##VIDEO ID:z_IcOoNir8s## [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good evening everybody it is Monday November 18th 2024 at 6:01 p.m. and I'll call to order the free toown Bard select meeting um this meeting will be recorded and will be available on our Town's YouTube page uh just as it heads up tonight we do have three different public hearings uh around 700 p.m. and then 7:15 p.m. um so just a note on that so we'll jump right into agenda item one discussion vote whether to approve but not release the executive session minutes from November 4th 2024 any questions or concerns no no all right so that'll entertain a motion to approve but not release the executive session minutes from 114 2024 motion made second all in favor I I I now we have open session minutes from the same night so any question or concerns with that no no all right so with that motion to uh approve the Open Session minutes from 11:4 2024 motion made second all in favor I I all right J item three uh this is whether or not to declare a 1978 Ford fire truck as Surplus and donate to the town of Berkeley um we have fire chief here um we received a letter indicating from fire chief indicating that um we actually received this for free right uh in the past um we have now replacement and we do a lot of mutual Aid with Berkeley um so I think that's in our benefit to seemed like the best fed still available to us that way and yeah give it a new home yep we do a lot a lot of work with Berkeley so is it still operational it is it is that's impressive too it's 78 it's it's was well it started its life and it was bought brand new for Wham and then it went to Maran for a short time and Maran was uh needed garage space and didn't want to park it outside and have it go meet its demise so I was fortunate enough to hear about it and one looked at it and yeah it's that's it can go fight a fire right now if it needs to so it's fine I'm sure that 78 is probably outlived a lot of stuff buildt 9s the issue with it for us is well we already had this other truck project underway but it's a standard transmission so you know there are fewer and fewer of us D breed is that never mind drive it through the woods so yeah that sounds like fun actually yeah the standard yeah all right so I mean it's only fitting that it goes somewhere else and that we continue it on like that yeah exactly and for obvious reasons we don't keep the second one just because for upkeep and no storage for it just in case anybody's interested we we still have two all right we have the the deuce and a half that was finished back in the '90s that we built in house and now the the no one that we just wrapped up so we're going to try to do our best as long as we got pots and I have pots for the deuce and a half at the highway Bond so M um part of part of the problem with that is the keeping it going with the pots because they're harder and harder to get but the lmtv chassis still those pots are readily available and we haven't haven't broken anything yet so excellent thank you sounds good so without I'll entertain motion to declare the 1987 Ford fire truck sorry I say 87 197 for fire truck at Surplus donate to the town of Berkeley motion made second all in favor I I great thanks Chief thanks thank you Chief good night you as well okay agenda item four discussion to vote whether to declare the 2010 John Deere loader as Surplus and use a trade for the new loader for the highway department yes um however uh Vicki King called from the transfer station and has requested this loader um trying to get she currently has I I think their loader is uh I know know it's maybe a 76 y it's not used that much um so has no heat it has no heat but I mean I've been told that they can put access like accessory heat in there I am currently working on so this is being paid for with Opera money and we're really down to the wire with our Opera money so I did go over the schedule with Matt today to see how much money we have for Opa we have about 200 I think I still have $240,000 of opa so um Chuck is trying to get a quote for trading in Vicki's machine but I wish they were here tonight because there's a lot of problems with that the load which is why I decided to pull the trigger on trading it in like it needs tires which are $10,000 I I there was other things stuff on the bucket work I remember he he listed off a bunch of stuff to us because I I was actually asked about this why we're not trading in the older one for you know for some of these reasons and I I thought it was two things it was to do with the amount of money we'd get on a trade in as well as the issues that the newer one actually was having and it seems like the the one at the transfer station from what I'm being told although it's a little leaky it runs fine you know so so that's what I was told I I will continue to vet this so I don't know H how to direct you to make a decision because obviously if it's beneficial for the transfer station which I think was the original plan but I would like to understand the problems um maybe we can put this off for two weeks and I can get the trade in on the other one and maybe have a list of what's wrong with the the one that Chuck has the new one's been ordered um I believe it's it's $270,000 so I don't have it in oper I only have like I said two 245 250 you know we're right down to the nitty-gritty now um but I know Vicki had $7,000 in our budget that I that we put in there because she needed a bucket her bucket's cracked on that loader so she has some money that we may be able to get close enough to buy this you know to make it happen if it makes the most sense um so maybe you want to just table that for and I'll um update you in two weeks that sounds good all right so we'll table that move on to agenda item five thank you so this is discussion of vote whether approved use of formula grant funds for the initial setup of vertical phone system the amount of uh $550 34 and I looked at this I don't really know what a vertical phone system is I don't think just the phone system it's tied into the that's a vertical phone it's tied into the computers okay um it uses the internet as a just uses the internet right now they have Comcast phone systems that we pay per line MH per month and this actually overall will be cheaper correct Lan's really the guru on the yeah we've done this with a couple of places right where they I say we I don't want to take credit as we um I remember I had all those crazy lines cuz initially there was like all these Comcast lines and then you were trying to figure out which ones are actually being used and then it turned over to this so yeah I remember that that's right all right any questions or concerns on this I have no problem all right so that a motion to approve the use of formula grants funds for the initial setup for the vertical phone systems in the amount of $550 34 motion made second all favor I I okay AGA item six uh acknowledge disclosure form from Tom ministrator de Petty um so this disclosure just related to um Debbie had the same lawyer that is personal lawyer that is dealing with um you know potential yeah a property that we're looking at renting so just disclosing that which we appreciate yes thank you um so we have acknowledged that no vote needed there all right um moving on to agenda item s discussion of vote to approve the lease to rent the property located at unit 4 69 South Main Street as Town Hall Annex effective 11 15 2024 through 6:30 2025 so I changed the date on this because I'm we're using Opera money to pay for it so we have no other funds to pay for this so in order to get a purchase order you the Opera has to be obligated by 1231 of this year so I need a purchase order obligating the funds to pay for this rent through uh June so I I I change and of course the agreement needs to match that I know I we've talked about if we have a town meeting prior to that that we might bring this is actually a license agreement we might bring the the lease before the town meeting but financially I needed this to be dated this way in order to obligate the funds through the end of June and we don't we won't we will have to get the following Year's funds at you know through the through town meeting vote and if we were to lease it I could possibly get funds through town meeting but I wanted to protect us because we're not sure we're going to have a town meeting so it's one of these things I'm just trying to a worst case scenario we don't I need to obligate the funds through the end of the year that makes sense to me it's going to be paid for not by taxpayer dollars directly in town right so it I guess it does make sense to continue it on a little bit longer and and it still will go to the town's people at at point you know so that's just been you know the thing we talked about right Clarity yep to the town any questions or concerns no it's just like we discussed before this is arper money arper money not taxpayer money and this is TW improve the Town Hall in some way some capacity right we're still talking about that right yeah so yeah there's just so so much benefit to us having a little bit of extra space free up some parking it's it's accessible to the public it's not far M um the building you know will go into the Departments but it makes sense to have two in inspectional service departments be there so it's it's going to give us some Breathing Room a little bit still unfortunately not enough but it will do something in the short term absolutely better than we were um I think we'll just have to talk a little bit about how we get people to understand where it is cuz you know you know what's it's still going to happen regardless but we don't want people showing up to town hall to do some sort of service if they don't have to if they already know this Department's over there and that's who they need to go to see hopefully we can do something to save them that step of trying to come AB to our office first to find out that it's been I'll work on the don't forget both those departments are on online permitting now so all the contractors that come in have an account I wonder if there's an email blast that they can send out saying we're moving you know this is where we're at but most a lot of foot traffic now I mean there isn't as much for traffic right A lot of it is now online um we still have the homeowners that come in for the questions and whatnot those are the ones that are coming in so we put on face question how much so Facebook um how much does it cost for us to send out those postcards to the town meeting, too much just thinking no but that just doesn't make sense I we can do the one call I mean I don't know I'm just trying to think of stuff that we could do that would be easy did the census mailing go out we get that crazy arm guyl change it I don't think it's just have them say town hall right on it we can check into the census mailing okay yeah I mean I'm just trying think got to communicate it yeah any any way to communicate it it's still going to you're still going to have people who show up because not everyone comes from town to do that stuff so there's always it's still going to be an issue but yeah it'll it'll be as always any change we'll take a little bit of time yeah um we even with this agreement we have to we have to outfit the room right so there's some construction that's going to have to happen before this actually happens so we do have a little bit of lag time m so okay all right so um any other questions or concerns no no all right so without intend a motion to approve the license to rent the property located at Uni 469 South Main Street as Town Hall andex effective 11:15 2024 through 6:30 2025 motion made second all in favor I I sorry my agenda is here okay um now agenda item 8 discussion and vote on what departments to occup by the town hall Annex so Deb I I've been I I have talked to a couple of the Departments within the town to to try try to vet the interest um and you know it seems to be the building and the Board of Health make sort of the most sense in terms of they go hand inand with each other they're both on online permitting so like if they need need the tax collector to sign off on their permit saying their taxes are pay it is done electronically now so it's not a physical paper that they have to go between departments to do um so those two departments and they're on my second floor so this will now make them much more accessible Ada accessible which we don't have at the Town Hall um and ultimately we've talked about you know this we're going to try to have them move out we'll be able to renovate the second floor or at least half of the second floor and continue to move offices to try to do some renovations to get some more space um ultimately I need to get the clerk some more space so I will move non-customer phasing Department probably from the first floor to the second floor and then give her a little more space ultimately we still don't have enough space but it'll give everybody as I always do like their critical need right now and hopefully we can get through the next three or four years and and get a new building underway or at least a new annex to the town hall that where we can accommodate more permanent solution yeah so um I I I I think everybody I I don't have anybody fighting for the space other than the Board of Health in the building they they really want to go so that that that's a big too is we don't want to we're trying to help everyone here we don't want to create any kind of uh you know un unnecessary animosity or friction that's why I asked the clerk I said would you would you I'll be interested she said no I'll be happy if I get a little more space here okay um the assessor is happy with him his office I even asked the accountant cuz you know there's three of them in that I'm like Matt do you have any interest he's like no yeah he lives right across the street from the town hall it's probably could be in for but I mean just even you know moving his office around the town hall and terms of trying to figure out how um we're okay in our office I mean again we could use more space but we're okay and you know water's very happy down there now they did say they need more space so they're the one one of the ones that I may entertain moving upstairs depending on how the layout Works um so I think like I said I don't think this decision will cause animosity from my conversations internally all right sounds good yeah I mean for all the reasons you just brought up and we talked about I think it's you know I think it makes sense to move them in those two something else we really haven't talked much about is those two offices are right next to each other right so it's not one from upstairs and one down that we would then have to start trying to reloc at people in order to make sense for a renovation of an area right so we have those two offices that are side by side we can renovate that area or whatever so I think it just makes sense MH right ultimately if that that whole side of the building goes you know ideally if it all works out once they're done let's say we do construction on that side move the selectman's office and the accountants to the other side redo that office and now you have the whole second floor done yep so that's the the ideal thing you got to renovate it no matter what we do with the building right whether you're for or against this renovations to be made internally as well right which have not been done in many generations right so this is a good way of doing that and not using our money to to rent out of space is the best case scenario we could have gotten y all right so building a Board of Health okay so with that I'll entertain a motion to um have the building department and the Board of Health occupy the town hall anex motion made second all in favor I I okay agenda item 9 this is uh whether or not to increase the 24 25 snowpow rates for an additional $10 an hour um it seems that it's been pretty slow getting uh people to sign up we only have a handful um so I have no issues with this no no and Chuck you know in my talks with Chuck he had said that they were you know talking to other towns and there still you know everyone else still seemed to be more but he felt like this $10 would be enough to help get us in the area with people but you know there was two at this point we're now up to four but four still not even anywhere close enough to to make it way we need to so I have a feeling this might be Revisited you know but uh but okay I think it's a good start I was just thinking the same thing and that's what he he was the one you know let's be clear he came up with this $10 feeling like it was a good point right so I think um I I think it's hopefully it gets enough yeah we don't know I mean maybe people just it's been so warm maybe people haven't even thought about right so maybe like you know but I think that this $10 definitely makes at least it's a start so let's start there any questions or concerns no no okay so that AR a motion to increase the winter 2024 2025 snow P rates to uh add an additional $10 an hour motion made second all in favor I I all right item 10 is the four snow applications we've got for the 2024 2025 Seasons I'm going to need help with this last name Wayne protoo kudoo yeah um one of those yeah a is way Crudo um B Dylan Henrik C Shane tars and D Nate o burning Services Inc um have they app uh when have they given all their proper documentation yeah that's why the packet's so giant yes a big one this week they vet all of that information okay awesome um so any questions or concerns no no all right so with that all entertain a motion to approve the four snowell applications uh listed earlier for the 24 25 plow season motion made second all in favor I I okay moving on to uh gen item 11 discussion of vote whether to approve the following Class 2 motor motor vehicle license renewals for 2025 so we have a bob Motors work Bob's Motorworks B Craig Jacob R doing business say Evolution Auto Sales uh Inc C Michael B Burns and John F Melo DBA JM Auto Sales um D Roger El denol doing business as bowler's garage and C um Alfred are um wow it's ra no I I know these fam so well maer I've never seen it written down I've know the MERS very well it's so funny okay it's one it's like the same thing happened you last time with that I know how to say a word until I read it and then I can't say it out loud M iser okay um so any questions or concerns with these no no they all got their paperwork in and did all the things they need to do correct okay so with that all a motion uh to approve the class two motor vehicles uh listed uh in the packet motion made second all in fa uh all favor long day folks okay now this going be another tough one so uh J 12 discussion to vote whether approve the following class three motor vehicle license renewals for 2025 we have DB uh Fabrication Inc DBA bug Stevens Autos uh Freetown Auto B Danielle cpum DBA Hometown Automotive C uh Jeffrey Raposa DBA East Freetown Auto Salvage um D big wheels Truck Sales Inc e Joseph F Costa third DBA J&T Auto Salvage f John Broden DBA CSA Auto Parts G uh Petty Auto Salvage LLC and H Milton S Westgate Jr and Milton S Westgate I third DBA westg Auto Lan they got all their paperwork in everything's good absolutely any questions or concerns no no okay so with that I will entertain a motion to approve the class three Board of vehicle license Ral 2025 uh for a through h on the agenda motion made second all in favor I I okay J M13 discussion vote whether to approve the auctioneers license for Joseph F Costa III DBA J&T Auto Salvage Inc renewal for 2025 questions and concerns no no okay so that a motion to approve the auctioneers license for Joseph F Costa third DBA J&T Auto Salvage Inc renewal for 2025 motion me second in favor I I okay J 14 discussion of vote what to do with the town buildings for the Friday after Thanksgiving this is an interesting one it's always the same one right we if we stay open to the public a lot of departments may not have staff because people take their personal days so in the past we have voted to close the building to the town hall to the public but be open so they don't have to use their personal time they can work or they they cannot work um and that's what's always made them happy that's the town hall but there's you know the libraries and and the transfer station and the COA so I believe the transer station's going to be staffed Vicki told me she's working the libraries work on that day they stay open and then it's the COA right was she requesting it she was requesting it to be the center to be closed I'm sorry wait a minute we plan to keep the senior center open the day after Thanksgiving okay so I guess it's just the Town Hall that's requesting to be closed to the public um but if anybody wants to take the day off they have to use whatever PTO they have and that's what we've done in the past MH and it's sort of one of those catch 22s right yep of course mean we don't want to have Town Hall open and half the Department's not staffed it's just not a good look so I'd rather say you know close it to the public facing and all right what stinks there is a lot of people have a day off and they that's the time they take to go do these things they can't normally do it's tough yeah what you do if they we're not going to have employees there we can't force them to can't force them not to take right yeah it's definitely a catch 22 y That's why but I think we avoid a lot of potential confusion if we just close the building I don't we call people complaining like the two the few years I've been here we've done this the same consistently um I can tell you I won't be there the day after Thanksgiving M um but I don't know that we've gotten any public complaints have we that you know of nothing that I'm aware of yeah that somebody came and you know I I I mean if they did I could see the frustration though because people are inside working and but I don't think I think most people just assume you're not open that day yep all right well I think it makes s to close the building so with that I a motion to to close the town hall to the public uh for the Friday after Thanksgiving motion made I second that all in favor I I okay moving on J item 15 discussion of vote whether to declare the highway Department's 2011 Ford F250 with plow as Surplus and then decide what to do with the vehicle and plow and I don't remember specifically see anything on this one we tabled this because the water department was they're going to wait to see if our 2014 um F-150 comes available from the facilities Department because his new truck should be coming okay and that's a much better truck so we still going to take the count of this then again to see no this I think we want to just surus and put on mun bid and for the plow too I I think it comes as a un part of it okay that makes sense all right any questions or concerns no okay so with that I'll a motion to declare the highway department 2011 Ford F250 with plow as as Surplus and to post it on listed on Muni bid motion M second all in favor I do you need anything specifically about minimum I was just about to ask that I was going to say what do you want me to put it on for I have no what like I think CH I think Chuck said that he thought it would get around four yeah we just put 2500 because the last thing we want to do is put it up for four and have no one do it and then we have to come back and fix it let someone build it up to four if he thinks that's what it'll get so I I'll just make a motion saying that just to make your life easier so I'll a motion um to list the 4250 mentioned gen9 15 uh with a minimum bid of $2500 motion M second all in favor all hi thank you okay agenda item 16 ambulance baits and writeoffs um so for October total value is $136,400 I think I remember correctly that it 69 let me see9 for October the month of October was $ 69,3 18151 all right any questions or concerns no okay so with that I'll entertain a motion to approve the ambulance of batement and WR offer 2024 amount of 13646 42 motion made second all in favor I I agend 17 this is the sign that was donated um so Derek Fernandez own of diamond signs in new Beford uh donated some signs that indicate where the police station and fire station are so to point people in the right direction um they look really nice MH um so this is for us to this motion or this gen item is to us uh accept the ink kind donation which we really appreciate um any questions or concerns no no looks nice yeah no CL and maybe like we could write a him a letter M A thank you letter yeah I think we like to sign that maybe the next cuz we really do appreciate it mhm maybe something done down the road um if there's a pole right there I can see the back the Electrical uh line holding the pole down uh maybe you should get a light out there so that it shines all the time at night yeah is it supposed is it reflective though so that like it looks reflective but when I was pulling in when I was getting closer and closer I was waiting for it and I think it could be a little brighter okay so all right something we can look at do for sure okay so with that um I'll intend a motion to approve the ambulance oh sorry wow a motion to approve uh to accept the in kind donation of signage valued at $600 by Derek Fernandez owner of diamond signs in new beer mous a motion made second all in favor I I okay item 18 discussion vote whether to disconnect the electric at the kennel at the transfer station so you know we have that kennel but we haven't used it years I don't know how long since I've been here I don't know how long prior to that M so um I believe there's water in there so I will ask how to um drain that so we have to keep the heat on on some level so I will ask him to drain the water system and then be able to shut the electric off so that we can just save the funds because we don't use the kennel okay yeah the the dogs that used to go there at one point now all go to Lakeville right we signed an agreement with Lakeville that they have you know much nicer heated kennel they these dogs can go to yeah right so if it's full of water that sounds pretty bad yeah if you ever need to reconnect it down the road if we ever changed our minds we can always reconnect it but this point there's no point if it's just paying for that extra heat that's already yeah com out well if there is heat in there also probably dangerous yeah okay so with that a motion to disconnect the electric to the kennel at the transfer station motion made second all in favor I I all right moving on now going to Personnel all right thank you sir all right Personnel Board item agenda number 19 acknowledge the resignation of Corney Brightman from the Freetown cultural Council affected 1214 2024 thank you courney uh for your work at the cultural Council we know you're busy with the school committee so good luck in your in your future item number 20 discussion in vote we to appoint Rachel Petty as a recording clerk for economic development building committee finance committee Council of asan Library committee Community sorry Council of Aging Library community building committee bylaw Review Committee and commission on disability effective 11:19 2024 I'm excited to have uh Miss Petty come come on board and record some of our meetings for us any concerns discussions or comments all right I entertain the motion to appoint Rachel Petty as recording clerk for Economic Development building committee finance committee cons Library community building committee by law Review Committee and Community Commission on disability effective 1119 2024 I'll make that motion I will second it all in favor I I all right moving along item Agenda 21 discussion and vote we through app point Edward p Walsh a seasonal plow driver effective 11:19 2024 through 4:30 20125 um he's another one of those individuals that is good to have on staff and so as we just discussed we need plow drivers so this is a a good addition and he was uh if I remember him correctly he was a previous Town employee and now you know he's coming back and will help us with this kind of during the season he'll be driving one of our trucks so that's why he's not listed as having yeah exactly it's different than than just the like subcontractors yeah I just I know you you guys know that everyone of P knows that but I say some things obviously so you know people that home listening can hear it of course I think this is a great idea this this uh supports the town and everyone always says it our roads you can tell when you're in Freetown right you can tell you're in free town because we have excellent drivers and we have a good DPW so this adds to that um that said uh I entertain the motion to appoint Edward p Walsh as seasonal plow driver effec of 1119 2024 through 4:30 2025 make the motion I will second it all in favor all all right item agenda 2 two discussion of vote whether to approve the revised planning technician job description so as we all know uh our town our town planner um Mo got another position so now internally looking all the positions and this is one of them that sharpening the pencil on it making sure that the the description and responsibilities of the person doing this position will fit the department as is right with current staff and as we move forward it it makes a clear Line in the Sand of who does what moving moving forward so um and of course this this employee would be under the direction of the planning board and subject to review and everything else so this is just again as we've been doing other things like policy and procedures this is cleaning up the the language of what this person does dayto day and how they report which board they report to so another day of doing business in the town of Freetown you guys have a chance to read it any questions or concerns um if not tonight if it comes up I'm sure Debbie or myself are more happy to discuss with you or I can't discuss with you but she can so yeah looks good to me I mean I read through it and there's nothing that stands out to me right so if there's nothing that stands out to me that's good because I don't remember everything word for word is the way it was before but you know it looks good to me it all makes sense to me is guess what I should say yeah yeah it just put puts the person in the clear direction of hey this is where this is your dayto day here's your path so so that said I detain the motion to approve the revised planning technician job description I'll make that motion I will second it all in favor I all all right ad agent 23 discussion and vote where to approve the Animal control officer job description um again we're going through you know all the the the different descriptions of people what people do day today and this is the other one that we discussed with the ACO over months and and the course Deb and the administrative staff to make sure that again we know exactly what the duties and essential functions and job descriptions for this position is and this is just that cleaning it up and I don't think that we ever had an approved approved job description on this we have created it and I don't think it ever got approved so we're just we're trying to go through and approve these things so that we do have them um I know we've been working on we worked a lot on that last year of the year before I can't remember but these couple ones just seem to not I know we worked on it but didn't get through to the board so we're trying to get that done now yeah I know the discussions we had in the office with with Vicki and everything it's just all of them needed to be we kind of looked at it going what's in this what do they do what do you do day to day I remember having those discussions like so tell us about your day because some of it's really you got a call you take off but what do you do in that meantime and before and after so just clears that up gotcha and someday might change it again you never know um so that said entertain the motion to approve the Animal control officer job description make that motion I will second it all in favor all all all right itend 24 vote and approve the assistant Animal control officer description again from the meetings we have with the an control officer over over a period of time and with again the administrative staff Deb and and everybody else um it's a lot of work for one person um and as we're all as a as the sun goes up and goes down we get day older and as we get older the job isn't as easy or as fun as it used to be many times right having an assistant makes it it all much better and we are growing as a town we where it seems like we're getting more and more pets so having an assistant uh was something that would benefit both the town and the anual control officer as is because as you can imagine for every call you get there's pre workk associated with that call so and that's either at the local level or at the municipal court level there's always something going on with the AC so having someone there to back up in the event of vacation sickness or paperwork having this this description is uh is Paramount to that role that said Iain the motion to approve the assistant annual control officer job description make that motion I will second it all in favor I I more of the same for agenda 25 discussion vote where to approve the revised principal clerk job description this one I I am struggling to remember what the change was but like all of them they they're all updating what the roles and responsibilities are for that position uh we we have clerics principal clerics and and different types of Clerks but the principal Clerk's position is in scope and what their functions are again just updating it cleaning it up making sure we we're following the letter of the law and any Union agreements that goes with it yeah I think this is one that was created when they created the position we found the description but it didn't seem to be approved by the selectman so okay uh a few a few amendments to it but basically it was done it just was never sort of solidified we're trying to get everything solidified MH makes sense I agree entertain the motion I entertain the motion to approve the revised principal Clerk ad description I'll make that motion and will second it all in favor I all all right item agenda 26 discussion in vote on the hourly pay rate to set for assistant Animal control officer um thought I had it wrote it down so this is just a a bylaw job you can you set the pay rate um on a sort of as needed basis um I was looking and I don't see anything do we have any idea what towns around us are doing or whatever I mean I guess I don't know what you know there used to be a chart in the in the bylaw so I was looking at the bylaw today for something else and the chart in there had this is now these are 2015 right so they're 10 years old but they sort of had the Animal control officer at like $20 or $21 an hour and this one at $14 an hour so I I would say somewhere around um maybe $18 or $19 an hour $20 an hour like in there you know what I mean given like where we've moved sort of everybody yeah because I you know I sit there and start trying to think about well you know a lot of times these people are showing up in their own personal vehicles right to to to deal with this so if they're having to use their own personal vehicles to show up you know whatever I don't know does it make sense I would want to make sure and it's as needed so it's not like it's going to be and one of the caveats that I I I I think would make sense is that they get a 2hour minimum MH so they show up and they come and they drive and they show up and in 15 minutes they're able to do what they need to do they still get paid for two hours right um and again sometimes it'll be you know Lisa when she's chasing a pig down the road she just might need a second pair of hands and sometimes when Lisa is goes on vacation we do rely on other towns a lot and we have budgeted for this in the last two years I just was trying to find an agreement I was trying to figure it out so I finally just I talked to Town Council he like you already have that position on the books I'm like oh I didn't know that so it's just sort of one of these things so I don't have a rate for you I I um so I just did a quick Google seeon has a job listing right now for assistant an control officer for a full-time job it's $27 an hour I don't think Lisa makes that though do you have any idea what Lisa is making no I'm just saying that's a full-time job that's different right it's 40 hours a week only um barver has one 25 bucks an hour would we pay the The Gatekeepers what was it the B staff 19 189 on hour the boat ramp boat ramp is 18 for the attendance and 2122 for the manager then we brought everybody else up to that didn't we didn't we bring it up to that or 15 between 15 and 18 I forget what it is it's 18 so I I would think that that's the minimum we right minimum pay for most employees I guess so my my issue is is once again if you're going to work at the boat R you're going to be there for several hours and make it a little more worth it to your point we're going to do 2hour minimum which makes it a little bit better but if I'm getting a call at 1:00 a.m. and I'm being told that I have to go drive to the neighboring town to make 30 bucks my pillows going to sound pretty good so um you know I would think a minimum we have to do is 20 bucks minimum 20 bucks you probably pay mileage and there's believe it or not that people want this they like this because they like animals yeah exactly yeah I don't think it's really about the money for people this but I still think we have to be fair and I think $20 an hour feels right to me yeah basically call employee when something was like you're getting a call something's wrong right that's basically what that position entails so we have to make sure we compensate uh according job for everyone right I'm going to be you start it somewhere and whoever we hire or whatever they they can come in and if they really feel those will be interesting job interviews you know because I'm sure they there's going to be a lot of animal talk and like their experiences and everything else be interesting it's a selectman's vote so um I can tell you we only budgeted $1,000 so um yeah but I don't think it's going to be something that's but I don't think it's going to be I think it's going to be periodic it's just going to be like I said Lisa goes on vacation we have nobody to cover really right we rely on Lakeville they're wonderful to us they do a lot for us and Lisa does have people who help her um so right this will be a way for her to compensate those people some of them are already helping her you know hopefully absolutely yeah no I know she's she's come to us before for you know different things because so yeah well it's tough even employees I work at Town Hall Police Department everywhere right it's if there's no one to cover you it gets tough to take your vacations right it takes it's tough to take your personal time off right it's so only having a single point of contact great for everybody because they know who to call but kind of unfair to her because now she you know she's kind of hampered of where she can go how far she can go having this other person now you know still still that's still might happen but should alleviate some of that down the road quality of life is much better so I my my board is 20 20 y all right and again we have a th000 in the budget for it and if we have need to adjust so you can always revisit it and then of course town meeting down the road so it's a good not experiment but it's a good um next step for this position um so $20 it is discussion vote well not yet until we vote but discussion vote so the I turn motion to set the pay rate of $20 for the assistant anal control officer I'll make that motion I will second it all in favor I I all right so $20 excellent discussion and vote on a pay rate for the seasonal plow driver from what I saw from the most recent one we that we just did Mr um Mr Walsh it was what was he getting what do we put him at again one thing that we' like to do is make sure we're Fair um across the board and it's you know that's something we've been making sure we that that's consistent across the board um is we're Fair with everybody so right now the play the pay rate that we set for Mr Walsh was 23 an hour so was that something that we're looking at doing the same or um because again he's he's he's plowed before so he's got experience he knows the roads he knows the equipment he knows the people he you know that's a versus someone new so do we do a teared rate you know plus or minus based on experience um do we set a maximum pay rate right well I think Chuck had made a recommendation so I'm assuming that's based on what because he worked for us last year as well I don't I I don't know what he was making but was Chuck was what was I'm trying to find Chuck's recommendation right now um Chuck said that um Mr Walsh has expressed an interest and willingness to return this winter to help plow the municipal complex in the Memorial Drive area therefore I respectfully request that Mr Walch be appointed as seasonal plow operator at the rate of pay of $23 per hour yeah and um you know parking lots can be tough as far as you know back a lot of back and forth and N so those guys will take a lot of time and it's time off of the roads cleaning up the roads to clean up those facilities so yeah going around vehicles and everything else so I'd rather I mean $23 an hour it's R what you said before that it's right in line with the other guy and keeps everything kind of even kill I'm completely okay with 23 and Chuck recommendation right and and any interviews we do with anybody he'll be there and if we need to adjust that pay rate you know upward well down not up we can always discuss that later but for right now I think 23 is a fair number right and again it might be like the other plow drivers we we may need to increase that depending yeah but I don't think you're going to have any more down the road se you know type people like this so right okay well we'll set it we'll discuss it at that level then if we need to adjust it down the road and that's so be it all right I in a motion to set the pay rate of $23 an hour for seasonal P driver for the town a free time I'll make that motion I will second it if all in favor I I you want to make a motion to recess until signatures uh yeah we'll do signatures actually and then great idea [Music] good on the timing too and you know only got 10 minutes to spare between yeah just you the license for 69 South did you change that to have him sign it it didn't have like something Stu is that good it's fine two stuff together got start plus Vehicles this is so plus that's going to Berkley you are got one next time too that is your snow poile rate increase it's funny this truck yeah it's a dying thing about people learn how to shift gears and everything else that's how I learned I was at a Home Depot about a month ago and some car was couldn't get their car started they couldn't in the way they parked they couldn't get a bet some his battery close enough so we can jump start anybody know how how do we do that I'm looking at the guy go don't you know how to drive your car I Learned to Drive SE I was like 14 in Berkeley Jackie ch's house they made me uh pick up with the plow I either had to like carry trash like a mile behind the house to the dumpsters or learn how to drive a pickup truck that was a four speed I get my first license in my job my mom worked night so she slept all day so was like I can take the C but it was a sck ship you got to learn so I just got in it and drove it bucked it it now I can drive a sand yeah not that I ever would but in the event I ever buy my my one of my sons a car it'd be a stick shift you can't well almost nothing now the Corvettes don't even come in and then so my Audi is a either or yeah mine too mine has like the paddle shifters up the on the steering wheel I don't know how to do it I'm like car always it I don't even know how to shut it off don't worry L I'm the same way I I hate my shifter all the time I'm going oh what happened description the Ada thing in my car and it's like the AA we love our yes you [Music] do she us to frame this one on the wall oh first official boom there be another disclosure coming in regards to that as well she's ready to roll good good happy for that [Applause] is all the licenses all tabed you had it already with the $20 an hour told me that but I don't know if you had said it cuz I'm I had the 20 and then I put 23 CU it was that's f I think you had said that you thought I just looked at it and I did a double take iing I'm like what was that for the uh ACO yeah this one yeah cuz I was like I already had no the seasonal plow no wait no no I'm sorry the ACL the AC AC like I remember the discussions it was a while ago was just St thinking back in time was like H that this right mic mic oh I know like how long ago that that must been the microphones can just move you can move it around if you're going to speak even better sorry back and then there's one missing and I'm like are you kidding me listen I have been trained over the years how to stack those paperwork for you okay about 10 minutes of sign i' I've been trained it's perfect so you can't start public hearings until 7:30 no 7:00 sorry 7:00 but usually have to wait after the meeting and sign all this paperwork so now just give us a little opportunity to do it okay in the middle hey L welcome back I'm back get my steps in one time no see huh put my watch on just Chief how we doing for the party yeah so I thought they would say no all right so we still have five minutes so I'll a motion that we go for a 5 minute recess we're turning at 7: p.m. motion me second all favor all right all right all right I have 7 p.m. all right so we are now back from Recess um today we have three public hearings so I will open the first public hearing or actually open been continued so um I'm going to read the public notice continue from November 18th 2024 at 7.m so August 9th continued from August 19th what did I say November 18th oh oh continue to jeez sorry continue from uh August 9th August 19th 2024 so notice is hereby given that the uh hearing will be held on August 19th 2024 the police station community room 15 Memorial Drive is is free time Massachusetts at 7:00 p.m. to review the class 2 motor vehicle license held by Cho ahead Industries Inc DBA Cho ahead Custom Cycles 13 County Road East free toown Mass 02717 signed by the free toown Bor selectman so is there anyone here representing Cho ahead no that's interesting that is interesting okay they were obviously knew that this was continued to tonight right we did last meeting when they were here another notice to all the as get an update from the chief from where we're at yeah so I guess in the meantime Chief I know there were some issues at this location um we have a lot of police reports in our packet and uh obviously there was a lot of folks here last time kind of voicing their concerns um any kind of updates on sure just to give you um a little bit of what have taken place after the last meeting uh myself and a number of other uh Town department heads sat with uh Mr gagy and his uh legal repres uh representative and um we went over the issues regarding the hosted events that he had at the location on County Road um specifically we discussed uh special events planning if he inclined to um apply for some other event at that location what he would need to do and the impact on the town and whether it was myself the fire chief the uh building inspector and even the Board of Health all chimed in on um our concerns and uh what we would be looking for to make recommendations if he decide to go forward with some type of event um between Mr gagy and his repres representative they completely understood uh the process um it sounded like to me at that meeting that he wasn't interested in going forward with an event at his uh current business location which I think um for the community at large specifically in that area I think uh not having that event would bring a lot of peace to that L that area which I think everybody there was looking for um there was a um complaint submitted to uh Fall River District Court um currently the offenses are are pending they're open for a period of time and as long as um Mr gagy agrees to what uh was um uh discussed at the clerk Magistrate's hearing um it should stay pretty quiet in that General location that makes yeah enough sense yeah so you haven't heard anything since uh I have not received any other complaints over there I've been reviewing the log it seems to be pretty quiet things are back to Norm um I'm hoping as the win winter gets colder we're not going to have any possibilities of an event happening there but uh things have been quiet yeah I mean you know what's funny is I drove by the other day and I noticed that the road is starting to look a little more like itself and there's not as many TI marks in the road which is always a good sign right that something you know that kind of quieted down so yeah I think the consistent traffic as you know just driving over it kind of yeah you know clears that stuff up but yeah so yeah it's a process but I do commend um this business um for working with us right that's why we wanted all along making sure that we're all on the same page as far as what a business and what neighbors feel like are here in this town and uh I'm glad to hear there hasn't been anything going on since then and and I hope him continued success you know it's a it's a pretty popular area pretty popular motorcycle place so yeah I think the business and Mr gagy realized the true impact that had happened with these events going on there and um and again he has expressed that he doesn't want to go any further with any type of uh future event like that at his location so I hope that's true you know I hope you know nothing changes um he appears to be a man of his word so Let's uh give him that opportunity and hopefully he continues with a successful business there yeah absolutely yeah know I know I I just so my usually glass half full but if I'm going to be glass half empty I'm going to say that once you know if it quiets down it's over the winter and it comes into next year if he decides to hold another event thinking out it's kind of you know gone to the way side I just feel like we need to make sure that you know we make them make sure or make make it very well known that we will um rule not in his favor next time I think that would be a pretty uh easy thing for me to say right I mean the board itself seemed like we were pretty aggravated with what was happening so I just don't want to see this go away for now but then come back on you guys in six months or a year or whatever you know that if they're going to do it they do it right through the proper channels and then that way you guys will know about it and right you know I I I really hope that that's the way it is and to your point he's a man of his word and learned his from M you know give you a better sense I mean the uh the complaint that was submitted to court is basically going to be kept open for a year now if something should change where he creates an activity that changes the agreement with the uh what was said at the hearing so we may revisit uh the complaint so um I tend to believe he's going to follow suit and do the right right thing because this is just again too much aggravation for himself to even consider you know causing more of an issue at that location so issues are still pending but giving them a chance to do the right thing for that year to make sure that does make me feel better Chief thank you okay the good news is too now he understands the process of applying for entertainment's license right like like profile Tavern right they have entertainment's license they can't just throw a band out there we sign that license every year so now that he knows that's um working with the community right working with the town making sure that they're prosperous you know we're not saying don't do ABC but let's do it the right way and notify everybody that's need to be notified I agree and then Lan all the necessary paperwork has been filed for the renewal yeah I put it on the December 2nd um so you weren didn't have to discuss that tonight okay but yeah yeah just I guess let the public know that you know all all the required paperwork has been filed right um you'd have an option at that meeting if something changed between now and 2 weeks from now or 3 weeks from now you know what I mean if somebody said hey we missed the meeting there's an issue there you could always address it before renewing their license for next year okay I don't expect that to happen so okay so that's important Deion so we're not voting tonight on actually when doing the license I don't think you need to vote I think this was part of that public hearing because we were looking at this back in August when we had all the complaints I think tonight you could just uh recommend no action at this time and then this will be coming before the board on December 12th for to renew their license for next year so at that time as well people if they if they if they say oh my God I missed it or um they could come and make a complaint but it sounds like it's totally quieted down and there hasn't been any new incidents is there anyone here any of the neighbors here or anyone I am the absolute nextdoor neighbor mhm uh that business used to belong to my father Y and as it Ben you're you're happy are you I'm more than happy they're the best neighbors I could have okay no that's good I want I do have to say that to everyone just for the record sir can you just say your name uh my name is Jan Henry dagala and I live at 11 County Road right next door thank you sir thank you thank you thank you yeah we know we're the original reason why we had this discussion is for the neighbors right making sure that the neighbors not just yourself but everybody around there is you can live beside this business and still have a place to grow your family that's what our concern is I bought a motorcycle from him uh what two years ago right that's yeah you know so I [Laughter] still have all right well we appreciate that thank you folks for coming by and and again we support our local business but again we also have families and everything else that want a good quality of life as well so absolutely whenever it all works together it makes us it makes us pleased so thank you all right so i't close the public hearing make a recommendation that there's no action at this time yeah do I I need a motion to close it I think so yeah because you still have the um public hearing open yeah so I I'll a motion to close the public hearing motion me second all in favor I I I and then um I guess I'll also entertain a motion that we take no action tonight related to the class two motor license for Cho ahead um it will be on the December second 2nd meeting motion made second all in favor I I okay we still have five more minutes until I can start the next meetings so in motion we go to a 5minute recess motion made second all in favor okay so it's 7:15 we're now back from the recess uh we have our second public hearing um so I'm going to read the public notice so this was posted October 25th 2024 notice hereby given um that an application has been filed to transfer restaurant um the restaurants all alcoholic beverage license from Independence Harbor manager Brian Dennings to narrow road offense LLC manager Henry James public hearing to consider the above matter will be held on Monday November 18th 2024 7 15 p.m. at the U police station community room 15 Memorial Drive East Freetown Mass 02717 uh Freetown board selectman signs the public hearing is now open um there also was a letter that was provided that I'd like to read real quick um so this is from independent Harbor dear sir please accept this letter as my sincere recommendation that the sapphire event group will be granted a transfer of the independent Harbor liquor license as well as uh approval for the other related licenses regret I'm unable to personally attend this meeting due to medical issues it is my great pleasure to announce that Independence Harbor will soon be uh will soon become part of the sapphire event group as owners and general manager of independent Harbor since its Inception 1976 I'll be transferring ownership of Independence Harbor to Sapphire group uh sire event group scg in the coming weeks scg is a highly respected and accomplished company that operate several renowned event venues in Southeastern Massachusetts Amy and John Sapphire are excited to acquire Independence Harbor and we um sincerely believe they will do great things for Independence Harbor I've enjoyed a very gratifying relationship with the town of Freetown these past 49 years the support respect has been uh that has been shown to me to my family and to IH and its many employees over the years has been deeply appreciated I am certain that Sapphire event group will prove to be highly valued asset to Freetown so we have some folks here um from both parties here I'm assuming uh so I'm count my name is Kyle Vieira I'm Council for the applicant okay okay um and I have the manager record with me today and then a member of the corporation as well awesome thank you very much Matthews Mrs Denning is in the back row hello okay um so if it's helpful you want to just give a little brief presentation just so the board's kind of aware yep so just to we aware the applicant here is also it's a local family run business they understand what it is they have four their locations bu to sell shore been in business well over a decade um Mr James here he's the overseas all of those um locations but he's going to be the manager on record here for this new location he's going to be there 48 hours 48 hours a week he's tip certified uh very well aware of what his recommend or what he needs to do um in regards to a liquor license um basically the establishment is going to be run the same the residents of free town are going to see the same same hours same type of events um essentially it's just going under new ownership so this is a really straightforward transaction they're very excited to get into the area and get started um if there's any real questions I'm I'm happy to answer them and I have uh Mr James can answer any questions for himself as well awesome yeah I got I I'll I'll throw an obvious one out out there um the people at home are probably watching this going is the name going to change are you any plans that change the name from independent Harbor to Sapphire we in Freetown where we we like our history and um Independence Harbor uh probably even these two individuals and probably all the way down the road down the line I should say probably some in this room that gone to proms there events and everything else my parents got married there yeah so very dear to the heart so I'm going to ask the question would are you guys any thoughts about changing the name page one of the application DBA is Independence Harbor okay good the same just want to make sure everyone's thank you it's easier to read it than it is to hear it so anything else you want to add no I mean that we're planning on having it stay the same but I mean things we we we don't know we're not holding we're not holding your Fe to fire just uh there's some curiosity I'm sure people listening at home um in P Harbor has a lot of uh it PS on heartstrings they have so many great memories in that place so when they hear about it they want to make sure I'm sure they got a you know it's like home right totally understand so so my question you have some my question more relates around um Staffing and stuff so are all the current Staffing staying that's the plan that's the plan yeah so you are you're going to offer everyone their jobs currently just because a lot of the people that work there do live in town um so I just you know curiosity is you know that's the plan is absolutely the plan yeah we it's not our first venue so every venue we go in we try to keep everybody M that's usually and we appreciate that right that's usually as someone who deals with businesses smaller format businesses into bigger bigger bigger format businesses you know most people don't want to come in and clean house so to speak you know but it's something that people going to going to wonder so um you know and to to his point there's a lot of you know people that have a lot of memories there and they want to see things kind of stay the same it's a beautiful business right you know the Aesthetics from the outside is very nice and someone two out of the three of us well actually three out of the five of us have to drive by it every day right and they do a great job with keeping up the grounds and everything and um you know I I have no doubt that you guys aren't going to continue that on so um that's the type of things I I like to hear and you know so understood thank you all right um Mr select I um there's also a pledge of inventory and license and the abcc is very specific yeah so when this is approved or if you do a vote to approve it can you also vote to approve the pledge of inventory and license cuz the abcc will kick it back if we don't have approval of both the trans and the pledge of license and inventory and I don't have to specifically call them out just say the Pledge of inventory um just make sure I write this down so I don't screw this up now will the ownership take place after the transfer of the liquor license is approved from abcc yeah so this we have to go to the back to the abcc after you approve it and then after that we can do the final closing yeah I only ask because I know what dealing with stores it's you know we're we're usually four to six weeks out on on ECC so I was just curious I it could be different they're yeah they're a little backed up but yeah that's what we're looking at General timeline wise yeah I'm not sure I understand this request for the um vote to make uh for the pledge of the license in the inventory so the abcc requires so the the there's financing here and the lender is the Pledge of the inventory and the license is part of the financing it's financing it has nothing to do with the liquor license right but because it's a pledge of license it's an abcc requirement they're just sticklers and that's why I'm just asking that specifically be read into the record that that's also being approved because that's a requirement for this transaction why would the selectman approve a pledge of license and inventory we have no idea where your inventory is we have no idea what you're pledging we have no idea we didn't vet your legal agreement I that doesn't make any sense for the the board of Selectmen of Freetown to approve a pledge of license and and inventory I mean I this this just typical this the way that these transactions typically work um is there a specific any specific documentation you would like the asset P I mean I just want I don't know I'm just I'm just this is the first I've heard of it so I'm trying saw I looked at the agreement earlier um is like the inventory just like literally like the catering kind of goods like the bottles on hand yeah yeah exactly yeah you know it's on the actual application so you have to approve the entire application if you the top of the application has the pledge of inventory and pledge of license checked off on there me that okay yeah I mean I don't I don't know that it's going to be a huge deal I guess I don't know the awkward silence yeah this is that's the sound of Deb Googling stuff so that's the sound he said Opera silence that's the sound of Debbie Googling I'm Googling because I just like I said I've not heard this and I understand the need to do it to get financing for your client but I don't under need I don't understand why the selectman approved that because the selectman have no knowledge of what you have for inventory we have no idea and why would we approve the pledge of inventory it just doesn't make it doesn't make sense to me I know probably not seeming like a big deal to you but it doesn't it just doesn't seem it's not and I I understand exactly I understand you have concerns their purview they run the town of Freetown right but nothing to do with the sale of your business of your client's business they have nothing to do with that this is the transfer of a lical license they do have you know they do they do approve those and I can understand the need to come before them for that reason but I don't understand this and I just want to be careful so I guess I'm wondering because I know with um the other side and you know not the entertainment side when when a license transfers so does the need for responsibility for a liquor license right so if they owe money they have to take that money they have to take the inventory that's on hand because now the person doesn't no longer has the right to hold that inventory I'm wondering if this is one and the same you know do you understand what I'm saying Trev so that they they have to take the inventory as part of the license as well as any debt obligations Associated to it because abcc won't it thinking that's what this is actually referring to and I know that's common with the other side I mean if it helps I mean we're going to be back If you deny it and say we're not going to approve the preite we're we're going to have to be back here you know we're going to have to go back to the abcc get explanation get whatever information one has nothing I think one is separate from the other right I think that I think the transfer of the liid license I think when we look at our application the paperwork that we we send in the transfer of the liquor license I think that my board might be inclined to approve that but approving the pledge of inventory yep was the Pledge that came from them so in the event that you default the inventory and the license is is it different go back so if it's helpful to the board so when there's a pledge of license the license say they default and the the license goes to the goes back to the lender but the lender before before they can sell it or transfer it would still always have to come back before the board of Selectmen before it goes to a new owner so if there's a concern that it's just the license is going to be out there be transferred to someone without approval I that's a concern no I just think it's an odd thing to ask the Selectmen to ratify pledge of license and inventory when they have no knowledge of what the we don't know what the inventory is we don't know I mean we're we're saying yes you seem like uh reputable people you failed out the paperwork you passed the sniff test if you will everything else yeah and so with yeah sure have the liquor license I don't know why you have a liquor on inventory at the at the Independence Harbor and nor does my board the issue is we're going to have to come back here it's an abcc requirement look I don't work for the abcc so I I understand that you're I'm on the site now and it is on there as a checklist as far as a pledge of um um pledge of collateral right what is this s approving it exactly what is the approval that you need the it's it's allowing the new entity who's being formed to allow the lender to have a security interest in the inventory and the license that's what the pledge is because the The Establishment obviously has more value if there's a license tied to it you know you're not going to have an event space that doesn't have a for the most part a liquor license I don't know the particulars of the the background of why the legis ISL has that as part of requirement for the abcc but it is a requirement you know I've done this more than a dozen times where this sort of thing is approved so and and I I get your issues with it I'm just I don't know how else I can explain it except for the abcc requires it and we're not trying to delay this transaction or hold this transaction up on that basis and I don't want to hold you up yeah honestly don't I really don't because I understand there's a lot writing on it for the present owner and the current owner and I'm sure you're ready to hit the ground running I just want to make sure that my board isn't pledging something that well yeah I mean and I'm okay with like not pledging to what the actual inventory is I guess we're agreeing that we're okay with exactly it that inventory being pged does that the lenders to the Lend yeah like I have no issues with that um yeah I'm looking at it here I I agree I don't think that was checked on they're not necessar saying what's in the inventory no that the Lend has it right I think maybe that's what you is that is that clear like the you're not saying what's in the inventory or what's not in the inventory yeah the pledge would just be a promise to the lender to the lender that event of default in the event of default what it's additional security that's all it's just like the idea of it it's like a UCC something similar yeah yeah like it's right here like um if you see this Deb it's like voted to authorize name of person it says the following trans actions pledge of license pledge of inventory pledge of stock right I I it looks like it's a formality I just don't understand it and I I mean I'm I'm not vly against it it just doesn't really make any sense why the board of Selectmen would have anything to do with this I agree with you but we've learned a lot of things don't make sense you're in the state of Massachusetts I don't I I I guess I'm I'm not so concerned to say let's hold them up yeah yeah I don't want to do that that's not the do you want is there anything you want us to provide afterwards I mean I'm happy to give you whatever you need our office I'll do my own research and I'll listen if there's an issue I'll be I'll be coming but um I don't I don't know that there it's just an oddball thing that I haven't seen before right um and it's just a strange request to ask the board of Selectmen yeah that run the town guess this happens again we're going to have to go in and count bottles before yeah this ma 25 we'll start there first it might be a little light after yeah well Mallen 25 make sure it's a it's like a security interest is essentially what it is and you're allowing the bank to have that there may be situations where a border select may not want that right if it's like a hard money lender or someone they don't trust necessarily they may not or an establishment that's had issues in the past where you might not want to allow that but this is a reputable person coming in with a reputable Rockland Trust it's a reputable make it I I'm I'm again I'm happy to give you whatever you need post this meeting yeah no yeah I just wish I had just realized that and I would have spent some time researching it to be better prepared to advise the board tonight yeah um like I said and just conceptually it makes no sense to me why they would be by why they would be approving that yeah okay like I said I don't know that it's a big enough of an angst to say don't don't do it I think it's just the if I may I might be off but it's not necessarily about the inventory it's more of like our reputation with having the bank having the liquor license with the venue because you can't have a wedding venue without a liquor license basically so it's not necessarily about counting bottles it's more of like the idea of us taking it over and having the liquor license attached to the venue gotta so essentially if they default on the loan the license also goes to the lender as well and the lender then would come to you for approval for sale to a new business cuz if they don't have the license and then someone defaults on loone they don't have that security interest cuz the licenses half the value of the premises which why perfect sense that makes much more sense right that the value of the business isn't truly what you're paying for inally tied to the license correct yeah you have to have a liquor license to have that makes sense that now that the select men are aware that you've pledged the license to the to the to the I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear that's on me and so yeah if they they may assume that like license if you default and then they would be coming back to this board to transfer the license as a rather than you rather than all right that makes more sense to me um thank you and that would make sense why the selectman would need to be aware of that pledge get it yeah there a lot of forms on this abcc site and that's one of them so all right many steps any other questions so I can close the hearing and then we can vote yeah no all right um so in motion to close the hearing our motion made second all in favor I I all right and then let's make sure we get this motion correct I don't want to so this is going to be so is the first motion just to um to transfer to approval the transfer license between the Independence Harbor and Sapphire group uh period or is and then make sure it's narrow Narrows Road events LC or transfer and conformance with the application I like it okay I'm I'm confused again give me a minute I'm writing it been a long day been a meeting since like 700 a.m. yeah I'll write it and then I'll read it and then you can I'll just P you back in what you say love it there's a reason we hav two lawyers going at it it's nice having a TA that's also a lawyer that does help I guess you should ask if it not change anything any new menus what's that anything new for the menus could be just try to let people know you know what's I wish like there was like a restaurant night there personally I they do have the brunch do that they have a brunch yeah once a month how do I not know this yeah I live first the first mon like right there you got either wear a bow tie or a hat I walk I literally like walk my dog by that two separate motions or you do it in one or two it doesn't matter so motion to transfer liquor license to Narrows Road LLC in compliance with the application uh that word events I I would actually prefer that you specifically State as as well as the pledge of inventory and pledge that's what I'm right as well as to approve the pledge of license and inventory yes this is to sell Shore Bank I misspoke before to Southshore Bank you want me to actually make that you don't need to do sore but I'm just being clear for the board it's not rock sore thank you they don't have to put a bank you motion to transfer the LI license to Narrows Road LLC and compliance with the application as well as approved pledge of license and inventory yes that I'll that motion soone make that motion motion made second all in favor I I okay perfect all set thank you for your time I appreciate we all learned something tonight welcome to the neighborhood thank you okay so next public hearing oh yeah all right where am I where am I where am I all right public hearing number three October 29th 2024 town of Freetown public notice and Star Electric Company DBA eversource energy requests permission to locate underground cables conduits and manholes including the necessary sustaining and protecting features in under along and across the following public way or ways Ethan circle is Freetown to install approximately 40 ft of 4x4 in PVC conduit across town uh Road install one man uh new manle to be labeled 1781 185 this work is to is necessary to provide electric services to number three Ethan Circle wherefore it prays that after due notice and hearing is provided by law it will be granted a location for and permission to install maintain underground cables conduits and man Hills together with such to stating and protective fixtures as it may find necessary said underground cables conduits and Men holes to be installed in accordance with the plan files uh here with it herewith marked plan number 82514 dated October 241st 2024 a hearing to consider the above will be held on November 18th 2024 at 7:15 p.m. at the police station community room 50 Memorial Drive East Freetown Mass persons interested in commenting may appear this public hearing free Town board select meeting signed by us so with that iend motion to open the public hearing motion made second all in favor I I that was a mouthful are you folks here representing ever Source yes I'm Kim B Kim boy representing ever Source um and just as you said we're looking to install approximately 40 ft of conduit across Ethan Circle um as well as one new manhole to be labeled 178 over 185 and that's to provide electric surface to number three Ethan Circle and this work has not actually been completed yet I'm sorry has the work actually been completed yet I don't believe so so we dealt into the past where before we had the public hearing the work was already done so just we learn our lessons and this is literally just for this one property that's the whole purpose of it I I guess I only ask cuz I look at it on a map and it's right next to the train and I wasn't sure if I had anything to do with something to do with that because I once again I have no no idea about uh electrical conduit and it says 4 in and I'm like well if it's just one does it need to be 4 in but that's probably the minimum to do it so just asking out of curiosity okay question dep it's just electric new development you going to dig up the road to put this in yes when are you going to do this I'm sorry was that when are you going to do this so typically as soon as we get all the permits in place we do we do um mobilize the uh the work to be done so as soon as we get approval and the permit is issued we'll release it to construction and they'll schedule the work well I'm just worried about winter right Winter's coming very quickly the weather could turn the ground could freeze then then we're looking at you digging up the road in the middle of the winter and how do we patch it the asphalt companies close fairly soon so that's what I'm concerned with when are you going to do this and how are you going to fix the mess that you make out there so we have access to hot mix and asphalt all year round we we do this work uh all year round um this isn't this isn't new work for us and we will'll certainly work with the DPW director as we have in the past to make sure that it is uh restored to his satisfaction if you want to condition the approval to that we're happy to to honor that a good idea yeah I yeah I 100% want Chuck to be involved with it because especially if you're adding a manhole you know we've had a lot of manholes that come off and grade and you know whatever and they're settling and things AR right so I want to make sure he's happy with that and uh so yeah I 100% recommend that we we condition it with Chuck's approval just so the condition will just be he after work's complete he gives his his stamp of approval stamp of approval yeah okay um I was trying to I don't know where Ethan circle is do you so it's um I look at it it's off a Chase Road um do you know well it's Chas and Bry yeah is that that little development in there it's in there full disclosure I had to look it up in order to see where it was so I I I same here I was like where is this place sounds so familiar so tracks I did not know there was near way back there okay any other things we want to talk about before we close the hearing no okay so without motion to close the hearing motion me I second that all in favor I all right and then we'll have a vote so uh I'll entertain a motion to approve the road opening permit for osaurus at 3 Ethan Circle um with final approval of work being completed by the highway surveyor motion made I second that all in favor I I good we have a couple things to sign think you guys are all set thank you very much thank you thank you so much I was going to ask about delivery cost I'm like no wrong meeting I don't know I don't know I don't know who who are they thanks for hanging out with us for a little while yeah sure yeah no I think Lan reached out to you about our guidewire issue on for South Main Street yes so did Verizon get back in touch with you Lan or no you haven't heard I haven't heard from Carl either okay so we did I did talk to our um MNC people they they took a look at it they're saying that that guywire is holding up a Verizon setle y they can do an assist while you do the work y they have to do it so let me see if I can we would appreciate it because this is like imminent you know what I mean you know if you've been out there you know the building is to come down who was the Building Commissioner I understood from the land that he was trying to he's working with someone and wasn't getting Bizarro car bazaro is our Building Commissioner so car Carl bazaro car bazaro okay I'm going to close this this meeting real quick and then we can continue this conversation so yep can um I motion to adjourn a motion me second all favor I I