##VIDEO ID:fz7IEvHmd_Q## okay so let the record uh it's uh 6 6:01 PM uh so let's start the planning board meeting for the town of Freetown for Tuesday August 20 2024 uh let the record refle uh reflect the members that are present either in person or uh remote um we only have one agenda item right now uh discussion and vote on submitting warrant articles for the special town meeting um I'm let's see here we go to renumber and recaption the zoning bylaw by designating the zoning bylaw as chapter 300 of the bylaws Reber each section and subsection inserting article ction and subsection titles and updating internal references to reflect the new numbering system Part B to adopt the following changes to the zoning bylaw in accordance with the document on file with the town clerk's office entitled code of the town of Freetown Massachusetts dated August 2024 prepared by General code LLC so um I'm I until you sent this out I was on aware of any work that's being done however there is a board member that that's very involved in this so I'm going to really ask Steve if he can kind of go over what what this is about or if it's more more than anything more than a text and editing session it it's really just about that it's uh just have certain things to do with all of the the codification and each department is going to end up having a a thing to go over but uh yeah it's really only on how you want to have it how you want to have it written down uh so you guys so you there's another committee that that was is is uh constantly mod modifying uh bylaws or making recommendations to do the bylaws yeah the the it's having all the bylaws they were doing the codification on it yeah it's just to make things easier for residents to be able to look things up it'll all it'll all have its own its own section zoning bylaws all be in a certain section instead of being all over all over the P place so is are we the uh planning board supposed to submit these two articles is that the idea just try to pick one of the which way you want it in uh how you want like in bold space or how you want written down certain know your certain articles they're all GNA mostly all going to come up with that M mgl certification on it but there's two warrant articles I see listed here for yeah one's G to be one is going to be we want to remove from the thing because it says like if the town wants to put up a sign it has to file for a special permit doesn't make any sense because it's like duplicate onto a different one so the first article is just a type typing issue just capitalizing it putting it all nice and neat and consistent with everybody else and then the second one was to uh make a few changes based on the the the um that sign and a and a few other has this been uh uh looked over by Town Council it's all been it the Town Council is all is a lot of it's being filed with him first it hasn't I don't believe it's been to them yet but it will be going to them after everything's all said and done and other boards are having the same type of thing conservation maybe or Y they're all gonna have their own okay it's really just to have it how you want it written like on the first and then on the first one well I assume we would take the recommendation to to do the general revisions as they're stated there capitalization citation of numbers Etc so it's tell we we so we're going to submit these two articles does anyone have any questions or comments no what about the the sign REM just want to remove this this word because according to this wording it's already worded in the new one and the way this one's written even the town would have to go get a special permit to put up a speed Li sign or any kind of sign any you know all except for if it was a real estate sign something like it's already written in the ru the bylaws on on a different in a different thing so this is just to eliminate the old the old one so put the new one in that's that is that that 300- 7.4b thing yes yeah also has has the special perit granting auth that always the same that way it's just so that the town the town doesn't have to I mean most of this text looks the same as it was before exactly and they're they're adding other texts indicating when it was amended and things like that that's that's the way I read this it's just right now we're just trying to get it done so that we can get on the the warrant the special town meeting in October yeah yeah and yeah that's why we're here to to vote to go forward to accept uh to AC uh to to put forth these two uh articles from the planning board uh for the uh special town meeting in October all right that's all my only concern was whether Town Council had looked at it um but if they're going to do a one whole sweep excuse me for one second one whole sweep of the whole mess then then that would be you know fine go ahead sorry um I believe Town Council has reviewed this um from my understanding or it was the Attorney General one or the other has review reviewed it and that's where this is coming from um just saying for them to complete the codification is to do the general and then just that one specific revision okay well that makes me feel a lot better then yeah that's why it's um come to us because they're they're towards the end of this and in order for us to get it on the warrant um the deadline is September 5th so that's why we had to do this meeting just to be able to get the approval to submit the warrant okay well further questions from anybody on the board yeah so somebody comes in for a sign and they get denied basically they come to us and we're kind of like the board of appeals is that how it works are they if there's a sign that doesn't be anything that's over I think you have to F for a special firment right anything it says the only one that really doesn't have to is like real estate yeah it says within 40 every Department have go after when we get all done it will all be each is going to have its own vote on what they want put to keep on right yeah and I think the only reason why we came first was because we have that one specific revision that they want to submit with the codification so that's why they're having us do it first did we have a grant or something to help uh rewrite this or was it a contract of some sort not exactly sure do you know voted it was inv by to selectman and stuff okay it's just to get rid of all the old the old laws that have been Rewritten over onto new ones and the old ones are still in there with the with the new ones so it just makes a a whole mess so this is to clear it all up and try to get rid of all the old ones and just keep the new ones up to date and make it easier so it would be online and everybody like if you wanted to look for a dog the dog thing before you had it was like 14 different pages that said dog on it so this is to bring it all one page instead or one section anyhow and so that it's searchable right yeah yeah it's searchable you can it'll be a head of page and it'll tell you where to go uh anything further from the board questions comments anybody have any problems with the wording or doing all this I looks pretty straightforward to me I would uh then entertain a motion to uh to support the two articles and submit them at the uh for the uh special town meeting in October I'll make a motion I'll second it a motion's been made and seconded uh any further discussion okay I have to do a roll call Vol uh David Crow I Chris Melo hi Gary Amaral hi Chad cavaro hi Steve trip hi great uh okay uh that's almost all of our agenda number two is any other business to properly come before the board does anybody have um anything Nicole anything else come up recently no okay anybody else have anything and we we will be we will not be meeting the first uh Tuesday of September because the selectman don't want us to have a meeting on voting day is that is that it yeah I guess it's um election day um and I was told we shouldn't meet on those days to give people the opportunity to be able to vote and not have to worry about being at a meeting and missing voting so thanks yeah so so our next meeting will be the 17th is it um I believe it is yes up the 17 and we'll do the public hearing for these two articles okay we'll open a public meeting for that okay uh okay great uh if there's nothing else then I would entertain a motion to uh to adjourn I'll make a motion a second motions made in a second to uh adjourn Oh no I got to do the uh roll call vote roll call David kro I Chris Melo hi Gary Amaral hi Chad cavaro hi St trip great thank you very much everyone have a good night guys you too cheers you're welcome