##VIDEO ID:VzAv8qhphjQ## e e e meeting uh we're going to start the uh planning board meeting for the town of Freetown for Tuesday December 3rd 2024 uh let the record reflect the uh members who are here um anybody online yeah somebody yeah any recording this meeting no uh item number one continued definitive subdivision 32 middleb Road and zero clont way uh applicant James Simmons Simmons development Incorporated owner Richard Edmund uh Arman and Robert Claremont representative Jason youngquist scope of work eight lot subdivision uh the developers has requested a continuation of this uh we also have no feedback from our Engineering Group so um we're I would need a motion in a motion in a second to uh continue this meeting until January 7th January 7th January 7th meeting 6 pm here yes January 7 6 p.m. PlayStation I'll make a motion motion's been made second and seconded any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose nay so that will be continued until January 7th number two uh definitive subdivision 11 Walnut Street applicant Michael bicho excuse me if I'm butchering your name owner Michael and Aaron bicho representative Robert per perui I'll hope engineering Incorporated scope of work three lot subdivision is Mr perui here Co FL is yours some of you may remember this this came up uh this past summer with a previous owner previous owner Torres she ended up dring out of it because when you fill and replicate Wetlands you have to have a performance agreement and we need two growing seasons and we already pass the growing season so she would have been sitting on a property for three years and she couldn't really afford it yeah to do that so this is the exact same thing that you guys approved a year ago uh under a new owner um I moved a couple of the lot lines around a little bit between Lots one and two because they added R but everything else is pretty much the same they add a garage onto the existing add a garage onto the existing house and we want to make sure we have enough room so befe move two lines just a little bit um but we still have greater than 70,000 for each lot um no changes in any of the engineering for the deg grading or the uh the roadway turn around believe the uh deputy chief already commented his [Music] approval the cemetery commission um did have a comment about um they wanted a right of way to be able to access the cemetery here yeah so on sheet three you'll see a small access off of the cuac yes so is that easement part of lot three yes it will be over lot three yeah over yeah that was that their request they said either a to 10 feet wide just enough so they could yeah get in there maintain it because I guess currently they U they cross somebody else's property off no Street yeah we I think we did that at Hadley Heights down by the end they wanted to out in the back yeah so this is the same that's I that was my question this is the same subdivision that was approved in the summer yes it looks like it Chang with with just those uh couple of tweaks yeah the name change and the name changed yeah the name the street yeah it's it's now considered a minor private road yeah that was a mistake on my part I had public on the uh on the cover sheet I didn't even really notice it till I was running C any um and this really doesn't apply to us I don't think too much but any issues with the easement being a the property owner change o over uh for El gonin um uh I believe Enbridge is already or Enbridge has already agreed to there's no issues with I didn't know if there was a signed agreement with the previous owner and not that that's our they were working to trans transer it from one own to the other I think it's already been it's been okay that's not our problem but I was just curious everything else looks the same all the uh I remember Gary you had a question on the on the grading of the road everything anything that we had requested before is is here it's the same thing yep same um we haven't gotten approval from conservation yet uh I I was late in getting uh responses to D so they continued the the hearing they approved the we separated the the notice of intent between the garage and the subdivision so that one didn't really affect the other if something got hung up with one it didn't really affect the other so the notice of intent for adding the garage would that was approved but the uh notice of intent for the subdivision is uh on the be on the the nth conom nth this month yeah um waivers are they identical to what was approved before absolutely yeah questions from the board go ahead yeah the um you know the grading with the wetlands are yes really not showing like the regrading and if you got like a two and a half full fill is it's not showing a retaining wall at all so I don't I don't know how you can keep that grade without going at least 5et out further into the West you know it might be something that would come up during the construction but it would be kind of a surprise to the owner I would think you know if it's not you know it wouldn't have to be the but looks like you got you know you're gonna have to strip out some material then bring in two and a half you know a foot and a half F in 12 in of gravel um looks like you know looks like it might might be an issue as far as you know keeping keeping the grade you know to to the propos grade without without a tanging unless you can encroach five feet you know onto the you know more to the weapons into the weap okay I'll ask the engineer about what is it Steve and one of the other meetings we had that they were going to expand the right hand side of the road into the wetlands [Music] here yeah looks like this this area the applicant gets back yeah question any other questions get see anything you'll come back to us with some of that information sure I'm I'll check with the engineer okay address I mean we'd already approved this before so I mean most and and everything's the same so um be pretty minor um but we will continue the meeting on to in two weeks yeah would that be a problem you'd have a okay go ahead go ahead you ask no I just yeah I'm gonna ask y uh members of the public if you'd like to speak just say who you are and uh do we need to motion to public noce no I I I read it where's the public hearing notice that's the thing that I post on the legal like the legal notices this no that's just the agenda to we open the okay yeah we never not yeah yeah okay all right we'll just so do you need a motion to open what she said yeah make a motion to open I think so yeah same yeah might as well well we already opened the meeting for this the whole thing yeah yeah so I don't think I have to do anything else yeah yeah okay so I'm sorry just say your name and just your name and U and then ask your question right well Christine Johansson Johansson ORS on M Street we have two pieces of property that about2 49 you got a notice for the planning board meeting this is the planning board meeting I'm sorry the conservation meeting but we didn't get one at the what was the address 24 Mill Street AA we should have received two I have this one did I sign that I don't know if this is your sign it just says C Johanson no that's not us signing that I'm not sure what we do about that then it's their address and everything that's not Charles or Christine signing that NOP holy smokes I don't know what we do about that I've never had that anybody no huh I don't know somebody falsified this definitely we did not receive any notice for tonight's meeting we did not sign a certified letter we got them two of them for the um conservation meeting which we signed and took the letters we didn't get anything to say okay well I'll have to investigate I I have absolutely no idea what what that entails y that's something I guess sent to the post office and police department yeah um that's an issue remember there was one uh address that we had wrong we had six instead of eight or yeah that was uh Weaver weav yeah the the Weavers that was there but this I don't know what that was about yeah yeah I'll show you my signature like that yeah if you call me tomorrow I can scan this in and send you an email of it and then you can bring it to the post office or the police and see what you can maybe do about that yeah sh but I I have to also find out probably from Town Council what we do because is this even this meeting but anyway we're right getting continued anyway it'll get continued anyway but we just had questions about because we own those two abing Ls and according to what I'm hearing because I haven't seen any plot plans or anything but what I'm hearing is this new private road is g to abut the stone wall it is going to abut the stone wall there's a and isn't there some sort of like setback for streets next to somebody's property I am not sure what the rule is on private roads because this is not going to be a public road you know it's just concerning that they run gas yeah they've got the signed waiver from the from the gas company so hello I do not know the rules are for a p Private Road anybody can help Private Road setback off of property lines or anything um didn't we send this out environmental I thought we sent this out to environmental Partners um we didn't I I can't remember I just have to look it up yeah I'm I'm curious were you notified in the summer when we did this t um unfortunately he fell and fractured seven BS this summer so I was otherwise occupied okaying this I was just wondering if you know the address mix up if well no because we got the Conservation Commission right meeting noce two of them because we have two pieces of property he signed yeah we use the same address list I mean it expands because it's 300 feet for uh planning and zoning and it's 100t for conservation but same oh yeah no no I'm not doubting what you're doing I'm not doubting what the town hall is doing as far as sending them out my concern is we never receive them and then my it went up to critical levels when I see somebody else signing our name well yeah yeah be that that's why I'm just wondering you got the other ones I honestly yeah moved I have no idea what happened summer you know what happened this summer nothing F okay yeah because we had we had uh done gone through this and actually approved the subdivision then the next day it was pulled so um yeah no I like I said we weren't okay we weren't able to participate over the summer and then it just came up again I was actually down at the Town Hall asking about something else because of we were putting up that build buing right on the um the corner of the cemetery that's also been in discussion um so I talking to down about that um and found out that they were going to mail out the information for the conservation meeting so it was on my radar okay um and I saw it on the whatever plan yeah well we'll certainly look in we'll look into that uh legally and also find out any what the rule is on the on a private road coming into a subdivision if there has to be a setback or if that's a waiver that would be asked for us I don't think that's on your waiver list there's no I'm not aware of any requirement yeah I I can't into that up from the top of my head I don't know i' have to look into it okay I appreciate it because it was that's like our big concern is you know it's beautiful Woods out there we have deer and Wildlife and but not out there on a regular basis and um it's private soet um and this road if it goes right up to our stone wall um I don't know I don't know how I feel about that all right well we'll find out the answers to those two questions um does anybody else have any other comments or questions on this so I will ask for a motion to uh continue this public meeting until the next one is the December 17th December 17th 2024 6m here and um if there's a legal issue with that which there shouldn't be I mean there shouldn't be with us continuing it sorry I didn't I didn't mean that with us continuing I don't think there should be any issues there Wren like right in the middle of it I'm sorry so um and you'll get some information on on what Gary was asking about yeah state law says they have to be notified a certain amount of days yeah so I'm not sure I mean you're notified but you're here but you were legally notified yeah I have to I'm luck that I found it yeah so we will we'll find out what the deal is on that and whether the 17th has to be pushed back because of if that's if that caused an issue I don't know so um so I I'm looking for a motion in a second to continue this meeting until the December 17th December 17 2024 6 pm here at the fire St at police station I'll make a motion motions are made second and seconded uh any other comments all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose nay so we will continue until two weeks from now you I'm sorry about what's happened we'll we'll try to dig in find out what happened yeah I have very little Fai me to marrow when I can send you a copy of the the card actually got a conference call with Town Council on Friday that's what item number three will be on there because I don't know what I mean they could had who knows they could have a relative in the house signed it without them KN is it okay you guys are good yet sorry for the issues but we'll go we'll get there uh agenda item three chapter 61a WR of first refusal notification 81 middlebar road map 243 lot 79 parentheses portion of bog owner Elton and anarie Ashley Robert Nasser is on Zoom Robert Nasser is the representative yes there is good evening gentlemen do good how you doing good good so uh the this is a request by the Ashley to remove a portion of their land from the 61a designation um I don't have the map um to be able to share with you um I did give it to um Nicole at the office so I don't know maybe unfortunately I just didn't I don't have with me to be able to put it on the screen uh this evening she's got it with us so we're good yeah okay so if you could pass that down it shows uh it highlights the area it's a portion of their cranberry bar directly behind the Ashley's house it's about 2third of an acre approximately okay and so we submitted the request uh to the planning board select board uh conservation we've already been in front of so we've got the D file number and the permit from uh conservation on the project that was our first step and um who else with uh Mike mchu over at the assessor's office we have a the uh the notice to him as well and so it's our it's the town's uh uh right to purchase this if you so if if we so desire um understanding correct yep I think that's true otherwise it gets it gets uh gets the town a little more tax money because it'll be it'll be taxed at a residential rate instead of agricultural I think it actually gets um I my conversation with Mike it actually gets taxed at a commercial rate so you get even a bigger bump and when you take it out of um the agricultural you actually have to pay the back taxes to as well you know I'm not sure how far how far back it goes but yeah there's tax revenue to the town for sure have to do that okay um yeah it's I I don't yeah show the it's a 400 square foot somewhere around there so the question in front of the board is whether we should we think the town should go after they're going to put solar panels on that's what the the little map shows yeah correct any U any reason the town should go after it I don't see any Steve anything no so I would need a motion uh to say that we we don't think the town should go forward with a purchase of this or I'm not I don't how we I don't know what the legal ease would be for this but they should the town shouldn't go forward with trying to pursue try and pursue taking ownership of that or purchasing ownership of that portion that they want to return I'd make a motion for that motions been made and seconded uh any other discussions all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos nay okay planning board doesn't think the town wants it so free to tell the owners I I will pass it along thank you gentlemen have a good evening thank you to chers bye bye bye ni bye thanks for bringing that do you have that sheet item four any other business to properly come before the board um the next meeting just as a homework assignment review the um master plan I think you sent it out to everybody yes um we're I'm trying to get a a meeting with the master plan committee like I said we have to kind of give it our thumbs up or thumbs down sometime in January February and they have to do any modifications that we may see by the end of the year so we need to give um we need to give them a couple weeks especially given given it's the holiday so that's the absolute last day I'll entertain any anything any thoughts or or questions and um I'll try to let anybody know when the when the um official Master committee meeting is in case you want to show up but um that was one thing the other thing is and we should probably plan this for the new year I took a quick peek at fees for filing subdivisions and we're not making the money most of the towns around here are I sent Nicole a couple of the did you did you look at him yeah yes yeah we're we're way we're way under so and I don't know do we just say hey we're gonna make it this do we have to do you have any idea that's what I'm trying to figure out I don't know if we can just make the changes or if we have to hold a public hearing for it okay well I would assume we probably have to go to public hearing but and then to a town meeting I I'm not sure if I has to go to a town meeting as well wow okay so then if if it is then we have six months but we should probably try to schedule it and get a you know I I I looked at at Lakeville Berkeley and dyon and what are they one of them was $1,000 a lot and we're only $100 we're only 100 I mean we're losing free money you know yeah not only that you open it up so everybody wants to come build a free be a small to yeah so if you get competitive with the towns around you they're going to spread it other yeah we should we should be competitive anyway with you know so besides those three we should probably get a couple others you know and we'll come up with a spreadsheet and some of them are different some have more per lot some have a more an upfront cost so it's definitely worth our effort to to do that so we can uh pull in a few dollars for the town um so I wouldn't we won't schedule that until next year sometime especially you you know if you ask somebody or if I see Kevin or somebody what what the proper uh way of doing that especially have to go to town meeting that's that's tedious we'll have to get our so maybe the first first meeting in February the last or the second one in January sometime like that okay anybody else have any other yeah did you ever get a hold of Town Council I'm calling Town Council on Friday so I'm going to ask him about that I got to ask him about the uh the accessory units and I've got to now ask my guess about this what if this is our issue with the signature or what so I got three agenda topics I'm calling her at 9:30 so hope it doesn't keep going up so anything else anybody so Nicole anything no I would entertain a motion to adjourn then at 6:30 I'll make a motion second motions been made and seconded all uh to adjourn all those in favor signify by saying I I I thank you