##VIDEO ID:S9_l8BBfBeY## that one okay good morning everybody it is Monday November 25th 2024 at 8:36 a.m. and I'll call to order the Freetown border select meeting um this meeting will be recorded and will be on Zoom uh since this meeting is on Zoom um I have to read the governor's order on remote meetings so bear with me here this meeting will be held virtually on zoom on March 29th 2023 Governor Hy signed into law chapter two of the acts of 2023 which among other things extends the expiration of the remote meetings provision pertaining to open meeting law to March 31st 2025 specifically this extension allows public bodies to continue holding meetings remotely without a quorum of the public body physically present at a meeting location and to provide adequate alternative access to remote meetings this meeting of the free toown Bo selectman will be conducted via remote participation specific information and general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public can be found the town of Freetown website Freetown m.gov for this meeting members of the public who wish to listen to the meeting May do so in the following manner downloading zoom and entering the meeting ID below calling the number uh listed below and entering the meeting ID listed below or by going to the link and entering the meeting ID listed below no inperson attendance is available for this meeting however every effort will we made to ensure the public body can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means in the event that we are unable to do so despite the best efforts we will post on the town's website and YouTube channel an audio or video recording transcript or other comprehensive recordings of proceedings as soon as possible okay uh so that the meeting is open we' read the governor's order on remote meetings so we'll just jump into agenda item one uh this a discussion vote whether to close the town hall for window replacements on 11:29 and 126 uh so I think that makes a lot of sense um it's going to be difficult to have people in the office while we're doing window replacements especially with the cold weather um potentially coming any thoughts on this well well yeah no obviously for safety amongst many other things too um and then the moving of the pieces within the office right everything's tight in this place so it's up against windows and whatever so they'll get it done faster it'll be safety it's literally a no-brainer but yeah and then also it's a Friday 11:29 is a Friday which we already have the office closed right and then the 6 is another Friday which are I think probably the slowest day in the office hypothetically or in theory so I think that makes sense as well and Al day so okay um so I think this is a no-brainer Luan anything we're forgetting here nope I think that's accurate okay so with that I'll entertain a motion to close the town hall for window replacement on 11:29 2024 and 126 2024 a motion made I second all in favor I I I selectman Lopes yes selectman zagger yes Selman Matthews yes okay moving down to agenda item two discussion one comment on on number two I think the plan has changed slightly the 2010 John Deere loader was going to be turned in but now it's going to go to the transfer station and the one that's at the transfer station we have to have you declared a surplus for a tradein okay so so so so jm2 so we're not going to declare the 2010 John Deere as Surplus that's going to be uh going to the transfer station correct so you want to say you're going to send that to the transfer station and the one that is currently at the transfer station will be traded okay so that everyone okay with this any discussion on this yes yeah um also just to add Clarity to it because we had talked about this in the past was the whole idea of doing it and having the money and they determined that the funding would be available with trading in the one that's at the transfer station that has lesser of a tradein value so the between oper and the amount of money that they have between truck and the transfer station I believe right I think it's um Debbie had told me that the um tradein and what she has in arpa plus chuck had some money in his budget that would be able to cover this all right so yeah so then so then we'll be able to trade in the older on so that's you know was kind of what held us up the last time so I just wanted to clarify that so that you guys knew that it was enough and we'll do good it makes okay perfect yep appreciate the CL uh extra detail there okay so Carlos any any comments or concerns no I was up the speed on the whole thing uh what I pick it back up gar just said that's just the one you know exchanging one for the other and then um it was the best thing for the town and for all departments so um yeah like I said what J said was abolutely accurate so okay perfect all right so I'm going to putl this into maybe two motions to make it easier uh so first I I'll int um I'll entertain a motion to send the 20 10 John Deere loader to the transfer station motion second all in favor all I selan Lopes yes selan Zar yes selan Matthews yes and second I'll entertain a motion to trade in the voter that is currently at the transfer station um to reduce the cost of the new loader do we want to declare that one as Sur to as well in that yeah yeah you're right yeah y so I'll motion to declare the loader that's currently transportation of surplus and to trade it in um to reduce the cost of the new transfer a new new loader going to the highway department motion second all in favor I I I San Lopes yes selan zeger yes selan Matthews yes okay item three discussion vote whether to approve the addendum to the agreement with PJ keing for the paving of Milling of Dean Street Dana Lee Drive and W cutw worth a it looks like this is a $6,000 change order and so the total new sum is now $4,450 doesn't change the timing of it any questions or concerns no no no this is straightforward okay all right so with that I'll entertain a motion to approve the change order so to approve change order one from PJ keing for the Pavan Milling of Dean Street Dan Le drive and W cworth a project amount $ 6,301 motion made one zero all in favor I I Selman Lopes yes Selman Zar yes Selman Matthews yes okay agend item five discussion vote whether to approve the underground um task agreement, gallon is that tank should be tank agreement tank clarify did we approve the um change order and the addendum in one vote you items I just want to make sure we clarify that correctly yeah yeah good point good point I think you did the change order but not the other one okay sorry you're right no you're you're totally right so uh we did we did the change order I skipped theim so uh I'll I'll entertain a motion to approve the denim to the agreement with PJ keing for Paving a mill Dean Street Drive and cover half motion a second all in favor hi hi selan Lopes yes selectman Zager yes selectman Matthews yes okay thank you Mana say does another quick meeting so j five is discussion what would to approve the underground tank agreement I think it's spelled task on agenda but that's fine thous for th gallons 20124 2025 between Town Freetown and J Jason and gas services and okay yeah this is just for the for the tank the under underground tank we have any questions or concerns on this no no okay so with that I'll entertain a motion uh to approve the underground tank agreement for 2024 2025 between town of Freetown and Jon gas motion made second all in favor I I Selman Lopes yes selectman zeger yes selectman Matthews yes all right then J item six discussion of vote to authorize Town Administrator to sign the following documents from this meeting addend them to the agreement with PJ keing number three uh B I was a b change order one from PJ keing number four and C underground tank agreement with Jason's gas Services Inc number five any questions or concerns with this no this is a great for Debbie keep signing out the contracts for us Perfect all right so with that I'll entertain motion to authorize Town administrators to sign the following agreements a through C from today's meeting motion made a second all in favor I I I fman Lopes yes Selman zeger yes Selman Matthews yes okay and I think that's everything is there anything else we need to talk about I think we're Alla all right well I let you say Happy Belated Birthday to Jared thank you that's right happy birthday Jared thank you it's just another year at this point yeah being 25 must be tough I appreciate it thank you guys all right so with that I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion made second all in favor hi hi hi Happy Thanksgiving everyone yes yeah selan Zer yes selan matth yes yep I I really Happy Thanksgiving and uh Happy Thanksgiving see you folks soon have a good one all right bye everyone bye thank you L Happy Thanksgiving