was met on July 8th we going to stand for the pledge Antonio Lardo representative will lead us pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for allw you may be seated Mr SC I changes to the U executive agenda you want to yes Mr uh president uh in addition to the items that noted on the agenda preprinted prior to the meeting uh the board also discussed uh an exception uh number three uh student suspension report uh and in exception number seven the board uh had uh discussion about a potential civil plan thank you may I have a motion to approve the new of August 2824 second second um any discussion board not hear any discussion motion Please Mr ACA yes Mrs Capello yes Mrs coward Mrs hickley yes Mrs ladin yes M mov yes Mr Messinger yes Mr bur yes as a reminder the communications on file in the business ador's office we're going to have our superintendent report thank you Mr Bruno um just at this time I'm actually going to go down to the podium we have a number of presentations this evening um so I invite all of our Board of Education members to join me uh down in the pit J oh good evening everyone and thank you Antonio uh for setting the stage tonight for us this evening um I want to first start off by can everybody hear me okay yes okay thank you um by welcoming a new board of education member uh for Howell a board of education representative Mrs Howard [Music] he she will be serving on the board of education uh through December of 2024 so thank you also like to just take a moment to recognize and honor uh Mr fesi um for his years of service to the Freehold Regional Board of Education um he served as the how board representative for 4 and 1/2 years Mr paresi was instrumental in supporting the board and the district served on the policy and the finance committees and we thank him for his service to the H community and the greater Freehold Regional High School District uh we do have a plaque for him so we will make sure uh that we get that to him also we have um each year I think many of you know we have an executive student cabinet they work closely with our Board of Education and with myself and Dr Howell um so I am so excited um here representing us from Howell High School Nick Tor um is going to set the stage for us he's going to review um our meeting and and some of what we discussed uh but also talk about kind of the culture and climate and how this school year started off for him at how high school so Nick come on up [Applause] and he didn't have the boots at our last meeting I did not but we are happy you are here yes good evening my name is Nicko and I have the honor of serving as a representative from H High School on the executive executive student cabinet the executive student cabinet is comprised of six senior Representatives one carefully selected from each School within our district you function as a c team meeting monthly with Dr Hazel Dr Howell and the central office administrators to form a focused student group our primary goal is to advocate for the interest and perspectives of our fellow students each member of our cabinet brings a unique voice to the table sharing Val valuable insights clean from their respective schools as we embark on the 2024 2025 school year we are excited to actively support the implementation of compass 3.0 and play a pivotal role in the middle stes accreditation process we are committed to lending our voices and providing constructive feedback our aim is to ensure that the student perspective is at the Forefront of these important initiatives we've had a great start to the school year and I've already noticed the difference in our school culture and climate largely because of the change in the cell phone practices we are more engaged and focused in our classes and have noticed a positive impact on our interactions with students in our classes and at lunch we've noticed an increase in interactions with teachers as well students are reaching out for help independently instead of using their phones to look at the answers and take the easy way out student cabinet believes that this rule will reveal long-term progress and strengthen the academic and social aspects of our student body and overall assemble a healthier Community for students and staff all year long we look forward to collaborating with the Board of Education and the District administration to create a positive and enriching learning environment for all students thank you great job also I'd like to take a moment to recognize Scarlet um she is our Freehold Township uh sampino um at freeold Township High School and um for each School uh when we come out for our board meetings our executive student cabinet members uh will share about their school and and about how the year is going um but Nick uh great start uh big shoes to fill as we venture out to the other schools and have our presentations um but um you know as Nick stated um this school year has been off to a tremendously positive start um a credit to our students our families and our staff um we had um back to school night last Thursday which were extremely well attended uh by our families I was in attendance over at cols neck High School um other programs also um take place the evening of uh back to school night we had our multilingual families and all of our ninth grade parents were able to meet um the school counselor um that that child will have over the 4-year period um so just a real energizing night um with our families our principles kicked off the evening um in each of their auditoriums you know to welcome and greet all of the parents and we really think that's a tremendous way to kind of start off um our school year and then they have an opportunity to go in and visit all of their child's classrooms and meet the teachers so uh I'm just really proud of the opening of the school year and how well those back to school nights ran with the support of our supervisors and our teams and our teachers um you know among our work and and Nick upon this uh with our strategic plan and our middle States you know processes that we'll be going through this year but this year was really important especially when I went out to speak to all of our faculties there are really two areas that I want to focus in on this year um and it's really about elevating expectations in all of our schools and first is student attendance and the second was as Nick mentioned uh the cell phones um it is so important that our students are in School each and every day every day counts um our teachers um are connecting and engaging our students and um that is the most important and you know we will be holding them to very high expectations um as it pertains to maintaining excellent attendance this school year um around the cell phones this is really a push toward you know really supporting teachers and supporting students to stay off social media to not have that distraction in the classroom and really just focus in on the teacher and the instruction and the peers in the class um so that we can optimize uh their engagement and ultimately their learning and their growth um so I am really proud of our students and our family and our staff uh for really you know going strong this school year and I think our kids um are really adjusting and we're seeing you know even if there is a moment in the classroom where you know there's an opportunity at the end of the period as they're getting their things together at least they're talking and engaging with each other um and they're not retreating to the phone um and that was something that was very very important to all of the teachers and supervisors and the administrative team um and I know we have to kind of keep the pedal you know to the medal and um make sure that we are on top of everything but I know um that we will be extremely successful um in this effort and being able to successfully engage our students in their program and I know each child is going to grow be having that full immersion in their experience so um that concludes um one piece and we do have presentations this evening um our first is to really honor and recognize some very special folks um in this school district and that's our power professionals um who work very closely um with um some of our classified students and um students that are in need in our buildings um and we have six recipients this evening that we want to um really personally recognize uh for their dedication and service so uh to start us off uh and and thank you Mr robman um he helped he put this together uh he is a whiz uh with AI and and different types of yeah so we've got every and everybody's represented here so uh yeah very exciting um so for Colts Neck I do want to invite up um the supervisor uh Miss Kelly Fitz Henry um and Miss uh Fitz Henry overseas uh the special education department is part of the administrative team at Colts Neck high school and our board representative uh for cols neck is uh Mr aceta so if you could please come up so I'd like to recognize um Mrs Susan Burns Mrs Burns has been a paraprofessional with the Freehold Regional High School District for eight years uh she began at Marboro high school and is currently at colon High School Mrs Burns provides academic emotional behavioral supports to students in our lld program learning language and disability program she is the face of coln High School in our community and serves as a job coach for students um that are on the job site and participate in our student transition Employment Program or step program she's responsible reliable holds students to high achievable standards Mrs Burn's experience calm and professional demeanor is vital to the Student Success at cols neck High School Mrs Burns please come up to be recognized congratulations also um Mrs Burns would you mind staying up here yeah we'll do perfect um our second recipient um and um I know uh the supervisor of the program I'm not sure she's here this evening um Miss Tristan Epstein um but also would like to invite up miss maob our Board of Education member for freeold I'm sorry and yep the principal Dr Ross is here um as well so if you'd like to come up um but our recipient for freeold is uh diaa pabal and she has been an amazing addition I met her out in the lobby before addition to Freehold High School to the Freehold High School family though only beginning with us two years ago she encompasses the qualities of a true Colonial and treats her colleagues and students just like her family each challenge she confronts with a smile and enthusiasm she easily develops rapport with the students in the classroom she's an advocate for student Independence and challenges students academically often assisting in small groups and working with students one-on-one to enhance their skills her dedication and commitment to our students is commendable please come up to receive your award family [Applause] our recipient for Freehold Township High School is an opera Mala uh supervisor Rachel GFF and Mrs Higley the Board of Education member uh Mr Dylan is here this evening on behalf of Mrs gof Mrs opala has been an invaluable member of the freeo Regional High School District for the past 5 years her exceptional dedication compassion and professionalism has significantly enriched our educational Community her abilities include building strong collegial relationships with all stakeholders most importantly our students demonstrating professionalism in all her interactions and fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration Mrs Opa Mala is a consistent presence and her dependability has been a Cornerstone of our team an opali please come up to receive your award [Applause] [Applause] at this time I'd like to invite up Mrs Bramley special education superviser for Howell High School Mr Bruno board president Mrs Lavin and Mrs Howard our recipient par professional uh recipient uh is Nikki Estrada Mrs Estrada has been a par professional at Howell High School for two years Mrs estada assists students in the self-contained program at Howell High School she is reliable dependable a dedicated professional who is all about her students she is a natural dealing with the students and with any challenging situation that may arise Mrs strata has a Comm reassuring presence with all of her students both in and out of the classroom please come up Mr Strada to accept your award congratulations congratulations [Applause] okay manalan high school I'd like to invite up Mr Heim Mrs cap and uh also um Mrs berno was not here this evening but is the manalan uh Board of Education rep our recipient for manalan high school Judy casparus has been a power professional with the district for 16 years she has been a vital thread to our school Community weaving together support and guidance and warmth in ways that re resonate throughout our classrooms and our corridors no no matter what she has asked she accommodates with a smile in the everchanging landscape of schedules she pivots effortlessly and is the true embodiment of flexibility and adaptability when faced with challenges she gently guides her students to find Solutions instilling them with RIT and flexibility that we know life demands Judy casparis please come up [Applause] conratulations conratulations [Applause] for Marboro High School um assistant principal and supervisor of special education Jennifer delette and Board of Education vice president Michael Messinger um our recipient for Marboro high school I'm not sure if she's here this evening uh Lily Beth Aras but miss Aras has been a power professional in Marboro high school for seven years Miss Aras Embraces every student she works with and looks for ways to best support their individual needs she has served as a onetoone parah as well has worked in our lld program learning the language disabilities program while continuously supporting students academic social and emotional needs Miss Aras brings a positive perspective and is helpful with all of her colleagues and demonstrates true professionalism each and every day um I think U we're going to have Miss deette she will uh present that to miss AR tomorrow [Applause] is that good so we take a picture here our eyes will be rolling all these [Applause] pictures thank you all and also to the supporting families of these terrific par professionals we have two other presentations uh this evening but we're going to segue to our annual assessment report we will be reporting out on the New Jersey student learning assessment um and the dlm uh Dynamic learning Maps uh for 202 before um these are really um assessments that students take kind of early on in their High School career we utilize the data from these tests to best prepare students obviously for their High School uh coursework but also in preparation for the state required um assessment the New Jersey GPA that students take in their junior year um so I invite up um Dr Huff our director of curriculum and instruction um who will share with us those results thank you drel so as Dr Hazel mentioned um I'm going to speak about the results for our NJ SLA Ela and math our grade 11 science and our dlm uh results which is an assessment for our special needs students let's start with the njsla and just a little overview of what this assessment is and who takes it so the njsla is uh consists of the English language arts for grade n in math it will be any student who's enrolled in Algebra 1 typically in grade 10 geometry or Algebra 2 if the Algebra 1 was already taken in middle school and then for science it's all grade 11 students even if they are not enrolled in a science class so to give you a little overview of our data you can see the scores here and we saw some bright spots in fact there was a 2.1% increase in our Ela scores from last year um there was a 6.2 2% increase in our Algebra 1 scores and that we saw a little bit in Geometry a little bit of a dip uh as Dr Hazel mentioned the put in the njla and how we use it uh is to inform our own instruction and our professional development opportunities but mostly if you remember these are underclassmen where we get this data and we can utilize it to identify students maybe who need additional supports to identify any changes we might want to make in our classroom instruction um and as sort of a benchmark especially given that we're a high school district and we have four years well really three years to prepare them for the uh graduation assessment and ggpa uh we use it to make sure that we communicate with students and parents about how students are progressing in school uh and how we can support them uh and make them prepared for post-secondary Education the workforce Etc um and so in that way this data is extremely beneficial to us um on so many levels if you remember from our July presentation about NJ GPA we did see lots of increases and jumps uh with our students and that's because over time as we put these um supports in place and students continue to be educated with us uh through our classroom instruction we do see their growth uh and this is the the beginning of that and we utilize this um data to you know help that the students make that jump uh over their um High School career and so um I think because we are seeing you know some strong scores and jumps uh these are all good signs uh and we're confident that we will continue to move the students forward as they prepare for ngj GPA in 11th grade as I mentioned even uh when we did the NJ GPA data we also want to make sure that we look at all students our our goal our strategic plan our a goal in the district is to make sure that we service the needs of all students and so as we look at our subgroup data we also want to make sure in each our subject areas that we pay also special attention to any student maybe where there's additional supports and growth needed and at the end I'll talk a little bit about some of the things that we put into place but even as we're I'm speaking right now we've already begun our after school tutoring program we want to make sure that we get an early jump and do supports for students right away and having this data you know early in the school year really helps us to do that um and that's something that we do immediately so as you can see I have our uh presentation here with our subgroup data for ELA for geometry and paying special attention to our multilingual Learners our special needs students and our economically disadvantage students for Algebra 1 and for Algebra 2 and science for the next part of the presentation as Dr hezel mentioned um I'm also reporting out on the 2024 Dynamic learning Maps or the dlm and to give you a little bit of an overview of the dlm in 2015 New Jersey adopted the dynamic learning Maps uh which replace the alternate proficiency assessment or the APA in language arts and Mathematics this this alternate assessment for classified students with the most significant intellectual disabilities in grades 3 through 8 as well as grade 11 which is what I'm reporting on tonight the Essential Elements um and the skill statements are derived from the common core standards uh and are used for instruction and assessment the dlm test uh specifications and essential elements are currently available and accessible leing uh via their website as you can see from our data our students performed very well this data is actually very similar to the report uh last year and so you can see the continued growth with our students and the achievement um that they're making for our special needs programs which is adorable as Dr Hazel mentioned and as I did we use this data to um put into some different intervention strategies so that we can continue to improve our instruction um and learning for students within this we provide um different professional development opportunities for teachers on instructional strategies to address any areas of need that we might see through the data and our analysis we provide tutoring opportunities for students after school and as I said we've already begun that and this is the opport to through the tutoring programs where we sit down our counselors sit down and individually speak with students and their parents um about different ways that we can support them and the opportunities for them we also provide Title One and title three summer Jump Start programs that's for our economically disadvantaged and for our ml Learners um any struggling students and we also have an extended school year program or esy that supports uh all opportun for special needs students in the summer thank you of course any questions at godline where they should be well well you you can yeah you can do a comparison with with the state um in any one of the the subgroups but basically what we want is everyone to be proficient uh proficiency is goal um and so any student that's not proficient these students would be identified and then we would you know perform those extra interet strategies as I stated SS virtu that's a great question they're both um we offer both opportunities for students we we have found especially for students who maybe um are in activities or work that sometimes the virtual option is is good because they can come in in the evening and we do have teachers that are willing to do that so that balance of in person uh after school and virtual in the evening we have found to be very effective okay any other questions oh interv isit or is it apply I mean anyone can come after school tutoring so we have local tutoring it's open to all students um but we also want to make sure that students who we have identified as maybe they're not proficient or they're close or maybe there are areas uh where we can help them to improve we would we specifically reach out to them and their parents individually and say Hey you know this is where you are right now this is where your child is this is the goal we want to get you to proficiency we want to make sure that you you know pass these graduation assessments and so um we we of course would offer tutoring to anyone and definitely we have targeted tutoring for students who need it any other questions thank you so at this time I'm going to ask I'm going to transition to our next pres presentation which is to talk about all the program opportunities that we have for students um and I'm going to call up Miss Stephanie Mechman she's our administrative supervisor who oversees the magnet program and we're magn programs and we're going to go through all the program opportunities that we have for our students our district is so I mean I can't be more proud of the of the different ways that we offer so many opportunities for students so Miss mein and I are going to just give you some overview of some of the things that we do um but of course all students can follow traditional you know academic program in any of the high schools uh and get a fantastic education um we have open access students can choose you know Hors classes AP classes dual Ro you know everything that we have available and so of course that's a roote right for students to take but we're also going to talk tonight about some of the other opportunities that we have these include our magnet programs our IB programs our CTE Pathways um any uh off-campus dual enrollment that they could do through Brookdale um and of course students also have uh the ability to apply to uh locational programs through M County I'm going to start uh by talking a little bit about our CTE career program our pathway programs so CTE stands for Career and Technical education these pathway programs as you can see we have web design Health Professions and cyber security so web design is in Freehold High School Freehold Township High School in marbar we have Health Professions offered in Freehold High School in man Alin High School in cyber security in Colts Neck and in Howell what's unique about the CT pathway programs if students choose to do this and they do choose is they are programs that begin in 10th Grade so students are already in the school uh and then they may decide they might hear from an information session from their counselors about these programs what's neat about them is they're exploratory um they have a career Focus but essentially students take these classes as electives and they explore these programs and are exposed to real world application um and and different ways of looking at these professions uh and hearing from industry professionals and all you know information coming from many different ways and that's what makes them unique they also are electives so they have the ability to take these courses one in 10th grade one in 11th grade one in 12th grade and then have the opportunity to take you know everything else that they want to take uh in their school as well and 11th and 12th grade students may want to explore some of the career opportunities that are offered through MTH County vational District um this is in 11th and 12th grade they have a variety of uh careers that they can explore anything from trads to uh health programs um this is something that we make students aware of they can even transfer into an early school if they're interested if they in a late school but they're interested in ucational school we give them that opportunity we want them to have that ability to do that uh and so they can apply to these programs and then attend them as well which is another choice you know that students have students can also do their requirements at school and then go off to Brookdale uh and take some classes there uh as electives and um get college credit at the same time of course we have dual classes offered within the school T but they also have the opportunity to go onto campus uh and take classes there and now I'm going to turn it over to miss Mechman thank you good evening I'm going to talk to you about our magnet and IP programs and what opportunities that provides uh is provided for our students so what's unique about our magnet and IV programs from the other programs that Dr Huff has talked to about these require application in 8th grade in fact I start by going out in seventh grade in May to talk to students to start planting the seeds because we have so many opportunities for our almost 10,000 students they need a little time as a family to process their options so as you know we have 14 different magnet programs as well as 2 IB programs spread out across the district I like to think of our magnet programs as falling into three different categories we have our stem focused programs our Humanity Focus programs and then our very unique programs that kind of defy classification and are in their own category our stem programs are animal Botanical Sciences program at fum high school computer science at Freehold burrow High School the international baloria program at Freehold Township High School which you're also going to see on the humanity side because students get to choose the focus of the IB Program based on what classes they take within the program so it can be a stem focused program and it can be a Humanities focused program um then finally we have the medical Sciences magnet program Fel burough and Science and Engineering at manalan on the on the human side of our magnet IB programs we have business administration at marbor high school Global Studies at freeold Township High School Humanities right here at how high school International baloran again at fre old Township High School and how high school can have that Humanities Focus depending on this child's interest and then the law and Public Service uh program at Colts Neck high school then we have our unique programs which really stand on on their own specifically our culinary arts and Hospitality management at freeold Burrow High School our three fin Performing Arts programs here at how high school one for acting one for dance and finally for music video and production which we have many of our students making sure that we sound and look good tonight so thank you very much you don't get the Applause being in the in the back but thank you for being here tonight and dedicating your time to to all of us um and then finally back to this our law enforcement and Public Safety magnet program at M Alin high school and finally the Navy Junior RC magnet program at Colts Neck so when we talk to students Mr post thank you when we talk to students and parents about how they determine what the right program is for them these are the four things we always zero in on first of all we we call them magnet programs for a reason it's about interest it's about attraction and passion for the focus of the program a child is going to be spending four years in these classes there should it should be you know LED with their interest do they have eagerness for academic challenge some of these programs are the most academically challenging offerings that we have in the district so are these students eager for honors AP IB dual enrollment um class is where they're possibly earning college credit sometimes even as freshman in high school are they committed to four years of classes when you choose a magnet program that choice means you have less choice in terms of what other electives you can take so you're for with with one choice means you have less others so are you willing to make that choice when you're in eighth grade and then finally are you willing to change what your home high school would be I grew up in marel would I be willing to come all the way down here to Howell if Mr braan had been the Principal back when I was in high school probably um but sometimes being in your home Community is very compelling for children and that's why our Traditional High School program is also such a huge draw for our students so all this information is available on the district website with our magnet site our IB site um our magnet program and IB application open up just last week uh Wednesday September 18th it is open through just about midnight on November 4th so they we about 6 weeks for a very short application and our timeline oh we're missing a slide it's okay I can talk about it um our timeline starts in May of children's 7eventh grade year I go out to all the middle schools all rending middle schools to talk to all seventh graders in this presentation very similar to this to what options are available to them but specifically the ones they have to apply to when in eighth grade our application opened up last week as I I said when students are in eighth grade and starting this week we had our open houses each program offers an evening where students and parents and we do encourage entire families to come to the school to see a presentation not just by the adults but most importantly the students oh thank you our timeline is up there beautiful thank you Mr post um so in September through October we have open houses this week in particular we had Law Public Service at cols neck on Monday and last night was how high school's uh IB Program um and then we continue through the end of October the application uh closes in November in December we administer the entrance exam on a Saturday in December the audition and the interview information goes out to those applicants we interview an audition in January and then students are notified of their options what their status is by mid to late February no interview MH so like I said everything we have very robust um information on both our sites on both the magnet and IB sites where we have videos we have all our deadlines we have so much input from our students showing what their life is like in the program to really show to highlight all the amazing opportunities that we have for our almost 10,000 students thank you Dr Hoff and Miss Mechman um again as a district we are so proud of all of the opportunities that we can offer to our students our goal is to ensure that we can Preserve all these programs and grow programs over time for students um really in the in the segue of dual enrollment and any areas of interest um that our students and families may have um we believe these programs are truly uh the Hallmark of the freeh hole Regional High School District any questions program since it's in two different locations did student apply for a particular school or they get sent that the most amount of students yeah for how it's just for the how students for freeold toship high school they can come from any school from the [Music] district I mean right now we we don't you know we we are able with our population there's enough interest here to be able to you know fulfill the program and have a okay we are going to assume our seats back at the board table for the formal agenda I don't think people in the Freehold Regional Community really realize what we offer um with our Learning Centers and all our programs amazing Mr Boyce are there any changes to the agenda there are uh some changes to the preprinted agenda uh the first is a yellow sheet of paper in the back of the room that has additions to existing resolutions uh both in G5 approval of honoraria and g16 approval of retirements uh in addition um there's a a new resolution to be offered it'll be g16 I'll read it into the record now uh whereas the fre Regional High School District Board of Education seeks to provide all students with educational instructors capable of providing students with the best educational experience consistent with New Jersey state law and board policy whereas the board received certain information regarding actions and or statements made by employee number 9881 which creates concern for his or her ability to fulfill their job responsibilities consistent with board policies regulations and expectations whereas employee number 9881 alleged actions and restatements are deemed by the superintendent to be potential deviation from normal physical or mental health it is hereby resolved that the board upon recommendation of the superintendent and consistent with njsa 18a col 16-2 hereby require employee number 9881 to undergo a complete mental and physical examination again that's g17 in addition to that I have one correction um on the agenda it's under item G2 approval of appointments um and it's uh employee carella uh nardulli uh change salary from Step 1 52850 to step 1 5286 prated param so that's just a correction of an existing resolution that's all I have Mr thank you we're ready to um take personnel and negotiations oh public participation I didn't see anybody for public participation tonight so we're going to go right over that there's no public participation tonight anybody no okay um we're going to go to G G1 through g17 personnel and negotiations I have a motion offer second any discussion board may I have a roll call Mr aceta yes M capella yes Mrs coward yes Mrs hyley yes Mrs Lavin yes M maob yes Mr messenger yes Mr B yes we going to take H1 through I3 which is programs operations buildings trans itation and our physical plan now I have a motion motion discussion not he any discussion Mo Mr AA yes Mrs cap yellow yes Mrs coward yes Mrs hegley yes Mrs lav yes m m yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Brun yes to take J1 through K1 educational programs and administration can I have a motion second wow any discussion board not hearing any discussion roll call Mr ASA I'm going to abstain from K1 myself but yes on El so just as yourself right Mr yeah just C yes on everything but one Iain as it relates to myself also Mrs call Dr No Problems Goa that's G one also Mrs C yes sorry Mrs uh yes except i' St in K1 as regards to Mr Mrs Lavin yes M mob yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes and I amain K1 myself all motion okay does any board members have old business to discuss any old business members any old business okay any new business new any new if I may Mr Bruno I just want to uh once again extend congratulations to all of the parir professionals uh who received Awards this [Applause] evening I like to thank the administration for the presentations tonight um these programs are very important and um the public to know all P here um any new visit so the only new I have that I want to remind the board about is the van Festival which is Tuesday night October 8th yes and it's here yes at high school at 63 so try to come out to see that um I think Dr Hazel sent that out last week as an invite any other business any other new business members uh Mr Bruno believe that the band uh Festival is at 6 okay thank you may I have a motion motion to adjourn yes I have a motion to adjourn the meeting I have to say hhi has lost his title I have a second all those in favor Mee