##VIDEO ID:7pnotZk9ODw## [Music] good evening everybody it is Monday uh September 9th 2024 at 6 p.m. and I'll call to order to the free toown board of Select meeting um this meeting will be recorded and will be available on our Town's YouTube page uh today we will be going into executive session and then coming back into open session we will be going into executive session for the following reason Mass General Law chapter 38 section 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with public employees union local 272 Lona all bargaining units because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargain position of the public body and the chair so declares and I do so with that I will entertain a motion to go into executive session a motion made second all in favor I I I selectman Lopes yes selectman Zer yes selectman Matthews yes all right we're now going to go to Z session and we'll come grab you guys when back in Open Session we we're now back in Open session from executive session um I'm going to move on to agenda item two this is open session minutes from August 18th 2024 and August 28th 2024 uh without in TR a motion to approve those minutes a motion made a second n all in favor i i i g item three this is a request for a 1day wine and malt liquor license uh by the profile Tavern on September 25th 2024 from 6: to 900 p.m. and when all the proper paperwork has been yes filed perfect is that for like outside it's an outside tent there's some gentlemen here from there so yeah how we doing gentlemen welcome do you want us to come up there or does it not that as long as you can just pull one those microphones over so we can hear you you don't have to move thank you just State your names anymore say who you are and oh yeah uh Jay Lanigan profile Tavern um yeah so on the 25th from 6:00 to 9: uh we are hoping to um put a tent up uh in the parking lot um in front of the building uh to accommodate um a number of extra patrons approximately 50 uh that would be attending a Jesse stch um political fundraiser he's a local guy that's running uh for State Rep and he asked to to hold that function here in Freetown so we're trying to accommodate that um so because that service would extend beyond um the description in our license uh we're here seeking a one-day permit to um you know extend our our footprint a bit for for that short period of time perfect yeah makes sense to me the only issue is parking is parking you you're not worried about parking based on you know limited size of the parking lot I the only thing I wor wor about is accessibility for these guys and fire trucks and stuff so um yeah I mean I I suppose parking um you know could could be you know somewhat of a concern yeah so it's um you know we'll make sure that uh you know the fire lane is clear and we'll we'll have staff on site that will you know address that um if if it becomes an issue perfect yeah I mean that's so that's my only concern I understand totally on the same line as uh SEL and zeger um you have the fundrais all in front of the building will the restaurant still be open for patrons that are just there they just want to have some U Philly cheese steaks no so egg rolls I mean we it'll be closed to the public for a short period of time for for two or three hours or two hours really it's a ticketed event um um and we do expect that you know the reason we're asking for the tent is that we do expect that he'll he'll um he'll bring more than what our our normal capacity is so we don't want to put too many people in the building we'd rather you know accommodate for those people outside of the building um again it's for a couple of hours but and then we'll be back open so you can get Philly chees well just say those egg rolls are pretty darn good make sure everyone gets a chance to eat some so Matthew yeah the abcc when I did check with them they did say that it would it could be beer and wine only in the tent and I think you you said beer only was going to be served out there so okay interesting that's weird right now was that was that their specification or was that what we applied for I think that was their specification I reached out to them to say you already had a liquor license inside that was full alcohol if you were going to do the tent outside could I issue a license and they said beer and wine only yeah I don't think that's an issue yeah it's just kind of random isn't it like yeah it is random yeah glass of wine but not a cocktail you would think that that it would be an extension of what the license is that's what I assume I but i' never done it so I called them we're we're not you know we're we're not picky just for clarification can we kind of call back and say hey if they go it's closed indoors right well I'm assuming your your bathrooms are open for people to it'll be open so so we're going to be serving food inside okay but not outside so outside is really overflow yeah um so that we're not you know putting too many people in the building um so there will be people inside that will be able to utilize the existing liquor license but the folks that are outside will will only be able to access it will most likely be beer um in the tent and we'll we'll uh make sure that Jesse and his staff know that clearly and then our staff will be aware of that and we'll make sure that they understand that clearly as well okay can I just get one clarification absolutely you just need to State your general manager um that's for sale outside correct or is that outside in general General period I just asked for the tent I can call back and clarify well there won't be any alcohol like any liquor sold outside only beer and it's that's it so if if it's a sales thing which it could possibly be I can call him and ask okay I mean I would think that we can make our vote based on ABC's recommendation right so that way if we get clarification that says that you can go outside with alcohol or yeah I just want to make sure so we can follow it to the te so that we're doing everything that we need to do and that's where the line of my question was going I go into the bathroom I go inside to eat to grab something I I grab a cocktail and a plastic cup I go outside all right who I don't want you guys getting right I don't see that being an issue but I also don't want you getting jammed up you guys have done a a f fantastic job for the community I don't want to see any of that kind of fall on you so it will be up to us make sure that we help you get to the point that that we're all on the same page right so if that can happen great if not well now we know now we know the rules make sense yep all right so ready to vote on us yeah abely um so so so I should add some language you think related to this or I mean I guess I think we're just voting on approving the license and then I think you guys can clean up the C that specific all right so uh with that understand a motion to approve the request for one day uh wine and malt liquor license by uh um by the profile Tavern on September 25th 2024 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. motion made second all in favor I I thank you all right thank you guys thank you agenda item four this is discussion of vote whether approve exclusive use of pathway Park on October 19th 2024 for a trunk or treat event facilitated by piping systems this sounds cool maybe I'll bring my son I think they did it last year they did it last year we have our someone from piping systems here oh hello Hi how are you Hi why don't just put your name for say your name for the record please Stacy Gagney and give her the microphone yeah I guess anyone have any questions about this trunk Retreat event I guess more a question for us are we getting a town vehicle involved like are we are we you could are we are we bringing it this year maybe a police cruiser out there little trailer what's going on Chief you're right there yeah that would be awesome way to put you on the spot H yeah not a problem I'm just saying you know we like you know we love public events I also like to see our our our folks getting involved as well so we'll see yeah and they can come decorate their work trucks and leave them there with candy too so perfect you have a shiny new dumb truck perfect is this the second year or yeah second year and it was successful yet last year yeah we had a lot of kids come last year it was great awesome um I mean I don't know anyone have any questions or concerns or no and I did forward it to Kylie you know the community program director so she's aware that it's going out I don't know if she'll reach out I don't know um but nobody has any concerns at this point awesome I think it sounds like a cool event and so it's going to go what from 4 to 6 is the plan yep all right perfect good stuff thank you for doing this for the community yeah no problem we love being involved did you guys do this last year was it at FES it was at the same park same place I was trying to figure out I was trying to look through many minutes where we did it last time I wasn't sure but if it worked out f fantastic yeah it was great okay so with that I'll entertain a motion to approve the exclusive use of pathway Park on October 19th 2024 for a trunk or treat event facilitated by piping systems motion made I second all in favor I I right thank you very much thank you thank you good luck thank you I'll be looking for the police C all right so should I come back to the special I'm not sure if you I'm not sure what they're here for that the warrant's going to be minutes that's what I'm saying yeah you might be able to almost and then and then we also we have this at 7 right yeah you might be a we might want to do that after that I don't know um we skip five and six we'll skip five and six and come back to the warrant stuff and then we'll keep it moving and then we'll have a hearing at 7 and then all right so I'm going to jump down to agenda item 7 this is uh Mo uh sorry this is is uh discussion of vote whether to close the transfer station on 9917 2024 from 8:00 p.m. to 1 p.m. for training 800 a.m. what I say geez a long no overtime 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. for training I did receive a email from the trainer today and saying asking me when do I want to set this up and I sent him back the email saying we have it set up for this date so it may move the date but hopefully hook get back to me tomorrow okay yeah I'm both VI Tom want to go to it and it's the only way to get that is it like oo related training like it is it's heavy equipment hoers and yard safety kind of thing yeah okay any questions or concerns no well we'll go with the best date we have now and then if it changes it changes so without all motion to close the transfer station at 9:17 2024 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for training motion me second all in favor all all right and and real quick we should probably make sure and I know we do good about it but just posting it so that way yeah get it off to the public as you know people get upset when the dp's not open when they think it's going to be open all right uh J item 8 so this is discussion of vote whether to approve the VFW using Town seal on coin presented to Veterans which sounds awesome um yeah this request came from you know Bruce wber he said I think he came across a coin that was presented to a veteran that you know said the town a free town on one side and I don't remember where he came across AC cross it but he would like to start doing that again so he was wondering I said you just have to get permission to use the town seal um you know I may come back in and ask uh for funding from the selectman of um Their donation account basically I'm going to get more details from him about what this is going to cost what program but it's really for the town free toown residents that are veterans that are coming back so um you know something that I think you know it's a win-win right we want to we want to show respect for our for our yeah that's I think sounds awesome absolutely know yeah and so Cheryl have to do we get Cheryl's cu the keeper of put it to her I mean the control the town okay yeah I mean I guess just as a passive courtesy that we ask her but I mean I don't how do we not do this right it's our veterans we won't be here with all yeah makes a lot of sense as a veteran to going through multiple events right throughout this country and our in our great great planet of ours challenge coins is what this is going to turn into is a significant thing for many veterans it it it it provides context it provides humility it it means so much to them at times you you go to an event and they will throw the coin down the person with the highest coin gets a free drink or or free handshake or high five chest bump whatever it is it means so much to them for us to be able to put our town seal that we control as Selectmen on a coin to give out to our veterans here in free toown I I I can't I couldn't be more proud as a veteran that that sounds amazing I want one I want to see your proof I know was I want in my pocket I'll car may we can have some kind of an event when we get them yeah that sounds like a great ideating veterans that haven't received one all right great you'll be hearing more about this as I move forward that's all right so that I'll a motion uh to approve the VFW using the town seal on coins presented to Veterans motion made second all in favor I I right J item nine uh this is discussion about whether to add cameras to the town hall highways and upgrade cameras at the highway department so this is to install cameras at the Town Hall hallways right because for security we've been talking about this for the last couple of years we just this is the next phase we got we got the new alarm systems put in and now we're looking to do it do the town hall hallway so it would be the doors so so coming in there would be exterior cameras that pick you up in all three doors the two front doors and the back door and then the hallways so if there's an an event going on at the hall in the hallways it's not going to go into anybody's office or the bathrooms or anything like that just the hallways and we're going to try to connect them into the police station so if we call a 911 they can basically look up and see what's going on in the hallway to determine what they're going to do so that's one piece of it sort of just continuing our security protocol the highways cameras there's three working there now that they're just not working well and Comcast has them they're not um they're not continuing their camera program so if they need repairs they won't come out and repair them and they pay as they charge as a monthly fee so these cameras that we're going to install won't have any monthly fees attached to them and they're much better Clarity and um so they're just really on the highway they're replacing them and maybe adding one I think there's actually four cameras but one hasn't worked so I think we're looking to replace that fourth one keep it working so this are really security measures that um that we've been working on makes sense to me any questions or concerns no no de Deb Deb said it right so this is for those here sitting here today and those sitting at home you know two two ways of looking at it oh adding cameras keep an eye employees sure it's an out of benefit of course something happens we're there to see it right however in today's world we need to know what's going on right we started with the school vestule project at FES right we paid for the portion of the vestule to get it going to make sure it was protected because we own the building we we're updating the transfer station we we added the security uh parameters to the doors with the key file at Town Hall and this is to protect everybody it's an open open area right this is open to the public which means if you any woman here at home goes to a town hall with a camera and they're recording you're allowed to all right just like we're allowed to now like she said we're not going into people's offices we don't want to see that we want to see who's there what happens so that way when police in fire respond we now we have additional evidence to to support whatever is going on this just makes sense so I can see both sides but this is just moving forward y all right that makes sense to me all right so with that I'll a motion uh to add cameras to the town hall hallways and upgrade the cameras of the highway department motion made second all in favor I I all right moving on gen item 10 discussion of vote whether to approve Meo uh Mo MOA between the town of Freetown and UMass Dartmouth College of Nursing and Health Services for influenza and covid-19 Vac vaccination clinic Services effective 810 2024 through 810 2026 told this before right this is for the interns yeah that come and help with the help um and they learn you know when they learn and they work with um our public health nurse nurse Lori desmaris and they help her out Y and they learn it's it's a win-win sort of for everybody perfect we don't pay we don't we don't pay them sounds love the sound of that it's free and we get better trained nurses and doctors fantastic awesome yeah and she in in Lori has has been happy with how it's all worked right so it's a this is this is the second year I think this one's a three-year contract but this isn't the first time we've done this yeah right all right great so with that I will entertain a motion to approve the mo MOA between town of Freetown and UMass dth College of Nursing and Health Services for influenza and covid-19 vaccination clinic uh Services effective 81024 through 810 2026 motion made I second all in favor I I all right so now we have hold on uh Lan yeah are you doing we're not Electronics oh not anymore just for executive session never mind I digress okay uh yep so J item 11 this is the purchasing process um supplies and service policy hung up there for a second so this is just as in general right so clarify our and proced we written policies and procedures so we've been working on them you know car abb's been working on them we have distributed them to department heads um taking comments distributed them to Town Council and gotten them back and this basically what you're seeing so these are not the first time that the employees or the department has are seeing them and now we're just formalizing them and we have so many of them I figur we kind of do a few at a time and we can always change them but we need to start somewhere and that this is what I'm I'm working with Carlton to try to get this done a few at a time okay so these are the ones that got completed and through all of those so I I probably can do one motion right to the next four we talk about all of them yeah so does the purchasing process supplies and services policy then we have the conflict of interest policy motor fuel uh sorry Motor Vehicle Record review policy and Council on Aging uh board policies and procedures right yeah if I may Mr chairman so one of the things you people have to realize is we are a small town right we love being a small town but essentially we're we're also a small business in a sense right services are coming in services are going out right so our policy and procedures at some at some point haven't been touched in some decades right the the old saying this is how we used to do it for the last 50 years is a great saying but we're in 2024 Mass general laws state laws federal laws have Chang now we have to keep up with those so this is our way this isn't the first time this is multiple policies we have changed and updated right for the benefit of the people of Freetown all right and our employees over the past three years and we're going to continue doing so until every one of them are done or if it takes 3 years 5 years or 10 years we're going to do it all right and these are common sense this isn't we trying to jam somebody or get something out of somebody else these are to protect our taxpayers our residents yep mhm all right any other question concerns no I mean I seen him in the first drafts and all that and stuff and this they're pretty in depth and well this is this is what Caron loves as a procedure the procedure man mhm so yeah it's Common Sense stuff you want to drive town vehicle you have to have a a license who would have thought who would have thought so yeah no no questions or anything okay so I'm just do one motion for all these so uh I'll a motion to approve the processing procedures mentioned in uh agenda items 11 through 14 motion made I second all in favor I I save a lot of words there yeah okay we're going to skip agenda item 15 uh we're not ready for that today yet which was just uh some spending plan for arpa monies so moving down to agenda item 16 this is discussion uh and vote whether approve the mo MOA between the town of Freetown and public employees union local 272 Lona and Deb do you want to just explain this one so I don't put it but I know it's so this is just the union um Mo MOA agreeing to the increasing the position of the clerk at the fire station that it doesn't have any adverse impacts to the clerical Union so it's really as basic as that it's not any it's not agreeing to anything else and that the current clerk who cannot work full-time will resign upon hiring of the full-time cler we're just going from a part-time to a full-time position MH all right any questions or concerns no no okay so with that I will entertain a motion to approve the M MOA between Town free town and public employees union local 272 Lona a motion made second all in favor I I all right agenda item 17 this is um discussion of vote whether to approve the Disclosure by special Municipal Employee of financial interest in a municipal contract for the community program director SL Outreach worker and this is just because this individual Al two positions now in town two part time position two part time position so this is just a kind of a mandatory procedural yeah I think we're all aware of this one any questions or concerns no I I I will give credit to the community program director for submitting disclosure agreement right it's a proper thing to do and it's just anybody has questions they free to uh ask our town clerk for it it's Common Sense mhm okay so that I'll entertain a motion to approve the disclosure by special Municipal Employee of financial uh interest and a municipal contract for the community program director/ Outreach worker motion made second all in favor I I uh so agenda item 18 this is whether to approve the senior workof list for 2025 I feel like we got this one a lot earlier than last year yeah right wasn't there a bit of an issue with that this one's great this one told how meeting we increased it to $1,500 right and now we have I think we have more people than we had previous years they're doing things around town from clerical to day-to-day work environment it's arguments yeah it's this is helping the town out quite a bit and in saving some some money in the process so good on them and tell your friends let's go we need more perfect all right so with that I will entertain a motion to approve the senior work off list for 2025 motion made second all in favor I I all right Jem 19 discussion of vote whether approve the change order and agreement between the town of Freetown and riverhawk environmental we have a contract with riverhawk environmental they test the dump our you know our our closed dump but the D is now requiring us to test for the pasas the pfas that are in the water and so um it's it's a requirement we have to do it so this agreement um they they're since they're already out there doing they have test pits and they're doing test Pits on the dump and they also do test pits surrounding the dump that it would just be them who it makes sense for them to do the work um they're exempt from 30b procurement law because they're engineering firm um so you know how how often so annually it's 20 about 23 24,000 in addition to we already paid them like $23,000 do testing on the dump so this is now is going to be about $50,000 a year annual um Bill to have the closed dump um the required testing and we're not sure what the ramifications will be that's to get into it so the test are and the the interesting part is and I've read up on this is that what they're testing for is basically in everything everything y so so um how they this these guidelines came out but no one really knows how it's going to affect anyone and what it's going to cause us so to Debbie's point is we have testing wells around the facility right based on exposure from it so they the these gentlemen are already out there testing that now they're going to test for this other stuff we don't know what's going to come of it so it's it's actually quite scary right it is right it is you're absolutely right ultimately this is a double-edged sword right one we have to protect our aquifers and our water and our environment our animals and everything else however if things aren't going right this potentially more money down the road to fix or mitigate any hazards we do ident identify right however I rather drink safe water with my children and everything else then and spend a couple bucks and know about it versus not knowing about it and then down the road I grow a third arm right it I may make it may be funny but at the same time it's a serious matter so for 3,000 change whatever it is um we don't know we what we don't know and this is requ no this is a requirement to get us to that point so yeah don't much of a choice all right yeah so with that I will entertain a motion to approve the change order and agreement between town of Freetown and riverhawk environmental motion made second all in favor I I all right J M20 this is um agreement between the town of free toown Kimberly fails as Department assistant effective 910 2024 through just uh 1218 2024 so this is um Kim's going to come in and help town of C out through for some some time here which is awesome minimal five I think up to 10 hours a week or it's very minimal but it does help yeah you're in Crunch and yeah she has a ton of knowledge so yes that's great any questions or concerns no no no this is this is this is great on on Miss Miss fails coming in she used to she used to hold a position and we hired an individual that is new to the municipal world and this was the carry-on plan to make sure it was being done correctly into the standards she left into the standards of the town so this is actually helps our town for 10 hours a week all day smart money all right so with that I'll entertain a motion to agree the uh approvement between town of Freetown Kimber fails as Department assistant effective 910 2024 through 1218 2024 motion made second all in favor I I okay Agenda 21 discussion of vote whether to declare eight automated external defibulators aeds as Surplus and authorized Police Department to put them on property room.com for auction Chief are you here to discuss this can but they're they're so old and outdated that um looking to dispose of them but uh possibly maybe uh getting some compensation back to the town if somebody's interested on you know uh proper room.com maybe they can buy them and refurbish them or whatnot but uh this is the best Avenue to get rid of these defibrillators I think they're like 20 years old pretty old yeah okay chief I I have a question if um chief yearly you you or periodically you you all do sustainment training on your tasers right correct are we still doing tasers training on officers from time to time to make sure they know how to how it feels and everything else similar to when they first get permitted part of the the standard with the state is that we have to have mandatory annual training with our uh electronic controlled weapons so uh this year the uh brand new tasers were implemented after their training so they got the new an updated taser 10 this year that the town had purchased so uh that training was recently completed within the last month did anyone get to tase you Chief my second question thank chose not to go for the electric ride so so my segue to my question is this those those defibrillators as a AED uh trainer we can adjust the voltage right on some of them anyway we can use them for training uh I I don't know I don't think we can adjust just checking chief chief har just you know try to save some money at the same time get some good training in the process going to get rid of old equipment gotcha okay yeah let's get it out of here yeah we'll be it all right like so just I guess you'll just take a try so if it's Surplus right if they don't sell we'll just you can dispose them yeah they can easily go into trash but there are batteries involved and there's some older uh defibrillator p pads that are old and expired really expired but uh this is some way of getting some value back back to the town okay whatever it might be I can't even say for sure what it would be we appreciate your effort thank you Chief Rose thank you Chief Harry all right so with that so I'll entertain a motion to declare the automated um external defibrillators as Surplus and authorize the police department to put them on property room.com for auction motion made second all in favor I all guess it's my turn yep you have I have an easy day today you have two minutes before the uh hearing oh let's do it item agenda 22 acknowledge recognation of Maran Reynolds effective 828 2024 Maran thank you for your service to the town of Freetown and item agenda of 23 acknowledge the resonation of Kylie Balo as recording clerk effective 9224 Kylie thank you keep doing what you're doing all right I'm going to hold on even starting to read anything by the time I start it's going to be time for it so I'm just going to ask that we take a two-minute break on on I don't we don't I don't I'm I'll the bathroom real quick okay perfect so motion to um go to recess momentarily motion made second all in favor all do I have to do a motion to get back into open session or come back from Recess yeah I would do one but you don't I don't think you do but let's just do it to be Sav all right all in motion to go to return from Recess that motion made all in favor I I okay we're now back in Open session all right so right next we have a um a public hearing that we've continued I'm just going to read the the um hearing notice once again so uh town of Freetown public notice notice here by given that a hearing will be held on August 19th 2024 at the police station community room 15 Memorial Drive East rown mass at 7 p.m. to review the class 2 motor vehicle license held by choppahead Industries Inc DBA choppahead customer Cycles 13 County Road East Freetown Massachusetts 02712 um so yes as I mentioned this was continued from 89224 to today which is 99224 um and I guess I'll entertain a motion to open open the public hearing motion made I second all in favor I I all right thank you so we have some representatives from shop ahead sure want just uh St your name for the record my my name is Richard Bennett and I'm an attorney from New Bedford Massachusetts and I represent Cho ahead Industries Inc and Joshua gagy okay welcome all right ask the police chief yeah and chief I'm I'm assuming you have some don't you have something to uh show here related to this yes I do have some uh some videos and some uh uh posts that are uh made by uh Chopper head Custom Cycles regarding the activity that's going on at that location and let's just talk about why we're here in the first place right so obviously we had some complaints I know I read a couple police reports there's been you know wheelies going on and and you know some parties taking place at the facilities which has led to complaints and that's really why we're here now right um and I Know Chief I'm I'm not sure you know if you anything else you want to add specifically on complaints you you you've received um and you know maybe expand a little bit on the police reports I I did take a look at those so sure so I I'd like to stop by saying that I'm here to you know representing the department to go over the most you know recent activities that the police department has responded to uh the chopp ahead Custom Cycles uh business at 13 County Road um there's been a number of complaints over the years um in that General location some are directly connected to the business some um are in question uh it's hard to say if a motorcycle came specifically from that location but there are some specific you know evidence especially from Witnesses um in the neighborhood that I've seen more uh particular things that have been happening in that General location um I'd like to focus in on this this past year of the activity even though there are other complaints that go back years ago um I again like to focus on what we've been dealing with this year year and this year's complaint started in May of of this year where there was a report of um irratic um activity at the chopp ahead uh business area um at the time uh it was identified that officers were tied up with an arrest and there was a late response due to the uh the activity the officers were dealing with however they did respond out to that location and did notice that uh there was a number of motorcycles at the Cho ahead business um but rain kicked in and later dispersed the uh the Riders from that location um however there were um you know a report came in on that time from a specific known witness who identified themselves to the police department I'm not sure if Rodney Rodrick is here today okay so the second uh complaint came in on in junee where it was reported that uh erratic operation of a motorcycle or motorcycles were driving on County Road doing wheelies again this call here was not specifically directed at the location of chopp ahe heads but it was in the in the vicinity officers had responded to the area and they did see some type of ongoing activity at that location where there was a number of motorcycles and bik likes the next call came in on July 11th of this year in July 11th uh it was reported uh by an unknown caller didn't want to identify themselves that there were people with motorcycles in the front of the business spinning their tires causing a ruckus uh officers responded uh officer spoke to the owner Mr Gagner and the response was that he was going to tell them to knock it off and the disturbance I guess was quelled at that time and then finally the most recent incident was August 1st where officers responded to that general area for a um a large Gathering of uh motorcycles in that general area um the officers were scattered uh throughout the area uh at some point in time the officers observed uh a motorcycle uh operator operating erratically in the area which led to a motor vehicle pursuit in the city of New Bedford during that Pursuit a u a number of other motorcycles followed the pursuing officers while the officer was attempting to make the motor vehicle stop at some point in time the officer discontinu to pursue out of safety reasons um imagining that uh weighing out the the the reason of you know possibility of people getting hurt or damages to property or whatnot but the pursuit was discontinued and uh no further action was taken on the pursuit officers then responded back to the uh the site of Chopper heads and end up having a conversation with the a business owner um an investigation took place um and while if I could go back a little bit while the officers were pursuing the motorcycle the erratic operation of other motorcycles took place in front of the business while the officers were involved in the pursuit so where I'm going with this is there's been a culture that's been created at this location that has disrupted the peace and security of the neighborhood of this business it's been advertised by the business of food beer and fun is being provided at this location it's on his on the Facebook post of the business um this has been going on for months even years in years and we will ask if there are any Town residents here that want to speak up about their observations I ask you to come forward but I will finish up with this that um some of the evidence that's been provided here today has come from the the local residents they have provided cell phone video footage of what they're observing uh you know during these moments but um L if you don't mind can you go back to the other fold folder where it says uh should say videos go up on y yep and click on the last one this is the most recent video that had taken place on August 1st now the person I'm not sure if they're here today who I am who record this video maybe they can give some better idea of when that was taken if that was after or before the pursuit I'm not really sure but uh we can get some more details of that but what you're seeing is the business out front uh the number of motorcycles lined up in the breakdown Lane uh with the report with the officers they estimate between 150 and 200 individuals at this uh function at this business um after going back and looking at some of these videos you can you can see how some individuals on the sideline even have their own cell phones out taking video recordings of the activity from their side of the roadway and stuff but this culture has been created by the business the residents here are all up in arms and have been calling the police department looking for relief of this type of activity to stop I think peace could be restored if this activity stopped and not being forced upon the community members in this location if we can go back to that other folder system can you click on the second one okay uh my eyes are a little tough but uh if we can just read the the the comments above the uh post this is a post by the by the business Chopper heads Custom Cycles and I'll get a little closer so I'm not uh you're not alone in this one I'm in the same boat that's why I brought the glasses today the post here is posted on September 1st of 2015 do you like free food do you like free beer do you like motorcycles if you answered yes to any then you need to come to our bike night tonight this is the star if you can go to the next if you just hit the arrow on the side it'll go to the to the next right again chop ahead Custom Cycles June 7th 2016 bike night is on free beer free food good times to be had by all and get a sneak peek of the bornfree build as it progresses festivities kick off at 6: PM in our shop at 13 County Road East Freetown Mass excellent again these posts are on the public page of the business bike night was a killer time thanks to everyone who came out great turnout good times as usual I was too busy hammered distracted and living in the moment so I didn't get to take picks other than this one so if you got any good ones tag Us in the post or DM them and I'll repost if you missed this one we do them the first Thursday of the month so catch you in July uh this was posted June 2nd of 2023 next one posted September 8th 2023 thanks to everyone who came out to bike night we had a blast and it looks like you did too exclamation points look at the photos this is what it looks like in front of the chop ahead business business roadway all tore up with black marks streak marks from whoever's doing burnouts out there seriously though it's awesome to catch such a good crowd of people over and such an array of bikes from classics to Choppers to Baggers excellent April 27th of this year Bike Night returns this Thursday May 2nd starting at 6 p.m. booze and pizza provided Good Times by all I hope that doesn't happen there yeah don't want to respond to that but I guess that's the image you want to push go ahead uh first bike night definitely good time at chopad Custom Cycles the business looks like a clean business once this activity is invited not so good for the resins next one May 30th I could go on with the post and the advertisement by the business for this type of activity to come to County Road thank you can uh what I can tell you from my perspective as the chief and the business other than these incidences and I've also visited the business looks like a great business and I I think they do very well but um it's disappointing that this type of activity is being invited to our community and to say that once it leaves the property and it's on the street and it's the police department's problem uh that's not a solution to this answer and I'm looking for some help this needs to get resolved and the people here in the community need some relief MH yeah have zoning officer so um through you to uh Mr gagy did your event happen on September 5th it's planned no I canceled it you canel it okay U so the very next business there was at Mr gagne's office and remind him his obligation to his license that he has with the town and to his residents and and Town's people also assure shocked the fact he thought that he could do this and once it left his property was not was not of his business absolutely wrong all your business you put everybody at risk police officers neighbors anybody trafficing area I'm just surprised by that you not learned from what I mean it's a good town you you're a resident here you're putting everybody at risk and to do that and not feel somehow responsible is just shocking to me yeah and just like in general too like having the free booze and pizza which don't me wrong I understand like I get it it's probably a great marketing you know tool but like you know today we issued you know two different license to serve on premise right and obviously that's never you never gone through that that exercise to do that and obviously it's just it's not being you know served by someone who's uh you know there's no rules there it's it's kind a free-for-all right that's a problem in itself right um also like just from personally like I have a one-year-old right turns one tomorrow and if my if I was one of these residents and I had motorcycles going on starting at 600 p.m. I would lose my mind like and you know you got to understand you're in a residential area here like you know and one just kind of like we we as the board here we don't have a ton of you know power this is this isn't a court right but where we do have the power is is over issuing these licenses right so you know we don't want to be put in a situation where we have to put your your business here in question because of this and it's an easy solution right just stop having the parties and and stop you know you know obviously upsetting all your neighbors um I'm not sure yep so on another note so the town reports with us all the time we get special permit requests all year long the board signs off them each department looks at them we might put some conditions on it so this is allowed to happen but in in in a certain way that's allowed by everybody else we all play by the same rules get a special permit be open and transparent what you're doing and we can L have you can have the opportunity to do that safely for everyone yeah I I think what bothers me the most is the disregard for the Neighbors as well as our First Responders um we as a board have been very lenient with everyone we're we're pretty Pro business I feel and you know open so I want to I'm I'm happy when I see that we have a local business and you live in town to me that's a no-brainer um but what bothers me is when I have the police chief in front of me saying that his officers are responding and dealing with stuff and asking us for help we should be asking them for help so it's flipped so that bothers me and I'm I'm I'm a fair person but that bothers me and I think you could understand that based on what we're hearing and I don't that that you know it's just I I don't know how else to say it but that does bother me uh good evening Mr gag how are you today welcome thanks for being here for residents as well so I have a couple questions uh Born Free build are you building a bike or what's that about that was years ago it was a bike we built for internationally known show it how' it do good we won best British now have have and understand Facebook post you know First Amendment rights and everything else you're hey if I hear bikes food and beer probably probably join right it's it's we get it right like selectman Matthew said it's a good publicity engager right earlier in the day we spoke a lot about being a small town in a community and being neighbors right so us as a board we have to take these complaints and and take in consideration how their feel not just their feelings but also the posts and what the RO conditions and everything else we're not here trying to beat you up I don't think they all are I think I think peace Like Chief Rose was saying is what we're trying to get to the solution we're trying to achieve right so you know the the old adage of hey it's not my property it's on Tom road yeah it doesn't cut it we all know that right it's it's it's one it's easy to say hard TN force on on all levels so we're asking really or really thinking about or or trying to kind of figure out together as as a team we're all here together right not just US versus you it's not us it's not because we're sitting here you're sitting there ultimately we have the decision but we want to make sure we make the right decision for the business because we are pro business but but obviously we love our residents so we have to find that balance so as a business owner right as the person that's been there you won these Awards you B you born free build and full disclosure I used to own a Harley-Davidson 12200 custom love them at the same time be responsible while you're on them having an individual doing wheelie on a Harley a little harder than a little a little you know little CBR 600 or you know 900 r or something like that right so they're putting effort it doesn't help you you're having your crowd sitting there watching and everything else so you're kind of almost promoting it in a sense so not saying that you are I'm just saying by context looking at it from a outside looking in heck that's a good time let's go have fun right let's let's do some you know rips and get them up there that said work with us here what a solution do you bring to the table to hey have have your your your business operating but you got to look around the room whether you love them or hate them they're your neighbors they live there they they have families that are concerned like like select Matthew said he has a one-year-old I have four kids right I have friends that live in that street right we all do so as a business owner as a person when something goes bad at Town Hall I know who I'm going to or if something goes bad at Town Hall the res know who to go to you're looking at them all so as as a as a resident looking at you Mr gagy what's your solution to this what what what do you think we should do on this and I know so I say your attorney's going to tell you it's probably going to tell you don't don't answer that I understand that what I'm trying to get to is this I'm not trying to legally bind you to any answer or any suggestion what I'm trying to say is your neighbors are here they need be they need a reprieve to what's going on as Chief Rose have said one complaint after another after another another let alone what my street looks like right we'll deal with that later right hopefully some power washing will be all set right I can't prove that it was you or anything and I get that but as a business owner as a resident neighbor Community member friend what are we G to do about this I think that's the question again this is Attorney Richard Bennett I represent Mr gagy and as a business owner he wants to address this I think um before I read a statement I would like to just state that August 1 was really the anomaly here okay that's where this got out of hand and that was last month so give us a chance to work with the police and whoever else from the town uh to come up with a plan to address this keeping in mind of course that these incidents and complaints are limited to what they call Bike Night okay um is there a way to manage bike night where you encourage people to come to chop ahead but without the baggage right so that's what we'll be working on as his councel I'll be assisting him with that um one thing the board should know and maybe you do know this already um the town of uh Freetown Police Department elected to file applications for criminal complaints against the business and against Mr gagy so before hearing on those I'm I don't want to have my client say too much because he has a right to a Clerk's hearing to determine especially with relation to whether alcohol was provided free or whether it was for sale that's an issue that has to be addressed by the clerk magistrate so that hearing is in October that'll give us an idea of where we stand on that issue okay but let me if you don't mind let me just read a brief statement if that's okay absolutely well if you if you if you you can but if I could to rep you on just a quickly whether it's provider or not your Facebook post are saying free bear it says free bear on your Facebook post right so it's kind of hard to kind of segue into is it really free but I'm just saying it's it's sitting on a website you also noted though that I think three of those are nine years ago you noted that right yes sir 2015 nine years ago yes sir all right so keep that in mind yeah this isn't this September August may this is May of nine years ago that this came up and Mr gagy as far as I know has not been before this board with respect to any type of violations of any type of town code or anything so you have to put that in context we have yes sir so again my name is Richard Bennett and I represent choppahead uh Cho ahad's been in business for 25 years choad as a corporation was started in 2015 by Mr gagy at that time that's about when he decided to come to Freetown he was in New Bedford before that okay um and just again I'm just going to read over the over these years K chopperhead has established a high-profile Regional National and international reputation uh for Quality Restorations and builds of custom motorcycles and its customers base is not just local it's regional it's National and he actually has clients with celebrities musicians um actors a lot of people in the entertainment industry Freetown Mass is associated with chopp ahead Customs chopp ahead Customs is known across the world for what it does it's a viable successful business and in addition to this high-profile work that they do they also sell motorcycles motorcycle parts they fabricate custom parts and they maintain a pretty successful retail business of accessories and apparel you have a very successful business in Freetown and he's been here for almost 9 years and during that time he's continued to grow his business and since establishing the business he has had uh only through May and October he has bike nights once a month okay so if you do the math let's say there's five six bike nights a year all right and the purpose of the bike night is not to attract guys who come down the road and do wheelies unfortunately that does happen the purpose of bike night is to celebrate the customers of chop ahead their families this is a family event kids come their moms and dads come yeah you might not like the way they look you might not like the way their lifestyle but their families come here because they want to celebrate chop ahead and what that's all about Custom Fabrication of bikes there's a real culture out there and his success shows that now do the math okay since moving to Freetown Cho Ahad has sponsored at least 40 Pike nights at least 40 and not once has there been a citation an arrest or any type of negative or derogatory action taken against drop ahead after 40 bike nights so let's move forward to this year okay there's been no violence no fighting no accidents or injuries and no alcohol related events there was one citation in the police report to the fact that some guys were pulled over a mile and a half away on a I think it was May of 2023 was there a citation was there alcohol involved nothing how about the guys that followed the police on August 1st they ended up getting pulled over was there a citation no were there any violation of any alcohol laws no also with respect to the police report when you read them look at the Timeline there is nothing wrong there until 8:00 at night this bike right run runs from 6:00 to 9: there are no issues reported in the police reports until almost 8:00 when some Rogue bike rider goes in front of an officer who stationed more than a football field down the road and foolishly does some type of wheelie or uh donut in front of her okay prior to that you look at the police reports all the police reports say I observed I got there about 6:30 I saw no problem with the motorcycle riders I saw no erratic Behavior it didn't start till an hour and a half almost two hours after bike night so this isn't a situation where woo 6:00 comes it's time for bike night let's get to the wild west that's not what this is about and I I came off my written statement anyway um it is only this year that concerns have been raised about bike nights and more specifically to August 1st okay Chopper had once underscored to this board that the motorcycle operators who are described in those police reports are not Cho ahead customers and they are not attendees at bike night they are punks that come by cuz they know bike night is going on so yes bike night is is associated with the fact that this happens but chop ahead wants to make sure that you folks know those aren't his people okay and when he says what can I do about it I think his reference is to I can't go out in the road and make them stop I have no police Powers I I it sounds disrespectful when you in the context of what can I do about it it's not on my property that's not what he means he has no police powers to enforce it maybe we come up with a way that he can regulate it right whether we come up with every month we request a a permit to can sell alcohol or we come up with a special permit to conduct a bike night we get police details whatever we need to do but I don't think this is an historic problem it's now a problem but it's not historic and when you think about it as far as issuing a license and everything that's important um finally Mr gagy and chopad want to work with Town officials and his neighbors to resolve the issues to make certain that the business continues to thrive in free time I want you to know that September bike night was cancelled because he did not want to have any issues before talking to the board um he intends to dispute the October thir I'm sorry October 3rd is the hearing date for the uh criminal application he tends to dispute that he'll have counsel at that and um at that point um you mentioned working as a team all about that I think he had mentioned me when I say he had me Mr gagy had mentioned to me that he tried to tried to put together a meeting before this hearing but he was not successful in doing that so um I would like to speak with the chief I requested if the chief would give me a moment before that before I started today but he didn't declined let's work as a team let's not decline discussions and let's move it forward you have a great business there are some issues there's some baggage but it's nothing that we can't solve thank you I'd like to say yeah just name for the record please it was a different night they were better this night because record a name excuse me need to give you a name for the record please thank you um yeah it was a different night there because it was a different night there because it was a my name's Julie bake I live at T County Road I'm the one who took the video um I've been going through this since 2015 with all hours of the night at least they moved it from they used to do it on Saturday nights they would have for a long time they would have um barbecues out there people out there till 10:00 at night um this doesn't go from 6:00 to 9: this is 6 to 10 and when they leave they make sure they open it up and they they floor it and you can hear it um usually there are people doing wheelies on each side one time I was coming home one of them almost smashed into my truck I've gone over there and talked to the people there and they said pretty much um it was nothing they could do about it and you know I I should just go on my way well this is enough is enough that was a good night because the police were parked down by the circle right next to my house and th those guys could see them and even with the police there one of them took off with a wheelie and they had to be chased my in front of my house looks it it looks embarrassing I went over and said how would the owner like me go to his house and with my truck and rip out and leave all marks all over all the time I mean smoke I can't even I'm I'm a clinician I'm on call and I can't even take a on call on Thursday night once a month because um I'm losing money because his business has to do wheelies all night long it's it's been going on I've been complaining since for a long time this is that night what you saw on that video sir that was a good night that was a real good night thank you anyone else Mr chair if I can so what most troubling I heard from the attorney that he has no control over his property over this whole thing he's only control of what's inside his property we have special permits with conditions but you have to have control of the event once you lose control of the event which is looks like what happened here there's no going back there's no going back to that so I mean we have a process special permit we issue them all the time this can't happen again but people understand they're responsible for their actions on their property when they leave their property we don't dispute that now I mean I I don't want you to think that I I would stating that we dispute that certainly bike Knight especially I I believe we're talking about bik would have control over people leaving his property yeah he he can't he can't stop once he once they leave his property he can't police them but I agree with you and my client agrees with you that it's bike Knight that attracts them there so had bike not Knight not existed that wouldn't happen totally agree with you soti what could happen right yes has anticipate that this could draw The Unwanted people people that we don't want here and that's why we need to right that's why we so we have some history here so I went to New Beckford for five six years doing the same kind of work and guess what my work was Chopper heads we had complaints from Neighbors there right so this is not new and Mr gagy knows this so here we are now he moves to Freetown get the same thing and I'm Still A Guy this cannot happen we deserve better than that he he's got a great business he knows that world we down right everything's on on uh you know on the web nowadays great business but that's a bad reflection on on his business I got got to tell you that so uh we hope you can work this out is a process to do that here's my thing is that um you know you started off by talking about how successful he is as a business right he's world-renowned he has celebrity clients he has this why why do this you're putting your business a Jeopardy um it's is a simple solution if you're that successful there's no need to hold these bike kns and just not do them right if that's what's coming around if if everyone around is saying yeah you know what it's bad or it's fine but you know the first Thursday of every month I can't work I can't do this I don't want to leave my house whatever don't do them anymore we he canceled this month let cancel them going forward get rid of them and then you'll have no complaints and I mean it seems like a pretty simple solution unless someone can tell me why what the valid point point of having them is if I'm going to be a busy business the last thing I want to do is jeopardize my business and I say canceling those nights will make it that easy you don't have to worry about let's just unpack a little bit uh based on your some of your statements you made that there is a criminal complaint right issued by us to from our Police Department onto legal authorities so that will get handled there right that that's that's what the purpose of the courts are the the criminality of of whatever's going on as far as people being pulled over down the road whether or not they're associated with chopper heads if they're not you got shafted on that deal that's just that's from a non-legal perspective sorry for you right however you know some valid points were made if it didn't happen you know could we infer that that wouldn't have occurred sure we can we can go down that road right um one of the statements made that some people don't like how the way we you dress or if you're tattooed I could care less what you look like how many tattoos you have I don't think anybody does you know respect yourself respect Thy Neighbor right that's that's where we're getting to so what we're here for is you're the business owner right and and I know it's it's easy for me to sit here behind my desk with with my little little name tag here and say ABC I and I understand that however I have people sitting here that have genuine concerns for their well-being their their friends and family their property and everything in between whether you agree with that or your or friends of yours agree with that that's not up for debate that they're here their concerns are valid right and I'm going to listen to them we have listened to them we're going to continue listening to them but we have to do something about it going forward and continuing doing the same thing over and over again I believe we call that the definition of insanity all right so we don't want that right I I I think your attorney uh well spoken so thank you for the information provided Mr Yi um by your attorney a solution a for everybody involved specifically the neighbors around your property those are I live in a Sonet I don't hear burnouts and tires spinning and things like that they do they have to live through this at 1 2:00 in the morning right whether they got pulled over by the police a mile down the road or right in front of your property they don't care and and and they shouldn't all they know is they're they're getting woke up because of the noise right and and I listen I checked you out I went to Chopper heads you got some cool stuff love the property right love the business listen you're rocking it you are world reown like I checked you out you do have some great clients I applaud you for that that's what we want for free town but again you have neighbors you free town we hear about this all the time where a small town community established in the 1600s that's built on Family Values now we have a business creating disturbance to our families and to our neighbors and communities yeah may be on my little Soap Box up here sure right again behind my name right that's why you elected me however their concerns are valid so we we do need some of the solutions your attorney provided working with us maybe canceling bike nights maybe no free bear maybe saying hey you can't do this establishing gra rules working with the police to making sure someone there that's what we're looking for right we want our our goal is not to sit here and shut you down you're going away this is you're going that's not that's not that's not what we're here for we're here to figure out what's going on listen to the individual sitting here beside you and behind you and in front of you and figure out hey can we all just get along like what do we got to do to get there right me dispatching my police officers in fire every so many often they're busy they're not a fully there's three units on one end and what three on the other right or four sometimes they have things to do and to respond to motorcycle noises to the same location over and over again it gets taxing on not only them but also the residents so we need something Mr chairman through you again so we haven't heard from Mr gag and if he plans are continuing this if so is it with a special permit yeah I mean I think we like so let's just stay where we are now right so your licens will be up for Renewal January 1st right right so we're not going to make any decisions today right I think this is this is a hearing just to to hear everyone out talk about where we stand right now and then you know we need to have a path forward I think you need to work with the officials in town to have a path forward and so that's fair for everybody right or us renewing your license is going to be a lot more difficult come January 1 right I mean I and I I think you know unless anyone has anything specific they want to talk about right now I'm going to start to wrap this up just because we do have a lot more on this agenda tonight that we have to get to so if anyone else has anything to to say uh I'd like to ask name name the record so my name is Chris Nolan three County Road um I've actually learned something I didn't realize how successful the business is which is exciting to hear but at the same time if I invite people to my house for a summer cookout on the 4th of July or whatever great holiday we us to right uh if someone leaves my residence inated uh recklessly did not I'm I'm going to be cops going to show up to my door and they're going to ask me what's going on that event would be immediately ended yeah and I'm sure I would be subject to some fine or some penalties or to come before the board and explanation myself and I think that so like just to kind of like where what this board can do right is you know we we can't take any CRI you know we're not a legal uh board here we're not uh we don't have any powers right there so what we can do though is is and there's already been kind of a criminal complaint made which they're going to address right and for the outcomes of that when we go to renew this license right we can we use all all that information to say okay whether or not we we have grounds to not renew this license potentially right what what are the possible violations from that event alcohol I mean think it be I I don't and I don't even know anything about the the criminal how many people on the premise yeah I mean what we talking about yeah I don't know Chief if you want to speak to any of that or if you if you're at liberty too I'm not sure there are no citations as I said other than the complaint which essentially is sale of alcohol yeah without a permit which is contested yeah other than that there are no citations yeah I mean at the end of the day right like I think it's not NE not necessarily doing anything illegal right I mean that's what we're kind of talking about here I mean if if there was someone did get an accident drun leaving there right if that did happen then then we'd be talking about it right now but that didn't happen right now I get that yeah very fortunately I'm honestly it's been going on for 15 years and that hasn't happened which is Ian that is something to take into consideration right I will say regarding this incident there was another civil bylaw infraction that was uh documented and a citation was issued to Mr gagy which he ended up paying for at the town clerk's office okay for the illegal burn at that location gotcha y so there was another violation okay understood thank you so I I think you know this was just a form to kind of hear everyone out and give and information gathering for us when we go and and have this license up for Renewal again so it could be potentially nipped in the bug by you know an immediate solution of discontin and then permit for everything else well so the thing what what we have power over here is is actually his class 2 motor vehicle license right so his like his license to actually sell motorcycles on premise right that we don't have any control like from my perspective you know is that you know he's having these parties that taking place there you know we all everyone has parties right I had a birthday party for my son yesterday like you're allowed to have parties at your house without a permit you know or your business but if you're if you're selling you know or giving alcohol away or whatever whatever the this is obviously something higher than just a a family cookout right there there there a special permit there is processes and procedures take place to facilitate that kind of thing right so like with with guidelines like when it ends and and how many people can be there and you know controls control all that kind of different Factor so things don't get out of control and and stuff like that is even usually is the formality of how to move forward ey and out in this meeting like if he left here tonight if the business decided to throw another event in the same Avenue it's taken the same results happen yeah I can tell I can tell you what happened is public hearing be like has he be given Direction exactly how to go process the correct way to do it no I think this is this is just as a this is a forum to kind of bring the two sides together to speak about it and then then we we'll as a board are going to vote uh when his license is up for Renewal we have to vote as a board so we we don't know how it's going to go but we have to vote on every license every year and if two of us feel that we shouldn't allow this license because of the impact of the community then it won't be renewed and then and then that that that brings a whole another uh line of of situation that will take place and we can does the selectman do a a action plan for somebody to get their license so if this there's so many complaints about this business and this night and is the selectman going to do an action plan that the business will have to follow to be able to have these bike nights so and to and that should be given to him prior to him renewing his license I mean I I I honestly kind of see the these parties and the his class two motor vehicle license I do kind of see them as separate things right like I understand what you're saying right but but they are like we're talking about but there's consequences to your actions as a business owner so I think if I want if I decided that I was going to do something at my house house and there's consequences to the actions and these parties have caused so many problems on County Road um and it's just not fair to us that okay we're going to renew your license because it makes money for the town like I mean I know he said that something about what this is a waste of tax pay is money people coming out the police coming out well I pay taxes too not only he pays taxes I pay taxes this town too so I have the right to enjoy peace and quiet at my home y i i I hear you I just want to go on record with why I said that that was to a full fire truck showing up to a 55 gallon drum with some cardboard burning in it that's what I was referring understand I think we have someone back there like to say something yeah just name for the record please my name isia I've worked in Treet toown for 28 years so I've known Cho ahead I know him but I've been 28 years and you you know and the problem is this is this man's livelihood so he has these parties but these people coming from new beffer they're coming on bikes the young kids you hear them from new be they coming they're not part of his his party they're not bikers from his party the kids that come in from the city and NOA allows them in there because NOA chased them out of there NOA knows they're there so it's nothing to do with with TR truth nothing at all I've been there 28 years I don't have a problem yeah yeah had a party lately it's last few years it's out of control don't say it's every month it's out of control no it's not that's a lie so people lie about stuff but then 20 years it's been but it's other people from new bethod and just these kids I don't know they they they ride these bikes they go crazy I don't I don't get it they're not from chopad they have nothing to do with chopad and so to say that the talent's been going CRA no it hasn't I've been in 28 years and last last two three years I say yeah a lot of people from the outside has been coming in on their bikes that's nothing to do with chopp ahead that's just people coming in so he say that he's a brought neighborhood he's doing that no he's not absolutely not my house is directly across her house is behind my house I'm behind you yes I am but you you also house one at a time exactly and she also complains about everything she complained when when the guy put the building on the lights are in shining in her house she complains about everything yeah that's not how it works not the venue for this I'm not I'm just saying the truth that's not how it works she I'm just saying the truth I'm just saying the truth of what my truth is and I live across understand you're saying ladies L ladies and gentlemen with chopperhead I I said it's not from chopperhead B are not not from choad I understand thank you all right so so go ahead Mr chairman I I think we're going to be here all night if if we don't we have to kind of nip get this moving right right so I think where I stand Here is I think this was a good information gathering session there's some some I I think you need to go through the proper channels before you have another bike night and go through and get a special permit right there's no other way I I just I won't feel safe doing that I canel the the September one I've I've told him I've told the chief I'm easy to talk to I will work with you going forward whatever we got to do we were going to have a sit down meeting that got changed and mo yep to this sure and with still going to go forward and figure out what to do like from here all right and you know we can I think opening up lines of communication like we can make sure we can make this work right I'm not going to make any rash decisions right now but I do think we need a special permit and then you know it might it might be having a police uh you know that on premise there you know um something of that nature but we can work through those we're not going to figure that out right now and I would suggest perhaps that the the board make a motion to perhaps continue this to your November hearing so that we can report back to you on what happened between uh zoning enforcement and Public Safety and my client so that you'll get a report that shows how we're going to address it just that we need to have that time to do that um but continuing the hearing so that we can submit that so that you have a month before the hearing or the license reissue you'll be very well informed as to where we all are yeah so on the that though for for me to continue this hearing and not close it now I I agree you're saying there right CU that we we can go come back and and see where you we know where we are now what what what improvements have we made I think it just that makes sense to me yeah if you close it you can't take you technically can't take new information yeah so but if I if I continue it to no we have to do a specific date and time though right we have the 4th or the 18th of November correct let's do the 18th and what is say I'll do it 7:00 p.m. yeah okay so with that so I'll entertain a motion Mr chairman I may add one real quick um to to the uh to the neighbors in the back um the plan of action the discussion right when we when we review all application for businesses customer complaints citizen complaints are part of the business renewal process right there nothing new that that's every municipality in the country right it does take that to effect I did hear some great things from your attorney Mr gagy and and from you and but also I'm also listening to the neighbors so I'm assuming by advice of legal councel that the last meeting the last one was canceled because it was like hey let's let this calm down and get clear heads ahead of us right and that was my own Val oh perfect even even better right you don't have to he does you don't get to charge him right ultimately January 1st just is right around the corner right be cognizant of that not not that's not a threat or anything but cognant of your neighbors right these complaints do weigh on our decisions so they are logged in right legality wise they'll be worked out in court we'll take that with whatever the outcome is but neighbors that means a lot to me and and I I and I I see it in your ey maybe it means a lot to you as well I know it means a lot to the neighbors they're here you know they live in E fre town they came all the way here I had to sorry right they're here because they're they're concerned right and you got you you have to understand that right and I right so work through the legalities and we'll reconvene at another time and talk about it again right but but be but until that time think of these people if they keep coming back to us we'll have to take further action we we nobody wants that right let them sleep in peace that make sense I know it's tough I I know you're running a sucessful business and I'm proud of you for that I am we all are we all are right even the neighbors that came out to and maybe not so much support of it until they learn more about your business right it's opinions change work with us to work with you all right that's all we ask all right all right so um I want to a motion to continue this hearing to November 18th at 7 p.m. a motion made second all in favor all okay all right thank you very much thank you everyone thank you all right so with that we're going to go back and I'll do um agenda item 24 back to you uh oh yeah it's on to me do you do you want to not go back to five first do you want to do that stuff first let's just get your stuff done we'll do that does that make sense fin abolutely we're just going to give him one minute to clear we yeah I this no she's in front of me I'm always C have a good understand what they it was like 80 at one point and looked at again it was like in the 60s to this week the end of this week it's supposed to be back up into the 80s I'm freezing right now I know that's what I just said there I'm like I'm cold I'm always cold though I get tired I think I start to get cold easier yeah I okay all right I think we should be good now so excuse me agenda item number 24 discussion and vote on whether to establish a Robert Dean uh donation account that Conservation Commission would manage uh so recently you know in the last meetings we had a family member in here and talking about Mr Dean's wishes who's uh in his 90s and living in California and would like to see uh Porta pastas get back to where it was um and Mr Dean has stated that he's willing to donate a large sum of money to to make this happen um but you know there's certain procedures that need to happen so the first one is that we need to create the donation account for him to put it into so procedural in nature a no-brainer in my eyes anyone have any issues with it or question think it's great no thank you Mr Dean this is amazing yeah I know it it truly is um all right so with that I am going to entertain a motion that we establish a Robert Dean donation account that Conservation Commission uh would manage I'll make that motion second all those in favor I I I agenda item number 25 discussion and vote whether to approve the spending plan for the donations received from the Robert Dean donation account to perform all aspects of refurbishing the port of pasture open the space area to its original character these expenditures include hiring consultants and Engineering to um and Engineers to design and permit the uh refurbishment as well as the hiring of the necessary contractors to perform all the work and all incidental and related expense as further discussed in pter pasture agreement um so Mr Dean um you know he he sent us in a letter b basically saying like you know this is what I want to see it get back to um Debbie I don't know if you have anything that you want to add to this no again this is procedural he he had drafted the agreement that's the next um agenda item um but in order for procedurally we have to open the account put the money in and then we have to direct how it's spent so I just drafted sort of the language based on his agreement and what he's looking to spend that money is it only to be spent on Porta pasture M and the refurbishing of that back to when he was a kid and more of a beach I think environment um the Conservation Commission will control the money but they can't just spend it on anything that they want to spend it on it has to be spent on Porta pasture U Deb because it's donation and and conservation and everything in between does it follow the procurement laws of 10,000 or more has to go through the municip and everything else all that other state fund prur notely with a a donation account so it' be almost like a a how do I say like is it more of a a private account to be able to do what they want under the direction M can I mean it it may not make sense for them to I mean engineers and Consultants are generally exempt from 30b um so they'll have an easy time with that but then contractors because they might not know who's going to who could actually do the work they probably have to put it out to bid anyway but um Dona funds things being paid for out of a donation account are exempt from um procurement my only question on this and I don't know if you can answer me is you know Mr Dean I don't know if I'm should be stating how much would gave a large sum of money and if the money that it cost to do what he has outlined goes over and above is that something we're going to have to do I don't think we can we can't spend more than that without um conservation has their own funds right they have their own funds they they could they could appropriate their own funds I think to to um spend on it but other than that I would have to come before town meeting like any other expenditure okay perfect no I guess because that's what I I just wanted to make sure that we didn't say okay we sign here on the doted line we do all this we spend all his money and then we still need another $50,000 because we signed on to this do we then need to hurry up and Fork over $50,000 I guess is my point I I think it's a yeah well look at the last video right watch I don't know how many times right and I'll probably have to watch it again to make sure I'm right on this I believe what I forgot her name I was here with the with with Charlie it was a sister sister for forgot her name I'm sorry if if you're watching you were great I forgot your name yeah um you know I believe I believe she said and Charlie said that the original funds were to get the the consultants and everything else and then potentially there'd be more funds based on what they find right because I because I do have the same concern with you conservation money it does come out of a town meeting but that's taxpayer dollars diverting funds from one area to another for conservation so for for us to say hey they have money in their conservation account yes for the entire town not just this one project so we have to be cognizant of that right and I know we are I know we will be but for those out there watching we are we're not we're not just willy-nilly all the funds from the past year saying it's only going to this that's for the whole town so I think the approaches so that they can get the engineers and the Consultants to look at how it was in you know yester year and you know obviously permitting is difficult in the Wetland area so they may not be able to do what they want to do so the first phase of this is to get the feasibility study see what they can do see what the permits that they can get and then what it will cost they'll probably get a quote out of that and then I mean you know I think that um Mr Dean would fund what it's going to cost and that's sort of the idea that I'm getting okay yeah and I I kind of felt that way but I wasn't 100% sure on so I just kind of wanted clarification because I never want to put it and I know that you know your job is and you do a great job of it is make sure we don't get ourselves in danger and U yeah it would have to go before Town meaning for a vote to spend any substantial sums of money so the town could say yeah and a on that all right cool no that was my only question so uh any other questions or no all right so with that I entertain a motion to approve the spending plan for the donations received from Robert Dean donation account to perform all aspects of refurbishing the Porta pastor's open space area to its original character these I I don't know I feel like I should read the whole thing these expenditures include hiring consultants and Engineers to design and permit the refurbishing as well as the hiring and necessary contractors to perform all the work and all incidental and related expenses as further discussed in Porta B's agreement I'll make that motion I second that motion all those in favor I I agenda item number 26 discussion and vote whether to approve and sign the Porta pastor's agreement which discusses the uses of the donations from Robert Dean um so you know was already just talked a little bit about there um what they had in mind for it right so it's really to to design and engineering and all that so um I've read through it and it's all good to me um I don't have a problem with Sig any questions or anything no no so this is a great great thing for poris pasture oh absolutely this is an amazing actually amazing thing for poris pasture this is beautiful MH it's an amazing individual to do that so thank you again um all right so with that I entertain a motion to approve and sign the Porta PES agreement which discusses the uses for the donations from Robert Dean I'll make that motion second all those in favor I I all right so all right so we're going to go back to agenda item five now because this has to get done tonight yeah all right soem five discussion of vote whether to approve articles for uh on the warrant for the special town meeting on 10:21 as presented so let's just go kind of I'm just going to yeah so each warrant article basically needs to be approved to be put on the warrant now mind you this is a pretty it's it's a rough draft I do not have an estimate of free cash at the moment so you're going to see a lot of these do not have dollar figures in them our goal tonight is to sort of just get the preliminary okay from you to get it to Town Council so they can start reviewing our language and our you know our presentation of it to correct those things so that when it comes back we can finalize it by just adding numbers or just tweaking it here or there okay sounds good so the first article here is Justin tree Warden pay from yearly to hourly yes we he's been being paid hourly but when I put it on the warrant and paying yearly right I put it I put $18,000 as a salary yeah instead of hourly so like that means he gets paid whether he works or not and that's not really how he works he goes out and works when he needs to if we have a big storm he might work 60 hours that week so this is just sort of a logistic type of a thing I'm go with that everyone go with that that yes well just to clarify that's up to $188,000 right yeah okay yeah so so how are we going to like I'm trying to think how we're going to make this vote you want do you want to vote on individually I don't think so you can vote on all of them or you we can yeah if you want to pull one out okay all right all right so we're good with this one next one um correction of free time water Sewer Commission salary composition looks like this was just like a mistake yeah I think they asked for a raise and I didn't put it on the I didn't put it in the water okay so from 250 to 500 per person already in their budget okay no problem there any questions or concerns no um next one is funding for Union contract for dispatchers so these again are required where we're retroactive with our Union contracts I will have the dollar figures for that but we just finished this one so I will have those dollar figures to fund that so that's going to be the same for this one the next one yeah the next one I do have a figure on high way I believe it's 38,000 um I'll be have an exact amount but just so you know that's the retrospective part um and then Water and Sewer I don't believe we need that so um I have to confirm that we don't need that U but it's the same thing it's just pulling the two employees out of their respective you know but I I've done we did this three years ago I believe we just put them through the regular Union okay so this next one is increase for electricity at Triple A Pump Station so it looks like the water and sewer looked like they're going to run short on some of their line items in within their budget I do not believe they need to do these at town meeting they have their own Reserve fund just like the town has a reserve fund that they can pull from without town meeting vote I have to get I have to get confirmation of that I spoke to Paul sadic today and told him I think I'm going to be pulling these articles but for the sake of moving the process forward just review them their their their money items they're all within their budget it's it's not going to come to the town FL it's the water and sewer budget um but I I don't think we need to do this the way they've got it set up but they requested these be put on the warrant okay that's fine next one's increased postage water Sewer Commission Enterprise fund postage yeah postage just they need more money CU postage is more expensive yep got it um so we have some 2024 fire year invoices this one needs to be on there because we can't pay any prior year invoices without going to town meeting floor there's been an ongoing issue I think with New Bedford water we just don't get them in time and then we pay them late and this is reoccurring balances and whatnot so this needs to happen we have changed our procedures they email the bills now and Chann is allowed to sign off on the bills so we don't have to wait for them to have a meeting to sign the bills and we're getting them right into accounting so this problem will be rectified but there's probably bills that just got missed and they need to be paid yep okay so that's next one's also prior invoice no this it's okay yeah increase typen to reduce cost for outside vendor says by the Water Commission this is um if they pay um they pay an outside vendor to do black flow prevention and this this would they want to increase that line and again it may come off but they're just again trying to reallocate things within their own budget okay tree removal 25 grand for a cemetery yes that's from the cemetery commission that's that's trees are expensive yeah well and you have to work around the headstones right so it's a little more precise and a little more uh you have to use like cranes and whatnot yes these are expensive mhm all right and then another 15 grand for um repair restoration and some monuments it's also from the cemetery commission okay cool that fund clerical pos position for Board of assessors so we had a board of assessors part-time clerk a few years ago I asked to have that move to a floater because there's not um a lot of need excuse me for a part-time clerk in the assess that Mike is the assistant assistant only works part-time but with the um um influx of the Adu changing you know the um accessory dwelling units and the common ownership issues I think that his office might get a influx of being a little bit busy yep so um his board has is asking for the funding which wasn't funded I I didn't put the floater in our budget this year because I I didn't want a person that was 50% of the time not really working yep um so they're coming back and asking for a part-time senior clerk to be funded because I have no other Avenue to fund it for that that makes sense any questions good nope all right um so this is match funds for the South Main Street Bridge Project so we received a Federal grant for $500,000 they require a 20% match um you know we have it in our stabilization but I'm waiting for free cash I just assume take it and put this money aside so it's there when we get when we get that makes a lot of sense so you're saying we had to pay 100 Grand basically right you said 20 yeah I may ask for a little bit more just in case we go over but um it will be the match is 100 is 100 Grand yes $100 a minimum but yeah we can put more into it mhm cool Matt same thing for the next one match funds to the council agent Library project $850,000 for that project um depending on free cash I will have a number but the match is 20% okay makes sense I think everyone should we hope people will support that it's free money spend a little bit of money all right um next one is fun pay of Highway yard so $150,000 this again this came from the highway surveyor truck it's one of those projects that the ms4 engineers have come down every year they're telling us we need to do this we need to do it we sort of yeah yeah we we'll do it and then we don't do it salt piles yeah Chuck is really you know I think at this point if we have the funds available again when free cash is updated I'll let you know these things might change um I think at this point we really got to do something to move towards our storm water compliance and not that the permit's not in compliance but they're going to start looking for us to do these types of projects makes sense all right so then uh next one is 250,000 to um for maintenance and upkeep of town roads roads are expensive again submitted by the highway s you know he got $500,000 to do the roads but he's been doing a lot of work on the roads I don't think many years he didn't get anything but the um chapter 90 money which is roughly 400,000 and it goes the money now to do anything is just you did a great job in the Bay shores yeah I haven't been down there today so I'm excited to go home it's nice to drive and not hit the hard bumps when leaving I came here I was like that so so again if if this if cash the free cash is not there I you know I have no problem going back and saying hey can we can we push this off or whatever will come back and come up with a plan I usually finagle that and figure out what we can afford and what we can't I just don't have the number yet okay uh H HVAC systems at Town Hall again if we have free cash available this is something that um K and I have been working you know thinking about we be you know we're getting new windows put in and then of course you know we're still dealing with heat that doesn't come on and air conditioning that doesn't work so the next step will be doing some hbac or we have Park number I don't I'm going to probably do it in phases where I do one floor and then the next floor so again this one can move until uh uh Springtime meeting but um if we have the funding I may set it aside okay yeah sounds good funding for digitalization so we're been in the process of digitalizing all of the um records since I've come on board um uh Kevin Des Maris from the Board of Health was able to get his Coalition there to pay for all of their files to be put up in the cloud and digitalized and you know our buildings in the flood plane in the flood um it's 150 years old I would like to have our records all digitalized because if if if there's a catastrophe on some level we're going to lose everything um so I would say I know it was about $30,000 I think to do the building department which is the pill Department I'm looking to do I'm almost done with all the other departments so I I would say rough and I'll have better figures but I'd say around $30,000 to to continue that so that it we're cloud-based um old files okay uh next one transfer land from Treasury and tax title custodial to Conservation Commission this is oh yeah there's a piece of land on the corner of Forge Road and Richmond Road there that point if you were going 79 heading towards Berkeley MH and you have to bar left where like piping systems is M that that little corner piece right there is was taken for tax title it's at wetlands and so conservation would like it transferred to them it's not valuable it it really can't be sold for any any real purpose there makes sense easy peasy this was a petition that came in um from Brian Alina right get that right um regarding what he had talked to the board about getting a um parking Commission um so this we can't we can do about nothing we do about this one so it doesn't matter you know if the signatures have been certified they I haven't heard yet from them so I mean there's a possibility the signatures aren't certified and it will come off but I I don't usually they do get that's cool all right um the next one resing existing General bylaws and adopt re uh reformat of bylaw so this is bylaw changes this is all of the work that Cheryl has been doing with the bylaw committee and the codification Y so the codification is just like minor changes like instead of it being n you know 1 through 10 it's now a through z whatever not really subsid changes but those kinds of changes but it's easier to just say look we're going to get rid of all of the existing bylaws and bring in these new ones that we recodified and this is what she's attempting to do with these articles that makes sense to me all right next one additional fund editorial and legal analysis of town bylaws so this is just a some more money to do this is to do the second step of the clarification process and review all of the bylaws to tell us whether we're in compliance legally all right next one is delete uh duplicate Provisions in bylaws that Mak sense yeah so there's just a duplicate there're taking to oh there's so many of them yeah this next one re existing zoning bylaw and adopt reform bylaw is this same thing with just different I think so it's the same um I'll look at this but uh I think it's the same thing as the codification it's just going to sort of clean up things um citation numbers different different yeah I think it's the same probably I'm not sure exactly what the difference is but it's a zoning so zoning has this is zoning it's the same same thing just for the zoning not the other ones and they have to have a public hearing on it so it's has to technically come from the planning board yep try all right cool next add oath deadline so this is one where if you don't go and get signed in by the clerk town clerk then something happens this is to stay off Cheryl's bad boy she said you decline the position if you don't get if you don't um get sworn in this is I mean I think we've all been guilty of probably not getting sworn in in a timely fashion I think this would um incentivize people to get sworn in in time in fashion I'm not I'm okay with that yeah I think if anyone it might impact me negatively but I think I like the spirit of it first sentence to ensure compliance mgl chapter 41 section 107 yep let's do it yep that's simple as that and and I mean and to be be fair with her is she's trying to now get you know how many people in to get signatures chasing people around coming to meetings doing it's kind of an unfair ass to her so you know enough for nothing yeah and then what's the downside for us is like probably have situations where we have to go and reappoint somebody or something of that nature but I mean I think that this was just I more emphasis that we get these things done to what we do with everything yeah yeah my only my you know I you know I work for another town and we I was appointed one time yeah and and and sworn in one time and I was there four years yeah so I'm not sure why we do this like process year just makes it very very you know I go and get sworn in but then I get sworn in again the next week for two other positions and then the following week I'm getting sworn in for five more positions it's not just a one and done right so it's a lot um so I i' i' like her to look at the need to appoint people every year because if you get a threee term you're here for 3 years yeah so you you should like as a selectman you should be appointed once in three years and SW in once for three years not every single year yeah now that makes sense and I would hope that that's the case and then it will make things a lot easier and take away a lot of this burden from yeah exactly everyone and one thing to take away from these as well when you look at warrant articles these These are policies and procedures for the town yeah so we just went through it from on on the agenda items 11 through 14 policy and procedures many past meetings policies and procedures War articles are policies and procedures for the town so when people read these policies and procedures that's what they are we're cleaning things up making sure they're right correct done on time efficient am I wrong on that so policy procedure folks all right so and then that's so that that's the deadline I think I'm okay with it and then we just have to get my my butt into the town hall you sign things better all right uh next one is amend Regional School District agreement you missed this one oh I I missed one sorry next one sorry is addition of employment position to bylaw so this is uh a new just to add the Outreach worker that we which is okay if we um Town Council said it was okay for me to do it after the kind a little retrospectively but that makes sense and also that one's funded already right yeah it's funded through a grant through a grant so okay cool all right this next one amend Regional School District agreement so uh article will start the process necessary to amend the school Regional School District agreement to see if the town will vote to amend agreement for the establishment of the free toown Lakeville Regional School District by adding the following section financial reporting to to towns okay that's and then superintendent shall provide quarterly financial statements to the board of Selectmen of each Town these reports shall have detailed revenue and expenditures line by line hiring and or disp action of the regional Centric uh District central office superintendent business director accountant a committee should be created to hire the central office employees for the Regional School District central office a committee should be created to hire like a okay the committee would comprise of 14 members including the eight existing Regional school committee members and two Selectmen from the town free town and two from Lakeville that might be a problem because then we'll have a quorum right and that's a big right and when Council comes back I'm sure he'll tell us hey you can do one in one I mean I this was just a rough thing that I was asked to put together I don't know um talking this may not even be um legal with with the way districts are created so I will find out more on that but it was just a way for yeah I think I'm I'm qu the spirit of it right yeah well like anything else right it's policy and procedures last time this was assigned or designed and drafted and put into signature was October 5th 2010 so we're we're 14 years plus almost 14 years there are things that need to be updated right and and we keep hearing all these things about this and that and about with all the school district this is the really the only way to clarify and clean things up across the board right whether what whatever side of the line you you vote for or agree with or against love or hate the person or vils or the committee this is where we we as a we as a town and hopefully Lakeville also does the same thing and adopts their own right um by law change to make this because they have to be in agreeance as well that way we we we start fixing we start putting things the right in the right order so that we're not just keep talking about things Council will and sorry to cut you off Council have come back and tell us otherwise but part of the issue I think is is do they have to have the same exact wording let me explain how this works this is step one you know Carlos had asked me to look into this step one of um changing the regional district it agreement is you get you you can do it you can ask the school committee which we haven't so that might be something you might want to do or you can go to town meeting and get the majority vote but you have to tell them the change you have to tell them that's why I kind of drafted based on the parameters like this was the proposed change you draft it you go you town meeting if you get majority vote at town meeting that's the heat of the air conditioning then you go you have to go to the state you have to send to the state school secretary something they have to approve it then it comes back to both towns and then it goes to another town meeting to be approved by both towns so this is like step one of a very long process so I don't know um I mean I didn't know what else the intent was of the changes that you were looking to make on that yeah yeah this is this isn't on you know some people are going to be listening to this meeting and watching this meeting and they're going to say ha the town is trying to do this or that well yeah in the sense we are we're trying to we're trying to go move forward into 2024 and 25 doing it the right way and there are things in here that may not make sense anymore right and it's been 14 years time for the residents to have their say right in many ways not it's not for or against we're we're not here to pick sides our job is to policy and procedures of our town right we we we've we work better as a team and right now the way the agreement is drafted they pick and choose what team they can they want to play with that day right we don't we we don't have time for that we we are busy with all these agendas I have paperwork everywhere families at home let's let's get to the point that we're all talking the same language we're all in agreements right there's no this isn't a got you moment this isn't a I'm picking on you this isn't a I hate you I love you this this none of that this is policy and procedures and it's time to take a look at it and let's move it and like you said Deb council's already come back given us the options one is ask the school committee great we'll we'll get to that right that's an easy conversation to have with them right and I'm sure they'll have the same questions we have what are you trying to change of course we're going to sit down with them and go through it but Council also said we can go to town meeting and have the town meeting this is step one of many steps forward but it starts are you okay with what was drafted as proposed as gu uh this there might be some tweaks to that but it's in general that's what I'm looking for I I want to know what's coming and going we want to know where we love our kids we love our district we but at the same time we have to make sure we're managing it's it's the school is the biggest funded thing we have in town right it's it's the biggest draw of the budget we have to make sure that when we ask our tax taxpayers our our residents for ABC dollar for the children we have to make sure it goes to the children and to the teachers and to and to where it needs to go versus it's sitting there collecting dust right in a sense keeping it simple so let's get the first step in front of us and see what happens right and and let the resident speak all right sounds good all right next article is amend uh personal bylaw vacation time yeah so this is just giv bylaw employees a third week of vacation after on the in the third year okay yep we talked about that makes sense yeah we did uh next one amended the personal B so this is the same different one though the first one was amend personal bylaw vacation time this one says the same but it's different it might be a repeat I might need to fix that okay but I think it's yeah just might I think it's just a duplicate okay uh next one funding the elementary school maintenance stabilization fund we don't know what that is yet but we will know right so that's the fun we set up again I know that the it was set up last time we have a boiler that's on the horizon I think GRE Goodwin is looking into giving me some um quotes on the boiler again it's all going to depend on free cash and what that looks like okay I do these on all of the Town meetings and I sort of and then if I leave them sometimes with no dollar figures if something gets turned down then you can add it right then we can try to put it into stabilization all right perfect so no issues with any of these I don't have any issues no I don't have any issues you're going to hold on we have a couple more in is there more funding the stabilization fund which we don't have any dollar amount yeah that's those are always the same the three the three stabilization funds that we I usually try to put 100 Grand in the um Regular stabilization the thought process is maybe put 250 in the school stabilization and then the residual would go in the capital stabilization whatever we have for free cash left over makes sense to me were you saying that we were going to remove the funding for the union contracts for the water and sewer staff believe we need that separate article I think it just goes under their perspective Union so like David would go in the highway Union Chand would go in the CL so I guess do we just say that I mean I don't even know if we need to call it into the boat because you can just cross that off we know right like basically I just want to make sure that you're okay with them this is like a high level just like okay thank you good yeah so that so I'll in a motion that um to approve the warrant for special town meeting uh on 10:21 2024 as presented motion made second all in favor I I I and then agenda item six this is just to close special town meeting warrant so that I'll a motion to close the special town meeting warrant for 1021 2024 for submission and send to Town Council and finance committee for review motion me second all in favor I I now we'll just do some signatures and then we will you can do signatures while I do um what oh yeah you can do signature while I'm talking about this are you okay with that yeah absolutely two birds one um let do it let me just do a but you can do the signatures so this is the grant it's called complete streets um it's the grand it gives about half a million dollars you can only get it once every four years the town of Freetown has never gotten one so this is something that I was working on with Victoria when she got here she she she um had gotten the grant to do all the studies this is where we compiled people from the town said what are your biggest concerns with traffic and whatnot and they came up with different projects there's like a list of 19 projects one of the projects was of course the four corners and so we have not appli for Grant because we were waiting to do the use it to do the four corners intersection right now that four corners is waiting for the road layout to be done and um before we can really move forward with that and that you know that one's a little um tricky in terms of just making sure we have get enough information out to the public and that they're aware of a change that might be coming yeah that's when we don't want to try and do quickly no so in the meantime I thought well maybe we should apply for one of these other grants in the another project within the complete streets though once we do it we won't get if we get the grant we won't be able to apply for another grant for 4 years so there's the first decision is do you do you want to just wait and hold out for the uh Four Corners intersection um and these grants can go out in October and in May so if we don't do one now we could do it in May if you say hey we're not going to get that four corners project done you let's do something else um so that's sort of the first uh precursory of what to do with the complete streets then I went through the ones the Grant's only up to 500,000 these all have estimates of what it would cost I'm going to tell you from my experience of doing a complete streets project that the project will come in 30 or 4% 30 or 40% higher than what they're projected in here so a $500,000 Grant is probably only going to get you one of these like $250 $300,000 you don't so you want to keep it so I kind of pul there was 20 of them I pulled out the high the $3 million and the $5 million projects cuz we don't want to do that I really don't want to tip into any Capital funds for these projects at this point because we have so many other capital projects going um you know the fire station and the pods and all those other things so the one that and I did review them with Eric from the highway department I haven't had a chance with Chuck but you know Chuck's going to be fine with whatever he's he's um always fairly accommodating one that we had talked about is possibly the crosswalks on South North and South Main Street I like that because you know like by Dunkin Donuts there really isn't a good crosswalk there and people do try to cross there um one in front of the church there's on Sundays there's a lot of activity there or the festival you're going to see um the crosswalks and there's about four crosswalks on that street that could be upgraded to Ada and um make made safer I know that seleman loes has been um wants to work on piece of the sidewalk that's already been approved we used Opera funds where we haven't gotten a study back from GPI but we could kind of tie these two together I can't use complete streets grant funding for that piece of sidewalk because it wasn't identified in the original project but we could bid it together if we had funding for it when we were doing the grant stuff so that's one the um the South Main Street sidewalk connection and that's not the project I was just trying to find the project I remember I was talking about this in the past too and this one makes a lot of sense yeah the the the um crosswalks on South Main Street yeah oh here it is and there it's 100 it's projected to cost 176,000 so it's probably cost 350 but the Grant's up to 500 so it it it it shouldn't tap into town funds and there's no match on this and if here has a silly question cost us $350,000 we've been given 500 can we use that 150 no they won't give you extra you it's a reimbursement so you only get what you spend up to no but I guess can I meant could we use it on say all of a sudden something comes up out of one of these other projects and we say we have to do it we have that $150,000 left could we use it towards that you could use it in the four years like we could app so say we use 350 on this the next year we could take the 150 we have left and apply say for the Ada Grant so you can use it it's just a whole another application does that make sense you can't just say like hey I didn't spend all my money can you just give it to me and I'll let you know no no yeah no I knew it would have to be used on this stuff but I didn't know if we would be able if it was like a one and done you get like 500,000 every four years so if we only spent 200 on this we still have 300 to spend on a different project so that is one of the ones that like Eric and I identifi that might be cost effective a good project to do for safety I was really looking for something in East Freetown but they were all very um expensive in terms of you know million the only other one that you know there's one for Ada pedestrian curb ramp upgrades for the entire town so every um onramp you know sidewalk uh crosswalk um ramp could be upgraded and that's slated at 150,000 and I want to say there's 33 ramps across town proper that so so there you go we talk about those two you might be able to get those two done for I might be able to do them together and they would tie together because they're all about cross that makes sense to me yeah that's what makes sense to me you just so do you want to move forward with a Grant application and knowing that like I said we might not like we'd have to wait four years to do the the four-way I think that makes sense which we're not going to be able to do for 500,000 right so we're going to need additional money to do that project which is another reason why I'm like oh right now with all the stuff we got going on I think we go for these two sidewalk ones okay that works for me I'm good with all right so should we vote on that yeah have to vote on that y so I I'll int a motion that um we move forward with the I guess project 10 and project three of the complete streets prop proposals um for Grant applications yeah for Grant applications uh motion made second all in favor I I I that round tonight yeah all right thank you everybody have a great night I'll entertain a motion to made second all in favor all all [Music]