[Music] you can use yours who knows we may have typos on ours you never know so who's your teacher Miss D Miss D okay I've heard of her before how about your teacher Miss Miss F I think I've heard of her before as well well you Mar oh Melissa I think I've heard of her too good all right we'll get to them go ahead all right you ready to rock and roll I have six okay good evening everybody um it is Monday June 17th 2024 at 6 p.m. and I'll call to order the free toown border select meeting um this meeting will be recorded and will be available on the town's YouTube page um so first today we are going to introduce the third graders that won the um this the essay contest which was u based on why I'm proud of my community um so we have Analise Elward want to wave Sonia bobc L of Lord Lana sorry please correct me when I get your names wrong I appreciate that I do it all the time um Carter Marcelo Marcelino Marcelino I should know that one Carter and this is the toughest one so Lola sarowitz yes got that one right all right well want to say congratulations you guys did a great job um we all read your we the three Selectmen obviously Jarry canot be here with us tonight but we all read them and you know really proud um of of your writing and uh we're proud that you're proud of this town because that means we're doing something right um saw some common themes you know everyone's proud of the history of this town and we have a very historic town um back to the 1600s and also very proud of of the um First Responders that we have in our town that was another common them I saw which I think I think we all appreciate everything that they do and it was great to see that come through in the writing um so I'm going to give an opportunity for each of you to read your essay if you'd like if you don't want to you can just pass and that's no problem at all um so if Analise would you want you want to start go for it I'm proud of the town of Freetown free is giving me a beautiful place to live a home that I moved into when I was 1 years old with my family even though it is a small town there are many things to do one of my oldtime favorite things to do is go on go on Long Pond in East freet toown to go swimming and go on our pontoon boat we live close by so we can walk there and I also enjoy fishing in the water too I love that freet toown has a lot of Nature and a calm country like environment since Freetown is a smaller town not only do we have have firefighters and police officers but we also have volunteer firefighters and reservist police officers who sacrific their time for our safety I come from a military family my dad is in the Army and it is important to me that free Town supports our veterans by remembering the Fallen with memorials throughout the community Freetown has a long history going back to the colonial times I was able to visit the Historical societ Society Freetown Police station and fire station and the Freetown State Forest during my recent field trips my my f my favorite field trip was the historical society because I was able to go into the first school the old convenience store from the 1700s and a house from the 1600s I love learning about about history a tradition that is important to me to me and my family is the interal fourth of July parade we started watching the parade when I was 1 years old and I have made it a tradition to go every year when I was 5 years old I was able to participate in the parade by walking with my friends I am happy that that the town has brought the parade back after a long three years every year my school has a coin drive to help raise money for the amazing fireworks show at haway Park I looking forward to this summer so I can enjoy all the things I I love about my town free town it's pretty cool stuff great job Sonia my name is SRA boack I would okay I would like to start off by thinking the fire department along with all the great things they do in my area around Christmas I see a fire truck come around with Santa in it it always makes me happy seeing my neighbor outside too and adds a joy to my holiday that is because of the fire department I am also glad it is a kid kidfriendly place I can play in front of my yard and not worry too much about cars and I always have a neighbor to say hi to there are playgrounds around my house and I always feel safe in my yard I would also like to than the police department for keeping us safe and coming when there's trouble thanks to D my school my home and all fre town as as safe as it can be this is why I am proud of my community and it is the perfect home great job awesome now let me try to get this right Lana yes got it I am proud of my community because most people are very nice and that's how you make friends there is a park on Water Street that I enjoy going to and every year they do the fireworks on the 4th of July the vetan free Town takes care of my pets at in the State Forest takes care of nature my library has games and programs that I enjoy those are the reasons I am proud of my [Applause] community job Carter you're up next Pride me have faith in something and to ad to admire it I'm proud to be from Freetown some background knowledge about Freetown was that it was founded in 1683 which makes Freetown 341 years old Freetown is a part of Massachusetts which is one of the original 13 colonies Freetown is the home of the Freetown state Forest gurnie Sawmill Long Pond and a sent River I love my community let me tell you why the first reason High pride in freet toown is their their outstanding school district and how much their teachers principals and staff have so much pride in their students too for example the teachers at Freetown Elementary School show that they really care about their students by supporting us another reason I have pride in Freetown is because because it is such a lively Community for example every year even if it rains the town hosts a Fourth of July parade in a sunet and vehicles drive around the streets tossing candies toward children plus the Strawberry Festival with the most delicious strawberry shortcake you cannot forget the fireworks too threee towns of fents do not only light up the sky but light up everyone's day too yet another reason I have pride in free is how the community is there is so much protections the town's people get multiple fire departments and police stations are scattered throughout East Freetown and the Sonet fire departments and police stations are also provided with helpful equipment and gear for their jobs they work hard they they work hard to keep us all safe every day I have pride in Freetown and Freetown has pride in us the select men in the other Town official work hard to provide us with a safe and fun place to live Freedom has a food pantry stores houses schools F and police department and what much much more I'm proud to be a resident in Boy Scout of Freetown and finally you think Lola Lola you're up I am proud of my community by little SS I'm proud of my community because I am very great grateful to be a Freetown Fox at Freetown Elementary School I have been a student here for over the past 4 years and have made many new friendships and learned a lot about our community from the wonderful teachers and staff I am lucky to live in a town a community where we have plenty of people wait open space to enjoy the great outdoors like the Freetown State Forest I enjoy walking around the free town with my family and exploring nature we all with all of the town parks and beaches we have with the community there are a lot of places to spend the days with my family and friends I really enjoy living in the town because of its small and quietness quiet nature just the way I have grown to love it the the town was founded in 1838 I is one of the oldest communities in the state these are just a few of my reasons why I'm proud to be a member of the free toown community [Applause] great job everybody and you know shows a lot of courage to get up here and and to read your essays um I know it's not easy I think there's a lot of adults who wouldn't want to get up here and read anything so um you guys are I'm really proud of you and um you know it really shows a lot of guts so you should be really proud of yourselves as well um so I think I'll I'll present the um the these after I think we'll go through the rest of it and then we can take pictures um before we take a little recess so now we get to vote on some things you guys ready hope some make some votes okay and I think this you know based on some of your essays I think this some of these votes will be very important to the things you guys care about um well this first one's kind of boring but so this is a discussion of vote whether to approve the Open Session minutes from 52024 and 63 2024 um at 2: p.m. and 6 p.m. so um I'll entertain a motion to approve those Open Session minutes and then someone's going to say motion made motion me we have a second all right we have a second all in favor and then you say I hi everyone agrees that's tough we all right so all right we've now approve those those minutes good job is it doing good um now this is just another nice thing we get to do is when we're have these Board of Select meetings and someone does something cool in the town or great we get to you know congratulate them publicly to make sure that their hard work is appreciated um so we'd like to congratulate the Tuesday club on a successful Strawberry Festival so let's give a little round of applause to the Tuesday [Applause] club did anyone get to go to the Strawberry Festival yeah you did oh wow fesal no it's okay I couldn't go this year either but you know next year definitely going to make it all right okay so now this one I think the um employees of the town would be very concerned how this vote goes so this is a discussion of vote whether to close the town hall the libraries the Council on Aging highway department and the transfer station for the 4th of July holiday so any discussion on that do we think we should give the folks the day off that work so hard in our town for the Fourth of July I think so yeah yeah yeah youall think that okay all right so I'll entertain a motion that we close the town hall libraries Council on Aging highway department and transfer station for the 4th of July holiday does anyone make that want to make that motion I agree okay do I have a second second say second a second okay all in favor all right great job now this one is relevant if you want to buy any more kind of earrings of that nature uh when we get to the to the Fourth of July so we have to approve the license that allows people to sell stuff at the 4th of July they can't someone you just can't show up and start selling the stuff without permission from the town right so and lights you see so yeah so I'll I'll read this article so or this uh agenda item so it's discussion and vote whether to approve the Hawkers and ped peders license for the 3rd of July fireworks the free uh in Freetown for Nico's novelty so do you guys want to buy some toys there or what yeah think yeah good idea okay you sure about this one okay okay so with that so all entertain a motion that we to approve the Hawkers and pedor license for the 3rd of July fireworks in Freetown for Nico's novelty I have a motion say motion M do I have a second we think second second says yes to that as well all in favor I I okay motion's passed now this agenda item 7 this is discussion of vote whether to Grant exclusive access to the hathway park for the four of July parade and fireworks on July 3rd and July 4th 2023 so now this is important because we want to make sure that no one's planning to have a baseball game on the same day or if someone's you know having a cookout there we got to make sure that you know only the the the town and the um you know the fireworks committee has is going to be set up there that can deal that can lead to a big kind of big issue so we all agree just to give them exclusive access yeah night instead games can wait right guys yeah right okay agree all right all right so with that so I'll a motion to vote exclusive access to the hathway park for the Fourth of July parade in fireworks on July 3rd and 4th 2023 do I have a motion motion made do I have a second second all in favor you guys are getting the hang of this yeah you guys are doing pretty good going be out of a job took me longer it took me longer to get the hang of it when I started doing this you guys are doing great all right and also so now agenda item 8 is discussion and vote to close South Main Street and Water Street for the 4th of July parade on July 4th 2024 so we got to make sure that the you know so that everything's safe that we don't we have to shut down those roads because we don't want cars driving around and you know any kind of accidents to take place so what do you guys think about this should we should we shut down the road for the parade yes yes okay all right awesome are you guys going to be in a prey this year yes about it yeah that's exciting sure we can make that happen yeah throw some candy what do you okay so now so I'll entertain a motion to vote in um to close sou Main Street and Water Street for the 4th of July parade on July 4th 2024 do I have a motion motion have a second car second it all in favor I I I okay awesome do we drink these can we drink these Waters yeah you can drink the water there for you what is it for you you're thirsty go ahead that's why we have them up there okay so now I think we're going to go into a little recess we're going to take some photos I'll um actually first I I think I'll I'll present these so if you guys want to tr you and I can go over there and we'll call you up one at a time and then you can take these and and go sit with your parents does that make sense yeah PR cool okay your camera's ready so I'm going to read all right so just I'll read the certificate so town of Freetown certificate of appointment to in this in this case is Analise we the select of the town of Freetown by virtue of authority and the vested and in as vested by the laws of the Commonwealth do hereby app point you selectman of the night June 17th 2024 uh given at free time Massachusetts the 17th day of June 2024 and it's signed by all three Board of the select okay so anise want to come [Applause] up so now you got to smile this is the politicians to thank you good job again why is it keep doing that to Sonia [Applause] congratulations great job [Music] Lana [Applause] congratulations [Applause] congratulations and last but not least car you can take your water with you if you want you tie that tie yourself it's good you got switch hands you got to switch hands that's I'll take that yeah you got to go there you go [Applause] congratulations all right so we have a parade now nice there's some coffee and Treats in the back um you got to make a motion yeah so I'm going in a motion to go into recess I'll second it all in favor I okay so we'll take up five minute break great time okay so we're now back from uh recess back in open session so agenda item 9 is discussion on requested moing um moing in process so um we don't have the folks here in order to continue this conversation um it is something it's an interesting one we need to kind of figure out but um I think we're going to push this to the next meeting until we can get the right folks in the room is that fair sounds good so J item 10 discussion and vote whether to award the stone foundation repair and re reappointing reappointing appointing it should be repointing right yeah yeah repointing to the Town Hall village Schoolhouse um to uh Dello Construction Services so it looks like we got a good amount of bids right no oh we only got one bid back those are the bids going for okay that makes more sense and uh the total quote here is $23,400 doeses that make sense it does any questions or concerns on this no it needs to get done and we wait any longer this my cost is more down the road so okay so that all entertain a motion to award the um stone foundation repair and repointing to uh demel Construction Construction for the town hall and Village School House motion made I'll second it all in favor I I all right now we have an agreement related to the same thing so um I'll intend a motion to approve the agreement between the town of Freetown and de Construction Services court for stone foundation repairs and repointing to town hall and V Phil School House motion made second all in favor I all gen item 12 this is a discussion of vote whether to approve and ratify the chair's signature on a letter of support for the cops hiring uh program Grant application and I did read this a little bit just timing wise um to you know with the grant applications we usually try to get a letter of support and where the uh Chief was applying for the grant to which will pay for personnel play for cops um I thought it important for the selectman to submit a letter of support so we just we sent it in and then you just need to ratify that it was y agree with it I sent it to all the Selectmen but just need a vote okay perfect so without motion to approve and ratify the shair signature of the on the letter of support for the cops hiring Pro uh program Grant application motion made I'll second it all in favor I all right um agenda item 13 discussion of vote whether to approve the contract in the town of Freetown Borg's Brothers for curbside trash and recycling effective 71 2024 through 630 2027 and this is on page this is on page 54 all right basically the same contract we had there is a clause in there that got added um if we have to go to a different landfill which um we know crpo Hill is getting in the end of it's it's life so we just added a clause that if they have to go to say SE mass or something that if they have long wait times that we will be responsible for paying them $45 an hour after the first 15 minutes of wait time which um I think is reasonable cuz sometimes you go to Sease and you wait a long time yep you call that demerge in my industry yep okay that makes sense any questions or concerns uh the only not concern but you look at some of the language in there as the the free toal doter that pays you throw right or pain uh for Town bags I know I know my household I buy regular bags then I stuff my regular bags in the town bags mhm so I didn't see anything in this contract fit to change that let's say we will forward something with stickers instead of town bags would that be an issue for them but doesn't say anything on this contract that would be my concern but after reviewing it a thousand times I think we'd be fine if we change that down the road as far I'm sure they don't really I'm sure they won't really be concerned I I see what you're saying though like regular bags do we just sell the stickers something of that nature right that's interesting thought because as you as you look at crep Lane you have let's say three to five years now we're let's say easy math 9,000 bags added to it every single every week with trash bags right on top of inside another trash bag so if we reduce the amount of bags we may buy ourselves some times so something to think about if everyone listening at home and hear you know yeah I'd like to do a little research too and like see what other towns because I I know like we have the issues with the trash bag supplier where like they there's like one supplier and the quality seems to be you know all over the place sometimes they're good sometimes they're not I mean I'd be curious to see what other towns do to solve for that problem right so yeah we have some folks at Town Hall looking into it to get us some options I think within the Board of Health and I know Lan and Lola done some research as well so it is options we just got to come together and uh see if it's a good option for free town all right that sounds good okay so with that though I think um doesn't really directly impact this contract so that I'll entertain a motion to approve the contract between the town of fre town of bage Brothers for cob trash and recycling effective 71 2024 through 6:30 2027 motion made I'll second it all in favor I all right okay agenda item 14 discussion and vote whether to approve the contract between the town of Freetown and advanced air and heat for preventive HVAC maintenance for police station effective 71 2024 through 630 2025 I think this is important we know we did not have a service agreement in place and that led to some serious problems um so we're still having serious problems but yeah it is nice and cool in here right now I'll say that right this I agree with you Trevor I think this is one of those uh agreements that should have been baked into the uh total cost of the whole project but no Monday money quarterback they did the job they did and they did a great job I think this was just one that we need to update and make sure we're moving forward with it yeah I'm trying to find the price here just so can you know be transparent on how much it's going to cost I'm looking looking for it it's right here that's the wrong contract this there's two payments of $726 a year so it's about 14 Grand a year or 15 grand year 145 145 okay but they change all the filters and there's like 52 units yeah and I mean and that that does seem expensive right but when you compare that to the cost of not doing that and then as need to replace brand pretty much brand new machinery and systems it's it Pals in comparison said I think when you realize there 52 units in this building and they have multiple filters yeah and they have to be changed I think we change them quarterly because of all the problems we've had yeah trying yeah okay so I think we're an alignment on this yes okay so with that I'll entertain a motion to approve the contract between the town of Freetown and Advance air and heat for preventive HVAC maintenance for the police station effective 71 2024 through 6:30 2025 motion made I'll second it all in favor I I all right now we have our reappointments which I know um Lola and Lan did a lot of work on validating all these there's a lot of reappointments I mean I don't know how many we have here feels like over 100 is that fair easily I I I cruise through I they all seem to be logical to me no absolutely I've said it once I'll say it a thousand times it's literally the boards and Committees of this town that make our town great our job is much easier because of them so um I do appreciate every single one of them on this list and it is a you're right is a large list um we thank you for it absolutely yeah I Echo that okay so with that I'll enter a motion to approve the annual annual reappointment list and attachment a motion made second all in favor I I um then item 16 sure I didn't skip anything I don't think I did discussion and vote whether to approve the proposal for um permit eyes or online pering for conservation and look through this one looks like also you know there's some additional add-ons that I that we're going to that they'll get with this which seemed to be a payment a payment kind of application system so that people can pay for permits online um which makes a lot of sense to me and also the readon access for the um for the public so they can go on and search for those I think that like digitizing this makes makes a lot of sense but then also those two additional features I think really add a lot of value even though you know it's more expensive but that makes sense to me right absolutely set okay yeah so it's not in Fe so that helps and we already have that in building and um Board of Health in terms of the payment um I think it helps in terms of collecting monies right because they automatically get put in the account as opposed to we collect a check and then we're bringing it down to the treasurer I just think it helps eliminate some error room for error um and I don't want to inate we have error but you know what I mean less step for everybody and and then people can pay online at 10:00 at night if they want to if they need to because a lots of times people work all day and they can't get to these things so it just gives the residents more options to get things done makes a lot of sense absolutely no anything we could do especially with ton Hall being as as not small but it's not large either um especially with parking and everything else if there's any way we can give these residents our residents the ability to do stuff from home a little more convenient let's do it yeah absolutely so it looks like yeah like there's you know one time you know a $10,000 one time which you know ask for implementation um and then there's the annual about 5,000 for support and maintenance which seems reasonable and then these two additional things were $900 for the online payment integration and then the public view is an extra $1,500 one time fee makes a lot of sense to me yeah and as someone who does software implementation for a living I think this seems very reasonably priced so um with that I will um entertain a motion to approve the proposal for permit eyes for the online permitting for conservation motion made second all in favor I I uh gen item 17 so this is the um Mo MOA between town of Freetown and the Freetown Police Association regarding details for uh for the parade and fireworks so this is just when we have a you know agreement to kind of increase the hourly pay for those um officers as a way of that will on Fourth of July as a way to incentivize them to to take those shifts do we do we know where we stand right now on those shifts we have to a couple of offices out so and I think that we've kind of put ourselves in a situation where we do this every year so they probably wait until this happens in order to get those ships but that's kind of the nature I'm sure that Chief is on it yeah and um yeah Chief Roos has been to many of our parade and fireworks committee and keeping us a prize along away so um but you're right these shifts usually get taken up at last second depending on availability and things like that so if you're out there listening sign up yep if you can be here before we know it yeah two weeks away it's crazy okay so any questions or concerns none all right so with that all int a motion to approve the mo MOA between the town of Freetown and the Freetown Police Association regarding details for the parade and fireworks 2024 motion made second all in favor I I agenda item 18 is discussion and vote whether to approve issuing new conservation agent um a Freetown ma.gov uh email I think it's great that we're utilizing these any questions or concerns with this no I'm glad we've we're able to do this as freely as as needed for each department yeah so okay great so without motion to approve issuing new conservation agent a Freetown m.gov email motion made I'll second it all in favor I I uh J item 19 discussion invol whether to approve the mandatory adjustments relative to insurance for the month of May 2024 to be made um as specified in the coastal medical billing in the aggregate amount of $ 36,18637 um we don't have much of a choice here do we so with that I'll entertain a motion um to approve the mandatory adjustment relative to insurance for the month of May 2024 to be made as a spe uh specified in the coastal to made as specified in the coastal medical billing and the aggregate amount of $ 36,5 66 motion made second all in favor I I Gen M 20 discussion I vote whether approve the transfer request from the fire chief from salary ft firefighters uh to gross overtime in the amount of $50,000 this is just moving money between line items in his budget yep I saw them there's something going did you see fire trucks and ambulances in the way up here today cuz I saw some activity going on I was right behind them when they pulled out so they were going somewhere yeah always busy always busy I know okay so any questions or concerns with this no all right so with that entertain a motion to approve the transfer request for the fire from the fire chief from salary full-time firefighters to gross overtime in the amount of $50,000 motion made I'll second that all in favor I I and agenda item 21 discussion and vote whether to approve the amendment number one to the agreement between the town of Freetown and griman Pon Inc for um site plan for Council on Aging and what I don't know if I saw this I did no I didn't this might have been added oh yeah there was it was added I don't think I saw it though Amendment yeah I see it was added there was an email that's my bad I didn't look at it the ongo engineer USA pods or a little bit with the site plan I I had a meeting last week so hopefully we're going to move forward but so it looks like the Amendments for is like $2800 I think I believe so yeah okay 289 all right any questions or concerns with that no okay so with that I'll intend a motion to approve Amendment one to the agreement between the town of Freetown and Gman Pon Inc for site plan for the Council on Aging motion made I'll second that all in favor I I and I'll take it over to s loes than you all right Personnel Board item agenda 22 acknowledge the resignation of a Linda forer from the open space Recreation advisory committee effective 630 2024 and B Sharon Rosen from the scholarship committee effective 630 2024 like was said earlier uh thank you to the boards committee members and board members of all the Committees you guys do an amazing job and you are the reason why our town runs so smoothly so thank you and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors it agenda 23 discussion and vote on whether to approve the proposed rates for the call members of the fire department as was as requested by fire chief Harry Ashley Jr effective 71 2024 so you know was rate hike of looks like two and a half cost of living increase uh from the FY 24 rate hike and the proposed adjustment so if you look at pration area it goes from $162 to 1642 and at the highest being the captain from $237 to 2365 and everybody falls in between from that position so pretty standard but and nothing over the top or all raes that um which makes it which would have made it hard to say no to this is a pretty standard increase any questions concerns because I mean Budget wise we're not this isn't going to break the budget okay just figured I'd ask yeah no it's a good question ask we never know how much you know so they just kind of carry a certain number yeah yeah yeah um no further discussion I will entertain the motion to approve the proposed rates for Call of members of the fire department as requested by Chief Harry Ashley Jr effective 71 2024 I'll make that motion second all in favor I I all right item Agenda 24 discussion and vote whether to approve the following appointments C Lisa pelski as Animal control officer inspector of animals effective 51 2024 through 430 2025 and E Jaclyn Francisco to cultural Council effective 68 2024 through 618 2027 welcome back Lisa and thank you jacine for stepping up that's and then nothing for Kevin on for Kevin that's that was based on the the previous discussion we had that we post the next one y more discusss okay that sounds good for for the record item agenda 24c um is postponed to a future meeting based on further discussion um on the on that position I think J D but yes thank you no no no concerns with C though okay I entertain the motion to approve the following appointments Alisa pelski as Animal control officer and Animal Control agent inspector of animals effective 51 2024 through 430 2025 in Jaclyn Francisco to cultural Council effective 618 2024 through 68 18 2027 I'll make that motion second all in favor I I all right item agenda 25 discussion and vote went to approve conditional offer of full-time employment for Robert and faras and the appointment as a student officer effective 826 20124 through 131 2025 so Mr uh Robert is a local resident here from free free toown on Chase Road he has had a lifelong dream of becoming a police officer he taking the civil servant exam on a handful of occasions um and this is an a great opportunity for him we have interviewed him the police have interviewed him everyone's had a chance to speak with him and you know he seems like a strong willed a good character and I don't see why we wouldn't support him moving forward sounds great um Deb yeah Deb I think um well I know she was in the room as well um I think she feels the same as you know it's good to have a HomeTown Hometown guy um going to the academy fulfilling his dream so exciting I think you'd be a good fit for the Department yeah and I think it is nice to see um residents of the town be able to work in the town yeah um because I know when I was grown up that was the whole Police Department lived here yeah and that we've gotten away from that a little bit so it's exciting to have some people um from town being able to get on the force so great yeah um if there's no further discussions I entertain the motion to approve conditional offer of a full-time employment for Robert n faras in the appointment as a student officer effectives 826 2024 through 131 2025 I'll make that motion second all in favor I I congratulations Robert all right item agenda number 26 discussion and vote on whether to approve the raises by for bylaw employees as approved the ominous budget for fiscal year 2025 um Yep this was approved that town meeting uh just a few short weeks ago or a couple weeks ago I should say and this is just putting that into action as far as next steps forward makes sense so um that said uh it is within the budget so it was approved by the by the town residents uh I don't see any reasons to prolong this any further okay uh I entertain the motion to approve the raises for bylaw employees as approved in the ominous budget for fiscal year 2025 I make that motion second all in favor I I all right thank you s Lopes um looks like we don't have anything for Board of Parks Commission but which is great Jar's out um and then Town Administrator report anything specific no okay slow down a little bit I'll update you on all the projects yes I mean I think the only thing is you know we don't have any bathrooms at the Town Hall we're using a on do is there a time I know I don't know if I want to even give a timeline but there's a timeline I mean we're expecting the bathrooms to to be uh back and functional mid to third week in July awesome so not crazy unless you're the one that has to use the P J when it's 95 degrees out but um you know we we we're we're getting back we're doing it awesome so that that's what's going on there yeah so just final thing so we did get the uh letters from the third graders I was not able to attend I know um so mean you want to check those out we just thank very much for uh their kind words so yeah I can't look forward to reading these I think the other the other news I have is that we get the bids for the fire station Edition oh nice so we just got them so we're betting them all sure there some interesting numbers in there um it's it's below our budget below below our that's great news jumping up and down yeah if you do everything right and go and conservative you know it makes sense so I'm not surprised like 10 different wow so I think we'll be working on that so that project will be moving forward that's exciting very exciting that is super exciting so yeah I'll give you guys an update when we're um have less on our agenda of other things all the different projects and where we're at but that's a big one for you to when I saw the members I was super excited that's great I was getting nervous yeah I can imagine all right so I think we'll sign and then sure [Music] yeah get to some reading just trash contract foring the foundations go novelty Hawkers act maintenance for each back per for conservation M for Place detail ambulance transfer request fire the GPI P rates for call fir inspector appoint Francisco for cultural Council commissional offer for employment for the new officer yeah it was it was a pretty good interview it was I think it's going to be a great addition that's awes slow all not too bad [Applause] yeah okay thank you so with that I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion made second all in favor I I