##VIDEO ID:71R_6dLT7uQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we have new microphones so I'm testing this out is that a good distance can you hear me in the back okay the mission of the free old Township School District is to honor and support every learner every day on the journey to become curious and engag members of a diverse Global Community a notice listing the time date and place of this meeting was posted on the public bulletin board of all Freehold Township Schools on the entrance door to the administrative offices of the board of education on the district website at the office of the Freehold Township Clerk and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 7th 2024 please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag United States of America one nation under God indivisible and Justice can I get a roll call Mr deita M brand coo here Mr Gul here Mrs oan Mr spieler here Mr V here Mr Williams here M Lambert Mr Amarosa here thank you can I get a motion for the approval of the September 24th regular meeting minutes do I have a second all those in favor say I I opposed any extensions did we have any absences okay right um Communications Mr debut for communications we have enrollment open for June of 2024 we had 3,490 students September of 24 we had 3,46 and compared to September of 23 was 3,4 153 that's it thank you very much uh president's remarks um I will keep my remarks very brief um but I heard that the teachers had a wonderful time yesterday I wanted to stop by but I had a wedding but I heard that it went very well and uh I was sorry I couldn't be there Mrs Lamberts on vacation um oh good oh good Mary excellent can you hear me or do I have to closer um it was great to see our staff collaborating to see you know our teachers energized about what they're delivering to our our children um you also saw some of the challenges that they're facing which are very real and I'm grateful that they're working with Administration to make this happen for our kids um it's good things great thank you Mary thanks for attending okay um I wanted to remind the board also next week week is the New Jersey school board's convention um by a show at hands how many people are planning to go to at least a seminar three so I would encourage any of you even if you want to drive down for a half a day or whatever look through the agenda if there's a training that you think interests you or if there's an area of boardsmy work on or there's some very good seminars and you don't necessarily have to stay down there um but there's some very good meetings to go to so I want to remind everyone to take a look at that um yeah there's carpool car poool things going on excellent um I also wanted to wish our two incumbents good luck on the election because we won't have another meeting until afterwards so I wish uh you both the best of luck um and uh the last thing I wanted to mention is just uh we'll be discussing tonight Mr dixin will be discussing our qack results I know there were some questions on that and I know the board has been pouring over the data asking a lot of questions um we do understand that the way that you know science is weighted there is a little bit of a flaw in the formula um but for me and I've said to some of my other board members I feel like as long as we understand what we're doing in our district and we know where our weaknesses are and we're recognizing them and working on them I think that's the positive thing this is a metric it's a result it is important um but you know it doesn't necessarily help us by looking at that data we have our own data that we know that we need to work on and I'll let Mr Dix elaborate more on that but the board has been looking into that issue um other than that we have two meetings left until the end of the year which is unbelievable it's kind of uh I can't even believe it there's one meeting in November and one in December so we have a lot of work to do before the end of the year but um I think that's the end of my report Mr Dix I'll start with the bullying investigation report since our last meeting there were six reports of harassment intimidation and bullying out of those six four were founded and two were unfounded next um I'm going to review the results of our self assessment for determining grades under the state harassment intimidation and bullying law uh just to give you a background this is a self assessment of compliance meaning did we meet the criteria in which the state provides in the self assessment meaning meet the meet the letter of what the law intends uh this is done by school teams in each building each school safety team is led by the school counselor there's an administrator and at least one teacher if not more than one teacher who sit down and look back at the year and determine through a self assessment each of the uh elements that are assessed uh this year is the first year I believe that all of our school teams uh assess themselves at a score of 78 which is the maximum number and that is due in large part to the work that's been done across the district with ensuring hipster plays a significant role in that in ensuring that we are in compliance with what the expectation is of that law uh qac results I am pleased uh to report that Personnel so qac your placement it's a state monitoring um for those that are here in the audience our monitoring was last school year we just got the results uh in October this this month um the county office comes in and assesses a lot of it as compliance some of it is uh performance in various categories so um in order to be highly effective you're required to have an 80 and each area is assessed individually so in Personnel operations and governance we received perfect scores of 100 fiscal management 96% one indicator uh that we self assessed and also the county once you self assess they don't check they don't give you the score instruction and program everything received a perfect score our achievement data that's plugged in and provided by the state yielded in that category a 78% I wanted to review quickly um the criteria in which they report so for a ka8 district Ela achievement the overall performance proficiency rate and the community in this board is educated on that data because it's 2223 test data so that's already been presented and we've gone through it now it's the conversion of that data for the purposes of of qac so this isn't new it's just seeing it as a metric used for qac um also there were some questions and I want to I think they're good ones to share that I was asked by the board which was we've gotten above 80 in the past the last time we were assessed um was 2017 using 2015 2016 njsl a data uh preo 2020 one 2020 we took the waiver we didn't um go through qac so this is the first monitoring in six years um and in 2017 that was a different process the dprs were different than they are currently so the way that the state calculates um and I'm going to point out some things that are positive about this data as well uh out of 10 points they use criteria for three different areas each worth 10 points Ela achievement so the overall proficiency rate of all students in the school district for ELA 10 points for math 10 points for science 10 points and now I'm going to tell you why that's flawed Ela is assessed in grades 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 math is assessed in 3 45 67 and 8 given equal weight to those is an assessment in science that's given to students in grades five and eight equal weight the state average on that Science assessment is very poor and that holds equal weight to ELA and math so 5.6 out of 10 for ELA achievement 5.1 out of 10 for math achievement 2.5 out of 10 for science what I'm proud to report in these results in our achievement is what we as Educators focus focus on which is our growth of our students so the next three criteria is academic progress in ela academic progress in math so our students progress across the grades and finally uh so those are 8 two out of 10 and eight out of 10 which is very impressive and the last is our increase in performance so our growth of our subgroups and for those who come to board meetings in the board you're aware of all the different subgroups race ethnicity free and reduced lunch special education 504 homeless that growth was 8.2 out of 10 as well so our growth of our students has been significant in among Ela math and among our subgroups and if that continues then our eventually your achievement catches up as well um we also the state has um when we recognize this issue of basically lack of fairness in in the way that the a dprs are calculated for instruction and program um there was some conversation among every it qac is three there's cohort a b and c I believe three and the state is divided into cohort a b and c so Amoth County basically is in thirds and you get Q sacked by the county in your cohort group so there was conversation among our cohort group that we were disappointed in in understanding that when we got our imp scores that they reflected what they did in this lack of fairness and even um it when you look at the science so there was some advocacy work done my colleague in Howell who's the president of our superintendent Round Table um started to talk to people in Mammoth County I reached out to Burlington County I believe and another colleague reached out to Mercer County word spread so fast that across the state there was a meeting with a significant number of districts what we learned is 75% of districts in our cohort did not achieve 80% in uh inp instruction and program which if 75% of districts are not passing that within 80 the system seems to be flawed so there was some advocacy work done um at the State Board of Ed level there was testimony in front of the board by some of my colleagues and um when the state legislators or the State Board looks to change code they have a period of open public comment and they have to publish the revision so that we can comment on those I have the revisions to how they would calculate instruction and program if we were going to go through that process not even the current group they won't Implement until next year's cohort so if we're going through this we would have gotten above an 80% in instruction and program and would have been highly performing in instruction and program so all of that while we do need to look I consider our scores um there is a level of fairness that is not in the in the manner in which instruction and program is assessed yes now Neil when you uh say that the the Revis have those been adopted yet is that is that the way it'll look going forward or we don't know that yet it's in the comment period now so just let the broadcast that came out this week included the draft so first they have to release it you know the process public comment before the next state board meeting and then they can adopt it um but this takes so it does exactly what I said it maintains the 10 points which I don't necessarily disagree with in the ELA and the math achievement overall it reduces the science by half and it takes those five points and distributes them to growth among Ela and math no and then the the second one is just a question of clarification when you said 78% when I look at the Imp the numbers like lower than that on the on the report I have is that because that's that's just the State numbers that they provided and we have a whole set of other instruction and programming numbers is it what you asked me about the district score versus the County score or you mean something different the district performance review right is that the C is that the difference that you asked me about from the county score and the district score that you saw 40% and then you saw 78% no I saw 40% and 30 it's the single accountability Continuum District performance review it was like the cover sheet yes so what Mary is asking about is there's two there's two steps to qac prior to the county office arriving in the district to do the on-site evaluation we have to sit and do a self- evaluation so we have to go through we have to collect the documentation of what we're going to show the county to prove or disprove that we have that criteria when we do that the 40% of inp 40 or 60 the 60 60% of inp that's related to achievement we don't have that data so we can't include it on our district score so when it goes in our district score was 40% because we gave oursel credit for everything we could so it's 100 minus the 60 for the achievement that we didn't have is the 40 so that's why it chose 40 for the district because we don't have that data to report ourselves the county reports that on the final and that's why their says 78 and our says 40 okay sure so how do you how do we know which one is floor measurement from Pac or that all of the county is just not doing as well as we so should be probably a combin a combination it's not that we don't recognize and discussed in our 2223 test review a test data review that our our levels of growth are and continue we have 23 24 which you'll get at the next meeting our levels of growth continue to be impressive because of the work that our teachers are doing and using data to remediate the achievement scores however the issue um it h it I would say it's qack in large part because when they re when they revise to make it more Equitable we pass and many districts will some won't still but we will and that points out to me that's if I point out one thing it's science should not be equally weighted when you're talking about two grade levels of students that take the science test and it's equally weighted as sixth grade levels that take Ela and math and at the state level it's not fair and at the state level which I don't want to go down that road but um the test is not I don't think the test is is a reliable measure any longer because the St average is significantly low and I'm going to talk about a grade that's not with us so the 11th grade science test 45% of the state of New Jersey is at a level one so where's the accountability on the the design of the test on the state level that's what I was going to get to balance what he's saying there is the curriculum that we're teaching isn't preparing our students for that test it's very as a high school teacher I will tell you the kids come in and they're like oh I'm just putting down anything they don't don't even care so you probably have kids that are actually trying in in the elementary school but at high school they're so so for us in the testing in grades three through eight um more it's less of our kids making a conscious choice to say I'm not going to put effort into this and more of test fatigue right I remember getting the old California test books and the first thing I did was I opened the book to see how long the passage was going to be because there's there's readability of I mean there's a lot of factors so I don't know of course I'm sure in GR through3 we have some kids who I don't know as mindful a choice as high school but they they're not nobody wants to come in and take an assessment I don't I don't want to come in and take nobody wants to come in and spend their time in school taking a multi-day assessment that that's ours right so you have kids that like I said test fatigue you have some I mean we're measuring kids some kids who who have programs specifically because they're not meeting grade level standards but are still held to grade level standards on these tests so that's a flaw and then you do have some kids who just whether they realize it or not are not putting the effort that reflects their true ability for one reason or another from everything from a bad day not feeling well um I'm sure we have some that are mindfully making the choice not to but fewer than a high school would I think agree so Jeff and I had a conversation with Becky the other day regarding this year's you know um njs slas and specifically science related and the concern about you know not only our passing rate but the state passing rate being way below even what we're at and how not necessarily thinking that the test is very aligned to the standards and one of the questions we asked was you know the the test is the test and the standards are the standards you know from our perspective are we going to be able to test and Becky said yes you know how kids are doing based on what we're teaching them that's something I would be more interested in then if we're having a 19% passing rate in the state then obviously there's a problem with either the test standards combination of both correct we're teaching our kids based on our curriculum that we wrote on our interpretation of the standards I would be more interested in seeing the test results from that than anything coming from a test for only 19% of the state is passing Middle School content area science and social actually across the board not just science and social studies language arts math science and social studies in the Middle School been working since last year on developing common assessments so those would give data in our own district for the for our measurement of the attainment of Standards based on our delivery of the curriculum okay I think that'll be a lot more valuable I I ask something on the science because I'm still unclear the timing of this because I know that this is this is last year's data or the year before 22 23 so two years ago so it's based I don't know and maybe you or Jeff or somebody knows when did we get the new science standards I feel like we didn't even have the new standards when we took the test on the new standards look from grades one to four that cohort ready for that test anyway standards change that's why I think it's misaligned yeah Becky was saying that there is a common feeling about it not being ly standards okay but was it based on do you know it's based on timing or just based on because I know we revised ours didn't we like I just want to make sure that our revisions are the standards were implemented in the 2223 school year so how would any how would anyone from grade one two three and four that took the test in fifth grade have even been taught that that yeah I'm just saying that that's why it's it's a metric but it's flawed I think though historically science has been low in the state so I think the test is I'm not denying that that's a problem and it needs to be addressed but this measurement of it I mean we take it for what it's worth as long as we know what's going on in our district and we know how we can fix our problems I think that's way more important it's it's not that this isn't important but I think we have to look at it for what it is and you know already from the data from our pre the our prior years assessments the work that's been done to address those issues that we see with achievement we have the most revised addition of Big Ideas in the Middle School which is a significant shift having a child in Middle School the rigor of the most recent um the most recent uh publication date most recent copyright is the rigger is lifted so you should see it there there's spirals in math in middle school there's common assessments for every unit of math in Middle School Ela the um in elementary school found or foundational reading program has changed and visions and grades three four and five now that's not a Magic Bullet it's not going to change for next year it takes time after program implementation to see the results I read in and personalized like there's a lot of work that's been done that we will see that and and already we're seeing growth so again the achievement should catch up so how much how much of this I I guess we have to make a district impr Improvement plan how much of that are we already engaged in we are so Becky's going to write three goals one for math one for ELA one for science that already reflects work that we're doing because you're seeing you're writing an improvement plan for achievement but you're showing us our students are growing at the same time so we're doing something right it just takes time to catch up oh yes I didn't put on the agenda but every year in the month of October uh we have respect week and we have school safety School violence Awareness Week so Dr bre hour is required at a board meeting to go through the activities an overview of the activities that each of our schools are doing for uh recognition of those weeks so it was nice to see this year um with our Donovan school um in each of our elementary schools the five elementary schools came together and created um the weaker respect if you pass the bulletin board it was the black poster um and then next week is the School Safety Week um and so they align themselves in the five elementary schools in addition to acknowledging um world bullying Prevention Day by wearing blue um some of our uh the morning meetings in the elementary school focused on that you know week of respect with respect um for yourself respect for your community respect for others um school safety week we're focusing on prevention and um maintaining a safe and healthy environment I'm trying to Piggy back and do both at the same time so it ranges from quote of the day uh challenges of the day in the Middle School like challenging you to be a respectful student in this way challenging you to be a respectful child in this way right and and giving some goals um some read alouds some videos um a poster contest for respect week we're also doing a school safety poster contest and even our littlest guys um at the eclc they were reading their book about the world need needs more purple schools which they do and I love purple and then talking about the themes of kindness and um they'll do the same thing for school safety and um I just there was one other thing I wanted to oh and then detective Kar and detective Ray Berg from the fal Township Police um they will be working together we have already started we are presenting Internet safety lessons and Online safety to all fourth fifth sixth seventh and eighth grade students so we already started doing that and um letters will go home to the parents to just talk about some of the topics it's it's pretty heavy but when we ask who has a cell phone most kids raise their hands um and then we are going to do a hybrid parent night hopefully in November modeling off of pace so having the mix between an inperson and and a a Google meet feature um where we could give the parents what they need to to keep their kids safe and respectful that's it excellent and I think Bob the budget calendar yeah that is our annual qac uh requirement for the board to actually publish in their agenda and then minutes what our budget calendars for the year nothing it's very similar to what it's been the past four or five years it's just B an outline of and we start the process end of September beginning of October um there's a lot of work that gets done between now and winter break and then once the new board's in place in January you set a new calendar and we have our budget meetings in February we um approve a tenative budget in March and then a final budget in April so nothing's changed unless the the state um changes the calendar at some point time between now and then and you need to remind our bargaining units that we can't encumber a future board and that we have to wait until January to do any business yep we have that conversation they aware okay good thank you y do we have any other Administration y okay all right this is the first um opportunity for public partic participation on agenda items only if anyone wishes to address the board please write your name and address on the signin sheet and state your name for the record statements are limited to 3 minutes and should not be abusive obscene or defamatory in nature do we have any takers there'll be a second opportunity at the end of the meeting we have two this is just agenda items seeing none then we'll move on to Personnel policy and Communications Mr garulia good evening uh today we did meet um in addition to the agenda items we also had a discussion of a request for duration of personal days I would like to move the following item items second reading of policy um number four retirement as listed number five resignations as listed number six new employment as listed number seven adjust start date as listed number eight establish start date new employment as listed nine EST establish start date change of assignment salary adjustment as listed 10 change of assignment salary adjustment as listed 11 temporary change of assignment salary adjustment as listed 12 extend temporary change of assignment slash salary adjustment as listed 13 extend long-term assignments as listed 14 leaves of absences as listed 15 unpaid days as listed 16 translator interpreter as listed 17 affirm bullying investigation findings as listed 18 additional compensation safety care training as listed 19 Hib district and school grades 2023 through 2024 school year number 20 student teacher practicum observation placement as listed 21 certified substitutes as listed 22 non-certified substitutes as listed 23 volunteer as listed 24 salary adjustments as listed that's it do I have a second discussion and questions I just want to share with the group uh with our board that uh for our our interviews for our supervisor position while we did not find a successful candidate for supervisor of ela and social studies the process for supervisor of instruction was rigorous we had a full day every 30 minutes of interviews and reassuring and what should be reassuring to the board is out of five candidates who returned for a second interview four of those candidates were internal candidates and what we continue to report to the board is when we do these interviews pretty consistently our own staff those that were that are here already in our district rise to the top each and every time excellent thank you do we have any other questions for policy see none can I get a roll call Mrs BR Mrs coalina yeah Mr Roo yes Mrs o solivan yes Mrs spieler yes Mrs vanoli yes Mr Williams yes and Mr amaroso yes right motion car thank you curriculum committee Mr Williams good evening uh curriculum committee met last Friday October 11th via Zoom uh attendant attending the meeting was myself board member Veni and assistant superintendent Becky Montgomery we reviewed the items on the agenda or we discussed the agenda it wasn't quite out yet but we left it open to questions which there were none we did a preview of the njsla data presentation Ela uh the 63.7% of students in grades 3 to five met or exceeded expectations uh a plus 1.1% incre uh increase from last year in math 56.7% of students in grades 3 through five meet or exceed the expectations uh 0.7% increase from last year and science uh 24.6% of our fifth and eighth grade student grader eighth graders were proficient or Advanced proficient which unfortunately is a a 4. 3% decrease from last year and again we discussed the issues that we have with the testing and at the November meeting uh uh Becky Montgomery will go into much more detail and provide a presentation on njsla uh high-intensity Tut tutoring Grant update the state has allocated an additional 100 I'm sorry $118,400 to our district to continue our uh high impact tutoring through this school year and in extension of last year's uh hit Grant and we will use this allocation of funds to focus on tutoring for fourth grade students across the district do want to provide an update on I ready so the staff received training on the early release of um professional develop on development on September 26 about how to deliver the diagnostic the diagnostic window is wrapping up on Friday October 18th and as of Friday the 11th 96% of students have finished the reading test and 95% have completed the math makeups will continue through next week we have I ready we have an I ready uh professional development day scheduled on Monday for all K scheduled on Monday for all K througha teachers around analyzing the diagnostic data and utilizing the personalized instructional Pathways for students in the I ready platform feedback from teachers have been very positive and the assessment process has been much smoother than map which we hope was going to be the case so far early returns is stating that it had that it is and parents will receive the I ready parent reports as well as access to the student scores in the link at parental portal in the upcoming weeks uh the only other thing that I have is I want to move item number three as listed uh home instruction that's all I have thank you do we have a second we have any questions for Jeff okay all those in favor say I any opposed okay Finance facilities and transportation Mrs calina we did meet this evening um present were R BR Bob De oh sorry NE dick um and myself uh we discussed a number of items and I actually have a sheet today because it was a lot um we received an LDS update um the building envelope specialist issued a report that ruled out the roof as the cause of the mold we have a company on site cleaning the UVS and ducks in the building this week aara testing that's the testing company was on site today to start to develop the specs for a bait Tech to follow for the remediation um and we've discussed other maintenance things being done in the building to you know make sure that once we return our kids to the building it's as close to pristine as possible um truck uh we discussed a truck for Property Services apparently our salt truck has seen better days um and uh the engine has decided that it may not last the winter um so we do need to replace that vehicle I I think that's on the agenda tonight right um we also discussed the freezer at C at uh barklow um this is where we keep our food services um stocked and um unfortunately that also has decided that it has given the district enough of its life so that also needs to be replaced um we also discussed the referendum uh progress the Department of Education has started to approve some of the applications um uh Neil and Bob met with our are Specialists that's putting together the information plan for the district on the referendum um we discussed October November being a data Gathering and development of a Communications committee that will take place um there'll be more information on that forthcoming we discussed a video shoot sometime in October early November so that we can see some of the needs in our building what they look like um and uh we also um discussed that in November December we think we'll be ready to share some material and information with the community um and then we discussed that January seems to be the time that we would do kickoff meetings um and then we discuss any questions we had on the agenda any questions this is the question because it's facilities related and it's actually kind of also directed at Neil um in your in I just kind of what I've heard throughout the the the Donovan area couple parents that again it could be a timing issue they don't see a lot of uh activity going on at Donovan when you do your weekly reports like what Barry kind of said report and hero was here on Wednesday this so and so company was here on Tu just so they kind of know that there's companies coming in they may not see them there I share that it's just that until this week there was nobody there except okay yeah so this week's update will yeah today's update will include next this week's update will include that they're on site so this this last week's what I send to the board is exactly what I send to the community so they'll know this week that they knew that the uh what's the name of the company no the HVAC uh I can't think of the name oh the HVAC company they advaned that they're they knew they were coming I'll confirm that they were here and how many units they did as work as being completed they'll get that again it could be a timing issue because again with the way there's a lot of houses populated corre people look at the windows they don't see anything correct but we did focus upon but we also did focus on that the time upfront is going to be spent on as required by our insurance company that investigation of the cause and ruling out the roof is a potential cause I once the work begins which is going to start it's it we anticipate the movement to be rather quick that happened the last two weeks ago for two days we had representative from WJ up there actually performing this is called nuclear testing and they're looking for they test for hydrogen in the roof and if they find any anomalies then they come back and it was about 2% of the roof they thought might have anomalies in it then they came back the following week which was last Monday and Tuesday and they came with a roofing contractor and they actually drilled core samples to the roof and they took the cores out and they took pictures and they anal you know did analysis on them and they were all dry so you had a total of two people doing work there in the last two weeks so you're going to see one extra truck there I mean I've been in the building property service has been in the building we've had some other you know contractors working on other uh issues in one of the Wings not impacted but yeah so they what they've seen is correct it was only two people that were required to do that work and it took two weeks to do it sure I think I guess maybe the I guess again you're talking about a handful of parents that might them they're thinking they're going to see people there around the clock and I'm not saying they're wrong for thinking I never say they're wrong for thinking that but at the end of the day I think the more like what Mary kind of the beginning Mary thought we could throw that that those weekly updates think that would go a long way with that type of stuff I have a question about that roof report I read through it and I apologize for not calling you earlier because I we just got it I went through the whole thing my only concern with that report is it doesn't focus at all on temperature it only focuses on whether they found humidity and my intuition tells me and I could be wrong but I'd like to know why the black roof would get very hot and that could change the ambient temperature of the wood on the inside now we have a white roof which is colder which would give a different result I don't see any temperature testing I'm kind of concerned about that and the disclaimer at the end says if any new data should arise it could alter our interpretation of these results so I just the engineer and me is saying maybe we should go back to them and say is it worth looking at temperature testing because to me that has some impact on what's going on in the building maybe it's fine but the fact that it isn't there makes me a little nervous I don't know how you guys feel about that because it like you said it came late this afternoon I thought there was a well I don't know I know that there was no specific temperature testing I did think they I do think there was a comment specifically in that said they don't attribute it to the color of the roof and a comment of temp piure so they did test that correct I didn't see a test for it but they DW drew a conclusion and I don't know what that conclusion is based on because I didn't get to read it comprehensively but they did draw a conclusion that the color of the roof and the temperature were not a factor but again I I didn't read it to know why what drew them to that conclusion I would feel better if there was I know you it's very hard to do this because you have to be there in August with a probe on the roof and a probe on the inside then you have to be there and you might have to do it on a black roof and then a white roof Ro to to try to get an analysis but I don't know that's the only thing that makes me nervous because obviously we don't want a reoccurrence and we're assuming now that there's no issue with the roof but do we really know that 100% want to say what I've said a million times has happened in schools across the state all this summer all last summer all the summer prior to that I'm pretty sure it happened here years ago too so it's I'm sorry the microne so what I I've said numerous times not only did it have in our district this year it happened in a lot of other places across the uh State I know Mr Dicken shared with my committee today that uh he's spoken to a number of the other superintendents and they've said oh yeah we've had it this year we had it last year um you know it's happened we've had mold at ktina years and years ago on the carpets uh on a hot rainy weekend where it happened so you know it happens it's because we pull fresh air in and the njaa through wack who our environment Al consultant gave us some information um some things to try next summer including closing all the dampers and we've had conversations with the architect on things that we could do to lessen the fresh air intake when the buildings aren't occupied because again as we've discussed those UVS are sized for a full classroom of people in the summertime when there's nobody there they're now oversized and they're producing too much um conditioning even when they come on in unoccupied mode just my thoughts when I read the report yeah the guy from Trump Coast said to me your roof might not be 140 degrees it's 110 I think that's still hot enough to evaporate water yeah I'm not really my thought wasn't really about the roof it was the wood on the inside of the roof if the temperature mattered for the growth of molds if that ambient temperature was in a window where mold would grow maybe on 80 degrees and not on 90 degrees for example you know what I mean I was because we have to consider the fact we got a new roof and then we had this specifically on those ceilings you have to look at the possibility that maybe they're somewhat related maybe not but it's just that that report didn't focus at all on temperature that's all I'm saying so we pay money for those reports and I maybe we should at least ask the question well we're supposed to have a final uh debriefing meeting with them we just they haven't scheduled yet maybe just asked them why they feel that can be neglected okay that was my only comment on that well I think what they were trying to rule out from a previous conversation with that if the material inside the roof was wet the moisture would have stink down and it would make your wood deck your wood ceiling wet so if the roof is dry that's not causing moisture in the wood now no doubt there's an importance to determine whether there was water in those layers I totally get that my theory was just if the wood on the surface of the interior of the room was changing temperature could that add to the growth of mold or not does it matter when the UV is blowing cold cool moist air on it humid air plus the humid a is already in the room that that's again we I think we had some discussions when we had the the contractors come in and they they put um the meters into the wood next to the UV right where the air is blowing out there was more moisture in the wood there than it was as you went further away through the classroom where the UV is not blowing directly on it I remember that so yeah I if it was uniform throughout the room then again your roof might have been the culprit the there might have been the interior of the roof might have been wet and but that wasn't the case okay Mrs coalina I think we're done with our questions can I also get a copy of that report because I didn't see okay all right um I would like to move um the number three bills and claims which were reviewed by Jeff correct yes um for a total of 5,152 1892 I would like to uh move number four travel and related expenses as listed five transfers as listed six PTO donations and honoraria as listed thank you to the LDS PTO and to Jersey freeze for the donations um number eight the change order for HVAC replacement at West Freehold school as listed number nine the contract with map restaurant supplies as listed did I miss seven okay number seven the M Mo C translation services as listed sorry it was cudell um number 10 the contract with Neil soon forward as listed and number 11 the approval the approved withdrawal of funds from maintenance reserved as listed okay that's it second any other questions for finance seeing none all those in favor say I any opposed okay um old business any new business business another great apartment game go Friday I guess give yeah maybe two weeks another great night for you know both two the bodies to get together night the weather cooperated which is always good excellent thank you I think both games were very competitive right I think they were both very close and it was uh exciting kids have a great time playing parents have a great time watching you have kids from years past come back to see their team and whether they a homecoming in in a sword yeah and I I'll let the Baro par announce who won both games one excellent excellent and also um we'd like to welcome Melissa dansbury because now that we voted you're officially an employee so congratulations sometimes we do that too early and we haven't voted yet I get a little nervous I'm just kidding all right so um let's see where we are now so I have no further remarks we'll go of public participation of any type and this is the second opportunity for public participation so if anyone wishes to address the board please write your name and address on our signin sheet and state your name for the record statements are limited to 3 minutes and should not be abusive obscene or defamatory in nature e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e adjourn second all those in favor say I