##VIDEO ID:6kbFdqD2H_4## e e e e e e e call a notice listing the time date and place of this meeting was posted on the public bulletin board of all freehill Township Schools on the entrance door to the administrative offices of the board of education on the district website at the office of the Freo Township Clerk and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 7th 2024 please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I alance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all can I get a roll call Mr deita M brand Mrs cosino here M Roo here Mrs Sullivan Mrs speler M V here Mr Williams Lambert here M here thank you can I get a motion for the approval of the September 10 regular meeting minutes the second all those in favor say I any opposed or extensions do we have any absentees last okay thank you okay uh president's remarks um it's been wonderful seeing everyone at the back to school nights Sol rata last night we're at the eclc they did a wonderful job yesterday EC um and um I was out at West Freehold and I know a lot of other board members have been attending and so I thank everyone that's been able to come out I think we had a really nice turnout with the parents um it's nice to see everybody coming out to support the teachers and of course the students in the district so we have a few more coming up so um if people have signed up I will probably bump in I'm signed up for a few more of them yeah apple tomorrow correct so um with that I will turn it over to the administrative report okay thank you um I want to give an update on um some Donovan things first um we were contacted by the superintendent in the fre burough School District um she had come over met with me Laura mcowan on behalf of the ftea and Jen Benbrook um because their teachers chose to take a collection among themselves and donated over $600 in Amazon gift cards to our teachers so thank you to fre B teachers and staff for for doing that that was wonderful we are holding on to those cards for when they return to Donovan um because that's when we think that we'll their their wish lists that they initially had were uh granted so we're going to hold on to those until then but we do appreciate that um as I reported earlier we were relying heavily upon the Freehold Regional High School District for our transportation the drivers from the Freehold Regional High School District have been amazing I think they like the little people um as opposed to their high school kids listening to them they're like don't forget your lunch boxes don't leave your coats like it was the cutest thing to hear but they have been wonderful and while there have been issues it is not because of the transportation staff or the drivers they have a high school district they have Athletics you remember the the challenge we had with our smaller level of Athletics and transporting our students they're on a much higher uh level of what they have so they really helped us Angie swore from the beginning that if we gave her the time to plan that she would be able to do all of the runs in the afternoon um so after we learned some things about the regional and the buses dismissal begins at Donovan for Donovan students at 3:45 we were getting to a place 4:15 was the latest then for a while it was 405 but the runs were quite long so every school had four runs with the exception of ktina that has three um Angie took some time and what she did is she created smaller runs so like seven runs at a school that used to have four but they're double run meaning they leave Katina and Erikson at 3:30 they drop those kids off and they return to the schools to pick up the Donovan kids so we knew it wouldn't be 3:45 but one yest I don't have an update from today but yesterday 4:04 the last bus left and by 4:30 everyone was dropped off um I think that sounds great I do know that there were some dissatisfied parents and what they have to understand is if your child is at CA it is 10 minutes unless you live in the neighborhood behind shopright to get to a Donovan neighborhood 10 minutes just to get there so you're adding 10 minutes onto a bus run just to cross town and get there Diane and I used to have to fly back being principles across town 6 minutes if you're speeding our buses don't speed so give them 10 um and they're in traffic so they are doing the best that they can and again Angie being Angie she split another run today um to try to get it even more timely but it's no matter how many runs we have it's going to take 10 minutes to cross town um so all of the afternoon runs are free old Township runs now in the morning we could go to all Township the kids just won't get to school in as timely a manner morning is more challenging um so we're not doing that we're keeping the regional they they can do it they're confident they can do it and it's working so they're we're keeping uh both in the morning um and Applegate has always been we chose for kindergarten to only have our buses so Applegate's always been free old Township buses I can't answer that I just know we don't get complaints about kinder Garden okay but oh but they're on time because they're Donovan but those drivers those four buses are allocated to Donovan so they don't have their run was Donovan who's not there so instead of Donovan they're going they're doing kindergarten and that was intentional it's four M I think four miles from here to Applegate it's just not a quick path to Applegate but I think it's only four miles but it's not not a quick it's not bad yeah I actually think ktina Eisenhower is more miles away than Apple G but it's just not quick um the last time we had shared or I shared in an email if it wasn't in a time uh at the last meeting that we were having meetings every other day with the insurance company Engineers representing the insurance company insurance broker our environmental uh Indo air quality specialist what you say um and for a while the remediation company uh if you recall whether I said it here I said it in email in an update um one of the engineers representing the insurance company kind of um made us come to a screeching halt recommending that we have a building envelope specialist as you know the board had to approve that first we had to find one so the architect had to find a building envelope specialist and then the board had to approve their scope of work they had to create a proposal you approved it two weeks ago and the next day he had all of the materials that he had requested from the district to start his offsite work yesterday and today he was uh an engineer representing the building envelope specialist was at Donovan collecting samples from the roof um and then our roof our roofing contractor was here repairing what he removed as the samples so that's the next step for the building envelope specialist um I sent an email because I was frustrated saying this you can't we have belong in their school and teachers that belong in their school and you came to a screeching halt it's not okay there has to be something that we can pick up as far as work goes that we know has to be done regardless of the cause that prompted another meeting uh which wasn't going well until our uh somebody from our insurance broker one of our insurance brokers said um I may be speaking out of turn and it might not be my place but I think what the gentlemen are saying is you've stopped all the work for two weeks and Bob Bob threw back his chair he's like thank you and then he disappeared from the camera for a minute but um and that's when I said I said we know a her's recommendation is at the because that's how we started if you recall what is our they're driving the bus and everybody agreed to that until they didn't which was what a Herer says they create the plan and our every the contractors follow that plan and the first step in that plan that they had created was was removing the unit ventilators cleaning the unit ventilators sealing the unit ventilators so I thought that at least that can happen now and so I went through that Bob agreed and our insurance broker also as an environmental specialist he agreed and said they should be able to do this the insurance um Engineers repres representing the insurance companies agreed the only thing Bob wanted to do was check with the building envelope specialist to make sure that wouldn't impede him finding the cause he said it wouldn't so Steve tle now this was just late Friday so Monday yesterday that came to fruition so Steve is um looking for HVAC contractors to do that work I in a lot of the ceilings outside the building if you look at the outside of Donovan so the pipe comes out it's got a piece of black hard instulation on it there's little gaps for the penetration is so uh the building envelope special said just take a picture of it first before after so this way it's not a lot so our guys should be able to seal that LE have to find the company that's willing to go in there and open all the units and clean them the FDA doesn't want us to send our staff in the building so that's why it's so you know what we don't have pra the right equipment to do it either there's companies out there that specialize we had one blowing it out they took an air compressor and blew it out we had a company come and work on a unit over at ktina on Saturday Saturday and Steve and Nick went looked at it on great so we're gonna get a proposal from that company probably have to get a couple other proposals here and see we can come out and start working F okay reminder we're videoing even though it's for tomorrow so you have to start using your microphones again so that picks up on the video any anybody else have any questions so that's the update um I do plan it was recommended uh even if I have nothing to share to share it that there's no progress so that they know we're still communicating um so I'll do that I don't want to say every Friday because if there's something something substantial I'll do it sooner but towards the end of the week I'll communicate with again the uh staff students staff parents and board um later in the week but Neil you'll include what you just told us because that is you know it might not be as much progress but at least you know there's been X number of meetings now we're starting the process ofing out the hbac you know everything I have up to up until the time I send it will be shared everything takes time though by the time you call the company show them the scope of work bring them out the look at one back and so wish should work f but we're moving as quickly as we can I shared uh an email at the board yesterday we recognized that as we were finalizing observation schedules that we had a gap in the ability to complete those observations um the average uh building administrator and has about 50 Becky and I are close to 50 Diane this year wins she has an it depends Becky does all first year Diane second and I third um there's just less second year this year so so Diane wins a little bit um so there's no way for anybody to pick up like we can but at the sacrifice of other things so we did reach out to Carolyn kosac who is exemplary at doing observations um she will do um 12 at Baro and 13 at West Freehold uh announced observations she just has to complete the training module and the differences between the four Danielson model and the 2022 and when she does that she'll start the observations uh she'll average about 3 days a week and that's she'll be filling in kind of for Katie even though she's starting before Katie leaves Katie has a lot of PD occurring and we don't want to delay that PD for her to get her observations done um and then without a supervisor at West Freehold um she'll be doing some observations that that person would have done as well also with um Monica departing we did um recognize although because we were between board meetings the need for some support at West Freehold administratively and I'm happy to share that um we found somebody who we think would is going to be wonderful at West freeold he retired for what's almost two months didn't make exactly two months and Jim Quinn Jim Quinn is here with us um Jim is out in the audience tonight he retired August 1st from being the principal for how many years 25 25 years the principal of Newberry School in Howell was 22 in new so 25 years an administrator just recently retired from Howell so we're excited to have him joining us uh tomorrow and go into the bullying report um so far since the beginning of the year since our last meeting we had one report of harassment intimidation and bullying and it was founded um that particular one and you guys know the specifics you know we we're not privileged to to know all of that um just like as I was reading it it seemed like this was an incident of bullying and the parents were called like there didn't seem to be any restorative piece in that and I know you guys usually do that I don't know if it was a typo in the report typically but I I have to tell you that I did not um yeah I see I don't know why it says no action it says it does say student it does say student counseling I don't know why the next sentence is no action it says student counseling and spoke with parent they probably accidentally checked an extra box typically that's that's what we do right we we do some type of restorative practice it depends it depends we we don't put it depends because when you do restorative practices for bullying both parties have to be agreeable to engage and sometimes a victim doesn't want to engage in a restorative it depends so that's our goal but no not always both parties have to agree for something like that when it's when it's bullying okay but either way the accused person if it was founded would receive counseling on their yep and and a and parent notification thank you this is the first opportunity for public participation on AG that's nope that's fine how come it's oh he went out of order it's okay we did the bullying report first sorry about that it's okay I Robert D the school business administrator slbo secretary certifies that as of August 31st 2024 no line item has been overexpanded in violation of njac 6A 23-16 do10 C3 free and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the Year thank you all right now we can go into public participation on agenda items only this is the first opportunity for public participation if anyone wishes to address the board please write your name and address on the sign-in sheet state your name for our records statements are limited to three minutes and should not be abusive obscene or defamatory in nature do we have any any takers today okay seeing none we will move into the Personnel policy and Communications Mr gulia good evening we did meet today um in attendance was Ellen uh Mike Dr Diane um myself and uh Neil joined us so I like to uh move the following items um for the first reading of policy section three item four second reading to abolish policies number five resignations number six adjustment to resignation date number seven new employment eight new employment interim supervisors nine salary adjustment 10 established thought date 11 leave of absence 12 unpaid days 13 District honor Area 14 district honor area update 15 PTO honorarium resend 16 PTO honor area 17 additional compensation transfer of assignment slash room 18 additional compensation 19 student teacher practicum observation placement 20 termination substitute employment 21 certified substitutes and 22 non-certified substitutes okay that's everything that's it all right only 22 only 22 today do we have second on that motion okay and any discussion or questions call Mrs bran yes Mrs calino yes Mr gulo yes Mrs o solivan yes Mrs spieler Mrs Veni yes Mr Williams Mrs Lambert yes Mr Amoroso yes carries now it's official all right all right curriculum committee Mr Williams tonight instru quick and simple do we have a second on that thank you are there any questions for freck all those in favor say I I any opposed Finance facilities and transportation Mrs calina we did not meet this evening um I will move number two the secretary uh Treasurer report number three the bills and claims list which was reviewed by R thank you um for a total of 4,857 482 and 10 cents um number four the travel and related expenses as listed number five the travel and related expenses update as listed number six the transfers as listed number seven the amended transfer as listed and number eight the outof district contracts as listed number nine the outer District transportation contracts M moesc as listed number 10 the PTO honoraria update for the Clifton T Baro middle school as listed and number 11 the PTO donations onara as led um and number 12 the acceptance and approval of the RFP for social emotional learning coach for the 2024 2025 school year number 13 the annual appointment um of the should I read that whole thing or is it good to just say the annual appointment as listed okay number 14 the nursing services update as listed number 15 the Professional Services agreement HVAC at ddees as listed the uh number 16 the withdrawal from the capital reserve account as listed now that's it do I have a second questions for finance facility for not asking it prior coach is that to train the teachers or for the students train the teachers I other questions Finance somewhat um but it's it continues the practice that we've been doing so the restorative practices that you participated in in the circle that evening um we're expanding the that training to elementary school as the Early adopters Middle School full adoption by the end of the year um the uh coach is going to consult with our behavioral threat assessment team um and um give input into doing that process effectively from the lens of um a social worker and former teacher and social worker um and also as part of the training also does coaching going into classrooms for teachers that ask for her to go into classrooms observes and gives SE feedback and our models uh circles for staff um there's one more thing review of Wellness Wednesday and advisory in the Middle School those are the specific tasks in that RFK thank you any other questions for finance facilities all those in favor say I any opposed okay uh old business do we have any old business new business yes got to participate with the burrow band at the football game on Saturday really good day great weather got great reviews from all the kids Donovan had a car wash that seemed to be well attended I got my car wash well needed so it was good so congratulations to them bring their their students together on a Saturday to was the cars good good nice any other new business um I mentioned La at last week's meeting uh two weeks prior a a shout out thank you to all the staff and administrators and the other elementary schools and welcoming the Donovan students from t-shirts to banners to staff and then it's also come to my attention over these past couple of weeks that the PTO of those various schools have also come forth and reached out to the Donovan PTO uh participants in order to maybe coordinate some activities include them in some activities I don't know what the response has been I guess I could follow up on that um but I wanted to give a shout out thank you to the school PTO as well for uh being very welcoming and forthcoming and inclusive thank you thank you Mrs Lambert any other uh new business from anyone I just like to add to that we always thank the pto's for their funding and their money um it's very helpful and uh don't forget about our casino night that's coming up if any of if you haven't signed up or want to buy some 5050 tickets um spread the word around town that's a great fundraiser um that will support some of our grants I think they're going to write some grants this year is that true they um that's what I heard every year they offer our staff grants so they have um the building blocks for Innovation grants that staff can apply for and um one more thing and I can't believe I almost forgot it the Eisenhower bolo Harman game is Friday all right um starting at six o'clock yes thank you we'll see we'll see I'll have a very I will have a very disappointed boy if that happens thank you all right so this is the second opportunity for public participation if anyone wishes to address the board please write your name and address on the sign in sheet and state your name for the record statements are limited to 3 minutes and should not be abusive obscene or defamatory in nature any takers public participation all right seeing none can I get a motion to adjourn second all those in favor say I I thank you